Spell Effects – TES II: Daggerfall – ADG Pro 10

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Today for a DG pro we’re gonna be doing something I’m surprised no one’s really taken the effort to do by this point and that’s investigate the spell effects in the elder scrolls too Daggerfall now something I understand about Daggerfall and in fact most Elder Scrolls games is

That the spells themselves are simply a means by which to produce effects and that it’s the effects themselves which do all the interesting things in fact it’s this entire effect system which led to that one oversight I mentioned before with how you can give yourself a critical weakness to paralysis and a

Permanent immunity to magic and then never ever suffer from paralysis since all paralyzing effects need to roll a magic elemental check and yet that combination also makes your character easier to level up but this is Daggerfall it’s got enough bugs to be considered a technological biohazard and

Thus begs the question do all the spell effects actually work and if they do are they working as expected or intended or are they doing something entirely different well I did this search online ahead of time to see if anyone else to actually done this and after a lot of searching I

Found one and only one FAQ which made any attempt to discern the spell effects and even it didn’t get everything right well we’re gonna figure this all out together once and for all but before we can we first need to create a character suitable for the task

Now it’s gonna dump all six magical disciplines into the primary and major categories but then remembered that if I wanted any hope for this character survive they needed to be able to escape the starting dungeon of the game so I decided instead to just go with a more

Standard build for my character though make sure every magical skill was accounted for across all three categories primary major and minor and that way I wouldn’t have too many issues grinding them up to make it easier to do all this testing and I gained levels in

The process and I also made sure to give them a lot of intelligence that I could get maximum spell points actually I’m a pretty good path plotted out through privateers hold which requires minimal combat and only pits you up against a single imp and one optional imp if you

Want some extra treasure the imps are like the gatekeepers of this game because they cannot be harmed with iron weapons so new players are pretty much forced to upgrade to steel or better right away or rely on magic to take out the imps or just dodge the last one

Entirely once I’m out of the hold I go to a nearby town and join the mages and fighters guilds let me skill is what opens up the spell making mechanics so naturally we want to be a member the fighters guild is a good bonus too though because we can sleep

Inside a fighters guild for free and for as much as we ever need to whereas if we try on the mages guild will be charged with vagrancy then it’s just a matter of getting some better gear leveling up a bit and acquiring some cash before we can begin our spell

Testing shenanigans when I took a few jobs of the mages and fighters gilts to rack up some reputation – since your reputation with guilds constantly decreases over time and I didn’t want to accidentally hit a point where I’d be expelled for failing to do my duties because yeah that can happen with the

Guilds those y ranking up through them and maintaining your relationship with more than just a couple or three guilds it can be kind of troublesome anyways my character prepped it’s time to make some spells as you can see here in the spell maker there’s an extensive list of spell

Effects we need to test 37 in all many of which have additional variants to test as well although for some things like differences between witch tributes are affected we’re just going to assume that if it works for one it’s gonna work for all and save us a bit of a headache

So let’s get started with the first spell effect the list chameleon the in-game description of the effect being target becomes difficult to see well okay so what does that mean and we become difficult to see as a benefit us also note that there’s both a normal and

True variants of the effect with the true variant lasting until it expires well the normal variant will expire immediately if you attack something well I set myself up with a couple chameleon spells but I got to figure out what exactly this thing’s gonna do for us I tried pickpocketing people and it

Didn’t seem to make a difference there and I tried to see if maybe the guards would be affected differently following but no I just chased me around regardless of anything so is the spell even doing anything I decided next to go to a nearby crypt and test it on some enemies in there

Instead and I wasn’t noticing anything different until I compared letting a bat lay into me with its fangs and discovered through some trial and error that all the spell effect does is make it so enemies miss you with physical attacks more often so yeah not exactly the result I was

Expecting but at least it’s something and yeah the normal and true variance work is expected though with the normal variant just swinging a weapon isn’t enough you actually have to hit something with it to cancel the effect charm is next on our list of spell effects and according to the dialog it’s

Supposed to raise our reputation with the target now given the terminology used in Daggerfall there’s actually a huge list of reputation values being tracked behind the scenes which Turbots how likely you’ll get positive or negative reactions from certain NPCs depending on what faction they belong to plus it can

Affect mercantile bonuses as well when buying and selling so on the surface charm seems like it would be very useful and except there’s one little problem you can’t hit NPCs with spells ever the NPCs and Daggerfall are controlled through an entirely different system compared to enemies meaning if you click

On them to do a touch effect it just activates their normal dialogue interaction and if you attempt to throw a range spell at them it just passes right through them I don’t think I didn’t spend several minutes trying to get this to work naturally you can hit

Enemies with a charm spell but then all you’re doing is potentially raising reputation with them which to be fair if they haven’t spotted you yet may allow you to avoid combat but that’s only because pacification checks are only run once when an enemy spots you and then never again so raising reputation with

Them once they start attacking you is pointless so yeah charm is pretty useless spell bores I mean it’s doing anything at all climbing is the next spell effect which supposedly doubles our climbing ability now it sounds like it might have its uses except one you don’t do a lot of

Climbing in this game and – even though my character’s climbing skill is only 4% they can climb things just fine so long as they’re not fast climbing I detest fast climbing with the climbing spell effect octave and it did help prevent me from losing my grip as often but again

