Starting My New Town on a Minecraft Server! (Realms SMP – Episode 64)

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Three two one alright guys welcome back to a brand new episode of the realms smp series today i finally start my own town on the server if you guys want to know what i named the town watch the entire video but anyways make sure you guys

Leave a like subscribe turn on my post notifications if you guys haven’t already and make sure you guys catch these episodes live at i’m rage elixir anyways hope to see you guys there What’s going on guys welcome back to a brand new realms smp episode today is the start of a brand new era today we begin the process of building my new town on the realms smp server what do you guys think it’s going to be called all right well

I have prepared a bunch of furnaces right here with uh a bunch of brick i also have a bunch of stone oh wait no no i also have a bunch of sand because we are going to be turning them into hey bruh bruh you guys already know by the title of the stream

Today is the beginning of block town now this isn’t gonna be any town on the realms smp man this is gonna be very exclusive you guys see this mountain right here on top of this mountain you guys already know i’m gonna be building my house right

It’s gonna be really nice it’s gonna be very exclusive we’re building a little gate it’s not it’s not gonna be little it’s gonna be big and we’re gonna have like some sort of ticketing system so that not everyone can come in only people with a bank membership can come in here

And what’s today what’s today guys what’s today what’s the date of the stream today is february 2nd which means that it is time for more diamonds to be oh oh my gosh why why is the vault open you guys know the rules every single every single new month

10 diamonds must be deposited into their account so we’re gonna have to talk to a few members that are currently members what uh what is block town is it realms oh no no no no i introduce you block town my brand new town on realms smp because if you guys take

Oh wait why is why is the render distance so low i swear i set it pretty high for uh with my new pc but um so here is uh brandon’s little town a little japanese themed town right i was thinking about going japanese themed but my brother already built this giant

Pagoda right here which is also japanese themed and brandon has his entire town japanese theme so i was like no we got it we gotta do things differently i’m gonna show you guys what i came up with i already have an example of the house i want to build

I already have an example of the uh the gate i want to build but before we do that guys before i get too distracted you guys know what time it is all right guys it is subwall time all right all right all right i need you guys to put hashtag

Uh rage nation in the comments all right so today we are adding ninjadude 421 to the rage elixir realms smp subscriber wall because they commented you should make a secret bunker with your best loot you have and that will take place in the next episode if that’s only

If we finish building uh the house today which i i don’t know if i’m gonna be able to but i hope so because we’re gonna have some help today who do you guys think we’re getting help from today i am now calling the guests guys you guys better behave

You guys better behave yo how’s it going special guest say say something again i don’t think they heard you hello who is that guys who is that who is that welcome tim welcome to um the rage elixir stream on twitch yeah um before we get started with whatever we’re gonna do yeah

Can i have my kiwi slayer back uh i don’t know what you’re talking about what do you mean you took my kiwi slayer uh i don’t have an item with that name um can i have my netherrite sword back uh that’s fully enchanted ah we’ll see we’ll talk about it we’ll

Talk about it but before before i do that you know before we move on with that and stuff like that i need you to come on over to uh the the beginning of block town um but uh today is a new month or it’s two days into the new month right

Yeah and you currently have a membership at the bank remember the remember the requirements um can you repeat it oh i mean you haven’t been uh i think it’s also been a new year right uh no because in a full year we started in january yeah it’s been a four years

No it hasn’t i should get my one percent interest right no it hasn’t been a full year this is one month into the thing uh but i mean i mean putting mine in like a year ago i don’t know about you all right come on hurry up we’re going to the bank first

Come on in sir welcome to the uh why don’t you just like the lever that opens the door no no no because it’s appointment only yeah i mean you have to stand right in front of here just to open okay okay well anyways for nuisance okay okay okay well continue

What do you want to do okay can i get my one diamond uh four the one percent in voucher oh sure no that that’d be oh yeah yeah sure sure yeah uh do you have the voucher yeah sorry can you can you put it into the uh dropper no

I’m supposed to keep it why am i supposed to give it to you all right fine fine fine all right all right let me get your diamond real quickly here is your one diamond uh where but but where’s your input though what input you’re 10 diamonds per month all right thank you

No no no no tim you can’t just oh my yep you’re never getting your sword back i was giving i was gonna get your sword back i’m getting my diamonds you know my goodness deposit for now oh my gosh are we are we ever gonna get started with block town

