SmallishBeans – I Played Hardcore Modded Minecraft for 200 Days..

Video Information

In today’s video we’re carrying on our hundred days of modded hardcore by you guessed it doing another hundred days wow 200 days that’s a lot i should put that in the title a lot of stuff happens in this video and it took a long time to make so if you

Feel like subscribing then you know the button’s always there okay here we go again so i used up the rest of day 100 to do something i should have done a while ago which is make this broad sword here which is so much better than a regular sword look how easy it

Kills that stupid wandering trader then i then decided to start out strong by making this taco plate here using up quite a lot of iron but look it makes soft tacos on this pan on this brick furnace it looks really cool and now we have some soft tacos which i actually made a

Golden taco see what it did and it just works like a golden apple it’s nothing special i then kill the wandering trade because they suck and try to lasso a villager to find out it doesn’t work before making some diamond tools and enchanting them as it’s probably about time after i killed

The enemy dragon that i did that and then on day 102 i stopped faffing around and got working on some projects starting out by making this massive dirt sort of platform here we’re going to be using this type of building on what building you ask well

That’s right it’s going to be a villager breeder now i got this design from a youtuber called mr cat however i built it probably a bit wrong at the start and just did it the complete opposite order but the basic idea is you have these villagers in this hole here they sleep

They breed they drop the little baby villagers down into the water there then you can pick them up with a minecart and send them on to do whatever you want so i got the villagers from the village and i think they were actually the last

Two so it’s a good job we’re making this villager breeder here and it was a bit of a pain to get them in but we got them in eventually and look it should be working now however um yeah it we kind of had some problems with it as you’ll see a bit later

However by this point i hadn’t realized that so i went and gathered some materials because i wanted to make it look pretty i really like this dacite block here i think it makes some really cool blocks so i use that as one of the main blocks and here you can see me

Looking at the villagers and getting frustrated with the villagers because they’ve escaped the hole which is bad but we got a baby village released who did fall down the hole and i managed to finally get these two back in i changed the beds around so that they’re of the way and

Yeah it kind of was working but at the same time completely wasn’t so i headed to the nether to gather some more blocks to make this thing look pretty as i was determined to get this thing to work and then i set out building this tower

In a similar design to the other builds we’ve got going i was really happy with this how it turned out and honestly i just love this style of architecture i think it looks really cool i did have a run out of materials at one point though i had to go get some more

Uses a lot of cherry wood this bill but it’s all right we know where the cherry trees are we can get loads whilst i was building this one of my villagers escaped because i broke a block so i had to get him out and then

Put him back into the top of the tower and honestly i think you all need to give me a pat on the back because there’s so many times where i want to just kill these villagers and just be done with it but no i didn’t guys i kept them alive

I kept trying kept pushing them together it it was just the worst i almost quit the video at that point but instead i decided to go to the end because we didn’t get to explore the end last time really and with the mob pack we have there are

A lot of modded biomes in the end which we are going to discover soon including this one here which is my least favorite of them all because it’s got these magma blocks which burn you and they’re quite hard to spot and also just kind of annoying so without being able to fly

Quite quite hate this biome here i did find some cool different stuff in weird chest those there’s all these different structures with all these cool things in i also found this ruin thing here which is really weird it has these pedestals in it and it stole my pickaxe for a bit

But i got it back soon after that i don’t know what this does i’ll have to figure that out a bit later maybe one of the n-ship wrecks had an end city map in it which was really useful so i followed that to find our end city

Burning my feet on the way with that stupid biome there but look found one and i went and got the stuff from it it didn’t take too long because i had the glider from last time still i was able to glide over to the ship also the purple blocks look

A lot different as part of this mod apparently in one of the chests i found these digging claws which increase my mining speed which are going to be very good and i can put them on my other hand and after gliding our way down to the elytra ship

We actually managed to find some other cool stuff in this chest including this obsidian skull which evades fire damage and this core of flight here which you can use to make wings which you’ll see very much later i decided to continue on for a bit

Because i had my glider and i could go and explore found this really cool looking biome here with these weird-looking bulbous plants and these bulbous trees it was very odd also that magma biome is no longer my least favorite this one is because it’s got blooming poison spiders

In it and regular spiders that will just attack you no matter what however look at these cool stars over here i was like one of these so i went and mined one and it gave you ice and yeah that’s pretty uneventful to be honest i then spotted this weird spawner

Underground with like an eye of ender in like a single portal block and it had this shulker box in it which had some cool stuff in it so i just took the shulker box because you can however at this point decide it’s probably best if we headed home

I glided all the way back to the portal which i’d saved look at this this is me being crazy here but i can glide my way down it’s just a quicker way instead of just following the glider all the way down and when we made it home we ended up

With our two villagers in this place here somehow i don’t know how that happened but we slept put our shulker box down checked out the goods inside some pretty good enchantment books in there and then i decided to rename this tower over here to the eye of sauron reborn because honestly

That’s what it feels like to me it is the worst i hate that tower so much no matter how pretty it looks there but i decided to continue on with my villager experiment and i built a bridge over here which i’m going to be using to transport the villagers out and i wanted

This to look nice i never really make a minecart bridge for these sort of things and i thought let’s just go a bit extra on this occasion and where does this bridge lead of course to where we’re going to have our zombie villager converter so i got building that

