Suev – I Survived 100 Days in a 1×1 BORDER in Minecraft Hardcore!

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I survived 100 days in a one by one expanding Border in Minecraft parcore I’m stuck in a one by1 border to start and with each passing day the Border slowly expands throughout these 100 days it’s my goal to go from having a dirt Hut to a mansion I’d also like to

Cultivate sustainable farms and hopefully create a little villager civilization this 100 days journey is full of unexpected twists and turns and uh well you’ll just have to see how I manage being stuck in such a small space for such a long per period of time if you end up enjoying the video consider

Subscribing and leaving a like it really helps out and we’re slowly approaching 500,000 subscribers which is awesome and without further Ado everybody relax grab your favorite snacks and enjoy as I try to survive 100 days in a 1 by one expanding Qu okay here we go we are in a one by one expanding World it seems like can kind of walk outside of the border which is nice but but I can’t really do much outside of it we do have trees around us which is nice but looks like I can’t

Really get them either this is going to be a tough one now trees are kind of covering everything so it’s hard to see what we have around us I see a bee over there and I see mountains over there I see a Savannah Biome over there so we

Got a few things to look forward to but for now um all I can really do is like mine how how much of this can I mine two blocks three blocks four blocks and that’s it I guess so I mean we can just break these cuz why not and uh well I

Guess I wait I really just cannot do anything else now I am concerned of mobs actually so in the night time I might have to head down this hole oh I can’t place blocks here though okay so maybe I’ll have to build up I’m literally just

Going to have to just AFK here for a solid like 10 minutes now yeah I’m just basically waiting for my impending doom um the moon going up like that is not helping at all wow the night time looks really cool I’m not going to lie look at

Me standing inside of the Border like a rebel okay the sun is coming up and uh throughout the night the Border did expand by one block out so even though it kind of looks to be like a 4×4 space it is actually a 3X3 yeah that doesn’t really let us do

Much more does it like I can literally just mine this collection of blocks here now and that’s about it so I mean I guess do it uh there we go okay yeah this is painful I mean yeah uh I guess we’re just sitting here for another whole day

All right and it is now night time again but uh yeah it seems like we’re safe and we also can’t do anything another day and another day of doing nothing cuz still in the same predicament here as always we shall do the most we can all right and that was the most we

Can do we did uncover coal so I mean I guess that’s some type of progress good for us okay well another day of afking and uh we’re moving up in the world or rather we’re moving horizontally because I can now break another little corner segment uh okay wait wait wait wait wait

Wait wait wait oh oh my God okay the afking has come to an end oh oh my god oh no this is bad oh no okay we’re waiting in our little hidey-hole until I hear the sound of burning Phantoms I’m not moving oh yes music to my ears yeah

They are burning big time and it is a good day okay well I’ve heard them all burn away I think and we might be able to mine those leaves now which it’s very exciting given I just spent like 5 days doing absolutely nothing looks like wo

We got an apple and we got a sapling oh that’s perfect that’s exactly what we needed enough with the dirt Breakin although I’m afraid that mobs are going to spawn down here now however we can now grow ourselves a tree in the meantime you guessed it I’m going back

Into my hidey-hole what a good life don’t know exactly how much time has passed since the last time I went up to the surface I know it’s uh probably been a day but my sapling still hasn’t grown let’s try placing it on the center block because the Border might be blocking its

Growth o we got two more saplings though which is very nice can also break these oh my goodness another sapling back into our little hidey-hole we go okay it is the morning of day seven I’m like a crab coming out of my shell let’s see so I

Still can break that maybe it’ll extend later in this day although I feel like it already did extend oh whoa I just got a wheat seed that’s pretty lucky I’ll flatten this area out for us and I feel like I’d like to fill all of this in and

We’ll be able to make tools soon so we’ll mine down for sure but right now I just feel like I’m always kind of fearing that mobs are going to spawn and I don’t think we really need this all duug out anyways let’s see I can make my little

Hidey-hole right here here and now I can also fully solidify our hidey-hole okay we have our hidey hole 2.0 look at that we’ve really moved up in the world oh looks like we got our first tree to have grown this is a good day also I do not

Have any water source so we can’t really get a wheat farm going or actually wait let me see if this works so first of all okay do we want to convert this into planks yes do we want to make a crafting table yes and we definitely want to make

Sticks now wood is more valuable than Stone right now so I should just make a wooden pickaxe and get as much Stone as we want right off the bat now that we’re doing this we can also do a little staircase down maybe into a

Mine okay and we can make a full set of tools and Bam I want to test and see if we place wheat seeds right after using the hoe in the ground I think that’ll actually grow I don’t know oh it just grew true we are moving to places people

We doing it we’re living the life ah okay hidey hole hidey hole hidey hole ah yes another day of music to my ears now I wonder if we can kind of come out and get some of these guys to come closer to us which is a bit risky but we might get

Their loot if they come down here hello okay well I guess not cuz uh yeah they just gave up all right anyways okay now we can actually start doing some Mining and hopefully do so safely I’ve also lit up the area if we do want it’s possible we can

Try to set up a spawner um let’s see how would this work as you may assume I’ve never done this before ooh we got oh we got two trees growing out here that’s good uh now my food is not doing so well so yeah a spawner could be very very

Good I’m thinking if we create a box as big as we are able and then maybe trap the mobs somehow we should be able to farm anything that’s spawns without taking any damage which would be great so I guess I’m just going to kind of mine out as much as I

Can okay hold on I should probably think this through a bit better so if I just keep mining down that could work as long as I encase the surrounding walls and we’re going to keep this lit up as well as we can for now and we’re going to

Mine this down and then when we’re at the layer where we want to be we can just create a singular layer where we can hit all the mobs you’ll see you’ll see you’ll see um I’m hoping this is going to work as I’m planning okay all

Righty we got a cave here kind of complicates things but hopefully we can figure our way around it let’s say we only bring it down this low hopefully it’ll still work and then we would just break a ring around This oh boy I think I hear pill okay hold on well let me light this up before I leave because don’t want anything spawning we need to make a staircase up anyways here we go oh boy hold on okay yeah nope we need to kill them

And get them out of here cuz otherwise we are going to be stuck hello pillagers come here come here pal oh there we go oh yeah take that gotcha buddy I don’t hear anymore oh okay come here come here yeah okay got a second one

Ow hit me he hit me he hit me let’s make some slabs that can help protect us that was the leader anymore that might be it I think we are safe on that front anyways back to what we were doing we want to place this here like

So we will also very much want to block this off and light it up okay there we go I’ve dug all around now to keep us a safe I think we will just want to place slabs here like so bam our Contraption is finished so now that we’ve built this we should be

Able to remove all of the Torches inside we can head back up to the top okay up we go and we can chop these trees down and let us head all the way up which should make the mobs start spawning also this is the first time I’m

Having a look at what is further around us it doesn’t look like there’s anything that crazy oh no oh no okay that’s that’s a phantom um I don’t know why I didn’t think of this but y we’re sitting in our hidey hole until it’s daytime any

Phantoms I don’t see any we might be okay we are seriously in shambles right now and I’m at y level one 165 so we should be able to break down and then have the mobs already be spawned in let us see and I do see sheep and cows over in

That direction so you know maybe like 20 more days and and we’ll be able to get those in an entire base the moment of truth please no okay this is bad probably had to do with the Torches and okay I actually have an idea to mob proof anything from spawning here

We can place slabs as well okay here we go so theoretically as long as I cover everything up on the sides which we can now do because a day has passed I should be okay let’s try doing the same thing and theoretically now it should work a bit

Better we pleas I don’t want to starve to death I really do not want to starve to death okay I’m pretty high up theoretically I should be able to go back down moment of truth I don’t hear anything though yeah Moment of Truth has failed I don’t know much of what we can

Do we can try to find a cave right now which honestly might be our best option because if I don’t find like rotten flesh soon I’m dead I’m hearing sounds of movement but don’t know if it’s exactly mobs or if it’s just random sounds okay how do we do this without

Dying okay this is going to be pretty challenging um the skeletons are going to kill me okay if we go down here it seems to go down all the way okay let’s make a little poke hole I’m going to need to get my slap ready that should

Prevent us from getting hit with arrows here we go okay come here zombies I need to bait them somehow okay zombie come here yes come here zombie I need to hit him with an axe yes yes yes yes yes yes yes okay there’s hope we should be safe

From Mostly anything another piece of rotten flesh we need to get full hunger for us to really be able to recuperate here zombie yes come here good news is we can’t starve bad news okay this is the bad news right here I don’t hear any

More zombies and I think we should go up nothing spawned here still ooh and it’s probably not worth the going up in the night time right now I think we’ve gone maybe far enough above to where if we go back down we’ll get new spawns and maybe a zombie will spawn

Now oh I hear a zombie that is a good sign oh boy here we go let’s see if we can safely get to these fellas uhhuh I might try going around a bit all right here we go o his loot might drop outside of the Border there

We go I kind of added a platform there’s not much else I can do oh nice you dropped two rotten flesh are you kidding me thank you what a good day there’s another zombie there no rotten flesh from that one okay yeah we still need more food oh I hear another zombie here

Again hold on yes hello ooh you dropped rotten flesh thank you so much okay now this time I’m going to eat it and I’m going to stand still and hopefully that can replenish some of our hunger nope it didn’t do a great job of replenishing our hunger now there’s a lot of

Skeletons walking around here so there seems to be a whole other layer here maybe hold on yeah here we go we have an area there’s a skeleton oh boy oh my God are you kidding me there’s no way that just happened okay here we go I made a little trap

Cannot believe that creeper got blown up okay four bones that’s a lot this is a nice little spot okay we’re going to come back but I can probably already make myself some bread oh no I hear pillagers above us now how can we do this so that we stay safe I don’t know

If there’s any way of course my life life had to be difficult oh yeah here we go we got one okay are there more I don’t hear anymore oh nope there’s more okay I’m grabbing the seeds and wheat I need a chest we’ll do that okay Bo B meal bone

Meal we’ll just do this as many times as we can got two bread two bread two whole pieces of bread can you believe that that’s amazing here’s the raid leader we’re going to have to bait him in oh he’s quick with it okay okay I might have a slightly better plan of attack

And that entails getting a shield and some armor but while I work on that I’m still going to try to snake over to them oh my goodness okay good ow how are you still hitting me wow okay well I mean we’re alive boom shield and leggings

Okay I think that was it uh good news is that we now have a wheat farm bad news is that we’re kind of in shambles oh not again okay well I’ll have to wait until day I’m not messing with Phantoms and to add on to us being in shambles I’m going

To start growing wheat here cuz that’s the best thing I can do right now there we go hello oh here we go o okay yeah that’s dangerous okay let me see if I can set the same thing up over here extending this nice there we go

Okay I might be feeling a bit Adventures here okay that went well okay and that’s where we stopped five more bones not bad boom two more bread now if it is daytime we should be able to fix our place up and I’m thinking of building a wall

Around our little chunk that we have here which should simplify our lives a bit and I think right around the edge we should make a border with whatever resource we can for now and you know what I’m thinking is we can have trees growing out here and

Hopefully they’ll still be able to grow with where they’re placed we’ll basically place an additional wall and that way the trees can kind of fully grow while we will remain safe and then we will have a door bam and then to finish it off we’ll build a little roof over our heads

Here and I know that this build is hurting the eyes right now we will make it look better later I just need to survive right now let’s us get started kind of doing something for ourselves and we should go underground and fix up what is There okay I did some fixing up but even the fixing up is oh it’s it’s rough can start our Wheat Farm here there we go oh and this tree grew cool okay I think the best next thing we can do is get full iron gear so let us

Head into to the cave and I’m more so confident in ourselves now that we have armor a shield and kind of a sustainable food source any ores any ores all the ores are like outside of us oh there’s a water source okay well Enderman me and

You pal uh-oh he’s Shifty yeah we got him okay there is a way down here but still no ores it seems oh wao there’s a mob right there there’s a witch which is very dangerous let’s try to take her out okay of course yep you know what I

Deserve it okay I’m leaving that was a terrible terrible terrible miscalculation that was so bad okay I mean we got trees here which could mean apples Noe okay no luck yeah I’ve never been this much in shambles ever our reats uh you know it’s doing its best

Let’s cut down these trees you know more more chances for Apples nope okay let me see is there anything around us not really if I literally take half a heart of damage I’m dead like that’s the crazy part I don’t know let’s just continue mining down a Bedrock for a bit I mean that’s about the best I can do unless I go

Kamakazi style and just try to go in and bait the mobs out even though I have half a heart of Health oh well we found diamonds I mean you know’ be great if I could get them but either way it’s a plus well let’s head up up again and see

If we can bait any mobs oh there’s a creeper there that’s not good creeper where’d you go oh we got you he no rotten flesh we shall continue along okay I hear oh yes okay so a bunch of things have started to spawn the creepers are definitely a concern oh boy

Oh look how many things are coming okay that’s one zombie oh this is crazy wait please grow no that wasn’t a fully grown one okay okay hey my favorite spot come on come all yes please hello okay good oh yes I’m taking a big step out of the comfort zone here not

Seeing anyone or anything okay it’s another day yeah not a lot more that we can do up on the surface here so it’s just kind of a cycle of me trying to respawn the mobs and hoping that they’ll give me some good items here we go okay we got some good