For freaking % the spell effect really isn’t worth the effort especially given some other effects are gonna see soon comprehend languages some next effect and this one actually surprised me a bit so anyone who’s played Daggerfall will likely recall it there’s several language skills you can give your character including cinterion Daedric

Dragonish giant ich harpy impish nymph orcish and spray gun which yes is as excessive as it sounds basically anytime a hostile creature notices you a language check is made if they happen to belong to one of those language sets and if the language checks succeeds set creature will be made

Passive and will not attack first no matter what you know the comprehend languages effect is basically supposed to be a raw boost to every language check performed so to test this out I went over to a place where I knew a bunch of orcs resided and

If I just attempt to go in all gung-ho they pretty much all start going after me but if I start out my comprehend languages spell before entering most of them won’t attack also since this is part of the language check which is only world once as soon as the comprehend

Languages effect wears off the works which have been pacified still don’t attack me now granted the big question is how useful is this effect really and the answer is practically worthless and I think the original idea was that if you wanted to play through the game as a

Pacifist the tools to do so would be there but as it stands the mechanics in place are not detailed or varied enough to really make that viable thus it’s better to just defeat your opponents instead of pacifying them and then take their stuff continuous damage is the

Next effect the idea here is that you can craft a spell that does damage every round to either health fatigue or spell points for a particular length of time with a single round equal to an in-game minute which roughly equates to about 6 seconds of real time this is also a good

Time to point out that any spell you craft needs to have a method of targeting and an elemental with some of these selections restricted based on the effects you want to perform targets can either be the caster on touch at range the area around the caster which still

Requires you to touch something or an area at range which acts almost like a bomb that you can’t see the blast radius of the elements you can choose from for the effect are fire ice poison shock and magic which again are elements don’t confuse the magic element with general

Resistance to magic spells and use the poison element to actual poison effects the terminology in this game can be a bit confusing at times due to repeating words used in different contexts anyways test a spell effect I decided to go with an area at range and made sure

All of my three status bars would be affected by it this way I could just aim it at the floor and boom are bright so another thing I need to point out is that every time a spell with negative effects it’s a target including yourself as saving throw is made based on a

Number of variables and if successful the spell has zero effect on set target this is also why I had to make the spell fire based because I always make my Daggerfall character’s immune to that magic elements anyways trying again the spell effect does indeed take hold I’m losing health and spell points as

Expected but my fatigue isn’t quite dropping as fast as you’d think it should no it did some more testing discovered that pretty much every spell effect which reduces fatigue reduces sub units as opposed to actual units yet your stats actually have sub units to them which I mean it’s not surprising

But that makes any attempt to reduce fatigue a pointless process given how expensive it would be to make proper use of it now I also made sure to test the continuous damage effect against actual enemies and yes it does work although I failed to record it working as intended

Now I’ll create item is a spell effect which basically lets you form items out of thin air which is supposed to last until the spell effect ends you need idea in theory but instead it turns out that this spell is totally broken for starters the items you make end up being

Permanent but what ends up happening is that you can’t successfully cast the spell again until the effect wears off so you actually want the duration to be as short as possible to conjure up lots and lots of items the other problem though is that despite being given a

List of things to choose from I typically wouldn’t get what I asked for and would instead end up with stabs or pauldrons so at least it’s a useful money-making spell from selling all the loot you create cure is kind of a difficult spell to test as it can be

Used to cure either disease poison or paralysis well my character can’t be paralyzed and humanoid enemies don’t start carrying poisoned weapons till way later and and then it’s completely random if they have them or not but we can test disease easily since all rats in the game carry

Diseases so I went to the cripton let a couple rats bite my face off for a while only to discover I wasn’t getting diseased they accept the game thought I was when I went to fast travel so yeah much like in real life diseases and Daggerfall take time to incubate and

Until they do you won’t know you have them I wanted to show the process taking hold but as soon as it did yeah that didn’t end well a freaking dieing in my sleep eventually decided to just settle on testing of cure disease would removed the disease while it was still

Incubating and sure enough it did so I think it’s probably safe to assume the other cure spells work too but it’s also pertinent to point out that you can cast spells while paralyzed in this game those why a cure paralysis spell even makes any sense damage is a pretty straightforward

Effect that I don’t think I need to explain and sure enough it works exactly as expected save again for the fatigue values being reduced by subunits instead of whole units detect is a curious effect you can either detect treasure enemies or magic well the only one which

Works properly is detect enemy and even then the detect spells rely on the compass from the full size status bar which takes up a lot of the screen it’s kind of annoying on top of that it only detects the closest enemy and even then the range is very limited noww detect

Treasure almost works right as it does indeed detect treasure piles except once the treasure pile is removed it’s still the text set so if there’s multiple treasure piles in a room you’re still gonna have to use your eyes for the most part as for detect magic I couldn’t

Figure out what this is even meant to detect disintegrate is an instant kill spell which simply rolls a raw chance to instantly kill a target now it works as intended but has a really high magic cost to have even just a fair chance of success so isn’t necessarily gonna be

Worth it just for fun though I tried to inflict this effect on the player but every time it got passed my character saving through the effect would just fail instead dispel is a very weird spell effect and it has three forms to spell undead dispel Daedra and dispel mad

