Roadmap & Construction Models! – RuneScape in Minecraft – Live 7/12/2020 – MineScape

Video Information

Good morning how are we charts we live pogchamp looking good looking good how are you road map yeah we’ll do some more construction or some more road map People Oh damn streams bad boys hey froggy no how’s everyone doing this morning hope you guys are well afternoon or evening whatever it is for you guys you mean afk defense experience how dare you afk on my server you’re banned kidding froggy said go to work about 45 oh man

Enjoy your work hope it’s not too bad chilling it’s 3 p.m nice nice it’s a lot better with the hit delay removed okay hey we do we do fix a lot of things around here as always if you guys keep reporting it we uh get a better idea of what the issue is

So hit delay was a relatively easy fix in the end but only from the uh the help and reports from you guys so let’s go open up construction why is my steam account not connecting to help i think i opened that yesterday and it still wasn’t open oh what’s up tom tom

Give us give us the juicy details i was um i was wanting to ask you what what’s the uh what’s the haps with the girl work is fine it’s just exp weighs froggy you don’t have to give us all time but you know give us give us an update still going on or

True yeah we mean to ask you because we’re going on a second date right so how’d that go i’m going out on the boat again or something what was it we need we need the we need the deets man it’s kind of loud music let’s see we all good you chilling

Man that’s so good tom yeah hella proud man i’m like i’m like a proud father yeah yeah that’s good man that’s good keep it up hey keep it up that was the third nice the date hey already on the third date man you’ll they’ll fly by

And then you gotta start coming up with good ideas for dates that are just the normal ones eh babe we have a good one planned soon so you know you gotta come up with new ideas rather than just doing the same stuff but then the same stuff still works like

You know this is what you both enjoy especially uh going out on the boat you know that’s pretty pretty cool Sailing or whatever yeah that was the third though that’s pretty cool You got a couple of mind oh tom’s already skeeping up the good dates on the third one man he’s he’s he’s planning to go big time eh hey good [ __ ] man It’s good [ __ ] all right so after yesterday we switched to the diamond boots instead of the diamond helmet uh for all the construction models because otherwise it wasn’t gonna look good and then rip floating rune mid it wasn’t even like a rune meter it was just like a literally just like a minecraft

Diamond helmet and it was just floating here it’s so annoying like i spent so long trying to fix that and then we just we just swapped anyway so it was like should have just in future i was like no not to use it yeah out of the barrels up there go hey

So we had like a few issues with the doors in between like the rooms of the barrows um and then we found there was like a uh discrepancy with the magic combat like not doing enough damage or having enough accuracy and um we fixed those yesterday so after that it seems pretty good

And then um we added a like a loot announcer a while back to the discord so you can see when people get like amazing drops so yeah people are getting like one and two 000 drops you know but the thing is they get set they can get up to what seven rolls at

One or two thousand drops so it doesn’t even like it’s like one in three hundred drops but good good don’t like people are enjoying it people are doing the grind we’re up in players since like last month so you know chillin chillin and then we are looking at um

In the discord yes i got like a little alert thingy so it’s like pretty cool and then we’re looking at uh i mean it’s like one or three hundred any piece but that’s specific pieces that lower yeah exactly uh hello game you know pick up the game

There we are and then we’re looking at construction more so i keep eating the uh when you go live and i think it’s a dm i’m sorry is it because you’re subbed ah it’s because you’re subbed so yeah but yeah so we’re looking at um More construction stuff which is looking good we’ve gotten a few rooms completed so far so hey roger’s the cat’s back you can named it roger probably you don’t name the pink cat i named the pink cat excuse me calling it roger roger the cat’s back man i asked you for a name

But yeah so sort of just uh plodding along here he’s right until someone adopts baby names the pink cat he named the pink cat roger froggy froggy named the pink cat roger uh kitchen table space 40. um but yes i think we have some new models today we have some new ones for

This place you need to assign them is that where you’re on to now i can do the ghost spaces though while still great i’ll do all the ghostly’s me so this is the yep yeah sweet cheetah appreciate the um the work on them as well Getting very close to having a whole bunch of uh new models here so bear with us 36 and tom i’m so sad i can’t play your um playlist anymore you know adam and it’s mainly fixing recording models and designing okay cool crafting table one crafting table oh it’s clock making Yeah mizu is so annoying though like and then i saw someone this morning it was a tim the tatman or something he’s just like [ __ ] it man if i get dmca for playing music like he’s just like i’ll just go to the beach oh [ __ ] you have to check out the

Superior garden [ __ ] oh yeah you dated them right this room’s a bit of a weird one is this a superior garden this is a superior garden this one oh i see them it’s like an issue oh yeah so the whole [ __ ] things are all right so they’re just going to speak

To them i guess these ones not bad i don’t know if i got the spacing right i don’t think i got the spacing right this one needs to be more this way the marble obsidian one let’s see if i can interact with them yeah so the issue is there’s no current

Way to set the outside blocks so i’ll have to um i want to fix something with that but those that does look good when we get to that room i’ll fix it up um did you manage to do this tool store as well jetta no not yet

All good all good you didn’t find them i gave you the damage value should be somewhere on there i want some chocolate thing All right so you’ve got the workshop so that’s this room and then the games room is what ender did right so he’s got elemental balance 32 game space 31. uh prize chest 33 yeah so he hasn’t assigned any of his ones yet has he you’ve just made the spaces 34.

Ranging space stones type 35 yes okay cool that’s fine all right so after this next build we should we get a whole bunch of hi there man at first i want to say i love the barrels update i wanted to draw some items from me but it seems it isn’t visible and

Dropped and wild What do you mean should be instantly visible isn’t it And you drop in the wild oh so items don’t show up what are you dropping Which ones if it’s a helmet it might not show up properly that should still show up but it’ll just be kind of weird should show up doesn’t really matter Breastside is marked untreatable when broken it is But i did all those So there’s like i need to stop the service when don’t know it should break Huh okay hello how are you huda morgan what what oh oh They’re looking good Nice Uh so we’re saying barracks Ah this is a brassard any of them tradable none of them are tradable that’s the problem C No but they’re all just done here like This Because helms then plate bodies but their axes in here And then the degraded is the one that isn’t treatable Is there any other ones Body did i just miss a whole bunch of plate bodies or something it looks like it so we have guthrun’s plate body carol’s leather top and then it just darks doesn’t seem to be here or gotham so there’s there’s gothams for reals arms there’s derek’s plate legs

I’m just gonna put these all nice Arrows dark sky bodies here should be all are you saying the drop wasn’t working though shoot arms first do you guys notice that um so the oldest brother that their names go in alphabetical order as to how old they are as well this is something i noticed it’s like aaron derek’s uh what

Captain’s career i’m pretty sure It’s like how old they are so we’re going to order just it’s that’s totally not just like random it’s got to be like intentional yes they tell the alphabet works what i’m saying like the they even though it’s an alphabet of order but like that’s how aaron’s the oldest and then

It’s dark gotham kuro torak varak like the age-wise it’s in alphabetical order it’s like weird not weird but like it’s definitely how they decided it to be rather than um just randomly like that this is what i’m saying i thought it was funny hi alexander’s old school yeah you got stuck on

