Speedrunning Random Items, Blocks, Mobs, Structures and Achievements camman18 Full Twitch VOD

Video Information

This whole thing was streamed live on twitch so if you want to be part of that chat that’s that’s up there the whole video then then go watch me live over there maybe hey maybe i’m live right now anyways go follow do first link and go

Follow it also this is a channel so subscribe here please please i’m begging please only a small person this wheel it has items blocks mobs uh so i did one stream with blocks then one with items this one has blocks items mobs achievements and structures it has

Like everything on it this is the wheel to end all wheels i’m telling you guys the mega wheel thanks for the subs everyone so so pretty much what this is right i have my little timer right below me and my objective so look every every time i’ll spin this wheel

And i’ll go hmm what will i get that’s what i’m doing right now it’s very h wheely real and then i get jungle sign okay so now i have to speed run a jungle sign how long will that take now we guess uh i don’t know 10 minutes

I shouldn’t find a jungle it’s kind of all luck 45 seconds i need to find a jungle how long do you guys think two minutes it’s one of the rarest biomes five all right let’s do five and if i don’t get it i don’t get it five men for jungle sign five

Five to eight we’ll do seven i’ll do seven men for jungle sign anyways uh and then we’ll do the prediction and then we see if i get it and then if i don’t i don’t but if i do i do it’s kind of all luck i

I don’t think you guys know how rare jungles are all right the prediction is up bet your channel points this is honestly it’s all luck you guys can’t get mad at me for this one unless i choke and craft slow but uh i probably read some of these uh

Thanks for the gifted jesus people are subbing oh family zach seven months i have to read the multiple months um wow yay for the wheel like why is your name so complicated if you want me to read your name don’t make it something god how do i even read that zuka

I don’t know all right the prediction seven minutes for a jungle sign will i get it i don’t know um great new world i got my timer let me make sure this works all right we’re all good i’m starting it’s kind of all luck so don’t get mad

At me guys anyways i’ve been gone for a week like most weeks um i was gonna stream with den but he’s out of town so i’ll stream next week with him out the wazoo yeah it’s 50 50. man that was a good pull um

I was gonna stream with den but he uh is out of town but i’ll stream with him next week i have a really good idea okay it’s really just do i spawn next to a jungle i mean i i have seven minutes to get to it so it’s kind of um

Kind of a boring one i tried i got rid of thanks for the 17 months cazork i tried to get rid of like the uh i got rid of like the coral and someone like the stupid and i tried to get rid of something like the glass

Panes and the concrete there’s like a million of those i’m gonna get a couple pieces of wood because i’ll need food but it’s really just me running for seven minutes and half of the people being really pissed off which half will you be you do um oh yeah

Someone said uh you can get twitch partner now they got rid of the rule where it’s like exclusive like so i i applied for twitch partner fyi i’ve been denied twitch partner four times but i guess i haven’t told the story in a long do you guys know the story behind my

Twitch partner because it really pisses me off oh i’m gonna get pissed quick i haven’t told it in a long time i used to say it all the time though so pretty much you need like three requirements you need is it like 4 000 followers it’s like an easy amount of followers

You need to average 75 viewers and you need to stream 12 times in a month right those are the three things you need to apply for your first time okay this is a village i’m just going to get some food here because i’m really just looking for

A jungle but this can save a little bit of time you need to average 75 viewers and stream 12 times in a month those are like the two things really and so i grind i grind i’m averaging like 80 viewers and i streamed 12 times in a month

Averaging 80 viewers and i’m like oh my god i did it and then i applied and then they denied me even though i met all of the requirements like i don’t think you can sustain this growth that’s what they said they said i don’t know if you can sustain this

Growth so and so that’s how i got denied my first time right but then the next time i applied i was averaging like a hundred viewers and you only need to average 75. but at that point i wasn’t i probably streamed like eight times in the month or something but they

Denied me because i didn’t stream enough even though i did stream enough and they’re like you can’t sustain the growth and then i like it’s the most annoying thing ever but now i’m averaging like over a thousand viewers every stream like there’s no way they deny me again because like

You don’t have to stream 12 times in a month it’s just like kind of like a thing for like if you barely make it but like i’m so far if they decline my partner i’m suing twitch that’s a joke twitch please partner me oh i haven’t

Said that in so long because i haven’t been trying to get partner i don’t even know why i want partner i just get like emotes true i do have an inside guy in peppercorn who’s made two appearances on stream i’m going to turn my render distance up hopefully the stream doesn’t crash

Because uh looking for a jungle you guys were all like five minutes jungles are like the one of the rarest biomes Capricorn on the job true why don’t you stream on youtube because the chat would be terrible see like right now i can read chat it would be too fast it’d be like a bunch of like un-ironic five-year-olds like that i would it would be the worst dude

You time me out please why oh uh the mcc server came out that was fun i i’ve played on that mcc server a bit it’s kind of i feel like it wouldn’t be good on stream though but maybe if i played with like uh some friends it might be fun Through the uh i need to get in the real mcc but unfortunately i’m kind of a nobody but i’m working on it guys don’t you worry all right well i got three more minutes not looking very good but i mean need to find one one little jungle

Oh i could have tried to get if i find an ocean i can try to find jungle wood on a shipwreck that actually might be easier i don’t even think about that but i also don’t know i don’t see any ocean so it doesn’t really help oh my

Long form video that i talked about i finished recording it but there’s like 50 hours of footage and i haven’t started editing so that might come out like in two months maybe probably three let’s be honest is that another village oh that’s a snowy i don’t want to be near snowy

I’m very excited it’s gonna be finally is a bit of a i think it’s gonna be good but i don’t know it might be bad because i’ve never made a long video like if you think about it like you’d think like i have five mil sub so like if i make a video

It’ll be at least decent but i’ve never made a oh shoot i gotta eat it could just be trash so it probably will be dude well this is that an ocean i don’t know if that’s an ocean or just a a river people will like it anyway true

That’s kind of thing at a certain point if i just hype it up enough i’ll just like promote it with like seven shorts just be super annoying and then you know at that point be egotistical true My streak is on the line every month okay but then it might be underwhelming exactly like i mean how good can a youtube video be you know it’s like it’s like a youtube video it’s like i mean it’s cool but it’s like it’s not gonna change your life let’s be honest

Oh my god this is the best video like it’s literally just like uh i mean i think it’s cool but i mean i have to edit it good which i have a minute left well i mean i can’t really run that much faster people were all saying five minutes like bro

Jungles are rare not gonna happen yeah it seems a bit Believers in shambles they are but this is the first one hopefully you guys oh someone put 13k on yes jesus you guys are unhinged i was thinking you know it was the first you know it was the first bet maybe it’s not gonna be that bad but no Well and that is where was the closest let’s see was i close locate biome jungle a thousand blocks away that’s awesome 1600 actually that’s great well that’s what happens hopefully the next one isn’t that luck based but the wheel does what the wheel does next spin jesus the mega wheel

What is that what is whatever that’s an achievement i’m pretty sure what is whatever floats your goat minecraft advanced they’re called advancements now it’s pretty stupid let’s see whatever get a boat and float with a goat enter a boat with a goat okay so i need to enter a boat with a go

Ah that honestly doesn’t seem that hard that is a wazoo i honestly doesn’t seem that hard where do where are goats though wait let me pull that back up where are goats is it just like mountain biomes let’s see goat spawning Oh um snowy slopes jagged peaks frozen peaks ooh those are kind of honestly a bit they’re rarer than you’d think no not not 20 minutes i think no you guys are way too high i just need to find a goat i feel like goats aren’t that rare i think though mountains kind

