Slimecicle – The HARDEST Minecraft Difficulty

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Yeah so we made the hardest minecraft difficulty my name is charlie slimesickle and three months ago i had a terrible idea what if my friends and i individually changed a bunch of things in minecraft to make it more difficult and then we tried to beat it without telling each other when we changed

Why did we do this honestly i think i’m mentally brain dead and just really quick before the video and hoo boy it’s a good one if you enjoy my content please make sure you’re subscribed down below youtube has been randomly unsubscribing people from channels and i

Try not to make videos you want to miss out on and speaking of things you don’t want to miss out on slime circle plushies are going to be available right now head over to and pre-order your one foot or two foot slime cycle plush before they’re sold out

That’s right you yourself will be able to ho ho hold one i cannot get over the fact that these exist i love them so much so what are you waiting for a christmas light just went up my ass so what are you waiting for go to right now and get one of

These insanely soft and comfortable slime cycle plushies now we can get to the video here’s how this is gonna happen all of us are gonna be able to add or change anything within a specific category so for instance one person totally controls everything that has to do with mobs and another person controls

Everything inside every cave so now i’m setting up chests and we’re all going to take turns picking them and then whatever is inside the chest is basically going to indicate what you have control over what’s inside all of the different chests well i’m glad you asked because i’ll tell you

To watch the rest of the goddamn video Dibs on the red one dibs the blue one i’m blue why do you dibs the book i’ll tell you what first one that gets to pick the chest is the last one left alive go oh i already had half health it’s a fight to the death all right you

Gotta earn it come on you gotta earn it come on wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait where’s the [ __ ] ego there’s seriously in all this baby survival yellow one looks really nice green one looks cool What are you picking what are you picking oh the green one all right don’t say what it is you know how rock paper scissors works yeah give them the countdown grizz three two one scissors two or three best two or three get back in here basically we got another round okay What the [ __ ] was that bisli you saw him pull out the rock three seconds literally that’s not my fault yeah see that feels like foul play and now no keep going you’re not allowed back you’re not allowed back bro that was [ __ ] murder back there you’re not allowed

Why isn’t this working what does this do All right bisley you get the second pick between blue red and yellow pick the blue one i’m gonna go with the blue one oh yeah everyone said i should go with it are you positive once you open it you are there is no going back okay yep

Okay condi you can pick one too number two mini money mo this one red okay take your items and then i’m gonna be the last one i got this diamond sword from the chest i got this uh i got this pickaxe from the chest and then i got this tree we’re gonna be

Making a minecraft difficulty you’re in charge of tools of weapons and of nature you’re gonna regret that all right i i got a piece of netherrack and an end crystal i can’t put it down that’s just that you control you control everything in the nether in

The end uh yeah i’ll see you in hell i wanna come wait Fizzly you’re in charge of mobs i’ve got we gotta split it up evenly crafting uh smelting and enchanting also i forgot to mention i’m doing food so maybe it’s time to go on a fast i want king arthur’s excalibur and i wanted to cut i wanted to cut the

Minecraft world in half okay next one all i want to say is that i will have a lot of fun with the horses bro i’m not going anywhere i’m not going anywhere near a horse do with that what you will gentlemen where are you going bisley where are you the shadows

Hang on hang on i’m going to turn i’m going to turn down my render distance real real low keep going just a little further yeah for further shadow wait tree don’t you forget about me now i also made a couple of my own changes which you might notice look i added

A meat sword after all you can’t just eat all of it because i added cardiovascular disease the best part about this is even though i’ve completely ruined the game it’s still gonna be four times as bad guys dude i’m just always turned on to shut up why are you so

Weird today over two months ago we first all got together and i assigned you all parts of of the world that we hear us gods were meant to shape i don’t know if you knew this when you made these things but now now we’re gonna have to run the gauntlet

We’re gonna need to go down there and face the challenges we’ve made for ourselves and each other fall we lost one we gotta go down there and save them we gotta beat minecraft yeah whatever man what’s the first thing we have to accomplish in minecraft dirt

Probably we need to get what yeah why dirt dirt why are you hurting it why is it getting hurt the dirt head is coming i really feel like i’m getting my hands dirty clean me off grizzly you gotta go into the water okay you’re gonna go into the water

What the [ __ ] why would you [ __ ] do it you knew you knew aren’t humans made of like 75 percent water oh god it’s in me oh god life is pity help me charlie come on bisley aren’t you thirsty you drink aren’t you parched busily don’t you want some of this [Laughter] what

It’s because we’re useful yeah oh the bears are literally so fast just meet me at did spun just multiply oh god they’re everywhere look at all those chickens you did not do this for that [ __ ] bit why can’t i make a crafting table oh yeah i forgot to mention that

To make a crafting table you need a furnace first wait what hey why did you make a furnace without a crafting table oh [ __ ] oh oh yeah what the cows uh the cows the cows are built a little different you know what i’d love to do to escape this grace

Swim just let me know when it’s time to pull up now turn around and look your dad in the eyes nah we can’t fight it we can’t outrun it we have to sneak around it there’s no other way connie connie connie connie connie stay awake stay away from us obviously

