SSundee – Extreme Rainbow Friends Hide and Seek

Video Information

Welcome to Hemlock Woods who’s ready I’m ready we’re playing hide and seek wait oh gosh oh God I’ll just go hide in the corner we get 30 seconds to go hide 30 seconds downstairs so how he kills us is he just touches us as he gets more kills he gets

More abilities and becomes scarier our job is to hide find four levels and Escape so we have 30 seconds to hide and then the levers will spawn like I said we need four levers boys hit the like button hit the Subscribe button uh press the trap door when you see it oh

I’m pressing one all right boys I got my spot all right so there are a bunch of power-ups that we can use as you can see here I have a face device this thing is broken oh and also I think Sizzle is recording too you get to see all of his abilities and

Everything it’s gonna be a sick video stick around till the end so go away I’m literally right here let’s stop following me yeah it’s been 30 seconds what’s wrong with you guys I already found the Escape I’m gonna have it yeah so there’s four doors and

We need to find all four levers and it unlocks all four doors and then we need to find TNT wait what okay I found all four can we leave accident was what pet I invented this no come on are you serious dude every time Russell also show Pat’s POV when he died

It does like uh you dummy it does like a scary okay we need to find the levers we have four doors to open I think Nico and I are good yeah me and Dad are just sad I mean check this out check out what this phaser device does wait did I just hear

A phaser oh wait yeah hey let’s do it whoa oh boys I got a fake voice find chest and get power-ups I see him in the chest so you said he’s chasing someone yeah I I saw him wait I saw a person and I saw him

He’s going to the cabin what was that Sunday run I gotta go Gotta Go Go oh yeah well I’ve got my super Sprint wait supers guys um I just saw him the face it’s easier oh this is what I have I mean I thought he’d transformed whenever

He got a kill did you get another ability oh no okay I got another ability Nico we have to separate wait when does your skin transform though even more oh no oh God wait somebody’s this way I know somebody’s here in the grass no good it’s not me anymore

Give me a hint to where you are without telling symptoms where you are uh I’m in the I’m in a foot what does that mean okay I know what you are wish I could find him oh straight up how did you get there memes that are hiding you don’t tell me

We’re hiding oh look Blue’s like doing a weird pose hey blue is that noise oh chest guys I have more phaser devices does anybody need some yeah I’m coming to trade you I can trade you oh that’s a Teleport pad okay I’m gonna be honest I

Don’t think there’s any levers up top on the top yeah obviously they’re gonna be oh Enchanted oh I gotta mute Enchanted under Pearl can also be used to swap places with a creature blinding them so I have an invis smoke screen phaser device and also pearls oh okay okay You are so dumb and ugly you’re in his tummy what does that means this doesn’t look good in here there’s a lot of taquitos yeah oh God okay guys can you please find let I’m running around he just said he found over and I knew where he was where is he If I if I find a lever should I tell you okay I’m not telling anyone I found a lever I’m gonna tell you wait you found a flashlight I got a flashlight okay so boys Sizzle just currently muted when he said he found the lever I knew

Where he was I’m just trying to find it uh what part are the map well I got a flashlight yeah I got one too flashlight shows his feet I see my own feet okay that’s so dumb hey man what you doing I’ll eat you face I’m nervous I’m

Doing what you doing hey wait Sunny come back come look at me no I’m not coming back oh we’re gonna be good for you Nico Nico Nico if I pull this lever doesn’t know where I am I’m literally behind you oh so Nico’s here too huh super hairy

Activate wait what super hearing do nothing don’t worry about it there’s so much stuff you just went visible oh wait I want one I got two now get away no we’re trying to get away I thought he was behind us oh I saw I see him he’s in

He’s in the orange area oh yeah there’s quadrants boys we gotta work together I’m glad we’re not there okay now he’s in red oh here’s the other exit the doors are still closed why are you guys not finding levers no no no no I

Found one does he know where I am if I flip it I think should I flip it flip it flip it flip it okay three two one hit oh three left I got three levels remain you guys are not being helpful why am I the only one

Lovers Ian you didn’t I already found a bunches one of the doors is open all right are you at the doors you’re at the doors Ian yeah no no I’m not on your doors remember there’s two exes idiot oh yeah dummy I don’t know you oh I see somebody

Son hello okay Zod we also look to your left I’m gonna see you oh hi hi hi listen we also need to find Dynamite to blow up the Bedrock it makes sense trust me go in here bad Rock emotional screens in here wait how many do you have I have

