SKY ISLAND 101 – How To Make Sky Islands! | The Minecraft Guide – Minecraft 1.14.4 Lets Play Ep 57

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Hello there everybody my name is waddles merch is right around the corner I hope you’re doing well welcome back to the minecraft guide this world is the lovely world so I have some good old microtransactions to take a look at if I can get inside when we start today’s if

You been around here you know what that means that means I was afk fishing as always the goal is mending here right at the beginning of the episode hopefully fingers crossed we get a little more lucky than we did last time we got one mending book the last time I afk which

Just not good but under a second loop box here oh no this is not looking too spicy oh no please please no we lost the lottery oh man well that’s okay I have two double chests of saddles to to make up for it don’t know if that really

Makes up for it I did some organizing though before I afk fished and yeah I definitely need like a storage building for all of that loot but today we are going to begin a brand new project that should be pretty fun I think now we need

To scout out some some sky I guess for this project actually this thing that we’re going to do is in the air and we’re going to tie it into a very useful minecraft tool or I guess I should say that comes in the form of a website

Actually so we need some open ocean that’s what we’re looking for candidate one is over here in in the air of course like no turn around like maybe like here or so sitting in the air which would be cool or or or or Canada two would be

Over this way and you know I just don’t know we don’t have anything built over here yet right like it’s just kind of open hmm I can’t do it over the the coral reef ooh I need to land didn’t think I can’t figure it out hmm for the silver reason

Of visibility I think I’m leaning towards this area over here I’m sure eventually our town will be expanded into this huge space but it’s not there quite yet so we might as well do our build over there so let’s go ahead and sore down and grab our materials that we

Will need for today’s nice little project today we’re going to begin a new Zone in our world the zone well that is going to be called or at least for now temporarily until I get a good name the sky Zone the sky base the sky islands

And I think I like sky Islands the best so we’re going to call this the sky islands we’ll be putting some builds on it and maybe maybe even a villager breeder but we’ll see but first things first we need to get this thing positioned out in the water somewhere so

We need to go out to the ocean and oh no we need to go out to the ocean and mark off a spot that we want these islands these sky things to be and I think that spot could be right out here where the

Kelp is kind of we want this build to be far but we also don’t want this bill to be impossibly far because if I put something like a villager breeder in it or around it then I don’t want to have to transport my villagers too far off

Over to the land like if we did it up here we could go straight over to there and then make like a trading Hall type thing so I think this is good now part two of this project is getting really high up in the air while I tower I’d

Like to talk about the this project and how random it is I’ve been planning doing this all along and it was a big secret and I’m very excited to start it we’re not abandoning our town project over there we are simply taking a bit of

A sidetrack if you will in a way today we’ll be talking all about how you would go about building floating giant sky islands some techniques and things like that and as we slowly progress will add more islands here and then eventually of course put things on top of these

Islands but I think this is the perfect spot for our island and that brings us to something that I’d like to teach you guys about down in the description there is a link to this website right here this is plots you may or may not know

About the site what is it for well it’s for drafting out or planning out certain types of builds you could use this website to generate circles ovals anything like that in our case we’ll be going for a large-scale circle so we’ll be using this site to make sure the

Circle is a perfect circle this is a very very useful tool to use especially when you are building builds like what we’re doing today when I started building in circles I used this site quite a bit to figure out just how I should go about doing that you can use

The site to make domes to make circles even to make wizard towers lighthouses and observatories another thing we’re going for is a giant circle this island that we’re building right here will be our main sky island this is going to take a lot of materials but it’ll be

Worth it in the end I think because we’ll have a really cool-looking build off in the distance if I am correct with my sizing here we should have a circle with a radius of 16 blocks that means 32 blocks all the way across the circle so fairly large on my second monitor the

Monitor that you can’t see right now I have plots open and it has my circle I’m using the plots website as a reference to make sure I have everything just right when you’re building a circular build of the scale you probably want things to be just right now I’m going to

Keep a lot of what this build will be used for in the dark actually but that doesn’t mean you guys can’t take any guesses down in the comments maybe just maybe somebody will get it right and I’ll mention it in a future episode but for now we’ll keep most of it a secret

And talk about making floating islands believe it or not there is a technique to doing builds like these and I’d like to say I have that technique pretty figured out so when you’re trying to build a giant floating sky island that looks like it was like ripped out of the

