Video Information

Oke yo Halo guys Kembali lagi bersama kita bertiga Halo siapa dong Halo guys Rizki sudah punya Minecraft Java sekarang cuy Alhamdulillah ya alhamdulillah Oke sekarang kita gimana ini cara mulainya baca rules dulu dong baca rulesnya dulu oke recommended to go out together during the adventure kita harus sama-sama

Katanya di sini ya harus bersama-sama terus gimana ini ini Gimana Ki itu start-nya di sana oke start langsung aja ya oke Guys langsung Start aja kita tiga dua satu halo waduh waduh serem serem serem serem serem [Musik] tidak tidak seram tidak seram aduh aduh aduh nggak Serem kok nggak Serem ya nggak Serem

Oke Guys jadi di sini kita katanya harus mulai secara berbarengan siapa pemimpinnya Ya udah langsung saja enggak jelas kita harus perlahan-lahan ini ke mana Ki kita ke kiri aja kali ya ke sini ya oke Oh di sini ada guys rumah Villager yang aneh ya guys ya Nah di sini ada misi

Misi ini siapa Ki yang missing Ki kayaknya ada Villager Ya iya kayak Villager anak-anak Villager sih kayaknya ya Uh ada leader tourik ada bon oke oke Ini gimana Ki ini guys Oke kita harus pergi ke sebelah sini Nah di sini ada chest lagi guys Oh ada Emerald ada

Emerald bus ada bedrop Shop oke pakai dong pakai ya Ada emeral Boots ini malah si Rizki memakai semuanya Wah dia ini ya wah dua Astaghfirullahaladzim apa ini aduh anjir Aduh kasihan [Musik] udah punya perasaan nih gimana ini Oh udah nggak ada ya udah kemana lagi Ci ini guys ini guys Oh ada

Rumah lagi ada orang ada orang Hello Pak Villager dia sepertinya ketakutan ya oh kepalanya doang oh bukan ketakutan dia kepalanya doang kira aku dia ngumpet di dalam tanah Pororo mau takut dia meninggal [Musik] Oh kita bisa lewat sini rain eh eh Allahu Akbar Di sini rain malah Ngadep ke dalam Kabel Stone guys

Sini sini sini ada darahnya guys Oh my God ada darahnya guys hati-hati Oke kita ke mana Eh lihat ini lihat lihat ini Oh ada kepala Villager yang nancep lagi guys kayaknya dia pemalu deh ya mana Oh iya aku udah nih Oh ini Oh what what what Oh

Banyak sekali mayat guys di sini ya tapi tidak bisa masuk ke dalam sumurnya Wah ini pembantaian sih Wah banyak banget ini pembantaian guys di sini guys ini ada kepala di mana-mana ya keren banget ya Oh ya kita harus bilang permisi permisi Kanjeng ini Kanjeng Ada apa di sini

Ada makanan ya coocat Buton 2 Makasih Nih dua Ki oke oke bapak Jundi sangat bijak yang membagikan makanannya lagi lapar nih ah udah laper aja laper mulu di sini ya oke tinggal kita ke bawah sini ya guys Ada apa Yu ada podol Saya nggak bisa sayang Aduh banyak banget kepala ya sini guys

Sini guys Oke kesini flash ada empat with-nya itu satu lagi enggak diambil Aku dapat kunci guys wow wow sekarang bukan prolog lagi guys ayo ayo kita sama-sama maju ke depan [Musik] apa ini Aduh mesum sendiri Hah jangan jangan mengeluarkan suara sini oh jangan mengeluarkan suara eh efek naik Vision kalian hilangkah

Oke kita udah megang Torch ya guys ya Oke let’s go Ada apa ini tiga dua satu Permisi Assalamualaikum [Musik] bunyiin rumah oke [Musik] ada orang tadi lari lari lari ke tempat yang tadi sini ke sini ke sini guys Kok bisa guys no no no no no no no no no no no Vi

