Starting a New World! – Legacy SMP 2: #1 | Minecraft 1.16 Survival Multiplayer

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This might not have been so good you Guys the legates went too far The withering energy they unleashed swept across the world with unrelenting fury as they fled the leggetts used all the ingenuity and power at the disposal combining the most advanced wrestling machines with the summoning power of the church of the holy bee to create a rift escaping to a real world

Everything was left behind but all is not lost in the journey between worlds they found new allies and they will all need to work together because the withering energy influences even this new world a strange force controlled by a hive mind outside of their control Oh whoa what the what happened oh my head my head is spinning i have no idea where i am it seems i’m marooned marooned on this small small island i have no idea what’s going on or where anyone else might be i need to get my act together i gotta

Work out what to do okay i’m feeling a little bit better now my head is starting to clear and i think i need to make a move so we can’t stay on this little island all the time but looking around here there isn’t um any mainland

It looks like there’s ocean as far as the eye can see so i’m just gonna pick a direction at random then we’ll go this way gonna jump in and yeah go for a swim and hopefully it won’t be too long before we find you know find some land now also i would

Like to find some people because i don’t know where everyone else is we fought the wither and then you know it all went it went crazy the the withers did that untold about the damage we managed to escape we managed to summon a rift in time and

Space and we escaped to this new land but we don’t have any items i hope i’ll find someone soon it looks like we’re coming up to some land so let’s check it out let’s see what we have here looks like we’ve got a desert and some icebergs hmm okay icebergs next to

A desert yep that makes total sense makes total total sense so we must be in some kind of strange land for that to happen so yeah what we need to do yeah we need to find a place to set up we need to have like a starter starter

Area i guess and we’ve got to find everyone else i don’t know where they are they must have been scattered as we went through uh the rift to escape the withers that was that’s pretty that was pretty scary they they all managed to escape and yeah did a whole bunch of damage to

The world so that world is no longer no longer possible to support life we had to uh we had to get out of there so let’s let’s uh let’s explore see what we can find looks like there’s a savannah over there so i think i’m gonna go that way i think

And yeah see what we can find i guess it’s time to punch some wood so let’s get our first bit of wood there it is we’ve got the get advancement gateway advancement all right this is good stuff alright so i think we’re just going to have to do the usual stuff i suppose

You punch some wood make some make some basic tools and yeah hopefully we can find some people so i’ve noticed over there there is a village so definitely going to make a beeline over there and there’s a torch over there maybe someone else has already been here don’t

Know yet and we’ll see what happens so yeah let’s get geared up a little bit at least and yeah hopefully meet some more people okay so here is the village so here we are and i wonder if there’s any activity so let’s have a look around

Um yeah so we came through through this uh through this rift and we all got separated i think i haven’t seen anyone else yet but uh looking around i can’t see them but let me let me ring this bell see if we can uh grab some attention i know the bells the

Bell’s not ringing why is the ball not ringing i’m pressing it but it’s not ringing what’s going on ding ding ding ding ding ding supposed to ring what’s going on who’s this i’ve i don’t know what happened after that thing i don’t remember checking for wizards oh i’m really worried for wizards now

They could be anywhere there could be anywhere who are these people i’ve been traveling for miles oh my goodness is i don’t really know i just fell from the sky oh fair enough we’re welcome welcome to uh you’re alive it’s finished so one one problem is uh we need to find

Everyone else because obviously everyone else went through the rift as well and they’ve obviously gone somewhere else i suppose so should we go on a hunt see if we can find them i think we need to we need to find them okay if we’re all here then they must be must be somewhere

Right okay let’s let’s go let’s let’s see if we can find them let’s go let’s go let’s follow this path it’s probably lead somewhere okay that’s why i’m with you all right oh there’s a desert here wait there’s people over there look there’s people standing there

Is that pipeline oh i do is that python or a creeper definitely people they’re up to no good who’s that right lovely person without the sleeves i would have never seen him before i think we need to let’s go that’s the gate let’s go let’s check it out

Okay where is everybody wait hold on pipe wait python i see you over there with the ravine hello hello pastor what what guys hey hey up there all right i’m coming hey guys let’s go join them did you throw me a rope archie uh hang on i just got down right [Laughter]