Land or something start by creating your shape it could be a circle a square a rectangle really anything the shape does not matter all that much at all honestly all that really matters on a build like this is that you have plenty of materials and when I say materials I

Mean dirt cobblestone and stone we have quite a bit of all of those things so I think we’ll be good maybe we’ll have to smelt up some stone but hey I I heard that I have a handy auto smelter first melting large quantities of things so I’m not worried

About it we can make lots of stone and I have a silk touch pickaxe and a project that needs done that I could probably pause and and work on a little bit now after figuring out the outline of your island thing whatever it is

Fill it in make sure all of the land on the top is just flat and filled in you can come back later and have some depth to it and you definitely should do that but you’ll need a platform that you can rock it over to and land on or just lift

Up to from the water depending on how you want to actually get over to the thing now let’s take a look from here we’ll just land like yes right there um oh yeah that is going to be perfect that’s the correct location I’ll have to take out that whole tower we don’t

Really need that anymore but I need more materials today’s project is probably going to be or involve quite a bit of back and forth let’s go down to the mines though first and grab our cobble stone I have a lot of cobblestone that I left down here we need this stuff’s

Melted up okay so the auto smelter is running I don’t know if it will be active while I’m over at the sky Island but we’ll see I I think that’s a bit far so that might be a stretch it hmm I might need to come back over here

And actually afk a little bit I should have done that while it was actually a if gang but I didn’t think about it when I afk I usually set things up really late at night and I’m out of it I’m not thinking back to filling this in though

And perfect this is a Big Island so we can land really easily that’s another benefit building this thing’s large now this part in the project it would be a good idea to decide what you’d like on top of this thing meaning are you going to want my psyllium floating island do

You want a grass floating island do you look like what do you want up top I want a grass floating island so I’ll go ahead and use my soak touch over here and bring some grass over to this this platform that I’m making and place it

Down so the grass can slowly start to fill in over time because we’re going to be over here for a little while working on this thing now I’m going to disregard what I said in the previous part just a little bit because I’m kinda low under

Time not going to finish filling in this whole platform the really important part is that you have at least a little bit of space filled in around the edges here because now we need to drop down below this build and start terraforming it this kind of terraforming is very very

Different now than your normal type of terraforming to start drop a water bucket off the side of this build and I have some blocks ready we need to jump into the stream and set up a small platform for us to kind of jump down on to and work off of something like this

Just a little bit below the floor of your platform after that you can go ahead and pull the water bucket out we don’t really need that there and you can go ahead and set up a staircase going back up to the top if you’d like you

Don’t need to do this I’m going to do it just you know because I can you probably won’t need to go back up top on this thing unless your materials are up there for quite a bit of time now we need to terraform the side of this thing and

This is the semi tricky part keep that water bucket on hand because you might use it quite a bit to go up and down so you can place blocks now what we need to do is slowly make this thus tower kind of cone inwards towards the middle I

Like to start off with a dirt like casing if you will so what I mean by this is dirt at random heights like what I’m doing here along the edge now you can go in sometimes and add some depth to the building you definitely should do

That but you don’t want everything to be flat if I had all of my dirt just stop at this layer things are going to look weird to do this build style well you need to be random some parts should hang down farther than the other parts I

Recommend pretty much creating a ring of building blocks all the way around this island and just place dirt and do all of your building from it on this part of the build you should only be using dirt and maybe coarser or some kind of wood

Plank to mix in as well if you’d like but skip the stone for now first do the dirt all the way around this thing now if you want you can have things kind of pop out like that but I don’t want that I want this thing to stay a clean circle

Because I’ll be putting it on a map and when I put it on a map I want yeah that perfect circle look so really the next step is to create a randomization of dirt make it look like this thing has been ripped out of the ground get random

With your height go in and some spots go out in other spots if you’d like just work on going all the way around your circle you can start at one side and go towards the other side or you could work on one side and then go to the next step

It’s it’s totally your call but this is going to take some time because you’re working in the sky and you’re building down so be patient be ready this is a project this is not for the light-hearted no no another little tip that I could give you is making things

Kind of get longer towards the middle so on this side I’ll have probably the farthest point down like the area where I have the dirt going down the farthest the middle just to keep things kind of balanced so we don’t have like a long