[Tepuk tangan] itu Where are you guys kok tiba-tiba ada di Matahari gitu ya Kita maju bareng-bareng ya Ada chest guys coba kita baca ya Rider My name is Victor Halo para pembaca Namaku Victor dan aku di sini Oh dia udah ditahan sama bebal behemot selama 20 tahun aku butuh waktu

Bertahun-tahun untuk bisa keluar dari sini jadi ada orang yang pernah ke kurung di sini dan dia butuh waktu 20 tahun untuk keluar dari sini dan 20 tahun itu juga bukan sekali coba Setiap hari dia mencoba gitu loh Apakah kita akan nasib sama guys Oh ini ada clever guys

Open Oke Di mana Di mana guys Di mana guys tortor Chamber Oh di sini ada ini guys Oh oke ada lorong-lorong lorong-lorong gitu ya Siapa yang maju duluan yang mau mati duluan Oke suara orang guys [Musik] Coba deh klik kanan di sini nih nah aduh [Musik] ada orang Golem pokoknya serem banget

Guys apa ini kita ye kita berhasil menyelamatkan para Villager anda silahkan kabur Oh ada kamera di sini CCTV guys dia Kalian harus ini guys Oh iya ya [Musik] ada ini guys ada jalan guys Oke ada jalannya Jalan Oke siap pak kita masuk duluan [Musik] banyak oh ada Banyak Ada CD ada di

Deskripsi juga pasang di atas di atas di atas ada ini deh kalau nggak salah iya oh ada ya guys ya Oke Guys ini gimana lagi Ki lanjut kita ke bawah guys gimana aku lebih baik menyelamatkan diri sendiri aduh aduh sakit banget Aduh pancing biar kalian bisa lewat halo halo eh eh eh

Ah pintar pintar pintar Ayo Rizky nah pinter ayo ayo aku nontonin aku nonton in eh aku nggak bisa keluar ke bawah ke bawah ke bawah ke bawah ke bawah Ayo ke bawah Oh ini ada levelnya pencet pencet pencet aduh Oke nice nice nice livernya atau Apalah itu namanya paling bawah [Musik]

Di mana satu kan satunya kan di tempat yang di awal sudah dapat satunya di dekat yang CCTV itu berarti sisa empat lagi dong jangan takut takut takut takut tangga kita bertiga ada level ada 3 level dinyalakan kah Iya Nyalakan engine room 5 Open Oh ini tuh kayak teka-teki gitu ya guys

Belum bisa kebuka dari 6 level dulu Guys kita harus cari 6 level dulu guys baru bisa mencet ini ya Oh ini kebuka jalannya terbuka Guys oke wah tapi ini malah keluar mungkin di sini ada level juga kalau ini coba kita cari level di bagian sini ya [Musik] Kabur Kabur kabur Yah mati [Musik]

Mami Mami nice ayo ayo ayo mana ada lever kagak ada lever tadi ya [Musik] Kabur Kabur kabur dong bareng sendiri takut ayo kabur guys kabur guys Oke ini ada jalan guys kebuka ya Oh ada level satu lagi nice huh oh nice nice nice word ya velve Open

Oke Ada apa di sini Oh trident ada triden siapa yang ngambil aku yang ngambilnya oke oke nggak apa-apa Serem banget aku takut Mau keluar dari tempat di tas Pontianak masih tempat awal Oke Guys ya Aduh rafajar yang ngejar kita guys kabur-kabur gue cek kocak kocak aduh sakit sakit sakit sakit sakit sakit

Sakit Ah tidak tidak tidak tidak tidak Yes huh huh aku duduk sini ada monsternya Di mana coy kalian ke bawah Tuh kan gih aku aku bantu aku bantu aku bantu ini lever terakhir nice Oke nice nice ayo kabur kabur kabur kabur n Aduh kemana lagi Ya ampun ini mah susah banget kayaknya ya

