Raiding on Minecraft’s Oldest Anarchy Server –

Video Information

What’s going on everybody it’s fit MC and welcome back to the oldest anarchy server in minecraft history 2v2 t dot org now tonight we continue our adventures of venturing across the wasteland pretty much looking for old bases old ruins and even stashes of valuable items now once again like we

Did last night this is mob rule tonight my stream chat decides good to see all of you there we go so OBS is up and running like I said mob rule tonight you decide whether my basis that I come into contact with whether they are spared or

Destroyed all it’s great to see all of you I see tons of regulars and stream chat already this is perfect we are less than 300 subscribers away from that coveted milestone 150,000 subscribers so thank you to everyone for your continued support but nothing my rambling let me

Show you or I kind of ran into today I just completely ran into this base not expecting it but this is a pretty big base right here’s a big hole but I want to show you the above-ground area this base was from 2015 so it’s 2 years old

It’s actually like some kind of town or something but seasonal allergy I haven’t seen him on to be in a while I remember seasonal though but this is his base from February 2015 he built like sort of like a little castle here but then he built like a town area as well very

Interesting a little pig farm here very colorful buildings but what’s very interesting is that he had doors that were attached to daylight sensors it says town is shut at night so you guessed it when it’s nighttime the doors will actually shut it’s weird oh boy Ross thank you for your kind to

Daughter nation says hasten by looking forward to seeing what you find yeah we’re gonna see what happens so anyway we’re still looking around this base here only going to freak am mode just to show you around so it’s this pretty big area in here some farms but otherwise it’s pretty

Much intact so I’m gonna let stream chat decide right now what should we do spare or destroy I leave it up to you so right now in stream chat you’re going to type in do we spare it and just let it be a part of to be history or do we take

The TNT and destroy it it is mob rule tonight the stream chat decides so right now in stream chat type in spare or destroy all right so right now it seems like most of stream wants to spare it like I said it’s mob rule tonight so you got it

We’re going to be sparing this base all right I noticed there was a horse here but it’s not a very good horse but I’ll leave it be anyway all right so anyway same rules last night I’m going to go ahead and put up my coordinates real quick but I’m gonna hide my coordinates

Using OBS so I’m gonna put up the fin MC logo on stream just like that and then from there I’m going to display my coordinates using the Future client in the bottom left-hand corner there we go so it’s time for us to head out of here

And see what else we find I know we’re gonna find some good stuff tonight so let’s see we can take off real quick there we go so let’s just do one flyover of the base real quick it really is a pretty nice build it is very well pretty I guess you

Could say let’s go to the very top here was there anything in the castle that we missed no it looks pretty basic other than some nether wart your own not a whole lot else really all right so anyway yep let’s keep moving out so right now in stream chat I want

Everyone to type in what country are you watching from tonight always curious about that so what country are you watching from Oh big ravine here oh wow look at this hold on hold on we got it sir we got something here like a bed with some chests anything good now it looks like

Trash for now nothing good I’m not going to disturb the bed stream Chad said to spare that other base so I’m going to spare that bed as well all right so we got to get airborne once again I bet we can do it from up on top

Of this tree oh I’m glitching out a little bit a lot of people are watching from the USA tonight Canada Finland Greece Australia Philippines skirt to stay in Finland Nebraska all over there we go so yep our search for bases and stashes continues who knows what we’re

Going to find tonight and of course if you’re a new subscriber if you subscribe your name will pop up on screen so I will be able to shout you out there we go some interesting terrain over here but no bases really but we’ll be finding some soon enough yes we will

Yeah right now all I can say is that we’re in that sort of special range from spawn where you could pretty much find anything whether it’s an old base a new base or even a dupe stash mr. potato says I’m watching from the moon right now wow you must have pretty good

Reception up there oh boy don’t glitch out come on anti-cheat don’t glitch out so if you’re new to b2t org is the oldest anarchy server in all of Minecraft hacking is allowed in fact most players do hack just like I’m doing right now but the server itself is

Almost seven years old and there’s never been a map reset so it is digital history Oh what do we got over here let’s check this out it’s like a floating wooden house um it looks like all garbage though I don’t really see anything useful well ha ha ha my name is every

Freak from clan veteran and nothing don’t grief it but go far what so I guess this is technically a team vet base so I really can’t grief it out of principle I cannot do it that’s too funny all right let’s see if we can jump out of here err it’s kind of funny

That we’re finding all these old bases from the war it’s kind of funny a ball hole thank you for the kind donation as always I appreciate your support jacopo I have noticed you whoa what is this an iron like highway or something what is this it’s all iron blocks and

Then emerald what whoa what is this that looks like a pig spawner okay so this looks pretty recent actually yup if there’s a pig spawner here this is very recent oh it looks like this was a duping station says oh oh this is oxes like a

Little stash so this is must have been his old duping station yep because there’s a minecart and everything are these good horses 11 I don’t have a saddle on me right now I wonder if they’re any good I’m sure I have a saddle in one of these chests here no

Not in that one what about the lots all TNT maybe in this one nope no saddle in there I guess I don’t have a saddle right now oh well I don’t like sure what I need horses for but still I wonder what could be up past that road so just

All iron blocks Calliope let’s see if I can get airborne there so how far does this thing lead there’s like a gap in it right there I’ll go straight right there and that’s it well very interesting unfortunately we didn’t find a dupe stash nearby Steve Jenkins thank you for subscribing I appreciate that

So yeah I’m still looking let me go to where that dupe stash was let me fly up Oh hermetic lock thanks for the $5 donation says this was the spawn Mason Pig base we went to get pigs back and we had access to the speed hack before

Spawners we just had pigs here it makes sense thanks for the information so I guess it’s an old spawn Mason bass geez the more you know um let’s see William Hawkins thank you for subscribing yeah just give stream warrior some time to warm up it’ll start displaying the new subscribers any second now

Why just goes to show you you never know what you’re gonna find in a place like this oh here we go we got another portal way up in the sky our Disney nation says what are you drinking tonight fit I’m drinking water right now in stream chat everyone type

In what are you drinking tonight oh we got a an HS there it looks like some horses okay so there could be something nearby let me look no no way they wouldn’t leave something this close to Swan uh fought for geek thank you for the $1 donation I appreciate that

Let’s see some of your drinking Mountain Dew oxygen milk law law law you have been noticed a lot of drinking coffee water wine here Cola bleach chai tea Frost gatorade some interesting choices very interesting all right we’re kind of getting close to an axis right now so once we pass over it will be finding a lot more good stuff but as you get closer to an axis you’re more likely to just sort of find things

That are ruined those are oh there we go thank you for subscribing Derek man thank you for subscribing Meriton X thank you for subscribing Crim’s thank you for subscribing as well Vanessa Nitz thank you for subscribing Jonathan sizemore thank you for subscribing Moses salla bien thank you thank you

Subscriber cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo combo thank you everybody without a little much the extra C’s in the combo that might have been a little much wasn’t it yeah who cares I liked it oh no no I was afraid of that now anti-cheat is drowning me for my sins against the server

It was nice knowing you pet press f to pay respects like I can’t even move right now I’m actually gonna drown no I’m good there we go Oh shots of Pathan 44 who’s drinking Crystal Pepsi right now ah – Ross thank you for subscribing appreciate that so we’re getting very

Close to a major highway some of you might recognize it it’s kind of famous all right yeah I like this range away from spawn it’s like the perfect range to be finding like ungrouped bases and what is this double chests please be something good all a bunch of people

Were here scarm stirs temp base a lot of nothing uh Wow fake fit MC thank you for the $2 nation says fit what is your real name my name is Rex alright let’s see here Aki thank you for subscribing I appreciate that alright but now let’s

Get out of here we’re very close to an access hold on goodnight get my buddy up come on out no you have to high jump this or not anti-cheat is not having it tonight let’s get up here and do it It really is not having it tonight really not having it that’s all right find something else to jump off of oh yeah this will be good like this uh-huh you gotta be kidding me anti-cheat is really cracking down on me right now all right a lay-oh come on there flap hi there

Good stuff Stefano says I’m tricking a hydrochloric acid interesting reconnect oh no please don’t glitch me to the ground no no no no no no no geez anti-cheat is freaking out right now there got out that little lag spike we’re very close to a major highway right now

We’re about to pass over it and we just did you can’t see it from here but maybe this should make it a little easier to figure out where I actually am that’s right so we have to go out a few ply a few more thousand blocks before we find anything

Of note while I look at all this old terrain generation is all the snow is messed up oh yeah still just casually flying let’s see we got 800 people already watching thank you everyone thank you for your support I appreciate that we’re gonna find something tonight I know we will