Gotham and girl all right that’s all right i was just trying to look at the names and pretty sure there’s like all of them now at least i think we just we were just in that you feel one it you just keep bye sometimes the model doesn’t appear but

If you took the particles you still got them i tried i’ll be trying it out again later okay all good let me know the result of what you are able to do if it’s gonna make you feel better all right um so we got all these

Ghosts and then we should have the games room as well i’m not sure which one’s the game’s room i’m sorry this one [ __ ] jesus Oh my lord how’s that for a chest boys oh [ __ ] huge chest all right well jetta’s assigning us some more stuff so i guess we just wait jitters fixes fixing 180 kilobyte models is all good that’s all good what’s this one crafting table that’s in the workshop but yeah so

I also feel like i need to go through each model and like color like every single face that might be just like a job that i do so i’ll just like i’ll create a script to detect ones that aren’t cold and then go through them all So that’s gonna be fun as well this goes like outside cool and then all some of these were delivered as well right what are some of these ones damn house looks like a factory that makes pizza ovens it’s gonna be an interesting uh once we get them all in

This place this room looks good and then we also got um regards models coming in for the bedroom which i think is in here so we have a whole bunch of regards models in here Cool getting ever so closer so once everything’s assigned it doesn’t take me long to put them in the game and then we can we can get a whole bunch of people on and test each space make sure that um they look good in the interface and then they look good

In the on the ground as well and then once that’s done like that’s pretty much it construction’s like ready you know for like building wise then we just have to add like interactions with the uh each thing i think i’ve asked this before but what what room are people looking forward to most

Like this i think it’s the teleport room it’s just like hands down like that’s the one you want right oh damn better get sophie making making flags get your kids to make your planks well three hostin but uh for the next update we’ve got skilling pits and giant mole so far

With uh more coming get off my world nerds people right As long as you have pool and teleports you’ll be right here so it’s going to be a good one in that regards people are going to like just hella optimize their house and stuff as well do we have like a move you can like so we don’t have like the move buttons

Yet so you want to be able to move like a house around right you want to be able to select this and like move it up a slot can you do that Optimism isn’t blind i heard my next update yes when’s that dropping um maybe this weekend it’s sort of just like an interim update between uh mortania and And construction he doesn’t have his full derogate someone so yeah this is so cool add a room i’m loving this masky booty drop right yeah we’ll work on some other stuff now from the road map so if you guys don’t haven’t already always add stuff to the road map

The suggestions area wait what’s the link there you go um i know you guys have already so this weekend now next weekend what the what the 12th I mean this weekend this weekend’s over for me it’s it’s already monday so uh when i say next weekend i mean it’s looking down next week so we just had the update what last wednesday So where you can go from this to just this and like nothing it’s so cool i’m just like boop boop boop boop i probably have to add like a cool down to that but it’s so cool still got a couple hours left push out the update right write the blog

All the ranges get me pokemon nah so we’ll just wait at this point it’s better to there’s some things we can fix like in a thing but that’s like an addition so much uh you guys did get a whole bunch of updated foods you should be able to use the potatoes now

New container updates small bugs and restart yeah that’s pretty much how it goes yeah what did you add yesterday what’s up what did i add yesterday uh magic and ladder and then include like some food food changes iron man gear not currently not currently and these are looking so good

Oh you know what we do need to add is we want to add um something here So we went to our statement uh So in the construction menu we wanted to like make it so you don’t for people to test that you can just not have the items Um so for example when you go like into build mode yes to test yes and live server right that doesn’t even run doesn’t even show up so it says like uh uh i don’t really care about the sauron hammer i just want to go um uh so it’s zee So don’t waste it on me you’ll find somebody w and it’s all good and well to test on the test server but let me get a better check with the live server too just to be sure god damn it froggy So we’ll get the construction info i thought that it was different there you go so add like a little toggle so if it’s the test server and you haven’t and you’ve toggled the materials then it will um take them Boom all right give us some stuff from the road map to have a look at iron man gear i got work from 12 minutes so better get ready i guess see you later enjoy work froggy is going to be like dragon x um but yeah enjoy your work moss key right

How many are you up to now the canopus leprechaun apparently doesn’t note herbs he’s not supposed to is he including herbs that have been cleaned must be seven hours dry jeez dragon axe better be here when i get back people right oh you guys seven hours dry on a key pepe hands Out so now if we go into construction build mode and say we want to build a rug you can do so without the materials nice that’s good for testing of course Cool Some said this didn’t work as probably because i haven’t set the teleport for them to work oh [ __ ] that [ __ ] scary imagine just like fall out of the world Is it’s pretty cool though sweet so that’s done as well all right What chance let’s go all the way to the end of the road map and we’ll go from the end to the start look up skills come on isn’t that part of the discord vault Skilling pits someone suggested hella way back and that’s already done so we can remove that from the road map this to our main screen it’s on page 11. a looting bag for wilderness castle wars dragon visage to black dragons domination runes repeat part of the music uh ring of wealth

I keep on death window Inventory uh the option to change the skill panel on the right to the inventory what some people suggest uh doesn’t really make sense that’s right better page ten um simple boss to the wilderness that drops a unique as amber inspectors heading through the floor now um

I think i did this one possibly to choose the amount of items of drawn using banknotes by directly clicking on the is that for iron man did i fix that How did i change modes thank you thank you when did he fix abs what i never said i did new particle effect get a new particle effect thurgo pet cosmetics that was never added was it make world five a pvp world or add water six i’m just gonna herb sack

Group iron man mode bind snare and entangle autocast when they shouldn’t stop with that fine sneer and entangle autocast Hmm it wasn’t thurgo needs to be added thurgood pit by snare and entangle autocast what is that how do i fix that so i changed it for um for tally block right Pogba’s froggy’s sick today what he’s back yeah he’s totally sick guys froggy oh [ __ ] it would be irresponsible to get away hey we had the ring of wealth multiple times fix in addition you know remove these so at this point there’s three of them so um 80 and one three four This spider latter time they just go through the wall because it’s only corner connected it’s just the whole overall mob air that needs to be changed rather than specifically all nbc ai needs to be changed rather than specifically just mobs that’s fine as with everything it’s all a work in progress Perks already done those completed as many as we can at least Um mage training arena oh we need to just uh copy that in right the the mage training area wine of zamorak But we don’t have uh tara can never grab Aren’t lockable in bank hmm Collect option on bank is for completed g offers yeah room badges as well yeah that’s just how they design though um it’ll be fixed eventually i’ll see how i can fix that i’ll probably have to like replace it with a blank item but it has like a reference

To what it actually is it’s kind of weird because it’s a capacity change yeah so it’s like it’s because it’s a single item it’s a unique item so it’s like you can’t have more than one of it right even if regardless if it’s in your bank or not

That’s the issue so when you take it out it just gives you the item rather than like doing a whole bunch of other checks because what happens is here’s here’s an explanation as to what happens so normally when you click on this item and take it out it just it just knows

What the type is and gives you that type rather than specifically but the thing with a coal bag is it has extra data on it without like 0 out of 25 right so it has to give you um it has to give you the exact item that you put in

Rather than just the the type of the item it is this kind of is kind of like weird like that but we could make it so that you could lock it it doesn’t even yeah it’s weird it’s possible but it did take a bit a bit to work um bank pin pg option

