Reddit, what is your most disturbing, scary, or creepy real story? [Serious] AskReddit scary stories

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Hello everyone please subscribe to my other channels all channels are featured in Channel home page thank you in advance let’s get started Reddit what is your most disturbing scary or creepy real story serious I was 17 and had just gotten my license back in high school my friends and I had

Made it a mission to find a band and houses to throw parties in we had a few good candidates but the motherload was this house I would pass on my home from work it was an undeveloped shell of a huge home with a large property in the

Back I had told one of my friends about it and one day before we went to see a movie I took him to the house it was about Dusk and summer so I had my headlights on I pulled into the front of the house and we were there for Life 10

Seconds tops before we pulled back to go to the main road a minute later this big truck pulls up behind us with its high beams on and riding our ass my friend and I took note of it but paid it no mind as we headed back to the main road

At the light I turned right but the truck cut through the gas station at the corner and blocked us off out of the truck comes this big Hulk of a man and my friend and I are [ __ ] our pants he wraps on the window and I roll it

Down now the really freaky part is that this a busy road and now there was no one in sight he asks us what we were doing at the house and I quickly lied and said we were making a U-turn he stares at us for a few seconds smiles

And sends us on our way to this day the house remains unfinished and I’m convinced it’s a drug operation of some sort woke up clock says 3 34 am I’m 17 and in my bedroom it’s pitch black but I hear some rattling downstairs terrified I quietly tiptoe to my parents

Room weird it’s empty where are my parents at 3 34 am go upstairs to my brother’s room he’s usually awake all night but while the light is on no one is in the room so I guess whatever those noises are downstairs it must be them why are they awake maybe someone died I

Go downstairs in the middle of my living room is what looks like two men stealing our TV no one else is in sight I run upstairs as quietly as possible shut and lock my door suddenly there’s banging on the door I wake up it was a dream and

The relief washes over me I look over at the clock weird coincidence it’s 3 34 am I’m shaking but decide to go downstairs to prove to myself that everything’s fine I go downstairs the two men are in my kitchen screaming at my parents and brother I run upstairs

To my bedroom and lock the door ten seconds later I hear banging I woke up it’s 3 34 am this time I had actually woken up and I don’t manage to fall back asleep for about 36 hours edit lots of responses about lucid dreaming here I

Spent most of my teens and early 20s as a lucid dreamer discovering the techniques after a childhood plagued by very frightening sleep paralysis I found a message board back in 1998 where I learned to at least have fun with it the above story wasn’t a sleep paralysis

Experience but it was typical of the kinds of nightmares I used to have weirdly enough I rarely have nested dreams anymore and haven’t had a successful attempt at lucid dreaming in a few years my guess is that it has something to do with hormones a few years ago I was walking through

The woods off the Beaten Track a bit and I smelt this really overpowering sweet smell being nosy I pulled back the undergrowth to have a look and found a dead body the guy had clearly been there while and wasn’t looking great all swollen and green and black with various

Ready bits the local Wildlife had also been dining well for a few days I called the police who told me to wait with the body until they arrived being in the middle of nowhere it took a while for them to arrive and it got dark and I was

Just sat there in the dark with him for a long time it turned out he had committed suicide for a long time afterwards I had dreams about him and he would talk to me and not nice things mainly about how he was angry I had Disturbed his resting place and he

Wanted me to kill myself probably just my imagination but all pretty disturbing at the time he still turns up in my dreams from time to time and no doubt will be tonight after typing this I lived in a bizarre little house as a child it was incredibly tall and thin

Like an attached house except freestanding with three floors a basement and an attic it was full of quirks such as two fully functional fireplaces a shower stall in the center of the basement a backyard so small that you could not take Five Paces without hitting the fence and an old-timey rope

Pulled em waiter that led from the kitchen to my bedroom I love that weird little place but unfortunately it was incredibly old and half of its charm was the fact that it seemed to have been designed by an inarticulate conclave of lunatics and eventually the repair cost succeeded what my parents were willing

To sink into it and we had to move preparing for the move was a chore I packed most of my stuff myself and I had taken to throwing stuff down the dumb waiter and shoving all my clothes so thickly in my closet that they became a single solid brick of fabric while

Clearing that closet out in fact I came across a feature I hadn’t noticed before and attic entrance in the roof being an adventure first kid I opened her up stood on the clothes brick and began my first and last exploration into the top most part of our weird little house the

First thing I noticed was that it wasn’t as dark as it should have been the place was strung with old red Christmas lights which still burned with leftover incandescents and a dozen little cracks and holes peeped down into all the bedrooms below the second thing I

Noticed was that the place was set up for habitation the insulation was plastic away there was an old Gurney piled with sleeping bags and sheets and a rusted mint green refrigerator which still worked when I tested it the third thing was the bones there were a lot of

Bones I was a kid at the time with a limited understanding of anatomy but there were bones of all types heaped into a series of piles around the center of the attic small and large clean and white from every and any imaginable sort of creature haphazardly stacked in a

Half dozen aussiest clumps two of them were blackened as if someone had tried to burn them and the walls nearest those blackened piles were scrolled dark bone Char messages mostly they were just smears but the word sorry appeared more than once that room had been sitting

Over my head for eight years while I slept a few summers ago I went for a bike ride around midnight with a friend we went our separate ways at the end of the evening and I had about two blocks to ride back by myself because of construction I had to ride on the

Sidewalk but the streets were dead but it wasn’t a problem until right where I was about to turn left onto my street there was this man walking by himself maybe 40s a little scruffy but not homeless the sidewalk was narrow and I didn’t want to freak him out so when I

Got about six feet behind him I said hey behind you and he turned around and gave me this super angry look I turned down me street and he started to follow me literally screaming about how was going to kill me and all that I live right off

The corner and I didn’t want him to figure that out so I decided to do another loop around the block that’s not the scary part the scary part is that when I looped back around and looked down the street I saw him standing on my front stoop staring out at the street I

Lived there he saw me ride by again but he didn’t say anything I ended up going back to the friends but my bike got stole woman from the alleyway by the house two days later my grandmother swore by this story till her dying day it was during the war in

London and my dad was a baby she was bombed out of her house and was staying with a friend the friend had set her up in a room on the top floor anyway she was taking my dad upstairs to bed when a figure materialized on the stairs

Telling her not to sleep in that room tonight she noped back downstairs and told her friend that she and my dad were sleeping in the sitting room that night her friend was annoyed but agreed that night a bomb exploded near the house and the roof caved in right on top of my

Dad’s cot he would have been killed I have a fear of spiders because of a hunting trip I took with my dad and family when I was a kid I don’t enjoy shooting things not an animal rights activist but I think killing for game or bragging rights and not for food is

Wasteful and barbaric I had brought my game boy and they stationed me at one of the ground blinds so I could use the radio to tell the others if I saw any deer headed their way I got bored as [ __ ] and got tired of grinding in

Pokemon so I turned off my game and started rifling through my backpack to find another as I did this I heard a strange whooshing sound that sounded very close but I couldn’t find anything I walked around outside the Blind and as I came around the backside I saw that

The entire outer wall was covered in a massive Interlink daddy long-leg spiders I considered running like hell but I had no idea where the camp was I had been driven out to the blind my solution was to use my kind of off and the lighter for my backpack to blowtorch all the

Spiders off because stupid that’s why the plan backfired because I made this stake of standing downwind of the spiders the second the fire hit them they all let go and flew at me the entire wall of them flaming flying spiders I immediately started screaming and rolling around on the ground I took

Off all of my clothes and immediately phoned my dad on the radio and told him to come get me and that we were going home I have never sworn or cried so profusely in my life I eventually went through therapy regarding this event and now I just hate spiders in general and

Prefer not to be around them a week after gaining my CPR certification I had to try and perform CPR on a woman dying of a heroin probably other drugs too overdose I was at a thrift store with some friends looking for Halloween costumes and someone came in saying that someone was

Passed out in the parking lot I was in the dressing room and it just got super quiet so I came out and told them I was certified and I go take a look and that they needed to call 9-1-1 I go outside and don’t see anyone on the ground

Someone comes out and shouts that the person is in the car that’s parked far out by itself I ran over and honestly freaked out she was pretty much already dead completely blue in the face slumped against her car window she had the red druggie rings around her eyes but those

Were Bluetooth because she was so oxygen deprived we opened the door and I’ll never forget that when we turned her head to see if she still had a pulse she had tears running down her face we pulled her out of the car put her on the ground and took her pulse began because

The first person to do it wasn’t sure we started CPR and the ambulance arrived about a minute after they got her strapped up and in a continued CPR they had another ambulance come and those EMTs got out and there was literally like six of them surrounding her the cop

Told us they had administered some type of drug that can apparently reverse heroin overdoses if given in time but she was pretty much dead already they would do the necessary stuff until they could get to the hospital and call it according to him I also remember when we

Opened the door there was heroin needles and empty pill bottles all over the floor she wasn’t very old we also think she had kids she had some toys and a car seat plus two names tattooed on her I had awesome parents who let me sleep in the living room on weekend nights

When I was very young because my sister was a light sleeper and I could stay up until dawn but of course I always end up sleeping on the couch because Nick at night made me tried so one night I wake up to the prickly feeling like an instinct just bolted into a sitting

Position and stared out the front window we lived in rural Georgia so you can imagine the magnitude of trees in Perfect Light cast from the Moon I see a silhouette of someone in this tree the family dog dashes to the window and is snarling into the glass terrified I run

Into my parents room and try to explain to my parents that there is a strange person outside dad grabs something defensive and darts outside with the dogs to beat the wax off the hot head I tremble in Mama’s arms until dad comes home and says he saw no one and to go to

Bed I decide to sleep in my regular bedroom I fill in my sister in as to what happened dad is making regular rounds in the house with a cup of coffee we’re all still and I finally think I can sleep nope I noticed the man outside

My window from what I can see in the Moonlight he gives give me a shush signal and runs away just turns around to run a straight line away I swear I couldn’t stop crying for what felt like ours when I kid I used to take a long time to

Get to sleep one night when I was about eight I remember turning over in my bed and there standing nonchalantly was a soldier he was in full color but clearly not solid I remember it clearly and I would now say that he was World War One

Era he just looked at me with no expression and I remember being really surprised that I wasn’t at all scared but really calm it felt like passing an old friend on the street and giving a polite nod I knew about sleep paralysis but it goes on a few years later I was

Folding clothes in my room I have a small room off my bedroom that’s half closet half-study room I looked up and right through that room strolled a soldier in very old dress far older dress than the one I’d seen years before he looked at me with a sort of nearly