Now housemaster has finally announced that 1.12 is coming to to be to tea it’ll probably be about two weeks he listed a bunch of changes but he also said there’s going to be a change that’s going to make everybody mad so I’m curious well that’s gonna be a brownian

S thank you for subscribing dylan channel thank you for subscribing as well a sub n gun stunts taking Thank You Frost thank you for subscribing as well I’m George thank you for subscribing Oh solar blue thank you for the $10 donation says Rex Keck ha nice Christopher Lloyd you have been

Noticed ah let’s see Steve Jenkins and Chad says fit I dare you to do one episode of 2 V without using hacks um yeah be fun another like spawn escape video one of my all to be super fun but believe it or not I’ve been playing to

Be 2 T for over 4 years now my first two years on the server I was in vanilla Ida never used ax I was always weary of using hacked clients so I just never used them the first time I used a hacked client is when Saito told me to for the incursion

Man boos thank you for subscribing what is this Dominic Miller thank you for subscribing Conor Odell or the O Donnell make you for it seus thank you Carlos Cabrera thank you Chris Harold thank you for subscribing kid I you co I think that says thank you xx xx thank you for subscribe

As well now what do we have here it’s all melon oh you gotta be kidding me it’s a nobody base there’s nothing valuable here let’s see stump knocker stopped by 1260 built by two griefers one cave twelve eleven sixteen so this is a nobody base it’s a nobody bassist what it is let’s

Free can this alright so stream chat right now once again mob rules tonight a Rhapsody thank you for subscribing a citric Diamond thank you for subscribing you’re going to type in stream chat right now everyone spare or destroy spare or destroy it is mob rule and stream tonight stream chat decides tonight

Spare this little bass or destroy spare or destroy I leave it up to you all right most of the people are saying destroy it so that’s exactly what we’re going to do so I’m going to take this a chest first because this does not belong here I’m going to take that the anvil

Will take that because that’s not going to get destroyed very easily anyway so we’ll just put that in here as an item so let’s see where’s my TNT chest ah yes that’s what I’m talking about I think a stack and a half should do it a pip thank you for subscribing

Jasper more thank you for subscribing as well yep this base is puny we can easily blow this up it’s it looks like a hole 20 minutes of work went into this thing we’ll be all right so let’s get started oh yeah besides part of the challenge of this server is

Getting out of spawn alive and this makes it easier to get out of spawn we don’t want that that is unacceptable oh yes it’s a beautiful sight isn’t it beautiful hope I have like a ghost block somewhere I don’t know where it is there we go ah villa-lobos jr. and you know what

Puncher thank you for subscribing Michael thank you for subscribing as well appreciate that oh yeah we got a line this all up right here there we go this is gonna go kaboom baby this is gonna go kaboom just like stream shout wanted that’s right I want to make sure I didn’t miss

Anything in chat oh yeah ever it’s like 90% of the people right now in stream chat say destroy it seems like the crappier of base is the more likely stream chat wants me to blow it up whereas the nicer bases they want me to spare and then I usually do all right

Actually I think that’ll do it ah Kasich brick and Ryan Dwyer thank you for subscribing is cool thank you for subscribing ghost gaming thank you for subscribing alright let’s do this oh it’s gonna go kaboom James Ray’s thank you for subscribing it’s free cam this all baby boom this is my boomstick oh

Yeah dude I felt good I felt real good alright so that place is blown to smithereens I think it looks better now than it did 30 seconds ago and it’s sip of water after that one but enough these shenanigans let’s move on there’s still plenty of more basis to blow I mean ah

See Alvaro thank you for subscribing Caleb Berlant thank you for subscribing as well woo by going the right way no I’m not this is the proper way alright keep going this way who knows what we’re gonna find well there is a jungle there buy a whole lot of nothing though

That’s right hashtag smoked that base got smoked big time alright scouting now we’re pretty far away from that axis highway but farther out we must go absolutely I mean it’s amazing how many bases and dupes dashes we’ve been able to discover just in the past three days just with the Elektra

Exploit ricochet wool Thank You potato production thank you for subscribing deuce Pino thank you windows 98 freak thank you for subscribing James Gardner gracias / let’s places fit in my Lake nope I’ll be streaming for about another hour and a half so you came just in time as far as

I’m concerned as far as I’m concerned alright still looking um I’m looking I’m telling you these old old oceans gone forever Oh Ross thanks for the automation says you’re close to a stash of mind spirit please all right you got it if we find it and it’s yours I won’t blow it up

I might take like one or two things though you know is uh for its payment for protection Taylor Becker Thank You Christopher thank you for subscribing as well hist thank you for subscribing jeez it’s been nothing but subscriber combos tonight I love it thank you so much everyone let

Me check my current subscriber count since the stream has started we’ve got up almost 50 subscribers thank you so much everybody we’re about 250 subs away from a hundred and fifty K Oh where this come from that’s random all right still more this endless ocean man they went on forever

Who Elijah Ellis thank you for the $1 donation appreciate that all right let’s see anything Bernie Sanders thank you for subscribing in action thank you for subscribing as well titanium spandex thank you for subscribing interesting alright we’re going into like mixes of old and new terrain generation so chances are part

Of this place was probably you know old old old old terrain but a lot of it’s probably a little newer too so there could be any amount of activity out here we’re really not that far from spawn yet I mean it’s pi if we were to go up to

The stratosphere and max speed with the Elektra we’d be there in no time but still I’m flying low because that’s the easiest way to find these stashes and these bases some pumpkins but I’m I was disappointed I thought it was like a pumpkin farm that someone made it first oh boy

Fat boo you haven’t noticed Dave Jacob thank you for subscribing Chris thank you for subscribing Jacob pirate thank you for subscribing yeah there’s got to be a stash around here we’re like we’re in that perfect distance range right now yeah ever since I started streaming these like hunts for these stashes in

These bases many other of my friends on tube we have been doing the same thing and they’ve been finding stashes and bases and stuff who knows how much longer oh hermetic log thanks for the $2 nation says donation war I dare someone to double my donation oh god yeah

Hermetic locks stopped don’t start a donation war please Elisha Ellis thank you for the $2 nation geez I told you hermetic locks stop with the donation war but thank you Elijah I appreciate that since spending my last two dollars Evan and creeper thank you for subscribing Jordan Bryan’s thank you for subscribing

As well Alden Messick thank you thank you thank you Austin Cox thank you for subscribing I’m glitching out glitching out glitch it out alright this is old this is really old terrain because there’s no grass you can tell so these are easily 2010-2011 chunks and then up then we get

Into the newer chunks right over here oh gods solar blue thank you for the $5 donation he says challenge accepted oh no please no challenge accepted well is a pretty massive chunk error right here a custard thank you for subscribing appreciate that Micke magic prank say I

Remember you welcome back a Bri do remember you welcome back me I’ll thank you for your kind words I appreciate that hermetic lock Jesus Christ thank you for the $10 donation I told you stop with his donation wards get ridiculous I do not need your money

ADHD grizzly holy cow thanks for the 4 dollar donation man of the 3 up thank you for the $5 donation holy cow I gotta stop to read these ADHD grizzly says I’ll double it because I like attention and man on the 3 up says hey fit your

Videos covering the history of TV 2 T are mesmerizing and I hope you can delve into more laws against both uncovered and created thank you holy cow Ross thank you for the $20 donation says double this senpai you better love me as your faithful follower and accept my

Damn discord requests I get bored sometimes okay I will accept it cat man thank you for the $2 donation people stop it stop it I can’t even focus on bass hunting right now you could throwing money in my face oh I’ll joke thank you for subscribing Jesus

It’s ridiculous come on there’s gotta be a base around here somewhere hermetic lab but are you doing thank you for the $40 donation if you gotta stop this madness stop giving me money I told you I do YouTube for fun – cut it out hahaha this is gonna get ugly people

It’s gonna get ugly alright but now where are these those are still older chunks you can tell that swamp it didn’t really have like the random puddles in it Oh Trevor Smith thank you for subscribing Danny Martin thank you for subscribing as well all I thank you for subscribing

Oh I’m glitching out glitching out up anti-cheat hated me up up up up up am I gonna get out of this one and you’re looking good nope I’m like stuck look at that alright hold on hold on oh man come on I’m like legit stuck I’m trapped

Well high jump get me out there we go I was a pain all I meant to do that completely all again alright I need to actually get up on a cliff we’re also gonna be stuck here it’s getting ridiculous oh yeah anyway if you haven’t already people make sure

