RESOURCE CHICKEN AUTOMATION! EP6 | Minecraft ATM: Volcano Block [Modded Questing SkyBlock]

Video Information

Hello everyone and welcome back to all the mods volcano block where in the last episode we set up with this and by applied energistics storage system miles and it’s got all of our items inside of it and we’ve also made ourselves a colossal chest just to store all of like

The uh miscellaneous garbage stuff that can’t go into the draws and not only that we set up full automation of each of the processors so the calculation engineering and logic processor they’re all chugged away over here and we’ve got quite a few of them I’ve got to say it’s

Looking pretty nice and let’s go miles in today’s episode what we’re going to be doing is we’re going to be leaving A2 behind for now and we’re going to be looking at even more ways to get some juicy resources for ourselves because this down here just ain’t creating it

For me you know oh you went down yeah elevators it didn’t tell you which way they’re going yeah that is a very sad thing but we’re going to try to get some more uh resources for ourselves and we’re going to be doing that by doing some resourceful chickens because we’ve

Never done that before and we’ve got a ton of these bad boys waiting for us over here along with some other friendly mobs oh man look at all these guys blue squirrel dead are you just I say everyone well that’s fine but anyway what we need to go ahead and do first is

Get ourselves an animal caption it it says so aside from keeping KFC in business chickens provide a ton of value by creating resource chickens you might see several types of chickens spawning in the world but you should totally not capture save them from the kernel the

The ones we found were totally not save them or we should totally save them we should totally uh capture them basically we should capture them and save them from the kernel but captures uh like crossed out in the uh thing I’ve got one you’ve got one wait oh you’ve actually

Got a oh you just got the catcher I thought you got a chicken in the catcher I thought you were gonna do that oh I’m gonna go get one yeah and then it’s on to the chicken Nest which we already made you made one beforehand and it says

The nest is the best way to automate your resource chickens when seeds and our chicken are placed in the nest they will automatically output their resource over time into an inventory blur you can also pipe seeds in from any sides to place a chicken Nest uh use your animal

Capture net what’s up over there this is so good wait are you just capturing chickens left right and Center over there yeah so you get a chicken right for example you put that stasis chamber on top of a storage drawer yep you get a diamond chicken and just make him sit

There forever oh that does look super and it just poops diamonds out all right so I think the first thing that we want to go ahead and do is uh well I’ll just quickly read this out so chickens can be bred the same way you’re breeding them

In vanilla uh using seeds unlike vanilla however chickens have certain stats that they can pass down and upgrade through breeding oh stats can be upgraded to increase the product output of each chicken with a Max of 10 in each stat so there you go if you have stacked up

Chickens if you want miles and that’s good also converting your chickens vanilla chickens can be converted to resourced chickens by using the resource you want to convert the chicken um on it so to do it it takes 250 of said item so if you want diamonds you’re

Gonna need 250 diamonds to convert into a chicken a time and chicken but we just get a bunch of Trials then we haven’t got that many well I mean do we know I thought we do oh yeah we do yeah but what you can do instead is you can breed

Uh glass and gold to get diamond so you can save 250 diamonds and just breed a glass and gold bee oh B wait even though the chickens I mean chickens I mean I want bees with mice please thank you very much do we want these guys set up here or downstairs tiny turtles

Downstairs right underneath where they are well if you’re coming here you can just pop down and then one two three four five one two three four oh no don’t do that five oh perfect it’s like I calculated that you want to come down here so what we need

To do next is get ourselves a bunch of these at Stacy’s Chambers which we need grass and a for and it’s a good job in like episode one you went nuts I made a bunch of hair I got a bunch of hair over here so I can go ahead convert all of

That and then do you have any of the other thing grass by any chance playing around uh we should do uh I’m not seeing any amid I did make sure so let me just go get the let me see if grass oh I know just get some shears out of the thing

I’ll get some more meal and then we’ll go to our cheeky thing up here yep the trickiest of things yeah with the uh the golden egg on it hi guys what you all doing in here share these bad boys there we go uh oh you can’t actually

Hear it you can’t uh burn me like sorry oh does it okay I got 17. so we’ve got enough yeah should we planted could I have those by engines please no thank you very much yeah I have this as well but what resources you want in do you

Wanna you wanna choose some resources I don’t know how to get the would-be oh we feed it loads of wood oh we’re still playing with bees over here it’s a chicken I apologize he’s a stupid chicken we do want the uh the wood chicken so we are going to have

