Skotland GOT GRIEFED LIVE ON STREAM | NO hack Minecraft Anarchy server 1.18

Video Information

Hello hello hello everyone i know i started early i couldn’t wait five more minutes um did i ping everyone i think i did okay let’s get into the game isotoga shy killer seven um yeah let’s get into it so um hello yo what the [ __ ] is happening dudes what what Okay that was weird uh let me turn my chat off hi cool cash blades okay so let me see are the frames okay no yeah yeah yeah okay so i am streaming on a new pc um i don’t know how i did it i mean i do

Know how i did it so i asked the social services like if they could give me a laptop and i was expecting the laptop to be terrible but apparently the the laptop that they gave me is like insanely good or like not insanely good but it’s like it’s like really good you know

Um which was like amazing it was amazing um so yeah i have a new laptop now i don’t have to be scared about stream just dying any second or my pc overheating um i’m trying to turn off the rain i hate it where’s the rain Perfect so yeah it is lagging a bit why would it lag though oh no don’t tell me i’m not gonna be able to stream properly dudes Says okay i don’t know why it’s lagging what’s happening i was literally playing a rust on this pc like perfectly just a second ago like what no i’m not on simply vanilla i’m on i’m playing on this is where i just uh vibe you know

I’ve been building here a bit off camera it’s looking pretty decent I think the problem is that i’m streaming on on stream laps and i should be streaming on obs because streamlabs just is terrible but yeah this is my mansion now looks pretty good right i alexis by the way mossy frazzle so yeah i’ve been working on this pretty hard uh just

Like a while ago and then i was just too busy i was like a week straight i was just editing that video that i that i dropped to the hour-long one and now you know i can finally enjoy my life just chill a bit and the next

Videos are gonna be just you know just the [ __ ] that i used to do just um i’m gonna be playing uh i’m gonna be making videos on a new server so it’s gonna be cool i’m gonna be streaming more regular again but just that one big video just [ __ ] up my

Entire schedule it [ __ ] up my life yeah no that’s exaggerated but i i did i was just super busy with work in real life as well which also just kind of [ __ ] it um last stream i did i couldn’t do it long enough because my voice was hurting because i was i had

Stuck like for six hours straight at work um but yeah now my work is less tiring i can i can combine both i can just uh chill a bit you know i’m not poor anymore i’m doing i’m doing okay which is fine you know still just trying to get more money trying to

Trying to grind any chance i get this weekend i’m like gone all weekend for work it’s like oof but you know this work i have is better than the [ __ ] uh the [ __ ] i did before that i used to just be driving uh biking for six hours straight

Eight hours straight delivery uh type job don’t ever do delivery if you if you have the possibility to not do delivery just don’t oh wait who made who dropped an axe in here what the [ __ ] just delivery on a bike or is just like the worst [ __ ] job imaginable

Oh yeah by the way let me show you guys the scotlands It has seen better days a lot of people left sadly so i think it’s just me and some one or two more per people i think uh angvard stopped playing minecraft they were working on this thing oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] i didn’t see this

Holy [ __ ] oh no i’m out of oh never mind so yeah they were working on this big thing but i can always finish it if they don’t uh finish it and then i think gnome also left uh pop-tart left i don’t know i might invite some more viewers to to scotland we’ll see

I it’s also because of me you know i just haven’t been active enough oh oops i was gonna open my uh my stream okay Um apparently apparently streamlabs is [ __ ] up my um streamlabs is [ __ ] up my my my quality a bit but that’s alright next time i’ll just stream on obs i just i just got this new pc laptop today so that’s fine i’m gonna be doing a short stream probably like i don’t know

Two to three hours long and after that i’m gonna film this week’s video oh it’s weird it’s so weird seeing like emeralds like this high up you know um for this mansion i’m gonna i don’t know exactly how i’m gonna do it but i think i wanna

Mine out inside of the mountain as well and like you know use the inside of the mountain as part of the house but i first need to finish the roof i think for so that i can get a better picture of how i’m gonna [ __ ] through it

Do i just do slabs i don’t know slabs is like ugly but i’ll start doing slaps for now Okay i’ve also filmed another video on on east rival which is really cool i’m working on something with hui who we the big huey we all love him what a chat dude we talked for the first time uh in fvc and i can’t wait for this video to come out

He’s doing some crazy [ __ ] as always i also don’t know who put all my shoulders out like this someone someone went through my chokers [ __ ] you whoever it was i think i’m gonna just do this okay perfect uh i am on you eu yes blue blue

I don’t know how to pronounce your name i also got my monster here because i was tired what quads dude you think i’m gonna just tell me or i should i don’t have a dog so you can shoot whatever whatever i don’t care i’m not telling my quad dude

I’m not trying to get my base gripped i know if it does get grief that’s all right just more content you know it’s kind of crazy though my my [ __ ] volcano base like the first base on eu is still standing and like literally 30 people i’ve been there like like

I think more than 30 at this point people have been there and just nobody has griefed it it’s amazing it’s like a huge [ __ ] volcano and nobody i don’t know i guess everyone’s been nice nice to me i do have nether right i just i’m just choosing not to put it on my

Tools okay i’m i have enough nettle right but i’m just not gonna waste it yet Yeah yeah the one with a bunch of small builds and volcano it’s still standing some um silver ray uh sent me a uh i i gave him the chords because he’s new to the server and he sent i asked him to send me a picture of the volcano because

I haven’t been there since i left and it’s just it’s all just there the sugarcane farm the the gunpowder farm uh so this is my e chest i haven’t looked in here for a while what’s in here actually i haven’t played that much these are my my cheese sets i only have

Five i lost one i think oh that’s kind of bad what’s in there oh yeah these are my things i mean i’m not that rich on that right but i i was supposed to go um netherride mining again uh i left like a month ago i don’t know dudes who lives here

I think nobody at this point i think hui is the only person that lives here because israel left angvort left and gnome left so i’m gonna be inviting more people to this base oh we have a melon form they left because i wasn’t playing i wasn’t streaming i was too busy Damn bro i’m lonely again oh well you’re staying with your grandparents dream xd it’s been a while since i saw your dream Also dude tick tock is too easy for content stick took is just content it’s just few trucks you know i can i can understand why all these kids get so hooked on tick tock because they see these big numbers that you get on on every on every video you know it’s super

Easy to get like 10 000 views just you know and i did these [ __ ] views must be like i guess for a little kid that’s never had something pop off like that you know it must feel like [ __ ] taking some cocaine like dude my [ __ ] jenny mod videos on tick tock both have

Like 10k i think one is like 11k right now and it’s so dumb dick look is even worse than [ __ ] than [ __ ] youtube dudes youtube shorts at least and nah actually now youtube shirts are also terrible you know my my [ __ ] most feuds youtube shorts are like the worst ones but at least