You follow me on Twitter Instagram and snapchat which are all in the description game nerd and death gamer thank you for subscribing I appreciate that Vincent gross thank you for subscribing as well appreciate that Demong thank you for subscribing flash TV thank you for subscribing brandon thank you for subscribing holy cow lazy

Turtle thank you for subscribing subscriber combo going on right now it’s ridiculous you know what else is ridiculous the fact that I can’t get my wings to open my durability is fine it’s getting ridiculous ah alright maybe I can jump off I mean it’s a TPS it’s dropping though that’s the thing ah

Ross thank you for the $2 donation I’m glad to see you’re taking it easy finally says hey guys should I do $10 oh god like I said this madness needs to end let’s get ridiculous alright I jump ah ah drink bleach thank you for subscribing Brian Ruby thank you for

Subbing there we go Mohamed thank you for subscribing finally a Dimi deck thank you for subscribing that’s awesome dad f kin thank you for subscribing to anthony share it thank you for subscribing to roar tourer leave the sun thank you ben newton thank you for subscribing as well i appreciate that

All right let’s see her medical access I just blew fifty five dollars for no good reason that’s all right we meet up at VidCon all uh get you so what but dumped uh fun Ross thank you for the eighty dollar donation says what will you do for this sent by sing me a

Little song maybe oh god I mean for 80 bucks I’m gonna have two miles holder thank you for subscribing lady guard go thank you for subscribing neato dirt thanks for subscribing I gotta think of a song to sing John Christ man thank you for subscribing Kasem thank you for

Subscribing this is getting ridiculous Dawson thanks for $2 nation says keep the donation war going by the way remember me I think I remember your username but thank you for the $2 donation oh god I’ve got to sing something oh god let me land real quick

I gotta think about this I have to rethink my life choices I got to see something I got my iTunes library that’s not gonna get my stream taken down for copyright oh god I don’t even know I’ve got like yeah literally all the good songs I could sing too they’re all

Cut all copyrighted I mean I could do acapella but that would oh god be bad streaming and then halo open or thank you for subscribing I can do acapella something jeez that donation we’re still going apparently like I said it’s not necessary but hey it’s you guys are

Fueling that fire not me all right let’s see if we could take off at the Elektra from here oh god they’re saying All Star all right I’m gonna do this I’m turning off the music I’m just warning you right now I am NOT a good singer I have never

Considered myself a good singer at all I acknowledge that I am horrible at singing but because I have been paid over $100 by this young lady I have to sing all-star at least what I remember from it it’s going to be very cringy oh wait Ross’s sing sing me viva la vida

Minecraft parody I don’t know the lyrics to that let me look it up on my phone oh god this is gonna suck velocity thank you for subscribing so much kin reflex thank you for subscribing Adam frost thank you for subscribing as well okay viva la vida minecraft lyrics

Oh god yep I got him right here why why are you doing this to me okay so I’m gonna fly out the Electra and I’m going to try to sing this also by the way fun bit of trivia um Coldplay stole that melody from Joe Satriani

So the fact that they got a Grammy for that is just complete horse crap alright wait can I get up in the air they’re up for kicks sake thank you for subscribing oh I hate it when anti cheese doing that I want to get up in the air and I’ll

Start singing it alright wait for it there we go alright I’m gonna try to sing it while also actively hunting bases this is gonna be blow whoa whoa whoa what is this I gotta sing it now or else it’s not gonna get done cuz we keep finding

Cool stuff alright so I used to rule the world chunks would load when I gave the word now every night I go stow away hide from the mobs I used to slay Dada Dada Dada Dada they once were terrified time I looked into their eyes God can I

Stop I hate this I hate it so much God ah I gave you know can I at least just I just say the lyrics as I’m exploring this thing is getting ridiculous I gaze off into the boundless skyline noteblock choirs playing in the sunshine turn around pick up my sword and wield

The blade that once forced evil mobs to yield Oh God who gave that donation gin thanks to the $2 nation says you should rename your stream fit meltdown um yeah the stream we should rename it as see how much money you can throw it fit before he

Breaks that’s pretty much what this has been I’ll continue the lyrics as we go on let me continue with this base look at this place alright hold on this it’s like a Rubik’s Cube with all the different colors of like sheep in it this is crazy who would

Build such a thing and there’s more down here it looks like although I can’t tell if this has been griefed or not it looks like it has oh yeah this has been griefed I’m definitely sparing this space I’m not gonna even leave this one up to stream chat this one is getting spared

Easily alright here’s the rest of the base ah ha check that out who built this base all Ross thank you for the five donation says you have to sing it doesn’t count alright as soon as I’m done touring this base I’ll keep singing alright but Wow okay oh and my Electra wouldn’t open

Great solar blue says tell me a bedtime story thanks for the two-hour donation oh god this has been ridiculous so um that was like a mob farm I’m all star thank you for subscribing I think this is pretty much the whole base what a really weird thing very unusual

The kind of stuff you see I tell you anything in here no it’s all abandoned pretty much chances are everything’s been just completely stripped of any valuables that be my guess was this sign say we finish eating here that we can see all right it says slim built 2014 this base

Is from Wow says made chords public on the 27th of December 2014 Wow a señor taco thank you for subscribing bradley smith thank you for subscribing that’s crazy so that means this is almost like it’s a three year old base I’m surprised the Rubik’s Cube is still here that is very unusual

I thought it would have been completely torched all got ADHD thank you for the $5 donation says you have the voice of an angel please record an album with turaga dude I mean if I actually tried maybe it wouldn’t sound horrible I guess but still alright but I got to keep

Singing as soon as we take off the Elektra I gotta sing again so this is a cool bass but let’s keep moving forward uh-huh you got to be kidding me I dropped that whole way and I could not take off all the TPS is at seven so I’m

Gonna need a little bit of a boost to get going here let me get up up in the air again Oh Ramirez uh thank you for subscribing uh Pete’s plays thank you for subscribing Luis Collazo thank you for subscribing teehee pick gamer thank you for subscribing there we go alright up that

Should do it what a crazy thing to find is I’m singing alright I’m gonna continue with those lyrics even though I got the music playing in the background I’m gonna keep trying so it was the creepers and skeletons blew down the doors box to sin arrows whizzing by like streaks of light

I lost my clothes I tried all I could stay and fight as the undead roam the streets families broken at my feet life itself suspended by a thread oh why is it that I wasn’t dead a star fit thank you for subscribing let see fairy area thank you for subscribing I gaze off

Into the boundless skyline noteblock choirs playing in the sunshine turn around pick up my sword and wield the blade that once forced evil mobs dead if this bow should leave me slain I know herobrine will call my name better to take a stand and that was when

I ruled the land still no stashes though oh yeah thank you to that beautiful beautiful singing I just lost 20 subscribers feels good man no but for real I should actually check on my current subscriber count see how much it’s gone up since the stream started don’t worry folks I’m done stream I’m

Done singing I’m done singing relax so currently the subscriber count’ Oh Maria Gonzales thanks for the two nominations this is beautiful thank you beautiful and I have just gained actually over a hundred subscribers since the stream started thank you everyone jeez 1,200 people watching Wow thank you I’m surprised you’re still

Watching I’ll be honest after that singing I’m sure it’ll woke dogs in your neighborhood made small children start screaming I would not be surprised so it says fit I record it all please know my grandchildren are gonna have to hear that someday I’ll have a games

Thank you for the $5 donation says hey it’s Havok so excited to meet you at the Minecraft creators meetup at VidCon by the way are all friends with Target and he’s excited to meet you – that’s awesome havoc I look forward to meeting you for sure and thank you for the $5

Donation we’ll definitely have some chats um yes so stream by the way Father’s Day is on Sunday even though it’s Father’s Day remember I am NOT your dad okay and I’m like 89% sure I’m not a dad myself so please on Father’s Day do not

Call me a dad I am NOT a dad I’m not your dad but now that that’s out of the way let’s look for more of these dupe stashes gotta get those tubes I need a boobs then we have another endless ocean ah no don’t lag out over the water

Please please please please don’t do that no no no no no no no no no no whoo Oh got my toes wet on that one bought man dirt thank you for subscribe oh this is unusual again please thank you for subscribing look at that disco mountains over here very interesting

Well there’s an Enderman just popping around they’re kind of cool I guess oh it’s a village but look someone has already been in these chunks because this is an old-style village one because it’s not made out of acacia wood well two there’s a creeper explosion there but three the roads are made out

Of gravel so that means they are from before at least I think it was 1.9 all right but yeah anyway people if you haven’t already make sure to follow me on Twitter Instagram and snapchat which are all in the description of the stream I’m all-star thank you for subscribing

