Rebuilding Iconic Minecraft Structures ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide (Tutorial Lets Play)[Part 355]

Video Information

Hello everyone my name is pixel riffs and welcome back to the minecraft survival guide i hope you guys are having a good day well in today’s episode i actually want to show you something here before we get going i haven’t done much more on the biomes exhibit itself

I’ve been working out some pathways and stuff around the room but what i have done is work a little on the connection between this room and the trees exhibit next door which is now a lot more open and if we get up into the sky here you’ll see it

A little bit more clearly i’ve built this kind of almost gothic kind of set of archways almost like cathedral inspired let’s settle on the top of this ice spike here and you’ll see it a little better so i wanted to have pillars connecting these two rooms and then have a bit more

Open space because i feel like both of these two exhibits are really focused on the natural world one has biomes one has trees and it made sense if they were both going to be inside a building eventually to have a bit of airflow around them so i like

The idea of opening out this wall a little bit i might do the same with the side wall as well but i haven’t really decided yet this side is still a little bit incomplete i still need to add in the extra stone bricks around it and you’ll notice what i’m doing here

Is a really neat building tip if you want to add some depth and you don’t have much room to work with is add in walls because now they connect through the middle here the center of this is hollow so that you don’t get the post design of the wall kind of connecting in

The center you actually get really nice flat areas it’s kind of like what i’ve done actually on the section over here where there’s andesite and stone brick walls set into that border of dark oak but here of course we’ve used it to create little recessed areas of these pillars

Which aren’t you know a full block recess they’re more like half a block or less really because of the hitbox of the the wall blocks but that actually gives a really nice feel i think to this without it having to take up much room people also weren’t sure why i left a strip

Of grass blocks around the outside of the room here and it was for this because i knew i wanted to have at least a three block thick wall here so that we could incorporate some sort of pillar design into it without poaching too much space from the room on either

Side and i think we’ve done pretty well with that so i i really like this archway design and i want to include a little bit more architecture like this into the museum overall this definitely feels like one of the exhibits that might be a little older

In the museum as well it’s more central and it deals with you know something like biomes a concept that has been in minecraft for a fairly long time so a fairly classical looking architectural style i think really worked for it and we can do some more detail work on this for

Days if we wanted to but i want to get to the main topic of this episode i’m moving on from thinking about biomes and i am going to be continuing stuff like this off camera but for the purpose of the videos i wanted to do something

A little different and move on to the next subject for the next room along we’re going to think a little bit more structural and we’re going to look at some of the automatically generated structures the the naturally generated structures that you’ll find in a minecraft world so today we’re actually going to do

A bit of archaeology archaeology is a concept that’s being fleshed out a little bit more in the upcoming caves and cliffs update but for now there are a lot of archaeological things that we can already do in minecraft and it’s going to give us a bit more of an inside look

At exactly what goes into some of these structures we’re going to go and find and excavate a jungle temple and a desert temple so that we can reproduce both of them here in the museum we might also later on if not in this video then in another one

Get onto some of the larger structures in the world like woodland mansions i’m not going to be rebuilding an entire one here but i think i will do a couple of example rooms and maybe the entrance to the generated structures exhibit could be like the entrance to a woodland mansion

It might be kind of fun to uh basically decorate it that way we do have an ocean monument just offshore over here which is going to be effectively a living ocean monument exhibit so i’m not going to incorporate that into the museum itself right away but there will be a couple of other

Structures like villages which we will have their own exhibit for because that ties into more of what villagers have going on so i think a jungle temple and a desert temple seems like a good goal for today so we’re going to fly out to the nearest desert which i

Think should be over in that direction find a desert temple that i haven’t explored and we’re going to excavate the entire thing to see how one is put together when the game generates them and here is actually a perfect example of what i wanted not only

Is this a desert temple right on the edge of a savannah so it should be nice and easy to tell where the border of the temple is as we dig down it’s also partly buried so we can actually start to excavate this with the shovels that i brought and the