Four okay I have three I think we’re good as I have nothing can you I have a flashlight is that Kidder flashlight makes it to where you can see their footprint so oh hello Hello I’m blinded I’m blinded I’m blinded I’m blinded I can’t see it why would you do that to me I don’t want to die I don’t want to die it has to be you I pulled away I pulled away I’m fine what you almost got me killed is that turn around

Here’s all the quadrants okay so I know an exit is in the red quadrant I think oh no we need to find levers I’m being chased because of you that’s not my fault where did you go literally your faulty and I found Ian pull it again don’t look behind you oh

No I’m stuck in a hole I think I lost him where did you go you got you yeah oh look who it is is my fault I don’t know have you guys found any levers yet like I literally yeah the first one I got it wait I haven’t really heard that you

Heard that noise right Nico yeah what was that look it turns green whenever you click it so we have two doors open we also need to find TNT in a chest and blow up the obsidian I’m searching and it’s dynamite truly dastardly now what does dastardly mean don’t worry you’ll find out when

You die to my trick wait do you have the warp ability yet oh yeah I’ve had that for an hour bet you won’t use it oh it won’t no did you yeah but remember when you uh tp’d it almost got me killed son I don’t know maybe I’ll join the

Dark Side I don’t know maybe I’m thinking about it in our spawn I’m checking that I’ll give you two dollars if you flip it that’ll give you three for my life okay wait is that I found you I know where it’s at now no you don’t no you don’t yeah yeah

I run that way run that way no that’s the spot I hate you no no no no stop it stop it stop it no I know where it’s at I know oh I just okay wait I ran by this earlier well then you’re blind can I can I do it I’ll do

It now all right go ahead just kidding wait one liver remains guys I don’t know how to tell you this but I’m uh I know where the lever is I have my images Nico do you have envies no camping the lever wait who’s all left he gets all of

His abilities at four kills it’s just us three left uh yeah so if he gets one more kill he reaches his final form right cool yep come on boys follow me how did you do that okay I think where he goes through the wall yeah how does that make you feel yeah

It’s not fun wait can you just do that here no it only goes through one thick okay listen Escape that Hemlock Woods we need to put TNT on that obsidian or we cannot leave it’s impossible it’s literally impossible come on guys come on come follow me

Where are you sorry I went through the wall where did you just put up to find the lever it’s just one more okay red quadrant that is where it exit is orange quadrant that’s where I’m not at I just lit up a lamp wait how what I

Put a flashlight good I don’t think that’s good put it away run away wait yeah yeah yeah put your flashlight in a lamp oh and then you can permanently see his foot yeah boys like forever I see a lot of footprints near me so the bad thing

Is I I found you because this was on meaning he can do that too oh no so we should go okay so red and orange I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared and I don’t know I’m shaking in my boots you don’t wear boots you wear Crocs you know what and they’re cool oh give me no no no no no no no what seeds they grow tall grass all around

You dude wait does that oh let me try it oh like that that’s pretty cool hey that’s pretty neat I’m nowhere and everywhere sure you’re not sent those remember when I said I joined the dark side uh-huh yeah I’ll do it now I’m switching right now no you can’t do that that’s cheating

Let’s run away I don’t want to die okay there’s purple purple’s neat hello what do you mean no no no no I’m trying to get away right now right now I’m trying to get away [Laughter] right here He’s right there open it son I just saw him put down a clone of himself no no so we need to find the lever I’m gonna hold on to this dynamite because if I blow up one of the Bedrock and he camps that one then we can’t get out so

I’m gonna hold on to it until we get the final one what trust me trust me okay I trust you kind of yeah I think we’re splitting up okay hi hey no follow me this is so cool stop it you’re confusing me can we just stand in the middle and just stay here

Ow ow ow stop it why that’s kind of on you to be honest I told you I was doing that wait why can’t I oh no did I break it I’m completely and use your envies you have Bots potions that was the scariest thing I’ve ever

Seen in my life wait is he in his [Applause] House you can’t check you can’t catch me you can’t give me your dumb and you’re dumb and ugly hey someone behind you again how does this always happen yeah how do we this map is ginormous so we keep running into each other okay we’re in the orange quadrant I got him he

Doesn’t think we’re here though why would you just tell him that he doesn’t no he’s literally dead oh he’s colorblind he’s like different people people no you can’t I may be stuck in the stomach but I can hear you oh sorry oh that’s like oh no delicious Biffle

Soup where is this lever Zone I don’t know I was hoping you would know follow me okay let me let me in okay wait what you almost walked right what’s that okay when we get this okay hold on let me do some uh let me do

