Riverrain123 – TOP 5 ON SKYBLOCK SERVERS 1.8/1.9/1.10/1.12 2018 [HD] (New Big Minecraft Servers)

Video Information

What’s up everybody River in 1 2 3 here and welcome back bros to a brand new top 5 video I’ve been getting a lot of requests recently to go and make him more of these top 5 Skyblock videos so I’m actually gonna be making another one

Also make sure you guys leave a like rating on this video if this does actually help you find a Skyblock server guys but anyways we’re gonna go and start this one off Indy number 5 spot ok bros so in the number 5 spot is actually mine heroes and if you guys don’t know

What mine euros is it’s actually a Superfund server that has like creative prison factions and a lot of other stuff but the most popular thing on here is skyblock guys so we’re gonna go and click Skyblock servers right over here and you’re gonna have an option between like four different Skyblock servers

Which is pretty cool and we’re pretty sure these are like literally all the exact same kind of Skyblock servers but I guess if you guys die on this one and are out of money you guys can always like restart on a new one but anyways

Bros I’m just gonna go and pick a map 7 that seems to be the most popular one right now and this is it over here whoa yeah as you guys can see I just started off and we’re cigar so some pretty decent stuff I got myself eight-time

Pickaxe a bunch of materials over here I even got a voting creycrey and some XP that’s so crazy and shout to my friend Shing underscore over here hope you pros there on the server but yeah bros this section these spawn over here which I have to say is pretty insane as you guys

Can see and I guess you can go and start your Skyblock adventure right over here guys this is like the crate keys I’m guessing everything all way no these are actually ranks over here which is super crazy so I guess you guys looking to pick up a rank it actually shows you

Like what you actually get with like the Titan right the legend etc anyways that’s actually pretty cool over there but I wanted to go up back up your guys to show you guys something pretty cool yeah so when you guys first spawn and if you’re looking for like to shop the

Auction house or anything like that it’s actually all at spawn which is pretty cool we got the advanced person I guess you can click it if you want to go and join an event also have an enchanting guys want to go and buy some custom inches there is only three on this

Server which I’ve seen more on other servers but that’s also still really good and there’s an auction house if you want to go and buy and sell stuff guys and Wow there’s actually a lot of stuff in here as always guys we do over ourselves a shop I guess you guys need

Some building materials for your island or stuff like that anyways that’s actually the shop over there and there’s actually a couple more things on this side over here oh okay so if you guys are looking to open up a cranky I guess I don’t have like an actual crazy system on here I

Guess you just click like the iron golem and it tells you like how you can like get these cranky is and I guess you just like click it if you want to go and open them and they have a lot of Cranky’s on it really go buy shard crate a winter

Crate and some really crazy stuff any daily crate so go ahead and do that you need to obtain a daily key using kit daily oh I guess if you guys do kids daily would get a three cranky wow this server is actually pretty cool and then

Over here we have like an alum manager if you guys want to go and like create your own anyways this over here I guess you can like pick your own if you’re first starting off on Skyblock you can get a classic and which is like in the

Plains buy them and like some other cool ones over there so if you guys are looking to create an Allen just click this guy over here and I guess pick one that’s on this list they are all free ok guys so there’s one over here called

Like in new ranks I’m not really sure what this does I guess it just tells you like what kind of rank you have which is pretty cool so as we unlocked a rank number one oh okay and then if you do slash your rank out for 10,000 you

Unlock a rank 2 so this actually with in-game money which is super crazy you guys don’t even need to pay with this for real life money oh wow that’s actually pretty cool you guys can get some food kits from doing slash rank up and your last one over here guys

I know this is kind of long the abilities over here as you guys can see you can go ahead and get some abilities which is pretty cool looking at like hey sober here applies haste here Allen unlock from the giraffe and some other crazy stuff but that is actually all of

You like things that spawn which you guys can go and buy sell and just do some really cool stuff at so make sure you guys to go and check out the server also I don’t think this was here before guys Braxley says Skyblock which is super crazy I don’t think this

See the cam floating let’s get them loaded anyways there we go guys it all loaded in for me announces Skyblock which is really crazy but one last thing what you guys are probably all wondering what kits you actually have when you first start off you guys can actually do slash kit and

Actually have access to the daily Kitty weekly kit the monthly kit and pretty much all of them that aren’t like a black glass over here you have access to which is super crazy so if we do the PvP kit look at this view like a full PvP

Side and you guys can actually get some really cool stuff from here I’m not assuming you can get like a kitten monthly look at this so you guys don’t need a rank or anything for us at all you get a free on protection for and protection 3 so that’s pretty good and

The last to go and wrap it up guys I’m gonna go and create myself an Allen okay so if you guys are wondering I just click the Frostbite Allen which is super crazy it spawn me in right over here so actually a pretty decent island as you

Guys can see we got ourselves a bit of a fire I guess if you want to go and cook up some meat on top of the fire guys we also got ourselves a chest which everybody pretty much gets on their Skyblock island and that’s actually

Gonna go and wrap it up for this one ami number 5 spot i hope you guys are enjoying this videos so far and also all the IPS will be in the description if you guys didn’t go and miss them but anyways I’m gonna go meet all the

Rows in the number 4 spot okay bro so the one in the number 4 spot has actually power trip Network so if you guys said now actually due to a video on the server every single week on Skyblock arcade and just like all these crazy game modes so much different game modes

On the server guys it is a literally insane Park for today I’m gonna go and check out the sky blog so you guys can either like walk through this portal over here or could be compass and just click Skyblock boys this is where you guys will go ahead and spawn in it’s

Actually these spawn as you guys can see I have to say it actually is pretty nice and this is actually in over here you guys saw like all the rules are right up over here to get started all you have to do is such is and I think you can pick

