Starting COMPLETELY Over | Let’s Play Hardcore Minecraft Episode 1

Video Information

Hey guys what is up the neocubist here welcome to my 1.18 chill hardcore survival let’s play so there’s our old hardcore world we are moving on from that we’re going to create a new world today and we’re going to take things a little bit slower i think it’s going to

Be more enjoyable for you guys now of course we got a name in the world and i think it would be aptly named chill hardcore we might want to put the d in there uh let’s see we’re on hardcore right yes okay so this is where the seed comes

Into play i’m literally gonna spam random characters like i’ll put my mic next to my keyboard okay i don’t think i don’t think i can like paste something in like that so we’ll create new world and we’ll see what we get people are always like neo you scat out the seed

You pasted them like dude how did i pay so like you could hear it live on the mic okay i’m not even gonna cut out the loading screens there’s no heebie gb business i won’t quit talking until it’s 100 which is really difficult because i really need to breathe right now but i’m

Going to keep going for you guys just to show that i have the and it’s actually exactly what i wanted which was a snowy area um i feel like i haven’t yes dude ice spikes off the bat okay so you do see that there is a shader pack installed link is in the

Description below it’s called like default shaders basically they’re very uh they’re very akin to default minecraft lighting so for those of you who voted no in the poll you don’t want to see shaders well these are pretty much as good as it’s going to get

As far as like shaders go you may not like really love them but some people really love shaders including myself and i think it’ll add to the let’s play um but yeah i have have really fond memories of the snowy biomes my first ever minecraft world back in like 2011 or 2010

Um it started out in a snowy area albeit i was very confused i picked up blocks and i was like man i can’t you know because i played minecraft classic right which is basically just what minecraft creative is today and that was all minecraft was there was no crafting no survival nothing

And i would just pick up blocks i’d be like this and i was like you know oh well this is just gonna this is like stupid minecraft creative it’s gonna take forever for me to get enough blocks to build anything and then i realized you could craft and well the rest is history

Yeah i really do i think this shader pack looks really good so basically all it adds is just some just some shadows so we’re it’s going to be pretty simple well all right let’s do what everyone does when they play minecraft and let’s just get a little

Bit of wood so like i said i want to lay out some some basic outlines for this series because i don’t want you guys to have your expectations not met if you have any thus far there’s a lot of creators out there like let’s say someone like

Wadzie right someone who’s very good and does very big projects every episode i tried to do that last season i can’t do it okay i’m not i’m not a project man i’m i’m a chill talker man who does weird things in minecraft it may not

Make a ton of sense i may not oh okay okay that’s just okay i i don’t do things right all the time which is okay oh let me actually that was the last piece of wood cool um so things are going to be going a little bit slower i’m going to shoot for

Three to four videos a week i know this week for sure there’s going to be four videos so what that means is that i’m going to upload them on friday saturday sunday and wednesday that way you get a nice little uh a nice little like you know spread out

Uh content which is better than them all coming out like in a row because then sometimes people don’t catch up or whatever i’m not even gonna skip hold on i hear something sus hold on hold on wait wait wait before i dig down is it just like something right here

No it’s definitely under us wait is it this is it is it something i can see right here hmm ah okay yes so it’s hold on let’s see if we can swim in there for a second i know i know it’s in the middle of making tools but i really want to see

What is this what i know it’s dark i can’t see either okay we’re not gonna go in okay all right all right all right hold on and they’ve got what can i start swimming again please yes okay now let me get we’re stuck and if that gives you any indication how

This is gonna go we’ve just now reached the stone age i have to dig myself out of here okay you got to let me dig myself out of here please oh this struggle’s real i’m so sorry i promise that’s not how the whole series is gonna go

I probably won’t get stuck in many holes but the holes we get stuck in will be the greatest ones like that looks pretty cool there’s some coal down there and whatnot but as you can see this shader pack is beautiful right it’s a very simple shader it’s not intense it’s not

Like crazy it’s not gonna blow you away and i thought i just saw a tree explode i’m pretty sure that was was it just the leaves decaying i hope please yeah oh it’s the snow when it breaks i see so let’s go scout the area out a little bit

Let’s pick up this crafting table though okay at least yeah a couple saplings won’t hurt me i will grow these big spruce trees if we stick in the spruce you guys remember my og let’s play that had 129 episodes you guys remember that we were in a snow area i don’t want to