Respawns nothing back back up we go bone mealing bone mealing dah okay seven wheat seven wheat it gives us two bread did not progress us forward very much um okay that did raise my spirits though I guess uh we just keep mining you know what I’m going to M this chunk Down there we go at least now we have one fully broken out box how are we doing up here not too too good yeah we’re not looking too good up here either so we are going to fix everything Up kind of fixed up both rooms obviously not ideal still but at least we now have two boxes I do want to continue looking for iron so we can head a bit lower and mine out an area here maybe I’m not really planning on building a lot of our

Base underground if any so this is just for our mining purposes only you know what that probably does mean I should do a better job of using the space uh so I guess I’ll M them from up here to start and that’s our third pickaxe broken so obviously the mining in this

Area Strat I mean hasn’t been working too well I don’t know if going lower would help us out at all but I do know we do want to try and get more supplies like bones and rotten flesh because we are still doing very bad on Hunger thank you where’ that skeleton go

Come back let’s see we yeah there we go come here yeah there we go I’m going to eat my rotten flesh and heal up yeah well the rotten flesh didn’t do a lot for us gotcha all right can head back up and it also looks like our border

Expanded while we were down there because we can now mine this coal this site looks like like it’s grown but I’m going to double check let’s see bone meal oh it is okay boom boom boom boom bam boom oh yeah we are doing a lot better our Wheat Farm is starting to

Grow which gives us a sustainable source of permanent food we’re moving in the right direction what can I say and we can make two pieces of bread and we should also have a look at what is going on over here okay things are slowly starting to look better which I’m

Honestly very happy about because for a while there we were just stuck in the depth of the underground world but hopefully we can start thriving soon and we got apples falling from the trees that’s what I’m talking about I’d kind of like to start making our base look

Nice to do that I mean we probably want to use stone bricks I got to say it’s a very aesthetic block and we can mix that with some Stone and wood as well oh man I’m excited to use some some decent materials now if we want to cook up more

Of that we would need more coal ooh apples are falling from the sky hi what a good day so again everything comes back down to us having to get ores and obviously we have not been having the best of luck oh yeah we got a horde of mobs over there come here

Fellas ooh we might even be able to mine some of this iron hold on oh no one more block okay and it was silent when when it was blown up too all right so no iron just on the surface or anything like that but we can definitely get to doing some

Mining and it’s another day I wonder if uh we have any sights on animals soon I see a cow it’s so far though that’ll take so long to get to but within the 100 days we probably will be able to so I mean that’s good news oh I hear a

Sheep hold on I hear a sheep really close come here come here buddy oh oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no do I have wheat oh I do I do oh come here buddy yeah welcome oh we got a

Sheep would you believe that are there any more sheepies I’m not seeing anything but you know what we could already sheer it and that gives us a way to make a bed which uh is nice because then the knights can be a little bit more withstand oh all right all right

Sheep you’re going to be doing that R um oh boy okay well this is why we have to start building and getting things done cuz this is not going to work for long got some bone meal that I can use okay so we got four bread from that Harvest

Definitely increasing now I figure we can go mining for a little bit longer try to get more coal and iron and uh from there we will start to expand out our base first of all I’m going to finish this little dig out that I didn’t finish before cuz otherwise it’s going

To bother me we need perfect boxes everywhere there we go it’s boxify I will let it rest oh and how’d you get down here buddy you know what as long as it doesn’t go further down this is kind of fine with me it might go further down

Though in which case I’ll block this off we can make a bunch of furnaces and I really need to start getting room I don’t know how much that’s going to be able to smelt but we’ll find out I guess I mean what we’re basically going to

Have to do is break all of this and then start fresh from there uh-oh okay so that’s going to be a problem we can’t have this fell wandering around we’re going to give you your own little corner how about that all for you there we go totally not

Trapping you in there it’s just your designated Corner oh yeah I’m starting to hear Phantoms oh boy ow yep here they come okay well in that case in the night time let’s just head on down and continue mining until it is day again okay well all this Mining and

Still no iron I’m starting to think that I should probably try to set up a strip mine or something because obviously this is not working but uh let’s see if it is daytime by now okay we’re back up here and let us finish clearing this wall Out okay so I’ve broken most of the trees around our area here so yeah they’re kind of in the process of all falling down it would help if I had shears cuz then I could kind of quickly take away any of this extra and we

Already know a few areas that we want to build we need a farm area a tree area and a place for our sheep and then of course we would like to make a house oh boy here we go Phantoms are spawning I’m heading down goodbye and instead of

Mining all of this out we should probably just kind of strip mine and I figure that’ll save us a little bit of time oh there we go I found iron wow took a while okay so this is what our strip mine looked like and I guess I will head

Down and kind of repeat this Okay hello surface another day and we can now break this tree so let’s see I want this to be a farming area so we can break this little patch of grass and we’re going to need to move our sheep friend out of the area here we

Go we’ll make some fences and let us get this fella out of here and we’ll bring you with us so that we can place you in here there we go nice little temporary pen okay let’s see what we can do here I guess we’ll just start off simple and

Surround this in fences we’ll also need to move our things over and we could probably end up extending the farm area over this much just because we’re going to have other crops we’re going to want to grow as well for now I’m only doing wheat though and we’re just going to

Surround all of this with Oak fencing now we do have this opening to our underground section in here which we should think about how we want to manage might just be able to move the entrance over let me see if that would be possible no not I mean kind of why am I

Making this so hard for myself and then we could even open this up we would want to add torches all around it’s kind of starting to be something at least we’re also going to want to move all of This can now remove this chest and H yeah wow that’s looking ugly right now but it’ll get better as we get more and more wheat and other crops but we have kind of designated that for our farming and hopefully we will make it look

Better as we go and now it is time to figure out how we want to build our house first of all try to fix this up we can make a bunch of stone bricks which is nice and I’m thinking that we kind of want our house to be facing this this

Way and so this would be the backyard kind of I don’t know if building it this way will make it a lot harder or anything I guess we’ll find out and I should not take additional damage when I don’t have to oh boy um oh and I’m out

Of food okay hold on we wait another day and I do actually have the iron to get shears and then get wool that way so we’ll do it for the next night but this one I’ll just spend farming up some more of the mobs that we have down here and

Maybe even mining these fellas have some armor on I’m hoping they can drop some maybe wow there’s a lot of zombies all of a sudden holy moly this is the most I’ve ever seen if it’s just zombies like this I can kind of take them on without having

To lure them into my spot two skeletons oh it dropped its bow power one oh pretty nice now over this way I can already start to mine the iron okay we should be able to go back up to the surface now ah we’re back hello we are definitely going to get to

Smelting all of the iron we’ve been finding and I’m wondering what will this look like if we add a stone brick frame and then fill this in with planks I think that might actually work yeah I don’t know we’re going to try that and if anything we’ll change it up later I’m

Also going to make a door and I kind of want the doors to be a bit offc centered because it’s like a backyard door and I feel like backyard doors are never on it’s fully centered and we don’t really have the option of glass at the moment so we’re

Just going to have to deal with the windowless House we could pave out a little path like so and are we going to be able to make any glass I wonder maybe over there there is some sand but we really don’t have access to a lot of it and we should probably get a roof done on here right

Away okay we’re going to keep this first part of the house kind of low and not too high up I think that’ll make it easier for us to build and also that’ll make it easy for us to continue this build into something bigger we will do the usual and carry this

Upwards and I can’t move past this one block can I nope okay also night time is coming and I forgot to sheare our friend over here so let’s see if we can get three wool please I don’t want to have to go down again I can’t and collect

Some of our wheat here at least oh and I hear the Phantoms yep where was oh boy okay and I’m gone oh okay I cannot believe that I forgot to show the Sheep oh my goodness so now I’m stuck here again for another night which you know

What this is just becoming routine at this point now I’m going to treat myself and I’m going to make an iron pickaxe because I feel like I deserve it okay and it’ll come in use later anyways if we find diamonds that is uh now Quick Change appear here

You’ll notice in my chat I have this message saying a new day started border has expanded and that’s because I added a new data pack to expand the world because I was having some technical issues and uh everything should work now but I do believe that this one starts

Expanding two blocks after some time so we’ll check what it looks like at the surface level but for now I will keep mining I’m kind of starting to get lost in my strip mining here I I don’t know where where my exit is well the border

Is expanded which I guess means it’s a new day I don’t know what I’m doing but I mean I found the iron that I mined to before and it looks like we got a lot more space on the border here okay up to the surface still need to figure out an

Entrance anyways are there any monsters up here ooh yeah we do have animals we got a lot of cows over in this direction they’re getting closer and closer and I also saw a sheep which is really good news now oh no I was not ready for this

This is not fair I swear creeper if you blow up yeah oh sharpness to sord are you kidding me that’s amazing don’t you oh there’s a skeleton too oh no oh yeah got him at this point I got to clear out my inventory and I will light this area

Up as well and H yeah we’re doing the best we can with our Wheat Farm here it’s it’s a little bit scuffed up and let’s try to collect whatever has grown it looks like we are doing really well with the wheat growing I’m trying to bone meal things that I’m going to

Get the maximum benefit from because we don’t really need to rush for food anymore oh look the the the soil is fertile cuz it’s raining Hallelujah hold on wait I need to make another hoe quick cuz I think this is just moisturizing all of our crop here which is something

I did not know happened actually good good good let me not forget to share our sheep here oh yes and that will give us enough to sleep off the night now let’s try to finish this roof here I don’t know why did I choose to use stone brick

I could have just used Cobblestone you know it would have looked fine I’m a Goofy Goober and then we need to fill in this part and to make it less boring I’m thinking of using logs that’ll be stripped which it’s a bold move to save the least but i’ I’d like to try it so what I’ll do is spend time clearing all the trees out around our

Base oh hello hi oh hi come here no way this guy just walked right into our bordered area that’s so nice hello guys come in here uhoh I hear a skeleton I hear a lot of mobs they’re right below this area but anyways you guys can breed yeah the parents in the

Bats okay I’ll have to light that uh area where mobs are spawning later but for now let’s f finish lighting the area up and breaking Trees okay and that is every tree around us cleared out I’ll probably have to take out some leaves using my shears just because there are trees that I’m unable to break on the outside of the border and also it loves to attach to my house and just before the start of the

New day we finished yep there we go border has expanded now I do hear a lot of monsters here so we’re going to try to clear that out but before then I just realized from my furnaces I had a bunch of iron so we can make all of the rest

Of our iron gear and we can even go as far as making iron tools oo yeah I don’t need you anymore well probably probably we’ll still need stone tools at some point okay shield on how are you doing sounds like you guys are doing wonderfully oh yeah oh you’re loving

Your life aren’t you okay now hold on oh boy how are we going to handle this it looks like we can go down here maybe oh my God please please Enderman die okay that could have been bad potatoes this is kind of hard to believe I’m still processing wait do I hear a

Villager I think a watering Trader just spawned hold on did he spawn up here no way hello glow stone um beetroot seeds melon this is the best wandering Trader I’ve ever seen in my life packed ice I don’t know that doesn’t actually transform into ice does it but anyways

Are you are you kidding me Nautilus sh like what dude you’re amazing um okay hold on let me think we need to put this fell somewhere I’m wondering if we should put him inside our home or somewhere in the he’s running away he’s running away um okay okay okay stop

Thinking all right so okay we’re we’re going to we’re going to trap you till we figure out a spot no no no no no no okay no no no no no no back in the hole you go back in the hole stop trying to get

Out of the hole no he got out of the hole okay get back in the hole right now in the hole there we go I messed up his llamas oh how did he oh what’s going on right now oh things are getting crazy oh no I might have messed I might have

Messed this up big time where okay you got to stop moving sir you’re doing way too much okay we’re going to we need to figure this out so theoretically our Mansion is going to expand all the way to this direction and then here we have our backyard with a farm and now we

Could put them inside our house here maybe we can make like a little bar area right here and put him here that kind of be cool I know this is going to make some people very angry we’re going to use some Birch and find fine we will

Strip the Birch fine we’re going to make fence gates Bam Bam and I figure we’ll have a nice little section going like so okay and now let’s just get him in here first of all hey man so remember how I trapped you I’m going to need you to

Forget that okay it was it was really just a joke yeah you like going to the surface don’t you yeah yeah you love it you love it go in the house yeah in the house let’s get it wait can I put him in a boat how have I not thought of this

Get in the boat get in the boat yeah and here we go good llama you should also go inside trust me okay you know what I’m just going to break this get him in there that’s one and that is two yeah okay we did it we did it we did it we

Did it we did it okay okay I do have an idea we have these which give us red dye so we could put that onto our wool and then we would probably oh he’s trying to make a run for it but we’d probably switch between red and white here so we

Need to keep shearing our fellas over here and let’s see this might kind of look like a candy cane but you know what who says that’s a bad thing we will add trap doors like this you know what to switch things up a bit why don’t we just

Add uh an aite covering like this yeah it’s kind of different than everything else and I like it oh I can’t wait to have a better light source including glow stone okay I have to do two things I never ended up finishing lighting up this area but uh yeah let’s finish what

We were doing over here okay I kind of like this as a mob grinder almost like I’m changing my mind now look at how good this is this is bringing me so much loot and levels oh and my amazing sword’s about to break I’m not going to let that happen okay