From a couple different islands which is pretty cool if you want to warp to anything you just do slash or warp and like a whole list of warps where actually go and come up which is super crazy you can go up to a pig farm which

Is pretty cool guys can warp to a pig farm if you guys are starting off and need like some money / food you can walk to the repairer and pretty much all the warps are like on this list and then I guess if you walk around in spawn guys there’s actually

Some super custom stuff which I really like about this server guys a look at this yeah this is just one of the custom things on the server it is really insane so as you guys can see we have like a teacher over here actually like moves

His head around Slyke where we walk as which is super crazy but look at this guy’s have like custom chairs custom desk like a globe and like a fish tank as there’s literally hundreds of custom items on the server so make sure you guys all join there’s no mods required

For the server all you guys just joined and up this stuff just spawns in if you guys are wondering how you can buy us I’ll show that later in the video we’ll look at this they even have like a computer desper here which is probably one of my favorite things on the server

Guys got the mouse the computer and everything guys I just thought that was super dope guys and you can walk around spawn low just show me like a bunch of other custom stuff on here guys ballistic she’s showing you guys the actual part of the sky block I don’t

Like the crankies and the free stuff okay so when you guys actually walk it over here you’re gonna want to go straight over here then if the furniture is actually lagging for you guys you can always turn it off you just type in the command slash furniture toggle and it

Should boost your FPS but anyways this actually the Crikey’s over here as you guys can see we got a voting crate key a Cadiz sapphire cranky which you guys can all get for free and you can get some pretty cool stuff you can get like a

Builders kit in here a blaze spawner and a spider spawner that’s actually just the voting creycrey alone and there’s also some more Oh Pete Craig he’s in here as you guys can see if you guys actually walk over here wanna go and get some free stuff if you go over here it

Actually tells your Dan Lee rewards for your rank so if yes or a normal rank you can just go and click this when you get a free daily reward and I guess like if you’re like the top rank you can just go over here click to get your daily reward

And then there’s also one for the record it’s pretty much exact same thing altered that was pretty crazy guys but anyways this spawn on sky block is one of the biggest ones I’ve ever seen I’m gonna jump in / fly just to show you guys like look at this there’s even

Around overuses Skyblock and you can just have walk over here do some parkour I guess explore the town this is like the main Skyblock Island over here guys I just thought that it was super amazing like one of the best-built I’ve ever seen and it’s yeah but anyways this is

Part of these Skyblock adventure guys but next up I’m just gonna go and show you guys another thing on the server which is actually very custom there’s also a warp boss which is super crazy so I guess if you guys are fighting any bosses on the server if you walk past

This line over here you’re actually now in deep PvP zone where you can fight bosses which is pretty cool oh my gosh guys actually one right over there entering the boss arena you may lose your items have killed I think I’m gonna go and get out of here right now

And if you guys do want to go and do some original PvP on the server all you have to do is a war PvP and you can actually spawn in at this super crazy PvP place over here and I have to save this actually a pretty big PvP arena I

Do like how they have like the houses and everything so you can like hide them I guess okay so if your Bros actually want to go and buy stuff like this hammock over here like this thing where you could put your sword and a log and

Just all this custom stuff it is on my island all you guys have to do is actually type in the slash shop command they have like all the normal stuff up here which is really good but if you guys are actually a donator on the server it means any rank you guys have

You up access this you can just click the furniture shop for donators furnish your land and you just click it and these are all deep things over here anyways as you guys can see you can buy some really cool stuff like a chair here $200 a cactus plant also $200 and

They’re pretty much all custom as you guys can see I’ll just go buy a book over here just to show you guys let’s have a normal book you can’t really place it down with this book we can actually place it down on the ground and it actually looks like a really good like

Detailed book and I guess you can also store stuff in the book guys that is so cool but anyways there we go guys is just one of the custom things that are on the server and each custom thing that’s on my island they all do cost $200 each guys so they’re actually

Pretty affordable anyways bros I’m actually now back a mound I can’t really show you guys these starter Alan would you actually start off with because there’s a couple different options and because I kind of already expanded online but this kind of like Brown podzol area is one of the islands

Which you guys can choose and that kind of like expanded on it with some more grass and I like a swingset yeah this actually and over here like I said guys there is so much custom stuff on this server you don’t need any mods or anything like I can sit down this chair

Other feature if you guys have any raw beef all you have to do is click it on this thing over here and in black seed cook it for you which is super crazy this server just has a lot of custom stuff we can close this umbrella except

I want to show you guys some vehicles because I want to go and show you guys actually the black cars so all you guys have to do is place it in and you guys can get like different colors of these vehicles also which is super adult but

We can literally go and race around this car in our track as it is a bit slow when you’re first starting off but it look at this guys it’s pretty cool as you guys can see they also have like airplanes submarines and just some really crazy stuff but anyways guys I

Think that is going to go and wrap up the one ending number four spot over here once again the IP will be in the description for the server and I’ll see all of you bros in the number three spot okay everybody so the next one is actually PvP Wars and thought that if

You guys want to go and join the IP is on the screen but we actually spawn in at this super crazy place over here and all you have to do is click the compass and actually pick which sky block you want to play on yeah actually I don’t of

Different ones over here as you guys can see I got sky block fire I bought diamond sky block ice even prisons which is pretty cool and I guess some more they’re coming soon guys a but I think Mike’s gonna be picking sky block timing because this seems to be the most

Popular one at the moment also if you guys are actually wondering like what youtuber plays aren’t actually says under it so Skylark timing is played by wild ex and landed MC which is pretty cool and then sky block ice is actually played by Finster so shout out to those