Of are rarer than than i oh i don’t know no 18 is way too high 10. i can do it in 10. i can find a goat in 10 minutes guaranteed everyone vote yes on this trust me but don’t be mad at me if you i can do it in 10 minutes i can i can i can do it in 10 minutes i can do it i can

Ten men goat in a boat Everyone’s saying 20 minutes 18 minutes my mods are saying vote no he’s not guys vote okay if i lose it’s all luck based but i think i’m gonna win i’m gonna be honest i’m cracked guys i’m cracked at finding if you notice all of my true cam man 18ers know

This like 90 of my videos that aren’t minecraft butts it starts with me walking in front of a mountain i like to start it i don’t know why but tell me cam have you ever seen a goat in one of your speed runs i’m not looking

That’s like have you ever seen a a i don’t know an orange tulip in one of my speed runs i don’t i don’t look for that it’s just like all right this is about to be literal easy i believe you’re going to lose okay put put some channel points i think mob

Uh mods can put channel points right all right objective find a great of all time it’s what’s gonna happen boom uh we’re screwed it’s over you guys just lost all your points it’s over it’s actually over oh god you guys are screwed who voted yes oh my god you morons

Oh no i need to find a mountain it’s fine guys it is literal fine i’m just trolling this will be easy i’m gonna boat because i need a boat anyway so boom hey guys i did half of it i just got the boat now i just need the goat that’s not a mountain

I’m gonna find a woodland mansion keep your eyes peeled folks i am a poet what else has happened oh thanks family zak for the gifted sub carrying the franchesca weight um hey man do you love your fans no they’re actually mainly losers but i mean let’s be honest okay i’m leaving now well

His fans are mid true um what else has happened in the last week i’ve just been recording my video someone redeemed stand up thanks for the sub um oh my merch uh it’ll probably be a long time no new updates there um oh tub net got delayed i was gonna play

That server a bit oh my stream with den i don’t know if i want to spoil it or not i think it’s a really good idea though i think it’s going to be really funny um and then i’ll probably i’ll be waiting forever for merch yeah uh well

That’s a jungle not when i need it awesome what the oh my doesn’t really help me though look at those trees whoa yo people actually get mad at me for i have this stupid joke in my videos where i go birch that’s unusable aha and then uh

There’s some people there’s this guy on twitter who’s like the birch community and he spam tweets at me whenever i make fun of birch in a video so it’s kind of funny he used birch okay guys the k man 18 stream is a different canon than the k

Man 18 youtube videos alright i can use birch on stream right just not in the video i probably have accidentally in the videos before though but it’s two different it’s two different canons alright oh god i’m not gonna find one guys i told you to i told you to be

Careful with your points shoot how is our axes so slow it’s when mods are always right okay i think that’s not true there was one that was like i don’t remember you guys are actually usually wrong and i haven’t i have four more i have six more minutes

There could be a mountain right here there’s not though i kind of wish there was god dang it ham man is trash at pvp not true i need to do a stream where i’m pvping again because people think i’m bad at the game so i was playing on mcc

Island which is like the new server and there’s like it’s like a pretty good players on right now because like it’s in beta so it’s like only pretty good players for the most part and people are like what the cam man is good yeah i’m good i’m telling you guys i’m underrated

At pvp you guys you guys just haven’t seen it like when do i 1.19 pvp like manhunts the only time i die in manhunts is by beds and oh god i don’t even want to talk about the last one the stupid gast oh my god all right i’m done with these birch

Forests oh i’m about to need food god dang it oh god i’m in this i don’t need food just go into creative mode and find one i don’t think that’s uh i don’t really think that’s how it works but um if it was then that would be good dude

Wow i love this birch forest and in dark oak and no animals by the way just just for the cherry on top There’s just nothing is that a can’t get through there there’s a squid thank you do you like cheez-its there’s like a couple foods where like once every six months i’m like i want this like animal crackers does anyone else do this like have animal crackers once every

Like six months i just really want animal crackers for some reason then i get them and then they’re good for like two times and then they’re bad cheez-its are kind of one of those things for me like they’re fine for like a couple times but like people who are obsessed with things like

Goldfish like goldfish are kind of hall of fame mid like they’re fine but chocolate covered blueberries yeah that is that doesn’t have chocolate though i’m gonna be honest chat this is not looking good okay over there the i don’t know i feel like that just feels like a mountain to me whenever the

Beaches are like that it feels like there’s gonna be a mountain nearby you know what i’m talking about it’s all flat i’m not i’m not there’s a there’s a ruined portal Wait for it i need food i need food i can do this how much time do i have three minutes there’s got to be a mountain over here the problem is none of these are mountain biomes but whenever it’s like this that usually means there’s one nearby i need food though

There’s food in this little plains i’ll get off right here i don’t see any animals have they not spawned in yet where are the animals thanks for the sub big dad shout out big dad all right where are the animals okay there’s some sheep ah i have two and a half minutes

Let me get these pigs actually all right now i hope that this leads to an actual mountain i need my boat i can just craft one i’m good i can craft one if i need it Two minutes Come on mountain wait oh no meadow doesn’t count as mountain and uh for goats i don’t think Oh that’s technically a mountain biome but i don’t think it can spawn goats no is that all no oh we’re just getting the mountain the areas but i don’t think yeah it has to be one of these no no you’ve got to be kidding me God i think we might be screwed i think we might be formally screwed how much time a minute it’s over it’s over man uh who you guys honestly should have voted no there i’m gonna be honest maybe if it’s 18 minutes okay is that a grove right there

Hey man cannot be trusted okay you voted no why are you matt you told us to vote yes you’re a non-voter well that guy literally didn’t vote and is like you told us to bro yes sir hey it’s not over it’s over watch this there’s gonna be a random

Goat right here and everyone’s gonna be pissed God dang it not over not over right up here ah right up right up here right up why is it all meadow oh my god is this a whole different village are those two villages i thought that was the same one all right where was it okay biome There was one 400 blocks away awesome 400 blocks and Where was the 400 blocks away oh it was right oh god dang it two losses back to back okay guys i know you guys are losing face in the wheel but don’t because this one is gonna be amazing trust me this is not your day we’re just getting out the

Losses quickly this is a guaranteed win guaranteed win guys [Applause] It’s fine that’s actually not that hard how do i make it though all i have to do is get to the nether polished blockstone how do i make it five minutes i swear you guys are crazy all right polish blackstone i shoot five blocks four black stone

So how long does it take to get to the net hmm i get unlucky it could take a long time to get to the nether i’m gonna say because then i need black stone which means i need the right nether biome people are saying 15 my mod says 14 i say 13

13 i can do it i can do it in 13. i can do it in 13. i can i can vote no if you don’t believe me do it 13 minutes oh they don’t believe oh shoot the the thing’s already gone up it’s almost done hurry a vote oh shoot i think was that a 30 second did everyone get those in Oh wait it’s only it shows 30 second for me never mind it that’s just a glitch everyone vote Vote oh people are saying 50k oh my god oh god someone put 50k on yes They’re risking it all they’re risking it all folks oh my that guy gets a vip if he wins if he wins vip oh boy is it over i can’t it’s glitch for me i don’t know if it’s over yet all right well 13 minutes can i get blackstone

Putting all the eggs in one who is that person it’s funny because there’s a lot of these people who like Oh oh god it’s starting all right i need iron i need to iron Planes is a really good spawn it doesn’t look like a great plains though there’s a ravine here i think i might just get iron right here just because it’s uh it’s quick i need a tree though because i might not find a village and i i can get i need um