Mau ke mana lagi nih guys Aduh mati juga Oh pencet yang 6 tadi kali Ya kan udah 6 satu lagi dong ada tanda serunya Oh iya satu dua tiga empat lima satu lagi Oh di sini ada ini ada tortor Chamber ada living room Oh satu lagi guys Oke aduh aduh monsternya [Musik]

Halo ada apa dengan Reva [Musik] guys sekarang aku yang diincar Ayo Rain kabur Rin satu lagi Guys kita harus cari satu lagi ya ampun aduh di mana-mana ke atas Oh ini lantai paling atas guys ada lever di dalam sini nice di kandang babinya ada lever guys tuh ini aku nemu

Sih level 1 lagi tapi cara masuk kayak gimana Ki gimana sini sini Oh mungkin kita harus cari kunci dulu kali ini butuh kunci guys di sini kita cari kunci cari guys mukbang dulu ada tanboy kunnya guys [Musik] Oh ini guys ini guys aku nemu kuncinya guys 6 berhasil Guys

Kita harus ke paling bawah ya hati-hati Ini bukan ya sama ini aman ya Ah ada ada ada aman dari mana bapak kabur nih Aku tunggu sini ya Oke aku juga aku tunggu jandamu aduh ah belakangku Aduh ampun tinggal Jun dia kita tunggu Jundi guys Kutunggu Jandamu kawan tunggu jandamu kawan Aduh bentar-bentar

Duda yang datang Apa yang terjadi Apa yang terjadi ada pintu ya pokoknya pesan moralnya Jangan pukul frezer asal-asalan ya teman-teman ini ada pintu kebuka ada pintu kebuka guys oke Ayo turun naik turun guys guys kok hilang Oh loading Aduh serem banget sumpah ini serem banget sih Oke kita di mana guys

Oh ada Diary 2 Siapa yang mau baca Rain membaca kah aku sudah menggambarkan map dari semua lokasi yang pernah aku kunjungi ada valve out itu apa namanya kran a sama B kita bisa Apa bisa buka di apa sistem ininya gorong-gorongnya Oke ini ada map nih

Apa ini kita di mana you are here kita di situ guys di B ya terus kita harus ke tanda x dong ya Guys kita harus masuk ke dalam sini sepertinya guys ya kita masuk ke dalam sini dan Oh ada Oh ke sini ke sini ada air ada air hati-hati

Oke Nice kita berhasil oke mantap Setengah Gila Open kalau ke a berarti kita masuk lagi terus Oh dekat dong mana guys ini Oh ya kita ikutin aja yang paling jago baca map pertama kali sih kesini [Musik] Aduh di mana ini ya [Tertawa] [Musik] sekarang kita harus ke a Oke Guys jadi

Si Rizky udah nemuin jalannya dan dia tahu oke kita langsung terjun langsung terjun menyelam menyelam ke dalam laut dasar laut begitu dalam [Musik] Oke sabar kita ambil air angin dulu nih Jangan sampai jatuh ke sini ke sebelah sini nah nah akhirnya guys ya let’s Masih lamakah masih sih kita lihat dulu

Udah isi perut belum Ini tuh masalahnya kita bisa masuk tapi gak bisa keluar Anjir ini ke dasar laut dulu nih ya berenang oke ya Masuk pelan-pelan Oh oke oke oke masuk oke coba belok kiri ke mana ini ya ampun mati duluan ya Oh aku udah di tempat awal nih

Coba dari tempat awal Kayaknya lebih mudah sih Ini ambil nafas dulu di sini guys kita pakai mata batin dulu kan ada gelembung-gelembung gitu kamu masuk ke bawah aku udah mati sih mana Rin mati Aduh tempatnya serem banget ya ampun Apa itu aduh dari tiga nih oh ada button juga bisa menghilang guys

Ada dia ada tiga ada tiga apa di gudang ada elevator yang bakal bawa kita tuh ke Atik alias ke apa namanya Nah itu satu-satunya jalan buat kita keluar untuk mengaktifkan untuk mengaktifkan elevatornya kamu harus cari tombol yang ada di koridornya oke Ada beberapa chemical converters chemical converters itu apa sih ramuan ya ramuan

