Sokar Starfire – 【Stardew Valley】Learning to minecraft in 2D w/@Ashezi99 [1]

Video Information

Foreign [Applause] [Applause] It’s not the same when I’m with you [Applause] Foreign Thank you Somebody’s always a surprise Foreign The silence Sorry baby I just don’t know the words A master didn’t really quite catch the rest Way when you throw it all away Honey hello I hope that you are having a lovely whatever day of the week this is and if not I hope that I can help make your day a little better how you all doing how y’all doing today we have a collab with the lovely we have become the fast the fastest the

Bestest of Pals and today they’re teaching me how to play stardew Valley if you’ve made it past the big 4-0 in terms of our number of souls collected thank you so much to each and every one of you I don’t have much more else to say other

Than that I really want to get into the game let’s go let’s go let’s go give our favorite everyone’s favorite ranking a call shall we hello hello hello hello hello foreign I hear nothing oh no oh no Hello hello hello hello hold on wait wait wait a minute hello oh you and me for a little bit you and me for a little bit oh last night we had a crazy like almost 11 hour stream wasn’t that crazy it was pretty crazy and then we got star filled I’m gonna be

I’m gonna be doing so many long streams this week I’m real excited about hello hey there you are foreign well that makes us even because last time I was muted too hey let’s go let’s go what are you doing I’m doing okay I’m doing all right

Yay my game closed out of itself so let’s do this again It’s fine you know I went to Starbucks right before stream because I was out and I was just like I should get some something because you know like the fall menu came out yeah and I don’t I don’t drink much Starbucks to be honest because they’re expensive yeah I had some Mooney yeah

Yeah cool I had some moony on my Starbucks card and it was just like um tune I can’t think I was just like I’ll get like the fall drink I may not like it that much but I’ll get it and they gave me like uh they were just like we actually made you

A Trenta here you go I’m like oh thanks free drink do you have a code for the invitations honey I have to make it yeah and apparently oh I you don’t want to know how skunked I am okay it’s fine it’s fine I think before

I send it out I have to like make it all you know but I wanted you to name the I wanted you to name the farm you wanted me to name the farm oh I don’t know if you gave me that kind of power look

Look you have to name it this is gonna be the farm that we live at it’s gonna be amazing you know I could just call it Starfire Valley but you know end of it wary of that it has to have Farm oh okay I said yeah what if I just just Old MacDonald

If I can fit it that’s what she said oh I can only fit without like um without spaces Old MacDonald ha how about that got it nice now I have to pick the character read this again this is fine maybe I should have done this while you were doing your thing

No that would have been like the better option that’s so funny here like before the call and everything I was like oh I want to be a little faster this time just get right into the game because I feel bad for the last time my bad uh

I don’t wanna I’m not emo so I can’t there then dude wait what is what does being emo have to do with anything like a little character what I’m doing I see a little small character that represents you and only you and no one else what’s my favorite thing um cheese okay cheese

You reduced your entire personality down to head down to Justin wow wow look at this amazing stuff that you can see whoa you can’t see it yet but you’ll go through it soon whoa I put it so like there’s a little intro in the beginning that I I’ve already

Seen a million times but I was just like I want you to experience this intro so but like you’re not here I wonder if I’ll get it or like joining a co-op game or I think you should are you gonna be the standing man emoji this time I am the standing man emoji Standing man emoji that’ll be my favorite emoji it has very quickly become mine mostly because of you bringing it to my attention because it’s so funny it didn’t even know this existed why is this a thing don’t you want to use the standing man emoji colors of use whoa whoa

Okay I I whoa I forgot how this game starts wow wow is that the Jack Black coming out of the Shadows wow what I want to know what what is happening over there I’m feeding you false information you know misleading I’m cool like that you looked at me a

Lot to you you’re a lawyer I am a lawyer and I’m also a lawyer [Laughter] Exhale I’ll let you read everything quitting time blue screen of death blue screen of death To be a fun fun time oh I can escape sick nasty bro skip you can escape I can escape it was like unskippable cut scene insert here Scupper you’re now hosting a multiplayer game perfect can I invite people to my multiplayer game I would like to be part of their party

Can you please wait um people want to play the people want to play uh let me let me I can’t show invite called on stream so yeah that’s why I’m parked in my break screen here with my lovelies hello you’re smart okay wait what is this in my code this is

Randomly generated here you go oh my God it’s like something that this is something that I would have come up with it’s almost a euphemism it is almost a euphemism oh my God see the game knows the game just know there’s the where’s my volume what’s my volume I did ambient noise sound

Your new farmer okay I think it might be safe to show the game now Maybe um yeah okay let’s get right into it welcome no no are you getting that cutscene I don’t know where to put ourselves on the right on the left I’m thinking the left because wherever you feel like

Energy bars over there oh the energy bar is over there get thee behind me a jazzy get behind get away I guess I’ll just be behind here you know there we go Dude where’s my music turned off the music of the main menu no way it might just be quiet because I

Noticed that once the main menu Isn’t went through and I turned it back on you just silence that’s why I got my my super hip break music on wow super hip I should just put on my like default drenched in raindrops music um whoa there we go

I don’t know what my what is my favorite thing what is your favorite thing I don’t know like my favorite I have a thing I don’t really like stating favorites because what if a new thing becomes your favorite you know and the other thing becomes obsolete what is a favorite anyway favorites

Favorites because I could just say coffee but also I’m a vampire so blood I love blood yes you know what blood in all kinds yeah with a smiley face oh okay now can I get red eyes give me the reddest the reddest of the red I also made it this multiplayer Farm

Like if you ever wanted to come back I made it so that more people could join wink just in case anyone else wants to join the farm yeah what hairstyles we got I want long flow and luscious locks this woman is over one high it’s kind of edgy oh but this one’s nice

And long goes to my shoulders oh real long that one I don’t know how long your hair is I’ve never seen behind your model um I could I can take off my own robe here there okay you know I cannot see that but I am literally looking at a PNG

Oh yeah I forgot I completely shoulder length okay where’s that shoulder thing we’ll just do that my pants I do not wear shorts I’m not a short Sky honey no shorts got it no what is this is this a facial what is ACC it’s like different accessories so like

Earrings uh facial hair glasses where’s none would that be one okay yes but you you don’t want the cool glasses koi [Laughter] I don’t I I forgot what I was doing emoji I didn’t expect it to be customization in a game that is so like low res You know there’s a little heart on it Like it what are my shoes they’re gross I think shoes well there’s no shoe option well you always will have these oh that’s because we get boots with armor in this game there we go I forgot I just don’t you go down in the mines okay I’m just gonna go with possibly that

So indecisive you’re good I’m just I’m just farming oh are you yeah because it kind of just started off right away that’s nice and edgy you think I get my full name in here so I mean you can try with a space or wow you won’t even let you click to

Where the character is you have to okay I gotta do there we go there you go there we go okay let’s go maybe we have music now Maybe music I don’t know you said there was a here we go options menu once we get in here

Yeah once you’re like in in here you know and so I’m in there yeah you’ll just press like escape and there comes like little inventory and skills and like relationships and map and you know the world’s longest scroll bar okay yes the world’s longest scroll bar

It does say that the music volume is up so I don’t know I don’t know they’re supposed to be music that’s why I’m confused I think if you turned it off in the beginning then it’s off and I’m like ah because it was a little way

Loud so I turned it off here’s a little something to get you started a little something to get you started I just took a bowl off the table and I sat down okay those are two things that I’ve done good job I’m proud of you why is that oh okay

I don’t like how the interface sounds are in the yellow with my voice not about that it is a very loud game how do we say [ __ ] off Mr interface sound how do we say that would that be sound volume I’m just gonna guess try try I picked up my TV what

You know I wish that moving TVs was that easy just use your mind an entire fireplace wow okay then there you go so I didn’t get any cutscene well that’s great so lucky okay so basically here’s the story give me the rundown your grandpa dies or something oh how sad

Um you worked as like you worked in a corporate job and you were you know hating life yeah and then you get like an inheritance of this Farm by your grandfather and now you’re here yeah yeah that’s it but it takes like a thousand years to go through 1 000 years later

So what do you what do you got going on here huh I planted some parsnips oh you know yeah so I got some seeds of the same r-snip variety so yeah you can put it down if you want how do we so we have no you have tools on the bottom left right

Number two should be a hoe so okay you can click anywhere there you go oh oh yes now you can put seed there wait wait I’m doing it honey I’m gaming oh there okay and now you have a watering can right a little bowl [Laughter] you do oh I do oh I have

I do water the crops yeah I don’t like that noise oh my lovely I guess all right and now you have planted and watered and they will take a few days to cultivate will they oh yes it is uh yes and then when they cultivate we can

Bring them over to this box and that is how we make money the Box this box we put our produce or whatever we find like gems and stuff inside and we get money at the end of the day see that it’s already ending you do holy what that is loud hold on

I got like night ambience down thank you okay so uh the day is ending soon and we do have to go to sleep like there’s like what is it you can’t be out past like something 2 am or 1am yes you have to go you have

To go back to your place please so this game is like discriminatory against vampires yeah yeah so I need to go to my which one’s my house whichever one you want you can make any of them in your house oh yeah let me in there oh you just walk

Into your bed that’s weird yeah you just walk in and absolutely automatically apparently my bed is just in an upright position standing bed here Yay and I have mail damn it I keep I keep a left cooking to select things okay this music this music though it’s getting real what’s getting up there it’s getting up there Okay okay okay Mr accordion man was like I’m coming in with my solo You should come down to the beach sometime I’ve got something for you I don’t know fishing is my go-to in this game I love fishing if someone were to send you a letter and they were just like I’ve got something for you I don’t know if I would trust that letter

Oh it’s the new day so I’m gonna water the plants real quick so that they grow and become cool you know oh I’ll Water my floor yeah later on we can craft things like sprinkler they automatically do it you know where um so right now we’re Schmucks and we can only

Yeah can I wait I want I want to I want to do the rest of them because apparently that would be good right Would be good but parsnips until the vampire work [Laughter] I think there’s like what is there is there a button he probably is I don’t know Get in there get him all in there okay isn’t this so efficient it’s so efficient I like my design it’s really good it looks like a tractor well this is a farm you know how you got a tractor out of that This is a secret way to get tractor in stardew Valley The area took me a brown sound are we walking wait are we walking fast making our way downtown honey you’re way downtown yeah so uh in this game there’s different seasons right so this stuff is [ __ ] porridge like this is the plant that you can grab yeah how do I firmly grasp honey

Oh right click just like that time all right right click is the grabbing okay right clip scrub all right this is the town where you can meet some locals you know over here we have oh there’s the person down here if you want to talk to her hello there

Okay and she’s gone she just walked away blue hair it was blue hair because you beat it off your face you’re gonna love it here in Pelican town if you’re ever looking for something to do in the evening stop by the saloon that’s where I work they’re gone where’d they go actually

I watched her walk away actually into the store their voice just Fades away yeah so hospital for like if you stay out too late like you don’t make it to bed in time you collapse and die and you go to the hospital oh my God that’s a little dramatic

This is the calendar you can see people’s birthdays and different events the egg Festival is next week keep left clicking [Laughter] I see next to it will be little quests because some people want things like oh I want like 30 rocks or something can you freshly grab me some rocks and give

It to me for money ice cream so no you don’t want you don’t want the money we have 500 shared between us bro I’m scared because I said it was and uh okay so uh store isn’t here yes this is the store oh there’s Abigail you can talk to her she’s one of the romance options there we go Abigail purple purple yeah there we go that’s right I heard someone who was moving onto that Old

Farm and they’re gone no one wants to talk to me they’re always just walking away you capture them at a bad time potato this is the mayor his name is Lewis Lewis show how’s your first night in the old Cottage beer and that’s the end of that conversation okay great talk Um Now we are imagine having a conversation with her cashier behind the counter like this Owner of the local General Store if you’re looking for seeds uh my shop is the place to go I want to buy produce for you for a good price I don’t know I started talking about seeds and then just you’re looking for Deez Nuts this shop is a place to go

Oh the girls are working out uh cool I don’t even know they did this okay here’s some other people you can talk to I guess um do we have emotes honey can we do the dancing do but I don’t remember what the button is I will find out

Is it Q is it w it’s not W it’s not e is it Z is it X is it V is it V is it n it’s not M I want to use my hoe on them oh I found it it’s I found it I can’t emo but we can send little

Emoticons with the letter Y oh angry I don’t know what oh no break it down down okay this is Jody this is the [ __ ] that walked away from me earlier breathing up breathe out okay with your voice is their little cult or something for some reason I don’t oh what you laughed in robot it was a little unnerving

Oh I’m sorry I’m sorry sometimes the animatronics get a little quirky at night you know their house well not there I can’t I can’t break in and take their [ __ ] I want to though and sit on their Furniture how dare you not be able to you can’t break and Enter

It’s loaded with fresh veggies This is a nice little kitchen but yeah they have a cult downstairs I don’t know why Caroline only lets her friends enter here we’re not friends with Caroline read Caroline is this the [ __ ] Arc of the Covenant what is this you like how this is all in the general Storehouse me too

Kind of weird not gonna lie there’s a cult in the back of the room back at the store I’m not friends with Abigail are they playing Zelda wait are they where does what stop talking to everyone wait oh we’re not you can kind of see their TV up there

Right it looks kind of like the first Zelda I’m the main character Okay so right store got it that was the store it seemed a lot larger on the inside than it looks on the outside I know it’s like magic you know Doctor Who Doctor Who’s this all right this is the saloon okay kids like to hang out here at night

But absolutely yeah we got Pam the alcoholic oh that’s nice yeah get me out of here sorry [Laughter] One of our little like Journal thingies is to meet all of like the residents okay yeah so that’s why I’m like going around okay that’s just Emily Gus um what what what accent should we give Gus well hello there oh my gosh chiefed out of the sword rough Saloon This is Shane Shane what what do you want go away that’s what he says it was my first stardew uh love interest Him I think no not gonna lie was because it was easy to get his relationship status up oh yeah these are games you can play games there’s a skull shaped Keyhole oh I’m playing a game now can you see this or is it just me it’s you oh my God what is this

How do I do anything you didn’t explain the role of the game at all or maybe you did I’m dead Oh the instructions are at the bottom honey I didn’t know I didn’t know I don’t know why shoot wait I’ve already forgotten them oh no they should keep them on the screen for people like me honey okay shoot as arrow keys okay okay there we go now we’re doing

Now we’re game and I’m dead I don’t like this game I’m done you’re so good at you’re so good at it you’re so good at it okay congratulations That’s Clint Eastwood I’m cleanse okay the gem guy oh shoot it’s late God you can dig around in trash Oh that’s some sanitary thank you sometimes you find uh food in there you know sometimes you know but if you do it you will give me that tutorial because you are a rat [Laughter]

S like sometimes you find the food in the trash just don’t do it in front of other characters they’ll think you’re disgusting and then your relationship will go down yeah I think it will be disgusting to me too anyway I do it all the time you know I

Won’t judge I won’t judge yeah I’m just gonna go to sleep now it’s fine okay fine I’ll just go [ __ ] off this direction man yeah bye have fun I took your bowl he took my bowl yeah you put it on the grounds yeah I didn’t know what to do with it

Oh I put it on the ground oh it’s raining it’s a present oh you got a person this package belongs to someone else oh I guess can’t open it it went through you where in there in there oh I think that’s oh because it’s not your house not your

House that you started in I think it’s the parsnip yeah this is like this one oh there’s nothing in here I approach this it was it’s not one ruins isn’t our foam kind of cute we got weeds rocks twigs I guess Yeah it’s red random hole in the wall

Let’s go win the hole get me in there literally nothing it’s a hole it’s a hole it’s meant for me whole lot of nothing I gave you a laugh track I don’t know if you can hear that on your end but hey not but thank you thank you this rain is

Too loud anyway you don’t like the rain I mean I do but this rain is not the same this thing don’t hit the sink what would that be ambient uh yes I think way uh yummy wow all right so over here we have uh that’s not open yet it’ll come it’ll

Become open later uh this is another person’s house this is where we can buy like uh telescope let me use it sorry I got distracted but this is where like um the construction person lives but it’s not open till nine so I need to know all these times because it I clicked on it and it said open at nine oh I’m so good and I’m free what does it do nothing what a tree yeah come to Lorax yeah boy there left clicking sorry I hold your counter

Yo yo I had to go back here have you made everyone count the ancient sounds suggestion okay okay newspaper man readings I’m Demetrius local scientist and father and thanks for introducing yourself why would you announce yourself as a father in your area where is the problem

Now if only you were friends with Robin couldn’t be me lots of soda so I’m wondering if you can’t enter anyone’s bedrooms and tell you’re good friends with them yeah let me in the earth Sebastian how’d you know that was Sebastian because I clicked on his name it burned

On the door or whatever and it was like you’re not gonna love friends with him I mean that’s fair and if a total stranger would just go around trying to break into people’s bedrooms that’d be kind of weird it would be kind of weird no way just a little bit

So you can chop anything Yes actually oh because he’s a thick boy there we go now you got one I got that wood as I would over here is fishing like it’s just a lake but I fish here for certain stuff up there as a homeless man to the top left

Oh my God what was that noise oh don’t worry about that we’re trapped you’re like don’t worry buddy I can hope I have a pickaxe oh another altar Yeah okay isn’t it lovely homeless man I’ve come to interrupt your sleep hi homeless man a stranger hello okay that’s all he has to say they just greet you and then I wonder like in single player do they have like more dialogue or is that normal uh right now it’s normal because they

Don’t know you it’s like they literally just do not know you they’re like who is this guy they should know they will recognize The wreck keep Jesse yeah and do this over a little bit whoa not the entire [ __ ] game what I’m moving Us in OBS in the orbs oh okay I don’t know why I can’t grab you there okay not no longer I’m small what what have some have some have some trash thank you

[Laughter] okay I love trash all right let’s see this is oh it’s a flower and it’s mine now Community Center it doesn’t open yet but there’s little like uh quests to do in here soon yeah hey yeah thank you for coming fountain yeah just just a normal Fountain to be honest

Then a park wow can I ride I wish whoa you can ride I can do it honey but I can’t move unfortunately I can’t move I can sit on this I’ve never tried let me in there whoa oh wow just sitting in the park in the rain you know

I was hoping I’d interact a little more can you jump is there a yump button there is no yum wow I’m just pushing keys I like how you’re trying everything Jay for jump you i k l o e c x c o v b in M map yeah

Were we supposed to go to the harbor to meet someone wait what uh yeah it was like oh gosh something for you I want you uh yes this is my first time playing stardew okay it has to be between like 5 p.m like before 5 PM so we missed our time to see

Him oh okay yeah he had like a specific time some characters have like things associated with time but that’s fine that’s fine see down here we have some more houses uh the sewers down there my home I’m I’m bringing these footsteps down to you don’t you don’t want to hear me walk something

It’s like when you have an upstairs neighbor you’re just like oh okay yeah no one’s home so this is another person’s house oh we just walked into someone’s house that’s our door is here do they a town do they think a vampire is gonna come get them no that doesn’t happen well we

Have to be we have to be invited in is the thing to like their rooms oh a strange wait oh stranger my name’s Vincent mama says not to talk to stranger but It’s set to the news station ah I wonder what’s on the news apparently nothing um Vincent’s report card you didn’t see spelling d math C social studies be nice you know I gotta say it I’m disappointed in you Vincent I am disappointed I mean I’m not angry but father is a little disappointed

Rip dinner’s bedroom I didn’t want to anyway he went to sleep literally all right let’s go this way this is where another farm is where you can get like uh farm animals when we want you know animals yeah so we can get things like chickens so we can get eggs for milk Etc

Oh wait wait wait wait take out your hoe I got my hoe I always got my hole worms clay sometimes you find like books and stuff oh what are these other weird spots on the ground do they have normal okay yeah that’s just texture white chicken Fried Chicken

Sometimes the mysterious seller shows up here it’s so rare stuff oh rare yeah I’m sorry this like showing you around is like showing you around here’s the tutorial up here we have a I appreciate power because I am a lost as hell you’re welcome we have a Wizards Tower

Up here that we can’t go into yet the Wizards Tower it’s a lot you can hear someone inside though yeah this whole area is mostly Forest so like you can get like resources out here like trees deforestation yeah I would imagine trees would be in a forest

Yeah exactly trees rocks uh little like uh thingies to pick up for the season normal standard do you like the crying around me too crying I heard something but I was like is that what is that a real life or no what’s out of

Real life I don’t know what it is to be honest I don’t know what’s making those noises got nothing in your trash let’s do work guys is that where you live yeah that’s where I live these guys walk around sorry this weather makes me thirsty what the [ __ ] huh

He walks out in the rain like I’m thirsty now this weather makes me thirsty he’s just 10 anywhere else oh it’s so funny I’m gonna put some it’s getting late so I’m just gonna put like oh what about my dandelions and like things you can put that in there to sell get in

There okay there you go now we make money at the end of the day it’s probably gonna give us not that much but it’s fine okay let’s throw my clump of weeds in there hi they’ll be like why I don’t know better options we’re almost I’m almost done showing you around There we go we made 180. oh easy yeah wow those weeds must be in high demand don’t you love weeds [Laughter] oh God hello They’ve replaced my bowl they got you a new bowl got my new bowl while I was asleep I’m a little concerned about that into your house I don’t know what weird dystopian hell is this that we’re being made to do this for them what happens if I run out of water there’s

Like a little pond off to the side here that you can refill it up okay let’s fill it up let’s fill it all the way up no wait there we go okay Wet I mean there’s nothing growing here but I like how all my plants are growing out of order because It’ll be fine All right so next we’re gonna go toward the beach oh wait that’s where he wants us to go anyway that one guy really yes yeah if you follow me this way the Thirsty man you said leave me alone What a weirdo that was my first husband let’s go [Laughter] Cutscene really there he is for their son heard there was a newcomer in town good if I can meet you ah I’m still trying to unwind from a month outside I finally saved enough to buy me a new rod here I want you to have me all the fishing rod

It’s important to me that the artificial stays alive and hey maybe I’ll buy her something from the shop once in a while whoa so this weird guy took us out all the way out here to show me his Rod is that what I’m understanding okay well thanks for that

There’s good water here in the valley all kinds of fish [Applause] I’ll come by if I need supplies I know she’ll probably get anything in your attention if it smells it sounds that’s what my old Papa used to say what the actual [ __ ] I don’t understand I went out of this conversation boy

I’m gonna lower down the ambian or yeah these waves are like in my oh everything all right here and organs are a little overwhelmed okay here we go thank God that weirdo is gone you know I’ve never seen I’ve never seen the ocean have you I did I did recently

Yeah I went down to the Flow Rider and we didn’t go into the ocean but when we were traveling between places there’s this really long big bridge that connects and it goes over the ocean and it made me freaked out but the ocean was

On all sides of us oh I have a thing about going over like a bodies of water on Bridges it’s a little two that’s not my fishing pole it’s a little scary there was this movie that I watched it was called The Mothman Prophecies where the entire suspension bridge falls into the water

That traumatized me when you get the little the new press click right not right left quick right away okay yeah it’s a little fishing tutorial do I need to go out farther or something it’s a lot farther way out there Max further [Laughter] so am I going to right click

You’re gonna let her left left oh you got this see fishing is my forte in this game I could fish forever yeah that’s like my thing become a little fisherman wait what what’s the sound it goes like and there’s like a little exclamation point oh okay okay

You know I was born on an island so I guess that the ocean was around me well I tried the burper oh that’s not it that’s not it not I heard it yeah I heard it that was like a little like it’s bouncing like the fish is probably going to probably

Diet it but they’re not yet yeah don’t worry don’t worry I believe in you have you ever played Animal Crossing I have it’s like that I don’t like the way I’m holding this fishing rod in 2D I really don’t have gone like the other way and done my

Side profile maybe I don’t know it wait what am I doing look look you’ve got this I gotta keep it in okay okay so it’s a bit wonky but it won’t let you it won’t let the fish go away because it’s your first fish so yeah congratulations there you go [Applause]

Yeah there you go now you know how to fish yay yay damn it don’t throw away the fish that I caught I’m so mad fishing random things so here’s the beach there’s another thingy I’m gonna wait the worms had a book well inventory is full when I have a backpack backpack yeah we

Can buy one we can buy one at the store but it costs a lot of money so we gotta make money to buy it ew over here oh Elliot lives out here he’s the man with beautiful long orange hair only Alex friends come in around invited

And then this is broken until we fix it with 300 pieces of wood this could be fixed hey what is all the like the goo over there like white goo all over the beach over there wallet we love that let’s see yeah over there it has like I

Don’t know other resources another altar yeah those are teleporting spots oh but you have to do something to get those specifically yeah so like there’s little totems around this game is weird this game is weird is it so weird yeah it just feels weird you know because you got like the coal

And then you have teleporting spots and then you have uh you know randomness randomness oh there’s Elliot hello there Elliot oh God ah the new farmer we’ve all been expecting it and whose arrival has sparked many a conversation I’m Elliot I live in the little cabin by the beach

Baby it’s a belligerent to meet you there you go okay I’m Sam I could have meet you there’s like some Dragon Ball Z here okay let’s go spam all right over here to the right we have a lemonade stand that the kids eliminate at in the summer okay close until summer okay yep

And then this is a library that’s closed right now but in here you can this is closed oh okay it’s all right don’t worry about it it’s okay here trash can oh okay then I can’t open it you can donate stuff there’s like a museum in there oh okay so that’s like

Animal Crossing that’s where like uh you can process stuff to make gems like if you find like clumps and stuff then you can be like is there anything worthwhile in there smelter oh that’s the alcoholic [Laughter] join us thrive life’s better with Jojo this is the corporation it’s a grocery store um

