Roleplay Minecraft – The Mystery of a Robbery in a Minecraft Village..

Video Information

Hai Hehehe aku memiliki kisah yang akan ke bagikan kepada kalian kalian tertarik yah dengarkan kisah ini dengan baik terdapat Tiga Sekawan yang tinggal di sebuah pedesaan bekerjasama tolong-menolong bercanda Ria itulah keseharian mereka tanggal 19 Jan Hahaha itulah tanggal kisah ini akan dimulai ah ah Hai bye pagi ya udah ah

Bau darah pagi seger banget jalan-jalan enak kali ya [Musik] hai hai Oh ya ah eh bentar mereka berdua ngapain di sana Widih pagi-pagi udah nongkrong gak ngajak-ngajak lagi Oh parasit-parasit kalian sama Farah gue aloe proyeksi ikutan gabung sini mau tinggal Gabung aja susah amat ya jadi begini Ican dah elah Ya udah emang

Kepada bahasa Palembang jadi gini lover Lu tahu kan kasus perampokan di desa kita Iya tahu emang kenapa iya kita lagi ngomongin itu Eh kamu tiba-tiba dateng dialog Padahal kita lagi serius banget nih berdua Ihya Maaf edar gimana solusinya udah ada atau belum Ih soalnya simpel aku cuman nanya beberapa hal

Doang kok ke Bang Wawan nanya lu itu nodong wae gua aja makan nggak tahu ya udah santai santai santai udah ada kok berhenti akhir-akhir kecil aja gimana kalo gini kita coba cari sekitar sini kali aja kita nemu petunjuk yang bagus atau bahkan kita bisa tangkap perampok ngaku hanya itu lebih bagus daripada kalian

Berantem di sini Ia nggak ngeh willer Ayo kita cari bareng-bareng siapa tahu ketemu petunjuk ayo ayo Let’s go ayo Evan ayo yuk Iya udah deh Ayo tetapi aku bawa peralatan dulu ya berjaga-jaga gitu oke gak usah kali kelamaan Ayo kita penamas babang nggak papa nggak papa

Bang ya depan buron ya gua bakalan bakal tunggu di Jembatan tanah Oke Buruan ya oke oke oke oke bang bang emang kamu kenapa sih kok bisa berteman dia tahu dari dia tiba-tiba pake nanya-nanya nggak jelas dia nanya file download doaku gitu loh Ya udah sekarang kau saja

Bahas bangga usah dibahas Bang udah pada siap dah eh let’s go let’s go jalannya pekanan ya Oke yuk Hai Ah ini enggak kejauhan enggak laman segini masih deket sama Desa kita udah sih santai aja yuk uh ada-ada Jengah royanih Apakah ini petunjuk untuk kita arah jadi sana coba yuk Ayo ah

Rumah-rumah apaan ini bisa jadi jebakan loh pecah Ati tapi Siapa yang bangun rumah di sekitar sini ya Ah ya Aduh percobaan di dalam tuh ada CCTV bisa jadi petunjuk kita oh iya oh iya heeh tidak uh Apa itu tadi orang udah bilang Kak hati-hati Apa kata Cooper kalo

Selama ini aku aku aku minta maaf aku terlalu buru-buru nih ah ya toh ya toh Ayo kita ngasih petunjuk berikutnya vernier ada rumah lagi lu itu mungkin itu petunjuk kedua kita ayo par Wagiman Oh apa Oh makasih Oke Ayo semuanya kita harus berhati-hati rumah apaan ini mobil

Memperoleh rumah ini loh sama gue juga belum pernah lihat rumah ini loh gimana kalau gini gua masuk ke dalam satu orang jaga di sini gimana gue yang jaga gue pengen jago nih gagak-gagak aku aja yang jaga anakku Bos senjata jadi aku bisa juga kalian kan juga enggak percaya

Banget sama gue simpan Bukannya gitu terus udah udah udah udah udah ini aja Wawan sama aku masuk dalam Lukman juga di luar gimana oke eh Keke ah ah ah ah lu nggak papa Arok paper nggak ngadu aku cuma ke gereja kok ada ah aduh HP aku udah baikan kok benar

Ini rumah apaan ini yuk teka-teki kah uh lever oh what Coba lihat deh lantainya ini kaya anak panah loh tuh Tunjukkan sini Baksos ini bentuknya ya namanya nih Iya supaya wuhuan pupuk Allah Iya loh gigi gaming lebih kita jernih kenapa kalau ada apa ada masalah Sini deh sini

