Video Information

Yo this is omro back with another video and today I’ll bring you guys the speed silver event that I played in 100 player Battle Royale event it was very entertaining to plan super glad I got in you’d have to make an application and a thousand people applied and I was one of

The 150 to make it into the event so this right here is exactly how I started out day one was pretty annoying because I didn’t get in for three hours on the first day everybody is trying to join the server and it has a cap of 75. I

Disconnected to fix my mic try to get in again and I couldn’t get in for the next three hours so basically everyone on the event had looted all the structures in the event everyone else was way more stacked than I was so my strategy here is get stone at least get some iron

Armor and the server is only going to be open for like two more hours my chords were far away from Spawn no big structures near me so basically I was just scared of mining around I was playing Super cautiously in day one but I got stone tools got iron armor and day

One was definitely the most boring day luckily PVP turned off at one point during day one created a tiny little base Underground I had three diamonds ready to make a diamond pickaxe full iron so that concludes day one day two of the event was much more eventful I

Exited my little base that I created at the end of day one decided to try and get closer to the middle because this base was around negative 1400 like I was so far away from Spawn spawn is zero zero in this event I got enough obsidian to make an entertainment table and

Another portal and I forgot to mention this earlier in the video but I actually had a teammate going into this event but we were never on the same time and day two late on and day two was the first time we could get on at the same time my

Teammate’s name was voxel and you’ll be seeing a lot more of them in this video then I told voxel to meet up with me at my at my makeshift base that I made underneath a little Farmland because in this event I was a farmer class which

Meant that I could grow food and only farmers in this event could grow food because tick speed was turned off so I used my Farmer ability to grow a bunch of baked potatoes or a bunch of potatoes then we baked them I could make carrots

I could make a bunch of stuff it was it was just the best decision I had made the entire event shooting Farmers my class as I waited for voxel to load on the event and come meet up with me I mined for diamonds and ended up getting a diamond chest plate and diamond

Leggings I Enchanted them with base enchantments eventually voxel made it to me later on in that day of the event so I didn’t really have a chance to interact with them a bunch but we did meet up at the end of the event and this was great because I finally had someone

To talk to and teammates but as soon as I met up with him and introduced him into the base I heard this that’s actually genius thank you very much So avoma’s entire team had somehow found the base that hadn’t been found the entire event so far and me and voxel had to hide out what’s going on but it was just dead bless your step it’s not worth it it’s not worth it it’s not worth it

There was two guys named tags they’re probably peaceful anyway are you guys peaceful I want to kill people are you guys peaceful hello after nearly having a heart attack from the first interaction with enemies I had had the entire event Vauxhall and I started talking and then we decided

Voxelhead was in full iron with prop 1 on it he needed to get some Diamond pieces some diamond tools as well so we decided to go mining for the rest there was only about 50 minutes left on day two so we decided to go mining for the

Rest of that and we ended up getting a couple diamonds not as much as we would have liked I haven’t found out about my Farmer ability yet so we thought we were super low on food struggling to get food but one of the first things that

Happened on day three was me finding out about the farmer ability from the Discord and I decided to farm loads of potatoes we baked like four stacks of them gave two of two stacks to each me and voxel so we were set on food by The

End by the beginning of day three we had found out the former lady and I was perfectly set for the rest of the event on food but as usually happens with battle relevance things got a little bit crazy the terrible thing is though I’m sorry guys I my footage didn’t save from

The beginning of day three where I’m gonna spoil it right now VOC got jumped by a team of four and I was with him I’m gonna explain right now me and voxel were mining around the case still looking for diamonds because we obviously both wanted to get full

Diamond at least like that’s a minimum for us so we were mining for diamond saw some Netherrack that we didn’t place because we had never gone to the nether the nether Is A Wasteland it’s so scary there’s so many remnants of players you’d never know who will be near you

And you’re eight times more likely to run into people each block in the nether is eight blocks in the Overworld so we never went to another this entire event I’d never did at least but voxel and I were in the caves mining around we heard

Voices so we decided to hide on the wall I placed Granite it was fine we were covered up by granite and we’re just both sneaking we couldn’t mind because the players would hear us they were that close to us but we were just hiding hoping they would pass on by they did

See our name tags though when they were sneaking up on us so they they were staying around because they knew that someone was close by this is where things get a little bit sketchy my game crashed which doesn’t sound great at all but it sounds like I’m lying and I

Combat logged or something but I didn’t my game literally crashes had Java socket error whatever extension that type of thing while I was hiding from the players with voxel immediately after I get disconnected they suddenly mined the blocks and found the little like 4×4 hole that me and voxel were and they

Mined the granite and got in but it was just voxel it’s people with netherrite voxel isn’t even in full diamond yet there’s no chance of him surviving this is a little bit of eclipse from our Discord conversation like 20 minutes it was a 20 minute conversation but we did

This after he died did it really just kick you out bro what I I was literally recording but then my recording glitched out I can’t get it back but it said like oh my gosh whatever it says like you are you are a lucky man immediately after and they

Said oh there’s one I tried to run away but there was four of them there’s no chance you could have survived that we could maybe if maybe if I like see I saw you log out and then I had like two seconds I could have done the same thing but I

Was I was afraid they saw your name tag so I didn’t do anything yeah because I feel like if you log out it doesn’t unsnake you for like a second like like a like a split second yeah I kind of wish I was like on the server

Just to like die at the same time as you cannot because now I was like I don’t know what to do brought one versus netherite prop four that’s the truth about Minecraft like SMP PVP is that it doesn’t matter how good you are if you’re sitting there and