Huh can i also withdraw ted diamonds no you gotta wait one more month why do i have to wait i just got robbed guys i just got wrong no no tim no it’s not red anymore i need you to help me with lockdown okay all right

What is your business here today for the second time the one month deposit fee all right all right thank you so much um we we appreciate your loyalty i promise you it’ll pay off in the future i promise i promise i’m not going to take out 10 diamonds next month right

Yes but you need to put in 10 more at the same time and then 10 diamonds after that yeah but you need to put dead 10 diamonds the next month too but trust me uh i mean the more you put in can i take out more than 10 diamonds because 30

Diamonds is already in there yeah of course of course so i can take out 30 diamonds next month and put in 10 this month yep yep yep i mean you get more benefits by keeping more in you know just think about it that way i mean i i

Promise already like there won’t be any scamming going on it seemed like it was a scam the first episode so it’s still a scams now wait why i mean for now okay okay i promise i promise this is a terrible i promise i’m not making the customer

Trust you all right i hurry tim my goodness this is gonna be this this is gonna go from like a 30 minute thing to like two hours before we start block town all right please tim i beg i’m back why are you looking inside hey you’re robbing me right now

All right all right i’m ready fans robbing me right now i give you a 10 diamonds all right thank you so much uh this will be deposited into your account thank you so much tim all right i’ll i’ll be back with your sword okay i’ll be back with your sword

Um and also uh you ready to get started with it oh can you gather materials real quick we just need wood and uh wood stone and cobblestone i’m pretty sure that’s all we need and uh right spruce yes yes some spruce normal oak and spruce uh let me see where i put

The sword we’re going back up here all right tim do you see how many like sand uh sandblocks i have in this chest oops look at that the bottom chest look at that that’s two stacks yep but that’s not gonna i feel like that’s not gonna be too much

Uh right yeah that’s not that much yeah cause oh my gosh guess how much sandstone i got out of it how much sandstone do you need i don’t know i literally i only got 37 blocks out of that well there’s a deserts like really far away over there

It’s far away yeah oh my gosh we can go there after let’s just uh get this get this gate built uh we don’t need sand for this all right we don’t need sandstone i also have like a few stacks on my base but it took me a while to bring it back

Yeah it’s fine i don’t want to steal oh i mean unless you’re uh you know you’re selling them i i’ll pay you diamonds okay i did go i do want to buy the materials that are on me right now too no just look in the chest whoa

So how much do you want to pay me for all this guys i asked for his help today also building for you you know so there’s also the service fee what you want you want labor you want the labor cost as well yep can we do like a bundle

Like a brother package or something yeah i’ll give you a brother discount discount one diamond discount i mean is the price gonna be like two diamonds or something it’s gonna be come on don’t over charge me for that uh five or so 15 diamonds right now you know no

And then minus one so it’s gonna be no no i don’t need your stuff then i don’t need your stuff oh my gosh guys he’s really asking for 15 diamonds no i’m not doing 15 diamonds you’re not did you come here to scam me today or what

Trying to get back at me five everyone’s saying it’s a scam that’s man this is weird oh my gosh you know i have the power to kick you right now right so how we gonna do this i gotta measure everything out so i think i’m gonna build right here starting here

Uh we’ll make it four blocks out so one over here one over here i can finally build nicer because uh like my mouse doesn’t go out of the screen now it’s so nice guys i’m so happy uh we’re gonna go up three blocks here we’re gonna use a bunch of trapdoors too

To add some texture oh what it what just came in oh thank you so much uh rage please a lot of us saw it man stop lying stop capping in the chat please please there is no black entity here oh i’m coming for you phew pew you too all right oh yes

You want to go for a raid later tim okay for now i’ll just go with this um do you want the dispensers or not uh yeah yeah and these slots uh it doesn’t matter any way you want to build it we gotta expand all the way to each side

Like right here so we can like kind of improvise it for now let’s fill it in right here oh this doesn’t look too bad i’m gonna replace these blocks later i just needed to place those for now there we go uh should i make it a little higher tim the entrance area

I might go yeah one block higher yeah yeah all right we might need some scaffolding too there we go not bad so far not bad so far thank you tim for helping me out you’re making this way quicker than it’s supposed to be you stalled a bunch but it’s paying off