Lihat lu tuh dibawa DC setumpuk Allah di bawah lava di masalah kita turun Oh aku ada ide tuh eh untuk ada Eren di sini kita lem jadi paket Deb sambil Jeng Hehehe Gila pinter banget luper Oke aku akan turun ke bawah kalian berdua jaga di sini gimana Marine sebaiknya lu temanan

Kespro turun tenang gua bakal jaga Kalian disini kok lo aja Wan Kalau jago Google lotye turunlah udah-udah udah-udah one temenin aku ke bawah Man kamu jaga di sini eh ah Ya udahlah ya sini Gasper turun menjeda ya Wah ada empat chest yakin semuanya Man ah fic ini apa maksudnya lah kok sampai

Semuanya lawan yening gue nggak nemu apa apa nih per apa ini jebakan kita lewat tak atas Oh gimana Kenapa nggak jelas banget loh main Cast nya sampah semua asli udah nemu apa-apa dah lu hahaha Ya udah kita coba cari petunjuk lagi aja yuk di sebelah kanan sana mungkin ada petunjuk

Hai Yuk udah kalau ah jejak-jejak apaan nih arahnya ke gua sana Per Ayo kita ikutin hai hai Hai ini golnya kayaknya berbahaya deh sebaiknya jangan mengenang Asalkan hati-hati kita bakal selamat kok ada tosca adanya for nice Man Oke kita akan masuk perlahan-lahan dan berhati-hati Oke f123 Ahmad Fahri Fahri Fahri Fahri

Gelap banget cuman lu nggak apa-apa ya terus cuman lo kecil aja kalian Slamet Slamet Tuan Weh lu siapa gue bikin jebakan ini ya perampok weh jalaria yg lunak popoknya Halo what ah Wars kita harus cepet jadi jarang keluar Iya aku tahu man tapi Hai lewatmana Inikah sebentar sebaiknya

Cek dulu ah Man jalan kita benar-benar buntu ya satu-satunya pilihan adalah wafer itu Yap kamu benar-benar hidupin ever ini Man notif terlalu beresiko bisa jadi ini semua dibakar api lain Lu mau kita batin sini ah ah Ya udahlah ah ah ah berapa itu menerima globe uh uh oh oh

Oh woah man apa ini ini para currency perampok Serius Iya pernah benar diaduk lagi tanaman kita ambil Eh bentar baru tabah gua cuman bosen PCX dan kita nggak bisa ngambil itu terlebih lagi ternyata banyak banget jebakan di sini Man e Hai Terus gimana kita sebaiknya pulang dan beritahu warga desa ide yang bagus

Dan gaya hahaha hahaha huh ngomong oh ah oh punya kalian masih selamat Wawat lu dari tadi ke mana aja tadi gue ngejar perampok nya Sayangnya dia berhasil lari bukan itu pertanyaannya tapi kenapa lu bisa tahu kita keluar lewat sini Maksud doa pada MAN WAN udah udah udah udah

Udah ini daripada berantem di sini kita langsung pulang aja Disini tempatnya bahaya banget udah yo kita pulang yo bentar apaan ada yang ketinggalan di sana aku harus balik lagi serius tapi udah ketemuan dulu Man udah nggak usah aku bisa sendiri Hai pegangan mandi sana bahaya ah udah

Tenang aja fungsi jaga diri Man eh gimana ya tapi ya udah deh lebih lurus hati-hati ya kalau ada apa-apa gue langsung balik ke sana oke man oke per jangan keutamaan hati-hati Men Eh parah ah benar-benar hari yang melelahkan tuh aku lapar lagi oh oh nyoba ya aku tadi berbuat kesalahan Kayaknya aku bakal

Mati ditempat itu ah nggak nggak boleh aku enggak boleh mikir kayak gitu nah mending aku udah selamat Oh oke aku makan dulu arah uh uh hai hai Hai ah Hai nah nah ah dulu deh oh ah ah Ton apa itu bangun ah Hai mujhko i-style kaget Luman mesin baru

Keluar di mungkin nih ya ya apa sih malem-malem apa Man jangan di sini sini ikut aku terus amat sih nih ya Ya udah Kenapa Pak mat mat mat Ja jangan-jangan lu Wardah pohon ini kok oh apa ini mohon dari schwarzer Avanza Noah gimana for ditutup buku perampok yang kutemui di