SBG tray and done new but thank you for subscribing jong-hoon thank you for subscribing john east thank you a gamer productions thank you for the $2 donation says hey fit what hat clown are you using your favorite one I’m currently using future client probably one of the most powerful hacked clients

Available on the market today hacked I mean just it’s made specifically for to be 2t you can’t beat it’s got crystal aura which I don’t know of any other hacked clients that have crystal aura it’s a very specific to be 2t thing but future client dotnet baby I love it um

But if I will say future it is $20 and a lot of people don’t feel like paying for act client um impact is free it’s not as powerful as future but it’ll help you get by on to be 2t at least so I recommend either future or impact worst

Is all right – I guess Charlotte Miller thank you for subscribing Jared Marshall says what music did you use for your face reveal um I’m big fans of the Geek Squad on soundcloud I use a lot of my vlog music from the Geek Squad so make sure to check them out on

Soundcloud some says Zulu has crystal aura Zulu’s also backdoored so you got that going for you alright so let’s see no I’m just kidding I don’t know if it’s backdoored or not alright looking around I’m sort of in that range where there could be bases but maybe not Oh soon as

I say that so someone was here they left to bed let’s check it out and a whole lot of nothing great so if we see if we get airborne again v2 and Carlos Sanchez thank you for subscribing as well sweaty pop-tarts thank you for subscribing Oh Maxim masa T thank you for subscribing

Oh the legend thank you for subscribing as well all the TPS is free right now we’re live in Ross thank you again for the 80 dollar donation holy cow you must have given me $200 tonight what Lulla Lulla says can we hear another song maybe all-star this time also where’s my

Signed book sent by I’ve been such a good girl to be serious though I love your streams and it’s great to see everyone having fun to h2e has crystal aura and is a pretty good client oh okay all right well I’m gonna have to pull up

The lyrics to all stars so once again if there are pets or small children nearby I want you to mute your speakers or your device or whatever you’re watching from all right smashmouth all-star lyrics Oh God all right I didn’t even have to go to a website this google has it like

Automatically once I get airborne again there we go alright so some body once told me the world is gonna roll me I ain’t the sharpest tool in the shed she was looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb in the shape of an L on

Her forehead well the Years start coming and they don’t stop coming fed to the rules and I hit the ground running didn’t make sense not to live for fun your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb so much to do so much to see so what’s wrong with taking the back

Streets you’ll never know if you don’t go you’ll never shine if you don’t go hey now you’re an all star get your game on go play hey now you’re a rock star get the show on get paid all that glitters is gold only shooting stars break down my road alright I think that

Was acceptable that was it was moderately cringy moderately that’s right I feel bad for some of my viewers in stream shower and others said I’m too young for this this is hurting my ears like I said I apologize so drop it thank you for subscribing appreciate that a scammer thank you for subscribing

I appreciate that as well up lift out my channel a little bit there we go I was trying to be considerate I tried to like play an ad while my singing was going on for you alright I need to get to this island over here yeah this might as well

Be fit sings the stream oh god can I move yet there we go ease this has been one wild trip this has been a wild to say the least very wild alright I take off yep there we go so we’re gonna head back this way and hopefully we find something good on

Our way back to spawn a spiral thank you for subscribing appreciate that yeah I really do appreciate your kind donations tonight Ross you have no idea how much protein powder you bought me huh mad pyro says as soon as you stop singing my dog started growling oh god well that

Means you have a good dog then that’s a good dog it’s a good boy cheese potato says this is a good stream I’m detecting a hint of sarcasm but anyway enough for this foolishness we’re looking for bassist to blow up come on looking for things to raid

All right still no signs of any basis this way I see some chests on ESP but those are dungeon chests nothing I can use Jaden long thank you for subscribing voltaic kilo thank you for subscribing the lemon head thank you for subscribing as well Vernon Murillo thank you for subscribing

Brian Kenya Hui thank you for subscribing jeez it’s been ridiculous we’ve only been streaming for 54 minutes we got an hour to go and all these shenanigans have already happened it’s getting ridiculous III alright looking around now not seeing anything yet let me stay pretty high above the ocean in case we glitch

Out we have plenty of room to recover before falling into the drink oh another swamp here alright some pigs an old village yeah this is actually a pretty old village as a small one too oh let’s see got any rare things on sales stranger a booty man thank you for

Subscribing Drac your Drake rapper thank you for subscribing appreciate that monster and Sara Volz TV thank you for subscribing chances are this has already been alluded hold on oh there we go yep it’s already been looted let’s get out of here oh oh oh come on come on I’m

Spanish spacebar uh-huh come on all anti cheese had it with me tonight how a pearl thank you for the five dollar donation says are you magician because every time I see you everything else disappears winky face well thank you I appreciate that hallo pearl what in all seriousness you should probably see an

Optometrist to get your eyes checked out you may need contact lenses that should probably fix everything disappearing around you that’s just some friend the advice I’m alright so Ali Oh Oh John Lewis thank you for subscribing sole survivors thank you for subscribing up there we go got the bunnyhop Bishop

Wilson and Ritchie Schrader or Schroeder thank you for subscribing appreciate that she’s that donation war it was ridiculous you guys are nuts you’re even more nuts than I am that’s saying something because I am legit nuts hi hon I’m still looking around no basis to be adhere I’m telling this is like

The the good sweet range you should be in if we head this way a little bit we’ll find something Zach Hill says fit I’m going to Florida tomorrow anything I should do down there uh-oh if you’re buying ocean you should swim in it for sure um it also depends

Where in Florida you’re going the state is so diverse with what you can do depending on where you go like Orlando is way different from Miami and such as such my mind and plushy plays well ow thank you for subscribing mr. nightmare thank you for subscribing as well ok turn this off

All right hold on I jump oh come on why you gotta be like that one eight hundred come on now alright it’s glitching out big time we might be generating new chunks and that’s why it’s doing this oh come on alright gotta get up no darn it

Alright so there’s a little bit of a lag assure you let me disconnect and reconnect that should fix it I believe and it didn’t great let’s try placing them all there we go huh on foot it seems to load alright we might be doing part of this journey on foot

If these chunks are not going to load quickly enough and hopefully we find another base soon cuz yes getting monotonous alright this should get us back in the air There get it way up here and go just Mach 10 there let’s head straight down from here why level 600 down oh yeah look it come on whoa so I go through beggars Canyon right now all right so that’s a pretty cool Mesa glitch right there look at that that’s

Pretty sweet actually how like you’ve got the chunk error right here then it goes into straight Mesa on many names thank you for subscribing my daddy thank you for subscribing be MHO for thank you for subbing as well Evan says fit I subscribed 20 years ago can I get a

Shout-out you bet thank you for subscribing me when I was 7 years old oh oh nope nope nope please stop please stop please no no no no no no no no no no no no no and I’m in the drink great alright maybe TPS is gonna back up to 9

So maybe we might be able to dirt tower out of here he just might targeted says sing tyre owners pop Bob by turaga dude that that’s funny oh come on that was a good chunk there oh we’re kind of a little high up on that one there’s a bunch of red items there

It’s like someone crashing away pads if you thank you for subscribing cage beats thank you for subscribing I’m still looking for basis not showing up this is a less explored quadrant I get the feeling still looking around so we’ve been streaming for a whole hour already once

Again if you haven’t already make sure you follow me on Twitter Instagram and snapchat which are all in the description of the stream let me check my current subscriber count’ geez we’ve gone up a hundred and fifty subscribers in just an hour thank you so much everyone

Yes if you haven’t already if you subscribe your name will pop up so I can shout you out no base is here but we’re getting into older chunks so it’s going to happen a Kester thank you for subscribing wolf nation thank you all please dont glitch me out and it

Glitched me out really get sick of these glitches all right let’s see if we can hop up this way I’ll come on it’s a chunk error what’s the TBI so the TPS is five right now so taking off is going to take a little bit of dedication here Ali yeah

There and now I’m stuck in the stratosphere I go down there we go a joker 12 thank you for subscribing Tony gobbles thank you for subscribing yeah EBD I thank you for your continued support says Gigi Fitz fans are the best that is very true I’ve got the best fans

In the world thank you to everyone who’s liked the stream as well if you haven’t already make sure to LIKE and maybe we’ll get a like spike going on just drinking my water so since it’s been over an hour there’s probably a lot of people in stream that weren’t here for my original