People over there but anyways I think I’m gonna go with sky block time and right over here ends up let’s join in okay so I guess when you first joined the server this it’s actually it over here we got a giant sign the for PvP so

I guess the PvP is over there and all my goodness geysers literally recognizing me on the server right now that is super crazy Enza I guess this is this spawn over here actually says head exchange trade mobs heads for mass so I guess if you guys have any mob heads you can trade

For mass and it’ll be like protection tent and like some cool like buffs it’ll give you I guess anyways this actually be spawn over here guys I have to say it does look pretty good but the next up in the video I definitely go and show you

Guys the Allen and the warps and everything on but I also want to show though you guys a PvP yeah right over here guys this is the PvP so I guess if you guys go down there it’s just a bit of a PvP area also something I just

Realized it’s actually super crazy but everybody on the server Axios access to slash fly like if I say hey and chat as you guys can see I don’t have a rank or anything and I actually have fly yeah huge shouts them guys this to be one of the craziest things on here

But to go and create Allen all we have to do is slash is and reacts have some options once again all of these Allen’s over here everybody has access to which is super dope guys and I’m kind of liking these Star Wars I just seen that

New movie oh I’m actually gonna go and pick these Star Wars sound right over here guys and it’s gonna go create us this ound over here and whoa okay so I guess it’s these Star Wars sound over here guys honestly this is one of the biggest Allen’s I’ve ever

Like started off in Skyblock I guess these are supposed to be like one of those like ships from like Star Wars or something looking for any cool cigar cells a tree in here and as always we do have the chests which like the original Skyblock items do come with but we also

Do ourselves like some hunk of iron and some other stuff I guess for a level is it also does say like you’re on level on this side you can have ten members on your island and you actually says like your money your kills your testing boat party which is actually super crazy guys

Oh okay guys so I’m actually now at the Crikey’s over here so I guess if you guys want to go and open up some crates all you have to do is click the crankies with a right-click and you can actually get some Cranky’s you got these storm

Cranky deep loud creaky and some other ones which is pretty cool but also shots my friend the god don’t I hope I’m saying his name right but anyways it looks like he’s a fan of the channel so Cheryl to you bro yes I am right now um but yeah that’s actually

The crankies over there guys I thought that it was super crazy and I hope you guys are enjoying this Skyblock server review so far but I think that it’s gonna go wrap it up for the PvP wars won and also I know like every other Skyblock server has this but I thought

I’d mention it anyways they do also have a slash shop in here which has like the essential building blocks and also some spawners which is pretty cool they’ve actually got some really custom spawns to get like a guardian spawner a gasp on it and as always they’ve to have an

Auction if you guys do want to go and sell or buy some stuff looks like we can buy some mob coins in here which is pretty cool and you guys can axe use those on the server you actually go and pick up some really cool stuff if you

Guys like to go and check out to see what kids you have all you have to do slash kit once in green guess who’s gonna pick every like three days I guess and eels pretty much spawning with this over here anyways gross I think that is

Gonna go on wrap up this server in the number three spot and also show notes to my friendly god zone once again borrow me all of you bros in the number two spot he was bros in the number two spot as i bounced up you guys ain’t no sky bounce

Is actually one of the most popular Skyblock servers ever i think it is the most popular player base wise but anyways bros it’s actually the hub over here which is actually super crazy I think it also did like update like the sky over there that’s also really cool

And so yeah but anyways I’m actually gonna go in quick these servers selector over here and as you guys can see they got a ton of crazy stuff most of the servers on here are X’s sky walk if you guys are wondering but if you do get

Bored of that you can always go and place some money wars but yeah these are actually all these sky block servers over here as you guys can see the guilty first Skybound server they have the magic they have the monsters a bunch of really dope like sky block servers to

Level 1 on robot right now so I’m just gonna go and pick robot over here just to show you guys what you will go and spawning with and um I guess which cigar so side to Skybound if you actually go and spawn in a raid over here which is

Super crazy we got a vault chests over here and if you guys actually do want to go ahead and have access to the vault chests you actually have to complete the banker quests which is pretty cool but anyways we do grow stuff for this guy disguise

You guys can go and read if you want pretty much just tells you like how to play sky vlog and this actually respawn over here as you guys can see we got a portal to the market and over here yeah right up here guys we exceeded the

Teleport wizard so if you guys do want to go and go to the war zone it actually costs $500 so all you have to do flashboards don’t cost you 500 dollars every time you do that over here we have the valve guard I’m not too sure what

This does I hate every one two three my name is vol guard I’m new here I come from a different I thought it looks like you guys can actually go and do some like challenges to like enter the multiverse I guess um so yeah if you

Guys do want to go and do that you can always check that out if we actually go over here I think we should probably go and start it off with showing you guys the market hi and sell some other stuff and trade with other people just jump

Down in here and this actually is as you guys can see they got some really cool stuff they got like a vault over here they have the boss chests which you guys can open if you have a boss key and even a token trader so I guess if you guys

Get any tokens you can go and buy stuff like ako sort a orb of immunity anyways if you guys actually go all the way down over here there’s like some other stuff it tells you how to repair items but if we go down all the way we will actually

Have this bit of a marketplace which is actually really cool so you guys can see if you want to go and buy like some farmable it’s all you have to do is click it and you can even go ahead and buy or sell both of them but you guys

Are probably all wondering what does the owl look like so I’m actually gonna through such eius right now so go and create a Alen guys you just click create island okay guys so actually loaded and I guess we have to go and pick the basic

But if you guys do go and decide to buy better rank you can go ahead and get like more Opie islands anyways I’m just gonna go and click basic official template over there and I guess is gonna go and generate it for us and I guess

I’ll see you guys once it generated oh wow that was actually pretty fast guys took about 10 seconds and we are actually now in our ound over here so this is pretty cool just let you guys know I am won’t be robot island so if

