RyanNotBrian – Surviving 100 Days in a Minecraft WAR.. here’s what happened

Video Information

I survived 100 days in a minecraft war the first of its kind in this video 10 factions battle it out the rules are simple every single faction has a beacon this beacon must be placed inside your base if an enemy destroys a speaking you are out of the game

It’s the last beacon standing ten factions 100 days who’s gonna win if you guys go on to enjoy this video make sure to hit that like button and subscribe if you’re new it helps me out a lot and it lets me know that you guys want more of this type of content

But let the minecraft war begin day one started with all factions starting at the center of the map we all dropped from the sky you can see every faction scurrying trying to get out of here as quick as possible day one and day two well they were grace periods no fighting

Could commence yet here’s the current squad that we got thomas the absolute brains of the operation stockman’s the beefy bodyguard dev awake the trusty pilot jack my right hand man and faction’s duck well let me just say he’s a killing machine if you guys know who he is

You know who he is perfect member to have on our team we got scouting we wanted to find the most suitable place to make a minecraft base see here’s the thing to win a minecraft war you gotta have the best base on the server so let’s explain our base the first

Thing our base needs is plenty of water and luckily we’re in the middle of an ocean so we have plenty of that we’re then going to build a big square base we’re then going to raise that off the surface of the water so that we have a 360 view

Of the surrounding area this is going to be our battle platform we’re then going to build a wall all around the edges and then one by one we’re going to erect a tower on each corner higher than the battle platform but this will give us vital intel on people approaching our base

No one is getting into this base the only way in and out of this base is our ladder system which is a very dangerous thing to climb if you’re an enemy this is our water fortress and in the middle of our fortress we have a valuable

Vault this is where we’re going to store all our valuable resources and our most prized possession our beacon remember if this thing gets destroyed we are out of the game this cannot be breached we must protect this at all costs and that’s our base on day 11 we finally came out of our

Base cocoon i was on a simple scout mission which was successful we found plenty of bases But i’m returning to my base to refuel i spotted an enemy base so close i don’t know how we didn’t even notice them and this was a hazard these enemies we needed to annihilate so i landed the plane back at base and it was all hands on deck we decided

That we were going to strike first and part one of the plan was going to be bombarding them from the air see thomas here like i said in the intro he’s the brains of the operation and this guy let me just say he had a genius plan thomas who was

Mining under the ground for a few days when we were building the base no it’s that a few caves had signs of life in it that wasn’t from us so he knew if he could find those caves and then find those mines maybe we can find a back door into their base

Winning the war between his faction without barely spilling blood but here’s the thing if the enemies know that thomas is underground looking for their tunnels they’ll block every single way into the base up and it won’t be a success so we need to keep them on the surface

And how to do that well attack them it’s that simple part one of the plan began we knew that since it was early days not many teams would have a guns in the sky allowing us to bombard their base with barely any repercussions so a squad of two of us took off

To attack the base it’s better to strike first instead of striking back so we began our air raid as you can see the bombs that we’re dropping aren’t doing much damage but they’re not meant to do damage to the base it’s just meant to kill them

But also at the same time this is a distraction if they’re up repairing their base they ain’t in their minds thomas right now is underground looking we have one simple job keep them on the surface at all costs the bombing raid was going perfect until one fatal mistake where a teammate

Dropped a bomb on me rendering my plane useless my propellers are out i was gliding i thought at this point i’m gonna glide into the water and the enemy team are gonna come and clean me up but through a miracle i managed to glide the plane home

At the perfect height i landed it safe i now knew since we had one plane out the sky it was best to bring home the other play these things were expensive and not cheap so i called the other plane home the plane i have in my hand currently

That’ll be repaired shortly but it was now time to commence phase two of the plan and that was to head over on foot we knew we weren’t getting into the base see look at this if i pause this on the left hand side of the screen here

They have a pillar box and on the right hand side they have another box and then they have a very very small bridge if you step on that bridge you will get bombarded from right and left and knocked into the water once you’re in the war you’re a sitting duck

Water bases are incredibly hard to attack we knew that and that’s why thomas was on the ground looking for a weak point finding their tunnels hopefully we started a fake siege on their base we did attempt to run for the door but we knew shut away it would be a fail

This is explaining the pillar box situation perfectly for us so we decided just to fake a siege we knew that this was drawing all their men and all their resources up to the surface it was perfect we stayed for ages holding down the four while tommer’s dog peacefully underground we battled here