Shelker boxes and we should be able to not only gather a bunch of material from around here but be able to dig out the exact foundation of a desert temple so that we can reproduce it for the museum and i’m going to take screenshots and replay mod footage of this

As i go so you’ll get to see the entire process this is actually kind of what i used to do for an old series i used to do of one chunk tutorial builds i would design them first in creative and then disassemble them almost layer by layer

Taking screenshots as i went so that i could reproduce them without making too many mistakes when it came to making the final tutorial video so we’re going to do something kind of similar here but the first step is going to be to strip away all of the sand and probably dirt from

Around the outside here i might dig into my ender chest to get a beacon if they’re a stone to dig into a little bit further down and hopefully we should be able to excavate the entire area around a desert temple but leave the temple itself intact So there we go we’ve got a fully excavated desert temple now and i did decide to just kind of step down the inside here instead of completely digging the whole thing out square it kind of made sense to save some pickaxe durability and some inventory space because i’ve actually run out of the

Space i needed in those three shulker boxes but of course the exterior of the desert temple makes it look a lot larger than the interior actually is we all know and love this chamber here right here underneath this we have the layer of tnt that we all prefer to avoid if possible

And behind each of these blocks here we have the chests that contain the all-important loot including a diamond oh nice okay i’ll grab that in a second thankfully this structure underneath is fairly symmetrical so i’m just going to take a couple of screen shots and we can use those to reproduce

The desert temple once we’re back in the environment of the museum we may as well go in through the top and dig down to raid the contents of the chest down here and i’m always so happy this is a stone pressure plate and not a wooden one because

Wood ones would actually react to items being dropped on and that’s kind of why it’s a stone pressure plate to begin with there was a bat in here that could easily have set it off and what do we have here a regular golden apple we have a regular golden

Apple in there as well no enchanted golden apple still on the lookout for one of those for the museum eventually of course but we can probably take all of this stuff with us i might actually drop the chests off on the surface to fill with the rest of these materials and

Then we’re going to be taking this temple apart step by step and bringing all the materials over so that we can reproduce this exact desert temple over at the museum but before any of it goes anywhere i’m going to go around the perimeter taking some screenshots making sure that i can

Get the proportions right the dimensions right the number of blocks of height in each of these walls and make sure all of the designs are reproduced with the right sandstone blocks in the right places we’ve got some chiseled sandstone and cut sandstone in here so we’ve got to make

Sure that that stuff is reproduced accurately and then we’re going to go to replay mod and layer by layer we’re going to take the whole thing down So So and with all that work done right here in this space is where the desert temple was and i kind of feel like leaving it this way actually it looks kind of cool with this inverse pyramid as though it’s just been scooped out of the ground by some kind of

Alien excavator maybe that enderman over there did it i’ll blame him he did the whole thing it was it was all a job by the end of it and as it turns out you can almost fit the entire contents of a desert temple all of the blocks required for a desert temple

Into a single double chest a single double chest a double chest into a double chest but unfortunately i was short space for one sandstone block the terracotta and the tnt but everything else you see in here down to the fact that there is one missing from a stack of cut sandstone there

Is all of the material that went into this desert temple i was fairly meticulous about picking it all up before it despawned so hopefully i did manage to get absolutely everything in there and that’s a fair amount but it can definitely fit in the three shulker

Boxes i brought over here with me or i can dig a couple more out if i need to we’re gonna fly the entire thing back over to the museum and reproduce it block for block over there i might come back to this area though because of course there is a

Pillager outpost over there and i’m thinking maybe we need to rebuild one of those as well so maybe i’ll take a couple of sly screenshots while i’m here we could relocate it to another part of the world if we wanted to looking over here though i did notice

Another structure which is common to deserts and that is a desert well right here these are obviously the desert temples sort of smaller cousin they don’t really have a great deal of blocks involved but of course they are a structure generated by minecraft so we should really think about including those

In the museum as well a little bit more straightforward to make these though and of course over here we have the pillagers roaming around the outside or standing still right now because i’m not close enough for them to activate their ai but we’re gonna reproduce a pillager outpost but first of all