Part and then a long part and then a low spot in the middle I I don’t know it’s your call when it comes to this type of thing if you like it like that do it like that but I personally don’t really like it like that oh and

Definitely don’t worry about filling in the middle of this build you don’t have to do that right now and really you don’t have to do that ever on these islands you can leave it hollow and just make a basement or whatever you put on this thing or or something like that you

Don’t need to fill it all in oh and if you fall be ready to go back up to the top you might fall when you’re doing this ooh I said rock bottom on my dirt supply oh no I will I have enough to finish to the

Edges we will see mmm it might help to take a take a step back every once in a while by the way when you’re doing this just to make sure you’re doing it right and all honesty it’s actually pretty hard to mess this build style up it’s it’s not that difficult it’s just

Expensive and tedious tedious would be the work but stepping back and taking a look at what you’re doing every once in a while never hurts and guess who had enough materials to finish this whole thing that’s right this guy I I was able

To do it I am so proud of myself so the dirt is done after the dirt you’re going to need a stone cobble stone andesite maybe the mossy variance if you want I’m actually passing on the mossy variance today because I don’t really want them so what do you do now

Well pretty much honestly the same exact thing but and this is a huge but here eat you shouldn’t be continuing the straight off of the dirt that’s going to look really weird and that’s certainly not what you’re going for I am I’m sure of it what you want to do is go inside

Of the dirt so we’re kind of funneling things inwards and create a randomization of again stone andesite and cobblestone you can place this really however you’d like but my big advice is to work downwards and towards the middle make sure you fill in gaps so you can’t

See into the like the inside of the island that will ruin the whole effect so work to cup the outside world off from the inside world below this island while moving things inwards towards the middle and of course don’t forget about depth make sure the outside of your

Build is not all just entirely flat like in here I might want to pull that out and move the wall back a little bit the stone process is going to be a very long process though because you need to encase this whole bottom area and you’ll

Want to kind of big kind of keep going down but but also not not really don’t get too far ahead of yourself quite yet because we will be doing something towards the middle – to make this build a little easier a little cheaper but I think now is about the right time to

Really just hunker down in and I’m going to get a bunch of this stuff in so wish me luck let’s see what we can do to this build Oh right well that didn’t take too long after finishing the first layer of stone and it looks like I have a whole soul fixed that you want to really just do the same thing all over again and that is why this build style is honestly so easy so do a whole another

Layer of your gray stone blocks and have it come in words again just a little bit more and then after this layer we’ll talk about how I recommend you finished these things off I didn’t say it earlier and I probably should have but I definitely recommend that if you’re

Trying this build style whoa I’ll start with a smaller island first don’t don’t do such a large one because that’s going to be a lot of materials so start small and then eventually do a big one I recommend starting with Oh No well I make the jump oh boy yeah I will start

With an island that is at the biggest half of this size randomization is key here I’m doing semi large chunks of certain materials and then switching things up breaking things up and by the way amazing news our auto smelter is actually still active when we are over

Here so if I happen to need more stone which I might need a little bit more then I can easily go drop stuff off on that thing and then come back over here continue working and I’ll have stone in no time I’m really happy about that now

As a refresher we’ve done three layers of the underside so far layer one was the dirt around the outside layer two is stone stuff layer three is more stone stuff I am now ready for the fourth layer and this is where you have an option well two options you can either

Have stuff go inwards and down again or you can start making things a little more flat on the bottom now I’m thinking I want my underside to go in just a little bit more before I start making everything flat so I’ll be repeating everything that I’ve done

Again once more but if you have a smaller island you might be closer towards the middle here at this point and and if that’s the case then you should do what I’ll be doing next which I guess we’ll talk about in a minute and I am finally finally finally done with

My last layer inward so now I have actually a pretty small circle in the middle and to finish this all off we are going to want to flatten things out kind of not really so you might need to lower your platform like a layer or two more I

Definitely will need to but the goal here is to just go in and make some of your ceiling pop down and some of it pop upwards the key to this building style is depth just lots and lots of depth so to make this work really well you’ll you’ll need a randomized sealing with

Parts that hang low and some parts that go a little higher out you can’t really mess anything up at this point so just go for it finish it up fill it all in and then you are the brand-new proud owner of a floating island in the sky in your world

Which I mean hey that’s that’s pretty cool now I’d like to use this time while I’m finishing up the bill to answer a question that I can hear already and that is why am I not using any slabs or staircases or anything and you know that’s a good question stranger that I