Four iron and i can probably just get that right here i think i got this it’s just gonna come down to can i find a lava pool and what nether biome will i spawn in Come on where’s the iron I hate copper it’s the stupidest thing like at least make it do something jesus alright some iron right here machine three like oh anything oh it better not be two oh my god is that it oh look at this punch one iron oh my god it’s just five veins of copper This is crazy Iron stop with the copper stop nice nice there’s actually no way there’s no okay jesus how to mine to the end of the earth for four iron all right wasted a good amount of time but i think we’re still making decent time to get back really

Need four of it or eight of that i need one coal there’s coal everywhere though How where am i all right where’s my crafting there’s my crafting table we’re we’re still fine i do this i do this i do that i do that all right then i get i i’ll probably get a shield too actually no i don’t want to waste any

Time it’s just going to come down to lava pool because i’m going to get water bucket so i can make my portal flint and steel i need um i need flint come on quick flint let’s see how many okay that’s that’s four breaks total six it’s one and eight so i should get

It right here right that’s eight breaks that’s ten breaks one and eight okay there we go eleven not bad all right she need one the creeper over there stop Fine get some of the free blocks nice all right um i probably need food not that much though depends really how quickly probably kill this pig with my pickaxe um get water right there now i just look for a lava pool or a ruined portal uh i’m actually gonna make a stone axe

Because i have this that’s not how you make an axe make a stone axe so i can flint and steal and kill animals and it’s way better all right we’re looking for a lava pool you don’t clip that jesus look at that okay lava pool i’m not gonna i hate everything there

Was a lava pool there was a there was a piece of lava in the cave there wasn’t a lava pool all right nice i feel like first i feel like over there is going to have a lava pool i don’t know why i just feel it

Bloob tube is crying right now 50k he must have gone all in he’s never watching my stream again if he loses let’s be honest he’ll just be in a depression all right was that a did i just see a ruined portal or am i deaf or mean blind

I guess i’m blind all right give me a lava pool that clip is fake just fyi for everyone out there getting trapped no you’re dyslexic true ah am i dyslexic i don’t know i feel like i feel like i don’t know if i have adhd or just everyone has adhd because i feel

Like everyone says they have adhd but i kind of feel like i have adhd but i don’t know is it maybe it’s just like a thing people say spell elephant e-l-e-p-h-a-n-t i kind of just realized halfway through that like i read elephant so i kind of just realized that

You s spelled it though didn’t really wait did you say spell you did wait did i spell it wrong did i say p instead of ph just one piece of lava Now the joke was i spelled it yeah yeah yeah yeah i realized that halfway through all right i’m ready for the lava pool slow man 18 maybe What’s the seed why are you gonna try to go and tell me where the lava pool is going creative go to uh y negative 54. wait that’s that’s not the right coordinate guys spell i cup but say it out loud don’t type it into chat say it say it out loud

How to troll everyone uh oh is that what i think it is is that what a what i flippin don’t tell me that’s a cave entrance that has to be a lava pool right Oh yeah i i’m i’m doing it the guy’s getting this 50k unless i just get screwed by the spawn all right let me get that just in case i die Did not know it was that deep um we’re fine we are fine we are fine guys guys we are fine we are fine we are fine completely fine All right we’re going to the nether i literally just need four black stone in five and a half minutes there’s no way as long as as long as i don’t get the worst spawn known to humanity uh-oh oh god i just needed blackstone We’re doing it oh it’s over doubters and shambles doubters an absolute shambles 18 minutes 14 minutes 15 minutes 20 minutes should have been eight minutes yeah oh boy polished blackstone oh yeah that’s why they call me the blackstone bandit it’s what they call me you guys should watch this on

Top of it all on top of it all oh shoot this is lava okay still one that person just one who is this How do i spell it let’s see either they’re a god gambler following since april okay they’ve been here over four months i respect it what did they do they redeemed they did all right blubetube you’re getting vip just don’t say anything dumb and i won’t unvip you uh slash vip blooptube tube

I think it worked oh saying okay in the chat the bloob tube the god gambler all right we go back to the wheel we go back to the wheel um don’t don’t steer me wrong wheel they sold 22k bro do we do we want to do this again oh my god

Do i skip or do it again i just hate repeating the same thing like we just tried to look for a gentleman all right everyone’s saying skip like if it was like an hour from now but like doing the same thing back to back to back is just boring bastion that’s

That’s also kind of the same thing all right one more skip we’re doing this one no matter what though no more skips okay we just went to the nether don’t give me another one you [ __ ] guys no skips all right i have to choose between these two

Ravager or netherright i think i do netherright pickaxe i think i actually do another right pickaxe i think it’s easier than ravager all right now the right pickaxe how long all right so i need a normal i need four i’ll make a smithing table missing table two iron all right so i need

All right so i need four netherright scrap and four gold and three diamonds and get to the nether and iron to get the diamonds hmm 34 20 minutes you think i’m gonna mine for diamonds go to the nether mine for netherright and like what let’s just do an even 30. i don’t know

If i’ll be able to do it though i’ll need i’ll need a village spawn probably i could get a bastion nether i can get that’s possible let’s just do an even 30. if i get it i get it if i don’t i don’t it there’s like a it’s possible

I think the chances are no but it’s possible at the right pick even 30. Am i starting at netherright pickaxe 30 in in 30 min yes or no all right prediction is up vote i would vote people are some people are saying yes the thing is if you vote yes you get better odds if you guys don’t know how it works it’s like depending on

The odds so if it’s like 10 to one odds like if ten percent of people vote someone put 22k don’t tell me that’s a boob tube this guy’s insane blooptube the the gambler all right now the right pick in 30 minutes it’s hard i could get a god to your spawn though

I glitched out you’re good Yo this guy’s saying you just need two iron four gold three diamonds and four scrap well actually i need three stone like eight wood i need five iron actually because i need an iron pick unless i get the diamonds from a chest like it’s a lot more people are saying now i’d say

That’s a good call but it’s possible it is possible what does vip do nothing actually though vip pretty much just means if i ever need mods i’ll just modded the vips in chat like i only really mod people if i feel like i need mods

Let me wait a second all right there we go and uh like if i gain a bunch of viewers and need more mods then i will probably mod some of the whoever has been vip the longest there’s already a that’s pretty good there’s a there’s a

An another uh lava pool right there i’m gonna screenshot it for now and keep moving and then also if you hit a 69k with vip then i’ll probably mod you probably or i’ll refund it but i’ll probably mind at that point because you’ve been shot for so long

All right it looks like there’s no villa wait i don’t have optifine is that like a no that’s nothing all right um i think i just go mining right in this ravine the problem is gonna be food um i actually need three diamonds really and then four gold i need three diamonds

And four gold and then uh some of the how many channel points do you think i have oh a hundred and twenty six thousand I wonder who has more between you and cpt wait who has the most channel points it’s either you or my or cptn 168k that’s almost funny oh true you do keep using yours All right um there we go get the coal a decent amount i’ll just get three or four i need five or no i need at least like i probably just need like 10 iron is minimum i think uh hopefully there’s not okay it’s uh the main thing is gonna be getting

Diamonds i need food also though that’s gonna be annoying while i’m mine iron right there i think i need to get food before i go fully mining luckily iron is a bit closer ah these tiny veins God dang it so many creepers i’m gonna redeem stand up ah yo i’m raising that soon you guys are gonna be pissed i just realized that my volume super low All right this is a good amount of iron the stand up has been raised since the donna time stand up used to only be a thousand but then i got more viewers raised at two thousand got more viewers raised to the three thousand and i think

I went right right to five thousand from there all right i got a good amount of iron um i think i go to the top and i smelt this and i get like get food and i get flint and steel i’m gonna try to get a flint right here

Because i can get better food with the um lint couldn’t take it should oh boom finally i got it early i swear it’s one and eight so i should like half of the time get it above eight or below eight but it never happens and we’re just trying to get you your

