Suev – I Survived 200 Days in DAWNCRAFT in Minecraft Hardcore! [FULL MOVIE]

Video Information

I survived a total of 200 days in hardcore dawncraft so I decided to compile both of my videos into one and make a full movie out of it dawncraft is a huge new mod pack that turns Minecraft into an RPG there’s a whole new combat system questline in 43 new bosses to

Defeat I have to collect the 12 eyes that are scattered throughout different bosses and structures to reach the end and defeat the Ender Dragon I have not had this much fun playing a mod pack in a long time so without further Ado everybody grab your favorite snacks

Relax and enjoy as I try to survive 100 days in hardcore Dawn craft all right here we are so starting out we already got a few items we have a village map which points us to the nearest Village uh compass and Mt Andy catless and bread with a leather tunic

The atlas is just like a map and it lets me mark down things and see what’s nearby so that’s really useful and look at this third person perspective it is a lot different than regular Minecraft and it is very very cool we also have stamina so I can’t just run infinitely

Oh and that is a dangerous animal now here we got a little guy called korok and he’s here to just introduce us to the world we are summoned to defeat the Ender Dragon fabled beasts like giants werewolves and even other dragons obtained at least 12 Mystic eyes and use

Them to locate and open the Gateway into the end yeah in this mod pack you have to get special Eyes of Ender which are quite difficult to get treat the villagers well because uh if they see you steal stuff from them they will actually get mad and you’ll lose

Reputation with them anyways let’s say all right to that and oh we got an Airship over there oh and we got some Kingdom hours over there oh and we gotta okay we got a tiger I’m not going that way Source Berry that’s a lot of source

Berries I don’t know what way can I what what happens if I eat that Mana regeneration interesting and getting wood in this pack is a bit different it’s like a lumberjack effect there we go and I am sorry little guy but oh that’s fight him in combat mode

To do more damage yeah another thing to mention is that there’s a combat mode where you deal 100 of your damage but you have to attack like this if you’re a normal fight mode where you’re not in that stance you deal 50 of normal damage

Okay we got a bunch of stuff going on around here holy moly look at that we have so many things just all in one area oh and oh okay what ah what is that the following me I swear okay oh my goodness it’s a troll oh no got a ruined portal

Here which maybe we can find some some good stuff actually let’s check it out oh golden knife Windswept gold and chest plate so items also have additional perks on them which is really nice like this one gives me additional speed oh we got a spell which will be useful

Guardian gem yeah you can also socket gems into items just look at this this is insane let’s put these on let’s say that was a pretty good little loot rummage there and what is over here barrels Moss blocks whoa what do we have inside this because this is not this is

Different than that I think oh okay nope no illusioners are not some people that I’m able to fight yet carrots that’s good sugar cane I’m just stealing all their Farm Supplies while I can are there any items I can snag like look there’s a couple of chests there

Maybe I can try to you know sneak up on okay there’s a sack which is good so beautiful can’t have them see me excuse me guys I’m just trying to steal some of your loot that’s all oh there we go oh emeralds and that’s okay

This is when we leave I continued on my way to find a village I ran into some sheep along the way which was good because that way I was able to make a bed and sleep off the first night upon waking up to the next morning I got

Attacked by some creature but soon my map started showing progress oh oh Maps moving what is this we have like a tower a castle I don’t know hold on cake there has to be some mobs here oh furnace yeah I don’t know what’s going on here hold

On oh oh chain mail boots okay destructive wooden pickaxe it’s a special wooden pickaxe hey it’s better than what I have right now so I’ll take it a rare item oh iron shovel with mending uncommon one there’s a regeneration potion that’ll be useful and a bunch of building blocks now I

Think if I go down it’s just gonna be dangerous I don’t see it being like a safe thing yeah hold on hold on hold on I get greedy sometimes okay are there any free chests that I can pick up no but you know what we can do is Mark this

Down on our map here we can put dungeon boom we can return here later now let’s go find that Village oh Sentinel night okay that’s a boss we’ll have to fight later but I will mark down that there’s a boss here somewhere here we go here we

Go we’re going in the direction of the village finally ah here we go we made it oh man Yellowstone hello seems you found a village yes okay oh and here we have the Guild Master this is a very important guy seems like it’s your first time visiting the guild would you like

To take on your first Quest yes uh I don’t think you’ll be able to find the eyes in your current conditions come back to me once you’ve defeated 10 pillagers okay let’s look around the village here and maybe we can snag a bit of Lou this looks cool by the way

Villagers don’t take lightly to you taking their stuff so I can only take their stuff if they’re not looking like nobody’s looking at me while I’m looking at these barrels right oh food what happens if I break this do I get the food oh yes I do hello oh

Hey guys oh don’t mind me don’t just be going upstairs you know oh a Bookshop oh nobody’s nobody’s looking I don’t know they’re not looking technically right so let me just grab some books you guys see nothing right okay there’s a chest here but as as long as these guys are here I

Can’t really Elite these you know what I’ll I’ll maybe I’ll come back later oh there’s a chest hold on they they see nothing guys okay they saw nothing let me leave oh I just stripped their wood backs I’m sorry I’m sorry about that oh that doesn’t look friendly

Okay ow ow ow and the Knight is here so we will sleep off the second night rise and shine to the third day ow oh what’s going on here oh oh what is going on here do I see free loot thank you nobody sees me right I mean come on

That’s nice wait are these These are diamonds hold on nobody sees me right okay diamonds thank you thank you for the diamonds what do we have up here and how do I get up there block up hello oh that’s a bunch of campfire oh that’s just a chimney is there any loot here

Any secret loot no all that for nothing and we go what else do we got in this Village oh hello this guy has a quest for us hello good sir could you help me with something all right he’s an ambitious farmer he needs pumpkin seeds okay all right Tegan we’ll work on that

I then ran into another house and found this mining table which seemed pretty interesting I think it was just used to recruit villagers and after that I tried to talk to a villager called Catherine The Village decided on the last second not to talk to you

What wait what wait what are you talking about why are you not talking to me wait do they know that I stole something wait hold on let me check the Guild Master this is not good check this neutral oh why do you why didn’t he want

To talk to me you know what I don’t appreciate you talking to me like that or not talking to me rather yeah I did not appreciate that and you know what you know what later on destruction destruction that’s all I’m gonna say for now though I continued my travels in the

Village and I I met a special friend oh hello hello hello wait can I tame this wolf oh come on best friends best friends forever hello wait look at it has its Taco it’s so cute I’ve never seen something so incredible in my life yeah I have a new

Pet I found this statue which essentially lets you trade in Essences which you can get from defeating powerful mobs for extra hearts or stamina so I’d have to keep that in mind and after that I uh I began trying to borrow borrow loot from a villager is he

Keeping an eye on me is that what he’s doing okay I’m leaving I’m leaving I’m leaving I’m leaving Guys I said no nice we got an iron pickaxe wait is this another one of these oh more diamonds are you kidding me what is that what is that okay that doesn’t look friendly Carol oh iron sword there is a lot of loot in villages oh my goodness

Look at these blocks of coal oh yes that’s nice I think that is enough looting the village for now I feel like this is gonna be the best spot for our kingdom just because it’s at the top of the mountain and it’s next to the Village to chest there we go and I

Decided I would name our new dog newpy and I was able to use the wheat from my chest to make a stack of bread I was set on food now I was ready to continue with my Adventures now let’s check out what’s over there ah jump yeah no I’m good I’m good I’m

Not jumping down there that’s not happening what do we got oh we got some type of Kingdom over there oh and we got angry little guys okay blocked take that I can try to fight this guy in combat mode got him oh he’s just okay all right

Sorry fellas oh and there’s nothing here okay what do we got over there what is that is that another Village we got a lot of these Goblin fellas Dodge okay I’m running away I hate fighting enemies in fight mode I swear it’s the most difficult thing ever got him

Whoa that was a cool water animation let’s head over here I this is a very interesting looking Castle oh Goblin King oh boy I don’t think I’m ready for a boss like that so you know what I’m gonna do I’m gonna mark this down here

We go now what do we have over here oh I think this is a friendly guy hello one apple and four tropical fish maybe I can recruit them hold on are there any I doubt there’s any tropical fish in here right we need like a tropical ocean yeah

I don’t see any tropical fish and it looks like here we have another Village that does mean that I can snag a little bit more loot I started some quests around the village uh one of which wanted paper and the other wanted me to hunt down a shark which I wasn’t gonna

Do yet but I did uh gather some more loot around the village I was also given a quest to locate and retrieve a child that had been kidnapped by pillagers so we would get to doing that later and after all that Village lurking was done I got back to adventuring I ended up

Finding a ship which I swam towards but it was filled with way too many villagers so I absolutely turned the other way and then found a cave which I headed into I found some zinc ore which seemed to be used for engineering type stuff but I wasn’t ready for that yet

And I also got coal which I would definitely need as I put progressed further into the cave though I was met with some tough zombies hello uh we got we got some geared up zombies why can’t they just be normal zombies okay so two attacks on block okay oh he attacks

Twice okay hold on we gotta be careful fighting off these zombies is a lot harder than I would have liked to be oh I’m invisible to The Defenders vanish oh this enchantment makes it so that I I can be invisible when taking damage for a bit oh that’s really nice actually

Okay oh boy oh boy okay you know what uh I’m gonna leave I don’t think this cave is the place for me right now so let’s continue adventuring instead soon after I found this Tower the top of it didn’t have anything but as I headed down the

Stairs I found a dungeon I made my way through its Halls looting some chests and clearing out some spawners I was having a pretty good dime down here actually uh gearing up with some rare loot and lots of oars I continued looting and progressing through the

Dungeon I finally ran into a mob here which which was a skeleton archer and by alternating between blocking and attacking I was able to successfully take it out I found a very interesting stone sword that had bonus fire damage on it and was actually better than my

Iron sword so I equipped it I also found a rare chest plate which gives you the resistance effect when attacked and it had some other nice traits on it and then progressed to the next floor and that is when things started getting more dangerous ah what is that thing let me

Shoot this thing down these guys are no good oh no oh look at my arrow did no damage to it whoa disappeared where’d it go oh there it is Tiding okay I got it I think good I continued making my way through the dungeon but it only got more challenging the loot also

Got better though and I was getting a lot of upgrades for my gear I was definitely living life on the Edge by being down here but I was mostly fine until this happened oh my goodness oh my goodness did you see how many silverfish there are there how is this possible trap them

Down there okay okay that’s not supposed to happen oh my God oh my goodness this is insane this is insane get away okay I’m done I’m done I’m done I’m done I’m done yeah that was definitely quite the experience after moving far from the silverfish I was

Able to get them to despawn and continued adventuring through the dungeon I shortly after found a boss down here with the name Claudius blood glare and while I thought that this guy would be easy to deal with he ended up being a whole lot harder to defeat than

I thought he would be but after pecking at him for a few minutes and taking tons of damage I was able to finally take him down right after that another boss spawn named Pilgrim the Sharpshooter who I was able to take down with much more ease

And when I finally entered the room they were in I found a piercing four Quick Charge 3 power 5 crossbow and on top of that a netherite chest plate I was swimming in Loot and that crossbow is especially important I was able to make it to the final layer of the dungeon

Which had another theme to it and the loot here was really really good especially this efficiency Unbreaking Three diamond pickaxe I got that can break in a three by two area anyways with all of that loaded I finally headed out and found a village where things

Went uh a bit wrong hello Quest Master is that just I’m supposed to oh no they saw me open the barrel oh no oh no I didn’t even get anything it wasn’t even worth it oh my goodness I’m unwelcomed in villages oh my goodness I need to

Make this bundled Emerald so I need one more emerald and a piece of leather and if I give that to them it’ll restore my reputation oh what is going on no no no no no hold on I think I might be able to defeat this guy oh my goodness Should be doing a lot of damage to him did I just defeat a villager I just defeated a villager no I did not mean to do that oh my goodness things are going wrong okay I defeated this troll at least he didn’t even oh he did

Drop he drops in essence well I just I just defeated a villager the that might make the guards kind of mad at me could I have a single Emerald please I want to replenish my reputation let’s sleep this night off it seems my reputation is bad and if my reputation drops lower they

Might start attacking me what is this thing dude dude what is this this what is that dude dude get away Villagers do you not see what I’m doing for you over here I’m defeating all these weird dudes this looks like something that could have some emeralds in it if you know what I mean nothing to lose anyways oh yes yes yes that should mean I should be able to do this and

That boom bundled emeralds and now if I go to the Guild Master I should just have to put that in there and I think when I sleep my reputation will be restored let me see what the rest of this building has whoa that’s cool Belladonna crystal ball whoa whoa people

Are doing some weird stuff here alter I don’t want to mess with the Villager that lives here oh my goodness look at this I have found a literal witch altar it’s kind of creepy let’s head back home hopefully please as I was heading back home I ran into the Sentinel night now

Given that it was a melee boss I figured I might be able to use my new crossbow to defeat it and uh well this this wasn’t exactly the smartest idea we should be good to go into the fight The Sentinel night land a shot on him while he’s not

Looking I can’t really do much damage to him can I melee hit this guy oh no ow I need to bait him out so he drops his shield Boop he’s doing something ow I’m getting a lot of shots on him but I need to heal what is he doing okay go go go

