Ranking Hackers in Minecraft Bedwars

Video Information

Have you ever wondered how skilled or efficient or hilarious right dumb dumb Minecraft hackers are well you’ve come to the right place because today we’re ranking hackers in Minecraft bed Wars if you enjoy subscribe now let’s hop into it hopefully today is the day of the hackers doing very dumb things but we

Will see we’ll see we have the suspect we’re playing a little bit of fours all the players in the game and it’s been six seconds and nobody’s moved they’re all just inspecting the ground thinking about how they’re going to terrorize this Lobby oh and he’s gone come on suspect do

Something this is where you start b-hop and you scaffold you fly any second now God Bridge boom look at him we got one boys all right let’s go Jumping diagonal God Bridge as you do as you do let’s go let’s see let’s see if they got some PVP hacks too because sometimes they just have bridging hacks and it’s like yeah they could Bridge good but they get okay I think this guy’s good at the game

And cheating because he built off the wall that’s like someone that knows how to play places wall hits through wall Man is dead in one hit wow he didn’t even need the backboard you’re hacking bro all right go get him get him suspect you’re gonna break the bed through the wall

He did it with style too look at this look at this he goes he goes in he got the ballerina moves any second now here it is and whoo broke oh he’s literally trick shotting the bed through a wall and that guy’s dead the guy on yellow cheating or he just get

Unlucky oh okay that’s necessary you really need to do okay you know just turn your Bridge halfway yeah that’s this is what is this what what is that you see yellow’s double kill though oh wait I actually missed it what did he do oh one guy fell off for

Blue and he got them both on the way down all right well everyone dies while this guy is just making a right angle out of out of blocks as you do good luck Green Team okay deflected the fire this is not fair he’s on full health still they hit him

They haven’t hit him oh they hit him once they hit him twice and they’re all dead how did this game last nine and a half minutes he just final kill wiped two teams how is this game taking that long you turn everything off or was that

Like was he sniping them and then he didn’t care to hack on the last people he’s turning on something he’s thinking about it he’s like all right I gotta turn down these Hanks so you gotta make sure that nobody in the game knows what they’re up to any second now any minute now

Any second now he got called down for dinner this is the part where all the numbers fly past his head while he’s planning his game plan on how he wants to conquer this Lobby he’s just sitting there in the menu do I want to be hop do

I want to fly do I want killora do I want to be doing something crazy where I launch myself with a fireball and go flying a thousand blocks into the sky or he’s a developer for ACT line is sitting there coding it as we speak this is

Actually in real time this isn’t slowed down this isn’t sped up he’s just sitting there thinking about his life trying to decide what’s right or wrong he’s re-contemplating his decisions on becoming a hacker on the Hypixel Network because he’s really just taking candy from children at this point holy crap

Does he sit here for seven and a half minutes for the remaining time so you’re gonna get AFK kicked any he’s gonna hear the the ringing in his ears and he’s he’s gonna come back to life wait for it wait wait all right AFK scaffold dude the greatest

Name known to mankind and now what I’m thinking is his gameplay the scaffold part the amount of teams he killed he really annihilated people a for annihilation but also he got AFK kicked and you know what the second letter in AFK after for me you know rage quit on the

Game you didn’t even finish the content bro I it was so bad that even the tier list dipped on you I’m out of here bye a solo game with three players this is a private game somebody get Watchdog reported in a private game why is there

Only three players what is it like the middle of the night oh wait there’s four players now how’s he in the game is it like are they in the lobby still how’s there only four players it’s a solo game all the other people are moving why is

There no players oh this guy’s got the long bad defense oh ladder clutch he’s kind of cracked kind of clingy in with it oh oh my oh my God he just Flawless that dude he didn’t even touch him he just actually popped off this guy this guy

Looks like he’s just good that Rush going in Oh wait hold on a second get reported wait a minute okay it’s block clutch and Ladder clutching everywhere isn’t really done anything crazy it’s just he’s just good lit himself on fire that’s definitely just a rage report from someone getting killed yeah I agree I agree also the clutches were pretty

Solid I gotta say solid clutches but yeah that guy’s out of there goodbye anti-hacker there we go the anti-hacker here’s what I’m thinking I’m thinking anti-hacker hey tier right okay on a clacker so I I’m gonna give him the best that you could be for someone that’s not hacking got wooden planks I