I think we’re probably gonna head back to the museum reproduce the desert temple and then maybe we’ll go looking for a jungle temple as well So [Applause] Hey folks welcome back i hope you’ve been enjoying all the time lapses because we are not done we are not done by a long shot i have a couple more i want to do but there it is a desert temple reconstructed here at the museum

In all its glory and as you can see probably from the time lapse but we can do a little bit of a fly around and explore it as well it is pretty faithful to the design of the desert temple and i’ve gained kind of a new appreciation for desert temples in the construction

Of this one they are surprisingly elegant structures you don’t really think much of them when you’re exploring because of just the desire to rush in get the loot and once you’ve seen a bunch of desert temples you’ve seen them all before really but i like being able to walk into this and

Having the sort of top chamber here but by the way did you know that this is more or less exactly the right shape if you take out these blocks here which i’m actually not sure actually supposed to be there or not i couldn’t remember but it kind of frames the doorway quite nicely

You can actually fit an entire beacon into the structure of the top of a desert temple i don’t think that’s intentional i think that’s kind of accidental just based on the pyramid shape but seriously there’s a 3×3 there a five is 5×5 by seven this bottom floor

Here is nine by nine if you knock those out and then you can just put a beacon in the top there and your desert temple becomes basically the holder for a beacon and i just think that’s kind of an interesting facet of these but either way we have

The whole thing set up including yes the treasure room down here and i have lit the entire thing up for now i’ve not put the tnt pressure plate down there i didn’t want mobs to spawn in here in the meantime and i wasn’t sure if i wanted the trap

Element of this to be live because what i actually want to do is knock out some areas of the desert temple itself so have like a glass floor area or maybe a glass section of the wall further down so that as you’re exploring the museum as you’re walking around

You actually get to see the treasure room underneath here which again is why i built it like several blocks off the ground and you’d find it buried in the sand up to about there or higher typically but i’ve decided i want to open out some of these areas

Sort of like we’ve done over here with the ocean biome exhibit so that you can see into the side of it like we can right here and so that you can see where the layer of tnt is and where the treasure room is and all of that kind of stuff makes sense to

Me to be observed from the outside of a museum instead of encouraging visitors to go in break the blocks that lead down to the treasure room and check it out that way it also means we could put whatever we wanted in the treasure chests because members of the public wouldn’t

Necessarily be able to get in and maybe we’ll have some example treasure chests around the outside from desert temples that i’ve raided in this very series but i like how this came together we’re going to do a desert diorama around the outside of this but alongside

That i also want to construct a jungle temple and yes i think a pillager outpost as well so i’m going to do the same thing with both of those we’re going to excavate them we’re going to dig them out find out what all of the materials are that are involved in the construction

Which is going to be more interesting i think for the jungle temple than the pillager outpost because the pilgrimage posts are basically all above ground but i want to see what the redstone mechanisms are that go into making the jungle temple we took one down in the past but i

Didn’t really study it layer by layer so this time we’re going to go and do that we’ll do a couple more time lapses of destruction and construction over here at the museum and then i’ll come back to you guys when we’ve got our three generated structures fully in place [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Bye Well there they are isn’t this a motley crew now we’ve got three generated structures kind of out of context here in the plains biome but like i said planning on doing a desert diorama around this one probably including the desert well in that somewhere we might add a jungle diorama to this

One and i think honestly we could leave this as it is i feel like you’re likely enough to see these on a planes as you are in a desert or you know savannah or anywhere else you are likely to find villages but i will give you guys a second to figure

Out what is different about the pillager watchtower now from the time lapse you just saw and your time is up if you guessed that it is one block shorter than it was you’ve guessed correctly because i made a bit of a mistake when i was copying down i was taking screenshots of this

Thing i looked at this very very quickly because i didn’t want to get absolutely destroyed by all of the pillagers who are around there you might have noticed they took an interest in me in the time lapse and in the picture i took i thought that those slabs there were actually stairs because

