Rating EVERY Song In The Minecraft Soundtrack

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When it comes to contenders for the best video game soundtrack of all time Minecraft is right up there in the discussion it has one of the most relaxing yet iconic osts in the gaming world and there are 47 separate tracks that make this up and all of them have

Their own special charm sometimes in a good way sometimes in a way however each of these songs are iconic and so even though it would take hours to listen to these individually we’re going to be doing precisely that today to rate every single song in the Minecraft soundtrack out of 10. this is

Going to be split into eight major categories because there is so much Minecraft music now and a lot of it is quite contextual so we’re going to start with the main menu music and work our way down to the much more specific music for biomes for the never the end and

Much much more because as Minecraft evolves they’re also evolving the sounds of the game but we’re gonna start with some Classics and that first classic has to be beginning two beginning two makes me question what happened to beginning one but this is one of the first sounds

From the soundtrack and it’s also one of the great I mean this gets me inspired when I hear on the menu to get right back into my Minecraft game this is a really great sound and I think it has to be a solid 8 out of 10. it is one of the

Better sounds in the soundtrack just immediately uh it does have a little bit of annoying like piano tones can play too loudly but I think overall it’s it’s perfectly great for what it does it inspires you to get past the menu and into the game mooc City 2 on the other

Hand also what happened to Moog City one is a bit more like this This one invokes a bit more of a magical element to me like it makes Minecraft feel like this mystical place and I think that that is kind of good in some ways it worked for the update was a part of but it doesn’t necessarily feel as great for fit for Minecraft today this

Is a 7 out of 10 music song for the menus you know it’s definitely not the worst thing in the world but it’s not the best thing in the world either mutation on the other hand foreign Is in my opinion the absolute best Minecraft menu music when I hear this I really am inspired to play the game but sadly I have to also say when I hear this I’m not just thinking about playing the game I’m thinking about all the times I’ve left my PC or Xbox on in

Another room and I hear from the other side of the house um it is absolutely insane uh just how loud this was of most Minecraft mixing I think Minecraft’s audio mixing has some places it needs to be desired and this is one of those very few places the

Piano in this is so much louder than the other tracks that no matter how low you set your volume if you don’t set it to zero you’re hearing but you know it’s a good enough sound that I’m not even that mad however uh floating trees right here is has a note

From my editor that it is the worst song in Minecraft so I’m curious as to what that’ll get it mean it’s no 9 out of ten but is it a zero out of ten let’s find out Floating trees is not that bad when you listen to just a few seconds but when you listen to minutes of it apart and it’s exactly the same it’s not really even a song it’s just someone who is like Z and they just fell asleep on their keyboard right like I do think the

Floating trees is not terrible for five to ten seconds at a time which might be how long you spend in the menu but if you leave this on for any amount of time you’re gonna hate it as an original song as a part of the soundtrack this gets a

Clear two out of 10 for me I I just think they could have been more inventive you know maybe Minecraft menus don’t need more inventive but I disagree I think they do so for part two we’re going to be moving on to the classic Overworld music this was music added

Before Java 1.0.0 so they’re all kind of free the game’s actual release and these are where most of the most iconic tracks are gonna come from like com 1 for example which is just called Minecraft otherwise oh this brings me back my first one of my first Minecraft days I’m looking for

A Tiger Biome uh there’s some there’s some dogs out there and I’m digging some dirt this is this is bringing me back to that place this is the most nostalgic Track by far oh yeah this is this is something this is I’m having feelings

Right now this is this is by far one of the greatest it has to be said but com one is just one of the calm tracks that Minecraft has when you picture Minecraft music you might just as similarly think of calm too known as Clark foreign Yeah this music just makes me feel like um caving underground I’m relatively safe I’m having a good time I’ve been playing Minecraft a bit too long but yeah I’m out this is this is one of those songs for that it’s very calm I would say

I would say if calm one is a solid 9 out of 10 this one gets a slight downgrade to 8 out of 10. it is you know it’s perfectly good but you know I I even this like it’s great but is it the very greatest

No in fact I do have to mention as far as the greatest of the calms go calm free has to be right up there right if you don’t know calm free it’s known as Sweden And if you don’t like this version you can instead listen to Sweden but it’s ibx toy cat sounds as I’ll play you for the rest of this foreign in my opinion that is the quintessential the absolute best of Minecraft music when that plays you are having a good time this song is single-handedly

Responsible for like five percent of Minecraft success it is a 10 out of 10. I would give it 11 out of 10 if I knew you know I’m giving it 11 out of 10. what’s that my scale is broken no your scale is broken if you don’t think this

Is worth more than full points I love Sweden so much Foreign Trust me I love Sweden more than I love a lot of things in my own life speaking of things that I love this other bit of Sweden is really good too oh yeah the second half you forget about it and then It’s so good just just so good I Sweden is by far uh my personal uh favorite but also just one of the objectively best this is objective rating trust me that is an 11 out of 10 song and you know what else is 11 out of ten sup with a

