Spaz Boys Comedy – GOOSHER 100 STREAM from BTG – Minecraft Modded Server😀

Video Information

Um all right guys here we go this is a uh a gush 100 sponsored stream from btg he’s got a modded server here and hold on we get all this done he’s invited me to play along on it this should be interesting i have no idea

What the mods are what they bring into all this hey tyler hey i’m boo uh let’s see let me get everything set up here but i am anxious to see okay what we got okay i gotta move this mic a little okay so

What kind of [ __ ] do i have here i got a forester’s manual these scraps of knowledge have been obtained and compiled by binny and represent the remains of bookie green 101 of forrester’s almanac two books by a mad and apiaris known only as sir singer okay okay so how do i

How the hell do i get out of that oh there we go escape i’ve got a wooden sword yay stone shovel i got some stone diamond hoe keep calling it hole all right let’s take a look around here what wow why we’re in the plains guys

I only got a wooden sword i gotta go find someplace to set up shop there’s bt jesus i love my you know what it’s become i think guys didn’t make the jump um as i’m getting older and older non-stop oh thank you rain um i’m finding that i think i would be

Happy with just spending the rest of my life absolutely entranced by anime and minecraft and i mean that seriously and i would be just so happy i have no idea what major on the server lachlan i just downloaded the modpack that btg gave me and we’re and i guess i’ll find out ooh

I can always use coal so i gotta figure out where i’m gonna live here in btg’s world oh that’s not duh that’s not deal why do orphans play tennis dragon says it’s the only love they can get dude oh it no it’s not the wrong thumbnails you know um

Susan refuses to update it i can’t even update them after the stream is live i don’t know what more to do i put in the one i wanted it just will not take it yep makes it a lot of fun let me tell you oh thumbnails live stream thumbnails are a

New thing with susan you may see it update at some point it’s done that before too because that’s not the one i have set for it the hell is this over here is this oh it’s bees it’s bees that hurts okay let me alone oh that’s bees

Holy [ __ ] i need these splat that i need to do some mine in here all right i got a booboo i’m going to need some food soon look at this oh what’s that one nice what is this i don’t even know what that is but i’ll take it what do i have whoa

Hey i think look i i’ve got leather gear on so i take it i have access to all this stuff no way do i chain boots i’ve never had chain before iron chest plate oh that’s just my crafting okay i’m confused wow inner mushroom wall look at all this stuff

It updated at the end of the stream did it yeah i’ve just given up on i put the thumbnails up but i’ve just given up on them oh yeah there’s a guy with a llama that will rip you off on items he’s a traitor pikachu fan says oh okay

It tells you how to craft things ah gotcha all right so that’s yeah okay so for right now i’ve just got my amber my rare earths i don’t know what the hell that is move the granite up here i got some copper ore got some coal which could come in handy

I better find some place to um i got no bed i know that and i don’t see any sheep or a village i could oh [ __ ] off bees i should end up dead in here in no time what’s this oh it’s just a horse a horse is a horse of course ah more

Bees [ __ ] you already learned that they hurt yeah squirrel i don’t even know why i did that he’s cute because i’m a sociopath i would imagine huh shut up skeleton i gotta find something here i don’t i’m not finding anything for bed making and we know that doesn’t bode well for me

God damn it oh and i have a new um skin my new skin is on i’ve got um angel gone oh that’s too close he keeps turning away if i uh if i go to the next one he’s too close up ah oh that’s right

Because he’s got but he’s got on all the armor that’s that’s why we’re not seeing him okay uh finish what you’re doing here all right let’s get up here oh wow still got a long way to climb to get up top where i can see something i don’t want your goddamn egg

So she said wait she had the egg that’s right come on i got it i gotta find something around here coffee all right okay there’s some sheep down there right yeah all right i gotta get down over there get down get funky wait on me sheep i need a bed oh

Oh okay this is hurting oh this is hurting really bad now i lost where the sheep were [ __ ] they’re over on this side right come on ain’t got time to screw around here dummy there we go come here you little bastards i gotta stab you what the hell oh all right okay um

I gotta get some wood there’s no trees right i’m gonna get one more sheep as long as it’s here okay i got plenty of wool i guess the nearest trees are over there so much work to be done that was that a locust is this the bible don’t improve um there’s my axe