I was looking at it and the for whatever reason the blocks further back in the structure were lit in such a way that it looked like they were the second half of stairs and i was looking at it from a different angle or something but either way i ended up building the

Entire structure one block too tall and of course i couldn’t allow it to stay that way i wanted this to be a near perfect copy of a pillager outpost and so i did what any sensible person would do and i moved the entire thing down a block with pistons now

You might have thought that was a good solution to this problem compared to just like taking the entire thing down and rebuilding it it absolutely wasn’t it was really fun to do but of course you can’t just move the entire thing down with one piston or just build a massive

Piston you have to do it in stages and i only had like a half a stack of pistons to work with and i could have crafted a whole bunch more but obviously it wouldn’t have taken into account all the air blocks i could have filled the entire thing

Up with fences but then we might have got two piston push limits and so in the end i just cut out a section around the circumference of the tower and pushed it down a block in sections basically like little by little i was working my way around pushing

All of the blocks down into place and it’s actually turned out really well i’m very happy with this and i have lit the interior of each of these structures as you can tell when the sun sets and the torch-like glow starts to illuminate them from within simply because

I don’t want mobs to spawn in them in the meantime and cause more issues here at the museum but the conclusion i’ve come to from this project is that ever if you ever build anything that is one block too tall or something and you want to maybe shift it down a block

It is honestly not worth trying that with pistons rebuild the entire thing you know take tear it down manually and rebuild it you will save yourself a bit of trouble but i’m so glad that we’ve managed to get this together i might also build there’s like a little pumpkin

Storage tent that appears next to some pillager outposts i might build one of those as well as the little iron golem cage that they usually have here and i’m considering after a few people on my stream suggested this filling the entire thing with pillagers without crossbows the pacified pillagers

If we can afford to but i think i might save those for the mob exhibit later we will see but as for this the jungle temple is pretty much a working replica of a jungle temple down to the fact that the uh redstone is all intact as well and i

Added in the pistons that were missing from the jungle temple i took down because i couldn’t find a jungle temple i hadn’t already been to before so i ended up adding in the redstone as before like all of that stuff works as intended i’m not gonna completely activate it

Because activating it once does actually kind of break the redstone inside of there but all of this stuff including the the tripwires need to be put in and the dispensers but the interior redstone is exactly as it was i made sure i could get everything picture perfect in terms of the detail

Coming up here as well and while some of the mossy cobble might not be in the same places it was in the original temple i think we’ve done a pretty great job of reproducing it accurately over here so what else is on the list there are a lot of different

Structures in minecraft and there will be some of course that we’re avoiding like the ocean monument i think i’ve mentioned before is out there in the bay we have a stronghold below us so no need to reproduce one of those on the surface an abandoned mine shaft we can just dig

Down to as well and i’m considering what approach i should take to things like ocean ruins which have a lot of different variations some of which are in varying states of decay but obviously i don’t want to do all of them likewise a woodland mansion is going to be too

Large to reproduce in its entirety but a couple of example rooms seem like a good idea as well so this exhibit will continue to take shape over the forthcoming weeks and we’ll see what else we can squeeze in here and there but if you have any suggestions of

Course i would love to hear them in the comments of this episode and others while we work on this i also need to get my act together and finish off the rest of these biome dioramas and start doing more than just fiddling with the occasional wall designs i feel like we need to

Take the museum up a gear in the next few weeks because of course 117 is now on the horizon but for now that’s where we’re going to leave it for today thank you so much for watching this episode of the minecraft survival guide my name has been pixel riffs don’t

Forget to leave a like on it if you enjoyed the episode subscribe if you want to see more and i’ll see you guys soon take care bye for now You

This video, titled ‘Rebuilding Iconic Minecraft Structures ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide (Tutorial Lets Play)[Part 355]’, was uploaded by Pixlriffs on 2021-03-03 11:00:05. It has garnered 114677 views and 5665 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:58 or 1678 seconds.

The Minecraft Survival Guide continues! With archaeology on the brain, I head to three iconic Minecraft structures – a Desert Temple, a Jungle Temple, and a Pillager Outpost – and deconstruct them, then rebuild them block for block at the Museum.

