Schlatt’s Minecraft Parody Tier List 2

Video Information

Hey what’s going on what’s going on welcome back to part two of Sh lat watches minecraft parodies gonna put them in the tier list of course we’re about three months behind that trend but uh but you know we’ll make it work we start with fight for my life fight for

My life is is like the only recent minecraft parody and venom just uploaded it today because of how huge this is because of how absolutely huge this is I brought something back I brought something back that’s right I brought back the funny mic here we go ant venom

Alright I better see my boy Pedro arias the animation is top-notch alright I’m just psyched about pay drop in Oh my god he’s sick did you see that that [ __ ] slime block [ __ ] was the sickest thing I’ve ever seen that’s not in the game look at that you absolutely love to see it some wild bunks in there I got a say on that one man the animation was

Absolutely superb and of course I gotta hand it to my man [ __ ] [ __ ] alright anything you’d like to say before they just dislike me they do they do and Venom I’m not going to lie it’s it’s definitely a hundred percent because of our little spat on March 1st

2000 we have to judge these in multiple different facets boys multiple different dimensions have to go into these ratings okay we got to think of the animation that goes into it Who am I [ __ ] kidding the this is the only this is the only video I’m going to

Put under such a lens the rest of it will just be me shouting obscenities I’m thinking an a I’m thinking a solid a that’s what I’m thinking and no and no this is not because there is any collusion going on with my presidential campaign and antvenom support absolutely

Not it is an a it’s just an it’s just an a okay the next one is diggy diggy hole now I got a bunch of angry completely uncomplete ly disrespectful just unnecessary hate complete hatred vitriol for for me rating the other version of diggy diggy hole was the one you guys

Told me to write I started playing the new one you guys like now then we might watch the old shitty version [ __ ] you [ __ ] you know what no [ __ ] you we’re gonna watch the better version and I it’s better and it’s a better version much better than the other [ __ ]

Version I wanted to I wanted to drive a [ __ ] railroad spike through my skull when I heard the first version that’s stupid as to Wharf whole song god dammit I I can’t give this anything under a B just because of just because of the mere act of growing up watching the yogscast

And basically all the minecraft series that they did it’s impossible for me to dislike this that’s it’s it’s a good video okay it gets the nostalgia vote for me all right I’m putting an S for diggy diggy whole subject to change subject to change and I don’t even

[ __ ] start with the old song was better Jesus Christ Jesus Christ the old song was better suck my dick before we go anywhere else I’d like to reiterate the fact that I have watched basically none of the rest of these these were all comments that I received on the video on

The previous video that we’re like well I can’t write can’t watch this video schlep dum dum dum here we go so mine Diamonds is up next look at how many look at how many mine diamond songs that are I don’t know if this is really gonna be real if it’s an actual attempt

At a video or you know it could be the worst [ __ ] thing on the planet oh my god it’s this [ __ ] kid again there is no reason this should exist absolutely no [ __ ] reason this should exist talk to me don’t talk to me you guys are

Gonna get upset when I rate this an F but Guys please you need to cut me see you need to cut me some slack can I skip the video I’m so upset can I please skip no okay okay the vast majority of you are not allowing me to skip the video so I’m sorry we have to play it I’m sorry Oh go [ __ ] yourself I hate you I don’t even want to look at the pole I don’t even care what you people what you [ __ ] what you just absolute [ __ ] scum of the earth think of this song this is an F and there is no changing my mind about it okay

How’s a fair compromise for this I’ll move it up to a D because the screaming was kind of funny just because the screaming it’s not there’s no way you are brain dead you are brain dead if you think this is going anywhere near s you’re brain dead you’re brain dead you

Deserve to be put on a machine alright mine the diamond is next we’ve got mines e diamond now Jesus Christ I hope it’s better than what we’ve just listened to I’m gonna have a mental breakdown if this early into the video we I think we