Mean kind of basically wait did you mess up your bed defense immediately bro come on man homie built the bed defense in slow motion but he could just at any point rage toggle that’s those are the guys you gotta watch out for is the ones that are like harmless they’re like ah

Look it’s a cute puppy and then it bites your hand off any second now oh he’s a Chad Bridger look at him he’s Chad bridge and he’s spamming shift like you don’t know nobody look at him oh no the return of the Chad bridge where they spam shift where it doesn’t make any

Sense look at him go watch out player three get him with your Stones always be hopping two good God see I told you I thought watch out for the Q they will bite you I told you look oh oh God blue team Panic you’ve been outclassed by a lighter blue team oh

This guy doesn’t even have a bed defense he’s not safe he’s gone this is not good for him this is that was a big lunge I paused right before this guy is about to get assassinated eat your gapple quick it’s an endless snack this is your last

Meal your final supper it’s time to eat up before you pass away to the bee Hopper go get him and goodbye Steve see your hair net pants later did he kill him with a golden pickaxe what is wrong with you man what he why you why you got a golden pick out

Man like you don’t gotta you don’t gotta do that to the poor Steve like he just got the Breezy pants eating his final meal and you’re killing him like where did you go hello you’re killing him like that that’s messed up hello hello the Chad bridge is real dude why do people

Just Spam shift when they have like scaffold and stuff it doesn’t make any sense it looks so strange dude how is the slowest way that you place blocks on your bed defense you don’t gotta hack to like auto place oh bro you messed it up come on you messed up this bad defense

Twice now music on the other players like you know what I’m gonna do I’m gonna slam my face into this wall right here yeah he’s right here behind his pillar hold on right oh there we go all right Perfect come on pink team run for your life you

See him be hopping I thought he’s gonna Chad Bridge up oh my what on Earth homie just built a sickle as a bridge like what is that this bridge looks so dumb and oh he actually has to break the bed defense I thought he was gonna break

It through the wall like most of them and that guy’s dead see you later oh no Chad Bridger versus slow Bridger Steve oh no uh well actually slow Bridger Steve again slow Shopper how is this guy gonna slow bridge to the base before you manage to get out of the

Shop oh my gosh she’s hitting dude that team is dead what are you doing oh oh oh any second now any surely sure sure any second now what let’s hoping to get launched off and this guy’s gonna die in like two hits oh he’s explodes oh my God he blew up his

Own bad defense wow um was he about to play subsidian or in stone Maybe oh he’s dancing on him he’s dancing on him he’s styling on him he’s running away is he really just running laps he’s like ah no I’m gonna get him I’m gonna

Get him I’m gonna show him a lesson and actually I’m gonna buy some items hold on give me a sec let me let me just grab some stuff from my bank account okay perfect all right and then you’re gonna run this way what oh wait what are you doing out here

Hold on I was watching him what are you trying to do here what was that Steve take him out he’s distracted he’s about to bridge that way there’s no other teams left what they can fly I thought that bruh what the heck why didn’t you just fly

The whole time hello oh he’s like okay I tested what I needed to test I’m out of here I’m done hacking later that’s kind of messed up man I can’t believe you do that to him that is kind of messed up he’s not an S tier because the game took

Forever Chad Bridger starts with a C when you’re in a like a store you push the shopping cart around the cart starts with a C we’re just gonna leave the Chad Bridger right here we’re gonna put him actually we’re gonna put him over here on this side because holy crap he wasted

A lot of our time but he he was still Chad bridging so you got to give him credit somebody’s gonna be ultra aggressive there’s a three minute or less games is where the where the shenanigans happen what the heck is this map by the way I’ve never this looks

Like a SkyWars map I have never played this in my life suspect ah he’s a man of culture iron sword hair nut pants excellent choice oh the ice bridge is in rotation oh oh too bad oh no he’s blocking his sword before PVP he’s holding his sword

Blocked while moving oh no he’s gonna be hop he’s gonna be hot boom you see that movement that’s a bee Hopper oh crap Green Team you are in for a bad day this is your last sniff you’re gonna get of this clay before you die all right bee

Hopper get him hello wake up what are you doing oh wait he actually went in like a maniac what wow he actually got the first hit on on the man that was doing some weird jumping with the what hello this is where you bridge he’s turning on his his