Kimia yang tersebar di seluruh hampir seluruh fasilitas yang bakal bikin kita apa namanya enggak kelihatan dari musuh-musuh selama kita sekarang menggunakannya mencet dulu guys Pencet dulu ini pencet dulu guys tapi ada waktunya kita harus cepet Go mana mana gue jadi beban kalian dikejar aku tidak ya hahaha

Pencet lagi guys nice Oke sejumlah oke oke Nice Nice Aduh laper lagi ada makanan nggak dong coy kita nggak boleh keseringan sama mencet tombolnya guys soalnya tombolnya bikin kita makin laper ya jalannya bercabang guys [Musik] kabur Aduh ini soul-nya bikin lambat Aduh ada lagi ya Aduh di geng aduh aduh aduh aduh

Gimana ini sudah guys Ya sudah guys menyerah menyerah pasrah pakai tameng pakai tameng Aduh biasa aja guys aku tahu jalan tahu oke hati-hati oke nah nice Oke ini nih akhirnya guys nih ada Poison ada Poison potato mau yolo nggak punya Jundi umpan ya kita lewat sini Ren mati gua [Musik]

Oke Guys jadi tadi yang chapter 4 ada kesalahan teknis di aku lurus lurus belok-belok belok lurus lurus lurus lurus lurus Wah mati aku [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] Victor Oke kita ke sini mungkin jadi mc-nya ya main karakter Oh ini bayi ini buat ramuan tersembunyi di ruangan di sebelah kanan saya kalau aku minum aku

Bakalan mengambil beban jauh dari dunia ini atau enggak perang akan terjadi cepat cepat cepat naik sini Oh parkour ke sini guys Aduh ya ampun Rain Iya iya ampun jadi serem dong mukanya Aduh jangan-jangan ini beban Oh dia ini kenal ada ini enggak sih kayak apa namanya yang yang apa pribadi ganda gitu loh

Yang kayak salah gitu Kenal praktek-enimnya banyak ya [Musik] ini Aduh kita diincer guys let’s Oke tembak-tembak to the point mana racunnya jangan dikasih jangan dikasih kita kasih deh ini kalau bisa ambil Oke dia kemana tutup dong Tutup langsung aja guys ini guys ini ruangan terakhir guys Please jangan arah orang-orang Kita tuh

Sudah menunjukkan Betapa kita serakah dan juga jahat guys manusia itu aduh mereka mengambil apapun yang Victor cintai tuh dan karena dan karena penderitaannya negara penderitaannya lahir dari kemarahan dan balas dendam [Musik] sekarang aku akan menghancurkan semua yang kamu cintai ucapnya tebal Oh my God ada darahnya guys mana Ren Balik lagi balik lagi

Waktu kita nggak banyak Ren Ya ampun ada si bebal no no no kabur kabur Iya ketutup kita ikutin aja Guys kita ikutin kita ya oke kita makan dulu oke oke mati ya dia guys mati enggak mati bebal ternyata punya anak Aduh iya kembali kita suruh lari kah Aduh kita terbakar api semua

Golem Terima kasih ini kalian gak ada yang peduli Tik Tok peduli golemnya Oh ini dalemnya ya bukan apa namanya Oh kayaknya dia pelindung anaknya kayaknya ya Kamu ngapain Makan kuesionis potato victornya Victor Aduh kali ini benar benar mati ya guys dokter Victor terus gimana ini guys yang bener aja Anjir Dia Dia bener-bener

Apanya tahu Rizky kasihan guys satunya oh anaknya Eli Oh my God terus dia pergi menemui anaknya ke surga Ayo guys Mama mau pulang pulang ke sana yey [Musik] yang bilang tidak ada pokoknya Kalian cari sendiri ya guys Oke Guys Terima kasih yang sudah menonton video ini ya maaf kalau jelek

Kalau kita muter-muter Pokoknya banyak banget kekurangannya tapi semoga kalian suka sama video ini jadi udah itu aja dan Thank you bye bye bye [Musik]

This video, titled ‘TRIO KONYOL BERMAIN GAME HORROR MINECRAFT (FULL EPISODE)’, was uploaded by Jundy Juns on 2023-02-12 11:59:50. It has garnered 808520 views and 15683 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:38 or 2318 seconds.