Oh boy oh boy oh boy I don’t think I can melee hit this guy oh boy okay blocked I’m doing no damage to this guy oh he dropped his shield spam shots come on got him got oh night robber hold on hold on hold on Knight Robert

Prime oh my goodness oh my God there’s a second boss oh boy what is he doing oh boy oh my goodness this boss is insane I have shots wait what is this what is this oh I’m good I don’t know what he’s doing shots I almost got him I almost got him

I almost got him oh we got him with that we had defeated both night robber and the Sentinel knight from this we got the Rogue guy which is one of the 12 eyes needed for the end portal now let’s get back to our village which I believe should be this

Way oh feels good to have her first boss defeated that’s for sure and this is our village I believe I think we have returned we should now be good with villagers that’s awesome and a home sweet home I went around the villagers near me to check up on all of the quests

That I had available to me there was a villager named Gigi that wanted one of my spirit orbs and um doing this Quest later ends up uh it ends up being a mistake anyways I also got a quest to find a villager’s book in some kind of a

Temple which I also end up doing later and finally I handed in a quest that required five spider eyes and with that I got a trading contract for the cleric Guild I had to place down a lectern and right click it with the contract to sign

It and now I could trade with clerics in the Village yeah something I should mention is that until I complete all the Villager quests I can’t trade with any of them I wanted to get back on track with adventuring and completing the quests I got so that I could get closer

To entering into the end so I crafted a diamond helmet for myself and the first Quest I wanted to complete was retrieving The Lost Child from the pillagers because this would also give me a chance to complete my quest of defeating 10 pillagers whoa are these guys uh aggressive they’re fighting each other

No he wants to fight me oh my goodness hold on these guys are scary take that what were they guarding is there anything in here no okay back to the guards map oh yes yes yes yes yes oh is the kid there I definitely need arrows oh man oh man oh

Man no no no I’m not ready hold on oh one of the guys dropped his Scythe hold on that’s pretty cool look at this oh my goodness oh that’s a lot of damage no there’s no way I’m saving this kid this kid’s done for I’m sorry no way not yet I need I

Need to gear up some more then I was continuing adventuring minding my own business when this happened oh oh my goodness I just got attacked by a hippogriff wow it is diving for me look at that thing okay okay I need to go back eat come here come here come here

Wow it has a lot of Health okay I can take it out from here I got it oh my goodness wow Griffin feather it’s a looks like a legendary level item I had defeated a griffin that randomly attacked me I don’t know what its problem was but it

Did lead me to a castle which had a diamond pickaxe inside of it and another gem which I was getting a lot of but we can only use gems later on anyways I explored more of this castle and found a bedroom inside which looked very cozy

And had some good loot including a fire aspect one book there was also an Armory here which had some decent gear and I snapped it all up I then ended up running into this little ruin thing and it had some barrels with a bunch of feathers and emeralds both of which were

A good loot for me I gathered up some Flint after that and made myself a bunch of arrows and with that I was kind of confident in approaching the kidnappers here we are so these guys oh my goodness that it looks scary oh my goodness okay into the water I go

Wow there are a lot of them I hope they don’t have a spawner That’s three hello got him oh wow oh wow where are they coming from oh they can come down ladders this is an insane amount of these guys oh boy run got him piercing lets me get a lot of my arrows back and poster oh here’s the little guy here’s the little guy okay

We’re gonna have to save him we have to save him let’s see what else we got going on here oh we got chests hello hello oh oh I just defeated a raid Captain I need milk iron hello enchanting table what is going on in here okay that’s not good that’s one down

It’s two down that’s three some loot here let’s get this little guy out of here hey buddy he’s following follow me Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy kid do not follow me got him I need to take the kid off follow mode and I need to get this bad Omen effect off of me before I do anything else okay I have a bucket which

Is perfect let’s find a cow ah cow yes yes yes hello wandering Trader whoa you got quite the sword there Phantom membrane 64 diamonds for Eternal vigilance we’re here we need to get to at least home or that Village let’s create a path for the kid to walk on

Now you can follow me let’s go I’m gonna have to build a staircase going down here we go come with me buddy perfect I’m gonna go straight to home I don’t know what this guy’s name so we’ll just call him buddy come on buddy right this way oh don’t go in there

Buddy buddy not in these buddy You gotta get buddy to avoid these bushes I don’t know how buddy deals with water so we’re gonna build another pathway for him okay there we go oh seems like he’s okay with water Oh boy buddy you’re in the wrong spot okay hold on we’re gonna move buddy over here you’re gonna stay there okay good jakura Clark oh Quest completed nice okay wait we completed the quest is the kid gonna go back to his his father no it doesn’t look like it okay well perfect we’ve

Done it we’ve done it we’ve done it okay now we just need to find that guard and collect our reward oh you actually did it to be honest I wasn’t optimistic about the kid’s survival here I’ll teach you a new skill swordmaster you gain a 30 attack speed bonus learn

Nice oh wow that’s awesome thank you so much sir I appreciate it yeah with that let’s return home and restock on food before doing another quest ah Snoopy such a good boy you know what let me just get a piece of mutton for you boom there we go you deserve it newbie with

Some food now and arrows left over I would like to try and defeat the Goblin King teleport over here and let’s approach his castle oh and one of his minions is already here attacking me oh my goodness he just spun me around got him I think this is supposed to be

The entrance is that the Goblin King no that’s just a huge oh wow I’m taking that guy out from this little hole that I have built myself and let me make my way inside take them out there’s so many of these little guys so far so good oh that’s the Goblin King

Oh boy he’s pretty fast okay oh my goodness okay he does damage pretty quick I’m gonna oh I got him I got his crown whoa whoa whoa that was that was kind of close we got some gems here oh man that’s awesome and I got his crown Windswept Goblin crown of the

Defender here we have the throne the block of emerald I’ll take that you know what let me put that back for a moment ah yes feels good I checked what loot was around the top of the castle and found this Windswept Ring Of Glory which had a really nice effect that heals you

When you defeat enemies and it also gave me an additional speed boost when I wore it in my offhand I accidentally found this treasure room as well which had some blocks of ore and a chest in it now that we had defeated the Goblin King I

Wanted to return to our quest line and the next Quest that I wanted to go on was finding the librarian’s book which had gotten lost somewhere apparently while following the map I found a horse and I took the chance to tame and gear it up so that I could travel faster oh

And you can set it as your personal horse and now if I go here I can whistle it over to me which is perfect it looks like we have another Quest here two grown wheat from the farm sure I’ll bring you two grown wheat where’s where’s the farm though oh hello

Oh hello another Quest Crimson wood stems I accept oh and here we have wheat hope you don’t mind me taking some of this no problem my friend do you accept this wool a trading contract to the shepherd Guild so this will let me trade with Shepherds now let’s head to this

Librarians ruin while traveling I encountered a moose and a polar bear which I unfortunately had to defeat for its hide as a part of a quest I then ran into more of these strange guys which I have no idea what the story is behind them but I took them out and they

Dropped a rare variant of the Scythe which I tested out and this thing was absolutely insane it had some kind of Spin Attack that lets you hit everything around you and I was doing a crazy amount of damage soon after I found this building which I approached and got the

Achievement Hunter’s cabin when I went inside Pillager started spawning here which I took out and realized that I was completing my 10 Pillager Quest I should also mention that this is a very important quest in leads to the rest of the main storyline so doing this was

Crucial I looted the chest here which were actually filled with a decent amount of loot including a slingshot and then a raid leader spawned which was not amazing Muse because that would give me the bad Omen effect but I took him out and I opened the trap door to the second

Floor which had a bunch of pillagers with my ring though I healed whenever I defeated the pillagers and that let me take them all on with that I completed my quest the loot on the second layer was pretty mediocre so with everything explored I headed out right next to me

Was a dungeon Tower which I headed into and definitely needed to get some armor from because my boots had broken and I was not going to survive for long without armor I’ll tell you that much I’ve managed to find a pair of leggings right away which I needed and rare boots

Pretty soon after that which was perfect everything mostly went as usual and eventually I made it to the bottom floor where I got a bunch of golden apples ores and more Goodyear that that I made sure to take as backup for later with that loot collected I left the dungeon

And was returning home when this happened and I just started to read on accident that’s really bad I’m pretty sure that affects my reputation quite negatively um defending a raid right now is probably going to be extremely difficult if I’m honest like I can try you know I

Can try let me try because I feel bad you know supposed to be protecting the villagers here oh my goodness not the baby creepers man oh man I was just looking for milk oh boy what have I gotten myself into villagers I swear I’m trying to protect you here oh my goodness

This guy had a flamethrower got him where’s everybody else at look at him he has a massive sword oh my crossbow is about to break I’m not gonna be able to handle this right am I you might just have to accept this loss I need a Way Stone and I’m leaving I

Don’t see a Way Stone here off we go uh I feel bad but you know that’s just how it goes sometimes guys we got a couple signs here one of which could be a village nope that’s definitely not a village and we got him we got a little bit of

Loot steak that’s good a lot of apples which I will actually take oh my goodness oh hi hello villagers all right let’s head back home I was finally home but unfortunately my crossbow was now on the verge of breaking and to make things worse I

Wouldn’t be able to use an anvil until I got further in the quest line the good news was that we had completed our quest of defeating 10 pillagers so I talked to the Guild Master and in return got the ability to roll this ability is actually

Really useful and I was really happy to get it I spoke to the guildmaster once more to begin my next quest with him which ended up being defeating the Goblin King he also described that seven of the unique Eyes of Ender can be obtained through looting and crafting

But five of them are held by Bosses now I had already defeated the Goblin King but it didn’t register since I hadn’t started this Quest yet so I would have to defeat him again I didn’t have my crossbow anymore but in place of it I at

Least had a power 2 rare bow which actually turns out to be pretty good while on the search for another Goblin King I ran into one of these underground dungeons which I decided I would enter and try to quickly loot I made sure to grab extra pieces of gear and on the

Bottom floor got some highly Enchanted pieces of gear with the dungeon fully looted I headed back up and while exploring I found a mini Goblin Outpost which didn’t seem to have any goblins in it but it did have some decent loot that I collected and right next to that was a

Village which I hope to find a way Stone in I went around checking in on what quest the villagers had for me which there were a lot of actually and then I teleported home to drop off all of my loot I continued searching for the

Goblin King and I found him but I also found someone else someone uh pretty dangerous Goblin King yes yes yes yes yes yes yes oh it’s show time oh what is going on here whoa look at that armor hold on what it was armor but it’s nothing good interesting I think The

Illusionist boss is here I only have 23 arrows maybe we should go for it got him I don’t know if these oh I think I’ve engaged the fight let’s do this is going invisible is this him yep he’s still here where is he I see his particles

I don’t see a health bar so we’re just gonna have to pray that we’re doing good damage to him where’d he go I hear him oh here he is let’s get him he’s not hitting me at all where’d he go got his hat off we got him

Conjure oh it was the conjure not The Illusionist we got him though this decreases magic damage by 30 percent interesting well we got the conjure folks and we got throwing cards can I use that I don’t know look at that bouncy ball that was a nice little boss fight I’ll

Keep his hat oh this is a cool painting actually wow oh cool okey-dokey let’s go defeat the Goblin King seems that he is somewhere over this way oh here it is finally we found the Goblin King again defeating the Goblin King again went mostly as before its minions did a lot of damage

To me actually but I got them down and then the king started running away from me which was pretty annoying but uh I was able to Corner him and take him down I handed in The Quest To The Guild Master and he gave me a new quest to

Defeat a corrupted ogre he also gave me a map this time so that would make finding it a lot easier let’s follow it what is this some creepy old abandoned structure oh there’s a villager here oh uh he saw me leave his chest I’m sorry fella

Um that had some interesting alert oh my map is moving my map is moving night Rover again let’s mark that down in case we ever need it oh my God are you kidding me it’s a hippogriff got it nice I think we are very close actually

And there’s a village here while I was in the village I decided I would uh you know borrow some food but uh unfortunately the villagers saw me loot one of their chests after that though adventuring started to go well and look at that holy moly what’s going on here

We have reached the destination on our map but before we go there let’s quickly see what we can find here we got a ruined portal here as well is there any loot oh Truth The Quirk is protecting it oh looks like this guy is protecting a chest oh yeah sure is the quick

Got it what did it drop lightning resistance let’s see if we got anything else and we got nothing amazing here it seems let’s see what’s over here oh it’s a little little village I guess shipwreck Village and they got a bunch of quests oh I can’t I think they’re mad at me I

Think my reputation is low with them unfortunately and we’re finally showing on the map ow oh I just took a bunch of damage and this looks like it would be the ogre’s habitat dig in oh hello there’s guys in there too all right well corrupt it over the eye holder

Can’t break through can he all right and we got him corrupted ogre down and we got the Lost eye it is still that it was forged by the first blacksmiths of time we got these fellas here which I think are supposed to be mean but they’re kind

Of slow so we’ll just leave them in here with the ogre defeated and lost I collected I headed for home but along the way I ran into a few different structures there’s also this little mushroom Village here got mushroom guys here I’m running out of food

But I’d like to quickly take a look at what’s here nothing here oh boy got him yeah I’m leaving I’m leaving hello can I tame that type of animal I don’t know oh don’t you dare they stole do not steal my food guys do not steal my food you’re gonna