Zero drip iron armor then you’re dead I wish I was like even geared because if I was like even gearedism I feel like I genuinely could have like at least killed a couple of them and got away for sure the reason I actually believe voxel

Could do this is because we did a little PVP before we decided to team together and this man voxel was solid at PVP but if I ever logged in I would be at the spot where voxel died and I didn’t know how soon those players would leave the

Spot and this freaked me out for the rest of the day at this point I was like there’s no way I survived this like I’m I’m done for it like there’s no there’s no surviving this as a solo for the entire event so basically I decided to

Go roaming around the entire map looking for friendly teams on the off chance that I could join someone’s team now subconsciously I wasn’t thinking I could actually find a team but the luckiest thing of the entire event happened and I’m just going to show you guys this interaction right now

Hey yo can you hear us yo yeah what’s up are you good I’m actually just looking for a team honestly I’m farmer class so I’m valuable I have infinite food the farm is available you have infinite food yeah we get carrots to be fair we we are kind of hungry like

We only got six red meat bowel cancer do you have a base or something I did I was actually teamed on a Duo team but he got killed earlier today so wait who are you teamed with um voxel you probably didn’t know him wait the voxel Sage

Yeah we’re telling the old man uh-huh you know you know who that is uh saw them die in chat a while oh yeah today earlier today it was from Robbie right I think so yeah the stack team no we’re lucky we’re allied with Robbie oh nice well until the end I guess yeah

That’s what everyone has been saying because that team’s gonna be ridiculous they already are but that team is going to be on top like without a doubt is a mult coming to review the bills you can see the slug the crazy Slug and give you a tour if you like

I don’t really thinking welcome to the fungus I guess old dementia I’m 96 years old what brings you around these parts I’m honestly just exploring looking for a team to help out because I’m a solo right now Pops I don’t know enough I don’t know if there’s many teams that

Are accepting place because we’ve got a team of five right now unfortunately that’s what most teams are I was just thinking I could help out a team because I am farmer so I could I can just Farm anything like it’s actually op wait uh how do we request the base still by the

Way oh Jesus Christ we would just we were just talking about it all right you need to start from the outside I’m gonna skip over the base tour for right now but just let it be known this team had such a nice base it literally won best base in the entire

Event that is crazy how did you find the tour I thought it was fantastic thank you my favorite part was I think as a card for sure oh the great holy slug don’t you feel enlightened don’t you feel don’t you feel the spores coursing through your

Veins don’t you feel the sudden needs of um breathe Sports into someone’s mouth don’t you feel the sudden need to spread the phone oh [ __ ] oh yeah by the way during all of that uh gear band message me saying does team one still need that extra person no team

One had already told me earlier in the day that they already had a full team when they were asking about adding a new person called gearband to the team I was a little bit confused but then Finkel started thinking of ways that we could get gearband here to get a free heart

And get me much better armor I think yeah Bend was part of a team that tried to kill us earlier so okay okay here’s how we’re gonna do it all right if you can help us um kill this guy because he is very dangerous who is it um gear band okay

You know do you know gay band no I don’t okay if if you can help us uh kill him then we’ll let you have his stuff and we’ll if you wanna um because he’ll probably have Diamond because we just need so we need just need a surprise

Attack him basically wait hang on wait don’t worry yeah no yeah no don’t actually don’t do it don’t do it I already said no okay okay never mind then um Finkel decided to drop the whole gear band thing Isaac had already sent a message saying yes they want him to join

The team so at this point it probably won’t be smart to go back on their word um I don’t know if you can stay here for very long that’s the only problem because we have like a team of five and I think um you’re not allowed to have

Like more than I mean to be fair though the more like the more of like us that there are like I don’t know we’ll message you if you when I like plan something because I think I think we would all benefit from having one less person and full netherite gear yeah no

That’s fine thank you for thank you for visiting though yeah yeah for sure the build was actually watching wait hang on hang on do you need a diamond helmet by the way I actually don’t have one I have a spare all right I appreciate you guys

You too all right see you soon man watch the fall down yeah don’t die all right hopefully we interact again and I Stay Alive because oh yeah yeah all right see ya all right see ya I logged off day three still teamless but at least I had an alliance with Team One

This would prove to be one of the most important things for the entire event something super lucky that happened on day four was the fact that I found a deep dark which is just infinite XP pretty much and I just made like 17 different Iron hoes mined all the skulk

Never respond to Warden once oh wait yes I did I got blindness at one point I just died freaking Warden as you could hear there I actually thought I was dead because I didn’t know that you could escape a warden so easily but as you can see I

Just run away and then the blindness goes away so that was super lucky for me I’ve never dealt with a warden before this event so this was a crazy experience the first experience of the warden is literally in a speed silver event that is insane but as you can see

By My Level bar I had 53 levels when I left the deep dark that’s enough to get maxed in chance also I found like 20 more diamonds in the skulk just when I was looking around because obviously it’s a perfect wide level to find diamonds so I was just this was a great

Mining Expedition for me on day on the beginning of day four I kept I was messaging Finkel he was the one who I interact with the most on Team One kept messaging him thinking about teaming with silver actually because silver at this point in

The event had a team of two so I did message silver at one point during the event asking him to team and he said sorry he just wants to stay a team of two which I understand like for the content everything and for people that he actually knows what they’ll just be

Better interactions if he has all people that he knows with I think he was already teamed with someone who had been in a lot of previous videos then I went back to interact with team one again after I think I had full diamond at this

Point but the exact time I went to go interact with team one again they were inviting gearband to their group for real this time like he was about to join their group once wrath got sacrificed and this was kind of a punch in the gut just because they had an opening and