Pearl can you push me in there i’m a little scared to jump thank you oh wow this is loy oh hi everyone isn’t this safe down here boy wow that was a fun adventure for 20 minutes of getting out of there that was a lot without like five winners on the way

Anyway hello everyone my name is lex pence welcome to legacy season two who am i i am a new person hi they added new people and we have nicole hey what’s up my name is nicolian uh i normally play hardcore minecraft alone so this can be pretty cool to be

Able to play along with friends and uh yeah i’m pretty excited happy to have you popped up hi it’s me i am super excited to be here i also play hardcore alone so i’m happy to make some new friends and yeah excuse me all right thank you for

Having me yes this is skizzleman and when it comes to playing minecraft the only common denominator is i’m very very bad at it but i like to play any version of it and i’m happy to be here thanks for having me and myself roy xp who is why am i here i

Don’t know i play minecraft hi welcome anyway it’s good that we have some hardcore people today here because this season is going to be flipping hardcore mostly because of you the audience but i i figure everybody is going to explain the website and the vote and everything everything

Else and in their own videos today um well hey it’s great to have you guys here we are super pumped that you’re gonna be joining us here for season two season two definitely a little bit different than season one and uh we’re very excited about that so thank you thank you looking forward

To it yay what else get this season started come on guys i claim your desert i can’t believe you down the first try without any Season What is this i see this beautiful shiny blue rock the first one okay let’s get this on camera this is the first diamonds i’m down down in my mind i started like a communal mine uh it’s not very big it’s um just here so far and

Yes some stairs that go up i need to add some more stairs along the top but yeah making some progress you know small steps early on but yeah let’s get this first diamond yes there it is we got it oh the obligatory first diamond yeah we need to

Get it on camera so there we go so yeah this is what i’ve been up to so i’m down here been as i said down at level 11 uh trying to start up a mine and actually there’s some more i’ve actually seen some more diamonds that i haven’t

Got yet over here i dug into this cave i started to light it up a little bit and over here there’s a ravine well it looks like a ravine at least yeah and there are some diamonds down there which i need to get but i’m a little bit squishy at the

Moment i don’t have any armor or anything like that yet and so i’m going to go down there and get those uh in a minute but yeah let’s go to the top because uh yeah i’ve made a little bit of progress up there as well this is my place this is logic’s place

So i’ve uh i’ve claimed the house so this is one of the houses in the village and i think a few other people have done the same and yeah this is where i’m just going to be setting up basically some basic bits and pieces now actually some time has passed since

Since the last scene i’m actually now fully decked out so if i uh if i do this i’ve got all the iron on so we’re good on that front and yeah i’ve got the stairs going down to the mine so the mine is actually just here it doesn’t look too good at the

Moment but yeah we’re going to spruce this up and make it look all nice so that is the way down to the communal mines now let me show you around a little bit so we’ve done a little bit of work obviously it’s our since our initial recording

So we’ve got a few farms some basic farms to go in so we’ve got some got some cows over there we’ve got some sheep over here so we’ve got our food situation as long as we uh obviously breed them first before we kill them up we’ve got some chickens up there

And a chicken coop now over here this is cool we’ve got a little notice board here so everyone can can pick a project and we kind of lay it out here about who’s doing what so we can get organized obviously this is not all of the projects for

That we’re going to be doing but uh yeah it’s a start so yeah it’s going to be pretty cool now we’ve got a bunch of stuff to talk about in terms of the series we need to uh explain a lot i’ve got a lot of things

To talk about so i’m going to try and uh make some progress with with some building and some bits and pieces and explain everything about the season uh as best i can now i’m sure there will be questions so if you do have questions if this stuff that isn’t uh isn’t so clear

Uh there yes get it in the comments and i’ll try and answer them maybe uh next time around so i think what i’d like to do is as i’m talking and answering questions and setting out how the series is working i think i want to get a villager burrito going because this village

Is a bit sparse or villagers so we’ve got three left so i think maybe in uh i think maybe just in the in the setup and whatnot as we were over here you know nighttime came down a couple of times maybe a few villagers got killed along the way but