Question right now in stream chat I want you to type in what country are watching from right now alright let’s look around Here’s some newer chunks you can tell by the gravel ocean could be basis nearby but maybe not we’ll see a Garrett be thank you for subscribing hold on that looks suspicious a Susan Nelson thank you for subscribing Keith Messer thank you all exotic speed thank you for subscribing Michael

Patterson thank you for subscribing Ammar James thank you for subscribing wnc Bassmasters our bass masters thank you for subscribing on DM thank you thank you we have people watching from Germany from the United States from Mexico from Canada Denmark let’s see the Philippines Croatia this looks interesting so random tower it appears

Let’s see what else Michigan Arizona Texas Iceland Narnia the moon North Korea Pakistan skirt ass Stan Stan – Stan thank you everybody ah dot fire thank you for subscribing my city is England yeah England is my city yeah I’m then where did why why would

You knock me off anti cheap it was a tube blocked all dirt tower as garbage straight garbage there we go I’m your friendly eye on the sky right now that’s right I currently identify as an attack helicopter ever since I was a little girl I dreamed of just raining

Hot fiery death four-mile I try oh yeah a lot of your watching for what see Greece from Soviet Russia ah from Stan Stan Stan yeah I got that Disney Channel flow McNeal what’s how’s it going good to see ya I looking around Oh Pyrus is watching from Italy oh I’m

Miss Italy I want to go back so badly I haven’t been there in two years I want to go back well let’s see so looking around it’s still old ocean but we’re getting closer to another axis so we should be finding some basis pretty soon huh turaga dudes raging a

Chat right now he just called me a Normie let’s see going up uh 6-minute says fit go to the X positive highway to find a lot of dupe stashes I could imagine what’s it oh those aren’t that’s not a skeleton horse that’s a regular horse look at that

What are these where do you see farm animals doing in the middle eocene they’re gonna drown well what the that is weird hold on hold on hold on I want to check out this pony what are your stats you got 11 hearts let’s let’s take this

Horse real quick you know the light draw is fun in all bullets let’s try it by horse a little bit so we’re a second habit you know now I need you to stand on this please let’s try this am insanity thank you for subscribing appreciate that a Lucario GT thank you

For subscribing 6,000,000 thank you thank you thank you king of space thank you for subscribing a weird fangirl thank you for subscribing Kyle’s 120 thank you card e92 thank you for subscribing a Simon Knudson thank you for subscribing alright come on horse come on pony I just want to tame you real quick

Come on almost come on pony I’m a knight I’m a nice guy come on like most of the time all right some of the time okay let’s see uh anything thank you for subscribing Christian Noel thank you for subscribing come on all right I did it there’s another pony over there I swear

If I spent all this time taming you and you suck I’m gonna kill you come on you’re being very stubborn right now pony you’ve been very stubborn and I saw a tamed it because I can’t access the inventory all right let me see if I can

What’s this horse gonna be out over here just curious let me just right click to see the stats that one’s 11 as well what about this one is this one gonna be 11 – well it’s 12 that one’s better evie real senpai thank you for subscribing g-33 thank you for

Subscribing H $5.99 thank you for subscribing gap link you q thank you for subscribing toxic gamers thank you for subscribing muted Challis thank you for subscribing so let’s give them a Golden Apple okay Jordan Burton thank you for subscribing oh god Taraka dude hit now forget this horse’s tail there we go

Finally so top off open up the good ol e just which one has the goods hold on no saddle on that one I got my diamond horse armor from the world border but does we no good here redneck us to make you for subscribing Cuyler Curtis thank you for subscribing

Videos 808 thank you for subscribing finesses God thank you for subscribing here maybe I’ve got it in my battle box I say it’s probably my backpack I forgot about my backpack hold on oiling our saddles right here there we go oh no no no not my choker not my

Shokhin I’m a shocker where’d it go I got it okay good all right saddles on let’s do this all right Pony Oh your stats ain’t too shabby what’s your jump all your jump is awful oh well I’ll use it a cruise a little bit here Adam rera thank you for subscribing I

Appreciate that so yeah some of you that are new to my streams are probably wondering what is he doing that’s right with future client you can horse hack you can hack on water speed hack with horse over water with Jesus hacks that’s and that’s a pretty tame hack compared

To some of them oh yeah oh yes let’s see we’re getting pretty close to a major milestone hopefully we run into it there we go oh there’s a jungle taking a horse through the jungle sucks oh that was it I guess that wasn’t so bad so looking around no signs of any bases

More jungle I’m getting I’m kind of getting sick of this jungle let’s see not seeing much over here I still think probably doing it by a light rose by a little easier oh yeah that’s right an horses are very unreliable right now housemaster likes to nuke them basically

If you fall more than like two blocks on a horse like it’s whatever all right horse I appreciate you know the services you’ve given to us thus far but your services are no longer required all right let’s watch this there we go okay so let me put the course fruit back

In the hotbar because you never know when you might need it all right so let’s see if we can hop up with the Alijah all adds up to 10 TPS so I should be able to jump like this all out James says check your sub count oh I should so

Let’s see oh hey hon there’s a burned house here this is just recently griefed it’s still burning on my current subscriber count is at let’s see uh we’re currently at no way we just hit a hundred forty nine thousand nine hundred less than a hundred subscribers to go and we are at

A hundred and fifty thousand subscribers thank you so much everybody I know we can do this come why is always glitch out all right let’s speed up the process a little bit I’m gonna fly a little more dangerously right now I got a totem I’ll be fine

Oops not a wild level 300 though there we go surprise my life hasn’t broken yet I’ve been streaming for an hour and 15 minutes with the same light show All right there’s some items down there’s ply a mineshaft though nothing of use jake long welcome back to stream chat great to see you Kurt Adam says what are you doing 150,000 subscribers um I have something planned out I’m pretty much going to make my VidCon vlog

Which is going to be a really like it’s gonna be a pretty expansive IRL video I’m going to be shooting a lot of footage but that’s probably 150 thousand subscribers special what do we have here whoop all did you see that clutch break with the barrel roll looks like someone started something

Here and just gave up so basically a whole lot of nothing to see here oh come on alright well I guess I need a little more air on that jump oh come on there we go let’s do this so there’s gotta be more over this way

There’s gotta be I know for life thank you for liking the video oh we got ourselves another portal here See if you get up this way another chunk error right there a spinning Suzaku thank you for subscribing Emilia Santiago thank you for subscribing as well what is this Patrick Brady thank you for subscribing what kind of house is this eat that pizza thank you just hams thank you for subscribing look

At this quaint little house system this is a basic noob house Wow that’s a new one well it’s a little Hut but it’s really not that impressive it’s cute I guess so right now once again mob rule stream chat decides do we spare it or destroy it so right now in stream chat

You’re gonna type in spare or destroy spare or destroy I will do whatever you ask a camera and lens flare thank you for subscribing jump realms thank you for subscribing resonation thank you for subscribing alonso milligan thank you for subscribing Taylor Williams thank you for subscribing Oh most people are

Saying destroy it I’d say it’s about 70% say destroy it so I am doing exactly as you asked ruff fill this thing as much as we can this should do it all right let’s watch this house go kaboom Dominic Nichols thank you for subscribing alright here goes nothing

What what oh wait a minute I got no weather on don’t I yep I figured ya know weather is a hack in future where you can turn off the weather all right I see how it is mother nature’s being a little stubborn right now so we’re gonna put a little covering

Over it let’s do this all the rain is still putting it out I see how it is there we go this is my boomstick all that it looks a lot nicer now now it looks like it belongs in to b2t add anchor and a poop poop thank you for subscribing nightfall

23 thank you for subscribing big Clarkie thank you for subscribing youthful Chad thank you for subscribing appreciate that alright so let’s see if we can get airborne again almost hop out of the water here oh come on it’s glitching me on I might be able to jump off one of those trees

Up there that’s probably best course of action right now so we’ve been streaming for an hour and 20 minutes already thank you so much for watching tonight everyone that’s so awesome that you continue to come back day after day night after night so as you know I stream twice a

Day I stream every morning at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Time every evening at 8 p.m. Eastern time which is Florida time Kevin FPV and Alejandra Baca thank you for subscribing Levi Bullock thank you for subscribing so we can bunnyhop well there we go it’s not seeing any basis right now I

See nether portals we’re catching more and more than other portals out this way let’s see I dawn says fit his pokey with you yep I have not taken off that little tiny sombrero pokies wearing my pet cactus he’s still wearing that little sombrero it has not fallen off yet I’m

Starting to order if the spines are gonna grow directly into that tiny sombrero that’d be funny I don’t fit be good for the cactus though whoa it used to be something here what does it say originally a DC thank you for subscribing mohammed el de ba and oscar