🎵 Song by – Kevin MacLeod : http://incompetech.com

“Arcadia”, “Atlantean Twilight”, “Cryptic Sorrow”, “Darkest Child”, “Leaving Home”, “Lightless Dawn”, “Moonlight Hall”, “Stay the Course”, “The Complex”, “The House of Leaves” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/

( Suport the artist / Contact the Artist 🔥🔥) Link ⬇️⬇️ [email protected] https://incompetech.com https://soundcloud.com/kevin-9-1 https://youtube.com/user/kmmusic https://music.apple.com/us/artist/kevhttps://patreon.com/kmacleod https://twitter.com/kmacleod

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    MrGamerJay Enters Cursed Minecraft RealmsVideo Information तो आज मैं जॉइन करने वाला हूं सब कुछ यहां पे डर्ट का है ये देखो एंड वो क्या है ये बेचारी शीप को कौन सी बीमारी हो गई यहां पे पूरी की पूरी डर्ट की बनी हुई है छी कितनी गंदी लग रही है एंड अगर इसको मैं मार दूं मर जा मर जा तो हमें यहां पे छी मटन भी डर्ट का मिल रहा है कौन खाएगा इसको भाई ये वर्ल्ड किसने बनाया है रे एंड ये काली वाली शीप कहां से आ गई इसकी शक्ल देखो क्या भोंदू सी लग रही है ये ये तो… Read More

  • Shocking Mine Discovery! Digging in Jinja – Minecraft LM 55

    Shocking Mine Discovery! Digging in Jinja - Minecraft LM 55Video Information oh ich habe mich noch gar nicht kalibriert und ich frage mich gerade was hier passiert und ach du Gott ich Moment so Moment und ich frage mich gerade was was passiert ist warum e ich Switch rein und W Fliege erstmal weg aber das Dings ist weg wow es hat funktioniert yeah aua das reicht mir hallo hallo ich komme Euch einfach ganz nah hallo hallo danke fürs Papa danke schön danke schön au hey hey ein Mö sag das nicht so e g morgen hallo das der Avatar animiert ist also der Mund und nicht auf… Read More


    Font 444 - INSANE MINECRAFT CLUTCH! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT IMPOSSIBLE CLUTCH 🤯 #shorts #viral #minecraft #dream #op #clutch #attitude #edit #status’, was uploaded by Font 444 on 2023-12-10 04:57:18. It has garnered 2546 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. #minecraftskin #minecraftcursed #minecart #minecraftparty #minecraftsurvival #minecraftbuildhacks #minecraftjavaedition #minecraftbedrockedition #minecraftloveseguimos#spicymemes #funnymemes #minecraftcursedimageshappy #minecraftbuilder #minecraftisawesome #minecraftdesigns #minecrafttipsandtricks #minecraftshaders #minecraftmob #minecraftanimation#pewdiepiememes #mineraftmeme #minecraftpocketedtion #minecraftseeds #memez #meme #dailymemes #funnymeme #freshmemes #memelord#minecraftgamers #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftcity #minecraftbuild #minecraftbuildings #minecraftmeme #minecrafttutorial #minecraftartdo #minecraftmods#minecraftuniverse #minecraftedits #minecraftindonesia #minecraftdesign #minecraftcreations #minecraftersonly #minecraftserver #minecrafthouses #minecraft_pe #minecraftps4 Read More

  • INSANE Season 14 Start with Mr. Rin! (Minecraft Madness)