Do a back pin pretty easily Prayer recharted druid circles north of teverly that’s been done rangers and lumbridge uh huh Glitching arrows and bolts on the run extra uh no his froggies are genitally implementation yeah turtle we’re totally doing that man do we have a slash rules all right we’re gonna add a rules for my command what i don’t want to hear Not me Is Um where slash cnet i’ll give you extra pp you have 300 prayer potions brain order fully recharged as a person just giving plus two bonuses that’s not something that’s been done rules come on done i’ll page that from page oh excuse me to go to somewhere else for this one Um boss scoreboard or boss command easy clue items missing basement row microbes microbes does it not have the the different road bottoms sup bandido hello secret how are you today all right basement robes microbes bob shirts hmm investment robes and bob shirts i’m not sure if we can even do them you

Can like kind of do them but not really doing good bit groggy and tired You just need more froggy frog is um froggy’s uh sick stay away from him you know it’d be bad to go near him you know notification for rare drops completed achievement diary see online clan members slayer helmet new founder rank oh yeah i’m sick god was down and cyclops no slayer experience

Cyclops no slayer experience Mautenia allow item dropping from the item pickup interface dragon spear white berry deep spawn coal bag what is this guy just saying about coal bag what is loaden saying about cobra the coal bag coal bag there’s shift right click in the coal bag when the bank interfaces a deposit what’s

Inside of the coal bag not currently oh snaps i forgot that now since we have a jelly team that we consider something in berthold We suggest something in birth add trans mark for weapons auto breaking at a toggle for auto breaking empty vials or cups of tea once they’re finished anybody breaks as a side quest of the dragon x society we at the mosque donation fund take interest in the wilderness moss giant mosquito drop rate

Please fix pepe hands oh [ __ ] three dollars from the moss key donation fund which is a side the side quest of the dragon act society apparently i’ll never heard of him so you know man they know buddies don’t worry about them um we had the mosquity donation fund

Take interest in the wilderness mosque giant key drop rate please fix uh i totally can’t just tell who uh which paypal account this came from no that would be a breach of uh trust well uh thanks for the three dollars from the donation from

It’s a bust uh we’ll get to it at some point it’s not i understand but it’s it’s a more difficult fixing i can think of right now uh monkey is room haven fruit tree patch belladonna flower patch no not yet crafting skill packs we’re gonna remove those we reject that one

Okay i’m just gonna reject any changes to skill packs since we’re not gonna have them or something or eventually so busy one of you able to change your name for your characters it should be kind of good maybe we do something for that um leprechaun fix and tool storage

Oh we still needed the leprechaun tool storage Huh maybe that’s something we work on sounds like something that could break plans no it’d just be like to you right so you could name your mauritania hardcore lock ultimate iron man i don’t know he could just name it for you uh cisco boxes there are no changes yeah

I don’t think we’re gonna ever really add them i need to find some pieces Double experience on tutorial island i think we fixed that so because you can reset yourself at the end has anybody had an issue of teleporting underground recently or did we fix that because currently it like makes sure it sends you the chug before it teleports you

The king of doing that haven’t had that problem in ages now sweet Sounds good howdy folks howdy busy we all doing we’re doing mighty fine so someone wants the potato cactus does the master farmer drop a potato cactus potato Ah you can drop additional ones good monkey we’re working on it we’re looking at the master farmer where’s the spatial come from Oh god there’s also a seed shop and drainage okay how’s the video coming busy but doesn’t this all add up to like doesn’t this all add up to um it adds up to a hundred percent so where the [ __ ] does this special [ __ ] come from the cactus scenes The fox didn’t leave till midnight last night unlucky weed Potato cactus what are their rates Because this is Lonely where you reading that froggy You have a source for that no he wants it from the master farmer drop table does he even drop it apparently so um yeah but it’s um it’s a 0.5 chance uh uh where is it so it’s a point five percent chance to roll the exotic right

This on the [ __ ] thing that it is and then but this one’s a one out of 1000 but it’s only got like a 40 68 100 Because there’s a tweet from j wolf wilton yeah i’m reading that there’s also this tweet but it doesn’t mention it now i already know the chance to hit the table actually because it it says on that tweet to be 50 mushroom 30 belladonna 20 cactus all right

But then where does the other ones come in so this is 20 here Then how the [ __ ] do we get these ones the charger at the table’s already done but you that’ll be included in the calculation too i don’t want the [ __ ] archive on the original so you go because they’re both one out of two thousand two hundred but that’s get them to a table percentage

But so it’s already 0.5 to hit the table so what you times them pipe you divide them by 0.5 how do you get from 50 to one out of four hundred i guess that’s old now though 2017 so it’s changed it must have changed yeah it’s probably still 0.5

But then how do you get to because what’s 0.5 yeah unless i’m trying to figure out so you gotta total it so tell us six four six seven i mean divided by so you got a three percent chance on each of these so this would be 97 then this will be 94. So then six four six seven What am i saying i was half lizzie i thought you said my name then against the turtles and we’re trying to figure out some weird drop table so the total is six four six seven and you divide it by two two you get three And then another that’s not great though when you get this is already 0.5 percent so 400. it’s 20. 50 inches isn’t that bad oh there we go did i hear drop table i heard drop table yay ben is dreaming hugs man and [ __ ] hey rigori how you doing so you delivered some

Models oh they’re even coming in now and jesus is signing them nice can’t wait okay so it’s very different i haven’t had my monster so it’s all good yeah i’m trying to figure out as well uh the mossy key donation fund did i hear drop table maybe i cannot confirm nor deny if

You’ve heard drop table or not oh god he’s been a good boy that’s hell well assigning them yeah i was having hell on stream assigning them yesterday fixing them old model is here okay folks write the chat spam them with models 100 one a day 101 a day 100 one day what

Let me just work out those procedures percentages so it’s like you have to go uh this is 400 this is Six six seven and you’re like times by 0.5 and then you go the opposite way kind of makes sense right like because then it’s the one above it is let’s just write them down so so the total right can’t be right i don’t know how many models are there we have three

Let me work out those percentages you’re getting close froggy trying to fix your accident yeah well at some point the table total to 104 percent yes these last ones that are they’re doing weird stuff um um kind of stuck here boys i’m trying to fix this one thing ah that’s right

Now i’m 91 percent because the total drop rate we got to convert them into the highest number i don’t know but they’re not they don’t have anything in common the next column i want to be like one and like six hundred thousand or some super [ __ ] 102 million one million so

It’s already 0.5 of a drop and then there’s one out of 400 so it’s one out of 20. so you divide divide everything by 20 on their drop rates so this is 20 isn’t it okay that’s their overall drop out of the entire pool got it froggy

It’s probably just thrown off by this one the belladonna was at 667. So once you’re at the table you should have and then he falls asleep never tells us I’m just gonna round them they can’t be Bothered dog what did i do wrong man hold it over That’s roughly about right because if you take 2 200 and divide it by 400 you get 5.5 so and then when you divide 42.5 divided by 5.5 you get 7.75 which is this 7.5 roughly it’s close enough we need to fix pizza and cakes still eats the whole damn thing