They didn’t choose me I mean I understood it gearband was way more stacked than I was he had he brought them a ravenger head and he was definitely he was a better Minecraft player than I was which I understand like if they wanted to survive better gearband was definitely the choice the

Only reason they had an opening though was because wrath is getting sacrificed okay so I am going in one hour so we have one hour to set up a ceremony sacrificial but today we are gathered here for the sacrifice of xq Wrath to bring once another glamorous and

Long-living life for the slug to grow and produce more fungi across the land whoa no breath was a great part of our team a great part of our team and I I don’t think I could have wished for anyone different does anyone have any words before sacrifice that’s my brothers

That’s that’s my brother can I say a few words that’s my brother please stand upon the pedestal and say your final words wrath nice drip wrath hi team uh yeah um I’m going to a better place um I might be dying here on this Earth but

I’m I’m becoming a one with the slug the slug s it’s not all of our dreams in the end anyways we all want to become one with the slog now I am I am going to heaven with the Slugs I want you to remember me I want you to

Win this battle for me okay remember the slog will remember the sacrifice commences I’m ready okay are we typing in chat wait hang on we’ll do it after after dinner okay three two one go I’m ready Oh my God Granddad you got so much dream why did Ralph have so many why did rather have some hysterical is that supposed to be blood yes it’s all curdled man welcome to team one yes thank you yeah we we’re going to win this again bro there we go let’s get it

Now even after all of this the entire ceremony and everything I was still teamless but the great thing was I was able to use my 30 plus my 53 levels on team one’s maxed out enchanting setup and as you can see by my armor here I was now actually stacked and my sword

Was so like I got like sharp four sweeping Edge three and breaking three or something my sword was crazy now gearband had just been added to team one but I got some Intel from the rest of the team that Silver’s team had all died and he had an opening um

Silver’s teammates were with Silvis on common hot um and they’re all three of them are dead wait do we wanna do we want to go over do we want to go over maybe and just like ask if yo just let me join the team right I need someone bro he does need someone

You wanna head over you can’t yeah he’s a hunter I asked once before though but now he’s a team of one I mean you could message him in game I might I’m probably gonna I’m gonna try I’m gonna look at Silver’s base and see if he’s there and if he’s there I’ll

Talk to him but I’m probably not gonna message him that’s a good idea okay all right let’s see what happens for sure I went outside Silver’s base he wasn’t there and I had heard from team one that his base was super trapped I’m gonna link his video in the description

You guys will see his base was unbelievably trapped it would have been a death sentence if I tried to enter so it’s a good thing I didn’t but then I decided on a new mission to finish out day four now you might notice something about me compared to every other person

On team one at the moment I had zero netherite tools armor pieces anything regarding netherite so I decided I needed to go to the nether try and mine some ancient debris and get at least one netherite piece I was thinking about putting on my sword to make a sharp four

Netherite sword which would just be ridiculous but also a prop four leggings of netherite would be great too so I entered the nether immediately mined into a little hole and decide to go strip mining for netherride now I didn’t have any fires or anything like that so

I was being very cautious of lava or anything because lava flows way faster than other but there was one point where I found an intersection of four different strip mines so a medium when I saw that I was like let me go back to the overall it’s not worth risking my

Life over we’re getting a little bit of a buff from the netherite to have the chance of mining one another writing and once I found that intersection I was like no way there’s like there’s no one there’s there’s no chance there’s still another right left here like there’s no

Chance ancient debris got left behind there were four different mines going in different directions so I went back to my portal the same chords that I’d used before and spawned out in the most stupid place that you’ve ever seen like literally it was getting trapped as I spawned in

Yeah he’s ignores Hey look hey man that’s uh awkward you can just walk out of that the very least that’s awkward anyways when I said that guy um hey yo what’s up another solo how you doing buddy how is it how are you my fellow subtle friend

Any hearts on you why did my portal link up right here do you have hearts on you man bro this is the most unfortunate this is probably you know like the nightmare version of coming through that is this this is it man you got some ancient debris on you no I

Don’t know it seems like you have nothing we need that’s not very helpful make your case man that’s not a good case but it’s Robbie though okay go on yeah let’s go to the end all right all right all right buddy let me put it this way

You are literally not worth our time enjoy your life I was absurdly lucky to get out of that situation alive I don’t know if you guys caught it at the end he said literally not worth our time to kill me like all I would have given them and of value is

One heart which is just like I mean I would have been running and like they would have just been chasing me I would have wasted like three minutes of their time literally just not worth their time lucky for me though I wasn’t worth their time because that just saved me oh man

Looking back at that right now that is just insane that I got out of that situation alive and at this point I was just exploring the entire map sprinting around looking for a team that I could actually join or just trying to find my way back to team one’s base the slug

Base because that portal mishap I didn’t have the portal connected right there in the random ruin portal in the open my portal was totally hidden underground and somehow it put me into that portal with team 42 the most strong the strongest team in the entire event so I

Had been teleported 1500 blocks away from Team one’s base which was just terrible and also day four was about to end like they were telling us in the chat that they it was about to end so I decided to end the day by mining into a wall covering itself up with smooth

Stone and getting ready for day five the final day of the entire event starting out 1500 blocks away from Team one’s base was a terrible way to start day five every team was fully set in stone at this point there was no openings no one that I could be friendly to besides

Team one who I had been interacting with for the past couple days and the Trek was gonna be the most dangerous thing that I could possibly do but once I made it there it was set in the Discord chat that you could be you could be allowed a

Team in teams of up to 10 like teaming with other teams to have a chance against the super stack teams like 42 that had multiple legendary weapons so I made my Trek and only interacted with a single person but it was one of the scariest people in the entire event