Time lapse footage recorded using the Replay Mod: Shaders used: Sildur’s Vibrant Shaders v1.27 Time lapse music: Kyou – “Rainforest”, “Evening Tide” Phaera – “Luminous”, courtesy of The Arcadium Listen on Spotify:

This series will teach you how to master Survival Mode, and is also my Single Player Minecraft Let’s Play series!

World Seed (Java Edition only): 7574084833700264939


Support me on Patreon for access to my private vanilla Minecraft server, plus other awesome rewards!

Watch my streams live every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday around 3pm BST! Follow Pix on Twitter for video updates, screenshots, and other fun stuff!

GNU Paranor001

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    SHOCKING! Funtime Foxy discovers hidden room in Minecraft FNAFVideo Information This video, titled ‘Funtime Foxy Finds A SECRET ROOM In Minecraft FNAF’, was uploaded by The Oddities Roleplay on 2024-07-27 21:18:57. It has garnered 5877 views and 439 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:46 or 1786 seconds. Remember to Subscribe And Hit All Notifications So you don’t miss any future Minecraft Five Nights At Freddy’s Videos! Help us get to 1,000,000 subscribers! In today’s Video, Funtime Foxy discovers a SECRET ROOM in the backstage area of the Mega Pizza Plex. He has many questions… WHERE did it come from? HOW did it appear? WHO did it?!… Read More

  • SHOCKING! Molten Freddy Found in Minecraft Fnaf!

    SHOCKING! Molten Freddy Found in Minecraft Fnaf!Video Information This video, titled ‘Molten Freddy Found? In Minecraft Fnaf’, was uploaded by The Oddities Roleplay on 2024-08-03 19:41:37. It has garnered 8122 views and 548 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:52 or 1372 seconds. Remember to Subscribe And Hit All Notifications So you don’t miss any future Minecraft Five Nights At Freddy’s Videos! Help us get to 1,000,000 subscribers! In Todays Video, Lefty has brought funtime foxy the sister location animatronic to the location Molten freddy is being kept. Will Moon or Sun the daycare attendants try to stop funtime foxy from finding the old ennard?… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Music Beats & Builds – NOT Tanjiro Shorts! 🔥

    INSANE Minecraft Music Beats & Builds - NOT Tanjiro Shorts! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘#music #minecraft #beats #shorts #minecraftshorts #redstone #builds #tnt like and subscribe for more’, was uploaded by Not tanjiro shorts on 2024-03-15 05:51:05. It has garnered 448 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Discovery at Moo Bloom Sanctuary! #shorts

    Insane Discovery at Moo Bloom Sanctuary! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Moo Bloom Sanctuary #shorts’, was uploaded by NipunLegendShorts on 2024-06-17 08:45:02. It has garnered 10 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Thanks For Watching 🙂 Subscribe To The Channel As Not To Miss The Minecraft Shorts! About The Short :- Title :- The Moo Bloom Sanctuary #shorts Hashtags :- #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #gamingshorts #shortsfeed #insane #minecrafttrendingshorts #viral #trending #meme #memes About The Game :- Game Name :- Minecraft Java Edition Keywords :- Minecraft Minecraft Shorts Minecraft But Minecraft Mod Minecraft Challenge Minecraft Speedrun Shorts Minecraft… Read More

  • LuckyGem Vanilla SMP 1.21 Active Dynmap Discord Hermitcraft Feel.

    New 1.21 Map! LuckyGem SMP: A friendly, whitelisted community with no game altering plugins. Founded in 2020, we value friendship and fun. Join us to explore and grow together! Features: Whitelisted Server – Apply via Discord Active & mature community with responsive staff No teleporting plugin – Travel by foot or nether tunnel highways No economy plugin – Join our trust-based diamond economy No land claim plugin – Find a spot and start building Player-built environment – Donate materials or build with others Participate in weekly events, competitions, and UHC. Show off your builds and be a part of our… Read More

  • Starlight SMPJoin the discord to join!