Live in a snow area i actually want to live in an ice area i feel like that’s you know unique i don’t i don’t see i personally have never lived in an ice area i have for sure seen them but not very often honestly like it’s pretty rare

I feel like at least for me and uh they’re pretty cool looking and i like how the shader kind of makes the ice look nice and sparkly shiny reflective i guess and is this a snow globe a snow globe you know what i mean is this an igloo i

Don’t think so hold on one second okay so polar bears are they uh are you gentlemen are you nice Don’t okay okay okay okay so maybe they’re mean only if you hit them i guess i really don’t know but yeah i’d love to live in this biome i don’t know if we’ll start out here uh and honestly it’s kind of hard to see where the ice is because of the shader

Like all the water kind of makes it look the same which you know in real life ice and water you know it’s kind of hard to see it you know where there’s a border unless it’s like you know really like that milky ice with a lot of air in it

If it’s like really clear ice right like it’s gonna be kind of hard to see um but i suppose the shader does do its thing on the ice and make it look a little strange let’s collect a little bit of wood just before we we started venturing too much because i want to

Find a good spot in the world right i don’t want to like just live right where we are now since we’re in hardcore which i kind of forgot honestly there’s a good chance you know we’re gonna have to get some food going this episode because you

Know how it is without food i don’t think polar bears or whatever those guys are snow bears what are they called i think they’re called polar bears you think i know this um i don’t think they drop any form of meat so i’m gonna have

To go find something like a cow or a chicken and you know or some pigs because if we don’t plan on living in this area that’s perfectly okay we can just go ahead and grab these guys as food and i am okay with that i’m okay being a

Little bit nomadic this first episode um we get a house built cool if we don’t cool like i’m not gonna i’m not gonna push it because i feel like the last series i was pushing too many things it just burns you out and that’s how the

Other one made it to 120 oh no that’s how it made it to 129 episodes was i just didn’t force anything i mean maybe a few times but you know it was a lot more laid back so that’s the vibe i’m going for i’m not saying it’s a direct clone or anything

Um but that’s the vibe that i’m going for so i feel like since i just made this axe i have to use it on at least one tree so we’ll get that done and let’s go see over here yeah my gpu actually gets hot oh my gpu actually gets hot because of the

Shader pack i don’t know let me know in the comments like if if there’s like a big you know gap everyone’s like neo i hate these shaders uninstall them don’t i don’t want to see these then i’ll remove them but the pull i did was like two-thirds of the people wanted

Shaders one-third didn’t and so to satisfy both sides i got the lightest most uninvasive shaders i possibly could because it really does just look like minecraft like it looks a little bit different you know just there’s like shadows but that’s it that’s it so this this appears to be a

Frozen ship i i maybe you know a long time ago this was um an area that was warm and then he crashed and then it got frozen and it’s funny because it’s not frozen under here that’s a that’s actually really good because we don’t have anything and getting 12 iron off the bat

I don’t even know is this the captain’s quarters like is that where the isn’t there better loot hold on it makes it kind of tricky since we’re underwater but isn’t there better loot like down in here oh gosh this is going to take forever maybe maybe we’ll come back but i think that’s

The good chest i think the other chest will have like a buried treasure oh yeah wait wait where’s the okay that’s not gonna be how we lose the hardcore world i promise some people said neo you should just do it in survival but honestly i don’t really have trouble with

And there is a buried treasure i don’t really have a whole lot of trouble with dying um like last season it was somewhat intentional but not really um if i if i died you know like i said i was okay with it but you know i definitely shouldn’t have put myself in

That situation and apparently there’s different levels of raids which i did not know so i need to travel northeast to get to that and i’m okay with doing that i just don’t know how far away it is and we’re about to die because look at our hunger so let’s go over here and

See a little bit of coal in the distance and we may need to hole in for the night because it’s also getting dark as you can see by our diagonally placed sun and this looks like an interesting area albeit a little spooky if there’s a cave there i’d rather not get blasted by

Creeper or something like that but look at this we can still hold a torch in the hand and all as well still lights everything up we have people were like neo why so in the last series i died from a raid and i had totems in my

Inventory but in my off hand i was holding torches and people were flaming me and i’m like dude i like torches okay maybe i should have had the totem but i really like torches yeah let’s not go there i don’t i don’t like bad guys let’s find another little