Die soon after I found this Fisherman’s Lodge which contained quite a lot of barrels and sacks of loot around it I checked them all out and there was a lot of fishing supply for sure I went inside and I found the interior to be quite beautiful actually this fisherman was uh

He was living quite well I mean it kind of made me want to live like a fisherman the chests were full of different uh types of hunting supplies and having checked out what was here I decided I would venture onward and finally found a village I traded in a sack of emeralds

And then slept off the night and now I was friendly with the Villagers once more the next Quest that the Guild Master gave me was to defeat the night robber once again uh some bad news was that the village started burning down so I had to rush over and try to put the

Fire out before it caused any more damage I was able to stop it fairly early and patched up the lava that caused it in the first place as I prepared to take on night robber a Wandering Trader approached me who was selling an ax called bone splitter that

Had an insane amount of enchantments on it I mean it had sharpness 10 and looting 5 which you can’t even normally get I decided I would pay the 45 emeralds and a diamond ax to buy it and uh yeah now I own this thing which it’s

A crazy weapon with that I headed over to night Robert’s castle and uh got ready to fight him let’s head in we should probably put a shield on and there are goblins here hello see how well this ax works well can one shot the Goblins which is good

Oh okay I’m taking a lot of damage though right off the bat okay oh and it’s hard to oh yeah it’s very hard to hit these guys it might turn out that our Scythe is better yeah that’s that’s easier let’s do this and I’m getting shot at but we can take

Him out from range we’re doing a lot of damage to him and we got him that was uh that was surprisingly easy actually okay Quest completed I returned to the Guild Master who gave me my next quest in which I had to defeat a boss called Nine Tails as my

Reward from defeating Knight Rober I I said it correctly this time I think I unlocked a lot of things including the Anvil which was a big step forward it allowed me to repair my crossbow and make a power three flame one bow and I also found out that I could combine gear

That had perks on it with Enchanted gear to make some very strong armor with my gear upgraded I felt confident in hunting down the next boss and this boss does not end up being what you expect it to be okay let me have ender pearls and golden apples ready oh here’s the house

Here it is let’s do this there he is he’s coming for me already okay oh my goodness did he just oh my goodness look at this guy holy smokes he’s redirecting my arrows Golden Apple oh my goodness he does a lot of damage oh no Golden Apple oh my God

Look at this guy wow he took out half my health oh we got him wow um our bow did a lot of damage exotic eye well we defeated nine tails that was a very quick fight at this point I’m not even surprised good job the nine tails was a notoriously violent

Spirit the next eye holder isn’t Undead and Undead with many tricks up its sleeves to be precise as a reward for defeating nine tails I unlock the ability to use the enchanting table and smithing table both of which would allow me to significantly upgrade my gear

Before hunting the next boss I wanted to make ourselves a base it was kind of uh upsetting returning home to empty grass every time given the fact that we had defeated the Goblin King I figured it would be easier to set up in that Kingdom and then add a few additional

Details before doing that though I put silk touch on my pickaxe that can break a 3×2 area and I used it to mine up a bunch of stones so that I could craft stone bricks I also really wanted to get efficiency 4 on my shovels so that I

Would easily be able to clear out areas with it I would need 30 levels to enchant it though so I decided decided to head out to the orc encampment next to me and invade it a little bit some of these guys were easy to take out but

There was this orc leader who was really buffed up and I sat there for a long time trying to defeat him eventually I had to switch to melee attacks and then I finally got him the chest here were basic with some torches ores and gems

And I continued on after that to find a ship and I felt like now I could finally match the strength of these guys so I started going after them and you know what I was hanging in there with the Pirates pretty well but I got a little bit dangerous when the melee guys

Started coming after me I ran to get some distance from them and took them out from range and I then blocked the existing melee guys and farmed them up from here which was uh nice after a bit I saw this interesting structure in the distance I walked in and got the

Achievement the bear claw in which read out in for a wary traveler I made my way in further and this place was decked out with furniture future and a lot of wandering Traders there were some bartenders here as well that I had some casual conversation with and I checked

The trades of the wandering traders who had maps to mushroom Villages and a lot of farm supply stuff I also found a journal here that was titled the bear hunt and it told the story of how some people tried to trap a bear with honey but then the bear ate all the honey

Without getting caught in the Trap so yeah they lost on that one I explored the second layer of this place and with that checked out I headed outside there was a horse stable next to the Inn as well that ended up having some armored pigs inside of it which I thought was

Just hilarious I ended up finding a Coliseum but uh nothing nothing really happened here yeah I looked around but there there was just nothing anyways I ran into a battle tower after that and I didn’t want to fight the boss here yet although we do do that later and that’s

That’s what that’s quite the experience yeah I don’t want to talk about it but this was a great place to farm experience so I just farmed up the mobs for a while and got to level 31 before I decided to leave because my gear started

To break pretty badly I ran over to the kingdom where we defeated the Goblin King the first time which was actually a really nice location because it was inside a village and on top of that the interior here was really really nice and ready to move into there were some half

Generated structures on the side of the castle which I spent some time removing and was able to remove them a lot faster by using my 3×2 pickaxe and once I was done with that things felt a lot cleaner with that done I created an opening at

The front and placed a waist sewn down so that I could easily teleport back here now that I had the bass move in ready I started working on a little storage and moving in all of my things it was not a slow process all right I mean I know there’s some people that

Love organizing but that’s not me but I it had to be done so I worked on sectioning out the items as well well and by day 43 I was done after that um I know that I plan on enchanting my shovel but my gear was so beaten down

Again that I had to spend my levels on repairing it I cleared out the rest of our first base and then I needed to transport newbie who I transported by boat and uh now he was here in our new home I also named newpy with a name tag

But uh it didn’t show up for some reason but in our hearts we all know that that this is newbie so with our storage sorted and still no efficiency for a shovel I set up a level 30 enchanting table in this room which literally had the perfect

Outline for this the first detail that I wanted to add to our new Castle was a staircase leading up to the entrance because as of now there was no easy way to walk into the base so I started by clearing out some dirt to create a

Walkway and I guess at this time I just I didn’t really care about efficiency 4 because it wouldn’t take that long to dig it out and once I finished the walkway I started working on the staircase which I made too wide and carved into the mountain with a curve

Going outwards it was really easy to walk down and up which I liked a lot and I added a supporting wall as well I then came to the idea of building a border around the castle because it was very unclear as to what was happening on the

Outside this would require me to dig out a lot of grass so this time I actually set my mind on getting that efficiency for shovel I needed lapis so that I would be able to to enchant it so that’s when I came to the realization that I

Had to go mining and Mining in this pack is it’s it’s very scary The Cave opening that I found just kind of dropped me down this interesting never-ending tunnel which now that I think of it I I put a lot of trust in that tunnel uh but

There was an array of wild mobs here I mean you you got a glowing squid skeleton a Crystal Golem and a plethora of skeletons and zombies eventually I found lapis down here which I very quickly got to Mining and I got a stack just like that which was nice I then was

Looking at my inventory when I got set on fire by this pyromancer guy I had never seen him before but I quickly took him out and uh I ended up finding a mine shaft which I alluded a chest in that gave me this takeoff spell book and this

Thing comes very very in handy later on I finally went back up to the surface and was attacked by this thing which looked freaky but my arrows were able to take it out and with lapis collected I continued my adventures in search of experience oh we got one of these

Dungeons this could give me a good amount of levels all right let’s have a look here’s the next layer already Farm up some of these mobs thank you for the levels my friend thank you for the levels yeah this definitely works for experience here we go layer down oh boy that’s a boss

That’s like a boss boss we are going to avoid any attacks from him oh my goodness okay we got him how uh oh ow you got jumped at me out of nowhere chance has got an apple oh my goodness that’s a very nice chest plate better

Than mine it’s a good shovel that might be it for this place I returned home and using the efficiency 3 shovel I combined it with an efficiency book and got the efficiency for a shovel I had been working towards with that done I got to work I began working on digging out a

Border around our Castle then I filled in the border with stone bricks which wasn’t the same block type that the castle was made of but I figured that it would still look nice because it fit within the theme and it was easy to get once I was done with that the exterior

Of the base was looking a lot better I also added some stone brick walls around the edges and extended them down the staircase I finished things off by adding torches around the walls making our base mob proof and I added iron doors with buttons on the outside for

Additional protection with the levels we had left over from our travels I Enchanted some gear to try to upgrade it but I didn’t have any good luck it also turned out I couldn’t use a grindstone yet until I progressed for further in the quest line so why couldn’t

Re-enchant the pieces of gear I at least was able to put a jam onto my leggings called base overheal which makes it so your attacks give you a bit of Health absorption and in good news I managed to create a power for flame 1 infinity bow meaning I wouldn’t have to worry about

Arrows anymore and with those advancements made I felt prepared to take on the skeleton lord map to the skeleton lord we have to go north east let’s go on our way I soon approached this strange mushroom structure where I was attacked by a plague of mobs

Let me see if I can try to quickly loot a bit of this oh boy oh boy there’s a lot of these guys holy smokes look at this look at how many there are there’s no way that’s normal oh my goodness oh my goodness there was some decent

Loot I managed to find here but not without having to combat through hordes of creatures wow wow wow nothing eventually I made it to the top and continued onwards Lord of sorcery the skeleton Overlord he is showing up now oh boy oh yeah that’s probably it right

There we have found it I should grab this way Stone and there’s an ogre here which I’m actually gonna take out I think I got him yep he’s dead all right he dropped a giant eye fragment a fragment of the Giant’s eye useful for completing villager quests huh that

Comes in handy later on but it was time to move on to our boss fight I dug out some dirt and built up towards the skeleton Overlord and let me tell you this guy I can’t even call it a guy this evil spirit is no joke I do not like this okay

Here we are I see the boss oh boy what is that hey it’s this fire guy oh okay I’m like two shotting or one shotting these guys oh yeah that’s good yeah back away folks wow there are a lot of these guys that’s it I’ve cleared all the area around us out

And uh okay let’s start this fight I’m just gonna bow with this guy oh yeah my heroes are doing a lot of damage whoa okay we gotta Dodge that what is he doing now oh no oh no no no can I like shoot these skulls what is going on

How do I break these oh my goodness taking shots at him let’s need a golden apple in case oh boy oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness Golden Apple okay take a shot at him oh my goodness ender pearl that’s good take it one more shot we got him

Yeah we got him magical eye okay without this eye the evoker has no power nice that got a little bit close but we mostly stayed okay what is that what is that what is that guy die oh my goodness I got it and a pearl down to that

Village oh there’s a look at that it’s a rainbow Circle it’s not even just a regular Rainbow I don’t know what’s going on there the skeleton lord is probably the most powerful and dead I’ve ever seen I’m surprised you were able to take him down all right let’s see the

Next eye is guarded by a renowned Holy Knight map to the Sentinel night none of the adventures I know ever got past him I heard he’s holding the key that frees the eye from its Dorman State let’s follow this map holy moly look at this what is this is this another boss or

What is it uh hello this turned out to be a puzzle room and I was met with my first riddle three boxes one box has gold there is a message in each only one message is true B1 gold is not here B2 gold is not here B3 gold is in B2 let me

Know what answer you guys got to this I don’t remember exactly how but I came to the answer being box one uh something to do with it being the least probable that it was telling the truth it might be in B1 how no guys I’m scared I think it’s in B1 oh boy

Oh I think I made it past to the next level the next one was a pattern type of question where it gives you five letters and you have to figure out what order they go in I ended up getting the answer c-a-b-d-e and I got it right the next

Riddle was a bit more complex and I ended up getting it wrong on the first try but was able to walk back through and get it right on the second try and the last riddle was just asking for the order of correct answers which I remembered and got dropped into a room

Where I got two spirit orbs as a reward which was really nice because I could use these for extra hearts with that done I headed back out to continue our journey of finding the Sentinel night soon enough I found his tree and this Castle which ends up being insane you’re

You’re gonna want to see what happens in there trust me anyways I was now ready to fight the Sentinel Knight once more I think I’m ready enter combat mode and let’s just start bowing them down we’re even doing a good amount of damage through the shield and honestly I don’t

Want to deal with anything so I’m just gonna deal image right through the oh oh that thing is creepy oh man here we go primordial one okay going to under Purl out of that no thank you should be close to getting them here okay and we got him finally nice we did

That so that Quest is complete now let’s check out this area here as I approach The Fortress it gave me the achievement Pillager Fortress I entered in on the inside found this room with a checkerboard floor and some recruits available for hire it’s like a big Pillager Castle it seems got some

Beetroot might need that pumpkin I’m gonna need that look at these this looks really cool as I made my way up I started running into pillagers and I ran into an ultimate Pillager meaning that it was buffed up I carefully took shots at it and it ended up getting me really

Low before I was able to take it out I explored the second level and there was a lot of loot scattered around hearing oh look at this a little Armory as I went back to the main lobby I defeated a raid leader which ended up starting a raid I soon after found a

Room full of evokers and let me tell you these guys were not the typical kind okay hello we got a Brokers let’s take these guys out whoa oh boy oh wow what are they they got some Shields look at this they had like these shields around them which wouldn’t let