And made a path so i could lure a zombie across to it to trap him and then i completed this little design here to convert them it’s gonna be a lot easier than i did in my other worlds before you may have noticed that one side of the tower was

Missing aside so i decided to fix that up quickly and the tower is now complete and as soon as it got to night time we went out and lured a zombie in however it went terribly the first time as he converted into a drowned so i went and got another one

This one has armor which means he can have a sword converting our zombies quicker so i let him in there slept went and got a name tag and he disappeared of course he disappeared so while screaming internally i went and finished off the converter and also decided to

Decorate this island here until it was night time again where i found another zombie lured him back and actually got him in this time and called him lucky man because he gets to kill the villagers and i don’t and that’s right you know what time it

Is it’s time to watch some villagers die so i went and got my potions of weakness and was delighted to find out that the minecart thing worked perfectly luring him over to our village over here however he took a while to convert which was sad but he eventually did and we got

Him converting into a good guy however he needs somewhere to go so we’re going to build him somewhere to go i killed some chickens to take out some rage along with collecting loads of resources and also my previous silk touch shovel had broken so i made a new one

And you can probably tell that i was getting a bit delusional at this point as i named my shovel grasp me daddy i i feel terrible already but you know what doesn’t make me feel terrible building so i went ahead and built this little hut here this is where we’re

Going to be having all our sort of librarian villages for now my plan is to have like a village on the water and have all the different huts with all the different villagers in and this is going to be like one of many in the future and whilst transferring our first villager over

There he fell in the water but we managed to finally get him in as he just followed the place to the lectern and we got him in the spot we wanted to and then i continued this process breeding some more villagers which was finally working and we also converted some more as well

And i wanted this guy to give me a mending book and oh my gosh i’ve never been so long without getting a mending book i actually set him on fire at one point by hitting him but managed to put him out luckily i also came across some weird

Enchantments on the way which i’m excited to try out after not getting a mending book i killed this guy here because i was frustrated and then finally after about 15 minutes of trying we got a mending book i was so excited as you can see here i broke the lectern

About 300 times i reckon in total so i went and got some wood as i needed to get some more emeralds with sticks and i came back and yeah his uh trader changed to frost walker and my gosh i nearly killed this guy but i kept persisting and i eventually got a

Mending book which actually cost cheaper so that was all right in the end and now that i have a mending book i finally decided to do some enchantments and also make some really good tools so i used up a lot of my enchantment points here but most of our stuff happening on now

Which was good i then brought in another villager and got this really good silk touch trade but when day 30 came around i got a bit bored of villagers so i went looking for some neverright instead i probably should have some after 130 days of playing

And we managed to get a decent amount of ancient debris i think i aimed for about eight blocks in total as i wanted to have two never right ingots i managed to get pretty lucky and got quite a lot in only a few days when i headed home obviously i

Smelted it all and it started raining which is the first time it’s rained and i hate the rain so i went out and just did you know like resource gathering and stuff including getting some of this white sand here as that’s right we’re going to be building something else and what we’re

Going to be building is a smithing area i wanted to my smithing to be epic so i built this massive sword in this rock here so i could put my smithing table underneath it so when i made my never right stuff i felt awesome and look at that

Another right pickaxe and never right broadsword this thing does 17 attack damage pretty ridiculous but i wanted to make my pickaxe better so i headed to this biome here called forest fault which i discovered earlier and went digging underground as that’s right it’s got this weird ore in it it’s called

Penderite and what it is right is you can put it in a smithing table after you’ve smelted it in a fairness of course and you can upgrade a never right tool even further which makes this pickaxe pretty awesome and with my new tools i was feeling pretty confident so i made this

Shield here and headed to one of those towers which we kept trying last time and this time i was determined to do well i cleared floor after floor witches were annoying creepers exploded spiders tried to kill me it was the worst the zombie flaws were kind of

Easy though thanks to this new shield this one this one sucked i hated that one but not as much as this one here which had a lot of witches which they kept hurting each other but after quite a while of battling random mobs eating golden apples getting like name

Tags from the chest etc we’ve made it to the top where there’s this thing here which i used some boss keys on it uses up like six or something and as you can see this tower guardian spawned i was panicking i had no idea this was going to happen i thought it

Would just be a chest but after a lot of hits on him literally it took quite a while to kill him we managed to get some stuff he dropped this weird key pickaxe thing i think it was and all these like emeralds etc it was pretty cool and when i was

Gliding home i remembered that i got that car of flight earlier and i had a lot of this rotten demonic flesh stuff so i made these wings which are like elytra however they attach to your back and they don’t break so they’re pretty good and look

They look a lot cooler than lighter as well i then changed my villager tower as it wasn’t working and made it just as like a basic one that i normally do instead and we got trading some good books we added mending to all of our armor you may have to pause

To catch all the names that i named them all there but there’s some pretty weird ones and the reason i was adding mending was because my arm was getting pretty low so i went down to my skeleton spawner and i basically just killed skeletons until all my armor was

Fixed up i love mending so much it’s the best and then continue to convert villagers things i had so much gold now and just golden apples galore from that tower and finally made some fireworks so i could fly around a bit more look how pretty my area is looking