I don’t wanna think this way but you’re making wanna feel me but you’re making me in construction yes what how dare you demand such a thing tell me tell me it doesn’t have to be this way it’s already there it’s called the fighter in the hog dungeon the the huggian sorry jesus

Huge ian how do you say it no one knows and we have cakes so we just need the last third of the chocolate and the normal cakes We have the chocolate slice we don’t have the other slice we don’t have a cake slice put that in your to-do just spice Eugene huge one um i don’t have any more time you can taste them frog paint win All good oh my eyes are good that’s good push see what i can get done all right so cake’s gotta wait what’s the pr uh just some more construction stuff add more different icons for stacked items no superior slayer master monsters picking fruit on karanja source of cactus spines Down Vampire slayer feminist province fishing guild wood cutting fast travels oh there what the the log left click thieving for non-attackable pcs um construction what’s this Badge what’s this badge uh messages for the recruiter badge i personally love taking pride in bringing these players to the game wholeheartedly enjoy sometimes these certain individuals end up being subscribers i’d love to do some recruiters badge to those who bring in a certain number of people who confirm

Being recruited by sid player pull request it’s like um it’s a way of merging files like so people can work on the same files together and then you make a pull request with your changes and it merges it with the other person’s changes skill packs get the hell out of here

With your skill packs it’s a file sync because of the files and you can’t override it yeah so it’s amethyst did we ever get we know exactly what this is ruin essence me at this quest being buggy a lot of people saying that this guy keeps asking them to go back to varrock

However the options do so it doesn’t exist and then i am able to complete the grace no it’s just they need to um shift right click the guy right so you just need to um put a thing there And just be like um how’s that look okay that’ll help and then if you shift right click him it he’ll say you need to complete the quest first which we can do add it to his dialogue no because he’s only me to tell you that like

To do the [ __ ] quest we’ll just add like should take too long to fix i think i know the fix for that one did also be like you must first complete the into the still works playing so it’s because it’s a different inventory It feels when the main div has the same thing as me yeah it’s just how it is i guess there we go so he’ll say that you need to finish the quest cool and i can get rid of this bug report because it’s not actually a bug bug but

Abyssal whip model so peep damn easy wanted the abyssal whip model to uh to be unrolled rolled out but we can’t like change it how it looks in your compost packs uh do we not have those items comcast we do cool we can mark that off transmog for capes

The price behavior for living the future draw complete notes fault found between chair and keyboard but you’re the same boy coconut now medium clues of maternia died capes died capes allow for the use of dyes on basic black capes if possible the addition of mixing dye colors

Huh and how do you get the dies can we get all the dyes though yeah you mean to be able to die capes but like how do you wouldn’t you have to bleach it first get out of my head I think it also you just go to the die make it later and get your die pop it on okay All right so you’re supposed to be able to i guess i’ll put that in like [ __ ] crafting or something put it in crafton it’s a dying cape it’s dead boy it’s dead gym so it has to be a black cape there has to be a black cape

Or by using on a regular cape On a regular cape by using black mushroom ink one times my cape what so you can go vice versa and turn it back into black one okay after the dying cave being able to decant with filamentary is an easy thing to fix use color dye on any on a normal cape any color

So you can change any of them into the other one is that what you’re saying That’s what he says give us a link for me That’s the fandom though on a normal cape any color i think the phantom’s wrong but it’s um okay it does say it on the normal one as well just another wiki yeah i know i just prefer the official one just because it’s like a lot nicer okay that’s fine

All right so we got a blue cape oh so blue green let’s do this i know you could do that it’s pretty cool pink garbage to pink uh purple red yellow black but the black dice called something different it’s black mushroom ink black mushrooms all right so we don’t have

Pink dye or black mushrooming surely we have pink dye so you can make red it does go look at the prod products it just says you can buy them but i’m you can also dye them we go here so you want to use the first dot

You want to use the second dot result and the first the first result turns into the second dot result along with the second dot another the second dot color which turns into null so the first things into this the first cape turns into the second cape

When you use it with the second color i guess oh that’s not gonna allow us to do black so just temporarily i’m going to use the first color wait what are we trying to do let me just swap this around to the uh So that should allow you to dye the capes is edition 389 exotic shop haranus we don’t have them yet you’re my only savior all right next one throwing knives and darts darts requires a feud although the knives are set to go Hmm please cool we’ve requested them what’s next all right so let’s switch so let’s try a red dye on a black cape and then we go There you go and if we test as well so if we have a it just [ __ ] eats it So it doesn’t give you an option to like pick an amount right and then i just [ __ ] ate that ate it because it’s noted let’s show something that’s not food so currently it just fully unnotes them but someone wants the option to i don’t think you need to be able to

Choose how many you cannot know yeah but that means you just have to like pick up a bunch of random junk right and then go to the bank and this will just save them from that because you can just go pick up a whole bunch of like

Bones fill your entry to like the right size go to the bank talk to them then come like some finicky i guess that’s the part of ultimate iron man right That’s a challenge Extension of mob aggression timer to 30 minutes badges for exp milestones we texture the golden cane and go and top that to match dragon battle axe and mace mob hp slash praise a lot on this one uh mob health the player head indicates to be part of the

Ui maybe somewhere static to say from looking at the bar not at the mob or going to the person to see how much health the mob has or how much damage you were doing uh clan recruitment channel and discord proximity chat i was gonna do world chat The combat bracelet Had the three herb drop shots oh that means the um three different types like the three rolls on a river mushroom farming patch should be played boss key drop rate um aggro timer reset room craft pouch degrading can it be changed something that room touches agree the pouch turns black it turns black

Add five breath to dragons bob bata potion decanter kill count to display the kill count kc command we display kill counts now though right for everything don’t eat that hand boy what i’m not eating a hand already done uh special attack implement cape hit points cape of achievement perk

Add the barrack chronicle for tp to champions you sure yeah what was dungeon wouldn’t a slayer cave where’s that location modernist slayer cave the wooden slay cave is the cave located beneath the wilderness against a small variety of monsters that are commonly assigned by costello these monsters are stronger than their other old

Wilderness counterparts improved drop table and 50 percent drop rate of the larynx key the entire dungeon is multi-weight combat so we have anku’s bandits black demons black dragons greater dragons hellhounds eyes stones and listen it’s gonna be cool all right that’s in the builders builders stuff to do at some point

That bob barter just got a lot of that bob otto’s got a lot of boots yeah indicator determine if target is in range nine nine nine nine nine nine Okay miles and half size sometimes droplets below add servant shaq plus servants bank standing banker title camelot quest series battle stuff crafting arduin missing clay rocks and falador mine there’s supposed to be five clay rocks in the falador mine which i’m missing oh no help sack missiles heading through walls clack the clue

How dare you end up um what’s up please baby Still very all right so oh we got the pineapple pizza and chili con con a whole bunch of stuff chopped garlic scrambled eggs spicy sauce uncooked egg and then we have the green d-hide shields which we need to uh put the stats on for go did it you’re getting more furry by