You know what yeah I’ve changed my mind this is an amazing mob grinder did I place a torch over here yes I did we can remove that oh the mobs keep coming yeah that that is a Cass oh what how did that happen are you kidding me okay these

Monsters are crazy man and Phantoms you know what you know what Pals I’m not scared of you this time come at me yeah that’s what I thought nevertheless I would like to have our first nap in our bed that felt good and now let’s finish the roof Finally all done let us light this up a little bit and we are done the first part of our future Mansion don’t worry it’s this is this is supposed to be the back not the front okay don’t roast me we can even start to lay out what the

Rest of this is going to look like like a So okay and with that we should be good to go on setting the outline here we go this is what the outline is going to look like in fact I should probably just finish it with stone bricks there we go yeah it’s going to look something like this and from the

Backside it’ll look pretty cool we should probably extend this out at least a couple of blocks over this way and that’ll look a little bit nicer there we go we shall start on that later for now let’s get to doing some other important things one of those is

Planting our potatoes down but let’s quickly see if we have any water water yet we have a cow I need I need wheat I need wheat let’s bring you on over here and we’ll build a fencon area over here but until then you stay put you don’t be

Going anywhere okay place these all along and that marks the start of our cow Farm how nice are there any more surprises that I should look into a lot more flowers a bee nest which you know what I should probably learn how to handle bees I’ve never really done so

But I’m not seeing anything special otherwise we are getting closer and closer to the water which is great news and More Cows over this way okay cool okay let us plant our Lonely Potato in fact I have a bunch of bone meal so we can easily make that

Bigger I will take out half of the wheat okay bam almost filled it out fully all right now what I’d like to do is head into the caves around our base and see if we can find more Ores or maybe a random water source I still need

To do a better job here of getting an entryway into our underground section the amount of mobs that I hear is overwhelming oh boy how did you get here how did all of you get here excuse me carrot oh my God I think another creeper blew up or something are you kidding me

Hold on how did this happen uh-oh this is bad how did this happen it’s a zombie villager well I’m not even going to be able to do anything with this fellow yet ow holy moly dude okay well I’ve like trapped the the zombie villager maybe we should put him

In a boat huh maybe that’ll prevent him from despawning dude it’s like a whole Invasion going on okay hold on ow oh oh my god dude what is happening are you kidding me right now where are you kidding me I’m done dude I’m done how what is going on On oh my God please don’t blow up okay oh my God where are they coming from did I forget to place a block here what there’s a block there where did they all come from do they somehow like walk through the slab like I don’t know

I’m so confused right now I don’t think it’s from down here wait maybe it’s this up here oh it is look at this these guys are clever there’s a little hole there I’m not going to let that happen again I feel like Herobrine’s in my world like I

I don’t think I did that goodness gracious okay I’m going down hesitantly and I’d like to explore through the cave that we saw before I’m back oh there’s a bunch of Endermen here which is good I guess I don’t know it’s very unlikely that the end portal is within our reach to be

Honest okay we’re going to light this up slowly and there’s water I just saw water okay that’s great ow that’s not good that whatever that shovel has on it it’s it’s doing a lot of damage okay I got the shovel guy he gave me a carrot

Oh and A New Day Has Come good to know yeah I’ve been I’ve been doing great oh those those arrows hurt I’m good you know what let’s get like an actual food source and then maybe we can come back wow that was intense our potato farm is now full and I’m going to

Make myself a stack of baked potatoes oh I cannot wait okay that definitely is going to make it easier for us to try to explore the rest that cave I will also make a new sword and we can head back down hello kind of looks safe there’s a

Lot of ores here there’s also a spider I’m out of torches oh boy oh boy okay here we go my nice little hidey spot and we can take everybody out from here oh there we go oh and a zombie villager I wonder how we should handle this guy you

Know what we’ll just put him in boat come here yep there we go anyways there are a bunch of ores here and I would like to mine them up okay 18 raw iron and I’m going to quickly smelt up enough iron to make two

Buckets oh yeah here we go oh I see lava oh I see a diamond nice oh that’s a witch oh no okay yeah nice good creeper love creepers we’re going to have to block this off for now oh look at this lineup of mobs okay you guys should not

Come here okay let me get this diamond literally one Diamond I can also not see anything that’s fine so there’s a whole lot to discover in this direction as we know now okay yeah I’m not ready I’m not ready here we go we got the iron needed

For buckets one two we got infinite water now oh it is night time oh goodbye night time let me plant our two individual carrots and I’d like to figure out the inside of our house a little bit more and I want to make a nice little storage but I need more wood

So and we’ve got our second cow here I need wheat quick quick quick uh where did where did it go where did it go oh no it couldn’t have gone that far I guess maybe it could have because I don’t see it kind of missed our chance

There oh my goodness here he is wow there we go and definitely need to add a fence gate here there we go back to what I was doing we will place chests back here and we will move all of This okay there we go that is everything moved over this is not our final storage we will hopefully make a much bigger one once we expand our house but that’s good enough for now oh and the wandering Trader despawn I should have known I can also make our infinite water source and

We can start applying this to our farm and I’m kind of centering it definitely have more water around here than needed but that’s fine and I mean now that we’ve done all that we can work on our house some more and wait for the border to expand so that we can Adventure some

More in those under underground caves also here’s a sheep but I’m too lazy to bring it into our pen so we’ll just leave it out there let’s just start filling this in there we go we have finally completed that first little layer yeah I might end

Up wanting to do like a wrapping of more oak logs all around here because I feel like with too many oak planks it’ll just look boring we could also try using a different block but we shall find that out as time goes on because right now

I’m kind of stuck I don’t really have any more trees to farm I could make a tree farm let me check on how many bones we have oh a solid none nice in that case let’s go down to our mop Farm oh yeah oh okay that scared me I don’t know

How why I just bounced back like that could have been bad this is why we create an extra border oh yeah my first ender pearl I got 11 bones and that should be enough to kind of get us started with our treat farming oh it’s night nope not anymore

Let’s just grow all of these over here and I am not really giving these trees a nice life I got to tell you but it is what it Is MHM how we looking how we looking definitely could use some design we’re not really loving the just straight up Oak walls are we so maybe we can add the design that I talked about but also maybe we can add some andesite let me check how much I have I actually have a

Pretty good amount I have like four stacks of this stuff in that case it wouldn’t be a bad idea to add it into our build but I’d like to use the polished variant okay here we Go okay it fits pretty nicely actually and we basically want to build one more floor so I’m I’m thinking what we’ll do is build a layer of stone bricks and then I would like to add this Oak log design okay I’ve gotten about two stacks

Of logs I’m going to need more though so I figure we should just leave these to grow again and in the meantime I would not mind adventuring some more of the caves beneath us hello I’m back and was this this scary okay wo wo wo wo wo wo

Yeah we definitely have a scary Cave opening this way oh no okay that’s fine okay let’s kind of make ourselves a staircase you can blow up yeah oh I think I see diamonds I do and lava so that would be a nice area to get

To which we will be able to before the end of the 100 days for sure so that’s good and we do have some iron around us which is nice and I actually hear a lot of monsters below me I think it is oh nope it’s above me oh yeah there we go

Jackpot oh looks like a big cave area hello hello hello oh boy okay bad idea ooh glowing ink socks and that is a new item glow ink sacks I do want to make a storage so we can light up our item frames if we want oh it looks like they’re coming from

There unfortunately it seems like oh wait never mind there’s some coal okay 46 coal oh there’s a slime no way is this like a slime chunk hello oh and you dropped your slime balls oo that’s nice that’s another new item okay back home we go also we need to start

Strategizing how we’re going to turn these guys into villagers we just need golden apples and weakness potions so we’re going to need sugar cane we’re going to need to head into The Nether and I think that’s mainly the only things we need to do but if we want to

Head into the nether we probably want to get some Diamond gear also oh I just realized I’m pretty sure that the border is in the nether as well so yeah we’re just going to have to do our best ooh hello oh it’s another wandering Trader that it’s good let’s sleep off the

Night and what are your trades the other guy had really good one oh your trades are terrible oh no oh oh and I got both llamas in okay you know what oh he can’t leave he can’t leave the Border that’s nice H okay I’m too lazy to get him into

My base and he’s really not good enough either so we’re just going to push him into the boat oh okay all right in the boat we go how about that yeah okay we’re just going to keep them there for now and we have access to a lot more trees now so

Yepe I think we are finally done with tree chopping for now I mean we got what like six and more stacks of wood all right let us do this and I barely need any more logs which is actually really good news cuz I thought we might need to go chop in a

Bunch more trees but we don’t oh you guys have come here haven’t you okay I’m going to have to take you out fellas all righty goodbye don’t mess with me you know there we are that is all the logs filled in and next we can place a of andesite Here oh yeah looking better looking better I’m also kind of confused on how we’re going to figure this out I guess we just need to continue this wall yeah we’ll start by removing this roof that we made see and I guess I would rip out this part of the wall as

Well I’m out of logs and okay are we done filling in the roof not even close but we’ve been doing pretty well and uh I want a break from this you know how we looking how we looking not bad definitely more improve on which we’ll keep on doing part of

That Improvement is removing this random Cobblestone that I left behind oh yes my beautiful modern looking house so I searched up how be work and uh well it’s a lot more complex than I thought it was so yeah we’re probably not going to be able to get a

Bee farm thing inama jig going for quite a while I guess that’s something to look forward to though and I hope I’ll actually be able to figure it out cuz I’m a be Noob okay oh and the Sheep has taken over the boat which is H that’s pretty funny anyways where is that

Beehive SL Nest SL thing oh here it is does it have like honey in it oh it does watch this oh wait I didn’t know there was bees inside I don’t care though they’re not going to do much damage to me it’s fine yeah there we go I got the

Honey now we have a like a partly finished house here which I want to take a break on so I figure we can work on our farm area like right now it’s looking pretty average also I should make sure that I keep breeding because that is going to make our lives easier

In the future for sure let’s see I think making like an animal stable here might be nice and then we’ll have to figure out where we want to put the farmland and for the animal stable though we’re going to have to flatten out some land okay we should be done with digging

The dirt out and now I just got to fill some spots in it would seem that we can now build our little animal enclosure and I’m kind of sick of using oak logs but um I don’t know what else I can do and I could resort to Birch I’ll do some

Birch some stripped Birch Maybe now let’s figure this Out now what block do we want below the fences and aite yeah I sleep well at night let me tell you and we do want a good amount of this to be grass on the inside but we definitely want fences on the sides here and Boop oh and the cow’s already

Getting ready to get in all right yeah buddy I’m still setting it up yeah there we go okay done now how do we separate these let’s just put a middle block and is this even no it’s one block off this is what I get for not calculating you know I did actually just

Have an idea though what if we collect every type of dyed sheep and make a farm out of each of them or like most of them you know what I mean like just get as many colors as we can I feel like that’s a pretty cool objective yeah okay we’re

Going to do that that does mean we might need to extend this but for now we’ll just keep it as is and we’ll just create very short Separators cows seem to love to go into this place I don’t know what it is and now we would add the separators we can have the sheep on this side my friend this way and you go and I’m sorry cow goodbye and in that case we can probably split this three ways on

The side that solves our issue of it being uneven and would you look at that I had the perfect amount of fence gates now let’s design the rest of this shed I don’t know what it’s called okay okay let’s see here uh I think we should just

Use stone bricks and Birch planks we will add Birch slabs here there we go and then we can add a outline of stone brick slabs for the roof and I would kind of like to keep some open space on the roof but we’ll start by adding a little bit of a birch

Outline yeah I mean leaving it just open might be a little bit strange but I do have a little idea that could kind of give us the best of both worlds we might be able to get away with just adding a little strip of an aite slabs like so

These parts maybe we could fill in with glass if we get some in the future for example and it does seem like we’re approaching closer and closer to the water over here which probably does have some sand inside of it we should start bringing over our animals so let’s go

Cows first there we are we will also get you fellas started on more breeding there we go we will then also need to bring in two of each sheep into each of these pens so that we can have different dyes so let’s go two of you guys get in

Here perfect oh one of them ran off hey where are you going and before breeding them we should dye them the colors that we want let’s see so I have a bunch of red we have some yellow flowers which is good and also lilac oh I just realized

We also need to keep just regular white sheep so let’s see kind of like to bring these fellas into the pen next to the gray sheep yeah there we go oh we also need another sheep that’s going to be gray so hello baby yeah we got the baby

Good and we’re going to bring it in here you guys are going to be red you guys are going to be yellow and we’ll have some magenta ones over here but we’re going to have to wait for more white sheep to breed so that we can then dye

Them that also means we can remove this and the question is what are we going to do with our Farms here we probably want a fairly large area for farmland and I think this is a really nice area to put it we just need to even the dirt out

Again that should probably do the trick so let us start by removing all of this Farm we will also remove the water and it should dry out on its own okay so with that done we need to figure out how we want to build our actual new Farm it might be nice if we make our farm have some type of Randomness to it so it’s

Not just like a uniform box like this but instead maybe it’ll have a little curve to it now the question is how are we actually going to set up the shape of what we want the farm to be I think the best way to do it is to create a border