Tempat itu bor gimana nih Apa maksudnya man apa ini teka-teki kah ah Mungkin gitu terakhir dia tanggal 20 Januari hari ini tanggal 12 Jan Koh Man aku ngerti Malam ini kita kayaknya nggak bisa tidur nyenyak Man siapin barang-barang armor dan pedang lumayanlah ya nyaman kita akan melawan

Seseorang Man oke mana Oke Ayo Mas ayo mas cuman siap-siap Mas udah baru pakai udah-udah Oh ya btw lu bawa buku diary si perampok enggak enggak kenapa memang tidak apa-apa Oke Eh Mama benar-benar buruk dengar suara nggak nggak denger apa tiada suara Roman salah denger kali enggak enggak aman enggak Aman saya

Mencoba ikutin korban ikutin kuman flora aku sih nih lihat apa Oh Rija karepmu ini makanya cuman eh coba namun Hai dengan adanya enggak ada di mansia pintor sama pedang lock Eh udah udah ayo Hai stadia mati diam di tempat ah ketangkep kau Oh jadi ini yang rambut Desa kita cepat buka pencemaran [Musik]

Hai awan Ketebak dari awal ini ini ini bukan mimpikanlah ini bukan mimpi kan Man Hai tapi kenapa Wan aku bisa dijelaskan pada penjelasan lagi sebaiknya Aku mau ngajak kamu ke sini masih diwaktu sebentar aja aku benar-benar minta maaf minta maaf minta maaf ketemu lu tahu nggak rumah yang rontok ledakin itu

Rumah keluargaku tahu ya terpaksa melakukannya memaksa apa betah benar telah kalian semua tenang-tenang Hai one terus mau gimana sekarang Man bener-bener bakal Taubat bakal ganti semua kerugian kalian Gue janji ah ban fire tobat man dan dia bakal ganti kerugian kita Man eh lama suka hot otomurah kamu and weapon

Hai Aa aku aku wah ini macam apa ini sebenarnya ah ah apa sih sebenarnya dalam pikiranku ini Nining apa sih Hai hehehe hahaha hahaha Oh iya hah ini Ini pasti mimpi Iya ha ha ha hai hai hai hai hai hai bebek bebek bebek bebek Wawang you Hahaha dasar orang-orang bodoh mereka

Pikir aku teman mereka ya Dasar orang bodoh Hi Ho

This video, titled ‘Roleplay Minecraft – Misteri Perampokan di Desa Minecraft..’, was uploaded by Kesper MC on 2021-07-03 03:15:12. It has garnered 1773910 views and 52759 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:46 or 946 seconds.

hello everyone, welcome to the Kesper Mc channel, this time I made a Minecraft roleplay. because many of you also like minecraft roleplay, especially like bpkkausmp s3 roleplay, or sans junior high school s3 and the new roleplay, namely Viva fantasy. so I took the initiative or was inspired to try to make a Minecraft roleplay. My Minecraft roleplay is not series, unlike the Roleplay Sans SMP s4 or your father’s SMP S3 or the upcoming Viva fantasy minecraft roleplay. But my Minecraft Roleplay only has 1 eps and is like the Minecraft short movie version. Well, even though it’s my first time making Minecraft roleplay, I’m trying to make good ones, like Bapakau SMP S3, Sans SMP S4 and Vivan Fantasy (Roleplay inspiration). synopsis of this Minecraft Roleplay: This Roleplay story begins in a village where it is said that there are cruel robbers living there, Kesper, Lukman, and Wawan will search and find clues to find robbers, but in the end they end up …. Well, watch for yourself how it goes. This roleplay, guys! Enjoy watching Thank you for your help: @Yuan Kurniawan Smily kuy:

— Business Email : [email protected]

#KesperMC #RoleplayMinecraft

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    "Who's Hot Enough for Nether?!" 🔥 #minecraft #meme Why did the Enderman bring a fire extinguisher to the Nether? Because he heard it was a hot spot for mobs to handle Nether damage! #minecrafthumor #fireproofenderman Read More

  • Rainbow TNT Prank in Minecraft

    Rainbow TNT Prank in Minecraft Minecraft Rainbow TNT: Exploring a Colorful Explosion Step into the vibrant world of Minecraft with the Rainbow TNT, a colorful explosion that adds a new level of excitement to the game. From the traditional TNT blocks to this unique variant, Minecraft continues to surprise and delight players of all ages. The Rainbow TNT Experience Imagine setting off an explosion that bursts into a beautiful array of colors, lighting up the virtual sky in Minecraft. The Rainbow TNT brings a whimsical touch to the game, offering a visually stunning experience for players. Features of Rainbow TNT: Colorful Explosion: Watch as… Read More

  • 2D Minecraft Sequel!