To cut down at some more logs for that bad boy but for now glass glass is a good one we’re gonna have to spot some sand so I will get sand on the go since we need 250 I’m just gonna put a stack in each of these furnaces right I’m

Grabbing a bunch of gold over here and then do you want to watch me fast feed this guy a bunch of gold oh I mean it’s a bit sadistic but sure wait what’s going on here um what me yeah I love it right go over here we’re gonna

Uh pick a chicken all right any chicken oh let me capture this sheet oh my Jack’s one that’s sat in the little Coop are you on you jacked one wait don’t you want the jackpot to be the oh no sir because he can’t be the diamond can it

Bill Pat he’ll pass down his jeans right exactly down here he’s gonna wear some nice jeans he’s gonna wear some nice jeans I feel like we need like a breeding hook you know just for these guys we need this we need this dead Hey ow not me ow miles all right

Right gold you’re all there bud okay just no I think he needs to be out he needs to be out and Alive Place him down he’s about to be eat all this yo off search wait here you go it says gold 19 out of 250. yeah so just to force

Feed this guy a bunch of gold Gideon your big choice he’s getting stacked no no there’s some more Stacks as well go crazy with all of that thank you that came all the way he’s over halfway oh let’s go this guy is going to be so full

After this you see how he’s awful but the Midas touch if he doesn’t turn into a fully Golden Chicken I’m gonna be mad no he better do do you like it he better look like the bees and stuff oh he blew up oh that is so cool captured in and

Then they just eat seeds now from over here I’ve got two stacks over here so what I’m gonna go ahead and do oh look it puts it there is it pooping no he’s not pooping in next drop is in eight minutes and 27 seconds wow what um well

This is fast I’m not gonna lie that was a bit if he’s not gonna turbo pull some Stacks and stacks and stacks of gold I don’t want to know about him if he gives us one gold in eight minutes I’m mad well in eight minutes we’ll find out

Miles right let’s go find another resource that we want to uh get stacked and be done in eight minutes do we just do something like iron for the time being yeah oh my God it’s good how many times will I see a b before now the fame would be let’s go

Right let me go capture another one of these guys oh wait guess that’s one you said yours had stats this guy has stats are Chomp down he wants to be glass give me him glass right okay I’m gonna um because then Diamond will be even more jacked right so stacked guys in

Here are on a sort of cactus chicken uh don’t just put him in a different Sega just a sectioned it’s not that much more stacked he’s stuck right I’m doing a nice search here yeah you gotta go in deep and see oh you’re pretty good aren’t you you’re just a one for your

Trash one first I’m not seeing anyone I’ve seen like a four in place three four five I’ve got that’s about as good as I can get yeah I’m not seeing anything really uh better so we’ll take oh what were you five three five growth game five three yeah that’s good that’s the

Best one we’ve got don’t we want games to be like ten uh I feel like Jane’s like the best well we got all of them we want growth again and strength because that might reduce the time it takes yeah increase the amount the poo and I don’t

Know what strength would be so this guy I don’t know maybe do you know a half heart laser eyes maybe he had like 10 strength they were like a hundred strength yeah that’s why he could absolutely care James out of his uh I mean absolutely blasted him what are you doing explode

Hey I don’t know why I did that do you want to go ahead put him in the second one is way in there with the seeds already in it oh hooping oh this one’s only seven minutes and 20 seconds yeah so that’s the growth I would imagine

Yeah because this guy got three on growth he’s pretty trash for growth but his gains are five but his game he’s gonna be pooing he’s gonna be uh the next chicken or the next resource next chicken okay we want to need another resource B sauce let’s have a

Quick look down here so glass is still cooking away do we do yeah it’s flaming me I’ve got far more furnaces up here all right I could be making some more glass you can make small glass if you like we can also you know what I’m gonna do actually

Um I’m gonna take all this out and I’m just gonna siphon some of that stuff upstairs like do you know the good furnace they don’t need to be making this all the time get out of there and the Glass isn’t going to be taken out

Anyway oh there we go do I do redstone next as a resource yes all right let me go grab some red stir and then from down there’s a system I know there’s a system miles but I’ve already got Stacks all right let’s go and feed so you’ve got

The chicken day yeah is this guy on his stats it’s pretty good it’s pretty is is one of the best it’s not the best I think iron Mike’s the best show me your work uh three five okay so he’s got the gains but other stuff it’s kind of