Ramen and look at this interaction that we had it was just so lucky for me I’ve been getting so lucky getting away from teams so far in the event hmm I’ve been running behind this blur for like past two minutes you guys might not even hear it but I

Heard its slightest tick of damage after I took damage which I just assumed was lack but when I turned around I saw Ramen in full netherray lurking behind me somehow I made it the Thousand blocks to team one again the fungus and I stuck with them for the rest of the event and

It was the best decision I made to get there early on in the day because you guys will see some crazy stuff started happening and somehow it was all Allowed by hype fantasy we she tp’d to us and told us that I was great to chill around

There even though they were a team of five we could just chill for the rest of the final day and it was perfect like this this is exactly how I I wanted the last day to go last day of the event was definitely my favorite

Yo hype what’s up I so basically uh Zai is not on their team but he’s been kind of chilling around here for a couple days yeah is he and I we seen the announcement we’re just wondering is he chill to like still Vibe around here yeah obviously obviously okay just

Making sure right no worries yeah you guys can stick together we can’t Edge you can’t be added to the team because obviously five is the limit but like you can team together to like help each other out because there’s gonna be tons of ultra teams anyway cool cool cool

Okay thank you just when I thought that they couldn’t get any better which sounds bad because I’m cheering for someone to die but gearband died to fall damage I’m just gonna let you guys hear the entire interaction of everything all the aftermath that happened as soon as

He died me be careful not to fall in love I I better not die to fall then yeah oh man I know that Robbie’s team our team of Oma’s team are all chilling at base holding down their land yeah I’m just talking about dying from Fall damage like three minutes ago

Okay got get gearbon stuff we hook up the diamonds getting stacked we saw him saw your joining their team welcome yeah bro how did he die where did you where did he die uh who’s our team who’s who made our team Finkle invite zai to the team he’s

Dude ice keyboard disconnected no no shot oh my God I love this bag they went to grab all this stuff welcome to the team you’re gonna grab all the gears stuff and you’re part of the team now so Let’s go he said I just hope I don’t die to fall damage and then crazy he died yes he’s dead yeah he just fell to death he fell all right grab his stuff come on yeah we’re grabbing this stuff’s on the invite side to the team that is [ __ ]

He had better falling for as well oh take the chest plate take the chess place actually then yeah you wait uh hang on I’ll give you I’ll give you my legs there you go we’re just doing business I’ll say what’s what’s your sub looking like if it’s sharp I’m just sharp four I’m

Breaking three that’s it oh take his no who shot that let me I’m gonna pop upstairs I have Finkel invite Psy to the team yeah yeah look we have five teammates that’s what counts okay yeah because I have two extra Hearts man if we get the first hit

On it like on someone then it’s just like puts it to an even like this meant that I could finally actually join team one which meant I had a full team of Stack players I had two netherite pieces now way better short with fire aspect on

It and I was feeling so happy and ready for the final fight the rest of the day I I didn’t even care what happened I had made it to the final day with the stack team and started out as a solo do you know how impossible that is

That is just so such a perfect I couldn’t have played it like any better I got lucky on so many different occasions for the rest of the event team one became a host to all solo players any solo player that they knew or had any interactions with we invited to join

The base and eventually we had a full team of solo players that was just like chilling there with us we had like 10 people chilling at the base honestly I say all the sing all the solos on on like this team I think we should all

Just um they should just film a team of like their own yeah that’s nice yeah you know Kyle you and Dingle Farm uh Team then as well it’s right there everyone in the base the base is closed off hello you know we can go down we can go down

Wait wait is that pressing are you impressive we gotta go it’s like right there like it’s like okay it doesn’t let me leave we’re gonna have to ditch the horses we have to ditch them go Dingle I’m going I’m going guys this way okay okay get up get up

Right here we know let’s stop moving stop moving it’s blue now it’s not moving universes leave your teams leave your teams foreign Yeah I thought I thought Robbie had all of them no Robbie only had a safe rob you only had the site put your gear on people we’re trying to show strands Jake put your gear on nah man my bling look at me okay everyone yeah okay everyone say slag flag

Team 55 seems like way too good like they had Dingle bottom on the team you know he’s the goat there’s no one that’s ever going to be Dingle bottom they had Kyle they had oppressor with the legendary weapon they had so many different solo players that were just

That were just like solid they were just solid solo players joined up to a single team and it was just it was great for the entire event like I thought it was a super fun addition the rest of day five I’m just gonna let play out with not

Much uh post commentary like what you’re hearing right now I’m just gonna let it go show you guys what’s important and yeah that’s gonna be it for this video hopefully you guys enjoyed it hey subscribe this is a brand new channel my Minecraft Channel if you don’t know who

I am before and you’re from like the Discord or something I usually post NBA content or the game NBA 2K content and so this is a brand new thing for me I don’t really do Minecraft much but thank you guys for watching I’m gonna be out okay

Yeah you know so we I got my guy he’s got these guys that’s Avengers end game right there Guys we hate you yeah don’t worry keep it in mind we’re in the Civil War right now we’re in Civil War right now okay now where is Silverstein Where is Silverstein because I’m actually sure I can probably go speak no no I’m not gonna lie we’re all chill voma is not a vulma

Right now okay right now okay yeah you know you know what it is people don’t want to make the first move because they know if they make the first move they’re gonna get ganked hey that’s that’s rule one of fortnite man that’s rule 104. is that who did somebody say that I got

It oh boy okay well I’m not fighting you guys yeah we’re not fighting all the teams suppressor oppressor then go away come here boys for a second no one is fighting in this will never end and I have I want to eat in the next time wait who’s not down there okay