Now from what I’ve read online those first two are supposed to be sort of a global effect which causes undead or danger to disappear from the world but I couldn’t confirm this was happening in fact it may not do anything at all a dispel magic on the other hand does

Indeed work for removing spell effects from the player but with one major caveat the window which pops up asking which effect to remove does not pause the gameplay and well you can select effects with the mouse double clicking doesn’t confirm the selection like it does with everything else in the game

You have to use the Enter key this can put the game into a very weird state of this menu isn’t closed properly before other things start to happen drain is in effect which works as intended but not in the way you might expect if you’re used to playing any

Elder Scrolls game for morrowind on work and in those games drain as a temporary effect which reduces stats for a period of time and then goes away while damage results in a permanent decrease the hearing Daggerfall damage is only used for health fatigue and spell points while drain is the equivalent for

Attributes allowing you to permanently reduce attributes when I tested this out a bit and you can affect the player with it but it also does indeed work against enemies as I test a draining strength in this orc here without a strength drain he hits pretty hard but with a strength

Drain his attacks start doing pathetic amounts of damage elemental resistance is kind of a weird one especially given the differences in descriptions and the spell maker this effect says target becomes immune to blank damage as you can set it to any of the five elements in the game but in a

Spell book the description instead reads causes target to become resistant to blank target which takes half damage of spells unsuccessful well after testing this out it turns out both descriptions are technically accurate to some degree but what’s actually going on is a two-fold effect the first part of it is that whenever

You’re hit by an attacker spell matching a particular element the saving throw gets boosted by this spells chance to succeed and if it does you see the save versus spell message however if the saving throws still fails the second part of the spell effect comes into play

By having the damage received it’s a bit convoluted but at least it works fortify attribute is really straightforward it just temporarily boosts one of your eight attributes although attributes still cap out at a hundred so unfortunately there’s no making yourself ultra powerful or anything like that free

Action is again kind of hard for me to test given my character built but I’m informed it works it’s basically a more advanced form of cure paralysis which not only cures paralysis but temporarily makes you completely immune to paralysis as well now given how much paralysis sucks in this game

I’m not surprised there’s a spell dedicated to dealing with it but again it’s better to just give yourself a critical weakness to it with an immunity the magic element and then never ever have to worry about this heal is another straightforward spell used to heal drain tributes health or fatigue all working

Is intended including the fatigue which is curious given that any attempts to damage fatigue with a spell effect reduces the sub-units but here healing fatigue affects whole units as you’d expect identify as another spell effect that works as you might expect though with a couple weird twists when you activate it

The standard identify screen pops up and at this point no magic has actually been consumed yet you then place items to identify in the side panel and each attempt down the list consume spell points based on the cost of the spell the other weird twists though is that

Because this is using the same interface as the identifier NPC if said NPC is loaded and present in the area you’re in casting the spell simply interacts with the identifier as opposed to trying to perform the identification yourself invisibility has no effect on NPCs as

Expected so didn’t allow me to go on a pick pocketing spree but I quickly found out that yes invisibility works pretty darn well against enemies basically if you get outside of a particular range from an enemy for more than a moment they’ll lose sight of you and once

They’ve lost sight of you they can’t get it back unless you either attack them where the spell effect wears off I think I had perhaps a little too much fun with testing this one as a side note I’m informed that undead creatures can see invisible things so don’t try this

Against zombies or vampires or such jumping as a spell effect I was prepared to see fail as everything I read online said that this spell effect didn’t work so to test here’s my jumping height normally with my view angle so that the tip of the roof is just

Touching the top of the screen now let’s cast a spell and oh yeah I’m definitely jumping higher so yeah the jumping spell effect works as intended I don’t know why everybody says this thing doesn’t work levitate is one of the most useful and practically required spell effects

In the game so it’s no surprise that it works properly though I kind of noticed there’s a limit to how high it can take you when you’re outside such a nice view of the Tao I’m okay just a couple broken legs but I’m okay actually let’s go a

Little out of order and combo this with testing the slow fall effect the sole fall it’s basically a spell meant to prevent you from falling to your do now testing the spell it’s clearly working there’s a couple very important things to note in Daggerfall you have zero air control under normal circumstances

Meaning your trajectory and viewing direction are locked well in the air this means when slow fall is in effect and you’re falling you can’t look around or control where you descend to furthermore you can’t jump while the effect is active either so that’s something to keep in mind to that end

You’re better off having a short duration slow fall that you can simply recast if you need it for longer than just a few seconds this would be a good time to point out that some of the spell effects so far may have seen a bit overly expensive in terms of magic costs

The way spell effects work here and in many Elder Scrolls games is that the more experienced you are with the school of magic that the spell effect belongs to the less expensive the casting cost is thus why some of these spell effects may have seen a bit too expensive to be

Practical because they totally were given how low I left some of my magical skills once I got bored or training them up light is the next spell effect which when active creates a floating candle in front of the player which lights up the area around the candle it’s a neat

Effect it definitely helps to brighten things up but the floating candle can be a bit of a distraction at times also note that it only effects objects and dungeon segments not terrain Locke is a spell effect which doesn’t seem like would have many uses I mean why would

You ever need to lock a or in this game nevertheless I tested it out and it seems to work fine although once I got this door open again I’d shut it and then suddenly it would be locked again ok it doesn’t make sense well maybe if I leave the crypt and go back