Strong so if he wants to 1v1 oh he’s better than thing Goldie yo where are you going what are you doing because this guy kept running away for a bit well I was trying to fast feed him red stud he really didn’t like it okay

Oh man are you ready get ready for this you know the the only problem I’ve got right is like I understand where they’re coming from from a design side of things like the gold one is a golden ore chicken and like this I knew it was

Going to be a red Sun or chicken yeah they’re all gonna be ours yeah I wanted the golden one to be like shiny gold like that have blocks of iron yeah like the actual block stuff not just the art yeah that would have been yeah why are

You facing that way bro yo is he facing this guy he’s got a problem with Iron Mike hey what’s up with Iron Mike does he smell I need you he’s squaring right up shrimp five you think you can beat I am Michael swim five you’re dumb right you don’t need a

Full stuck at there’s six I think I just placed it the wrong way but I like it oh nope he’s gone okay oh I want him to face the right ways okay yeah pick him up pick him up pick him up can I just do

The shift clip yeah I can yeah there we go now he’s facing the right way oh lovely I’m gonna try real quick I’m gonna pick two good chickens and breed him see if it gives me a a young whipper snapper like a real wicker yeah all

Right try that uh have you got some seeds oh yeah and I’ll give you four seeds there you go we do need to get some more seeds so there is this guy who is a four six three We need oh he’s bill yeah so they’ve all got pretty good gains we

Want one with growth and strength that’s what we’re looking for sir far far on strength and Gruff yeah grab him grab that whipper stopper and we’ll leave this guy for now because he’s gonna have to go with gold I know he can breed yeah no but he’s going with

Goldie we want to breed those guys straight away don’t they um oh straight yeah no no no no so what I think will happen is these are two plain chickens yeah you think it refreshes I don’t think it matches oh do you not no we’ll just go for the fall

Games here so where you are no there are another one there is even better one in there three four three three four three uh this I’m sorry oh this guy’s two three two that’s trash there got him right get him out of here Place him on

The floor and let’s see these guys have you got another chicken oh no I thought you had the oh no oh no there’s another three four three right here I’m looking at him four five four five four four five four oh leave that guy there you go

Right come on make a jacked baby please jacked let’s see okay move out of the way let’s see oh let me see you baby all right you you no five six four that’s cool let’s go pick him up all right sir put him in there does he grow in there

All right I’m gonna put him in downstairs he’s getting his own downstairs room okay will he grow inside there yeah growing time start Force feeding this guy glass right here we go you’re gonna be is he gonna be transparent this guy We’re not gonna be able to see him I hope so yeah

This guy is stacked oh but right golden right no wait we need that guy yeah I know I’m just turning this around all right this guy’s not got a face this guy right down you go down you go you agreed I love him okay here we go

What is that it’s out of here right are you trolling me oh okay I didn’t get to see it all right so I think uh this guy should be the diamond this five six four he seems pretty jacked if I’m not gonna lie you

Think as if we got a one for from two kind of Jack chains yeah I know I’m pretty sad should we do some mob reading upstairs look at this guy this guy’s my favorite I know that guy is pretty sick I got like so I think what we should do

Sit here and uh kind of twerk at this farm for a bit get some more seeds and then do some cheeky breeding see if we can get someone else on the go you know like another stacked one miles been twerking quite a bit and I’ve got

1194 wheat seeds so if we need any more of those wow from in here and uh quite a bit it’s a really easy to get and you did some twerking for some orc and we have 494 Orca logs now so we should be able to make our Oak guy oh what we want

To go ahead and do do you want to grab that jacked one that was upstairs that you had uh yeah he’s already downstairs he’s already primed okay all right another one here right I’m feeding this guy over here there’s five six um can you can you just laugh at these

Guys real quick right in front of me check his trades foreign do you think we gained something spicy or just another one for if we get one for I’m mad right boom boom guys um oh no it’s oh breathing time 60 seconds this guy is already oh that was

Nice 60 seconds miles these guys are ready sir boom boom let’s see what do we get over here budge out the way guys five seven five guys he’s got games over there yo don’t jump into the fire holy oh man look at that that is somewhat different right there

Right and what I want to do is build a nice pen for the ones that we want to breed you know like the stacks like the Stacked ones yeah so they don’t run around and go crazy so we want to make one of those bad boys I’ve got some wall