Bridging hacks his head is facing the wrong way boom oh hold on a minute he is wait a second I thought he was huh hello wait a second I thought he was hello this guy he’s out of here later what oh oh you know just he just had to

Make sure once you flew across the 30 Block Gap that um that you had the black clutch on this wall facing that way that that block clutch makes a lot of sense you know after you’re already on the land that’s you know good for you good

For you this is where he goes sicko mode on all green team go any second now what he’s really slow or someone that can fly okay on second thought he’s not really slow he just while full sprinting mind this block and the bed from on top of the bed he had the positioning

Like it was a YouTube thumbnail and right here is the person standing on the bed where they’re like oh man how do I get through this fake bad defense and then he actually broke the bed through the fake bed defense so he just broke the entire logic behind the YouTube

Thumbnails that look like that okay whatever anyways carry on murdering green team that was the guy that stiffed the clay it’s time for him to die today ah that rhymed let’s go oh he’s about to lose his team to Red players unless he can save them by flying across the map

Right now take damage boom Zoom Zoom any second now boom any second how did I know oh that was actually kind of cool he placed blocks right here that that was a weird clutch that looked very strange and so he’s full Sprint gappling jumping across Ledges flying temporarily for 40

Blocks and then also taking forever to upgrade from his hair net pants disappointed can’t believe he’d leave the hairnet pain gang after literally hacking oh my God he almost lost that fight holy crap how did you trade hits with a mere Steve wow you really should

Have won that fight like half an hour earlier you were getting comboed and you’re bee hopping that is embarrassing You Can Fly and You’re Gonna you’re getting free flying lessons from red team that’s that’s kind of sad honestly get him red team get him this guy

Doesn’t deserve to live get him take him out oh you just slowed down your teammate now you lost your oh my oh my God he’s like actually actually you know what I was thinking instead of a foot chase how about we have a Chase in the

Sky with blocks and I also um Can scaffold good luck oh he’s playing build battle he just needs his health to regenerate quick let me place 40. bro there’s no shot you build up into the sky like that you Juke these players out of their mind to where one of them

Goes to their bed defense the other one is getting juked you’re away from them and you trust in yourself to not die of fall damage this right here is a certified bra moment hey guys they got some broken ankles Inc anchors do one of these ankles perfect

You got some broken ankles this broken ankles guy I’m gonna put him right here in B all right perfect we have ourselves a bit of a bridging expert as you can see man doobie zooming he’s literally going off of frame before I’m able to get him in the camera angle holy crap

He’s got the perfect lineup he’s got an iron sword iron sword scaffold whoa he just did like some weird teleport thing but a person was scaffold with an iron sword is very intimidating because this dude oh my Lord okay he’s uh he’s gone and blue team’s bed guess what oh oh

You’re in a full lap he’s just asserting dominance to that bed and then breaking it through the wall as you do oh let’s go why does every hacker wear hair net pants why is that just a thing oh man wait did he take fall damage hold on

No he just teleported to the ground that’s a weird one wait that guy kind of actually demolished him a little bit and the second guy didn’t hit him at all that was his chance he’s on a half Health that was your chance to take him out before he was too powerful to be

Stopped now he’s just gonna go on a rampage because they’re using his base as as uh as a headquarters now all right three Steves working together as a team come on they made a hacker run away from him he’s that intimidated come on you can’t you can’t die to this They put in a good effort I think I think backs against the wall in that generator they would have killed him well let’s see he’s messing with some uh some settings that mean he’s turning it up or turned it down he might have been sniping that team I

Think he’s gonna get AFK kicked is this the same guy from before I was just inspecting his Hacked Client menu until he got kicked or just sits there and contemplates his life until his existence Fades out of the earth he’s about to get Thanos snapped any minute

Now any second now he’s thinking about the possibilities of where he could go and he’s realized that there’s no future for him in this bed Wars map never mind he got murdered uh Oh It went on the journey there we are contemplating his life contemplating his backstory until he realized that he was just going to get murked by red team and that was the end of the game what a funny game fantastic oh my gosh all right well let’s get ourselves another name I think