I was just looking at it like oh isn’t it nice and you know what else is nice flying baby that’s right we headed out we grabbed some bookshelves here as we needed to make some more lecterns for these villagers we need to convert i also found this golden squid so i

Killed it to see if it dropped anything but just dropped ink sack it wasn’t anything special i then got this book called acquisition which you can add to like your axe your pickaxe your shovel and it works like a magnet it basically just puts whatever you mine into your

Inventory which could be very useful so i added it to all of my tools and at this point i was on a roll i just wanted to keep converting villagers so i did i made this excavator here as i wanted to make a slime farmers i needed some slime for

Some stuff so i found this slime chunk here and started hollowing it out however i realized that i didn’t actually need to holler out the top part so after all this digging here which took me like 30 minutes i i just dug down and started doing it underground instead because that’s

Probably what i should do in the first place however you’ll notice here i i kind of left the slime chunk i dug out all this space and i did it in the wrong chunk i’m an idiot and then when i actually tried to get the proper chunk working

It was just full of lava there was just lava everywhere so i just did it on top of the lava almost died in the lava i’m complaining about to that zombie there so i instead decided to dig up and just clear out some room to get this slime

Farm working and you can clearly see it says slime trunk in the top left however i had no luck i stood here for quite a while no slime spawned i don’t know what to do it wasn’t working so i gave up so i looked on the recipe book and

Figured out that in the end there was a way to get slime so i headed out and found some more weird biomes some of them look really pretty found these weird pedestals here found this really strange looking one here but this one is beautiful look at all the cool flowers

And more importantly this weird slime thing i don’t know what it is but it dropped slime balls so i killed a load of them also gathered some flowers gathered more slime i needed quite a lot found these really cute fish as well so i decided to put one in a bucket there’s

Also some jellyfish there which sting and then headed home and of course i forgot to set my plumbing spawn so i ended up here which takes me like 10 minutes to get home every time tried planting these weird flowers i found but i couldn’t so instead got working on the project i

Needed the slime for i cleared out a massive space here this took quite a long time to clear out but it’s going to be worth it trust me and after completing this mysterious hole i went and gathered a load of redstone iron etc i needed resources because that’s right we’re

Going to be building a sugarcane farm and normally when i build a sugarcane farm i do the one with like an observer and i just sort of like do it very small but this one is a big scale sugarcane farm this one has the rails with the collecting system

Etc and we’re gonna get a lot of passive sugarcane off this thing i was just testing out the rails here as you can see to make sure it would collect it and deposit it in the chest here which it does everything’s working perfectly i’m feeling a lot better

So i decided to cover this area in leaves as otherwise this sort of machine we’re gonna have will push them away i then got working on the layout and i made it so that every single block basically was a bit of sugarcane apart from the ones that needed to be water

A very very nice sugar cane farm i’m very proud of this thing and the way it works is you make this sort of automatic moving machine thing i can’t what the actual word is for it and it basically just goes back and forth destroys all the sugarcane the minecart collects it from underneath

It’s beautiful it’s a thing of beauty i i’m just so happy with it it’s not the prettiest thing in the world but it is practical and look how happy i was look at the sugar cane we’re getting oh it’s beautiful sorry i need to stop saying that now after spending a lot of

Days on that i decided to go out looking for some buried treasures there’s often some cool stuff in these chests as you’re about to see i found this underwater mine shaft which was kind of cool but i didn’t get to explore it because i kept running out of

Air which was annoying also found this structure with this book in it which was really kind of creepy like i i don’t know what this is but i kind of got a bit scared so i just threw it and then ran away in this buried treasure here i got this plastic

Drinking hat which apparently makes potions drinking quicker which is kind of interesting but i don’t really drink potions that often i also found this new biome on my adventures with these really cool flowers in it so i took a load of them home i also found these kitty slippers which

Means creepers are scared of you very cool however i prefer my flippers next to one of the bowie treasures was this really cute dog so i decided to tame him and i called him joel jr because he looked exactly like a joel jr because i’m adorable i don’t know what i’m saying i

Then headed to the end as i needed some ender pearls because there’s something i noticed that i thought would be quite cool i got loads came back and ended up at the blooming spawn again so decided to make a way stone this time to leave here in case i messed up again

I then made another way stone and headed to the nethers we needed to go back to the never fortress and it was a lot easier this time with rockets i did however end up in this little crack here at some point not sure how that happened but we

Finally managed to make it back to our never fortress and we got killing some blazes for some blaze rods and then headed home grabs an enchanting table from this tower here and made this chunk loader and what this does is it leaves a five by five area loaded so what i did

Is i put it under my sugarcane farm in hopes that sugarcane will keep growing and i keep getting some even when i’m not nearby i then brought another librarian across and this guy gave an end veil enchantment so i decided to test that out and what it does is it

Means you can look at endermen and they won’t get angry at you pretty cool but what wasn’t cool was this island so i decided to fix it to make it look a bit nicer underground so now everything is looking all neat and tidy there i then did some more

Villager converting and i have a solid supply of emeralds now thanks to trading this paper our new villager gave an efficiency five trade so obviously i had to snack that up and put that on my pickaxe which is now wonderful i then fixed my shovel here because it was getting quite low