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Jack Black devours schnitzel in Minecraft flick”

    Seems like Jack Black is taking method acting to a whole new level by actually eating a schnitzel in the Minecraft movie! Let’s just hope it’s not his character’s beloved pet pig that he’s chowing down on. Read More

  • Monstrous Maidens: Minecraft Mod Madness!

    Monstrous Maidens: Minecraft Mod Madness! In the world of Minecraft, a new mod is in sight, Featuring monster girls, lovely and bright. With hearts full of joy and eyes full of glee, These mods bring a new kind of fantasy. From the Mushroom Update, they come alive, In the pixelated world where players thrive. Each one unique, with powers to wield, In this virtual realm, their fate is sealed. So join the adventure, with monsters so sweet, In this showcase of mods, where worlds meet. Support my friend, @MoneyNetworth, on their channel so fine, For more content like this, that’ll make you shine. With… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal 🔥 When you spend hours building an epic castle in Minecraft, only for a creeper to come along and blow it up in seconds. #minecraftproblems 😂 Read More

  • Game Academy Time Travel Prank

    Game Academy Time Travel Prank Exploring the World of Minecraft with Block Pavilion Block Pavilion, a dedicated creator in the Minecraft realm, brings laughter and joy through self-made animations. With a focus on child-friendly content, the channel ensures a safe and enjoyable viewing experience for all. About Block Pavilion Block Pavilion, also known as 方块轩, is a prominent figure in the Minecraft community, crafting original and humorous animations that aim to spread happiness. As the sole official channel of Block Pavilion, it stands out from unauthorized copies by delivering daily doses of creative content. Content Variety Block Pavilion’s channel offers a diverse range of… Read More

  • Bear Hill Horror: Dark Journey in Minecraft

    Bear Hill Horror: Dark Journey in Minecraft Exploring the Mysteries of Minecraft: Bear Ridge Legends and Dark Journey Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. In this virtual realm, players can immerse themselves in a blocky universe filled with endless possibilities. Among the many intriguing elements of Minecraft are the Bear Ridge Legends and the Dark Journey, two captivating tales that add depth and excitement to the gameplay experience. Bear Ridge Legends: Unraveling the Mystery Deep within the vast landscapes of Minecraft lies Bear Ridge, a place shrouded in mystery and intrigue. Legends speak of ancient… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Winnie Wriggle’s EP1 Minecraft Craftoria Adventure

    UNBELIEVABLE! Winnie Wriggle's EP1 Minecraft Craftoria AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Chill Minecraft Craftoria EP1’, was uploaded by Winnie Wriggle on 2024-09-26 02:30:30. It has garnered 209 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 02:16:36 or 8196 seconds. We’re adventuring in Craftoria for Minecraft 1.21. A fun, new Minecraft fabric modpack by Team All of Fabric. Relaxing Minecraft lets play in the 1.21 Craftoria modpack. Join me (every Mon Tues and Wed @8:00 am Eastern) as I start my day with some chill morning Minecraft. Read More

  • Moth Boy Tries Hardcore Minecraft – One Run Challenge!

    Moth Boy Tries Hardcore Minecraft - One Run Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘A Stream Before I Leave For A Week!| Moth Boy Attempts To Beat Hardcore Minecraft (One Run) [Stream]’, was uploaded by KuuDefoe Ch. on 2024-09-08 02:03:35. It has garnered 20 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:15:35 or 15335 seconds. We’ll meet again! I promise! ^.^ _______________________ For those new here and also not, one runs were what I used to do with Commi Shions where I attempt to get through Minecraft without dying once and in one episode. I only won like, twice I think. No this is not a… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Couple Builds – Micky & Minnie Craze!