This guy has achieved Inner Peace by Inner Peace I mean he’s been uh like from his insides has been chopped to Pieces um so naturally what we can do is I think his his gameplay his attack strategy was probably a a tier so so we’re gonna put the inner inner part up

Here this is the inner piece and then and then down here down here we take this other half of him which is the peace part and I think that there was a lot of pieces of him uh left on the terrain on the battlefield I mean

Ultimately it ended in death so we have inner up here and peace down in there he averages out to somewhere between B and C but uh let’s just say he’s no longer with us because he has been destroyed by Red Team let’s go three minute game of

Some fours which means there was a lot of Carnage and it happened very fast suspects moving immediately which is a good sign that he’s gonna be pretty active and pretty fast yeah okay he’s first one to the shopkeeper let’s see what got for Bridges what do we got is

He got the perfect head angle boom oh he’s turned on his ax turned him on any second now no and he’s not even bridging he’s waiting for them all right that guy knows what he’s doing he did like a butterfly thing this guy’s just he’s just moving he hasn’t got

British he hasn’t scaffolded this is where he does it right here boom on this no he’s he’s slow bridging up he’s getting a high advantage he looks like just a good player oh block clutch look at him go he how did he not get hit there he’s immune to damage

Oh oh my oh my gosh you ever combo someone so bad you walk off the map he demolished this guy demolish that guy so much that he was like you know what I’m going with him I feel bad I got to be his his therapist on his way down to the

Void because he got destroyed that much that he needed to talk about it as he was dying all right let’s go back over here let’s let’s see is he what’s he gonna do on round two I mean he could potentially have some PVP hacks or he could just be clicking really fast and

Has decent aim that is totally possible as well I fought my fair share of both so it is totally a probable instance and also he doesn’t he doesn’t have the ability to stay on block so I’m not thinking he’s got much bridging hacks wait a minute this guy has safe walk

Player 7 is using safe walk maybe they just hack you stated the whole team and reported them all this guy’s got safe walk a hundred percent this guy is doing the weirdest time like you see how he hits the edge of the block every time with brisly you’re

Supposed to like go side to side like continuously he like stops and stutters on the edge of every single block that’s instantly safer you see him like stop stop stop stop it’s he’s stopping every time right on the edge of the block with safe walk that was also

Have just been a clutch but the safe walk part is 100 true I feel like this player is actually just legit and the other guy is safe walking and that’s the end of the story so what we’re going to do is we’re gonna rank two people back

To back because uh you know there was there was two contestants of that game the guy was pretty good at PVP I don’t think he was hacking the the dude that was the actual suspect but um you know the sus suspect there we go we’ll put the suspect because he wasn’t

Really like that suspicious so I think I think we fill out this chart a little bit more we toss him in E because he wasn’t bad enough BF he wasn’t cheating so he can’t be like too great unless he was the anti-hacker which we already

Have one of those we don’t we don’t need another one and then we’re just gonna have uh safe safe Walker guy Walker guy guy dude man um we’re just gonna put safewalker guy do man he had some movement he did a cool triple triple block clutch I think

What we do is we move this whole thing around we’re putting safe Walker guy man dude here we’re putting Mr broken ankles up in EST here because that was the funniest game with the guy falling to his death anti-hacker was the real MVP and the Chad Bridger is gonna move up to

BT for the bridging this is our final ranking for all of our hackers I think this is the part where the video ends outro baby I don’t know or it’s just awkward and you’re just staring at me shouting outro and then doesn’t go to the outro

And now we just get to like have this Awkward Moment where we’re just sitting here staring into each other’s eyes it’s just really weird because you’re just sitting there probably like on your couch or like sometimes you watch YouTube on the toilet and we’re just staring and just looking and listening

To me ramble about something that doesn’t make any sense or you’re in the Stream which in case you want to join in on these streams you could go over to my twitch at Zai streams and and see it happen live or you can just awkwardly stare I’m cool with that too

This video, titled ‘Ranking Hackers in Minecraft Bedwars’, was uploaded by Zyph on 2023-05-24 19:00:18. It has garnered 24420 views and 1451 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:06 or 1266 seconds.