The day but the beard it’s not looking too bad um We haven’t added to the shields in a long time uh black and we need the different levels [ __ ] hard leather snakes in green blue red black blessed alexander oh no i need to make an extractor for this [ __ ] um two uppercase i do have one but it doesn’t work anymore What to edit my mob jason again gordy my hugging friend did you do good i think he did good i guess jet is the one that can tell us that Hello what can you tell if uh regarding good i’m gonna beat her at barrows after people taught me best stats and how to track points yeah you’ve mostly got a track points for bearers it’s the best one okay good boy foreign don’t [ __ ] make him do the menagerie that’s the worst one Down down down he yeah he did too good he doesn’t know they need to optimize yeah it’s all good it’s all learning They are crewed in too many blocks pretty much it’s all good we appreciate it regarding and the hugs of course f is not defined Always be warm but the models are sick that’s good you’re just fixing all your mistakes that’s just he’s just fixing your learning curve everyone has a learning curve when you’re starting something new god piss off sorry the [ __ ] it’s not updating my json not replace undefined

Ah because all the the wiki’s changed it so it doesn’t have like data attributes anymore so i can’t just like i can’t just refresh it hardly the shield okay right so they just say same thing i did for mobs is there maximum file size to where we

Can no longer add more models uh so when you zip it all up it’s like a maximum of 50 megabytes and we’re currently at 23. Tell is something that’s not sold now you gotta uh update the server so we need a hundred i’m gonna say no you can’t load mode the reason the server can only send one resource pack to the user So Me Tell me that you know these songs are about you tell me trade is equal to tradable and then tradables but i’m not so it’s not the end of the game no no no no it’s not the end of the game it’s just we have to swap things around or

Optimize things and stuff says it is what it is it is what it is And we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it the motorcycling of models a better yeah just keeping the ticket all of his feed active for an update one day yeah one day we’ll get there but it’s not today all right um so i’m looking at the

The site the the the wiki for like Did you add the the shields beneath it or did you only do the colored ones you only did the color ones you need to do hardly the shield and the snakeskin shield as well rob time to start making the stand on game pretty much at that point might as well just make

They did it you did a good job yeah so you pretty much need the same this hard leather and snake skin which is pretty much the same but i’ll see how they look in a second so do you need to grab their stats right so it’s uh So minus 15. This is the green one check them yeah i’ll spawn them in a second once i get their stats done There we go so we want green blue oh it needs a defense and ranged defense green blue then the blue one these stats are the same that’s five let’s go 16 14. 50 ranged in the red They’re just a regular wooden ship but re-texture so it’s easy to have other dehydrators okay cool yes pretty much what we wanted right six eighteen sixteen fourteen thirty Hey guys froggy’s dehydration shop opening soon sounds good sounds good The black dehyde shield will have a 7 bonus 14 and then a level 70. cool that’s the stats done then we just need to go to item info and add them in here cool cool cool cool i guess i need to do these items as well for trading and stuff do that later these are still to do

All right so then we’ll be able to wield those Let’s have a look what’s everyone up to today Froggy’s uh sick so you know he’ll be he’ll be resting on his um gaming chair not totally not playing at all but uh but what’s everyone else doing oh uh i guess when you hold it it’s actually inverted but we’ve never known because it’s just been the same on both sides

Gaming shield i’m using an eight-year-old thirty-one that’s been held together with cardboard tubes and had to re-stuff of packaging foam so we’ve never noticed that in your hand you hold it backwards oh that’s pretty funny it looks good though jeter you change the ui it’s fine in your main

Hand it just needs to be in your offhand where it changes it’s there so long ago no you didn’t clearly not it just needs to be in your off hand this one not your main hand your main hands so the blue’s fine they’re just i don’t really care about

That it’s just your other hand where it needs to change apparently not it’s done on the wooden shield yeah it’s fine on this hand it’s just your off hand that’s where it needs to be changed they look good though nice reuse of give it textures It’s too smelly wait what if i explained that’s [ __ ] this mouse man just scrolls forever i love it um what were we going to do next so we did the d-hide shields oh except jetta just needs to do a few more but then they’ll be done

Oh we need to make them craftable i guess um crafting um okay I think we have to wait on them no because we can’t even we still need the base shields as well maple shield Oak willow maple u magic redwood i’ll add that to the to-do so yeah you got a few more there to do but good work on the mum jada they do look good i’ll list them all on the discord for you ah [ __ ] yeah it’s so good so good man

What color should change for each hide type too oh yeah but that’s easy that’s easy enough to do froggy usually have a lazy thursday now they are filled with making models i don’t know what to do what is my do nothing day don’t have a do nothing day

You should always be doing something you should always be doing something that is either a learn like learning something new or like learning something new or continuing to like additionally like build on top of what you’re doing like i understand people want to rest but like

At at least like one hour each day just do something extend your knowledge it’s so so much better for you you’re like oh yeah i just have the whole day off no just just in the in the morning just spend one hour then have the rest of the day i

Don’t have the whole day off you know just do just do one hour in the morning have the rest of there that’s fine but don’t have just a do nothing day plays embarrassed because you never played and i was yeah it was like you’re learning a new

Yeah don’t exp waste a whole day true get all your you should be doing is going and finding people out on the internet sucking them into mindscape getting them to vote just so you can get double experience through the vote pool that’s a good use of a day oh [ __ ]

You exp waste on tutorial island five head big brain but yeah um we’ll go back to construction so i think jetta did some of those managed to add some cool mahogany bench teak garden bench where’s this mahogany bench from uh mahogany there’s two mahogany benches there’s a throne room as well ah

Yes there is isn’t there As well as the dining babylon one of the diamonds was superior garden now but there’s also the throne um seating which i need to do i need to do the throne seating stone sword 94 carved tink bench 98. this one’s a diamond boots people say i’m in mine 45. um Cool don’t even know how i’m going to do um damn flat packs those things are going to be annoying to do because like imagine you get a bench right you can use it in like two different spots i guess i could give it the enum of the

Type that it can be placed in or something that’ll be interesting Hmm would be cool i will figure it out where there’s a will there’s a way i love my team being on it it’s already broke you’re probably good working we’re proud of you two ender you’re recovering man you’re still pumping out models and everything like damn proud of your modeling team

Well they’re proud of you honestly so glad that you like came out of the hospital like you came out of that hospital pretty fast i’d say actually all the beds are done like do you think you came out of the hospital like relatively fast ender for like for what they did

Like that’s pretty fast turnout around time i’d say yes you know a bit too quick yeah well there because covered down what did they do to you he turned into a woman kidding i’m kidding um that’s hot uh what’s it what’s uh sven’s woman name well what would we call them

Hey how you doing how are you doing what’s your woman name svetlana oh [ __ ] all the beds are done thanks uh jitter sounds like a sweet lady probably something like charlotte or emma oh my all right so we got the bed type there’s all going to be diamond boots

You have the bid hot spot diamond boots at a oh here we go regardi it’s going to be you right here wooden beard 51 oak 52 what about the large oak that’s the f54 teak at 53 large teak at 55 gilded four poster 56 and 57 boom we’re about to do your

Uh bids but to not go after they removed a tumor like thing from inside scary stuff yeah and they i hope they did a good job they usually do so gordy’s beds not mine And workbenches workbenches oh the crafting tables let’s get on those as well so 49 50. let me get a banner doll for your bedroom you boys all right let’s go to the bedroom let’s make a house that’s a hotel of bedrooms it’s gonna be so funny because