We gotta we need to talk about these polar bears okay what about them you have three at the base of that listen i don’t know what your problem with the polar bears is i think they’re perfectly fine these are my friends carrie larry and barry i carry i

I guess they’re just pretty polarizing okay i think i have a game plan all right oh never mind what the [ __ ] okay but grizzly i want to hear more about this uh never-ending storm the storm wouldn’t be so bad awful look dude i said i don’t want to pay for the pizza

Because the pizza here’s trash and see says she said okay i just want to play video games we are dying i’m calling a meeting of the council okay you did this to us busily that’s that’s what the world wants you to think the chickens they tore me apart the chicken they definitely ripped

My fingers far as i’m concerned the only innocent party here is me oh we’ll get to you yeah all of this aside charlie we can’t make a [ __ ] grafting table gentlemen gentlemen johnny let’s put it all on him let’s put it all in here is officially adjourned

Why me i was [ __ ] up you’re [ __ ] up why are you so [ __ ] up rosa had a little bit done condi yeah what’s up man you got any complaints you’d like to raise before we go back down there again uh not at all actually i think you’re doing a great job let’s

Head down it’s not not again i don’t want to be moved by [ __ ] bears i don’t want to be if you don’t you got to stop moving play dead perfect [Applause] The water’s fine no the water’s not fine i don’t believe what do you mean i know it’s not it’s not yeah you’re right okay so the plan i think i think what we do is we find a village all right the villagers they sell a secret item don’t just sell an

Item that will lead us to victory charlie okay thank you guys coveted item this coveted item will take us all the way we need to find a village it is the only way we will follow the road it’s like a metaphorical road because there’s not thank goodness that we were able to find

This village huh what i found one i found one guys you did okay okay stay there stay there i’m coming to you he has one item and it’s the song bonker look at my torch why did you make torches flashbangs i thought it would be fun

That really is the best way to sum all of this up huh condi i ordered a pizza but i called someone to fix our plumbing oh and they’re both here they’re right there i can’t see i’m blind i’m blind i’m blind i have splinters there’s splinters

In my hands i’m blind i can’t see i can’t see splitters what’s the [ __ ] no the coal gives you black one hey somebody want to dab me up yeah yeah i’m gonna craft a torch I’ve got about three hits left in me before the splinters take my life i’m gonna make him count charlie no don’t do this who’s next okay you know what this is [ __ ] ridiculous what do you mean i request your presence gentlemen i request your presence okay we’ve come to you grizzly

I can’t [ __ ] hear you over the lightning what excitement say something behind you gentlemen we must take a seat in your throne so we can start our meeting gentlemen why have you summoned us here grizzly hey what’s up with my throne shut up beasley shut the [ __ ] up shut the [ __ ] up

Shut up shut up no one ever cares that’s much pain you’re lucky i don’t throw you out right now well what it’s not my fault And the polar bears i still feel them i still feel them busily yeah yeah yeah yeah tearing me apart i feel myself dying and respawning over and over again maybe somewhat of an oversight i will accept that i will remember you will only speak when you’re spoken to

Pelt him with the juices do you feel shame do you feel ashamed of what you’ve done i’m a little ashamed yeah i feel a little bit of shame but we can fix this though like i’ll fix it i’ll fix it know your place you scumma beneath me

We can fix this though i agree this why is grizzly wise chris just said it shut up i literally just said holy [ __ ] this sucks i miss my throne i want my throne back yeah well maybe you’ve got to be familiar nice thrown right there buddy

Now grizzly is trying to talk up there if you could just show a little bit of respect that would be great but what are you spitting on me good job grizzly good job put him in his place hush now basically don’t [ __ ] blow me up all right all right i’ll shut up don’t

[ __ ] blow up olympus please grizzly what do you want it’s not olympus it’s mo olympus why are we here there have been some changes in the world i feel it i feel it in my don’t look at me like that can you stop looking at him while

He’s trying to talk can you stop looking at him what am i supposed to stop looking at whatever what am i meant to do where do i look comfortable look just close your eyes do not look i do you just look at my ass the sky is blue and the world will change

As long as i have you it’s it’s beautiful my fellow gods and beasley we now have the power required to be minecraft the hardest difficulty as we have nerfed some things that were absolutely ridiculous before thanks to bisley [ __ ] you sleep listen i need you to let me redeem myself and

Claim my throne once more please grab me this one opportunity come here come here come to my throne willing to forgive you and once again call you a brother on one condition the script ends here charlie oh [ __ ] no yeah i think we’re just supposed to i think you’re just supposed

To improv after that just as improv and big bold letters on one condition you eat answer this riddle charlie i specifically said that when we started this i’m not gonna rip well it wouldn’t be the hardest minecraft difficulty without a riddle shut up poking me okay what is your riddle what

Is it what is it [ __ ] tell me what do i hold in my hand fizzly listen listen listen listen uh if i can console in you as a friend right now um all right i i want you to have your thrown back as much as you do um now i i just i

Plead with you to consid did it did it just what are you talking about i’ve never seen a riddle this powerful i’ll give you a hint what is its color it’s blonde it’s red it’s blood look at it what kind of changes did you make

What did you do no i was the one that changed all the names what have i done why do we continue to do this because because why bisley why don’t we do this yeah business oh [ __ ] you putting me on the spot again shut up dude shut up