Daily exercise true i haven’t gone outside in like three months all right boom boom boom all right i need one of that um i’ll make an axe the correct way this is honestly possible i i kind of doubted myself but i’m starting to slay outside stream one should i do that next

Time i go to like somewhere i want to do it where i live because some people could figure it out but whenever i go somewhere i’m actually going to california decently soon should i try to stream uh i’m only i’m only going for a couple days so

I don’t know if i’ll have time maybe they’ll try to do a phone stream are you co-lobbing no no it’s it’s strictly it’s strictly personal but unless i stream but i don’t know if i have time i’m gonna kill these cows get some leather armor oh

I don’t even think about that i should probably shear these sheep because to get nether right i probably won’t have beds i think i’ll once i kill these cows i’ll get some shears god oh my god God they’re dropping like no beef also by the way you better not even close bucko yeah nice how are they so okay we got 10 that’s good we can get some pants oh let me just kill one more so i can get a chest plate you better drop three beef

And at least one leather oh my god he already is in the water Oh my why is this the lot biggest oh my god get out of the water All right gonna get shears jesus you’re not using your time smartly i’m gonna need a lot of food it’s gonna take a long time and it’ll be i’m not using my time wisely not i’m not using my time smartly people these days all right i need shears i need a bucket

I need an iron pick i’m gonna shear as many sheep as i can i’m gonna need more wood also good sheep give me three or two that’s all i ask for three or two one or no that gave me two three okay good sheep and there’s more over here

There’s some over there too i need a lot of sheep i’m just gonna need to get get diamonds quick hopefully i can find an underground um lava pool instead of having to come all the way back up this is gonna be so hard i’m able to find gold or diamonds above

Ground that’ll be really good but i don’t think it’s possible what is that is that one of those like uh ocean ruin things over there i think no it might just be get this sheep and then that sheep are you going to twitch con now i think

I think i might go to like vidcon next year i thought about it i think that that one just gave me one twice dude i think i’m like leaving california like a week before twitchcon which is kind of funny i wasn’t even planning anything around it all right

20 that’s pretty good not really though that’s only a couple beds but i’ll get i’ll get some more over here again we got some ohioans in shot wow anyone from oklahoma you live a sorry life just an fyi for you ah there’s more i think i need those

Sheep i need like think about how many beds you go through when you’re bed mining i might go down there to mine luckily we got good caves it shouldn’t be that hard to get diamonds i don’t think Nice you sheer babies nope more up there okay this is good oh this is gonna be so close and i need two iron for the smithing table i can’t forget that and i’m gonna need more wood i’m gonna get the rest of these cows Nice oh that gave me three that’s good Nice all right one more i think this should be enough me nice all right then i craft a crafting table and a bed and a chest plate and leggings and i sleep when i can oh jesus 11 beds is enough i don’t know for four net for four ancient debris i don’t

Know if eleven beds is enough uh i’m gonna get more wood right here for the beds and um and then i’ll see if uh the sheep grow back i think i probably what do you guys think for like for for four netherright scrap i feel like i need for four ancient debris i

Probably want to have at least 20 beds but i don’t think i’ll be able to get to that so i’m gonna have to do with what i have and mine the rest 15 yeah i mean i’m just gonna i’m eventually i’m just gonna have to go

With what i have i just need enough wood for the beds at least All right let me just get one more just because it’s better to have too many than too little um you only need two ancient debris for four scrap what isn’t one ancient debris one scrap why’d i kill that i’m a [ __ ] um i’m gonna go one more round for those i

I it’s like i need way more beds than you guys think and i have i i think i’m actually doing decent on time like 30 minutes i feel like it’s a pretty good amount of time and i feel like i’m gonna be able to get diamonds pretty easily

With i’m not gonna go for that one back there i feel like i’ll be able to get diamonds pretty easily but i need three diamonds for the uh do i just go down right here no there was a hole over there that looked like it went really far down doo doo

All right i think it’s time i didn’t get my water i didn’t get water anywhere but there’s gotta be water down here okay let me get these two am i forgetting anything i don’t think so yeah i need four gold that’s also mining now die chest plate pink we have no time for

That all right it’d be good to have water right now but i don’t so i need four gold that’s is that gold no that’s iron i need four gold three diamonds technically i’m already at diamond level this better not be a dead end that would be terrible oh god we’re good

Water over there nice diamond let’s go i knew i’d get it fast i literally need gold or this this isn’t gonna be three though it’s only one that’s the problem with this new cave thing is like the diamond veins are tiny that’s okay dig around it yes that’s why you take over yes

This is a whole different vein this is a whole different vein this is literally a whole different vein no way yo i was really like this is why you dig around it it didn’t even have anything to do with it that was just pure luck i need gold

No way gold right there let’s go oh my god i’m literally on pace it’s gonna come down i’m gonna get uh more i need four it’s fine gold is common ow rigged seed yup yup all right more gold and i can get gold in the nether if i really need to all right

We got the we got everything we literally got everything we can go to the nether right now i’m going to get a few more sheep because we have time we we definitely have time to get more sheep if we need it so i’m gonna get more sheep

Because we have so much time this is actually such a good pace this is crazy and i didn’t even get a village smell gold i’ll do everything when i get to the top we’re only halfway in exactly and i already got everything besides the nether right which is the hardest thing but

It’s a layer 15 right player 15 is the good lair or no not negative 15. there’s no negative in the nether i don’t think 14 15 all right it’s good enough All right um i think i’m good on food because i won’t be using that much food in the nether um i probably should have gotten enough gold where nether mobs don’t kill me but it is what it is i’m i’m really close to spawn so if i die i can come back pretty

Quickly those both just gave me one i’m gonna do a whole swoop around because i i have time and i think i’ll need it honestly because ancient debris is pretty hard to get doo doo doo doo okay way more up here nice yo someone who said no said just go to

The nether now every time i read someone’s chat i have to see what they voted for because like they knew i should be getting more sheep so they said just go to the nether because they voted no i see you bro don’t act yo i see you

Guys why a hundred is the best trust all right two more up there well you need the wool for uh in in the nether the pretty much the way you mind for ancient debris is by beds um so you explode the bed in the nether and exposes the ancient debris is the hope

I’m gonna get a little bit more wood because i have a little bit more of this people complaining and didn’t even vote smithing table i know it’s just a two iron which i have and uh four wood or one wood for four planks watch these eggs easy doo doo

It’s always the opposite of what i pick it happens the key to gambling is to keep gambling because you’re due you’ll do the next bet trust me you are literally due all right i this will be my last sheep i think yeah over a stack or i’ll go back to the

Lava pool and if there’s any on the way uh yeah i’ll probably smelt the um smell the stuff right here where’s the lava pool there’s a shipwreck wasn’t the lava pool like right over here somewhere i don’t think the shipwreck is worth it i feel like the lava pool right there okay nice

It’s tempting but realistically what could i get from it that would actually be useful um let me do that smithing table um diamond pick i’m gonna make a backup diamond pick i might as well make two backups cuz you guys might think it’s dumb but i have the extra diamonds and

If i die and i lose the diamond pick i’m screwed um what else um is that all i was doing oh i need a smelt i need one more why’d my music stop there we go all right oh i messed that up all right um ernest for that

Is that all i need to do diamond axe for another i could have but yeah i don’t really want to be fighting anything in the nether is that your spawn probably true make portal now you’re right all right nice boom all right we got our portal we could run out of

Food i think we’ll be good though i got that that is for the nether wait yeah just that’s all the gold i need right thoughts on being called cam i don’t care um boom make some of those just so i don’t have to within there two three