You can build them up to like the sky limit as well that’s the funniest [ __ ] all right so this is the oh this is the bedroom over it was here much as the sun is me This Getting issue with the tube coral fan oh my oh and left me confused don’t waste it on me oh no plushies it looks like it’s on the wall it’s just not rotated correctly that’s fine the most thing is that they work You’ll fix that later yeah but other than that they look good yeah the golden i don’t think he made the gilded work did i give it the wrong id no did you point it at the wrong file did i do it the wrong way around

Yeah i did the wrong way around this one how firm are they they look pretty [ __ ] firm they are regarding proof and show the workbenches which one are they this one so like changes that’s cool i need like a few coloring changes but generally pretty good It’s kind of hard to see like this is fine i don’t know i don’t know is the [ __ ] vice me to be wood does that mean to be wood does it mean to be metal yeah okay i’m looking good though yeah we’ll fix all the stuff later coloring after yeah test first

Um i can push it all to the dev server or to the the patreon server for everyone to test for you guys to test like in block bench and just reload your resource back and stuff according to the device that wouldn’t according to the whips Regarding uh you might want to rephrase what you said there according to the vice is wooden according to the website you need to get rid of the first of course so i lost your brain mid-sentence is so good so good looking good though looking good yeah i just designed this the wrong way

Around that’s fine that’s not bad the rest of it is all coming together and then we haven’t assigned ender’s uh armors yet have we Yeah remove first according to hugs or gordy feel better he’s sick he’s he’s totally him and froggy are sick it’s fine foreign it’s looking good though looking good and once they’re all done i’ll just go through construction and i’ll color everything for you guys and he’s been some time to know what

Something hasn’t assigned all of them that he did just go into his go into his um using github right so go into the history and just scroll down to haul complete and then there’s all of those ones so all of those in the hall i can sleep by knowing that everyone

That makes a better mindset is sleeping on your bed yeah that’s the cool thing about modeling is like um and then the the builders will be able to use it as well when we get to it they’ll be able to use this in their builds and decorate houses with it and stuff

It’s gonna be so cool yeah you know you felt odd i remember that night and that’s all good no problem no problem yeah so it’s just all of them under the um the hall i don’t think any of those are signed or hotspotted show me that superior garden

There’s not much in here yeah it doesn’t visible what’s the house size limit uh seven by seven needs to see what dinner is demanding today what the benches what did you add for suspiria what i can’t edit them that’s a problem the teak garden [ __ ] i’ll be i can’t i can’t

I can’t click them look maybe i can click it here I think i disabled it because we don’t have the stuff required to build it we don’t have lava runes like that is it meant to be two colors Wait isn’t the ghostly model me to be this one no all right cool i need to move it over as well because i placed it too far over that’s cool how do these mean to be what are these meant to be oh they don’t have anything to edit them into the yet

Okay this way put it on the roadmap you put it on the roadmap for the marble okay you’re gonna go sleep thanks jada um appreciate it Jetta from regori Oh we’ve done all we can from the road Map We’ve gone through the entire roadmap and we got rid of like 20. the bulk buying thing i’ll do that i know how to fix that i i know with the issues i’ll do it offline um is my steam even opened yet i opened steam yesterday didn’t even open what the [ __ ] steam’s open

Uh yeah concessions slowly showing colors yeah like we just if we just do like one room a day you know it’ll be done like in no time i mean today today’s been a bunch of rooms though And then a lot of spots have like duplicates elsewhere Which is quite nice uh Who’s gonna be the menagerie [ __ ] regardi this one um it’s gonna be an interesting one full show you’re totally sure you’ll make rough models and you can refine them you’ll try yeah always try your hand just always like just try a little bit and if it doesn’t

Even work out it’s like it’s not that big of a deal you just someone else makes it and you move on to another one nobody’s gonna tell you off for trying regarding if you just if you guys like your rage hug you need the you need the band of body

Pillows for the rage hugs [ __ ] chest is massive don’t quit like the weaklings i mean if you look at these beds in there they’re pretty good right there you got so much potential we believe in you regardi got your back it’s hell off the ground but that’s just because the rotation

And have you taught him how to do texturing it i’m not i’m not worried about the rotations at the moment the fact that they they actually exist is the better thing because remember what we said in the meeting we’ll just go through each room like we’ll sign you’ll just go through

Each room and just like note down all the problems and then the modeler will come in and fix it all you need to set up as get yeah get set up and texturing and we’ll be done good and then maybe we can get you doing the like fixing them regarding because all

You do to fix them is you hop on the patreon world where it’s updated and you just like place it down edit it in your block bench reload your texture pack and then um try it again it’s like quite good It’s nothing too hard don’t have access to the patreon yeah we can you can give you access though just got to remember the same deck fence i forget and uh uh these are looking hella good i can’t wait for construction man people are actually gonna flip their [ __ ] you know the membership yeah

I can just white like the the staff will get whitelisted on the patreon world because they obviously need a test as well and look at this like did you guys even think this was possible people going to spend all their money in construction like just even this proof of concept did you

Guys even think that was even possible Yes but not sure how so you thought it was possible that you weren’t sure how we’re gonna do it okay good glad you have faith in us uh recording in did you remember when i was just like struggling to even do the [ __ ] roofs there’s an answer to everything yeah

There is code monkey i remember struggling with the ruse and and the discord and i was just like crying curtis on windowless walls yeah i’m not sure if it shows up in um yeah i was there for laughs no i mean support yeah i think i missed it you missed what

I think you missed it oh no this was like um a month ago or so before we even pre-released construction it was just i was like trying i was just like i’m sure this is possible but how do i do it and these roofs keep like rotating the wrong way they kept like

Not joining together nicely And then eventually i got it and i was like holy [ __ ] Before ender got really ill yeah but like to get this roof to nicely join like this is actually hard but now that we’ve got it it’s like so so awesome you know It’s incredible how quick it’s all been done i appreciate this we’ll see it’s mostly like past Um what i originally did it’s mostly been the model it’s like doing amazing work i mean because once once i got past the original like proof of concept i haven’t it hasn’t changed much like ever since we first released it it’s mostly just it was just like hey we can do the

Buildings and then the models are like oh [ __ ] now we got to get our [ __ ] together and do the the models miles will fill up that resource back in no time yeah like i don’t mean like it’s probably the same amount as farming so they’ll probably only had like a

Few megabytes it’s not too bad They had to recruit another modeler we had to get reguardian in the mix and then i’m working towards getting more divs and once that’s up and running like holy [ __ ] we’re gonna be pumping out content like hello fast i’m sure they love that like the more like the more people helping

It just makes it easier for everyone else right can’t complain with a bit of help I can get more ender hugs so once this is all done well boss bear is getting edited high scores when website arrives uh i assume so it’s just not currently uh the thing we have i’ll probably do it though where is it Why is it saved Me ah [ __ ] this module thing sometimes i can’t find files Not that big of a thing to do it just has impact is it too late to make changes to the bid models i just like to adjust the sizes uh so after ender has set you up to github then you can do it cause then you can just like push your