Something wait wait wait there we go no you’re not going in the back side is that we are oh the wall oh hey sir Jose hey check this out hi yeah we’ll check this out okay I mean there’s two of you what is that I think he’s going to put your thing down

Put your thing down and put your thing down putting in a new orange you can’t get to us can ya what is that noise what was that noise what was that noise I’m scaredy angry about it where is it are you did this or something wait he went

Invis I don’t know I I’m scared I’m gonna go with this I’m going to do this I’m going to this special guys what was that did he just burrow like a little Antelope like an antelope what am I doing any final words no I’m in purple so you

Can’t kill me this is my home I’m interested one more time no no I’m sorry oh oh wait why I have a new ability oh look at me wait we’re literally an Orange’s stomach yeah hey welcome to the stomach hey this is cool oh Sunday oh Sunday please don’t wait where are

You what’s your what’s your final ability what is it say you’ll see I don’t know maybe you won’t I made a lot of tall grass look at that I can hide here dude I need to find this exit which quadrant did I say hey stomach boys which quadrant what did I

Say it was in you got to talk muffled though because you’re in his tummy thank you thank you for the help thank you yeah so they were saying that it’s actually in the orange one you’re lying unless I’m a tiger dude where is it where are you I’m at one of the exits

I’m towing the line but there’s two exits and you don’t know which one I’m going to and I don’t even know which one I’m gonna do that’s what makes you makes you oh your God now you see me you are invisible hey stomach boys punches punches intestines punches punches

Where is the other exit he’s guarding that one where are you I’m nowhere I’m nowhere and everywhere I know where the other exit is no you don’t wait no you don’t I just what did I just hear no you don’t you used your thingy to go through a

Thing no I see you I see you I don’t I don’t no you don’t no you don’t got it my hearing locked on the way you’re hearing shows where I’m at oh no yeah I got a little arrow oh where do you think you’re going where do you think you’re

Going teleport what do you think you’re going for teleport you’re not gonna make it oh I got stuck at a leaf no oh it’s too fast I saw you go in there oh oh I can barely make you out I can barely make one out you you little invisible

Freak come here no okay place the TNT down place it down no I no I saw you go you’re not there you’re not there you’re going to the other side I know you’re going to the other side yeah the corner I know where it is oh no I’m stuck

Oh you’re a thick boy yeah okay boys where’s he at punches colon yeah get this to your colon Juke the Juke I’m coming five four three two one no no no I’m almost there all the doors are on later nerd yeah yeah I just got it boys we won cheats you’re terrible hit

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This video, titled ‘Extreme Rainbow Friends Hide and Seek’, was uploaded by SSundee on 2023-01-16 12:00:02. It has garnered 2753145 views and 65334 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:43 or 1003 seconds.

We play a Raindbow Friends Modded Minecraft Hide And Seek

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=== ϟ || Friends || ϟ === ⭑ @Nicovald ⭑ @sigils ⭑ @BiffleWiffle ⭑ @Zud ⭑ @PatP_

• Video Editor ► Russell

• Thumbnail Maker ► Flash

• Animator ► David

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​​• Music by Ninety9 ► LivesTobu – Such Fun Video Link: Channel: Download the album!

#gaming #ssundee #minecraft

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    Nether Portal Dilemma: Hotter than Hell! POV: Trying to decide which nether portal to choose is like trying to decide which flavor of ice cream to get – except one option leads to fiery pits of doom and the other leads to… well, also fiery pits of doom. Good luck! #minecraftstruggles 😂🔥🍦 Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video titled “Quá lâu” nhưng đó là Minecraft” that left us in stitches. While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a server that offers endless fun and excitement? Minewind Minecraft Server is the place to be for all Minecraft enthusiasts looking to immerse themselves in a unique and thrilling gaming experience. With a vibrant community, exciting gameplay features, and regular events, Minewind is the… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Stream LIVE – Join Now!

    Insane Minecraft Stream LIVE - Join Now!Video Information oh streaming streaming streaming let’s do it let me just get the stream out come on no when’s it GNA say I’m live oh there we go okay let’s get to it let me just add everyone real quick and then uh we can start live streams at everyone there we go there we go all right let’s do it or hold on got to put OBS on my second monitor there we go let’s do it so we got a lot to do first y welcome GD jeff8 to the stream glad to have you here all… Read More

  • Manatee vs. Spud: PotatoCraft Showdown!