We’ve got one guy in here he’s trapped so he’s all good we’ve got another guy in that house and there’s another guy in a house over there i think it’s that one or maybe the one behind but yeah we basically got three villagers left in this village so

I think it’s time to get a villager breeder and then that opens the door for things like iron farms crop farms and uh villager trading hall that kind of stuff uh so yeah that is the plan so i think let me get uh sorted out let me think

About where i’m gonna build it and then we can get cracking we need to get some glass and so i am digging up this desert now this is the desert close to where we’re building so i don’t want to kind of strip it down and make it look

Horrible so i’m going to take some of this sand but try and make it look kind of natural at the same time so i’m just going to take like a you know like a row of this away at a time but yeah let’s talk about a little about

The series let’s get set up and yeah get to get all the information out there so first of all uh if you don’t know already then uh web legacy now has its own website so if you go to you will see all the goodness and uh

This will be uh important later on we talk about other things uh yeah so the new website is that is the key so on there on the home page you’ll get all of the latest oh and there’s an advancement that’s something to notice look at that kilometer walk that’s a new

One and viggo’s got another advancement that’s something else to talk about we’ll come to that in a second um but yeah basically the website on the homepage has got all the latest videos if people are live on twitch if they’re streaming then that will come up on the website as well

And yeah so there’s a bunch of information there’s a list of all the members with all their links to their various channels it’s all there too and there’s information about the advancements some voting and there’s also interactive maps and uh world download for season one

So there’s a quick fire a list of a bunch of things but yeah let’s unpack some of those things and talk about a bit more detail so first of all advancements so you just saw there that uh i’ve got an advancement and so did vigo and they are not standard advancements

So if i just show up the chat here you can see vega got an advancement there for erected offense and i got one for walking a kilometer so that’s cool but so what where have these come from what are these advancements well we are running a custom data pack that has over 800

Advancements so this is from this is not actually made by us this is a data pack uh advancement pack that’s been made by some other people there’ll be uh there’s a link on the website uh to get hold of that uh if you wanna do it for yourself uh it’s called the

Blazing cave uh advancement pack that’s what we’re running we’ve taken a few of them out that aren’t really going to work out for us in terms of the season but not many uh most of them are still there now this is cool because we are going to try as a group

To try and get all of the advancements between us so this is not a competition for one person to do it on their own this is this is uh supposed to be like a goal of the server so between us can we all get them now

This server is linked to the website so whenever somebody here gets an advancement the website is told about it and uh with the website will keep track of who’s got what advancement and there’s actually a leaderboard as well so i’ll show you a quick screenshot of the website on screen right now

So you can kind of see the gist of it now it’s not going to be so convenient um to look at the website all the time to kind of keep track of things as where as we’re playing so i’ve actually got a little overlay that i can show so if i

Just hop on over to my recorded bits and pieces i can press this button and there we go we can see there is a little a little display there in the in the bottom bottom right hand corner and you can see there that it cycles through so that is

The top of the list so so far at the moment sausage is at the top of the league in terms of advancements he’s got 155 that is a lot and you can see uh on this on the the side there’s a progress bar there’s 816 all together

As a group we’ve done 224 so far and uh this this will cycle around so it shows the top three then it shows the latest one uh and it shows uh where i am in the list so i’m i’m eighth so far and i’ve got 56 so this will update as it rotates

Around so yeah this is pretty cool so this is a nice little bonus uh a nice little thing for us to do as a group so let me get this sand in here so we can get some glass going so yeah that is the first thing the

Advancement so that is super cool now if you go to the website you can see a whole list of all the advancements you can see who’s got them and which ones are outstanding for the group and yeah loads of information so go check that out now as my sad is

Cooking i will show you one other thing to do with this data pack and that is that it gives you uh some special trophies so special items now and again for different items now i’ve got this one so far i’ve got this one it says a blessing in

Love facial fears and ask your crush out so um i guess i need to give this to someone that i care about i suppose so yeah i’m not quite sure if the lucky person there will be but uh yeah we’ll have to um you know we’ll have to