Make an extra one of these um i think that’s everything let me do a sleep then we go in the nether Boots for piglens i don’t have enough gold play metal metal gear rising that’s the most random thing all right i don’t have many blocks i’m just gonna get a couple just in case i spawn in like a crazy spot i guess i can just use wood all right we’re going

Okay so we have effectively eight and a half minutes uh we just we really have to get lucky with these uh this is a pretty bad spawn just because you don’t want to be this high up um that’s this is pretty bad um all right we’re at like zero zero

Um i think we boat down we we probably won’t be able to get back up without dying so as long as this isn’t exactly 41 blocks we’re chilling all right it’s under soul sand is fine right Is under soul sand fine oh god i’m not gonna be able to know from anyone mlg bucket i don’t know what chunk of mining straw is half the people are saying yes half or something no i’m pretty sure i wouldn’t know if it wasn’t i feel like jesus all right

Getting into layer 15. defensive ancient debris generation is the same in all biomes nice big kazork coming up clutch for the believers all right player 15 now let me not mess this up i do i don’t want to go through uh blackstone because this uh that must be a blackstone god

Dang it you don’t want to get through blackstone because it doesn’t explode very quickly pretty bad let me make sure i’m not in that i’m actually going to go this way a bit just to make sure all right i think they do like this right oh it’s soul sand

All right that did not work but we got a lot to go so we’re good do not fret do not fret any fretting don’t do it all right we continue my food thanks for the gifted family zach i’m gonna go extra far because i don’t

Want i don’t want to make it perfect use of every bed god dang it okay well we’re going this way okay i need to hurry this up a bit i’m gonna be honest is this the best way to do it i’m not really sure okay that works well

Do not fret guys all right i’m speeding it up i’m officially speeding it up ow oh i’m speeding it up jesus come on stop being unlucky i’m trying jesus which way do i mind it’s there’s lava everywhere all right right here nothing nothing i the pickaxe is i should lost all the

Wool unless it didn’t burn i hate everything i hate everything oh my god if the wall is fine and some of the wood is fine i’m good how do i get down though i just have to i should have to die and get wood to get down you’ve got to be kidding me

Smithing table 2 and the gold and ice there’s no trees oh my god it was the perfect spawn it was the perfect spawn that’s we still have a chance it’s not looking good though i don’t think i definitely saw some of my stuff didn’t burn if the right stuff didn’t burn we

Could be fine i know my um my pick is good which way did i go this way right over here i think oh god this way or that way i could have tried to find a bastion i think i’m screwed is that it left right left right left i think it’s right there

Unless it’s not man all of that for nothing oh wait it’s not over it is not over not over how much time do we have left three minutes it’s probably over but it’s not technically over i just hate i literally winded 30 times because of this stupid lava everywhere smithing table pick

Is the wool gun water bucket yeah i think we’re screwed welp it’s over oh just mine i guess you’re right wait let me continue oh shoot i have two and a half minutes i have two and a half minutes i don’t have the gold it’s over it’s over i don’t have the

Gold i don’t have the gold it’s over how much a lot bro this is what i was oh my god if i i should have gone this way there was black stone though so i couldn’t go this way i guess i should maybe i should just full 360 around

You’ve got to be kidding me look at how much random lava there is in this entire area like one little spot like oh my well you could mine for the gold yeah it was over it was over let’s be honest because i it takes like 10 seconds to

Break the thing i was screwed it was over it was over all right man to the wheel back to the wheel we need a we need to pick me up because that one has me down i’m gonna be honest rigged seed that’s honestly true come on wheel

I’m not going to the nether again i’m not i’m literally not i don’t care wheel i’m not doing it what is it oh is that just kill any mob monster hunter is that what that is all right let’s let’s see what exactly what it is hostile mob does that include like wolves and

No kill any hostile mob all right how long do you guys think eight minutes eight minutes to kill a mob i should go in a cave but i need like a sword honestly how much for a wooden sword that’s just two pieces of wood that i just need to

Find a cave which is kind of harder than you’d think i’m gonna say two minutes two minutes to kill a mob uh an enemy mob two minutes i think i can do in two minutes two men kill enemy i’ll just do kill enemy or i’ll just do enemy mob loki four

As if thank you cpt as if i need four it’s about to be the easiest two minutes okay two minutes is a bit there’s a bit oh god guys oh 77 percent of you guys are voting or voting yes i don’t i’m gonna be hostile true

I can’t predict well try harder i don’t know hope you spawn out in a flat land with no caves the worst would be a mushroom biome imagine i spawned in a mushroom biome where no mob spawn alright i think i got this you know what i’m

Turning on the dream music for this one we haven’t busted it out all day it’s coming out legendary cow with the 10 months you should make a new minecraft server because it’s been 10 months since hardcore server i will eventually I messed that up i can’t look all right we’re good Give me a cave i’m not loving this spawn i’ll be honest there’s a desert temple oh that’s risky that could spawn a mob Looks like a cave up there Drowned true i should have done that but it’s too late we got this i should not die Easy fifth one minute one minute people were saying four minutes three minutes bro sub one they call it a sub one yup yup easy easy but i’ve killed a drowned i don’t know yeah that was actually a terrible idea idea good job guys not Dude all right nice the wheel the wheel gets what the wheel wants that’s what i need to remember just give me a nice a nice overworld one like you know pumpkin something like that you know just something you know just just some chill vibe what is it oh god

I think i know what this is and i’m not i’m gonna hate it so much oh god okay i got this one last time i got this one last time it’s look at aghast through a spy glass yes or no do i do it if people say yes i’ll do it

Look at a ghast through a spy glass it’s actually not that hard um oh god it’s like i think it’s more nose it’s more it’s definitely more nose it’s more nose than yes’s it’s democracy guys i was actually down to do it dude Dark oak leaves oh that’s actually not hard i can do this this is a good one because i need shears right i need shears and a dark oak tree oh but if i just get unlucky and don’t get the biome oh i don’t know three minutes what if i

Don’t find a dark oak biome that’s like three minutes if it was oak leaves because i need to get shears also let’s say six yeah i think six is good six minutes six minutes 90 seconds wait no that that’s not a real time six minutes six minutes because they’re pretty common they’re

Pretty common biomes but i could also get screwed six is a bit ambitious but i think six is is where it’s at i like to be ambitious six men dark oak leaves uh dark oak leaves in six minutes yes or no one minute all right predict i’m believing in you every time well

Hopefully you’re right gamble your points true true uh because i just need shears here’s the thing i’m not gonna mine for shears until i found a dark oak thing because i could just get iron in the overworld i’m gonna just run and try to find a dark

Oak leaf and then once i find it then i’ll go mine for shears unless i have like a super good spawn right next to iron so my goal is to find iron on the way pretty much and if i have to mine for it i have to mine for it

A lot of people are saying yes this is an ambitious one i’ll i’ll put it straight up i don’t know if i’ll get it six minutes it’s kind of luck based but i could i could do it all right good spawn come on um this seems fine

Kind of bad i don’t really want to be in these colder biomes definitely not going to go that way i need to go the opposite direction there should be enough wood i’m going to craft an axe right now because i’m going to need food eventually unless i get lucky and i’m

Gonna need a wooden pick i was messed up and then i’m gonna need a stone pick all right give me oh god give me dark oak jesus all right that’s actually good oh my god this looks like an amplified world what there you guys go jesus

Oh my god this one this is one of the cr i’ve seen so many minecraft worlds this is actually one of the craziest world generations i’ve ever seen you guys can scr go back in the vaude and screenshot that um but i need to find dark oak