Oh my god shut up come on let’s just get those all right let’s go to the mortal plane we gotta go we gotta go through that through the levers of the united states you just kind of flip some and stuff happens you like there goes kansas

Hey hey busily hey busily how’s your mom been doing charlie don’t do that once we step into this whole gentleman we will become mortals once again but this time we will conquer this world that has been created yes grizzly I will be down there in a second don’t worry about it it’s scary down here okay mortal i’m gonna flick the candy switch and get him the [ __ ] out of here my you missed do it again do it again try it again try it again [Laughter] yeah this is a little more manageable

Why does he drop a raw cod don’t hey hey you see that chicken over there you see that chicken which where’s the chicken it’s over there that chicken is gonna multiply exponentially i need you to eat that raw cod and look at that chicken what is eating the cod and looking at

The chicken gonna do you ever played cod hey polar bear Your kd’s not looking too hot connie this is minecraft i do not have wood but i have a lot of chicken okay cool you know what i have i have some cod it’s really good hey condi i’m gonna need you to do something bird-like and duck i think they’re almost gone

They’re almost all gone they’re all still gone oh [ __ ] i said we just avoid them they multiply too fast i think we have to throw a snowball at me yeah it doesn’t do anything i guess uh what does an egg do i got the chicken grizzly what are we

Doing man what are we doing mining oh yeah i like this oh ignore the apples there’s a chicken get away from me kill it oh god there’s two okay you got it you got them i got them i got nice hey bisley did you say you found an apple

Yeah you feeling hungry okay What in the [ __ ] you should have watched the sleep universe i told you how do i make it just um you’re gonna hate this i already do do it do a chest plate with wood oh my god [ __ ] god what i hate why are you like this i

I guess no no no no no why do i keep hearing anime girls why is it only me connie i think you’re kind of crazy dude i think you’re kind of nuts no you’re probably just hungry here have some rotten flesh okay no no no no no no no get it over

There eat it over there eat it over there it’s good it’s so tasty that i don’t want to be anywhere near it okay hey busily you want to partake in in some rotten flesh sure i could eat yeah what’s up here oh you’re both going to eat it at the same time

Yeah right on sweet um yeah it’s called yuck meat it looks really good i like jerky i like i really like your okay let’s do this three two oh god why are you next to me i can’t eat uh it looks like we are going to have a problem on our hands

And about i have a very good idea hey charlie you want to get out of here that is a very good idea so what we’re going to need to do is uh i’m everyone back up i’m going to go upstairs and put down no no no no no no no no no

The safe house okay oh god there’s more charlie there’s more chickens there’s so many we just got to keep going keep going the trees the trees let me know when you’re in a safe place i’ll come we are so nice this is the opposite of a safe place gentlemen i call it amazing

Hey hey charlie i’m not gonna come here no stop stop stop i gave charlie a boner okay why what i’ve had enough stop throwing tridents at me look all right you’re my little kentucky fried boy get back in the bucket i said i’ve had enough listen to me

Damn it get in your seats i don’t have a seat here’s my grizzly grizzly you destroyed it all right grizzly what are you supposed to do about it huh you’re so much of a better god than me what what’s up what are we doing i just want to have fun man

You just impaled me 14 times to say that Leslie it’s not your fault okay i know charlie it’s not your fault i don’t know it’s not your fault it’s not my fault either all right yes i should say right now so all i’m saying is we’re gonna go out there we’re gonna get some wood we’re getting some stone oh there’s

Some goddamn ore we’re gonna get some wonder pearls okay man it’s okay man we’re gonna kill the ender dragon and we’re gonna have a great time hey i’m sure there will be nothing wrong with the ender dragon at all or anything else in that plan and even if it is we’re gonna get

Through it why busily dude i don’t have this what’s the script what is what’s the line we’re on olympus put the boner away as your fellow god i need to ask you what are we going to do about the chickens you’re on thin ice buddy i’m you’re trying to string and you are

One slip toe away from falling off do you understand i understand what are we gonna do about these chickens i think the best option here is to avoid the chickens and try and make our way down let’s do it again boys all right let’s get some wood boys let’s get some wood

Yeah this is so much more peaceful it’s way nicer i’m gonna summon him whoa see that up there in the sky right there yeah i see that right up there he built different but not different enough what uh yeah he’s still different enough he’s built exceptional are you guys ready to see this

He’s doing it oh look at him go he’s using the apples against the world any diamonds down there apple i don’t know yet look down and see if we see any lava to jump safely into hold on wait we can get three iron there’s a there’s another thing over there

What if we rocket drunk oh be careful not to run with that bucket you might spill what i’m gonna do i’m gonna do the rocket jump i believe in the power of gravity all right what if somebody else god damn it stop why did you make it spill

You’ve seen mlg water but have you seen mlg lava whoa today take a look in here whoa our lives are about to change the greatest item in mind who wants to do the honors stop stop stop what are you hitting with fish okay e-rolled now what can this get me fizzly

You’ll see always prepare to win the game just tell me when you find a villager they might all be dead oh my god he’s right here i will now perform a magic trick where i turn this rock cod into an emerald that’s funny because emeralds turn me rock odd abracadabra