Cheeky smile again I was shocked that I wasn’t scared at all even though I didn’t understand it I felt very calm during these years I used to struggle with a recurring dream I’d be lying in a field that was completely churned up unable to get up as I’d been badly hurt

In my lower back with my legs covered in blood in the dream I know I am just waiting to die and the battle has moved on away from this field then a soldier World War One era comes running past me I raise a handgun level it at his chest

And fire he collapses down near me and we make eye contact he looks at me with such hatred a real why look he raises the rifle he was carrying in aims right at my head I deliberately don’t even try to move I remember the eye contact once

More and me trying to convey to him that I was sorry and to go ahead then I’m aware of him about to fire then I’d wake up gasping and drenched in sweat this stream stopped in my mid-teens fast forward to when I’m 19. I slipped on

Some steps and broke a bone in my lower lumbar spine I remember lying in a hospital bed in so much pain I could barely breath doctors and nurses and patients were walking past going about their business then two soldiers walk in they don’t say anything but our informal

Dress and come over to my bed and take off their hats they stand there for several minutes just smiling encouragingly and then not and slowly fade I don’t know what happened because I’m not a crier but I burst into tears it wasn’t anything to do with the pain

But I ended up just sobbing for about an hour I felt this absolutely tremendous relief inside me as if I’d been burdened by a guilt for my entire life that had just released I lend the story with a part which keeps me from questioning if I’m crazy my mother used to be friends

With a man who claimed to be Shaman I never bought into any of that stuff and before I met him I used to tease my mum for believing anything he said the first time he met me he looked at me for a minute without saying anything his eyes

Were extremely piercing he then said you’ve been busy in your time you’re surrounded by soldiers a lot of soldiers from a lot of history it kind of made me feel better as I’d sort of assumed I had something wrong with me then when my younger brother started having imaginary

Friends at about three he used to always mention the big men with funny clothes that would walk with me from time to time there’s been multiple other bits and pieces of related things that have happened to me growing up but it’d take all day to write it all out anyway

Hopefully you took something from reading I was delivering a hot tub to this contractor slash realtor in this fancy gated community near Branson Missouri when I arrived the construction workers were in charge of telling me where the thing was supposed to go it was going on the fourth floor balcony but because of

The way the house was built the fourth floor was ground floor the other three floors were on the side of a hill but the driveway was even with the first fourth floor entrance if that makes sense so lot of construction going on but to get the hot tub on the balcony I

Had to make a ramp take it from the drive down into the yard up a ramp to the porch through the living room door across the living room out the back patio doors onto the deck problem with this was the deck was unfinished a huge section of decking was missing they had

Literally installed only enough decking so that I could go from the patio doors to the far corner of the deck where the hot tub would sit there was no railing the hot tub weighed 900 pounds and it was a four-story drop if I fell the the construction workers volunteered to help

Me we got it out onto the deck crossed the narrow bridge of install decking to the corner and I was about to lay it down you move these on a dolly while the hot tub is on its Edge for clarification laying it down isn’t that hard you tilt

It bring it down to your lap grab the strap securing it to the dolly and lower it to the deck it’s very controlled and I’d done it thousands of times however this deck wasn’t finished so the contractor wanted to leave it on its Edge it’s a lot harder to take it off

When it’s standing up because the dolly is under a 900 pound tub but I’ve done it before I told them that we would have to put blocks under one side of the dolly tilt the tub and pop the straps to release the dolly so it could be removed

From the area then you tilt the hot tub back remove the blocks and then set the hot tub down on the deck problem the deck wasn’t wide enough to allow me to do this safely I popped the strap on the hot tub put the blocks under and I

Tilted the hot tub but that put me with my feet 4 inches from the edge of the deck with nothing but four stories of air behind me we were able to free the dolly on one side but not the other the hot tub had to be leaned over further

Toward me I tell everyone to freeze and they do I didn’t want anyone messing with it because I had to shift my feet back five inches so my heels were off the deck I’m freaking out but it’s all going smooth I have a construction worker on each side of me helping

Support the tub three construction workers freeing the dolly and one useless worker playing with the strap that is going to secure the tub to the house so that the wind doesn’t blow the tub over we are inches from having the dolly freed when one of the construction workers freeing the dolly gets impatient

And kicks the corner of the tub to dislodge it from the dolly it works for him but unfortunately for me I didn’t have my feet set yet I shout that I’m falling the two guys beside me take the weight of a tub but no one can get to me

My arms are windmilling I’m Ben almost double backwards trying my damnedest to stay on the deck I can see the boulders down below out of the corner of my eye I’m falling and there isn’t anything I can do about it I feel myself go I’m falling my heels slip out from under me

And no one can reach me but then suddenly I’m flying forward something is under the small of my back and it’s slamming me into the bottom of the tub the dolly is removed and the tub stood up with me hugging it before I find out what saved me the useless guy playing

With the strap had already secured one end to the house when I fell the strap was already behind me hanging off the deck the construction worker pulled it tight with all his might arresting my fall it wasn’t there for that purpose but he saved my life that day I would

Have been dead if not for him I thanked him by sending him and his wife and kid to Breckenridge Colorado for Christmas it was actually a vacation I’d saved for and was about to surprise my wife and daughter with but I felt he deserved it more plus my wife and daughter didn’t

Know anything about it yeah that was is one of my most scariest moments ever okay this is 100 true I’m 23 now and this happened about 10 years ago so I was probably 13 or 14. anyway I used to skateboard all the time with my friend

Stim and Brandon one day we got done skating and we decided to go to 7-Eleven to get some food slash drinks before we went home remember I was only 13 14 so we weren’t driving we had skated to the 7-Eleven and were planning on skating slash walking back home anyway we buy

Our drink said we left the store we walked to the parking lots exit and prepared to cross the highway it’s not a bust Highway since it’s a small town while we waited for the traffic light to turn red so that we could cross I looked behind me at the 7-Eleven gas pumps I

Noticed a 40 to 50 year old man pumping gas into his white truck he stared at me and before I knew it he dropped the gas pump and jumped into his truck he slammed on the gas and sped straight at my friends and I he missed us but he

Grazed my arm German knocked my skateboard out of my hand my friend Brandon screamed WTF as the man peeled out and sped into the parking lot next to 7-Eleven I swear to God he drove through a ditch which was between 7 11s parking lot in the parking lot he was in

And tried to run us over again this is where it got bad the three of us started running at full speed across the highway and tour the local library which is like two to three blocks from 7-Eleven when we were about half a block away I looked back and saw The Maniacs beating

Tortoise full of Rage Brandon and Tim ran up to the library doors and I ran towards the woods it was Sunday so I knew the library was closed and there was a trail in the woods which led to my backyard meanwhile this Maniac peeled into the parking lot and hopped out of

His truck I looked behind me before escaping into the woods and saw him grab either a shotgun or a crowbar I was pretty far away at this point and I was freaking out so my vision wasn’t great from the bed of his truck I ran all the

Way home when I got to my street my neighbor Tim’s dad told me to get in his car because we had to go to the video store which is where Tim’s mom worked when I got there I found him and Brandon they ran to the video store after

Realizing that the library was closed and three cops a minute later my mom came in crying her eyes out because Brandon and Tim told her they didn’t know if I lived or not everyone had thought that I was captured Tim told me that he saw the guy running after me

Into the woods which is scary because I thought the maniac was chasing them not me anyway he was never caught and I spent the next five years worrying about every white truck I saw frown when I was a child I lived in an old Victorian house and I would always hear

Laughing while I was trying to sleep I was an only child with a single mother and when I was about five to six I would wake up hearing laughter in the hallway in the middle of the night after mentioning this to my mom she swore it

Was probably just the TV being left on late one night I awoke hearing the laughter in my room I went to sit up but felt like there was someone holding my shoulders down invisible hands gripping into my shoulders while I heard laughing I screamed my little heart out my mum

Ran into my room flicking on the bedside lamp convincing me it was just a dream until I said but my shoulders hurt she lifted up my t-shirt and there were two adult-sized hand prints on my shoulders I honestly thought I had imagined it and that it had never happened but the other

Day I mentioned it in passing to my mum and she went blanket wide and said I don’t want to remember that when I was in high school I had a really good friend who lived next door to a house that was always up for sale people

Would move out in the middle of the night without a word and it hadn’t had the same owner for more than six months straight for a couple of years one night we were really bored and he suggested we go explore the house next door since it

Had sat empty for a while we go around back and there’s a dog door that he can crawl through and he unlocks the door and lets me in the house itself is really unremarkable it looked like it was built in maybe the 1950s and was a craftsman style house in an older nicer

Part of town my friend’s house was similarly built the kitchen had a really nice built-in breakfast table set against a picture window The house’s electricity was off but you could see the street light through the window my friend and I sit down on the floor across from the stable and are just

Hanging out talking why who knows all of a sudden my friend screams and in that instant myavision goes black but it wasn’t that I just couldn’t see my body was engulfed in this sickly coldness from head to toe I start screaming and I feel my friend’s hand grabbing mine and

Pulling me in some direction forcefully my vision slowly comes back and I start to warm up when I realize that we’re outside under the street light it was December and should have been much warmer inside of that house finally I look at my friend and he looks scared

I’m really confused and kind of panicked myself and finally asked him what happened he says that as I was talking a black thing this figure that was all black and only had the vague shape of a girl crawled out from under the table and sat on top of me apparently I

Started groping around with my eyes wide open like I couldn’t see and he was so freaked out he pulled me out of the house we’re still friends and we bring it up every now and then but the story itself never changes and it still sends chills down my spine to this day I’ve

Never felt such Blackness or coldness in my life it was palpable almost sticky for a couple of days afterward I couldn’t shake this unsettling feel and I could never walk past that house again uh I’m scared to get out of bed now every time I stay at my grandma’s house

I hear someone walking upstairs it starts at one side of the room casually walks to the other and stops this will happen maybe twice a night I didn’t start hearing it until I was about 14 when my grandparents made me start sleeping in a different room on the first floor because they starting

Sleeping in separate bedrooms blah blah blah regardless both of their rooms are also on the first floor for a little backstory I have always been afraid of the upstairs at their house I don’t know why but it’s always freaked me out and I refuse to ever go up there alone I’m 23

Now still won’t go up alone there’s one room specifically though it’s a long narrow bedroom when you open the door there are closets on your left and right a bed placed roughly in the middle of the room and a window on the far side opposite the door I was told growing up

By my grandparents that the sons of the previous owner claimed to see a gorilla come out of the closet at night dance around the room and go back into the closet I thought nothing of this story until I had to start sleeping in the other room the room located directly