Look at him no this is kind of a creepy smile isn’t he great we used to we used to work in a JoJo company basically okay yeah talk to him but it’s basically like I guess Walmart no what’s worse than Walmart is Disney there we go fresh and cheap ah

There’s a sale on this green fruit don’t you wouldn’t want the green fruit milk we’ve got fish milk got meat okay wait low-fat beans in a sweet sugar sauce I’ve never touched these double butter ranch chips barbecue Smokehouse chips sweet flavoring extreme chips with Inferno sauce [Laughter] powered breakfast just Add Water

Canned fish now with teeth whitening sauce that’s awesome carbocones tasty little cone-shaped snacks that will fill your stomach bag I wish I wasn’t reading this I know right and shrimp that’s gross 100 pure honey flavored sauce but like sauce with like question marks sugar-free marshmallows lame maple sauce it’s a lot like syrup

Taco sauce for babies hahaha is that the mild syrup but spelled wrong gray D cooking oil whoa take me to the emergency room sauce [Laughter] sprouted wheat bread okay synthetic butter it’s cheap it’s hearing pain brown red sourdough bread okay at least the bread’s normal bread these are all normal

Really sealed pan El pancakes going down B vacuum sealed marinated mushrooms gummies sugar-free lollipop once all the sugar-free stuff that’s not into it drinkable free stove vegan sauce canned scrambled eggs I’ve never heard of that one [Laughter] these are the same all right wow well now we’ve done that

I didn’t okay okay fair enough wanna let’s head up oh yeah because we’re gonna [ __ ] die in the supermarket yeah I don’t want to die in that Supermarket specifically they might put us on the show you’re the small town that I grew up in we had like nothing to do so

The local [ __ ] store like that was where all where everyone hanged out at wow honestly that’s what we do over here yeah just hang out at the store can we make it to the bed before we die oh no did you die this is embarrassing I’m a vampire honey come on

You’re just not vamping foreign good morning I’m gonna kill that rooster I’m going to I’m going to murder it okay so I can Harvest these things I don’t know put some things away no a chance actually should I hold on to the clay In the south no we can get those easy and you really needed a fish fish you can sell money I’m gonna I’m gonna craft something real quick uh I don’t I need 50 pieces of wood to craft that um okay I’m just gonna do some deforestation real quick you do that

You can do anything you want I give you the rundown of like what’s around I will just so in this game there’s no wrong way to play you know if you want a farm you can Farm if you want to talk to the locals that have two lines you can do that Stuff stuff opens up later on like events will happen Okay uh so like when the mines open then you’ll be able to go in the mines and do that uh you can fish you can go to the sauna that’ll open later on We’d go to the shop right go to the shop oh check how much the backpack is so that we can try to save money to get a backpack so we can have more inventory space Oh would that be at the shop I’m guessing yeah it’s kind of displayed I’m gonna go visit the shop there you go all by myself you’re a big boy now you can do it you’re out into the world just like in Pokemon you’re 10 years old go Piers board has an exclamation point on it oh that means someone to perform potato I’ll be so happy if

Someone delivered one to me rip I don’t think we have we don’t have potatoes though we don’t have the recipe not recipe the seeds for that you can get any kind of seasons How do I buy I don’t want to talk to you want to buy 2 000 gold 2 000 okay I’m gonna be fishing all day just to make that money okay don’t worry I got us oh I see you don’t actually talk to him it’s like the different portions of his counter are different I’m gonna get some potatoes some potatoes Where’s my inventory there we go how do we know the value of them like like what sells for the best you know I don’t know oh you’re strategizing that’s what I’m realizing I’m wondering where the high value crops are honey that’s what I want to know

I feel like the ones that take the longest to curate would be a lot you know yeah because they’re like more rare to get and we’re sharing the same pool of money though right yeah we’re sharing the same money pool so I don’t know if I should spend it all on the potatoes

I will get like like five of them it’s fine five potatoes five pet tires um here we go I’m gonna put this chest right here question mark hello hello question here I’m gonna put resources here and Boop okay well they only want one what they only wanted one potato

Oh well I guess they’re gonna have five go fast enough you know how long is it they have they all have a two takes a while yeah cussing wait do you see this or no I do yeah oh you can do that okay good yes What an I saw rip this is the Pelican town community center or what is left of it anyway someone someone in chat said hello to you oh hello hello there honey whoever you are it used to be the pride and joy of the Town always bustling with activity Now just look at it it’s shameful these days the young folk would rather sit in front of the TVs and engage with the community but listen to me I sound like an old fool Georgia Corporation has been helping me to sell them the land so they can turn it into a warehouse

Their shops are stopping me from selling it I guess Old Timers like me get attached to relics of the past oh well if anyone else buys a JoJo membership I’m just gonna go ahead and sell it here what’s coincide An emoji Look at this dump isn’t it lovely there’s like the creaking in the background it’s not very nice what would you say that about my house this is your house you live here Lewis I don’t know I’m just reading the dialogue and guessing I guess

And I don’t know if that’s a j-a or t just must have been playing in here these places even more dilapidated than I remember there’s a big word for me what look at me nutty Noni changes are you ill oh you saw something I would be surprised

This place was full of rats like yourself like yourself that is me that’s me ah the fear the stricken you’re worrying me shazzy I’m concerned look I think I’m gonna head home I need some lunch you need I need some lunch I mean you’re losing your [ __ ] mind I need to leave

I’ll keep this place unlocked from now on maybe you could help catch that rat if you got some extra time you know that rat in quotation marks right that you apparently saw strange well that was fun did you like how long that yeah like that yeah

I really cut into my fishing time that’s okay it’s fine I enjoy reading dialogue because it gives me a chance to be just a little goofy you are a little creepy it’s funny it’s funny you’re funny guy oh thank you your fungus guy [Laughter] you imagine like a stand-up comedian

Every time they say a joke they’re just like [Laughter] I Can Only Imagine oh my God what’s wrong with them oh no comedy a platinum potatoes in your farm I’m sorry go ahead it’s our it’s our Farms I guess it’s all it’s all mixed up mashed up I destroyed it uh

We got four potatoes now four potatoes the fifth one I hit with a pickaxe it’s night time it is night time it’s okay I could stay up to 2AM it’ll be fine I’m gonna fish night fishing night fishing is that is there like something special about night fishing

So at different times of day there’s different fish that appear oh night fishing night fishies I think that was an animal crossing thing I’m drawing more comparisons between this Animal Crossing I think than anything yeah have a New Horizons or no I think that’s what it was

It was on it was on the switch it was during the Great Plague of the 2020s yeah and remember when everyone was playing it yeah Animal Crossing it just didn’t okay I I what you doing just thought I would come down here and uh improvise you’re fishing

Thanks I’m trying to get my fishing proficiency up you know what I’m gonna try I’m gonna try oh I’ve got glasses broken glasses yep see ah yes what is your favorite food that you cannot stop eating says dark dragon whoa whoa you got seaweed wow is that good no you can eat it

My favorite food well I don’t get to have it very often but I love Chinese food like like General General Tso’s chicken and uh the sesame chicken is nice and sweet sesame chicken I’m gonna be binging on that during my star field streams later this week

Oh right you did say you were getting the Chinese food yeah because I anticipate them to be real long streams so I’m like don’t you just make a party of it let’s just have a feast I feel like I could I can’t eat Chinese food if I’m gonna do like a long stream

Because I’ll immediately get tired oh yeah trying to make me sleepy seaweed I knock out instantly so I only eat Chinese food if I like how old I’m like I guess I don’t have anything else to do in the day yeah back in the day

I used to stock up on Chinese food and like uh Mountain Dew and just watch anime wow who’s this creep coming up behind us screen Ed on the screen I can never tell which exclamation mark is the one to go for him it’s not the first one but the second one huh

I I don’t know it’s like exploration the primary visual cue is the shake shake yeah oh another halibut I’m I’m gonna start heading back yeah I’m probably gonna pass out yeah yeah if I can make it all the way back real fast and put the stuff in the chest

We’re set we’re golden we’re solid if I can see in the dark that’s great my night vision unparalleled we’ll just say that I keep passing out because my blood has just it’s not sweet enough if you want I want to just go into my bell because it’s the closest to that can you

Tell that can you use the same in this game oh uh no we’re done yeah you can use the same bird hey level up in farming though okay look at all that money oh that reminds me I need to actually be drinking my beverage here of course I still have my stuff sick

Drink your beverage you know my my glass of blood here that tastes a whole lot like strawberry Crush Strawberry Crush you like strawberry a lot do I do What’s good you’re unconscious someone was searching your pockets I have no idea how much money they took but they ran away thank you for joining this dream dark dragon goodness my money Because I don’t want I didn’t want to fish left clicking it’s just you’re so funny no you’re good And put that in there all right starting over did you buy seeds I did well I got potatoes potatoes but unfortunately that delivery had to make was like two days and I’m like I’m not gonna have your potatoes in two days you can still plant the potatoes for us

To make money though I guess yeah I suppose Post Among Us all this just I want to make like I don’t know art yes with my with my whole I don’t know what I’m making but What is this this crazy design so crazy We can combine our forces look at this look at that we have made is Art yeah I need seeds I need seeds you didn’t buy seeds no I thought you did it I just caught my potatoes then put them in I I already did no you didn’t I did I put them on

Your side I snuck them into your side of the farm what I did Get me in here I keep hoeing the doors I believe in you I’m pretty sure I won’t have any more cut scenes and if I do you want to grow grass I don’t want to grow grass I do Normie you don’t understand what it means [Laughter] a sugar no that’s fine and everything nice chemical Acts [Laughter]

That was my favorite childhood show yeah that’s one of my favorites as well I have the 10th anniversary collection of all of it Mojo Jojo Foreign Him yeah so like what a villain to have like in a children’s cartoon you know he’s so cool though I love it ugh they just they had they really they were just really good with their villains that’s what that’s all they’re just really good with them

Even like the ones that are wimpy like the amoeba boys that were classic just classics like amoeba boys gang green gang uh shoot there’s more I’m trying to think my villains list I had a I think it was a game for the Nintendo 64. I don’t remember it was like a Powerpuff

Girls uh themed game it was like a fighting game and you had all those characters in it yes that sounds so fun though princess more box oh yeah and then there was like that was it her mom you’d never see her face oh miss vellum Miss Bellum would never show their face

To this day we will never know what she looks like sad time what if that show still running or if they canceled it I know they made a reboot a few years ago and it was awful um that’s it there was something with uh someone the person who voiced bubbles

They went on to do something yeah and like I remember hearing their voice in like a game or a show or something it was like what the bubbles yeah I believe that was the same person that did the voice for uh uh Timmy from The Fairly OddParents

Does he have like a line that he says um uh um uh uh internet maybe that’s what it was yeah he says internet he says is there internet anytime like his parents could like catch on to him with the fairy thing how did you get that uh internet internet

Mom and dad and Vicky always uh it’s good to know that we have the same things growing up yeah Nickelodeon Network shows when you brought up Hannah Montana I was just like whoa oh that was such a weird chapter of my life Chapter Hannah Montana Wizards of Waverly Place oh yeah And like the special effects for the magic was a little it was a little hokey it’s like clearly you’re green screening that like it did their best though you know yeah I want beans and something he wants I want some veins I’m spend I’ve spent all of our money I saw

I was just like ah 38 cents I don’t know like what is the better crop is there any way to know besides experimentation the wiki yeah Mr Google can you tell me oh Willie’s out here fishing don’t worry don’t worry I’ll be fine I’ll make some money back don’t worry

And then we’ll get a backpack so that we can hold more stuff done Done what what are you singing don’t know I was going along with like the background music oh but I don’t know if I was singing the background music or just like going with it you know what I’m saying uh I didn’t hear the same thing so I was like

Is that a reference or no I’m trying to search for it wow look at those poles that’s not your mailbox laughs my mailbox people’s mail I’m digging around in their mail oh I have a mailbox here yeah that’s yours down there doors does have mail in it advertisement

I keep finding cool stuff but my backpack is full does this sound like you well here’s got you covered stop by Pierce General store today and check out our affordable size 24 backpack see you soon wow it’s like they knew it’s crazy sogar Starfire you’re lucky I found you

Last night you were unconscious someone was searching your pockets I have no idea how much money they took they ran away as soon as I approached be more careful is that like the penalty that you have for being unconscious yeah you take your money got another one

Someone dropped you off at the clinic last night you passed out from exhaustion you got to take better care of yourself and go to bed at a reasonable hour it’s gonna rain tomorrow I’m excited that means I don’t have to water the plants also I don’t know if you’re still there

Dark dragon but yes I’m always excited for Halloween that’s my favorite season I’m standing right there my favorite holiday someone in my chat asked me if I was excited for Halloween and I was like uh my uh my favorite holiday cool oh they’re in Good Humor today Molly

Playbook holiday is quish quish snacks Chrysler Mary Chrysler merry Chrysler merry crimbo Mary actually my favorite holiday is St Patrick’s Day is it no [Laughter] there’s just something about very passionately responding to someone and then being like no uh I gotta remember that some someone asked me what my favorite thing is taking my bits I see my bits that I plan out so meticulously because I thought to do that yeah yes

There’s if you open your inventory and go to crafting crap wait there’s crafting huh um where’s inventory uh press e then like a Bove like most of the map is the crafting right now your craft where you get stuff okay you know scarecrow torch I made a chest earlier yeah

Interesting interesting I’m assuming there are more things yeah there’s stuff like furnaces and you know stuff you know that sort of thing okay okay yeah but we’re like novice so we’re still like learning you know collection so um I am learning you’re learning I’m doing my best to teach this game is not easy to teach I kind of just like was just thrusted randomly when I got it for the switch a long time ago who’s the like a really emo looking person at the very bottom of the relationship

Thing you do Straight uh Sebastian yeah is that Sebastian when we saw in the house earlier why no reason no reason why aren’t you interested no no no no no no I’m just saying I know the times he comes out of that room your thing just saying uh

What was that noise what noise a background on our Ambience I think it’s a frog I touched and interacted in the community center facility don’t we have to do that isn’t it like a main quest chicken coop that’s greeting people this one investigate the community center rat problem oh yeah

We’re gonna ourselves a rap problem yeah they know that I’ve been like hanging out there you know they’re just like get rid of the rest and I’m like but but but free house watered the fountain can I fish in the fountain try I can see community center community center is a bit weird I interacted but it’s gonna take a bit for something to happen with it someone will send you a letter like do this now so it takes like a few days something did actually like nibble at the thing you do but I I’m confusing Linda do the thing

You’ll get it I believe in you I believe in you is it at the exact moment of like the nibble no or the exclamation there um yes because you can’t just wait because I usually I would I’m still good at fishing but I can close my eyes and do it without looking

Because I do it based off sound so that’s why I don’t know how to describe it oh like that okay yeah decorative trash can congrat what that’s what I found in the fountain whoa an entire [ __ ] trash can Yes decorative I didn’t even know that was a thing now a stone okay Stone was normal laughs oh no Stone come on I got a thing it was like wrapped up in the whole gift wrapping I won’t have it I swear I’m telling the truth wood I want it so bad

I feel like you just really lucked out for some reason maybe like a point zero zero zero zero one percent chance man I’m gonna stop my my gotcha look isn’t here I already tried polling on honkai earlier I can’t I saved up enough for a temple and like

The new new character came out the new like down hung whatever and I wanted to try to kill him because everyone’s just like I got him in one pole and I was just like bet and then it didn’t happen is there as much of an open world though

As ginshin in Hong Kong I haven’t played So like you can’t jump or anything you don’t climb uh you’re going to different places so it’s just like it’s very like it’s smaller in a way yeah that’s why I figured it wasn’t really more Corner game but no are made to be broken since the main

Character and The Crowd Goes Wild what foreign algae oh did you know you can eat that press the right click eat oh okay you like how crunchy that sounded that was very crunchy I wish I could eat something potato chip and eat it and eat it oh lights oh

You know I went to a Renaissance Fair one year and I don’t know it was my first time going to Renaissance Faire and we went and all of a sudden I see Light Yagami out there with a Death Note really a Renaissance fair I got a picture of him so funny

I was just like yeah let’s go I love that for you bro I like white yellow I mean I cosplayed as him before you cosplay I did it was a very very shitty cosplay but yes I got it looked a lot more orange in person than it did online oh God

[ __ ] carrot now I am a cosplayer so I’m like my brain there he is I found the golf boy house I stopped him I’m coming he’s go back to where we were because I’m following him now he’s talking yep before he goes back into his hobble he’s a programmer oh

So he’s always like he’s usually a lot in his room emo programmer yep he’s gonna play smarts and the looks she’s not gonna stop him ah I’ve forgotten where I was okay no no no no no how could you lose me boy like that I stopped him and then he was just like

That die and he just pushed his hands he went back to his room I’ll just sit on my little thing in the playground well there it goes I really do want to talk to him I I don’t know whenever I play starter I do bring up the wiki a lot though just to find certain things I can understand why there’s a lot going on yeah so comes out at certain times he takes smoke breaks sometimes I believe to the

Side he’s usually like in the house oh he goes to the saloon on Fridays Friday nights and plays with his friends like the arcade there they usually around like the Fable and stuff so that’s also what place you can see him go I was wondering if

Um is there a way to like just go idle and not pass out oh no no why did you need a break because I’m a little hungry and I got some leftovers I was wanting to eat well I would say I could just keep an eye on it and like you know

Be next to the bed and move when like go back look look this is what I would say uh in the next day just go back into the bed when you wake up and then like you know just sleep while I’m just doing this stuff you know

Sleep during the day I can do that yeah that’s my thing that’s your thing yeah that’d be something food you need food sustenance level one foraging has gone up all right so let’s see let’s test this out yeah I’m curious go back into bed I think I can just stay

And not even move It doesn’t move me out well let me go back in design yeah there you go yes it’s calling it is that in your way though no it just it just says that you’re going to sleep okay must go update my food go get their food

I will do my best I will take over the farm I will make sure that we get the stuffed and by the time he comes back you all know what hit him Foreign It’s 2000 for a thing hmm I’m going to check to see if the mines are open because that’s also a good place let’s see if we can get some gemstones before we donate anything Also go around forage a little bit Um Okay please be open please be open please be open please be open It’s open Perfect All right let’s find our way Oh Foreign Hello I didn’t I didn’t get I scared no I’m still eating but I was like I don’t want to be silent [Laughter] well it’s fine you’re fine you’re fine I’m just the mind’s opened so I’m killing monsters oh monsters monsters I’m also mining I’m trying to look for gems Make money also like something had like uh jumped at me right when as you right as you talked so it freaked me out sap and slime I don’t need sap though what are you eating I’m eating a bacon cheeseburger hey yo I was just telling that person who’s in

Like your chat I have your chat open by the way I should have said that oh what I don’t know I’m curious I wanted to know what they talk about but um they asked about food and I all I said was Burger because I was just like I like anything

Meanie so same I’m the same though I’ll get like the old meat pizza Army Pizza dude wait no it’s I I love only Pizza like if I have if I had to eat pizza on me is the way that I go they’re like what do you want I’m like anything as

Long as it has meat on it we’re good I’m so high how do you say it I’m saying animal but like and I’m using and a museum hi Animusic it’s not animal that sounds cringe uh some geodes eat the cave carrots got this I found some copper orb but I don’t need it

Uh I want to throw something away I guess I can eat that oh shoot I do not have enough like storage for this that is okay Google always corrects it to animus uh and it moves on like it’s an excessive abuse reference or something so you are an Assassin’s Creed reference

Look at you what a guy now my brain is only like oh is only thinking about burgers stop there’s a good burger a quartz big it’s like a big patty wow you’re gonna make me Uber eat something Rick I’m very I’m very influenced you will come to learn

I literally I went to Culver’s the other day and I was just like because usually I got the same thing but it was just like try our new like pepper sandwich with a Dr Pepper and I’m just like oh maybe I should do that wait

Is that wait I think I know what you’re talking about oh it was really good I had it yes I had it recently like on Sunday I had it and it went out to eat it was actually really good I like pepper grinder is that what it was yeah yeah yeah

I love that blogger it was so good because I haven’t gotten I don’t Culver’s doesn’t ubereats or anything near me so I’m like so and I’d barely go away and I saw it I was just like oh that looks good I should try that I want it again unfortunately it’s limited time though

What the frick I know I want [Laughter] Culver’s why so uh or the mine I can meet the Wizards uh because I unlocked it I’m like working hard and you working hard are you hardly working so I’ll be right back the microwave did not do its full job you know okay you ever yeah does that ever happen you

Get to the other side of your meal and you’re like why is this cold so wait wait what go go go go heat it up or else it’s not gonna be fun okay I’ll be right back yes I do be a spy animation I’m usually a lurker

Usually I look in lots of people’s chats especially like friends you know but I don’t want to I don’t want to lurk and so cars I like chatting I gotta sneeze gotta sneeze so bad hold on okay we’re good we Gucci uh what was it what I want to do I have

That why is everyone playing I have like the steam friends just going off in the bottom right corner but like a lot at once randomly it’s just like bull there’s gate three and then like um other things that I can’t remember the name of because I can’t think oh nice orange juice

Do do do do do do do do do do the music in the minds reminds me of Night in the Woods I wonder if he’s ever played that oh my energy is slow yellow have you ever played a game called Night in the Woods um I don’t believe that I have no

Okay okay look it up not into Woods not in the woods it’s an indie game oh it’s really cute I like the art style it’s really it’s such a beautiful story really good one of my favorite I usually play it around like the what the I guess Halloween season because that’s

Why the game takes place around that season so it’s like gives fall Vibes hard I really like cute and creepy you know kind of combination and Aesthetics you know in our style do you like uh like RPG Maker games um I haven’t really used dabbled in that but I’m sure it’s fine

It’s like uh because they’re like ecological horror but like you know they’re pixel like a Mori like Amore is an example have not played have it on my list just good game just a good game I bought it twice that’s how good it is I haven’t played but like I listened to

The soundtrack oh yeah I have games like that Pokemon I no actually my Spotify is filled with a bunch of like Pokemon music and I’ve literally only played one of the games I’m gonna I’m gonna head to sleep and then because I ran out of energy to be honest

Like the my energy bar I used a lot of it can you get past your screen without me or hmm you’re right do you have to press okay I knew oh hold on I need to like wipe wipe my hand of the bacon grease okay I could hear the burger in your mouth

Is it bad it’s making me jealous though I want it All right you can go back to sleep in the game I really like games like that because they like they put a lot of thought into it plus they’re Indies you know so it’s not like big company make game it’s like somebody who pulled their heart and soul into a story like the like the kind of like 2D side stroller

Kind of story oriented kind of like that I love those kind of games I don’t know what they’re called like genre wise but I just call them Indies at that point I’m just like indie game yeah there’s that one I think it was inside I missed what it was called Pretty interesting I must see it or no you know I’m a little bit of a gamer and I like checking out games Um hold on There was that one with uh what was it like a little red little red little guy little red little guy do you mean like the little Meat Boy um no you would like weird steampunk looking boat I don’t know I know jacksepticeye played it I know that very least if Jack plays it then it’s good Yeah and markiplier I guess you could say I tend to play I I tend to gravitate towards a lot of games that those two guys play have you ever played a dream daddy oh God that is one that I’ve heard of but I have been hesitant others laughs oh my God oh pretty

I’ve never played it but I did watch them play it oh dredge d-r-e-d-g-e okay the fishing I like that one I’ve only heard of it and people recommended it to me so I’ve been meaning to check it out so maybe during a sale you know it really gets me it’s those

Steam sales yeah they’ll tempt you attempt U I’m gonna find the one I was thinking of though I am going to put this parsnip in here and this Jamber right mineral that I could donate to the museum but if I do that it’ll lose it’s all of its value oh it’s like it’s like Animal Crossing for roofero and it is you know yeah you ever played stray

No the kitty game I didn’t I didn’t play it I didn’t watch people play it too because I know I wanted to mm-hmm and I know it’s not like long of a game so I’m like I want to be surprised so whenever I do get it I just know cat

Uh okay I found it so right there were two games they’re both called far verse one is like far loan sales and the second one was uh or something else bar changing tides are changing tides are in Far changing heads our loan sales and far changing tides

Those are two other like really good kind of 2D indie games why are changing tides oh I’ve seen like art of this I like fan art but like you know I’ve seen like this you know seen it oh boats water this is a ginormous Burger

Is it it’s taking me a while and these are leftovers yeah holy where’d you get it from um is it like a local thing or like a brand name thing I think it was a Chili’s Burger oh Chili’s hi welcome to Chili’s [Laughter] I’ve never been to Chile you just know the meme

Yep I’ve always seen it around I’ve we’ve just never eaten there they have ginormous booger ginormous Borg is it like Red Robin ginormous I’ve never eaten Red Robin oh I just know the commercial no yum [Laughter] uh I went to a red robin randomly one

Year from like after after we went to a convention after we went to like convention we were just like let’s go out to eat and we went to eat and there was like some people that we saw at the artist Ellie like the artist Ellie vendors they were

Just there eating too we’re just like oh it’s dumb lol you know the people that we saw with the cool booths because it was a small con but yeah we ate there randomly one day and I was just I really liked it so like every so often I’ll

Just be like let’s go to Red Robin you know Splurge a little go to Red Robin get Burger ugh we also went to IHOP in after that con this wasn’t about 2 A.M IHOP pancakes not the best food yeah not the best food The Adams Family was like animated movie was new around