Lullaby I actually don’t this is one of those uh songs I only know from the weird meme videos where instead of being like this it’s like this but let’s listen to the original it’s been a while Okay this is also an absolute classic in my opinion it’s known as how one and if there is going to be a 10 out of 10 on this list you can’t not include sub with a lot of buy I I think it’s a bit of a misleading name or maybe I don’t know

What a subwoofer is it’s one of those two however subwoofer lullaby is just it one it’s one that brings me back if you want to know the exact world I’m picturing I’m picturing my very first Minecraft Xbox world there’s a big red X cross and I made a roller coaster that I

Didn’t I didn’t realize had to be 500 blocks in One Direction so I made it spiral off in the sky it was a very icy world and you know I have fond memories of that time you know what else I have fun memories of Living Mice also known

As how to uh so this is that foreign So this is definitely a 9 out of 10 song I’m loving me some Living Mice some how to I I also love the fact the ivx playcat sounds where they make a Minecraft song have also covered this version on the fourth Channel ibx click out string highlights or whatever it’s

Actually called I don’t know what my channels are called I have too many of them okay uh but yeah it’s an absolute Banger of a song um one that I’m not so familiar with though is hagerstrom I think it’s another one of these that you won’t recognize the name but you’ll recognize

It when you hear it so okay actually one of the most iconic do have to say picturing my first cobblestone castle on a hill right now you know I’m climbing it right now just jumping slowly getting to the top and then oh my viewer of my kingdom I see it oh

Okay you know hagerstrom wait oh hagstrom bit of a weird bit of a weird uh you know name for it but in my opinion it is one of those absolute Classics you can listen to this in your car very happily and that’s why this is

Also a 9 out of ten absolute Gem of a part of the Minecraft soundtrack then we’ve got Danny also known as hal4 so Danny is uh not just a name like also the name by the way uh c418’s real name is Daniel Rosen uh Feld uh that’s a fact

You might not have known grew up in East Germany and made songs like this that represent his soul don’t just represent his soul at this point represent the soul of the Minecraft community you listen to this and you feel Minecraft in your veins you got a red

Rose in one hand and you got a a diamond sword in the other oh yeah wait that’s the stuff that that right there that is the stuff this is a 10 out of 10 if I’ve ever heard it oh I I’m being brought back 10 years oh I did have like

Did we invent a time machine or is Danny just that good the answer is Danny is just that good then we’ve got key known as Nuance one which again I I feel like the problem with the Minecraft soundtrack is the naming like everyone knows the songs intuitively but unlike most other games

No one actually knows the exact names for them Super understated piece of sound design I think this is a six out of ten it’s not bad it’s just not good it’s just there it’s a part of the Minecraft pre 1.0 OST you know I’m not gonna say it’s the worst thing in the world I’m just

Gonna say that it’s probably not as good as oxygene which is Like Oxygen but one X3 at the end uh and this is another uh again I’m guessing by the fact that it’s called nuanced term brackets it’s meant to be a more subtle soundtrack Yeah oxygen has the exact same problem it’s very slightly better but not a huge amount better you know seven should we should we give it do we have to you know yeah slightly better than before next up we have okay I I’ve always liked the name wet hands but I didn’t know there

Was a dry hand because I’m not a real Minecraft fan let’s listen to dry hands also known as piano one Thank you This one is super slow but it really does hit the spot just right see you know unlike Nuance this is just solidly good songs that get you excited so if that’s dry hands then what is wet hands what makes the hands so much wetter on this piano let’s find out foreign

Hands as the does the song name have any meaning I don’t know for sure I think for sure that the dry hands is a eight out of ten and I think wet hands is a is a straight up ten there’s there’s no other way around this oh yeah just just hits you

Right in the spot doesn’t it wet hands one of the best parts of the Minecraft soundtrack is it as good as mice on Venus though so there are Living Mice And there are mice on Venus the implication therefore is that the mice on Venus are not alive

Let’s find out what dead mice on Venus sound like In memoriam those mice I don’t know why we put them there it was wasn’t even a very good science experiment we know the Venus is inhibit an uninhibitable uninhabitable I got the words there correctly but you know overall it’s not the worst thing in the world that would be genocide this would be

Nah it’s quite a few steps of that I don’t I don’t hate mice and Venus I think it’s uh I think it’s like good I think you hear this and you’re like okay let’s do some piano stuff big fan All right that’s a solid seven out of ten don’t don’t hate that in the slow honestly all of this overwhelmed music maybe it’s just it’s too nostalgic tinted or maybe it is just that good everyone loves the Minecraft soundtrack no one says Minecraft is great but it

Has a terrible soundtrack and uh this is certainly an example of that there is there is a man just walking in circles on the street outside my house right now you’re not living in America is strange because is he trying to get hit is that