You know they get viewed a bit also the quality shorts you know um but yeah shorts creators and thick the creators should barely be quickly considered creators i’m gonna i’m sorry uh like tick tocks and shorts are way too easy to make literally everyone can do them that like do it

It shouldn’t be a thing I mean of course it depends what you do with like most of the [ __ ] shorts and tick tocks are like literally everyone can do them and i if i think if i put i if i would put more effort into my shorts and tick tocks i could get more views you know

But i just don’t care you know i just i just make shorts and tick tocks just for the extra views for the extra subs and followers like i don’t put i put zero effort in that [ __ ] bruh i don’t care how cringy my shorts are or my tick tocks it’s like it doesn’t

Matter it’s just free views free subs my 10 year old pc just fixed itself hard drive along with cables was destroyed how did it fix itself dudes did you just look at it and it just made itself up like what do you mean my life has changed a lot i broke my arm

My father’s dad died i shot a gun and found out that i’m 15 american dudes what the [ __ ] so much has happened in a few few weeks that i haven’t talked to you dream holy [ __ ] so your grandpa died and you broke your arm both bad things

You sh you did shoot a shotgun no you shot the gun i mean that’s cool i want to shoot guns eventually maybe one day i’ll just go to america shoot a gun or i just get a gun license in europe but that’s just way harder to get you know

And i can’t be asked and what you you’re 15 american i yeah i want to shoot guns i want to be american hi zeus oh my god sis i haven’t actually talked to you since i released the video but i’m so glad we made the dmv video When people say that guns are bad is bad it’s people yeah of course people people shoot guns you know it’s not guns shooting people without you know Guns are fun you know i’m not against guns i just it’s hard uh hi irishan who’s saying thank you for becoming a subscriber of course gun violence is way higher in in countries where guns are easily easier to get you know but um you know can’t deny guns are fun i

Haven’t even shot a gun and and and it’s fun you know just looking at guns and and thinking about shooting them it’s fun so i can understand americans it must be must be cool to like shoot some big ass guns just on your [ __ ] uh in a gun range you know

In my country guns use people to shoot oh my god no get out zoos If you want if you want to marry your cousin go to texas yeah that is alabama not just yeah you’re sean hussein raids what are you saying wait you can rent guns in america what the [ __ ] what i mean i guess it made sense but i just

Had never thought of it that’s that’s cool [ __ ] guns one is the war i love guns dudes [Laughter] nah not the best steak wait dream how the [ __ ] have you shot that many guns you’re not you’re in korea i didn’t know korea i just had guns everywhere All right irish iroshan you’re getting [ __ ] You’re getting muted [ __ ] [ __ ] you if you spam i i put you in timeout shut up I want to shoot like an m4 sometime eventually i i don’t want to do the roof completely flat maybe i go up here you know i make like a little also i want to play fortnite guys i’m sorry i want to play fortnite no i’m kidding i actually want to play roost

I know i do want to play fortnite because i i saw on twitter that building was disabled on fortnite and i want to try that but i also want to play russ d spawn hi who is it is it angvart or is will or wait yeah fortnite stream dudes nobody will

[ __ ] watch my fortnite streams the last time i did a fortnite stream i was like six hours in with like four viewers Oh god dudes yeah we were supposed to do the [ __ ] so yeah meat and jakers and some other youtubers we were supposed to do a fortnite stream like a [ __ ] while ago and i overslept i i went partying all night i drank with my friends all [ __ ] nights

And then i was like and then it was like two or three hours before the stream and i was like i’m gonna take a nap real quick and then i just woke up like eight hours later like oops so yeah we were supposed to stream with uh with shaker but uh oh well

I don’t i don’t even drink that much anymore last time was like i mean it was like last week with my girlfriend but before that it was like a month ago or so i’ll play roost with you yeah the thing is i think i can i

So so i have a new pc now i couldn’t play rust on my old laptop it was just too bad but on this new laptop i can i can play rust but i don’t know if i can stream and play rust you know there’s a huge difference between

Uh between being able to play a game and being able to stream a game because i i can play rest in low res but i think if i stream there’s gonna be like no frames to it so i don’t know no fortnight okay i won’t stream fortnite i’m sorry maybe i will

Gary’s mods i don’t know i i i never understood how to play gary’s mods maybe i’m just dumb but like i i had gary mott when i was a child and i only had this and i only tried it in single player and i didn’t understand how i had to go multiplayer but

I was like 50 and then so maybe i’m just stupid you know what is the the forest also jakers i’ve seen i’ve seen your your tick tocks and shorts this is what i mean with tick tocks and shorts literally everyone can get a thousand subscribers if you just upload

Enough stick talks enough shorts it’s like it’s like too easy it’s nothing it’s like not okay just uploads tick tocks and short about you pissing in the toilets do it 10 times a day you’ll have a thousand subscribers by the end of the year i’m telling you

Uh i got super brothers one works for the army and my older brother is in the air force and my dad was a former navy seal holy [ __ ] dude you have an entire military family but i’m doing this wrong i’m stupid right yeah i’m doing this completely wrong wait is this right

Yeah there should be one more out okay i was about to say like i’m i’m not that dumb i get hella fuse farmed with pokemon card openings yeah that’s what i mean dudes that’s what i mean you can you can literally every every [ __ ] person in this chat can

Get like a thousand subscribers by the end of the year and a thousand followers on tick tock if you just upload daily twice a day maybe three times a day by the end of the year just do it it’s literally it’s the easiest the thing is though short subscribers

And and tick tock followers will not watch your normal videos so if you so let’s say that shakers has now 100 followers uh subscribers like probably like maybe 10 of those people will actually watch your videos and that’s the same case with me i have like 2 000 subscribers almost

But like let’s be honest probably at least 500 of those are are fake subscribers you know so yeah it looks like you have a lot of clout if you have a lot of subscribers from shorts but they don’t mean anything that’s the sad part that sucks and it hurts

You know if all my third subscriber would would watch my videos i would be popping dudes but i’m still i’m still the same old irrelevant you know a true sigma mill only uploads every 12 years though that’s true damn hi kenny love you i got 40k views on tick tock from a dumb

Video of my friends raging what the [ __ ] that’s amazing yeah it i know tick tock is even easier than youtube because those views are so inflated to it like i don’t know what the [ __ ] is wrong with tick tock it’s like wow it’s so easy i just i don’t know

What i have noticed is that is that the youtube shorts and tiktok content is very different you know the shorts that that pop off on on youtube charts don’t get good views on tick tock because in tik tok you need to fit way more faster pacing you need way more

Things happening in a way shorter span of times and youtube viewers are more like they they want to watch longer content most of the time you know so on youtube it doesn’t matter if your short is like a bit long people will still watch it and if people watch the entire thing