All right come on get me some wood all right as i said i will never get tired of the give me wood jokes so just be prepared i’m gonna have to get some well i have some food i’m going to fix it up soon shut up whoever you are

Shut up pissed me off all right this will give me enough wood to get started here enough to get started i just cracked myself up okay um oh yeah let’s just jump down until we die okay dummy all right let’s um uh let’s take my spruce wood all right

Okay now let’s make some sticks all right uh what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is all this i don’t even know how to i don’t know how to make things in here what the hell is this thing doing i just want a goddamn stick there what a plain stick what the [ __ ]

I have no idea how to use this oh this is gonna be bad i’m gonna dead because yeah i i don’t know how to make anything what the [ __ ] yep i got everything i need and i can’t make my [ __ ] i don’t know how to turn any of these into sticks

Press the little plus here ah okay holy [ __ ] that’s at that speed oh man i gotta i gotta get going here yeah i’m not sure if i like this mood okay so now i need to make a bed recipe is two hours of crafts and the

Two by two what the [ __ ] are you talking about recipe is too large wait whoa i got that yeah i’m [ __ ] all right oh boy as soon as the mob spawn i’m screwed i can’t figure this [ __ ] out all right yes oh i’m screwed there it is all right yeah

This mode is going to be really tough for me this is like a brand new learning curve all that sucks this is a brand new learning curve all over no idea what to do in here oh [ __ ] i named my dog five mile five miles so

Oh it’s still night time oh good five miles so i just said walk five miles each day today i ran over five miles oops dragon oh that’s right i didn’t make my crafting table yet ah just that’s so freaking panic okay all right hold on if i can get away

From these guys long enough i’ll try it again here’s a little clearing see how fast i can do this all right um crafting table yeah i’m dead [Laughter] all right it’s getting daytime now god damn it all right crafting table thank you oh my eggs out of there my raw mutton out of there crafting table yay where’d it go where’d my where’d my [ __ ] crafting table go are you kidding me i set it down it disappeared

Crafting table plus one now i’ve got two of them it says okay what’s going on you guys spawn protection okay let me move see if that makes a difference there we go i just i just okay just had to move all right um now i need uh my bed

Oh let’s see i gotta get used to using it this way all right oh you know what i gotta rearrange some of this stuff get this dirt out of here um shovel i don’t need right at the moment first there’s manual i don’t need at the moment that i’m going to keep there

Because i don’t want to get caught without it that’s an extra crafting table all right all right now let’s see if we can go find a place to live i got a bed i feel better now gotta go away from spawn yeah thank you guys what’s this over here

Hell is this oh that was a spawn point okay yeah oh i like to look through the big waterfall over there i’m easily impressed and we’re heading that way uh true story dragon says i watched a thousand ways to die clip where a guy tried to escape from prison by

Having an accomplice hidden in a very crappy place yeah i’m sure very crappy well we all saw the crappiness of uh the escape in yeah name you guys know exactly uh shawshank oh kind of pretty over there all right yeah that uh that was a pretty crappy ex

Escape itself what’s going on what are you doing here who who’s who’s hitting me what the [ __ ] oh is that a shark oh that sucks that sucks a lot come on i can’t it’s not letting me surface is he dragging me down jesus christ get me out of here

I can’t i can’t get surfaced what the hell is going on come on thank you what the [ __ ] was that you [ __ ] i [ __ ] hate that shark what a dick i wasn’t doing anything to him [ __ ] stupid-ass shark all right let’s go oh yeah i like waterfalls oh can i

For any of you who are disney fans you know about the eighth wonder of the world the backside of water oh and there’s chest right here i think my house might be right at the backside of water directs direct protection so i just found a condom nice

Oh yeah this is a pretty area right here is it why is there already a yeah this this is going to be where i live guys Clearing out the pathway to the opening to my new house well cave house you guys know i like to build caves this is some cool [ __ ] right here all right um how do i um oh there it is right okay right click yeah this this is cool