Is it is is does he just enjoy the sense the thrill that a car might come and get him you know anyway um Minecraft music I believe that to to try and uh integrate with the the culture here I believe the thing you do in the circumstance is he

Just you just ignore it and you pretend like it’s not there that is how you deal with things you don’t like here you look slightly the other way so looking this this way we’re going to move into the next category wow what’s that creative mode this is an interesting experiment

Because Minecraft added game mode specific music not that long after 1.0 and there’s quite a bit of it actually so let’s go and start with creative one they’re all actually numbered this one is called biome first Sounds like some mythical cave at first but as you get further into the song it becomes that generic you are in Creative music you know like I I must have spent hours building to this for various videos like building something for the background off it um in my creative world this this is

That music this is definitely the iconic one I don’t think it’s that great though even though I’ve spent hours listening to this this is the proof to me that like just because you’re exposed to something enough you like it this is one of those songs that’s like well pop that

The first part of that you know just listening to uh weird or a cavey set like I don’t know like like you’re in some epic Grand Sand Dune it’s like okay that’s weird but then the other part doesn’t mix of it at all I hate the transition to I think overall it’s just

A four out of 10 song it’s not very good but blind spots creative too is uh perhaps the second most iconic song you might know this from Great Moments such as See this stops playing I feel like the moment you switch into creative or like a little bit afterwards and it’s like yeah this is your punishment instead of listening to great songs like uh you know calm or wet hands instead what you have to listen to uh or Sweden if you’re

Really lucky instead you listen to this it genuinely feels like a punishment from The Game Stop playing creative or you’re gonna have to listen to this instead it’s not even the worst thing in the world like it’s a 5 out of ten it’s perfectly neutral this just you know

This isn’t 10 out of 10 Games soundtrack this isn’t best soundtrack of all time this is It’s a song that represents creative haunt musky is a very strange name for Creative free which is the next creative song on the list you’ll probably recognize it most for this moment Yeah no that is creative music in my mind I I think I’ve only ever heard this on the console version of the game and uh yeah again it feels like you’re on hold it feels like you’ve switched to creative and now the game is slowing down and it’s saying yeah we’re gonna be

Playing a little bit of classical music because you’ll be here for a while it feels like you’ve done something weird and incorrect I think I’m playing my own feelings onto that at that point but haunt musky it’s not a great piece of music it’s not as good as the survival stuff

And it’s also you know the way the noise is coming and out is like a low and consistent a little unasked for it doesn’t really fit the uh the rest of it for some bits until you get here and then you’re like okay I’m back where I belong there’s some piano there’s a

Little bit of someone out in the background but we’re good Yeah this is this is one of the better ones actually as far as creative music goes this is definitely the 9 out of 10 song it’s got bad bits to it but it’s got some of the bits that get you like you know you’re building and you this this

To me represents what creative music could be like going yeah having those moments that are important next up we have area math or Arya math there’s a hotel not that far from me called the Aria maybe it’s related to that or maybe instead oh it’s this one yeah this

This also is far too loud um like compared to other creative music even this is like Jesus Christ you you leave Minecraft on the other room and you are hearing this from a very long way away it does maybe you’re even hearing it pick up on my mic right now

As I’m listening to this it is it’s got like a nice bit to it yeah I really like the send bit here actually I probably like the end bit because I associate with the Sun going away Do dude yeah this one this one is not a good fit to me does not work yeah at all in my opinion it is still C418 but it’s not his best work this is a three out of ten I cannot deal with area math I I cannot

Deal with it I’m I’m having I I’m not enjoying the feelings that I’m having right now Drayton on the other hand created Five foreign Music this is just kind of representing that yeah you’re playing creative mode it’s chill everything’s gone away there’s no more mobs that are gonna hurt you you’re fine you’re in creative mode you don’t have to worry about things right now um there’s no sense of adventure sure

But there is a sense of exploration there is a sense of safety and comfort that comes with this song and that’s what you need to really see creative mode as I think this music a good fit for that it’s a it’s a seven maybe even

An eight out of ten I I totally you know I’ll let Harrison decide on that one Whatever Mark you sir on screen uh he’s gone ahead and used uh now we’ve got tazwell so again all these titles are entirely unfamiliar to me so if you don’t know them I don’t blame you but

Tazwell sounds like this Foreign There are literally 15 seconds of this song where you can basically not tell that any audio is playing I think a lot of Minecraft tracks have this problem of like well I I assumed there was no music but it’s actually just a quiet bit of this song which doesn’t really get going

Till about two to three minutes in when this starts to happen but the part the song that you all know is about four or five minutes in like this foreign this is the iconic part for Minecraft music right this is uh this is one of the uh kind of parts of the creative

Soundtrack I think it has this issue of being a bit too magical instead of feeling safe it puts off this Vibe of like an entirely different game much grander than what you’re doing you’re making just a small little cube of something and it doesn’t necessarily fit