In it’ll be unlocked again well wait now this door is locked too what the heck and if I get through it all the other doors are also locked oh except this one which locked as soon as I closed it ok I see what’s going on so the lock

Spell effect does indeed work but the casting status of it isn’t being cleared after it does its thing so you just start attempting to lock every single door you touch yeah I can’t say this effect it’s gonna be winning me over anytime soon speaking of the open effect

Happens to be next in the list and it’s pretty well known that the chance roll is only checked in dungeons town doors are handled differently and any attempt to use an open spell of any level of power on them will always succeed this is also a good time to point out that if

You’re in the mages guild you’re still gonna want the standard open spell anyways because there’s a handful of quests in the game which rely on you casting very specific spells meaning custom spells using the same effects are not going to work an open happens to be

One of those spells pacify is a spell which basically induces pacification into an enemy on demand as opposed to relying on a language check now especially considering it’s only used against enemies which don’t make the standard language checks and upon testing it does seem to do its job but

When making the spell I noticed that once upon a time this spell supposedly had a duration to its effect but the duration was then removed to become a permanent effect well just for the heck of it I tried pressing the buttons to adjust duration despite nothing showing up and the spell

Cost started changing and I later noticed this wasn’t limited to just this spell any spell which doesn’t use duration can still have its duration values altered this makes it possible to make certain spell effects cheaper if they don’t have a duration to their effect unfortunately this glitch only works

With duration chance and magnitude values are properly locked off when they’re not present paralyze is an effect for paralyzing a targets and yeah works as intended though it’s pretty expensive effect so you’d likely get a lot more mileage out of invisibility or an effect or just straight-up the feats of targets

Regenerate lets you slowly regenerate a quantity of health every round for a period of time but what the heck is up with these casting values this seems like it might be a little too overpowered of a spell effect and sure enough when bringing this region spell

With me to the Crypt and letting the rats bite into me they weren’t able to overcome the massive amount of healing I was getting from the spell even this orc was having trouble cutting through and it actually took a considerable amount of time for me just standing there and

Taking it to the face before he finally managed to cut me down by sheer chance so yeah regen isn’t just good it’s amazingly good shadow seems to do the same thing as chameleons making it so enemies miss you with physical attacks more often although what I’ve read

Online suggests that it only works in darkness I didn’t really have a good way to test if that was the case or not but if it’s true that just means shadow is a budget version of chameleon and does not really any more useful shield is an effect which basically gives you a

Hidden second health bar that you can’t see for a limited period of time but just for comparison I decided to see how well this would last versus this orc and yep he broke through that shield in seconds regen is way more effective than shield ever will be silence is an effect

Which prevents spells from being cast now when I use an area arrange spell to inflict it upon myself sure enough any attempt to cast a spell is simply immediately aborted will silenced but I had a heck of a time getting us to work on an enemy for a

Couple of reasons but firstly any enemy capable of casting spells in this game will just rapidly shoot off every spell they can the instant they know you’re there and that they can hit you with their magic so just having an opportunity to inflict this on anything

In the first place is hard enough on top of that ranged spells which don’t affect an area at range have no effect at close range basically if you shoot a ranged spell and the bolt immediately fizzles out because the targets too close it does nothing that made testing this effect against enemies extremely

Difficult but once I finally got it to stick to a nip here it did indeed function as and the next three are spell absorption spell reflection and spell resistance all which work is intended by adding an additional check whenever you’re hit with a spell the absorption check when successful will simply increase your

Spell points by the casting cost of spelling were hit by and the gate that spells effects against you it should cludes your own spells so this can actually be useful when you’re dabbling with area at range spells the reflection check when successful causes the caster to be affected by the spell

Instead of you unless you’re the caster in which case doesn’t really matter the resistance check when successful simply nullifies the effect of the spell that you’re hit by the only drawback is that these are all very expensive effects and have been in every scholar scrolls game to date teleport is an incredibly useful

Spell effect which simply lets you set an anchor or teleport to an existing anchor and you can play set anchor literally anywhere you want nealy catch here is that the anchor disappears once you teleport to it meaning you’ll have to make another anchor following if you want to be able

To make set teleportation again and there’s also an interesting bug with using this and the spell maker since the teleport effect has no variables to alter it skips the screen where you’d set the variables up and as a result also skips the gold cost calculation meaning that as long as you don’t touch

Anything else following you can buy a teleport spell from the spell maker for free transfer is basically a combination of a drain or damage effect with a healing effect for the caster those allowing you to damage an opponent’s health fatigue or attributes while healing your own at the same time and

Yes even with attribute points it works as intended though again it’s only a restorative effect later Elder Scrolls games have an absorb attribute effect which is a timed effect that temporarily fortifies your desire to tribute while draining the targets the last two spell effects kind of tie into each other and

Are both absolutely necessary if you want to survive dungeon diving water breathing and water walking lets simplest way to put it is that water in this game sucks it just sucks in every single way possible it’s dark and gritty looking you move extraordinarily slow in

It yet insta die if you run out of air while diving into it and water is found free Dean everywhere in this game however water-breathing gives you an infinite air supply until the spell runs out at which point you get a full air meter as a last chance to