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Thanks for watching: Ranking Hackers in Minecraft Bedwars

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    Ultimate Portal Prank in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Beacon Cream XI Portal Embark on a journey to the world of Minecraft with UzeMing as he crafts a unique portal known as the Beacon Cream XI. This portal, inspired by the character Beacon Cream from Roblox and Minecraft, challenges players to explore new realms and unleash their creativity. Materials Needed To construct the Beacon Cream XI portal, UzeMing gathers obsidian, flint, steel, beacons, and Redstone blocks. These materials form the foundation of the portal, allowing players to delve into a world of adventure and mystery. Building the Portal With meticulous precision, UzeMing assembles the materials… Read More

  • Uzbek Bedwars Shenanigans

    Uzbek Bedwars Shenanigans Minecraft: Exploring the Exciting World of Bedwars Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the popular game mode, Bedwars. Join the excitement as players strategize, build, and battle their way to victory in this competitive multiplayer experience. What is Bedwars? In Bedwars, players are tasked with protecting their bed while attempting to destroy the beds of other teams. It’s a race against time as teams gather resources, fortify their defenses, and engage in intense PvP combat. The last team with their bed intact wins the game. Key Features of Bedwars: Teamwork: Collaboration is essential in… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Mods Update – Must See! 🤯

    EPIC Minecraft Mods Update - Must See! 🤯Video Information tax ocean villager got a big update that added and changed a lot the mod adds many new ships and other ocean related stuff to the game the first ship is the Marine ship there you can find the captain and his sailor crew they are selling lapis lauli tools and armor then there is the pirate ship which belongs to the pirate captain and his crew they trade emerald tools and armor for some gold both ships can be found rarely as a zom IED version the ships are really destroyed and overgrown Undead variants of the… Read More

  • Minecraft: Jax Falls in Love with Rabbit Transformations

    Minecraft: Jax Falls in Love with Rabbit TransformationsVideo Information guys today I’m working on making Greenery in my laboratory and I think I’ve already managed to create something I’ve made a beauty potion without side effects can you imagine such a thing has never happened in our amazing digital circus it’s really wonderful but I think it’s not safe to leave it here it needs to be hidden somewhere else and I think that I’ve come up with yes the waterfall will be a perfect place as far as I know this place is very reliable even though kfmo lives here I’ll hide it somewhere in this… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Solo SMP Explorer Reveal!” #MinecraftAdventure

    "Insane Minecraft Solo SMP Explorer Reveal!" #MinecraftAdventureVideo Information and we are free free to wonderand free to be out of the Jung go no no it’s fine it’s fine we just need to go this way and we will be free of the Jungle completely free and no no it’s fine see there’s no there’s no more jungle just over there we just need to go a little further oh oh no oh dear This video, titled ‘Meet the Explorer #minecraft #solosmp’, was uploaded by SeraphMC on 2024-02-25 13:00:11. It has garnered 24 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30… Read More

  • Minecraft PE Update 1.21 – New Features & Download!

    Minecraft PE Update 1.21 - New Features & Download!Video Information तो जी हां भाइयों और बहनों वह घड़ी आ चुकी जिसका आपको बेसब्र से इंतेजार था आपके अलावा आपकी मौसी को आपके मौसा को आपके रिश्तेदारों को आपके पड़ोसी को आपके बगल वाले चाय वाले को आपके सामने वाले पानीपुरी वाले ठेले वाले भैया को किसी को भी इस घड़ी का इंतजार नहीं था आपको घड़ी का इंतजार था तो आप एकदम सही वीडियो में आए हो आज मैं आपको देने वाला हूं माफ्ट का 1.21 का नया अपडेट और सुनने में आ रहा है कि मोंग वालों ने इसमें भाई ऐसी चीजें ऐड कि है ना कि… Read More

  • The ULTIMATE Skyblock on Penguin.gg with Julius Laguna!

    The ULTIMATE Skyblock on Penguin.gg with Julius Laguna!Video Information This video, titled ‘Penguin.gg(SB737’s Minecraft server) Skyblock’, was uploaded by Julius Laguna on 2024-05-26 01:49:01. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:01 or 121 seconds. Discord is now going smoothly. Links https://discord.gg/dB85sqEJTH (Community discord server) https://discord.gg/P7uKMQBtXt (Prototype community discord server) https://discord.gg/penguingg (Official SB737 Server) https://discord.gg/dRsZQHWU3A (Chillax(Branchoff of the Oficial SB737 Server)) https://discord.gg/jVHSxfknyW (Official Julius Laguna SMP discord server) https://discord.gg/psa6NqquMF (Unofficial Julius Laguna SMP discord server(Any branchoffs will need to be aprooved by the owner.)) —————————————– Minecraft Weekends at 2:30 PM EST: Penguin.gg(SB737’s Minecraft server) Survival Weekends at 8:30 AM EST:… Read More