Right now where you at where’s this going this wall uh do we build it like off off to the right here uh I mean we can do I was just gonna do something like this for now so it’s very simple put a little put a little square in

Middle here then oh you want the water yeah the core Crown Square that’s always nice all right boom and um there you go so that guy’s in there as well they’re two stacked ones that we kind of want to breed together don’t we all right uh here’s some wood boom boom

Boom go crazy yep boss feed in this guy I mean he might not be the fastest but at least it’s producing something you know and we don’t have to do anything you just oh wait you do actually yeah that’s true well you gotta provided seeds yeah hey oh man one seed per round

That’s actually pretty hefty isn’t it I’m not gonna lie that’s rough over here so well it’s not that bad though is it it’s it’s basically convert a way to convert seeds into gold yeah which oh man if I could do that in real life it looks like one of them it looks like

One of them bushes that you decorate what one of those bushes you decorate what do you know like them bushes that people make into ah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I know what you’re on about yeah no these these ones are looking pretty nice though do you know like the uh non-awar

Type ones they’re the coolest ones right now glass and glass and wood yeah right so next uh are we wanting diamonds to be the top one like a top dog over here like a 10 10 10 are we waiting for that I don’t think we’re waiting for a 10 10.

I mean we could try we can we could try it for a day oh no but I thought we were breeding Diamonds though I don’t know I think I think they’re pretty trash you know if right if we can get a 10 10 10 we will Fast feed it to 150 diamonds if

Not we’ll just breed a diamond baby right miles are you ready for the good ones sir we got five six four over here I don’t have any seats up to you I have two seeds I’ve got I’ve got a bunch of seeds yeah no don’t run away yeah can

You get your seat out just for these guys bro don’t feed him anything but seats yeah and then we’ve got five seven five over here give us a good bareback come on yeah we’re lucky for a 10 for you oh get out the way what is it

Six six seven five okay and you can you can chill out there oh no we can just fast feed him can’t we yeah we can fast feed him oh you can go in there and you can go back in the breeding pen over here uh you’ve got oh glass chickens

Ready again over there and yep all right did you get your seeds out so here we go let’s see if we get a diamond one from this one diamond diamond I feel nope glass Watch Out The Way garbage yeah I think there’s probably like a very low chances that’s I feel so Brew

All doing well do you know what put glass put glass back in here we’ll just force we’ll make a temper on four speed diamonds yeah not there’s no point trying to breed with these garbage wompers coming about yeah I know all right this guy far too far you’re going

In to be clear right should we uh all right I’ve already decided yeah you are getting to be clear this guy all right let’s see uh not too bad of a chicken I like it it’s just yeah it’s just a basic chicken and it’s the basic one another special

Do we do we bring sander down this guy did six with a gains of five oh wait what did I do five I know he’s produced quite a bit over here I’ve got to say what if it’s well this guy did two with a gain of six strength you think it’s strength either

What is combination of all of them I don’t know it’s summer either way if we just get 10 10. this guy this guy is going to be stacked it’s gonna be stuck is that the one you’ve just grown up who’s this guy yeah he’s the biggest

He’s the boss baby okay he don’t need a screen on cooldown does a a guy no he’s ready to go he’s he’s ready for the action right for the action so there is a four five four here waiting do we four five for it or do you wait 30. five six

For it for the 34 seconds miles he’s ready for breeding time let’s put these guys down boom boom beat him boom there we go come on come on make it get us a ten right get out the way get out the way okay strikes we put him down and we spam

Him with seeds yep I’ve got seeds in my hand you like seeds he’s not about the seed game it’s so it’s so strong and so gained and so Jack that he’s not even bothered about it he’s running away from the seats no eat the seeds man he’s too jacked okay yeah

He’s too jacked now so he’s almost time to grow up there is a five six four here did we just do that one five six four five six four with this big guy yeah with this big guy I mean that hurt can I find them both down

Right beat him give us a jack chicken right now we want something stacked right budge out the way everyone oh Seven Ten seven games that is again Central right there well part of me is like do we just Diamond him to temper we need the temple this guy

He’s like the stud chicken right there right here exactly right now this guy’s worth millions this guy is the market and this guy is the bomb right now all right let’s get one of the kind of more trash ones four five four you’re not clean anymore I’m sorry y’all been

Turned into a copper one over here there’s some copper miles let’s start fast feeding this guy oh man who are new chickens with this fun you know what I mean yeah chickens growing making stats this is ah this is actually brilliant I love it I don’t know if there’s anything