    INSANE Season 14 Start with Mr. Rin! (Minecraft Madness)Video Information good all right let’s go for for for oh I can run ads on my bro I can run ads on my YouTube live stream now what wait what no what hey what that’s a thing now LW that’s funny wow yo I can run ads on YouTube now what bro that’s insane I’m thinking of all the trolls on YouTube wow YouTube is really trying to compete with twitch second minions have spawn in the dark all is laid be the Shadows are to be feared I smell black On Wings Of Night I bring Swift death… Read More

  • Nekone’s Crazy Bridge Transformation!! 😱 Minecraft #9

    Nekone's Crazy Bridge Transformation!! 😱 Minecraft #9Video Information [Music] I’m know to you don’t know anything the artificial satellite is like an island in the [Music] [Music] sky [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you don’t know anything yet the artificial satellite is like an island in the [Music] sky [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you need I know what [Music] to you don’t know anything the artificial satellite is like a VI in the [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sky [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey yo hello guys welcome welcome to another Minecraft stream a okay so uh today we’ll be doing Minecraft because… Read More

  • Exploring for Cherry Blossom Biome in Minecraft 🌸🍒

    Exploring for Cherry Blossom Biome in Minecraft 🌸🍒Video Information [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] la [Music] [Music] [Music] YY hello why why is this thing broken like every single time I use it I I swear on my life hi [Music] everyone um funny story I don’t know why this isn’t working um oh I didn’t save it okay hold on I got this hello hello sorry that was really loud I’m sorry I’m so sorry I think I just obliterated you I’m sorry I’m sorry I fixed it I fixed it no I hate this thing it just doesn’t save sorry sorry sorry… Read More

  • Turn Minecraft’s Advancements Into Chaos With MrToggle!

    Turn Minecraft's Advancements Into Chaos With MrToggle!Video Information today my friend and I try to beat Minecraft but every single advancement has a crazy random event link to it from planting a seed to killing the ender dragon every single advancement does crazy things like giving us overpowered items or can even spawn an entire Army of wardens make sure to watch the end to see if we can beat this insane challenge also only 0.5% of my viewers are subscribed so if you want to be part of the first 5k Subs on this channel consider subscribing if you end up liking this video bro… Read More

  • Baby King trolls Minecraft with hilarious memes!

    Baby King trolls Minecraft with hilarious memes!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft funny memes (:Baby King😈:) 😂 (troll face )#shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MFF_GAMING_PRO1 on 2024-03-27 04:30:10. It has garnered 3589 views and 104 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Minecraft funny memes (:Baby King😈:) 😂 (troll face )#shorts #minecraft minecraft 100 days, minecraft house , minecraft video, minecraft minecraft , minecraft song , minecraft house tutorial, minecraft 1.21, minecraft game, minecraft cartoon, minecraft movie, minecraft animation, minecraft dream clips, minecraft tiktok, minecraft funny, funny, minecraftsurvival mod, minecraft mods, funny minecraft meme, funny minecraft memes, funny minecraft, #minecraftmlg #noob #minecrafthouse… Read More

  • Very Vanilla Survival

    Very Vanilla SurvivalWelcome to V.V.S. we are a small community of vanilla Minecraft enthusiasts. Our aim is to provide a completely Vanilla enviorment, just as the developers intended. The only modifications done to the server are anti-cheat plugin, aswell as for smoother performance. The difficulty is set to hard, most people join die a ton of times then rage quit. The worlds limit is set to max whats stopping you. Do you have what it takes to escape spawn and climb to the pillars of the community. RULES: – Dont annoy people- No spamming- No advertising – No hacking – No duplication… Read More

  • Primal Craft Vanilla: Custom Weapons, Enchants, Items, 1.20.4, Economy, Beta, New

    Server Name: Primal Craft Server Location: United States East Coast Discord: Join our Discord Server IP: Version: 1.20.4 Game Play Type: Survival Description: Immerse yourself in the community-driven world of Primal Craft. Participate in daily polls, enjoy custom items, dynamic economy, and thrilling quests. Join us today for an ever-evolving adventure! Plugins: Essential, WorldEdit, WorldBorder, MultverseCore, Oraxen, Coins, and more! Owner: Higuys313 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Just keep scrolling… or else 🔥