That I think this uh soundtrack might be for someone but it’s certainly not for me and it’s getting a 6 out of 10 uh because I don’t think it’s bad I think it’s one of the better creative songs but I think all of the creative songs don’t really Vibe with Minecraft that

Great but something that does work a lot better is the Aquatic music so this is the next section of the video all of these tracks will play underwater specifically when the player’s head goes underneath a water block is submerged in water in a river or an ocean biome there

Is Axolotl Dragonfish and sunichi and they were added in 1.13 if you’re a Java player whereas if they’re up you’re playing Bedrock they’re added in 1.16 also um they also they have the shared characteristic of being kinda quiet in the beginning this is Axolotl you’ve been hearing for 13 seconds or rather

Haven’t been hearing but when you get about a minute in you get the much more recognizable part of the song the part where you really feel like yeah I’m underwater and this is happening however because it takes a minute for the song to really start up and eat all of these

Uh these aquatic tracks take a while to start up to me I don’t even associate them with being underwater I associate them with once I’ve already left the water and it’s like huh why is this music playing because it started while you were under the water which is maybe

That’s a bug maybe that’s a feature but yeah Axolotl is really really calm I think if you’re going for a deep underwater swim and you’re you’re Crossing an ocean and a boat and you just accidentally submerge yourself this one really gets that feeling of like quiet underwater exploration Axolotl is

An a very classy underwater piece of music I think it starts a bit slow uh but I do have to say it’s a solid 7 out of 10. I like actually Lotto not just the mob but also the song which fun fact predates them up dragon fish on the

Other hand same super slow start it’s been playing for five seconds you probably don’t even notice as you get further in you get a bit more like recognizable but about two minutes in is when you really get the song that you might know like this Look at that quiet guitar going on uh it’s super super um you know like atmospheric building rather than being specific for anything else I do think it’s good in that way in in certain aspects like there are parts of this song that hit really well

As far as the rest of it it’s too slow it’s too long and honestly it’s not like it’s perfect so this is this is a 5 out of 10. it’s not like it’s the worst thing in the world but you know it’s not like we’re rating the system and so we

Don’t have any zero out tens uh but we do have a five out of ten I don’t think I can keep that joke actually finally we have shaniji this was a uh the the final uh part of the triplet and uh yeah like before I’ve been playing it it has the

Fastest stop but that’s not really saying too much uh this is all by C418 by the way and it’s very different to the overwater music Vibe they really were going for something a bit bit different down there and shanuji is Maybe you could say one of the better

Parts of this we got the calm piano I think it’s actually fitting in the Minecraft music a little bit better we could say You know got we got like Minecraft but it’s underwater the other two tracks were like what if there was a game underwater this feels like combining Minecraft and underwater in a much better way this is the 8 out of 10 song on the soundtrack shinigi you hear that just Just it works it works it’s a good song and uh so yeah that is the Aquatic music this was something uh that by the way it’s not their first edition of music to the game but it’s perhaps their most notable but it is worth mentioning it’s not the only place they’ve added

Specific music because they’ve added specific music for biomes in the Overworld too so biome specific tracks are a really weird part of 1.18 and 1.19 because every single one of the songs I’m about to play you only play in specific biomes this is a bit of a weird experiment they’ve been playing around

With recently but every single one of these biome specific tracks is not by C418 some I buy Kumi uh tanayoka and some are by Lena Rayne and I’ll you know we’ll reference that on screen as we go through them but this is like the new era of Minecraft in that weird way but

We’ll start with an ordinary day which really should fit with the exact current soundtrack right let’s see what an ordinary day is like this will play in drip Stone caves Lush caves and snowy slopes Foreign For the snowy slopes I’m not sorry sure I see this for the drip Stone caves unless you’re in like a really thin and narrow one and you’re just kind of going down it that way um ordinary day is a really great song kind of a shame you don’t hear it in

More biomes next up we have comforting memories which plays in the forest The Grove the jungle and the old growth tiger sounds a bit like this It’s a longer gap what I thought Yeah if an ordinary day is a 9 out of ten we have to flip that right upside down to make this a 6 out of ten it’s just it’s just too slow by comparison doesn’t really feel like it’s a fit for the biomes necessarily now we have

Floating dream also by uh yokumi and uh yeah this will play in the forest Jagged Peaks jungles Lush caves and old Grove tiger and you might recognize it a bit more from this segment of the song foreign Don’t get me wrong this is playing true to that Minecraft Vibe you know having the piano in there but it is super super slow having more slowness in the Minecraft soundtrack might be great but it’s not my you know this this is not my

Thing I think this is a 5 out of ten slightly worse than uh comforting memories in my opinion but next up we have Lena rain with infinite amethyst and uh man this is this is this is this is the one this is one of the few Minecraft songs I distinctly know the

Name of and the reason why is this foreign yeah just as I feel I associate this with a menu screen but it will play in the drip Stone caves you know it feels like a good fit for when you’ve got a huge cave that you’re trying to explore just kind