A great magician never reveals his secrets quick we can finally get the item i got him i got him i got the song oh yeah yeah okay so uh basically what crazy wild thing did you program this to do wait what do you mean what magnificent events take place

When we use the song poncho oh no that’s it that’s it wait a minute it’s just it’s just oh you got it you won you did it condy you still got the you still got the schlemming yeah what are you no no why did you hit me into the creeper

Hey guys hey don’t make do not do not make an iron shovel do not use it don’t make it wow nice iron shovel i hope you don’t dig straight down in minecraft guys i got an iron shovel this is that’s that’s that i can’t even move my mouth

Bye bye bisley help bye bye there’s lava down here just jump down jump down there it is there jump to the sky bye bye bisley oh my god i almost went through bedrock holy [ __ ] whoa i can’t stop myself into the sky what me too why is this happening to me bye-bye why

Is this happening to me too guys come over here what i found the greatest thing ever look over there where oh my god this 500 materials i would be careful with those why is that oh we got the gold skull oh hey look lava yeah that’s what we thought last time

Yep it doesn’t chris no oh i’ve got a couple tips for being down here okay okay all right so so you may come across some things that you find strange you know that’s not in the game that’s not normally there you know if you see anything like that just don’t move

What what are you okay no just just don’t move don’t touch granite don’t touch uh limestone or or obsidian or cobwebs guys there’s a problem there’s a problem there’s a problem come over here to me come over to me right now yeah i’m coming and open your ears a little bit just for

For a minute here just open your ears okay you might hear something a little bit terrifying oh i heard a chicken here’s the thing about black lung guys i don’t have enough of it no no no no no no no no grizzlies hey guys i have bad news

You remember that chicken from earlier listen closer oh my god it’s gone plural you went no wait and now we’re seriously [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] i found them i found the chickens oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god what the [ __ ]

With the chickens i thought we weren’t through this this is like the fifth time event is going to pull over my throat and start wiggling i hear you’ve been having a problem yeah well yeah i mean we i hear you guys have too many [ __ ]

That’s one way and i’m here to fix that i’m here to fix it i mean yeah that’d be great but why you don’t gotta frame it like that i’m here to fix your [ __ ] problem no that’s did you hire this guy i don’t have any i don’t have any

Money is there any other way i could pay credit or debit yeah yeah if you wanna if you want to solve the [ __ ] problem yeah go ahead also violent sex whoa whoa watch watch that throw in arm pal you look primed hey there big boy i could use

I could use some de-stressing i’d like to leave mo olympus okay just installed [ __ ] blocker 3000 we’re on the trial version did you use code [ __ ] well i’ve set up your full uh 30-day subscription to cockblocker 3000 so now you should see a drastic reduction in chicken activity

See this so how do you so how do you explain this guy they’re now invincible are you sure you yeah now i mean that’s a feature we just cannot even kill them now um would you like to purchase [ __ ] blocker premium oh i forgot to close the bracket oh [Applause]

Hey yo what up gang i think the i think that happening i think it should be fixed i think the chicken problem is good let me just check the logs look at the logging that’s so [ __ ] fun oh yeah baby this is the greatest weapon immortalized i’ve ever seen

A boat no that is not a bow shoot me shoot me i’ll be your target okay connie are you sure about this yeah man aim for the apple in my head there is no okay here goes nothing yeah i did a little flip of do there’s no bows now it’s just

Wobbs they all fire once and do a million damage creeper don’t don’t just just run okay oh my god we found diamonds diamonds oh my god [ __ ] you [ __ ] you we found one oh wait i got one in my inventory whoa okay just be careful

You guys hear that what the [ __ ] is that sound oh that may um so i would just not move for his like what what if i move just uh i wouldn’t do that i wouldn’t do that i’m gonna move all right it’s done we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good all right

What the [ __ ] was that we need to go oh my god there’s a baby zombie on a [ __ ] chicken we need to go right now i’m not even kidding okay we need to let’s block this [ __ ] off oh man get in here hurry what are you doing he’s not he’s taking

Too long he’s taking [ __ ] that is so unfortunate you guys should really make a shield by the way charlie run charlie run this way why uh all right grizzly don’t turn around don’t turn around don’t turn around it’s going to launch it’s going to launch it’s going to launch it’s going to land

Guys you know how we needed a diamond pickaxe to get to the nether yes hop in it’s right here baby oh things are finally looking up boys no all we got to do is secure it we just got to secure it okay no grizzly every time something goes right

Every time something goes right you’re there grizzly you’re there and you do this to us i’m only trying to tell you something anything you never listen to me what you never listen all i was saying no was i certainly hope that all of this effort to getting these diamonds is going to be

Worth it maybe you’re focusing on the wrong things charlie oh my god what do you mean i now have created a crafting table okay all right okay i have one diamond condi man please see the other two please okay please diamonds thank you now i am going to

Attempt to craft a diamond pickaxe i have crafted a diamond pickaxe okay i’m going to now attempt to use it am so pissed i do you have any we died so much we died so much [Laughter] just so you can make a squeaky noise oh my god