Me shoot them with my bow so I had to go in with my sight I got some totems of undying from this which was nice but things did not get any safer where oh is this this guy I think it’s that guy what is he doing

Holy moly holy moly hold on the Vex is spawned by evokers we’re doing a lot of damage and I was having trouble fighting them off take him out nice take that out oh there’s another one somewhere oh my goodness oh my goodness these guys are doing crazy amounts of

Damage I was finally able to find where one of the evokers was shooting me from and he got me to one heart so I had to use an enchanted golden apple when I went back to the little hidden area the evoker Was Defeated and I found a lot of

Blocks of ore here as well as oars in the chests this was some of the best loot I had seen from any chest at all I made my way to the final layer and there were a lot of mobs here by continuing to move around I was able to avoid most of

The attacks coming at me I defeated the last few mobs remaining here and only at this point realized that my helmet and leggings had broken the year I had worked so hard to upgrade was gone I then pulled this lever that said uh that said do not pull this lever and an array

Of animals dropped down on me but with that we were done adventuring through this castle and as a reward we got a lot of totems of undying so it was definitely worth it I dropped off the crazy amount of loot we got at home I then went to the guildmaster to turn in

The completion of my Quest but it turned out that I had to go back to the tree and use the key that the Sentinel Knight dropped on the tree eye and that gave me an eye and also the completion of the quest the next Quest I received was to

Defeat the Fire Giant and this boss you’ll see this this boss is insane while I wanted to fight the fire giant right away I needed to make upgrades to my gear because I had broken my most powerful gear at the castle now fortunately for me I had a lot of gear

Lying around that I had looted over the past few days and I upgraded my chest plate after that I went out in the dark to test out this new Sentinel sword I got from defeating the Sentinel Knight I can block look at that Boom special ability whoo okay that’s a pretty cool sword

Actually yeah our new Sentinel sword was really exciting I also put sharpness 4 Smite and mending on it and now I did a lot of attack damage additionally I went to the Statue and used my Essences to get an additional heart and I now felt

Ready to take on the fire giant or at least as ready as I could be I set off on my way and I ran into various structures while searching I found this ocean Village which was very interesting it actually had a good amount of loot scattered around the outside and it had

A bunch of oars stacked up as well but the inside of the buildings here were very empty that is until this happened oh boy what is that what is that what is that whoa whoa whoa what is this thing okay that was not fun that was whatever that thing was that

Was not fun whoa look at that not this but look at that got a big windmill that does not look very friendly if I’m completely honest wow they’re coming from all over they’re fast too hi there hi there see what’s oh yeah yup that’s slow juice all right got it

Use our ability here and continue just mowing them down this sword’s uh a masterpiece what can I say barrels of lewd beer okay that’s not fun I’m getting poisoned catch you more emeralds I continued my travels uh but then I was met with a very very dangerous Beast

Oh my goodness no way oh I don’t know if I want to fight it I kind of do though I want to see how powerful it is hey is it like running away oh wait there we go I’m hitting it oh yeah it’s approaching me

Oh there it is it’s standing oh I just defeated it did I just defeat it it’s still taking damage oh wait wait I didn’t defeat it I think it’s trying to shoot fire on me but it’s not hitting me what did I defeat it oh I got it I defeated the

Fire dragon heart the dragon dropped its heart which could be eaten to gain a permanent attack speed boost or smelted and used to make fire dragon armor since I wouldn’t have enough Hearts to make a full set of dragon armor anytime soon I decided I would eat the heart for its

Attack speed bonus and work towards getting the full set of armor from here on out whoa look at this holy moly he’s man I’ve never seen something like this ever wow wow is that water yeah that’s water wow what is that whoa oh I’m kind of scared skeleton

Statue okay I have it marked down wow that’s like that’s a fully illegitimate skeleton too what is the statue for things are just getting more and more dangerous we got a bunch of horses here a chest we’ve made it onto the map and I see some crazy thing on

The map right now yeah look at that get our helmets totems of undying and it’s time to fight the fire giant wow this place is insane looking time to take on the fire giant let’s do this giant not boom and golden apple oh my God oh my God okay the fight has

Officially started that’s for sure oh boy oh boy okay let me try to oh boy okay that’s not working very well I’m gonna end a pearl out of there oh boy okay swing at him a bit that’s good damage okay under Pearl okay wow

Wow I did not know that one hit from him takes out your whole Health okay wow good thing we have told him so we’re dying oh boy wow I’m not hitting melee at this guy I’m only bowing him that’s for sure keep running and Boeing look at this guy he’s insane

Looking oh he’s going down what is happening is he gonna summon something oh my God what this guy’s turning to yeah well now the fire giant tag makes sense now that whoa what is that what is that what is that what is that what is that can I put that away oh I

Can’t even deflect it oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy dodge dodge I oh my goodness oh my goodness okay I’m not even eating steak I’m eating golden apples continue taking shots at him I have to oh no no no no no no no no no

No don’t let that hit me don’t let that hit me oh boy don’t let that hit me I think only a few shots unless he has another face come on I think we got him he’s down we got the fire giant oh wow we got the fire giant

Wow wow wow wow wow we did it we did it what is this giant seal corrupted eye the eye of a greedy King that faded in solitude Legend says it will bring infinite Fortune to its wearer that was the craziest boss I have ever fought now I’m wondering if I’m

Actually able to attack with this thing oh oh my God wait I can use this check this out wow check that out oh my God as I was heading home on the next day I found this wizard tower which I entered and it seemed like a fairly normal building it

Had little journal entries hidden throughout it which described the inhabitants studies outside I have developed a rather nice Garden watching life Bloom is incredible it really makes this place feel alive hello crystallarium Journal corundrum crystals grow rather rapidly I brought in a fragment from within the caves and now

They’re taking over this level of the tower Cube question mark he came to the conclusion that the Earth was a cube which well it made sense in his predicament at the top floor of this Tower I was met with ghosts which I took out and I headed back down ready to

Leave but it turned out that there was a basement level here and I got a book from a chest in which the writer talked about how they were able to make a potion 10 times stronger than strength but when I opened the iron door here it

Unveiled a beast that I had to take out see it almost got me but I knew where it was going it seems like the wizard that lived here may have done too much testing with potions and may have turned himself into a monster with that

Explored I made my way back to the Guild Master who I turned my quest into and it turned out that I had defeated all five of the bosses holding eyes from here on out I would need to find the unique Eyes by adventuring and crafting them myself

I had five eyes meaning I needed to collect seven more now I thought that doing some of the Villager quests could Aid Us in finding some of those eyes so I set out to do some good around the Villages and complete the quest I was

Given I also used my spirit orbs at a statue to get an additional heart I paid Jimmy 18 Emerald so that he would teach me how to fish Laura Lee wanted me to bring her an iron hoe as well as two loaves of bread for which I got a farmer

Trading contract a guard wanted a Giant’s eye which we had collected previously and for this he gave me the skill guard which lets you block attacks with your sword Lorinda wanted me to bring her kangaroo meet and hide so I would work on that in the future and

This old villager named Gigi wanted a spirit orb which I turned in but then they wanted another one which was getting a bit arrogant but I would return later to deal with this finally a villager named Tijuana wanted me to find her book which was somewhere in a ruined

Structure I decided I would head out to complete this Quest I combine my enchanted chest plate with an uncommon one to make it more powerful and with that done I followed the villagers map to the librarian’s ruin along the way though I found this massive Tower which

I had never seen before yeah this place is looking crazy super creeps I’m ready to take this place on as I entered the structure I was met with a ton of different spider mobs ranging from spider skeletons to this Enchanted cave spider that popped my totem of undying I

Was not expecting this place to be so dangerous but I definitely needed to be very careful from here on out I went through and broke any spawners that I found and there were a lot of them that’s for sure after doing that I went back through and checked what was in the

Chests and there were a lot of oars and armor which was what I needed I was about to go to the next layer when I started getting shot at and found a skeleton walking on the ceiling this this place was cursed the mom definitely started getting stronger on the next

Floor worse yet mobs here seem to have double their normal health bar which made it hard to figure out how much damage I was doing to the spiders the next floor had even more of these ceiling Walker guys and it was not easy to stay alive with them barraging me I

Got better at quickly breaking the spawners as I progressed through this Tower and tried to loot the chests while avoiding mobs as best as I could because when I didn’t this happened hold on use my sword ability swing at all of them oh my goodness oh my goodness Golden Apple

Okay we’re okay wow yeah I I had to make sure to keep a distance from all of these creatures adventuring through this dungeon was taking a while to the point where I had to start replacing my armor before it broke one thing that stayed consistent though was my sentient sword

And I’ve gotta say using this thing was a lot of fun I went up floor after floor until I finally made it to the tippity top of the tower that took an immeasurable amount of time okay break oh okay boom we’ve made it to the top two pieces of gear almost broken almost

Died a few times but we made it the chest here gave me a lot of golden apples and diamonds even blocks of diamond I got some Diamond gear as well and overall fighting my way through this Tower was fairly worth it I enter Pearl down to continue my search for the

Librarian’s ruin while running I saw a mini boss glowing in purple underground fighting it wasn’t much trouble other than the fact that it set me on fire with its bow repeatedly and I soon defeated it and collected my reward no way no way no way no way no way we

Got we got an epic level item I was very excited to have found an epic level item because I had been adventuring for 71 days and had not found a single one up until now these boots had four armor toughness on them instead of the usual

Two which was a huge upgrade and they took 25 percent less durability damage it was my objective to at some point have a full set of Epic gear and I’ve got to say later on I get some pretty cool gear anyways I was then continuing my search when this happened when we got

Over there whoa what do we have going on over here whoa wait it’s sucking me in wait it’s sucking me in wait what’s happening oh my goodness I need to go back up what is this what have we just found what have we just found this is some

Type of new dungeon or something what is going on here it’s pulling me in again what is this depth dropper for mind your step fall into the Abyssal Trench it’s happening again oh boy this is crazy we will come back here at a later time no it’s pulling me

In again there we go wow I was not ready to combat that Tower yet but don’t worry you’ll see how insane this place is later on I then boarded a pirate ship and things were going fine until they were oh my goodness oh my goodness okay I’m going in the water

Eating Golden Apple yeah that was that was not a good time but I came back up and broke the spawner I found another one of these ship Villages which I made my way up to and uh there were a few quests to collect here Sue wanted a new

Fishing rod Chang wanted a specific wood from the nether called it blighted Balsa and there were more quests here that we could do later on also look at this thing look at how cute that is I then ran out and found another Village and used the Waypoint here to return home

And that way I was able to drop off all the loot I had gotten this was also when I decided to craft something very powerful I crafted a novice spell book which has an array of spells you can create starting out I only had the harm spell which I could deal damage to

Enemies with but it wasn’t really powerful however through my adventuring I had collected a variety of spells that are much stronger than the typical ones I had this spell called potentoxin which I tested out on a pig that was on a balcony and it worked but it didn’t take

That much damage I then noticed that I also had this spell called takeoff and just just look at this and it lets me Glide for a minute holy moly look at this oh this is so good yeah I was really excited to have gotten this spell I mean

It was basically a set of wings and now I could travel at a much quicker Pace I got protection three on a diamond helmet which I replaced my previous helmet with and I also repaired my armor now I was ready to continue searching for the librarian’s book we are getting there

Look at this tropical Jungle of cool is that volcanic Peaks this is looking crazy I can’t see anything but we’re getting in there take that I was then continuing along with my travels when I got uh I got attacked by a familiar Beast what’s going on let us just uh run a bit

Real quick and eat a golden apple okay oh yep that’s definitely a dragon come here you Dragon you big bully hello come here okay there we go we got it in fighting distance okay we gotta be careful though I don’t know what it’s doing but we’re I think we got it oh my

Goodness look at that holy moly oh my goodness it’s trying to Ram into me take shots at it from here this is good okay oh did we get it oh I think we actually got it wow after defeating the dragon I finally found the ruin that I

Had been searching for there was a creeper spawner below which was kind of strange but as I progressed up to the top I found a stack of books and chest with the book ancient knowledge in it which is the book we needed to return to the Village after that I was returning

Home when I ran into a woodland Mansion this place was a lot more interesting than the typical Woodland Mansion there were these different artworks hanging around which were made out of tapestry so I snagged one of each picture there was also a room loaded with chests and barrels which I looked through but

Didn’t really find much loot after that I ran into invoker who I was easily able to take out and I found this altar right next to him which I wasn’t really sure what to do with anyways I progressed through the rest of this place and ran

Into a lot of evokers along the way who I was more than happy to fight because this gave me a lot of tones of undying and that would help me in the future I eventually finished clearing the mansion out and continued to search for a village when I found another puzzle room

Here is a puzzle room oh this one is different it’s like a parkour thing now unfortunately I can kind of cheat I can’t I yeah but I don’t really feel like cheating it you know hold on let me see if I can do this park really legitimately huh we’re doing pretty good

Oh okay oh okay you’re just supposed to bounce off I would be lying if I said that I didn’t fail more than a few times but in the end it turned out that I was going down the wrong pathway the whole time and when I finally went through the

Correct one I was able to collect my reward of two spirit orbs well this is a little Bandit Village let’s see what else we got going on around here hello we got these guys around defeat that and that what we got more iron gold or oars hello fellas