You guys do go and pick like the Dino island or the first island the island – will look all different but the main part is they will all have this like I’m City in place over here which is where you guys can go and get your kids which is pretty cool managing

Down welcome town we can go collect those and this kind of place over here we axial the light enabled which is pretty cool slash kit on here and it’ll tell you all of your kids so I’m gonna go into the new kit over here and it’ll actually go to spawn in and we

Can just open this chest me and collect the noob kit and once we do the chest will disappear and we actually got this stuff over here also another thing which I forgot to show you brothers if you actually go past spawn over here there’s actually this place over here it’s kinda

Like these are mini Skyblock islands you can do a bit of parkour and go to like different islands on the server which is actually really awesome bros and if you do go in here this is the PvP zone but there is actually envoys on these servers so if you guys ever see some

Chests you can open them up and it’ll already say already looted or it’ll say like you can grab the stuff but yeah once you guys find a chest you can get some really cool stuff and that’s probably one of the best ways to make money on the server guys I’d say it’s

From on voice and if you also do have a pickaxe you can actually go in mind some ores over here guys currently I only have a wooden pickaxe so I don’t think it’s gonna actually give me anything from – but as you guys can see online it

Ends oh it actually did give me some gold well that’s pretty cool I guess you can mine stuff with a wooden pickaxe on here and actually get it and in about like ten seconds itself it’ll actually go and spawn back in and this is the same thing with all the ores on the

Server randomly located around the server anyways that was the one indie number two spot I’ll meet all of your bros in the number one spot okay everybody saw max yet they’ve won in the number one spot as my favorite Skyblock server ever and I’m actually the hub over here as you guys

Can see I have to say guys this is one of the best hubs I’ve ever seen guys just like look at all the detail at this and oh wow guys this is just one of the biggest hubs I have ever seen so much she can to go and check out this server

You can also do some PvP down here if you want while you’re waiting if there’s like a server reset but guys we are here for these Skyblock servers so all you have to do is click the compass over here and actually click Skyblock and there’s also factions if you guys are

Interested in that anyways bro so you actually spawn in at these spawn over here which is pretty crazy Anna marks are currently on my alt account if you guys are wondering so if you guys do want to go and check out this server all the stuff that I’m gonna be doing you

Guys will have – because I have no rank on this account at all just to let you guys know but anyways this is actually spawn over here guys I have to say it looks super amazing guys Nurse Aides hundred different stuff as you guys can see we

Got the cray keys right over here and if you guys are liking crate keys there is a ton of them over here so make sure you guys do go and check those out and also if you bros want to go and jump down to

The pvp all you guys have to do is jump off this bridge and this actually the pvp arena over here as you guys can see it’s super big and they do actually have a coffin here if you guys do you want to go in a cocky also and some really good

Stuff but anyways let’s like so we head back to spawn because i think you guys want to go and see the island anyways Rose I’m actually now back at spawn there’s actually like 10 different Skyblock islands which you guys can choose from anyways bros these are actually the islands of which you guys

Can pick from all the way to the original island up to deep autumn island which is super crazy and shelters shuffle for creating this and actually have like a ton of different islands on here and if you guys are wondering everybody has access to all these islands once again it’s not like you

Need like the top rank to I have access to the autumn island but I think I’m actually gonna go and pick the ultimate Skyblock experience guys this one says a massive island and it was created by baddest place 18 so I’m gonna go and click that one over there and it’s gonna

Go create it for me we should spawn in and this is actually in over here got like this giant snow mountains on each side over here and then if we go and click the chest we will go and stop with like some original Skyblock stuff but we

Also dig ourselves again iron set and like some time with tools which is pretty cool and this actually the ound over here guys I have to say this actually really big and it comes with crops also so if you guys want to make some money from these crops shouldn’t be that hard

But you guys also probably want to go and see the kids so if we actually do such kit right now we accept access to the kids starter once again all you bros on the server will access this every 24 hours so if you die in it you can get it

Tomorrow and be a cigar sells a full set of iron which is pretty cool cigar so some grass and some more building blocks for the island and as always it says like your eye level how many players are on your team and your balance in every all decided the screen bought another

Thing I really haven’t seen any other like minecraft Skyblock server do this before but if you guys look into the side access as a vote party it actually says 101 out of 150 so every 150 votes only server there’s actually going to be a cell booster which you can sell pretty

Much anything on the server for double its sell price for like 15 minutes so so these grass blocks usually sell for like one dollar for the next 50 minutes when the vote party is on you can sell them for two dollars and that pretty much works with anything it doesn’t matter if

It’s at your iron golem farm Andy foger farm it could be like carrots and if you guys actually are having a hard time looking for the warps all you have to do is type in slash work and there is actually a lot of warps on the server as

You guys can see warp arena or boosted lounge warp boosted mine if you guys are wondering with the boost in mine is that’s for the top rank and if you actually pick that up you guys can actually go ahead and use on like a pickaxe and there’ll be like this in

Giant mine filled with time and emerald blocks it’s really opie so if you guys want to go and check out that um you need the top rank what everything else everybody access access to which is pretty cool you have access to crates bike it’s enchanting you don’t think I

Actually showed you guys the by kids head over here but this actually it over here as you guys can see you out all the kids we got the miner kit the keys kit the PvP kit and if you guys do want to go and pick up any of these it’s all

With in-game money to go and preview it for you guys list Kate you actually get an efficiency 6 pickaxe over here new Gaelic a miner shovel for 1.5 million and you can actually get that kill like every three days or so as always there is a shop and a auction I know