This is definitely where i’m going to live let’s let’s dig into this a little bit wait let’s see where the um yeah this little alcove here will be the entrance to the house oh yeah or reiki Yep Definitely gonna be where we live Put a door right there uh i’ll put some well there’s one torch there another torch there uh one more deep and now i’m going to start spreading out yeah this is going to be the new cave house you guys The btg cave house btgs world we’re going to be playing some more on um of my um Ender dragon or bust quest as well today okay oh yeah i’m gonna like it here oh what’s this again something else cool here okay let’s put up some uh torches Now we’re gonna need to yeah let’s dig this out i’ll place my crafting table and go further this way See we can go one more once i uh put up my crafting table i’ll make some doors don’t go do some exploring see how deep do we go on that side went deeper than this yeah so she said go deeper correction the accomplished smuggled a hand grenade in a crappy place

Oh oh oh what why are doors just appearing i don’t know but i like it what the [ __ ] kill the sheep or turn down friendly mobs hold on oh yeah more sheep because i i can make another bed here hold on you gotta go [ __ ]

Yeah one more and i got enough now i go i wow how did that door just appear is btg in here with me or something oh yeah oh it’s looking good i like this here the house oh i got food up here oh more wool what the hell

I like this land all kinds of stuff just appearing god damn this is cool as hell all right let’s go back one more oh nope we’re gonna have to put up the uh chest now because um this one’s about to break so we’re gonna need more

My cave nice nice and nice and wide so she said again all right um here’s my crafting table hey just push the wrong button that was smart how do i why is it okay why isn’t putting my crafting table down what’s going on here why am i using the left hand

The [ __ ] is that because someone just heard something in the door i can’t there goes that was weird all right put the other crafting table back ron perlman’s legendary narration is what made a thousand ways to die worth watching oh thousand ways to die was cool

It was fun yes and i love ron perlman ron perlman’s cool as hell um let’s mix more pickaxes see there’s stone me steak the hell is me steak i can’t do you can only do one at a time or maybe i just don’t know how to do it oh

That’s not sounding too good let me dig out the rest of my house what the [ __ ] is going on out there i can sleep during can you sleep during the rainstorm you can right let me see yeah that’s what i thought oh god what the hell hurt me now

What the hell’s going on i’m so confused so no yeah that’s two more torches good idea um let me actually that’s as far over as we’re going here i think jesus christ okay now how do i put my torch over there i i am confused by this right hand left-hand thing

What all right hold on let me let me just take the torches out of my left hand and move them down into here thank you much better okay works much better for me there we go yes let’s oh put some torches right here right at the entrance too so it’ll be nice and

Bright all right let me let me dig out the rest of what i was going to dig here see that that should be and then one more deep and then we’ll start digging down for our mine and i’ll put up a bunch of torches once i’ve got this all dug out

And then i think how the [ __ ] did you get in here well you’re gonna die how the hell is this thing spawning in here i’m getting nervous this is gonna get bad this ain’t gonna be a sheep one of these times so do i have it about even i think so

Let’s put up some torches torch there towards there towards there why is all this [ __ ] spawning in here what does an apple and an emo have in common they both hang from trees yikes wow dragon what the [ __ ] bunny get [ __ ] lost [ __ ] it’s my house all right let me let me put

Um i need a couple of chests all right uh what the [ __ ] is going on who’s who’s coming in and out that door oh somebody put how the hell pressure plates what the hell put fresh so this is part of the this is going to be all part of the plug-ins here

Jesus christ this is pretty funny actually all right i lost track where i am oh yeah chest one more i get that goddamn cobblestone out of here and have to throw that away oh what the hell and then the other one right here and now we need a furnace

I kind of liking these plugins until something kills me then i’m not going to find it funny all right there’s my furnace what the hell is that cut what the [ __ ] was that that scared the [ __ ] out of me i gotta cook up some of my meat here

What the hell spawned out here what is that purple [ __ ] you guys like nether leaves why is this weird [ __ ] spawning all over here that’s some strange [ __ ] this place is [ __ ] enchanted it’s haunted what the [ __ ] i’m getting scared yeah i see the bubbles i don’t know what

They mean see there’s some right there but i don’t know what the hell is going on about that hey that scared me oh wait i should be able to make a new bed right um so i can carry one with me yep okay so i like having one with me