Below the scary room upstairs so we all go to bed all the lights in the house are off and I’m still awake lying on the bed then I heard it Thump Thump Thump starting at one end of the room upstairs it got closer to me passed right above

Me and continued to the end of the room where it stopped I’m wide awake terrified out of my mind it was no question to me that I had heard footsteps I knew that slow casual Pace I was freaked out and went to my grandpa’s

Room I told him what I heard he told me that the house is old and it creaks but he turned the dining room light on for me so I felt a little safer I tried going back to sleep then it started again this time from where it ended the

First time by the window upstairs it walks over me again and stops when it reached the door I thought was over until five seconds later when I heard it coming down the stairs one two three four five silence as it reached the landing then six seven eight nine ten

And silence again as it reached the first floor I was frozen in shock whatever it was it was on my floor of the house and sadly unaffected by the dining room light I was staring at the doorway to my room the dining room light was shining in and my vision began to

Distort I felt dizzy with fear so I pulled the blankets over my head and suddenly heard a scratching sound from inside my room I knew exactly where it was coming from too my grandpa’s gun case it was a very obvious sound scratching on the wood long scratches

Down the front of the gun K store I could even hear the door ever so slightly tapping against the frame as each scratch began I tried to scream and I couldn’t I took a second to take a deep breath and let out a loud scream in

Seconds my grandpa had made it to my room and I was relieved needless to say he still didn’t believe me so I did what any normal person would do I draped a sheet over the side of the bed and slept underneath it I wrapped myself tight in

A comforter put on headphones and turned my back to the door there could be a party of ghosts in my room and I wouldn’t even know the next morning my grandpa told my grandma about what happened the night before she said oh that’s silly you know your cousin woke

Me up the last time she stayed here she came in my room saying I hear footsteps I slept under the bed for the rest of my week stay with them I’ve stayed there countless times since that happened and I hear the footsteps every time I sleep

On top of the bed now but keep my back to the door and sleep with headphones on I haven’t heard it come down the stairs since the first night but if it does I don’t want to know about a month ago I went over to my girlfriend’s house except I felt really

Uneasy when I went into the living room turns out they replaced a china cabinet with one of her grandmothers whom passed away a few months back her grandmother was bedridden in the hospital and I’ve ever gotten to meet her I felt uneasy the whole time being around her grandmother’s furniture made me so

Anxious and almost sad when I told her she said it was probably nothing she went to the bathroom when I went over to the cabinet it was about six feet tall dark wood it had two doors on the side and glass up front and in the back was a

Mirror I was looking at the teacups and small baby dolls when I could swear I saw someone in the mirror behind me just a silhouette I called out to my girlfriend but as I did I heard a shrill Screech from the bathroom I start pounding on the door and it opens she

Was sitting on the floor crying she said she saw someone in the bathroom mirror we booked it out of her house no shoes no jacket nothing and right to my car I dove for an hour or so with no destination when I returned her to her house her mom was sitting on the

Doorstep she said she kept seeing shadows move nope I will go out of my way to make things like this happen someone claims their house is haunted I want to see someone said they think they saw a skinwalker my friends are looking I’ve never found anything but this this was something else

When we first moved into the house I grew up in I used to hear things calling my name from the opposite end of the house like I would be in my room playing with Legos or something and I would hear my dad call my name from his room so I

Go to my parents bedroom and ask them what they wanted and they’d always tell me that they never called my name being a little kid I honestly started to think that they were playing a joke on me because this happened about once every couple of days well one night it

Happened and I went to ask them what they wanted like always but right as I stepped into their room I heard my mom’s voice calling for me from the living room which is all the way on the other side of the house it was at that exact

Point that I knew no one was tricking me because I was looking at both of my parents sitting in front of me I kinda kept this to myself until my brother was diagnosed with partial narcolepsy one of the symptoms of narcolepsy is apparently oral hallucinations so I thought maybe I

Had it too went and got myself checked completely fine time so I have no idea what was calling my name all those years and I still hear it at night whenever I come visit and stay over when I was in nursing school long ago

There was a lady that did not want to be resuscitated by all means later she became altered and her family gained power attorney over her they changed her code status from DNR to full code even though that was not their mother’s wishes since they had power attorney

Over her we had to follow the children’s Wishes the lady went into v-fib with no pulse or breathing we started CPR to the code chart arrived at the bedside the doctor went to administer a shock but the machine failed he tried again and again the machine would not deliver the

Shock the minute she passed on the machine worked the hospital checks the defibrator daily and it not working has never ever happened before in the end the lady ended up getting her wish of no resuscitation everyone was freaked out over this I have been a nurse 20 years

And never seen this happen before about two years ago I was driving home from a family reunion pretty late at night and the drive was about two hours I didn’t stay the night because I had to be back for work the following day most of the drive was on roads with dense

Bushes and trees on either side the real creepy ones you see a lot in movies anyway I had been driving about 45 minutes and I was starting to get really tired you know how sometimes you just suddenly become really tired out of nowhere well yeah that happened to me I

Knew I wasn’t going to last but I didn’t come across any place that I felt I could park and safely sleep anyway after it became clear to me that I wasn’t going to find a place to pull up and my tiredness wasn’t going away I did something very questionable I pulled

Over to the side of the road onto the grass behind some bushes to try and hide my car from anybody else who was going to come past the roads weren’t empty I came across another car every few minutes or so I made a mental note that

The time was 11 22 and and then fell asleep sometime later I was awoken by a scratching sound I looked at the clock 11 50. the sound stopped after a few seconds and because I was still extremely tired I didn’t bother looking around and simply went back to sleep I

Was later awoken by the same sound and it was now 12 40. this time it really freaked me out because the sound didn’t stop the thought ran across my mind that it was just an animal inspecting the car but why would it return almost an hour

After it had left the previous time I looked in my rearview mirror and just managed to catch a glimpse of something running away into the forest now at the time I thought it was the Hook killer you know the one that scratched the couple’s car and then slaughtered the

Guy when he got out to investigate [ __ ] that I thought to myself so I got the hell out of there there was a Bend no more than a hundred yards up the road and as I came around it there was a car parked off to the side of the road with

The driver’s side door opened I slowed down just to look to see if any anyone was in there there wasn’t then I looked in my rear view mirror I didn’t see anything and all of a sudden this guy comes sprinting around the corner he starts screaming at me shouting stuff

Like hey hey you get out of your car now I noped out of there and sped off I never saw the guy again moral of the story don’t sleep on the side of a deserted Road so I was sleeping and in the middle of the dream a character of my dream who

Was doing something turned her head looked at me very seriously and said there’s someone in your apartment wake up I nearly had a heart attack and my apartment was empty when I was about done all of my cousins and siblings were over about 10 of us there the parents and Grandparents were

Out for an adult dinner so it was just the kids sitting around watching a few movies when all of a sudden the house shook and there was a large flash coming from the backyard it felt as if a bomb dropped we all heard felt and saw it and

As a pack we ran into the hallway the eldest cousins in the group debated on calling the police but opted to call the parents after a few minutes we gained our courage and ventured out into the living room again this time with weapons just in case after a half hour with no

Other issues the parents came home and thought we were insane there was nothing wrong with the backyard and no neighbors reported anything it’s been 10 years and we still talk about it trying to figure out what it was that has been the scariest thing to happen to me by far

Okay so this happened to me last summer when I was back at my parents house during the holidays it was around 3 A.M and I was in my room on my computer when I got a call from my sister now that was already a little bit weird since my

Sister’s room is just down the hallway from mine and she could have just came in my room I went to pick up and the call Ended as soon as I reached the phone I figured that she wanted to speak with me so I got up and went to her room

As soon as I reached her door she started screaming that someone was in the room with her so I busted in and of course nobody was here after she stopped crying she told me that she woke up and saw a dark shadow just centimeters from her face and that’s when she screamed so

I told her that she called me she tell me that her phone is not in her room and that she was sleeping sure enough her phone is actually downstairs in her purse the weird part is that I have the log of her call on my phone but she

Doesn’t never manage to explain this one I was 16 and woke up in the middle of the night to seeing my clothes being rustled about in my doorway after washing my clothes I like to hang dry them on my door frame I noticed some really great veiny looking legs and then

I see these really long pointed sticks moving through my clothes it took me a second but my Sleepy Eye suggested to see one of the most grotesque demon looking [ __ ] I have ever seen he was extremely skinny and had a distended stomach his skin was gray and

Veiny and those long sticks were his fingers his chin was long his eyes had no Lids on them and were unusually big his tiny mouth was in a pucker and moved like he was eating an imaginary lollipop his Hunchback looked as though it tore out of the strange hospital gown he was

Wearing he just stared at me and I tried to scream my grandmother awake who was sharing a room with me for the weekend he wouldn’t stop staring and I stared back and tried to shake my grandmother awake I started noticing other things about him like how large and cone-like

His head was and how hairless and shriveled he look as he stood still surprised I could see him my grandmother woke up looked towards the door and he was gone in the weeks leading to this encounter I had been experiencing strange things in my house like my

Bedroom door slamming and locking on its own one night I woke up to what felt like several hands touching my feet and legs and horrible nightmares after the experience with this strange gray man I told my parents and they had my room exorcized I’d Kiff an exorcism really

Made those horrible things stop or gave me peace of mind from things I was manifesting myself all I know is I don’t experience those things anymore and I’ll never sleep with a door open again DL doctor I saw a demon who was surprised I could see him and had to exercise my

Room not sure if real or I manifested it in my stressed out teenage brain when I was about seven my two brothers and I were playing an area that was used as an unofficial Motocross place we decided to dig a tunnel for some reason being the extra smart guys we were it

Took a few hours to dig about six feet in and two feet high I was right up at the face when suddenly the tunnel collapsed it was all dirt with no supports my world went instantly black and hot by hot I mean furnace hot I couldn’t move a muscle from the weight

Of the soil completely enclosing me I started to really Panic as you do everything started turning red which I guess was blood being forced into my head every breath was getting harder as the soil constrained me more and more even though my hands were near my face I

Couldn’t move my arms to clear the dirt around my head and also started breathing in dirt which made me cough which made me contract my stomach and then I couldn’t draw breath at all this isn’t what made me panic though the total darkness turning red with the

Incredible heat made my young mind think I was going to hell I don’t know how long I was buried for but it seemed like an eternity suddenly I felt something grab one of my feet my brothers had been frantically digging through the collapse to pull me out and managed to reach me

And then pull me out we never told my parents I just went home and got host down I posted this just a couple days ago on another thread this isn’t very interesting but I woke up with blood gushing down my cheek when I was younger and I didn’t feel anything but my face