For a few days just holding our ground we were there for so long they even launched a plane on us bombing their own base too bad their pilot didn’t really know how to fly he did more damage to the base than to us we kept fighting

Trying to get closer and closer to the base because we needed to make this look believable but then i think we believed in ourselves because without thinking we jumped onto their main base area without a plan without a strategy and let me just say when you don’t have

A plan to attack a base it ends fairly quickly Now time to commence part three and that’s keeping them on the surface for a long period of time even when we aren’t at the base and how do you do that might you ask well see we have a thing called a big massive cannon we went to the shoreline

Near their base and we set up an area of operation shortly after we set up the cannon and we started firing in see if we cause enough destruction here they will be repairing for a few days shortly after firing the cannon thomas came into our chat saying that he had found a tunnel

That wasn’t ours and he was pretty sure that it led to the base he blocked it off and he went back to the base we continued to do as much damage as possible because we knew if we could still get them distracted when we go to attack their base

It would be perfect but the enemies joined our call asking for a ceasefire wanting the constant brag to stop we agreed but we weren’t going to be allies with them even though they wanted that but we said would have a meeting with them in a few days ironically enough they actually wanted

To have a meeting with us because i think they wanted to be our allies we didn’t want any of that they were too close to be our allies and we’d cause too much damage now they’d backstab us the second they got and also we already had allies who i’ll show who they are

Later on so jack and i decided to go sneaky peeky-like we knew where the tunnel was and we wanted to investigate it and the best thing to do was to go in there and scout it out first find out what we’re going into and let’s just say bringing a big army in

Sneaking in is it’s not very sneaky so we decided to go as a two man we were even so prepared that we even had silencers in case things got hairy so we entered the tunnel that thomas had found and we knew the direction that we had to go

There was only one way after a while of sneaking down the tunnel we came to a dead end that only went right we just had to keep going left so we took the first left we could then we came into some sort of lava cave when we noticed

That we’re in the heart of their base and it was left open we knew straight away that we were possibly in their beacon room just from the setup that they had see we were in the kill box area the only thing is the enemies were meant

To be in here and we were meant to be out there outside that door we knew that beacon had to be somewhere around here if we can destroy it we have successfully knocked out our first team and knocking out a team that’s right next to us like this would be huge

We searched for ages it looked like they had a maze but eventually we found it knocking them out of the game but this is the interesting part the enemies up above who are still repairing their base don’t even know that they’ve been knocked out it’s game over for them

Their base is essentially our base we snuck home extracting out of there with their beacon this is when we got into a call of them and said hey we’ll be over there in five minutes to have a chat about our ally ship five minutes later we’re over there speaking to him

We’re talking about being allies but really we were just faking it then i asked can i get a tour of the base they started touring us the base now this team were very set up showing us the vault room which they would not let us in

But we knew it was ours anyway but we didn’t say anything then i asked them to show us their beacon they were a bit reluctant at first but then they showed us the f behind this is somewhere it’s a beacon and i’m not gonna say more but yeah missing um

They were out of the game it was over for them but we actually recruited caden and jco to join our team the other people on the team went to other factions they didn’t want any part of us we quickly showed him how he got in and the flaws in their defenses this

Base was now ours we owned it all we had an extra a gun we had extra planes jaso even had lots of ammunition and he had two bunker busters in his base already made if you don’t know what they are they’re missiles this was a huge success job well done

Early on day 32 we got the distress call that our allies were being attacked now let me explain my allies to you see this base right here these are our scientists they’re our allies they’re not fighters these guys know how to make technology and they want to help us win the war

So every two days we set up a trade route where they bring us supplies and we protect them but see they had heard radio chatter that an enemy was going to attack them it was a mill ruses team they wanted blood and they were coming for forrest’s team immediately as good

Allies we dispatched an aircraft and two good men the aircraft would be there first that was me we would do everything in our power to keep them safe they’ve helped us out a lot it’s the least we can do and we also love them they’re a very nice

Team we’ve had a good relationship for ages and we want to keep them safe now that i’d given backstory to who these guys are it was important that we defended them they were making our technology after all and technology is what wins you the war because they

Were working on a top secret mission that i can’t even say right now but you’ll know soon enough and a deeper meaning behind this defense was that the plans for our top secret mission were inside this base right here we couldn’t let it fall into the enemies

Otherwise the cat was out the back i circled their base knowing that if any enemies attacked they’d have to deal with us too no one showed up until when i was just about to return home they started attacking farce’s team information were correct they were right about the attack fars’s