Let me put a wall right here yeah walls look good too all right let’s keep going over here tim did you know i’m setting up like a ticketing system to get inside do i have to pay you nope the thing is only members or only only treasury members can enter

Okay but what are the benefits of entering well i mean it’s it’s i mean you you just come to visit me basically [Laughter] basically you don’t need to visit you no no no no no no no you should visit me though you know why not these are some bad benefits so far

Okay okay it’s not a bank benefit it’s not a bank benefit all right so tim is gonna be on the second layer same thing yeah so it’s gonna be like right here uh it shouldn’t be too thick it’ll just be like right here where’s the second layer for uh so we

Can go inside wait what uh this is gonna be this whole thing again yeah basically why basically i’m having two layers basically basically it won’t be too thick like i said it’ll be like right here right here so just a copy of it oh my gosh all

Right let me go clear out my inventory real There quick go then we’ll add one right here Okay this should be fine this should be fine and then one more so we’ll go up two there we go then we start adding stairs and all that stairs some walls there we go just add some random blocks here and there uh okay let me get back to the crafting table

Uh is this the first building of block town yep this is the uh this is the beginning of the new town on realms smp and this is just um basically a gate to enter and we’re gonna have like a little ticketing system all you need to do to enter this uh you

Know this this village or this town right here is to have a membership at my bank i’m sure everyone knows the famous bank right there the famous realms smp treasury right right tim huh he’s kind of forced to join no no no no no it wasn’t it wasn’t that come on tim

What it wasn’t a scam i promise it might have seemed like it all right at first and it still might i know it still might seem like a you know a scam and everything right now but uh just just wait on it okay just wait on it just a little longer waiting over

A month now i haven’t done much though all right all right i just haven’t done much all right i just haven’t had the time let’s just say that uh we’ll move this you don’t even have time for your own customers okay okay okay okay okay all right you have a point you have

A point but uh you know please you know cut me some slack please all right i mean by the time we choose new members for the realms smp server i’m sure you know we we might have some pretty good progress done with block town i’m hoping that that’s what my hope is uh

But i can’t promise but i’m hoping uh tim you want to sleep uh sure okay all right so it’s the two gates gonna like connect up together uh what do you mean the two layers oh uh yeah yeah so one of the second layers gonna go towards the other layer right

Yeah like like it’s gonna be like this basically yeah so you can like stand on top and stuff and then uh we’ll probably add like doors right here too so only some people can go inside of here i’ll break some of this over here okay should be fine uh i’m thinking of using

Slabs uh let’s use cobblestone slabs since we have so many of them i don’t have that much uh you don’t have the cobblestone anymore i have cobblestone but i feel like cobblestone is rare for me oh really i can grab some more for us i have more stone than cobblestone oh

You’re right here there we go i think i think this should be fine uh oops Okay yep this should be fine add some little gaps here and there oh no this this kind of looks there we go and then add another one hmm oh wait wait my mistake guys my mistake supposed to build one more in so it’d be right here

Because i want to show off this part so i gotta break that wait what uh good luck rage thank you thank you there we go then we build the door right there okay so we gotta go back with this one too two more blocks alright we finished this part

Uh let’s head on over to the second floor let me check out the second floor real quick oh okay this is pretty nice it’s actually really nice wait what just shot you oh we got buddy over here thinking he’s clever all right so let me see what else do we need to add

To the second layer oh wait i i know i know tim a lot of people this might be a little expensive but a lot of people have been using fire uh fire uh what do you call it campfires let me see what do i need for campfires

These cars are gonna be so expensive oh my gosh it is expensive wait you need acacia log specifically oh it does okay okay why does it have acacia right here for example and uh can it be coal instead of charcoal yeah oh okay perfect for some reason y’all

Like use a water bucket to get yeah i mean that’s fine that’s fine that part is fine uh so i just need sticks cool that should be fine i just need coal then yeah all right i should have some coal oh wait did i use them

Like where are we gonna place them uh on top that’s going to be the roof have you seen anyone do that made out of campfires oh man you would that you got it all right i got it but uh can you help me like get materials though i’ll build it uh

This is the materials part that i don’t want to do i might be able to get enough sticks hold on all right sticks um and i have coal wait wait guys guys don’t stack by the way campfire wait oh it doesn’t hold on hold on hold on let’s see okay i can