Felt wet so I went down to my parents room and they freaked out till this day we still have not clue what cut my face but I needed eight stitches next to my eye we checked the sheets pillow pillowcases edges of the bed etc still no idea

My house sits farther back in the lot than most other houses it is a strange layout as well the sidewalk runs the length of the living room and ends at the front porch which lets into the living room large windows that do not open allow great light to get into the

Living room but at the cost of no privacy the rest of my family was on vacation and having the house to myself I decided I would get smashed well I pass out on the couch in the living room at about nine when I realized I was too

Scared to walk back to my room the couch is right underneath these big windows I woke up suddenly not knowing why I had a severe case of the chills and I could not figure out why then the banging started it came from right above me I

Did not move but I opened my eyes and looked up at the window someone was standing there pounding on the glass without moving I looked at the cable box it was around three in the morning the banging continues then it stopped suddenly but I still did not move

Suddenly it commences again coming from two different directions now someone is banging on the window and another person is banging on the front door they kept doing it would not go away finally after about 40 minutes they quit it was the most terrifying event I can recall at

The moment it made me a nervous wreck after that I called a friend the next day to see if he would come over and stay for the rest of the week and his response was what for so that we can both be murdered in our sleep thanks a lot [ __ ]

When I was in elementary school my family decided to add on to her house so we hired an architect and contractor we live in an Old Colonial home that was built to be historically correct E 200 year old soft wood floors proper paint colors Etc because of this my parents

Chose to have all of the wood trim painted in the addition the contractor didn’t want it because we actually bought quality wood and he thought it was a waste of time so we ended up hiring another contractor after about a year of arguing and having almost no

Work done on the house even though the contractor and esteem were consistently being paid the new contractor was one of my parents lawyer had met through church most of his team also went to that same church now we always tried to be hospitable towards the workmen and would offer them drinks and snacks

Particularly in the summer we live in a hot humid climate that is pretty much unbearable so my mom would send me outside with lemonade and the like for the workers they were all really nice and I remember having conversations nice conversations with them about whatever now nine-year-old me found interesting I

Particularly remember this one guy named Kenny the actually contractor never showed up on the job and Kenny was put in charge kind of like a gopher he was always really nice to me anyways a few months after they finally finished the addition on our house I think it took

About two and a half years Kenny’s name is published in the newspaper he was put in prison for charges of pedophilia before he worked at her house he had been on a list of sex offenders the contractor found this detail about his employee unnecessary to share with my

Parents I was an elementary aged girl at the time my brother was in Middle School my parents would leave us home alone with the workmen there on occasion thinking about this still gives me the creeps I can’t it’s not something adult people on a daily basis but when I was little I’m

Gonna say seven or eight I woke up to a banging on the window at first I figured it was just the wind and tried to shrug it off to go back to sleep but I kept hearing Footsteps in my room my room had a large enough area for you to walk in

Circles in front of my bed you know the kind of noises that are just supposed to be the house settling in it sounded like someone was circling my room I used to sleep with the radio on it at this very moment it was playing a very depressing

Song that I can’t remember the name of but if I hear it on the radio I get the creep still so that really started to scare me the room also felt as if it was getting colder at this point I was really scared I decided to make a run

For it to my parents room down the hall as I passed through the area where the foots where I got so incredibly cold that I could see my breath and I froze for a second only to hear the words I’m lost I bolted to my parents room hid

Under their bed and cried myself to sleep when I was a young child I had the same dream every night for years about drowning when a huge wave swept over me and I sank to the bottom years later I had a temp job delivering mail one summer during college I saw this old

Lady sitting on a front porch waiting for me when I got up there she looked at me and said in a foreign accent you drowned when Oceania sank beneath the waves freaked me out when I was about 13 years old our dog ran away from home this happened a few

Times as the gate in the back was left open due to family members being careless and not ensuring it closed all the way and she got out usually not a big deal the neighborhood we were in was a pretty okay neighborhood and I could usually find her not that far away

Sniffing at things usually in the alleys behind houses as that’s where people set out their trash etc etc she was just curious and the minute she’d see me she’d drop whatever she was after and come straight to me we’d head home no biggie this one time it happened though

I went looking for her and couldn’t find her I started to get a bad feeling and kept looking probably a good six blocks away further than she’d ever roamed before was an area with a bunch of townhome rental properties she’d never gone that far before and I was nearly in

Tears ready to give up and go home to wait for her to hopefully find her way back this time instead as I’d been out probably for almost an hour trying to find her at this point walking around round when I saw some slight movement behind a wooden fence and thought I

Heard a Yip in this random person’s backyard was my dog she was muddy and wet and they’d chained her to a post in the yard she was pulling at the chain barking and trying to get to me it was pretty far away so I assumed that the

People had decided to take her in having seen her running around or something I knew it was her because she was my dog damn it and I knew it was her and also she had her collar on I’ll never forget what happened next I rang the doorbell

An older dude Asian opened the door after I rang the bell a second time having given it a good 20 seconds and hearing people inside yelling slash talking yes he said looking at me through a crack in a store hi my name is absolutely no shame and I’m here about

My dog I’m so happy you found her and thank you for getting her off the streets he looked at me suspiciously what dog he said staring at me what my dog the little white dog you have in your your backyard I replied I was starting to get really creeped out at

This point we have no dog here he said and tried to close the door on me I stopped the door with my foot the dog in your backyard right there I was getting louder at this point as I was starting to panic a little I pointed towards his

Backyard and my dog started to bark frantically he looked in the direction I was pointing looked back at me sort of made a disappointed or annoyed Grimace and said oh that dog rather unconvincingly then he left the doorway I was totally mystified and more than a little frightened at this point so I

Went back around to the yard and was ready to climb over the fence and just take my dog back myself when he came to the patio door of his yard stepped into the yard with her she cowered far far away from him I noticed and Unchained

Her from the post then stepped over and opened his gate she booked it to me and pretty much leapt into my arms as I kneeled down to meet her and the old dude just wordlessly walked back inside with a scowl on his face I have no idea

What would have happened if I hadn’t wandered out that far to find her but he didn’t seem to have any intention of returning her or calling the pound or anything her collar had her license tag slash information on it as well as her owner’s information on another tag so

His family could have dealt with it but it didn’t seem like they had any intention of doing so I got the worst feeling from that guy after that if she ever got out of the yard again she was never more than about 50 feet from the house fence boundaries we even found her

Waiting patiently outside the gate to the backyard once posted this elsewhere but here it goes not me but my sister so growing up my sister had an imaginary friend she said she was an older lady and she was nice and her name was ee she talked to her

And played with her all the Jazz until she was probably four or so and then it stopped fast forward to when my sister was about 10. my mom isn’t home she got a call to go to the nursing home for GPA so she bolts with pops my sister and I

Shared a room at the time and she was in there doing whatever and I was on the other end of the house all of a sudden I hear the radio in our room click on turn all the way up turn all the way down and go off this happened like three times so

I go in there to be all like WTF kid knock it off and she is sitting in our room just white as a ghost I go over to the radio to unplug it no plug no batteries only radio in the house I look

At her and she goes it was ee I saw her it was ee so I call mom freaking out and mom is so upset apparently Grandpa had just passed away okay where drop incident whatever a few days later at the funeral a relative comes up to us

And gives us a pic she found my sister goes hey it is EE it was a pictures of my grandparents when they got married my grandmother died before I was even thought of when my mom was 11. we live in the home my mom grew up in we have no

Pictures of her at all as my step-grandmother got rid of them all when she moved into the house a few years after mom’s mom’s death I was on Manassas Battlefield with my father when I was younger we were sitting on the back of his tailgate eating McDonald’s on top of a hill

Looking at some cannons it was foggy and Misty out that day with a slight chill November I think all of the sudden we see a man dressed in full Civil War attire waving at a standing by the Cannons about 50 to 100 meters away my dad had a pair of binoculars with him

And we got a closer look of the man he appeared to be in a Confederate uniform and was standing stationary only moving his arm to wave it was a come here wave my dad thought there was a reenactment going on in that that the man needed

Help so my dad walked down to the man while I watched with the binoculars when my dad got close to the man he stopped walking and had a confused posture after a couple seconds next to the man he turns around and Sprints back to me he proceeds to throw everything in the back

Of the truck and we leave the battlefield in a hurry my dad said while walking down there the man slowly disappeared and my dad said said he got the strangest feeling in his stomach and mad chills to this day my dad gets the chills and goosebumps telling the story

My dad saw combat in Vietnam so he is not an easy guy to scare from my perspective my dad was right next to the guy and never disappeared we don’t know what we saw but I think it was a ghost my grandfather’s company does timber mining was setting up an office in a

Relatively remote part of a third world County and found a house that was Dirt Cheap even for third world country standards obviously there was a catch the villagers in that area told him not to purchase it since the house was haunted and everyone who had ever lived

There died violently he decided it was just some superstitious BS and got it anyway so the guy setting up the office will live on the top floor of the house with his family and the lower floors for the office he moved in with his wife and three kids anyway my grandfather

Suddenly got no news from him for the longest time since this was in a remote part of a third world country he wasn’t too worried since he just assumed they lost power or something he finally contacted the local police to go check on the guy since he was completely

Unreachable they found everyone dead apparently the guy killed his wife kids and then himself with a machete yes not a gun a machete he actually hacked himself to death it wasn’t one of those cuts on the wrists to let everyone slowly bleed to death everyone was hacked down including the guy himself

The description of the scene had to be an exaggeration since I’m assuming the side of five decapitated bodies including three kids were scary enough to make people see things so I won’t bother putting it here since I’m not sure what’s true and there were details that people could not have witnessed

Let’s just say I stopped paying attention after I heard the phrase Magic machete I was told entire room was covered in blood including the ceiling some people were saying the blood on the ceiling had to have gotten there because the spirits threw the bodies around I had to explain about blood pressure and

Got tons of weird looks now the weird part if this isn’t weird enough was that he managed to barricade the door with the bed with his wife and kids on it and it’s one of those gigantic old beds that’s extremely hard to move the locals say this is evidence he was possessed by

Spirits I say moving to the middle of nowhere in some third world country drove the guy nuts and crazy people can do all sorts of crazy [ __ ] and even perform crazy Feats of Strength anyway my grandfather had to paint a few bribes to make sure nothing gets to the Press

Not hard middle of nowhere about the entire thing and get the police to classify the deaths as natural no idea how they’ll explain that third world countries are awesome all employees in the know have to sign an NDA too he then tried getting other volunteers to set up

The office even if they haven’t heard all the Gory details because of my grandfather’s gag order everyone knew the previous guy died no one volunteered he promoted one guy gave him a fancy title and told him he’s in charge of setting up that office the guy quit