And my mending villager after upgrading him gave me another mending book but for cheaper so that was pretty awesome but you know how i upgraded my never right pickaxe turns out there’s a way you can do that for armor as well and it involves this biome here called like a griana shield

And in this biome are these ores here however these are turns out my pickaxe doesn’t like them i couldn’t mine them you need a never right or higher and mine is higher but it wouldn’t mind them so i had to go and actually make a never right pickaxe

Which of course required getting some ancient debris and making a whole new pickaxe which is kind of a pain but it could come in useful later i then headed back and got these ammonite gems here and these gems can be added to your armor to upgrade

Them so i upgraded my protect my bob’s chest plate and although it adds a lot of extra armor it kind of just looks like an iron chest plate so i was kind of disappointed by that and then decided to fill in my failed slime farm and just pretend that that never happened

And after gathering some materials i decided i wanted to build a building here i then laid out the foundations here i wanted this building to be quite high up so i could use like the basement section as well i made some cool different things gathered some materials including this

Soul sand here to make these soul sand bricks i love how many different cool blocks there are in this mod pack and we’re going to be using them to make a factory that’s right we’re going to be doing some industrial stuff in here and i wanted a cool building to do it in

And i think this building is pretty cool then it also fits in with the rest of our aesthetic also look you can right click twice to make these other cool paths whilst i was doing all my other stuff i was also breeding these villagers up and

Putting them in the hall and this is actually the final one of this building we’ve got six in here which is perfect and this final guy gave us a trade of smashing so i bought it so i was like what is it and i couldn’t figure it out i tried it on

Every single tool i could imagine and i just couldn’t figure out what it did so i forgot it for now and got working on our industrial section which involved making a load of complicated machines and doing some like complicated smashing stuff and getting sap from trees and making wires

And all this other confusing stuff and honestly i think i just got a bit over my depth i wanted to make another chunk load as this mod made one which wasn’t just five by five blocks and you could actually choose how big it was oh i also upgraded my furnace here to an

Obsidian furnace which works super super quickly for smelting out iron and the next few days i just tried my hardest to make this mod work but i realized i was just in over my depth the thing i wanted to make this chunk loader was like

End game stuff and i had to make a ton of machines before i could even get close to that chunk loader so i decided to just make a few things anyway and just test them out and we managed to get this generator working which is kind

Of cool but i just gave up and just relaxed with peter the panda for a bit i also put down this dragonfly which i got from the end and called him darren and i also got this dolphin here because i felt like i needed more friends

And i named this dolphin daisy as it just looked like a daisy it’s very cute it swims around our area now and i don’t know what happened around this time but i just came pet obsessed i went and found this squid here which is really cute and you can

Put it in a bucket and gave it the name of sally cause sally the squid sounds adorable and placed them next to daisy on day 181 i did nothing i don’t know what i did i couldn’t remember but on day 182 onwards i decided to start clearing out

This area here and terraforming it a little bit as well because we’re going to be adding some fun stuff on it as to be honest i was kind of sick of eating tacos constantly so i wanted another food source and i found a really really good one i need to get

Some tomato seeds which i did i then bone milled it and planted a load of tomatoes here as well as a load of wheat as well as we’re gonna be using that but we need somewhere to make this new food sauce so where we’re gonna make it this little cottage here i’m calling

This granny’s cottage because it is adorable and we all know grannies make the best food they just want to make you feel well fed and trust me this food we’re going to be making it makes you well fed but there’s a few things we need other than wheat and

Tomatoes and one of those things is salt so i went looking for salt and this stuff is quite rare it spawns in river beds and luckily there is a lot of it here so we can save this location come back later and get more if we need i then got decorating

The interior of granny’s cottage using these cool tile blocks here which i didn’t know we had as we wanted to make a nice little kitchen area to cook our mysterious food which i haven’t told you about yet which you will find out very shortly to be honest and look this

Little kitchen it’s so cute and we’ve actually got space on the right hand side there for some farmer villagers which i’m going to add in a bit later but the time has come to make our epic food we got a load of milk which we converted into cheese

And we also made some dough tomatoes cheese dough have you got it yet that’s right it’s a pizza we’re making this cheese pizza and look it heals up seven hunger i killed this wandering traders to celebrate and i was just really happy with how my air is turning

Out we’ve made so much progress and i spent the rest of the day just doing some chores you know making some more pizzas before heading back to the end once again there’s just so much good stuff in this biome and look i can look at enderman now and

They won’t attack me i love it i then crafted this end stone furnace here which is going to be able to make some cool armor for us you’ll see in a second there’s a few things we need to gather including making this iron smith hammer which i was like oh smashing no

No it doesn’t work but what it does do is turn these end crystals here into ender dust and we’re going to be needing a lot of this stuff so i headed back to the end and got loads of cool stuff found some more new unique biomes which i’d never seen before

Got some more of the end crystals which you just mined also found an abandoned mine shaft in the end very weird almost as weird as that biome there but after gathering a load of cool stuff in the end i decided to head home and convert all this stuff into

Enderdust which you can then convert into termite ingots i put down our new dragonfly and named it dinky as it looked like a dinky before heading back to the end to gather more ancient debris as we’re going to be needing never right ingots of course what does