This time i have been the one to call forward the council meeting by the way nice throne it’s looking pretty good thanks you know honestly please though take it easy we do have a budget we just have to downsize just a little bit there grizzly plays you currently stand trial in front of

The entire council for making the diamond pickaxe to a squeaky noise we struggled so hard for so long for diamonds and they don’t work now i don’t mean to overreact here but i think this is a war crime and we vote grizzly off the council no listen all right let’s not let’s not

Vote him off hey bisley shut the [ __ ] up can you stop hogging the entire goddamn olympus there you go guess you want to know what that what the diamond pickaxe thing made me do you’re sick let me check the logs stop stop it basically stop what the [ __ ] are you looking at

Are you kidding dude i worked so hard on all my stuff that you guys hated it all and then grizzly makes a pickaxe it doesn’t [ __ ] work and i’m getting blamed for it the council has decided that this shall be your punishment an apple as read as your sins

Grizzly plays an apple red with the blood that you have spilled here throw the shame juice throw the shame juice Yes yes eat the apple pay the price for your sins no more mo olympus now it’s time to go olympus goodbye chrisley he’s gone He was one of us why did he do it charlie we could have given him another chance charlie it’s too late for that how many times did bisley [ __ ] up charlie hey don’t bring me into this no no no no condi yeah we’ve already lost one today

You’re right i’m sorry busy i’m just slashing you know it’s okay maybe there’s a lesson to be learned from all this maybe we can finally get you a bigger throne now i mean yeah we have all this space we have all this space that’s opened up

Ever since we got rid of that [ __ ] grizzly place we had to do what we had to do we had to do it but guys we can’t let this stop us from doing what we set out to do we still have to beat the game we still have to beat minecraft

It’s what it’s what he would have wanted i think he would have wanted to not go to hell personally so what about this throne i’m thinking i’m thinking like big with some like i mean you got the blue blocks we get some like dark blue blocks basically

We’ll get you your throne man but we got to deal with one thing at a time first thing we gotta beat minecraft okay yeah let’s do that then how do we what do we where do we even go from here though we’ve gotta beat minecraft my name is charlie slime cigarettes three monsters

Let’s go let’s go uh where are we supposed to get obsidian from oh i know way oh you do what’s that yeah i’m i’m a so i’m a minecraft speedrunner basically and then there’s a cool strat that we do that we do so we get like so we get you

Get a bucket right you get hear me out another bucket and then we use both the buckets and it’s like lava and water check me out all right let me get a let me get a bug i’ll show you i’ll show you so boom all right and then now i need lava oh

Got it look at that [ __ ] okay so [ __ ] now we gotta find a wait wait should we build it here yeah why not okay [ __ ] wait guys guys guys do do you see that what i don’t see anything is that a possum i i think i saw something just just

Trust me follow me okay i thought i saw him for a second no he’s in hell he can’t escape that’s like you’re right you’re right we literally just we literally just sent him there Just come that’s [ __ ] he looked like he was heading back this way or something hey guys uh i did it what the hell is this do you think he’s creepy as [ __ ] do you think it’s some kind of trap no problem there’s some things inside this chest

Uh here bisley you take that you take this golden golden chest plate this obsidian was also coincidentally in that very same chest we must have gotten a really good seed guys this is what do you think what do you think the odds of this are one in the run of the numbers 27.5

Trillion okay so here’s here’s the plan don’t stand on that first step of the plan second step of the plan we just need to get in get the blaze rods from the nether fortress i don’t know what you’ve done with this place condi but hopefully oh it’s not as bad

Oh it’s lovely it’s lovely everybody look at me we’ve come so far and finally we’re here at the gates to the nether and we’re gonna go in there we’re gonna we’re gonna raise hell is what we’re gonna do guys slime everything you’ve done out here everything you’ve done to the overworld

All the food it’s all been leading to this hasn’t it it’s all been leading to this busily i i appreciate your gusto you did really really really where to go i did really what i think you just accidentally walked in god damn it all right let’s let’s go don’t worry conte i’m coming

Oh my god worse than i thought charlie what did you do [ __ ] i didn’t do this this wasn’t my charlie ah what what dissolve apples all the way down what’s on the way down why would someone want to keep all the doctors away truly befitting the hell hey it was nice

I guess it’s fine no no it’s not fine charlie you want to go first charlie you want to go first i think you’ve got a shield guys oh jesus jesus [ __ ] what the hell was that that’s right you randomly combust you guys remember the pug symbol behind the portal

I think we’re in puggatory and then it’s just a drop well um hey see that was a [ __ ] hey what are you trying to do here guys it’s oh it’s glass it’s oh i thought it was gonna fall in holy [ __ ] that’s why did that close behind us

Oh god i guess we just gotta keep moving forward to the nether fortress right all according to my plan i designed this oh yeah yeah bro it sure did hey what are we coming up on here oh my god oh and some textures are missing hello hello is there someone out there Connie what did you do i didn’t listen i don’t i didn’t do any of this this is this is something nefarious something nefarious has taken this world what the hell is that some kind of throne Surprised what have you done grizzly i haven’t done anything it was you who caused this to me but nobody expected this for me i’m sure chrisley come calm down man calm down this was just supposed to be something fun that we were going to beat the game together