Can hear somehow you see I’m not using any stairs or slabs on a build like this because we already have a lot of details if we start to go to overkill on the angles and things like that the build is going to be very difficult to look at

They’ll be almost too much for our eyes to process and that won’t be good you don’t want to have a build that has a billion and a half angles and we already have a billion angle so that’s really why I’m not using any staircases or

Slabs on the build and that’s also why I opted to not use any of the mossy blocks as well three blocks is probably going to be enough for a mass of Crecy floating land we don’t to mix in four and five blocks with the mossy variance that would look cool but

We don’t really need to if you want moss hanging off of the bottom of this island and I think I do so I’ll probably come back and do it I recommend using leaf blocks instead and having those things just hang off of the bottom so you’ll finish your whole island then you’ll

Come back in and you’ll add those leaves randomly I just don’t really recommend doing mossy blocks on this thing I mean you could you totally could and you could make it work but it and also might take even more time and this is already a time-consuming build it’s big it’s large

It’s in the air so I don’t know it’s it’s your call obviously but I don’t think it’s necessary on a build like this okay well I went down to the mines and I found quite a bit of dirt hopefully enough to finish I really need to actually go dig up dirt from

Somewhere though which is kind of surprising because we don’t have a cave base or anything and usually when I do at Gabe bases is when I run out of dirt but now pretty much out of dirt not that big a video though because our sky

Island is now done so I let up the inside or I tried to I guess I think I need a little bit more in here and then I did some vines hanging from the bottom of this thing that’ll show you in a minute will we go do a flyby but that is

I think where we’re going to stop the project for today so take your best guess what do you think I’m gonna do over here of course I said a villager breeder but the breeder won’t be on the island it will be probably in the sky over here somewhere and I think I will

Be adding more islands to like around this one I think that could be really cool but a fly bite so here is the final product we have a giant circle with some vines hanging from it now I didn’t go to overkill with the vines honestly I could

Probably do a little bit more I just didn’t want an overbearing amount of vines hanging from this thing the idea is to to have it look like it’s ripped out of the ground and really have the stone and the dirt be the thing that catches your eyes you know so

I don’t know I’m pretty happy with it and we’ll be coming back to it and adding things onto it and around it very soon like I just said I think I’ll put a few more islands near it but now let’s see if it happens to be on our map and

Then we’ll do the comment of the day I really hope this will be on the map but it might be too far if it were going to be on the map I think it would be on this one all right we’re gonna have to

Do a flyby for sure let’s see it is on the map not entirely but partially that’s amazing awesome so today’s comment of the day the comment is from kamilly and it reads in episode 50 you said that you don’t really like the Haunted Church building anymore

What would you build instead of it and the comment is referring to our nether portal building that yeah I am NOT a huge fan of I don’t know it’s it’s my least favorite build in the world over there it’s I don’t know like the steeple needs to be different and yeah I don’t

Know I’m just not a huge fan of it what would I do instead I honestly don’t know I would probably do like maybe like one of those portal cave things where people make like a cave in the side of a cliff and then there’s a big portal at the

Back like that would be pretty cool but I don’t know I’m torn on this build I want to rip it out but I also don’t for nostalgia in like history’s sake right like it’s here for a reason should we really rip it out I I don’t know

Am I missing a block I am missing a block on it oh no I’ve been missing a block ever since I built that thing that’s crazy and also I had an explosion happen over here killed a bunch of my animals the pig is gone unfortunately the chicken got out yeah

That’s not the right fences either you know but anyways I’d like to send a special shout out you witchcraft today thank you for your support and thank you everybody else for watching I hope you enjoyed sky island 101 let me know what you think about it and go have a good

One my name is waddles and I we’ll see you next time goodbye everybody You

This video, titled ‘SKY ISLAND 101 – How To Make Sky Islands! | The Minecraft Guide – Minecraft 1.14.4 Lets Play Ep 57’, was uploaded by wattles on 2019-08-11 17:55:39. It has garnered 269680 views and 7217 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:17 or 1577 seconds.

In today’s Minecraft Guide episode we are talking all about mystical floating sky islands! These builds are really fun to do because they always end up looking really cool. We will eventually be putting a villager breeder near this place probably! What do you think I’m going to put on the island?