That time so they had Adam Adam’s Family like purple hot chocolate or whatever that I had purple it was purple specifically that’s weird I think those promos they do where they like have like the black hamburgers you know yeah yeah like I don’t know it doesn’t really look appetizing

You don’t think it looks Epic appetizing you don’t want purple hot chocolate you can be like Uncle Fester did you ever see Wednesday I have not I was watching a bit of it it was good I just I I don’t know why sometimes I start things and I just don’t finish but

I like it I really like the character Wednesday Jenna Ortega I don’t know why I said her name randomly but you’re welcome [Laughter] so much weird information in your brain just waiting to be released no it’s true because if you say something it’ll just like make it just

Come out it’s like a trigger word you just triggered the word like thing to come out real fast there’s some people that have like names that like you have to say the full name or else it just doesn’t make like just doesn’t hit right you know like John

Mulaney you can’t just call him John that just feels weird his name is John Mulaney John Goodman John Goodman yeah yeah just called him John you know the actor with John John hey John I’m like if I knew if I knew them like personally I would still call

Them like John mulady John Goodman hey John Mulaney what’s up on this put the Slime loot in there white algae it’s super slimy it’s like those um like those kids you know you grew up with in school and like they all have the same name but they’re all spelled

Differently so everyone has to know them by their full name like certain people because of the you know like I’m just like why know their last names or sometimes people have really interesting last names so you just like say it it’s very because I don’t know I don’t

Want to say like John Smith that doesn’t sound right John Smith John Doe whoa whoa John Doe do you think a John Doe exists out there Maybe I want to find them they probably have a really hard time getting any kind of ID done because everyone’s like is that your name

I don’t think that’s real I should fish more later though not though I have to use the bathroom that was also a thought in my head tomorrow you need to clear my desk of these dishes or they’ll never get cleared I felt that so emotionally so I’ll be right back okay

Finding level one Before I press ok I’m gonna I’ll be right back actually foreign hello hello I’m Doug oh hi go also also also have you ever seen the I don’t know why I’m assuming you watched Disney movies like I do but have you seen I’m on the Range

Um I don’t think I have I don’t think I have seen that one oh cutscene we got a cat now wait a second what I’m looking it up oh yeah I have seen that one I was just thinking about that’s an old one well look while I was in the bathroom I was

Just like I just remembered The Yodeling guy existed as a villain yeah what should we name an orange tabby cat Where are you oh I’m I’m I see you walking around it’s just I’m in a cut scene kind of thingy right now oh okay yeah you can call him pull them uh what did you just say nothing I don’t know oh call them okay uh uh I’m just stalling for time really

I don’t actually have a name oh shoot um Um Jerry Jerry yeah Jerry okay Jerry The Cat you know like Tom and Jerry the reversed named after a mouse but it’s really a cat I know saucy Isn’t that great pretty interesting no aren’t you glad I’m fascinating actually I was you you got Burger done yes good job good job it’s gone oh no water I ran out of water on the water thing that was you know watering oh yeah I look like a little yeah [Laughter] The energy is behind that was just I don’t know I don’t know so of course I just do things kind of hard to see these behind tree out of my way Chop It Down Easy Don’t you like chopping trees I’m gonna go process this geode and then probably go oh you I can show you the mines now can you can yeah you’ll get a cut scene and get a sword oh are you excited are you ready let me sell my disgusting things bye bird stone

My decorative trash can not the decorative trash can I’m just gonna put it right here nah Nah oh we can’t use it it really is decorative all right let’s go this way this is probably this was a dumb way to go there we go this really was a dumb way to go there we go my way over the highway [Laughter] like the cars

I need to stop referencing cars I actually like it’s become a problem to be honest in my everyday life I don’t want to be known as the cars person there’s already a car rat YouTuber out there really no there is her name is Ashton and uh she’s like a rat a racing rat

Interesting oh interesting I was just peering down to this old Minecraft it’s been abandoned for decades still there’s probably good ore down there but a darker place undisturbed for so long I’m afraid or isn’t the only thing you’ll find you’ll also find these nuts [Laughter] you received a rusty sword it’s dangerous to go alone take this man that is really nice any advice that I’ve never seen a sword quite the shaper size Glad you know the reference do I like Star Bomb yes me too names of marlin by the way I run the adventure first Guild right outside I’ll make it you remember my Amber a member okay that’s done okay now I’ll have my sword let’s go we go down there’s lots of levels it gets harder as you go but it’s a nice way to get rocks and find minerals and stuff so all you all you need is like

Pickaxe okay and then you gotcha and see if you find another ladder to go deeper oh well there we go yeah I got like the first one okay go down I don’t know it won’t let me go down oh wait uh right yeah of course there’s a testicle over there yeah you

Can break it wait if you want uh X oh sick oh yeah the deeper you go more enemies appear and then break it yeah you can use this oh there’s nothing inside Edge oh I need to rearrange my if you do or like move things around my toolbar is that possible It is but I don’t remember how Yeah just open open it with E and move them oh the inventory okay science I’ve never used the site so honestly you can put it away Did you just did you just throw it out no I didn’t okay sick be careful with that Oh cool there’s like a little you’ve walked 10 000 paces It’s almost everything Sonic and I don’t know why because oh we got two ladders so like see this it’s Earth crystal and then quartz this garbage out of here eat sap no I don’t want to eat it you don’t want to eat the sap no I just get it away

Do I have to go to my inventory and be like get out of here you can put in the trash can all right there’s a trash can yeah what were you trying to teach me sorry I was learning you’re no you’re good you’re good sometimes there’s like minerals and

Stuff on the ground you know so like there was quartz on the ground so I picked it up you know it’s just money bunny yeah and then like the monsters drop like monster loot so like the slimes and stuff are money oh I see yeah do you have to break these open to

Get those or uh sometimes the monster loot though is got from like killing monsters because they drop it yeah yeah obvious which ladder then should we take um the right one but is it the right well this is also a place to get or if you need ore you know to build stuff

Later on foreign yeah we got a we gotta make our way to being cool oh well I’m gonna get this Stone out of my life because it’s cluttering I put things in oh no that’s the backpack right or would be if we had if we had a backpack we’re almost at two thousand

It’s fine so yeah you want to eat things so that you can mine for longer is that the strategy yeah so it’s nice to bring food if you can like actual because when we run out of like energy then we pass out and you know what happens when we pass out

Full of still money from us yeah Even in the mines someone come all the way down here pretty sure there’s monsters in the mine at all probably hurt you It’s just very chill down here until it gets to the ugly levels the first part so like there’s these like bug monsters that sound horrendous and I hate them very much he was so ugly that everyone died at the end Do the colors correspond anything here these orange ones like like I think that was the geode oh something that needs to be processed later You See Ew let’s get rid of this bowl why did I get another Bowl get out of here I don’t know So like obviously dessert or clumps so you know you get or from that and then let’s see that was nothing it’s nothing spice or nothing the purple one’s just Stone that’s boring I just wish you could like exclude items you know and be like no stone don’t pick

It up ever you don’t want Stone no honestly I probably need to start farming Stone I’m gonna be honest oh really yeah it’s so that we can build stuff so I kind of want to get like a silo and stuff in the farm and you need Stone and wood for that I’m like

Oh I guess I’ll hold on to something you don’t have to that’s a me problem that’s literally a me problem oh I’ve lost my story it’s a block uh you can press the right lick yeah I didn’t know you could do that what a Pro Gamer move

I’m a pro gamer what can I say I know how to game EA Sports okay cool I was like where’s the next letter someone uh very conveniently came down here and let all these lanterns for us isn’t that great oh shoot oh shoot oh we are gonna die I Don’t Wanna Die You can just leave enough you can um so as every five levels an elevator appears so like you can go down to different like five level increments so I already went down five levels so you can go to like the fifth floor starting I’m I lost my way yeah you know

Wait where are you going I don’t know oh there you go I’m just phasing in and out of reality I’m in a space of quantum and decision Oh my God your your house is right there so you’re fine I wanna see if I can put this in the chest before perfect I have like five seconds you can do it I got it I made it I made it I’m so proud of you thank you I’ll try

My hardest what is that oh oh oh it’s the 99 gold for me you know day 11 of spring oh they’re Seasons just reading yeah hardest to get crops and stuff in the winter season so you wanna you know whoa who’s this man standing outside the house

Who is this individual who’s in the house I noticed that you’ve been breaking some rock soap finding more that’s good if you want to get the most out of the ore you find you’ll need a furnace just so happens I had an extra set of blueprints lying around here I want you

To have them oh okay let me wow he just happens to have blueprints just for you kind of says yeah I know the furnace allows you to smelt metal bars the balls can be used for crafting construction and tulip frogs Did a few copper bars instead of having me upgrade one of your tools it can make your work a lot easier well okay I’m heading home take it easy listen I Said I’m gonna go talk to a wizard you can slay 10 slimes you’ll have earned your mind venture Adventurer skills I lost my favorite ax if you find it please return to ASA oh I know where to get that it’s always spawns with the same exact list I’m

I could show you I was it’s in like where the Wizards Tower is hold on something all this nature I guess Okay I don’t like nature it gives me hives is why I like the winter who are you what what the [ __ ] was that what what was that I don’t know what you were saying There you go I thought you were just making baby noises over there Then I’d really have lost it Oh my God my friends just sent me hold on just sent me a picture and I really want it so bad sounded really I couldn’t tell like if you’d just been attacked or something sorry oh my God Wait my Discord window is very small right now oh you’re good oh cool those are big I can tell I want it so bad that’s what she said we’re gonna guess which one of those is one of my oceans uh uh I don’t know no no actually on the left process of elimination

There’s only two I want a lot a lot I’ve been watching him since day one yeah I haven’t seen that much but but from what I’ve seen very fun very funny he’s so funny I just I like when he just talks and like tells his stories because it’s just so like so entertaining

Um it sounds like a homeboy you know um fun times wait what are you where’s the items favorited don’t you item is favorite there’s a chance to put our farm that’s got some stars on some fish I don’t know those um those are high grade items like

I got like sometimes uh when you fish like you get like normal comma ones but then there’s like gold star Silver Star purple star so they’re worth a lot of money to your collection there’s a where there’s a farm s market and so we set out like our best crops and we

Try to win so I usually just keep stuff do you sell the monster Loop do you sell the uh the monster loot I sell the most really okay I will now proceed to smelt my copper oh you’re smelting copper I got some copper ore so I’m like wasn’t there a place you said that was for this melting yeah here I’ll just show you I’m assuming it functions the same you just talked to the guy and he’s just

Like I do it for you I can understand the appeal for this game though I hope you’re enjoying it there’s still like a lot of things to do depending on your mood you know yeah behind him upper ore honestly I think over here nope don’t water it I’m never gonna watering the furnace

Okay well that worked what do I do what did what do I do what’d that do I don’t know do I throw it do I throw it on the ground throw it on the ground no I have copper ore that I’m like trying to figure out what to do oh what is this

Oops uh try talking to this guy oh that’s just to upgrade tools actually hold on can I craft a furnace I think I could just yeah I can I’ll come with me okay come with me good lad I will on show follow I got a dwarfest Helm dwarvish Helm from one of the things that I made the guy look at Yeah that sounds rather fancy very fancy warbish we love the dwarves sleepy uh bashful uh grumpy No no no no no we’re going down down down down I craft this furnace and then I give it where do you want me to put this um maybe over here out of the way in the props okay so like you yeah sure there you go I can just

Zelda my way through this grass get out of here I’m gonna clear this junk back here because it keeps you messing us up honestly if you want to do a little like clearing you can do that yeah we kind of our farm is kind of like a big mess can I get rid of the stumps isn’t strong enough

Yeah you need a stronger ax so you have to like oh I see you can at least get the little stuff out with like our normal normal pools a bigger stuff will be like you need to have like a better weapon oh Alex oh what oh what’s happening

I was trying to talk to one of the NPCs because I saw him but I forgot I was holding the dwarvish helm that I just got oh really give it to him as a gift no it was just automatic like oh thanks I guess I’m like no no that’s funny

I didn’t mean to do that pain oh no what happened I I pickaxed oh I pickaxe the furnace you can just put it back how you place it down it’s in your inventory oh my inventory is full that’s why oh oh everybody What you come back I promise you can take a chance put it there put it white there right there officer requires one call I do not you can get cold by like uh when you mine rocks sometimes it drops out oh sometimes well I guess you’re like oh

So much to do in this game you’re starting literally feel exhausted I’m always feeling language for coffee ain’t helping at the moment I wish it was just one tool for everything wouldn’t that be nice yes that would be nice I’m a fisherman I got an achievement

Would it be like going one of those like uh tool thingies Swiss army knife or something there we go yeah you just go around you have Swiss army knife I just go to bed a goal you’re tired you go bed I need peppermint new peppermint I have peppermint

You like the pepper of mints I do I noticed that you get them a lot I do yes yes pepper Um they’re the soft ones that melt in your mouth you know those ones I miss those I kind of did like those but I can’t have mint anymore so I said you can why no uh I have like this thing with like the smell of mint where it’s like really

Overpowering so it can’t um anymore I used to not be able to breathe out of my nose when I was growing up oh really and then yeah and then I had surgery for something else unrelated but it fixed it and um so like oh I can smell it you know like

Now I can like breathe through my nose and smell and stuff and mince was very overpowering interesting yeah you discovered smell I see that what caused I leveled up leveled up it’s my forging you’re forging leveled up now you can craft different more items if you craft if it smells it sells

If it smells it sells thanks Willy it’s not gonna add that to our catchphrases if it worked it works yeah smell it oh my God hi miso hats okay poke come to old old house poke bring coins hat Mouse how do I know when they’re ready these ones in the vines

They’re not ready you’d be able to oh wait oh wait no that’s just the potatoes If you’re like little cursor will have like a little you know Point what what are these anyway um I don’t remember I’m taking your potatoes that’s fair I’m getting none Do I have corn let me check I I have one piece of full so can you like cook like really cook like Zelda cook however you need to upgrade your house for that When you you upgrade your house you get a kitchen and then you can cook you’ll get recipes and stuff and cook anyone can cook anyone can cook as I always say anyone can cook for only The Fearless Um it’s the way that I can’t remember the whole thing and it’s making me serve no I’m going to Google I don’t wanna Google I know the movie I should be able to do this all right I have nine potatoes We have enough money for a backpack oh we do now will this backpack be shared I’m pretty sure it won’t so you grab first I’ll just make another like 2 000 coin just very casually let’s make another if I like actually like um because I’ve been just going in

The mines and looking around and stuff but if I like Focus solely on fishing I can make the money but I need to focus for that so it’s gonna be me just like sitting just like La yay oh I made beans you made beans that’s what they were the things beans

Bean I was just like maybe we’ll get a lot of money out of them I don’t know you never know who’s gonna know they’re gonna know what did you just do I sold my annoying potatoes oh you just sold them to the guy yeah made like 700 gold so

Nice pretty good pretty good I would say a thousand coins and I should be able to get the big bag the big bag yeah the big one yeah oh you’re silly I’m just a silly little rat what is this box it’s an empty box it’s just huge fun

There’s things on the Shelf to read here oh sorry I left my autobiography there I feel like this this guy all right we’ve been here before I know it’s like a I’ve been here before please I’ve walked in Thousand paces congratulations you are a walker I did it you did it you walk so that we can run [Laughter] Hey what’s up farmer guy Oh I almost forgot my day for doing push-ups but this guy which one he’s just sitting here playing with the football oh Alex I try to do one more than last time pretty cool strategy huh I’m pretty sure he’s one of the candidates for Romance let me see an alcoholics trailer If you like The Jock type whoa whoa you’re like to sweaty people oddly enough this doesn’t have to do with people at all but I love the jock type villagers and Animal Crossing they’re so cute like for some reason I just have a lot of jock Types on my Island

It’s been so long since I played I don’t know what I got I found a complete breakfast in the garbage [Laughter] whoa how did me that’s crazy the complete breakfast a complete breakfast someone really just made a whole like plate with pancakes and everything and then threw it all away they’re ungrateful they don’t know what they have no they know they’re starving kids did you just hiccup no I laughed

Sometimes my laughs just are silly I laugh like I laugh like Dan Game Grumps [Laughter] Pelican Town Ledger book the owner of the farm can request the mayor to split the funds of the farmheads haven’t seen I haven’t seen Kingdom I miss it it’s a nice time they were what wanted

What I when I wanted to like do like streaming way back in the day before I did oh yeah I was just like I was like that because I always wanted to do like co-op with someone and get like a channel but like I didn’t have the tech

For it so I didn’t you know yeah yeah and now you can co-op with me oh my God are we gonna be the next game gross hmm So good couch Co-op if you ever if you ever play like a Zelda game let me know I will be your Navi I’ll be fine Hey listen Hey listen go that way back seating I want to read the gravestones our beloved Students Sounds just like engine impact that’s what that one says laughs It’s old and Faded you know I’ve seen uh I’ve seen Aaron before because I went to a scribble showdown in the past few years oh really host that yeah and when he says that he’s like skinny fat yes yes you can’t like like just seeing it in front of you because like somehow

Um we had our tickets where we were sitted where we were seated we’re actually way up close shut up maybe my typos aren’t just me typoing hold on wait a second I typo so much and I don’t know why or how I’m just roaming around aimlessly what was I doing this happens regardless

Of the game that I’m playing I’ll just end up in a field somewhere just like what was I doing what was I doing I know remember probably getting seeds probably you know what do what you want to do there is no like right or wrong in this game you just do whatever You did oh my God Huh sorry I looked at your chat oh well hello Hilda hello there I really do talk about you to my friends I’m sorry do you think that’s what that’s one of my besties right there oh how sweet I guess it’s too late for me to go visit that building I’m not allowed

You are allowed um why are you digging in the trash oh no I will ever live this down this door is probably closed now which store yeah up here yeah oh wait no what do you mean no he’s gone man’s gone he’s gone but I’m still here

I have become the cashier now look at them [Laughter] well we well they said canvas support cute Prince video uh Prince tuber and my favorite rap the backpack upgrade is 10 000 wow ten thousand it’s over nine thousand I support you and your retail Adventures they’re uh they’re a ghost cat YouTuber oh

Yeah a ghost sorry I’m Prince of the underworld so you know I get along with the undead pretty well Pat my cat I will water my cat apparently I would go to sleep help me decide do I want wings or Burger I’ve leveled up my form and

I told you I can make 1K if I thought about it you did it I did it now I can get a backpack so that I can carry all my troubles on my back okay the burdens oh wait I can’t do anything today because you know what today is what

It’s the egg festival today oh what so there was like a little thing in the mail like egg festivals tomorrow oh yeah yeah so tomorrow I’m holding the egg Festival on the Town Square it should arrive between 9am and 2PM if you’d like to attend you wouldn’t want to miss the annual end

Exactly I was just like I didn’t see you because the tree was in your way so I was just like where are you and how were you reading that I’m getting rid of all this junk that I don’t know what to do with I don’t think I can sell this app so no

I’m just putting let me see what I have in my creation I can make WhatsApp I can make oh I can make basic fertilizer with that that’s it at the moment Monster in my beans we’ll keep those beans nice and wet I’m just gonna clear this it’s starting to overgrow yes So if we try to leave it’ll be like come back at 9am because they’re setting up the egg Festival over there so we we’re literally trapped in our form so We’ve made ourselves It’s okay beans The Vines Taco Bell Taco Bell you know having ubereats open on my lap is not a good idea calling to it really is so my brain is egg Festival is literally uh Easter so let’s go ah there’s like an Easter egg hunt that we’ll do and stuff

We can buy stuff if we if we want you know don’t you think it’s weird because like rabbits don’t lay eggs rabbits don’t lay eggs so why is that the thing well my rabbit lays eggs I don’t know what’s wrong with your rabbit yeah yeah how do we what oh I interact

What do you mean I don’t know Strawberry I do like strawberries strawberries are good oh yeah every time you say you’re drinking something it’s like strawberry flavored and I’m like yep strawberry it’s either red or it’s blue ever I didn’t know what to rhyme with blue and I don’t Taking up a lot of these I’m sorry I’m sorry but it’s okay because I bought a pastel Banner for myself and that was 1000 so uh I really just want to bulldoze the town to get it out of my way you can talk to people they’ll have more

Dialogue options here instead of okay put something nice into the punch um oh what oh it’s the alcoholic oh Yeah okay everyone he has poisoned everyone don’t drink the punch don’t do it I hope everyone’s doing the food I’ve been cooking for days get everything ready fried egg boiled eggs poached eggs deviled eggs scrambled eggs chocolate eggs just had deviled eggs for the first time recently

With the with the paprika honey the paprika I don’t know someone made it you need more food it was good though it’s like I never had a chance to and then when they found out at work that like um I’ve never had deviled eggs and I was going to like this little party

That they were hosting they’re like we’re making you have it because we can’t believe you’ve never had deviled eggs before so what do we do with this event so you can talk to people you can buy from there it’s not a Sebastian oh you can talk to Sebastian hello there Sebastian

Let’s do rotten egg sauce mayor Lewis putting into that pretty quick oh well I’ll always take her side This man in the wheelchair George oh man what’s everyone’s so happy about science Evelyn Festival quick take my picture where are you at oh [Laughter] whoa an ice cream shoot can I screen shoot I’m screenshotting manually you can because I don’t know how honey you don’t know how to do it on YouTube I don’t know how to do that is it control

All print screen is that what it is print screen uh it’s control I actually know it wait what is it I forgore oh okay here you are criticizing me huh hey I just do it automatically it’s it’s shift Windows s oh okay we’ll get in the frame for me Shift Windows s draw a shape yeah why so just like just like drag it you know like a square if you’re cropping something oh yeah cool I didn’t know that was you’re welcome thank you my friend taught me that just sit in this chair and judge you it won’t let me

That would have been so much funnier laughs it’s good you have really good with vegan thank you so much for the couple boots thank you thank you I guess I don’t really have to mute addressing them because Yeah yeah you know him yeah no that’s just a random person I don’t know Hilda Kingsley at all you know okay if you’ve like done everything that you is that just scrambled eggs it’s just eggs it’s just egg everything is egg oh this festival’s all right but what

I’m really looking forward to is the flower dance okay Haley I was three eggs every where oh my God Gaston [Laughter] I forgot all the words to the song foreign Let’s hunt for those eggs after we egg hunt I want you eggs I want you boy what a guy that Gaston isn’t 3 000 eggs yeah it’s like three dozen eggs it’s crazy when I was a lad I had four dozen eggs like must be very gassy

It’s time for the highlight of today’s festivities the annual spring egg hunt his name is literally Gaston calm down now kiddos you’re underneath all your energy if you hope to find the most eggs and take home blue exclusive prize now is everyone ready no activity I guess I am now laughs

What three egg hunts million oh my God find the eggs there’s just eggs scattered everywhere just right click on them all over the town yeah so they’re just gonna be hiding they’re like okay I want to beat the children because I’m an adult it’s like the Grinch no I can’t beat the Grinch

Doing all the little competitions against them oh my God Was that you what did you do like a little buttons I don’t know maybe It’s not you I thought it was just like a soundboard holy how’d you get stuck because I’m God the whistle Jesus Christ I am the Eggman The gym foreign Here’s your prize enjoy a straw hat well that’s it for this year’s God what was that [Laughter] Interrupting my moment I was trying to find an Applause but then I saw the Frog so I clicked it couldn’t you know what you have and you have an hat now right I do light and cool it’s a Farmer’s Delight I don’t know about cool but you can put it on oh

Uh we’re gonna go into my inventory inventory and you add it on to yourself at least my hair gets a chance to still come down see now you’re an actual vampire because you’re wearing a hat when it’s sunny I need sunglasses as well you decided not to put sunglasses on you

Know I wasn’t thinking I wasn’t thinking about the daylight what were you thinking about I don’t know yeah that’s right the Twilight Twilight Banner here we go I’m putting up the batter that I bought you’re lucky this vampire sees you as a friend and not food

Who would want to eat a rat that is small literally find something else like I only gripe with it Envy Rising I was eating rats it was oh right you suck sucking their bloods only at the beginning because I had nothing oh my God my mom gave me cookies in the mail what

Check your mailbox do I Sparkle no I don’t think I do you do Sparkle you Sparkle like an anime character I guess you’re so far so far how are you doing sweetie I’ve missed you so much since you left I hope the farming life is everything you hope for oh

Cookies I did I did I did don’t play with us don’t do it okay you can only you can only plant them in the summertime let me try now they’ll die you do not want that yeah Oh shoot How do we only have 230 Gold All right we spent all that money up I forgot I’m like what happened to all my money I don’t have these uh strawberries sorry my brain is like all [ __ ] scattered right now I’m so sorry I was about to play play a soundboard

Thing that would just make it even more scattered so I will not do that it was that letter in the mail it why’d it have to be love Mom oh I’m sorry no I know just oh it’s fun it’s fun let’s see one two three four five on one more

Where did I just okay I was trying to do 10. stuck are you silly man you silly goose I told you not to plant them what the strawberries you said don’t quit yes don’t plant the strawberries you said don’t plant the cookies no and I was like what does that mean S [Laughter] oh well you can water the Legos I’ll throw myself in the river no I’m done oh no how long is the spring um we still have 15 more days to go So you’re saying if I don’t if I don’t water these I’ll just stay here they won’t be destroyed no curls are gonna eat them well It’s a lost cause they’re gone they’re they are done that was so much money [Laughter] I was with the condescending little That was like can I water them at least yeah go ahead one of them they won’t grow but people water them damn it I tried so hard oh what happened what happened what uh select uh that’s wrong did I leave it says it lost connection is that so what what just happened