Area to to cave into maybe in the ice over here it’d be kind of nice i think we got to get food going quick though i’m going to kill these cows i don’t know where we’re going to live so i don’t want to kill all the cows around

Here but like we’re probably not going to live directly around there’s a baby i’m sorry okay we’ll leave your parent just because i feel very guilty if i killed all the adults in that situation it only left a baby so i don’t have enough stone i don’t have enough stone okay

Oh gosh my hunger is decreasing rapidly so i want to go i want to go like sit in one of those for tonight but like at the same time i can’t really mine at night in one of those so maybe not so maybe not let’s just get enough stone

For at least a furnace here because we need a furnace otherwise we’re just gonna die so i was going back and i was watching ethos lab his first ever like well this looks cool one of his first survival let’s plays and like dude the nostalgia dude just how much different minecraft was back

Then and like the decisions this guy was making and the fact that he’s still going with it it just it was a huge inspiration and i was like man he was just having fun with it he was no pressure he just you know because people didn’t know a whole

Lot about minecraft back then and like you know i i i like to think that i still don’t know very much about minecraft um but i know more than maybe the average player but i’m by no means someone who’s like you know like ill mango or someone like that who can just

Dominate the survival game like literally make auto farms all this stuff i have to watch youtube tutorials for that because i have to watch my my fellow creators help me which i don’t think it’s a bad thing i think you know some people are good at some stuff some

People are good at others i’m good at talking about nothing for an extended period of time uh yes so there you can see i was gonna wait why is the moon so bright [Laughter] okay i may want to change that in the shade as we hold on here

Some something doesn’t look right there so if if there’s a lighting bug i’ll fix it because yeah that may be a little bright for me maybe on a full moon it’s just brighter dude that like i’m casting a shadow is that is that an option see like that

Looks good why when i zoom in does it disappear you can see like the nice reflection off the ice but like yeah i don’t know about that one chief that that’s that’s a little bright for me yeah let me see if i can change it just

Give me one second here all right well to be honest with you i’m not quite sure maybe it’s because it’s a full moon or maybe it’s a little bit of a lighting issue honestly but it looks more like sunlight to me so i don’t know i’ll play with it i i

Promise if it if it bugs you guys a whole ton i’ll fix it but i think it may be because it’s a full moon um oh do i have okay i do have a sword that very potentially could be it because you know the moon cycle does

Change i don’t know maybe it just looks bright too because there’s snow but it looks like it’s only around me dude i am i’m an idiot it’s because i’m holding a torch in my hand oh gosh yeah now now it looks fine right like it actually does this looks like a full

Moon’s light like this is fine the torch however is very bright which is good for me um but i was confused i was like why why is this torch it seems like the torch makes a lot of light and it does which i guess is normal

Well that that solves the mystery of the bright moon it’s because i have a torch in my hand which is good for you guys i think that’s a let’s go check that out um so if it is brighter at night i mean that’s it is good for you guys because that means you

Can see better okay okay i wonder if the polar bear would ever help me in this situation because stone tools stone tools are not the sharpest in fact i don’t know how steve quite sharpens his tools when he makes them in a crap i dare really

Cuz you already have full gold armor man you have never even been in that chunk so the more you’re in a chunk the higher the difficulty for that chunk goes dude okay let me turn if i turn my brightness down is that the problem ah okay so that that was maybe the

Problem we’ll do brightness at default maybe that’ll be a little bit better because yeah i feel like that was a really real okay okay okay we don’t have we don’t have we we don’t have the equipment to deal with to deal with with a stray or anything like that so we’re

Just gonna we’re gonna cross this nice ice bridge and we’re gonna find ourselves a nice hole to call home for tonight because i don’t wanna die i don’t i don’t wanna die i i like this world i like this i like the vibe we’ve created so far let’s just

Uh let’s just let’s just go in a hole yep that’s what we’re gonna do we’re gonna go in a hole we’re gonna cover it with dirt none the wiser we’re just in a hole okay let’s deal with this step by step so if you guys know i used to make

Tutorials that was my whole youtube channel was making house tutorials and all the house tutorials i did seem to be like nothing that i usually build in uh survival so i’m gonna try to build in kind of the style that i used to which was smaller but more