When I was about 13 or 14 I lived on a farm in NC this wasn’t a regular farm that you would expect with Fields full of beans and [ __ ] it was actually a pine tree Harvest tree pine needles are a big Landscaping commodity and so we live

Basically in the woods and would bail the pine straw every year whatever the point is that my house was in the middle of 550 Acres of perfectly lined long-leaf Pines my living room had a huge picture window I won’t go into the architecture of the house but it was a

Weird custom job built by some dentist in the 30s the window in the living room stretched nearly the entire length of the room maybe 50 feet the house was built on a subtle Hill so the living room itself sat five or six feet off the ground sea had something of an angle to

Look out at a solid mile of pine trees during the winter it was unsettling because you’d get just a bit of snow enough to reflect moonlight so that you could see the dogs running around at night I’ll be honest I hated that room in that window so now to the relevant

Part I had a cousin of over for the weekend and we were doing what kids do in the country throwing stuff in the fireplace to see what happens it is getting late and the fire is dying down so we build the big Kingdom of couch cushions and blankets in the living room

And get ready for bed nothing out of the ordinary until we hear the dogs barking they were really far away the property stretches for nearly a mile so I just assumed they were chasing off whatever animal felt like [ __ ] in my yard so my cousin is staring out the window and

Not saying anything which prompts the standard what’s up he just kind of keeps staring and says he feels like he’s seeing things naturally I get all anxious and start staring out the window as well nothing happens for a few minutes and he gets more and more annoyed with me because I’m asking what

He saw he keeps shushing me so that he can focus and then we both see it a shadow of a person moves from One Tree to the next not a run not a leap just a brisk walk from One Tree to another this is probably 100 yards out from the house

We can’t actually tell if the person is coming closer or not because we’re dealing with moonlight reflecting off of snow ice I guess the crazy part is that we didn’t so much freak out because at this point there is still the chance that we didn’t see what we saw you know

So we just kept staring we should have gone to wake up my dad but he’s an idiot and the kind of guy to walk out on the patio and holler into the woods with his rifle we were just scared enough to agree that we don’t want to taunt

Whatever is happening so about three minutes later it happens again but a good 50 feet from where we first saw it another person another tree a few strides and they were gone this happened every few minutes for the next half hour and we just stared at this point I

Should mention that I didn’t really have neighbors the land surrounding our farm was Federal paper I don’t know who owns it now so it was Miles and Miles of uncultivated trees you don’t see people around the farm unless they intend to be there so we keep watching as these two

Figures intermittent appear and vanish until finally we see one appear but not disappear instead we focus in on it and see that it is now running forward we lose our [ __ ] and go wake my dad by the time we get into the room with my half

Awake father there is no one to be seen we Sprint around locking doors and windows keep in mind that we’re out in the country with no one around it rarely occurs to lock doors every door was worse than a last because you just know that as soon as you reach the door

Someone is going to be trying to open it although that never happened we locked everything up walked around the house at least 50 times making sure no one got in without us knowing and then convinced my dad to fall asleep in the living room with us while we stared out the window I

Never understood why my dad wouldn’t call the police he always had this we take care of our own mentality and it simply wasn’t an option to call 9-1-1 the next day we went out to look and absolutely there were Footprints everywhere in the snow we saw them

Between trees and then we finally saw where someone had been standing right in front of the window but as I said I wouldn’t have seen them because while I’m seven feet up in the living room they would have been right beneath me one night when I was 13 years old I had

Gotten my period for the first time and ended up sleeping on my back I am an avid side sleeper so this is a really weird position for me I was dreaming and in that dream I was sitting in a chair I leaned it back on its back legs and

Suddenly the chair started to slowly lean further and further back until I drifted into the eternity below me this freaked me out and I jolted awake when I awoke there was a figure leaning slash hovering directly above my face and all I saw was a hooded white flat ovular and

Relatively featureless face with big ovular glassy eyes and an expression like it was determined to devour my Eternal Soul the face was humanoid very two-dimensional within quivering angry lips and two holes where its nose would be with eyebrows arched high up onto its forehead I could feel an unworldly hate

Burning right through me as it loomed over me it was absolutely the most helpless I have ever felt and would ever feel because it was more than just my life I felt was at stake I tried to move scream breathe anything and couldn’t it was paralyzing me with its hate I

Finally was able to let out the tiniest whimper and as soon as the sound escaped me it stood straight up and paced back and forth at the foot of my bed still staring it was like a force field was erected around me and the frustration of

It trying to get at me again was radiating throughout the room it looked like a starving tiger behind glass longing to Lunge at its vulnerable prey if only it weren’t for the barrier between us it was tall almost all the way to the ceiling tall and very thin

Wearing a long black cloak that covered everything except that terrifying face I realized that it hadn’t been floating over me it had stood at the foot of my bed and leaned over it to hover its face over mine I sat up in my bed still frozen just staring at it my closet door

Behind it was cracked a few inches and it swooped in there and peered out at me never having broken eye contact it continued to stare quivering with hate and frustration until it slowly faded away I I turned my light on and it stayed on at night for a long time I

Never slept with that closet door open again and I didn’t sleep again that night I stayed the night in the living room with all of the lights on just sitting on the couch I later dismissed it as sleep paralysis for several years it was a very believable and plausible

Explanation then I became friends with a girl who confided in me and told me a story she was up late at night by herself with her door open something out in the living room by the kitchen caught her eye and when she looked at it she saw a figure standing there beckoning

Her to approach it she looked away refocused on it and it was still there when she described it she described the exact same creature that had attacked me we each got a Sketchbook and Drew what we saw and when she showed me hers I was staring at my attacker all over again

She had never heard my story before telling hers I once sat across from a guy who told me about killing his girlfriend him cutting her into pieces and boiling her head he explained why he killed her and wished he could talk to the parents so they

Could understand that what he did was a good thing it wasn’t I sat with him for 45 minutes as he went into detail was the most surreal 45 minutes of My Life Source worked in Max security mental health facility we were living with my grandparents at

The time in my aunt’s room was a two foot tall Victorian style doll converted into a lamp the lamp would only turn on by holding the doll’s cold plastic hand and raising and lowering the arm the doll stood on a nightstand next to my aunt’s bed facing the door greeting

Everyone who entered with a creepy Dead Eye smile I was alone in the house one day and wanted a blanket from my aunt’s closet luckily for this scaredy cat there were two important factors that worked in my favor one it was mid-afternoon and wouldn’t need the lamps light and two the closet was

Located immediately next to the doors entrance so without lifting my gaze I stared at the floor entered the room and turned 180 degrees now my back was towards the doll I quickly swung open the closet door and reached down for a blanket when suddenly something about the room was different brighter the

Light was on and the peach fuzz hairs on the back of my neck uncurled I froze for an eternity then felt my survival Instinct kick in and wanted to run screaming in horror but before all that I still had to look man I wish I hadn’t

Looked as I turned to exit the room I lifted my stupid head only to confirm that the doll’s hand was raised and that it was pointed directly at me such traumatizing Vision burned in my brain since I was 13. much uneasy creepy memory a few years ago there was a small plane

Accident that occurred in a neighboring town I was part of the county volunteer search and rescue group and when we got the call I was one of the responders to help try and see if there was any chance of a Survivor from the crash we found

Out from the sheriff that was there that it was an elderly couple and their young granddaughter that were in this plane immediately it went dead silent you could see the life drain from the other responders faces as soon as it was said upon getting to the area that the crash

Happened at it was clear that there would be no survivors from this accident it wouldn’t have a happy ending there would be no joyful and tear-filled reunion this plane was absolutely destroyed our lead turned to the group and said if anybody was uncomfortable or not willing to do the recovery of the

Bodies there would be no hard feelings or anything held against them some people just aren’t cut out for this about half of the group said they wouldn’t slash couldn’t do it they helped set up the repelling lines made some radio calls to other teams that were lower on the hillside help helping

Us navigate through the broken trees and aircraft parts to get to where we expected to find the bodies I’ll never forget the feeling of complete utter numbness I experience that day the first thing any of us saw was this small stuffed teddy bear and the blood that

Had soaked onto it when we finally were able to get down to the bodies we had to stop and collect ourselves it was heartbreaking to see this little girl with such empty devoid eyes she was gone never to grow up and experience life like most of us had never to know the

Joys aches frustrations sadness excitement and everything else life throws at you I’ve seen a lot in my few years as an EMT I’ve seen drug overdoses diabetic shock car crashes suicides of all manners but this effed me up for a while nobody should have to go through

What we went through to help bring closure for the family nobody should have to deal with bringing back a child in a body bag but if I don’t stand up and do it someone else has to Bear the heartache the depression the numbness and I don’t ever want someone else to

Experience it like I did there are some wonderful things about being young poor and in love sadly this is about none of those things when I was 22 I decided to move in with my equally poor boyfriend unfortunately poor plus poor still equals mostly poor but not so

Destitute that we couldn’t afford an apartment in a college town we happily moved into our little one bedroom first floor apartment sure it had problems the lead-based paint was so thick we were sure we could survive a nuclear attack the bathroom didn’t have a vent instead

It had a window in the shower the appliances were from the time of my grandmother but it was home our home we loved it my boyfriend worked the graveyard shift and I work days so we spent a lot of time apart that meant that when we were together we enjoyed

The simple things in life a lot of naked time over time when I was waking up and taking my morning shower my boyfriend who was just getting home realized that he could come up to her open shower window and sneak a peek I always caught

Him it was in good fun and we laughed eventually I started to notice there was a log standing upright outside of that window I continually asked him why he would need that he was tall enough already he’d claim it wasn’t his and move it away when I went outside to show

Him yet every few days it would move right back the guys who cared for the yard were there several times a week so they must have just been moving it back out of the way against the building finally before the snow fell the yard workers cleared away all the yard debris

And we went on in peaceful Oblivion candy coated love filled Oblivion time went on and our lease was up but there was a great special at our cheap apartment complex we could now rent two bedrooms even cheaper than our one bedroom we happily signed the new lease

The only real problem was that our one-bedroom apartment was on a nice Suburban Street facing houses so we never really noticed how bad our neighborhood was we were moved to the other end of the community behind an abandoned strip mall our front yard consisted of a dark alley and some

Dumpsters behind a recently vacated Chinese buffet where a lot of stray cats seem to live none of this mattered in our dimly lit front yard though our apartment was super cheap and super huge what more could we ask for that year we were so happy that my boyfriend went to

Buy me a ring on Valentine’s Day being young and giddy in love he wasn’t able to keep the secret and I told him yes before he could even ask the question he didn’t have a lot of money so he bought a ring with the help of a friend’s