Oh boy they’re actually doing some damage to me oh hello are you having a party or what can I even trade this guy okay nothing good nothing good another puzzle wow we got going on parkour again this parkour is pretty strange I’m not sure um whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what just happened

Okay I’m back in holy moly oh you know what I’m done I’m not doing this legitimately I’m sorry this one’s just a bit too confusing for me I found a village with a Way Stone which let me return home and hand in my quests I handed in the additional spirit orb to

Gigi and it turned out that she scammed me and then explained to me that I can’t trust everyone in this village now she did uh she did return the spirit orbs to me but you know what she had a point and you’ll see why very soon I also returned

To Juana her book in return for which I got a cookie in the source gem yeah uh the the rewards weren’t that great I also gave pumpkin seeds to Tegan who was excited about starting his new pumpkin farm so that was nice but after that I

Ended up running into a familiar face oh hello you don’t want to give me a quest okay why are the people it’s so mean me in this Village it’s you isn’t it it’s you you’re the guy who won’t talk to me well you know what you don’t want to talk to me huh

Huh yeah what if I give this guy an emerald oh wow he’s taking emeralds from me wait what yeah the Villager just started taking the emeralds I offered on a whim and with all villagers they usually return something for payment but this guy this guy just didn’t learn his

Lesson let me go and grab my emeralds and if this guy pulls a quick one on me we’re gonna have a big problem okay emeralds I’m telling you man you’re not going to want to pull a fast one on me okay it’s not going to end up going well

For you okay and there we go Quest completed okay he just took he just took 18 of my emeralds and gave me nothing back you know usually things don’t work that way I didn’t want to do it yeah this um this got me angry I just want you all to know

What I’m about to do was completely out of my control okay okay I’m gonna sleep the night off first though actually no I’m not because you know what’s even more beautiful than a house burning down a house burning down in the night you’re gonna sit right up on this cliff and

We’re gonna watch it burn next time you’ll think twice about scamming me okay how about that we’re not gonna be having that problem anymore are we I can cry how beautiful it is you know what I’m even gonna have a nice deep rest after that all right I think we’ve done

Uh enough damage to this house for now we can we can save it for now I burned that villager’s house down and I don’t regret it so uh thanks Gigi I returned home and at this point came to the conclusion that doing villager quests likely wouldn’t lead me to any eyes

Directly so I decided I would start adventuring for the eyes and complete quests along the way so it’s time to head into The Nether and hopefully we can find some more eyes there uh now I’m gonna need obsidian which I have a little bit of but not enough so let’s

Grab a water bucket and head down and I’d say our best strategy is just going to be digging down oh and I have dug into a spawner room and nothing amazing in the chests is a way going down here but let us continue with trying to find lava

Okay really guys guys come on guys guys you’re not supposed to be doing guys guys stop stop guys oh my goodness oh oh oh no not one of these guys get away from me no get this haunted thing away from me kind of mine shaft yes it’s a lava pool yes I’ve been

Searching for you for so long come here lava come here thank you thank you okay we got it with the obsidian gathered I headed home and created another portal to enter into the new dimension the ancient spirits of light and dark have been released expert mode I don’t know what that meant I

Think the mobs are going to be stronger now or something what is hello oh I see a glowing mob over there what is this thing ew get away that’s not a good way to be welcomed here look at this thing oh my God the giant squids oh and look at that

Guy this guy’s like a boss oh yeah he’s a boss and we got him oh an epic item oh two empty sockets this is a really good chest plate okay let’s see what await says good thing we have this spell book this is gonna make exploring through the

Nether so much easier oh my goodness look at this why can’t things ever just be simple what do we got going on in here that’s a Sentry Blaze right there I guess it has a total of undying Barrel a lot of redstone here looks like we got

A Bastion Remnant over here hello okay these guys have like double health I think when it said expert mode it meant that these guys are much stronger oh oh my goodness oh my goodness they do a lot of damage oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh my goodness half a heart

Okay I’m not going in for melee hits anymore that is not the move hey you just splashed me with fire resistance I appreciate it man oh fire resistance potions nice get out of the way some decent stuff here oh an epic ax oh my goodness wow my gear

Is about broken I need a new helmet this guy just took out all of my health back away well I saw an epic ax here look at that oh my goodness and epic boots I guess uh epic items are more common in the nether but it’s only the gold items

That are epic it seems whoa whoa whoa toxic Heap wow this looks insane and this is another Fortress I started exploring the nether fortress and uh this is when some something uh really really bad happened oh my goodness oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God

Look at this thing holy moly I don’t think my shots are hitting it oh it’s this guy right here wait where’d he go where’d he go I think he’s gone okay wow yeah that was an insane mob I guess the little guy summons that Skeleton thing I did not

Expect that at all I continued on to find another eye in the Fortress which was exactly what I needed and then this Castle caught my eye this place was filled with wither skeletons but also good loot I got myself a new helmet which was nice and I also found some

Epic leggings here I also found an epic Trident here which was a very cool find and other than that scouted the bottom of the castle where I found some diamonds after that I headed over to the crater that was nearby this place had a pit of lava in the middle and a lone

Barrel on the top which I carefully approached and got this insane radiation Shield this thing inflicts bleeding releases some kind of radiation and gives you a lot of armor the only issue was that I couldn’t use it with a totem of undying at the same time and uh well

I accidentally dropped my totem while thinking about this which that was a terrible mistake because there was a monster awaiting me I would like to grab that back oh boy oh boy oh boy we’re Yep this is why we need the total dying on us can I oh my goodness okay hold on

Things are not going great at all definitely some kind of Beast here which has a lot of Health oh I got it I looted the rest of the barrels that were here I found this hazmatch has played which was made out of leather but had a

Lot of interesting perks on it I had it on and soon found this new building whoa look at this what is the nether doing to me man what is it doing to me I mean breaking here using this pickaxe there wasn’t really much here so I

Decided to return home but while I was doing that I found another cool building oh I think there’s a boss in here isn’t there alter nether statue to summon The Inferno first a warrior be worthy strong something Blaze we’re gonna mark down the coordinates and we’re gonna return

When we’re geared up ah and there’s our portal back home we go and we need to do something with our gear I then spent time upgrading and putting gems onto all of the new epic gear we had found because of the gem sockets I was able to

Add a lot of additional perks on the armor like attack range and additional armor points I also added two base overheal gems onto a new sword which it basically gives you life steal now I thought that this gear was going to be extremely powerful I mean I had a full

Set of Epic Level gear and so I headed into The Nether to find out I found a Bastion and got to testing my new sword out right away I attacked a very very quickly and because of the gems I’m on the sword I gained absorption Hearts

Along the way it was pretty powerful I have got to say the chest in the middle had some decent Diamond gear which I picked up and as soon as I looted that I made sure to get out of here because I was getting attacked from a lot of

Different directions I ended up having to return home because I ran completely out of food and I took the chance to combine my epic Gear with gear that had enchantments on it to make it even stronger yeah my gear was looking really good I went out to search for food after

That and this took me way too long using my flame bow and looting 5 I was able to get a lot of cooked meat when I did find animals but I ended up just cooking some raw chicken because I didn’t find any any animals in my search anyways with

All that cooked up I headed into The Nether while adventuring I ran into a dangerous very dangerous boss okay let’s do this oh boy um okay holy moly these guys are not shootable they look crazy and the boss is already coming after me whoa this guy’s barely taking damage okay

There we go got some damage on it wait I was not ready get some melee hits on it oh boy oh my world did not work put some melee hits on it oh roll away oh okay let’s shoot at it a bit ow boy oh boy I have no more totems than dying

Oh it’s healing how is it healing okay that’s really bad oh boy what is it doing we should be good oh my goodness okay we got it wait we didn’t get it wait what’s happening how is it not dead oh finally we got it wow what is this

Guy what what are you doing get away from me jeez monstrous horn infernal Forge whoa look at this weapon look at this apparently this is a pickaxe wait hold on whoa um okay I’m gonna put it away for now as well as that while I had defeated the

Netherrate monstrosity I also ran out of all of my totems of undying meaning that I had no fail safe if anything went wrong with that being said adventuring in the nether without any totems would be extremely dangerous and not something that I could safely do so I decided I

Would return to the Overworld for now I wanted to find some more eyes in the Overworld and pick up some quests to do along the way I ended up finding a guard that had the same child the kidnapping Quest as before so I followed it but

Things did not go exactly to plan while searching I found this Pink Mansion which I was already familiar with and knew that evokers would be on the inside if I could defeat them I would be able to get their totem someone dying and that would let me continue my adventures

In the nether with safety that gives us the total moment dying I can quickly head in here maybe try to defeat the evoker we popped his sort of woman dying we got him there we go it’s another Total Woman dying that’s good wondering if I can get more tones I’m

Dying this way oh my goodness maybe I should be satisfied with two totems of undying I went inside to see what was in the chest and barrels here and it was actually working out all right because my gear made me invisible every so often so I could more so Glide past the mobs

And with two tones of undying I headed out I continued following the guards map and followed it to its end but when I reached the X there was nothing here I even checked to see if it spawned underground but instead of finding the pillager’s castle I found a Foundry and

Uh this place it it’s not a good place to be I know for a fact this isn’t an easy structure to Adventure through well the kids aren’t here but I mean this could give us some good loot so let’s check it out I broke another spawner but within seconds of fighting

These guys my total Mama dying got used my curiosity unfortunately got the best of me because I continued adventuring through here even though I definitely shouldn’t have I soon found this opening to a lower level of The Foundry but when I headed down uh I think things just went bad there’s water here

Select that out let’s see what we can do oh my goodness oh my goodness okay yep I should have known yeah that was that was definitely my fault though uh I came back up to the Village to collect some requests and got this one from Anne that

Wanted another eight Ingot I decided I would complete this Quest even though it very well could be a scam but I only had two ancient debris so I went uh to why level 15 in another in mind with my insane 3×2 pickaxe so I was able to find

Two pieces of ancient debris and literally no time I crafted the nether rating yet I needed and gave it to Anne who gave me one Emerald but also a contract that lets me trade with toolsmiths so that could be useful in the future I had a lot more of these

Contracts just lying around so I finally decided to make a lectern and sign them so now I can actually trade with a good amount of villagers I then did a few more basic quests like learning how to use the Fletching table I gave this villager named conception 12 glowstone

Dust and then I found a villager named Marquita who had an interesting Quest she wanted an hourglass so I crafted that and gave it to her in return for which I got a trading contract for the fishing Guild I then went to another village where I did a few more quests uh

Odell wanted cheers and also emeralds to teach me how to use the loom and then I actually found a villager who taught me how to use the grindstone for 10 emeralds which was uh it was a really nice deal I handed in the kangaroo Supply that Lorinda wanted for which I

Got raw beef uh yeah that was not a great reward and after all of that Village questing I decided that I would fight the Wither because that would give me another eye that I needed to reach the end fortunately for me I already had three wither skulls and was able to

Quickly get the Soul Sand I needed and now it was time to fight the Wither so I moved far away from our base and this fight ended up being a lot more challenging than I could have expected Golden Apple up let’s do it come at me man

Oh wow it’s like dashing is this oh my goodness it’s spawning minions whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa this is not what I was expecting fight its minions a bit okay wow okay it’s another shot we have a whole Army of its minions following us oh my goodness okay

You know what let’s just use that for a moment I don’t know what it’s doing oh there we go it’s in melee mode okay spotted at melee distance a bit the absorption’s really helping oh boy it just went invisible okay let’s get hits on it what is it doing come on come on

We got it we got it that was definitely an upgraded version of the Wither I got uh the Wither eye and I also got an extra heart which was nice I was now up to three additional Hearts now at this point I finally decided that it would be

A good idea for me to start brewing potions so that I could be stronger going into fights with bosses however I didn’t have any Nether Warts so I needed to head into the Dreadful nether the plus side was that there was supposedly another eye to be found in the nether so

This would be worth the trip potentially as I was searching I found another one of these pigling Villages and checked inside to see if I could find any Netherwood here but after checking it it didn’t seem like there were any traces of any Netherwood so I continued along I

Then found another Fortress which was perfect because I would be able to collect another word from here but right behind it was this oh my goodness what is over there holy moly look at this oh my goodness and villager Refuge the illeger saying to him wow this is so cool whoa holy moly

What’s going on in here leering Banner what is that I got a bit sidetracked with uh Blaze mini boss that I defeated and got a very good epic helmet from and then defeated this Wither Skeleton mini boss who actually dropped netherwort so I was completely done with that

Objective with that I headed back to this insane structure I started adventuring through and in this room uh with a bunch of leaves I found this Hidden Staircase going into a basement I found some gold blocks as well as a chest that had a bunch of lewd in it

Including a bunch of oars potions and Epic Level items I progressed through the halls and found more of these chests loaded with loot including an epic crossbow that had two empty sockets on it it inflicts poison and Deals magic damage this thing was insane I then progressed further seeing the sword

Banner which uh you’ll see why this is very important soon this ended up being a maze which I navigated my way around and ran into a chest that also had a bunch of oars and crossbows again I found a barrel which had some upgraded armor which was decent and soon enough I

Ran up to this whoa is this a sword oh my goodness it was a trap it was a trap but we got the sword I think Okay we’re okay I had gotten the legendary sword daybreaker which could make any mob drop gold as a consequence of me collecting the sword the whole floor had turned to Lava and I had to Edge my way out of the maze I finally made my way out and broke the banner as