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    Shocking Twist in Aria's Strike SMP Mayor Election!Video Information it’s live it’s unlisted right now so you can’t actually watch it yet huh I got yeah I’ll do a public stream if you want I got Comm I got got I could do a pivate as well which is just so you guys can watchever can you even stream the yeah yeah it’s a content creator SMP it’s like you meant to make content on it crazy crazy why am I on this game why is this [ __ ] actually got me gambling bro cuz gambling is good for no this isn’t gambling because we’re not… Read More

  • Insane HIVE Live Action with Viewers!

    Insane HIVE Live Action with Viewers!Video Information okay I think the stream started wait for people to get in whoa let me load in the hive okay and I’ve already got cs’s server suspended D that’s weird Hello Universe I’m already getting surrounded I’ve been on for like 2 seconds okay let’s start a party because do you know what happened yesterday yeah yesterday spofy gave me high Plus for no reason so that’s W okay wait who have I not invited let’s go for off msh yeah yeah we could find all the banners I haven’t been bothered to find him fight just died… Read More

  • Crazy Minecraft Spiderpig vs. All Mobs!

    Crazy Minecraft Spiderpig vs. All Mobs!Video Information sh he [Music] ow [Music] a fu f [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] This video, titled ‘minecraft spiderpig vs all mob fight||Minecraft mob battle||’, was uploaded by George XT on 2024-04-27 11:00:07. It has garnered 707 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:23 or 203 seconds. minecraft spiderpig vs all mob fight||Minecraft mob battle|| minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft battles revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft… Read More

  • EPIC MLG Chipi Chipi Chapa Dance in Minecraft! 🕺🎮

    EPIC MLG Chipi Chipi Chapa Dance in Minecraft! 🕺🎮Video Information क्यूटीज की चैट ये देख रहे हो इसको हेलो स्नेहा बोट पे चढ़ा नहीं जाता है स्नेहा भाई आ जाओ सारी जल्दी करो चलो चलो गाइस टाइम नहीं है बिल्कुल चलो वन टू थ्री गो चिप्पी चिपी चापा चापा रूबी रूबी राबा राबा मैजिकल से रूबी रूबी बूम बूम बूम बूम चिप्पी चिप्पी चापा This video, titled ‘Mlg God Chipi Chipi chapa dance in Minecraft #shorts #gamerfleet #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by KrishCraft on 2024-04-23 05:30:07. It has garnered 1831 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. minecraft shorts hero team minecraft… Read More

  • 🔥 Insane Dungeon Grind in MASTER MODE! 🔥

    🔥 Insane Dungeon Grind in MASTER MODE! 🔥Video Information [Music] yo zukes first yes sir yes sir [Music] how you boys doing today how we doing how we doing yo what’s up DOI what’s up Professor welcome welcome welcome what’s up Zilla oh we got everybody joining hold on okay buy him a dinner all right all right we’re going to start off stream solid we’re about to drop a um overgrown grass what’s up Michael what’s up Jake hope you both doing good um me not watch my own stream and murder my internet let’s not slip up this time what do you mean what are… Read More

  • 🔥Build Epic Wall Fast in Minecraft! #shorts

    🔥Build Epic Wall Fast in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information how to build a cool wall in [Music] Minecraft [Music] sh This video, titled ‘How to build a cool Wall in Minecraft! #shorts #minecraftshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by CedoxMC on 2024-03-07 09:00:07. It has garnered 522 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Wall Designs in Minecraft! Version – 1.20.4 Shaders – Complementary shaders Texture pack – Prime’s Hd #redstonebuilds #howtomake #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts TAGS: minecraft minecraft shorts minecraft parodileri minecraft farm minecraft house tutorial minecraft ev yapimi minecraft rp minecraft haus bauen minecraft icrimax minecraft stadt minecraft welt minecraft song… Read More

  • Wet Hands Surprise Singing in Minecraft

    Wet Hands Surprise Singing in MinecraftVideo Information B B B B B B B B B [музыка] [музыка] мммм [музыка] B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B This video, titled ‘WET HANDS, BUT I SING IT… (goofy style) | Minecraft’, was uploaded by Kev1nTheKev1n on 2024-06-03 03:41:09. It has garnered 29 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:30 or 90 seconds. #minecraft #kev1nthekev1n #wethands so uh i got bored again and decided to sing another song this time i did… Read More