Another one wait wait we’re moving right we’re going down there let’s let’s start let’s start slowly moving down well just uh because like think about it all this is four days of prep and like we had to survive that whole thing we’ve killed multiple people I didn’t survive most of them

I say we just get close and we just watch we get closer no we can see from here we can see from here oh [ __ ] 35 who’s team 35. that’s a sky basic team oh that’s a skydiving wait was that over there hey guys what’s up like wait you won okay

Let’s go in let’s go in yeah let’s do it cool we just don’t get it we don’t get a choice anymore great we’re going in yeah make other people fight too wait if we’re going again then I’m gonna fire him come here guys dude for the fights yep yep

Where’s everyone where’s everyone at I’m next to you I’m next to you guys in the water yep he’s easy boy with you go go man we must fight the cross over there let’s do the masks someone’s glowing yeah Everybody Um Speed Bridge over here okay I’m I’m going around get on okay grandpa is Gonna Get You ow e bye no yeah re-clicking your inventory it’s a glitch is it yeah I mean it continuously like buckets and [ __ ] I think it’s Bros Apollo’s the sleeper build Apollo’s a sleeper bill

Do we let him go away Apollo that’s not a good idea shot him in the water okay hey slowed again ouchy but if only gave me slow falling this is so funny Ouchy that’s not having a good time here got slowness Let’s knock back on their sword hey wait wait I was trying to boost you boost excuse me lost again yes There we go we’re on Laskin over here roskin I do remember you I want you to know that how do you remember me where hey guys guys Obama and Eli are here Boma and Eli let’s go I’m good I’m good the woman doesn’t know what he’s talking about don’t worry

Obama has no idea Apollo yeah you hear that hear that of oma come on I can take I can take on all these people I can take on all these people No firewolf come on Fire Wolf I’m not leaving you alone I’m not leaving you alone Eli Yeah it’s a tie sorry dude yeah I know yeah it’s time fire no I’m gonna die I’m gonna die I’ll cut this guy I got this guy got the heart got the heart back up yeah yeah we got it we got it got him

This video, titled ‘SOLO POV FROM SPEEDSILVER BATTLE ROYALE 2’, was uploaded by Zymuro MC on 2023-04-26 22:16:04. It has garnered 53893 views and 1024 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:40 or 2440 seconds.

I was lucky enough to get accepted into Speedsilver’s recent battle royale 2 event! His video is linked in the description, it was a literal movie. I will be uploading a lot more minecraft on this channel from now on, so be on the lookout for it! Follow my Kick to see me play Minecraft live:

Speedsilver video:

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  • Crafty Minecraft Logic

    Crafty Minecraft Logic Minecraft Logic: Exploring the World of Creativity and Adventure Embark on a journey through the pixelated landscapes of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventure awaits at every turn. From building towering structures to battling fearsome creatures, this sandbox game offers endless possibilities for players to explore. Unleashing Creativity with Minecraft Shorts With Minecraft Shorts, players can showcase their creativity in bite-sized videos that capture the essence of the game. Whether it’s building intricate structures, crafting unique items, or embarking on epic quests, these shorts offer a glimpse into the diverse world of Minecraft. Challenges and Memes in… Read More

  • Spooky Fountain Fun: Minecraft’s Haunted Water Feature!

    Spooky Fountain Fun: Minecraft's Haunted Water Feature! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, I bring you news of spooky fountains, with no chains. Crafted with care, in every block and stone, A sight to behold, in the game we all own. With a flick of the wrist, and a twist of the hand, I’ll show you the way, to make your own land. A fountain so spooky, it’ll give you a fright, But fear not, my friends, it’s all in good light. Inspired by witches, and their magical ways, This fountain will amaze, in the light of the day. So grab your blocks, and… Read More

  • Hot Memes Q&A in Minecraft

    Hot Memes Q&A in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the World of Blocks with 方块轩 方块轩, a prominent creator in the Minecraft community, is dedicated to providing child-friendly content that prioritizes the well-being and safety of young viewers. As a realm creator in the world of Minecraft, 方块轩 crafts original animations that are not only entertaining but also humorous, spreading joy to all who watch. Unique Content and Channels With a commitment to authenticity, 方块轩’s channel stands out as the only official source of his content. Any videos related to him on other channels are unauthorized copies. Each day, viewers can expect a new and exciting… Read More

  • Untalented Amadeux’s Hilarious SMP Server Setup

    Untalented Amadeux's Hilarious SMP Server Setup Welcome to Untalented Amateur’s SMP Server Configuration Key Tools and Websites For those looking to join the Untalented Amateur Minecraft SMP server, understanding the key tools and websites is crucial. Here are some essential resources: ATLauncher – A popular launcher for Minecraft modpacks. PolyMC – Another platform for managing Minecraft modpacks. Untalented Amateur’s Madhouse (Discord) – Join the community and stay updated. JDK 21 – Java Development Kit for Minecraft. Where to Find Untalented Amateur Stay connected with Untalented Amateur on various platforms: Twitter Twitch Youtube Github Ko-fi Discord Joining the Server To join the Untalented Amateur’s SMP server,… Read More

  • Subscribe & Like for Minecraft’s Delight #shorts

    Subscribe & Like for Minecraft's Delight #shorts In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I bring you the news in a rhythmic stream. Updates and features, all in a rhyme, Keeping you entertained, every single time. From new mobs to biomes, and everything in between, I’ll keep you informed, with a twist that’s keen. So hit that like and subscribe, don’t be shy, Join me on this journey, as we reach for the sky. With each new video, a story unfolds, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity molds. So follow along, as we explore and play, In this pixelated world, where we’ll always… Read More

  • Crafty Creations: Minecraft Buildings Galore!