    Manatee vs. Spud: PotatoCraft Showdown!Video Information by gum be be y be be gum by gly by gum with five different flavors with extra flavor for the whole family and every stripe luscious lime stripe lip smack and lemon strip delicious orange strip mixed fruit and Cherry Stripes I’ll pour you in every pack of Beach Nut fruit and there’s extra flavor for the whole family in every scrumptious stripe more flavors to choose more flavors to choose the flavor starts the flavor stays gum Beachnut Fruit Stripe for the whole family by gum Clark gives you something more than just another stick of… Read More

  • Unlocking Titan Eren in Hardcore Minecraft?! Watch Now!

    Unlocking Titan Eren in Hardcore Minecraft?! Watch Now!Video Information [Musik] proek ini bukanlah hal yang mudah bukanlah hal yang sebentar ini telah menghabiskan ratusan jam mulai dari ngedesain farming hingga akhirnya nge-build di sisi lain ini menjadi tentangan tersendiri Ini bukan tentang menyelesaikannya ini tentang pengalaman untuk sampai di sana kita harus mencintai proses temukan batasan dan melempauinya dengan begitu semuanya selesai This video, titled ‘Bikin Titan Eren DI Hardcore Minecraft- cuplikan’, was uploaded by Sasera on 2024-04-01 12:58:59. It has garnered 3977 views and 284 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. Judul: Aku Membuat Rumbling di Minecraft Hardcore! Hashtag: #Minecraft #MinecraftHardcore… Read More

  • “Ultimate Diamond Hunt Challenge – Can YOU Find Them All?!” | XcelGamerz | Gameplay #5

    "Ultimate Diamond Hunt Challenge - Can YOU Find Them All?!" | XcelGamerz  | Gameplay #5Video Information तो चलते हैं सोने यार सो जाते हैं जल्दी से ओ चलो सुबह हो गई अभी ओ मेरा खाना यह क्या है और यह दो दो है य है क्या इससे क्या हो गया में लग रहा है ये तो नहीं है य तो नहीं है इसका सर अचानक मुंह बहुत यही भाई बड़ा डमेज मार रहा हूं य है क्या और यह गायब हो रहा हैय यह कैसे खाना खा लिया मैंने मर मर मर ही रहा कितना मारू व मर गया नहीं नहीं क्रीपर नहीं क्रीपर नहीं कनी सारी जगह उड़ा दी तूने क्रीपर का ओ… Read More

  • EPIC Eagle Boss Fight!🔥 Minecraft SMP Season-2 (JAVA+POCKET & BEDROCK) | Hindi & Gujarati

    EPIC Eagle Boss Fight!🔥 Minecraft SMP Season-2 (JAVA+POCKET & BEDROCK) | Hindi & GujaratiVideo Information हेलो हेलो हेलो हेलो व्ट्स अपडी क्या हाल चाल है कैसे हो वेलकम टू लाइव स्ट्रीम व्ट इ गाइस व्ट इज अप कैसे हो तो गाइस आज वापस से हम लोग आ चुके हैं माइफ की तरफ यस आज खेलेंगे माइ एंड ए तू क्यों आया इधर ल स्पन हो जाता है यार इधर पता नहीं क्यों र टॉर्च वच लगानी पड़ेगी अपने घर पे गेम का स्क्रीन ये रहा आ गया चलोर गेम शुरू करते आज क्या बनाए काम करते हैं रॉकेट का करते हैं कुछ अपन रॉकेट बनाने के लिए गन पाउडर का फार्म बनाते गन… Read More

  • Get ready for INSANE crafting in Minecraft! (Full Movie)

    Get ready for INSANE crafting in Minecraft! (Full Movie)Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft dar CRAFTING-UL este *SUPER OP*! (Filmul Complet!)’, was uploaded by Strumfanu on 2024-02-28 13:00:21. It has garnered 4713 views and 206 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:15 or 3315 seconds. 𝗦𝗨𝗕𝗦𝗖𝗥𝗜𝗕𝗘 si 𝗟𝗜𝗞𝗘 sau ai ghinion. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ⭐️LINK-URI UTILE⭐️ ▸ Instagram: / iannys.barbarie ▸TikTok: / strumfanu ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▸ Email pentru colaborari/parteneriate: 📧 – [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ All the videos, songs, images, and graphics used in the video belong to their respective owners and I or this channel does not claim any right over them. Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act… Read More

  • Secrets Revealed: Day 85 of Akebi Tsunari’s Minecraft Life!