Father who owned a jewelry store he got a good price but with a drop in price so Comes A Drop in attention to detail I was devastated when he brought home the ring along with our wedding band set to find out that someone had mistaken my

Very tiny four ring size with a 12. my rings were made for monster hands what a terrible way to start our engagement clearly they needed to go back so he put them in his glove box but then a snowstorm prevented him from taking them back that day the next day he went to

His car to find that it had been broken into nothing had been taken except the rings from the glove box we never did have the money to replace them we personally went to every pawn shop in the area and everybody said they hadn’t seen anything I began to be jealous

Anytime I’d see a woman with large fingers wearing a silver ring with Celtic not work I kept telling myself that her deadbeat boyfriend stole my ring to give to her winter passed and summer came with the summer came the warm breezes and the fresh air through open Windows what the summer didn’t

Bring was more money not for us and not for the city we lost our phone service for non-payment but it didn’t matter the only people we talked to were each other anyway meanwhile the city cut police and even closed a few stations most of them in our neighborhood it didn’t matter

Though summer days are long and our dingy little corner of the community wasn’t at all intimidating in the daylight one night my husband to be turned in for the night early and so I decided that after a long day okay what I really needed was a nice soak in the

Bath I walked into the bathroom and began to run the water adding my bath salts and bubble bath I opened the window for the nice Summer Breeze and took of my clothes and dumped them in a pile by the open bathroom door I then grabbed my laptop to set on the closed

Toilet seat so I could relax in the tub with a movie this would be at least two hours of pure Bliss nothing beats A long soak in my book I turned the volume up on my laptop and relaxed the hours away with one movie and then another what

Must have been four hours later I pulled the plug on the drain and sat while the water swirled away I slowly stood up and stretched and dried off the now cool night air hitting my face through the window I figured I’d just leave that open though the apartment could use the

Airing out I stepped out of the tub and across the bathroom I didn’t bother to move my pile of clothes instead stepping around them in a manner to get out the partially opened bathroom door this move put me looking back into the bathroom right out the window where I saw tall

Man at first I was startled but quickly realized it was just my fiance playing a trick on me like he used to do at our old apartment then I saw his eyes up too high in the window and everything in my head began to swim I couldn’t scream I

Couldn’t move I could only stand there naked and stare then everything came into startling detail he was standing up on something so high up that I could see his full torso in the window his full torso on his penis there was a man outside my window jerking off the motion

Drew my attention to his hand everything happened in a split second after I saw him while I was frozen to the spot I noticed he was wearing a silver ring with Celtic knot work on it I made a mental note of ways to identify him as I finally unfrozen ran to the bedroom

There’s a man outside the bathroom window I said so fast my fiance couldn’t understand as he woke up what he asked I repeated there’s a man outside the bathroom window he’s jerking off he was watching me oh my God make him go away I was finally in hysterics as everything

Sunk in that man could have been there hovering over me for hours the only thing separating us was a thin screen when I had stood up his penis was inches from my face his body towering over me I just kept covering myself with blankets and telling my fiance to make him go

Away by the time my fiance woke up and went to check on the situation nobody was anywhere around there was only a log standing upright like a step outside our bathroom window in the aftermath we filed a police report but had no phones to call so had to drive a good 20

Minutes away to do so then they didn’t have enough forces to do anything about the situation anyway we didn’t have the money to break our lease instead we spent the rest of the year living in fear I covered every window with black contact paper I wedged boards into every

Window so they couldn’t be opened the bathroom window never again opened I never left without pepper spray I never left after dark but for the rest of that year most nights I’d hear a faint noise outside our bedroom window which was next to our bathroom in the morning when

My fiance would check it out there would be imprints in the ground as if somebody had recently been standing there I wish I could say this is just a story I wish I could say that but it is all the truth of three long years of my life I still

Can’t sleep at night back in 2004 I was a young dumb 17-year-old country girl in the city for the first time for college one night I decided I could totally safely walk back to my dorm at around 1.30 in the morning despite not really knowing where I was

Of course I instantly end up wandering around a terrible part of the city most of the street lights are busted out trash everywhere loud arguments from inside the dilapidated row houses in short I wouldn’t even want to be here in the middle of the day a car drives up

Behind me and slows down so they’re keeping Pace with me for nearly an entire block I look over and there are five unsavory looking men Inside by this point I was approaching an intersection and they pull up make a left and stop in the street directly in my path I

Completely Panic at this point and just stand there right in front of them my mind went completely blank I’ve never been that scared in my life it didn’t even make sense to try to run because they would have caught me without question I’m not really sure how long as

Stood there but suddenly the porch light in the house just passed the car came on dude casually strolls outside carrying a bag of trash and car peels away I completely break down crying and shaking dude spots me and listens to my probably incoherent story takes me inside and

Gives me a soda then he and his roommate walk me back to my dorm they were both lovely and invited me to check out their stand up sometime but unfortunately I was too young to get into a bar I never saw them again don’t even remember their

Names but feel pretty confident that if that guy hadn’t decided to take his trash out at 1am on a Saturday my life would have taken a really shitty turn that night my mother told me this not too long ago but it happened about 10 years ago now

When my cousin was 17 18 years old she was in a car crash and had died a couple of weeks later in hospital she was really close to my dad’s sister our aunt and used to babysit her kids who were no more older than four years old all the

Time our aunt’s house was under construction just before she passed away and it continued on after she passed away one day my aunt got a phone call while she was at work from one of the construction workers complaining about a teenage girl who keeps showing up at the

House and walking around and that she shows up a number of times during the weeks and it has been happening for a couple of weeks my aunt asks for a description of the girl to see if she knows her from around the neighborhood and sure enough the description

Perfectly matches my cousin who died a few weeks before long brown hair red baseball cap denim dungarees and a white jacket when my aunt got home she showed them a picture of my cousin and that all agreed that it was the girl they seen walking around the site this story

Really freaked me out when I heard it because our family was never one to believe in anything paranormal or have anything of the Paranormal sort happen to them before so my uncle used to work a lot when I was younger he’s done a lot of different things to make money but one consistent

Thing is that in the summer months and into late Folly paints houses it’s legitimate business and everything he’s got a truck with a number and a name and supplies in the back the works every now and then he would call my dad when he needed a little extra help and I’d work

For him no big deal really it’s just painting houses what could possibly go wrong well it takes a while to paint a whole house if the weather conditions aren’t right then you can’t paint one particular fall was extremely wet it rained what felt like every single day

My uncle would paint multiple houses at a time so sometimes he would get caught up due to situations like these and I’d work a little more than usual that was fine by me though the job wasn’t hard and it paid well anyway it was a warm

Day for late fall but there was still a distinct chill in the air one that kind of penetrated through you and stung your soul my uncle had this job he had to finish it was an old Victorian house in a quiet part of town a lady and her

Husband who was an author lived there due to the weather it had taken longer than expected to paint the house and there were family issues going on at the time which further complicated things so my uncle gets a call one day from the lady who lives at the house she says

That her husband is trying to write his next book but he keeps getting distracted by the scaffolding outside the house so she wanted to know if we could come over and finish the job as soon as possible my uncle was always an honest businessman they had contracted

Him to do the job in mid-summer but he had lots of jobs that summer and the wet conditions I mentioned above made it difficult finish anything however these people were insistent but really polite and not wanting to lose customers or get a bad recommendation my uncle decided to

Put the house as a high priority after all it would only take a day or two to finish so we show up to this house mid-afternoon like I said it was a weird kind of chilly that day and I also remember a really eerie calm the day was slightly overcast so everything was

Shrouded in Gray it was like the perfect setting for a mystery crime novel so we arrive at this house and my uncle and I moved to the back the front of the house was already done so there was nothing left there my uncle being the more experienced painter would always do the

Touch-ups and I would simply apply the first coats since they took little skill anyway we get to the back of the house and he asks me if I’m scared of heights I was 17 at the time and although they do creep me out a little I didn’t want

To seem like a child in front of my uncle so I told him I wasn’t he was happy to hear that he has me climb up the scaffold to the third floor to finish an upper section of the house there was a window up there a small

Little oval one that looked into the attic the attic also happened to be the husband’s study he would do most of his writing in there so I’m climbing up the scaffolding cans of paint dangling behind me and various paint brushes and other tools in the utility belt my uncle

Let me borrow I get to the top of the scaffolding and set all my supplies down I crack open a can of paint and start painting like I had a few hundred times before outside of the temperature the overcast and the Eerie calmness day was like any other I’m working my way across

The top part of the house when I get to the window that looks into the study I bend down dip my paintbrush and stand back up to paint above the window the window was in my direct line of sight and I couldn’t help gazing in I see a

Man the husband staring back at me with a face completely Barren of any emotion I had never seen a face so devoid of feeling before I still haven’t of course I get startled and take a step back I chuckle and smile at the guy but he doesn’t smile back instead while

Remaining completely emotionless he draws a pistol up to his head that he was holding in his hand the whole time and proceed seeds to blow his brains out without every breaking eye contact right in front of me while I’m staring at him in utter shot I gasp and let out the

Smallest scream as I step back in fear only I stepped back a step too much and fell off the scaffolding alerted by The Gunshot my uncle looked up in just enough time to see me fall off the scaffolding from the third story I was lucky enough to land in a bush and only

Suffer a broken ankle and a few scratches the biggest wounds happened in my head I had to go to counseling for a while it’s been years since then and I still remember that man’s face I’ve never forgotten it it will always be burned in the back of my head I know why

Looking back his face was so devoid of emotion because he never felt any emotion at all he literally didn’t care about what he was doing as it turns out the man was seriously depressed and facing martial issues with his wife combined with a few too many nights drunk on Whiskey and facing writer’s

Block I guess he decided he couldn’t take it anymore his wife moved out of the house shortly after and we never finished the job to this day that house remains abandoned and to this day I’d try not to drive down the street it’s on I’m scared that if I do and happen to

Pass the backyard I’ll see that man staring back at me from that window cold and emotionless it was around last year we had a friend that went missing for almost a week we weren’t really that close and he lives in a campus storm so I really didn’t

Know till that night my housemate saw a report from the University’s FB page that there were a couple of bodies found in a spring at the far edge of the campus our University is located beside a mountain we all started to worry especially when I learned that he really

Had been missing we were anxious for news to come and when the reports of the initial ID came in we were shocked he was one of them the report misspelled his last name but we knew it was him panic mode my housemates and I went out to meet with his doormates while I

Called a couple of our friends that went straight to the springs they weren’t able to see him there since when they got there the police already took the bodies for autopsy at that point we couldn’t do anything but wait for further news it turns out that the two