When i go adventuring i can’t sleep i don’t think it’s dark out it’s just that that new tree that’s out there all right let me eat okay this is this is cool so this btg this is i believe someone called a tree uh this has got to be uh

Some of the plug-ins correct has to be all right i got plenty of mutton to eat right now rabbit hi i don’t care about wooden pressure plates i just picked up um let me go make my throwaway zone i always have a throwaway area you guys know that

Um it’s gonna be right over here there’s the throwaway zone overland says here lies caillou he died and became ikaku the ghost just crashed i i i am freaked right out by what’s going on in here that cobblestone i’ll get rid of that dirt white wool i won’t need now uh the

Rabbit height i don’t care about i don’t have any idea what this [ __ ] is so i’m gonna just save it granted i don’t need all right um go put stuff in my chests amber i don’t know when i’m gonna use that rare earths i don’t know about that

My condoms my wooden pressure plates eggs i don’t need right now more cobblestone i can get rid of that food i can use meat steak no idea oh you say i’m going to eat that next next time i’m hungry hunger hungry forester’s manual okay i think that’s everything i can get rid of

Copper ore i can toast up i’m still freaked out for what’s going on out here i just can’t tell if it’s daylight or not because this tree made it so dark we’ll be darkening my doorstep here [ __ ] gotta knock all this [ __ ] down i’m just wondering what these mods are doing

Says christ had to open up my doorway here this is so this is so freaking weird rainbow oak oh it’s a rainbow oak yeah i don’t need a rainbow sapling and that’s not is that pig in my house probably no all right i got my copper ingot take my coal back

This is so [ __ ] weird i don’t need this [ __ ] um i don’t need all that extra cobblestone okay um what else i need to do here i got a twilight oak wood it’ll turn into sticks or planks i mean all right i think we’re we’re about ready we can start

Um digging my first mine i’m just kind of fast what the hell now there’s more of this whoa [ __ ] you i’m peeking around like that’s gonna help why is that [ __ ] out here hey hey [ __ ] you yeah i better go get some sleep hold on what the hell is he doing there

That frightens me um how are you doing sleeping i i’m just so i can’t keep track of where i’m going from moment to moment slender chat i saw on the action line there what the oh what the [ __ ] he want leave me alone what’s your problem [ __ ] jesus christ you’re a dick dude

Is he gonna kill me yeah my wooden sword that’s going to help is that [ __ ] going to kill me press you on an item to see it juices and r to see any recipe it has oh okay thanks btg sarah zombo says hey curtis have been watching videos for a

While now it’s one of the funniest i’ve seen oh thanks i appreciate that is that guy going to [ __ ] kill me Shut up sheep going to my house going to casa curtis yeah sure i am won’t let me in thank you i got to eat again too slender chap left the game good get out [ __ ] um see uh food i this this whole thing is just really deep in my head here

All right should i get i don’t think i’ll need more food before we go all right this is where we’re going to start digging this is going to be the mine there’s more coal which always comes in handy or this specialty thing too i gotta make some more doors um ah oak door

Yeah i don’t have enough okay spruce store that’s the one i can make huh yeah i better get a couple of them oh all right now before i let what preserved curiosity i don’t know what the hell that is more amber i don’t need to bring that copper ingot with me

As i go down i’m gonna need more sticks big time okay so see sticks are just um going here god damn it i just don’t know how to make multiples oh that doesn’t do it uh yeah bruce says what up daddy said news the original composer for dragon ball

Dbz died recently good news though sam and teriyaki for dinner tonight i didn’t know that that is too bad because that’s that’s that’s some great music let me tell you i didn’t know that shift click to make as many as possible thank you okay so shift click

Ah okay and then shift click again ah perfect okay thanks uh thanks btg i appreciate it okay so we got plenty of sticks now all right now we just gotta make uh no i got doors indoors okay let’s go put up a couple doors and let’s see should we start oh i’m

Gonna have to make more before i go down i’ll have to make more um so i’ll widen this out a little bit before we start down uh we’re gonna have to make more pickaxes let’s go and do that i see k pickaxe stone pickaxe right i might have made too many [Laughter]