Team stayed in the base while my men and myself fought on the outside me and the plane and jack and doc on the ground i started bombing the enemies trying to keep him away from the base this is when jamie raven messes me in the chat saying team

On forest we have a nuke well i wasn’t changing side these were our good allies and they knew our world domination straight away after that message i dropped the bomb killing the leader of the group and mills ruse we knew that this would upset the attack

But for how long he was the head of the operation he was out i kept dropping bombs on the rest this time they definitely looked a lot more disorganized they didn’t know what to do they started running off one by one but i stayed on this is when i heard the screams the

Enemies had managed to get a bomb super close to the base but it wasn’t close enough to do amazing damage they got away lucky this time after that i went full throttle and i really put the pressure on them bombing them and keeping them at bay that’s when they dispersed from the scene

It might look like forest’s base is absolutely destroyed but it was mostly damage on the outside their base was safe and the defense of forest’s team was a success for the next few days i left duck and jack stationed at forest’s base to protect them and to look after our interests so i

Left with duck and jack still there a few days later we get the alarm raids from jack that the base is under heavy fire and it’s going to fall any minute now i made the quick decision to throw all our resources to forest base see the fighting had been so heavy

That jack didn’t even raise the alarm to us we didn’t know what was going on because for the few days there had been constant fighting going on but they had managed to defend every single one so we thought it was another cat fight but this time it was a real one in a

Matter of minutes forrest’s team fell it was over for them and they were out of the game leaving us alone and with no allies the enemies had stormed the base throwing everything they had at them they didn’t stand a chance it was over we were all here the enemies were in the

Beacon room we were doing our best to hold them back some of them were dying our teammates were dying it was awful but at this point we knew the cat was out of the bag see the enemy team knew about our plan now and we wanted to keep it a secret

But they had raided all the resources from forest’s base our blueprints to launch a soyuz rocket with a death ray into orbit they now knew our plans and so did all the server i guess we’d just have to do the plan now with them knowing we’re going to do it

And just be the first to get it in the sky rest in peace forest is team you’ll be missed now i must explain this as well luckily with every team that gets knocked out you get a few of their members and we got forest on our team and a few others

So they could help us build the orbital death ray but this was when it was time to declare war on a mills team before construction of the orbital death ray could begin we had to take out our arch enemies if we don’t they will come for us when we least

Expect it and disrupt all our operations they started it now it’s time for us to end it it took days to plan our attack and throughout those days the enemies were trying to fly planes into our base trying to disrupt us as much as possible they feared we were going to launch the

Death ray soon but we were nowhere close and each time the enemies tried to attack we were draining our own resources we knew a mill’s team had to go so we launched a full-scale attack we left two people at the base and everyone else came notice how we brought forrest with us

Who’s not a fighter but forest was motivated she wanted revenge we headed across the icy plains when we spotted an enemy plane in the sky we all docked and got down this was a mills team and he was heading straight to our base luckily we were able to relay the info

Back to the base and they had the aaa guns armed and ready in the direction that he’s coming he won’t get in the plane left and we continued our journey across the icy plains when we got to the base now here’s our attack plan this is why

It took days we studied their base for hours thinking how we can get into this monster fortress and we all came up with the same conclusion that 90 of bases all have their beacon underground so how about we burrow right through the middle of the mountain

And ignore 90 of that base our whole plan depended on this so i started firing barraging the hill hoping that it exposed something it wasn’t looking good after a while of bombing the base i decided we needed to get closer we had to go into the area that we just bombed

But this wouldn’t be easy they were dropping grenades off the top of the hill bouncing on the ice these grenades were deadly they hit you it’s over they could wipe out a whole army in seconds so we needed a distraction so we had people on the right hand side

Of the base and as you can see they were definitely distracted on them lobbying their grenades at them instead of me well i’ll tell you this it should have been me they were throwing their grenades at we had to find a way in i was hoping and then i spotted copper cables

We had found a weak point into their base and they knew it jamie raven jumped down to try and kill us but he only died himself separating from his team not a good idea we now just have to find a way to get in there see we couldn’t stack up or break blocks

In the base because that was the rules we had to put down tnt blast our way in we started placing down tnt in various locations where we thought we could get into that base problem we knew it was just above us we just had to get a way off

When all of a sudden i blasted us in i don’t know what room this was but it was a big empty room with the stairs leading up we were in their main chest room how brilliant now let the games begin we have to find their beacon

That was it the war was over all the planning for hours studying their base worked out like a charm that’s the thing when you go into these you need to have a plan there’s too many moving pieces there’s too many people to manage and one thing i’ve noticed people are all confident