Then it will get recommended more but on tick tock it all needs to be very fast things need to be happening all the time and if it doesn’t people just scroll scroll through it so yeah for example that my [ __ ] shirt that got like 60 000 views did like

300 views on tick tock which is kind of insane want to make some cash uh sure donate uh wait you the forest is a game that where you get stranded on a cannibal island by a plane crash and you survive oh i think i’ve know i’ve seen that game on youtube

Yeah i think i’ve seen that game on youtube and also short content is like largely just people re-uploading other people’s contents or just like um you know things that happens i don’t know how to explain it like for example i was watching a lot of boxing uh [ __ ] on on on youtube shorts

For for a while and it was just all people just re-uploading like snippets of fights and it’s that kind of content there’s like not a lot of original content on on youtube shorts do i have skype bro get the [ __ ] out of here who the [ __ ] has skype

Dude what year are we living in usually youtube shorts people talk but on tick tock it just enrich people dancing i don’t know nah there’s also a huge part of tiktik that is just underage dancing but also a huge part of the that should just like

Um be meme tick tock people trying to be funny uh you thick also has all the categories you know it used to be like it is a perception that people do get of tick-tock when you don’t know anything about it that it’s just children dancing

But it’s way more than that to be honest minecraft on dick talk is also huge what are you a new tech guy who used whatsapp no i don’t use any of that [ __ ] bro i use discord i mean i do have what’s up but like i used skype when i was like 13.

Like what the [ __ ] sigma myspace space i’ve never had a myspace account weirdly enough yeah i do use telegram i am on there i talk to my girlfriends on telegram and we also have a group chat with um the other youtubers in uh you know atlegante shane

Uh john doe is in there and colored and maggie as well that’s the only things i use telegram for just for uh that group chat with with the boys and for my girlfriends i know that there’s like groups on thick on on a telegram but i’ve never like been in

Them if you want to contact me um do it on discords okay i’m not trying to do it on telegram because then i have to give you my number and [ __ ] idea you can make statues with armor stance on the walls like gargoyles oh yeah the that the hermitcraft youtuber

The the german guy from hermitcraft when i talk to huey he he sounds exactly like dog dudes who is also like an older guy german like literally talking who we sound the exact same and you’ll hear it when the video comes out in like probably like a month or so i don’t know

Because louise project isn’t finished yet what is discord young man bro come on don’t troll me if you want to join the discord just in the link down below um just join when i was a kid my dad would tell me war stories when he went on mission oh [ __ ]

Yeah i i don’t know i was like almost i was like commentary because i was failing like college so hard and i was like maybe i wanna go into the military or or to the police school you know but i just decided to step up my game and just finish college

Because you know i am like i’m not in shape first of all oh [ __ ] i’m not in shape you know i wouldn’t survive the military you want me to get on simply vanilla just to [ __ ] um give you a book i mean why not you’re like the only guy

That plays that you know i would give you my my my my only book on simply vanilla i forgot about that i have never [ __ ] given anyone my book i’m simply from hillary you know at least i can say that i played simple vanilla from start to

Finish no not from start but like from when i started still when the server itself shut down and and it’s not me who that quits my own series you know i was for high testo let’s go we got desto in here i love destro so much i want a basement with this though

The the weird thing is that like i i’ve seen that on youtube there’s like barely people [ __ ] using pirae uh to hunt bases which is like what the [ __ ] why isn’t literally everyone just [ __ ] using pirate or making features about it it’s like such a niche thing

Which is like what the [ __ ] dude pirate should not should not be like niche like people literally just don’t know about it it’s [ __ ] insane so yeah i’m just gonna capitalize on that and just make another another video about uh pirae uh you love me testo no i love you more shut up

I’ll suck you off harder testo you can’t stop me you give me nervous cheese sets yeah cool cash wanted me to join as well look i will announce it today this summer i am coming to purity vanilla not now this summer okay yeah just bro you just [ __ ] make as many videos

On pirae like finding bases vanilla no hacks like all that kind of [ __ ] just capitalize on that [ __ ] bro i’m not do the same thing it’s like too easy yeah but yeah for real this summer i’m going to purity vanilla i’m gonna become the biggest purity of vanilla youtuber ever okay

Now probably not nerdy birdie is pretty big so i don’t know if i ever surprised him but um i’ll probably join your clan that you’re in right now testo cook has cool cash has already reached out to me but yeah i’m excited dudes purely it’s gonna be

A whole different level that’s why i want to do it in the summer when i have time in the summer i’m gonna i’m gonna grow big it’s my summer yo josh my dad when he went on a mission one of his teammates would just start jumping when on boats dudes

Your dad was just playing call of duty simulator in real life is this a new base because i’m still at the volcano island dude it’s insane the volcano islands has still not been grieved it is still not being grieved and it’s been there for like a month or

So and there’s like 30 people with courts yeah i am at a new base i like i’ve been at this base for a while now literally the volcano base will stand forever i know i might just make a video about it if it does get griefed so i you know Because it’s really close to spawn it has like all the farms i mean not all farms but like the farm that you need to get started on here you only need like a gun power farm a sugar cane farm and i provide the electrodes you know

Okay does this look good it looks decent i guess i don’t know i’m not a builder it looks decent i’ll go up one more stair and then i also have to chat now on my old pc on my old laptop so before i had like to split screen my streamlabs application

And the chat and now i just have the chat on a different computer and um yeah i needed another screen for my chat because i never could keep track of it and now i can see the chat very well and big I’m probably i know i wanted to play rust after stream but i need to record my video as [ __ ] uh what time is it okay it’s still early i can i can maybe put like an hour into rest and then record my video come here zombie

Yeah what’s the tps dudes oh it’s pretty decent also some guy reached out to me today with um a very cool offer and i don’t know yet i mean it’s not it’s not like a sponsorship but like he reached out to me with uh with something pretty cool so

I mean if i decide to go through with that then you guys will hear about it but i’m not sure yet i’m gonna call with him tomorrow has got good liquid stream i’d love to help build that i’m in school don’t worry no let’s get that brain knowledge oh [ __ ]

What day is it today oh [ __ ] i have to finish an assignment before it hits oh [ __ ] okay no rest today i gotta finish an assignment for my class before uh it’s tomorrow so i have like four more hours left i’ll do it straight after stream i’ll

Just not stream for too long i’ll stream like two hours and i’m forgetting to drink my monster [Applause] oh i want to do another event soon as well maybe like a spring spring event you know because uh next week next week yeah next week i have um vacation holiday

Easter holiday spring break i don’t know what it’s called i have two weeks off college and i have some money now so i really want to do an event for you guys with like a cash prize you know maybe like i don’t know i don’t have that much money