A trophy for the sword we found I then continued adventuring through the area and found this main lobby with a lava pit and I jumped down to see if there was anything hidden here and there did turn out to be a secret button that opened up the wall to a new hallway

There was a lot of ground to cover here and I found more barrels loaded with loot and I’m talking a lot of these barrels still none of the eyes that I needed though I ran into some mobs here which gave me the perfect chance to test out the daybreaker and uh well the

Wither Skeleton only dropped one gold and nugget but I did figure out later that uh the amount of gold just kind of varies adventuring down here definitely felt like it was never ending because I just found more and more stuff to loot I then saw a mini sauce that I mined down

To and defeated and there ended up being a whole new underground area here there were more hallways here and more chests so one of which actually gave me a really really strong Diamond chest plate that I happily equipped I found out that this was just a section of the nether

Fortress when I came up some stairs and I then went back to the holy building to quickly see what was on the top floor and this place was quite the site there was this little uh altar with some raw gold and then I adventured through the sides of the structures which had long

Staircases going up there was mostly just a lot of cool design here but there were some barrels and a lot of golden blocks too with that I was finally done adventuring through this huge structure that we had found on the hunt for more eyes I continued my search in the nether

I saw a piglet Mansion which I checked out and there were a bunch of these guys that attacked me right away I defeated the rest of the piglets from outside and then headed inside to see what loot was here it didn’t seem like there was a anything we needed here though so I

Moved on I then flew into this massive massive building it was full of some buffed up piglands and I knew that this place was very dangerous so I kind of ran around a little bit to see what I could find and found seven golden apples

In one chest which was really good but I was getting chased down by piglens the whole time and decided that I would return here later when I would be better prepared I finally came back home and started preparing to take on the battle tower and its Guardian which uh this

This battle tower is uh is is very difficult to defeat as you’ll see soon I started another wart farm and brewed some strength and Fire Resistance potions and instead of using them normally I wanted to craft these charms which would allow me to activate or deactivate the potion effect whenever

I’d want to and it stores it all into one item I needed blaze powder to make those so I headed to another Fortress and farmed up some blazes with my eluding 5 hacks I was able to get 20 Blazer odds in no time and with that I headed back home and crafted the

Strength in fire resistance charms I then also brewed some regeneration potions to craft a regeneration charm as well I made sure my gear was all well prepared and headed out in search of a battle tower I saw an ocean Monument while on the search which is definitely

A structure we will need to take on in the future and we’ll probably have one of the eyes that we need only by day 100 was I able to find a battle tower and so I flew in now in this battle tower I had to collect a total of three keys to

Summon the guardian of the battle tower The entoned Watcher there are chests on each of the levels of the battle tower but to open them you need to break the spawners around them doing this was easy on the first floor but it just gets more and more challenging up until the final

Floor unfortunately I didn’t get a key from the first chest and on the second floor I didn’t get a key Either I got up to the next floor and took check out the spawners here with these and to my great Fortune the chest here had one of the

Three keys but when I made my way up to the next floor things started to get very very dangerous check them out take them out oh boy oh boy taking some damage oh my goodness I came back around to break it and the chests on this layer didn’t have any key

Unfortunately and remember what the floor we just did looked like um imagine that times five because the next floor was like an apocalypse of mobs it was extremely hard to reach the spawners and while trying to do so I got my last totem of undying use I had to be

Really careful from now on and I formulated a new plant I baited all of the mobs to me and then broke the spawner that was on the complete opposite side okay and we batted them all down break this spawner okay that’s good as they were now there

Was just too many mobs to do anything safely I flew back and the room was empty which was perfect so I took out the spawner and looted the chest knocking out the first two spawners on the next floor was easy but uh turned out that there was a third spawner and I

Was struggling to find it big time where are you spawning where do you spawn from ah here’s one that’s that’s the one I finally figured it out which was ridiculously hard for me to do but it got the second key as my reward I then

Made my way up to an even more difficult layer in the mobs here where they were like at 10 times a spawn rate this was insane luckily I was able to break the first spawner right away and then bolted for the wall to break out and reset the

Mobs again so I would have a shot at breaking the other spawners no key here though which meant that I had to clear another floor and this was this was getting very dangerous gotta break these fast two boom three broken I was able to quickly take out all the spawners here

But started taking massive amounts of damage as soon as I tried to clear the mobs out I took a break on the top of the tower and then started slowly bowing each creature down things got uh very close again so I flew out and in and got

A third key it turns out the three keys was all I needed but I thought that I needed four and I knew that I had one in my castle so in a Race Against Time hoping to defeat the boss before the sunrise of day 101 I headed to the

Village that was near the battle tower and to my great great luck there was a wastestone here that meant that I was able to teleport back grab the key and zip right back up to the battle tower and fight the final monster guarding it okay we can start the fight let’s go for

It four oh I only needed three keys apparently spawning let’s go there he is there he is okay we just got a straf away get some hits in oh yeah gotta be a little bit careful should be good to go though oh he’s turned red and let’s get some melee swings boom

We got him ocean depths begin to stir oh yeah now the tower is breaking so we might want to get lost let’s just head to the bottom here this 100 day adventure was the craziest one I have ever been on but we are not done yet in the world of dawn craft we

Still have five eyes to collect and an Ender Dragon to defeat we progressed really far in these 100 days collecting seven of the 12 eyes defeating all of the bosses in the main storyline and building up a full set of Epic gear I honestly just uh I can’t wait to see

What we can do in the 200 days okay so back from where we left off we just defeated that battle tower which is good for us now since the last episode a whole Quest tree has been added this gives us a bunch of information about

The pack okay now from where we left off I believe we had seven of the total 12 eyes we need eight okay we have eight out of the 12 eyes so in that case I need four more and I know for a fact I haven’t gotten one from the desert or

Snow biomes so I think that’s the next place I can get them additionally I know that two of the eyes are craftable including the witch eye and the undead eye let us search for desert and no biomes and hopefully we can find some of the eyes in those what is up there is

That the skeleton lord or is that something else whoa whoa whoa whoa what is that unfortunately my take off can only get me so far but there is water coming down here which is uh perfect oh my goodness what do we got going on oh I cannot see

I think I just saw a spawner possibly oh yep that’s a rat spawner cloud storage interesting okay let me break that oh my goodness they’re poisonous hello oh my God get away from me you little creatures ow oh my God these rats are on steroids man that

Thing just rko’d me out of nowhere I hate rats I hate them you know I was trying to give you guys the benefit of the doubt I hate you guys you guys are terrible I hate you all die oh this is a good place to get a bunch

Of Essences oh what is that that’s like a frosty ghoul oh there’s a boss here isn’t there there’s definitely a boss here I don’t know how to summon it oh what is that oh I think that’s the is that the boss did the boss just spawn okay I mean I

Have golden apples as a food source and I don’t want to have to leave yet so let’s see if this guy is an actual boss not just speller oh he is oh he is oh what is he doing oh my goodness oh my goodness he’s sucking me in he’s Sucking Me In

Ow wait do I have ender pearls no I don’t oh boy okay when he does that I think we have to get behind Tower oh my goodness oh he’s healing are you kidding me oh my goodness holy smokes this guy’s insane oh yeah oh boy he’s summoning pexus no sir we don’t

Like that no sir no no no get those away from me no I don’t know what they’re like little astronaut thingies like what is that oh my God I don’t like that sound stop it I’m eating good Golden Apple it’s literally my food source these are like mini totems that went down that’s

Kind of cute little idea he’s healing where is he where is he he’s healing and where did this guy go what did he go down hello oh my God not with the rats man why why do you have to do this why do you have to do this

I’m spelling him down this guy is a huge forehead this is like Megamind oh my God it’s Megamind I just realized I got him holy moly holy moly that was that was quite the experience totem of banishment what is this for ah okay so apparently what this totem does is it

Vanishes nearby vexes so that might be useful when we have to hunt down to vokers in fact it’ll be very useful that item comes very in handy later on indeed I continued onwards and needed food but before I could collect some I ran into this house it seemed to be an

Interesting steampunk themed house and I took some time to loot the crates on the inside while I was here the house ended up starting to burn because there was a pool of lava nearby so uh yeah sorry to whoever’s house that was I thought I had explored everything but uh soon I found

A secret underground compartment oh there’s an underground part here whoa look at this it’s a hidden little underground section oh would you look at that is a book bamboo spikes no it’s bamboo makes an excellent spike it impaled right through my wooden test dummy oh oh it goes down lower Hello whoa

Oh oh my God this place is booby trapped foreign Break I can’t get hit here right oh my goodness okay we’re good I don’t have a total moment dying either oh look at those things ah this place is scaring me okay there’s a ladder there okay we have to jump to that ladder in time okay

No no no ow okay go go okay we’re good oh my goodness what is going on here goodness guys guys oh there’s a monster box there’s two monster boxes I don’t those are not good so if you get blown into them you’re gonna spawn a bunch of

Monsters I think that’s what we have to try to avoid but how do you avoid that and where should I try to go do I have to get over there I think so because I was simply trying to look for food oh my goodness why does this happen to me every time the

Layer down here seems kind of safe oh my goodness let me rephrase the area seems as safe as it can be but it is definitely not safe at all because we got cave spiders trying to poison me I think I’m supposed to try to get up up over there

Oh boy okay we made it over is there any better loot or something around here um hello there’s spawners over here break these break that now here’s a book Rocky rollers the shaking effects of the rocky roller creature is incredible maybe you could achieve something similar by crafting their scales are you

Telling me there’s like a boss here oh there’s a monster box over there see that’s not good we’re just gonna sneak around like so look at that that does not look good that does not look good oh oh I’m on top of it I’m on top of it I’ve tricked the system here

Potion of invisibility I feel like I should use that um okay there’s a bunch of spikes okay we’re good mechanical drills and spikes oh my God yeah this is a new place oh my goodness look at that I think that’s the rocky roller thing right there we need to get

Over there is this that where we need to go there’s some kind of titanium plating this thing’s dying to the poison bamboo spikes first I think I can go here go here break the spawner good I think we need to go there but it’s blowing against us

Oh oh item Vault wait I actually made it hold on item Vault hand crank let’s crank it nothing’s happening yet oh okay you have to shift right click it that’s what it is there we go we have opened up the Vault let’s see what we can find in

Here oh a bunch of ores crushed iron ore there is a lot of loot here A bunch of mechanical things a book let’s see what that’s at rods of fire blaze rod experiment after thoroughly testing the rods of fire I discovered they make great lighting sources you can place

Them down with proper equipment and they look great oh I guess that’s interesting to know what does this say Well done so you’ve made it into the tinker’s Vault huh well done you’ve outdone my glorious traps bebops and bimboobs you deserve what’s coming your way that message seemed a bit sketchy like you

Deserve what’s coming your way you know what I mean I feel like like this room’s about to start closing down on me or something we got some blocks of iron and zinc and other things so I’ll grab that oh in a little diamond block it’s nice uh rose quartz oh another diamond block

In there okay that seems to be it though it seems like we have looted the entire Vault note the thing is there’s no way out it seems which is a bit uh it’s a little bit discouraging actually oh no oh no no no no no oh oh okay I activated

The monster spawner oh okay okay okay okay okay wow okay how do we get out of here though I don’t know where the way out is so I’m just gonna mine out ah okay oh and here’s a desert this is exactly what we wanted oh looks like this is a Pillager campsite hello

There folks blow them all down from here slowly infiltrate this place and let us see okay Autumn they don’t seem to be doing that much damage oh this guy’s Enchanted so we are not going to attack him in melee range that’s for sure that’s for sure see when they’re Enchanted like that

You don’t want to mess with them I’m telling you have anything in here no okay so let us get out of here oh and there’s another Pillager Castle over there which would actually be perfect for us to loot because I have no totems of undying and

Having some will come very much in handy look at that we have a new entrance hey hand crank oh looks like the inside of this Castle is pretty much the same as the last one we were at we are just here for telling someone dying so we can kind of speed

Past most of everything ah evoker oh my goodness okay we gotta be careful and oh boy Golden Apple oh no oh no oh no oh no oh my God oh my God okay I need to equip that totem of banishment that’s gonna help me with vexes vexes let’s see if the totem of

Banishment works oh yeah all of them are gone kill all of his vexes got him oh okay I have two tone someone dying now nice nice nice oh there you are and there’s another one over here bottom and if I can get to them thank you and these

Are some of the best chests you can get they’re just full of loot look at that okay we can head up oh boy let me banish all of those vexes and you’re going down yeah you’re gone oh hello oh boy okay banish all of x’s come here

I think that’s all the evokers we got a total of seven totems of undying which is really really good oh and my helmet is almost broken lucky for me I have my Anvil so I can easily repair it we really should get to upgrading all of

Our gear it is turning out to be really difficult to find a snow or desert to biome oh and here’s another puzzle room it looks like we need to unlock that door but how do we do that lever oh boy I think you slowly kind of transferred the waves of

Redstone by pressing the different levers and such oh I think I did it it would go key drop down orange key right click to open an orange lock boom ah here we go and we got our two spirit herbs nice whoa what is that whoa um what is this hello what is that