Of them went swimming there the weekend before and drowned their bodies got really bloated from being soak for days and crew rotation started to eat away their skins it really seemed at first that it was a frat initiation gone bad because they both looked like they were

Covered in lashes it’s a very messed up way to die I was in high school doing homework at the dining room table from there I could see the front door our front door at the time had a two apostrophe x5-ish pane of glass in it with a lace curtain over it

I remember hearing a noise like somebody was on the porch it was probably 9pm or so it was very dark outside and the porch light wasn’t on as I’m watching the front door I can see the screen door opening it stands open for a minute or

So and there’s nobody there or they were dressed all in black I’m frozen waiting to see what happens next the screen door just slowly closes if someone was there they didn’t just let it go someone was closing it carefully so that it wouldn’t make noise after that I don’t remember

If I heard footsteps maybe they saw me watching them and decided to quietly get out of there not all that scary but relatively creepy a couple of friends and I were at the annual Fair held at a local park one year being 14 year old girls we thought

We would be cool and separate from the large crowd at the fair by walking along a rather long walking trail that starts at the fairgrounds and travels on for a few miles well it was late in the evening and the lighting was bad we were sitting at the mouth of a tunnel which

Sat at the top of a secluded Hill when a lady with a baby approached us she asked us if we knew a man who was standing at the bottom of the hill near a bench looking in our general direction we told her we didn’t and her response was well

He’s been following you for a while I don’t know what he’s up to but you should be careful needless to say we hightailed it back to the fair when I was eight my family moved from Urban South Florida to a really small town in North Florida it was like from a

Goosebumps book a lot of weird stuff has happened in the 15 years since we moved there but the weirdest has got to be when my sister moved back in with my parents my sister’s husband had been shipped off to Afghanistan so she was left alone with a newborn son not

Wanting to go through the soul-crushing loneliness of raising a newborn all alone in a trailer in the woods she moved back into my parents house for a while she said it started first when the headboard of her bed would slam every now and then then one day she woke up

Because somebody was tickling her she didn’t really think about it until one night she woke my mom up by screaming my sister is almost 30. she’s not a little kid and my mom went in and the whole bed was rocking and shaking like really violently up down to the sides like a

Boat going through white water but my mom and sister have been through a lot of [ __ ] so they persevered one night my sister was nursing her son and something grabbed her ponytail and started yanking her head around my mom went in the room and very sternly like talking to a bad

Kid said I understand things are different there’s a little baby here and there never has been before you’re curious I understand that but you will not touch them anymore you can look you can stay you were here before us but I swear to God you are not allowed to

Touch them it stopped happening about four years ago I woke up one late morning on a day off at 10 21. you’ll learn why I remember this four years later in a second I got out of bed used the restroom got dressed Etc I went back

Into my room and picked up my phone to check for messages and the clock in the phone said 10 25 I was surprised because I know that it did not take me only four minutes to dress I’d lingered in the warm bathroom quite a while and brushed my teeth too

Etc I looked at my bedroom alarm clock to confirm since that was the clock I had looked at when I woke up it also said 10 25 I Shrugged it off and figured in my sleepy just woke up State I’d misread the original 1021 I went downstairs turned on the PC turned on

The news on the TV to listen to and started cooking breakfast I wanted microwave up some rice leftovers from last night so I went to pop them in the microwave the time on the microwave was 10 25 I whipped out my phone to check the time it still said 10 25 there was

No way there was no way that I checked the clock upstairs walked downstairs turned on the PC and the TV got a glass of water and started cooking eggs in the matter of less than a minute I decided to stand there and watch the microwave clock while counting to 60. I figured if

It didn’t turn to 10 26 and 60 seconds of less clearly it was malfunctioning it turned to 10 26 about 20 seconds into my count which made sense it had been 1025 for a while before I looked I finished making my breakfast plated it up and

Took it over to the PC like the lonely slob I am the time on the PC said 10 20. I pulled out my phone my phone also said 10 20. that’s when I started writing all this [ __ ] down I pulled up the little clock toolbar and watched the second

Hand go around while I watched it time seemed to pass normally it ticked to 10 21 and 10 22 as I watched the second hand go around over the next what felt like an hour or so maybe hour and a half all the clocks in my house as well as

Internet once seem to pass time normally while I observed them but if I looked away for a while at least two minutes or so they’d make no sense at one point about 15 minutes after these events the cell phone and PC read 1014 then later 1013 then back into the 10 colon 20s

After the hour slash hour and a half they normalized and I’ve never experienced it since I was walking up the hall at work and my heel went out from under me and bent my leg wonky I didn’t even fall but lowered myself down because my leg felt weird

The woman whose office I was walking past came out to find out what the loud crunchy noise she heard was the noise was my leg breaking and she was more traumatized than I was she had nightmares for a while and had a hard time seeing me when I returned to work

A friend of mine is the type who always has Wacky Adventures and funny stories to tell I swear half the reason I keep her in my life is for the entertainment value of the crazy [ __ ] that happens to her but this one wasn’t funny when she

Was about 20 she was leaving a bar one night legal age here is 19 and as she was saying goodbyes to her friends a fight broke out between a couple of other guys nearby it was brief basically one of them shouted at the other fry balling his woman or some BS then just

Pulls a knife stabs him right in the gut and bolts this was not a sketchy neighborhood or anything it was about as unexpected as if someone had pulled a knife in a Mall food court my friend has fortunately had some first aid training but she’s never actually had to use them

Before somehow her instincts kick in she staunches the wound is keeping him conscious and aware enlists someone to call 9-1-1 All That Jazz tended to him for nearly 20 minutes though she lost all concept of time when the pair paramedics came she just stood up and

Walked off to sit down on a nearby bench covered in a stranger’s blood she had gone into shock and didn’t move from that spot for a good half hour fortunately the paramedics were smart enough to realize that they should take care of her too so once they got the guy

Stable and into the ambulance they gave her a blanket and talked to her a bit to make sure she was going to be all right and that she had friends who would make sure she got home so it all turned out okay but it’s still the most WTF

Horrifying story that’s ever happened to someone I know personally I was living in this apartment in Oslo they just had this weird vibe there were three of us living there two girls and I this was a building from the mid-1800s several weird things happened there one

Of the rooms I didn’t want to even go in it was cold even if the rest of the place was perfectly warm every time I was in their thoughts of children crying or being in some kind of peril went through my head I can’t explain any

Better I could not stay in there for very long my room was the old living room and one morning I awoke to something growling like a big cat or snarling dog in my room I was pinned down in my bed although nothing was there I could not move I was scared

Shitless one of the girls I lived with had a cat and even though it was only a year old it just suddenly died we were just hanging out and all of a sudden we heard the cat making these horrible sounds it was just lying in the bathroom

On the floor tongue out gasping for air and making this horrible sound then it died it took like 10 minutes I moved out of that place short after I’m a very big skeptic I don’t believe in ghosts Etc but that place was really unnerving when I was 18 my grandfather was having

Heart problems I would wake up every morning and go to his house to see him I would just talk to him help him around the house and watch TV with him he has been really lonely since my grandmother died three months ago I will never forget this moment it was June 7th I

Arrive at his house and my grandfather has the biggest smile on his face I was so happy to see him smiling he looks at me and says guess what I’m going to go see my wife in two days at the moment I thought my grandpa lost it believe it or

Not my grandfather died two days later in his sleep the thought of it is scary creepy and disturbing it is like he knew he is going to die in two days on a side note the last two days he was alive he was smiling and peaceful I can’t explain

It it felt like he knew something we don’t know when I was 15 or 16 my three or four-year-old sister drank some green nail polish remover she got from the bathroom sink it looked like mouthwash we guess she was imitating our parents our neighborhood pharmacy had an assistant rush over some Epica and

Something else Maalox may be IDK while we were waiting she was on the bathroom floor in pain when she told us I drank some green stuff and died one time my husband ran off with a girl and I got sat and drank some green stuff and died

My girls were crying and sad when I died we were freaked sister is fine if you made it to the end of the video thanks for watching don’t forget to like subscribe and share and we will see you in the next video

This video, titled ‘Reddit, what is your most disturbing, scary, or creepy real story? [Serious] AskReddit scary stories’, was uploaded by Nighters on 2023-06-29 15:00:46. It has garnered 58781 views and 890 likes. The duration of the video is 01:33:24 or 5604 seconds.

in this video Reddit AskReddit Scary, Creepy & Horror Stories: Reddit, what is your most disturbing, scary, or creepy real story? [Serious]

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    UNBELIEVABLE! The BEST server for magic & mayhem! #lifestealVideo Information This video, titled ‘This is the BEST server #minecraft #minecraftsmp #lifesteal #lifestealsmp #shorts’, was uploaded by PunkMagic_ on 2024-07-28 15:00:28. It has garnered 8808 views and 210 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. This is the BEST server #minecraft #minecraftsmp #lifesteal #lifestealsmp #shorts ๐Ÿ”ฅ Server Name โ€” MineWave ๐Ÿ’ป Server IP โ€” ๐Ÿงฑ Bedrock Port โ€” 19132 โ“ Need help joining? ๐Ÿ“ฑ ๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ Subscribe… IT’S FREE! โš™๏ธ This Server supports the latest minecraft versions! #minecraft #smp #join #java #bedrock Read More

  • Insane Nether Portals Across Ages in Minecraft! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

    Insane Nether Portals Across Ages in Minecraft! ๐Ÿ˜ฑVideo Information This video, titled ‘nether portals in different ages in Minecraft (INSANE) #shorts #meme #memes’, was uploaded by STEVids on 2024-02-07 10:41:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #meme #memes #shorts #tiktok #gaming. Read More

  • Join Froggygion’s SMP – The Ultimate Minecraft Adventure!

    Join Froggygion's SMP - The Ultimate Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Join The Winds Of Change SMP! #minecraft’, was uploaded by Froggygion on 2024-04-26 01:27:11. It has garnered 165 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. discord link Read More

  • SHOCKING! Funtime Foxy discovers hidden room in Minecraft FNAF

    SHOCKING! Funtime Foxy discovers hidden room in Minecraft FNAFVideo Information This video, titled ‘Funtime Foxy Finds A SECRET ROOM In Minecraft FNAF’, was uploaded by The Oddities Roleplay on 2024-07-27 21:18:57. It has garnered 5877 views and 439 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:46 or 1786 seconds. Remember to Subscribe And Hit All Notifications So you don’t miss any future Minecraft Five Nights At Freddy’s Videos! Help us get to 1,000,000 subscribers! In today’s Video, Funtime Foxy discovers a SECRET ROOM in the backstage area of the Mega Pizza Plex. He has many questions… WHERE did it come from? HOW did it appear? WHO did it?!… Read More

  • SHOCKING! Molten Freddy Found in Minecraft Fnaf!