Of reminding you there’s this whole Lost World down here um yeah when it comes to infant amethyst it is a top-notch piece of music this this to me is a reminder that they can do great with new Minecraft music they can make iconic things we’re not just

Always emulating making worst C for 18 clones this is something brand new that is also very good next up we have a left to bloom this is by Lena Rayne as well this one will play in the forest jungle Meadow uh caves and old Grove tiger so

If you want to get a feel for it it takes a while to get going like all these songs but the bits that you might know it best for are like this thank you Feels like a bit of a different game to Minecraft but you know when I hear it I’m not unenjoying it I think this is a great song you know I think when it where the where this fits Minecraft where this fits its biomes is low on the

Score but if we’re rating as a song objectively we’d have to give it quite a high score this is a this is easily a 8 out of 10 in my opinion I think it’s got that really calm overtone you could see this being a classic in five or ten

Years being in the song that people today you know when you’re working on your your Meadow or you’re working in your Forest this plays and you start to associate it with the positive things you feel speaking of positive things you feel one more day is also by Alina Rayne

This will play in the forest jungle Meadow and also the snowy slopes Thank you That’s me playing the piano because I made this song no one more day is a really good uh song in my opinion uh but I do think that it doesn’t quite you know when this plays I never feel like oh that’s Minecraft I feel like huh I guess Minecraft is expanded its

Soundtrack again that could be room for a classic in the future that could be room for this is a great song to come but to me it doesn’t quite hit the Minecraft Vibe on the head it you know if I’m listening to the Minecraft soundtrack I want to hear minecrafty

Music and so one more day is a six out of ten Stand Tall on the other hand plays in Frozen Peaks Jagged Peaks snowy slopes and Stony Peaks and sounds a bit like this foreign heard this I thought to myself this feels like the perfect song for when

You’re in a meadow or something like it’s got that breath of the wild exploration feeling going to it like every now and then you’ve got like That comes in you’re like yeah that’s the one and uh but then I realized like you know actually in Minecraft the equivalent thing of like standing on a meadow overlooking a whole place is standing in a super tall place and so this being specifically for those two

Biomes is perfect you’ve just climbed a tool biome and now you get this sense of exploration yeah you’re looking around at the world around you and you’re thinking yeah I could any of that could be mine the world is my domain and that is beautiful speaking of beautiful we have wending

Coming up next because I I do think that uh Stan tool is an absolute uh like 9 out of ten in terms of I I enjoy it when it fits in the game but since we have to rate it regardless of its context I’ve saved though it’s perfect for the

Contest it might even be a 10 out of 10. it’s so good um I I do have to say as far as the song itself goes it’s just an eight like it’s good it’s just not like oh I’m gonna listen to that when I get home I’m gonna

Listen to that on a on a on a drive or in the shower it’s like probably not that speaking of not that wending is coming up next foreign really could be this iconic sound and to me it has this like sense of curiosity to it like what are you gonna do next I

Think it’s a good part of the soundtrack I uh you know this is the sort of song that makes me question like do we need biome specific music Minecraft is going from having a soundtrack that works for everyone all the time to trying to say well why don’t we have more specific you

Know rather than having just music than Minecraft we have music for Creative the editor 1.0 then there’s music for the never then there’s music for underwater now adding biome specific music is trying to say yeah this music should take you to a specific place in Minecraft and uh I think that’s a really

Interesting idea because it does you know it does work like you you you’re slowly gonna start to form these associations but I also think it removes some of the genericness of these shared memories maybe maybe that’s wrong maybe that’s something we’ll regret uh speaking of things will regret Airy is

Coming up next this will play on the main menu which is where your most logging note from but also the forest the Jungle the Lush caves and the mangroves and it sounds like this This does feel like a really good fit for the uh you know for the mangrove swamp I I don’t know why maybe it’s just because I’ve seen the Minecraft menu screen too many times but this feels like a fit for like going into something

New in a new biome it feels like a bit of a weird effect for the jungle or you know something like that and it doesn’t necessarily feel like main menu Minecraft uh but it is a perfectly solid song this is definitely one of the more out there ones in the biome specific

Music I think Arie is perfectly respectable it’s like you know like it’s a it’s a six out of ten it’s it’s not like it’s bad it’s just also not like it’s good in my opinion on the other hand we have fire bugs uh which is next

And this is one which uh you know it’s all right it’s the closest thing we have to fireflies right now at time of recording and let me just tell you it’s not bad right foreign taking of this old style but like mixing it with a very new thing to create an

Entirely new yet minecrafty feel for an existing biome this feels like the mangrove swamp this just it just does right it in fact all of the swamps as a whole this feels like it feels like they’ve done that right and uh yeah firebugs is pretty impressive in that