It says established new game session weird the server has closed the connection that’s long okay um let me just let me just hide this because it gave me like a new link to give out oh okay I’ll go back to my break screen to keep it nice and confidential

And keep it nice and confidential that was weird maybe maybe the game was just like we’re sorry about you ultimate sin didn’t I that was the ultimate no we don’t have the funny haha code like last time uh that’s sad oh there it is yeah okay I’m gonna we can rejoin you get that option I’m I’m still in the you know I’m still in the thing I never left I don’t think I needed a code oh okay I could just rejoin from like a little list of saves or whatever okay okay also what the hell you guys we’re at 45. I’m back once Okay yes yes I watered my bed you’re in the bed Elliot Elliott Elliot I have yet to romance you that’s because I don’t know how what he likes I have to Wiki that um it’s just water it’s just wait for it to rain dumping water on my shame hahaha What if I

Like build a scarecrow or something to keep them away I don’t know if it works like that prevents crows from attacking your crops We can still Salvage this okay try your best 50 wood one coal and 20 fiber so it looks like you’re gonna be hunting for that um uh uh Libre we had all those things all right now I’m gonna be I’m gonna be famous 25. I thought you said fiber

I’m gonna be honest fiber fiber like the like that one site oh no that is not what I said maybe you should check your hearing do not think oh my God okay okay no I can’t be mean impossible for me to be mean what no you’re the rudest person alive look at you

Evil and mean look at you I’m a cowering in fear ah oh I haven’t encountered any crows yet okay but maybe that’ll keep them away did you make it I did good job I made it hmm saving crops one one crow at a time just water these beans I thought you

Sing the 16 song I was I think the Total Drama Island Song same company though I’m 16. life is sweet when you’re growing up so fast I make the good times last I’m just a kid and life is a nightmare I’m just a kid know that it’s not fair nobody [Laughter]

It’s the way that I only know that song because of Cheaper by the Dozen I’m glad you do that’s where I heard it at least you’ve been exposed honey [Laughter] a good movie with Steve Martin Steve Martin martini I like him I like that he exists

I don’t know it’s just like a nice weird movie um oh right I do have an extra thing you do what the hell was that Rose it was you that was the game I was like what did I do do something wrong nope the air sound or something

It was just me like you know I I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know it’s something with the mouth okay so the coal I want the coal how do I find you said just in rocks out here it is in rocks so like if you mine rocks

You can have the chance of getting coal out of it too Yeah that’s why you can like nice all right that was the thing you said you bring to that one building yep so specific I know I know I don’t know what it’s called but yeah that one building next to the library get out of my way shrubbery riding broken CDs

Mercedes that’s the sea CDs nuts oh my God this fish what that he’s a biter it is sort of kind of like a Minecraft sort of I know it’s great it’s so good you see the opportunity you have to take it that’s true that’s how my humor has become you know

That’s like when someone says like Among Us like a normal sentence I’m like reminds me at the end of my Civ stream yeah it’s like uh the you know the chanting you know that was going on the background of the music yeah at one point if you listen it

Sounds like they’re saying oh my gosh oh my gosh Among Us man the music in that game fire yeah it was pretty good I was so confused oh this whole time I’ve just been right clicking I could shift click what is wrong with me yeah I don’t know you’re learning

You’re learning how to play a farming game I am a game about manual labor that’s gaming in 2023. [Laughter] laughs how to game in 2023 you don’t know well now it’s night time no it’s not if I say no it’s not right it doesn’t go by your energy it’s not

Necessarily the time of day it is the time of day it’s the time of day that makes you pass out I’ll both make you pass out well and what’s that what’s the time it’s 10 40. well the time that you pass out and I probably can’t go visit the smelter person because

It’s too late yeah it’s kind of closed you’re like huh man these days I’ll be going by a little too fast they kind of are not gonna lie they are this planet’s rotation speed is a little quick light work no reaction that is I don’t know how to describe

That other than it’s a tick tock so like if you don’t know it just sounds random I was taking a drink and that’s like what I’m sorry my my EP poo poo brain animated so it is okay I see at midnight they’re like oh it’s too late

They don’t know me they don’t know they don’t they don’t know I’m a YouTuber sitting in the corner of a party nobody knows I’m a YouTuber I think I saw that Meme too yeah I work no reaction but it’s me dying Saturday of a con true true cons are so fun

Until you’re tired oh do you get sick very often because no I feel like all those people you know I’m actually my immune system is very good I don’t get uh I don’t get sick easily but I do get tired you know I wake up and I’m like just like really exaggerate [Laughter] Thank granny oh if I press tab now I can go to the next one just Lots oh yeah no noise what’s in the mail today and oh dear today I’m just getting started as a gardener so I wanted to give you a little tip that’s what she

Said most crops certainly grow in one season when summer arrives your spring crops will all die out so plan ahead You like how the game’s telling you no They’re still here These beans are taking their sweet time they are stopped watering the ground water the thing no watering everywhere all around me everywhere all around all at once yeah oh berries To the go to the Clint Eastwood berries what do they do for me So like there’s lots of salmon yummy I don’t know if I would want a berry that tasted fishy I don’t know you why are you talking to me [Laughter] I love these I love these Town folks so much I don’t know why that broke me I don’t know why that broke me I don’t know you I mean fair enough I think I’m the same one of the most honest things for an NPC to say

I feel like so many games they tell you their life story with you know completely unprompted and for once there’s someone that’s like this is actually kind of weird can you like leave me alone I’m trying to do my thing okay so you were telling me yes and this is the place

It’s by the library up top the surface the furnace the surface I can’t hear you through your thick accent I’m sorry That was a little too thick for you my big fake fake British accent the blacksmith where’s the Blacksmith I found them I thought but I thought I did they’re right there so you went to the right side of town right yeah and then there was the library

Yeah and it’s inside that in that place but then what do I do you talk to the guy oh yeah it’s only says that’s all he says go up to his counter you can’t go behind him or else he’s gonna talk to you normally [Laughter] oh God I watered his countertop

In like the perspective like I just pissed all over his countertop oh God what a fun game it’s not what I came here to do sir okay I don’t have any money but I can pay another way [ __ ] Jesus Christ oh boy I got some tears I got some tears

I laughed so hard uh okay place your geodes on my Anvil I’ll give them a whack oh I can’t this game why I can’t I can’t oh just take them take my two geodes and give them away Did you get anything good There’s my my cheeks hurt so much bro my abs or ab workout place stardew Valley just laughing we are 11. okay what is this Jamba right oh you got a Jamber right good job wait I don’t know what it means it’s uh it’s a champ right

Oh I’m in like that mood where after you’ve had a good laugh you know you like it’s really hard to bring it back no you can bring it back just like to normality yeah he’s every little thing one of these one of these seagulls like you know there’s they’re like squawking

But one of them every so often has like Reverb so weird okay that was uh I don’t know what happened inside that blacksmith shop but it was Team dad All right I love playing games with you it’s so fun I’m glad that I can make it my little weird quips bruh yeah I feel like I can play anything just like my commentary is just there yeah it is yep and then let me know when both of our commentaries get together and just goes places do be going places let me know if you it’s right next to the Clint Eastwood right next to the

Blacksmith that I left yep If you ever play like uh I don’t know if you play like an old Zelda hit me up I can give the commentary it’ll be just like do that sure that sounds fun yeah I get to I get to backseat foreign not really but like you know couch Co-op Boy thing going on here and then in the museum looks you don’t like Cowboys it’s just a weird choice where does this go remember okay it’s like having the Emo character in this small town Oh you mean me you mean me you’re a little emo boy Whoa I was one of a kind everyone everyone went to school wearing camouflage but for me Were that you were that person yeah I was like nope nope I just had what did I wear in school I literally just always wore like a jacket and then like skinny jeans and that was a I had the same jacket but like every single year of school because I did I

Did not care I think I really was background character I was just all black s blacked black uh jacket whoa yeah occasionally black eyeliner you know whoa saw a messy uh medium length hair main character that was me I I was very much just background character I’m sorry to feel exhausted

And then Oh shoot what was it what was I gonna say I for four it’s okay I forgore things all the time I want to remember though oh yeah I didn’t develop a sense of like uh style in like dressing and stuff until after I graduated high school

Then I started like exploring like finding out what I like actually yeah I was very like uh insecure in school now I just dress like a sleigh you dress like what I just I just dress like a queer person now you know Hahaha foreign God like the tucked in shirt with like the high-waisted pants and then like it’ll be it could be floral it could be floral it’d be like a Hawaiian shirt that you get at Goodwill with me so you’re all are you all like bright colors and Floral

Um let’s see I have bright colors but then like not that much we’d be very yin and yang there literally look at our vtuber models it speaks for itself I guess it does doesn’t it you all the day and I’m the night wow yes werewolf ripping shirt

What the [ __ ] I need to get back home I need to get back home before I’m full break my you’re going to perish break my neck all these [ __ ] cobblestones oh no see Hilda says I have cute clothes so believe he’ll do it okay I’m trying to run back to bed I think

I’ll make it stuck in my head would you ever what would you ever play the dream of daddies would you ever do it would you ever do it I don’t know I certainly wouldn’t do it seriously oh yeah no not seriously it would be for the meme

Hold on okay I have to say this so when we were Sharkboy Love Culture song well when we um when you give me your steam so that we could compare the first time like what games we could play together right I saw that one dating Sim game oh no you

Didn’t you didn’t see it you didn’t see it you didn’t see that nope nope It’s free it really took me out I’m like okay I got you it was I got you I completely forgot I completely forgot about that one oh man that one was a bad habit things in Bad Habit oh they’re they’re they were so cute okay I

Want to know I wanna know I’m very curious Your beans grew by the way three of at least four of them oh and they’ll keep replenishing because they’re on a vine oh until like the end of the season yeah so it’s not just this batch you know if I keep growing it’s Markiplier’s fault what No because now I have to Yeah yeah Markiplier played that game really yeah because there’s a reference to him one of the characters was uh actually made after him Find the Twitter no not Honey Pop no not honey I Wanna Know Dark past I like how it animus and knows oh It’s a secret to everyone it is a secret that is your secret son yes Back so we’re about to have only 181 dollars No you don’t understand Hilda Oh cutscene I’m skipping that myself I don’t even know what it was but I got scared I came in to get a backpack I didn’t need like anything else welcome to Piers I’m gonna help you look at the Pierce there’s a man in the shadows I am the shadow man Oh steam strategy Fest Come and Get It folks coupons for 50 off the purchase at children Mart dojo Sorry [Laughter] Jesus well I didn’t get to read that sorry oops you’re good you’re good it must be so difficult for you to lose your loyal customers like that but can you blame them JoJo Corporation is clearly the superior choice shooting the whole town won’t realize that then we waddled away [Laughter] oh boy

You make me laugh you make me smile you make me sweat you make me smile sorry sorry sorry I was a little too it was a little too too much should I okay so now that I have literally inventory space yay you know what I’m gonna do now soccer

What are you gonna do I’m going to actually try to build our farm are you yes I’m gonna find Robin’s lost ax because I forgot that was the quest and I’m about to Not Dead brain because I’m gonna be talking to you actually that can still be dead brain Oh you yes I don’t know what just happened do you ever just have a moment you just completely disassociate and you’re just like whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay I’m back I’m back online welcome back can I pet the cat yes you can right click I can chop it with my hacks

No don’t chop the cat I I just got an emote out of it yeah that’s the you just I watered it right now I watered the cat I put water in the bowl yeah so it doesn’t you know veins glorious beans so we could sell those beans

Yes and maybe we could sell the fruit the salmon berries or should we hold on to them okay They’re salmon bears actually I’m going I’m gonna wow I forgot what I was gonna do already um I’m I talked to that wizard wait did I talk to the wizard I don’t know you’re actually the wrong person I didn’t talk to the wizard The Ice Age

Song took me out look I said Glorious Food the wizard I have to go talk to the wizard Harry whatever what’s your what’s your Harry Potter house [Laughter] uh I don’t know I’m not the biggest Harry Potter fan I read through the first five books and then that was it that’s more than most I read through one book oh I’ve been through five I read the first Harry Potter book as out of spite spite I wanted to prove that I could read a book in a day and I did because I’m a fast reader I read them back in the day when they were like considered so controversial it’s like oh

You must be into witchcraft if you’re if you’re reading those holy an era Emily you know what I had that but not with that my family was just like Pokemon it’s witchcraft yeah oh Pokemon yeah that was another one yeah teach you how to summon demons from the shadow Realm [Laughter] It was like a whole YouTube video about that Some guy do you see this cut soon or no no I’m not getting any cutscenes good so I’m meeting up with the wizard Mario’s so cool I know I’m so cool because because of the wonderful things he does the wizard the wonderful Wizard of Oz the wonderful Wizard of Oz

I watch like I’ve never I’ve never watched Wizard of Oz but I have seen like the stuff about Dorothy and like the actors and stuff and the terribleness that went on oh yeah I love those Deep dive videos on YouTube I watch a lot of those

Just like here’s a random a lot of facts about this one subject thanks now I know the entire history about Pinocchio films when does this shop open am I crazy or just completely insane Wednesday today where it’s closed is Tuesday maybe it’s Tuesday there’s there’s just like a random day

Of the week where it’s closed because you know I can’t stay open well how dare they how dare they you can’t make your wares or purchases looks like you got to go to Jojo Mart wow wow how dare people that work in retail have a life of Their Own I know unacceptable

It’s like they have a cult in their house or something they meet up on Tuesdays I didn’t meet up on Tuesdays you probably do can you actually interact with them here who oh you can oh see you answered the question I’m gonna go get that lost ax my stomach

Just crumbled I still didn’t order any food because I keep me distracted yes maybe you should Jazz seeds yeah they’re Jazz too bad we don’t have like any money because I spend it all in the strawberries but I spent it all on Ash order food hey hey

So wish to get some Taco Bell some Paul snips I’m thinking about what I want because like so car really sold me on like Burger [Laughter] but like Taco Bell’s my brand and I was just talking about Taco Bell earlier when I was getting Starbucks

You talk like you got a brand deal with them I do have a brand dealer dealer what what a brand dealer you have a brand dealer with it you know growl Gora is in a Taco Bell commercial really oh yeah she actually is like a sponsor has in the background on the billboard

I like the idea of vtubers like taking over commercial advertising space like that I can’t wait for the day for that to happen I want it to be like Japan you know You know that game I was playing where they had like the YouTubers on coffee and different products oh yeah I saw that yeah me someday me someday just a big old like red and black very edgy looking bag if you wanted to be part of a brand dealer what would you be oh

I don’t know Strawberry Crush strawberry crushed hey yo they could like just make a Vampire theme because it’s red you know so yeah well that’d be good oh you’d be like oh wait do you know okay since you like Halloween the the Halloween cereal is back right you’ve

Eaten those right like the Frankenstein or like the uh they have a new monster they have a new monster I saw it in the stores did they Putting in the pond it’s my energy uh my cheesy mozzarella sticks and cheesy tater tots whoa see that’s food I would get if I went out to eat like somewhere like you know like a published kind of restaurant you got like that good greasy food you know this sad greasy food

I don’t go to pubs though so I don’t know why I said Pub but like you know like a food establishment Place yeah I go to I’ll go to the pub you know get me a noise a nice point you know what a fish this but I’m gonna pass out forget it

There’ll always be another man ‘s like things floating in the pond over there you can try to grab it later All caught decide it’s going infinitely this game but the game yeah yes is there a way to like quote unquote Beat It To like you as you flush out your farm and stuff like you’re dead grandfather will like come to you as a ghost or whatever after you’ve changed everything and there’s credits and stuff I’m a dumbass the thing’s floating in the water we’re the lily pads we’re dark so it’s like what is this fish it’s the way that I would do the same thing oh I found something cool whoa I should put some torches on the land because it gets dark at night

Yeah in the crafting it’s one wood to stop for torches so these really are replenishable like that seems good then like we should be growing things that grow on vines right yes we should strawberries are things that grow on vines when they’re not when they’re in the right season Yes yes I know this because I used to pick strawberries with my grandmother wait that’s cute I the only thing I’ve ever picked was apples and sunflowers At like the orchard bring them all in and then I would sprinkle sugar over them you have on the trails I used to love those blackberries yeah I love blackberries My favorite wine is blackberry wine I thought you said you do not partake I do not it’s been a long time you’re telling me hypothetically that if I was ever to like I don’t know see you one day you know and I brought like some like blackberry

Wine you would partake just I I might partake might partake okay it’s one of those things that’s like I don’t actively drink but you know Stuff like that’s just Pepsi I read that so long ago but I finally had the courage to open my mouth and sail you’re funny what am I doing with these beans why am I just carrying these beans into town what is wrong with me

I guess my logic was like I need to take them to the town to sell them but I don’t there’s a box y like Foxy you know the one thing you know you know how do we get rid of these random holes in the ground huh what random holes sure

What these they’re irking me these things that spots that I’ve uh food don’t go away over time so just be bad just kind of regret the like weird abstract art I was making before because now it’s just all fading out at different rates honestly Ever machine cover up your shame there’s wood paths there’s Cobblestone paths there’s gravel paths that you can make there’s fences you know it’s whatever you want I should do the crafting stuff it’s been it’s been a while it’s been 17 stardew Valley days but you know oh that’s what the sap is for

There you go I have stopping the thing if you want to push torches so it’s not so dark at night so you don’t think lily pads are cool things stardew did you did you know that Sarah mist is now starring yes I have some you have some okay

I remember when I first saw Starry and I was just like what is this off-brand generic thing LMAO and then I realized it was three on this I was just like why why would you do that yeah it’s just it’s not really different it’s the same thing it just had to be

Cool and hip with the kids and and make their branding more I don’t know Quirky I don’t know why yeah Just why I really How am I gonna do this how are you what are you doing oh you’re crafting I want I want to do something silly I want to do something silly okay see if it works okay because it requires me To get rid of this how many slots does this take over there’s a plant why is there a plant there I wanted to put a pin I wanted to put a pentagram of torches around the Scarecrow it would have been funny but I can’t because there’s stuff in the way you know

That would have made me laugh So I guess sorry my dog went into the room so it’s distracting me oh I was saying I wanted to put a pentagram of torches around the around the Scarecrow did do it I wanted to but there’s no mushroom there is no room here move the Scarecrow to a different location

But then the crows will come from my strobs okay oh wait no because they’re not seeds anymore right yeah they’re not seeds anymore smells like wet dog well okay Let me do this Mountain Landing is a great off-band Mountain Dew matter torches can you get stuff that you laid down yes oh you can okay I’m gonna talk to Sebastian where did he go I thought I saw him walking up did he go to another room that I can’t go into

Oh yeah uh for Sebastian this is how you romance Sebastian okay take notes okay okay so his favorite food is sashimi all right okay so this is what you do because you need to you need to upgrade your house so that you can get a kitchen so that you

Can cook Sashimi but the only way to get Sashimi recipe is to befriend the befriend the homeless guy on the mountain because he gives you the recipe after you become friends and then from there Sashimi is just like any fish and then you make it and since it’s his favorite food and he

Really loves it then he’ll make his relationship points up a lot does that work yep that is how that works Sushi TV you feed them the sashimi okay how I got Shane was really easy though which is probably why I went after him I liked his story though

Because he’s he’s very standoffish he’s the one that you know he doesn’t he’s like why are you talking to me you know but like you know he’s always like drinking in like the saloon every night because you know all he does is work and then like go home go to Saloon and it’s

Sad you know he has like this sad kind of little story and uh his favorite thing is his beer so I just feed him the beer but oh no not the best idea no make him happy so he gets off the beer yeah no litter because it’s just like me for real for

Real feed me for the easy rizz o yes see now I’m really kind of trying to embrace the cult Vibes here how spooky can we make this Farm we can probably make it pretty spooky let me see what stuff we can build uh let me oh there’s Robin’s Place closed

Because I can see what kind of things we can get like building was in there and we can make it weird I know we can get like um if we were actually Advanced I’ve never done it but we can get like Monster uh we can Farm monsters and like breed them

And stuff and have like a whole like branch of that oh yeah but I’ve never done that before because I’m uh I’m very very sick and I play this game and I did brain it the north the gravel path thing does that make you faster or is it just it’s decoration

You know because some people want to make their Farms look really nice you know doing I was like I got so distracted by the wet dog coming into my room that I don’t remember what I was doing it was it’s like a side and jump scare

I didn’t jump scare oh yeah right isn’t that his name my baby boy siding oh look at all these torches I got some Baileys I don’t know why I ate one but I got some Baileys oh did you yeah not that many because again I forgot what I was doing intentionally

I was just like I gotta do this this this and then it all went away let me check the weather tomorrow I don’t know I don’t know not my back not my best casting Circle but hey it’s gonna be partially cloudy with a light Breeze expect lots of pollen tomorrow thank you TV

Pollen pollen it’s you are you allergic to the pollination yes I am allergic to the to to the natures I nature is so fun especially ragweed well specifically ragweed that’s one more reason why I like it when it rains because it washes all that garbage generator

I like when I like it when it rains because it makes the insect go away yeah I had to It’s supposed to be 90 this weekend and I am not excited there’s like another like another like because right now it’s really it’s actually cool and windy outside I’m ready for it to be over I’m done bad enough no more Ew what why did my one of my gen mates in my chat was just like I love nose full of tree splooge Aim pain suffering hydration what was I doing uh Robin Robin remember I go to Robin talk to Robin see what Robin have one have no go back grab thing Robin I follow you know you don’t need to follow I follow just because I’m bored you’re bored not in that way I mean like

I don’t I don’t I don’t know what I was doing oh okay I was just like oh no are you part of this game no no no no no I’m just like what the hell was I doing starting to work bring no work Oh what is this place what Robin’s house oh we’ve been here I remember yeah Furniture here Chicken Coop Barn well Silo Mill shed fish pond stable slime Hutch looks very dungeony uh shipping bin you know because you want your ships to rise and then yeah yeah

Slime Hutch though I need 10 000 gold 500 Stone 10 refined quartz and an iridium bar raise up to 12 slot oh it’s about 20 slimes all water trolls and slimes will create slime balls I’ve never made that before the most I do is like I a silo and a well [Laughter] having fun [Laughter] it sounds like lip popping you know like it does A good sound oh wait I will show you this way because I think you have it unlocked oh I was going down I was going down I’ll show you this because I think I unlocked it for you cat pop literally uh Community Center let me grab that uh oops Soon there’ll be more stuff but um down here can you read this I try I don’t think I can I don’t water it okay it’s just gibberish okay you still have to read that okay I got it you still have to meet the wizard when you meet the wizard he’ll tell you

How to read oh okay but it’s basically little achievements so like um if we do all of these little like tasks then the reward is Bridge repair oh but there’s like different ones there’s ones for money fish or whatever the more you do the more you unlock

The more you do the more you unlock yup oh I have a geode to break oh go break that dude you got thing to do I’ll do it quick geode want to go to the mines I should stand in place and actually order food that is what I should do do it I think what it was the reason why I got so like empty brain started to have one of those fun little swings of the mood oh Do you do you need to like pause yeah I mean I figured you were gonna get your thing your stuff and stuff anyway right yeah I can go make more coffees go make coffee then and then just kind of vibe and tell until you’ve got your foods what’s for dinner I don’t know I didn’t break this geode first no don’t water the furnace water the furnace waterlog it you know I don’t want to go pissing on his counter again and you know that was awkward be careful you know what you must do now I’m going to go back into the beds just

In case the day turns over I’m pretty sure it will considering how fast it is so yes I will be thinking thinking Do do do do do do do do do even when checking for lumps no guy in town so inspired by you for everyone’s favorite guy oh every guy here wants to be you Gaston it’s not very hard to say why no ones are no one blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

Oh man I need a coffee to deal with you I’m so sorry I’m sorry I will be right back okay okay I made you a moderator now so that you can mod because you’re here Isn’t that cool don’t you feel special sip I’ve been drinking coffee this whole

Time but like it’s gotten to the point where the coffee’s kind of tasting a little you know I need some creamer in it I don’t have any creamer that is a tomorrow problem Gaston Whoa responsibilities what do you mean responsibilities what does that even mean rearranging furniture is it me is it just me who gets cuffed you smelling pee after drinking coffee yes because you’ve said this before and you are the only one I’ve ever heard say that as he okay you’re the only one

For you I’m waiting for you I had some money questions I could never go through I wasn’t look back then I lose track it’s been so much time that I’m never getting back whoa have the chance to tell you Maybe I’m the only way one enough to say that no because I’m pretty sure when I use the bathroom after uh drinking coffee it does not smell like coffee not at all I don’t think you’re brave I think there’s something and then there’s something um Here we go all around Burger a board group work I’m the only one brave enough I think started it was like I say we haven’t played starting since before we debuted together is what I just realized remember when I was just like let’s all play a game together to learn about each

Other’s personalities hehe stardew Valley it is I’m the only one brave enough to do tests that the opportunity arises as he please I don’t understand sorry this is random but I am looking at the ubereats and what is the the as featured in meal what is that

Y’all just went fishing I like fishing and I still did it in this stream too you make big money with fishing and I wanted money I wanted money power hit it for you I waited for you had some money what feature no it literally just says as featured in

I kid you not it’s uh it’s like the the as featured in meal the heck is that so much time hello tell me am I going oh I forgot to respond to this uh-huh do you ever watch Sharktopus versus I have not sorry I don’t know what that is nice singing bye

How how’s your cookie it’s good good you do have a nice singing voice though no joke no thank you thank you I just thought you were gone yeah oops fill in the background silly thing silly straw wait what time is it in the game I wasn’t looking it is 11 40. P.M