Nunez thank you for subscribing crazy boo hunter thank you all Belk thank you for subscribing Darren Yas thank you for subscribing Mena thank you for subscribing what is this take what you need fellow vets Aristotle no way this was from SEP no there’s got September 3rd this was like

The way tail end of the war no way I wonder if they’re still anything inside authors there’s a clownfish and sixteen carrots in here still that is nuts a relic of the rushar war now many of you I’m sure are pretty recent to my streams and are probably curious what the rusher

War was on to b2t the Great War if you want to learn more about it I put out a video on my channel on June 1st it was called war on TV to t make sure to check it out it’s a retrospective about what happened last summer it’ll get you

Caught up to speed for the most part well I’m gonna take this clownfish and we’re gonna set it free clown down there we go but I will leave the carrots for historic purposes Alley oh wait I pick up so yeah I picked up the stone I don’t want that I lay up

There a little bunny hop action going now I’m sure we’re getting very close to a highway now we’re gonna find something or we could always just head to spawn that’s I didn’t consider that zomb X thank you for subscribing Sint Asia thank you for subscribing shameless man thank you for subscribing as well

Riley Gabor thank you for subscribing well there’s an ocean monument I’ll stay away from that I don’t want the money fatigue Balloon Boy thank you for subscribing we’re less than two thousand blocks from a major highway so let me check out my current subscriber count

And get up here a little bit that’s a random dirt path so as of right now all baby 149 thousand nine hundred I don’t know if we’re gonna hit it on this live stream but at least by tomorrow I know so that means we’re like probably right now we’re about 55

Subscribers away from 150 K king of robloxian thank you for subscribing alright closing in on the highway now you’re probably going to see it it’s gonna be clear as day all right a lot of your saying go towards spawn yeah so let it be written

So let it be done ho what do we have here hallo pearl says tell a joke all right what’s the worst animal play a board game with a cheetah now this is what we call spawn farm now part of the challenge of to be 2t is being able to

Get out of to be 2t and survive on your own that’s part of the challenge spawn farms like this make it way too easy in my opinion but I’m gonna leave it up to my viewers right now once again you’re gonna tell me do we spare or do we

Destroy Oh God huh so I’m gonna let you decide this was from January this year do we spare or destroy this place a Jin thank you for subscribing yellow pizza thank you where’d King thank you for subscribing Kevin Mac thank you for subscribing Jesus squeeze Thank You morbidly obese

MC chill blame thank you for subscribing team organs thank you for subscribing alright spare or destroy a lot of you are saying destroy a lot of your scenes spare – it’s like 5050 it is literally 5050 right now between spare and destroyed tick and amp and tack thank you I don’t know

It’s literally 5050 right now to spare or destroy this place let me just have the TNT handy in case in case I decide to go through with it there we go all right it looks like most people are saying spare no wait it’s still 50/50 it’s still 50/50

Let me grab some TNT just in case it’s always good to be prepared ooh all right right now we’re gonna let fate decide I’m going to punch this wheat right here if it gives us one seed we will destroy if it gives us two seeds

We will spare so we’re going to let fate decide if I punch this wheat and if we get one seed we destroy but if we get two seeds or more we will spare let’s do it too looks like this farm is gonna get spared this time so it looks like we won’t be

Using the TNC like I originally thought but that’s alright they munch these gaps TPS is eight there we go that should do it much much much much all right so yeah looks like we’re good here let’s get out of here we’re very close to the highway

Now up up up and the highway is right here so now we’re heading closer to spawn who knows what we’re gonna find along this Highway all wait for it we’re going we’re kind of going to go off center of the highway a little bit because you never know what

Kind of cool builds you can find like just kind of directly off the highway like this look at this ruined house and that ruined house so we’re going to do a little zigzag pattern as we head back towards zero zero that’s probably the best we could find something good on

Noah Collins thank you for subscribing triple-threat thank you for subscribing Lightning gammon thank you for subscribing or do I the Enderman hold on thank you for the super chat thank you for the $5 donation says play the weed song vincent’s fit lantus we’ll see we’ll see all right let’s see down down

Down down oh come on reconnect and yes if you haven’t already make sure you follow me on Twitter Instagram and snapchat which are all in the description of the stream thanks Jeff one who liked the stream as well can’t stop glitching out please come on I was afraid of that

We are only 30 subscribers away from a hundred and fifty thousand flexor style thank you smoke 2.0 thank you for subscribing oh we are closed oh come on there we go like I said we’re zigzagging a little bit to look for the best possible base

Oh nothing over here oh here we go again another spawn farm just kind of randomly here Oh what is this it’s a little storage area building food or there’s basically nothing here and then random okay come on this base sucks I’m gonna let stream chat decide once again for

This thing spare or destroy why would you build this close to spawn you knew this was gonna happen so right now you’re gonna decide stream chat spare or destroy it’s up to you spare or destroy almost people are saying destroy oh yeah they want me to blow it up let’s do it

This one won’t even take that much TNT I feel like but I like a big kaboom oh yeah this will be good Dementors thank you for subscribing lacs thank you for subscribing the Jedi gamer thank you for subscribing Johnny Orion thank you alright let’s do this I was it’s still

Raining it probably is so let’s just light this one where’s my flint and steel here we go Rizal thank you for subscribing here it goes this is my boomstick oh it looks much better now much better now alright oh this still little farm over here too or we can’t forget the little

Farm a little farm Oh doggy but you’re just a wolf are you shaking you’re cold I can heat you up no that wouldn’t be nice I’ll spare the dog but I’ll blow up the farm Morgan Jr thank you for subscribing appreciate that appreciate that Let’s go Good enough alright let’s head back to the mainland here look for more bases I had Dan the gamer says cool guys don’t look at explosions that’s right I should go like this next time and like not be looking at it all right up-and-up won’t like 25

Subscribers to go I know we can do it everybody 25 to go up and up and up how many skaters thank you for subscribing Ben thank you for subscribing bacon logic thank you for subscribe Bing what is all this whoa this looks like an active base

Somewhat still whoa what is this I mean it’s basically in shambles but there’s still parts of it that are not blowing up all right let’s take the time to look around this place dee why all the Enderman thank you for the two donations has been a sub since

The war all of you thank you so much all right it’s pretty much it’s either grief or incomplete I can’t tell which I don’t know let’s look around this is a weird-looking base cool King thank you for subscribing jorge swashes thank you for subscribing grant somebody thank you

Oh servers restarting great Logan the neck gamer thank you for subscribing arbiter thank you master a Sokka thank you for subscribing all right let’s try again a game master thank you for subscribing all right yeah once we log back in we’ll be able to figure out our plan of action

For that little base while we wait for 2 B 2 T to come back online any second now I can feel it come on housemaster why you got a restart right when we find a juicy base well I’ll take the time to look at my current subscriber count’ I guess Oh

Turaga dude thank you for your kind words yeah we sure showed him all right let’s see one hundred and forty nine thousand nine hundred and eighty six Oh baby baby baby we’re so close I know we can do it come on there we go okay we’re

Back in let’s take a look around here yeah I haven’t decided what we should do with this base and so it’s a weird base it’s just weird like there’s no rhyme or reason to it it’s like partially blown-up partially not like I don’t understand what’s happening with this base it’s very odd

All-boy weird close I’ll gaming thank you for subscribing reaper gaming thank you for subscribing alright there’s more over here it looks like um let’s see anything here nope okay I’m sorry for this base is like all garbage can I please blow it up stream chat please please I just want to make

It go boom it’s so close to spawn it is so close to spawn it’s like I have to do it I have to blow it up to do to do them a favor so they learn their lesson I have to blow it up alright so let me see what is

The current subscriber count’ at almost almost we’re two away two away oh we are so close one away now one away oh it keeps hovering it’s like I’ll there we go boom I got the screenshot baby 150,000 subscribers in fact I think I’m gonna put a tweet out right now

Right now I have to put out a tweet about this so if you don’t already make sure to follow me on Twitter oh man oh I have to it’s crazy hundred and fifty thousand subscribers it finally happened oh my goodness so yeah I took a screenshot

Oh I blah oh thank you for subscribing oh this is so cool you have no idea oh I’m put out the tweet right now just give me a second oh this is so cool so if you’re on Twitter right now make sure to LIKE and retweet what I’m about to tweet out so

I’m going to tight I’m going to write it out right now I’m gonna say here we go from zero to a hundred fifty thousand subscribers in just one year I might be one of the luckiest youtubers alive it’s true cuz I seriously my fans you are the