    Crafty Creations: Minecraft Buildings Galore! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Building structures for different players, our passion survives. Cube Xuan, the creator, with humor and glee, Bringing joy to all, for the world to see. Child-friendly content, safe and sound, No harmful elements, in this playground. Every day, a new video to enjoy, With Cube Xuan, happiness we deploy. So follow along, subscribe and save, For MC animation, we truly crave. Let’s dive into Minecraft, where dreams take flight, With Cube Xuan, our guide, shining bright. Read More

  • Feathered Fun: Minecraft’s Mother Bird Unleashed!

    Feathered Fun: Minecraft's Mother Bird Unleashed! In this video, we dive into the game so grand, Requested by fans, across the land. Granny, Granny, the horror tale, With Rima and Shafa, we set sail. Evil school, Bandarita, and more, Challenges and pranks galore. Ice Scream, funny moments to find, Gaming with Khaled, a one of a kind. Mother Bird is here, the story unfolds, Momo is near, the fear it holds. Horror games, with twists and turns, Granny glitch, the lesson learns. Join us now, for a thrilling ride, In Minecraft world, where we abide. Granny’s realm, with surprises in store, Mother Bird is here,… Read More

  • “UNBELIEVABLE!!! Nezuko from Demon Slayer in Minecraft! #viral” #clickbait

    "UNBELIEVABLE!!! Nezuko from Demon Slayer in Minecraft! #viral" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Nezuko (Demon slayer) #minecraft #trending #shorts #viral @doomsdayrepublic’, was uploaded by DOOMSDAY REPUBLIC on 2024-07-13 04:26:00. It has garnered 479 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Read More

  • JayDeeMC’s Ultimate Guide to Armadillo Scutes in Minecraft!

    JayDeeMC's Ultimate Guide to Armadillo Scutes in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Get and Use Armadillo Scutes (1.20.5+) | Easy Minecraft Tutorial’, was uploaded by JayDeeMC on 2024-03-15 12:00:35. It has garnered 9148 views and 75 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:16 or 76 seconds. In this video, I show you how to get an armadillo scute, and how to use armadillo scutes! This works in both Minecraft Java and Bedrock Editions. The armadillo scute is introduced to Minecraft in 1.20.5 (Java) and 1.20.80 (Bedrock). I hope you enjoyed this Minecraft armadillo scute tutorial. Use code JAYDEEMC to get 10% off when you… Read More

  • “Unbelievable gameplay with ALLAH – Ultimate word challenge!” #gaming #shorts

    "Unbelievable gameplay with ALLAH - Ultimate word challenge!" #gaming #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Word games #wordgames #shorts’, was uploaded by OHM ALLAH GOD GAMING on 2024-09-05 17:23:39. It has garnered 36 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:24 or 1284 seconds. gaming, games, game, gameplay, gamer, roblox, subway surfers, gta, minecraft, ludo king, coc, bgmi, music, cartoon games, cartoon, anime, animation, 3d, carrom pool, hitman go, pacman, free fire, coin master, the witcher, red dead redemption, the last of us, god of war, baldurs gate, mass effect, hades, grand theft auto, candy crush, among us, pokemon go, genshin impact, garden scapes, pubg, clash royale,… Read More

  • 🔥Shocking! Mother Dragon Gets a Job! 🌟 #shorts

    🔥Shocking! Mother Dragon Gets a Job! 🌟 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Gia Đình Rồng: Rồng Mẹ Tìm Được Việc #hoathinh #shorts’, was uploaded by Anh Trai MC 🧐 on 2024-09-28 09:00:55. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. anhtraimc #anhdenxixi #grox Brother MC Trolls the Whole Minecraft Server Super Messy – Super Funny | Minecraft in Ohio | Older brother … Read More

  • Astral Pixelmon Modded: Pixelmon Reforged, Custom Textures, Gambling, Free Gifts, Pixelmon Bingo, Daily Quests, GTS, Auction House, Raids, Resource World, Events, Non-Pay2Win, Vanilla Mobs, Timber, LGBTQ+, Adult Owned.

    Astral Pixelmon! Version: 9.1.12 IP: Discord: | EV Training | Pixelmon Bingo | Dex Rewards | Custom Crates | Adult Owned | LGBTQ+ Friendly | WonderTrade | Pokebags | Pixelmon Raids | Gambling | Timber Mod | Resource World | Vanilla Mobs | Custom Textures | Gym Leaders | GTS | Auction House | Weekly Events | Spleef Events | Pixelmon Hunts We are an adult ran/owned Pixelmon server. We encourage family friendly yet challenging fun through various obstacles unique to our Pixelmon server. With a trained staff team of adults who’ve been playing since they were kids,… Read More

  • Mine Like a Pro: Speed Up Your Minecraft Ore Flow

    Mine Like a Pro: Speed Up Your Minecraft Ore Flow In Minecraft, mining is the key, To find diamonds, iron, and gold, you see. Dig deep, dig fast, with tools so fine, Unleash your skills, let your fortune shine. No need to worry, no need to fret, With our tips and tricks, you’ll be all set. Unlimited riches, at your command, Just follow our guide, and take a stand. So join us now, in this gaming quest, Master Minecraft, be the very best. Subscribe to our channel, stay in the loop, For more gaming fun, and tips to scoop. Thank you for watching, we appreciate your time, Now go… Read More

  • Bro, why you gotta roast me like that? #minecraftburns

    Bro, why you gotta roast me like that? #minecraftburns When you accidentally break your friend’s diamond pickaxe in Minecraft and they respond with “That was not necessary bro,” but deep down you know it was totally necessary for your survival in the game. #minecraftlogic #friendshipgoals Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Portal Trick: The Digital Circus