Okay okay fair enough I’ll wait because it’s not really time for it’s not it’s not 2 A.M yet so I got like time to just stand still I can’t like decide I’m having like a hard time deciding you have time to standing man emoji standing man emoji is like the best

Emoji just do IRL you just stand okay yeah I can’t decide unless I’d just be like McDonald’s I guess you know um well do you like spicy food I don’t eat it like that often to be honest Your mama let’s see I eat a lot of Chipotle is that where you get the fajitas from I don’t actually know if they they might have them oh I don’t really eat Chipotle I don’t really eat Chipotle because I don’t like the rice yeah okay I agree

With you on that one the rice can be okay it’s very hit or miss Shout didn’t make it to bed I was standing next to the bed yeah I’ve I’ve had nights like that you pull like a like an all-day shift and you come home and you’re just like I can’t even make

It to the bed I wasn’t paying that much attention I was too busy thinking about Chipotle I’m still thunking hmm the burger the burger I like Burger Five Guys oh Five Guys is pretty good I know five guys at Freddy’s no you’re right I’m like why is why do

People put up with me when I’m like really goofy what the frick no I was just teasing you wait I was just teasing you just tell you something where is The only thing about Five Guys like the fries are very some days they’re great some days they’re very soggy that’s true and then like dump an avalanche of fries into the bag they really do I love fries okay I love fries which is why if I like really do want

Like fries and a lot of it I’ll just be like a small fry from Five Guys is literally a large yeah it is yeah how they do it keep looking at Wingstop but then it’s like 30 to 45 minutes I don’t want to wait that long it’s like I like chicken

You know what I need to do what I need to make a new break message that’s like for coffee breaks isn’t that still feeding wink I mean yeah but I can chat with coffee it’s difficult to chat with you know your fangs suck into your prey

I was like you’re not trying hard enough uh oh this is a jackal what is your animal yes because someone’s like rats and small animal with long ears jackal jackal jack-o’-lantern that Clanton Chuck Pumpkin King around so tired of the same old thing I want Halloween and I want it now

Starting already don’t worry get into the season what the water the water is getting colder the weather’s getting colder with the Patrick Star impression [Laughter] I was making fun of myself so like that’s the first voice I thought to do foreign foreign did you ever watch the Mario movie oh

Yeah like the old one or the new one no the new one I haven’t watched the new one the old one was very cringe very cringe the Mario Brothers the newer one I saw in theaters all right I really like this I made my friend group all go out we

Took a whole I took the day off I ate it a whole day I said we’re all dressing as different like at least like wearing the colors of the character you like or whatever we’re all gonna go watch this Mario movie and we did I wore orange for Daisy I love Daisy

We had like a Mario we had like a few peaches because you know and a Yoshi Mario no Wiggy though I was sad there was no Wiggy I had some people like cancel last minute canceling cancel last minute oh nervous I don’t you know that I’m very Infamous

Socar they talk about me all the time on sorry literally I yeah Where is I okay I’m just gonna I’m just gonna pick what I pick and I will not make a fit that rhymed are you proud of yourself yeah I’m very proud of myself actually they’re calling me Dr Seuss and the sidelines oh are they I’m the doctor you know many people are seeing

All I want is a coffee Emoji that’s all I want it’s there I want it you want it it’s there oh no I want you let’s see I can’t believe I brought it up more times than I thought to you huh when you said that I was just like oh

Ain’t No Way Frank hey there we go and my font actually makes it look cool yeah go on now it says hot that bridge here you go just for you yo interesting someone says yo I think of like I my immediate response is to like

Um say a line from this one Japanese rap song from do you know hypnosis Mike uh nope Okay cool so [Laughter] uh Jeff it’s like a I don’t know how to describe hypnosis Mike hold on so it’s like this real like music but they’re all anime characters and there’s

Different divisions and basically World War III happened and like the government is overrun by women now and like weapons are like um you know uh you know they’re no longer weapons are no longer like um things however these guys they have these special microphones which makes

Their insults real so when they rap to each other like it’s actually physically hurting oh like Skyrim yeah okay so that is the premise of that but like the cool thing about hypnosis Mike because it’s like it’s usually it’s music it got a rhythm game later but like and an anime later but

Um there’s different divisions like Shibuya division you know and there’s like three guys on each and like they rap and stuff and there’s they’ll have character songs and they have all like uh chant wraps or whatever and then there’s like battles and if you buy like

Um like over in Japan if you buy it if you buy like one of the discs you can vote for which one wins you know you actually vote which like division wins like won the battle which who was better you know really yeah they’re very interactive yeah it’s a very interactive thing

And one of the characters he’s from like the Shibuya Division and he’s like a cute kind of like he’s like the leader of the Shibuya one uh yeah and he has like pink hair and he’s really cute and he loves sweets but he has like you know

He’s like not a fun guy he’s actually very rude but like he sounds really cute and like his song like his character song first goes like yo yo yo I mean again Let’s go r a m building up that who’s that Rhonda it’s like one of those things I feel like I have to look up to be able to fully understand but I know it’s hard to explain it sounds Charming it sounds adorable thank you I I was in it for like a

Little bit I’m not like super nut because they added more like divisions and stuff and it’s so but I like their music it’s so funny how something like that I could be like so cute and everything and Poppy but like the background story world war three and [ __ ] like yeah

It’s fun you gotta have fun you know yeah world where the world has been ravaged by a ward like none other you know yeah karaoke competitions now decide who rules what it’s fun it’s fun I love it it’s like it’s like stuff like that is really like interesting to me this is

Just so like random and that’s pretty random that is very random I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a post-apocalyptic setting that uh I went that direction I know it’s just a little quirky it’s stuck in my head ramda it’s cool my favorite division was this one division

Uh they’re called mad trigger crew was their group name trigger mad trigger crew we got like um my favorite guy was an ex-veteran he’s in the group and then there’s also like a Mafia Boss obviously and then uh someone else but like they’re very like they were my favorite group because

Everyone usually goes toward like the cute cutesy boy and his group because you know they’re cute but not you know yeah or they go toward like the Buster Bros because they’re like they’re like brothers and they’re ichabukuro and they’re like like Annie and stuff Mr Bros Ruster Bros they all they look

Like they match and stuff but like I was just like man trigger crew let’s go a little mad trigger crew they’re from Yokohama how long has been out uh uh a long time hold on how many years has it been it’s a very old game

Oh very old yeah it is because like when I watched Markiplier play this I think he had dyed hair in the video you know the year based on his hair color yeah no literally stardew Valley when I don’t know how to add release date was probably the better question instead of

When to Google story Valley win interest ing one Mark played this very old classic game um 2016. yep that would have been blue hair Markiplier I believe yep according to my calculations it was the blue hair era of Markiplier oh sweet Maria let me in oh no

Don’t ask how it got there because I don’t even know you love just sitting in a VC call with me is probably like the best thing I’m like an NPC specifically I’ve been looking forward to it I’m not gonna lie that’s good whoa I’m here to provide absolutely nothing

To like the Ambiance the dark side the dark side the dark side of the force the dark side of the horse look no what are you doing ah old I don’t remember that accident there at all I know I don’t again I’m sick anymore that was what I went with what the hell

I love it oh no Luke what are you doing I know look what you didn’t make it to bed it’s so good what are you I’m in bed because I like an inch out maybe it’s because you stayed in bed you didn’t get out and go back in you’ve watered my bed again

Going to bed early today Looking up things you’re looking up um the best of things there we go I finally that took way longer than I thought of me deciding what I wanted anyway you weren’t even go wow yeah That’s how distracted I was I was saying all of that while like staring at my phone I’m cool you are pretty cool Let’s see I’m gonna water your plants okay yes I think coffee’s just about finished oh shoot it was it was brewing no I’m drinking it oh very slowly oh shoot I remember when it was just first made oh like so long ago okay on back baby boom baby

Where’s my hoe I didn’t bring my home with me [Laughter] where my hole where my hole at The strawberries look they might be ready no I can’t cut them yet I just ordered them okay yo he’s request bring Jody cauliflower hello oh there’s rewards for doing the things That’d be sad I need to greet four more people oh yeah you haven’t seen the wizard yet so Reach bombing level one and practice care pro I literally did not have to spare before that was all you oh please Sprint you can walk do a little walkie walk I’m gonna do I don’t know what I’m gonna do at this point I’m just like doing anything and

It’s all out of order where is the wizard the wonderful Wizard of Oz is down in the top and the bottom left if you open up your mouth by pressing the M button is going to be oh I see yeah there this is where I’m going now you

In this small town there ain’t no room for the bid two of us is probably what she said but not really It is Saturday 20. repeat Saturday 20 gotta go not a skid battle I don’t know I could know ubereats was just like are you enjoying your ubereats and I said no [Laughter] you’re gonna be a Karen about this I am oh God no I don’t want to be a Karen I didn’t get my thing right away I pressed go and I didn’t see it to

Materialize I want my money back but also get to keep the food oh my God I’ve worked in food service that’s almost exactly how it goes yep how do I open the Wizards Tower is locked how is it locked did you it’s usually just open it is a locked real tight real toy

I’m trying to find something that looks very weird without anyone knowing maybe it’s not there maybe I illusioned it oh wow um let me see what your quest would say if you open your quest right right you open your little Journal a little Journal okay check your like quests should be one that

Initiation wait no not that one Robin’s lost ax no wording ahead There will be one that says like meet the wizard like in it [Laughter] Wait the wizard in it I don’t have that oh here we go have you been to that strange Tower west of my house that’s what Marnie said Barney but that’s it maybe I need to meet all the people first no because I haven’t even met all the people I don’t know

I don’t know how to fix this problem it is a mystery that’s a real Scooby-Doo of a situation it is very mysterious Mr Reyes I’m happy by myself you know okay homeless man you have to meet this is 20 special wouldn’t I not meet yet oh yeah there’s

A way to talk isn’t there yeah it’s the heart in the inventory I haven’t met Pierre really I didn’t have to have the like check mark in the Box mark the like X under the speech Republic no no that means that you just talk to them Jay like um on the left side yeah you know the doctor’s single oh everyone is single of this down apparently not everyone the sum Have like a nice random array of characters to choose from if you so be it If you so bad so Sam Sam Elliott wait no I don’t know who these people are someone with glasses and someone in a pink shirt with blue coveralls make sure it would Boop overalls that’d be Morrow I think how was this lot oh it closes up three 540. oh yeah I’ve talked to you you probably wouldn’t like it inside my

Cabin it’s dark and full of spiders rip I liked it until you mentioned spiders hmm head in my way downtown well put Apple Dylan here no I’ll keep the Wild Force better horseradish is weird I don’t know how I feel about it I don’t know where that guy is oh don’t know where you are guy with glasses which one there’s two um he’s got like a red tine a green jacket oh that’s the doctor his office is closed right now though oh the doctor yeah

We can’t get anything out of him Victory trash time got that trash life I’m gonna I feel like deforesting the far more do you spit well at least make a pathway down because there’s an entrance down that’s just everything’s in the way of if that is what your heart desires

Well my heart desires I was thinking about I thought about Fairy Godmother from Shrek 2. Found a bridge Bridge go across the bridge my food is go get that food I’m it’s not lock oh yeah I’ll be headed back okay we will explore tomorrow will be a better day well like figure out what we want to do with our farm and life I don’t know

I don’t know formula totally fine oh where is home I’m running Kansas anymore Toto okay here we are safe Bro bro staring into the void it’s a beautiful toy is it not yes very pretty all right are you ready I think that I am yes all right I think you are now ready ready to know what happened one thousand years ago there you go [Laughter] and then beautiful that trailer still

Gives me questions that music and like you don’t hear anywhere else in the game this is so good it’s so good I might have I might have cried a little bit the first time I saw a trailer same what I thought it appeared like who is that who is that who was that

Hunky fish bro my sources tell me you’ve been poking around inside the old Community Center why don’t you pay me a visit my Chambers are west of the forest lake in the stone tower I may have information concerning your rap problem there you go now you unlocked it Took him a while to send a letter there you go Gonna help me take care of you I guess hold on I didn’t know you sent me the Markiplier his hairstyles corresponding to different times bro I can’t believe somebody made this Game has an oddly catchy soundtrack I’m not gonna lie it’s nice It’s like music the guy music that you would hear in a V tuber’s break screen literally the guy who made this game made everything himself really it’s a one-man job oh there’s heart and soul in here I always really admiring you know you know developers that I think

Hey I found the Lost attack he wasn’t even an artist or anything um but he did his best to make those the Sprites of characters and stuff and like buildings and stuff work you know cool yeah yeah very admirable I get that I have one of these antique and then there’s worms an ink worms like I’m not an artist myself but I’ve made a lot of mods for games you’ve made mods oh what game mostly like Bethesda games you are a Bethesda fan Played much Bethesda unless I did I don’t know Honestly you play a lot of games that I just do not play that is okay I found you entertaining though centered around all that kind of stuff he’s like come watch me make my my things my mods I got quite a following too but then I left a ball behind

Norm unless you wanted to yay what is this person I found I found the person out here in like a cart oh that’s a Coffee Bean but it’s so expensive yeah they’re rare uh that’s like a Creator who that’s the black market there you go five beans and a keg to make coffee

Five of them that’s that’s 3 500 gold I can do man garlic foreign wedding ring recipe oh that’s a porridge she’s the only one that has that oh really Is that something I should get I don’t think you’re marrying anyone anytime soon though you can’t hold me down can’t hold me down no hahaha Okay you know I need I’m gonna see what I need from Robin Excuse me Maru Maru get out of my way hi she is literally in my way she’s just like get out of my way and I’m like there’s only one door there’s this fall where her name is Lydia should I carrier things for you but she’s always like standing in the doorways and [ __ ]

To like dragon shout her out of my way I could get past her I’m Um Robin has been looking everywhere for it rubbing go rub and give her you get money thank you where is Robin she’s in that uh oh I see not one place yeah carpenter shop Carpenter shot My sister is so weird sometimes I wonder if we’re actually related that was Haley oh Haley you you little Haley we love Haley baby where is you this town’s actually like so small but for some reason I ended up getting lost anyway no because like yes

I feel like it’s all like spread out yeah energy brick hey you found my ass what a relief I almost dropped my toe off with the other one I was using uh thank you I don’t know what that would have to do with the quality of the ax like if you’re swinging in such a way that you’ve almost chopped your own toe off I think that’s a skill issue you know I think you’ve got bigger problems yeah it’s good to take a break from work

Every now and then hey what do you have to say nothing okay was it really nothing I wanna I the urge to push them off the cliff you’re just standing here at the edge they could have stood over you know where it’s safer where there’s fencing just a few feet over

But they choose to stand there wasn’t I exploring I’m pretty sure Sebastian hey your name is so car Starfire right He Knows My Name does he watch my streams wait that’s all you have to say it’s okay that’s all he has to say if you have

Like something you want to give him you can try to give him something and I’ll give him a cookie give him a cookie cookie for you thanks I like this nice sorry come here often so to watch the watch the the water look at the way that the water moves okay [Laughter] oh and it’s weird zigzag pixelated what is that is that an owl across the screen I can’t catch it it’s gone off screen now oh goodbye oh I see it I wonder where it goes where are you going damn it there’s fencing everywhere no

No I think this goes off the map it’s just like some weird aesthetic thing daffodil eat daffodil no no just eat the daffodil y dandelions the last one of the season your brains is full of so many weird references yes I almost apologize but I was just like it’s true though like what

Never apologize for who you are never ever honey you learned how to make a radish salad too bad you don’t have a kitchen silly all right sleeping on I almost thought I was still muted sleep sleep laughs Yay money [Applause] It is another bright and beautiful day here down in Metro City the rooster doesn’t sound like a rooster it I don’t know I sound like Like a person just making a sound like you made it himself you know the game so maybe that’s him it’s like the Hunger Games you’re laying awake in bed and you hear the noise like someone else someone else’s Farm has been ended [Laughter] I your strawberries grew actually oh no I I harvested them already they’re in my computer hold on I guess you’ve already won that’s a big ass strawberry because you’re ahead and literally okay how much might we get out of those we’ll see whoa I put sap in there I didn’t mean to do

Nice so you do the individual characters like do they have like likes and dislikes yes they all have different likes and dislikes they have likes loves dislikes hates Yeah I see I was born with my little eyes oh grab this grab this I might be able to finish the foraging bundle here I am planning plotting because I’m a farmer mixed scenes what is that it’s like it’s like a random like maybe you grow anything basically it can be grass

It could be grass it could be like a foraging like dandelion or it could be like a food you never know A box of chocolates never know where you go oh I did finish it um see you at your home in Ottawa sure [Laughter] what I was gonna say Um you didn’t talk to the wizard yet oh right the wizard get rid of some things I can’t help myself just keep a keep pissing all over everything every time I interact with it stay hydrated [Laughter] what I do it’s just what I do it’s just who I am

You can stop me from being mean Where is this wizard view over there okay let’s not procrastinate this gotta do it I don’t think you’re procrastinating it’s more of a I don’t remember Procrastination is an excuse what the hell you it smells well then if it smells it sells why is there every and dot dot dot why is it locked I want to explore the sewers no sewers for you I think Gunther is the key have they not watched it do they not know

They don’t know Professor Gunther the man who runs the museum why do you think he has it Was so big Big Red Bull out of his pocket one time I don’t work like this you just gotta be a match for a bigger rusty old Gee Denmark [Laughter] there’s something moving around in there I didn’t mean to go here it’s your mom okay what I’m very confused

What happened I went through that whole cutscene with the sewer and then like my character got all scared and then teleported to the top of the place it’s weird it’s a weird cut scene Haley’s too involve their camera to notice you well Haley can just go [ __ ] herself how about

That how about that how about I just ignore her if she’s too involved with her camera don’t want to be involved with me yeah I don’t know what she’s taking pictures of there’s nothing over there nature she’s an influencer don’t you know I actually don’t know anything about Haley hello

I like eggs ones welcome to the stream thank you for coming fun playing stardew Valley oh come in wizard do you read me I I am rosemotis seeker of the Arcane truths mediary between physical and ethereal oh so we got something in common okay okay rounds Master of the seven Elementals

Now you’re losing me Keeper of the Sacred cha you get the point and you so gustava the one whose arrival I am long foreseen why does this wizard have a cowboy hat ers figure I’d like to show you something guys behold You’ve seen one before haven’t you also I have purple hair and purple facial hair it’s kind of strange they call themselves a judamos mysterious Spirits says ones for some reason they refuse to speak with me okay Mater I want you I’m not sure why they moved

Into the community center but you got no reason to fear them You found a golden swirl written in an unknown language most interesting Stay here I’m gonna see through myself I return shortly boom oh you’re just gone oh I found a note the lights is upscure but I was able to decide for it That’s Cleveland way the tuna Mo are happy to Aid you in return we ask for gifts of the valley if you are one with the forest and you will see the true nature of this scroll oh no yeah oh my God one with the forest what do they mean sniff sniff

If it smells it sails itself let me hear become such a creepier encounter my cauldron is bubbling with ingredients baby Fern my scrub harmled up Toadstool can you smell it [Laughter] here drink up Let the essence of the forest permeate your body scared Oh getting very sick oh I’m seeing green I’m seeing a tree borax oh three trees Four trees I’m hiccuping for some reason five trees six seven why why just why you’ve gained the power of forest magic now you can decipher the true meaning of the junamost rules okay then did you did you have fun I don’t know I feel a little violated after going into

That strange Wizard Tower it’s okay feel the essence of the forest primary earbuds [Laughter] I need to get back home I wish I had just like a Teleport scroll just you know or if it’s like Minecraft just plop down your bed oh true [ __ ] a road oh oops

Oops to go back all the way towards like the weird source oh I see yeah that way you can keep going to see the wizard if you want wink I don’t know if I want not my type not my type no you don’t like purple-haired men [Laughter] hey no I didn’t say that

Uh-huh I didn’t say that I don’t like I don’t like strange men in cowboy hats with purple facial hair that you know try to lure you into drinking their strange beverages dude all of those were just 10 strawberries tin strobes ten strawberries gave us a thousand two hundred Gold by itself

That’s a lot yes a lot it’s a lot of money let’s just keep reading strawberries so we can to be honest Jody’s request bring Jody a cauliflower well we don’t have a cauliflower I don’t know but [ __ ] I’m not sure about that they are so car Starfire tomorrow we’re all getting

Together for the flower dance if you can find a barter you might even want to participate the dance yourself there’s a little clearing bone in the forest west of town where we hold the dance arrive between 9 A.M and 2PM if you’re interested Beyond the Forest what are you doing up there

Flower dance you could dance with your beloved I think this town’s got some dark secrets I’m just gonna say I’m pretty sure it does too there’s probably some this is probably secretly a horror game secretly yes What was that I don’t know you’ve made a chair It looks like a chair from Peppa Pig Peppa Pig [Applause] My brother George that was very like demanding they’re rude she’s British it’s like it’s got the same energy as Caillou though Caillou is that way too yeah he was I don’t think Peppa hit George so we good at least I don’t believe so water water I want to do a little I think I’m just going to stand up first while I eat my body you do that oh did you get a border yeah I did yeah I’m gonna go get some seeds I haven’t planted anything in a long time my check the calendar how many days are left damn it I watered the ground again how do you how do you open that Um it’s on the it’s where that bulletin board is Oh I thought you meant like my like if there’s like a calendar in the inventory Stop stop one and nothing is posted today next to it so we are here tomorrow’s the flower dance Piers birthdays on the 26th Emily’s birthday is in the 27th okay I’m water the old man oh my God not George thank you foreign I want some cauliflower seeds because apparently we need that I’ll make I’ll do at least a couple of them because we both need them right or is it just one um we both need them get towards and and then I don’t know I can plant trees we could plant trees they’re very expensive

But they have fruit and the fruit should there fruit yeah is this like a new update or something when’s the last time you played uh back in like um shoot February but I’m not much of a farmer in this game oh did you get your backpack yeah I have it okay

Yeah maybe I’ll get back just to experiment I’m mostly fish in the game that’s my thing but like other people Farm we could get an apricot tree cost 2 000 gold holy oh I’ll only get one that’s why only one single apricot tree and then I don’t know what the hell jazz is

You like Smooth Jazz smooth jazz I don’t know what what to do or tulips I’m curious about those get some of those some jazz seeds because I’m curious about those very curious and some kale seeds here we go with that just a whole bunch of new stuff that we ain’t never seen before Okay no where are these things gonna be I think the cauliflower we can kind of separate over here and then the tree can go right here in this spot or not never mind or the spot wait it just goes anywhere your apricot seedling will be able to grow here

Where it go only it’s a tree if the eight surrounding tiles are empty oh so what’s gotta go like right there okay then you look so sad no why my character always looks so sad embracing the the emo energy I guess yep I’m invasing the Switzerland energy yeah you do look very Swiss

No you know who you look like what there is a cream there is a cream I need to change this outfit immediately likes batteries and green light experiencing cream I can’t do this It is 5 50 P.M sunflower sunflower flower festival tomorrow I’m gonna see if anyone’s at the salon that’s right there’s Shane I can I have a gift for you Shane shaynathan Jennifer hold on one second don’t worry don’t worry I’d like to buy that’s 400 never mind yeah

I love the confidence of like walking into like a store like and immediately maybe he’ll lick this baguettes I didn’t want to spend 400 so here you go oh you got me something thanks that’s all we’re going for today yep will that be it for you

That will be it I should I I should stop doing that voice first of all second of all I should um I need to upgrade my my willy Pole [Laughter] that was like a pet peeve that I had it’s like whatever you’re at you’re at the register

And then like will that be it for you might be it for you yes yes I mean I I’m here with all my stuff no let me just hold everyone up in the line and run back to the back of the store hold on I forgot somebody

Fishing at 9pm with my friend Willie right next to me yeah hope you have some peppers break huh so I hope you have some pepper spray Willy’s uh he’s a wild one well if it smells it sells I don’t know he’s the weirdest character well besides

The wizard I don’t know between them the wizard The Wizard was kind of he’s he’s strange very strong Jay are Willie going home weak it’s only 10 P.M dude Markiplier without facial hair just feels weird sorry I keep I have it open it’s funny it’s like like he looks good but it’s

Just like someone different that is a different person right there that’s darkiplier yeah could you could you imagine so car Starfire with a it’s a full beard no that’s a different that does not soak our Starfire so far black fire Dude that’s not even the same song no it’s not we need the states we need to stay up no 12 little monkeys jumping on the bed one fall off and bumped his head the mama called the doctor and the doctor said well those are some beats those are bars

It’s kind of dark though no more monkeys no they’re not they bump their head I mean well I guess 12 little monkeys jumping on the bed one fall off and shot his head that’s not good that’s even worse I was trying to make it morted but it was a little too marbled for me it’s a little too much fishing level four yay I made some monies did you know that the there was another nursery rhyme ring around the rosies about the black plague did you know that

Was my arrow right there Grab that’s when those rats they really showed their stuff yeah yeah Europe’s Got Talent right here yeah Ring Around the Rosie ‘s ashes ashes We All Fall Down because every Wednesday that’s crazy no way you’re lying it’s the proof Foreign Today is the flower festival you know where it is uh it’s in the forest to the West yes Are you ready to dance with people uh yeah I just gave like the most awkward smile that no one can see but just like How are you I can dance You Can Dance I can dance oh yeah listen I wouldn’t have been in musicals otherwise sometimes you don’t need to be able to dance to be in a musical All the rules watch out for my body rolls Oh you didn’t see that okay cool you know you you play the lead you gotta usually your musical number involves you what if you were in a play and not a musical well let me guess you wouldn’t be dancing so much dang I danced a lot and bought my birdie