Everybody’s always asking they do have that and also another thing for all the top-ranked people in the center you can go on the boosted donate or shop and get things for a lot cheaper it’s a reduction there is once again you can’t go and buy install stuff in here born

Lasting which I want to go and wrap up the episode with guys is actually soul ash enchanter guys and I’m not lying to you guys about this I know I do have YouTube prank on this server but this is probably one of my favorite enchanter places like ever it’s just one of my

Favorite like enchanting setups for like all the sky blog servers as you guys can see we can go and buy a ton of like really cheap XP books over here we can get like the top one for a 30k which isn’t bad we can also go and

Buy a black scroll would actually take off a custom enchant from your item an organization scroll and also one of these protection Scrolls you guys can actually put on your item but one of my favorite features if you guys are wondering like what custom enchant like should you buy like if you’re looking

For say haste for which one is I all you have to do is click the compass thing at the top and you guys can actually like search through them like from the comma and he could uncomment and it tells like the highest and the lowest tears over

Here which is pretty cool there we go so I just found haste for I just click this a legendary enchantment thing and it actually says or will give you haste when you have an item in your hands and it’s actually a tool and chain slots

Pretty cool guys and there is also a ton of different stuff on this server guys like boss arena is more crate keys and just some really dope stuff if you guys do want to go and check it out but anyways I’m gonna go and put this stuff

And my eat chest over here guys and I think I am gonna go ahead and wrap up today’s video right over here so once again thank you guys all for watching anyways bros i hope you guys have all enjoyed this top 5 of minecraft Skyblock servers video once again you guys can

Join on all these servers i’m like 1.8 all the way to the newest version of minecraft which I really like this server over here does actually have the newest version of minecraft guys they have like llamas some really cool stuff oh I guess if you guys looking for a

1.12 server make sure you do go and join this and also leave like if you have enjoyed and subscribe to go and see daily minecraft videos I don’t see all of you bros in my next video peace you

This video, titled ‘TOP 5 OP SKYBLOCK SERVERS 1.8/1.9/1.10/1.12 2018 [HD] (New Big Minecraft Servers)’, was uploaded by Riverrain123 on 2018-02-20 22:06:58. It has garnered 50375 views and 479 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:21 or 1701 seconds.

TOP 5 ON SKYBLOCK SERVERS 1.8/1.9/1.10/1.12 2018 [HD] (New Big Minecraft Servers)

5. MineHeroes.Net 4. Play.PowerTrip.Net 3. PvPWars.Net 2. SkyBounds.Com 1. MC.BoostedNetwork.Org This video may contain sponsored content This video may contain sponsored content

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    EPIC ONE BLOCK WORLD DECORATING | MINECRAFT GAMEPLAY The Exciting World of Minecraft One Block Gameplay Minecraft enthusiasts are always on the lookout for new challenges and adventures within the game. One such popular trend is the Minecraft One Block gameplay, where players are tasked with surviving and thriving on a single block that continuously evolves and changes. Exploring the One Block Challenge The One Block Challenge in Minecraft presents a unique twist to the traditional gameplay. Players start on a single block and must strategically mine and craft their way to expand their world. With each block broken, new resources and challenges emerge, keeping players engaged… Read More

  • Descubre el dato más polémico de Minecraft

    Descubre el dato más polémico de Minecraft Exploring the Controversial Translation of Minecraft 1.6.4 Have you ever heard about the most controversial translation in Minecraft history? 🤯 Ten years ago, a translation mishap caused quite a stir in the community, leading to some absurd and hilarious item names. Let’s delve into this peculiar secret of the game and discover how Mojang addressed the issue in version 1.6.4. The Infamous Translation Incident Back in the day, Minecraft players were in for a surprise when they encountered some unexpected item names in the game. From quirky translations to downright bizarre choices, the community was left scratching their heads… Read More

  • Nether Farming Shenanigans: Gold, Bartering, XP AFK

    Nether Farming Shenanigans: Gold, Bartering, XP AFK Minecraft Java 1.21+ Nether Farm: A Multi-Functional Innovation Exploring the vast world of Minecraft Java 1.21+ reveals a fascinating new innovation – a Nether farm that combines multiple functionalities in a single dimension. This farm offers players the opportunity to engage in gold farming, bartering, XP collection, and AFK activities without the need for spawn-proofing. Let’s delve into the details of this remarkable creation. Single Dimension Efficiency The Nether farm operates within a single dimension, streamlining the player’s experience and eliminating the need to navigate between different realms. This efficiency allows for seamless gameplay and maximizes productivity, making it… Read More

  • Master of Hypixel: Epic Wins!

    Master of Hypixel: Epic Wins! Hypixel: A Minecraft Adventure Embark on an exciting journey through the virtual world of Minecraft with the popular server, Hypixel. Dive into thrilling game modes like Build Battle and Skywars, where creativity and strategy collide for an unforgettable gaming experience. Build Battle: Unleash Your Creativity Step into the Build Battle arena and let your imagination run wild. Compete against other players to create the most impressive build based on a given theme. From towering castles to whimsical creatures, the possibilities are endless. Show off your building skills and earn the admiration of your peers in this fast-paced and creative… Read More

  • Oldroot’s Minecraft Mindbender: Unravel the Puzzle

    Oldroot's Minecraft Mindbender: Unravel the Puzzle In the world of Minecraft, a mystery unfolds, Oldroot’s puzzle, with codes and clues untold. Researchers on Reddit, a journey they take, To solve the enigma, for the truth’s sake. A dark figure, a SoundCloud link in disguise, Leading to clues, hidden in the skies. Riddles and codes, a message to find, In every step, the truth intertwined. From Kuzgun’s whispers to a Tumblr blog, Each link revealing, like a dense fog. A steve’s image, a new dark sight, Guiding researchers, through the night. Morse code signatures, a message to decode, Each step taken, on the hidden road. A… Read More