    2D Minecraft Sequel! Welcome to the Second 2D Minecraft Adventure! Exploring the New Features Excitement is in the air as players dive into the second installment of the 2D Minecraft adventure. With a plethora of new features and updates, there’s no shortage of fun to be had. From new blocks to craft to exciting mobs to encounter, the game offers a fresh experience for both new and seasoned players alike. Discord Community Join the vibrant community on Discord to connect with fellow players, share tips and tricks, and stay updated on the latest news and events. The Discord server is the perfect… Read More

  • Insane Hypixel Adventure with VTuber Mothics!

    Insane Hypixel Adventure with VTuber Mothics!Video Information This video, titled ‘Unsober hypixel with mothics | minecraft | Trans VTUBER’, was uploaded by RedEclipse on 2024-10-06 01:10:24. It has garnered 231 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:32 or 7292 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Remix: House of Chess

    Insane Minecraft Remix: House of ChessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Structure Edit #shorts #minecraft #phonk #chess’, was uploaded by Minernox on 2024-06-20 03:00:32. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Thanks For Watching! Best Minecraft Structure Edit #shorts #minecraft #anime #phonk #chess Keywords key – Minecraft Minecraft … Read More

  • Insane Encounter: BATTLE with Cave Dweller – MINECRAFT #2

    Insane Encounter: BATTLE with Cave Dweller - MINECRAFT #2Video Information This video, titled ‘ME ENFRENTE al CAVE DWELLER en MINECRAFT…#2’, was uploaded by ConnectionLosted on 2024-07-18 22:00:17. It has garnered 279 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:45 or 705 seconds. LAIK FOR THE CAVE DWELLER 👍 LET’S GO FOR THOSE 25 LIKES! ❤ SUBSCRIBE AND ACTIVATE THE BELL ON SOCIAL NETWORKS ⭐ 🐦Twitter: @CMD_Cody2 🔴Twitch: @ConnectionLosted 👥Discord: ccody348 👦NameMC: PC COMPONENTS 🖥️ 💻Processor: Ryzen 5 4600G 💻Ram: 16GB DDR4 💻Graphic Card: GTX 1660 SUPER 💻Storage: 1TB HDD & 240gb SSD ✱ Editor and Designer ✱ Editor: Yo Designer: Yo ⏰Timestamps: Communities 🤝… Read More

  • Minecraft Mondays: Season 2 Premiere! Insane Gameplay!

    Minecraft Mondays: Season 2 Premiere! Insane Gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mondays Season 2! Ep1’, was uploaded by P&C Gaming on 2024-08-06 13:23:58. It has garnered 279 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 01:58:26 or 7106 seconds. It’s time for a new season and a super building competition! Ten players are going to compete over ten weeks to see who can build the best dream home in Minecraft. Minecraft Mondays IS BACK! Every Monday night at 7 Eastern. Hello everyone! I’m Peter Moline and this is P&C Gaming! This is your channel for guaranteed awesome and clean videos about doing fun… Read More

  • CrazySahni’s Epic Minecraft House #shorts

    CrazySahni's Epic Minecraft House #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cool Survival House in Minecraft #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by CrazySahni on 2024-04-20 04:00:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Shader: Complementary ⛏️ Texture Pack: Stay True, Vanilla Tweaks Don’t forget to follow me for more Minecraft ideas … Read More

  • “Summon Evil Powers in 3D Skin Editor on Minecraft!” #Minecraft #Dream

    "Summon Evil Powers in 3D Skin Editor on Minecraft!" #Minecraft #DreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘how to bring dream in Minecraft skin editor 3d#youtube #minecraft |||@dream’, was uploaded by EVIL DEVIL on 2024-08-08 16:44:05. It has garnered 488 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Craze in My Minecraft World! 😱

    Insane Craze in My Minecraft World! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘I’m Crazy… In My Minecraft World…’, was uploaded by CragDyna on 2024-08-30 09:18:21. It has garnered 168 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 02:50:27 or 10227 seconds. Subscribidy. 😎 Become a member today to get access to unique perks: 👕 CragDyna’s Clothing Corner: Join the community Discord! 👾: Subscribe because you enjoy my content! 🤣 For business inquiries (such as sponsors or collaborations) please contact me: [email protected] P.S. Responses will be slow. Read More

  • Insane 1v1 Mousery Hive LIVE Challenge!