Have the wrong video I think this is the wrong video I don’t think this is the I don’t think this is mine the diamonds This isn’t the right video I want to apologize I want to pop this is not the right video this is not the right video shaggy it wasn’t me okay to pause pause how did that video find its way into my media share second of all how did I not

Know about this I don’t need to hear anything else let’s go to the poll let’s go to the poll right now it wasn’t me yes thank you sips thank you sips very cool can I get the right video this time or am I just gonna be disappointed and

Want to go back to [ __ ] sip singing shaggy it wasn’t me and a Jamaican accent oh it’s tobyGames I mean really is it is it really that good is it really that good guys you might be deluding yourself it’s it’s I mean it’s it’s only okay With the diamond I can make a really topical joke about that line I’m not going to this is getting a C for consent we have I’m mining next oh I wonder what this one’s gonna be about what is this one gonna be out is he gonna be in the mines is gonna

Be the mines so riddle me that oh my [ __ ] god it’s one of these it’s one of these I should have seen it coming I didn’t see it coming and now I will pay the ultimate price pause pause for a pause for just a moment boys did you hear that

Minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft this man is the second coming of [ __ ] Plato are you kidding me minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft’ them up am i doing twiddling my thumbs over here when I could be making [ __ ] bangers I don’t actually need to see the rest of it this is an absolute certified

S from me absolute certified s the first video that’s this is the first purposefully shitty video that I actually like I’ve done it please scroll down and click the like button just deposit your likes below I finally am going with the public opinion okay I’m

Not gonna lie I kind of want to keep listening to it in my chest and she looked at a hundred diamonds okay inappropriate but let’s continue there you did try to kill me Okay all right I took a minute to kind of reflect on on what’s on the on what the deal is and I’ve decided that I don’t need to see the rest of this video and in fact I’m just gonna move it up it’s just going up there it is off the screen goodbye

That is s plus sorry antvenom your music video is terrible compared to this one you got gawrsh what can I say you got Gorst okay we’ve got Blitz up next you’re kidding gettin bored of walls too I should find a new minigame October 2013 saw the game and I thought oh my

God the [ __ ] is this so many Opie kits but I guess a play again the video will we’ll probably get shadow banned if I keep that rating considering half my fans watch this guy so uh I’m gonna put it back well we’ll watch the whole thing we’ll watch the whole thing

We’ll go back please don’t dislike my video pixel he’s just specious Simon has got this man by the balls let me tell you what’s going on right now techno blade has been forced to make a video every week about hypixel so that he keeps just Simon hypixel is a madman

He is holding this this this kind innocent soul he’s holding him hostage Simon hypixel has a gun to this man’s head Hey techno blade how are you pal pretty good awesome awesome listen man I just like to know what was going through your head when you decided to make Blitz parody of

Blank space has swearing oh that’s one of my masterpiece oh yeah it’s a dog being tortured in the back are you torturing a dog in the back he could sense that I was trying to have like a conversation and I was instantly like unacceptable okay fair enough you’re not

You’re not beating him or anything right I’ll be beating him after that was a joke that was a joke full disclosure twitch joke think of how far I could drop kick a dog that okay all right thanks technology no I’m all right man I appreciate the call I hope you have a

Fantastic rest of your night oh sorry i raided I raided your thing a nest by the way it was just so fantastic really good really good job I encourage you to do more I’ll explore your creative side like that a bit more only music videos from now on right what a

Gentleman what a gentleman and Wow how great is his music okay this one’s called supernatural you know what no commercial break it’s commercial break time you guys that are watching this on the tube and on Twitch I suppose we’ve got a few things for you first thing is

I’m selling merch I’m selling March it’s it’s flat 2020 merch there’s a link in the description you can buy some that won’t be around for too much longer so go pick one up we got red hats if you want to be topical we’ve got sleeve prints we’ve got a nice distressed gray

Hoodie that is selling like wildfire oh that’s not funny that’s not that with that I’m going to stop making wildfire jokes for the rest of my life thanks second of all if you’re watching this on YouTube this is the most pathetic this is this is a new