Before the fight but once the shooting happens and the explosions start happening everyone loses their mind that’s why you need to be a decisive and strong leader that’s exactly what i was they were out and their base was now ours and get all the resources that they got from farce’s team

Back to ours now i must say there were multiple teams getting knocked out i don’t know exactly how many teams were left on the server right now it wasn’t just these three teams that you’ve seen get knocked out there’s been other little skirmishes and other wars going on the server

We were just not aware of it and it wasn’t long after when a mills team got dispersed onto enemy teams that the news that we were making orbital different got out this triggered the arms race a few days later the arms race began everybody on the server went into a new era and

That was making the best weapon that you could possibly make and no they’re not guns they’re not planes not tanks they’re missiles some people making nuclear missiles and some people even trying to make black holes but we were launching an orbital death ray but to do that we needed to spend hours

Making it well when i say we needed to spend hours our scientists needed to spend hours remember we won the war against the first team and we got jacio the mad scientist well now he was hooked up with thomas the brains of the team and also forrest was down below working

On making our base an absolutely defensive machine see the first thing we needed was we needed to make sure that we were safe from other enemy missiles so to do that we need a ballistic missiles and we needed a radar system this radar system would warn us of any missiles coming in

And would also guide our ballistic missiles to shoot down the enemy missile protecting our base keeping us safe and letting us work on whatever we needed to work on because the orbital death ray is not an easy thing to make the radar took days but we didn’t complain they were working

As hard as they could we turned jco’s old base into a research center and also because some of the stuff they’re working on is incredibly flammable and could explode we don’t want that in our base this is when the enemies knew what we were doing they wanted to stop

Us at all costs and they knew we had a research base one of us tried to bomb us but they crashed we knew that others were around we started getting concerned things were quiet but the enemies were here two minutes ago see i spotted them on the hill a few

Minutes ago but now they’re gone something wasn’t right it’s underneath my base get them out get in my hour base yeah they’re underneath there and leave this base main base will taste good yeah can you can you move me into those also come on come on come on we gotta go we

Gotta go back to being based we gotta go wrap up everything and get out yeah uh first take all the thermoelectric i’m gonna take it i am i am take it do take your time but hurry as much as you can they’re down below okay

We just had to give them time the radar was made we’re ready to go back home and start working on the actual orbital death ray and just as it was time for our scientists to leave the base they commenced their attack they were too late they were already down at the

Bottom of the ladder it was a bad attack strategy it didn’t matter we were leaving anyway it was time to commence phase two and that’s actually building the death ray the radar was up and running and that right there was a ballistic missile that’s what’s going to shoot down any

Enemies that shoot and missile at us we were safe now it was time to make the death ray see here’s the thing to launch the orbital death ray you need a rocket you need to launch that rocket into space that’s what’s going to be the hard part

For days the enemies tried to bombard us trying to stop us working on whatever we’re working on the enemies knew what we’re doing well i suspect they do all i know is they definitely didn’t want us working on this once this thing launches into the sky it’s game over and we win

And here with the radar we could track every single plane that was in our airspace we could call out coordinates and tell our aaa gun people which direction they were coming they didn’t stand a chance when they got close once the enemies knew that the air raids weren’t working

They decided to do a ground attack well our base was designed and ready to defend against that this happened a lot and we held them back for hours taking minimal damage they even tried to set up an outpost on the edge of our land but we didn’t allow that days later

It was time to start building the launch pad this was going to be the anchor that was going to launch our orbital death ray into space we just have to build it but this isn’t going to be easy because the enemies keep attacking but even with all the constant attacks going on

Our scientists kept building and not long into the project the launch pad was complete this was our launch pad an absolute beast of a thing and this was our rocket this is what will be carrying our death ray up to space time to launch the rocket

We had 30 seconds to protect this thing if we do it’ll be a success It was now time to end this thing a few days later we all were prepared for war there were three teams remaining one team was already currently fighting with another team sticking together as a unit protecting me we had a doomsday device right in my hand

And if this falls into the wrong hands before we can continue the mission it’s over the first base crumbled within seconds they were no match for us onwards to the next base we kept the momentum going attacking the second base with absolute force we bombarded them with explosions

When we found a crack in their wall and we flooded in the inside of the base was compromised and we found their beacon they were out of the game it is now the finals one more team stands in the way of our victory let the final battle

Begin right that looks like they’re gay where the obsidian is or something and then it looks like it goes up left so let’s just see if we can clear it now the thing with death ray if we blow up everything we’re going to make it awkward