    Ultimate Minecraft Portal Trick: The Digital Circus The Amazing Digital Circus in Minecraft Minecraft enthusiasts are in for a treat with the introduction of the new portal to The Amazing Digital Circus. This exciting addition to the game promises endless fun and adventure for players of all ages. Exploring The Amazing Digital Circus Step through the portal and find yourself transported to a vibrant and colorful world filled with circus-themed attractions. From acrobats to clowns, players can immerse themselves in the magical atmosphere of the circus. Exciting Mini-Games Within The Amazing Digital Circus, players can enjoy a variety of mini-games that test their skills and agility…. Read More

  • 500+ P/H Iron Farm in Minecraft 1.21+ Bedrock & PE

    500+ P/H Iron Farm in Minecraft 1.21+ Bedrock & PE Minecraft Best IRON Farm in 1.21+ Bedrock & PE | 500+ P/H! Are you looking to amp up your iron production in Minecraft? Look no further! This article delves into the details of the best iron farm in Minecraft 1.21+ for Bedrock and PE editions, boasting an impressive yield of over 500 iron per hour. Let’s explore the intricacies of this fantastic farm! Farm Performance Farm Performance: +500 ~ +750+… PER HOUR! With a fully automatic mode, this iron farm is designed to churn out iron ingots at an impressive rate. Whether you’re gearing up for a massive build… Read More

  • Insane KitMC Penguin Vandalism

    Insane KitMC Penguin VandalismVideo Information This video, titled ‘[マイクラ]荒らしのレベルがおかしいやつ’, was uploaded by KitMC / penguin on 2024-05-31 22:00:20. It has garnered 11099 views and 145 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. #minecraft #minecraft #minecraft #shorts #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #workhouse Please subscribe to the channel. / Please subscribe me! P.S.: This is in the offline world, so we are not causing any trouble to any Saba operators. KitMC records / My records Fall into the void RSG (Void Death%) RTA 7.54s Fall into the void SSG (Void Death%) RTA 6.49s Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Base Secrets

    Sneaky Minecraft Base SecretsVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV: Secret Minecraft Bases #minecraft #short #shorts #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by LlamaZiahCraft on 2024-08-08 21:00:35. It has garnered 9653 views and 443 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Subscribe and join the journey to da top 😼🔥 ================================= Join my Discord – CrimeCraft SMP – Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft Parody: TonWon Grief vs titwow” #clickbait

    "EPIC Minecraft Parody: TonWon Grief vs titwow" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘пародия: MrTonWon Grief Оригинал: titwow #youtube#youtubeshorts#minecraft#майнкрафт#memes#titwow’, was uploaded by TonWon Grief on 2024-06-14 14:29:09. It has garnered 9190 views and 364 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Madness! Watch me Create Map Art

    Minecraft Madness! Watch me Create Map ArtVideo Information This video, titled ‘How I Make Map Art In Minecraft’, was uploaded by Hælyex on 2024-09-23 13:27:10. It has garnered 12334 views and 879 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • Bizarre Minecraft Mod Eats Edible Glass Bottles!?!

    Bizarre Minecraft Mod Eats Edible Glass Bottles!?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Essbare Glasflaschen Minecraft Mod’, was uploaded by baastiZockt on 2024-03-29 09:00:36. It has garnered 6836 views and 345 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. 💻 Server partners: * Mein Equipment: * Subscribe so you don’t miss anything! ─────Information about the video────────── Mod DL: ─────Social Media────────── 🐦Twitter: 📷Instagram: 💬Discord: ── About me ─────────────── I am baastiZockt and have been making videos on YouTube since 2011. I mainly had and still have Minecraft. Occasionally there are also gameplay let’s play from other games. In addition to… Read More

  • Is Minecraft Real?? Truth REACTION! 🤯

    Is Minecraft Real?? Truth REACTION! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Is Minecraft Real Or Fake? Reacting To The Truth! 🤔’, was uploaded by ThinoX MT on 2024-08-03 02:00:26. It has garnered 501 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Minecraft react real or fake 🤔 #minecraft #shorts Is Minecraft Real Or Fake? Reacting To The Truth! 🤔 Apologies if anything is wrong in this video. The voice here is a bit bad, we will try to improve it in the future. Please support us by subscribing, liking and sharing. Follow ThinoX MT Instagram: X: Pinterest:… Read More

  • Vampirate Odessa: I’m Your Worst Nightmare 😈

    Vampirate Odessa: I'm Your Worst Nightmare 😈Video Information This video, titled ‘【 Minecraft 】I’M YOUR PROBLEM NOW 😈’, was uploaded by Vampirate Odessa on 2024-07-24 06:00:27. It has garnered 251 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 06:04:09 or 21849 seconds. After a long weekend of travel I’m so happy to be back with the crew!!! Disclosure: I received a free review copy of this product from #PCGamePassPartner #keymailer 🩸 𝕴𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖔𝖉𝖚𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 Ahoy and good evening, noble crewmates! I am your Captain, Odessa Delico. I’m a vampirate (a vampire pirate, obviously) who has been roaming the seas for over 300 years, and I’ve… Read More


    SURVIVING SKEPPY'S WARZONE EVENT!Video Information This video, titled ‘Surviving Skeppy’s Event In A Warzone’, was uploaded by Siega on 2024-04-06 15:00:01. It has garnered 1083 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. The Ultimate Oneblock challenge — In this video I Got Trapped By skeppy the minecraft youtuber that plays with badboyhalo and dream. Its like an escape room but not really. Appreciate Skeppy for hosting these events for $1000! This one is one block challenge! P0land explained this: If You Don’t Know what A skeppy event is: Skeppy Events happen every 2-3 days where 150… Read More