  • Youtubers Battle Wither Storm Pt. 2 Teaser

    Youtubers Battle Wither Storm Pt. 2 Teaser Minecraft Storymode: Youtubers vs The Wither Storm Part 2 Sneak Peak 2 A Mysterious Return In the world of Minecraft, unexpected events can shake even the bravest of adventurers. The return of the Wither Storm has left our heroes in disbelief. The once-thought defeated command block seems to have a new lease on life, causing chaos and confusion among the Youtubers. A Race Against Time As the Wither Storm wreaks havoc once again, the Youtubers must band together to face this formidable foe. With time running out, they must uncover the truth behind the Wither Storm’s resurrection and find… Read More

  • Miso Madness: Naruto Mod Ice NPC Haku

    Miso Madness: Naruto Mod Ice NPC Haku Welcome to the World of Narutoto Mod! Hello everyone, Miso here to guide you through the latest update of the Narutoto mod, version 0.2.1. This update brings significant changes to the gameplay, so let’s dive right in! Choosing Your Path Upon entering the world, players now receive a book that determines their ninja clan and chakra attributes. This selection process sets the direction for your ninjutsu learning journey. With clans like Uzumaki and Uchiha, and chakra attributes including wind, lightning, water, fire, and earth, the possibilities are endless. Learning Ninjutsu The new scroll system replaces the traditional method of… Read More

  • Pikemenloco – 🤯 MINECRAFT CRAZINESS with Live Subscribers

    Pikemenloco - 🤯 MINECRAFT CRAZINESS with Live SubscribersVideo Information salgadinho melhor gosto salgadinho mesmo gosto salgadinho ó Hum Tem que comprar um controle aí vai ser melhor de jogar uhum sem controle é não é ruim de jogar no me no meu não melhor que o meu eu pensei queou que até que não ficou tão ruim até hã tô show ruim comu uma comu vi viu a voz R bem rápido oi bom bom oi e aí Samuel bom rapaziada Não repara na minha voz velho tô rouco gripado Ah vou ficar meio Ruco eu tô bom Coisa boa nem dá para perceber me escrevi ontem… Read More

  • Alpine Explorer: Warning! Dangerous Minecraft bros!

    Alpine Explorer: Warning! Dangerous Minecraft bros!Video Information अरे कुछ बोल के नहीं रहा है एक्सक्यूज मी मुझे हेल्प चाहिए हेल्प अरे इसे कुछ समझ भी आ रहा मैं क्या बोल रहा हूं हेलो एक्सक्यूज [संगीत] [प्रशंसा] [संगीत] मी पग रहा है मुझे कुछ [प्रशंसा] करना ओ नो अरे यह तो कितनी सारी ताकात में है लगता है यहां माट में हर किसी पर भरोसा नहीं किया जा सकता मुझे य प सावधानी से रहना [संगीत] [प्रशंसा] होगा वाह मैंने तो हू बहू अपने घर जैसा घर बना दिया ग्रनी गनी आप क आओ जल्दी मुझे बचाने आओ ग्रनी मुझे आपकी बहुत याद आ रही है… Read More

  • Unbelievable Pirate Life on D&P Minecraft Server!

    Unbelievable Pirate Life on D&P Minecraft Server!Video Information welcome back Minecraft friends it’s been so long since I’ve actually talked in my videos but uh I’ve heard of something happened in Greece or something was found in Greece so I need to go check it out let’s go see what I can find in grease I was told to go check out the town’s the town hall here in Greece so I think that’s this building right here okay it was in the throne oh okay it is not known oh wait what [Applause] beginning I heard rumors of a special cave that Del deep into… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Join Razor WolfYT’s TOP SECRET Bedrock Server

    UNBELIEVABLE! Join Razor WolfYT's TOP SECRET Bedrock ServerVideo Information [Music] all they really wna do what I want to say us I don’t have anything I should try to make some torches shouldn’t I but I don’t have any lights so please forgive me I don’t even know where I’m at I going around in circles I feel like I’m going around in circles sorry for you guys you guys cannot see already 50 kicks let’s [Music] go okay I need to figure out a way to get out here okay I got to go upward right oh hi this is a lot of things oh look… Read More

  • Wolf VS Minecraft – Unbelievable Moments!

    Wolf VS Minecraft - Unbelievable Moments!Video Information [Music] good does I’m does long as so this you don’t F if you don’t know if you f walk board do you usually go it’s only just r o foration here all spawn good so no there no I’m done put wa wee come a This video, titled ‘Bisschen hier bisschen da…Minecraft Stream’, was uploaded by Wolf on 2024-03-01 09:36:18. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:50 or 350 seconds. Hope you enjoyed it. I would be happy if you leave a comment and a rating. You can find… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Wedding Venue in Fairycore Minecraft!!!

    UNBELIEVABLE Wedding Venue in Fairycore Minecraft!!!Video Information hey everyone it’s sstar welcome back to my fair cor let’s play I hope you guys are having an amazing day and guess what I got the Minecraft cape for the 15th anniversary how awesome is that I actually really love this cape what do you guys think of it I think it’s actually really really awesome and it reminds me of the old minec con capes so it’s pretty cool that I got to get one that looks kind of like that even though it’s not for minec con but yeah anyway I should take this off… Read More

  • Piggy Son vs. Ice Cream Zombie Challenge!