I want to give like 20 but that’s like that’s like a lot for me um i mean i could do it without a cash prize but i just you know it’s fun to give away money which i just don’t have money to give away I heard money high pop tarts um I don’t know i want to give away money oh yeah [ __ ] it i’ll just i’ll do like 20 paypal to like the winner of the event and Yeah let’s just do that [ __ ] it hey you know f3 gives you free netherride shut up hero yo poptart wait shakers what was the last update on on simply vanilla like what’s gonna happen soon because i i saw an announcement but it was too much text and i was i was sleeping

I haven’t really been keeping up with simply gonna also for the members uh there’s gonna be a new member sony video tomorrow it’s gonna be the behind the scenes of the the video that i that i made the last video of it’s the last yeah the last video simply vanilla um

The behind the scenes is also like a [ __ ] 40 minute long video simply vanilla doesn’t exist anymore don’t even look at it wait wait can i go oh yeah simply let’s let’s look at it oh hey that’s not too bad right it’s still living as like 10 players

But why can’t i join on older versions what’s this [ __ ] dudes why why is it not compatible like like literally ever every [ __ ] server you know i hate servers that do that that that are like only compatible to one [ __ ] version it’s like dudes i can’t be asked to switch versions even

Though i don’t play it simply with an isn’t bad it’s still a decent server it’s just all the nice people left yeah dude my guy has to add support for for the older for the 1.18.1 at least like barely any server is 1.18.2 and nobody’s gonna [ __ ] switch to to play

Simply or like barely anyone you know and what would be even better is 1.17 um 1.17 what’s it called support still most most [ __ ] most um things are still in 1.17 you know yeah rfp simply wait wait oh okay so he upgraded to very good hardware i don’t know why though because

There’s like less people now but but yeah an easy also has 30 mil world border so it’s not too bad you know nothing too special but yeah netherrealm must be a pretty wealthy then if he just decides to spend so much money on on simply because he ain’t making that money back

We all know that so yeah i hope i hope nether nervous um finds a way to revive simply it which really really really really surprised me i cannot see netherwell [ __ ] getting the same hype that simply had before but we’ll see we’ll see i don’t wish bad spawn simply vanilla

Especially with shakers fall and implored as the advisors of uh netherroll i have a little bit of faith it’s peaked at 29 yesterday okay okay okay okay so it’s not completely that that’s uh that’s good that’s good so there is a chance for simply oh oops yeah you know why not sure

My dad likes to shotgun and eat kimchi kimchi wait i’ve heard kimchi before i’ve watched i’ve watched some korean shows on netflix this korean show is slapped dude and i’m not talking about [ __ ] a squid game like the just korean shows in general oh my god best [ __ ]

I’m playing on eu survival this though high fury a long time i wanna i still need to [ __ ] find a way to disable my f3 button because i don’t wanna accidentally press my f3 button there there’s probably like a mod out there that uh fabric mods that will

That allow me to disable f3 i can’t [ __ ] risk it really happy kenny donated in my name and it didn’t disappear yeah kenny is amazing what a guy uh i don’t use obs i’m i am gonna use obs though right now i’m using streamlabs but streamlabs for some

Reason just [ __ ] everything up and it’s so [ __ ] terrible but i just didn’t have time to configure it my obs because i’m on a new laptop right now so i i didn’t have to configure it obs set it all up so i just downloaded streamlabs real quick as it has all my settings

Saved already so that’s why but i’m gonna try obs for the next stream and i’ll see how well it goes it’ll probably be way better quality will be way better um everything you know but uh we’ll see we’ll see hey scott are you still broke uh i’m not

Rich i’m not broke broke like oh like i used to be i got decent work now but i’m still not rich i i have money for food though if that’s what you mean there’s a way to set it where you can press f3 obs will bring up whatever you

Want on the hot key like a picture for sensor and then pressing it again will take off the layer oh what oh yeah oh my god a [ __ ] hotkey would be so hot case would be so uh amazing for for streaming i’m so i did i’m such a terrible

Streamer i’ve literally i’ve streamed probably like 100 200 hours and i still don’t know [ __ ] still been using all uh [ __ ] streamlabs because obs didn’t work on my [ __ ] old pc hi slippy i watched a little bit of the beginning of stream and i haven’t completely left

Yet it’s just i need activity to be motivated i’d be happy to finish my cave but i need other people at the base yeah dude your game is insane for the people that just joined i showed gnome’s cave it’s like bruh it’s so good check check this out check

This out i need this to be finished check this out check this out bro 118 is so cool it’s so amazing yeah gnome don’t worry bro yeah i know you haven’t been active it’s my fault i have been occupied for two three weeks i was working on an hour long video and i

Had so many struggles while doing it so sorry but i’m back now let’s go just read my favorite band jawbreakers and fun and dear and and there you are my favorite wait let me let me let me look it up i can’t play the music obviously because it’s gonna get copyrighted jawbreakers uh

Jawbreaker it’s called rock bands let’s see what this is can i share my screen i can’t right that’s the wrong screen nope yes okay so this is jawbreak pants what do they do i mean they make music obviously what the [ __ ] what kind of question is that emo and punk okay okay

I’ll listen to this after stream i can’t listen to it on stream even if you change the keybind it would still show the chords on screen when he tries to see what chords he’s adds okay i’ll i’ll just set up i’ll just set up obs and if i need help i’ll message

You from scotland see you guys in four weeks when i joined street another stream ah pop-tarts i miss you dudes don’t go away don’t leave me and i’m gonna so i’m gonna do this i’m gonna go in three blocks maybe build like another uh floor up here

I want to finally finish this mansion like for real Oh yeah i’m also gonna play [ __ ] sea of thieves this this this uh this week somewhere because you know um the cccp jungle caster they have been begging me to play sea of thieves for so long and you know i i told them like okay i’m

Gonna play it so now i have to play it so yeah you’ll be seeing me play sea of thieves this week somewhere and i’ll probably have no views but i don’t care i’ll just i’ll just [ __ ] play it is this this scostol castle uh yeah sure it’s actually a mansion

But let’s call its costal it looks really good in my opinion it looks amazing i’m very proud of this building i even terraformed this looks amazing yeah uh my friends are obsessed with sod yeah dude i don’t know what it i mean okay i understand see if this is super fun game

But i don’t know it gets boring i mean when i started playing as i was very addicted you know i did like i played it for like 20 hours on stream or something um but i i stopped playing it because just nobody watches it because i you know i’m

A minecraft anarchy channel the [ __ ] gonna watch sea of thieves so that’s why i stopped playing it uh but yeah that’s all right you know one day i’m gonna have enough viewers to just play whatever and uh you know then i’m going to remember these hard times when i when i’m

Irrelevant oh my god one day i’ll not be irrelevant i’ll pop off i’ll be i’ll be very popular i guess i don’t know or maybe not and that’s also all right i don’t know i wanna i wanna keep doing anarchy forever but it’s just um