Do that in a bit i suppose well there he is logical wanted to bring me on up here there he is what’s that buddy hey dude hey dude listen uh um obviously you’re new to the server you’re you’re a new server mate now i’ve got something for you

Um so um i hope you don’t mind but there’s uh on this on this side we’ve got this data pack with special advancements and now and again you get a special trophy item and i’ve got one just for you okay so here you go just for you welcome

To the server that’s from me to you look at this this your fearsome ask your crush out oh i didn’t hi ellie i can give you andesite i feel terrible that’s okay i’ll accept your desire okay i have a quote first of all this is awesome i’m gonna put it right there can

I can you here actually can you just put it in my hair for me no but if you look over here i got actually i don’t know i don’t know listen logical yeah yeah i know you’ve been playing this game a while all right so i want

You to i want you to curb your jealousy because it’s coming full force dude wait you see my newest mansion here you see this mention oh yes yeah okay can you wipe your feet off wipe your feet this is it very homely nice i like it

But i brought you in because uh look in that chest there that that is i literally was like where did that come from yeah yeah so there’s a whole bunch there’s a bunch of advances you’ll get and now there’s a whole bunch of trophy items that we can get we can

We can put somewhere we can give to people that we you know that we like and stuff like that so yeah it’s gonna be pretty ah dude i love it all right well this one on the left is from you i’m gonna frame it later thanks buddy nice one

Okay all right well i’ve got i’ve got stuff to do so i just wanted to come and give you that and then yeah i just want to head off anyway welcome to the server glad to have you here and i hope it’s all going to be pretty

Cool yeah so i’m glad to be here thank you so much brother all right catch you later and soon after that skizz managed to somehow start a raid so we had a raid to deal with now as we uh deal with this phrase i can talk about a bit more about about

The season and a few changes uh that that are happening this time around so first of all one of the big things is uh we are having shared resources so we’re going to have a big storage room we’re going to share all of our goods together so we’re not gonna have

Like a shopping district or anything like that no shops uh but yeah we’re gonna be working together to build uh everything we need and that includes uh when it comes to uh infrastructure and farms uh we’re not gonna all build the same iron farm or the same gold fund without

That we’re gonna have one one of those farms uh that’s gonna be big enough and you know advanced enough to cater for the whole server so it’s gonna be shared projects and that’s why they had we had that uh noticeable earlier that’s so we can all pick the pick and

Choose the the the projects we wanna work on and yeah then we’re gonna share the stuff that comes out of those farms and uh yeah that’s how it’s all gonna work out so that is gonna be really good of course yeah we all wanna make all of

Our stuff look really good so we’re gonna work together as many collaborations a week as we can to make our builds not only uh functional and really good but also look amazing and we’ve got loads of really good builders here so that shouldn’t be a problem

At all now the other thing that’s new this season that is voting so on the website you can vote we are going to have various things to vote for and we’ve got one up at the moment and they are going to be a mixture of what we what we’re calling chaotic events

Which is basically different rules about how we play the game so there’s a few up there at the moment a few options uh you can go on there you can vote and then once the vote is closed we’ll start uh playing uh with you know the rules that you decide so

You’re going to have direct influence in what happens with the with the world now the other thing is when it comes to building style we are going to try and have a law or a story that that follows us around and we’re going to be basing our builds on that story

Now to start off with the story is that this is a post-post-apocalyptic world uh you know we had the destruction of the withers so now we’re going to be building uh in that style now that’s that that story will evolve and change over time and there’s going to be votes for you to

Help help decide where the story goes and of course that will then influence how we build what style that kind of stuff as well so get on the website look at the voting that is all there for you to do so i mentioned there won’t be a shopping

District but there will be uh some trading and bartering for special items we’re going to send each other on some quests for special things that kind of stuff and valuable items that we accumulate during the during the uh the season uh we’ll use those as well we also think

About having a bunch of games mini games we’re going to build for each other that kind of stuff as well so there’s gonna be lots of shenanigans and yeah this is gonna be a lot of fun and so after all those shenanigans with the raid we

Managed to take care of it as you saw and i have now started our first project this is going to be a villager breeder so i think generally speaking what we’re going to do with farms and infrastructure to start with is just do some simple simple stuff relatively small just to get things