Escape or get water breathing going again while water walking despite saying it lets you walk on top of water actually lets you move through water at full speed now both spell effects are pretty cheap too so really the best way to handle it is it just putting both

Effects into the same spell and there you go you never have to worry about this game’s water again and with that we’ve covered all of the spell effects in Daggerfall well all of the spell effects in the latest officially patched version anyways mods and unofficial patches exist which may alter these to

Some degree but those didn’t exist back when I was playing the skin so I felt it was better to cover the spell effects with the game in the state I remember at best new Daggerfall is an incredibly broken game with a lot of unfinished qualities and countless bugs but it’s

Still fun to mess around with and going through these spell effects was actually pretty revealing for me and might adjust the way I approach some of my spell casting in future runs but the majority of the spell effects at least did something beneficial and amazingly I didn’t have a single crash while making

This video I mean this happened at one point when I was trying to go through a door but you know this is Daggerfall being Daggerfall and you that’s all for today’s episode of ATG pro next week will be episode 260 of ancient dos games where we’re gonna be looking at a game

So old that it’s actually considered to be a launch title for the IBM 5150 the very first dose computers ever made yeah I can’t get any more ancient than that although there’s very little to say about the game itself so the focus on the video will be a little different

From the usual so be sure to stay tuned for next Saturday to learn all about this game Thanks for watching everyone and extra special thanks to those of you supporting me on patreon here’s just a small random selection of you all

This video, titled ‘Spell Effects – TES II: Daggerfall – ADG Pro 10’, was uploaded by Pixelmusement on 2019-10-05 10:48:23. It has garnered 3720 views and 184 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:38 or 1778 seconds.

100% crash free! …not 100% bug free mind you… 😛

Today for ADG Pro we’re taking an extensive look at the 37 spell effects found in The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall. Why? Because for as fun as Daggerfall is, it’s also a buggy, broken mess, so there’s no guarantee any of the spells are working properly, let alone doing what people would expect them to do. Also, much to my surprise, there’s very little info online about what the spell effects are actually doing, and not all of it is actually accurate, so doing some proper testing is really the only way we’re gonna know for sure which spells work right, which don’t, and which are somewhere in that grey zone of working but kinda really not.


Additional Information and Corrections:

* Another good character design tip is to bump up your merchant reputation to +10 and then bump down whatever group you have no intention of ever associating with to -10. That way, you can sell stuff for better prices! 🙂

* Yeah, once I saw how Pacify worked, it became clear to me that Charm was basically doing the same thing, but worked on anything instead of how Pacify was limited to specific kinds of enemies.

* I totally missed that tiny red triangle on the full-screen compass while testing the Detect spells. So… yeah, Detect does indeed work with the full-screen compass! However, instead of showing the triangle bouncing around like crazy when nothing’s detected, the triangle disappears, thus why I didn’t really notice it properly. 😛

* Part of the reason why I missed talking about Soul Trap is because you don’t get to experience soul trapping until considerably further into the game than I had time to invest, and I also knew from past experience that it worked. However, I will say that if memory serves me correctly, there were bugs with the soul trapping mechanic when dealing with multiple soul gems, though I don’t remember what those bugs were.


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  • Viewers Sabotage Our Minecraft Speedrun!

    Viewers Sabotage Our Minecraft Speedrun! Z-EVENT 2024: A Minecraft Speedrun Adventure Join the Excitement at Z-EVENT The Z-EVENT 2024 is currently underway until Sunday, 08/09, and you can catch all the action on Twitch. This event brings together live streams and other exciting activities on Twitch, creating a vibrant community of gamers and viewers. Explore UHCWORLD For Minecraft enthusiasts, UHCWORLD offers a unique gaming experience. Join the adventure at mc.uhcworld.fr and dive into a world filled with challenges, creativity, and endless possibilities. Connect with fellow players on their Discord server to enhance your gaming experience. Connect with TheGuill84 Stay updated with TheGuill84’s latest content… Read More

  • Jack’s Hilarious English Fail

    Jack's Hilarious English Fail Minecraft Fun with Jack and the GamerFleet Crew Join the fun with Jack and the GamerFleet crew as they embark on exciting Minecraft adventures! From hilarious moments to epic builds, this group of gamers knows how to entertain their audience. Jack’s English Mishaps One of the highlights of the GamerFleet content is Jack’s English mishaps. Whether it’s mispronouncing words or mixing up phrases, Jack’s unique take on the English language never fails to bring a smile to viewers’ faces. Memorable Moments From TNT explosions to epic battles, the GamerFleet crew creates unforgettable moments in their Minecraft gameplay. Jack’s reactions… Read More

  • Survival Server Unveiled: Menje’s Followers Forge Ahead

    Survival Server Unveiled: Menje's Followers Forge Ahead In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Menje’s Followers Server is a gamer’s dream. Join the Discord, link up with the crew, Survival and fun, there’s so much to do. Menje’s the name, with skills to flaunt, Streaming on Twitch, every move on point. Instagram pics, showing off the game, With music by Kevin MacLeod, setting the frame. Sneaky Snitch playing, as the adventure unfolds, Fair use in action, as the story is told. Copyright claims, a hurdle to face, But Menje’s got it covered, with style and grace. So follow along, as the journey begins, In… Read More

  • Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft meme

    Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft meme “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #gamerhumor Read More