I don’t know i wanna be able to do other things as well so it’s it’s kind of like stuck between that which is annoying a bit today i went to um oh no i can’t say this i was gonna sit i’m gonna do that i almost said where i went but it’s like

I would talk to myself by doing that because it’s like the only place uh there’s only like one place called like that in belgium never mind i didn’t do anything today before stream though i went to buy a usb hub because my new laptop only has two usb ports and i needed four

Yeah no yeah four i need four usb ports one for my mic one for my keyboard one for my mouse and one for my headsets and my laptop only having two is a problem obviously so before stream i just straight up went to the store father use b-hub and it was

So expensive dude what the [ __ ] who makes these things so expensive it was like 35 euros like holy [ __ ] what’s wrong with People straight up got scammed dude hi goose how are you amazon 999 yeah but like i don’t want any something that like breaks instantly because i had i i had a usb hub that was like 10 10 euros and it like [ __ ] broke after one day you got scam toast

All right okay stop the [ __ ] stop the name jokes dude i can’t i can’t i’m glue from the server yeah i know you glue of course dude we talked we talked before scam toast inflation it is really it really is inflation but usb hubs are also super [ __ ] expensive

I’ve had my usb hub from amazon for two years works to this day dude what i don’t know maybe american amazon was just better because yeah we we the only amazon we have is in germany and it takes like super long for it to arrive so and i needed it now

So i couldn’t wait and i also wanted to buy a hdmi hub but that [ __ ] is like a hundred [ __ ] euros dudes have you guys ever tried to buy it buy an hdmi hub it’s like insanely [ __ ] expensive like holy shits why because i wanted to add another [ __ ] screen to my setup

Another monitor but i can’t because my laptop only has one hdmi port but yeah [ __ ] it dude ain’t buying that no way not wasting a hundred [ __ ] dollars to get one more extra monitor but yeah i destroyed my usb hub box so i can’t get a refund probably like the packaging i just

Ripped it all up because i’m stupid i’m like a [ __ ] kid bro i was like it was like 30 minutes before stream and i just wanted to be fast and i didn’t have the patience to open the packaging up like normally so i just [ __ ] started ripping at it

And now i can’t even return it if it if i wanted to so oh well wasted 35 euros but that’s all right we don’t need money right i do no i’m fine i think i have like 800 euros in saving accounts now which is bad you know

It’s really poor you know it’s like that’s my network my network’s like 800 euros like [ __ ] bro so i’ll get there 2300 a week is like decent like 800 euros is like 900 usd i made 900 800 damage like can be that much off 800 Euro two dollars oh yeah it’s like almost it’s like almost 900. oh you guys can’t see now you can yeah i’ve been grinding a lot that’s why i was gone for so long dude i had to adjust to this new job [ __ ] working my ass off daily gotta work tomorrow again friday again

Entire weekends but i’m not stopping need money need cash need to be rich i mean i’m not gonna get rich of this but like i’m making a uh a mansion for me to live in is hydrating yeah i’m drinking my beautiful monster you know if i can save up like

I’ve never had like more than more than two thousands in my in my savings so if i can eventually save up like 5 000 or something i’ll i would be happy i don’t need more than that in my savings account for now you know as long as i can [ __ ] buy a

A car eventually i mean i’m gonna get the car from my brother so that’s all right i don’t need it but like to sustain a car it’s like [ __ ] expensive as [ __ ] it’s like a thousand dollars a year at least and that’s not even including gas gas uh prices

It’s like dude what the [ __ ] having a car is so expensive so i don’t even want the car at the moment are you gonna have a basement in the mansion yeah of course dudes need to have a basement hi freaks i’m drinking uh mango tastes why is freaks freaks why are you using

The exclamation mark and an adult after it who here has more than 5k in your bank accounts you are and how does it feel it must feel good right having like money to spend [ __ ] i want it right now wait so let’s do the calculations if i if i make

The okay let’s say 250 a week i need the calculator give me calculator one second okay okay okay let’s see how long it will take me to get 5k 250 a week times no what am i doing five thousand i don’t know what this is called 250

It’s gay okay so it’s going to take me like 20 weeks to get 5k hmm wait that’s like that’s like ah that’s too long okay fine i’ll be poor for a couple more months i guess um it still feels depressing come on test though money is happiness dudes

Literally is anyone that says that money isn’t happiness [ __ ] you i get happy when i see when i’m holding my cash i get very [ __ ] happy okay i get hyped as [ __ ] i i understand why [ __ ] billionaires just want more billions it’s amazing i spend my money on pokemon cards help me oof

Yeah i spend my money on jewelry and food i mean not not that much jewelry anymore mostly on my um my girlfriend to be honest but because i like to you know i like to you know go on days just it’s somewhere nice you know that’s fun

More money just help you grow more money that’s true dude if i had like a hundred dollars to save i would put it into stocks no i wouldn’t i don’t know i don’t know how to get more money with more money i’m useless with that children

If i was rich rich i would just pay someone to get me more money you know like financial advisors isn’t that what like every billionaire does just like yo give me more money i am not gonna put more kids in my basement okay and i mean not any

I i don’t know why i said more i don’t i don’t even have a basement you’re happy temporarily no no no no i’m happy permanently with my look look let me get my cash i will be happy permanently it’s somewhere in here let’s do money asmr can you hear this it’s so dumb

I am happy permanently with cash i’m sorry that was like that was like 200 euros that i that i keep in my drawer for emergencies that’s for when i hit rock bottom again in a few months and have like no money for food like always it’s mostly temporarily if you lose it

All yeah of course i’ll i know yeah i know that probably if i i’m just kidding obviously uh i know that if i in uh eventually do have more money and i don’t have to worry about money anymore then i’ll have other things to worry about obviously you know

But when you are broke having money is the best thing in the world you know and when you don’t have money and you’re broke you want to literally [ __ ] die you literally don’t want to live it’s the most stressful [ __ ] ever been there too many times i hate it it’s so bad

But yeah you know one one [ __ ] um struggle replaces the other always hi uh ray girl put your elytra off and show us your cape oh you don’t know my cape i have a i have a blood cape because i am a gang member yes i do gang [ __ ] all day every day

Can you imagine dude i wouldn’t survive a [ __ ] second on the streets i’m a [ __ ] small town uh kids you know it’s just funny to pretend i guess i mean there are so many rappers trying to that never grew up in the streets trying to act like they were and that is bad

But obviously in my case it’s just a joke blue toast me yeah let’s go oops oh yeah i had some weird [ __ ] twitter interaction um i asked someone if they know someone posted like reacts to this tweet and i’ll draw you fan art and i reacted and and um