Low for me but if you’re watching this on YouTube and you’re not a fan of the streams you could come over to my twitch channel and if you have Amazon Prime you can link up your your twitch account with with Amazon and subscribe for free start your free trial whatever the

Whatever it says there you can subscribe for free and it helps me out and in it and it helps me keep streaming and doing all this for free so how’s that how’s that boys I’m so sorry I’m so sorry you got gorged you got gorsh so what what’s the squid doing down there

Yeah there was the white dude that they hired to be Snoop Dogg giving ad-libs between the vs. wait what Jordan is captainsparklez the [ __ ] dead liver oh my god is captainsparklez saying yeah what I’m feeling a be on this it does not compare to blitz let’s be real it

Simply cannot match the the the testosterone that the sheer just testosterone that is that emanates off of blitz will go be 500 chunks coming out there’s a parity of 500 miles I guess oh you have got to be [ __ ] kidding me you have got to be [ __ ]

Kidding me this is not this is not who’s singing it the final cut that did not make it into the final cut of the video you’ve absolutely [ __ ] with me this guy’s would I swear on the Lord and Savior Jesus H Christ so we can shut up

This is getting an s for suicidal because that’s exactly what I am after after watching that holy [ __ ] oh my god oh my god that’s really bad oh my god that’s really bad that is superb ed next one I didn’t want to see it I don’t want to see it Kill much it’s something we’re saying in the world it’s not the worst thing in the world miss I mean you’re a little off-key I hate it you know what I’m not gonna lie I’m not gonna light the noteblocks kind of work b4 bra b4 bra that’s it that’s it

J for Joe Rogan the beat is actually not bad it works pretty well with the with the note blocks I like it I like it good job Grande stop saying Joe Rogan I don’t understand what Joe Rogan has to do with minecraft songs next one how do i craft

This again this is far and away the most requested the most requested minecraft song out of any of them on the last video so we’re gonna see maybe this one has to do with Joe Rogan who knows this is literally a song about going on the Minecraft Wiki gamepedia to figure out

The recipe of an item you forgot how to craft on what planet is this is this is this is this anything better than like a C and I’m gonna get a lot of heat for this because one I didn’t watch this video and two I don’t see any Joe Rogan

Where’s the Joe Rogan where’s the John rabe experience he’s not in the video man there’s no Jiu Jitsu it’s just a dumb nerd Martin in the little one go to the Minecraft getting pedia [ __ ] yourself I’m gonna make my own [ __ ] minecraft parody oh god oh god I’m gonna do it it’s gonna be better than this I want to see the pole on this I want to see the pole on this because I guess I just don’t get it I guess I’m a

Bit of a boomer I’ve never seen I’m not even lying when I say I have never seen that video in my entire in my entire 13 years on the planet okay I’d give it a C at best it’s not the best thing I’ve ever heard if you’re

About to dislike the video just know this man just know this you got gawrsh okay next one which encounter I think this is a slamacow one I think this is a slamacow one this is not which encounter I can tell you already this is not which encounter this

Is a video called monkey buys juice I was hoping to find which encounter here however this is not what is shown up the video that is playing right now is called monkey buys juice and I don’t understand what is he doing what the [ __ ] are you doing man Joe Rogan buddy It’s entirely possible that that chimp will beat the [ __ ] out of you chimps no no dude that chimp will rip you into I don’t know how these videos keep just showing up but um you know I’m okay with it I’m okay with it chimp eyes juice s.res anything yes it’s

Incredible monkey buys juice who would have thought who would have thought it would have been possible but he’s done it the monkey has bought juice oh that’s a good disc II put in it’s not a bad one he didn’t get thank God he didn’t put stall in am i right

There he goes look at beta male trying to dance I don’t even know what to do if you do a deep dive until what the video is trying to say it’s that if you’re a beta male just drink a [ __ ] ton of alcohol just drink a [ __ ] ton of alcohol