Using some slabs and maybe we can use some Cobblestone slabs Actually and I think it’ll be kind of nice if we have the entrance Rance be pretty narrow even though the garden is so big this is where we might be able to use some acacia wood because it’s kind of a fitting log type for a garden yeah

So I might end up undoing what we do here but let’s just see for example the entrance we would have some logs and it doesn’t look bad with the Cobblestone the question is how does it look beside our base here H I guess it’s kind of

Weird to be using so many different wood types but who cares let’s do it I’ll need to collect some more acacia wood in that case and we got about a stack and a half of Acacia logs that will do well we can probably put these logs all around the

Garden and then we’re going to want to make separate farms for potatoes carrots wheat and probably other crops in the future but I think that’s all we really have to worry about for now let’s get a water source here we can also start p shaving a little path for

Ourselves this can all be wheat maybe this can be potatoes and this can be our carrots that seems to be looking pretty good let’s kind of have a look boom that should be good for the wheat side yeah these water placements are quite random it is also getting dark so for now let’s

Light these logs up as though we’re using lamps and it’s still kind of going to be dark in the center which is why I’ll want to make some type of posts or using fences or more logs let’s finish with the water real quick okie dokie all done now I can sew

All of the Ground and that should be all it looks like everything being hydrated well looking good so far but if anything we can easily fix it now let us fill all of these spots up with their corresponding Crop now we can do Potatoes okay that’s filled in and we’ll do the carrots hey you’re messing up my crops wow no manners no manners mhm not a lot not a lot but it’s okay that’s a work in progress how can we make this look a little better I wonder we could definitely cover the water with

Trap doors I’m wondering what this will look like if we add like a fence border not only will that keep the zombies out but it’ll make it look better potentially we literally had just enough yeah so this is looking good I mean we can probably even do a little bit

More to make it look better I don’t know we’ll leave that alone for now it’s looking pretty good and if we have any ideas come up we will make use of those I guess uh we should now get back to trying to finish our home and we probably have all the Cobblestone we

Need to make stone but we don’t have enough resources to smelt it up so we can head back into the mines hello my mob farm okay well I don’t need to be farming that just doing it for fun yeah we got loot all over so that works for me I’m going

To mine this up oh we got a glow squid hello I’d kind of be interested to see if we can start any type of an aquarium I mean it almost feels like it would be impossible but you know you never know it’s possible so I won’t count it Out this is just one more more of the sections and I think I see a diamond I see two Diamond veins oh imagine getting full diamond armor and enchanting table that’s level 30 how amazing oh boy we got a whole cave section over Here kind of safer to head down now hello fellas here’s what we’re going to do we’re going to make him turn against each other there we go got him one of these guys dropped their enchanted bow uh where did it go though I actually do not know got some

Gold is that our first pieces of gold wow so many ores and my shield is also almost broken so it’s a good thing that it’s time for us to head up but I did not uh end up getting any coal I mean all the coal that I got I need for

Torches I guess the best part is the diamonds which I should mine now and we got one Diamond okay let us head back on up so I mean I got a bunch of copper that’s something other than that almost a stack of iron and no coal you know

What that means we’re just going to smelt up a bunch of trees oh there we go okay that’s smelting and we got one iron which will help us make a shield back to what we were doing chopping Trees well that’s a good sign for us to stop dropping trees down and we’ve gotten a bunch of charcoal from doing this which is good so we can start smelting up our Cobblestone okay I’ve gotten four Stacks smelting up here and I guess we will get back to it right

Now and Bam we’ have filled in this Mega roof of stone brick slabs and so we need to create an entry way to this Mansion I’m now considering how much easier my life will be if we just keep this as the front side of the base I mean it’s not

That bad is it we’ll have a nice little path go into our garden can extend it out to the animal encampment here either way though we do need to figure out how to merge the two parts and this should be the center here we will need to fix this

Part ooh and it appears that I don’t have enough an aite to finish this are you kidding me okay looks like we have to go mining for some anite we need to get an aite okay that will most definitely be enough undersight also there’s a bunch of mobs

Oh that Creeper’s about to blow up also oh Enderman or stealing blocks that’s what’s going on all right and we shall finish filling this in so now we have fixed that but we are stuck with one big empty space we’re going to have to figure out what we’re

Going to do with that space it would also probably be a good idea to do the flooring here so I guess we can rip out everything And what do we want to fill this in with and say no maybe if I use the polished version yeah there we go we did have enough polish toide slabs and this is looking nice I like it and since we’re just going to keep this say the front side of

The house now that makes our lives a lot easier cuz we don’t need to make a grand entrance over here I do think we need to fix this little part so I’m going to do that now all fixed up so we have this giant uh and lonely area I guess uh the next

Thing I’d like to do is make a nice storage for ourselves for that we’ll need item frames so we’ll need leather and we’ll just need wood so yeah that’s pretty simple however before actually getting into that I kind kind of like to uh close in on progressing into The

Nether I feel like that’s going to open up so many new possibilities to us and I’d really really like to Adventure through we would need one more Diamond which isn’t an impossible ask we can definitely go strip mining for that also I should keep weed on me at all times so

I can keep breeding our animals cuz I am forgetting yes you breed and you guys breed we’re still missing pigs and it looks like we’re approaching the lake or whatever this is over this way no sand or clay here and is there sugar cane if

We can find one piece of sugar cane that would be great I see pigs over that way let’s do a quick sweep I know I said I wanted to go to the nether but hold on oh we got sugar cane yes oh that’s awesome I literally did not know if

We’ll be able to get it within these under days or not so that is a lifesaver that’s going to let us progress through a lot more and uh keep our gear much safer my plan right now is just to strip mine for a bit so we’re at y1 and that

Is where we are going to get started o here we go I actually was not expecting to run into diamonds but we got three four any more any more cuz he got me kind of excited now no it looks like that’s it but that is enough for

Not only a diamond pickaxe but also for a enchanting table if we want one because we have a total of six diamonds well let’s make a diamond pickaxe I guess feels good oh yeah let’s go down to the caving system and find that lava oh wait but there’s diamonds here did I

Notice that I found these and I did I just forget I’m really confused right now but I’m going to take these I swear I swear I don’t know you guys got to let me know if I mentioned these diamonds before cuz if I didn’t got eight more diamonds for free

Yeah that feels good here’s a little area area that we can kind of explore I doubt that we’ll find oh my God I see another Diamond are you kidding me hold on I feel like guys I’m not cheating okay like I don’t know what to tell you

To convince you otherwise but this is pure luck right now and I don’t know how long it’ll last us for okay this is a bit dangerous here I usually don’t like to another Diamond vein guys I don’t I don’t there’s Diamond veins are not boosted or anything like I don’t know

How this going on okay hold on I see lava this could not have went better I do need water but that’s the easy part oh boy okay there’s a lot of mobs here uh zombies are no problem anyways let me grab these diamonds before I lose track

Of them I mean that’s only one but that’s still good and then we have a few more over here it seems two and three diamonds we’re up to 13 okay this is a bit risky is my gear okay it is yeah Diamond okay it’s only one better than nothing Okay lava pool here

So let’s go get water was there water in this cave there was right yeah here we go bam and we’re going to mine all this up and there we go 14 obsidian that is the bare minimum and that’s all I’m going to get so up we go and I’m just

Realizing now we are at level 40 so as soon as we got that level 30 enchanting table wo so flint and steel and I mean I have 10 obsidian so we can literally make another portal right now H where should we put it okay I found our spot let’s go in here

For now and up please keep us safe okay Shield we need to go deeper yes hello okay Bastion Remnant oh wait there’s a ghast okay goodbye gas is there no border I feel like I do see a border I do I do I do I do yes there is a border

Okay so I mean we found a Bastion Remnant I’m not sure how much loot we can get from that any luck on a nether fortress okay so if there’s no Nether Fortress Fortress are we not going to be able to make weakness potions cuz that would suck I don’t know we’ll have to

Find out I guess but I really only want to Adventure in the nether once we have Diamond Enchanted armor otherwise it’s way too risky look at these guys there’s so many Pigmen here that’s not something to play around with we could even go for netherite armor I feel like that would

Be a pretty fun thing to do now it’s time to start working towards our storage and also towards level 30 enchanting table and let’s see if we’re reaching the the sugar cane yet which we might be oh yeah oh yeah what a good day now there’s a lot more over here but

This is already enough to start up a farm and I know it’s not very efficient but I just had the idea to build like a circular sugar cane Farm which I think could be kind of fun and I’m thinking we can build it down over here I kind of

Like the idea of turning our kind of bordered area into a village of some sort so we’ll have different structures spread out oh hello sheep you know what I kind of feel bad for it even though we don’t need to bring it we will bring it to our

Animal now how are we going to separate the Sheep is a good question might be tough okay there we go we got a bunch of the white sheep out just one more then we’ll bring them all with us oh no babies come back no no they love walking out it’s

Crazy okay you know what one baby sheep can leave how about that okay good there we go and I’ll breed you guys and I’m realizing now it probably be a good idea to just combine these because white sheep we’re going to have the most of and back to what is

Important let’s make sure the area is flattened out and now it’s time to get to work with the Outline let’s see if we can figure out what this would actually look like with the water filled in Okay that’s one ring around done and we’re just going to continue This now we can begin placing the sugar cane but it will be a long journey ahead to fully fill it up in the beginning at least we can now get to building our storage I know debatable take I kind of feel like I want to use quartz for our

Storage that’s just what I want to do okay you can’t get mad at me I just feel like we need to spice things up a little bit and using quartz is going to let us do that here we go mining quartz very peacefully with a shield On uhoh okay they don’t really seem to notice me right all right I mean I figured they’d notice me ow oh he has piercing or something okay well there’s a lot of quartz in that area so I do want to go there but we got to take him

Out out a little bit more safely oh for a second I thought I was shooting Pigman if I shoot a pigman it’s game over he did half of my health in one hit are you kidding me oh what’s the sword have on it sharpness two okay looks like this

Area has been kind of cleared out so we can continue with mining some quartz oh we also got mushrooms we could grow these around our base if we want to just to add a little bit of diversity anyways quartz quartz quartz All right well with the limited amount of quarts that we got let’s head home and see how much it’ll do for us so combining all of our efforts we’ve gotten a total of 41 blocks of quartz well you know we did our best let’s see I’d probably want some stairs I’d want

Some pillars and of course we can keep some of the regular blocks we’re going to have chests here here and here and then we’re going to have item frames accompanying them and we’re going to have multiple sections of this essentially yeah and I figured this will

Fill up the space and create a cool kind of storage that means we need to start filling it up with some chests as well I’m thinking three tall is as high as we’re going to want to go with these and O hold on I just realize something

If I have chest right here how am I going to place chests here you know it just doesn’t add up hold on something like that also this place is in dire need of Glowstone placing the glowstone below chest is a great thing to do so we will move these accordingly and

It’s perfect it’s going to turn out all right so what we need a bunch more chests for which we need a bunch more wood we need a bunch of item frames for which we need a bunch of leather and we need a bunch more quartz yeah let me Farm up our wheat Here wait how did we just get an orange sheep are you kidding me it’s because one of the red and yellow sheep breed that’s amazing wait I didn’t even think about that that’s hilarious okay well that is a very good accident to have happened is it though because we could

Easily probably make just orange dye and bring some white sheep into a pen you know what we’ll call this guy Bob and we’ll we’ll leave him in with the yellow sheep for now how about that yeah I need to be careful of feeding too many cuz

I’m pretty sure one of the white and gray sheep will breed now I don’t know might as well see what happens when we breed this orange one with the yellow with the red all at once we’ get an orange baby or a yellow baby looks like

We got a yellow baby oh my sugar cane grew by one yeah I guess while we wait for more sugar cane to grow we’ll use this opportunity to cut Trees Okay we might have enough and I’m curious I’m curious to see if our sugar cane has grown oh it didn’t anyways let’s make a bunch of chests for ourselves 64 let’s see how far that gets us Here okay we got pretty far with a stack of chests but we’re going to need a little bit More okay that’s it now is the chest room 100% even um you know what kind of yeah so we’ve done the chests and we’re working on the leather so back to the nether we go now getting nether quartz is going to get more and more difficult

Because we don’t have a lot of nether to Adventure through but we are going to do our best oh there’s so much here but there’s so much lava oh yeah there is definitely lava oh okay that wasn’t fun yeah that’s why I was going to say that before

Mining here I should probably try to get fire resistance I don’t even know if I’ll be able to get that but ah yeah okay this is bad yeah we’re going to heal up and then we’re leaving oh okay we’re good wow and I just mean out of this little lava area I

Don’t mean leaving the nether cuz uh I still got a lot of work to do unfortunately why why do you have to be hidden behind a border quartz my love oh my life oh boy okay this is a bit dangerous actually so we’re going to knock this fell back strip mining for

Quartz is not looking like a bad option even though we don’t have any fire resistance okay let us dig downwards and see what that causes to happen oh oh oh oh oh oh oh okay we’re going to need to do the relo trick otherwise uh we’re not going to do too

Well yeah I don’t know the fire ticks might kill me if I don’t do this I’m going to do it you can’t even get mad at me it’s legit I’m just literally re logging into the game just as I thought yeah oh no eat the potato eat the potato

Eat the potato eat the potato we should be fine oh oh that was terrible that was what I was afraid of in strip mining okay I need to be more careful wow thank God that I can relog not again oh I can’t fill it in hold on oh okay well I