    Secrets Revealed: Day 85 of Akebi Tsunari's Minecraft Life!Video Information [音楽] [音楽] [音楽] [音楽] JA [音楽] [音楽] JA [音楽] こんばんはいらっしゃいとがりあび ですこんばんはたくさん こんばんは来てくれてどうもありがとう いらっしゃい おてさんこんばんは待機してくれてどうも ありがとういらっしゃいこんばんは こんばんは ありがとうえそれじゃあ今日はえまあ約1 時間のえ配信予定となりますえ今日は Minecraftのえ前回と 同じく 予感制作にえ取りかかると思います建設 っていうべきかえやりながらまみんなと 喋っていこうかなと思いますのでどうぞ よろしくお願いし [音楽] ますあ確か前回そうだそうだ入り口に なる道路か なこれを ちょっと作りたいなと思って作っ てで んそれっきりだった ないる なあ あれオッケ取れない けどもう1体違う2体かいるな うん気づいてるのかなあれはやっといた方 がいいかなこんばん可いすぎるさん こんばんは来てくれて ありがといらっしゃい ほいお肉いら ん燃やして んなんかいたな届くか [音楽] なか届かんかもうちょっと 上だめ だこの辺 当たり [音楽] オッケー大丈夫か なあまぐれさん こんばんはこんばんはこんばんは来てくれ てありがとう [音楽] いらっしゃいちょっと回復して な よしモンスターの掃除も進んだことだ しどのくらいの広さやっていこうかなまず この辺からこうでしょ 石 やり か やり [音楽] やりじゃあべやば やばそうだよ ね おりゃ おりゃ [音楽] オッケーこれ何 ああ おやだなどっから湧いてくるん だろううー旅館に砂利かううここはなんか 砂利じゃなくてこうなんだろうななんか もうちょっと違う何かが 欲しい試練が [音楽] ハーフ置いてみようか海に出ないと だ海に出る前にだったなよく見る光景だあ 担当頑張ってねありがとうござい ます [音楽] 待て [音楽] よちょっとまず [音楽] は悪くはないが違う なこれじゃ ないこの中にはないの かしょうがない な一気に 行けるを 作ろうどうだこれで あオーオ 近道もっと早く作ればよかったこんばんは こんばんはラグさんいらっしゃい来てくれ てどうもありがとう こんばんはびっくりした今一瞬すげえ… Read More

  • Shocking: Scarecrow mace destroys Minecraft PvP!

    Shocking: Scarecrow mace destroys Minecraft PvP!Video Information who what yeah that’s pretty broken isn’t it well it’s a new weapon added to Minecraft and it’s maxed out with all the new enchantments density wind burst uh breacher I think is the other one yeah and I personally like to call this amazing weapon the Bonker but I don’t know if that’s going to stick I really hope it does cuz like Bonker sounds a lot cooler than mace in my opinion but yeah here are some clips of me and my friends trying out this new weapon um to see what PvP will be like… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft: Journey with Xiao Ming

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft: Journey with Xiao MingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft:课本上的小明【方块轩】’, was uploaded by 方块轩 on 2024-03-23 07:00:19. It has garnered 68830 views and 4070 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Hi, I am Fang Fangxuan! 🌟 As a creator in the field of Minecraft, I bring you the most unique MC animations! 🎬 Our channel focuses on integrating hot internet memes and delivering happiness with funny humor! 😄 This is the only official channel of CubeXuan. The videos posted by other channels are pirated and unauthorized! 🚫 Wonderful original videos are updated every day, come and follow us and… Read More

  • Fox Factory

    Fox FactoryIf you are looking for a fairly small survival server with lovely community and a supporting staff then this is the server for you. We provide a shop to sell and buy all ur needs. The server also has a pvp arena to fight against others. I hope you will enjoy the time that you spend on our server! ~ anti Read More

  • Minearchy SMP Minigames

    Hey Minecraft enthusiasts! Welcome to Lands of Minearchy – where your Minecraft adventure begins! SMP: Join our active server with a tight-knit community where everyone is welcome. Minigames: Experience non-stop fun with a variety of minigames! Start your Journey: Ready to dive in? Visit our website at IP: (port: 19132) We can’t wait to see you in-game! Cheers, jonaas13 Owner – Lands of Minearchy Read More

  • GroveMC

    GroveMCWelcome to the Grove! Where a friendly and open community meets Minecraft. Join us in a fun and interactive server! Grow your town with friends and grind money from the jobs plugin or by selling items to others and become the #1 baltop! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Endcity is real, prepare to die 🙃

    I guess that means I should start packing my bags for Endcity! 🤣 Read More

SSundee – Extreme Rainbow Friends Hide and Seek