They threw me fan art wait can i pull it up i want to show you guys this fan art it was amazing i wasn’t that good uh but wait oh [ __ ] i’m on a new pc i gotta log in again how do i log in i hope my google account is connected

Would make my life easier please tell me it is what is my birth date i forgot Ah no [ __ ] hmm i want to show you guys this fan art that this guy drew me on twitter i i forgot my [ __ ] login details wait it’s ads kato’s me i think wait is that my twitter etzkotozmi yeah right let me look it up again

I don’t even know my own twitter dudes oh my god i think it’s escotto’s me right i don’t know it’s it’s like the same as my username on the on here on minecraft adds katos underscore me let’s get those and then my password oh [ __ ] dude i forgot my password come on

Oh no it’s right okay i can show you guys the [ __ ] the the tweets i mean i mean Okay wait wait i’m gonna be i’m gonna be careful now because twitter has a lot of weird [ __ ] on it i mean not my twitter but like oh yeah here it is uranus okay so this guy says reply and i’ll draw you some fan arts now bite and he

Drew me this let’s go [Laughter] Oh yeah i said i took dick for some and then he did it so you know pretty cool follow me on twitter i guess if you have um if you have it your password is i eat 69 asks a day no no no come on testo i only had one ass a

Day and that’s my girlfriend’s ass uh i’ve tried tried drawing you one but it sucks uh that’s all right dude i i can’t travel if even if my life depended on this my twitter isn’t weird okay okay let’s not okay no no okay look you guys make my twitter weird okay i don’t

Nah okay okay okay i have to defend myself here one second because i’m getting i’m getting accusations that i don’t support look why do i have to do this well i need to show you guys something because this is not fair i am i am being my reputation is under attack and it’s

Not my [ __ ] i’m trying to find it for you guys oh yeah oh yeah yeah here it is here it is so i say someone says who loves the sight of one out of ten confetti you know on youtube if you get a video that pops off

And does better than the other videos it gives you confetti and it says this video perform better than uh 9 out of 10 videos and then [ __ ] john doe says [ __ ] does this to my tweets and then it does this i don’t come to this this is cap yeah so

I don’t make it weird see you guys that make it weird okay that’s not me wait i need a twitter so i can stop missing out on these golden tweets [Laughter] how often do you use twitter i use it daily dude it’s it’s fun it’s fun to just [ __ ] on there

There’s so many [ __ ] stupid people on twitter it’s funny you know you just argue to everyone you just say dumb [ __ ] it’s fun yeah i get a twitter test though follow me i wanna i wanna i wanna see you tweets i’m gonna tweet at testo this video make

Made me come and then everyone’s gonna just take it out of context and that’s because i am finally i am finally am at one of your lives hi norvel how are you i’m sorry i didn’t see you there but yeah i i go on twitter like every day i just scroll a bit

Reply to some people it’s funny i don’t put that many tweets out myself because i don’t really have followers i’m good naro oh what happened oh it does so became a member again let’s go oh wait you can oh yeah you can every month if you’re a member you can send a

A message i forgot about that yo it does though hi that’s cool oh damn two months already [ __ ] bruh thank you yeah that’s the cool thing that youtube added i love you testa you’re too good you know i love members because it’s like i can just talk about whatever and in my

Members only videos and i don’t need to be like embarrassed or anything you know because it’s people that it’s all nice people [Laughter] uh what server you’re playing on it’s a uh eu-based anarchy server pretty cool remember everyone how to renew your membership for kotosume yes very important if you don’t

You lose every perk come on [Applause] look at this though he has been he has been a member for two months now how many times has your dick been sucked since then this though be honest be honest i know it’s at least five because i mean you you talk to you talk

With me all the time that’s the way just to be like yo just got my dick sucked thank you you know um so yeah if you want that just become member helps our channel and helps you out as well [Laughter] why microsoft off because there’s like racists here you’re shooting blank snap

Dude i wanna [ __ ] i would take the male birth control pill in a second to it i don’t care i would take it for sure it’s not fair that only girls have to take that [ __ ] guys i also need to uh need to protect themselves and you know not a fan of condoms

I mean i i would use them as if it’s like someone random but it’s like when you’re with your girlfriend you don’t want to use a condom come on come in everybody yeah that’s the that’s the way of doing things i wish this was twitter i would take

That out of context so quickly i’ll make like a little um a little thing here with let’s cut some more woods what link did you just send i can’t click it wait i can i no i can’t [ __ ] one second i want to click the link dude

Wait wait wait can i show this to you guys uh one second guys oh you clipped something that’s cool i love clips dude i want to [ __ ] i would take the male birth control pill in a second dude that is true [Laughter] yeah i mean why not you know let’s come in everybody

Asap what are we waiting on a vasectomy is like 70 euros but you can get it free what the [ __ ] dude i wouldn’t get a vasectomy no way no [ __ ] way i don’t want anything remotely sharp touching my dick blue it’s no [ __ ] way i would rather die [ __ ] that [ __ ]

Anything sharp need my dick nah i’m out [ __ ] you anything soft that’s all right what the [ __ ] uh see ya guys thank you for being here nah but like for you i would never get a sick to me i don’t want children but yeah no is there anyone here in chat that’s like

I want children this is a dowel count yeah i’d [ __ ] a towel dude don’t tell me you wouldn’t Um you know i don’t want kids probably i mean maybe i don’t i can’t speak for me in 20 years but like right now nah nah no [ __ ] way i i also don’t see myself having kids like any like ever [ __ ] kids i hate kids we all hate kids

You know i have two two little sisters and you know they can be cool and [ __ ] like that but like super annoying also my boss has like has like a child just like literally like eight months old and dude children crying i can’t it’s just just stop it you know

You first need some [ __ ] to get kids yeah that’s that’s right if you want kids get some [ __ ] on your dick you know some not just one you need some at least two dudes yeah no i don’t want kids [ __ ] guys luckily my girlfriend also doesn’t want kids so

Because i know that’s a [ __ ] up part you know if you want kids and your partner wants kids and your partner doesn’t want kids just like they got some problems yeah i got lucky and uh let’s hope it stays like that and if my opinion is shifted you know

Can you imagine being like [ __ ] 16 and having a kid like holy [ __ ] i can barely take care of myself at the age of poomer and then i have to deal with some annoying crying thing for 18 yards yours what the [ __ ] years and pay for it for 18 years

Yeah and then i have to pay for college i rarely donate to the money to help the world than spend it on a kid for 18 years that’s true probably spent like 100k on get nah way more dudes yeah something like that 100k for kids 40 more right

Let me let me look it up how much do you spend on children holy [ __ ] in the u.s the average cost of raising a child to 18 was 233 thousand dollars holy [ __ ] and it’s it’s now almost 300k what the [ __ ] dude you can literally buy like a [ __ ]