    SHOCKING! Molten Freddy Found in Minecraft Fnaf!Video Information This video, titled ‘Molten Freddy Found? In Minecraft Fnaf’, was uploaded by The Oddities Roleplay on 2024-08-03 19:41:37. It has garnered 8122 views and 548 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:52 or 1372 seconds. Remember to Subscribe And Hit All Notifications So you don’t miss any future Minecraft Five Nights At Freddy’s Videos! Help us get to 1,000,000 subscribers! In Todays Video, Lefty has brought funtime foxy the sister location animatronic to the location Molten freddy is being kept. Will Moon or Sun the daycare attendants try to stop funtime foxy from finding the old ennard?… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Music Beats & Builds – NOT Tanjiro Shorts! ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    INSANE Minecraft Music Beats & Builds - NOT Tanjiro Shorts! ๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘#music #minecraft #beats #shorts #minecraftshorts #redstone #builds #tnt like and subscribe for more’, was uploaded by Not tanjiro shorts on 2024-03-15 05:51:05. It has garnered 448 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Discovery at Moo Bloom Sanctuary! #shorts

    Insane Discovery at Moo Bloom Sanctuary! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Moo Bloom Sanctuary #shorts’, was uploaded by NipunLegendShorts on 2024-06-17 08:45:02. It has garnered 10 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Thanks For Watching ๐Ÿ™‚ Subscribe To The Channel As Not To Miss The Minecraft Shorts! About The Short :- Title :- The Moo Bloom Sanctuary #shorts Hashtags :- #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #gamingshorts #shortsfeed #insane #minecrafttrendingshorts #viral #trending #meme #memes About The Game :- Game Name :- Minecraft Java Edition Keywords :- Minecraft Minecraft Shorts Minecraft But Minecraft Mod Minecraft Challenge Minecraft Speedrun Shorts Minecraft… Read More

  • LuckyGem Vanilla SMP 1.21 Active Dynmap Discord Hermitcraft Feel.

    New 1.21 Map! LuckyGem SMP: A friendly, whitelisted community with no game altering plugins. Founded in 2020, we value friendship and fun. Join us to explore and grow together! Features: Whitelisted Server – Apply via Discord Active & mature community with responsive staff No teleporting plugin – Travel by foot or nether tunnel highways No economy plugin – Join our trust-based diamond economy No land claim plugin – Find a spot and start building Player-built environment – Donate materials or build with others Participate in weekly events, competitions, and UHC. Show off your builds and be a part of our… Read More

  • Starlight SMPJoin the discord to join!

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Jack Black devours schnitzel in Minecraft flick”

    Seems like Jack Black is taking method acting to a whole new level by actually eating a schnitzel in the Minecraft movie! Let’s just hope it’s not his character’s beloved pet pig that he’s chowing down on. Read More

  • Monstrous Maidens: Minecraft Mod Madness!

    Monstrous Maidens: Minecraft Mod Madness! In the world of Minecraft, a new mod is in sight, Featuring monster girls, lovely and bright. With hearts full of joy and eyes full of glee, These mods bring a new kind of fantasy. From the Mushroom Update, they come alive, In the pixelated world where players thrive. Each one unique, with powers to wield, In this virtual realm, their fate is sealed. So join the adventure, with monsters so sweet, In this showcase of mods, where worlds meet. Support my friend, @MoneyNetworth, on their channel so fine, For more content like this, that’ll make you shine. With… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal ๐Ÿ”ฅ When you spend hours building an epic castle in Minecraft, only for a creeper to come along and blow it up in seconds. #minecraftproblems ๐Ÿ˜‚ Read More

  • Game Academy Time Travel Prank

    Game Academy Time Travel Prank Exploring the World of Minecraft with Block Pavilion Block Pavilion, a dedicated creator in the Minecraft realm, brings laughter and joy through self-made animations. With a focus on child-friendly content, the channel ensures a safe and enjoyable viewing experience for all. About Block Pavilion Block Pavilion, also known as ๆ–นๅ—่ฝฉ, is a prominent figure in the Minecraft community, crafting original and humorous animations that aim to spread happiness. As the sole official channel of Block Pavilion, it stands out from unauthorized copies by delivering daily doses of creative content. Content Variety Block Pavilion’s channel offers a diverse range of… Read More

  • Bear Hill Horror: Dark Journey in Minecraft

    Bear Hill Horror: Dark Journey in Minecraft Exploring the Mysteries of Minecraft: Bear Ridge Legends and Dark Journey Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. In this virtual realm, players can immerse themselves in a blocky universe filled with endless possibilities. Among the many intriguing elements of Minecraft are the Bear Ridge Legends and the Dark Journey, two captivating tales that add depth and excitement to the gameplay experience. Bear Ridge Legends: Unraveling the Mystery Deep within the vast landscapes of Minecraft lies Bear Ridge, a place shrouded in mystery and intrigue. Legends speak of ancient… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Winnie Wriggle’s EP1 Minecraft Craftoria Adventure

    UNBELIEVABLE! Winnie Wriggle's EP1 Minecraft Craftoria AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Chill Minecraft Craftoria EP1’, was uploaded by Winnie Wriggle on 2024-09-26 02:30:30. It has garnered 209 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 02:16:36 or 8196 seconds. We’re adventuring in Craftoria for Minecraft 1.21. A fun, new Minecraft fabric modpack by Team All of Fabric. Relaxing Minecraft lets play in the 1.21 Craftoria modpack. Join me (every Mon Tues and Wed @8:00 am Eastern) as I start my day with some chill morning Minecraft. Read More

  • Moth Boy Tries Hardcore Minecraft – One Run Challenge!

    Moth Boy Tries Hardcore Minecraft - One Run Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘A Stream Before I Leave For A Week!| Moth Boy Attempts To Beat Hardcore Minecraft (One Run) [Stream]’, was uploaded by KuuDefoe Ch. on 2024-09-08 02:03:35. It has garnered 20 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:15:35 or 15335 seconds. We’ll meet again! I promise! ^.^ _______________________ For those new here and also not, one runs were what I used to do with Commi Shions where I attempt to get through Minecraft without dying once and in one episode. I only won like, twice I think. No this is not a… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Couple Builds – Micky & Minnie Craze!

    Insane Minecraft Couple Builds - Micky & Minnie Craze!Video Information This video, titled ‘The REPLAY : Micky and Minnie #minecraft #trending #fyp’, was uploaded by Baby Craft Studios on 2024-07-24 11:32:47. It has garnered 10244 views and 337 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Because you want the replay, see it! Read More

  • Insane Hardcore Day 1 – Creative Player Tries Minecraft

    Insane Hardcore Day 1 - Creative Player Tries MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Day 1- Creative Player Tries Hardcore in Minecraft’, was uploaded by TheSephrona on 2024-01-12 14:49:43. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:17 or 7037 seconds. Experienced creative player, awful survival player. Playing on hardcore mode… what could go wrong? Music provided by Read More

  • Unbelievable Application on Arcane SMP!!!

    Unbelievable Application on Arcane SMP!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Arcane SMP most MID application’, was uploaded by slzuglez on 2024-09-02 03:54:22. It has garnered 144 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. this is a Application to join Arcane SMP, its been a while since ive uploaded a YT video (2 years ago) hope i get in #minecraft #youtube #mc #application #applications #video #videos #videoshort #videoshorts #youtube #youtuber #shorts #funny #funnyvideo #arcane #smp Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Technoblade / TommyInnit… Read More

  • Gingershadow’s Epic Devil Fruit Swap?! | One Piece Mod Ep 22

    Gingershadow's Epic Devil Fruit Swap?! | One Piece Mod Ep 22Video Information This video, titled ‘MAYBE A CHANGE OF DEVIL FRUITS WILL HELP?! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 22’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-08-24 22:00:29. It has garnered 2654 views and 169 likes. The duration of the video is 00:57:07 or 3427 seconds. Minecraft Naruto Mod Review (Narutoto Mod) – MiraiGaming (Brother’s Channel) – STREAM – DISCORD – BECOME A MEMBER HERE – GingyVODs Channel – MAYBE A CHANGE OF DEVIL FRUITS WILL HELP?! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 22 #OnePiece #Minecraft #OnePieceMod Also big thanks and shout out to our… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness with Hurnox! Join the Fun ๐Ÿ”ด๐ŸŽฎ

    Minecraft Madness with Hurnox! Join the Fun ๐Ÿ”ด๐ŸŽฎVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft with Viewers ๐Ÿ”ด (VOICE) ๐ŸŽฅ’, was uploaded by Hurnox on 2024-09-22 00:16:13. It has garnered 18 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:31 or 2191 seconds. Welcome to our live stream! Today, we’re diving into the action-packed world of minecraft, and YOU can join in the fun! Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a newcomer looking to learn the ropes, this stream is for everyone. Get ready for epic battles, strategic gameplay, and lots of laughs as we team up and compete against each other.we will also play minecraft… Read More

  • DEVSH FF: Emotional New Rank Season ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ˜ญ

    DEVSH FF: Emotional New Rank Season ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ˜ญVideo Information This video, titled ‘Heartbreaking Story of New Rank Season๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ญ’, was uploaded by DEVSH FF on 2024-06-05 11:21:46. It has garnered 35 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Welcome to DEVSH FF! Dive into the exciting worlds of Free Fire and Minecraft with us! Whether you’re a battle-hardened veteran or a curious newbie, our channel offers epic gameplay, strategic tips, and thrilling adventures. From intense Free Fire battles to creative Minecraft builds, we’ve got something for everyone. Join the DEVSH FF community and embark on a gaming journey filled with action,… Read More

  • Make a Car in Minecraft Bedrock – Easiest Tutorial Ever!

    Make a Car in Minecraft Bedrock - Easiest Tutorial Ever!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Automatic Car Tutorial Minecraft Bedrock’, was uploaded by hpMC46 on 2024-09-15 19:11:04. It has garnered 198 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. Minecraft Automatic Car Tutorial Minecraft Bedrock minecraft minecraft 100 days minecraft house tutorial minecraft hardcore 133,000 +49% $0.05 1 (Low) minecraft civilization minecraft music minecraft house +22% minecraft song -100% minecraft horror +123% minecraft builds +49% minecraft movie -100% minecraft story mode +83% minecraft arg +1,558% minecraft aphmau minecraft animation minecraft asmr +22% minecraft adventures +125% minecraft automatic farm +83% minecraft addons +49% minecraft… Read More

Reddit, what is your most disturbing, scary, or creepy real story? [Serious] AskReddit scary stories