For us too it’s looking over the wall yeah figure out which one is the base they haven’t spotted us yet though it’s fine oh that was way too right you have to go way more forward nice so that was a beautiful hit okay yeah let’s just figure out what’s going on here

See look there’s cobblestone there as well is there a base right there that’s kind of the middle Do we have anything to shoot you down go around the right go around the right we can see if there’s a way in from the right side i’m trying to blast i’m trying to take a part that plane doesn’t have any bombs he’s gonna do nothing

Yeah yeah that’s great that plane has no grenades he’s gonna watch out his the biggest threat that they don’t seem distracted yeah hey guys all this is just nothing like this stuff on the surface it’s nothing We can get fully up yeah yeah we’re up we’re up keep moving oh come on so that was it the base had fallen Now i must admit i had one of the best teams that i could ask for and without our scientists the brains we wouldn’t have got this far We had won the battle and we had won the world war the server was now ours we had won guys i hope you enjoyed this video if you guys would like to see another type of video like this but where it’s hardcore and if you die you’re out do

Let me know it will be very similar like murder island and it would be very sad when you lose a friend thank you very much for watching guys and i hope you guys enjoyed this journey 100 days in a minecraft war who would have thought you

This video, titled ‘Surviving 100 Days in a Minecraft WAR.. here’s what happened’, was uploaded by RyanNotBrian on 2021-05-06 18:15:00. It has garnered 14893050 views and 335963 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:27 or 1827 seconds.

Surviving 100 Days in a Minecraft WAR.. here’s what happened.. 10 factions 100 days who will win?

Edited by @bwt_8 #MC100Days #RyanNotBrian

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Surviving 100 Days in a Minecraft WAR.. here’s what happened https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdTs9KVxyR0

RyanNotBrian https://www.youtube.com/RyanNotBrian

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  • Skeletons in My Minecraft Closet

    Skeletons in My Minecraft Closet Minecraft Gilded SMP: Exploring the World of Private Multiplayer Servers Sometimes, all you need is a classic Minecraft experience to unwind and have some fun. Imagine stumbling upon mob spawners in your basement – the thrill of discovery and the potential for adventure! The Gilded SMP: A Private Multiplayer Server The Gilded SMP is a whitelisted multiplayer server for Minecraft, curated and managed by Northern Nomad. This exclusive server offers a unique gaming experience for a select group of players who are passionate about exploring the vast world of Minecraft together. Meet the Server Members While Northern Nomad oversees… Read More

  • Insane Ironman Challenge: EP-1 – Zay’s New Start

    Insane Ironman Challenge: EP-1 - Zay's New StartVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Beginnings – True Ironman EP-1’, was uploaded by Zay on 2024-10-03 19:30:22. It has garnered 39 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:04 or 484 seconds. hi guys hope you really enjoy this series looking forward to it and to posting more! Why are you reading thisthis Minecraft YouTube video was made on Hypixel. Hypixel is a server with lots of games, such as Bedwars, Skywars, and Minecraft’s biggest MMORPG Hypixel Skyblock. Hypixel has has a lot of notable players, such as Dream, Technoblade, and Tommyinnit. Hypixel Skyblock is Hypixel’s… Read More

  • Ranking My Friends in Minecraft!

    Ranking My Friends in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Rating My Friends In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Nico on 2024-05-18 03:00:06. It has garnered 2399954 views and 22168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:53 or 1433 seconds. Cash & Nico Merch! https://cashandnico.com/ Today, Nico rates his friends in Minecraft! Nico makes a gameshow and judges his friends! Who will win Nico’s game show?! Watch to find out! #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Nico #NicoAndCash Read More

  • EPIC Old World Showcase Minecraft Maping Adventure!

    EPIC Old World Showcase Minecraft Maping Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Quebio Scale Old World Showcase #minecraft #maping #history #mapper #worldgeography’, was uploaded by Ocolotog on 2024-09-27 17:31:13. It has garnered 321 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC TRANSFORMATIONS! Haven Caveblock Reborn

    EPIC TRANSFORMATIONS! Haven Caveblock RebornVideo Information This video, titled ‘TRANSFORMING RESOURCES | Haven Caveblock Reborn | Minecraft Stoneblock Modpack | EP 7’, was uploaded by MrPorkerson on 2024-09-04 15:15:02. It has garnered 2540 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:07 or 3367 seconds. Today we’re diving into a brand new Stoneblock style modpack! That’s right it’s Haven Caveblock Reborn. With custom recipes, progressions, and a new way to use create and a whole slew of other mods, this adventure is sure to be a crazy one! So join in and enjoy the minecraft modded masterpiece that is another Stoneblock styled… Read More

  • Become the Ultimate SMP Powerplayer in One Day! #lapatasmp

    Become the Ultimate SMP Powerplayer in One Day! #lapatasmpVideo Information This video, titled ‘How I became the most powerful member of this smp on the first day#minecraft #lapatasmp’, was uploaded by Genuine gamer2.0 on 2024-05-16 04:52:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Mikey & JJ’s EPIC Emerald Heist!