And then you’ll be cool here’s the two things you got to do one you got to start drinking a whole lot of mysterious liquids two you got to start watching Joe Rogan watching this is what happens when you watch the ben shapiro show s yeah look at that 62 percent s however s

Is getting a little bit clogged right now so you know what I’m going to give it an A for alcoholism because that is the that is the moral of the story here alcoholism bunny do yeah yeah this this better not be what I [ __ ] think it’s about to be yep

All right I’m just gonna I’m just gonna leave I’m just gonna leave for the third time a little leave I’m just gonna leave start belting it out Simon you got it in you man Jesus Christ I’ll give it this it gets points it gets points for being very like faithful to the original he-man thing like it’s incredible I’ll give it an a I’ll give it an A I’m feeling a nice a on this one because of how faithful it is to the original and they

Put their own little spin on it and uh Simon it’s just a pleasure Simon it’s just a pleasure I love that man boo what are you boom for me F Jesus Christ you guys want to put the F for this it’s actually good you you just don’t understand okay the thing is like

We grew up in different times okay I’m like a decade older than all of you and at the end of the day you guys probably don’t even know what video that’s referencing right that’s fine you guys just don’t watch Joe Rogan you just don’t watch Joe Rogan do you do I

Watched Joe Rogan I watched Joe Rogan diamond sword time is this another Tobuscus one I swear I swear this is Tobuscus Like this is a bump it’s the biggest bump of the century I love it hey hey hey hey hey how many times are we gonna say hey in a road beige and kitty hey hey he just keeps going thank you oh for god’s beijing canadian likes to put in like five minutes of

Just talking at the end of his minecraft parodies i forgot that that was a thing hold on let me pull up the other one he did no hate to the guy he pioneered minecraft for a lot of us but look it just keeps going he puts his hood on

He just keeps blabbing on and on it’s the video it’s [ __ ] 30 million views and more than a half but it’s just Mitch holy [ __ ] 65 percent of you say f you know what I’m gonna have to agree with you I’m gonna have to agree with a

Diamond sword gets an F from me the official verdict is f we’ve got big girl now and this is the only other one that I’ve that I’ve seen I think on the rest of this list is the only one I’ve ever seen and I don’t think it’s minecraft

Related but uh you know you just have to do it for those of you who are confused this is just a song that makes fun of fat people it’s it’s incredible what we could get away with back in 2012 and you eat and you eat that’s the reasonable lyrics I love it

You just see pie always been ah see it took it took a wholesome turn it took a wholesome turn I love it actually uh-oh uh-oh be four big maybe a B for big boys maybe a B for big girl perhaps it be for a big girl oh no I

Can’t do that I can’t do that it’s just kids in what j4 joe rogan mean there’s no Jam oh my god there’s no J on the board it doesn’t make any sense there’s no J [ __ ] it man I’m going eh I’m going to a on big girl big girl’s a

Good songs safety torch God knows what this means no it’s a Tobuscus one He’s such a capitalist he’s such a capitalist I love it I love Tobuscus what is that [ __ ] weirdest dance you’re doing what the [ __ ] is he doing are you crazy Tobuscus can I get an XD in the chat holy [ __ ] that is so funny as if absolutely [ __ ] murdered the chat

It’s not even going anymore it’s just frozen man glad to know you guys are really enthusiastic no XD is really resonated with you all that makes me so happy here’s the thing I always do appreciate Tobuscus parodies they seem to have except of course the mind the diamond one that was completely

Unoriginal and boring the few that we’ve watched have all seemed to have like a rather adult vibe to it like it’s like it’s like those jokes you missing Sponge Bob like it’s just humor that goes over the head of a lot of kids so I pray appreciate it I appreciate it as for

Safety torch maybe a C for capitalism now as for safety torch I like it okay I am believing is up next a minecraft crazy craft parody here we go holy [ __ ] that guy doesn’t have an arm it’s autumn it’s like three feet away from him bro what are you on the verge