Guess we’ll go around it then all right oh I just lost my one torch looks like we’re mining in darkness for a while unless can I hold I can hold glow stone in my Al hand nice ancient debris nice oh yeah first piece of ancient debris right here beautiful beautiful

Item okay well I broke my pickaxe and I don’t have a crafting table on me apparently so yeah we got to head back up I guess I’ll use this as a chance to head home and grab torches okay we’re good to head on back oh and right on the border I found

Ancient debris it’ be nice if we were getting more than one piece at a time but I’ll take it okay I’m all mined out for now so let us head back home I didn’t get that much more NE quartz but I did pretty good all things considered now actually getting

Back home is going to be a bit of an issue cuz I don’t remember remember where my staircase is oh here it is okay we’ll like double light this up or something there we go Goodbye Oh my god he has an enchanted sword too okay wow

Goodbye and the amount of blocks I have is quite crazy the good news is we have a lot of quartz so let’s hopefully finish this with what we’ve got let’s see pillars here and I think raising them three blocks high is just fine because the rest we probably want to cover in slabs

We’ll just go over like so ooh and I just remembered that we also wanted to place pillars like so and that kind of changes the design back here and yeah we have to make all of these doubles as well except for the corners so there we

Go and that creates a cool design now let’s continue filling in the slabs here okay so that would theoretically be all of the quartz we need now we still need something else because this feels like it is missing something for sure okay let’s see these walls being here is

Definitely throwing me off so uh I think we should just move this quartz one block up like this yeah and now we can put something behind this which will match the theme of this better if we want to separate this out we can also transform the flooring Here oh okay wa I mined it all out that took forever Birch might actually be a good look the stripped version of logs could be in the center and I think we’ll just carry that three wide all the way through and then we will place slabs

Over here here yeah kind of fits with quartz pretty well also bad news it looks like I’ve used up like all of our iron on creating new pickaxes over and over again uh I guess we need to go mining for a bit because otherwise we’re

Going to be left without iron tools oh I see a diamond give me that oh and there’s more okay we got 35 iron I think on that note we can return home but that was painful that was uh painful cuz I forgot to bring building blocks oh and I’ve just realized that we

Hit some sand over here which means we can finally make glass if we want to also there’s some more sugar cane over here we can finally make glass wow amazing oh my where did it come from how did that even happen this the middle of the day we got fishies hello guys hello

Hello oh it’s my first time seeing fish oh that’s not nice hello guys I’m not going to kill you don’t worry okay let’s see I did already get some Birch yeah we’re looking pretty good here so back to chopping trees and also getting that sand and it’s turning into nighttime and

Two stacks of birch loock should be enough so we shall finish this up and now we will fill in the rest of the flooring for the chest room and we also need to fill these pockets in with something and I’m thinking that we can actually use unstripped birch

Logs let’s see how that’s looking yeah I like it I like it and one problem is that we actually need these parts to be full blocks so that we can put name tags here and I don’t have enough quartz I don’t think so maybe we can think of a

Work around let’s let’s get some name tags I guess that would require us to uh kill some cows which I I have not done in a long time I kind of feel bad about doing it to be honest and you know what would be a good idea two things first of

All let us add carpet there’s too many of them hold on this is not this is not what was planned but I do need you guys to move on from out of that corner there we go now you can get up like this I’ll take that leather and the

Second thing by the way was adding glass CU we can finally do that there we go now we need a bunch of sticks boom item frames so let’s see we’re wanting to put them up here but this is not so good for us I wonder can

We put any block here for example we really can’t do anything yeah I’m not liking that so I guess we need more quartz to make them full blocks we can start the process a little bit but yeah we got to head on into The Nether if we

Want to progress on this I guess okay some more quartz right okay let us get this done okay back home we go and hopefully this will be enough slabs we will just add them to the tops of the chests like so okay looking good so we’re going to want

Item frames above like so and that means we’re going to need a decent amount more of them because of that we’re going to need to farm up some more cows here you go fellas we’ll wait a moment for the babies here to grow and in the meantime

We can design the rest of this how would stone bricks look we would just bring them over like so so that’s the roof done I’m sorry my friends 21 leather from that oh 22 leather bam 22 and I think we definitely have some work to do to finish this off

Yeah we need like at least 20 more in the meantime we can continue breeding these fellas and I will also start to organize okay well since these are full blocks I’m not able to access the chest anymore but I’m hoping this will be fixable like so so yes should be

Okay okay and oh boy yes okay we can still put these on the slabs okay we’ll put all of our wooden things in this section and I can separate out each item type like logs and then planks there we go that’s the wood done for now now I’ll do any type of

Stone okay we’ll do any plant things next I’ll do food next and I don’t have a lot of food so I guess this one is pretty easy do ores there we go and MOB drops and then maybe a spot for miscellaneous blocks miscellaneous items

We can do one for any tools there we go and that should be mostly it we just have a few remaining items and we’re done so we have wood Farm in ores mob drops food Stone and also nether stuff and then some miscellaneous categories right here and we can continue extending

So this came out pretty nicely with that we are mostly done the storage room I’ll just wait on more leather from the cows but the next thing I want to do is add some details to our Mansion here I’d like to add windows and I’d also like to

Add some detailing we have about two stacks of glass which gets turned into a lot more if we use paines so there we go and now we got to figure out where we want to cut out the walls I think it would be nice to have a Long Window looking good we can add some windows over this way we’ll just do that for the windows here and to get a sense of how we want to do the windows on the top layer I mean that would probably mean we should make our second floor just so we know

What we want lucky for us we have a bunch of polished andesite Slabs all done don’t really have a way to get down from here do we let’s try to figure that out we could probably just do a staircase right here so I’ll just go Bam Yeah I kind of like where we’re going to be placing our glass so let’s get it Done and there we go let’s see what this is looking like from the outside and I like how I place the windows on the sides here looking good and we are going to want to detail these windows or walls later on but for now I’d like to move on

To some other things mainly I would like to get a full set of diamond gear and get our level 30 enchanting table because that will let us go and Adventure further in the nether which will let us potentially get nether Ward anyways hopefully we’ll find it our

Sugar cane is growing very very well and I’m really liking our circular design here we currently have 19 diamonds which is a pretty good amount I’d probably like to get about 10 more even more would be great right but uh yeah let’s go down and mine looks like the Border

Has been growing out a lot though oh and I see diamonds po please give me more than one yes that even two is amazing it may be time to go strip mining now let me just go down to bedrock level seems like I hear a cave above me

So maybe it’s worth checking out I don’t know if it’s a different one oh here we go did I find an amethyst geode I did oh yeah we can grabb some of this okay that should be enough for now oh and I see diamonds right there unfortunately we’re not going to be able

To access those for a few more days we can always return to them though I marked the coordinates and I mean that was a cool thought but I guess it’s back to purely strip mining for a bit oh okay yeah that’s a good way to start our strip Mine oh boy looks like we got some traits of a lush cave coming in nearby well pick up these glowberries or I mean only one glow Berry that’s something new aha Diamond two diamonds any more no looks like that’s it okay aha here we go a

Little bit more of it not a lot more though so that’s a to be determined got a big unexplored Ravine section here and there is a lot of iron I mean I’m getting up to two stacks ax which you know what that’s good too oh my God that was terrifying my

Heart dropped just just like I literally dropped but I’m okay I could have gone really bad okay I’m seeing a lot a lot a lot of iron around here which is great and I am getting it cuz we’re going to need to make an anvil and other stuff

Like that but I’m really hoping for more diamonds I have quite literally run out out of wood and I’m on my last three iron so yeah it’s looking like I’ve about done all the mining we can for now on this strip at least now we did find

Those diamonds earlier which is a good sign but it’s not really going to help us right now that’s fine though I think what we should do is head up work on getting the enchanting table and then hopefully by then the Border will be expanded enough to where we can get those diamonds be

Saw and we are back up to the to the surface oh and we got chickens hello folks well let’s drop our loot off and we can bring them into a little pen now the thing is they might be able to fly out of this type of pen so we might need

To make a separate Chicken Coop whoa our sugarcane is growing things are definitely growing look at this everything is growing that’s how long we’ve been mining wow I don’t know for now let’s take the risk and just bring these fellas into one of our existing

Pens and we’ll breed you there we go I mean I need what 45 leather for a level 30 enchanting table which is pretty wild and I got 51 leather I’d say that will do oh finally we get to sleep in our bed though bam 52 books more than enough for

A level 30 enchanting table so we just need a bunch of wood and obsidian and of course diamonds 17 bookshelves perfect and I perfectly have one extra book bam enchanting table we can probably place it in this corner and I’d like to eventually add maybe an additional kind of Library

Design here that’d be kind of fun bam so that should give us level 30 enchantments yes that’s exciting oh boy so what do we want to make with our diamonds we have 22 which I mean that’s almost a full set of armor I’m thinking we will make a chest plate we can make

Leggings and even boots and now I have the choice between making a sword an axe or a pickaxe and if I can get efficiency 4 on a pickaxe that would probably be the most worth it especially if it has Unbreaking as well so I’m just going to

Make another one and I mean you can never go wrong with having multiple pickaxes and let’s do some enchanting so let’s see efficiency 4 Unbreaking three awesome Unbreaking protection 4 dep Strider three protection three Unbreaking three and blast protection 4 we don’t really want as much silk touch

Though that’s a really good pickaxe too Unbreaking fire protection for me it’s okay we can do a bow that would actually be worth it Power Three that’s okay and maybe we can do our helmet that’s not too amazing though so first let us enchant a sword maybe sharpness three oh

I pressed the wrong one oh that was a mistake oh no aqua affinity oh my God okay our our enchantment is just limited looting three that’s good though so you know what at the end of the day we got something pretty good sharpness three knock pack two not bad not bad I mean

With that we have huge upgrades to our gear here other than that helmet that helmet is cursed we also have a bunch of beef so we can basically start using that as our main food source now I’m going to quickly head down to our little mob farm that we have because I’d like

To get more arrows for our bow of possible looks like this is spawning a bit less now and I think this isn’t working as well anymore because the Border has expanded so it looks like our mob farm is kind of over but I mean I’ll leave this here and I mean I’m basically

Ready to go I’m also so thinking of taking my ender pearls in case of anything and I’m good to go let’s do this this is uh quite dangerous we are going to have to be very very smart with how we do this oh yeah hello piglins so

I think I read something about Crimson they have Nether wart blocks but how would I actually turn this into Nether wart is it even possible nether uh wart no nope you can’t transform it into regular Nether wart but we might find what we need in here so let’s see here’s

The border and here’s the bush Remnant oh boy oh boy oh boy okay we got an achievement here’s a double chest ooh wo wo wo just got a bunch of loot from here okay nice ancient debris oh no I was AFK oh no oh my God

That was a terrible time to be AFK holy moly hello I’m wondering is there a center area at the bottom here or no okay so looking like I’m slowly progressing there’s another chest oh smithing template hold on I just got an armor trim oh my god I’ve

Never used an armor trim though don’t see Nether wart yet another chest o Golden Apple crying obsidian and arrows I will take oh hello ancient debris again and there are more chests here ancient debris I’m still not seeing any Nether wart I don’t know if I’ve missed

It or if it just did not spawn in this one are my dreams really going to be crushed maybe when it extends a bit we can look further but uh yeah nothing right now so let us scout out what’s going on in the rest of the Nether and

There is a lot to explore okay I’m trying to look around in different directions to see if we have anything else so far not looking good yeah I guess let’s check the Bastion one more time okay I’m trying to dig lower I don’t know if I’ve been this low I see

Lava that’s not really what I’m looking for though yeah no you know what it’s uh it’s not looking like it’s going to happen so we’re going to have to put our dreams of building a civilization on pause for now and uh we’re going to have

To get to do other things because we do have a lot to do now the bright side is we did get an armored trim and ancient debris from all of that so we did get some useful things before I continue on with anything else let’s quickly do a quick Scout around

Our base to see if there’s anything new ooh it does look like we have a dark oak tree dark oak log yes so that’s something new and I’m not seeing anything else new but you know what I did it’s a donkey no way yeah no don’t go outside okay I’m pretty

Sure it can’t go outside the Border did we already tame it yeah there we go now I don’t actually have a saddle do I okay well let’s let’s uh get wheat to bring it over to our base you know what we’re going to call her Bonnie that’s what

We’re going to call you oh you don’t like uh you don’t like wheat do you you like carrots maybe maybe that’s what the donkey likes hello do you like carrots what do you like oh maybe it likes apples oh man I’m getting lost oh wait I read that it might like golden apples

Let’s see yes yes yes yes okay good oh can it not get through this path oh it needs a two wide path okay then we will make you an entrance right here yeah there we go okay well before working on our Mansion some more maybe what we can

Do is expand out our Farms here and continue our Quest of getting every color dyed sheep oh we got a pink sheep in here oh boy yeah I’ve kind of made a mistake by reading the Sheep as I have but it’s okay we we’ll fix it up ooh

We’re also going to need to clear out some grass it looks like but I would not like to use an iron shovel let’s see well let’s enchant a iron shovel hopefully we can guarantee a efficiency for enchantment silk touch ooh okay efficiency for so touch one that works