    UNBELIEVABLE: Mikey & JJ's EPIC Emerald Heist!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey and JJ Found THE BEST WAY TO STEAL SCARY VILLAGERS EMERALDS! – Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN & Mikey on 2024-08-16 18:30:24. It has garnered 16499 views and 118 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:12 or 3912 seconds. How Mikey and JJ Found THE BEST WAY TO STEAL SCARY VILLAGERS EMERALDS! – Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add… Read More

  • Insane Zombie vs. Squid Game Doll in Monster School – Minecraft

    Insane Zombie vs. Squid Game Doll in Monster School - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster School : Zombie x Squid Game Doll Rich and Poor Parents – Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by GA Animations on 2024-02-13 10:00:23. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Monster School : Zombie x Squid Game Doll Rich and Poor Parents – Minecraft Animation Hello! Thank you for coming to GA … Read More

  • 🔥 OP Minecraft Enchant = FREE MONEY?! 💰

    🔥 OP Minecraft Enchant = FREE MONEY?! 💰Video Information This video, titled ‘THIS ENCHANT GIVES YOU MONEY FOR PLAYING ON MY OP MINECRAFT PRISON SERVER…’, was uploaded by AkumaMC on 2024-09-28 11:32:10. It has garnered 484 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. » Server IP: fun.AkumaMC.net » Bedrock IP: Bedrock.AkumaMC.net » Store: https://store.akumamc.net » Discord: https://discord.gg/akumamc » Forums: https://www.akumamc.net IGNORE THE BELOW Discover Our Minecraft Prison & Skyblock Server – Where Community Thrives! If you’re searching for the best Minecraft prison server or the best Minecraft skyblock server, you’ve found your new home. Our server isn’t just another place… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Movie Trailer by Siyan Biswas! #epic

    Insane Minecraft Movie Trailer by Siyan Biswas! #epicVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft movie trailer. #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Siyan Biswas on 2024-09-11 08:30:02. It has garnered 272 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Welcome to my YouTube Channel @siyanbiswas, your one-stop destination for a diverse range of content! Dive into the world of trending songs, movie updates, and engaging shorts. Explore the depths of space and science, enhance your knowledge with educational insights, and stay updated on the latest in technology. Discover handy tips and tricks, delve into the art of photography, and join captivating vlogs and… Read More

  • Nova Anarchy 1.21.1

    Welcome to Nova Anarchy! Nova Anarchy was created on 9/23/2024. This is an anarchy server with no rules other than what can bypass the anti-cheat system. Join today and start your adventure! Server Information: JAVA: nova-anarchy.us BEDROCK: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The creaking grind of Minecraft

    Minecraft Memes - The creaking grind of Minecraft“The only thing scarier than the creaking in Minecraft is trying to navigate the endless maze of crafting recipes.” Read More

  • Guardian Showdown: Warden vs Golems – Who Reigns Supreme? #Minecraft

    Guardian Showdown: Warden vs Golems - Who Reigns Supreme? #Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, where the blocks are bold, The Warden faces off with Golems, stories untold. Who will emerge victorious, in this epic fight? Watch the battle unfold, under the moonlight. The Golems stand tall, with strength and might, But the Warden is cunning, ready to strike. Each move calculated, each step precise, In this clash of titans, who will rise? The villagers watch, hearts beating fast, As the Warden and Golems clash at last. With every swing and every blow, The outcome uncertain, where will it go? But in the end, only one can win, In… Read More

  • “Speedrun to the Nether 😂” #minecraft #meme

    "Speedrun to the Nether 😂" #minecraft #meme When you tell your friend you’ll just make a quick visit to their Minecraft world and end up spending hours building a giant dragon in the portal. Time flies when you’re having fun! #minecraftmadness 😂🐉🕰️ Read More

  • Uncover the Ultimate Minecraft Mod!