Oh I just right click it oh Martian look at this guy oh my goodness oh boy oh boy you teleported onto me take that oh he’s dropping down his Health’s down but he’s not dying uh hello sir there we go oh my goodness that was a pretty cool boss Jim

The only remain left of the Martian would be difficult to find a weaponsmith that can make use of this foreign material whoa that’s a really cool okay I did not expect to run into that at all nothing like that something up in the sky over there what is up there look

At that I would like to check that out oh that’s a dragon it is hard to hit this guy this is a much more advantageous position here I don’t even know if my arrows are hitting this guy what is it doing oh oh this whale almost just killed me

It just got me to half a heart I didn’t even meal okay I didn’t even mean to shoot the whale now I’m gonna have to kill the whale everything’s going wrong huh this dragon’s just drowning oh taking a lot of shots at it oh my God okay well apparently that’s a thing

There’s another totem woman dying did I get it oh finally that was quite the experience gotta tell y’all now we did update the game let’s see if the Guild Master has any new thoughts since the update follow your calling then attended eyes so seven eyes that are unattended

By eye holders the ones that can be found in structures include the curse of the old and the other ones can be crafted with the life forces in a realm however I do know that clerics are currently in possession of the evil eye whoa okay wait so that gives us a good

Amount of information about where the eyes are alrighty well let’s continue along here’s a snowy biome maybe we can have some luck with finding something here there’s also a puzzle room which we can check out what do we got going on here oh this is a new one looks like we

Got some Parkour over there a lock over there and I guess a puzzle how do I know which buttons to press um maybe we’ll find out by doing the parkour let’s try press the button I don’t know what that did did that do anything huh strange I

Don’t hear or see anything happen when I press this I might have to take the loss on this one because it is pretty confusing so let us continue along look at that we got some moose yeah no luck no luck at all there’s a little Pillager

Tower over here which you can check out gotcha oh and this one’s getting poisoned somehow ow who’s doing that oh boy I see who’s doing the poisonous stuff is it you it is isn’t it yes plagued we got him anything over here some basic loot rabbits do anything else

Here some okay loot I think it’s a good time to waystone home hello newbie it’s nice to see you again here you go here’s a piece of steak newpy okay well I guess we should try to do some more villager quests and hopefully we can find this

Evil eye that the clerics are supposed to have and the other eyes that they might tell us about as well this guy wants two melon seeds I think I actually have melons oh yes I do is this you yes there we go four sweet berries as well villagers myself can’t race going into

The woods to collect these you hear the village of Chuckles he finishes his sentence is he scamming me the last guy that scammed me I had a problem with okay you understand you understand you live here is your windmill okay I’ll remember that okay what’s your name again Cindy okay

Cindy oh look at these hyenas what are you doing okay so sweet berries maybe we can find some of this Forest here there’s Source berries but we don’t need those I feel like there should be some in this Forest bomb it’s got snow too hello look at this cat oh my

Goodness I wish I could tame it or something that’s pretty cool this is a really cool cat interesting little place here there’s a villager here interesting here these fellas trapped or what’s going on who is this Pillager did he just kill a villager or what do I do who did he just

Kill they’re safe now there’s something up here in the sky what do we got going on here I feel like it’s just like literally rocks without anything on them but I’m gonna check them out anyways there better be something up here I mean this is this is taking a lot of work

Okay what do we got wheat oh my goodness this thing’s trying to blow me off hey stop that Sky of annoying yes I agree oh my goodness are you kidding me this is like a trap everything’s trying to kill me no way Cloud block looks like there’s nothing else here other than

Clouds trying to kill me do you see this shipwreck which actually uh looks very interesting and it also has some swordfish floating around which cannot be friendly no way they’re friendly they can’t hear anything underwater oh my goodness I cannot hit it okay outside of combat mode I can hit it this

Is very weird fish bones what else do we have here ow I’m drowning this is interesting anything here oh oh boy oh my goodness I’m nauseous oh whoa whoa that that is not good for me look at this nausea effect there’s a book here Bubbles and a wheel can I spin this

Wheel no I can’t that’s too bad there’s a can in here which is really cool whoa schematic Cannon whoa oh boy I’m already drowning pirate War okay okay oh golden apple crate give me that give me that oh no I got greedy oh no okay Golden Apple

We’re gonna need to get that golden apple crate oh my goodness go away go away guys go away why are you doing this that’s mean you shouldn’t do this iron forged skelawag skull oh look at that I got a new sword okay let’s get that golden apple crate there it is got it

And and we’re good all right I’m out of there golden apple crate boom nine golden apples not bad bubbles today we found a wild Axolotl we decided to name it bubbles after much deliberation amongst the crew pirate War today Captain crayzen took us to Skull Island to officially declare war on the monster

Known as Captain Mayo they hope their Captain can defeat them oh and they lost the pirate War that’s unfortunate okay that was a sad story and to think I started this whole trip for sweet berries it did not work out well at all Danny wants help with something what do

You want to help with uh you want Spruce logs for sure no problem Danny I gotcha in fact there’s spruce trees right here hey Danny here you go oh he gave me an emerald that’s nice to you Danny oh and you want 50 numerals for me to learn how

To use a Fletching table okay okay boom thank you very much sweet berries found them finally okay so that Quest is done oh look at these towers holy moly I think we saw these on literally day one of our adventures in dawncraft but I was not prepared at all to enter them oh

Hello look at this guy we’re gonna take you out definitely curious as to what is inside of these towers ah okay I’ve been to a structure like this in my past Adventures see if we can find anything good here a lot of iron and I do plan on

Returning to all of the other structures that we found along our adventures oh my goodness that is not what I wanted to do hold on oh these guys are a bit dangerous oh okay that’s not good diamonds oh enchanted golden apple okay that’s pretty good try to break this spawner

Before anything spawns again thank you a map that’s very weird just says number 94. okay it looks like it leads you to a combat area but it’s pretty close so we should check out where that goes okay let’s follow this weird weird map Frozen Peaks biome maybe

We can find some snowy structures here here’s another one of the massive dungeons instead of going through the whole thing again I’m gonna go just all the way to the top and hopefully get some of the loot that’s up here let’s hope that this Glide can get us in there

And it can’t let me make sure to break these spawners if I can really quickly boom what have we got in here pretty good stuff a lot of Enchanted bottles and diamonds thank you very much not a bad little little loot rummage okay it seems like there might be a dungeon down here

We might have a long way to go down we’re in a mountain bomb so we’re only at y level 90. Stone free find a mining system oh what is going on here there’s a skeleton hello there are a lot of spawners here we go I think the best thing to do is

Going to be to clear out all the spawners and then we can come back and see what’s in the crates these guys aren’t hitting too hard though which is good and I’m getting a bit low okay we’ve kind of cleared out a line oh oh oh okay

But let’s see what’s in these crates some iron ingots more iron potatoes there’s some kind of a new music disc so I’ll take that but other than some iron in baked potatoes I’m not finding much else oh my God and more like the spawner okay wow

Oh look it’s a baby creeper I think we should just continue along with getting some quests done and we’ve made it to the surface okay I finally found out where we can get the remaining four eyes one we can get from the boss Frost ma another from another Bastion another

From a cleric and another from getting a witch eye so let us get to work first let’s return home hello newbie here’s the trading contract for the cleric Guild so if we head into a village now and we find a cleric finally hello hey yes I can trade with them okay Emerald

For Redstone let’s trade with him for a bit get his trade to upgrade slowly buy one at a time there we go that’s an upgrade let’s see what we get so there we have some more stuff okay let’s buy some lapis from him and still not what we need unfortunately

Okay ender pearls there we go what else are you gonna give us here Ethan oh this is another one he has a quest extermination contract new type of evil manifesting these half man have Beasts are called Silver beasts you can find them wandering around at night hey who

Was I just trading with hey come back Master oh there we go evil eye let’s go finally I see another eye and we need a rabbit’s foot for it oh no okay I hope that I have a rabbit’s foot and it doesn’t seem like I have any

Rabbit’s feet well that means that I’m gonna need to hunt a rabbit unfortunately all those rabbits that I spared kind of regretting it now because uh well now I need to spend a good amount of time searching for rabbits oh rabbit so it would be good if we can

Defeat it with my looting ax and definitely not enough five mode oh oh rabbit hide no rabbit’s foot though okay okay let’s see if we can find some more oh rabbits where are there you are who wants a hug dang it no rabbit’s foot oh I got a lucky rabbit’s foot but this

Isn’t a regular rabbit’s foot I’m definitely not enjoying this hunting spree oh there we go oh no that’s a lucky rabbit’s foot too hey will you take a lucky rabbit’s foot oh no you won’t will ya oh my goodness having trouble finding rabbits the second time around so I

Spent a whole day of looking around the same area that I found a few rabbits in before and I have not found anything oh a rabbit come on hyper rabbit foot guys I just want a normal rabbit foot no I’m not sure if I’m just defeating

The wrong rabbits or what whoa look at that found a snowy Village I guess hello is there anybody inside here yeah you know what I’m gonna stop just searching for rabbits because that’s not going anywhere so instead I’m gonna start looking through these buildings and I remember that the fisherman’s cabin did

In fact have rabbit’s feet oh private hello oh hi Jack the cold it’s a boss hey man Jack the cold won’t be messing with us anymore that’s all I’m gonna say oh you weren’t the cold oh I’m blocking his shots too oh look at that nice try interesting what an interesting little

Town oh hi folks so there are some normal villagers here hello guys let’s check out what’s in this huge structure it’s in brewing stand what do we got up here whoa big library and it looks like a bunch of either Amber or honey blocks up there and let’s

Take the opportunity of being in a snowy biome to look for a frost maw oh wait hold on look at this oh look at this they’re all gathered around like a viking villager statue oh it’s an orc or an ogre take this fella out got him ogre’s lever the remains of an

Ogre huh what is this Mysteria oh Wisteria navis even in the midst of an icy Wasteland a Wonderful Life can appear can be placed well I’ll grab a couple of those just because they seem to be a rather unique type of tree and we got a maze here I’m wondering if

There are any rabbit’s feet in these chests ooh pirate pouch forgotten Pirate clothes that smell like rotten oysters oh boots of the Twilight Grotto I see a pirate ship over there check it out I wonder if this is one of the typical pirate ships or if it’s any different take them out yeah

Anything in here some diamonds barrels nothing special either here’s another pirate ship this one seems to be a little bit different how to take these fellas out and what do we got another pirate pouch let me see if there’s anything down in here I see a Vindicator you gotta be careful

Fighting these guys in melee range oh that leads to that you’re getting one shot treasure pouch what did I get leggings of the Dead Sea interesting spine fishes nothing else here got some locked up villagers it looks like and more loot in here not bad a little Loop

Pile see stew the power of the sea in your stomach Fury 3 strength oh what is that intricate Dagger of greed C wolf weapon special properties theft attack villagers and pillagers drop emeralds huh okay well let’s keep that let’s let these fellas out oh and apparently I’ve started raid I’ll

Let you out as well and you oh boy oh boy oh this is a bad situation hey man I’m just gonna shoot you shellhorn someone’s Captain Cornelia can be used near water in an ice maze whoa It’s a boss okay let’s salute some more of this pirate pouch oh boy okay

And what do we got in here A bunch of emeralds oh and look at this a bunch of special books and look at that mob and chain book you can make a mob enchant with an infinite duration and that’s interesting I wonder if I can initiate

Newbie with this that would be nice oh here’s a fella and try the dagger on them oh every time I attack he drops an emerald oh you just use this to quickly get an emerald and then you stop attacking interesting very cool what an interesting weapon

Then wow now I think it’s time to fight uh this captain and let’s summon Captain Cornelia I think this should work oh yeah use the item oh my goodness oh my goodness it’s pulling a polar bear what’s going on what’s going on what’s happening right now I’m using my enchanted golden apple

I’m not what I can’t even shoot at it Oh my goodness oh no oh no okay this boss is insane oh my God okay I’m leaving I’m leaving I’m not fighting this boss there’s no way there is no way I can defeat Captain Cornelia right now holy moly no I’m not ready at all I’m gonna set a waste Stone here Captain Cornelia and maybe when we get some way stronger gear we can return but not not

Now wow that was crazy can I put this mob enchant book on newpy wait it newbies enchanted now oh Snoopy’s powerful now I hope I hope it worked I don’t know here you go newpy my newpy is enchanted now oh I just want to get this rabbit’s foot and then we’ll

We’ll worry about other things that boss fight has shook me up a little bit I’m not gonna lie to you I just want to find a rabbit oh that’s a big rabbit rabbit’s foot yes oh look there’s a bunch of big rabbits here wait hold on don’t tell me

That these guys are the ones that drop the rabbit’s foot oh my goodness that is so unfortunate it took me just until now to find the rabbit’s foot okay I’m happy that I did though so we need to go back to that Village and trade with you sir here we

Go and here we go boom evil eye nice we have done it now that we have gotten this eye the evil eye we have multiple options of which eye we want to get next I think trying to get frostmaw’s eye is the next best eye to look for because

Along the way if we can find witches we can get the witch eye as well and I’m gonna need to repair our gear we can teleport back to Captain Cornelia and I’m not gonna actually approach it but we can look for frost ma whoa look at this that looks crazy what’s over here