    Insane 1v1 Mousery Hive LIVE Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hive LIVE BUT 1v1 with YOU!!’, was uploaded by Mousery on 2024-10-05 15:19:15. It has garnered 281 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:39 or 6519 seconds. Just Grinding Hive, Zeqa and Cubecraft Minecraft Bedrock / PE / MCPE / MCBE Today Doing another Hive Stream 🙂hive bedwars and hive skywars mainly, also doing custom servers and parties with viewers and cubecraft bedwars, eggwars and skywars, and ffa duels. Discord: #hivemc #hivelive #treasurewars #mcpe #mcbe #minecraftbedrockedition #minecraftbedrock #pvp #bedwars Read More

  • Flabio Andreu exposes shocking truth about Rell Sea on Roblox

    Flabio Andreu exposes shocking truth about Rell Sea on RobloxVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why Rell Sea Can Be The Worst Game On Roblox’, was uploaded by Flabio Andreu on 2024-08-02 20:00:10. It has garnered 88 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:00 or 660 seconds. Hi, Welcome To My Channel I Stream And Make Videos On Games Like Roblox, Minecraft, Fortnite, And Anything Else My Community Would Want Me To Play. So If That Sounds To Your Liking Join The Community. ─▄▀─▄▀ ──▀──▀ █▀▀▀▀▀█▄ █░░░░░█─█ ▀▄▄▄▄▄▀▀ ✧ SUBSCRIBE TO STAY UP TO DATE ON THE CHANNEL ✧ DISCORD ✧ ROBLOX GROUP!/about… Read More

  • WACE server SMP Semi-vanilla Whitelist No resets planned 1.21 Australia

    WACESMP Welcome to the WACESMP! I’m IAmMutskie, a member of this Australian Minecraft server. We are currently running version 1.21.1. Brief Overview: Nearly 10 months old Various quality of life datapacks Dynmap: DiscordSRV Discord/Minecraft chat integration Various administrative and QoL plugins Simple Voice Chat Survival mode on hard difficulty Whitelisted with 6GB RAM Java + Bedrock crossplay Our Vision: The WACESMP is a place for survival Minecraft enthusiasts to create amazing builds and areas. Whether you enjoy intricate details or large-scale projects, this server is for you! About the Owner: The owner, Blockbuster206, is a long-time fan of Minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creeper NOT Creaking

    Minecraft Memes - Creeper NOT CreakingWell, I guess this meme is really a perfect 10 in the world of Minecraft humor! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Einar 2.0 Mods Galore!

    Crafting Chaos: Einar 2.0 Mods Galore! In Einar 2.0, mods are the new trend, Replacing the old, with bugs to mend. But fear not, for the fun never ends, With new mods to explore, the excitement ascends. Aspen Hallows, the master of this land, Crafting Minecraft tales with a steady hand. From Instagram to Twitch, the journey expands, With each new update, the audience stands. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so bright, In Einar 2.0, the adventure takes flight. Subscribe, like, and share, with all your might, For Aspen Hallows, the storyteller’s light. Read More

  • Minecraft Time Stop Madness! 😂🔥 #MinecraftMadness

    Minecraft Time Stop Madness! 😂🔥 #MinecraftMadness When you’re so good at Minecraft that you can literally stop time to save your friend from falling into lava, you know you’ve reached peak gamer status. Move over, Superman, we’ve got a new hero in town and he’s armed with a pickaxe and some serious time-manipulating skills. #MinecraftSavesLives #TimeStopRescue #GamerGoals Read More

  • Speedy Resource Gathering in Minecraft

    Speedy Resource Gathering in Minecraft A Faster Way to Gather Resources for Gates in Minecraft Are you looking to streamline your resource gathering process for gates in Minecraft? Look no further! In a recent #shorts video, Gaming with ADHD and Autism shared a quick tip to help you gather resources efficiently. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft and explore this helpful strategy. Efficient Resource Gathering In Minecraft, gathering resources is a crucial aspect of gameplay. Whether you’re collecting wood, stone, or other materials, having a streamlined process can save you time and effort. By utilizing the tip shared in the #shorts video, you… Read More

Roleplay Minecraft – The Mystery of a Robbery in a Minecraft Village..