Best fans in the world so dizzy thank you so much fellow white ears and fans alright so from zero to a hundred fifty thousand subscribers at just one year I might be one of the luckiest youtubers alive thank you so much to fellow youtubers and fans

There we go now it fits all my emojis they make the tweet too big there we go okay so let’s do this and I’m tweeting it out right now there we go it’s out alright anyway to celebrate a hundred fifty thousand subscribers no mob rule

In this one I’m just going to blow up this base I’m just gonna blow it up I really don’t care so let me put some more hype music we are blowing up this base baby hold on let me get the good music going oh yeah we’re gonna do it

Baby 150,000 subscribers let’s go Desmond Liang thank you for subscribing alright we’re going a little by little piece by piece oops let’s do this come on now one eight hundred come on now oh baby that was fun let’s do this now oh we got this so let’s see what was this supposed to

Be in the first place I don’t even know we got plenty of TNT to boot there we go oh yeah here we go all right at the top here Abajo bot thank you for subscribing appreciate that Ryan Moen thank you for subscribing holy cow Oh baby baby baby let’s put it

On the sides here Just like that all right let’s light her up cool guys don’t look at explosions Oh haha oh it’s awesome what do we have here a villager farm well sign for us to crash your little party let’s do this mark harbour thank you so much for subscribing Evan done gone thank you for subscribing for fit thank you for subscribing appreciate that alright let me hop out of here

Bye can’t let me go so once again cool guys don’t look at explosions We are let’s see all that was fun what’s down here there’s fishing equipment fishing catches well there’s no catches or fishing equipment all this one’s going to go up and up and up let’s try to get a little more TNT out right now where’s my box here we go two

More want to do it come on pick it up there we go jeez Ross thank you for the 80 dollar donation holy cow you’re on fire tonight sis Congrats on 150 thousand subscribers you deserve it we appreciate the effort you put into your videos and hopefully you never stop keep

It up my dude $300 you’ve given $300 tonight Ross thank you so much holy cow I’m speechless thank you I just it blows my mind ah it says this base is now mine says nifty Robo well sorry nifty this is my base now and now it’s going to be nobody’s base

Anonymous fish thank you for subscribing appreciate that and the good in here nope not see anything let’s see I ninja thank you for subscribing appreciate that what’s up here literally nothing oh yeah here we go this is going to be a big kaboom I want to link up a ton of TNT for this a ton of it this is probably the biggest TNT explosion of the night hands down let’s get it going this way all there’s someone here there’s someone here this one here Swan daya they don’t even see us yet gotcha

Hahaha clown down you didn’t need that stuff anyway alright we got to finish blowing up the base alright here’s this one oh this has turned out to be a great stream in that Mexican taco thank you for subscribing soccer mania thank you for subscribing as well appreciate that oh yeah this is good

That’s right right now in stream chat to pay respects to that punk I want you to type in clown down all right so this explosions going to be massive we got to make sure we cover all the bases a Jin thank you for the $5 donation says

Congrats fit I’m on my alt 18 K from spawn need a demolition buddy yeah anyone’s welcome if you know where this is so we got to link this up even more put some on the side here Oh Michael does thank you for subscribing on our thank you for

Subscribing this is turning into a wild stream one bit J thank you for the $2 nation says Congrats with such an inspiration to many thank you so much one but J appreciate that very cool alright we’re any more TNT let’s look around the base oh it goes way down here

Apex Robo thank you for the $2 donation says get those rush your clowns fit um people are saying fit play the weed song now I’m not going to play it Oh Barrett Bonnie thank you for the $2 donation says congrats on 150,000 subscribers thank you so much that’s awesome

All right all this place is going to go up it’s going to go up but we need more TNT this got to be a big explosion this is a special occasion a very special occasion ho baby two more stacks of TNT should do it there we go

Oh yeah here we go let’s see anything down here now so we’ll keep the explosion above-ground for now this is going to go up big-time let’s do one quick scan of the area to make sure we got everything yeah let’s go in free camera looks good pretty much all the

Way to the top yeah the inside is going to be taking care of most likely except in that area it’s not really that good in there so we should be able to dig through this there we go needle a sum in here Oh yeah there we go much better so I think it’s about ready to blow oh yeah this should do it so let’s light off one right at the top there see if we get them all it’s lit so cool guys don’t look at explosions it’s

Gonna freak a mug Oh baby boom boom boom boom boom boom Oh Apex Rob I like you for the $2 donation oh baby it’s going up look at that oh it’s a thing of beauty right now all that was so sick oh there’s still a little TNT up there

That snuck I’ll leave it there for old times sake Aiden wells thank you for the $2 donation actually we might be able to hit it from here Oh a little too high there so a little too high there we go wait for it and we have 16

TNT on this stack left let’s blow up this thing oops or that could happen too I guess how do I get out of here I’ll go get out here we go oh wait for it there we go oh here goes nothing see oh I love the

Smell of napalm in the morning I guess in this case sulfur but still all right anything else we can grief around here before we take off looks like the top area here’s got something as like a house or something here not for much longer so let’s we got one stack of TNT I’m

Going to use you there we go oh no let it it let it I forgot about redstone blocks let’s get out of here ah whoa I forgot about that oh boy um well I guess the dip oh there’s a pet cactus something I’m gonna leave that pet cactus though out of

Respect to pokey let’s just blow this thing up and be done with it and get out of here chances are if I killed that newb there’s a good chance they might be coming back here and they might be like bring backup you never know so let’s go ahead nuke this place get out

Beautiful alright enough destruction with that base let’s leave so we’ve been streaming for two hours now thank you everybody now of course since this usually happens every night after I stream there’s a good chance we might tape her down like below 150 K again that’s alright

We’ll jump back up in the morning but I’m probably gonna go ahead and end the stream for tonight so thank you so much to everyone that watched tonight we hit a hundred and fifty thousand subscribers thank you so much everybody you are the best fans in the world and I’m going to

Continue to produce content for you thank you so much everyone so my longtime fans my new fans tonight thank you so much if you haven’t already make sure to follow me on Twitter Instagram and snapchat which are all in the description of the stream and yeah I’ll be streaming tomorrow morning at 9

A.m. Eastern Time and tomorrow night again at 8 p.m. Eastern Time so thank you so much once again fit fam take it easy and we’ll see you tomorrow have a good night You

This video, titled ‘Raiding on Minecraft’s Oldest Anarchy Server –’, was uploaded by FitMC on 2017-06-15 02:38:53. It has garnered 40258 views and 1242 likes. The duration of the video is 01:58:30 or 7110 seconds.

My Twitter: My Instagram: My Snapchat: fitmcsippycup Shirts: Newsweek Article:

MUSIC used in streams: C418 Derek & Brandon Fiechter ZREO : Alec Holowka:

  • Mine Room’s Boom: 100 Days in Bloom

    Mine Room's Boom: 100 Days in Bloom In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We’re here to bring you the latest news and vibes. From updates to challenges, we’ve got it all, Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the call. Join us on this journey, filled with fun and delight, As we explore the realms, day and night. With MR_detox_Gaming leading the way, We’ll make sure you’re entertained every day. So hit that subscribe button, don’t be shy, Join the NXtreme Gaming family, reach for the sky. With tips, tricks, and gameplay galore, We’ll keep you coming back for more. From Let’s Plays to tech… Read More

  • Stream Dream: June 11, 2024 – Ticket Tightrope

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  • Crafty Kids: Minecraft Masters of Lore!

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  • Bamboo Farm Shenanigans

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  • Rich vs Poor: Football Player Kids Clash!

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  • Crafting a Portal for Rambley the Raccoon

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    ASIANJEFF PREPS FOR E DATE in FortnutBr!Video Information This video, titled ‘ASIANJEFF GETS READY FOR HIS E DATE… #fortnite #clixboxfights #twitch #clixfortnite #gaming’, was uploaded by FortNutBr on 2024-03-09 15:21:10. It has garnered 5100 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. 313,buckefps,clix,mongraal,motor,EU,NAE,NAW,Na central,central,Fn,Fortnite,Editing,Free Highlights Editor,Minecraft,Gaming,FUnny,Kids,Bugha,Dukezfn,SypherPk,Derekgraz,PilatFN,WebsterFN,Shorts,Tiktok,Tiktok CLips,Stream Clips,24Hr Stream Tags : fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity pc, fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity settings, fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity , fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity guide, fortnite controller sensitivity season 4, fortnite controller sensitivity x and y, fortnite controller sensitivity ps5, fortnite controller sensitivity bug, best ps5 controller sensitivity fortnite, fortnite ps5 controller building sensitivity,… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Morning Madness! #gaming

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  • Insane Mashup: Fortnite vs. Minecraft

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  • Sarkarnetwork

    Minecraft lifesteal 24/7 Online Join now And not forget to vote our minecraft server For more information Join our discord server Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes: Y’all better accept it!