Else you can do with the mod because uh I just need to type it to Jay to have a look if there actually is anything else or if it is just a bunch of chickens but you know what this is this is up there just on the fun scale of uh yeah okay

This is way better than the bees it’s like Don’t Run Away guys come on you know the drill over here four seconds you ready all right come on make a jacked baby I mean if you give them a 10 for that’d be amazing like a 10 on a difference

Come on 686 not too bad not too shabby I like it I like it what’s the other one we’re comparing to right now um 687 it’s a little bit better one bear on the strength but how long do we have to wait for that guy he’s ready right now oh who are we

Waiting on then we bred these two idiots oh okay all right let’s put these two back and let’s grab the other guy out um and then who are you you’re six eight seven six okay right get out of there you ready for this then the ten foot

Boom boom all right come on ten for sure is what you made of show us what get out the way we want to see eight ten nine oh my God this guy this guy is breeding them like crazy he knows how to make baby no he really does let’s

Go right feed this guy the uranium yeah if he’s not radiating oh man it’s just a missed opportunity at that point if he’s not radiating if this guy is a garbage or I mean I’m not I think he might be you know and it’s going to be real sad to

See it but we will see it soon enough I can’t believe he got aha we’ve almost got two 10 stats that’s what we’re talking about over there all right here we go 250. poop hey shallow as well what’s all about yellow right idiot yeah the yellow right

Idiot getting there put some seeds on him can I have some more seeds please I’m all out yeah thank you very much uh Boop wonderful right how are these guys doing over here so where’s our 10 first we need we need to take this guy

Out and fast feed him some seeds yo uh Seven Ten sevens ready over here it’s at six ten sixes here uh so you’re six ten six you’re eight wait did eight ten nine just breed or not uh let’s have a look no this one seven ten seven they’re pretty good

Seven yeah Seven Ten seven and eight ten nine all right come on go for it give us another if this is not a temper I’m mad let’s go all right you go back over here oops in there and that surely that means that if we get a strong growth chicken oh man

Who’s the strongest growth chicken I think it’s an eight right yeah yeah this guy he’s got a little cool down this guy he only 70 seconds until eight ten nines ready to go again over here and I think perfect I think that’s the one that you

Pay with eight ten eight ten ten eight ten ten yeah ten ten this guy I think they produce a 9 10 10 and then I think the one after that produced the 10 10. it’s big by Rudder is Big Boy ready to come out big boys ready

Uh eight ten nine he’s big boy right Dowdy girls here we go boom boom okay come on one temper you always give us two tempers put you out the way nine ten night yes you kind of knew that was gonna happen though right yeah all right and then we

Just need to wait for these guys to be done again and then you best believe he said it wasn’t gonna happen but I knew 10 10 10 10. hey so it’s on the way he’s coming yeah who who are we breathing ten ten ten with uh eight I’m like if we’re breeding with

You can’t do that uh eight ten ten I think that’s the best one and he’s 60 seconds so just a minute to wait for that guy and then we do it so uh five seven five you what resource do we want this guy to be oh I beg I beg we get

This chicken just like us of how dope it looked right which one is it oh you want The Gaslight ticket do you have 250 of them yes we do all right there we go let’s go over here and uh get this guy to be a ghastly chicken uh

Yeah are you ready for our Joker looks yo eBay look sick throw some of those over thank you very much right feed him up here we go Gusty oh I’m so excited for Tintin to come out it’s gonna be a lovely oh let’s go oh man get two tens

On the girl and then we’ll just do it at that point popping out tens just popping out tens do we replace everyone at that point We’ve wasted a lot of resources too okay come back stay here and no I think what you do I think if you get a 10 10 you just breed it with the generic one and if you get a one from Mad oh this guy looks small like a some

Nightmares or somewhere oh man oh wait look it looks different all right he’s got an extra leg you got an extra leg bro you all right hey go look if I pick him up yeah I can’t pick him up this is the only chicken I cannot pick up I mean

Yeah just slap him in this thing with some seeds and then he’s all good to go from there bang some seeds in there sorry so is this guy ready over here where’s nine ten tens are eight always ready ten tens ready eight ten ten and nine ten ten yeah

Um guys that’s not how we do things around here excuse me there we go wait one ten ten ten peg let’s have a look ten ten ten the first Tin Tin to be born let’s go let’s go get back here you big idiot let’s get to throw you in lava you