Way it’s the closest thing we have to fireflies and that’s perfectly okay speaking of perfectly okay we also have a labyrinth coming up next or Labyrinth fine you know what labyrinthine’s not a real world but we’ll we’ll let it pass for this one uh this is a song uh which

Is described by my editor as being beautiful Thank you you know I have to agree This again this this combines the atmosphere of a new game with the existing one in a pretty exciting way this gets me hyped to play Minecraft when I hear this because wait okay You know you feel me this is this is good this is really good this is this is not just classic material this is already to me a distinct part of the Minecraft soundtrack that works they added so many bomb specific tracks this one uh you know doesn’t necessarily need

To work for any of those wherever I hear it though I’m feeling happy labyrinthine is a straight up uh nine out of ten I love it so much uh finally we have ancestry which was added in the exact same update 1.19 and it’s worth mentioning that even though it is very

Dull for the entire you know multiple minute length duration it sounds like the ancient city and I think it’s a really good fit for this biome if you’re gonna have biome specific tracks this is the one that is tailored to fit the biome the best however every rater is an overall song

It doesn’t really do much it’s basically atmospheric noises but converted into a Minecraft track I will never listen to this song Never I’m being serious with that I’m never gonna listen to this song outside of the game and so does it get a one out of ten even though I think it’s

Well crafted and it fits its situation well I think it has to right I think we have to treat it that way and it’s a shame but it’s reality speaking of reality my favorite part of reality is that if you place enough uh sharp purple glass in a in a rectangular pattern and

Then light it on fire you can go to somewhere called the neverlands and uh yeah the uh the Netherlands have their own music in Minecraft which we’re gonna dive into now so all of these songs will play specifically in the Never as a whole if there’s no biome specific music track to play

Um or even if there is it might play one of these instead of that these are just never songs and they’re named accordingly never one never two never free and never four but they do have uh the names next to them of concrete Halls like this one right here we’re gonna

Listen to some first I’ve got to say concrete holes out of all of them is the one that does feel a bit out of place like I feel like I hear this and I’m like uh this again it’s always felt a little bit off to me I

Think concrete holes might be iconic for the never but I think it’s just a three out of 10 song I I really have never loved it however dead voxel on the other hand never too uh is a little bit better because this is the song that goes like this Hmm you know like it’s understated it’s in the background but it’s letting you know you’re in a scary place like it’s not super loud and blasting in the same way that concrete horses dead voxlers letting you know bad things have happened here this is a scary place you

Might get hit up by a blaze or you know like give get withered by a wither skeleton or get blasted by a gas this is a scary worrying place to be and uh I think it evolves quite well over the song too you know it’s got It’s got good bits to

It it’s it’s not like it’s heartless the whole way through dead voxel um you know I think as a fit for the never 10 out of 10 but again we have to rate the song individually and so it’s probably just a 7 out of ten because you

Know it’s not a Hype music it’s just atmospheric music uh that’s pretty good atmospheric music that fits in with Minecraft but it is very much toned down unlike warmth never free which is a bit more like this ah foreign this is the one that best simulates the

Never to me I hear this and I’m like yeah of course that’s what the never sounds like um as far as what the song itself is actually like not bad it’s uh I don’t say it’s repetitive because I’m glad that it has a consistent tone throughout

Um but I also don’t want to say that it’s good I think it is a 5 out of 10 song uh it’s a part of the Minecrafts it is one of these songs on the Minecraft soundtrack that is undeniable and then finally we have Ballad of the cats which

I love the name for fun fact this is by C418 and his cat is the gas sound you just imagine that popping out into this Foreign this does what concrete Halls is going for more effectively it’s dramatic it’s a little bit loud but it does you know it tones down for the most part our close dramatic loud moments and we go back to this foreboding sense of what’s waiting around the corner you’re looking

For your never Fortress but you might die along the way you know like this this is meant to be a place with lots of risks and it’s very understated for most the song to balance out the intense bit which is pretty good in my opinion it’s

Not overly over the top for so long instead it’s just foreign It builds into something epic I think it’s great uh outside the context of Minecraft inside the context of Minecraft I think it’s fine I think that’s a a 6 out of ten song however these aren’t the only never soundtracks because there is biome specific nevermusic which was added in 1.16 and

All of these tracks will play in the never but only in their specific biome so all three songs are by Lena Rayne and rubido which will play in the neverwaste is probably the one you’ll know best because the neverwaste is what all there never was before 1.16 you know the biome

Uh yeah when when you’re in that place it’ll sound like this we shot pictures of the biomes as we’re doing these in the background it’s a great idea I like this it’s got a bit more of a spooky Vibe um than warmth than dead voxel did I

Think that yeah rupido really good never fit in my opinion take Minecraft music make it fit the nether this does a good job of that it is uh certainly a 7 out of 10. I don’t want to give it too much more because again I don’t know if I’m

Ever going to seek this out but it really does feel the bind pretty well next up we have chrysopia which will play in the Crimson Forest the what Forest if you’re curious is the only biome in Minecraft where no music will play but the Crimson Forest has its own