It use at neverwriting gots these days a a after gathering enough running got i made a termite helmet which i thought would look kind of cool and it kind of does but not really that cool instead we converted the never right ingot with a termite and got into this

Ingot which i can’t pronounce to make this pretty cool looking helm i thought it would have spikes but it didn’t i was kind of disappointed about the lack of spikes also i’m seriously outgrowing this chess system here everything is getting so crowded we’ve got shulker boxes building up

It’s horrible but like most my problems in life i decided to ignore that and instead build a barn which is what you do when you avoid your problems and i built this bar next to granny’s cottage as i wanted to put some cows in there as we want everything to make pizzas

In this area we need a lot of milk i also added a storage system and decorated in there as well as put a cow in there to milk and for my last day i wanted to do something kind of special so i made all these paper blocks here

And then got working on some cute paper lanterns and yes i did steal this idea from my wife lizzy but i thought it would work perfectly with my asian inspired area as it just looks so cute altogether i then planted some blackberries as well because i thought i needed another crop there

And we watched the sunset as that’s right we’ve reached day 200. my gosh this was a while we look ridiculous but i’m loving our area i think our area is looking awesome it’s practical it looks cool and there’s still so much more to do so if you want

To see more of this make sure to let me know in the comments leave a like subscribe if you’re new and that is it for 200 days of hardcore modded

This video, titled ‘I Played Hardcore Modded Minecraft for 200 Days..’, was uploaded by SmallishBeans on 2021-02-10 19:30:00. It has garnered 2050091 views and 73238 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:09 or 1509 seconds.

Today we played Hardcore Modded Minecraft for 200 days, we really delve into some of the mods! This took so long to make, I hope you enjoy 🙂 Twitch:

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    Get Minecraft 1.21 FREE NOW! (Android, iOS, Windows 10, Xbox, PlayStation) Welcome to Minecraft 1.21 Update! Exciting news for all Minecraft enthusiasts! The highly anticipated Minecraft 1.21 update is finally here, available for all platforms and editions. 🤩🙌 New Features and Enhancements The latest update brings a plethora of new features and enhancements to the game. From improved graphics to new gameplay mechanics, there is something for every player to enjoy. Some of the key highlights of the Minecraft 1.21 update include: Enhanced Shaders: Experience the game like never before with the best MCPE shaders available. Check out the Best MCPE Shaders video for a visual treat. Increased Render Distance:… Read More

  • Oops! I Accidentally Turned Off the Lights in Minecraft

    Oops! I Accidentally Turned Off the Lights in Minecraft The World of Minecraft: A Missclick Adventure Embark on a journey through the vast and creative world of Minecraft with Martinouxx in the hilarious video “J’ai missclick sur un interrupteur.” Dive into the realm of blocks, crafting, and exploration as you follow Martinouxx’s misadventures in this popular sandbox game. Missclick Mishaps In the video, Martinouxx encounters a humorous mishap when he accidentally triggers a switch in the game. Watch as chaos ensues and Martinouxx navigates through the consequences of his missclick. This relatable moment adds a touch of comedy to the gameplay, showcasing the unpredictable nature of Minecraft. Exploration… Read More

  • Surviving 200 Days in Minecraft Hardcore

    Surviving 200 Days in Minecraft Hardcore J’ai Survécu 200 jours sur Minecraft HARDCORE Embark on an epic journey through the first 200 days of a hardcore Minecraft survival adventure in this thrilling video. From the early struggles to the depths of the underworld, every moment is filled with excitement and challenges. Join the adventure by subscribing and hitting the notification bell to stay updated! Surviving the Unknown From gathering essential resources to building shelter and fending off dangerous mobs, the first days in Minecraft are crucial for survival. Our protagonist navigates through the wilderness, facing the unknown with courage and determination. Each day brings new… Read More

  • Insane Luck! Get Chelly’s Lucky Minecraft Seed Now

    Insane Luck! Get Chelly's Lucky Minecraft Seed NowVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft Java Edition | pls give lucky world seed’, was uploaded by Chelly on 2024-05-07 21:42:51. It has garnered 128 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:29:39 or 12579 seconds. I’m back 😀 – Time for some chill Minecraft, maybe I’ll get a lucky world seed 😮 Twitch ⯈ Discord ⯈ Join the Channel ⯈ Read More

  • Sly Creator’s 15M Views in 21 Hours: Minecraft Short

    Sly Creator's 15M Views in 21 Hours: Minecraft ShortVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft short video #minecraft #shorts #gaming #gameplay #youtubeshorts #viral #funny #trending’, was uploaded by surendra bhai 15 crore views. 21 hours ago on 2024-06-15 08:00:12. It has garnered 0 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. minecraft short video #minecraft #shorts #gaming #gameplay #youtubeshorts #viral #funny #trending #youtubegaming #youtube #gaming #youtuber #youtubechannel #gamer #youtubers #ps #twitch #youtubegamer #gamingcommunity #youtubevideo #youtubevideos #sub #playstation #pcgaming #videogames #youtubecommunity #youtubegamingchannel #games #youtubelife #twitchstreamer #xbox #youtubegamers #subscribe #gameplay #game #instagaming #gamers #gamingchannel #streamer #smallyoutuber #youtubecreator #gaminglife #gamingmemes #youtubemusic #youtubesubscribers #twitchgaming #gamingclips #youtubekids #callofduty #k… Read More