Remember remember you were in charge you were in charge of weapons in nature this is not natural nobody respects little old grizzly huh listen listen big g come on man you’re always calling that connie don’t don’t do it don’t do that right now i don’t understand why you made this

Place but if you just lead us to another fortress we can just take some blaze rods and we’ll be on our way we we can pretend this never even happened 200 years it’s only been it’s been two minutes i’ve been here first it’s fantastic it’s been like maybe

Three tops like anyway listen grizzly grizzly buddy i i made a present for you in the nether man you’ve got to see it okay listen we can let bygones be bygones you know we’re gods it’s it we fight sometimes it’s in the scriptures man it’s in the scriptures take a look

It’s it’s in there see it’s right there in the first page i know you’re gonna love the present okay this just says [ __ ] you on the first page [ __ ] wait that’s the wrong one my bad conte what have you done wait that was you that was

It was not that was that was i have no part of that and let’s just say there’s gonna be thousands of happy tears okay okay you’re gonna love it you promised this time grizzly have i ever lied to you not yet canadian i’ve never lied in my life

Okay all right great you really had me worried there for a second how do you see the present what the [ __ ] what it hurts oh that’s so strange i wonder why you [ __ ] dude i was like hey just make the lava do the opposite of whatever it does in the overwhelm

Boom bam boom bop do i need to install source for this oh you can’t see those see what what do they look like to you grizzly oh you don’t want to know what all right so what so what is it i hear wolves grizzly loves wolves kant kandi what’s up

I forgot to mention what the wolves do Uh don’t look at them They die hey buddy Dude uh my bad There you are what really what You will take no more steps further you will make no more progress we have to beat the game it’s like the whole point beat the game you know what you asked for the hardest minecraft difficulty oh no oh here’s the hardest choice of them all get through me or die oh my god

What the [ __ ] It’s [ __ ] you think you can beat us with zombie pigmen we’re gonna beat the game whether you like it or not i’m gonna break you like i broke the diamonds While he’s weak my whoops stop this let’s see you try and fight this oh my god the former president of the united states of america destroy them obama you’ve already served your eight years old man you’re out of office he’s weak he’s weak shoot him take the shot

I may have been the boy who cried for the wolves but i will not cry for you oh my god guys it looks like he’s stunned you may be a god but we have cod you know what you’re never trick of succeeded and what’s that chris oh god

[ __ ] dumbass fell in his own goddamn you like puns don’t you let me pickaxe this the game is going to end here for you his sword is too big that’s why they call me big g i’m not compensating either charlie i think you got to use it i think i do

Hey grizzly said sorry you look famished partner you look like you could go for a snack you think this is going to work [Laughter] I’ll play your little game [Applause] is this is it yeah it it is this is what they call the end Actually oh yeah yeah it is goodbye old friend wait I always thought you were treated unfairly and i think it’s what’s gonna carry the torch of leading olympus to the end i want it to be you so what hold up you mean the glock it wasn’t my final weapon we just did a [ __ ] boss fight with you and you had

A glock the entire time and didn’t think to use it shut us i couldn’t ring myself to hurt you i hope you can forgive me didn’t have to be this way you shouldn’t have done that to the diamonds man you’re a brother to me Now i gotta do it we can fix this we can find the lever which one section no which lever it’s gone charlie charlie his leather was over here where his throne used to be no we can’t bring him back this time we have to beat the game we have to do

It for him for grizzly he met his end and it’s only natural that we meet ours once i got a glock that should go you do you know the clock let’s go get those ender pearls okay but there’s one place we gotta stop first not a day goes by where i don’t regret

The way things went he was our friend our brother this was supposed to be just us beating minecraft but it it awakened something else in him and i’m sorry grizzly do the honors for grizzly We can’t linger here we still have a job to do all right we still need blaze rods and ender pearls we do how are we going to get this something tells me it won’t be so hard what does that mean i said something tells me it won’t be so hard what what

I i said what do you mean he tells [Laughter] his final blessing thank you crazy now here who has the blaze rods oh [ __ ] hey you know i have a feeling that’ll also be easy oh my god oh my god it’s so easy rest easy friend hi i got the blasa powder

And then you just want to pearl mix it with the ender pearl in your crafting table what where did i where did it go i can’t hear you i don’t think it’s working for me probably something you’re doing wrong connie give it give it a shot give it a shot

Let me give it a shot okay oh yeah oh yeah i don’t know where they’re going so i may have made a few changes are you [ __ ] kidding what do you mean the recipe for the eye of ender here check this out check this out let’s see one sapling

Four seeds oh yep there it is see i have ender right there just as i told you guys what that’s that’s so that’s so great that’s so great yeah see and that glock that you have there we can use that to just beat the ender dragon easy peasy see

Yeah that’s what i’ll use it for that’s what i’m getting for [Laughter] i mean i i knew that everyone else was gonna be making stuff super hard so i was like okay i’ll i’ll cut them a little slack give them something pretty simple so charlie what’s up i’m resigning from olympus

What you can’t just do that wait what no come on i’m just getting my throne well i guess it’s um you and me bisley just two dudes chilling in my olympus nah that’s just [ __ ] weird i’ll see you later the eye leads this way which means oh no oh