Jesus that seed it’s covered oh okay remind me at the end and all and i’ll get it i can’t do it right now though i’m kind of in the middle of something which isn’t going well because i don’t see any dark oak wood jesus It would be over here it’s not going to be next to one of these tiger biomes so it’d be over here believers are in shambles right now it is not looking great but six minutes we still have time this is a crazy seed though jesus seed

Please i’ll give it yeah if i see iron i’ll probably get it right here if it’s exposed it’s copper jesus this is crazy welp i might be screwed folks i think my best bet is probably boating right now and then getting a shipwreck with iron and then finding that’s my

Best bet right now is is using a boat which i need one more wood for actually you know two more because different oak types different wood types um all right uh now i want to find a shipwreck with iron and then i also want to find dark oak wood which is pretty unlikely

Now i’m not saying i’m screwed so that’s a portal it could give me i don’t think it’s worth it though but it could give me iron but it probably won’t give me two iron which is what i need oh god is this an enclave oh god that was a screw up

Get it it’s not worth it ship made of dark oak i need dark oak leaves if you learned how to read dude you forgot your crafting table i don’t think i or i do actually need it for um if i get iron ingots or iron nuggets

I think i’m screwed guys i’m gonna be honest actually i might not be because anywhere could be wait is that it i know it’s not just give me a shipwreck and then give me ooh planes by them there’s almost always a darko connects to a planes by him

Okay i just need to look for is that a shipwreck over there i think that is or maybe it’s not how is there no shipwreck there’s always a shipwreck there’s always a shipwreck i’m screwed there’s another rune portal i think i should have to go for that

And hope it gives me the iron and then hope there’s a shipwreck right over there it’s like my only way i did not miss it what are you talking about i’ll do locate biome after this all right this has to give me iron pretty much or i’m screwed i need 18 nuggets

I don’t think this gives raw or normal like ingots i need 18 nuggets i got 18. um i just need dark oak wood um looks like i’m screwed unless it generates within like two seconds i’m gonna need a wood for a crafting table right here

Oh yeah i think i’m screwed i need this for a crafting table man i feel like i was close Come on oh my god man oh i g i clutched up with that iron too and i’m out of sprint it’s over it’s over check your left all right first let me show seed ah seed uh there screenshot the seed boom screenshot all right left apparently i missed i missed dark

Oak to my left pretty sure people are just being delusional but where’s the dark oak where is it where is it all right let’s do flash locate biome dark forest 900 blocks away oh yeah i love that i love i love when the closest one of the most common

Biomes is a thousand blocks away wow to the left you missed it to the left you missed it bro all right that one i don’t feel there was nothing i could okay turn off this music you morons all right only 900 blocks away all right the wheel it’s not a skill issue

All right wheel what do you have for me what is oh we do okay i kind of like this this that one is kind of fun but we did already do it do i skip i did or i did it last stream how do we keep getting repeats on the advancements like

That’s like the rarest thing this is um people are saying skip i would have done it i like that one but it is kind of luck based i think i should like it because i got lucky last time all right not oh okay this is this is pretty easy

This is block and arrow i think with a shield um block any projectile with a shield i think i can do this um how long though block a projectile with a shield so i just need one iron but i need it smelted and i need like a skeleton

Five i’m gonna say people are saying five i’m gonna say four minutes 20 seconds officially four minutes 20 seconds not today thank you 4 min 20 block arrow with it’s actually not just narrow it could be like another projectile if i get blazes quicker somehow it is it is the funny number guys

Um not today thank you in 4 min 20 sec yes or no prediction has started and my chrome crashed awesome all right vote vote your heart out what should i tweet i need it i i think i forgot a tweet last week hmm we need cpt and true

Why are you obsessed with metal gear rising there’s this guy in my chat about preston that would be easy engagement but all right we what if it was called minecraft but fletched emoji i’m pretty sure i’ve already tweeted that exact thing all right shoot we’re starting

What am i doing um okay there’s a village i can kill big guy for my iron this should be pretty easy unless i die what this seed is crazy this village is like in a jungle rare jungle villager not as crazy as the last one though all right um i should

I need i need wood for the shield also i need wood for a crafting table i think i need like i’ll get five just in case did you what do you think about that kory x kenshin vs youtube i didn’t watch that video but it was trending for like

Three days i probably should have do do do do do i need that to kill big guy i need to sneeze alert i need to sneeze all right big guy don’t kill me one two three all right so then i just get a shield and i need to find a skeleton which

Shouldn’t be hard but i could get super unlucky that is possible nice least amount of iron possible all right i think that’s all i do all right now we look for i’ll just kill like two of these just in case i need food now we look for a cave um

Shouldn’t be too hard i want to get in this savannah shouldn’t be too hard looks like right here maybe oh god come on oh i need okay come on just give me a big cave it’s 1.19 cave update or i guess that was last update but still

They should still be in the game right dig straight down with what pickaxe with what pickaxe if i find a jungle temple i think that projectile would count okay there looks like to be a cave right here that’s not oh my god wait okay let me get down We’re fine where did you skeleton bring me to a skeleton skeleton where’s the skeletons come on oh god i’m low come on there’s the skeleton spawner right here buddy thank you not today Spider spawner good thing that wasn’t a zombie jesus i would have been screwed this was a dead end all right it’s right here but yeah that was a creeper i would have been officially screwed i didn’t clutch up like a boss all right we’re i think

We’re on a win streak except for that one we just lost back to the wheel back to the wheel wow thanks for the retweet just looking at my going live page all right um gonna go past [Applause] that’s literally one of the who’s seen that video that’s literally one of the

Rarest blocks in the game deep slate emerald has anyone seen that video and i and i need silk touch guys i have to do Chicken one minute people say i have to kill it not just find it i have to kill a chicken four punches 42 seconds 42 seconds i will kill a chicken 42 seconds 42 seconds i’ll do it you guys don’t believe me the prediction is up predict if you don’t believe 42 gosh darn seconds All right it’s time to lock in Everyone lock in you ready for get ready for the dream music we get we’ve got some doubters 6.8 k by lego is it lego or lego do you guys say lego or lego i was thinking i said you say minecraft legos in a video and i don’t know if it’s lego or lego Oh shoot doesn’t even matter let it keep going oh shoot wait let me i spawned right next to chickens it wasn’t really i can kind of chill there i literally spawned right here uh we can let we can let it run a bit i mean i just have to

Yeah i was a bit bit uh anti-climactic i’m gonna be gonna be honest i they just finished right there look like would have taken like 10 sec like five seconds if i did you do the raw Seemed like we’ve had the rare misclick Now now i won’t say i won’t i won’t i won’t say which mod did it you can try to guess for yourself Where are my points uh seems one of the mods accidentally uh misclicked guys guys guys here’s the thing you might be thinking you might be thinking did i just get scammed out of my points yes but back to the wheel back to the wheel back to the wheel

No not really not really the time for that refund there’s nothing i can do i can’t it’s old torch how do i make that i swear i’ve got this one before also i don’t want to go to the nether again we have to do short ones i have to get off soon

Nether is hashtag boring these days we’re pressured by it nether is just boring he’s like the same thing every time hashtag mod support so true spruce log oh god this is the worst thing ever spruce ma spruce uh spruce log oh it’s literal all luck it’s literal all luck you know what

Let’s just say one minute like there’s really no like method to it it’s kind of just you just hope one min spruce log you know either you get it or you don’t get it it’s not really a bruce log in one minute all right prediction is started

Gay gambling true hashtag put camman in jail guys guys guys i i’ll i’ll send an email to twitch so after the stream you will be refunded your points guys don’t worry like i would actually be heartbroken if you guys lost your point so i will be

Sending an email to twitch after and you guys will be refunded all the points so you’re good do not worry do not worry guys hashtag cam man is evil hashtag all right it’s spruce log in one minute the prediction is up someone put 15k on no this is just all luck