    Just, keep scrolling for your information this meme has a score of 118… but I gotta warn ya, the comments section is a minefield of creeper jokes! Read More

  • Ultimate Black Hole Build in Minecraft

    Ultimate Black Hole Build in MinecraftVideo Information [Music] no no no no no no no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait n [Music] This video, titled ‘Minecraft VIRAL Black Hole With Concrete! #shorts #minecraft #minecraftfunny #minecraftmemes #viral’, was uploaded by Dragon & Valkyrie on 2024-04-30 13:08:06. It has garnered 0 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Blackhole Wand on Minewind allows for many creative trolls / fun projects! Server IP: valk.minewind.com Join today to try it out yourself! Words: minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen… Read More

  • Shovel Hustle: Minecraft Speedrun for Wood

    Shovel Hustle: Minecraft Speedrun for Wood In Minecraft, I speedrun with glee, Hunting for items, just like a spree. Today’s challenge, a wooden shovel, Crafted in seconds, no need to grovel. I break the tree, with swift precision, Crafting the tool, with quick decision. Just 21 seconds, a new record set, In the world of Minecraft, I’m a speedrun vet. Join me on Discord, for more fun, Subscribe on YouTube, the race has begun. Twitch is where I stream, with skills to show, In the world of Minecraft, I’m ready to go. Study and relax, with music in play, As I speedrun Minecraft, in my… Read More

  • Rescued my dog from Herobrine! (HOT)

    Rescued my dog from Herobrine! (HOT) I didn’t know Herobrine was in charge of the animal shelter in Minecraft! Read More

  • Discover Endless Possibilities on Minewind Minecraft Server 🌟

    Discover Endless Possibilities on Minewind Minecraft Server 🌟 Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you tired of building the same old houses in Minecraft? Looking for a new challenge to showcase your creativity and skills? Look no further! Join the exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server, where you can unleash your imagination and build the house of your dreams. With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to bring your Minecraft creations to life. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting out, Minewind offers a unique and immersive gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. From intricate castles to… Read More

  • Scoring Epic Loot!

    Scoring Epic Loot! Minecraft Adventures: Gear Upgrades and Epic Moments! Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft as players strive to improve their gear and face exciting challenges. Join the duo as they navigate through the game, encountering mobs, enchanting items, and strategizing their next moves. Gearing Up for Success The players are on a mission to enhance their gear, grinding tirelessly to ensure they are well-equipped for the adventures that lie ahead. From acquiring powerful weapons to enchanting items, every step brings them closer to victory. The Power of Enchantments With enchantments like Sweeping Edge and Mending, the… Read More

  • EP34: My Minecraft World Turns INSANE!

    EP34: My Minecraft World Turns INSANE!Video Information oh my goodness this looks insane [Music] so today I want to travel to a different dimension a dimension that well I have never experienced before this is an entirely new mod to me and it is the other lands now besides the bubbles I was just playing around with these fun little supplementary bubble blowers this one without any enchants basically lets you blow a little bit of bubbles but the one if you put stasis on it which is an enchant you can actually scale with this uh and and also on top of that this… Read More

  • Switching to Mobile Games Challenge – Among Us & Roblox

    Switching to Mobile Games Challenge - Among Us & RobloxVideo Information hello hello how is everyone I hope you’re having a good morning day or night hello yeah it says my connection is unstable for some reason I hope it’s not lagging um just so if yeah if you feel like it’s lagging just let me know so I could try to figure out what’s going on yeah how is everyone I hope you’re having a good morning day or night I saw a couple first time chats one from crtr 8590 what’s good hello hello thank you for coming and thank you for the first time chat and… Read More