I don’t know like efficient things maybe they didn’t look as fancy or as good but they were definitely more efficient right like they weren’t so big that you couldn’t fill them up like we had with our last hardcore let’s play we made a big thing and we just we couldn’t fill it up

So i’m going to off the bat yeah maybe a helmet’s better actually we’re gonna make two pieces of armor just because i know that you know it’s not a lot of armor but at least it’ll are you up here buddy hey hey hey i’m trying i’m trying to make a video

I’m trying to make a video can you uh where are you where is that skeleton he’s like literally hiding behind a tree okay dude i got my new armor okay okay there’s two now okay okay never mind my good sirs enjoy your night okay well i’m gonna camp out till it’s

Day because this is one thing like i know i want to record more but i can’t really do a whole lot right now i may might try to mine some stone and get some stone going um but i’ll only mind this wooden pickaxe is worth so i will

See you guys in the morning All right well it’s not day but i’m bored and uh i did decide to put it back on bright which is the highest brightness just because i feel like okay we’re running away oh it’s snowing too cool that’s always a good vibe in a snowy

Area um but i want you guys to be able to see like and have the best opportunity to see so yeah i did put my brightness all the way back on bright just so that you guys can see better and you know i can see better as well

But you know you the viewer probably the most most important perspective here because you’re the one who’s watching it and this snow seems very thick it’s very it’s very thick i see this cave over here okay okay okay okay i’m not equipped for this i’m not equipped for this okay i am

Going to wait till date oh gosh let me eat let me eat just to relieve this this the viewer anxieties about my health i’m gonna eat and let it regenerate okay there we go we’re nice and cozy in this hole now i’m not gonna lie to you guys like i’m

Trying to figure out you know what time of the day is it and i look up and i see no moon so i don’t know if that’s a good thing or wait do i see sunrise over there i think it’s starting to turn pink does that mean the moon was over there that’s

Probably why i couldn’t see it yep okay cool it’s starting oh that’s that’s a sky box okay so i did make a shovel because i want to go get this buried treasure i determined that this direction is east right let me make sure i don’t know why

I just now i can’t find the direction wait what what okay whatever this direction is east though i did figure it out for some reason i can’t find what direction i’m facing anymore with f3 i’ll i’m sure i’ll sort that out soon but somehow i seem to have lost it yes facing east

Towards positive exia okay so we’re facing east so we have to go east on this map and then we’ll just have to go a little bit north which is this way perfect so hopefully no more surprise creeper explosions that would be the preferable thing here it looks like

We’re running back the way we came from which is fine i want to be near the ice spikes um i don’t know if that’s ice spike biome or that’s just like glacial biome i have no idea that’s okay we don’t need to know and here’s the baby

Which uh has not grown up yet and uh their parent that’s all they need that’s all you need um so yeah i’ll keep traveling east and we’ll see hopefully we start appearing on the map i’m sure it’s not too far so that’s where the ship where we got it from

And i’m going to assume that it just means it’s just a little bit over in that direction which is fine you know we’re not in any rush or anything but i do want to make sure that we get some sort of renewable food source going somewhat soon because in hardcore and in

Hard mode you just die if you run out of food you’re dead no uh no buffer there between life and death so i’ll keep running until i appear on the map i don’t want to like make you guys miss anything so we’ll time lapse it Well as you can see i stopped the time lapse because we just found north guardia the northernmost village in the realm of landia that’s what i’ll call this area snow landing smite five the spider the legendary spider killing sword an amending gold helmet how valiant of an effort this our armor

Is trying to make but honestly i think it would die before before that became too useful um now this nether portal no i guess they made it too short initially or maybe the rest of the obsidians down there no it’s just a little too short not sure how that happened but let’s go

Check out the village i don’t want to like steal everything from them you know like steal all their stuff i’d rather you know have a good relationship with you guys you don’t even have a job dude i can’t even trade with you but i want to see you know maybe if they have

Anything crazy i’ll take it but i’m going to leave their beds and whatnot because that’s where they sleep so again it is looking a little bit dark right now you know because it’s snowing but hopefully yeah hopefully you guys like these shaders i think they’re just fine

I don’t i don’t really have a huge problem with them i will take a little bit of food and i don’t have any pants so i’d like i’d like to have some pants that would make me feel more comfortable oh i didn’t take anything good sir i didn’t i didn’t take anything six