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  • Bedrock Battles: Minecraft Bedwars Gameplay Galore!

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  • Minecraft meme #hotshorts

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  • Ultimate Guide to Creating BoBoiBoy Blaze Portal in Minecraft

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  • Minecraft Anarchy Server Explained

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  • UNBELIEVABLE: AlmightyNibble’s INSANE Survival Stream!

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  • “Krimsy Catches Rare Cobblemons!!” #minecraft #moddedminecraft

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  • DOLT is Losing His Mind! Insane DC Driving LIVE 🔥

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  • EPIC Minecraft Manhunt: OP Superheroes!

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  • INSANE GAMER BUILDS HOUSE WITH SHIZO – MUST SEE!! #minecraft #demonslayer

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  • Shocking Noob to Hack Master in Minecraft – Omz Roblox Exposed

    Shocking Noob to Hack Master in Minecraft - Omz Roblox ExposedVideo Information today me and my friends are going to be trying to beat Minecraft but what they don’t know is I have access to all commands like game mode creative and I’m going to be pranking them with all of these awesome items they’re going to have no idea I’m cheating so are you guys ready for this awesome survival Minecraft enjoyable experience sersi I’m already on my grind getting some wood yeah everyone we have to get some W Heather buy the wood Alexa buy the wood I’m going to go into this villager’s house and see if… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Transformation: Woggy Man 2012 vs 2022!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Transformation: Woggy Man 2012 vs 2022!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 2012 VS 2022’, was uploaded by Woggy Man on 2024-03-24 15:41:07. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft mod, minecraft survival, minecraft griefing, minecraft animation, bluexephos, uberhaxornova,… Read More

  • Pvp Legends

    Pvp LegendsWelcome to our Minecraft Factions server! Immerse yourself in a dynamic and competitive world where alliances are forged, battles are waged, and land is conquered. Build your faction, strategize with allies, and engage in epic PvP encounters. Join us for an exhilarating experience where survival depends on both skill and cunning. Will your faction rise to dominance, or will you succumb to the challenges of this unforgiving landscape? Join now and embark on an adventure like no other! Read More

  • Deep Season SMP Semi-vanilla Java 17+ Whitelist Proximity Voice Chat

    Welcome to Deep Season SMP! Hello, Deep Season is striving to create a hermitcraft-like SMP, with a community of active players of all types. We are creating a chill environment where people have the opportunity to create cool things and have fun together. About the Server: The 1.20.6 server officially launched about a week ago on a fresh map. Our shopping district is still in its infancy and the end is locked until next Saturday, so there will be plenty of time to catch up. The server is mostly vanilla, with just a few additions: A few vanilla tweaks datapacks… Read More

  • Bucketry Minecraft 1.21 🌟 [JUST RESET] {Pyro Mining & Pyro Fishing} {Dungeons} {Ranking & Prestiging} {Quest System} {Land Claiming} {Over 200 Unique Enchantments}

    Bucketry Minecraft 1.21 🌟 [JUST RESET] {Pyro Mining & Pyro Fishing} {Dungeons} {Ranking & Prestiging} {Quest System} {Land Claiming} {Over 200 Unique Enchantments}🌐 Server IP: play.bucketry.netDiscord: to Bucketry Minecraft, where the most epic Minecraft adventure of your life awaits! 🌟🌍 Explore a world filled with endless possibilities and challenges, where survival is just the beginning. Here’s a taste of what Bucketry Minecraft has in store for you:🏰 Progression System: Ascend the ranks, conquer challenges, and become a legendary player in our immersive world.🛒 Shops Galore: Build your empire with a plethora of server and player shops, where treasures and riches await your discovery.💼 Jobs & Skills: Take on thrilling jobs and refine your skills to stand out in the world of… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – 64 TEXTURES!! TOO SPICY!

    Minecraft Memes - 64 TEXTURES!! TOO SPICY!That’s a lot of textures for a game where everything is made of blocks! Maybe they should add a texture for every type of dirt block too. Read More

  • Mob Mysteries: Minecraft’s Savior Lore

    Mob Mysteries: Minecraft's Savior Lore In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of ancient Builders and their trials bold. The trial Chambers, a place of training, For soldiers to fight, their skills attaining. The breeze, a mob with wind charge might, Designed by Builders, to train for the fight. Illagers, allies in this grand scheme, Providing magic and items, like a dream. Crossbows and axes, rewards to gain, From completing trials, a victory to claim. The illagers, a crucial part, In creating the breeze, with a magical art. From Gail Sanctum to trial Chambers deep, The collaboration of friends, secrets to keep. A… Read More

  • Minecraft meme on fire!

    Minecraft meme on fire! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More

  • Revamping the Farm in Better Minecraft

    Revamping the Farm in Better Minecraft Enhancing the Farm: Day 10 in Better Minecraft On Day 10 of the epic 1,000-day journey in Better Minecraft, our intrepid explorer set out to improve the farm by adding a touch of natural beauty. Armed with a variety of materials and a creative vision, the farm was about to undergo a stunning transformation. Materials Used: Spruce Fence Dark Oak Fence Ancient Ochre Froglight Crop Heater Crop Chiller Season Detector Redstone Dust Magenta Flower Birch Leaves White Flower Acacia Leaves Apple Acacia Leaves Charcoal Block The farm was about to receive a makeover that would not only enhance its… Read More

  • Minecraft Battle: Ghost Armor | Dungeons & Dragons #3

    Minecraft Battle: Ghost Armor | Dungeons & Dragons #3 Minecraft Dungeons & Dragons Adventure: Fighting a Ghost Armor Introduction In the world of Minecraft, Lennert and BearSpirit embark on an epic adventure in the official Minecraft Dungeons and Dragons DLC. They navigate through the sewers of Candlekeep, facing off against a formidable foe – a ghost armor. Join them as they encounter challenges, puzzles, and more in this thrilling episode of Minecraft D&D. Exploring Candlekeep As Lennert and BearSpirit venture deeper into the dungeon, they come across various obstacles and enemies. From battling janitors in the sewers to discovering hidden treasures, every step brings new surprises. The duo’s… Read More

  • Intense ASMR Gaming with Hypixel Skyblock Keyboard Sounds!

    Intense ASMR Gaming with Hypixel Skyblock Keyboard Sounds!Video Information all right y’all what is going on everybody and welcome back to my channel you feel me or if you’re new welcome to my channel you feel me so we’re doing Sky Block again and this is Hypixel Sky Block so it’s like very complicated and [ __ ] from what I from what I’ve noticed let me make the chat smaller actually uh chat settings chat size turn it down to 50 turn this up because it looks weird yeah that’s better that’s better so um I actually tried to play this before with Dennis and my… Read More

  • Ultimate Aquatic Adventure: Season 5 Begins

    Ultimate Aquatic Adventure: Season 5 BeginsVideo Information [Music] iwhere find with you Lon strikes or any shade of blue the J the best part even when the RO is hard I Anywhere [Music] With You This video, titled ‘Minecraft Aquatic Survival Season 5 V2 Intro’, was uploaded by Golden Primvally on 2024-04-20 03:17:39. It has garnered 22 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. ***************************************** Theme song Credits: The Glitch Explorer’s Theme by Dalekium: Intro & Outro themes: GP: Brand New Journey By Brian Skeel: GP: Journey Into The Haunted Manor: GP: Journey Into The… Read More

  • PurpleGecko’s Insane Deaths in Minecraft #memes

    PurpleGecko's Insane Deaths in Minecraft #memesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Worst Ways to Die #minecraft #mc #memes’, was uploaded by PurpleGecko on 2024-04-29 14:40:04. It has garnered 4508 views and 122 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Unlock Aether NOW! No Obsidian Needed – Modded Minecraft

    Unlock Aether NOW! No Obsidian Needed - Modded MinecraftVideo Information greetings humans it is I Bay zipster and today I’ll be showing you how to get to the Aether dimension in modded Mindcraft without the need to find diamonds or mine obsidian step one your typical start punch trees for wood make a pickaxe mine Stone mine coal step to find iron three minimum for one bucket but I recommend finding as much as you can to make more optionally find flint but I forgot to this run so instead you’ll me try a different way to ignite the portal step three find a lava pool preferably on… Read More

Raiding on Minecraft’s Oldest Anarchy Server –