Just fine I’m hoping I can still one shot everything here yes I can okay let’s just clear all this out then oh I probably yeah no this isn’t this isn’t going to work it’s it’s already broken I think I should try to get one more Diamond at least and

Enchant that shovel because I mean this is just not going to do okay let’s quickly head down to our favorite place the mines I think I see diamonds over here yes I do boom one diamond is all I need but there is more where that came

From thank you very much now now I need levels a lot better way than to fight mobs and mine ores and there we go level 30 let us test our luck and Unbreaking three okay not exactly what we wanted but I guess we’re just going to do we want to deal

With this no I’m not dealing with this going into The Nether let’s get some quartz for levels or something not minding that whole chunk of grass out myself and just like that we’re at level 30 again and you know what I’m going to make another diamond shovel just because

Unbreaking three isn’t guaranteed and I think we’ll get the diamonds back anyways uh it says Unbreaking three again no a back to the nether we go but you know what I have a plan this time I feel like it’d be really nice to get a full netherite set like I was talking about

So we can start the strip mine for that once we run out of fors to mine around Here all the bright side is I am finding quartz I’m just not finding much ancient debris oh here we go first piece of ancient debris that I found well during this mine of course and 36 levels and on that note I think we should head on home hello pigman look at him he’s

Chilling got the pink particles going going got the pants and the sword Enchanted woo and I think I actually have enough ancient debris to make two pieces netherite gear which is definitely progress now let’s make a grind Stone there we go and we are definitely going to make use of this

Thing I don’t need two Unbreaking three shovels we will take it off of that one and efficiency 4 Unbreaking three perfect we got the shovel that we wanted with that we can get to clearing all of this out which is uh it’s a lot okay there we go that is the dirt done

And now we’ll do the trees okay looking much much better and I’m sorry to the bees but we’re going to have to remove this might be sorry to myself okay good silk touch works really well so we picked up the beest and I’m also going to clear out a lot of the

Leaves that were left behind by trees we’ve mostly cleared this out now we also should remove the stone and replace it with dirt that’ll make it look a lot better okay that’s all the stone cleared out and now we’ll just fill it back in with

Dirt and that should be it all of this has been cleared out and it’s looking almost like new oh and we got some fellas over here piercing three thank than you but my friend you shouldn’t have done what you did okay let us extend this thing over and the fencing

Part is 19 blocks long so that’s how long we will do it again Bo and now we will do the details the same Way there we go and that should be it I’ll just make sure to light this up here we go now we should definitely find those pigs that we saw and bring them over to our base hello fellas hello looks like we are going to need to make a little bridge to bring them

Across there we go now here we have one Pig now hold on we need to find where a second pig is there we go Go and we go there we go fellas you can breed I will also pick up those eggs because bam we got another chicken and now let’s try to figure out the Sheep situation cuz we have how many slots 1 2 3 4 five and even six and seven now

Right off the bat we’re kind of going to have to get rid of these outliers because it’s better if we just breed them ourselves inside the designated pen for them now let’s get get some wheat and we’re basically going to need to take out some of these fellas without

Causing too much of an issue oh boy yeah we’re making a breed in the middle hold on there we go all right I need some of you guys to follow me and oh I didn’t even do the doors yet oh no okay everything’s fine and let’s go two at a

Time two at a time you fellas can come in here there we go okay we got two in there now we’ll get two in this one and there we go that’s all depends on this side filled in now we need to figure out what colors we’re going to make them it’

Be great to make pink and orange ones so let’s do that hopefully well these are already brand new colors for us there we go there we go we’re done with the expansion of that and we’ll continue working on the colors as we progress but it would be nice to

Detail our Mansion a little bit because uh well right now it’s kind of looking plain there’s a few things that always help with that and that would be leaves lanterns and now right off the bat let’s see how many lanterns I can make because this is probably going to be the most

Expensive thing we’ve got to do boom there’s 30 already and I will be able to make some more but we should start the process of smelting our ores and what was the last thing ah yes yes yes clay oh we got an individual piece of clay There okay what can we actually do here and these are very very expensive got to tell you and not too bad actually let’s collect some more clay then because I kind of like that maybe that’ll be enough you know what would be nice is if we made an auto smelter cuz that would

Help us out maybe we could do it along this wall here so for this we’re going to need a bunch of Hoppers and chests we would just go theoretically that would do what we wanted to do and we can just repeat this design as many times as as we Want now we would just need a bunch of coal to get these running theoretically we should be able to put coal into these and then if I just put in birch logs here boom it automatically goes in it’ll get smelted I kind of do feel like we

Need a design for this though maybe even a brick design for this because it would be like a cooking oven type of feeling too I guess we can start by changing the flooring bam that’s the floor done maybe we can add a little wrapping of

Stairs and then if we want we can add some brick walls as well and then we’ll just Place slabs here it’s coming along it’s coming along nicely the great news is that we can just do this boom and uh it’s going to do its job o I see horses so that’s

Something I I see a wolf oh my goodness wait hold on where’d you go bud are you still here oh no okay it’s far wait I have an idea spy glass here we go we need copper and Amethyst both of which we should have spy glass okay let’s see

How effective this thing actually is yep it’s pumpkins well you know what at least I knew it was pumpkins and everything is coming along very nicely we will finish this off and there we go we got a little furnace Auto smoke melter thing now that that’s running we can continue working

On the exterior we can just try adding some slabs this is a really long window I don’t know not bad actually we’ll do the same up above and with that we could probably start adding some more details kind of adding it on the bottom seems to work pretty

Nicely you know what not bad at all and then we can add some lanterns and flower pots around oh can I not place these like this oh I guess we’ll place it on ceilings then I can place it on the ground in some parts though so that’s a

Bit weird can’t place it on leaves unfortunately and we can light up some of the inside of our base with these as well and then we have our glowstone something like this and I’ll try to do this kind of all around the base evenly I think I’ve done a decent job of

Lighting the area around we’ll see what it looks like in night time and I guess now we should get some flowers to put in our flower pods and it looks like I already have some good options so we’ll just place these around oh okay there we

Go finally we’ll just add it to this ledge here you know what we’re actually looking pretty decent I’d say this is a huge upgrade oh my goodness hello we’re going to prop him up this is uh this is just a warning to any more pillagers that want to come around

They’re never going to want to come back okay so we have our Auto smelter and we have the details added to the outside of our Mansion now we could do a few other things one of them is building a library section here that’s just purely for Aesthetics though and another purely

Aesthetic thing we can do is build a pool right out here now I’m not going to lie both of these sound kind of fun but I’m going to put pause on them because we have more important things to do I’d like to quickly head the Nether and

Explore a little bit more of that Bastion Remnant I’m simply trying to find nether wart I hear a lot of things around me but I’m not finding oh my God I see Soul Sand no Nether wart though Soul Sand again yeah not seeing anything let’s go back home where I really need

To get some ores because my gear is breaking down big big time so I’m just going to look for iron and diamonds so I can make a Anvil and repair my diamond pickaxes hopefully ooh here we go go we got the diamonds that I’m guessing we’ve seen before hello beautiful diamonds I

Will take you gladly it was only two but that’s okay I’ve gotten about a stack of iron which should be enough for an anvil and my tools are starting to break I’m not really finding any new cave sections right now so I think it’s a good time to

Head up oh maybe I lied I just found a new cave section as I was trying to leave and you know what that works for me and this cave actually goes up to the surface which is the first surface cave I’ve run into ah yes home sweet home oh

Hello you know sir I don’t appreciate you barging into my home okay we’re good looks like our iron has smelted up and food as well yeah let’s make our Anvil boom guess right here is fine we got a lot of things to repair I have four Diamonds oh boy

That’s not going to do a lot for us is it nope that can repair one pickaxe which I guess gu is the most important thing before I do any of that though we can definitely enchant some items just because why not enchanting a helmet would be good cuz we just have aqua

Affinity right now protection four oh yeah that’s a really good enchantment awesome you can do an axe as well efficiency three not terrible and we can do another iron sword maybe oh ve of arthopods but it has fire aspect on there now we can repair that pickaxe

Boom and I’m curious if we try to combine these two for example ooh that’s pretty good we just got a free fire aspect 2 on there not bad at all and I kind of want to have another glance into The Nether to be honest I’m currently deciding whether I should just make the

Border infinite in the nether because I feel like we’re needlessly capped and we can’t really move forward because we can’t find any Nether wart and that’s not really fun for anybody especially for myself but I’m guessing for you guys as well but yeah I mean I’m not finding

Anything so you know what starting on the next day the Border will be fully expanded in the nether I made that rule up you guys can let me know what you would have done in the comments and you know what I’ll take your recommendation seriously but you better bet that I’m

Doing this okay well while we wait for the best thing ever to happen because I’m really excited to actually be able to progress maybe what I can do is work on a little entrance for our underground section just because this is not really cutting it you can probably just make it

Out of cobblestone okay well let’s just try to make a better entrance then this will bring us into our main room where we have our staircase which we’ll probably need to adjust as well yeah we really got to clean this place up at some point cuz this is just not

Doing good for us anyways that can be our little entrance but I’d kind of like to use Oak stairs there we go and then the entrance can be simple enough as well okay we got a nice little M shaft entrance finally this is definitely a work in progress but it’s better than

What we had before that’s for sure and now when I head to sleep that should mean that the Border in the nether will get indefinitely expanded and into The Nether we go hello there oh my goodness the Border has been lifted we can actually progress now I have my eyes set

On one thing that is finding that nether fortress oh yeah and here we go we’ve reached the Border here so I guess it didn’t even expand exactly 1,000 blocks there’s also an Enderman and I figure we should try to fight as many of these fellas as we can really oh yeah we’re up

To eight ender pearls and I mean I’m at a point where I can kind of freely use ender pearls to travel really cuz I have looting three oh boy wow that was a bit scary actually yeah and we just got Pure lava in this direction NE said no no way you’re not

Going to find any NE Fortress nope there’s a gas there yeah okay this is oh boy this is not safe at all oh boy okay okay well I’m back at our home base and I’m hoping to go off in a different direction this time I guess I can ender pearl over to another

Part if I want even though it’s a bit risky but at this point I’d rather at least progress in some way we should be fine to have a golden apple if anything yeah we are good to go and let’s try to get out of this biome here here is

Another Bastion Remnant it looks like all righty aha here we go we actually found Nether wart oh and we also are getting attacked still but we finally have found it oh feels good what do we got in this chest here ancient debris that’s nice

And a block of iron okay on that note we should be good to head back home and try to start the process of beginning a little village now where do we want to put our Nether wart Farm is is a good question I feel like we might just be

Able to put it like right here randomly into the ground it doesn’t have to be anything special really we will slowly fill all of this in with Soul Sand which I’ll need to collect some more to actually be able to do and boom we can place our Nether wart

For now I’ll actually just fill this in so we don’t have a random gap of blocks we need to make fermented spider eyes and those require regular spider eyes sugar and brown mushrooms sugar we definitely have brown mushrooms is something that I’m not sure if we’ve collected yet let’s see we have

One I’m guessing that the best place to look for them is going to be in the nether so I guess back we go for a moment aha One Brown mushroom no but I see more so let’s head over here thank you very much oh and we need blaze rods

To make a brewing stand itself and then we need the blaze powder to actually cook potions up so yeah yeah we need to find that Fortress after all I’m not sure how I didn’t think of that before but I guess our nether hunt continues and I figure we’ll go down the same path

We did when we found the Bastion Remnant cuz that worked pretty well oh finally here we go I found another Fortress and there is a blaze okay I got seven Blaze Doods already which honestly is probably enough so on that note we can already head right on back home so we’ve got all

The ingredients needed for fermented spider eyes boom and then we can make a brewing stand like so also blaze powder and you know what maybe a better place to put these things would be next to our enchanting table at least for now bam bam wait we don’t even need nether W for

These potions do we oh okay well we do need Blaze batter so I’m glad we got that but I’m pretty sure for fermented spider eye potions you don’t need Nether wart let’s test that theory out make bottles we go and if we just use a fermented spider eye on that we should

Be good to go and then I’ll use gun powder as well yeah boom potion of weakness so we just create Splash ones bam and I already have two golden apples which is perfect so if we head to our villagers hey oh I see we got a friend

Again okay and then we should just be able to go boom Splash and golden apple and there we go this fell is going to get turned while that’s doing its thing we can also turn the one that is in the caving system below us but hold on how

Are we going to do that I guess let’s make like a temp temporary staircase down or something yeah something like that hello here you are boom and boom now what’s our plan once we actually turn these guys so this one we’re going to have to take through here and we’re

Going to want to bring them up the stairs which we can probably do by baiting him with the profession or like we can use a composter or something like that and the Villager will follow that and basically same goes for the one that’s higher up yeah this guy’s still

Turning so boom composter we don’t have a specific area to bring these guys to yet I think we’ll figure that out though do we want to put them inside our Mansion it’s not the worst idea ever but I feel like building something else for the villagers would be better so oh

There we go zombie doctor that means that our friend has turned and where is our friend hold on here you are all righty so let’s get you out of there and we do still have this pathway kind of and look at that our fell is oh no he’s

Not going up here hey come here come up here man yeah there we go oh awesome wait here just use that for now all right become a farmer no wow okay well we’ll let him uh wander around he can’t actually leave the border which is good let’s get our other villager which is