Make eight i have eight already it’s not that expensive if you think about it i just need coal are you gonna hold 64 campfires in your inventory go place them down put water buckets that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine like like this is gonna be an investment basically you know this is

A long-term thing so it’s it’s gonna be worth it for me specifically if you don’t want to help me it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine uh i need to go back wait where’s oh talk about unorganized my goodness guys i am so so oh yep yep yep i got it oh you’re sleeping

Oh hold on let me let me hop in bed okay good i’m gonna need a increase in pay after this oh no and because these are slabs i can’t build on top of them oh no all right okay here we go this is the beginning of the campfire uh ceiling

All right this should be fine the campfire roof here we go wish us luck it’s it’s it might take us a while or it might take me a while the campfire is different depending on where you place oh yeah yeah so place it this way ow oops i got it

What they’re light back on fire oh i guess because one of them was close by yikes i’m gonna die oh no i i okay okay i need more food oh my goodness we did it guys we we actually got this done huge thanks to my brother tim you already left

You’re not gonna take part of the outro i’m here okay fine fine fine all right guys thank you so much for watching today’s episode of realms smp we finally got the entrance to block town done i mean kind of just just a little start to it

In the next episode we will finish this off and we will also start building the house and hopefully possibly finish that as well but for now welcome to block town anyways guys thank you so much for watching today’s episode uh i hope you guys enjoyed make sure you guys leave a like subscribe

Turn on my post notifications if you guys haven’t already and i will see you guys in the next episode peace You

This video, titled ‘Starting My New Town on a Minecraft Server! (Realms SMP – Episode 64)’, was uploaded by RageElixir on 2021-02-16 02:00:02. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

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  • Insane Minecraft antics with Rusty Gaming 321!

    Insane Minecraft antics with Rusty Gaming 321!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live With Rusty Gaming 321!’, was uploaded by RUSTY GAMING 321 on 2024-05-28 01:02:51. It has garnered 158 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:16 or 11056 seconds. Minecraft is The Best Game Ever, And In Todays Vid you will see why… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Hardcore 100 Days in GIANT Bottle! 🍾🌍

    Unbelievable Minecraft Hardcore 100 Days in GIANT Bottle! 🍾🌍Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft HARDCORE 100 dní, ale v OBŘÍ Láhvi! 🍾🌍’, was uploaded by Afelot on 2024-01-15 17:00:08. It has garnered 1311 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:31 or 271 seconds. Today I decided on a hard challenge… Everyone knows Minecraft Hardcore 100 days, but how about making it harder? Maybe by turning the whole world into bottles?! Each bottle does something different. Which bottle is the heaviest? And which one has the BEST loot? You will find out in today’s video! ❤️ Don’t forget to subscribe and share! 📧 EMAIL: [email protected]Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Minecraft House Build!! | LavaDice Gaming Part 02 🏠

    🔥 EPIC Minecraft House Build!! | LavaDice Gaming Part 02 🏠Video Information This video, titled ‘I made a wooden house | Minecraft Part 02’, was uploaded by LavaDice Gaming on 2023-12-23 15:51:11. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:29 or 389 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Vichardopo PVP Montage – MUST WATCH! 🎃

    Insane Vichardopo PVP Montage - MUST WATCH! 🎃Video Information This video, titled ‘Montage PVP Minecraft | Beedom 🎃’, was uploaded by Vichardopo on 2024-01-16 18:08:13. It has garnered 132 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:37 or 217 seconds. ➣ Another montage for the channel! Comment if you like the PVP, the support is appreciated. ☝️ ➣ Consider subscribing if you liked the content 🫶🏻 ➣ None of the songs are mine, the copyright goes to their creator 🫡 00:00 The Weeknd – Save Your Tears ➣ Citizen blur movement 🤑 ➣ Thumbnail created by Citizen! 🤯 ➣ This video could have something… Read More

  • OMG! Jack’s Insane Encounter with a Giant Silverfish in Minecraft Stoneblock 3!