    Piggy Son vs. Ice Cream Zombie Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘Monster School : THỬ THÁCH ZOMBIE MÁY LÀM KEM – Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Piggy Son on 2024-01-12 09:36:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Monster School : ICE CREAM MAKER ZOMBIE CHALLENGE – Minecraft Animation https://youtu.be/9Iv_TltSjSM Hello! Minecraft is… Read More

  • New Anarchy in Modern times

    New Anarchy in Modern timesAnarchy, no rules, how Minecraft was intended. Newest version of Minecraft, will listen to what the community wants, no map resets, lets have old school fun in modern day minecraft. Read More

  • SMP, vanilla, bluemap, community, voice chat

    Welcome to SMP 1.21: Your Ultimate Vanilla Minecraft Adventure! Are you ready to embark on a new Minecraft journey? Join us at SMP, where the possibilities are endless, and the community is welcoming! Our server offers a fully vanilla experience, allowing you to relive the authentic Minecraft fun with no mods or plugins, just pure gameplay. With a brand new, fresh map, you have the perfect opportunity to carve out your own space, build magnificent structures, and explore uncharted territories. Be one of the pioneers in this pristine landscape! Whether you’re playing on Java or Bedrock, you can join in… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The struggle of finding diamonds

    Minecraft Memes - The struggle of finding diamondsNew Minecraft Dungeons players: “Why can’t I just mine some diamonds and build a house in peace? What is this ‘dungeon’ nonsense?!” Scorekeeper: “Looks like they didn’t read the game description very well. Good luck, adventurers! 18 points!” Read More

  • Chemistry & Bonsai: Modded Minecraft Quest #3

    Chemistry & Bonsai: Modded Minecraft Quest #3 So until next time, keep on mining and crafting, keep on rhyming and laughing. The adventure continues, the story unfolds, in the world of Minecraft, where legends are told. So stay tuned for more, the excitement will grow, in the world of Encrypted Underscore, where the magic will show. Thank you for watching, thank you for being a part, of this epic journey, from the bottom of our heart. See you next time, for more fun and delight, in the world of Minecraft, where we shine so bright. Goodbye for now, until we meet again, in the world of… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than Nether #shorts

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than Nether #shorts “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: Pocket Storage & Hexerei Cauldron!

    Minecraft Madness: Pocket Storage & Hexerei Cauldron! Thank you for joining us on this adventure in the Minecraft Encrypted series. We delved into the mining dimension, discovered new resources like Blackstone, and even dabbled in the art of crafting with the mixing cauldron. Stay tuned for more exciting quests and survival challenges in the next episode. Until then, happy mining and crafting! Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft 1.21 Bedrock Review

    Ultimate Minecraft 1.21 Bedrock Review Minecraft 1.21 Bedrock Update: Exploring the Tricky Trials Autocrafter and New Blocks The Autocrafter is a new block introduced in the 1.21 update, allowing players to automate crafting specific items by setting up the required materials and recipes. Alongside this, the update brings 30 new copper blocks and Copper Lanterns, adding a touch of elegance to your creations. Additionally, volcanic tuff blocks have been added, offering a variety of building options. Trails Chambers and Sinister Events The Trails Chambers are a new structure in Minecraft 1.21, filled with challenges and rewards. Within these chambers, players will encounter Trail Spawners… Read More

  • wattles – Mojang Drops BIG News?!

    wattles - Mojang Drops BIG News?!Video Information over the past couple of days over on the Minecraft YouTube channel one of the most fascinating series that’s unlike anything they’ve dropped in the past couple of years well it’s been dropped this new series that is so far three parts going to be at least four parts is essentially a greatest hits of Minecraft history with the developers going through some of the biggest moments ever throughout the series we’ve got tons of Juicy spicy information including some strange almost confirmations today I’m Buckle it we’re going to talk about it all so right now as… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Creepiness

    Insane Minecraft CreepinessVideo Information [Music] maybe we should go inside the house first this little house and then we do that figured it out oh oh yep going in the house what is that that was Thunder no that thumping noise let not find out not a diamond what what’s in these paintings what is going on do not open this I’m gonna open it oh stop tell me tell me thank God I got up here I I took care of the middle one before your [ __ ] activated just like hey free [ __ ] you know what with… Read More

  • DJGillers is 🔙 with CRAZY Minecraft adventures!

    DJGillers is 🔙 with CRAZY Minecraft adventures!Video Information what’s good everyone Miss wish I was good goodness just couldn’t be as with Carla today I’m going to be honest guys I just just couldn’t be ass with Carla today car was just the one that’s it’s actually wait why am I not sending KLA was I don’t that that I I don’t car that right this moment but still C up was just the thing that made me go on fortnite right now I just I just couldn’t Carter was the one that just made everything go off fortnite l it’s just mly annoying thought was… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Gameplay – Viewer Discretion Advised

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Gameplay - Viewer Discretion AdvisedVideo Information This video, titled ‘⚠️WARNING⚠️ The following Minecraft video is triggering’, was uploaded by Cool Kai Rad on 2024-02-29 04:57:27. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. If you think this Minecraft video is triggering then Subscribe I don’t post videos daily! The best game in the world is Minecraft with … Read More

  • “Insane Autcraft Adventure – EPIC Creeper Encounter!” #minecraft #gaming

    "Insane Autcraft Adventure - EPIC Creeper Encounter!" #minecraft #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Quanto creeper! #shorts #shortvideo #shortsvideo #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #gameplay’, was uploaded by Autcraft Adventure on 2024-04-06 23:00:16. It has garnered 407 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Read More

  • Insane tricks in Subway Surfers! Watch now 🤯 #shorts

    Insane tricks in Subway Surfers! Watch now 🤯 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘subway surfers game || #shorts #subwaysurfers #games #ytshorts #short #viral #V’, was uploaded by Gaming shorts for you on 2024-05-09 10:31:00. It has garnered 588 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. subway surfers game || #shorts #subwaysurfers #games #ytshorts #short #viral #V games minecraft gta 5 gta5 poki game pokemon online games car games gta v gaming pubg chess subway surfers free games video game solitaire steam rummy valorant rummy circle the last of us ninja pokemon cards gta ludo king dinosaur game chess online ludo game… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Gaming on Twitch: PAKIOO’s Viral Stream

    Mind-Blowing Gaming on Twitch: PAKIOO's Viral StreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Twitch: PAKIOO #streamer #twitch #gaming #minecraft #fortnite #roblox #rocketleague #tiktok #viral’, was uploaded by PAKIOO Streams on 2024-01-16 18:39:44. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Insane Discovery: Frog Teaches Math to Moon Crab!