What the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] oh oh yeah squids thank you what is this [ __ ] fresh hell that we have to traverse i thought we did this i thought we were done with the the [ __ ] no we’ve we traversed through hell with ease and now

All we gotta do this is water this is the real i’m going to close my eyes and move forward now i heard a bird oh bird yeah it’s here hello hello is that how you taming birds with scenes yes yes become mine it’s fun right

Bruh why would you put that is it at least mine though is it at least mine hang on yeah oh it’s dead i i don’t think the wither really gives a [ __ ] about us which is great oh well i i i say before hearing explosions behind me

Ah the same [ __ ] wait wait wait it’s going back that way we’re close okay stop scream i’ll give you something to scream about i see you charlie you do oh hey connor connie did you find it here It’s so fitting that the last thing we hear before we get to the end is grizzly screams oh i hear creepers no those are those are silver fish don’t worry about that that’s just my special enchantment horns 5. i found it i found it i found it oh [ __ ] really that was fast

Fish kill it got it got it got him quick put the eye put the eyes in put the eyes in oh god whoa i do not feel good i do not feel good boys what is this place connie what have you done oh god it’s pizza it’s

Pizza i’m sick i’m sick from eating all this pizza greasy oh it was too greasy oh my god oh my god i didn’t think this would happen so much cheese and pepperoni inside me okay boys i’m gonna start mining through the cheese i’m walking here i’m mining here i’m just eating pizza

Here hey yeah you quit eating all the pizza buddy where is this [ __ ] why i see i see whoa what the [ __ ] oh my god it’s the dirt i’m floating i’m floating i’m black wait wait kill one of the bees oh [ __ ] i got one i got one put the bees

In your mouth what put the bees in your mouth be strong go my babies get it charlie all right here i go meat sword this could be bad here we go oh [ __ ] holy crap yeah that’s way easier in the other boss fight guys what it’s here oh my

God ah quick i’ll grab it i’ll grab it trying to keep me away from its power i need to get inside i need to go to it yes yes i have it with charlotte oh wait it’s coming down it’s coming down it’s coming down come here i’m gonna shoot it

Come here get it get it with the gun get it with the gun i’m shooting it hit it with the big doors yes for you grizzly we’re gonna beat it like we promised charlie watch out silverfish is taking over the pizza what the [ __ ] why are they why did they

Follow us through the portal oh no no no oh no even even with the god weapon there’s just more than go that’s what we call playing dirty wait chris is that really you hello friends no matter how you slice it you guys have beaten the end it’s like the pizza

You want a pizza of my heart Oh yeah thank you grizzly thank you thank you i don’t know about you guys Oh he did it he beat minecraft he went in we had to go you have to go let’s follow two one go yeah we can we can just skip this oh we just die oh you put that in the game i guess the game beat us after all dude shut the [ __ ] up So what did he even do to horses

This video, titled ‘The HARDEST Minecraft Difficulty’, was uploaded by Slimecicle on 2020-12-22 23:00:11. It has garnered 8098672 views and 302224 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:06 or 3666 seconds.

My friends and I created the hardest Minecraft difficulty ever and then tried to beat it… SLIMECICLE PLUSHIES ARE AVAILABLE NOW:

↓THE FUN STUFF↓ Friends in this video: @Condifiction @GrizzlyPlaysYT @Bizlybebo

And a huge thank you to @RoarkCats for working for months on putting all of our ideas (and some of his own) into this legendary datapack.

If you’re feeling like making a mistake, you can find the datapack and resource pack here:

Thank you guys for being cool and watching this video ►Twitter ►Twitch ►Discord ►Cool Shirts ►Sponsor the Channel

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  • SPAWN Scary mob + ALL Memes = HILARIOUS!

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  • British Invasion: Niaz Takes Over Minecraft!

    British Invasion: Niaz Takes Over Minecraft! American Independence Day Celebration in Minecraft Bedwars On July 4th, Americans across the country celebrate their independence in various ways. Some enjoy fireworks, barbecues, and parades, while others take a more unconventional approach by dominating Europeans in Minecraft Bedwars! This year, join the fun and show off your patriotic spirit in the virtual world. Dominate Europeans in Minecraft Bedwars What better way to celebrate American Independence Day than by engaging in some friendly competition in Minecraft Bedwars? Gather your friends, team up, and show those Europeans who’s boss in this exciting game mode. Whether you’re building defenses, collecting resources,… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Box PVP Server on Aternos

    Ultimate Guide: Box PVP Server on Aternos Creating a Box PvP Server in Minecraft Aternos Introduction Creating a Box PvP server in Minecraft Aternos can be an exciting and engaging experience for players looking to challenge their skills in a competitive environment. With the use of various plugins and commands, players can customize their server to create a unique and thrilling gameplay experience. Plugins and Commands To set up your Box PvP server, you can utilize a variety of plugins such as GeyserMC, RealMines, World Edit, EssentialsX, EssentialsSpawn Shopkeeper, Item Edit, and WorldGuard. These plugins offer a range of features that can enhance the gameplay and… Read More