Going so we’ll do a simple villager breeder here we’ll probably do an iron farm after that just nice and easy nice and simple and then once we once we get going to get moving then we can build some proper server level farms after that which will be a bit

More a bit more advanced and a bit more impressive so that is the villager breeder so we need some villagers so there’s one in this house right here and i think i’m going to try and get him out of here so let’s see if we can do this without

Too much mishap so let’s get this open and i’ve got a boat here so hopefully i can just hopefully get him out of here he’s probably going to be wanting to work his work stations let’s get rid of that so he’s not tempted to work let’s see if

We can push him outside and yeah get him into this boat now as we do this there is something else to talk about and that is a massive milestone that we’ve reached on the channel something i’ve been working towards for a long time and those that have been

Keeping up on the channel will know that uh we have now uh we have now reached a hundred thousand subscribers which is absolutely incredible absolutely incredible can’t believe it didn’t see you can’t believe it and i can’t believe it’s villager either dude where you going go that way into the boat

Oh man okay let’s push him in there he’s in he’s into the boat so yeah so on the channel front so a massive thank you to everyone for all your support and all the kind words and messages i’ve received uh absolutely brilliant so yeah i’m i’m just waiting for the

Details to come through so i can get my hands on my silver plate button but yeah as soon as that happens then i’ll stick a video on the channel uh about all of that stuff so that is really good so yeah just thanks again to everyone for all the support

It’s been absolutely brilliant and now we’re just boating over the second villager we’re getting into the breeder and then get that finished off i just need to be careful where i actually boat because i don’t want to get stuck on the path blocks that would be a new mistake so let’s go

Around this way i thought i could make it this way around i had a quick scout around earlier so yeah let’s get this guy over to the breeder and yeah get this thing finished up and now we’re just waiting for the sun to set because i’ve got the villagers over here

And we’re going to break these boats that they’re in so they are free to oh [Laughter] okay so there’s some beds up here so they should uh wait they might wait make their way up to the beds when it’s night time uh this guy’s already uh selected the uh

The work station so let’s get him down off of there actually because that is not where you usually need to be let’s break this there we go okay so i’m also going to get my hoe out and i’m going to deal with this there’s all the

Water source under here and i’m going to plot my uh plot my crops over here you can use carrots or potatoes in this now if you want the tutorial on how to build this villager breeder it’s on my channel uh there is a a tutorial in the uh the simply minecraft

Uh tutorial series where we uh take care of all that kind of stuff oh look they’ve come up already so let’s block that off okay they’re in there so these two are going to harvest the crops they’re going to make babies and the baby’s going to come out

This way but let me get it finished up and then i’ll show you it just did my bit to replant our farm over here so this is something that sausages put up so we’ve got this nice little uh manual uh potato and carrot farm here and we’ve got

On this side over here we’ve got the wheat farm as well so yeah there’s all manual stuff at the moment but of course we will automate that uh in good time so now we’ve got some potatoes let’s go over to the breeder which is just over there

And yeah give these give these over to the villagers and then they can start you know doing doing the business okay here we are so what i’m gonna do is this guy over here he can have half so i’ll throw you half a stack oh and he ran away from it

Hopefully one of them will come over here and pick it up oh no come on come pick up these potatoes if i gotta come down there again for you okay good he picked him up all right so they’re they’ve all been picked up now so they should start sharing some food

Uh shortly and then hopefully we’ll see some hearts at some point there they go they are in the love mode there are the hearts i managed to fall in here as i was walking around but hopefully we should see a baby anytime now is there one there maybe there is

There’s the baby yes okay so we’ve got a baby and at some point he will try and make his way to these beds that are over here and he’ll walk across trouble across these truck doors fall into the water and then he can uh he can grow up so

This uh this this breeder has got on off switch so this this lever here can turn it on and off and then we’ve also got a baby and adult salter over there so the babies will stay down in that area until they grow up and then they’re

Going to the holding chamber up there there he is there’s the baby okay i need to get out of here all right let’s see if we can do this without any of those villagers escaping so just get my pick and yeah see if we can do this