    Insane Discovery: Frog Teaches Math to Moon Crab!Video Information [Music] what up what up how are you [Music] [Music] can you see a Chatter’s list from your management dashboard I’ve always wondered I’ve always wondered what’s up everybody how the heck are you it’s me Halloween Moon oh Mr Monkey Mr Monkey they didn’t do anything they don’t know any better Mr Monkey no no put the gun down Mr okay all right all right all right listen Mr Monkey we can talk through this okay calm down it’s going to be fine it’s going to be all right okay okay everything’s just chill all right Mr… Read More

  • SQAUDIN KM – Aunty EATS APPLE! 🍏 #viral

    SQAUDIN KM - Aunty EATS APPLE! 🍏 #viralVideo Information ये क्या कर दिया जिसके पेट में ही नहीं जा रहा ये रुक जा त तू पहले बाहर आ भाई तू बाहर आ अरे बाहर भी नहीं आ रहा है तू अपना मुंह ले इसको यहां से अंदर डाल बढ़िया मैं ऐसे मुंह पकड़ के अगर सीधा खींच देता तो हो जाता शी इज स्टार्विंग तो मुझे भी ये मोनलिसा की पेंटिंग को खिलाना है क्या ये ले भाई तू ग्रीन एप्पल का एक काम कर ये ज्यादा बढ़िया है ये ले रेड एप्पल भी खा ले एक ओ एक सेकंड यहां पर एक साइंटिस्ट है जो कि… Read More

  • ColonyState SMP – modded, MineColonies, Whitelist 1.20.1

    Looking for a Refreshing Modded Server? Welcome to ColonyState SMP, a welcoming server for all players! Whether you prefer to grow your colony slowly or perfect it in every spare hour, there’s no judgement here. Join us in our new season and start your adventure today! Our custom modpack is based around MineColonies and is light and semi-vanilla, making it suitable for low-end devices. Explore Iron’s Spells, The Graveyard, Create, Farmer’s Delight, and many dungeon mods alongside Terralith. For more information, join our server Discord! Our basic rules include no PVP without agreement, no stealing, griefing, or duping. The server… Read More

  • CopperCraft

    CopperCraftCopperCraft is a 1.21 whitelisted survival server designed specifically for adult players. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or new to the game, CopperCraft offers a friendly and laidback environment where you can explore the latest features of Minecraft 1.21. Our server aims to foster a strong community spirit and an experience free from the limitations of bigger servers.Click to Apply Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Tier-list of mobs (With a few spicy omissions)

    Minecraft Memes - Tier-list of mobs (With a few spicy omissions)Did they forget to include those annoying Creepers that always sneak up on you? Probably because they’re in the SSS tier for scaring the living daylights out of us! Read More

  • Crafty Clones: Unveiling My Minecraft Twin!

    Crafty Clones: Unveiling My Minecraft Twin! In the world of Minecraft, a mystery unfolds, As our player discovers a secret untold. A twin they never knew, a connection so deep, In the virtual realm, their bond they will keep. Exploring the game, with friends by their side, On the Codeman server, where adventures abide. Deathmelody playing, ybabroyt in the mix, Their journey together, a tale of pure bliss. Join the Discord, follow on Insta too, For more Minecraft fun, just for you. Stay tuned for updates, more rhymes to come, In the world of gaming, we’ll never be done. Read More

  • Minecraft Neighbor Drama: Lava Edition! 🔥😂

    Minecraft Neighbor Drama: Lava Edition! 🔥😂 When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and end up in your neighbor’s basement. #awkward #minecraftproblems #oops Read More

  • Techno Bhoye’s First Minecraft Adventure

    Techno Bhoye's First Minecraft Adventure Welcome to the World of Minecraft In the first gameplay of Minecraft, players find themselves in a blocky, procedurally generated world with endless possibilities. They start by gathering resources like wood and stone to craft tools and build shelter before nightfall, when hostile creatures emerge. Survival instincts kick in as players mine, explore, and construct in an open-ended sandbox environment, setting the stage for countless adventures and creativity. Exploring the Minecraft Universe Players embark on a journey of survival, adventure, crafting, and exploration in the vast open-world of Minecraft. With a variety of biomes, creatures, and resources to discover,… Read More

  • Pink Paraglider Build Tutorial!

    Pink Paraglider Build Tutorial! Exploring Minecraft Building Ideas Minecraft Witchcraft Mod by 𝓜Ꮛ For those looking to add a touch of magic to their Minecraft world, the “InWitched” mod created by 𝓜Ꮛ is a must-have. This mod introduces a variety of witchcraft elements, allowing players to delve into the mystical side of Minecraft. From brewing potions to casting spells, the possibilities are endless with this enchanting mod. Building Inspiration from Online Creations One of the best ways to spark creativity in Minecraft is by drawing inspiration from the incredible builds shared online. Whether it’s a majestic castle, a bustling city, or a whimsical… Read More

Riverrain123 – TOP 5 ON SKYBLOCK SERVERS 1.8/1.9/1.10/1.12 2018 [HD] (New Big Minecraft Servers)