Oh where are we at we got teleported let’s go do you like the country music me too this really sounded me he’s sending you yeah what do you got a rare Crow it’s a little too rare I can’t explore that ceiling leaves that’s what it’s called wow I thought

You were just being you I don’t make stuff up so car come on So that’s random Emily s oh I could ask people to be my dance partner you can be even ask Shane to be your dad’s partner I met Sebastian no I figured he wouldn’t be into it try again try again try again try again no there’s someone else I want to dance with no I feel so heartbroken someone else I want to dance with someone else I want to dance with you better not be dancing with anyone

I’ll dance with the homeless man I want my best shot for the dance almost over what a shame sorry I just asked Elliot he’s just like excuse me not today how about you how about you Leah for you to die will you be my Advanced partner

I’ll be honest I don’t want to dance with you what the [ __ ] is wrong with these people why are they like this maybe it’s because we don’t interact with them in society we’re always going up in our farm I wore my best shirt for the dance what

Do you think doesn’t happen very often yes excuse me not today yeah he did the same thing I think so we have we have no relationship with anyone bro this well I’ve never felt so sad inside Spanish someone else you want to dance with how dare I was talking oh that’s cute ah was Q I can ask you uh sure [Applause] [Laughter] You can’t handle my request right now oh see Yay did it work yeah you’re not my dance partner because no one else in a small town wants me Dr resorts are asking asking my farm mate what is this apartment And they were Farm myths oh my God they were Farm mates done Seasonal plants a tub of flowers recipes I’m thinking but I don’t think I’m gonna get anything oh well who do I talk to I don’t know hello I’m probably the mayor that would make the most [ __ ] in the world excellent sauce slurp Oh yeah let’s go you ready for a dance I guess the best what is this dance what aren’t you glad that we don’t have to wear one yeah I’m like the only one on my side that is not I don’t have the dress what is happening

I don’t know why is it why are they slowly walking dude Sebastian’s not even dancing he’s in the bottom corner to me he’s not lying to you hmm oh my god I’ve never wow that was pretty [ __ ] stupid actually my mod is in here I’m actually me on the song

On the the the plague origin of that song I’m reading apparently I guess it’s some popular misinformation so really I was spouting misinformation my bad how dare you spell misinformation to me and make me believe after we danced together which is more like me walking towards that was really strange no it

Was so dumb shambling towards me like a zombie more it’s how we would dance in public if we were ever asked to do something like that yes very awkwardly walked yep I could walk I can walk with my eyes closed All right What was I doing okay so now that’s out of the way what do I need I probably need to go to the vines to mine but like but like what else do I need Um all right we need to kill 10 slimes Well you need I need to grab one you already grabbed one I’m cool that way I like to make my old little make your own [Laughter] Oh I could color the chest black edgy we know which chest is which to be honest it’s been up this is the police let me in Robin what are you hiding cream What furnace okay I was really thinking hard I got you I built two furnaces God why now we’re gonna have three furnaces it’ll be good that’ll be okay because when we actually start smelting stuff then it’d be very useful I guess keyword was when Really stoned 75 copper bar okay do I have any I’m gonna I’m just gonna go into the mines actually I think in the minds I can think fast yes that is where my that’s where my train of thought goes that is where it goes dude at a level five and why

Are you time how much time does it take uh it takes time but I don’t think it’ll take like a whole day you know okay there I got it okey-dokey okey-dokey artichokie Returns what do I just do all is it like is it alt click or what shift shift that is uh I’m trying to find my way home not really the slimes need to do kill the slimes then what is this small hole back here behind our houses though does this become anything later the little like thing behind the yeah behind the chest so weird that first little hole

Oh uh later on we can pick one of two things to grow in there it’ll be either mushrooms or something else I forgot ooh The little mushroom farm no this is not Terraria this that’s all I remember Valley kind of looks the same though don’t It wow I wish I could just sleep off of the cliff bruh why what is this intrusive thought I just know not like that like what do you mean though don’t move faster to move faster you know just hop down instead of having to go all the way around you know

Quality of life we’re living in 2016 right now if you ever watch like any of my open world games that I play like go to sushima I will just like ride my horse off of the cliffs It’s faster it is do you take damage no I it’s I get thrown off my horse the the horse like squirrels out on the ground but like we’re fine so it’s faster all right How do we upgrade our uh you go to Clint Eastwood where you peed all over I love to think that people just joining the screen are just like what the hell [Laughter] I feel like that’s definitely gonna be quite clippable it is quite livable he’s quite it’s quite equippable so I can take that elevator yes yeah back to where we were uh to at least the fifth floor hey okay three five floors that it unlocks a new floor not four but like you know

I’m already down here because I’m trying to mine but also I’m almost out of energy the cave music until it starts getting ugly I don’t hear any cave music I didn’t get any oh it’ll spawn in randomly randomly next floor gotta kill those slimes each of these floors is like instance for

Each of us or of like you know what I mean like will I meet you at some point maybe because I’m on floor eight that’d be weird though because then you’d have floors that I already dug around in you know I don’t know I I forgot it I forgot that

I was running out of energy I literally just said this I’m seeing ladders like oh that yeah yeah I picked up a stone that was left on the ground So I have a feeling I’m walking in your wake here now you’re about to be alone I don’t have energy to keep on I need food just abandoned me like this went in the mines I don’t want to spend money on food yeah isn’t that an IRL problem as well That laugh laughs can’t do this anymore Oh someone made a copper bar recently that would have been me a little bit of you internet I did that holy crap this sounds when you’re like making fire for the furnace of our Gore I said you know how many swans have I gotten five I’m already halfway there

I’m already halfway there halfway there halfway there where’s that from SpongeBob SquarePants I’m like when I say a reference but I don’t remember where the heck it came from it’s so funny I’m Michael Where wait what was I doing I made a copper bar for a reason and I already don’t remember what it was the reason was oh I was exhausted anyway I can’t do anything whoa something in the dirt just like there’s a good worm in the dirt oh yeah that’s an enemy

It’s like uh did you ever play Ocarina of Time for sure yeah yeah you know those little things that would come up out of the sand in the desert ew yeah I hated those I hate them too especially as a child yeah that gorillo place what the frick I feel

Like the combat music as well there’s something about it send you one Edge of course now the combat music and Zelda is like all silly and orchestral but back then it was like you know oh no the flying pineapples I was a little silly goofy um if I leave

If I left the game don’t worry I’m coming back um you can break the shell off the little crabs Worry guys don’t worry I’m coming back in I’m coming back in I don’t know while I was talking I moved the screen around like and moved it between monitors and then it made them explode no I did not I want to show mine chat for anyone out there

The alien look at the alien you click on all the things Had a farm e-i-e-i oh I’m still thinking about Home on the Range Well well okay I’m back also kind of sucks you’re now hosting a multiplayer game did we have to start this day all over I’m gonna oh I’m connecting Ain’t no way yep the day has started over so if you did something wrong the first time yes after craft a furnace all over again how dare yeah You know Oh it’s you yeah this is one of those wet sounds oh it’s just watering the crops very loudly I have to water them again This time this time this time I don’t know what to do this will make them food before I go down there so I’ll have the energy to keep going it all works out a review return to the past now you know and now I can only make one furnace though too

It all worked it was all according to keikaku you know what put it down I axed the furnace I asked it a question oh requires one call One Call All right uh where is what am I looking for are you ready for right Saloon buy a salad it’s locked until 12 o’clock so we will fish Easy stress easy stress I’m speed running I’m the speed Runner of stardew Valley you know yeah yeah I know how to do things real quick real quick oh do you yup see I’m already at end game I’m already at end game bro are you Grandpa right now title credits are going up oh

Can you tell if this cat is dead or asleep okay it’s alive it’s alive laughs my cat would never die come on just laying outside you know sure and pull the cliff we have seeds spring seeds they’re spring seeds and I don’t want to grow them all right okay

Don’t worry I won’t make the same mistake as last time that was funny I’m almost fast you know what I saw what did you say so like I was playing I’ve been getting gentian right because I’m demented always and um I was walking I was uh I

Was looking at the shops in Fontaine and they sell this beverage like this pop beverage called Fanta in Fontaine wow I know what Fanta is that the Fanta Hunter Okay back into the Moines side Oh my God I remember what I remember I remember I remember those days I remember Minecraft parody songs huh dope morning at night [Laughter] Oak Ridge but like you know everyone watched it everyone’s got that in common I didn’t spend money and there we go here we go I eat I eat the bread yes 50 energy you know bird gives you history energy but you know what Red Bull gives you wings [Laughter]

I’m really proud of myself for that one actually you’re really thinking on your feet there yeah you don’t get comedy like this anywhere else you know it’s true [Laughter] go away stop it Mr Crab money uh I will be more chill you know I will be calm don’t oh that’s my thing

Your thing is being Chill one baby why do I have to be the cringe one I feel offended good good no that actually [Laughter] oh I hear someone mining in the distance whoever could that be not me go away you know you’re stuck with me you became my friend this was a mistake actually trying to find the ladder oh well that should be in the beginning

That’d be funny oh I found it oh oh um well we went down two separate ladders but went down the same ladder wow I want that you want this what is this purple no what is the purple though what is it whoa it’s giving Steven Universe Another ladder but what’s over here Well I didn’t know there was that space to walk through and say why are you doing that I want to make it to level 10 today Do I hear some fighting in the distance why are you laughing It’s weird you hear a splish sound and it’s like you will hear some farting in the distance Any other game you know that I don’t know if that would indicate fighting Count count on me Stay With Me Take On Me Never what was the latter I don’t know the latter’s missing yeah I found it over here found it I found the ladder we’ve got to hide the body there’s no cheese and crackers in prison grommets that’s one of my favorite some sneakers what I found some sneakers you got some

Kicks a little flimsy but fashionable and I’ll put them on put them like in that in the menu like with your hat whoa the red yes see I actually have I actually have uh Converse shoes in the variety of colors one of them is in the red foreign I you have Crocs Crocs I actually have like three pairs of Crocs I got a new one recently it’s red uh but I have yellow Crocs that I’ve used for like two years and then I recently resurfaced my Periwinkle props is that the big breakfast that you found in the trash

I hope you like your mcmeal it’s delicious I’ve been holding on to it for a long time so you know it’s really fermented now Oh found it jazz I got leather boots so did I but I just got I just got my my thingy do’s oh but they are better but you don’t have to foreign for the sake of the stat increase I will stats before trip unless I know if the game has the

Ability to like do a little bit of transmogrification Adventure what in the Full Metal Alchemist well I guess that’s what it’s called in World of Warcraft I’m talking World of Warcraft terms oh it’s when you can apply like the texture of another armor onto an armor that has better stats because you

Don’t like how it looks oh glamor sure like in Final Fantasy 14 MMORPG I guess every game calls it something different get out oh chewing stick what I feel I don’t know why that made me feel weird foreign freaking I hate these enemies so much

They’re annoying as heck I was like am I getting some static in my headphones they sound like that and it’s gross ew why did it die like that oh seats bless you oh my God my life before my eyes I could hear it flash to be honest found the ladder

We can leave this cursed place my sneezes are always so powerful minor Wiki really high I knew someone kill you but I can’t I knew someone that would sneeze and it sound like Pikachu oh shoot oh no there’s a minecart though we have to leave Gromit

Do you want to stay until 2 A.M I don’t know sound like Pikachu eat that too yeah you know what chew means and uh Japanese what do you mean main kiss chew so the choo choos and Zelda are kiss kiss yes but they’re so nice they’re just slimes they’re not very kissable

Um anything can be kissable if you try so far come on hahaha you know honey you might be right maybe I should open my mind a little bit yeah maybe hmm what do you just stretch cherryboard foreign I remembered my it’s raining today is it whoa Wham the strawberries have grown and still have the beans okay what can I put away oh you did it make your edgy chest no it’s gone well I can turn it edgy there now it’s edgy man that’s right baby that’s the journal update noise

Let’s go I was like well we’re using the same chest so until I start getting fancy fancy yeah I like making chests for different things like a blue chest for my fish is not said later on when I start actually trying to store stuff and punk and strategize

I’m gonna go visit the museum have fun in the museum tell me if they got anything new basic retaining soil okay we just pushed we just pushed past the six hour mark how do you feel about that what what what yeah you’re lying I’m not you’re not

I see it I’m at 5 55 on mine oh I guess I started five minutes sooner because I do my my fancy musical intro yep holy we are not doing 11 hours no I don’t think thank you not like yesterday yeah not with this game but for civilizing anything for you

Let’s talk to Reuben he can hear the rain from inside the building oh that’s nice I like that it’s very comfy I wish it was raining today you upgrade the tools to blacksmith yeah that’s what I said earlier a lot of money that means we’re gonna have to start making bank

You know what that means this game this game is scratching an itch I’m not gonna lie is it kinda he’s the kind of kinda cause you’re like you gotta you gotta upgrade things you gotta do other things like you know have some Synergy because you’re doing things to

Affect the other things you know what I mean yeah gotta go in the mines to get the copper to upgrade the tools that’ll make your farming go differently and excuse me Sebastian my bad I blocked his way this is not the museum though that is the museum the library is

Right I was at the blacksmith for some reason I don’t know why I went in there um to upgrade your tools the question mark Bars oh okay five copper bars so that means I’m gonna have to get more copper ore There’s something about chewing sticking in the mix of that chewing stick I’d like to know more about these items like what the hell are they Tell me why ancient people chewed on these to keep their teeth clean oh so you’re holding that’s kind of gross what this game’s artifacts Like a dog’s wingstick I gotta say I could definitely see us playing stardew Valley like regularly no same I want to do more of it was that my dog he wants to go out well it’s a good I think it’s a good point to take a break anyway that is a good point

Because now I need to get up and take my own break honestly okay well I leave the oh we already did so much for the day I’m calling it an early night because I don’t think the day starts unless we press OK on the other screen you know

Yeah so I’m gonna put myself to sleep you can go to sleep whenever you want it’s just my screen won’t say okay because I’ll be gone for like 10 minutes you know and you can take your break all right to Rooney and we’re about to break

All right I’ll be back and so shall I wait Please Foreign Thank you Foreign foreign Foreign Hello everyone it’s just you and me Chad for a little bit how are you guys doing are you having a good night you’re having a good day I hope that you are honey I hope that you’re having a good time I certainly am got myself some hot apple cider real comfy serious yes

It’s been a really enjoyable stream though you know I thought that this game was just a farming game to be honest so at first I was like oh it’ll be a nice little I guess I don’t know indie peaceful casual thing and I mean it is pretty casual many ways but also in

Other ways it’s a little more gamey than I thought it would be you know there’s a lot of other elements to this game besides just the farming it’s pretty cool I stayed away from this game for a long time because I just wasn’t sure how much of a farm Enthusiast I you know

Am for that kind of thing but uh yeah there are layers to this game you can see right here even on the screen you got farming foraging fishing mining other Going on Also there’s like a little house in the distance let me see if I can show you ourselves over Like a little house over there way in the distance four yeah I’ve been having a good time take us back to the sanctuary Excuse me 46 46 lovely souls are now mine I’ll take very good care of them Pretty cool pretty cool pretty great pretty awesome is a really fun really really fun to collab with You know what I should do probably keep this message up so that people know where people just coming in this isn’t the end we’re just taking a little break a little brick You know what I could do I could combine my messages right so Let’s see let’s see how did I do it I need something like that there just little just a little Emoji is part of the vampire feeding you know consolidation there we go there we go Anything definitely did not expect to put this 28 hours into it though pretty cool pretty cool I’m gonna go Snoop on their stream I’m gonna Snoop on them slinky I love their uh sequence Very good have a good very good very good record Thank you I need to change that one as well and don’t I look at us doing things on stream and see his key look at that room s once if we just hit okay I think we’ll just get a black screen yeah let’s be in the dark here together in the Darkness Into the darkness If you have not stretched and you’ve been sitting for the past hour or so now’s a good time to do so now is a very good time to do so Foreign Concerned eight that’s the name of the developer concerned sir seems like that’s just their thing is stardew Valley Interesting Foreign What happened we wow foreign I didn’t expect to be back so so suddenly neither did I it depends depends on how my dog’s doing how’d the dog well he didn’t take his time this time also the game goes down as soon as I switched scenes I love

Which I knew would happen huh what oh like uh stardew closed when I switched my scene on obf it likes doing it did that last time oh yeah note to self don’t switch scenes when playing stardew Big yawn I have some hot apples later wow I have orange onto Yeah orange Fanta was an o all right I’m back in the game So multiplayer I was almost Markiplier Water’s fed So just like wake up every morning I wake up water my bed hey we are back or grab my carpet carpet good good according to plan oh according to point All of flowers oh yeah okay so we got one of those I don’t know what the other one is though it’s gone no more I need to see how many coppers I have and then I’m going to the mine all right check in here what’s in here no 35 of these I thought I had less okay cool okay 35 100 this 42 of that I have two copper bars because I’ll have to make

Do I have enough for that I wonder how long the tree takes to grow I’m it’s a tree so it might take a bit it’s true trees don’t grow instantly that money doesn’t grow in trees am I right or am I right I guess that would mean you’re right if

There’s only two options oh [Laughter] That was the thing that I need coal like Cole Sprouse one of the Sprouse twins [ __ ] No new Sweet Life Suite Life of Zack and Cody Sweet Life on Deck I don’t know but she wants cauliflower I don’t know who this Jody person is but apparently she wants some cauliflower kind of weird it’s like hey can you give me a piece of broccoli thanks thanks I guess Now where is this person’s house they are somewhere who’s the Jody person who’s the orange hair I deny oh I could look but I was fighting blimeys for the mother of the children it is okay oh oh okay okay here oh that looks so delicious thank you

It’s just what I wanted it’s gonna be perfect for my yellow curry Okay okay and Brian I was slaughtering slimes that’s what I was doing we’re both like time to go back in the mines Sebastian Sebastian I didn’t hear you busy thinking think of him oh you’re a deep thinking type me too what do you want I want you I want you I want you

That’s what I want hearing you rizz up Sebastian was so funny I hear the rising of Sebastian in the distance well I’m like I’m slaving away in their minds It’s a weird design I keep pressing tab to bring up my map there’s other games that I played where that’s the thing yeah it was like nah you’re not allowed to switch tabs and you’re not allowed to have lots of energy but you gotta go all the way back out of the mines

You can leave get something to eat come back oh where am I I wish the sauna was open there’s this area that someday there’ll be an earthquake it’ll be opened and there’s a whole Bath House in there and when you go inside the bath house you replenish energy

And it’s right next to the mines it’s very convenient that an earthquake is necessary pleasure yes so I cannot bathe we have not bathed really 27 days it’s like how a natural disaster is necessary to be able to get to that you gotta do what you got to do you know

Come here’s the third one in the village is subject to Relentless pain and suffering Process my geodes please sir I got a rock what is that it looks like a kiss it’s mudstone okay yeah mudstone what’s in the trash how are you gonna put torches down because it’s so dark I see I should have made some torches and I didn’t that’s okay

I have the same problem in Minecraft Oh it happens Foreign Look at all of these books unforging the local woods and mountains are great places to find wild produce this forager will clear out any weeds stumps or stones from these areas so wild produce has plenty of space to grow expert foragers know the secret to cultivating wild food so that it can be

Grown on the farm isn’t that amazing yeah that’s so amazing I want another like weird book where what do we got no I already read that one this is a book by Marnie animals are very sensitive they like to be pet every day and prefer to eat grass Outdoors

Than dry hay dogs don’t like being outside in the rain not badly why are you laughing because it rhymed it did rhyme but it’s like the only line in this that rhymes which is weird produce higher quality products yay I’m so glad I learned about farming Etc

Running to the museum I got some mudstone you want it I don’t what was I doing that’s what I asked myself every day every single waking second of the day I wonder I’m like a Sim that just constantly had its task canceled not the canceling of animations just

Walk to a room and you’re like two of a Florida plug oh Waka Dooney heard stackdag I need to play that on stream sometime a Sims Sims are so fun for the whole entire family four more slimes I don’t know why I’m already going back home it’s like but you’re not done

Maybe because you’re tired are you tired 7 P.M 7 P.M time for sleepy me me me me no no I can keep going I just don’t know how much farther to go you know where is the ladder the letter escalera where in the world is the ladder oh the latter is right there

Right where you say well that seems like a problem for another day If I were this where would I be Let me look at the calendar ice Sebastian where are you coming home from Advice Sebastian he doesn’t want me Oh today was Emily’s birthday rip it’s just like it’s so funny like do you usually take this pass to work okay where are you coming home from It’s like such stalker vibes not right oh she no kothos oh the there’s a ladder What is the weather tomorrow it better be raining or else oh yes I can hear that was not what I said but the forecast is going to be clear and sunny all day tomorrow wow You’re going to bed I’ll blow up the quitter can’t help but notice you’ve gone to bed I’ve gone to bed because I have to wait for Robin to wake up so I can see what I need else well I need to get my ass back up the ladder to get out of here

How did you lose a ladder I’ve gone too far Right I’m now outside the mine running from my life back home the Wolves won’t get you oh I just don’t want to pass out pass out it’s only 11 times time passes in this town it’s very fast bubble mod to make the time go slower please foreign so good so good

Yeah you put the diver it’s getting late Dave the diver I want to play there oh you do I want to I want to [Laughter] only think of one thing and one thing alone laughs ah cars oh wow you made it to bed I did level two mining level two foraging

That’s right we made 56 dollars but it’ll be worth it you know why I don’t know why I don’t know why hey Um all right okay refill this water this Here it’s all the well is that a thing for you to swing by my shop with 75 stones and a thousand gold when you’re ready That sounds like a lot you’re asking for a tall order ma’am I know thank you took all of them yeah I was gonna build something I will go gather the stone the mines I guess I still need two more slimes so wait wait how many do I need 93. Or you can clear out the stone that are here wait I didn’t what the Earth crystal like yourself oh yeah okay Today’s the last day of spring tomorrow’s summer make sure you do everything that you want to do today hey verb I know what we’re gonna do today There’s 104 days of summer vacation Uh you keep taking me back all these references I’m sorry no it’s good boy like I do like do you like to be reminded nostalgia That’s what it’s all about that’s what it’s all about that’s why we play the games we play for the memories memories to either be made or to be shared not true remember One of the memories that we lost yes memories Des Moines that’s where I was going oh my God I’m not done I need 10 clay I’ll be back I need to go ho around don’t say it like that well don’t think it like that [Laughter] Mr doctor I don’t think I’ve spoken to him yet so I need him for my Thing where is I’m struggling to make ends meet I don’t have enough patience um don’t worry doctor I’ll get sick [Laughter] all right so we got him met these others with one more person I just haven’t met you yet dude don’t Where You Are oh I haven’t met the old lady yet oh shoot I need to find this person with a pink shirt blue coveralls the auburn hair the brown eyes is So a person with the pink lives where it’s a Sebastian’s sister so lives in Robin’s house Robin okay gotcha yeah I know where you are now I will find you and I’ll delete you more five more clay five more clay who look at the beach and see a bunch of holes everywhere that was not me okay yeah this might have just make that known okay yeah I know you’re telling the truth I trust you yeah yeah yeah

I would never lie you’d never Lloyd yeah I’d never lie to you Okay where is this person is it you it’s not you it it’s me it’s moru timing in the trouble isn’t what I thought I’d be do you have fun working on the farm I can say no no yes I’m sorry have you ever thought of doing something different oh no [Laughter]

They’re gone you just left bye bye Maru Oh man I’ve been pushing off my homework all weekend it looks like I’m pulling another all-nighter Sebastian should let me in there I got my thing and how to win friends give someone a gift but your grandma I’m gonna give you a seashell it smells awful is what she just said well okay

Geez don’t take my seashell if it smells it sells I literally thought that that would be okay No don’t do it don’t do it it’s the Trap oh I forgot to come back here fish tank oh this is where the bundles are oh yeah that’s what I was talking about I’ve been doing this uh not that one that one’s new though but like if you get certain items then

You put them in the bundles and you get stuff I do like stuff it’s nice stuff and things stuff and things are nice especially the sun variety yes some stuff something all right something something’s watching back to not making calls not making what huh huh anyway pantry oh I could make this

Spring crops bundle probably could do that we have one day of the spring sorry sir we have one uh right right right right right right and that’s me the summer crops then huh what is what do we got going on there tomorrow hot pepper blueberry and melon you think I can remember that

Probably not because I know I won’t probably not you know what I’m gonna do what where do the the the the the the screenshot thing you do is get shared because I could take a screenshot of that yeah okay there they go okay I know where they get saved so here’s the plan

We go what was it what was it control Windows s was that what it was yeah or shift Windows s uh control oh wait was it shift shift shift okay so cool unlock that I won’t get a lot because you don’t have to take a screenshot of the entire screen you can

Just be like I want this little piece to look at uh put it in like a chat like put it in the chat because it’s Not Gonna Save it’s not safe it’s like copy like it’s on your clipboard basically you know it put it into my like screenshots folder in my pictures

What so if you’re gonna open it up and find like a bunch of things there I will not look [Laughter] T I’m looking for clay I need two more clay maybe I could find some wormies in the ground if I’m worn then there’ll be clay maybe or a book

Oh so we do share progress because I’m guessing Maybe I don’t know there’s one that’s already open in the craft room oh that’s me that I did that that was me um that starts tomorrow me too you know what I might take a screenshot of that as well Pretty good pretty good pretty good I should just picked pick stuff up summer foraging bundle boom now you know now you know now you have those two messages to just be like wow that’s helpful thank you yay thank you so car you’re welcome I’m getting a cutscene of the homeless man skip [Laughter]