Oh [ __ ] and then i’m throwing sticks away hold on come back here i made so all right i guess we’re gonna store some pickaxes um yeah i think we can store a few This sounds uh this music here when it starts it sounds a little bit like color my world by chicago yeah i think we got enough to work with for a while and i got my six back oh you know what i still have a decent sword though uh sword

Okay so we’re gonna get rid of the wood one um i just made it where the hell did it go oh there it is all right i’m gonna throw that wood one away oh [ __ ] all right don’t need that wooden sword get out um nothing else to throw away doors can go

In here for now all right let’s go get to work start doing a little digging i think i got enough stone pickaxes for a little bit i love this stupid game i think i’ve mentioned that i don’t know why i like it as much as i do

Yeah i i probably do blackmaster joe said i think he needed a few more pickaxes and it wouldn’t have been so terrible if it was like iron ones or something that i was gonna be keeping but it’s stone one so you know i’m gonna end up throwing a lot of those away

All right better too many than not enough it’s only stone all right let’s pop up a couple uh oh no we don’t need two torches what are you doing right in here i gotta check what level we’re at too i don’t know how far down we gotta go before he finds oh

Oh no i’m out of pickaxes you guys oh game’s over because i don’t have any more btg this is a cool world i still don’t understand what the hell is going on with why [ __ ] just shows up randomly though but it seems to have stopped for the moment next time i place uh

A torch i’ll take a look at what level we’re on slender tap keeps roaming around here okay actually i’m going to put i got some better stuff here so uh i’m gonna have to do some digging where uh we are at oh [ __ ] we’re at 69.

Yeah 69. we got a long way down to go um let me get some of this good [ __ ] damn it thank you thank you all right now put some in the site back oh where’s that pickaxe we got a long way to go a lot of digging to go yet

And you know what i think um we’ll call it for now because i got a long way to go before we can um yeah i left my doors wide open before um i can get down to where i can start finding anything but if btg continues sponsoring these i

Might play on here anyway this is pretty fun i’ve never really played on a modded server before um put a pickaxe in your left hand too hmm i would have never thought about that btg uh hold on i wanna make sure i save this and i wanna talk to you guys a little

Bit um where’s my does it automatic it must automatically save because i don’t even have that as an option disconnect option yeah i must just automatically save okay i just don’t i don’t know oh man i’d be livid if i lost everything i’d done is it still daytime out oh it’s getting dark

I think i’ll sleep before i call it a night i got some other things on ask so there is no saving okay that’s that’s right too that i should have remembered that much i did know duh um i can’t remember what it was i was gonna

I had something else i wanted to ask you guys hold on oh so what um what are the types of mod i mean or what are the some of the commonplace or cool mods they have for minecraft this is the first time i i’ve played uh a modded server i’m just curious what

Else they have uh elena says you can kill enderman by putting a pumpkin on your head and hitting him with a sword when he’s all alone stare at his feet while attacking because this presents prevents him from teleporting away as easily i’d get killed in that for sure well i

Got first of all i’d have to have a pumpkin that’s the easiest way um because this is really fun now i i take it that uh though what were those little bubbles about before things were spawning that has to obviously have something to do with the mods minecraft [ __ ] with big blocks of

Titties big queen says the server has ender 10. forestry and twilight forest is the major ones oh so that’s what the twilight forest was what i was experiencing out there gotcha best mod play among us instead now yeah bruh i am geeked right out for for minecraft

Uh potion bubbles is that what that’s there oh okay says there are tons of them some add different animals and enemies oh that’s all i need is more enemies oh that was you invisible ah okay gotcha gotcha gotcha i was wondering i thought i thought the system was just randomly generating them

Yeah yeah among us this it does seem like it’s dying out doesn’t it i mean i know people are still playing it but it certainly seems to have lost a lot of the hype it had once had well what would my plan is for later today as long as everything goes okay from

Here on out my plan this for later today i’m going to play some more on my uh my um hardcore mode where you know the um ender dragon or bust and during that one we will have our because obviously it’s a live stream we’ll have time to just sit and chat too

So we’ll try and combine the two things if everybody seems comfortable that we’ll keep going with it if not we’ll um i’ll just have to start doing them in two separate streams you know the minecraft and then the chat stream uh andrew says i have a halloween version adventure time