  • Unleash the 🔥 Falcon Gamer in Minecraft! #gamerfleet #macaddon

    Unleash the 🔥 Falcon Gamer in Minecraft! #gamerfleet #macaddonVideo Information This video, titled ‘MInecraft live stream falco gamer #minecraft #shorts #macaddon #gamerfleet #technogamerz #dream’, was uploaded by FALCO GAMER on 2024-03-21 20:33:59. It has garnered 1934 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 01:28:32 or 5312 seconds. #yessmartypie #anshubisht #dream #dreamboy #ezio18rip #himlands #herobrinesmp #herobrine #lapatasmp #nizgamer #senpaispider #minecraftnepal #minecraftindia #mrjunior #mrfalanag #minecraftshorts #minecraftchallenge #steelwing #lucon #adispot Minecraft challenge Thanks for being part of our Minecraft community! Your support means everything. Let us know in the comments your favorite Minecraft moments, and don’t forget to share the love by subscribing and exploring more of our… Read More

  • INSANE! DEADLOKED33 plays Tf2, Subnautica & Minecraft Modded LIVE!

    INSANE! DEADLOKED33 plays Tf2, Subnautica & Minecraft Modded LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Tf2, subnautica and perhaps minecraft modded stream’, was uploaded by DEADloCKED33 on 2024-02-20 01:03:11. It has garnered 36 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:26:27 or 8787 seconds. Yo make sure to subscribe and stick around for epic content with epic people! Every day I play and only play when I’m live So hope you all do great and have a crazy time watching my videos Additions because people asked: DONO(Know if you want to do this, nobody is forcing you to, so just know that): DISCORD: Read More

  • SECRET METHOD to join MC Servers on CONSOLE! (2024)

    SECRET METHOD to join MC Servers on CONSOLE! (2024)Video Information This video, titled ‘How to join Minecraft Survival Servers on CONSOLE (2024)’, was uploaded by FreddyFPS on 2024-03-31 17:16:59. It has garnered 12292 views and 607 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Royal FF Hack! 😱💥 #shorts #trending

    Insane Minecraft Royal FF Hack! 😱💥 #shorts #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft viral hack 😳💖 #shorts #tranding #viralshort #minecraftshorts #viralshirtvideo #gaming #tot’, was uploaded by ROYAL FF on 2024-03-08 14:43:38. It has garnered 114 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 31 #32 #33 #newyear2023 #2023 #horrorgaming #2022 @techsgamerz minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft minecraft hacks techno gamerz minecraft viral tiktok… Read More

  • Unbelievable Myth Busted by Jack_Bhaiya ft. AnshuBisht 😱

    Unbelievable Myth Busted by Jack_Bhaiya ft. AnshuBisht 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Jack_Bhaiya Ki Masti @AnshuBisht #gamerfleet #minecraft #fleetsmp #jackbhaiya #herobrine #anshubisht’, was uploaded by Mythes on 2024-04-14 02:30:01. It has garnered 664805 views and 22629 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. #payalzoneroast #gamerfleet #payalzoneroasted FleetSMP new Member🤣😂😂 Ballu Beta😄 @Gamerfleet hardest mlg 😍😯😳#jackbhaiya #anshubisht #gamerfleet Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button and turn on notifications so you never miss a video from us. CREATIVE INDIAN GAMERS in Minecraft 🔴 techno gamerz, bbs, mythpat, live Insaan, fleet, yessmartypie Gamer fleet vs Me MLG clutch @GamerFleet @TechnoGamerzOfficial #mlg #minecraft @YesSmartyPie is All… Read More

  • 🔴 LIVE – Minecraft with VIEWERS! Recordings happening, join now!

    🔴 LIVE - Minecraft with VIEWERS! Recordings happening, join now!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 LIVE – Playing Minecraft with VIEWERS! Might record, come join!’, was uploaded by PixelPE on 2024-06-16 09:48:00. It has garnered 126 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:56 or 6416 seconds. i do the video gaming and i do the screen recordin g Discord: Carrd: Enjoy! ^^ Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Designs 💥 Which is YOUR Favorite?!

    Insane Minecraft Designs 💥 Which is YOUR Favorite?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Which is your favourite Design in Minecraft! #shorts #minecraftshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by CedoxMC on 2024-02-21 17:00:44. It has garnered 421 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Top 3 Best Designs in Minecraft! Version – 1.20.4 Shaders – Complementary shaders Texture pack – Prime’s Hd #redstonebuilds #howtomake #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts TAGS: minecraft minecraft shorts minecraft parodileri minecraft farm minecraft house tutorial minecraft ev yapimi minecraft rp minecraft haus bauen minecraft icrimax minecraft stadt minecraft welt minecraft song minecraft 100 days minecraft paluten minecraft benx minecraft redstone minecraft… Read More

  • VxidCraft

    VxidCraftPlay a survival server with your friends and grind until you have the most cash and money and dominate the server until your unstoppable! Read More