Like 10 cars with that [ __ ] a [ __ ] almost half a house like what the [ __ ] that’s insane why are kids so [ __ ] expensive holy [ __ ] wait and that’s still 18 that’s not even including [ __ ] college for this [ __ ] killer children someone donates so he can get kids no i

Don’t want kids i’m fine i’m fine i don’t want kids you can donate yes but i don’t want them [ __ ] But this is tree oh okay wait oh this is foreign you know the only things why i see people get kids because they get bored of life and i just want something to do so they got a kids and then they just you know they have something to do in

Their life but like they’re super [ __ ] up to just have a kid because you want something to live for you know it’s like dudes nah just don’t have a [ __ ] kids but oh well my house is gonna look so fly dude one day this is gonna be my real house

In real life you’ll see my la mansion in the hilltops you know do not i wouldn’t live in l.a to be honest seems like such a toxic place i would just like i don’t know i also don’t want to live in belgium because it’s so many taxes

I don’t want to pay so much taxes even though yeah i don’t know maybe maybe like germany or something or the netherlands maybe yeah probably germany i love germany dude such a nice country texas also taxes are also high there but like i think less than here

Uh right now i’m at the my new base it’s not a volcano base it’s a different one i still can’t believe it that the [ __ ] volcano base is still alive just surviving i think there’s some good free real estate in ukraine no way let’s go dudes i’mma pull up to ukrainian let’s go Ukraine’s so [ __ ] up can someone just go and fix it real quick like what the [ __ ] yeah i know ray that you’re silvering i’ve seen you in atlanta’s chat and in my chat before business is booming in there okay guys okay actually i want the logs to be placed differently like sideways

Yo the [ __ ] wheel smiths oh why is auto jump on ew what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] turn it off okay did you guys see the [ __ ] will smith slap dude that was the funniest [ __ ] ever oh my god [Laughter] i love how there’s like literally like

Seconds it was out literally like 5 000 memes like everywhere everywhere you look on youtube on twitter and read it like [ __ ] everywhere it’s amazing i’m so glad it happened i love when finally something um something meme-worthy happens fir at first i thought it was staged the uh i don’t know i mean

For me it was like the first thing i saw was just watched was the full clip so i i i already i didn’t really think it was staged because if you see the fill clip you can clearly see that it’s it’s not staged at all you know if you see him screaming at

Chris rock but i can understand if you just see the slab that you think it’s stage of you or if you just hear about it that it sounds like so [ __ ] weird but like yeah uh will smith apologized so it’s for sure not [ __ ] fake but that was really funny

But yeah will smith is like taking elsewhere he do holy [ __ ] his wife cheating on him like with the like is her son’s friends august i was like dude and she just roasts him on her [ __ ] facebook show like what the [ __ ] i don’t understand why [ __ ] will

Smith would ever be in a relationship with the witcher you know looks like a super [ __ ] terrible relationship hollywood is just [ __ ] built different swear to god my monster can is almost empty i wanna i wanna stream on thursday maybe sea of thieves i don’t know um i’m thinking because tomorrow is wednesday

No actually i’ll stream on friday so maybe some people watch because nobody [ __ ] watches shiftees so i’m gonna stream it friday and i’m gonna upload i think saturday yeah I’m gonna upload saturday yeah or sunday we’ll see do you have a group for sea of thieves i have two people that are gonna be in in the group two french guys but uh we still have place for one more if you want to join into stone

I’m sure they would love to and i would love to it’s funny always see if this is a really funny game that’s that’s a fact for sure wait i don’t want to make this too blocky did you do world today oh let’s do the world guys live

I i i didn’t understand the world for the longest time but i finally understand how it works i saw my girlfriend do it and uh now i understand why is it like this what the [ __ ] happening to this thursday or friday i’m only available after 10 pm gmt um

One second let me let me look up what 10 pm gmt is -6 oh oh that’s like 2 p.m for me oh no just 12 a.m my time what my brain is not working dude i’ll look it up after stream let’s do the world first i want to do it

I i would go live i would go if i were to go live friday i would go live on at 7 00 pm cest or gmt plus one okay i haven’t i haven’t ever done this i’ve just seen my girlfriend do this start with at you

Okay okay i’m not gonna look at the chat this is the only clue i’m gonna take oh what dude you scammed me Um i don’t know why i thought rocks would do anything oh my god i’m so trash at this dudes what the [ __ ] what what do i do okay so there’s an a in there somewhere and then s ass eat ass no hmm [ __ ] what the [ __ ]

Salty okay i’m just gonna look at chat i don’t care it’s gonna be salty oh oh oh oh oh okay okay okay so the s is first and l um slave it’s gonna be slave slave slave slave oh there is no e ah um i’m not gonna look a chat i’m not looking

Nevermind i’m gonna look a chat no words have the other letters so what other letters can use um socks no it doesn’t have an o also doesn’t have a c or k dude why i hate i hate wordle it’s so hard okay okay um it’s going to be s a i don’t know Slabs [ __ ] oh no oh no okay i have some more info though okay so it doesn’t else isn’t the second letter snack no snap no slaps nah dude no it’s i was not the second letter don’t say it i will kill you i will [ __ ] kill you don’t say it

There’s no other as yeah um swag no what the [ __ ] um snag with sujis is that a thing it can only be an n right smacks no is this a words is it a word i don’t know what the [ __ ] i’m saying dude No no don’t say it i will kill you i will [ __ ] kill you don’t say anything don’t say anything i’m gonna try this oh that’s not a word okay i don’t know english dudes what the [ __ ] um oh no wait it has to contain an l i’m stupid okay Small oh okay swell no snow no shall is that it is this oh it’s snow shower spas it has to be this right swall yes yes yes my first world ever completed easy oh my god i’m gonna share this on twitter get [ __ ] get [ __ ] get [ __ ] i’m too good dudes

Chad didn’t help me at all i’m gonna put it on twitter easily dude i’m gonna tell everyone to cope is it is it like this cope i’m too good oh my god and i’m going to tag ataganti because he always [ __ ] posts his [ __ ] Get [ __ ] okay okay let’s continue the build now i know i knew what the [ __ ] does shell even mean what the [ __ ] this that’s the already is playing oh no can i say that i don’t know if i can that’s the display you survival yeah hi bob by the way and yours

Oh ray gill you said you oh my god ray gill said said shall i say it or i shall say it oh my god dude i didn’t even register it i’m like so brain dead i’m like the worst [ __ ] weirdo player ever holy [ __ ] yeah literally i’ve never i’ve never

Even tried to play it because i just know i’m terrible at that [ __ ] oh you also joined on your main okay nice i want to buy another alt account because everyone already knows what my alt account is i want to be able to play [ __ ] without like people knowing hmm i don’t know