Skyrim and a few other shirts adventure time would be funny as hell adventure time that’s cool and the skyrim won’t do that that’d be badass too big green says i play fall guys i have no idea what state among us is in fall guys dropped off too haha fall guys dropped off

We could still play those at some point uh particularly once we get back from disney this trip in may i’ll have more time uh almighty potato says day one of asking curtis director konichi the mighty disciple well let me tell you something almighty potato one of the sure ways to get

Yourself banned right the [ __ ] off our server is to start day one of every anything if you’re going to spam something day after day and you’re telling me you’re going to do it you’re going to get kicked and we already started watching kenichi over at the goose

That’s one of the most obnoxious things i’ve ever seen people think that’s cool to just go in and spam the same goddamn thing day after day after day spa after a while among us gets boring i gotta admit i was never bored with it

I just didn’t get back to it i could i could see where it probably would depends on i guess who you have playing with you too i don’t think we’d be as likely to get bored just because you know it’s a community thing and we all enjoy one another

They want to play curtis playing on the monthly story this was fun btg this was fun i enjoyed this and that’s a good stopping point because now i’m going to go down and start mining see here at least well we found that out early when i got all unsurprisingly confused at least here

You know this isn’t hardcore so my deaths i can still continue playing the game i have to make sure that i’m separating the two thought processes though before i go into mine and think oh you know i start playing my server and forget that if i die it’s over and

Man i already put enough into that that i’m going to be pissed that that happens um day one of me ending day one all right that was pretty funny i gotta give him that day 100 million of curtis’s age oh nacho geez you’ve been with us for so long and

Now i gotta get ready no i’m awake i’m only kidding nick yarbrough says i enjoy playing with all you guys you know what i mean of course we do the rest of the world calls it bad touch we just call it wednesday you guys are funny yeah well but that’s

We’ll be streaming that again unless something unexpected comes up you know what i’m most concerned about [ __ ] got his um second vaccine shot yesterday and so i told him you know if he gets sick he needs anything or anything to let me know so outside of that happening everything

Else should be fine i should be able to come back and play some more of that and we’ll see how that works if working in the chat to the minecraft stream works well we’ll do it if not i i gotta think about that we could always just do the minecraft server

Or the minecraft stream stop it on the days we want to do both and then start a chat stream what do you guys uh there’s only a few of us in here right now but what do you guys think um they want to downfall curtis’s minecraft world

No don’t say downfall spazdav i will i’m i’m i’m going to be i’ll be right up front with i don’t rage at games that often but if i die in my hardcore server now i’m gonna i’m gonna rage i’m gonna be [ __ ] livid day one of me saying day one big green says

Did anyone get notifications because i didn’t and i usually do tyler they’re so off the wall everything to do with streaming is even worse than usual now at youtube for whatever reason we were talking earlier that the thumbnails are all [ __ ] up uh we saw yesterday

For those who were who weren’t with us we tried to do a stream yesterday and it just stopped working you would just go into the stream and it would say there’s been an error which of course they try and blame on us and

I i did a speed test at the time and we had tons and tons of speed it wasn’t our fault at all but it’s just it’s my uh youtube just gets more and more wonky all the time especially especially with the live streams you did get a notification spaz dev

It’s day one of curtis making stone pickaxes day one will be the last day i need to do that for a long time though sour i’m not going to need to do that again for a while on this server i knew ahead of time because i saw you checking everything was working

Oh btg yeah yeah oh btg what this is the first time i’ve ever played a modded server like i told you so most of my morning was spent reading up figuring it all out getting forged put on my minecraft and then figuring out where to place all

The files oh yeah i was having a blast i said a bunch of curse words but it all worked out at the end leslie you didn’t get notified oh cool big green says i don’t think i did but i was also kind of preoccupied with other

Stuff hence why i arrived when we were ending no problem big green like i said we got these are early anyway this because you know there’s only so many hours in the day so when i make streams like this which are g100 streams btg sponsors this

Over at the goose i do them earlier so there’s not as many people around but i got a few things i got to take care of run down have some lunch a little while i’ll come back up and we’ll get started uh with the hardcore mode i’m gonna post for those of you