Okay we’re out that was easy okay so here’s the baby he’s down here so he’s gonna jump around and do his business but uh he he can’t get anywhere he’ll stay here but once he grows up his head will go into that water he’ll swim up over there the water is

Flowing that way so we’ll take them over there and then at some point we can get some mine carts into here once we’ve got a bit more iron and then we can send them off to wherever we need them all right so i’ve got to hang around

Here for a little bit get some villagers go in here and then yeah i want to think about how we can hide this we don’t leave it out in the open like this oh yeah we need to have some kind of structure around it so yeah let’s have a

Think what we can do about that hey poppy how are you doing welcome to the server hey look who’s here yeah i’m uh i’m scrambling around here trying to to beat out germsie boy we’ve got all these advancements i know i know oh yeah well yeah i know you do your

Hardcore stuff and you’ve done you’ve done the they’ve done the hardcore challenge of getting all those advancements so so advancements are definitely your thing so i’m expecting some hot competition here on this server with this hot competition i am gonna i’m gonna step it up okay you’re gonna see some

So it’s going up yeah okay i look forward to that i think if you look at the leaderboard i’m slightly ahead of you at the moment so you know you better keep up i’m sorry logic but i don’t see that happening much longer you’re uh you’re going down

Okay all right let me let me show you what i’ve been working on okay i’ve got a lot going on over here okay you’ve got like a big house big mansion that kind of thing well um i mean i you know it’s quaint but do you see that up right there

The sign or the llama head the llama head okay you’re an animal murderer i thought i thought you liked no see this one was a little bit feisty that’s all right but i thought it added a nice touch to my house here yeah it’s a nice kind of morbid

Animal head it’s like a wall into anyone else my house this is what’s gonna happen to you exactly okay okay what do you got going on okay well well you’re checking it all out there’s nothing to see there yeah good look around well i’ve got a house over here which is like pretty

Similar it’s like small and quaint you know just like yours but over here i’ve been working on a villager breeder so i can show you that really quick it’s pretty pretty basic but i thought what could we do is we could kind of start off doing some small things to get us

Going and then we can ramp it up to some bigger and better things a bit later on yeah here we go look you can see there’s a baby up here running i’m walking super slow here catch up catch up all right she comes yeah so it’s out here so uh it’s all bit

Up and working i need to uh put a building around it to kind of hide it but uh yeah it’s so functional it’s fancy schmancy braider all right getting it done getting all the hard work out of the way so we can just sit back and relax and and reap the benefits

I like that yeah yeah it’s good i like that all right so how are you finding the server so far yes settling in nicely yeah i mean i’ve only had a couple deaths no big deal you know mm-hmm i’ve had loads of usual loads we had a raid

Yesterday skins started a raid and we died late already so soon did you at least get some totems from it or anything no totems i’ve got a couple of mob heads but uh yeah no totems oh my pads oh well yeah so i’m gonna i’m gonna work on the sheep farm

Soon the wool farm i think that’s what i’m gonna focus on get us some pretty color sheep okay and yeah can i get some more advancements that’d be great all right well i’m going to crack him with this but anyway welcome to the server really nice to

Have you here and i think it’s going to be really good everybody’s up awesome awesome hello sausage my uh my old friend my old little my older chipolata how you doing oh i’m doing so good how you doing yeah i’ll do it right there’s um you’ve

Got some guests over there by your base they’re um wait um it’s not open it’s not over for the public yet please i’m in the middle of building it sirs i think they can probably they’ve already sent no good you know anyway right anyway listen i’ve oh it’s uh it’s

The first down the server or as well it’s the first episode of the server and i’ve got a little present for you so oh great i love it we’ve we’ve had a little bit history right we’ve had this whole king of the server malarkey and i think it’s time to put

That to bed and just just be friends and just just yeah agree that we’re we are equals so in that i’ve got you a little present right here this is wow the diamond of peace now this is the very first diamond i mind in this world

And it’s just for you a diamond of peace are you kidding this is the nicest thing you’ve ever done logic you know you know you’ve done so many horrible wretched things in the past and i can’t believe you know you turned them you leave you