Leather for one emerald okay there’s two of you with the exact same job what do you have what do you want three for pants and you want six i’m sensing some bad economics here that doesn’t make any sense blacksmith nice anything over here good sir you have anything uh you have

Anything what in the heck kind of house is that there’s not even a bed all right well at least we know where a village is we can press f3 and get the coordinates so 122 382. again i’m still going to be heading on my journey to try

And find there’s no blacksmith so that’s the only thing i would really care to take anything from um but it looks like a nice plains biome over there which it will be raining which is fine but we still have not started moving on this map so we still

Need to just go directly east which is this direction so let’s uh i’m not going to cut the recording right here because we’re getting into a new biome and if there’s anything cool over here i want you guys to see it along with me and look at that the border between snow and

Rain nice into the rain we go so things might be a little muddy our feet might get a little wet we can’t look down and see our feet though hey look at that a nice plains b hopefully these bees don’t have the issues that our last bees in every other

World we’ve had have had where there’s so many that you can’t you can’t do anything and this treasure map must be like just exuberantly far away i mean it must be just absolutely on the other side of the world because we’re not it we’re still not even moving on that

You know i don’t know what i can use pumpkins for uh but i will take a few um by a few i mean you know like a few and since we’re in the planes bomb we might as well do the thing and get a couple seeds

All right and now we’ll run around and inevitably pick up the ones that we did not pick up ourselves now how many did we get as long as we have about 30 in my experience that’s a good number to at least start working with i mean i’m not gonna be living in this

Biome so i’m gonna have to take a few animal lives here but for a good cause for the for the non-death i promise i will repopulate this plane’s biome with more than i took from it at some point oh i thought that was a ship that’s not

A ship that is a village that is uh north glaciaria what did we call it i already forgot what we called that village north guardian shire yep berkshire hathaway that’s what we called it okay so there’s a few more animals around here now this map we’re still not

On the map so maybe we’ll give up on that for now i don’t know no we’re not gonna give up on it it’s the first episode we’re not gonna give up on on our first adventure in the first episode of course not but i am going to take you

Know like i said a few more of these animals so that we have a little bit of food a little bit of a buffer to work with so we don’t get in any sticky situation okay already at xp level 5 and we’ve done nothing except to kill animals we did kill uh

That creeper and two zombie combos so that’s the only thing we did kill i see that coal in there i’m gonna make a little temporary setup or something here so that we can grab a smoker and cook this food otherwise it’s gonna take so long to cook our inventory is jam-packed full which

Is perfectly okay it’s fine with me i’m sure we’ll find some things that we can rid ourselves of but let’s make a smoker and let’s put some coal in it and just start cooking a few of these things up because yeah that cooks it so much

Faster and we’re not gonna have to sit around and wait for a furnace so i’m gonna wait for that stuff to smoke kill a few more animals grab a few more seeds and then y’all come back we’ll collect our food and be on our way

Okay so we’re not quite ready to go but we’re getting closer i think we have enough leather to make some boots so i’m going to say this now i know it’s kind of you know one of those things no one likes to hear but guys i am a youtuber

This is my job and i would be doing myself a disservice if i did not ask you to consider subscribing so if you’re enjoying this series so far and you’re excited to see all these three to four episodes every week please do subscribe you don’t have to but at least think

About it and take it into consideration i would be very appreciative and while you’re down there deciding that if you want to leave a like on the video i would also appreciate it i’m never going to yell at you or scream at you to do those things i want you to make your

Own decisions in life but if that’s something you feel like would make your life better you know to see more of my content in the future then please do consider a subscription thank you very much um and then also i’ll say this because this just helps you as the viewer i have a

Discord server now the discord server is not something where i’m gonna spam you with a bunch of stuff the reason i tell you there’s a discord server is because i have a channel in there called suggestions and in there you can put your ideas for this let’s play or for

Anything on the channel new series any suggestion you have so if you want to make sure i read it i try to read every single comment but it does get to be difficult sometimes with how many there are but i for sure see everything in the suggestions channel on my discord so

Again link is in the description below for that thank you very much and i am sorry to uh i don’t have any sponsorships or anything like that so that’s my version of it i’m trying to sponsor myself i guess so please consider a subscription a like and joining the discord server thank you