So am I is he digging in the trash yeah you can’t really judge him we’ve been doing the same thing no it’s true I just did it after skipping I was like I need to dig in the trash boy sounds like those raccoons are back again filthy varmints I like how you

Walked into the frame as he was saying that laughs I turned up at the right moments um because you’re doing old man a favor could you go around the corner and scare off those raccoons for me they’ve been causing a real mess thanks make sure you

Give them a good scare so they never come back rawr a RAR XD XP clumps [Laughter] I’m sorry Foreign A lot of hot fresh food in these cans so do I honestly if you go to waste if I don’t take it Do you think there’s something wrong when I’m doing uh no it’s a shame for food to go to waste thanks so God I knew we were an open-minded person I feel good about what I’m doing I’m not harming anyone hey that’s my motto do whatever the hell you

Want just don’t hurt anyone right yeah you go on home I want to take over the government and everyone will rule my name well do it peacefully and Democratic you didn’t do that last night I don’t think you did that last night so far oh no for people who don’t understand ashesi

Is talking about my playthrough of civilization six uh you said military uh wait I know what you were doing Linus you know like food just ask I don’t want anyone in Pelican town to go hungry here I got a basket of zucchini fritters for you just make sure you dip them in

My spicy marinara gold take it hey oh oh what were you saying before I got interrupted by dialogue two uh really time was passing during that cutscene I was that’s not fair I think it’s because I was awake and like not looking at the cutscene I’m sorry it’s all it’s all your fault

And now look now I’ve fallen unconscious Gnar but also also that wasn’t what I was originally going to say but I noticed it uh Linus rhymes with minus you know okay whales on I didn’t finish my thought okay yeah yeah yeah I have he’s like Linus

You’re you should be you should be happy your name isn’t minus you know Mr Electric not Mr Electric that mixtures oh George Lopez oh no Strawberries okay well Well I don’t know why I’m using my sword it’s the same didn’t work I just have I have death sight you know from both in Boots is the music change for each season yes foreign or just realized It’s very spicy right because it’s hot Gross Welcome to summer we have pot Welcome to summer we have hot Welcome to Chili’s welcome to Chili’s we have hot oh my God I forgot that my hair was Green I don’t know how like characters the full time but I just realized it was Green all right I need the worms give me the worms Like Maple or do two they turned bright red in the fall they’re quite pretty Hey I strongly disagree it’s the way that Alex is wearing like a varsity jacket out in this beach by the way on a hot Summer’s Day Shutter shutter shutter laughs first I don’t know what why am I just running around I don’t know I’m looking for worms you are just running running running Dance of the Moonlight jellies wait when is that that is on the 28th very end or end is that a good thing is that a good thing it’s like a fishing Festival it’s really pretty is it I’m gonna give someone a gift it’s one of my favorite

Maybe they’ll tell you that it stinks who are you I’m getting some supplies for the saloon okay well I have have a leak oh that’s sweet thank you man that must be nice [Laughter] They like they like demon half demon vampire princes but they don’t like rats Shame Shame well all I want to do spread Good Fortune to everyone It’s not alone It’s probably going back to the minds of us doing It’s the weather yes probably more than likely and there were summer things that I needed to forge for I haven’t seen a single one I know crazy knew where they are I’m just gonna make lines in the Sands I mean what hi Haley Are you standing there that sounded that sounded mean

Are you standing there standing Haley emoji TV one I just need one more I guess function you can function I need to go East through the mines Mazda yeah that’s what I’m using exactly functions music you’re pressing the buttons I’m just not pushing them oh

Where’s I did you oh did you what close the connection what did you know no you’re standing there though I’m back oh it looks like so you better get this party are you better about this party started build this Robin connecting I’m connecting it’s trying so hard

I tried so hard got so far Meantime while you do that I am getting us a silo for no reason at all and I should probably I should probably kill free slime you know that should be a thing I do I don’t know what’s going on I’m stuck at the connecting My body may be there but my spirit is elsewhere Send it Connections didn’t you already ascend before no Oh you mean oh yeah yes yeah you know you used the ultra hand or something like that oh oh you don’t You joined you thought you could defeat the socar Starfire you can’t put this fire out [Laughter] I want to plant a maple tree see if I don’t pass my maple tree that was a lot worth living anymore I just want the maple I want you hey I want you enter the

Adventures Guild oh my God they want me leave the mine [Laughter] oh man can I can I move five steps without laughing I accidentally did that my bad I accidentally bought something without meeting two here take it back thank you we’re gonna go to the mines

How do I get there what’s the most efficient path to the mines is it up north yeah it’s the north pass okay get out of my way this cat hey leave Jerry alone well Jerry is kind of a little [ __ ] and he needs to get out of my way

So how about that you’re just jealous of Jerry all right we go here we follow the road we follow the world oh the way oh what just happened over there my like throat tickled weirdly while I was talking and I did not like vote yep well I’m just gonna fish by the

Adventurers Guild because I’m a full-fledged Adventurer now so special I know proven adventurers only you’re not an adventurer yet don’t you have like two slimes left I do I guess I’ll go kill those slimes one guess I’ll go kill those slimes do they respawn I’d like to go deeper we must go deeper

I think that we do have to go deep ER I got a bullhead real happy for you thank you thank you you know fishing is my way of life my one-two cause I love fishing to catch them all is okay you got the reference right away I’m invading your natural habitat Habit Is that my team Yes really absolutely Did you know did you know that when you when when you when you knew you never dream that you dreamed you could be you thought you could you would but you would would you could be you could do anything wood chuck chuck wood yes what if a woodchuck could chuck wood All of it yeah she sells seashells by the seashore but bye because you got to make the bank gotta make that money like air selling flowers there’s the adventurer killed now honey yeah yeah good job I’m moving up in the world yeah I’m moving down [Laughter] Uh Crab Pot ocean pot River fish night fishing lake Fish Lake fish I got this carp and this bowl head and that’s a child oh they close right as I came here man dang well he did all of that only for them to close they don’t deserve I’m just gonna go home

I’m gonna go mope in my bed go milk that’s what I’m gonna do that’s what I’m very good at doing my moping skill is like maxed out you’re so good at moping wow there’s a lot there’s fireflies it’s not one song ten thousand flyer flies there you go don’t drop leave your eyes

Open up the world asleep I like to make myself believe this cat is in my room oh yeah see the cat moves down there We made 15 000 but we’d never know achievement we’ve made fifteen thousand and spent fourteen thousand literally Oh we have no crops it’s growing why I can’t believe you’ve done this Robin’s over here if you want to say hi to her why what’s being built over here what nothing’s being built I actually trapped her this is my Robin Farm s we’re breeding Robins Under construction it’s a silo I just wanted to put something new Always see I see so one of the things we could plant here we could get tomato the pepper the blueberry the milk tomato pepper I’m gonna look around to see if anything’s spawned yeah those forageables they did we got Spice Berry Sweet Pea I can get four forageables if I could find four that’d be great we can knock that off easy yeah I got a sweet pea as well I think it just takes time to start

Growing they said give us a second sheesh we’re splashing one day you’ll be mine what is this looking for a handsome young man to bring me Earth crystals really thanks Haley and I’ll do it but I’m not doing it for your affection what are you doing it for it’s just for

The quest reward s why are you close to the public people want to shop give them 10 minutes go now hahaha Be here where it was five melons watermelon five tomatoes five blueberries and four peppers Foreign okay there we go now we’re gonna go plant these On Hello the music is just very much Wait okay give me more I need two four down my melons you know I really should have bought like an even number that would have been smart fine we’re not going aesthetic for now for now well you know what we’re going for I don’t know anymore I don’t know I’m just sticking things

Just stick it anywhere just do whatever you want I don’t care anymore it’s like fish I just need to get a largemouth bath and a surgeon once I get the large glass in the surgeon everything will be good and proper and peaky you do that yeah yeah try hello Demetrius goodbye Demetrius like

If I buy things in odd numbers then they just look weird you know yeah that’s to be happening if you find something odd numbers and then we get all these L-shaped arms [Laughter] it’s okay I don’t know why I’m stretching because at any moment the exclamation point can come up

The tree is slowly growing thank you I don’t know if watering the trees does anything if you water the tree it will have nutrients to go big and strong Thought so also a basic retaining soil has a chance of staying watered overnight hey yeah We don’t have a whole lot of it but we got it got it got it I can’t believe it’s in life for seven hours every yeah can you play with me it’ll go on and on it it literally absorbs this is The Soca effect continue on forever what’s the

Longest dream you’ve ever done um whoa but that was planned you know it was like a special like 12 hour stream for like a special thing you know not just like a random I guess longest random would be like eight I suppose seven to eight It all depends on the game what the frick oh he’s he’s funky that fish said like um it depends on the game yeah to me it depends on the game yeah I agree a big agree on that one because after a while certain games I’m

Just like I need to turn this off I can’t do this anymore yeah okay got me some torches I got me five torches a whole five torches torches yes and I could probably make more of it more vlogs strong stump right you need to upgrade that what did I get

I got a lot The game is lagging weird and that did not like that why did my game lag so weird what is this here we oh it’s super effective how I’m fishing let’s make some more of those torches really more torch I want 10. sounds great for me Tinkers yeah there

I think the game stopped freaking out that was weird I’ll go back to the lake and fish okay have you redeemed any of the bundles um I put stuff in the in the bundles oh you you can just contribute to them you don’t have them all at once

Yeah you can just contribute whatever you have yeah That sounds like some Jolly cooperation some jarring cooperation what does that mean Jolly Jolly oh Jolly Jolly good drawing dolly Philly okay it’s a little too early for that oh I feel like don’t ever do that again please I’m sure that Mariah Carey will be in stores everywhere pretty soon Well well I’ve been recently watching it some really funny like parodies of that where it’s like what it’s like uh Mariah Carey but she’s holding in a sneeze the whole time it’s like stuff like that whoa whoa whoa made me laugh they’re so good oh good videos

All right I forgot the adventure Guild you think I can get to them in time join the adventurers guilds join the fighters game oh my God I keep I keep fishing up chubs I don’t want any more chubs where am I oh yeah I’m not sorry you’re not sorry actually I’m feeling quite

Um Unapologetic oh my God I’m so lost I wish I had a horse you know just Gallop across the land sure there’s something there’s an item in here that lets you ride something I never got it before because I’m not that correct of a gamer hmm but there are quality of life items

I just feel so dirt cheap and small I found a coconut Sebastian talk to me talk to me moving forward to the cold damn season I feel more at home you and me both we have something in common oh my God tell me more tell me more okay

Can you stop rizzing while I’m trying to fish I caught another chub where the hell is the adventurer Guild I don’t know they’re probably going up they’re probably closed now yeah they’re probably close no you spent your you spent your last moments [ __ ] just some Bastion it was worth it

I don’t know something I’m just gonna go back and give them two gifts a week I’m gonna go back home oh my home back to the ranch just like uh what is it not Steve Carell that is not the Steve Harvey said Steve bro the voice of Guru from Despicable Me

There was like a really funny animation I watched about Steve Harvey it’s like whenever he asks someone he asks a family a question and like they respond with something really stupidly inappropriate like well my wife Steve and then like just zones out and his mind goes into this really dark place

Oh my God this is really funny pepper because you know he always makes that facial expression he’s just dead inside he’s just like me for real for real better not be on the board is it on the board and then it is [Laughter] go to sleep for the night Me me me me me Leslie has tucked in you hear that I don’t know what that was that was an earthquake is called the Steve Harvey stare if you ever you ever feel like looking at that you can Steve Harvey stare it just keeps escalating there was an earthquake during the night

Speaking of escalations And everyone died Hi me sell hats okay poke come to old old house poke bring coins at Mouse that’s my mouse right there I don’t I don’t like those I don’t like those letters Okay this one this is embarrassing I lost my lucky purple shorts I’m telling you because I think I can trust you you find them bring them back to me discreetly okay well what okay happening You ready for another day on the farm I need to bring Haley her Earth crystal way and we don’t go back into the mornings you know our home but before before I do that I’m going to find this Adventurer girl my God okay right up there okay can’t miss it right there

I’m gonna take the northern route here I’m the last like summer forgering thing I’m missing the grapes Rob Base yeah the gropes are I keep falling Sweet Peas I don’t wanna one just want the grapes no grip for you but I want the grape why won’t you let me have a big day Why not Because grief is mine I deserve great What maybe it’s nothing there’s like something pink behind the bush near the adventure Guild it’s probably just decorative 2 P.M to 10 P.M really wow ha sorry there’s something funny about that he spent all this time it’s not even 2 pm earthquake revealed some things over here yep

Yes I’m hanging out there right now Very quick earthquake now I would put it down on me I’m gonna just wait because otherwise I will I will do something else I will forget I will come back at 10 o’clock at night and be like where’s the adventure workout and just repeat for the rest of time

That’ll be my time Loop okay okay just wait there then this is my hell this is my nightmare I’m gonna go to the thingy I still haven’t found grapes I can give the homeless man a sweet pea here you go this is a great gift thank

You you’re welcome I know what you want a single pee a single p orter Let’s go first fish Lake I guess they could fish while I’m waiting that’s something that I could do something you can do Everything will be a-okay I need like one more Lake fish though and that’s what’s bothering me to finish one of the bundles and I keep forgetting what it’s called but it’s not a chub it’s not a small it’s not a fast and it’s not a bull head the last one

I’m Gonna Keep My orangey is an orangey being you know Oh Come on what’s the treasure mean what’s the treasure mean if you have the it’s okay it’s hard to get Have their evolve it oh um long enough then it’ll you’ll get it but like sometimes it just doesn’t work out is it worth it over the fish oh no sometimes cool stuff is inside but sometimes it’s just like ears nothing you want open inside the adventure why do they play banjos in here

Andrew didn’t want to fish behind the counter my God this is an Ocarina of Time did you ever do that Doctors have fishing I sucked at it so I was no did you know that you could fish the guy’s hat off of his head wait really yeah no I did not know that he gets mad at you hey what are you doing keep that back couldn’t like use it as a lure As you should it gets really self-conscious about not having hair and that’s why he wears a hat You do a wooden blade is that better uh probably because it’s not deteriorating than the rusty sword you know Well now that you’re in the adventures you know thank you how do I join when what something to show me Okay okay then I see how do I compare how do I compare my weapons stats two to five damage first is three to seven wow wow hey yo Give me can I sell my old one yes I can I didn’t mean to sell them both oh my god I’ve been watching this fluctuate on my side Sells rings those are quite expensive though The ring of power oh foreign I know where they are and your dad’s house and Mars is watching you what Mario’s just watching you fish that’s because I’m cool you know you are pretty cool I want to get one fish give me a fish that I really want I shouldn’t upgrade

My fishing rod as to what I should do actually I haven’t started the way you started that tune you were humming I thought you were humming Diamond city lights for a second Diamond City Life Sebastian I’m gonna have a spiced Berry for you David love me thanks um calm down what’s the point of going outside I’ve already seen it all hey yo no I sympathize with this sentiment I said you said so true king I completed a bundle did you yes I did vote for you

And now I have what is this it’s something for my fishing rod I’m gonna upgrade my fishing rod no a bridge or Ronde yep I have the I’m not satisfied with my cut one still awake I can try to go buy it but if it’s not then I’ll just head back

Over to the farm I feel like I should because it’s 8 30ish this is not a good time to go to the mine at night I don’t know don’t mind at night you mine at night a creeper will spawn People respond anyway they don’t care if you’re mourn annoy you might end up unconscious but if but but what but what if you I would leave no ifs ands or buts about it nine to five he works a nine to five in the fish store I want to fish in the fountain again

Let’s try my luck is your look good today let’s see let’s see let’s see give me something good I got a halibut I got a stone yeah not the stone you can’t even fish with money oh that was a weird cry it almost sounded like Pac-Man mother catch what mother catch

No there may I I’m there’s no way I can go mining now why you mind at 11 o’clock Stop crying yeah hi Marnie bye Marnie hi Shane bye Shane hi bunny my bunny no one else okay I said I don’t wanted to keep it going you know you’ve seen the Barbie movie the Barbie movie I have not I have seen the memes you worked enough yeah

It is a good movie though not gonna lie so why here so uh here that is good movie it was the tree’s growing a little bit not gonna lie I see it it’s like it got a little taller it’s it’s still just a sprout you know why we stay up in this Tower

That’s right to keep you safe and sound dear was coming uh it’s 1am no it’s not it’s 110 am it’s the way that even though you were back in your bed I didn’t see that prompt up at all I was just watering everything welcome to day four of Sumer oh Oh no this is a game that really tests my ability to to like time manage I’m realizing that’s what it is like if you had like all the time in the world that it’d be like easier but right now no there’s like certain things you

Have to do in a certain order you know yeah if you want to make the most of your time you will have to make the most good one you got a strategize time it’s like persona El Persona game if you want to go do

This you want to be a fantasy or do you want to try to do a social link to get your homeroom teacher to be a maid for you I don’t know what the wait what oh [Laughter] yeah I have questions about that don’t worry about it Forget about it forget about it Lightning Flash ing for my audience oh I found a rusty spoon in the ground a rusty spoon yay I’m just curious if we share progress in these bundles I’m gonna look we should get away oh it’s probably because you’re interacting with it oh God yeah it’s open okay good great good

So you can wave away on those tasks while I run around and constantly trying to remember what I was doing [Laughter] okay whatever you say Oh my God I gotta go down to Willy I need I need to I need a fishing rod new but I also need the rain to stop well not rain I need the thunderstorm just stop I’m gonna go to the mine the mines are where I belong know where I belong

That’s right at home you mean me me me asleep okay where is Willy Willy Willy Willy Wonka what is this why is there a cutscene a boy meeting oh man make yourself comfortable at home okay Willie um hey that’s the good stuff right there the fish go crazy for it what just to

Make sure to wash your hands good after dipping them in those juices this is actual dialogue yes seven weeks lad well I’m with Willie so you’ve been catching a lot of fish yes he gave me a heart emoji oh aha a man after me own heart whoa they’re Tigers calmed

You can always trust a fisherman okay Willie I came in here to buy a new Rod it’s not um that’s what me all Pappy used to say at least let’s keep going if you can catch every uh fish in these Waters I’ve got a special prize waiting for you okay everything okay Yeah it’s all started about the same time that old Community Centerville to ruin may just fish just the fish just don’t sell like I used to I’ve Been Working double time just to make ends meet okay and no time for my no time for me on projects but if things picked back up

Around here I might have to time to show you something oh what do you wanna why’d the music stop Willy back there This is like absolute Terror on your voice Thanks okay time for me to buy this rod foreign That’s enough uh for me literally All right I need more health More Hill You can dye the shorts you can die in this game I just hovered over like my clothes and it’s just like perfect for a hot summer’s day your legs will thank you dyable okay a rusty spoon is an artifact hold on pause man Why is the rusty spoon in artifact I like Rusty Spoons well time to go talk to the librarian about a rusty spoon here I can give you tetanus the notifications just deleted rusty spoon to the museum like here is a rusty spoon what is this what

Do you have to say about rusty spoon rusty spoon a plain old spoon probably 10 years old not very interesting then why I donated to the museum the Slime is angry slime one angry hello Angie it’s dead now you know who else is dead that’s me laughter what was I doing

I’m I lost track of mine okay so I got my new fishing rod maybe I should do some River fishing okay this place go up the ladder I’m on level 14 and there’s no like rocks around it with a high ladders you know no on maybe it’s the wrong

Oh it should be the right one there’s no rocks are there enemies there were yeah sometimes enemies drop ladders for no reason oh yeah I’ve seen that happen actually now that you mentioned it there you can try your luck with that if there’s no rockers I I need things that give me health

That’d be great oh don’t attack me I just got that Health ticket for me Let’s see next time knock up on some food let’s go down there Back what’s biting me I don’t know why what is this it’s a pike this is a pike these fish are silly the demage I wanted to thunderstorm thunderstorm tomorrow I’m gonna check the weather Like the real life weather not the oh yeah yeah I always have to like I usually work on days where it’s like thunderstorming so I can’t enjoy it I want to enjoy it go away Mr fly Mr fly he’s a bug is dead he’s dead with me on thumb

Skilled a man with this thumb oh I forgot about that guy yay that’s chef oh chef you know he was the sous chef yeah in the kitchen you can kill he can like kill someone in so many ways I don’t remember the number so many ways it was a lot of ways

It was one of the chefs that was a runaway he joined the circus so he had to leave the circus because he started messing around with the ringmaster’s daughter is that the lore yeah for one of the chefs in the kitchen Colette said it when he was introducing

Some of the chefs to linguine that they were are you reading it what I don’t know I don’t know what you were reacting to but any museums said that they were watching a cut scene with Lenny doing a magic trick they were playing genshin and they heard the the fly noise you

Know this enemy yes they were opening the door it’s the magic box and thought he was letting out a huge fart [Laughter] oh Linny and for my next magic trick [Laughter] disappear in a cloud of gas Lenny my love I’ve ascended Lenny a bunch of times more than I have ascended any other

Character now really I’m set yeah I’ve actually started playing the game how people usually play it all because of this magician boy there’s some like ongoing event that I’d like to complete so I didn’t get Bennett because I don’t have Bennett spell it get him get Benny bear I’m trying

But the event to get him is kind of annoying oh yeah it’s a Fontaine event it’s like you get to do like this rhythm game Oh weird and then you also have like kill the waves of enemies I never forget what the third one was let’s just do them over and over and

Over getting this currency that you or you can get them the engine is really one of those games where you have to dead frame you want to keep grinding for certain things I don’t know oh no that’s why I like mute gentian and then have your stream on while I’m playing oh

I’m your background stream for again yes you are well I say background but I type in the channel that is true you’re pretty active in the chat yeah I don’t try to be happens oh every time first left I could never get past level 14 why

You want me to come down with you looks fine you can help get us to 15. it’s like deeper in the mind reach level 40. it’s like are you kidding me I don’t know the minds are hard but the minds are fun too like you know

It’s a nice thing to do in this game other than Farm talk to the locals but you only want the emo boy two I feel so personally attacked why are you pushing pressure honey for other players I’m trying just like yes Oh yay craft bug steak

Wait so I can actually use the bug meat for something useful this game you just gotta find the use for it the use what another beautiful day to be on the what is the storm called mcds on Old macd’s Farm No wait do we have sprinkles sprinkles what’s up we have sprinklers yet bug me house we can make honey and honey is a preservative and that’s also a thing in like the pantry ew ing game expanding the game is expanding we have a mayonnaise machine and the crafting and

A recycling machine a mayonnaise machine what a mcvanish turns eggs into mayonnaise but in order to get eggs you need to get a coop from Marnie and buy some chickens I don’t know we have to build a coop from Robin buy chickens from Marnie and then we can

Have eggs because we can raise the eggs to make into chickens and then we can’t have the eggs and then we can make the mayonnaise machine and turn those eggs into mayonnaise [Laughter] see it’s all coming together Don’t You Love like and then a dirt emoji hot like playing stardew is like you focus you either focus on one thing specifically that takes a long time no actually no that’s that is one of those because if it’s not farming it’s trying

To get a romantic interest but that also takes a long time you just grab just that oh but it’ll be worth it so long oh an amethyst right we’re gone I need to deliver an amethyst do we have them I don’t we do you have Amethyst in our

Chest we do I’m gonna make another chest there we go there’ll be two chests now whoa whoa I’m not gonna sell it no I was just wanting to preview if it would show you the value but I guess it don’t I guess it don’t be like that sometimes

It do be like that but time I don’t this time it don’t one two three four earn penny Where Art Thou my mod says hello hello mod nice to meet you how long have you guys been going um Uh um 15 until eight hours hello there on sport get over there hello there That’s my uh that’s my sound whenever someone subscribes hello there really really hello there especially today yes especially today I guess people just really like the way they are that we play together seven hours on YouTube give so almost eight almost we play together pretty nicely That’s what we’re doing where’s Penny penny where are you I don’t know what do you look like you look like that okay all right honey is a ginger and he is annoying because I can’t find it and he needs to be more invisible I wish Penny was um in my general vicinity

Question mark somewhere the woods are all question Marky that’s because we haven’t unlocked those ones it’s like um there’s a there’s a big log in the way of those woods yeah it’s a huge log but it’s like with hardwood and we need like a good ax for that which we haven’t upgraded any

Any normal tools I have amethyst for pity but penny penny is not down here I can guarantee that who are you that’s Haley oh don’t do it people cool Haley I don’t want you I don’t want you all right want what is this what’s this what’s this

It’s uh we need 300 pieces of wood to fix that it’s just another part is it 300 or was like am I stupid no it is 300. that’s a lot of wood that’s a lot of wood all right let’s go I what was I looking for

Um how did you show for the bundles I’m looking for a penny I’m looking for grapes there we go I remembered what I was looking for hey where are you are you in here Do you know where Penny’s house is at the very least I don’t I don’t I think she lives with the alcoholic yeah wait let me check she’s not in the house she’s not in the trailer Just say in the thing like someone bring me amethyst I love them they don’t even say where you know what this game needs an objective tracker that’s what it means you know just but then like it pins it on the map wouldn’t that be nice oh that would be so nice

Maybe he he’s making the same guys making another game called the it’s different but maybe like we’ll see how these improved game wise this is the only game he’s made I was yeah I was looking that up The chocolatier or whatever It looks interesting and I don’t want to check it out because I do like stardew Mr Man Mr Mayor how many Mr L how many licks does it take to think of Tootsie Roll set over Tootsie Pop let’s find out two okay how many licks does it take to get the digital Center to pop the world may never know the world may never know