Of tears [ __ ] you oh this is the cry of a man who watches Joe Rogan everyday why did you put my god fine fine fine I’ll do whatever the [ __ ] that means where’s I am believing here you see this in the middle oh it’s just going down

All the way down bye-bye there it is sad down – Jay down – Jair it is you’re happy Jay for [ __ ] joking let’s say I broke my chair broke again my chair broke for the second time of the night mobs can’t handle us is up

First let’s see what he’s got to offer a minecraft crazy craft parody oh it’s the same dude oh it’s the same dude Oh oh my god he’s dead oh my god what the [ __ ] are you kidding me that was the most metal thing I’ve ever seen this is a Minecraft video game

Any said word gaming holy [ __ ] these guys also what they didn’t tell you is that they’re listening to the Joe Rogan experience while they’re fighting they really learned jiu-jitsu for this one huh yeah okay all right anyone who gives this a good rating is there for the nostalgia and it’s respectable I respect

It but at the end of the day this is not a very good parody the animation is subpar it’s all over the place it’s hard to follow and I think this this gives us a better appreciation for the more recent ones so mobs can’t handle us

You’ve done well but I’m feeling a D I’m feeling a D one more welcome to my mind I’m so excited for that I’ve never seen it before I’ve never seen it before I’m hoping we can end on a high note that’s really all I want today I just

Want it’s this [ __ ] kid again it’s this [ __ ] did I get gorsh did I get Gorst I am having the worst night of my life it I don’t think it’s ever gotten as bad as it’s getting right now I don’t think it’s I’ve ever been at this point

In my entire life of just pure utter panic for the future of my career efore [ __ ] end of the video I never want to see I never want to do it again

This video, titled ‘Schlatt’s Minecraft Parody Tier List 2’, was uploaded by jschlattLIVE on 2019-09-07 19:30:02. It has garnered 2956977 views and 134975 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:30 or 1770 seconds.


jschlatt ranks more classic Minecraft parodies. Streamed live @

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    Insane Gamer Builds Ultimate Creeper Farm DAY-8Video Information यो व्ट इ अप बॉयज एंड गर्ल्स वेलकम बैक टू अनदर वीडियो गाइस हम लोगों ने गाइस मैंने जो अभी बोलने वाला हूं मैंने एक वीडियो बनाई थी विलेज ढोने वाली पर गलती से वह वीडियो डिलीट हो चुकी है तो यह मैं सीधा नेक्स्ट वीडियो डाल रहा हूं ठीक है तो अब चलते हैं आगे पिछले वीडियो में यह विलेज ढूंढा था यहां पे और आज हम लोग क्रीपर फार्म बनाने जा रहे हैं मैंने कैट टेम कर लिए थे तो सही हो गए अब हम लोग क्रीपर फार्म बनाएंगे एक मैंने ब्लॉक्स पहले से ही जमा… Read More

  • Chilltown SMP: Custom World, Seasons, Levels, Mature, 1.20, Java

    Welcome to Chilltown! If you’re looking for a unique survival Minecraft experience, look no further than Chilltown. Our server enhances vanilla gameplay while maintaining that classic feel. With a focus on community, feedback, and player-driven decisions, Chilltown offers a relaxing environment to enjoy with friends. Here are some key features: Key Features: Custom World Temperature and Seasons Professions and Level-based Ranks Custom Mobs, Weapons, Tools, and Enchants Special Crafting Stations and Waystones for Teleportation Chunk-based Land Claiming System Non Pay to Win Come join us at and experience a new kind of Minecraft adventure! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Villagers in da Club

    “People say diamonds are a girl’s best friend, but they clearly haven’t met a Minecraft player who just found a vein of diamonds!” Read More