Going to be a little bit tougher hm here you are all righty let us try to bring you up the stairs following along nicely oh yeah there we go going up the stairs by himself I don’t even have to do anything yeah you go buddy no no no keep

Going in this direction yeah there we go and boom okay awesome we got a farmer now not a bad trade actually all right so that’s our first villager I don’t know where that second one went uh uh-oh maybe I should have paid a little bit more attention to him oh there he is

What are you doing pal what are you doing you going to become a farmer are you not going to become a farmer maybe I can try to get him to be a different profession here we go Barrel so this is for the fisherman profession no he’s not doing it must be

Some some reason or something so now that we’ve got both villagers up here it would be good to build a villager breeder as for where we want to build it I think a good area might just be behind our Mansion here and then we can probably have an opening out to the back

Which is funny because this was initially supposed to be the front entrance but yeah maybe we can just build it right here we’ll need the materials required so let’s gather those really quickly I’d like to use Oak as a part of the design and them out of it

Again so I’ll need to collect some okay I got about a second and a half of logs that’s uh pretty good okay I’ve got some rail supplies and Redstone stuff and then we also need some beds so I will share my sheepies can make some

More beds and I should have all of the materials necessary oh I just need some carrots and a ho there we go There we go and then oh I forgot to craft a dispenser and you know what instead of going all the way around let me plan out our backside entrance now which would be over here I think and I’ll even add some pressure plates how nice there we got dispenser anyways and

Then we can have the trap door there that’s how it’s supposed to work and also so I believe we need to add a water bucket here now we just need to bring our villagers over and they should want to become part of this Farm here this

Fell is a bit weird but maybe no you’re still being weird aren’t you can you just I don’t know what what’s wrong with these villagers like I’ve had this happen before they just don’t want to become any professional like it’s very annoying actually hold on like you’re

Going to work all right you’re you’re not one of the only two villagers in Civilization remaining to not do anything and I’m going to lock you in here until you do buddy go for it become a farmer okay so i r up a bit on this and apparently if they have green that

Means they’re a knitw or something that is quite unfortunate it’s possible I’m reading that an iron golem can fix this but so far we don’t have any pumpkins now I do know we stop pumpkins in the distance at some point so we can see if the Border has expanded enough to allow

Us to collect some ooh I see a Pillager Outpost weighing the distance so that’s kind of interesting can one of you just be a zombie villager please that’d be great wait what if I transform the Villager again okay well I read up on it some more and nitwits are nitwits no

Matter what you can literally do nothing to fix that so and a whole zombie apocalypse is going on here apparently let me sleep in peace hey oh yes it worked I literally only had one B okay hold on that creeper could definitely blow up my dog if I’m that careful oh

This is why we cannot have our dog anywhere near us it has to be sitting literally at all times let’s bring you on home I do not want risk losing my one and only companion in this world the only other companions I have is one normal farmer villager and one NWI who

Is literally useless at a time when I’m trying to repopulate everything you sit buddy all right there we go so what are we going to do with ourselves I mean I guess I found two zombie villagers down in the mines I could try to look for one again because otherwise we literally

Still have no way of progressing which is I mean honestly very sad oh hello buddy you coming inside my house okay you know what as long as you don’t wreak havoc on anything that’s fine we’ll let them be for now yeah I mean let’s try to look for some more zombie villagers I

Guess to be fair that’s what like 95% of zombies that spawn are going to be is regular zombies but I’m trying to get lucky here I’m just going to start taking out lighting so that more mobs spawn like I don’t know what else I can really do I’m going crazy here guys I’m

Not going to lie to you it’s a baby zombie villager okay that’s not what I was expecting okay the problem is we need to get this F into a secluded area cuz otherwise we’re going to have the issue of like 80 mobs coming at us here

Come here come here yeah yeah yeah yeah okay you’re my friend you’re my friend no no no no why did you leave come back what what are you doing get in the boat oh okay thank God it was about to kill me to be honest okay good good good good good buddy

Yeah okay I’m going to Mark those coordinates and I didn’t really come ready with a potion of weakness and golden apple which I probably should have done also my helmet’s at five durability and my sword’s at 15 yeah so we’re really we’re really hanging on the

Edge here to be honest we got to get out of here here we are okay I’ll mark this with like a cobblestone pillar and I’ll also remember the coordinates of course okay so I’m back all I need to do is grab a golden apple and weakness potion

Boom and we are ready to get this done oh here’s a Wandering Trader hello you’re selling Cactus oh my God I would actually love Cactus uh okay wait you know what go and get the trade that we have with our V villager where is our farmer villager hello hello hello hello

Technically he should be somewhere around his workplace he didn’t get like attacked by a zombie did he no there’s no way I lit this area pretty well did he go in the nether oh no way uh no you did not oh yes you did of course you did

You should not be in the nether what are you doing here Mister get out of here oh my God you this is why you literally just have to contain villagers like they cannot be trusted there we go unbelievable these guys okay you get out of there I’m going to sleep off the

Night so you don’t die let’s just get the tray that we want with you how about that boom boom boom and let’s get the cactus that we wanted where is the wandering Trader though hey buddy Cactus boom Okay cool so that’s something new that’s fun uh I don’t know what I’m

Going to do with you hold on okay let’s just trap you for a moment cuz I don’t want to deal with you there we go now we need to get back to the task at hand which is getting that second villager over here Aha and there we go there’s

Our little post that we made so now we just splash you and give you an apple and it’ll get turned into a regular villager okay there we go our fella has turned and now ooh I actually don’t know if we’ll be able to lead this fell up

With a profession that’s kind of a problem well at least it’s not a nitwit it seems so that’s good but uh how can I get this bu to follow me it looks like he kind of is following me yeah come with me buddy follow me no not back down

Come good good good there we go there we go awesome so we got this fella come with us above the surface but now we need to somehow get him to come to the other villagers I didn’t build a bridge which maybe I should have done but it’s

Looking good let’s push you over okay we’re going to need to sleep off this night instantly no no no don’t no no no no keep going you’re going the right way this is good yeah good good good you know what maybe I can try about this guy

Here we go boom okay kind of brought him over so we just need him to grow and I a okay with way for that to happen so let us incase you safely in here there we go we will check on the baby villager soon but while we wait for that to finish up

I guess we could set up a little cactus farm if we want we can set it up next to the sugar cane Farm I just need to get some sand here we go and this one isn’t going to be automatic yet or anything like that so we’ll keep it very very simple

And it’ll just go something like this yeah we’ll continue that when we want and let’s see has our villager grown oh it hasn’t but good thing it hasn’t because I could have suffocated I just realized that would have been bad I don’t know if it can grow in a boat also

So yeah we’ll leave it like that for now I guess I need you to grow up buddy maybe if I give it a bed okay there we go maybe we’ll extend this villager’s living space a little bit there we go and make it a little bit higher up okay

Now you grow into a healthy villager please oh you know what I have an idea for what we can do we can try to complete our mission of getting full netherite armor now that’s going to require me to make a diamond helmet and also get about eight more ancient debris

I believe or actually seven more ancient debris cuz I have nine netherite scraps since we’re just going to be mining I figure I can just head in as I am and we should be mostly okay uh I’m hoping for the best aha ancient debris number one ahuh another

One aha another one I’m actually finding an ancient debris pretty quickly this time around there we go another piece let’s go another one oh 26 durability yeah no way I’m not breaking this thing either oh and we got a bogey over here we got really close but not

Close enough all right now we do have a fresh diamond pickaxe that we got and that’s actually pretty helpful we can use the grind Stone on it and fortune 3 yeah um I’d say that’s pretty good I would love to get an enchantment on the

Helmet that we make so I mean we just got to head down and try to get five diamonds let’s quickly check on our villager because if they have grown then we can start the breeding process no you still haven’t grown okay I don’t know if I’m doing anything wrong about it but

We’ll check back once we might for a bit oh I see Diamonds oh I see a creeper I need like rotten flesh at this point oh boy I really need rotten flesh we’re back at day one basically you know what the dream would be if this was five

Diamonds up here oh how nice that would be oh wait I have Fortune yes yes yes go go go okay that was only two unfortunately yeah and the fortune did not work oh my God I found a spawner are you kidding me no way that is the first

Spawner we have found that’s the first like anything we’ found definitely marking those coordinates and what do we got saddle that’s cool and music disc also got some wheat and bread which really need right now so I’m taking it and I also got rotten flesh there we go more diamonds and I

Have my fortune pick on me come on come on come on come on eight yes okay we got all the diamonds we need and more up we go and we are back up to the surface so we can now make our diamond helmet also you know what I don’t want it to be

Night time please no I have my bed in here don’t I yes you’re a full villager yes okay and now we’re going to lead this fella with us to come to the Village breeder we’ll open up a little doorway here and we want to get this net

Wit out because the net wit is useless this guy this guy is working man so we’re going to boat him in let’s go here we go so we got this one in oh in all all right of course I’m not going to worry about that for now let’s check on

Our other villager yes you’re doing good I don’t have a boat for you though yes there we go we can make our way through here okay here we go now we have a problem cuz this nit way is here maybe yes yes yes there we go okay we got me

And the nitw in we getting me and the nitw out that’s the plan oh all right apparently not hold on maybe if I do this no okay push push push push push push push push push yes okay we got him out nice there we go okay and that should

Mean that our villager breeder will actually be in action and get to go what we can do is bone meal a bunch of carrots and let’s collect these hello NWI can I give you a carrot how do you feel about that oh you took the carrot

Okay here you go gu oh they made a baby I think this might oh yeah there we go boom got the baby in and let’s throw you guys some more carrots if you guys can pick all that up yes you can let’s get the rest of our netherite armor which

What did we literally just need one more piece of ancient debris I think that’s all we needed should be easy enough oh hello you swimming it with I’m really tempted to kill this guy we we shall see by the end of the video if I kill him or

Not oh no I don’t have my efficiency 4 pickaxe I forgot about that for some reason I I didn’t quite realize I have an idea I’m going to enchant my diamond helmet let’s see what we can get here production three not bad not bad anyways with that we can also combine these Two

Fellas boom and that will let us easily get the ancient debris we want okay let’s go Aha and we found two pieces of ancient debris very nice oh let me make sure I can pick those up thank you andh we’re done we are done here and there we go I have 17 netherite

Scrap which means I can make four netherite ingots now we just need a smithing table which we can place down there for now and finally uh wait hold on um why can I not up oh no what’s going on okay are you kidding me so apparently need a specific like armor

Trim thing or whatever no I just wanted to make another armor so snout armor trim I don’t think that this is what we actually need unfortunately yeah no this is going to give us the armor trim but not the actual netherite upgrade so yeah we need to get an armor thing that says

Netherite upgrade specifically and I guess uh we could try to search for that but um yeah it’s kind of sad well I mean I don’t have much else to do so oh whoa hello excuse me fellas you guys are not supposed to be doing stuff down here

Okay let’s bring you out let’s take all of you up oh wait did I uh oh I think I accidentally let the farmers down didn’t I oh no no no no how did I do that oh I think it’s cuz this was oh my God how

Did I how did I mess this up I’m confused but I guess we will take these guys out and put them back in going to put this F in there oh and the baby went in okay that’s fine you know what that baby will become a farmer soon I guess

Do we get another nit withd that spawn or this nit would just go in there by himself I don’t know which one it is either way we got to bring him out that fixes this for now and we’ll just uh let that villager grow okay I mean I still

Kind of want that netherite upgrade so let’s uh let’s try to let’s try to find it I guess I will get netherite armor if it’s the last thing I do and we do the usual ender pearl down oh I don’t have my golden apples anymore so we got to be

A little bit more careful okay here’s the Bastion Remnant let us loot this a little bit more thoroughly and hopefully it’ll present us with some luck okay looted that any more chests um I’m literally not finding any chests I’m going insane slowly this is not a joke I

Guess I can go to the Fortress that we found no I mean I don’t see a single chest I probably like could have done a better job searching for one I’m going to continue moving forward and hopefully run into that Fortress that we found again oh wow yeah this is literally

Where I came to last time as well aha here we go here’s the Fortress let’s get this netherite armor thing okay we’re back wow let’s see where the chests at where the chests at we can even try to fight a Wither like at this point I

Don’t care I will die I don’t even care at all give me a wither skeleton let’s get wither skels okay didn’t drop one what a hater I see a chest we’re going for it gold no golden horse armor though oh hello oh there’s two of you isn’t

There ow oh there’s a chest what do we got no no no no no no I can sense chests come on okay maybe I was wrong oh oh and we got a wither skeleton head oh yeah I found a chest could it have what we need I don’t know if only

Bastions have them it’s almost seeming like it’s only a Bastion thing hold on okay okay so I looked into it further and it can only be found in a Bastion Remnant what would you know it’s okay we’re going to find another Bastion Remnant how about that yeah there’s not

Really a great way to make it through all of this here it’s looking like we might just have to kind of make our way through this biome here and try to mine our way out potentially guys how am I supposed to make it through here I’m used to like flying through the nether

Using mods this is not what I’m used to okay there we go this is what I’m looking for I cannot end these 100 days without the netherite thing like it literally can’t happen I just can’t even think of the possibility of that happening it’s literally impossible I’m

About 2,000 blocks out which isn’t too too much it’s felt like a lot though being chased by a bunch of piglins with crossbows and swords and I’m literally on the edge of a cliff oh okay I’m good I’m good okay I found another nether fortress which I mean at least I found

Something now what I need though you know it’s funny I thought my life would get easier when I expanded the border and it literally only got harder and and down I go ow okay so I’m at I’m about 3,000 blocks out almost and uh yeah no

Progress no no progress at all I’m just in too far to go back like there’s literally no going back from this Mission and the thing is oh my God I could have probably like upgraded my Mansion built a cool thing for villagers but no I just decided that I would look

For this netherite thing and you know what it didn’t work too well oh my God stop stop oh another nether fortress so happy about that guys I don’t know if I can take this any longer I’m not going to lie to you we are 3,500 blocks out almost okay to be

Fair we’re 3,250 blocks out okay oh and there’s another nether fortress you know what guys I advise you uh just load up the expanding World thing and uh you know try it for yourself and you try to find a Bastion room the netherite thing you know and let me know how long it

Takes you oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh okay we’re good okay I’m using my one and only ender pearl which might be a bad idea okay I know for a fact we are running very low low on time right now

So you know I don’t know what to tell you might get very lucky and might not I’m now almost like what 5,200 blocks out oh another nether fortress wait is this a ruined nether portal what is this oh it’s a ruined nether portal okay chest okay fire charge we can make a

Full working nether portal here we’ll take out the corner pieces boom boom okay let me see where this takes us and uh we got to teleport it underground good old expanding border am I right

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in a 1×1 BORDER in Minecraft Hardcore!’, was uploaded by Suev on 2023-10-06 17:54:23. It has garnered 85353 views and 3095 likes. The duration of the video is 02:19:23 or 8363 seconds.