  • Unbelievable Mishap in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable Mishap in Minecraft! The Latest in Minecraft: Exploring New Features and Updates As Minecraft continues to captivate gamers worldwide, the community eagerly anticipates new updates and features that enhance the gameplay experience. Let’s delve into some of the recent developments that have taken the Minecraft world by storm. Exciting New Builds and Art One of the most appealing aspects of Minecraft is the endless creativity it offers to players. From intricate castles to sprawling cities, the possibilities are truly limitless. The #minecraftbuild and #minecraftart communities showcase stunning creations that push the boundaries of imagination. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or a newcomer,… Read More

  • Sneaky Prank on Friend Goes Wrong

    Sneaky Prank on Friend Goes Wrong Minecraft Adventures with Jack Murga Palk🤣 Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft with Jack Murga Palk! Dive into the realm of #gamerfleet and #shorts as you embark on thrilling adventures in this popular sandbox game. Exploring FleetSMP Join Jackbhaiya and the FleetSMP crew as they navigate through the virtual landscapes of FleetSMP Sunday. From hilarious roasts to epic battles, every moment is filled with excitement and laughter. Witness the rivalry between Jack and Bob, the scams, the pranks, and the ultimate showdowns that keep viewers on the edge of their seats. Meet the Characters From the mischievous Jackbhaiya… Read More

  • 3RICtion – DREAM RETURNS and TRANSFORMS Minecraft! (Manhunt 2 included)

    3RICtion - DREAM RETURNS and TRANSFORMS Minecraft! (Manhunt 2 included)Video Information This video, titled ‘DREAM IS BACK and Changed Minecraft FOREVER (also Manhunt 2)’, was uploaded by 3RICtion on 2024-07-30 09:22:10. It has garnered 4066 views and 195 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:53 or 953 seconds. This video me and my friend jasper discuss, review, and reaction to dream’s new video after 7 month break and all the drama. Ty dream for commenting Manhunt 2 is coming as well. minecraft vr fusion humans dream is back I added humans to minecraft reaction TWITCH: https://twitch.tv/3rictionyt DISCORD: https://discord.gg/zGGutyWX4t TWITTER: https://twitter.com/3RICtion INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/3riction TICKETS: https://www.tiktok.com/@3riction Read More

  • Haunted Pizza Job Exposed!

    Haunted Pizza Job Exposed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Working at a cursed pizza place 🙀’, was uploaded by @Bobby TV on 2024-09-11 11:01:24. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:19 or 739 seconds. #dankmemes #meme #memes #minecraft #roblox #robloxedits #robloxmemes #adoptme #bloxburg #dank Read More

  • Enderman DESTROYS my Minecraft World!!!

    Enderman DESTROYS my Minecraft World!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Enderman Ruins my Minecraft World’, was uploaded by Clevooo on 2024-06-13 12:19:29. It has garnered 57924 views and 5076 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. #shorts​ #Minecraft​ #minecraftmemes #minecraftmeme Read More

  • “Aayan Ansarii mind-blowing Minecraft logic 💥” #trending

    "Aayan Ansarii mind-blowing Minecraft logic 💥" #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft logic💀 #youtubeshorts #shorts #trending #viral #logic @MrBeast’, was uploaded by Aayan Ansarii on 2024-01-10 03:16:24. It has garnered 7877 views and 118 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Meets Elder Scrolls Online: Epic Fantasy Mashup!

    Minecraft Meets Elder Scrolls Online: Epic Fantasy Mashup!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Elder Scrolls Online Meets Minecraft: Shale Ahmad’s Journey Through Fantasy and Creativity’, was uploaded by Shale Ahmad on 2024-08-24 15:01:07. It has garnered 2 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:22:24 or 4944 seconds. 🌟 Welcome to Shale Ahmad’s Gaming World! 🌟 Dive into a dual adventure with Shale Ahmad as we explore the immersive realms of The Elder Scrolls Online and Minecraft. Whether you’re drawn to epic quests or imaginative building, this video has something exciting for every gamer. What’s Inside: The Elder Scrolls Online Adventures: Epic Quests &… Read More

  • Escape Fail: Trapped 4 Times in Minecraft Funland! 🤣🪤

    Escape Fail: Trapped 4 Times in Minecraft Funland! 🤣🪤Video Information This video, titled ‘I got trapped 4 times in minecraft😂🪤4️⃣’, was uploaded by Funland on 2024-08-02 20:51:00. It has garnered 37 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:23 or 143 seconds. In this video, I got pranked four times While playing Minecraft. Watch this video and see witch trap is your favourite! Don’t forget to like and subscribe to our channel it would help a lot and we would appreciate it a lot. Read More

  • Ultimate Survival Hacks for Minecraft Action

    Ultimate Survival Hacks for Minecraft ActionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Creative Solutions Minecraft Survival’, was uploaded by Enter Action gaming on 2024-05-09 09:52:06. It has garnered 51 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. In this intense episode of Minecraft Survival, join me as we face a critical challenge: NO FOOD in our castle! With hunger gripping our virtual world, we embark on a desperate quest to scavenge, farm, and cook whatever we can to survive. Will we conquer the hunger games or fall victim to the famine? Watch now to find out! Don’t forget to leave a… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Rocket Launch 😱