Changes to us immediately oh boy high schoolers i want to have a hug counter but yeah after the um after ender sets you up you should be able to so this is your This is your info Where’s the other one saved Into the um each night dude a kill count and a boss info Casey it just saved him jason but we can extract it right relatively easily Oh oh but it messes up if people reset what do you mean reset messes up of people reset why would it mess up if people reset you say kc there’s no way to reset your casey you can reset your tracker but the counter stays the same I think yeah you can clear the track i see uh bandit regardia saying i’m weird oh yeah you can see on slash maps yeah so you can see is it for paris too yeah there’s a tracker so if you want to like start counting and be like

Okay i’m gonna do you’re already at like 50 kills and like i want to do 20 kills right so you can reset it and track how many you do that’s essentially what it is not like being weird is a bad thing what not being weird is a bad thing Can you call me don’t leave me easy for the record no Well the things you posted what people take gifts too seriously don’t post gifts is baby can you call me gif’s are serious business wide people happy foreign Um oh Up what should we work on now i’m just doing some testing with the uh high scores to see if we can even do it or kill counts and stuff is um add construction shop what do you mean shop construction shop if they have a serum right

You have to read the diary of herbie flax during the shades of modern to be able to get serum Yeah kind of need that limestone though i guess you’re out of luck Okay falcon damn 99 i have a good night and can we buy wizard mind bombs where from good night without a closer look thirsty for affirmations no oh uh i’m not sure if you have velodor bar uh sure if you’ve ever done that but you know the special beers for temporary statin creatures

No i don’t Haven’t done anything like that yet Not something we’ve done so far you should i love me some dwarven stout that plus one smith boost i’m not even sure smithing even works boosted So yeah mining boost i’m not again i don’t know even sure if the uh mining works boosted but we can have a look Let’s just switch back and plus one mining and apparently Uh In the room stat beers are kind of a team but beards become at stronger is to your friends it’s quite a lot of boosts also checking normal beard to get zero attack is fun lowers your stats Foreign all right so you guys want a uh kill count you’re saying oh it’s gonna get confusing uh so it’s gonna need to be know Okay then this game can give place a little extra edge so i find an important part of the alcoholics engage uh uh i’m leaving them behind okay Are you also able to sponsor the aaa meetings regarding he’s the dog guy that hugs members that show up true true So Did our double experience just end 30 minutes ago unlucky more members equals more hugs trying to get more people in so i’m just trying to work on a high school thing but we voted so it’s back up nice nice uh set mob kill count is equal to Got me feeling anxious lately where’s this pressure from Hey that root crafting pit looking nice yeah they’re all looking pretty good i’m loving the look of them all instead of putting myself down Can we get a reward for your points you got maybe a critical type come on you know you want to vote cape hey tip boy how you doing hello chris we have our sideways bids for everyone to sleep on today thanks to regarding oh My favorite kind of beard i know right Oh come is On hey you went sideways when you built them well they’re sideways now boy see if this even works don’t be scared what’s so wrong it doesn’t really need the character info doesn’t so i’ll make you sideways i wonder this even works what’s the bet it does

Don’t be you guys can’t see what i’m working on but i’m working on mob high scores like help like kill counts be interesting let’s do this So uh i cannot find properties but i need to stretch i need a drink actually but i cannot until i finish pdbc.url is equal to localhost it’s probably because i don’t even have um the same thing broken You aren’t messing with me right about what three sessions totally nine hours in the last 36 hours no moss keys i ain’t messing with you i promise you that yay It all wrong just how long did you think that you could fake it hold on we already started i just can’t even hold on things Huh i’ve been doing this for two weeks they’re one of 150 how many you kill thousands it’s still rng though right but i promise you i’m not i’m not i ain’t done jack i don’t wanna think this way but you’re making me i don’t wanna feel insane but you’re making

Stop taking my breath away So i can move back into the woody you feel when you’re touching me me tell me don’t Oh come on isn’t this working um you know issue dynamism streams with execute query this is not what if somebody says features makes sense Um unknown name kill kills See if we get a kill count we can okay now we’re making it somewhere so we have a database now of a kill count oh that’s going to be a massive database though i’m not sure we want to do that one lemon you kill yourself a banana fan i’m

[ __ ] loaded on channel boys i highlight every message because i’m that jack just try talking to chad again if you when you’re a true fan it’s a bit of some copy pasta right there 12.8k 46.5 k low nerd it was the one that has like 100k someone has 100k we’re gonna be like [ __ ] or something right because if i do this we have 100k accounts and we have 145 mobs 150 mobs which means there’s going to suddenly be a database of 150 000 entries in it

No 1 million 1.5 million entries in it just out of nowhere is that bad There’s a database with that amount of uh entries in it 1.5 million was it more is it 15 million it’s actually 15 million [ __ ] how the [ __ ] would he even 15 million entries those are some rookie numbers 74.2 k here hmm i’m not sure if we do mob high

School we could definitely do um uh boss high schools it might just be too much i highlight every mission any favor just bosses yeah Otherwise this is gonna get insane and like mini games is exactly what this is the functionality is there for the mobs but it’s just not going to go well then you go to 350z you know how to drive it because it’s standard you mean standard and you lag many games oh and like

Minions i see you live in games we should get some mini games on there manual manuals easy as [ __ ] i prefer manual manual’s what you want we’re gonna set boss kill count and then we want to set boss kill timer is just counted in seconds i wish i could

Oh yeah no one was a slow order from 2006. okay let me go back search up boss kill count then we get the kill count nice all right then we just need to go on our end well it’s it’s working in the back end i’ll have to do some stuff on like the

When we even make a website for the high scores so i’ll have to do do something then to display it because currently we don’t have already have a way to display it cheese huh all right what else do we do i think we’re mostly just waiting on

Models at this point for a bunch of construction stuff oh back let me do that moody key master operate no we’re waiting on amethyst rogue state minigame maze oh right fountain of heroes iron man gear the fountain of heroes already exists uh rogue state mini game is short the

Rogue scene has an obstacle course that requires 50 jillion thieving to access and complete in order to have a chance to getting the pieces of the rogues set i’m actually building the course to take a bit of time and ironing out with all the traps that are in there in

The areas and the other world will take higher priority in the mini game rogues din start at the maze part oh my lordy that just looks like a uh agility release potential candidate thing sheesh Is Imagine not having bt tv don’t laugh at him Well we set up what we wanted to do today which was just construction and some more road we cleaned up the road map i literally removed like 20 things from the roadmap today from rejecting some to doing some other ones so that’s good at least we could do who’s the noting guy

In remington Files Oh did the servants work no so he’s a banknote exchange merchant he would unload items for five coins per item Do you tell him how many you want or does he just do it until your inventory is full You tell how many hmm so he’s sort of like who’s the other guy that’s in karamjah [ __ ] who’s on carandra styles that’s the [ __ ] guy oh so i need to go get his dialogue it looks like thousand things in there so i need to go get files dialogue my launch up roon light styles files miles niles giles Bye i don’t [ __ ] i’m all the way in the wilderness oh [ __ ] there’s a big [ __ ] spider isn’t there Is so you’ll be able to teleport to house just take some of everything come back oh pokemon when you realize stars is rs3 content yeah we sort of just added them because we can good qualification came out yeah this isn’t mindscape Before remember i thought it was a [ __ ] camera super zoomed out so files so that’s all this dialogue Was he eoc like before easy I want to play the piano and it’s not eoc it’s end of runescape you’re is only savior birth of mindscape we rise from the ashes So please At least So What is it about me hit me like a tornado uh cummins three Sorry um 90 construction what’s most aka what’s going on escape they can do while modeling they’re like fishing wood cutting combat even if you’re in an agro area all right so let’s get so you got some stuff in remington There’s files so he’ll extends my so when you get the info and item in their hand if If can’t be afk if you have to relog Yeah but you said you can pick the amount whereas the wilderness guy just just does it he just unknows everything right he know he all knows until your inventory is full i don’t think files does that does he me oh it easy Easy so oh hey is me Um So get what’s in your hand and then if There we go jesus Oh you guys uh i want to say how many times are people gonna use this unnoting guy a note your pocket bandit why do you have a bandit in your pocket excuse me rollins what skill does bannot wish to get in 99 i already got uh 99 woodcutting