  • Tier by Tier, I Conquer Minecraft Bedwars

    Tier by Tier, I Conquer Minecraft Bedwars In the world of Minecraft, I take my stand, Facing every tier, with a mic in my hand. From F to S, I battle with might, Crafting rhymes and beats, shining bright. F tier player, with ladders in hand, I take on the challenge, with a plan. Diving into the game, with a grin and a spin, Conquering each tier, with a win. Moving up to D tier, the challenge grows, But with cheeky strats, victory flows. C tier player, a tougher fight, But with skill and wit, I shine bright. B tier is next, the stakes are high,… Read More

  • Minecraft troll face meme: When you find diamonds but fall in lava 😂🔥

    Minecraft troll face meme: When you find diamonds but fall in lava 😂🔥 Why did the Minecraft troll face go to therapy? Because he couldn’t stop block-ing out his feelings! #blockheadhumor Read More

  • Crafting a Portal to Free Palestine in Minecraft

    Crafting a Portal to Free Palestine in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Free Palestine Portal Introduction In the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, UzeMing takes on the challenge of creating a portal like no other – the Free Palestine Portal. This portal holds a special significance, symbolizing solidarity with the people of Palestine amidst ongoing conflicts. Building the Portal To construct this unique portal, UzeMing gathers obsidian, flint, steel, sandstone, and green concrete. With meticulous planning, the portal takes shape with a size of 4×5. The intricate design includes sandstone and green concrete, culminating in a powerful symbol of support for Palestine. Exploring the Portal… Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest updates from the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk about the exciting world of Minecraft servers and why you should consider joining the Minewind server. While watching a fun YouTube video about Minecraft animations, you may have felt a spark of inspiration to dive into the world of Minecraft yourself. The Minewind server offers a unique and thrilling experience for players of all ages and backgrounds. With a vibrant community, exciting gameplay features, and endless possibilities for creativity, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your imagination… Read More

  • Getting Revenge in Minecraft

    Getting Revenge in Minecraft Minecraft: Revenge for my dog 🌩️Minecraft: Revenge for my dog ⚡️ The Adventure Begins In this thrilling Minecraft adventure, you must seek revenge for your loyal companion, your dog. After a band of ruthless mobs attack and kidnap your beloved pet, you must embark on a dangerous journey through treacherous caves, dense forests, and towering mountains to rescue your furry friend. Danger Lurks Everywhere Armed with only your wits and a trusty pickaxe, you must navigate through a hostile world filled with dangerous creatures and deadly traps. Along the way, you will encounter helpful allies who will aid you… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Starter Base by HYPNOTIST 🔥🏠

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Starter Base by HYPNOTIST 🔥🏠Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Amazing starter base .🔥🤯🏠🔥. #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by HYPNOTIST R* on 2024-04-23 15:02:29. It has garnered 6536 views and 154 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Read More

  • Terrifying Curse Unleashed in Minecraft! #19

    Terrifying Curse Unleashed in Minecraft! #19Video Information Oke dengan cahaya-cahaya gelap gini gua aduh du du gua gua rada takut sih kalau kalau kayak gini guys Aduh gelap banget eh Pusing aduh no playing lagi itu ada apa aduh ada sapi Aduh no playing lagi aduh du du Kenapa gini guys jujur aja Gua sebenarnya bisa guys ya untuk lanjut explore tapi di sini gua pusing cuy karena ini layarnya ini kayak Hitam Putih Hitam Putih gini guys jadi jadi pusing tahu aduh Gua sebenarnya bisa guys lanjut explore ya tapi gak bisa guys Ini gua bikin pusing tahu aduh duh ini kenapa gini ya… Read More

  • Unleashing the Beast in Minecraft! 🔥 #Shorts

    Unleashing the Beast in Minecraft! 🔥 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘1k #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by Beast thor19 on 2024-01-12 15:12:33. It has garnered 13287 views and 277 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Ice House Build Tutorial – Must Watch!