    OMG! Jack's Insane Encounter with a Giant Silverfish in Minecraft Stoneblock 3!Video Information This video, titled ‘GIANT SILVERFISH! Jack plays Minecraft: Stoneblock 3!’, was uploaded by Jack Pattillo on 2024-05-24 14:00:12. It has garnered 4724 views and 102 likes. The duration of the video is 05:41:56 or 20516 seconds. Jack finally steps up and fights a boss in Stoneblock 3 in Minecraft! Watch him as he powers through more of his Minecraft run! Chapters: 00:00:00 – Intro 00:07:20 – Gameplay Join Jack live on Twitch! Read More

  • INSANE: BJS Live Stream WITHOUT VR in VRChat!

    INSANE: BJS Live Stream WITHOUT VR in VRChat!Video Information This video, titled ‘VRChat Live stream but with no VR’, was uploaded by BJS Live streams on 2024-01-05 18:03:15. It has garnered 16 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:37 or 6337 seconds. Hi guys and girls to day or night i fort i would play Modded 1.20.1 Minecraft so came and join the fun or just watch and have fun and good doy ro night stay gaming:) 😉 Roblox group Donate My Game My Discord server: Vlog channel My Channel Facebook TwitchTV Twitter Instagram… Read More

  • Explosive Battle Mode with Master Steve

    Explosive Battle Mode with Master SteveVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MINI GAMES BATTLE MODE/ BUTCHER OF BRIX/TUXEDO STEVE’, was uploaded by RashuFruitzBlueBerriz on 2024-05-29 23:08:34. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:25:39 or 8739 seconds. Hello, my name is RashuFruitz, but my real name is Anthony, I am passionate about having insight, wisdom, charisma, loyalty, compassion, respect, and having belief in others, I am also passionate about taking care of your health and working a job and/career that you love, because think about it, we humans spend most of our lives considerably working, so, If we… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Glitch REVEALED!! 😱🚀 #Minecraft #Tenge

    Insane Minecraft Glitch REVEALED!! 😱🚀 #Minecraft #TengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft working 🚀 🚀 Finally Revealed🤯🤯#minecraft #tenge’, was uploaded by Trover56 on 2024-04-30 16:51:10. It has garnered 127 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. #minecraftpixelarttutorialbig #minecraftpixelarttutorialbig #minecraftpixelartsonic #minecraftpixelartfnaf #minecraftpixelarttutorialeasy #minecraftpixelartapp #minecraftpixelartworldtour #minecraftpixelartworldtour #minecraftpixelartapp #minecraftpixelartfnaf #minecraftpixelartfnaf #minecraftpixelartworldtour #minecraftpixelartworldtour #minecraftpixelartworldtour #minecraftpixelarttutorialeasy #minecraftpixelartfnaf #minecraftpixelartsonic #minecraftpixelartfnaf #minecraftpixelarteasy #minecraftpixelartfnaf #minecraftpixelarttutorialanime #minecraftpixelartfnaf #minecraftpixelarteasy #minecraftpixelartsonic #minecraftpixelartpokemon #minecraftpixelarttutorial #minecraftpixelartanime #minecraftpixelart #minecraftpixelartanime #minecraftpixelarttutorialeasy@LucknowIPL #minecraftpixelart #minecraftpixelarttutorial #minecraftpixelartgenerator #minecraftpixelartanime #minecraftpixelartpokemon #minecraftpixelartmeme #minecraftpixelarteasy #minecraftpixelarttutorialanime #minecraftpixelarttutorialbig #minecraftpixelarttutorialbig #minecraftpixelartsonic #minecraftpixelartfnaf #minecraftpixelarttutorialeasy #minecraftpixelartapp #minecraftpixelartworldtour #minecraftpixelartworldtour #minecraftpixelartapp #minecraftpixelartfnaf #minecraftpixelartfnaf #minecraftpixelartworldtour #minecraftpixelartworldtour #minecraftpixelartworldtour #minecraftpixelarttutorialeasy #minecraftpixelartfnaf #minecraftpixelartsonic #minecraftpixelartfnaf #minecraftpixelarteasy #minecraftpixelartfnaf #minecraftpixelarttutorialanime #minecraftpixelartfnaf #minecraftpixelarteasy #minecraftpixelartsonic #minecraftpixelartpokemon… Read More

  • Forgottenmines

    ForgottenminesLooking for thoses who would like to join a Minecraft smp open to anyone to join 24’7 server has shop gui, ah, and more Read More