  • ✨ Aeltori ✨ Semi-Vanilla Community

    Survival || Creative || Community Aeltori is a small, friendly Minecraft server with an emphasis on community. Join now and find your new home! IP Address: Version: 1.20.6 We are strictly against pay-to-win practices and all gameplay commands are available to all members. Our staff team plays in survival mode without spawning items. The experienced staff team has spent 3 months planning and building the server. All aspects are EULA-compliant, with no competitive advantages given to donors through our store. Read More

  • Azmy – Vegan SMP server

    Azmy - Vegan SMP serverThis server includes a datapack that makes it more vegan, by adding vegan friendly food recipes, as well as other items, and by removing drops from peaceful animals. No animals have been killed during the testing of the datapack!! Maybe…Other mechanics are changed, to make the game more refreshing, such as changing some recipes to slow down end game progression, as reaching the end game is normally too quick, making it boring. You can check all recipes in the recipe book.Everyone is welcome if they respect people. Safe for LGBTQ, disabled, women, any ethnicity, different backgrounds, and you! It is… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes –


    Minecraft Memes - <p>GHAST 360 NO-SCOPE MLG MONTAGE <em>earrape</em></p>That ghast must have been practicing its trick shots in its spare time! Watch out for those 360 no-scope fireballs! Read More

  • Crafty Love: Minecraft Animation Boys’ Musical Desire

    Crafty Love: Minecraft Animation Boys' Musical Desire In the world of Minecraft, a love story unfolds, With Martin as the storyteller, his words are bold. Desire for love, in animation so bright, LGBT+ elements, shining in the light. For those who embrace, this tale of love, Martin’s channel, a gift from above. But if it’s not your cup of tea, that’s okay, Just move along, no need to stay. Subscribe, like, and comment, show your support, For Martin’s creativity, a beautiful sport. Minecraft animation, boys love in the air, A story to cherish, with love and care. Read More

  • Hottest Plank Meme in Minecraft! 🔥

    Hottest Plank Meme in Minecraft! 🔥 “Why did the plank go to therapy? Because it had too many unresolved issues with creepers blowing it up in Minecraft!” 😂 #minecraft #memes Read More

  • Survival Shenanigans: Minecraft Mobile Ep. 17

    Survival Shenanigans: Minecraft Mobile Ep. 17 Welcome to the World of Minecraft with INCREDIBLE GAMER 🎮 INCREDIBLE GAMER invites you to dive into the exciting world of Minecraft with their latest update 1.21. Join them on their survival series in this epic adventure filled with building, exploration, and challenges. Let’s explore the key features of this popular game and discover what makes Minecraft so engaging for players around the world. Survival Series in Minecraft Mobile 📱 Embark on a thrilling survival series in Minecraft Mobile as you navigate through a world filled with zombies, challenges, and endless possibilities. Test your skills in crafting, mining, and… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Hardcore Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Hardcore Fun! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious and challenging Minecraft hardcore video that had us in stitches. The YouTuber behind the video showcased just how tough and entertaining the game can be, making us want to dive into the action ourselves. With over 100 players simulating civilization in Minecraft, the possibilities are endless. From funny moments to epic battles, there’s never a dull moment on Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine the thrill of surviving 100 days in hardcore survival mode or embarking on a world… Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos: Mace’s OP Secret

    Unleashing Chaos: Mace's OP Secret The Power of the Mace in Minecraft One of the most talked-about elements in the Minecraft community right now is the Mace. Players are buzzing about its incredible power and effectiveness in the game. But why exactly is the Mace so overpowered? The Mace: A Game-Changing Weapon The Mace is a new weapon introduced in Minecraft version 1.21, and it has quickly become a favorite among players. This powerful weapon can deal massive damage with just one shot, making it a game-changer in battles against tough mobs and bosses. Unleashing the Power of the Mace Players who have wielded… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Getting FULL Diamond in MineCraft!

    UNBELIEVABLE! Getting FULL Diamond in MineCraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MineCraft】Getting a FULL Diamond Set【globie 2nd Gen – Equinnox】’, was uploaded by Kohaku Hyouma ch.【globie】 on 2024-06-06 19:46:54. It has garnered 217 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 03:31:11 or 12671 seconds. Getting our diamonds and then looking for a location for our mage’s tower art: Using Mizuno’s texture pack: ❄ ❅ OWNERS ❅ ❄ * please remember that donations are NON-REFUNDABLE. PLEASE be careful when entering the amount. ❄ ❅THRONE❅ ❄ ❄ ❅ RULES ❅ ❄ 🐯Please be respectful in chat not only towards myself, but… Read More

  • Ultimate Herobrine Mystery Revealed!

    Ultimate Herobrine Mystery Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE 😈#shorts #ytshorts’, was uploaded by ELITE 55 on 2024-06-08 14:46:18. It has garnered 8 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. HEROBRINE 😈#shorts HIMLANDS – HULALLALA IS BACK Minecraft dog revenge 😈 #shorts #gta5 #gta6 #triggeredinsaan #ujjwal #mythpat #minecraft #gaming #gamerfleet #palworld #viral #shortsfeed #shortsbeta #mrbeast Palworld Techno gamerz Rajat dalal atishi marlena Dhruv rathee Mrbeast sam ovens podcast bado badi Triggered insaan ssc adda247 4k video channel 4 news Shorts strategi digital marketing interior design viral shorts short videos pal world tips palworld farming tips how… Read More

  • JAFAR FF vs. REAL PVP God – Ultimate Minecraft Showdown!