Very much okay so we got to clean out some stuff we don’t need netherrack we don’t need rotten flesh um i’ll keep the feathers i’ll keep the rest of the stuff but you know i don’t want to have too much with me you know on this long journey i don’t want to get

Too tired we have a quite a bit of food actually so we’re going to take all this stuff and we’re going to try to find the pirate ship where the the pirate ships lost booty i think i don’t know maybe it’s not from the pirate ship maybe it’s what they

Were trying to follow and uh somehow crashed onto shore they weren’t very good pirates now were they so i’ll come back whenever i get close i’ll just time lapse running and uh hopefully we can reach there oh nope look we’re moving on the map look heck yeah we actually we’re actually

Close okay sweet so that does that begs the question how far do we have to move this way to start appearing on the map i do not know the answer to that but hopefully not too far we’ll see i don’t know why i ran into the water but let’s go

Let’s go this way a little bit and see if we start loading some chunks on the map hopefully it’s not too far this way and you know i think it’s a good sign that it started raining on the first day right there’s a baby puppy well hello

Buddy how you doing i don’t i don’t have any bones but you want some steak you know okay enjoy that steak looks like these dogs are wet here you can have a steak and you can have a steak too i’m gonna be generous with my spoils because after all i probably stole it

From your environment and you kind of deserve it anyways okay so we’re almost in line directly with where it is now we just have to run all the way to our north which is this way so let’s line it up here we’re almost there okay now we just head north

Hopefully we’re close we’ll see we’ll find out together it looks like it’s on the edge of some water so if we start to see some water in this direction we’ll know we’re getting close or if you know the map updates or something like that that looks like a

Deep cave i keep forgetting we’re on 1.18 so there can be some very very deep caves some very very deep caves we got to be careful because if we fall into those we will break our little minecraft legs and uh well there’s no hospital we’ll just put it kindly what was that oh

Just the puppy wiping off now i can’t believe it’s already aren’t wiping off i got shaking off i can’t believe it’s already night again and uh we don’t found this loot now that is definitely a cliff you know part of the cliffs and caves and cliffs update that is for sure a

Nice oh my gosh what have you done and what and what in the world what happened here hey what are you doing buddy what what happened here huh what are you doing okay an enderman could totally wreck us i’m gonna take the wool i would like to

Make a bed we’re going to see do we have the stuff to make what is that please don’t kill me okay we have the stuff to make a bed so we’re just going to make a bed we’re going to skip this night i don’t want to

Skip i didn’t want to skip the first night also i didn’t have any wool but we’ll make a little hidey hole here and uh make a little temporary space to sleep in because i am not going to go through the night again and get another surprise creeper that is never never fun

Look at all those advancements dude we get give a big old d face here you go okay we successfully skipped the night is there anything i can throw into this whole of doom anything i don’t need in particular i guess one raw beef i mean i could just ah i

Gotta do it we’re at the beginning of the series we can’t leave any stone unturned we can’t lose the efficiency so let me smelt this stuff up now one thing i see that we can do off the bat is let’s go ahead and make let’s go oh that’s right let’s go ahead

And make a blue bed so we have a nice blue bed and uh we don’t really need the lapis like lapis is not an early game thing we’re not going to get to enchanting for probably quite a while so i’m not really yeah it’s okay if we throw away the

Lapis i know some people like neo this that’s pretty common i mean let’s be honest here like it’s it’s it’s a pretty common resource and man i forgot how beautiful these shaders looked when it wasn’t raining so you can see this is where kind of where the shaders shine in a nice forest

Just has better lighting and things don’t look as plain jane as vanilla minecraft you know typically does but it still does have that look that’s why i love these shaders so if you want to get them again link is in the description um i’m going to climb this cliff i don’t

Really i don’t have a water bucket which is my usual means of climbing so we’ll have to do some some dirt parkour here or something let’s see there’s a nice staircase actually yeah we’re nowhere near let’s get on this hill and uh hopefully this is you know somewhere that we can get a

Vantage point on where we’re heading because i really want this buried treasure now if we get diamonds i’m just warning you now i’m not going to make diamond tools in the first episode oh it looks like this is whole this is a whole like plateau up here

Okay well that’s not was that not what i was expecting i was expecting this good oh dark oak forest i do like the combo here next to this this is a nice little nice little biome mashup i’m gonna make sure we’re still heading north yeah we are we’re good