Over at youtube so far we’re so good on those one piece reaction well clips of reactions not uh so i’m gonna post episode two of that just as soon as we’re done here you got one too anvil it was a separate profile to hardcore i double checked to make sure that

That i wasn’t screwing up btg so after i got everything set with yours i was like holy [ __ ] i went back to the version i’m playing on in hardcore mode and it was it was fine uh yeah i will see you guys in the stream later thank you

Again guys and btg thanks for sponsoring this this is a cool world i like this this will be a lot of fun it’ll go hand in hand um with the other one and if i do create my server to btg i’ll talk to you in private messages

At the uh over at the goose but if i do it’ll be in the future but if i do create that um minecraft server the anime server and you want to be the mod i’ll contact you about it because you and i go way back with playing minecraft together

So but that’s up to you i don’t know if you want if you want more [ __ ] to do but if i do end up creating that one or as you don’t know i’m thinking seriously starting a an anime minecraft server where you have to have an anime skin

And [ __ ] like that not i’ll put put in some pre-made maps like i saw one of the um of cells perfect games arena and stuff like that and i’ll place all that stuff in it what time is it for me andrew it’s 11 30 a.m right now yeah yeah eastern time u.s

I got one around the time that i crashed btg says we we all know that the notifications and is the work worth the bragging rights yeah it’s entirely up to you um it shouldn’t be honestly a ton of work to it anyway it’ll just be another place for us to

Play and what we’re going to do is be very selective about who we let in and that’s how we’re going to try and stop any oh that’s you what are you what are you doing in there what the hell hold on a second what’s btg doing

I could figure out what the hell you were doing in here i know i know everything’s behind my giant head right now come on don’t break my [ __ ] oh he’s not always nice he’s making making the roof one level higher so say what the hell is going on

Yeah big the same thing i was like what the [ __ ] now sticky stuff yarbrough we only do on the um on the chat streams because you don’t want to listen i’m almost 60. i can’t keep distributing the sticky stuff and all the streams or the quality will

Really drop off and i hate to disappoint you guys the conversations we have here i just freaking love guys thank you uh again for hanging out with us be back with another minecraft stream the hardcore one in just a little bit and btg thanks again val

I’ll talk to you guys soon anyway we’re breaking my house quack

This video, titled ‘GOOSHER 100 STREAM from BTG – Minecraft Modded Server😀’, was uploaded by Spaz Boys Comedy on 2021-04-28 15:38:05. It has garnered 937 views and 70 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:26 or 3626 seconds.

BTG has invited me to play on his modded server… This should be fun!! 😃







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  • Minecraft Movie Rips Apart BrokeN Bois Podcast

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  • SwipeSMP – smp Mostly-Vanilla 1.21 Whitelist

    Welcome to our SMP Server! If you would like to be part of our growing community and help us with builds and shops on our mostly-vanilla 1.21 server, feel free to join us on Discord! My Discord: ihben Server Discord: Join Here Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Catastrophe

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting CatastropheWell, I guess you could say it’s not just a meme, it’s a high-scoring tragedy in the world of Minecraft humor. Read More

  • Desert PvP: The DreadMinecrafter Masters Series

    Desert PvP: The DreadMinecrafter Masters SeriesVideo Information This video, titled ‘PVP MASTERS SERIES: XV941 OF NRVA -AKA- DESERT PVP’, was uploaded by THE DREADMINECRAFTER on 2024-10-05 01:01:04. It has garnered 4 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:46 or 226 seconds. PVP MASTERS SERIES: XV941 OF NRVA -AKA- DESERT PVP … DREADMINECRAFTER VIDS EVERY NOW AND THEN ….. Read More

  • Girls vs. Boys in Minecraft: Battle of the Blocks! 🔥

    Girls vs. Boys in Minecraft: Battle of the Blocks! 🔥 Why do girls always build cute little houses with flower gardens in Minecraft, while boys just dig straight down and end up in a pit of lava? 🤣 #genderdifferences #minecraftstruggles #boysvsgirls Read More

Spaz Boys Comedy – GOOSHER 100 STREAM from BTG – Minecraft Modded Server😀