Ain’t got no more seeds though back over there these Lords are in the system let’s go that’s what I’m talking about the 10 10. yeah I know eight ten nines right here and I’m gonna go get some diamonds because we said as soon as we

Get a 10 10. I’m not turning it into damn we can’t we can’t wait just yet we can’t do that just yet we need to breed it again and then again so we need to constantly be able to get 10 10s that’s what we need to do all right okay I see

What you’re saying so when once we get an extra 10 10 then we can start turning into diamonds emeralds all that fun stuff Louis I’ve brought loads of coal I’ve got a bunch of seeds and we’re ready to turn this Seven Ten seven into a cool chicken let’s go oh cool chicken

I think uh nine ten tens ready as well so you best believe we’re getting our assistant another ten ten what about ten ten ten ten ten Ten’s always Friday yeah nine ten ten and ten ten ten yeah ten ten ten was born ready oh man that’s

Good it’s gonna be amazing eight ten ten is also ready so where are you going where are you going you big idiot no you make me pick up the wrong stuff now stop running yeah so 8 10 10 is ready as well if you think eight ten ten and ten ten

Ten will make a thing oh you’re pretty fancy yeah yeah see this is not this they are it’s got nice eyes oh you’re beautiful eyes Bud oh I love that yeah that’s that’s what I like yeah that’s what the other one should be like right where are you at

Nine ten ten yeah right out over here boom boom gave us another 10 out of 10. this way is one one give us a one for watch how mad nope ten ten ten there oh breathing the ten tens now yeah I know we got we got this stood over here

Yo ten ten Ten’s ready again this guy put him down please he’s just Jack right you breed them together what’s it to cool down on these guys 30 seconds 29 I think that might be like that might be growth I mean these guys got 30 second cooldowns over here that’s actually

Stacked I’m not gonna lie what I’m gonna do 17 15 seconds already yeah keep pulling I’m gonna get some more seeds and I’m also gonna get some diamonds I’ve got absolutely loads right I’m gonna get some diamonds then and some emeralds and we’re gonna start turning these guys into some jacked resources

Right now oh are they ready again have you just done it yeah These Guys these guys have just had a baby oh wait another one another 10 for another tenter we’re all at 10 for up and let’s get another one on the go right now 20

Seconds this guy’s way and then look so eight seconds you can go with this ten ten ten and then 16 seconds for these guys oh but this is how you make just 10 everything get out of here them guys over there all right boom boom Another

10 for right now and then five seconds to these guys is that a 10 over there that’s it right you guys boom boom there we go look at this this is how we make chickens this is how we make chickens all right in my offhand I don’t know

What to do with all these guys now but they’re pretty trash I’m not gonna lie right there we go let’s start please over here let’s go so you go in you get a nice spot hey where are you going you get a nice spot I can’t believe they

Have such a little cool down actually I know right how many babies do you have over there holy uh six six babies well wait uh we’ll just keep the babies over here and just grow them real quick guys stop you’re edging closer towards everyone else they’re going back to the

Parents yeah I know what they’re doing all right there we go I’m all out of seat oh no no seeds I’ve got loads of seeds right you’re a big one get inside the hut you’re a big one get inside the hut and these guys will be growing soon

Enough so they can go inside get inside the hook there’s a bit of baby made in the hook a baby made in the hook all right um who’s ready I’m just gonna start spamming all these guys and they can just make us loads of temples right this one miles

Do you know who’s the original Tintin is we should probably have put like a name tag on it yeah we should have named tagged it we’re gonna go with this one this is tinted this one’s Tin Tin there you go there’s some diamonds uh spam

Clicking this and I want him to be like the glass one but fancier I don’t think I think it’s just gonna be it’s going to be the Diamond R yeah but you never nevertheless it’s a 10 10 miles and that’s what counts here over here that’s

What we’re all about oh and he better be pooing like crazy business absolutely insane I want to see like a 30 second cool down on the poops yo I wanna I wanna see like 20 20 diamonds per poop how many days just because you’re a 10

For don’t mean you can do what you want you still have to be fast I’ll throw you in lava yeah I know just look at all those guys waiting they’re ready hey garbage it’s garbage requires some seeds throw some in there and seven minutes ease right uh you guys I’m assuming

You’re all ready again so just producer I get it it’s free and we literally don’t have to do anything this guy looks so dope ew This gastro yeah I know right here’s another one uh this is for Emerald over here there you go all right here we go boom Emerald chicken achieved