You’re nice now this is so good you know there’s no kingly possessions here either you know we came here naked in this world exactly i i accept your gift this is so nice thank you so much i don’t have anything for you right now that’s okay that’s okay because we are

We’re just friends we’re friends we’re equals it’s all good i got something hold on let me get something really quick for you okay watch out with those dudes you’re gonna you get it wonderful look at them you know what i’ll just give it to you later okay fair enough no worries that’s

That’s fine um yeah that’s correct okay but thank you you know what i’ll pass by and i’ll leave a present in your doorstep okay and it’s gonna be great thank you so much i just wanted an achievement i wanted achievement can i can you grab that

I’m gonna give it back okay i wanna thank you so much i’m gonna keep this i’m gonna frame this inside the vault once it’s completely finished and once these guys are gone okay awesome all right well i’ve got things to do so i’ll catch you later

And that was an act of generosity that only a true king would do and in the meantime i have been constructing a building around our breeder and this is what it looks like so i’ve gone for something that kind of looks like one of the houses over here so they came kind

Of some kind of structure some kind of materials and whatnot but the idea here is that it’s supposed to look like it’s a bit uh it’s a bit run down it’s a bit sort of left left on its own and the you know the sand the yeah there’s been maybe sandstorms and the

Sand has maybe gathered around it and yeah it’s pretty pretty in a state of disrepair pretty much but yeah this is what we’ve what i’ve been up to so i think that’s looking all right not too bad right so is this kind of uh you know look all around it so obviously

We’ve got sand coming up here that’s sort of gathered over time we’ve got some cobwebs in there we found we’ve got some walls and buttons all sorts of bits and pieces and details and some bushes dead bushes there so yeah this is all the way around

To kind of make it look like the uh you know the kind of desert is swallowing it up the desert has uh kind of consumed it uh in somewhat you know some fashion but yeah this is pretty cool so i think that looks alright so i’ve also added a path

Uh back up to the village so it’s not quite done yet waiting for the grass to uh to spread over here and we’ll turn those all into path blocks but yeah but this is the not this is not only the the only way that you can look at this

So on the website another new feature for this for this season is that we have a near real-time map 3d map of the server that you can look at so let’s check it out and so if you go to the legacy website and then go to the server page

There is a link and also this is embedded on the page but there’s also a link so you can open this in a full tab and this is uh this is a map of the world we’re playing in and this gets updated every 30 minutes

So over here this is where we spawned in this is a spawn island zoom in over here you’ll see it receive draw and it actually you can get really close look how close you can get to these things so you can let’s do a good old look so that’s the spawn

Island you can also click on a block to get its coordinates so you do that you can get the exact coordinates of a particular block so you can use your wheel to zoom in and out and over here this is where the village is

So if i zoom in over here you can see it is here is our build that we’ve just done now so you can zoom in over here we can rotate we can tilt and you can have a good old look all the way around the server so this is in

All the dimensions you can have a good old look and explore and yeah see what you think there’s also the season one uh server is also up here as well so yeah feel free to take a look and explore around see what you can find

And so there we have it we’re in season two and it’s kicking off and it is gonna be great so we’ve done our first build we’ve got our villager breeder all set up this opens the door to more things in the future but yeah i hope you liked it

I hope you enjoyed it and if you did then please hit the like button and if you’re new then feel free to subscribe and if you’ve got any comments or suggestions then get in the comment section alright my geeks until next time i will see you later You

This video, titled ‘Starting a New World! – Legacy SMP 2: #1 | Minecraft 1.16 Survival Multiplayer’, was uploaded by LogicalGeekBoy on 2020-11-21 15:00:21. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Today sees the start of season 2 of Legacy SMP! It’s taken a while to get here but we made it! Let’s checkout this new world …

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  • Minecraft Meme 🔥😂

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  • Charged Creeper SMP 1.21 Cross-Play Enhanced Outposts

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  • Minecraft Memes – Stop whining, start mining!

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Gaming Experience!