The world may never know much like penny the world made me never know where the hell they are see I found grapes maybe you’ll find penny Have You Ever Seen The Big Bang Theory uh yeah of course Penny Penny penny that show uses the laugh track like every couple seconds

And there’s a video I watched somewhere where they like removed the laugh track from The Big Bang Theory and it’s so awkward they just stare at each other I can imagine Leonard just standing and staring yeah he does it so much it’s so awkward oh it’s what they did 90 of the time

They’ll just sit there and look at each other oh my God I want to see that video I want to feel uncomfortable on every Star Wars Day I watched the Star Wars episode they make the Death Star cake why are you looking for her penny pick up the library

Penny’s usually with the kids right so you should check the places where the kids would be like the park or the library and the children you’ll might be I believe pennies Penny’s a teacher well well what are you about to say I don’t know I was like trying to think

Of a comeback like well then someone should teach her like how to be something oh my God I lost it the joke was there I think I know who you’re talking about is this her no what yes ride the bus to Calico desert the bus stopped working a few years ago mayor

Says there’s none you just walked away get back over here I have your stupid amethyst take it so saw the bulletin I posted I really appreciate it here’s your payment congratulations are you happy wait ah that searched the whole place for her you know very crazy like all day

Really took all day to find penny at least I found grapes so I’m pretty happy I also got summer seat an assortment of wild summer seeds from like uh finishing the summer forage bundle I’m gonna plant those oh and it’s 30 so I can do six rows of five

Or five rows of six mmm you do that I fish a fish I think it’s an emoji in my in my head stop I’m sorry that the way I am which is the Big Nerd I found a soggy newspaper the song newspaper oh no I accidentally clicked the wrong place welp

And broken glasses is the body next You just start finding like their shoes the murder weapon oh my God don’t look at what I’m doing with the farm because I messed up badly what are you doing nothing How many pairs of glasses are in this pond throwing them out right here people just can’t see there’s a glasses Thief

Running around taking people’s glasses breaking them and throwing them in here that’s pretty Savage trash it is pretty trashy too trash goes in the trash there’s like um there’s an item that you can make that recycles trash and makes it into better items so if you fish up trash can you put it

In there I know pretty neat pretty Neo burrito as one might say I’m finding nothing but glasses actually I think we’re not don’t don’t fish on this land is it that bad yeah it’s bad there’s no there’s no fish there is nothing again just soggy newspapers and broken glasses

The only time you would get anything is anything you tread so hard though I came so far but in the end you were you were going for it didn’t even matter you didn’t even matter whoa this morning there is too hot for a roosty oh well good why does it sound hot outside

Sound Pete have a sound yes yeah beginning notes of this song just sounded like oh sounded like a heat wave to me now it just sounds like a summer song Kind of sounds zelda-ish yeah Gerudo What am I doing here all right I got all this nice cell trench No no he will take it away from me and you take my trash I think they actually do gives me any money but I feel like the residents would be like what are you doing what am I doing yeah what are you doing I don’t know what I’m doing I’m stomping all over

Your crops that’s what I’m doing the crops I just wanted those I’m stomping them in the ground you can call me uh what’s the gist for finding bones the what the GEOS archaeologist the GEOS what’s the genius for finding bones archaeologists what’s the tiest for doing science yes [Laughter] I’m getting like not brain dead I’m getting stupid that’s what’s happening the brain cell that I was like running on slowly like getting squeezed getting squeezed yeah it’s getting squished Can I do anything for you yes Harvey you can do something for me Um sorry the way that I would have interacted with that piece of dialogue yeah I know you probably would have said something I didn’t I could have the office is what oh hey take my teeth take your teeth what what prehistoric verb okay what a weird thing to go up in that

Demand of someone God I can’t stop watering it’s always my default and everywhere I go I just that’s so embarrassing oh my bad I’m sorry that I I can’t do this oh Rainbow Shell oh my God how do I put this fishing tackle them Oh Jesus stop watering a whisper where is this vertebrae a segment of some prehistoric creatures spawned I figured it wasn’t teeth it is teeth to me it looks like vampire dentures vampire dentures You know what I mean my feelings aren’t what they used to be finds out what they used to be gotta get a new pair of dentures into a better old person voice but I’m just think how do we get into the sewer that’s the best part you don’t I’m just

Kidding uh I think you need to find a key somewhere I added a nightbot to my chat thing so that they can run timers but they kind of they kind of just like took out someone’s all of someone’s like messages because I think they were spamming caps Flemish let me fix that

I do not want that happening yep edit just did it to my friend no not me having to do maintenance off to the side it’s fine it’s fine a little maintenance never hurt nobody never hurt nobody I’ve never seen it so aggressive before it’s just like stop I’m like

In the Name of Love in the Name of Love yes a cool color combination the black and the teal black and teal black and yellow hello I’ve never done this before and I’m using there it is able disabled there we go now everything should be good there’s like spam production and there’s just

Like excess caps I’m like I’m someone who writes in caps all the time I know he’s yelling at me that’s what happens when you add new stuff to your YouTube chat whoa yay because I wanted to like Anthony so I have like a sound thing too so like if

Anyone ever wants to use a sound alert wink on YouTube I am not I aspire to be no dude you said that in a way that sounded like I want you no no no no no no no no no I can only and I don’t know why

Maybe I want maybe I want Mater not realizing I just never realized it until this dream how how much I want that Rusty 41 year old truck no you know there are people out there like that though like there’s people that like romanticize their vehicles you know man that bumper though okay we’re

Stopping conversation actually that’s so silly ha ha I’m trying to catch the fish I want to go back to the wizard because I’m just curious what what is what is what is it all about he’s still being silly he’s a little bit too there’s got to be something about cauldron you know

That magical cauldron what that cauldron do what that cauldron do beware you’re standing above a Bowden magic wait what’s the voice we gave him where you’re standing above a potent magical field forgot that it kept getting worse it’s better than Willy though clearly an interactable here something goes there

What are you doing I’ll only allow those I trust to enter there make friends with the Cleveland lizard do it he’ll trust you I trust you I don’t know oh no well I don’t know what to do about that wizard their Wizards a little strange

He is a wee bit strange are we bad oh we bet oh I’m getting I’m getting tired what else is doing here there’s a hat Merchant in Australia sometimes oh remember that random letter letter that was just like hat Mouse oh yeah I see It’s All Coming Back to Me Now

Stop being so slippery oh no I’m not losing you I’ve done this for way longer than I thought would happen stop you better not be something stupid if I do end up getting you because you’re really fast and this is hard please I kind of really want it now I’ve

Been going at this for way longer than I wanted it but because I want it I’m not gonna get it that so gotcha works man oh wait that took longer than I wanted you don’t understand because it’d be in place and then it dropped down all of a sudden on the bar

Hard fish to get you didn’t want me we just keep kicking that dead horse aren’t we sorry it’s like like all I can think about now and I want your counter yeah oh no I don’t want you foreign for are you like are you still fishing no

No no you’d just be making money away just be making rat noises yeah sometimes you know the squeaks come out you know that wasn’t even a squeak that was just a scream squeak squeak them wait the Scarecrow can talk back what I haven’t encountered any crows yet like

Why are you talking to first person [Laughter] mini squeak mini squeak is my little squeaky toy the talking scarecrow with this revised all that garbage that’s a lot of garbage day seven of Sumer oh another day in the back God I thought it was dead you wish I thought it was dead

We got peppers we do have a hot chiliated peppers If you like my terrible pass from screaming while I did this you know if it works I would accidentally press out oh I was doing it it create a task that I did not want but then it looked weird but going down a pass I cannot follow

I can make it look alright if I add like pads and stuff randomly I think I’ll do that just to make it aesthetic Ally Foreign I can get rid of it [Laughter] put it right here there’s just something about like thonk by torch Foreign you know you’re doing your best don’t talk about it May look ugly but that’s okay I squirt on the inside that counts I ran out of wood I need to stop more wood put me back okay I was gonna say maybe we should stop the day here but I’m already doing stuff all right again oh today’s the last day and then I should be okay and good okay

Sounds good to me I want to know how to cook you get to learn how to cook when you upgrade your house how do I do that Dr Robin she’ll tell you how to upgrade your house [Applause] because I’d like to be able to you know just time

Cooking like Zelda style to get all the things I need to keep going deeper into the mine I’m pretty oh okay okay got it I think that’s a good strategy long term look I just thought you wanted to be a good male wife to Sebastian but you know

No Sebastian’s gonna be my male wife Sebastian’s your male wife whoa Foreign can’t wait to go to your guys’s wedding on the next installment of when we play foreign Never know Robin Robin where are you where are you Robin why can I have these people on speed dial and just be like get over here oh you can do that in Animal Crossing New Leaf with like the 3DS mic you there’s like there’s this item called like the

Megaphone and you call out their name wow and they’ll come to you like they’ll be like yeah they don’t have that in New Horizons they have that new Leaf could you imagine being out in public and doing that and maybe there’s someone nearby that happens to have a name that’s like that [Laughter]

Shouting oh yeah Could be so confused I’m right here There we go why am I up here oh right all right all right all right all right all right this house our house our house in the middle of our house train is passing through stardew Valley oh wait I want to go that way then I’ll see if they drop anything Robin I

Need you to help me don’t say it don’t say it I know you were thinking it I I know you were thinking How do I access that whole thing you were talking about what whole thing oh here we go upgrade cabin is that what it is yes 10 000 gold 450 pieces of wood that’s not gonna happen yeah that’s not bad at all not today but maybe someday

And I trapped on the trees in the in the town hmm chop down all the trees in the forest and in our place because their place kind of you know has a lot of trees what is this that’s weird I think I’m gonna go in a tree chopping spree

Are you gonna do that right now I will then I’ll try to help you get 10K because if at least one of us has a kitchen then I don’t really need to upgrade my house to be honest unless I wanted to live unless I wanted to marry someone and have kids wait what you can have children in this game Stardew Valley is just everything isn’t it no it is like it doesn’t look like it’s a lot and then it is jeez children yeah you can have children if it’s a same-sex couple they’ll just adopt a child it’s like um do you ever play the Fable games no

I think it was able to I had like a house somewhere just full of children there’s so many children and I would just leave and go do my adventuring and come back and they’d just all be all be whining why do you just have a house full of

Children I don’t know they’re just there you know these kids are here I guess I do so many of them I were just curious I wanted to see how many okay I was just curious just curious really infinite amounts I’m like honey you never home I’m sorry I have to go get milk

And then she comes now and then and like my relationship level level God was like rapidly deteriorating because like I wasn’t paying attention to anyone’s needs I was just didn’t care Peyton in the middle of our house oh I forgot about my energy you know that’s a bit of important wait

The bath house is here now I feel sluggish from over exertion oh shoot did you like all the way lose your energy I did oh rip I can still move very slowly though and we’ll get that energy back up there maybe I should eat some things

You can eat things the place that got opened up because of the earthquake you can sit in the water and replenish energy but it’s seven o’clock we will have to Deforest the nation next time we play stardu um yeah that sounds good to me Max embrace our inner uh

What was his name the the the the the onceler with the onceler that was just his name right I don’t know if I ever they ever gave him a name I think he does have a name let’s see I remember I don’t remember the kid’s name who the once I was

Telling story to I remember Audrey though um what’s his name I’m pretty sure the Lorex said it because he didn’t call him the onceler he called him by his name and the parents addressed him like the the terrible family like addressed him you know I don’t know you’re right I’m pretty sure it’s

Shirley you got me Googling Google it please I’m going to not have a fun time huh I don’t like that huh I guess not what the onceler has a descriptive title but not a name much like a baker bakes the onceler wants us he’s a Storyteller that

Recounts the events of the past it’s derived from the popular first line Once Upon a Time I’m Once Upon a Time no he has a name let’s see let’s see what’s our illumination I’m looking up fandom I know figuring the company so Lorax calls the one slur Bean Pole yeah he does call him that what does the family call him a h I can’t do this I feel like I feel like what is this what’s it called the Mandela effect they definitely called his names

That’s so weird what in the world I feel like yeah wow that’s a whole memory hole I don’t know I just don’t have the information it’s time to sleep anyway I’m sleeping then I put my stuff in the Box we’ll see how much money put

Everything in the box or is it gonna be honest next time is it gonna be one like is it one of those games that remembers your stuff on you or yeah I can remember your stuff on it on you I just wanted to put some money in for next time

Yeah I don’t remember all of our data is in this Farm the thing I remember playing a game like I think it was raft where whenever you log out you know you had to have a chance to just dumped everything in before you logged out oh I exited okie dokie

I really appreciated playing this with you you’re welcome welcome to stardew Valley oh we will we will be back maybe not for a little bit because I’m gonna be full-blown addicted to Starfield so fair enough we’ll go to your addiction yes but yeah I really do really do

I think I’m gonna add a one to the to the end of my title because I’m pretty sure it’s gonna be a series me I’m not gonna make any more series also me wait yeah yeah it was really nice coming back really nice coming back it’s always a nice playing with you

Time chilling and not like running around as Lenny from dungeon impact yeah oh I never know how to say goodbye to these things oh salutations so that’s hello isn’t it oh shoot aloha [Laughter] that’s also I don’t think that’s how you’re saying goodbye is it no it is no

Aloha means a low anchor bye yeah well trust okay I’ll trust you you have a great night okay thank you okay night thank you thank you you have a good night too I’ll see you whenever you’re around okay yeah all right usual I’m believing goodbye bye bye ah all right Did you guys enjoy that you guys enjoy the stream I hope you did I hope you did thank you so much for watching I always have such a great time with the chassis they are so much fun I am I believe going to be taking tomorrow question mark

I have to check my own schedule to be sure I got to check my own schedule to be sure yeah I am right because I’m I am preparing for the big one or the star Fields honey that’ll be on Friday at 2PM Eastern so you can catch me then but for

Now I must bid you all ads you and ask you to well demand that you take care of yourself okay you better be good to yourself I always say in every stream be good to yourself take care of yourself and I mean that okay

You do it and I will be back on Friday and yeah yeah much else to say other than that I will see you then Honeys goodbye Thank you

This video, titled ‘【Stardew Valley】Learning to minecraft in 2D w/@Ashezi99 [1]’, was uploaded by Sokar Starfire on 2023-08-31 04:48:34. It has garnered 54 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 08:31:39 or 30699 seconds.

[Today’s Collab Guest]

Rat King from Outer Space – Ashezi Socials: Twitter: Twitch: YouTube:

[Tip Your Prince]


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[Chat Etiquette]

1. Before you join chat, consider: Is your message about something you see? 👁️Send it, baby! ✅ Is your message about something you hear?👂Send it, baby! ✅ Is your message a greeting or compliment towards me? ❤️DEFINITELY send it, baby!✅ Try to avoid talking about yourself, honey 🚫(unless I have asked you a question, of course). This is simply because, for more personal conversation, I want to give you my full attention, darling, and it can be difficult for me to give you that if it happens unprompted. (Don’t be a Skyrim NPC xD)

2. Don’t be upset if I don’t respond right away! Depending on how focused I am in a game, it can take me a while to respond. Plus, I have amnesia.. If I’m still not responding after a few minutes (and I’m at a quiet place in the game), try repeating yourself, or using emoji alongside your message 👋😊 to get my attention (but obviously not spam).

3. If I ask you a question, then try to answer simply (unless I ask for further detail). It’s not a bad thing to be passionate about something, baby! Just be mindful that, as a streamer, my attention is already split so many ways, darling.

4. Please try to avoid breaking your message into multiple messages, honey. If it can all be one message, it means less work for my eyes😅 Also, if someone else wants to chat, I always want to make sure other lovelies have room to join ^_^

5. Do not spam, troll or discuss controversial or offensive topics. The Sanctuary is a pocket dimension that exists far beyond Earth and its politics.

6. Do not mention another streamer unless I bring them up first, nor should you mention me in any other chat unless I am mentioned first. Prevent awkwardness, honey!

7. Light backseating is fine (if you notice I’m frustrated or confused). Give me at least two independent attempts, ok? Just no story spoilers, honey! ^_^

8. Due to my charming vampire personality, I frequently refer to chat as lovelies, darlings, etc., and I like to give kisses when going to break or signing off. I’m perfectly fine if you reciprocate this affection. Just no unwelcome sexual advances, please.

9. The games I choose to play ( and my commentary over them) are meant to provide background noise for those who are socially anxious, while also providing a conversation starter for those who wish to engage. The Sanctuary is not a gaming/walkthrough hub. The Sanctuary is a hangout spot. You probably found me because I played your favorite game, darling. Great! However, if I play your favorite game badly, we just laugh, ok? And please don’t take it personally if I play other games. Life is too short to be taken seriously, my dear🕊️

Music provided copyright free by @goodkidband

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    "Unbeatable PvP Server for Cracked Minecraft Players!" #minecraftserver #minecraftpcVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best server for PvP (Cracked) like stray | #minecraftserver #minecraftpc #minecraft’, was uploaded by Harish on 2024-01-19 03:14:44. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Best server like stray for cracked java+pe best cracked server for 1.19.3 best cracked server for 1.16.5 best cracked server for … Read More

  • Fret: Creeper Revenge?! Minecraft Memes! #fyp

    Fret: Creeper Revenge?! Minecraft Memes! #fypVideo Information creeper always creeping what do This video, titled ‘CAN THIS CREEPER GET REVENGE!! #minecraft #funny #memes #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #fyp #mobs’, was uploaded by Fret on 2024-01-15 17:44:43. It has garnered 12 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Read More

  • Feather64 Semi-Anarchy Raiding No Claims 256k Border 1.20.2

    Feather64 Semi-Anarchy Raiding No Claims 256k Border 1.20.2About feather64 feather64 has been operating since 2011. F64 is a Raiding-Survival server with very little moderation. Raiding and griefing are allowed. On feather64 you cannot protect/claim land. Lapis is used as a currency. Players can sethome and tpa. Play your way on feather64. Grief & raid, hide & collect, travel & explore, automate & farm, enchant & pvp, design & construct, it’s up to you. Rules Do not use hacks, macros, or mods beyond the permitted modifications guide. Do not use duplication exploits except TNT, rail, carpet, string, and tripwire hooks. Follow the directions of administrators and moderators. Rule… Read More

  • The Crazy Spacy Vanilla Server

    The Crazy Spacy Vanilla ServerWelcome to The Crazy Spacy Vanilla ServerAlmost a 100% vanilla feel (no plugins, no mods, no datapacks)Settle in and become a seasoned veteran on this new minecraft server that is in desperate need of new players!Seeking staffPreferably looking for people with skills on how to setup a small discord server that would be attached to the minecraft server.Just be friendly and respectful to the other players around you and you should manage very well with the server environment.Hoping to see you on the server!- Graph01 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – u/EnturpuneurUnusual6 with the Minecraft Heat

    Minecraft Memes - u/EnturpuneurUnusual6 with the Minecraft HeatWhy did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! Read More


    TNT CLUTCH EXPLOSIONS! 🔥😂 When you accidentally blow up your friend’s house in Minecraft with TNT and they say “I guess you really dropped the TNT CLUCH on that one!” 😂 #minecraftfail #oops #sorrynotsorry Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Builds and Demolitions!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Builds and Demolitions! Welcome to! Are you a fan of creating your own unique builds in Minecraft? Do you enjoy the satisfaction of completing a new project and demolishing the old to make way for something even better? If so, you’ll love what Minewind Minecraft Server has to offer. Imagine a community of like-minded players who appreciate the art of building and crafting in Minecraft. On Minewind, you can showcase your creativity, whether it’s through intricate exterior designs like the ones in the video you just watched, or by adding cute and unique decorations to your creations. Join us on Minewind… Read More

  • Hanuman ji pixel art in Minecraft gone wrong?! 😈🔥

    Hanuman ji pixel art in Minecraft gone wrong?! 😈🔥Video Information हम लोग को स्पाइडरमैन बैटमैन और सुपरमैन का पावर चाहिए अबे बके ट्रांजिस्टर य सुपरमैन बैटमैन और स्पाइडरमैन का बाप मालूम कौन है हनुमन [संगीत] This video, titled ‘Hanuman ji 🚩🔥 pixel Art in Minecraft 😈😱 | Pt.89 | #shorts #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by WAR 99 on 2024-04-30 04:00:58. It has garnered 549 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Hanuman ji 🚩🔥 pixel Art in Minecraft 😈😱 | Pt.89 | #shorts #viral #minecraft #shortvideo #ytshort #yt #ytshortsindia #ytviral #ytviral #yt_shorts #youtubeshorts #youtuber #youtubeshort #viral #viralvideo #viralshorts #viralshort #trendingshorts #trendingshort… Read More

  • Avocado’s Hardcore Season 2!

    Avocado's Hardcore Season 2!Video Information [Music] e [Music] down down down [Music] down [Music] [Music] woo wo woo [Music] woo [Music] d [Music] [Music] he [Music] a [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hello everybody wasn’t that the most stupid intro ever okay should be able to hear me tell me if it’s too if it’s not good okay there we go all right so today is the start of Hardcore Season 2 uh old one or the old hardcore world it was oh yeah I should start stream music actually okay so this is my first time doing like all the stream… Read More


    TheMaxlop - INSANE CHALLENGE COMING TO MINECRAFT BEDROCK 1.21Video Information es oficial el modo Hardcore llegará a Minecraft bedrock 1.21 entre las noticias más recientes de Minecraft se ha revelado que el modo Hardcore llegará a la edición de bedrock en la próxima actualización This video, titled ‘EL MODO HARDCORE LLEGARÁ A MINECRAFT BEDROCK 1.21 UPDATE’, was uploaded by TheMaxlop on 2024-04-06 01:25:14. It has garnered 484 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #shorts #minecraft The hardcore mode where you only have one life is coming soon to minecraft bedrock!! :0 ⚔️SUBSCRIBER GOAL: 9000 ⚔️CURRENT SUBSCRIBERS: 8722 Read More

  • Insane! Beating Minecraft as Toji Fushiguro

    Insane! Beating Minecraft as Toji FushiguroVideo Information it took just 24 hours for us to lose control of the city tonight Gotham’s relying on one man to save us all today I’ll be playing as toif fushi girl the stain of the zening clan who has no cursed energy but an amazing hand-to-hand fighter finding the truth about his son destroying the zening clan and attaining Heavenly restriction are the main objective also in order to make the run more entertaining I’ll add special chests around the city training gear for every advancement I make as a sorcerer I spawn in and as you can… Read More

  • Trolling a top youtuber on my Minecraft server!

    Trolling a top youtuber on my Minecraft server!Video Information me encontré a este youtuber famoso que estaba jugando en mi server de Minecraft sinceramente me sorprendí mucho así que me puse en modo espectador y decidí spectar lo durante un rato momentos más tarde Me lo encontré en la mina había encontrado muchos diamantes literalmente ocho menas algo que no suele pasar en Minecraft horas más tarde me teletransport a él y había hecho una casa muy bonita En ese momento pensaba que estaba grabando un vídeo instantes después el youtuber fue al nether y me salían muchos reportes de que estaba consiguiendo muchos bloques de netherite… Read More

  • INSANE! Ibrahim’s EPIC Hindi Minecraft Animation Adventure!

    INSANE! Ibrahim's EPIC Hindi Minecraft Animation Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Animation Life Hindi Episode 1 Minecraft Animation Series’, was uploaded by IBRAHIM GAMING on 2024-03-07 06:34:12. It has garnered 20 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:25 or 85 seconds. Episode 1 – Prologue (from “The Animation Life Hindi”) | The Expert Gaming Hindi ” The Animation Life Hindi” is the Dubbed Version of Original “Animation Life” by Black Plasma Studios @SquaredMediaAnimations Episode 2 हिंदी – • The Animation Life Hindi : Episode 2 … ____________________ About Episode (Hindi) – In this episode you get to see how an animator… Read More


    "FROST VS. MINECRAFT ANIME SHIZO BATTLE" #viral #clickbaitVideo Information おに [音楽] This video, titled ‘Minecraft anime character 🥵 #shorts #trending #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by GAME OF FROST on 2024-05-08 01:30:16. It has garnered 448 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Minecraft anime character 🥵 #shorts #trending #viral #minecraft Read More

  • Insane Slotbot Opening on Minecraft!

    Insane Slotbot Opening on Minecraft!Video Information yo what is up guys it’s your boy Beetle bring you guys another video here on the channel We are continuing my SE test series and we are on Astro um today I’m going to be opening up more slot Bots guys in the last episode that I opened up slot Bots I only did a couple of them in this episode we almost have a stack and a half a full stack of slot Bots oh my goodness so let’s I guess we just start let’s let’s do those ones see what we got see what we… Read More

  • I trapped an entire SMP! Now they seek REVENGE! #minecraft

    I trapped an entire SMP! Now they seek REVENGE! #minecraftVideo Information [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] ا This video, titled ‘I Trapped this entire Smp and now they want revenge #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Slayertheone_YT on 2024-01-03 15:45:20. It has garnered 132 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Read More

  • Gapple Ultra-Hardcore Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Competition Prizes Discord

    One life to live your best life. Don’t Die! Ultra-Hardcore mining for 249 weeks in a row. Yippee Ki Yay, Miner Crafters. If you die, you can earn a revive back to the Overworld by beating the weekly Sunday competition. Sundays at 12CT there is also a special Team Competition, going now for 217 weeks now. Current prize selections could include a revive on the persistent ultra-hardcore world, or an in-game advancement shout-out. Details in the discord channel. Minecraft multi-player server: Direct IP: Goal: Stay alive and earn the most points doing it. Score: +1 per minute you… Read More

Sokar Starfire – 【Stardew Valley】Learning to minecraft in 2D w/@Ashezi99 [1]