Oh I don’t know where you are going I don’t know I picked him up as well should I smell that in there right so we’ve got three more rooms why is this guy eight and a half minutes like just shot on nine minutes I don’t know like it’s just random you know we’re

Getting trolled we are getting heart-trolled uh any other resources that you can think of that we should kind of get we got three more slots miles and back over here we’ve got three different resources got Ender pill slime and nickel we’ll start off with slime do

You want to pick up if you got a uh chicken first over here uh yeah um that’s an easy chicken use some slime there you go hopefully that’s enough I think it is for our last three slots are man we’re gonna getting resource at the Wazoo with these 10 10s right you bud

Come on you’re growing up to be a big slime chicken wonderful get in there and have some seeds right next one Enderman there is some Ender bills there go crazy oh now you’ve got to be careful Bud yeah I just threw one at the tenfone and yeah and now he’s

Losing his marbles losing oh but just chill chill okay can I feed him while he’s in your arms that would be cool so how do you actually feed this guy then ah I’m you do as well oh this is Linda mate endomites that’s actually pretty dangerous this one I’m

Not gonna lie this is a deadly chicken let me just eat up real quick we’re gonna have to we’re gonna have to build him into his own little pet this looks good miles this nice emerald block let’s snipe this guy out of here and I can oh

Okay I am now trapped in here with him oh is he trapped in there with you I mean maybe but if I have to do 250 times I’m surely just going to die why is he said can I like why is it here oh my God

Okay like to eat every time are you getting there I mean in miniature red hearts use your underfell to launch out uh there we go going in have fun with that guy in there uh I’m just gonna get another one out whilst you do that I’m gonna pick you up and feed him

These stuff over here nickel I’m turning this guy into nickel over here Lewis this chicken is two ender pearls away from being fully finished and last one more yeah um can you do it because my health is super low that is fine I can

Do it ah pop oh he’s got Wings yeah no kind obviously chickens have wings but and A lot’s like uh my my things bro do you pick all this up candy looks like a little dragon yeah a little Ender Dragon look at that and then this guy just

Needs some seeds as well oh and I also made the uh the nickel one over here as well nine minutes on that guy I don’t know if it’s dependent on resource this guy gave 15 diamonds over here and this guy gives six wait this guy’s about to

Drop some more so we’ll see how many he gets from this ten uh this guy only gave six emeralds yeah I know you better pull your weight otherwise you’ll get iced we’ve got a million other tempers ready for your spot yeah but I think during

Nation is based on Rarity of item so I like them guys or a long time because it’s like diamonds and emeralds and then the other guy is quite a long time because it’s ender pearls that’s something he’s gonna do I better not be seeing that correctly what what are you seeing

He gave us three but what was that all about oh but his next drop it is in 30 seconds oh he’s got a feather here as well apparently right next drop one second hey give us three next drops in 30 seconds at least just doing 30 seconds drops now these guys if so

Should we see I’m not complaining with 30 second drops I’ve got to say maybe it’s like the initial drop is long because it’s never done one before and then afterwards and then it’s and then it’s realized that the chicken is now a diamond chicken with stats of 10 10 and

It’s like oh this is a 30 second cooldown we’ll see if right after next time and then 21 21 in a minute it’s a minute now yeah oh yeah this is weird yeah so you don’t even no but it were it were 30 seconds last time oh that’s a minute

This one’s go up to a minute as well I don’t know but we’re getting three each time and I think we’re doing pretty well you know we got a lot of tenses over here waiting look at all these guys absolutely we’ve got a lot of resource for chickens so if we haven’t eaten

Anything we can come and change any of those 10 first awesome resources but I think with that Miles we are going to go ahead and end the episode there so we have enjoyed the video please make sure to leave a like comment and subscribe I’ll see you all next time Foreign

This video, titled ‘RESOURCE CHICKEN AUTOMATION! EP6 | Minecraft ATM: Volcano Block [Modded Questing SkyBlock]’, was uploaded by CyberFuel Studios on 2023-08-07 19:00:04. It has garnered 8910 views and 265 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:53 or 2333 seconds.

Minecraft ATM: Volcano Block | RESOURCE CHICKEN AUTOMATION! EP6 [Modded Questing SkyBlock]

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  • LocusCraft

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RESOURCE CHICKEN AUTOMATION! EP6 | Minecraft ATM: Volcano Block [Modded Questing SkyBlock]