  • Insane Ultra-Luxe Mansion Build Tutorial 😱🔥 #shorts

    Insane Ultra-Luxe Mansion Build Tutorial 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information easy tree in [Music] mcraft so baby do it right do me right we can go all time we can move fast when you put your body on mind and like to be one of those nights but we don’t turn off the lights want to see body on mind and [Music] This video, titled ‘Easy Tree House In Minecraft 🌳🏡 #shorts’, was uploaded by ZS’SKAYR on 2024-05-12 12:49:21. It has garnered 1388 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Easy Tree House In Minecraft 🌳🏡 #shorts link in description:-https://www.youtube.com/@ZSSKAYR67 search… Read More

  • Mega Money Hack in Minecraft Animation

    Mega Money Hack in Minecraft AnimationVideo Information जब रील दिन में बनाएंगे ना तो ज्यादा व्यूज आएंगे ठीक है वन टू थ गो मोटी चैन मोटा पैसा दिखा दो कोई भी मेरे जैसा This video, titled ‘Moti chain mota Paisa #gamerfleet @GamerFleet #minecraft #shorts #short #minecraftanimation’, was uploaded by BuddysScout on 2024-07-05 03:20:00. It has garnered 9726 views and 261 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Minecraft, Shorts, Minecraft 2024, Epic, Gaming, Minecraft Shorts, Minecraft animation, Minecraft movie, Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft funny, Minecraft funny moments, Minecraft meme, Minecraft best moments, Minecraft compilation, Minecraft showcase, Minecraft highlights, Minecraft montage, Minecraft epic… Read More

  • WAR for VICTORY in Hive Live

    WAR for VICTORY in Hive LiveVideo Information bum bum bum welcome to the stream everyone let me just set the things up enjoy the B if you if you know what I mean I’ll see you guys in [Music] L welcome welcome Chatters sorry I have to Ping the Discord cuz I’m a Goofy Goober all right chat welcome everyone welcome welcome welcome let me uh yeah sub guys we got to win all right let me do a few more things and we’ll just get right into it [Music] let’s do it guys let’s start welcome everyone welcome to the stream hello Norman hello… Read More


    😈😂 CRAZIEST MINECRAFT MOMENTS! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🤣🤣MINECRAFT FUNNY VIDEO || #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Devil Gamers on 2024-06-08 03:00:18. It has garnered 1728 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. 🤣🤣MINECRAFT FUNNY VIDEO || #shorts #minecraft minecraft,マインクラフト,anime,animation,game,shorts,tiktok,parotteru,parotteruanimation,funny,funnytiktok,funnyvideo,meme,memes,mostfunny,compilation,fyp,fypシ,gamer,tiktok compilation,michazike,witzke,2d animation,cartoon,cartoon animation,minecraft parody,minecraft animation,minecraft meme,minecraft tiktok,spider on the ceiling,minecraft spider,spider,spider song,giant enemy spdier,youtube short,minecraft shortminecraft,shorts,shortfeed,shortsvideo,gaming,viralshorts,viral,jj and mikey,techno gamerz,mr beast,roblox,noob vs pro vs hacker,red minecraft,herobrine,granny,skibidi toilet,roblox,sonic Hashtags- #shorts #minecraft #shortfeed #shortvideo #viralshorts #viral #gaming #mrbeast #technogamerz Read More

  • SolarionSMP- Whitelisted SMP, Java 1.20.4, Adult, Community-focused

    SolarionSMP- Whitelisted SMP, Java 1.20.4, Adult, Community-focusedWelcome to Solarion SMP ━━━━━━━━━About Us━━━━━━━━━ We are a distinguished and whitelisted Survival Multiplayer (SMP) server that mirrors the spirit of the renowned Hermitcraft community. At Solarion, we take pride in fostering an inviting, congenial, and committed player base. Our goal is to establish an inclusive environment where diversity thrives. Join us on Java 1.20.4 for our new season! Our Vision: Here at Solarion, we have curated a compelling roster of plugins to enhance gameplay while preserving the Vanilla Minecraft experience. Some of our noteworthy plugins include: Drop Heads – Decapitate players and mobs to get their heads. SinglePlayerSleep -… Read More