Um well let’s see i am a huge fan yes sir can we get some hashtag i’m a huge fans in chat yeah all right i have a minute data uh oh it’s over Actually well i think it’s possible if this meadow leads to yeah that’s i’m screwed wow we got a lot of huge fans in chat wow you guys are nice village will they give me a spruce log i don’t think so well you guys you guys knew Well that was a was a bit of an of an anti-climactic one where was the nearest spruce what am i okay locate biomes bruce wait what tiger a thousand blocks away i love this someone else yeah i’ll end the prediction bruce log in one minute no i did not

All right back to the wheel dude please miss click pig how do i go from chorus fruit to pig all right i have to kill it though this is harder than killing a chicken because i think i need a sword i’m gonna say cause chicken i don’t need

A sword to kill this i need a sword to kill i’m gonna say a minute and how a minute and 11 seconds 11 11 except 11. hill pig in one min 11 seconds start prediction ill pig in one one min 11 sec yes no start prediction all right i need to get

A sword which will take it’s only two wood though so problem is i could spawn in a trash biome hi brooman i don’t know who that is but you have a cool check mark that i don’t have kind of messed up if you think about it dude all right

Is it has it gone through yet predict everyone’s saying yes how is like 300 people have said yes all right gamble your points yeah all right print with fist the problem is the the pigs run super fast now whenever you hit him i don’t i don’t want to risk that oh shoot

We’re good we’re chilling Uh oh oh pig oh god there’s cows there’s sheep Easy e z e z wait Not even close not even close up to my that was This is for paper straws sorry guys i had to all right we’re kind of on a win streak right now um back to the wheel we can do a couple more short ones all my points now oh shoot i need to end the prediction i forgot my mods are

Scared to end it now all right someone ended it oh they did it right crossbow oh god didn’t i get this a lot i know i need to do this again i got this last how do i keep getting repeats there’s a thousand things on this wheel that’s crazy um

Who remembers last time i don’t want to talk about it but i need to redeem myself i don’t remember the crossbow crafting recipe all right so i need one ironing get now i need two iron ingots because i need a tripwire hook two iron ingots two string and some wood pretty easy

Two iron ingots two string and some wood i feel like the problem is the string really um yeah obviously pillager outpost i think five minutes i can do it people are saying ten and six i think i can do it in five it comes down to the string but i think

I can do it five minutes i think i can do five um let me change this five men crossbow four minutes yeah right i’ll start prediction crossbow in four men all right let me just do this cross bow in four boom oh shoot all right it’s five why don’t

Someone said four and it got four in my head delete you [ __ ] crossbow in five man five is pushing it okay i messed up but i can refund it okay i didn’t mess up the paying out um All right i’m slouching my look you guys can’t really tell how far this thing goes look this is like normal i’m sitting like this like all stream my posture is probably so bad oh gamer posture i think i i sit like this that’s not terrible bro i swear i’ve seen some people like

All right i’m just i’m just enthralled in the video game guys you don’t understand i love gaming all right crossbone five minutes i need two iron two string and some wood it’s possible but is it plausible i don’t know the the string is gonna be the hard part honestly

I’m gonna have to go with a tactical birch unfortunately um i might go with the tactical okay there’s actually a cave right there um i’m gonna i’m gonna see if there’s a shipwreck there is if i go for the shipwreck can can shipwreck i’m going for the shipwreck

Because it can it’ll probably give me two iron and i didn’t see any iron down there and i don’t know if it can give me string i don’t think it can but it should be able to give me two iron if i’m not super unlucky oh god this is an upside down one

Jesus It better if it doesn’t have an iron chest and that’ll be really bad oh god it’s like a half oh my god it’s like a half oh god is this not gonna have a chest uh it’ll if it doesn’t have that there’s another one over there i’ll have to go to

I might be throwing this might have been a throw decision tell me this is the god dang it i think this is the one that’ll have don’t tell me this is the potato one okay that was not a throw decision that was a good decision that was a good decision

We just need two string okay good job me okay i don’t need that all right nice we need two string and i can go in that cave down there and hopefully get it guys i i’m allowed to get birch on the i’ve i said this before the chemin 18 twitch stream is

Non-canon it’s a different canon to the k m18 youtube channel all right two different things bucko sometimes it feels like you guys don’t get called bucko enough and you get all wild i’m gonna get jesus wait shoot yeah i need the tripwire which i’ll make right now

And i’ll mess up oh i did it right um get that so i can kill the now just give me a spider i need two string two string should not be hard unless i get unlucky there’s skeleton there’s creeper more skeleton Come on Bro why is there no spider We’re good oh my there’s no way there’s no spider That’s a dead end i can’t get down there that looks like a dead end and if it is then i lose That was weird ah come on another creeper awesome i’m gonna let this explode do i need some blocks didn’t give me much Spider i’m super close to death though no way jesus oh my god That one was crazy jesus i didn’t i was so locked into i say anything oh my god all right i think i think i gotta end it on that that’s literally the the highest of high notes um i’m gonna raid someone if you stay you’ll get some extra channel points um

I just find uh someone i’m probably i don’t i don’t like rating people multiple times like i need to find people i don’t i haven’t rated i think this person i’ve never rated but i’ve rated like everyone all right here we go slash oh shoot i need to make a tweet

Someone give me a tweet i’m not you’re not getting your channel points until i make a tweet all right let me think oh god brainstorm someone say something funny say something funny someone just and also stay cause you’ll get channel points if you stay for the raid so william shakespeare or oh no

Um hmm minecraft is kind of mid i could say terraria over minecraft and get a bunch of people mad even though it’s true um pineapple on pizza is good that’s just that’s just lying um oh true wait i got a good one and and it’s minecrafty one second okay here’s a good one

Wait let me think about this um all right this is a this is a bit of a minecraft retweet only some of you guys will get it it’s it’s a bit of a it’s a bit of a minecraft or tweet you know could be big in the minecraft community not really a

Humor-based tweet more of a more of a minecrafter tweet kind of puts life into perspective for you you know all right anyways uh i’m gonna raid someone uh or let me re follow back some of these flippin retweets oh yes bing bing bing bing bing bing all right i just followed back like

A million people right wow i’m such a good person all right i’ll follow back more people later i’m going to uh oh god i just what did i just click oh i’m good like there’s like some button that like makes all your windows like minimize at once all right i’m uh i’m raiding

Someone slash raid all right did that work all right if you stay for that you’ll get 300 channel points wow for free oh yeah don’t be annoying in the raid just say like raid don’t like spam me the whole time don’t spam do you know cam man you said his name wrong oh

My god oh he just say raid and then freakingly or don’t don’t leave the stream but just uh don’t don’t like be annoying you guys are so annoying it’s hard i’m just kidding i love you i don’t i hate you all all right i’ll see you guys next saturday with the aoden probably

And uh we’ll probably have a good stream saturday 8 p.m eastern i’ll be back probably with dan and i think i have a good stream planned i don’t know don’t be annoying i’ll ban you for my chat bye

This video, titled ‘Speedrunning Random Items, Blocks, Mobs, Structures and Achievements camman18 Full Twitch VOD’, was uploaded by camman18 VODS on 2022-08-31 15:00:28. It has garnered 56757 views and 2468 likes. The duration of the video is 01:53:07 or 6787 seconds.

This was streamed live on twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/camman18

Today camman18 plays not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other Minecraft but challenge like that, but Minecraft VOD from Twitch camman18! It was HILARIOUS.