    Insane Minecraft Rocket Launch 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Rocket 🚀’, was uploaded by Lolnz on 2024-07-23 03:27:23. It has garnered 10121 views and 330 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. #lolnz #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #gaming #minecraftgaming #minecraftvideos #shorts #trending #viral #fypシ゚viral Read More

  • Epic Minecraft madness! Poi Poi gameplay 🔥

    Epic Minecraft madness! Poi Poi gameplay 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Poi Poi #minecraft #uhuru #memes #trending #shortsfeed #gaming #daily #minecraftmemes #funny #edit’, was uploaded by Stenoky PlayzZ on 2024-08-08 09:35:55. It has garnered 13369 views and 1143 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Poi Poi #minecraft #uhuru #memes #trending #shortsfeed #gaming #daily #minecraftmemes #funny #edit Your queries :- minecraft shorts,#minecraftshorts,minecraft sad shorts,minecraft story,minecraft gaming shorts,minecraft trending shorts,minecraft moments,minecraft but,minecraft sad,minecraft help,minecraft trend,yt shorts,minecraft,minecraft tiktok,sad shorts,#minecraft,minecraft funny moments,minecraft tiktoks,helping shorts,minecraftmemes,minecraft always help,emoz shorts,help shorts,trending shorts,#minecraftmemes,minecraft funny,#minecrafthacks,story shortsminecraft,minecraft mods,minecraft funny,minecraft but,minecraft shorts,minecraft aphmau,shorts minecraft,aphmau minecraft pranks,minecraft realistic physics,minecraft but i cant touch… Read More

  • Minesfera

    MinesferaServidor en Español Semi-Premium. Survival y Skyblock RPG con Misiones, Clases, Ciudades (Towny), Comercio, Arena y mucho más. ¿Minecraft Survival se te sabe a poco? ¡Prueba Minesfera con su Survival RPG! Grandes aventuras te esperan juega.minesfera.es Read More

  • Prosper SMP Vanilla 1.21 Discord DiscordSRV Bluemap Voice Plugin Coreprotect Age 16+ Crossplay

    Welcome to Our Community! Tired of your SMP dying off? Our community has stuck together because of our shared interest in Minecraft. Join our Discord server to play a variety of games with other members while keeping Minecraft at the center of it all. We welcome dedicated players who share similar gaming interests. Why Join Us? Major build projects are always underway and we have a friendly and mature community. We are light on rules but do not tolerate hackers or griefers. Respect other players and you will fit right in! Join Our Server All members must join our Discord… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Herobrine spotted in latest flick!!!

    I guess Herobrine finally landed his big break in Hollywood! Read More

  • Minecraft Movie: Hot Mess 🤡

    Minecraft Movie: Hot Mess 🤡 Why did the creeper go to the movies? Because he heard it was a blast! 🤣 #minecraftmovie #creeperjokes Read More

  • Sneaky Shenanigans in Minecraft: Bear Hill Mystery

    Sneaky Shenanigans in Minecraft: Bear Hill Mystery Exploring the Latest Minecraft Update: Beware of the Enchanted Perfume Flower! Welcome to the latest update in the world of Minecraft! In this edition of Minecraft: Bear Ridge Tales 62, a new and mysterious creature has emerged – the Enchanted Perfume Flower. Let’s dive into the exciting details of this intriguing addition to the game. The Enchanted Perfume Flower The Enchanted Perfume Flower is a unique and enchanting creature that has captured the attention of Minecraft players worldwide. This mystical flower emits a mesmerizing fragrance that lures unsuspecting players into its vicinity. Once under its spell, players must navigate… Read More

  • Minecraft Goes Industrial

    Minecraft Goes Industrial The Industrial Revolution Comes to Minecraft Imagine a world where the industrial revolution has taken hold in the pixelated realm of Minecraft. Thanks to a new mod created for Minecraft 1.21 on Minecraft Forge and Minecraft Fabric, players can experience a whole new level of technological advancement within the game. Features of the Mod This innovative mod brings a range of new features to Minecraft, inspired by the industrial revolution. Players can now explore new crafting recipes, machinery, and automation systems that revolutionize the way they interact with the game world. Key features of the mod include: New crafting… Read More

  • Unlock the Ultimate Cartoon World in Minecraft – Find the Perfect Size!

    Unlock the Ultimate Cartoon World in Minecraft - Find the Perfect Size!Video Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE RIGHT LARGE IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by The World of Cartoons on 2024-09-04 13:01:09. It has garnered 2520 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:36 or 1956 seconds. CHOOSE THE RIGHT LARGE IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Secretly Building Easy Item Sorter

    Secretly Building Easy Item SorterVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Long Will It Take Me To Build The Easiest Item Sorter?’, was uploaded by Surrept on 2024-05-26 07:43:14. It has garnered 16089 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 06:02:59 or 21779 seconds. Today I will be playing Minecraft and Making The Biggest Build EVER! #minecraft #hypixel #bedwars #skyblock Read More

  • Hezelpowers dies in End City! Insane MINECRAFT cok fail

    Hezelpowers dies in End City! Insane MINECRAFT cok failVideo Information This video, titled ‘sekarat di End City cok (MINECRAFT)’, was uploaded by Hezelpowers on 2024-05-09 05:37:23. It has garnered 11116 views and 214 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. My Instagram https://www.instagram.com/yaboyhezel_/ My TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@mrpowers #Hezelpowers #minecraft #minecraftindonesia i appreciate your support!!!!! Saweria: https://saweria.co/Hezelpowers Paypal: [email protected] Read More