  • The Phoenix

    The PhoenixNow on 1.21!Version 15!SOFTWARE USEDThis server is running using Spigot for Minecraft 1.21.XThis allows us to use an assortment of different plugins to change or enhance game play. PLUGINS USEDHere we use plugins such as:Towny, Vampire, LWC, World Edit, Chest Shops and a custom one for crafting extra items like Saddles! HISTORYThe Phoenix has been running since 2012. It used to be a private server by the name “Phoenixcraft”.The Phoenix is currently on Version 15. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Trail Update: Spice it up!

    I guess you could say this meme is blazing its own trail with that high score! Read More

  • Crafty Guide: Minecraft Building Basics for Newbies

    Crafty Guide: Minecraft Building Basics for Newbies In Minecraft, we build with glee, Creating homes for all to see. Starting simple, step by step, With blocks and books, we never fret. Night falls, the moon shines bright, We work through the dark, no need for light. Placing blocks with careful hand, Crafting a home, oh so grand. Mistakes are made, but we persevere, Fixing errors, never in fear. Left, right, up, down, we place with care, Our Minecraft creation, beyond compare. Thank you for watching, before we part, In Minecraft, we build with heart. With a sword in hand, we bid adieu, Until next time, our… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal! 🔥 “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraftmemes #boom Read More

  • Boy Love: Desire for Love Part 7

    Boy Love: Desire for Love Part 7 Minecraft Animation: “Desire for Love” – A Unique Story Embark on a journey through the world of Minecraft with Martin in his captivating love story, “Desire for Love.” This series delves into LGBT+ themes, offering a unique perspective within the Minecraft community. 🌈 Exploring the Storyline Meet Martin, the protagonist of this tale, as he navigates the complexities of love and relationships in the Minecraft universe. Follow his adventures and encounters with various characters as he seeks to find true love amidst the pixelated landscapes. 💖 Engaging Characters From Martin himself to his friends and acquaintances, each character brings… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Gamers Roast and Play Minecraft!

    Join Minewind: Where Gamers Roast and Play Minecraft! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video titled “BOB Roast by Jackbhaiya 😂 #gamerfleet #shorts #youtubeshorts.” While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a vibrant and exciting Minecraft community like Minewind? Imagine the thrill of exploring a vast virtual world, collaborating with fellow gamers, and embarking on epic adventures. Minewind offers a unique gameplay experience that will keep you hooked for hours on end. Whether you’re into survival mode,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Shaders for All Devices

    Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Shaders for All Devices The Latest and Greatest Minecraft Bedrock Shaders Eternity Shader The Eternity Shader is a stunning addition to Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.21 and above. With beautiful sunrises and sunsets, realistic water effects, and vibrant colors, this shader is a visual treat. While it may be high-end, the visual appeal is worth it. Solar Shader Although the Solar Shader is only available for Android devices, it offers a unique visual experience. With updated support for version 1.21, this shader enhances the game’s aesthetics with impressive lighting effects and realistic water reflections. NewB Dragon Shader Designed for low to mid-range devices, the… Read More

  • INSANE! JKPlays Builds EPIC Penguin Habitat

    INSANE! JKPlays Builds EPIC Penguin HabitatVideo Information all right y’all welcome back to episode 29 of the moded Minecraft Let’s Play Quick recap from last episode um we got a portal area set up for our nether area I think we did pack up a couple wardens or attempt to I don’t remember 100% but I know for a fact we did set up our nether portal area which is this area and we did get pyro which is a fire dog pretty cool yeah with that said um I think today’s episode we’re going to be doing two different things one is the portal… Read More

  • Unbelievable Giant Husk Discovery in Minecraft

    Unbelievable Giant Husk Discovery in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I found Gaint husk 😱 #minecraft #shorts #trending’, was uploaded by Dyno on 2024-04-05 12:10:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I found horror villager #minecraft #shorts #horrorshorts minecraft shortsminecraft funnyminecraft butminecraft horroranshu … Read More

Ranking Hackers in Minecraft Bedwars