Edited, uploaded, and thumbnail by: https://twitter.com/zPoggy

also follow my twitter https://twitter.com/camman18_

Follow my main channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/camman18s Join my discord – https://discord.gg/45tvHdhUPA

This Minecraft but challenge makes the funniest Minecraft videos without any funny Minecraft mods! Somehow this is the NEW funniest Minecraft video / VOD / twitch live stream ever! Instead of any other Minecraft challenge in Minecraft 1.16.5, this is a Minecraft video in Minecraft 1.17 in 2021!

The goal was to try to inform / speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a hunter / runner but it is me, camman18 from twitch / tiktok / twitter , playing Minecraft Java 1.17 and not Minecraft Bedrock.


  • Ultimate Guide to Creating BoBoiBoy Blaze Portal in Minecraft

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  • Crafting My First Minecraft World: Survival Unfurled

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  • Uncovering Pharaoh’s Curse in Minecraft

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  • Crafting Crew: Minecraft’s Best SMP Apps

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  • Transforming into a Red Wolf in Minecraft

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  • Speedrun: All Biomes in 6 Minutes!

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Seed 2024

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  • Phone to Bedrock: Top Minecraft Servers Unlocked!

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  • ☀️ Shaded SMP Survival NEW! Custom Fish & Gear Weekly Challenges Skills Events Optional PvP NO Whitelist/Resets 1.20-1.21+ Java+Bedrock

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  • Furventures | 1.20.6 | Quests | Factions | Survival

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Pop tarts: The Minecraft Edition”

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  • Crafting Iron Dreams: Minecraft’s Ultimate Farm Build

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  • SPAWN Scary mob + ALL Memes = HILARIOUS!

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  • British Invasion: Niaz Takes Over Minecraft!

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  • 🦄 Baby Unicorn Farm Witch! 🌟 Modded Minecraft Magick ✨

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  • Daring Minecraft Horror Mod Showcase

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  • EPIC Minecraft Nether Portal Transformation 🚀 #shorts

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  • Mind-Blowing Portal Build Prank 👑🔥 Must Watch!!

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    ASIANJEFF PREPS FOR E DATE in FortnutBr!Video Information This video, titled ‘ASIANJEFF GETS READY FOR HIS E DATE… #fortnite #clixboxfights #twitch #clixfortnite #gaming’, was uploaded by FortNutBr on 2024-03-09 15:21:10. It has garnered 5100 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. 313,buckefps,clix,mongraal,motor,EU,NAE,NAW,Na central,central,Fn,Fortnite,Editing,Free Highlights Editor,Minecraft,Gaming,FUnny,Kids,Bugha,Dukezfn,SypherPk,Derekgraz,PilatFN,WebsterFN,Shorts,Tiktok,Tiktok CLips,Stream Clips,24Hr Stream Tags : fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity pc, fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity settings, fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity , fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity guide, fortnite controller sensitivity season 4, fortnite controller sensitivity x and y, fortnite controller sensitivity ps5, fortnite controller sensitivity bug, best ps5 controller sensitivity fortnite, fortnite ps5 controller building sensitivity,… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Morning Madness! #gaming

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  • Insane Mashup: Fortnite vs. Minecraft

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  • Sarkarnetwork

    Minecraft lifesteal 24/7 Online Join now And not forget to vote our minecraft server For more information Join our discord server Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes: Y’all better accept it!

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  • Bedrock Battles: Minecraft Bedwars Gameplay Galore!

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  • Minecraft meme #hotshorts

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  • Minecraft Anarchy Server Explained

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  • UNBELIEVABLE: AlmightyNibble’s INSANE Survival Stream!

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  • Unraveling the Mystery of the Haunted Island

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  • Build the ULTIMATE mansion in Minecraft Skyblock! 🏠🔥

    Build the ULTIMATE mansion in Minecraft Skyblock! 🏠🔥Video Information हेलो गाइस कैसे हैं आप सब लोग उम्मीद करता हूं आई होप सबब बढ़िया ही होंगे तो मैं फिर से आ चुका हूं स् ब्लॉक सीजन टू में पले वीडियो में बोला था कि मैं एक है ना बहुत बड़ा घर बनाऊंगा तो आज हम बनाएंगे अपना प्यारा सा एक घर तो यार वीडियो में नए हो ना तो प्लीज यार वीडियो को लाइक करना और चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करना तो चलो यार वीडियो को स्टार्ट करते हैं मैंने ऑलरेडी ऑफलाइन बहुत सारे पेड़ काट लिए हैं आप देख ही सकते हो तो मेरे पास यहां पे चेस्ट… Read More

  • “Krimsy Catches Rare Cobblemons!!” #minecraft #moddedminecraft

    "Krimsy Catches Rare Cobblemons!!" #minecraft #moddedminecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Gotta Catch Em All!! #minecraft #moddedminecraft #cobblemon’, was uploaded by Krimsy on 2024-01-31 18:00:03. It has garnered 2506 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Hello Everyone! I am Krimsy and I am a Minecraft youtuber. I Upload multiple things such as stream highlights (I stream on Youtube now, either this channel for Minecraft or my 2nd channel for other content) and even other things such as Lucky Block Battles, Letsplays, some 100 days, and even My favorite, Minecraft videos with a twist! Maybe more things in the… Read More

  • DOLT is Losing His Mind! Insane DC Driving LIVE 🔥

    DOLT is Losing His Mind! Insane DC Driving LIVE 🔥Video Information तो गाइस कैसे हो वेलकम बैक टू अने वाला ह डॉक्टर [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] अ च [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] भा [संगीत] हाट एमपी ऑन करो भाई ठीक है आप आप जाके खेलो मैं हा ऑन कर रहा व न है यार शायद तक मैं अभी देखा हूं छोटू भाई खेल रहे थेम में शायद ओके ऑन नहीं है चलो भाई मैंने ऑन कर दिया है ओके ओ [संगीत] यार भाई बहुत अच्छा है [संगीत] आप लिया कैसे क्या [हंसी] ओ माय गॉड क्या खतरनाक ड भी बहुत करते है 80 नहीं दो भगाए ये ट्रक भी ना स्पीड… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Manhunt: OP Superheroes!

    EPIC Minecraft Manhunt: OP Superheroes!Video Information Minecraft Manhunt but I get to play as overpowered superheroes I put together a special movie just for you guys to Showcase my best superheroes that I’ve ever morphed into so grab yourself a cookie and find a comfy spot because you are about to watch the most epic superhero Manhunt in Minecraft history it’s hunting time siren let’s get him atam we’re the Scarlet Witch my friends are hunting me down right now as two women where is he we got to get a wood and we got to get out of here quick click take all… Read More

  • INSANE GAMER BUILDS HOUSE WITH SHIZO – MUST SEE!! #minecraft #demonslayer

    INSANE GAMER BUILDS HOUSE WITH SHIZO - MUST SEE!! #minecraft #demonslayerVideo Information This video, titled ‘how girl build house and……….#minecraft #demonslayer #shorts’, was uploaded by GAMING WITH SADDIN on 2024-02-17 12:23:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Shocking Noob to Hack Master in Minecraft – Omz Roblox Exposed

    Shocking Noob to Hack Master in Minecraft - Omz Roblox ExposedVideo Information today me and my friends are going to be trying to beat Minecraft but what they don’t know is I have access to all commands like game mode creative and I’m going to be pranking them with all of these awesome items they’re going to have no idea I’m cheating so are you guys ready for this awesome survival Minecraft enjoyable experience sersi I’m already on my grind getting some wood yeah everyone we have to get some W Heather buy the wood Alexa buy the wood I’m going to go into this villager’s house and see if… Read More

Speedrunning Random Items, Blocks, Mobs, Structures and Achievements camman18 Full Twitch VOD