    Insane Minecraft Couple Builds - Micky & Minnie Craze!Video Information This video, titled ‘The REPLAY : Micky and Minnie #minecraft #trending #fyp’, was uploaded by Baby Craft Studios on 2024-07-24 11:32:47. It has garnered 10244 views and 337 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Because you want the replay, see it! Read More

  • Insane Hardcore Day 1 – Creative Player Tries Minecraft

    Insane Hardcore Day 1 - Creative Player Tries MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Day 1- Creative Player Tries Hardcore in Minecraft’, was uploaded by TheSephrona on 2024-01-12 14:49:43. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:17 or 7037 seconds. Experienced creative player, awful survival player. Playing on hardcore mode… what could go wrong? Music provided by Read More

  • Unbelievable Application on Arcane SMP!!!

    Unbelievable Application on Arcane SMP!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Arcane SMP most MID application’, was uploaded by slzuglez on 2024-09-02 03:54:22. It has garnered 144 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. this is a Application to join Arcane SMP, its been a while since ive uploaded a YT video (2 years ago) hope i get in #minecraft #youtube #mc #application #applications #video #videos #videoshort #videoshorts #youtube #youtuber #shorts #funny #funnyvideo #arcane #smp Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Technoblade / TommyInnit… Read More

  • Gingershadow’s Epic Devil Fruit Swap?! | One Piece Mod Ep 22

    Gingershadow's Epic Devil Fruit Swap?! | One Piece Mod Ep 22Video Information This video, titled ‘MAYBE A CHANGE OF DEVIL FRUITS WILL HELP?! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 22’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-08-24 22:00:29. It has garnered 2654 views and 169 likes. The duration of the video is 00:57:07 or 3427 seconds. Minecraft Naruto Mod Review (Narutoto Mod) – MiraiGaming (Brother’s Channel) – STREAM – DISCORD – BECOME A MEMBER HERE – GingyVODs Channel – MAYBE A CHANGE OF DEVIL FRUITS WILL HELP?! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 22 #OnePiece #Minecraft #OnePieceMod Also big thanks and shout out to our… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness with Hurnox! Join the Fun 🔴🎮

    Minecraft Madness with Hurnox! Join the Fun 🔴🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft with Viewers 🔴 (VOICE) 🎥’, was uploaded by Hurnox on 2024-09-22 00:16:13. It has garnered 18 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:31 or 2191 seconds. Welcome to our live stream! Today, we’re diving into the action-packed world of minecraft, and YOU can join in the fun! Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a newcomer looking to learn the ropes, this stream is for everyone. Get ready for epic battles, strategic gameplay, and lots of laughs as we team up and compete against each other.we will also play minecraft… Read More

  • DEVSH FF: Emotional New Rank Season 💔😭

    DEVSH FF: Emotional New Rank Season 💔😭Video Information This video, titled ‘Heartbreaking Story of New Rank Season💔😢😭’, was uploaded by DEVSH FF on 2024-06-05 11:21:46. It has garnered 35 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Welcome to DEVSH FF! Dive into the exciting worlds of Free Fire and Minecraft with us! Whether you’re a battle-hardened veteran or a curious newbie, our channel offers epic gameplay, strategic tips, and thrilling adventures. From intense Free Fire battles to creative Minecraft builds, we’ve got something for everyone. Join the DEVSH FF community and embark on a gaming journey filled with action,… Read More

  • Make a Car in Minecraft Bedrock – Easiest Tutorial Ever!

    Make a Car in Minecraft Bedrock - Easiest Tutorial Ever!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Automatic Car Tutorial Minecraft Bedrock’, was uploaded by hpMC46 on 2024-09-15 19:11:04. It has garnered 198 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. Minecraft Automatic Car Tutorial Minecraft Bedrock minecraft minecraft 100 days minecraft house tutorial minecraft hardcore 133,000 +49% $0.05 1 (Low) minecraft civilization minecraft music minecraft house +22% minecraft song -100% minecraft horror +123% minecraft builds +49% minecraft movie -100% minecraft story mode +83% minecraft arg +1,558% minecraft aphmau minecraft animation minecraft asmr +22% minecraft adventures +125% minecraft automatic farm +83% minecraft addons +49% minecraft… Read More

Rebuilding Iconic Minecraft Structures ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide (Tutorial Lets Play)[Part 355]