    BareBonesMP – Est. 2019 Been running since April 25th, 2019 Server Info: IP: Bedrock IP: Discord Link: Dynmap: Website: Features: 24-7 Server Uptime and Over 4 Years Online! Vanilla Gameplay with QoL Enhancing Plugins Custom World Generation with Datapacks Custom Resource pack AUTOCRAFTERS ENABLED! 3D WEB MAP FOR ALL DIMENSIONS Active Discord & Community Optional Proximity Voice Chat Community Events, Giveaways, and more Every Month! Server Rules: No Griefing or Stealing No Hacking, Cheating, or using unfair advantages No Abuse of Minecraft or Server Exploits No discrimination of any kind Be Respectful and kind to… Read More

  • The Towny

    The Towny🌍 Welcome to **Nu Towny**! 🌍Experience a brand new take on the classic Towny survival with a twist. In **Nu Towny**, we’ve taken the traditional Minecraft gameplay and enhanced it with unique features, custom plugins, and a player-driven economy.🏡 **Towny Life**: Start your own town or join an existing one. Make friends, build your dream home, and create a thriving community with players from around the world.💰 **Economy**: Our server features a balanced and player-driven economy. Trade, barter, or set up your own shop to become the wealthiest player in Nu Towny.⚔️ **Dungeons**: Test your skills in our custom Dungeons… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Real Men Play Minecraft”

    Looks like this meme really mined its way into people’s hearts! Read More

  • Minecraft MEME: Spicy Steve’s Short Shorts! 🔥

    Minecraft MEME: Spicy Steve's Short Shorts! 🔥 Why did the creeper bring a ladder to the party? Because he heard the host said they were going to have a blast! 💥🎉 #minecrafthumor Read More

  • Farmville on Steroids: Minecraft Episode 58

    Farmville on Steroids: Minecraft Episode 58 Exploring Our Own Farmer’s Life – Minecraft Episode 58 in German: With Shader, Mods Embark on a journey through vast landscapes and endless possibilities as we delve into a beautiful Minecraft world in Survival Mode in the latest episode. Let’s see where our adventures take us. Why You Should Tune In: Learn Something New: Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned player, valuable tips and tricks await you. Engage with a Great Community: Connect with fellow Minecraft enthusiasts in the comments section. Experience Stunning Graphics: Immerse yourself in the visual splendor of Minecraft with shaders. Don’t miss out on… Read More

  • Sneaky Shenanigans: Minecraft with NNG Squad

    Sneaky Shenanigans: Minecraft with NNG Squad Exploring Minecraft with the NEW NNG SQUAD! Lost in a Snow Biome In a recent Minecraft video, the NEW NNG SQUAD embarked on a new adventure in the game. The video kicks off with the squad finding themselves stranded in a snow biome. As they navigate through the icy terrain, NNG gets separated from the group, adding an element of suspense to the gameplay. Building a Shelter While NNG is lost, Bilbrey and Welqro take charge and decide to build a shelter to protect themselves from the dangers of the night. Working together, they construct a cozy house that… Read More

  • Unbelievable AI Drone in Minecraft: Dronio’s Artistry

    Unbelievable AI Drone in Minecraft: Dronio's ArtistryVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dronio Minecraft Artificial Intelligence Art’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-15 19:30:00. It has garnered 629 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Looking for a good laugh? Check out these funny Minecraft short videos! We’ve compiled some of the best fails, wins, and other hilarious moments from the Minecraft community. From exploding creepers to epic building fails, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Hashtags: #Minecraft #Shorts #Funny #Fails #Wins #Epic #Gaming #Laughter #Entertainment #GamingCommunity #MinecraftCommunity #Gamer #GamingShorts #FunnyShorts #FailShorts #WinShorts Minecraft Bedrock Edition Minecraft Java Edition Minecraft… Read More

  • Escape the Zombie Police with Mikey and JJ in Minecraft!

    Escape the Zombie Police with Mikey and JJ in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey and JJ Escaped From ZOMBIE POLICE Mikey and JJ ? – Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN & Mikey on 2024-04-08 17:00:02. It has garnered 28587 views and 194 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:41 or 3641 seconds. How Mikey and JJ Escaped From ZOMBIE POLICE Mikey and JJ ? – Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and… Read More

Starting My New Town on a Minecraft Server! (Realms SMP – Episode 64)