    Uncover the Ultimate Minecraft Mod! The Exciting World of Modded Minecraft Way Stones Mod Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? Look no further than the Modded Minecraft Way Stones Mod! This incredible mod introduces a whole new dimension of gameplay that will keep you hooked for hours on end. What Are Way Stones? Way Stones are magical stones that allow players to teleport between different locations in the Minecraft world with ease. No more tedious journeys on foot or by horse – simply activate a Way Stone and you’ll be instantly transported to your desired destination. This feature… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Luc4s_974 Grows Giant Cactus! #MinecraftSkyblock

    Unbelievable: Luc4s_974 Grows Giant Cactus! #MinecraftSkyblockVideo Information This video, titled ‘Une Plus Grande Usine A Cactus Nolvac – Minecraft Skyblock !ip’, was uploaded by Luc4s_974 on 2024-08-28 17:31:23. It has garnered 110 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 06:02:15 or 21735 seconds. Nolvac a Skyblock in 1.20.1 to 1.20.4 in the theme of a land destroyed by Volcanoes! Discord: https://discord.gg/4yMPyH52p6 IP : play.nolvac.fr Site : https://nolvac.fr ▬▬ My Networks ▬▬ ►Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/luc4s_974 ►Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/luc4s_974 ►TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@luc4s_974 ►Discord : https://discord.gg/yE3JDPW5BT ▬▬ Support Me ▬▬ ►Make a Donation: https://streamelements.com/luc4s_974/tip ►Instant-Gaming : https://www.instant-gaming.com/fr/?igr=Luc4s-974 ►My Creator Code: LUCAS974 ►Become a Member of the… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft vs Zombies Mashup!

    Ultimate Minecraft vs Zombies Mashup!Video Information This video, titled ‘PvZ Meets MINECRAFT! (Minecraft vs Zombies)’, was uploaded by MattShea on 2024-08-22 14:30:14. It has garnered 37427 views and 1660 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:48 or 1548 seconds. What if Plants vs Zombies took place in the Minecraft world and Crazy Dave was actually a VILLAGER? Let’s play this surprisingly awesome mashup! PvZ • https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLu_Jc10gF_fDatgBaYL7-TrxJPMmmOfVu PvZ 2 • https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLu_Jc10gF_fCr3we-eQ4rO7SozCyZchxE PvZ 3 • https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLu_Jc10gF_fBlNSUdUx18fBm_6VjFfSoOMore PvZ:ND • https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLu_Jc10gF_fBo_iBe1uuJinTmIe8KPlo- GW2 • https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLu_Jc10gF_fDb35TAc_PszZWHvBOWd0fs About Minecraft vs Zombies: Minecraft vs Zombies 2 (MvZ2) is a fan game of Minecraft, Plants vs Zombies and Touhou Project, it is… Read More

  • World Ending Tomorrow?! SofiaSurf Minecraft Adventure!

    World Ending Tomorrow?! SofiaSurf Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘esto pasaría si el mundo se acabara mañana 😨🌍 #minecraft’, was uploaded by SofíaSurf on 2024-04-21 00:54:07. It has garnered 213889 views and 12708 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • INSANE New Minecraft Mods 1.21-1.19.2!!

    INSANE New Minecraft Mods 1.21-1.19.2!!Video Information This video, titled ‘TOP 27 NEW Minecraft Mods Of The Week! (1.21 to 1.19.2)’, was uploaded by LuluBelleMC on 2024-08-05 11:00:35. It has garnered 42766 views and 1305 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:08 or 1808 seconds. TOP 27 NEW Minecraft Mods Of The Week! (1.20.11, 1.21 to 1.19.2) Join my channel membership to get more Useful contents : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCNeJZw6-NQz4oUEBHMaEhA/join 00:00 -The Masquerade (Illager Boss) 1.19.2 (Forge) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/the-masquerade-illager-boss 02:48 -Sniff’s Weapons 1.20.1 —— 1.19.2 (Forge) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/sniffs-weapons 04:07 -Dropped Item Tweaks 1.21 —— 1.20 (Fabric) https://modrinth.com/mod/droppeditemtweaks 04:52 -OutroNinja’s Fast Piglin Barter 1.21 (Datapack) https://modrinth.com/datapack/outroninja-fast-piglin-barter 05:35 -Mob AI… Read More