  • Insane College Build in Minecraft! Ep 3

    Insane College Build in Minecraft! Ep 3Video Information This video, titled ‘I Built a Beautiful College! (Minecraft Let’s Play) | Ep 3’, was uploaded by Katie Twinkle on 2024-01-17 14:00:40. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This cozy new 1.20 Minecraft Survival Let’s Play series has special goals to help me as I set out an epic adventure to create my … Read More

  • “INSANE Minecraft SMP – Join the CRAZIEST Realm!” #minecraftrealm #minecraftsmp

    "INSANE Minecraft SMP - Join the CRAZIEST Realm!" #minecraftrealm #minecraftsmpVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Joined the BEST Minecraft SMP! #minecraft #minecraftmeme #minecraftbedrock’, was uploaded by SiphonMC on 2024-07-30 15:11:31. It has garnered 3321 views and 109 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • UNFIXABLE DISCOVERY in Minecraft! Astra SMP Lore

    UNFIXABLE DISCOVERY in Minecraft! Astra SMP LoreVideo Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】FOUND BUT CANT BE FIXED | Astra SMP LORE’, was uploaded by iKozmic on 2024-03-17 23:57:14. It has garnered 377 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 01:29:15 or 5355 seconds. 【Socials】 • Twitter: https://twitter.com/itsKozmic • TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ikozmic?lang=en&is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1 • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ikozmic/ • Other Socials: https://ikozmic.carrd.co 【Viewer Rules】 • Please be respectful to all • Don’t be racist, homophobic, or disrespectful (instant ban) • No venting or sharing sensitive topics in the chat (it could make others uncomfy) • Don’t sexualize me, that’s weird • No links in chat • Don’t advertise in… Read More

  • Minecraft Dubidubidu with Sound Effects! 😱🎮 #Minecraft

    Minecraft Dubidubidu with Sound Effects! 😱🎮 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT DUBIDUBIDU WITH MINECRAFT SOUND CHIPI CHIPI CHAPA #minecraft #minecraftmemes #gaming#dog’, was uploaded by hamza craft on 2024-03-21 21:36:43. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. #minecraft #gaming #shorts #minecrafttiktok keys: Minecraft,Dream SMP,Manhunt,Speedrun,Hardcore,Mods,HermitCraft,Update,Snapshot,Netherite,Caves & Cliffs,Axolotls,Warden,Build Battle,Skyblock,Hypixel,Bedwars,Parkour,Redstone Tutorial,Farming Guide,Enderman Farm,Raid Defense,Texture Packs,Shaders,RTX,Minecraft VR,Roleplay,Adventure Map,UHC,PvP,Skywars,Trolling,Noob vs Pro,Minecraft Animation,Minecraft Song,Minecraft Parody,Epic Builds,Minecraft Challenges,Minecraft But,Minecraft Logic,Minecraft Secrets. Read More

  • Adorable Flower Foxes in Fairycore Minecraft ♡

    Adorable Flower Foxes in Fairycore Minecraft ♡Video Information This video, titled ‘Flower Foxes are ADORABLE ♡ Fairycore Minecraft Episode 16 ♡’, was uploaded by babyunicorn184 on 2024-03-22 20:00:09. It has garnered 4655 views and 287 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:03 or 2403 seconds. 💗 Like and Subscribe to my channel! 💗 Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwIEeb3EWHnB7ZnLFW6f2XQ/join Hi everyone and welcome to episode 16 of my new Fairycore Minecraft let’s play. I wanted this world to be as cute and cozy as possible. Below is a link to the modpack I made for this world, as well as a tutorial… Read More

  • Guess Who Created Chidori?! 👀🔥 #YTShorts #Trending

    Guess Who Created Chidori?! 👀🔥 #YTShorts #TrendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Guess The Creator Of Chidori⚡💯🤩 #youtubeshorts #ytshorts #minecraft #trending #viral #build #shorts’, was uploaded by Gadget_Gamingyt on 2024-05-03 22:31:01. It has garnered 42 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Guess The Creator Of Chidori⚡💯🤩 #youtubeshorts #ytshorts #minecraft #trending #viral #build #shorts || @Gadget_Gamerboiz Welcome To The New Shorts Of My Builds, so this is a character of “NARUTO” and the creator of “CHIDORI” his name is “KAKASHI HATAKE”, if this short is better, so i want LIKE SHARE and SUBSCRIBE!!!!! Thank You 😊 Read More

  • Emerald Prison

    Emerald PrisonEmerald Prison is a one-of-a-kind prison experience! Upgrade, automate, and customize your own private Realm as you progress through our unique badge system. Unlock Components and hatch Companions that destroy blocks for you in all of your various Mine types – each of which provides a unique boost to your progress. Prestige your pickaxe and equip animated cosmetics that allow your enchantments to shine. There are many more features to check out, so join us and our community today to get started! IP: play.EmeraldPrisonMC.com Discord: https://discord.gg/EmeraldPrison play.EmeraldPrisonMC.com Read More

Spell Effects – TES II: Daggerfall – ADG Pro 10