  • “BaliKid’s Insane Minecraft Crop Farm Hack!” #minecraft #shorts

    "BaliKid's Insane Minecraft Crop Farm Hack!" #minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Easy Fast Cheap Minecraft Crop Farm #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #shorts #minecraftfarm’, was uploaded by BaliKid Gaming on 2024-04-06 02:11:05. It has garnered 449 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Easy Minecraft Farm Java And Bedrock 1.21 Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Space Adventure – MUST WATCH!! 🚀🎮” #gaming #Minecraft

    "Insane Minecraft Space Adventure - MUST WATCH!! 🚀🎮" #gaming #MinecraftVideo Information [Music] oh [Music] def in red dress call 911 I’m a killer you know I ha to confess Bang Bang on my hand on the trigger in red dress call 911 on my you know I to confess Bang Bang on my hand This video, titled ‘Minecraft Star Trader: Short Space Adventure #gamingcommunity #minecrafters #minecraftmeme’, was uploaded by Mou Family Gamer on 2024-02-06 18:29:57. It has garnered 839 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Full Video https://youtu.be/CcLbKgjhAPg Embark on a thrilling space adventure in Minecraft with our “Star Trader” short… Read More

  • Can I Outsmart The Ultimate Minecraft Prison?

    Can I Outsmart The Ultimate Minecraft Prison?Video Information तो गा स्वागत आपका एक और प्रिजन ब्रेक के नए एपिसोड में तो जहा तक पिछली बार मैंने एक प्रिजन को ब्रेक किया था यह कौन सी इस ब में प्र में स लेवल मुझे इसके बारे में कुछ पता नहीं मैंने अभी भी इस व को खोला है तो यह जो मुझे बाहर निकालेंगे आइटम मुझे मिलेंगे ठीक है तो गेम को शुरू कहां से करते हैं ठीक है ठीक है ठीक है ठीक है य र रो कैसे अच्छा ठीक है करना हैम जमा करना है सार प और य न रो भी करते क्या ठीक… Read More


    BREAKING: JustMatthew Builds NIGHTMARES LIVE!Video Information what’s going on guys welome back to another video and this rning out let’s Bell little nightmares 2 in Minecraft this is episode number 77 and we are live this is too many episodes hello XD hello speedy one actually I was first get why do I have three PS okay animatronic gu is one what what is this one okay I’m going just uh ignore that one and then I’m gonna make sure the discordian know me to join um hello scribble hello ma have fun Speedy so here’s where we are I will give it some… Read More

  • Join Alyss and Dusty in slaying dragons!

    Join Alyss and Dusty in slaying dragons!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] cuz he just did seven more or one two three four five oh I see you’re getting Dr by Phoenix Al Alice do you have you already have a bow right I have a crossbow okay I don’t want to have to refill my water yeah I I literally just need arrows and I’m good and I’ve got that okay I’m going to and I’m willing to trade or buy whatever the [ __ ] I need to do uh you are getting gifted some things… Read More

  • WelcominTV – Surviving 100 HRS on DESERTED Island!

    WelcominTV - Surviving 100 HRS on DESERTED Island!Video Information I spent 100 hours on a deserted island five straight real life days turning this small boring land mass into a thriving Tropical Paradise fit for any Castaway I take surviving to a new hype by building up an amazing Castle defeating every boss in the game and treating villagers with the utmost respect sit back relax and enjoy my 100h hour creation out to sea on a deserted island we are back on the island for the first time in months but clearly all wanted a part two so I got to make it better than the… Read More

  • GAMER AZY – Insane Minecraft Traps at -699999 IQ #shorts

    GAMER AZY - Insane Minecraft Traps at -699999 IQ  #shortsVideo Information [Music] somewhere in the universe somewhere someone’s got it worse wish to cut [Music] me made it easier wish I didn’t feel the hurt the world’s smallest violin really needs we were nothing you didn’t have to cut me off [Music] we we audience so if I do not find somebody soon I’ll blow up C we This video, titled ‘Minecraft- Traps at Different -699999 IQ (World’s Smallest Violin) #shorts’, was uploaded by GAMER AZY on 2024-01-08 10:30:14. It has garnered 3973 views and 141 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. Minecraft- Traps… Read More