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  • Hilarious Villager Enchantments in Minecraft Shorts

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  • INSANE Minecraft Tricks REVEALED! 🤯 #Shorts #Minecraft

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  • INSANE Realistic Minecraft vs Real Life! CRAZY Slime, Water, Lava

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  • Unlock our epic Minecraft world with viewers! 🔥 Road to 3k smiles 🎮

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    SAUROOND BUILDS ALL CIVS in Hardcore MC!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Built Every Human Civilization EVER Throughout History! in Hardcore Minecraft (The Movie)’, was uploaded by SauroonD on 2024-06-17 05:32:02. It has garnered 484 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:17 or 6317 seconds. Ever dreamt of exploring the grand sweep of human civilization? This epic Minecraft build journey takes you on a visually stunning adventure, from the dawn of humanity in the Stone Age to the futuristic marvels of the 21st Century – and it’s all built in HARDCORE Minecraft! Prepare to be amazed by iconic structures that bridge the… Read More

  • ULTIMATE WOLF ATTACK in Minecraft💀💀 #TOMANda

    ULTIMATE WOLF ATTACK in Minecraft💀💀 #TOMANdaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft wolf 💀💀 #minecraft’, was uploaded by TOMANda on 2024-07-25 01:43:18. It has garnered 16824 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Minecraft is a 3D sandbox adventure game developed by Mojang Studios where players can interact with a fully customizable three-dimensional world made of blocks and entities. Its diverse gameplay options allow players to choose the way they play, creating countless possibilities. There are three actively maintained editions of Minecraft: Java Edition (PC); Bedrock Edition (Windows, mobile, and consoles); and Minecraft Education (for educational settings). There is also… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft ASMR Keyboard + Mouse Sounds in Hypixel Bedwars

    INSANE Minecraft ASMR Keyboard + Mouse Sounds in Hypixel BedwarsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft ASMR gameplay Keyboard + Mouse ASMR Sounds | Hypixel Bedwars’, was uploaded by JitterManMC on 2024-07-10 05:47:32. It has garnered 460 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:53 or 293 seconds. #hycraft #bedwars #minecraft Recording software: OBS Studio Editing software: Sony Vegas 17 Microphone: BlueSnowball Mouse:Glorious Model O Tags – Ignore! #minecraft #hycraft #bedwars Todays video is Keyboard + Mouse ASMR Sounds | Hycraft Bedwars #minecraft , #hycraft , #skywars, #minecraftmanhunt, #pvp, #minecraftmods, #minecraftchallenge, #minecraftmod, #handcam, #mousecam, #mousecam, #keyboardasmr, #keyboardsounds, #mouseasmrminecraft, #keyboardandmouse, #keyboardandmouse, #keyboardandmousesounds, #keyboardandmousesounds, #keyboardandmousesoundsminecraft, #gloriousmodelo, #duckyone2, #duckyone2tkl, #Garboil,… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Animation in Mom’s Eyes!

    INSANE Minecraft Animation in Mom's Eyes!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft:妈妈眼中的动漫【方块轩】’, was uploaded by 方块轩 on 2024-10-04 09:01:02. It has garnered 12871 views and 232 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:35 or 335 seconds. This channel is committed to providing child-friendly content and avoiding any elements that may affect their health and safety. Hello everyone, I am Cube Xuan, the creator of Minecraft. I am a self-made MC animation that is funny and humorous and delivers happiness. This channel is the only official channel of Cube Xuan. The videos related to me in other channels are all pirated and have not obtained any… Read More

  • Puffer SMP – SMP, 18+, S03, Apps open!!

    Adults Only Hermitcraft server with Strict Application Process Discord Server Link: Join Here Hello lovely people! Puffer SMP is a community-oriented server with great players and staff. Join us for our third season filled with collaborative builds, farms, minigames, and more! Server Features: Active Community Shopping District Diamond Economy 64gb RAM Dedicated Machine Creative Server with World Edit & Axiom Bluemap Access 24/7 Uptime Mature Playerbase Strict Application Process Regular Events Helpful Staff And more! Give us a try and experience a server you won’t want to leave! Join our Discord server and apply today. My discord: KIJ5 Thank you… Read More

Starting a New World! – Legacy SMP 2: #1 | Minecraft 1.16 Survival Multiplayer