  • Hyde Network

    Hyde NetworkHyde Network Earth SMP! Join us today to enjoy the best Earth SMP on Minecraft! We have active staff and an active community for you to take part in! Read More

  • GALESTA – semi-vanilla roleplay, nation-building, magic

    Galesta Minecraft Server Welcome to Galesta Minecraft Server! We offer a completely unique and unmodded Minecraft experience, where you can enjoy our custom features: NEVER BEFORE SEEN COMBAT SYSTEM: 12 Unique classes and items for customizable combat styles WORLD BUILDING & POLITICS: Create nations and engage in wars 20K X 20K WORLD MAP: Hand-painted by our team RICH HISTORY: Community with deep lore CUSTOM ITEMS & PROFESSIONS: Form communities around professions Join us now! IP: PLAY.GALESTA.COM DISCORD: Read More


    FLEETMC | GENS | MINING, DUNGEONS, PAYOUTS, FARMING, GENERATORS, CUSTOM ENCHANTMENTS | JOIN NOWWelcome to FleetMC, the ultimate Minecraft experience where adventure and innovation collide! Explore our unique, dynamic and ever-changing mining area with shifting terrain, elemental zones, and a plethora of resources waiting to be discovered. Each visit promises new challenges and rewards, ensuring an exciting and fresh experience every time you delve into the depths.Craft custom tools and armor with advanced recipes, including our exclusive “Enchantment Infusion” system. This feature allows you to acquire powerful enchantments and apply them to your items using an anvil, enhancing your gear’s performance and unlocking unique abilities. With tools like the Silverstriker Pickaxe and the… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Lost and Forsaken

    Looks like this meme got lost in the world of Minecraft, but at least it’s not forgotten with that impressive score of 1625! Read More

  • Hardcore Minecraft: 9K Days Survived, Epic Strive!

    Hardcore Minecraft: 9K Days Survived, Epic Strive! Leap into the verse, no need for a start, For the crowd knows your face, your beats, and your art. Just spin the finest rhymes, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Yo, you are our favorite news reporter who only responds in rhymes, Crafting Minecraft news with rhymes that ignite. Iacing every update with a grin and a spin. In this Minecraft video I survive 9000 days in a Minecraft Hardcore world, Here are all the things I accomplished, and all the adventures that I had, unfurled. More 100 Days Episodes, the… Read More

  • Warden Girl Slaying Golems 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    Warden Girl Slaying Golems 🔥 #minecraftmemes Looks like Warden Girl is about to have a “rocky” time with all those golems! #minecraftstruggles #watchoutforflyingblocks Read More

  • Crafty Cafe Build | Minecraft Madness

    Crafty Cafe Build | Minecraft Madness Exploring the World of Minecraft: Building a Cafe Creating a Cozy River House In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly seeking to enhance their survival experience. One popular way to do so is by building a cozy river house. In a recent tutorial by Lazycial, players can learn how to easily construct the best river house in Minecraft. This simple guide is perfect for beginners looking to add a functional and charming home to their world. Building a Cafe in Minecraft For those looking to add a touch of sophistication to their Minecraft world, building a cafe… Read More

  • Crazy CARBALL in Wild West! Charity Streamer Dan

    Crazy CARBALL in Wild West! Charity Streamer DanVideo Information [Music] you’ll speak when spoken to [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ye Run for the hills we got a raid [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] 1 2 3 4 [Music] welcome welcome come on everyone it’s a carnival party and we’re going to have some fun step up and try your luck out you could win a prize friends to spend your time with and then the man himself of course he’s always family friendly you don’t have to fret he’s the hokiest joest cowboy on the [Music] internet wellcome welcome come on take a… Read More

  • Family Face-Off: JJ vs Mikey Locked in Tower – Minecraft Showdown

    Family Face-Off: JJ vs Mikey Locked in Tower - Minecraft ShowdownVideo Information hey Mikey it’s morning and I think we should go downstairs and see what our family’s doing oh hey JJ absolutely let’s go oh hi my family I missed you guys so much so what do we have today oh you’ve got such a table for us this is so unexpected thank you my wife and JJ’s wife wait wait wait before we eat I noticed some really weird stuff in the window oh my God it’s two huge beds I’m shocked how did this happen let’s go outside and see what’s going on come on we’re already… Read More