I Survived 100 Days in a 1×1 BORDER in Minecraft Hardcore!

I’m stuck in a 1×1 border to start. As each day goes on, the border will slowly expanding, leaving me with more and more land to explore. These 100 days get pretty crazy and have quite a lot of unpredictable twists and turns, so enjoy!

Expanding Border DATAPACK:

Credit to @Legion_Vee for inspiring me to try this datapack out for myself 🙂


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    EPIC Minecraft Showdown: JJ vs Mikey vs Iron Golem vs Wither TNT!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey BLOW UP IRON GOLEM vs WITHER TNT in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by JJ TV on 2024-02-15 12:01:44. It has garnered 4691 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:26 or 926 seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: JJ and Mikey BLOW UP IRON GOLEM vs WITHER TNT in Minecraft Maizen! 👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial 🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Maizen or Mikey? 😅 This channel contains the best compilations of… Read More

  • EPIC Arceus FF gaming LIVE NOW + Minecraft survival island!

    EPIC Arceus FF gaming LIVE NOW + Minecraft survival island!Video Information This video, titled ‘Arceus FF gaming is live!minecraft survival island’, was uploaded by Arceus FF gaming on 2024-06-23 18:38:42. It has garnered 13 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:37 or 2557 seconds. Iam not a youtuber but we will try #videos #games @arceus ff gaming Read More

  • Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft Roleplay

    Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft RoleplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ketakutan Yang Ada – Bakwan: Fight Back Episode 25 [ Minecraft Roleplay ]’, was uploaded by Rolfeey on 2024-08-28 02:25:38. It has garnered 12145 views and 815 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:49 or 4009 seconds. Support the stream: ➽ Description !! Command Night bot !spec !donate !discord ➽Read Sekuyyy ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ And Dont Forget To Like, Comment, And Subscribe For More Video !! See Ya ➽Help Me Reach 100,000 subs!! : / rolfeey​ ➽Discord : / discord ➽Contact Me : Instagram: / rolfeey2 Twitter : / yourstar_2 Discord : Rolfeey 📧Business Email… Read More

  • Unlocking Herobrine’s Secret Powers! 😈 #Minecraft

    Unlocking Herobrine's Secret Powers! 😈 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine |’, was uploaded by Oprajgaming on 2024-04-24 16:56:01. It has garnered 16 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. ○Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine | Tags #shorts #minecraft #herobrine #edit #minecraftshort #youtubeshort #editing #shortsvideo #minecraftshortvideo #minecraftshortsvideo #herobrine #herobrinesmp #attitudestatus #attitude #acharulipopuri #mcpe #mcpeshorts #minecraftshort #minecraftedit #minecraftedits minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft… Read More

  • Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by Vincey

    Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by VinceyVideo Information This video, titled ‘r/TraumatizeThemBack is Wild’, was uploaded by Vincey on 2024-08-25 14:00:30. It has garnered 13654 views and 1403 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:41 or 1241 seconds. Thanks for watching today’s Reddit video legends! Subscribe if you want to! My Minecraft: Shaders: BSL Shaders Texture Pack: Mizuno’s 16 Craft Members Access: Become a member today for exclusive videos and Discord access! My Links! ⬇️ Instagram: Twitter: TikTok: 00:00 Intro 00:33 Story 1 02:56 Story 2 06:20 Story 3 07:49 Story 4 09:53 Story 5 11:22 Story 6 12:55 Story 7… Read More

  • Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!

    Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Прохождение Платной Сборки От OxFORTPACK / День 3 – Короткий день’, was uploaded by HaYaRy&ProSha on 2024-06-21 04:25:55. It has garnered 57 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:41 or 5741 seconds. 💵Post the meme directly on the broadcast – ✅Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Walkthrough Paid Build From OxFORTPACK / Day 3 – Short day 💵DONATE MONEY – 💵DONATE TO CARD – 2202201045736895 ❗❗❗IN A MESSAGE OR COMMENT, WRITE WHO DONATED, WHY❗❗❗ 💵TRADE / ProSha TRADE – 💵TRADE HaYaRy – ✅VK GROUP – ✅TWITCH –… Read More

  • Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice Watermelon

    Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice WatermelonVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Zar Karpuz oynatıyorum (BOL ÇEKİLİŞLİ)’, was uploaded by EarlNub on 2024-07-09 10:50:14. It has garnered 99 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:10 or 6130 seconds. minecraft endoyuncu skyblock, minecraft endoyuncu cheat, minecraft endoyuncu hack, minecraft endoyuncu survival, minecraft endoyuncu ip, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars, minecraft endoyuncu macro, minecraft endoyuncu reach, how to cheat in minecraft endoyuncu 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with minecraft endoyuncu friends, minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣

    INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft villeger avesham song 🤣 #song #avesham #minecraft #malayalam #funny #viralshorts’, was uploaded by ZAIN GAMING on 2024-07-12 04:33:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. how to viral short video on youtube,shorts video viral kaise hoga,how to viral short video,shorts,shorts video,viral shorts video … Read More

  • ModArchy

    ModArchyWelcome to ModArchy! ModArchy is a heavily modded FULL ANARCHY server hosted on an EX series server from ApexHosting. Some of the most notable mods are Ice and Fire, Born In Chaos, Aether, Twilight Forest, Sky Villages, and MANY more. A still somewhat vanilla feel, but with a heavy dose of chaotic and goofy changes to the experience. Easy download instructions and modpack can be found in the discord. The server is still very new and open to suggestions for config changes and mod additions/removals. Please report any crashes/bugs to me in the discord! For new players, I recommend making… Read More

  • Akoot&Co Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 Discord Events Building-Focused

    Welcome to Akoot & Co Join our crossplay server for a classic Minecraft experience. Our semi-vanilla community offers a fresh world with quality-of-life enhancements for the ultimate gameplay. Features Discord Server (Discord + Minecraft integration) World Map (dynmap) Bedrock support (Geyser) Unlimited Homes No pesky land claims (Honor system + rollbacks) KeepInventory (Optional per player!) Timed Ranks/Custom Titles Text Formatting (+Gradients!) Brewery (no game-breaking items) Big boy ram and big boy processor (minimal lag) Delight in unlimited homes, a grief-free environment, and integrated Discord chat. Explore our world map online and enjoy the game for free. Join a community that… Read More

  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Secret Hideout

    Minecraft Memes - Steve's Secret HideoutSteve’s hiding place is so good, even the Ender Dragon can’t find him! Read More

  • Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars

    Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars Welcome, gamers, to Egg Wars Level 2, Where secrets and strategies will be unveiled for you. Pedro and Ali, ready to dominate the game, With tips and tricks that will bring you fame. Eggshells cracking, alliances forming, In this virtual world, where battles are swarming. Pedro Castillo, the master of the craft, With skills so sharp, his opponents are daft. Ali Deniz Senpotuk, a force to be reckoned with, In Egg Wars, his strategies always a hit. Together they conquer, with teamwork and might, In this game of survival, where day turns to night. So grab your eggs, and… Read More

  • Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t… Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol

    Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t... Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol Looks like this villager is taking the term “sleeping on the job” to a whole new level! I guess even in Minecraft, some villagers just can’t resist a good nap, no matter where they are. #lazyvillager #minecraftnaps Read More

  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

    5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft Minecraft Hub Plugin Paketi: Oyun Dolu Macera! Minecraft, milyonlarca oyuncunun dünyasına kapılarını açan eşsiz bir sanal platformdur. Bu platformda, hayal gücünüzü kullanarak kendi dünyanızı yaratabilir, maceraya atılabilir ve diğer oyuncularla etkileşime geçebilirsiniz. İşte bu eğlenceli dünyada, 5 oyunlu hub plugin paketi Minecraft oyuncularına benzersiz bir deneyim sunuyor. Oyun Dolu Paket Detayları Bu özel paket, adresindeki sunucuda kullanılmaktadır. Paketin içeriğindeki oyunlar, oyunculara farklı ve heyecan dolu deneyimler yaşatmak için özenle seçilmiştir. Ayrıca, paketin sunucu sitesi olan adresinden de daha fazla bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Discord Sunucu ve Paket Edinme Eğer bu heyecan verici paketi edinmek istiyorsanız, Discord sunucularına katılabilir ve… Read More

  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

    Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 - Join the Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘|Join!|Building+Chill [Minecraft] 1.21’, was uploaded by DuckGoRawr on 2024-08-30 13:37:30. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:49 or 7669 seconds. Like and Subscribe Plz it help lots lol Join My Discord!- Comment What you think I should do next! . . . . . . Ignore the tags – #viral #live #stream #viral #youtube #duck #gaming #video #chill #edit #gamer #anime #shorts, #youtubeshorts, #viral, #trending, #subscribe, #foryou, #foryoupage, #fyp, #explorepage, #discover, #viralvideo, #tiktok, #instagram, #youtube, #reels #minecraft # chill Read More

  • Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!

    Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 3 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join :)’, was uploaded by Dark Corrupt A on 2024-04-09 20:21:34. It has garnered 156 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:08 or 16928 seconds. Paypal: (if u wana help me fully without the cring 30% cut Youtube does xd) Discord: Thumbnail Artist: @darkcorrupta Minecraft SMP Rules: 1. No Hacks or Cheats (Permeant Ban) 2. No Slurs (Permeant Ban) 3. Not Following Common Sense (Permeant Ban) 4. If you kill someone without a valid… Read More

  • Arctic Sythe’s EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSythe

    Arctic Sythe's EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSytheVideo Information This video, titled ‘The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || Hindi || ArcticSythe’, was uploaded by Arctic Sythe on 2024-04-19 19:35:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:04 or 544 seconds. The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || ArcticSythe Hindi gameplay Its my new journey so hit the like button *Do Subscribe and *Hit the bell icon 🔔 Okay💛…That was It Hopefully You Enjoyed the video Hit That like button 😜 Subscribe 😁 and Share 😇… See Ya in the… Read More

  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

    Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMCVideo Information This video, titled ‘FlexMC / Buz Parçalama’, was uploaded by zSimpeZ on 2024-01-07 13:20:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

    Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:03. It has garnered 62 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ Digital Art Monetization DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer’s Insane Minecraft Animation

    HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer's Insane Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE REGENGE minecraft animation #minecraft#shots #viral’, was uploaded by Devil Gamer nep on 2024-04-28 08:50:53. It has garnered 42 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌

    Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘Alien Ritual Ground Unveiled! 🌌 – Walter’s Minecraft Videos for Kids’, was uploaded by Walter the Wildlife Explorer on 2024-08-15 22:00:34. It has garnered 8434 views and 281 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Welcome to Walter the Wildlife Explorer’s Adventure: Minecraft Epic Jungle Safari Speed Run Exploration! 🌳🦊 Hey there, little explorers! It’s Walter the Wildlife Explorer, and today I’m here to remind you of the amazing adventures waiting for you just outside your door. But first, let me tell you about something super cool – I’ve been playing… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: GOLDYGAMER22 BUILDS LARGEST MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the BIGGEST Castle in Minecraft! EPIC 2024’, was uploaded by GoldyGamer22 on 2024-08-12 02:14:00. It has garnered 165 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:29 or 449 seconds. Welcome to my channel! In this epic Minecraft video, I take on the challenge of building the BIGGEST castle you’ve ever seen! Join me as I craft an ultimate fortress, showcasing incredible designs, intricate details, and massive structures that will leave you in awe. Watch as I gather resources, construct towering walls, and add stunning features like grand halls, secret rooms, and majestic… Read More

Suev – I Survived 100 Days in a 1×1 BORDER in Minecraft Hardcore!