Specific track and it sounds a bit like this foreign Yeah this piano hits really well it really it really gives you that feeling of desolation and isolation and uh I think it’s a pretty decent song a little atmospheric you know to listen to outside of Minecraft but I think for inside of Minecraft it’s very good uh

But you know we have to kind of rate it as a song outside the game and so as much as I love it I think giving it above an 8 out of 10 would be a little bit over the top so then we have uh finally So Below this plays in The Soul

Sand Valley and the base salt Delta and sounds a bit like this you do Again super mystical music in my opinion not necessarily the worst thing in the world I think it is uh it’s got a nice sense progression as we go through here too we go a little further into the song you’ll see that like okay I didn’t realize how wet long this

Song went on for it’s five minutes I thought it ended about three minutes and it would end like uh something like this by the way this is the part of the song I thought was near the end like you know it feels epic almost halo-esque

But then it goes on for two more minutes of just noise so so below more like so below average for the Minecraft soundtrack uh that is gonna have to be a four out of ten not a big fan but uh yeah that brings us nicely into the end of this video and

Indeed the end of the rating because there are three specific Minecraft tracks that only play in the end so this end music was added in 1.7 and there are only three tracks because there are no uh biome specific tracks in the end right now there is one which is called

Boss this will play on the end Island when you the mainland I should say when the dragon is still present so this is kind of like ancestry where it’s pretty decent background audio for the fight but it really is a very subtle track you just you you know you’re listening to

The boss that that there is there is a bigger thing to be dealing with and it’s going all day at you and so is boss great it’s a one 10 song to listen to outside of that uh it probably does its job quite well even then I’d say you

Could maybe do better but I think it’s perfectly fine then we have end and so this will play anytime outside the main end island or if the Ender Dragon is dead so this is what that sounds like you probably will recognize this calling this one song feels misleading because

There are a lot of iconic bits but it’s also worth mentioning that it’s like an eight minute long song and oh sorry no wait you know I lied it’s not an eight minute long song it’s a 15 minute long song and as you go through it it sounds

Very different you know this sounds like an entirely different song than before and this sounds like a different song to that and this sounds like a different song to that um The End music is a really decent set of music but the fact that it’s one track is always confusing you’d figure

Multiple tracks they could like slide in and out would be better but nope we have one giant massive eight 15 minute mess and uh yeah again you would never listen into a 15 minute song that’s just all of the music um and uh but for the end it’s pretty

Well fitted I think this is a three out of ten that is you know it’s too long It’s oddly fitting but I can’t deny there are bits that charm me like this you know I feel I feel the exploration of having just killed the dragon and now

Having a whole dimension of my own it’s amazing next up we have Alpha this will play during the credits um of Minecraft and you know this song you might not think you know this song but you know this song you don’t you don’t tear up a little bit

Of what you’ve achieved then you’re living the wrong wrong life I think Man if this bit doesn’t hit you I I don’t know I don’t know where your feelings are located but they’re clearly not anywhere near you this is another super long song uh this plays obviously during the end poem after you exit the End by the end portal and it is one of

The great tracks in the game in my opinion I think it’s called Alpha it’s called the credits It’s super long but it has a lot of iconic bits that like really get you feeling it this is one of the best produced pieces of music that Minecraft has as far as the super long super Niche specific songs go this is one of the

Greats this is in my opinion easily a 9 out of 10. I really like this um I think it might even be a 10 out of town but I’ve definitely been putting my feelings from the game on it but that’s what this whole video is so 10 out of 10

Let’s go for it Alpha credits love this song so much and it’s a perfect ending to the Minecraft soundtrack which does have 47 songs by the way it is one of the biggest and most iconic soundtracks of all time but that’s before we include music discs so that brings us up to like

60 and that’s before you consider that they’re going to keep on adding music for the future whatever next Dimension comes will have its own music no doubt whenever they update the end they’re going to I have to add new music there and even just every single update we

Seem to get a new biome or two maybe they need to add new music for those Minecraft is on a mission and also by the way we haven’t even mentioned the fact that Minecraft console has all that exclusive music there’s hours of it Minecraft is really really good when it

Comes to making some very Niche specific great uh soundtracks and I hope that you enjoyed listening uh to all of it today man this was a journey huh if you enjoyed this please do like this video and let me know I’d appreciate it a lot

It took me a very long time to listen to every song in the soundtrack but if you if you have a favorite let me know in the comments down below I feel like most people’s will be Alpha but if yours is Sweden or something like that let me

Know I’d like to uh hear it out that way and for now I hope you all enjoyed because I’ll see you next time goodbye foreign

This video, titled ‘Rating EVERY Song In The Minecraft Soundtrack’, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2022-09-20 01:42:25. It has garnered 29206 views and 1854 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:03 or 3003 seconds.