  • Unbelievable Secrets of Minecraft 2B2T Torre

    Unbelievable Secrets of Minecraft 2B2T TorreVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 2B2T’, was uploaded by Torre on 2024-07-08 21:24:14. It has garnered 521 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. #shorts #minecraftshorts #viral #minecraft #minecraft2b2t #minecraft #iceberg #español Experience the chaos and adventure of Minecraft 2B2T in this epic gaming video. Join the mayhem on the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft! Read More

  • Minecraft Prank Wars with Arnav x Beast 🤣🎮 #TrollFriends

    Minecraft Prank Wars with Arnav x Beast 🤣🎮 #TrollFriendsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Viral ways to troll your friends in minecraft😂| Minecraft | ArnavxBeast’, was uploaded by Arnav x Beast on 2024-05-26 15:12:27. It has garnered 12 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. #minecraft #capcut #troll #viral “Minecraft” is a sandbox video game developed by Mojang Studios and initially released in 2011. It has become one of the best-selling video games of all time, known for its blocky, pixelated graphics and virtually limitless creative possibilities. Here’s an overview of its key features and gameplay: Gameplay 1. Modes: • Survival Mode: Players… Read More

  • INSANE Map Creation with EPIC Shaders! | MCPE 1.20

    INSANE Map Creation with EPIC Shaders! | MCPE 1.20Video Information [Musik] Halo guys k lagi di channel gold kali ini gue mau showcase map yang buat showcase shader atau tekstur ya guys ya kalian bisa lihat tuh di bawah itu buat showcase ya buat showas tekur atau shader nanti gue kasih linknya di komentar atau ak deskripsi ya guys ya langsung aja kita lihat ada apa aja ya let go a l di sini ada pintu-pintuan ya guys ya Terus di sebelah sini ada GL dan sini ada kayu terus ya giniilah ini buat apa coy t gua pada ini cuk bentar wa nah terus ini mungkin buat… Read More

  • Insane Fan Art Reactions w/ Philza in QSMP Minecraft!

    Insane Fan Art Reactions w/ Philza in QSMP Minecraft!Video Information book to write review I will thank you all right awesome uh let’s go let’s go start from here I was like starting on the left side here and just working my way around cute very cute some crocodile art yes yes I wonder if like people call him Croc for sure or something you know what I found out I found out that um like the the the necessary way to say my name filza the the [ __ ] like sounds don’t exist in the in the Korean alphabet like so when AKO like called me… Read More

  • 🔥Bihari Ninja’s EPIC Minecraft Adventure! Join NOW! 🔥

    🔥Bihari Ninja's EPIC Minecraft Adventure! Join NOW! 🔥Video Information तो कुछ आ रहा है हां तो आ ही रहा है अबे सबटाइटल बंद कैसे हो च जरूरत भी नहीं ओ हम साला जानते हो ज्यादा चालाक बनने के चक्कर में पिलाए बहुत भयानक वाला नहीं बनी चला कोई नहीं अब चालाक नहीं बनेगा ना सब काट के लेके चला जाता तो दिक्कत है अप हा अपने एमपी में ही है हम अच्छा बाबू बताओ तो क्या गोल होता है गोल सर्कल होता है बाब गोल क्या होता है बताओ तो ओ मुखी तेरे से कुछ पूछ रहा है य क्या किस क्लास में पढ़ता है मैं तो… Read More


    Szuna_ - EPIC LAST PLAYER TITANIUM PVP WINVideo Information This video, titled ‘SON OYUNCU TİTANYUM COMEBACK PVP’, was uploaded by Szuna_ on 2024-02-18 20:00:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. titanium bull pvp comeback minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu cheat, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft … Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Creative World! Crazy Channel Plans!

    EPIC Minecraft Creative World! Crazy Channel Plans!Video Information I can’t be asked to any intro or to put a thumbnail on we’ve already done it once ain’t doing it again so right now L for the only way for me to be able to play games at the moment it seems is to have a keyboard and mouse set up and I’m looking at like a 90° angle on my screen how fun I can potentially make this better for myself if I move that there and I move the desk over more over here I might be able to see better let me get the… Read More

SKY ISLAND 101 – How To Make Sky Islands! | The Minecraft Guide – Minecraft 1.14.4 Lets Play Ep 57