But it’s so expensive it’s like [ __ ] 25 euros i don’t want to spend money on the [ __ ] minecraft i don’t have much inspiration for this build sadly i’m just gonna do it like this and i’ll just make it could look good on the roof i guess

And then i finally have the bill the bulk of this builds built and um check your tweet nah dude i don’t trust twitter on stream so mine can actually just post some [ __ ] posted take on there and my stream gets taken down i’ll check it after stream But yeah desto once you make twitter follow me asap dude just got my grand grandfather fought in world war ii i mean mine probably did too let’s be honest oh what the [ __ ] hey yo what the [ __ ] uh okay yeah i will yes sir thank you what the [ __ ] damn

Testo has no chill okay only you will know what my alticon will beat this though thank you oh yeah guys i mean you guys probably already are but subscribe to testo obviously his videos are amazing way higher quality than mine so uh yeah We love testo will ever be able to visit your base gods um maybe Having no roof is so [ __ ] [ __ ] it’s true i am making the roof beautiful though do you have more glass please tell me i do oh there we go dude i’m gonna buy my alt after stream asap oh my god i’m so [ __ ] happy thank you testo i was so excited

I swear to god if i [ __ ] leak my next my next out like i was oh no you know what now now that i have a another laptop i can safely like share my screen and [ __ ] like that without being scared of doxing myself because

Before that on my old laptop i had like so much personal information just about myself that could be that could [ __ ] talks me uh if i would um not be careful enough but now luckily on this new pc i’m just gonna not put any personal information about myself on it and um

I’m just gonna use my old laptop for like real life [ __ ] just to be sure because It’s scary i don’t want to get dogs no not not now i mean not yet maybe can i join your vc and do pop of pop chevy voice reveal on stream yeah for sure dudes you want to call in yeah call me call me right now stream uh voice reveal on stream

Let me hear that sexy voice thing is so many people hate you bob everyone just hates you because you just [ __ ] around too much and people don’t see that you’re trolling all the time oh you mean the nether roof oh yeah luckily i already got used to [ __ ] um

To the nerd not having another roof and that’s good because there’s not another nether roof on any other [ __ ] server you know there’s no nether roof on an easy vanilla no not on purity vanilla and um i mean that’s the only servers that i know i mean two b2t also

Doesn’t have another roof so yeah it was luxury having another roof on simply vanilla it really was oh my god what those it’s freaks here no who brought them i knew that someone was gonna show up eventually not just not this soon oh well we had fun building guys

I i knew this was gonna happen because um what’s it called [ __ ] atlas members have been to this base and atlas is full of [ __ ] rats and everyone’s too stupid to realize that well let’s watch the bass grief dude let’s watch it live i’m so glad this this happened on live i

Would be sad if it was just offline yes oh well all my good [ __ ] is in my uh in my image in my each house you know they’re nice about it you know they didn’t that didn’t even didn’t even kill me such a freak he really is oh let’s go let’s watch it

You guys could have waited until my roof was finished so let’s be honest but okay okay that’s fine oh my god dude blow up the rest what are you waiting on yeah yeah you joined at a perfect moment to it dude is nobody gonna blow it up

Yeah but bob that’s uh let’s call after this grief is done it’s such a perfect uh perfect time dudes oh let’s go why is the roof not uh exploding we haven’t eat just on me oh i don’t it’s fine it’s fine thank you for doing it on stream though

At least at least it’s on stream [Laughter] oh my god dudes hydra is craving who else oh there they come there they come out of here oh yeah wizard sounds are still on oh my god yeah obviously not i was staged he paid its freaks to

Degree yeah i think it’s freaks to come here and grief my base oh my god wait oh you already blew this up you couldn’t wait for me okay okay no you’re still doing it okay blow up the tower [Laughter] this is amazing this is actually the second time that

I’ve been griefed on on a stream the first time was like six seven months ago before i even played uh simply vanilla i had i had stream snipers do it it just it’s funny that it’s happened again i didn’t expect it to happen this soon though who is this i don’t know him

How does scott don’t have me greased by hydra who’s next i mean yeah i’ve they probably got guards from like the atlas rats because [ __ ] uh gnome or i don’t know who but like some people from from the space brought atlas members to like they gave them courts to this place

And that’s when i knew like it’s done it’s over you know Just taking that don’t mind me oh [ __ ] oh i forgot about one of 18 withers hey man hydra is nice they they let me stream for like an hour or so i don’t know how long have i been live let me check how long have i been live

Yeah yeah they let me stream for almost two hours didn’t kill me they let me film it you know respectful effort okay i’m watching i’m watching i’m watching blow it up oh come on Oh my god i love ewoks [ __ ] bro well perfect time to uh end the stream thank you guys can we all take screenshot after uh sure i’ll do it after stream thank you guys for um being here watching the grief i’ll be back next time with a new base Oh my god and um yeah thanks to hydra for doing it on stream i got some college work to do so i i’m not even mad Oh god do it i’ve every [ __ ] uh bass grief has been live uh or at least recorded you remember when when the wall space got graved on simply um the the the guy the griefer showed up while i was recording a video you know it’s like it’s like perfect timing every time

I mean now it was planned of course by them but uh yes amazing okay well it’s not good enough for a video but i’ll make it a clip why not i’ll fly a bit more and then i’ll enter stream and i’ll be streaming sea of thieves probably

Uh friday i said yeah i’ll do friday because i’m gone all weekend so i can’t stream then so we’ll do it then uh bob we’ll have to be seen next time dude i’m dipping oh boy i’m scared [Laughter] guys don’t please don’t kill me i beg i

Beg it’s not funny i will be out of here okay you got it you got it you got it [Applause] oh the [ __ ] withers dude holy [ __ ] okay there you go you got it uh now i am out of here oh yeah by the way for you guys if you

Want chords here they are i almost forgot to not leak my own cards if you want to visit the remains of scotland here it is and wait i need to log off after world height there we go okay thank you guys um i’ll do my next pace

I’ll be back next week with the next place yeah and this time i’m not inviting atlas members [ __ ] rats all of them i said this so many times don’t trust atlas rats in there oh look bye guys see you next week with uh no i mean friday and this weekend with another stream

On our video and thank you so much testo for the the out accounts money bye bye

This video, titled ‘Skotland GOT GRIEFED LIVE ON STREAM | NO hack Minecraft Anarchy server 1.18’, was uploaded by Skotose me on 2022-03-30 06:54:23. It has garnered 371 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 01:49:59 or 6599 seconds.

#Minecraft #Anarchy #Buliding (join on 1.18)


Other Minecraft anarchy servers: 2b2t, purity vanilla, simply vanilla This is a 1.18 minecraft vanilla anarchy server! so NO HACKS

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Skotland GOT GRIEFED LIVE ON STREAM | NO hack Minecraft Anarchy server 1.18