I have an obvious beta bias, but survival music really beats creative music

Chapters: 0:00 – Intro 0:54 – Part 1: Main Menu 4:19 – Part 2: Classic Overworld 15:47 – Part 3: Creative 22:36 – Part 4: Underwater 26:10 – Part 5: Biome-specific Overworld 37:33 – Part 6: Classic Nether 41:39 – Part 7: Biome-specific Nether 44:46 – Part 8: End

– Think you’ve missed something? You might have, and you can check my most recent uploads here: http://www.youtube.com/user/ibxtoycat/videos

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This Video Was Edited By: Harrison Gray

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    Escape ALL Traps in Minecraft 🎮 (Epic Strategies Revealed) #shortsVideo Information [Applause] [Music] huh Grandpa fought in World War II he was such I can’t even finish school him violent my God that’s so insane that’s shame next don’t feel so bad but I can’t help myself I’m feeling bad feel [Music] like the worldest violin needs an audience so if I do not find somebody soon I blow up This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT : HOW TO ESCAPE TRAPS AT EVERY AGE🤯 (WORLD’S SMALLEST VIOLIN) #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by All Gaming on 2024-04-05 08:00:07. It has garnered 865605 views and 25679 likes. The duration of the video is… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Lamp Post Build by stan616

    Insane Minecraft Lamp Post Build by stan616Video Information This video, titled ‘Building a Lamp Post #minecraft’, was uploaded by stan616 on 2024-05-13 17:00:16. It has garnered 174243 views and 15809 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. https://www.twitch.tv/stan616 Read More

  • UNREAL! Megumi Sukuna Survives 100 Days in Minecraft!

    UNREAL! Megumi Sukuna Survives 100 Days in Minecraft!Video Information egomi fushi Guru has been shown multiple times within the show to have insane potential even being recognized by sukuna if y’all have read the jjk Manga y’all already know what this leads to sua taking over megumi’s body created a beast who was able to beat Gojo himself it’s without a doubt the strongest swarm of any character we’ve seen in the show so far with the ability to control the 10 shadows and still have access to his slashing techniques This Man sua created a monster he was even able to fully teame the aasta mahara… Read More

  • Unleashing a Terrifying Monster in MineKrish!

    Unleashing a Terrifying Monster in MineKrish!Video Information लेजर वाला प्रोटेक्शन यहां से ओ नूब नूब के पीछे गाइ वही पड़ गया चू चार्ल्स भाई आजा आजा आजा भाई नूब आजा जल्दी से आजा नूब आजा ओ यार ये तो वही छू चास है अब हमें यहां से भागना पड़ेगा भाई यहां से हमें भागना पड़ेगा गाइ य पहले ट्रैप बिछाने दो इसको गाइस यहां पर ट्रैप बिछा रहा है ओके नाइस ये लो शावल अब यहां पर ये नीचे गिर जाएगा शावल जैसे यहां पर देखो गाइ यहां पर जो शावल यहां पर गिर जाएगा ना वैसे ही गाइस ये भी नीचे गिर जाएगा और… Read More

  • Bijay EPIC Minecraft battle: noob vs pro vs hacker 🔥

    Bijay EPIC Minecraft battle: noob vs pro vs hacker 🔥Video Information [संगीत] ला ला ला ला ला ला ला ला ला ला अरे यह कौन है काला काला आदमी अरे इधर देख तो मेरी आंखों में अरे इसको क्या हो गया मैंने तो बस इसकी आंखों में देखा था अरे बचाओ अरे आज तो बहुत काम कर लिया मैंने अरे एंडरमैन कहां से आ गया चलो यार साइड में से निकल लेता हूं नहीं तो यह मेरी ऐसी की तैसी कर देगा इसको तो देखना ही नहीं है बिल्कुल अरे ये एंडरमैन क्या कर रहा है यहां पे तो कैसा है तू अरे कांपने की जरूरत नहीं है तुझे… Read More

  • Insane Mutant Toilets vs Titan Drillman in Minecraft!

    Insane Mutant Toilets vs Titan Drillman in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘1000 Mutant Toilet Vs Titan Drillman Multiverse || minecraft addon battle’, was uploaded by TentenCubify on 2024-05-18 11:00:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Welcome to TentenCubify! Subscribe today and join the Cubify community! Read More

  • Intermix

    IntermixWelcome to Intermix! Dive into the captivating world of Intermix, hosted at Scapulsbox.minehut.gg. We’re not your average Minecraft server; we’re a box server! Discover Limitless Creativity: Intermix is all about maximizing creativity within the confines of a box. Challenge your building and survival skills as you navigate and thrive in our compact world. Survive and Thrive: The compact size of Intermix adds an extra layer of challenge to your survival experience. Gather resources, build shelters, and collaborate with others to make the most of your limited space. Unique Boxed Adventures: Despite our compact world, Intermix offers a variety of adventures… Read More

Rating EVERY Song In The Minecraft Soundtrack