    JAFAR FF vs. REAL PVP God - Ultimate Minecraft Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘Who is Real PVP God of India? Minecraft ‎@technogamerzofficial536  @SenpaiSpider’, was uploaded by JAFAR FF on 2024-02-29 19:20:15. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. ss by clutch gods top 10 clutch gods of india राम राम craftee custom hearts beating minecraft youtubers mod fleet pvp … Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Beating Minecraft 1.8 With @TriforceRaiden

    Insane Challenge: Beating Minecraft 1.8 With @TriforceRaidenVideo Information This video, titled ‘Trying to beat Minecraft 1.8 w/ @TriforceRaiden’, was uploaded by Evan Agredano on 2024-06-03 05:27:49. It has garnered 33 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 05:44:06 or 20646 seconds. Before the combat update, Minecraft was a relatively basic game. No caves and cliffs, no nether update, no 1.9 combat update. Can @TriforceRaiden and beat the game without all the quality of life features of the later verisons? @TriforceRaiden stream: Read More

  • Unbelievable secrets uncovered in Minecraft dungeons!

    Unbelievable secrets uncovered in Minecraft dungeons!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft dungeons ep 4’, was uploaded by LukesterGaming5336 on 2024-01-14 19:35:04. It has garnered 12 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:20 or 920 seconds. Playing a secret mission in Minecraft dungeons. Read More

  • Masterclass: Master Godbridging on All Minecraft Versions 1.6-1.20

    Masterclass: Master Godbridging on All Minecraft Versions 1.6-1.20Video Information This video, titled ‘Godbridging on Every Version of Minecraft | 1.6-1.20’, was uploaded by Aqualistic on 2024-04-29 10:00:42. It has garnered 27 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:10 or 70 seconds. Godbridging on Every Version of Minecraft | 1.6-1.18 (REMASTER) = SONG Water Lily – The 126ers = = PC Specs: GPU: RTX 3050 CPU: Ryzen 5650G PRO RAM: 32GB DDR4-3600 = Tags: MCPlayHD Greev SpacePotato AntiAC Speedcubing Doogile ThreeClicks TheSilent_One Geklow Crimssel Crinek sub 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Minecraft shorts YouTube Found This Desc From… Read More

  • EPIC Battle: 200 Players Fight as Vikings vs Knights in Minecraft!

    EPIC Battle: 200 Players Fight as Vikings vs Knights in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘200 Players Simulate Minecraft VIKINGS vs KNIGHTS’, was uploaded by Wintell on 2024-05-10 18:38:32. It has garnered 1030 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:25 or 805 seconds. In this Minecraft tournament I took part in a medieval civilization event!! 100 Vikings and 100 Knights will fight each other to determine which civilization is superior. Each team defends their CIVILIZATIONS and creates strategy’s to win the event. I spawned into the Vikings team and helped prepare my team for battle and lead them into the fight! The only way to determine… Read More

  • “Tua – Make a bouncy model effortlessly!” #blender3d

    "Tua - Make a bouncy model effortlessly!" #blender3dVideo Information This video, titled ‘ทำ model ให้เด้งดึ๋งอย่างง่ายๆ | Blender #blender3d #เกม #chatgpt #ไทย #เกมผี #สร้างเกม #animated’, was uploaded by Tua on 2024-06-14 12:00:23. It has garnered 13143 views and 493 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. #blender #blender3d #blender3d #makegame #chatgpt #Thai #ghostgame #minecraft #game #mobilegame Read More

  • funcySMP

    funcySMPJoin funcySMP: Experience Skyblock, Custom Minigames, and More! Face custom mobs, explore hidden bases, engage in Kitpvp battles, and discover a reimagined Earth. Enhance gear with unique custom enchants. Dive into a world of gaming excellence today! Read More

  • The Perfectum SMP – SMP, Hermitcraft-style, Java 1.20.1, LGBTQ+ Friendly, 15+, Whitelist, Community, BlueMap

    Perfectum SMP Welcome to the Perfectum SMP This is a semi-vanilla, APPLICATION-ONLY, survival server designed for an authentic and mature gaming experience (15+). Our goal is to create a transparent and welcoming community. We’ve selected plugins that enhance performance, reduce lag, and maintain vanilla gameplay as you explore with others! If you are especially talented in building, redstone, farms, etc., this server is for you! Our application process is strict yet reasonable, and we guarantee a response within a week. What you can expect by joining the Perfectum SMP: A dedicated team of moderators ensuring a seamless gaming experience. A… Read More

  • BrabantCraft

    BrabantCraftJoin the new Minecraft Server Community BrabantCraft now! 🌻 Feel at home with the Brabant atmosphere, everyone is welcome!• Content Creators wanted, request your role now in our Discord! 🔴 📹 server is run by a small team that has little experience with server hosting, but step by step we expand the server, get help from a super Dev and learn something new every day!• Suggest your suggestions in the suggestion channel!💡 The server is still in its early stages and there are still many ideas and updates planned, but the server is already open so you can start… Read More

SmallishBeans – I Played Hardcore Modded Minecraft for 200 Days..