I do really love these shaders so i’m gonna shoot for about 30 minutes an episode and i know that we’re at about 30 minutes but i want to find this buried treasure i’m sorry we didn’t get a house built during you know the first episode um but that’s okay like we’re

Not gonna you know you used to in every let’s play pressure to build a house i’ll try to get a house done soon we gotta pick an area before we can you know put the cart before the horse so to speak i don’t i don’t want to do that i

Want to be able to pick an area yeah no not yet not yet if you guys are like why i just don’t want to i don’t want to start mining because then i won’t stop i really enjoy mining in minecraft oh yes okay we’re getting close

Good um i do still want to be near the snowy area so i’m probably going to run back but uh i’m not for sure on that you know i i want the area to speak to me and while i did want to be in the snowy area wasn’t really speaking to me

Whatever the heck that means in reality i don’t know but maybe uh maybe i’m expecting too much for it to speak to me i don’t know it looks like that’s in the water though i’m not exactly sure how that works yeah that’s just like straight up in the water huh

You want me to dig around under the water to find it hmm i’m not sure about that one minecraft i thought uh really i didn’t think that they could spawn completely underwater but okay we’ll we’ll look around for a second here they’re always really hard to find

I know there’s a trick if you look at like the chunk number or something which i’m gonna look that up real quick because otherwise it just takes absolutely forever okay so the trick is that those chunk numbers which are under the x y z have to be nine and nine

I don’t know the exact reason behind that um but yeah every single time if it’s nine and nine and you dig down where that is it’ll be right there i don’t know why they made buried treasures so hard to find because like right like is this exactly where the x

Is kind of it’s actually pretty close but is there anything okay actually some pretty decent loot down here and i am about to drown i gotta swim up oh i guess i’m up um i don’t know what to stack over other things because there’s things in here with the tnt oh water

I don’t mind if i do my good sir thank you very much how long does that last 257 okay looks like we can deliberate a little bit there’s some food in here like i don’t need these things i will take the heart of the sea i understand that that can be pretty good

Um we’ll take that over a wooden axe we will take our first diamond we’re not gonna i mean we can’t do anything really with dynamics and maybe make a shovel um so we’ve done quite a bit in this first episode then if that’s if that’s we have the diamonds achievement um

We’ve actually completed quite a bit so like i said this area doesn’t necessarily speak to me but that’s okay we are going to end the episode here i know we didn’t do like a whole ton of stuff which is fine um but i want to

Start to set up a base camp soon because otherwise you know we’re just going to be in a sticky situation with food although you know to be honest with you i’m kind of digging the nomadic lifestyle and we do already have quite a bit of food and here’s a nice little bee

Over here so i don’t really know how to take a screenshot for this episode because we didn’t build anything but i’ll figure that out again if you would consider subscribing i very much so would appreciate that um i haven’t been gaining too many subscribers lately whether that’s my fault is probably true

Um which you know i’m not gonna blame you guys it’s definitely my fault i’m the one running the channel here i just forget to ask people to subscribe and i also haven’t made a new series that’s like this in a while so again thank you guys so much for watching i appreciate

You taking the time out of your day to choose to watch me when there’s so many other amazing creators out there not that i’m amazing i’m just saying you know there’s other people who are let’s just say make better content objectively anyways i will see you guys tomorrow in

The next episode and yeah thank you so much for watching bye

This video, titled ‘Starting COMPLETELY Over | Let’s Play Hardcore Minecraft Episode 1’, was uploaded by TheNeoCubest on 2022-04-15 13:56:00. It has garnered 177720 views and 9132 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:30 or 2070 seconds.

This hardcore 1.18 Minecraft let’s play episode 1 series (season 2) is a vanilla caves and cliffs Minecraft hardcore survival let’s play in episode format (episode 1, episode 2, etc.). This hardcore Minecraft let’s play aims to be a simple hardcore survival let’s play with nice calming Minecraft music in the background to sooth viewer anxieties about all the stupid things I do while playing. I plan on playing this Hardcore season very slowly with less cuts so that you the viewer gets more content to watch as well as sharing a closer connection with the world we create together! Hard core Minecraft survival let’s plays are common, but I am hoping to entertain with mine. My goal is to make some insane builds, kill the main bosses, and explore every structure Minecraft has to offer. I also want to live in a stronghold and make it my own. Let’s do this. IF YOU READ THIS TYPE “I see a Simple Hardcore series, I like” IN THE COMMENTS (I wanna see how many people actually read the description, plz help lol thx).