  • Join 24*7 SMP Minecraft for Real Money in Discord

    Join 24*7 SMP Minecraft for Real Money in DiscordVideo Information This video, titled ’24*7 SMP Minecraft join Today Win real money in discord | 24*7 server || #Minecraft #gamerfleet’, was uploaded by GLAD TIME on 2024-05-05 18:05:49. It has garnered 91 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:10:14 or 11414 seconds. 🌟 Welcome to the World of MineCraft! 🌟 🎮 Join me on epic adventures through pixelated landscapes, mysterious dungeons, and hidden treasures. Whether it’s building towering castles, surviving zombie hordes, or uncovering ancient secrets, we’ll explore it all together! SMP Server :- IP: GTGpublic.aternos.me Port: 57892 Discord :- https://discord.gg/5th88qx2pg Youtube :- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC35xyHiGkrb-kvz-p3uWZzQ Instagram… Read More

  • Unlock the Haunted Secrets of BLCKRKN Village👻😱 #horrorstories

    Unlock the Haunted Secrets of BLCKRKN Village👻😱 #horrorstoriesVideo Information This video, titled ‘The SECRET Village👻😨 | HORROR STORIES #horrorstories #horrorstory #trending’, was uploaded by BLCKRKN STORIES on 2024-09-24 12:50:00. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Minecraft video credit: naybr@Naybr Sound: Halloween by Pulsar_Sound Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Villager Love Story 💔🔥

    EPIC Minecraft Villager Love Story 💔🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Villager’s Love Story in Minecraft #minecraft #animation #shorts #gaming #minecraftmemes’, was uploaded by FilmySteve on 2024-09-08 08:44:05. It has garnered 1114 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Villager’s Love Story in Minecraft Minecraft Shorts #minecraft #animation #shorts #gaming #minecraftmemes #memes #minecraftanimation #minecraftbuilding #bedwars #funny #minecrafttutorial Read More

  • INSANE! Beating Minecraft in Mid-Air?!

    INSANE! Beating Minecraft in Mid-Air?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Beating Minecraft Mid-Air…’, was uploaded by Plix on 2024-05-08 05:09:50. It has garnered 621 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:52 or 532 seconds. In this video I’m attempting to beat Minecraft only floating, this makes it so I’m constantly stuck mid-air and the looming threat of floating away breathing down my back. This Minecraft challenge was extremely hard, especially entering the Nether, but beating the game and the dragon was clutch. SUBSCRIBEEEEEEEE Data Pack: https://modrinth.com/datapack/minecraft-but-upside-down/version/1.0 kinda like minecraft challenges, minecraft hardcore,RageTrain, Minecraft lets play, minecraft survival, smp videos, beating minecraft… Read More

  • Insane School Rule You Won’t Believe!! 😲|#2danimation #funny

    Insane School Rule You Won't Believe!! 😲|#2danimation #funnyVideo Information This video, titled ‘😂 Rule No 10 😂 In School|#2danimation #animation #spongebob #minecraft #tf2 #cartoon #funny’, was uploaded by Tech Monster Gamerz on 2024-09-10 21:54:36. It has garnered 764 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. 😂 Rule No 10 😂 In School|#2danimation #animation #spongebob #minecraft #tf2 #cartoon #funny@Boogytoons Video Credit -@Boogytoons shortfeed #viral #funny😂  |#shorts #shortfeed #funny #mocodog #funny #shorts #mocodog #viral  #shorts #funny #cartoon #viral |#shorts #youtubeshort #funny #mocodog#comics#funnyvideo #funnyshorts #funnymemes #funnymoments #funnyclips #cartoons #animation #youtubeshorts #youtube #trending #trendingvideo #trendingshort #moco #aifay 👉Editing-Capcut 👉Voice Over- Tech Monster Gamerz 👉Mobile Phone… Read More

  • Veridax SMP 1.21 semi-vanilla

    Welcome to Veridax! Welcome to Veridax! 🌍 Embark on a thrilling adventure in Veridax, a SMP server where every player is made to feel right at home. Whether you’re on Java or Bedrock, our 1.21 server has something special for everyone. Join now! Server Details: Server Type: Java/Bedrock 1.21 SMP IP Address: veridax.uk.to Location: Europe Why Join Veridax? ✨ Custom Terrain: Immerse yourself in breathtaking landscapes with our unique Terralith-generated worlds. 💼 Job Opportunities: Earn rewards by taking on a variety of jobs and gathering essential resources. 🛒 Marketplace: Buy, sell, and trade items through player-run shops and dynamic auctions…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Definitely not diamonds, just sad cobble.

    Minecraft Memes - Definitely not diamonds, just sad cobble.I guess this meme needs to mine for some diamonds in the rough! Read More

RyanNotBrian – Surviving 100 Days in a Minecraft WAR.. here’s what happened