    EPIC Minecraft Ice House Build Tutorial - Must Watch!Video Information Minecraft cave houses are cool but what if you take the concept A step further and make one in a glacier this is how it could look I wanted this house to be usable in survival so I dug it seven blocks deep to have enough space using easy to get materials is crucial in survival that’s why I used Oak Planks on the floor the walls followed a similar process but I decided to splurge a little on those fancy Spruce logs and I made sure to connect the pattern on the back wall as well this… Read More


    EPIC NEW 1.20.5 UPDATE: UNLEASH THE WOLF POWER!Video Information आर्म डीलो वल्फ आर्मरर एंड बहुत सारे उल्फ के वेरिएंट्स एंड इन सब को फुल्ली ऐड कर चुका है 1.2.5 के रिलीज वर्जन में ऑफकोर्स आर्मरर डीलर फाउंड होता है सवाना बायोम में एंड बैड लैंस बायोम में आर्मरर डीलर ड्रॉप करता है स्क्यूट इसे तुम स्पाइडर आई से ब्रीड कर सकते हो एंड तुम इजी पीजी ब्रश भी क्राफ्ट कर सकते हो स्क्यूट के लिए बस तुमको आर्मरर डीलो पे राइट क्लिक करना है एंड सिक्स स्क्यूट से तुम एक उल्फ आर्मरर हो एंड उस आर्मरर को बस तुम अपने टेम गुल्फ प लगा देना अगर आर्मरर… Read More

  • Duck survives 1000 days in Minecraft! Feathery mobs only.Impressive!

    Duck survives 1000 days in Minecraft! Feathery mobs only.Impressive!Video Information on day one I spawned in as a cute and not so ugly little duckling I’m so tiny I’ve only got two hearts I guess that checks out I’m not strong I’m just a square of fluff at least I can fly nope I can’t fly yet but I can swim and check out my duck family I’ve got a mama duck and a bunch of duckling siblings to they were all swimming in a pond hey guys wait up for me wow this sure is peaceful just paddling along my siblings and I had a great time… Read More

  • Secrets of Ceres Fauna in My Desert Dune!

    Secrets of Ceres Fauna in My Desert Dune!Video Information you’re now listening to FAA FM this ain’t your granny’s radio station I’m your DJ Kieran FAA and get ready to jam out go [Music] 1 2 3 go there spot with a flow we Hol promise I’m famous heo I am a big shot look on TV gaming Idol here in that’s me bucket we ball never punish never greedy no I’d win Unstoppable C dance back back back it up let that’s what I call sweet [Music] swe rain of [Music] s [Music] ladies P hello hello p is my music loud it’s only on three… Read More

  • Saitani Gamer – GOOD VS EVIL in Roblox & Minecraft 🎮🔥

    Saitani Gamer - GOOD VS EVIL in Roblox & Minecraft 🎮🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘😇or😈 #roblox #minecraft #memes #robloxedit #minecraftbuilding #tutorial #bedwars #funny #gaming’, was uploaded by Saitani Gamer on 2024-05-07 15:39:04. It has garnered 420 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Minecraft Minecraft gameplay Minecraft survival Minecraft building Minecraft tutorial Minecraft mods Minecraft let’s play Minecraft adventures Minecraft crafting Minecraft Redstone Minecraft farm Minecraft house Minecraft mining Minecraft PvP Minecraft mobs Minecraft farm design Minecraft exploration Minecraft resource gathering Minecraft village Minecraft biomes Minecraft seeds Minecraft world generation Minecraft caves Minecraft enchanting Minecraft Nether Minecraft End Minecraft Ender Dragon Minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft Solo Role Tutorial – Become a Pro in Minutes!