    JAX SPOTTED SPYING ON POMNI AND PRINCESS! EPIC DIGITAL CIRCUS!Video Information This video, titled ‘JAX IS PEEKING AT POMNI and PRINCESS LOOLILALU! AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS episode 2 in Minecraft’, was uploaded by JAX – Minecraft on 2024-05-05 19:00:44. It has garnered 18375 views and 274 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:02 or 902 seconds. JAX IS PEEKING AT POMNI and PRINCESS LOOLILALU! AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS episode 2 in Minecraft The second episode of the Amazing Digital Circus! New characters and new adventures! In this video, Jax is once again trying to have fun with Pomni and RAGATHA in the pool! Today, you can expect interesting stories and… Read More

  • Modern Anarchy – Anarchy – 1.21.1 – Java

    Welcome to Modern Anarchy – A Community of Anarchy Enthusiasts! Server IP: Anarchy at Its Finest with a Dedicated Community: Hack like a pro, build empires, survive the chaos. No bans ever – only mutes for hate speech, hard slurs, or chat spam. Forge Your Path in a Pure Vanilla World: Experience the true essence of Minecraft with no vanilla altering plugins or meddling admins. Reach your potential in this survival wasteland with no resets ever. World Exploration Extravaganza: Explore a 6 million block-wide world with a 3 million world border. Respawn within 500 blocks of 0 0, allowing… Read More

  • kaylus junior high school

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Valkyrae vs. Momoa: Clash of Titans!

    Valkyrae vs. Momoa: Clash of Titans! In the world of Minecraft, drama unfolds, Valkyrae’s accusations, the story that’s told. Jason Momoa, a star in the spotlight, Allegations of mistreatment, causing a fight. On the set of a movie, tension did rise, As Momoa’s outburst took everyone by surprise. Valkyrae spoke out, sharing her truth, About a toxic work environment, uncouth. Fans are divided, taking sides, Some defending Momoa, where loyalty resides. But the truth will come out, in due time, As the drama unfolds, in this Hollywood climb. Stay tuned for updates, on this unfolding tale, In the world of Minecraft, where emotions prevail. Subscribe… Read More

  • Minecraft Updatek: Tűzforró frissítések! 🔥

    Minecraft Updatek: Tűzforró frissítések! 🔥 “Ah, the elusive Minecraft update – it’s like waiting for a unicorn to appear in your backyard. You keep hearing about it, but will it ever actually happen? Stay tuned for the next episode of ‘The Great Minecraft Update Mystery!’” Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft PE’s Emerald Only World

    Mastering Minecraft PE's Emerald Only World Exploring the Emerald Only World in Minecraft PE Embark on a unique Minecraft adventure with the Emerald Only World in Minecraft PE. This challenging gameplay mod introduces a world where emeralds are the primary resource, adding a new level of difficulty and excitement to your Minecraft experience. Features of the Emerald Only World In this specialized world, players must rely solely on emeralds for crafting, trading, and survival. With traditional resources like wood, stone, and iron scarce or non-existent, creativity and strategic thinking become essential skills for success. Challenges and Strategies Surviving in the Emerald Only World requires players… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Live Stream in Malayalam! 🔥#Problizz

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Live Stream in Malayalam! 🔥#ProblizzVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live!! || #Problizz #Minecraft #live #malayalam’, was uploaded by Problizz Animations on 2024-08-02 17:29:56. It has garnered 85 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:12:28 or 11548 seconds. Play With Me! Server ip : 🌈 Thanks for Tuning In to Problizz Animations! 🌟 Discord : If you’ve made it here, you’ve just experienced a whirlwind of creativity and entertainment! 🚀 We hope our animation took you on an unforgettable journey filled with laughs, thrills, and maybe even a sprinkle of magic. 🎨✨ 👍 Loved what you saw?… Read More

  • Join my Minecraft server! Click for details

    Join my Minecraft server! Click for detailsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing my minecraft server! READ DISC TO JOIN’, was uploaded by bvgged on 2024-07-17 10:17:27. It has garnered 47 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 03:06:37 or 11197 seconds. Powered by Restream JOIN: IGN: bvgged Twitch: Read More

  • PEPSI SENPAI?! CRAZY Minecraft with Pepper VTuber

    PEPSI SENPAI?! CRAZY Minecraft with Pepper VTuberVideo Information This video, titled ‘PESPI SEPNAI?? – Minecraft w/Vtuber Pepper’, was uploaded by Pepper Senpai on 2024-07-07 02:12:55. It has garnered 103 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:54:47 or 17687 seconds. Minecraft with Pepper is Back! Let’s return to our fantastical world of Cherbloskess! Thanks for watching, and I hope ya like! 😀 Zach’s Twitch: My NEW Discord Server: Team VSpyre Discord: —— [Rules for those in chat] – Be kind to one another – Don’t be excessively inappropriate – Don’t roleplay in chat – Have a dandy ol’ time! REDEEMS… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft 1.20.4 Tour of ChrisTheBear’s 5th Base

    Insane Minecraft 1.20.4 Tour of ChrisTheBear's 5th BaseVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.20.4 Survival World – 5th Base Tour’, was uploaded by ChrisTheBear on 2024-01-10 02:13:05. It has garnered 7828 views and 341 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:32 or 812 seconds. This is my first time using the replay mod to make a camera path, and it took ages for me to get the hang of (still learning) but I got there in the end… after many hours, its not perfect but I’m happy with it. This is also somehow my first time editing a video, I decided to add some basic sound… Read More