I was going for fletching next and then i started a hardcore hardcore it was an ironman i started iron man what else yells no for fletching i like my wood cutting and fletching i don’t know why i just i just really like my wood you know I don’t think it was was it hardcore or was it i think it was hardcore or ultimate because i can’t remember hugs You mean the hardcore yeah Okay I think i made him cost 50 instead of five Hello Don’t think i ever doesn’t look like i can right click Next tutorial island only get the max 5 stats on everything and then you’re done um i can’t right click on because i’m in construction area so it doesn’t register my click god it hurts me me bye Accessory tell me that your life is all right so he’s still taking 50 coins by accident you gotta go righty thanks for joining us today doing good get in there rip off merchant yeah See everybody thanks for the models they look good uh they just need to be rotated so don’t worry huh Tell me that is um yeah so it’s working we got he does it now at least you want proper files to rip me off beat me up and compliment me was taking my money nice well that might be it for us today we have gotten quite a lot done more

Construction more from the road map updates looking good we’ve got We got um aka choo choo what giant mole coming um skilling pits and then the dragon height shields we added today now we still need to be able to craft them slash fletch them but that’s just waiting on jetta um we got a bunch more foods that we can work on

I think i needed these to add to like a potato right or something but yeah scaling pits some snail me it’s not working getting stuff done yeah scaling pits and mole is what’s looking like a good update so far and then whatever else we get done before friday

I guess so we got four more days to get whatever we can done i was gonna do bosses right so i need to do world projectiles some someone someone spam dm me after stream with world projectiles so don’t forget and like in like an hour or two just be like bandit world projectiles

Ah [ __ ] but other than that that’ll be us for today thank you all for joining chance uh sorry the uh moss key donation fund for the uh with the dodos if you get your hat this week has only been shipping updates on it okay squad pop-up we need we meet in

General in one hour ah [ __ ] i’m just gonna get hella spammed let’s see where your orders at uh zagino see tracking expected delivery by wednesday night how’s that sound two days two three days i don’t know if this is my time or your time

Um but yeah you should get it in a few days it’ll be good how’s that sound zygina three days for you yeah well you checked you should have a shipping email right you should have a shipping link you can check up if not i can send you the link

Wednesday you stream so you’ll flash it off nice nice you going nice uh to be fair it was sent from the future anyways to tomorrow that’ll be us any questions before we go what’s for lunch that’s a good question we’ll continue working off stream there’ll be a few things i’ll do i want

To do got a lot of good construction done today ad thurgood bit that was on the roadmap we’re going through that today okay thanks bye we need a whole new slew of cosmetics i think pepe hands but yeah stream’s over anyways till till next time you’re gonna need a piece remember for

The peace come on peace come on i’ll spend a [ __ ] load on month on thurgood all right excuse me yes peace come on where is it there you go

This video, titled ‘Roadmap & Construction Models! – RuneScape in Minecraft – Live 7/12/2020 – MineScape’, was uploaded by Dablakbandit – Live on 2020-12-10 07:55:16. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 04:37:09 or 16629 seconds.

Livestreaming making MineScape – RuneScape in Minecraft

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  • Crafting Cruel Punishments: Minecraft’s Dark Lore

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  • DOMINION Semi-vanilla 1.21 Whitelist Hermit-Like 18+ SMP No Resets LGBTQ+ Welcome

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  • Building Minecraft Creator Platform

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  • Mind-blowing Minecraft throwback gameplay!

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    UNEXPECTED DEVIL FRUIT BATTLE: Minecraft Anime ModVideo Information This video, titled ‘WE GET A RANDOM DEVIL FRUIT THEN WE FIGHT! Minecraft Anime Mod VS Battles’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-09-01 00:00:48. It has garnered 4011 views and 313 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:25 or 1585 seconds. Minecraft Mine Piece Mod (v1 Review) – MiraiGaming (Brother’s Channel) – STREAM – DISCORD – BECOME A MEMBER HERE – GingyGames Channel – GingyVODs Channel – WE GET A RANDOM DEVIL FRUIT THEN WE FIGHT! Minecraft Anime Mod VS Battles #AnimeMod #Minecraft #MinecraftModBattle Also big thanks and… Read More

  • Unbelievable Pro Gamer672 Destroys Death Team in Minecraft Bedrock – The Hive DeathRun

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  • “Insane Minecraft Mustang – Subscribe for Epic Builds!” #music

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  • “Insane Lego Minecraft Taiga Village Build!” #lego #minecraft

    "Insane Lego Minecraft Taiga Village Build!" #lego #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Lego Minecraft Landscape Build #13 -Taiga Village Secluded Cottage #lego #minecraft #oddlysatisfying’, was uploaded by Digital Lego Landscapes on 2024-09-21 02:27:24. It has garnered 11 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Rendered in Bricklink Studio 2.24.6 Music – Frederic Chopin, Andante spianato in G major, Op.22 (1834) Minecraft Seed -4511702715398291015 (x 28037, z 24000) This rendered animation depicts a Minecraft landscape being built brick-by-brick in a proprietarily conceived, Lego brick represented digital environment. The build depicted here does not attempt to portray one that is physically possible,… Read More

  • Eureka! SMP – Vanilla Fabric SMP 21+ 1.21 Whitelist Season 6 Proximity Chat HermitCraft Style Datapacks Shopping District Custom Roleplay Data Hats Grief Protection No Chat Reporting

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  • Minecraft Memes – Oh no, Creeper! Oh no anyway!

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  • Explosive Minecraft Meme Madness! 💥

    Explosive Minecraft Meme Madness! 💥 Why did the creeper break up with the TNT? Because it couldn’t handle the explosive relationship! 💥 #relationshipgoals #minecrafthumor Read More

  • Crafting a Portal to Dr. Reflex in Minecraft

    Crafting a Portal to Dr. Reflex in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Dr. Reflex Portal in Baldi’s Basics Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft as you delve into the mysterious world of the Dr. Reflex Portal from Baldi’s Basics. Join the excitement as you navigate through this unique crossover experience! Discovering the Dr. Reflex Portal Step into the world of Minecraft and uncover the secrets of the Dr. Reflex Portal from Baldi’s Basics. This intriguing portal offers a gateway to a realm filled with challenges and surprises. Are you ready to test your skills and wit in this exciting new environment? Exploring New Dimensions As you enter… Read More

Roadmap & Construction Models! – RuneScape in Minecraft – Live 7/12/2020 – MineScape