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Sildur’s Enhanced Default v1.131 Fancy:

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Wanna watch some of my other series?? Links below!

Minecraft Hardcore 1.18 Season 1:

Minecraft 1.17 Survival LP:

Oldest OG Hardcore Series:

Let’s Play Minecraft 1.16 Season 1:

Minecraft 1.14 Let’s Play (TheNeoCubest)

1.14 Sky Grid Minecraft Custom Map Let’s Play

Falling Falling | Minecraft Custom Map Let’s Play Series

Minecraft Scramble Craft Let’s Play (TheNeoCubest)

200×200 Falling Falling Minecraft Custom Map Let’s Play

Music: Minecraft Volume Alpha: Created by C418 – Go buy his music and support him! Usage policy:

#HardcoreMinecraft #Minecraft #LetsPlay

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  • Phoenix-Network

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  • KrustyKraft SMP Realm – Realms, 18+, Whitelist

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Blocky Boss: Movie Character Codebreak”

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  • Minecraft TNT Disaster v267: Explosive Comedy!

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  • 25 Epic Minecraft Mountain Seeds!

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  • Unbelievable ROBLOX SHREDDER by OmzCrew!

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  • Sweaky The John Mod: Terrifying Remake

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  • Outrageous BMX Bedfight With My Bro!

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  • Insane PvP – Backwards Keyboard Challenge! #shorts #minecraft

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  • REAL Scary Minecraft Experiments

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  • Surviving Deadly Ocean: PLAZA vs. SHARKS… #minecraft

    Surviving Deadly Ocean: PLAZA vs. SHARKS... #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Escaping an Ocean Full of DEATH… #minecraft’, was uploaded by Plaza on 2024-01-08 14:00:40. It has garnered 996184 views and 30352 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Plaza does another Minecraft challenge, a Minecraft, But challenge, but not Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Grass, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Blue, Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Sand, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Green, or any of his other Minecraft 1.19 challenges in 2023! Today Plaza plays not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, Minecraft… Read More

  • Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Shovel Skins with Nova Gaming!

    Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Shovel Skins with Nova Gaming!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft”Shovel Skins”#imaginedragons #song #artist #minecraft #viral #herobrine’, was uploaded by NOVA GAMING on 2024-08-13 01:30:31. It has garnered 14514 views and 269 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Minecraft”Shovel Skins”#imaginedragons #song #artist #minecraft #viral #herobrine #herobrine#minecraft #vs #smp mrbeast vs herobrine whow will win #skin #morphe #viral #steve #Minecraft #MrBeast #Herobrine #Gaming #GamerLife #VirtualBattle #creativestrategy #CommunitySupport #EpicClash #PixelatedWorld #OnlineGaming #BuildBattle #LegendVsReality Minecraft showdown MrBeast vs Herobrine Gaming legends clash Creative strategy Community-driven gameplay Minecraft battle Virtual world conflict Epic gaming duel Supernatural powers Gaming mythology Strategy and innovation Minecraft creativit Read More

  • Minecraft’s Mind-Blowing New Update – Watch Now!

    Minecraft's Mind-Blowing New Update - Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s Next Update Is Already Full of New Features’, was uploaded by wattles on 2024-06-18 17:57:40. It has garnered 108661 views and 3915 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:08 or 848 seconds. Minecraft 1.21.1 and Minecraft 1.21.10 are already getting loaded up with new changes to Minecraft Tricky Trials and more! Today we take a look at the new minecraft updates that have (mostly) happened after the release of 1.21! 📷 instagram 💗 patreon 🐤 twitter 📖 reddit 👕 my shop ☺ SOME PLAYLISTS ☺ Minecraft Guide… Read More

  • Greystone MS Prison

    Greystone MS Prison* Greystone MSP * – Custom enchants,prison,no op classic prison server, community, voting, parkour, dungeons, custom mobs join Come join and give it a go were trying to build a big community here! Read More

Starting COMPLETELY Over | Let’s Play Hardcore Minecraft Episode 1