    Minecraft Solo Role Tutorial - Become a Pro in Minutes!Video Information buenas preciosas y preciosas aquí el después de mucho tiempo sin sacar un vídeo con mi cara Aquí estoy yo Bueno A veces hago directos pero no estáis Pero bueno hoy os voy a hacer un vídeo no va a estar todo con cámara porque voy a hacerlo de vez en cuando voy a tener que quitarme la cámara Pero bueno este vídeo voy a hablar a contaros un poquito Cómo hacer rle Plays en Minecraft y estando solo si es posible ahora es posible hace poquito descubrí una aplicación muy buena y Bueno pues estuve hablando con… Read More

  • Prismarine Nations – Factions SMP Worldbuilding Towny

    Welcome to Prismarine Nations! We are a mostly vanilla worldbuilding server looking to allow our players almost total freedom in creating a story in our world. We promise limited admin intervention, a lag free server, fair and unbiased staff team decisions, and a server that will listen to our players in the hope to create the greatest worldbuilding experience in Minecraft. Our server features include: Towny Mcmmo (Combat skills disabled) No E chests Dynmap Join us on our worldbuilding journey by checking out our server, launching soon! Discord: Read More

  • WaddleWorld

    WaddleWorldAhoy, mateys! Welcome to our swashbucklin’ Minecraft server, where the spirit of adventure and the thrill of survival meet the high seas! This be a survival multiplayer server with a hearty pirate theme, perfect for all ye landlubbers and seasoned sailors alike!Embark on epic quests and build yer fortune with our robust economy system. Trade with fellow pirates, plunder resources, and rise to riches as ye carve out yer legacy on the server. There be no end to the adventures ye can have!Join in on our grand events, where the fun never stops! Test yer skills in build-offs, where only… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Just one more block, I swear!”

    “Just one more block turns into just one more hour of playing Minecraft” Read More

  • Mine Rich, Jail Poor: Arasinho’s Minecraft Misadventures #2

    Mine Rich, Jail Poor: Arasinho's Minecraft Misadventures #2 Oh, what a twist in this tale, a story of theft and jail, But truth prevailed, justice didn’t fail. Aras, innocent and true, proved his case through and through, Saved by a chef, a hero in blue. In the end, justice served, Aras’ name preserved, A lesson learned, a story observed. So let’s bid farewell, with a rhyme to tell, Minecraft adventures, we’ll continue to excel. Read More

  • “Is this the Eiffel Tower in Minecraft?” 🔥😂 #minecraft #memes

    "Is this the Eiffel Tower in Minecraft?" 🔥😂 #minecraft #memes Yes, it’s the iconic “I spent 10 hours building this in Minecraft instead of studying for my exam” building. We’ve all been there. #priorities #minecraftprocrastination Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem: Defeating Toxic Team

    Minecraft Mayhem: Defeating Toxic Team Welcome to Defeating Toxicity in Minecraft Welcome to Tarn The Depths, a channel dedicated to entertaining Minecraft content! In a recent video, the channel’s creator delves into the world of, a Minecraft server facing a significant issue with toxicity. Join the adventure as the creator and their team work alongside the server admins to tackle this challenge head-on. Unveiling the Problem is a bustling Minecraft server filled with players from all walks of life. However, like any online community, it is not immune to toxicity. The creator and their teammates find themselves at the forefront of… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Minecraft: Return to the End Island” by 方块轩. While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a server that offers endless possibilities and adventures? Imagine a world where you can explore vast landscapes, build magnificent structures, and engage in thrilling PvP battles. That’s exactly what you’ll find on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a dedicated community of players and unique… Read More

  • Mastering Shovel Enchantments

    Mastering Shovel Enchantments The Ultimate Minecraft Enchanting Guide for Shovel Shovels may seem like a humble tool in Minecraft, but with the right enchantments, they can become incredibly powerful. In this guide, we will explore the best shovel enchantments available in both Java and Bedrock editions of the game. Essential Enchantments: Unbreaking and Mending Two crucial enchantments for your shovel are Unbreaking and Mending. Unbreaking, available in three levels, significantly increases your shovel’s durability, making it last almost twice as long. Mending, on the other hand, regenerates lost durability by collecting XP orbs. With these enchantments, your shovel becomes nearly indestructible. Efficiency:… Read More

Schlatt’s Minecraft Parody Tier List 2