  • 🦄 Baby Unicorn Farm Witch! 🌟 Modded Minecraft Magick ✨

    🦄 Baby Unicorn Farm Witch! 🌟 Modded Minecraft Magick ✨Video Information This video, titled ‘I’m a Farm Witch ✨ – Cottage Witch Modded Minecraft Episode 4’, was uploaded by babyunicorn184 on 2024-06-14 21:00:17. It has garnered 6972 views and 423 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:38 or 2678 seconds. Babes, wake up! I have a new modded series! 💗 Come with me as I explore the magical world of Cottage Witch, a modpack filled with magic and witchcraft. This is episode 4 💜 Seed: -824306812584453536 I hope you enjoy today’s episode, please comment below to tell me what you think! *✩‧₊˚ LINKS˚₊‧✩* Modpack: Added Mods:… Read More

  • Daring Minecraft Horror Mod Showcase

    Daring Minecraft Horror Mod ShowcaseVideo Information This video, titled ‘Every Horror Mod in My Minecraft World’, was uploaded by GamerWolf on 2024-03-24 03:26:30. It has garnered 118 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:52 or 7492 seconds. Powered by Restream Go follow my kick – Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Nether Portal Transformation 🚀 #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Nether Portal Transformation 🚀 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Nether Portal Makeover 🌟 12-01-2024 #shorts’, was uploaded by Rohaan TV on 2024-01-12 15:30:02. It has garnered 8444 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Minecraft Glow stone and Honey Block #viral #minecraft #ytshorts Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Portal Build Prank 👑🔥 Must Watch!!

    Mind-Blowing Portal Build Prank 👑🔥 Must Watch!!Video Information This video, titled ‘nither🤯portel build 🔥like this 😱 #trending #minecraft #gaming #minecraftbuilds #shorts🌎’, was uploaded by Prank king on 2024-05-07 14:54:24. It has garnered 495 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. This Minecraft Portal Build Will BLOW YOUR MIND! #Shorts 🌍 nither🤯portel build 🔥like this 😱 #trending #minecraft #gaming #minecraftbuilds #shorts🌎 Get ready to have your mind blown with this incredible Minecraft portal build like you’ve never seen before! Watch as we create a mind-blowing nether portal build that will leave you speechless. This trending Minecraft gaming video showcases some… Read More

  • The Ultimate Showdown: Zeelophoney vs Nemesis in Minecraft Roleplay S5E7!

    The Ultimate Showdown: Zeelophoney vs Nemesis in Minecraft Roleplay S5E7!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Yugioh MY NEMESIS HAS GIFTS! Minecraft Roleplay S5E7’, was uploaded by Zeelophoney on 2024-04-16 17:00:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Yugioh MY NEMESIS HAS GIFTS! Minecraft Roleplay S5E7 w/ Xylophoney – Minecraft Roleplay! Help us get … Read More

  • Insane NEW ZONE in MINECRAFT! FREE boss battles🔥

    Insane NEW ZONE in MINECRAFT! FREE boss battles🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT na żywo🔴NOWA STREFA ! GIGA LIVE🔴Wolne? Wbijaj pograć szefie🔥’, was uploaded by neak on 2024-05-16 08:49:55. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Give me a sub ▻ My minecraft server! IP: version: 1.17.2-1.20.1 here I talk: … Read More


    ASIANJEFF PREPS FOR E DATE in FortnutBr!Video Information This video, titled ‘ASIANJEFF GETS READY FOR HIS E DATE… #fortnite #clixboxfights #twitch #clixfortnite #gaming’, was uploaded by FortNutBr on 2024-03-09 15:21:10. It has garnered 5100 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. 313,buckefps,clix,mongraal,motor,EU,NAE,NAW,Na central,central,Fn,Fortnite,Editing,Free Highlights Editor,Minecraft,Gaming,FUnny,Kids,Bugha,Dukezfn,SypherPk,Derekgraz,PilatFN,WebsterFN,Shorts,Tiktok,Tiktok CLips,Stream Clips,24Hr Stream Tags : fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity pc, fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity settings, fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity , fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity guide, fortnite controller sensitivity season 4, fortnite controller sensitivity x and y, fortnite controller sensitivity ps5, fortnite controller sensitivity bug, best ps5 controller sensitivity fortnite, fortnite ps5 controller building sensitivity,… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Morning Madness! #gaming

    INSANE Minecraft Morning Madness! #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Some morning minecraft today #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by Basicallyzs on 2024-07-03 14:50:36. It has garnered 228 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:32:42 or 9162 seconds. Thanks for tuning into the stream check out my discord Donation Link :$Basicallyzs DONATORS NAMES GO ON MY MAP (larger donation = larger name) #gamingshorts #funnymoments #warthunderjets #warthundertanks #shooter #minecraftmemes #livestream #ww2 Read More

  • Insane Mashup: Fortnite vs. Minecraft

    Insane Mashup: Fortnite vs. MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fortnite in Minecraft’, was uploaded by ChaosJul on 2024-02-22 13:46:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Mooinn guys!! What’s up?? In this video I played Fortnite in Minecraft. I would really appreciate a like and a subscription… Read More

  • Sarkarnetwork

    Minecraft lifesteal 24/7 Online Join now And not forget to vote our minecraft server For more information Join our discord server Read More

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