Interesting blue barrels let me Glide down here real quickly let’s see if there’s anything here at all it doesn’t it doesn’t seem like there is I’m gonna let’s uh let go of this dream of finding the frostmuffer a bit and I have a new plan but we can

Only actually do that plan once we find a way Stone back home penguins hello hey guys hi yeah hi hi yeah look at him they’re having a real good time oh waystone nice okay we can return home Castle perfect okay here’s the thing I want to get full netherrite

Gear so that is what we are going to do these two epic pieces of diamond armor are easily gonna be upgradable and worth it however these two are quite basic I’m just gonna have to do with what I’ve got and I don’t need much more than that

Really I also have my charm of fire resistance which will help me out and it’s time to get to work oh my goodness I’m gonna mind downwards to why level 15 and let us get to work and there we go already a piece of ancient debris now it’s been barely any

Time that my friends is a good good sign and there’s another pocket of ancient debris it’s a good thing that I have an anvil and diamonds boom and another one that’s our fifth vein I believe we are at 17 ancient debris so we already have enough to make a full set

Of gear and I think 19 is a good amount of ancient debris to leave it off at I would like to quickly head upwards look at how fast we can break blocks how insane is that and we’re already out oh hi oh my goodness I’m stuck what what is that that’s crazy

That’s insane pick that just die man wow oh it’s one of these fellas is that what was damaging me was it you boom four not the right ingots okay and now we can combine this onto our gear and I believe we might be able to switch the

Appearance of another red armor ah look at this sweet to make it a straw hat Black Banner to make it a hunter hat interesting whoa there’s a lot of different looks you can pick let’s try this banished night scarf let’s see what our helmet can look like there we go oh

Okay interesting a bit strange but maybe better than the typical let’s see what we can do with the rest of the armor pieces here oh that is looking nice ooh uh now if I want to transform this boom boom boom that’s the full set and you know

What I’m digging it so now we have a full set of this bandaged Knight armor which is pretty cool and with that I feel a lot more powerful for sure production three okay in addition to that we also have a bunch of enchanted books Let’s Get protection 3A on those

Boots and also put feather falling four on them now I think with this gear what we can do is head into The Nether and try to find the second eye that comes from there I believe this one is called the cursed eye yes this is the one the

Bastions are very very very dangerous so we’re gonna have to approach this carefully here we got a Bastion and I’m going to be very careful with these fellas hello yep okay what do we got going on here you think’s a pretty decent iron sword it looks like let’s check that out in a

Moment here let’s see how we do in melee not very well as we can see I will shoot you from here Soul speed oh an epic pickaxe this looks pretty good actually better than our normal pickaxe there’s another chest nothing and take you out sir oh you as well both of you

And we are going to roll right on out yes we are because we’re taking way too much damage get away you too got him and nothing in here it looks like take you out that was a bit close and we’re gonna get you as well and you that’s right thank

You nothing here another chest and nope no luck oh boy let’s continue onwards the great thing about exploring in the nether right now is that this is a good way of getting experience extra loot both of which will help us in fighting the frost Mall when we come across it oh

Boy what is that what’s doing that what is doing this there’s like some kind of a storm in the nether I guess it’s a bit a bit worrying to be honest here is another Bastion oh boy I’m in a bad spot oh ancient debris I almost missed that

From this chest okay I haven’t found anything here and I think we should move on look at these upside down trees inverted Forest that’s very cool here’s another Bastion hey guys don’t mind me oh you’re definitely minding me aren’t you oh my goodness oh my goodness okay

This is very difficult I need to find a way not to take so much damage I would be truly fantastic or I could just find the eye which would also be amazing well uh you guys better back off maybe we can get some luck in the middle chest oh cursed eye nice

Hahaha Let’s go and I’ll pick up these diamond leggings just because you never know when you need some more Diamond gear yes that’s amazing news okay that means that we are done in the nether for now not permanently because uh in the future there will definitely be some

More stuff we can do here including some new bosses and back home we go so that’s ten of the eyes now we need the eye from the frost Ma and either an undead or which eye and I think the witch eye might be easier to get so it’s time to

Go on a search for frost mom I’ll just teleport out randomly it doesn’t matter too much where we go it’s time to go adventuring what can I say and it looks like I found another Woodland mansion on my Journeys here wish I will gladly check out what I’m down to three totems

I’m undying not that good not that good especially with some of the stronger bosses in this mod pack oh man we already have a chvoker oh there’s two of them okay alrighty we’re gonna have to avoid attacks okay good careful get this fella here come here

Banish all the vexes and you guys are done without them oh and my helmet is almost broken looks like we’ve gotten a decent amount of the evokers inside of there so that’s nice I’ll stack up those and you tell them someone die and let’s continue along oh here’s another one of

The skeleton statues these these things are insane look at that now I don’t believe there’s actually anything up on top of these hmm and just a bunch of little whole sections here let’s see if I can find anything on the inside nope just a bunch of cow said it looks like

So very cool statue but uh we shall move on and what do we got in this little house right here oh well we have a Wandering Trader on top of it is what we do have and he has a desert Labyrinth map and actually I have a compass with

Me because I looted it somewhere and I kept it with me just in case I had a chance to get this again so let’s get that and it seems like it’s pretty far but uh we have time the sneak attack on these fellas here oh yeah boom special ability

Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh my take off didn’t work okay I find myself in a pretty good spot to shoot at them where it seems like they can’t shoot at me at all nothing special in here it seems take you all out

And my home is close to Breaking I reckon we should head back and it would be a very good idea for me to try to get mending I need to get a trading contract for librarians I think for now I’ll just put a temporary helmet on there we go

I’ll just put this on let’s try to figure out this librarian thing hello this guy wants a bow ebony okay well I’ll get you a bow here we go you can hunt again yes oh and he gave me a rabbit’s foot it would have been nice to

Have gotten that earlier I don’t know where we can find in a librarian at I don’t know I’m not finding any Librarians I feel like we should just keep going with what we’re doing I just want to find Frost Ma and take him on look at that oh my God

Oh my God it’s aggressive uh oh what do I see in front of me oh boy I’m just I’m just getting in trouble aren’t I there’s definitely a boss in here isn’t there I see something on the floor over there oh and a lot of loot what do we have over

Here swamp jaw this is what lets you spawn some bosses and I guess this arena is where it’s kind of letting you spawn them now I figured we could actually try to do one of these boss fights here I’m also curious as to what is down here

Battle oh it’s a battle tower that uh spawned here that’s funny summoning alter interesting so it takes your items okay let me take this book and let’s try to make the nameless King let’s see what do we need four emeralds we need two gold ingots a golden ransor which will

Require a few different things boom leather strip Pelt short sword and boom golden Rancor we also need the goblin Crown there we go that is all the items we need and also something I’ve been thinking of is that we can get more Hearts by using our Essences and also

Spirit orbs got one extra heart container I need one more Essence for another one and here I can get two more Hearts boom so we’re up to six extra permanent Hearts which is uh it’s actually really nice let’s do this put that in that in and that in

Oh oh I shift right clicked it and I think it worked oh yes it did oh hello oh my goodness hold on let’s use our potions that might be the coolest boss we fought so far let me activate everything ow whoa whoa ow es this guy shooting at him with me hey

I’m out for it let’s get some hits on him oh he does a lot of damage Golden Apple get some hits oh boy get some good hits on him and let’s roll away nice that was a good Dodge oh my God what is he doing get some hits on him from behind

And roll hold an Appling oh boy oh boy oh boy I’m trying to roll oh I should probably roll away from that I should probably get away from whatever he’s doing right now oh almost got him come on oh yeah we got him oh hold on he dropped a couple of cool

Items that was a very very cool boss wow we got him awesome look at this glacial dragon slayer Spear of the sun it attacks very quickly oh that’s its ultimate ability is like a Glide oh look at that wait can we do that into the air kind of wow that’s

Really cool that’s a silver Beast this is a good time to test our weapon out okay the damage is okay nothing incredible let’s see what our sword is like our sword is actually pretty similar even though it has sharpness four on it okay now next let’s try to fight swamp jaw boom boom

Boom and and boom water bucket oh there we go the ultra hums pleasantly here we go let’s do this oh yeah this one’s a lot easier look at that it’s health is yep and it’s gone well that was a fast fight I can make a few things with that

Oh including a really nice caged heart item which I would like to make let’s craft that bam caged heart reduces damage that exceeds one-fourth of Max health and I should just be able to put that on my body slot like so let’s try summoning some of these other bosses to

See what items they give so we have the bell ringer which is going to require for gold ingots a gold block and two Soul Sand boom that’s another boss summoned bellringer there he is oh boy try to get some swings on Adam oh boy very hard to swing at this guy but I

Can’t actually block some of his attacks with my sword which is really useful oh jump over that and oh oh got him what did he drop banshoe plasma what does this do specter’s grasp increases your reach distance boom and inspector’s grasp I should be able to just equip that and also create the

Specter’s eye boom now there is one more boss that we haven’t summon and that is Dame for tuna and shift right click with the guest here there we go that should start this fight yeah there he is the Dame Fortuna getting some good melee hits on it kind

Of similar to the bell ringer oh and look at that my item reveals it so it’s glowing let me see if I can block its attacks oh yeah I can turns out that uh using a melee weapon is actually beneficial because you block a lot of ranged attacks like a lot

Oh but you should also get away when that happens oh boy yeah we’re gonna move and let’s take some shots oh boy got him there we go Fortune’s favor slicers dice some attacks do more damage boom and we will oops we will equip that what I don’t know how I just teleported

But I did uh okay now I’m kind of stuck here because I have no more levels I guess let’s just travel in a random Direction and I searched for frost mouth for a while after that but three days passed and still no luck I think our priorities should become our gear and

Finding a way to not have it break I guess we should try to find a librarian I looked around a couple different villages to see if I could find any trace of any Librarians but I had no luck up until one villager got converted

Oh he became a business oh and he has a quest nice okay so it looks like he’s wanting me to go to everdawn or ever bright dusk leaves maple leaves and starlight leaves that’s a lot of different leaves but yes I can do that it’s time to head into the New

Dimensions because that is gonna hopefully let us get mending books before heading into the New Dimensions I found another Pillager Castle near me and decided I would head in to get some totems of undying and also get The Mending book that was in the hidden little evoker room and while it was

Pretty dangerous I got out safely I put the money book I got on my chest plate and now I was ready to start making my way into the everbrite and ever Dawn dimensions and I believe the best way to get started is to find a guy called the gatekeeper which I’ve definitely ran

Into before but you’re gonna need to find him again I hope this search doesn’t take too long and the gatekeeper could be in any of these types of houses that we see so we need to check them out this guy is just a recruit though oh and

Here we have a new type of ship that I have not seen before oh boy oh boy there’s even in a poker here hold on I need to try to take oh yeah that’s the evoker I’m gonna have to jump down oh my goodness this this failed

Oh my goodness I can’t hit him oh no oh I cannot go down there we’re gonna have to do it very slowly goodbye here we do have a spawner maybe I can try to take it out real quick I did I did you’re Enchanted okay oh boy

Okay we don’t like to see that oh my ultimate just took them all out okay take all you guys out I’m gonna have to get off for a moment and my gear is kind of in the process of breaking I’ll probably have to take this helmet off

This could be worth it though because I know I did see an eye that had some writing about Pirates so it is possible that the ship will have one of the eyes that we need oh my goodness man this is very frustrating here we go here is our friend the evoker oh boy

You out looks like we’re good so far oh a new helmet that’s good I oh no but a bunch of iron one more chance for an eye to be here no but the eye that I was thinking of was the black eye what are you hi hello hey hey there

Hey man you like yo yo how you doing hey to get you out of the water there oh you’re going right back in okay are you trying to kill that zombie oh I’ll kill him for you man you see the things I do this is an interesting fella here oh I

Wonder if if killing him can give us something to be honest um oh there’s a couple of them seems like this is like their little tribal area I’m very curious I’m sorry I’m sorry you didn’t drop anything I’ll leave you guys alone you guys are too nice

Oh man that’s a dragon not exactly what I’d like to see right now so much so that I’m just gonna forget that it exists you know have you guys ever done that you guys ever seen a dragon I just forgotten it exists that’s what I’m doing right now here we got snow which

Is a plus I guess I ended up running into another pirate ship which I decided I would Scout to see if there was an eye here but just like with the previous ship I didn’t have any luck so I moved on ooh wondering Trader hello he does

Have a map to a Pillager Fortress though which is pretty good because that can give me another mending book give him that in that Pillager Fortress map I have to go Southwest oh we got some movement oh look at that along the way I’m pretty sure this is a gatekeeper’s house

Which is quite perfect hello now he doesn’t seem to be interested in me whatsoever Moonstone shards what’s in here Barrel nothing I don’t know I see there’s some action going on over here and take these fellas out it’s for you fellas sleep off the night

Hello oh there we go now now he talks and blue journal perfect boom I used it and check your inventory tab oh there we go we have the journal I didn’t realize that the gatekeeper had the portal to the everdawn dimension at his house don’t worry though I do figure things

Out soon I also somehow started a raid so I left to continue the search for the Pillager Castle I made it to the Pillager Castle uh but it ended up being one that I had already looted before so that was kind of a bummer but at least we did find the gatekeeper while

Searching for it I ended up getting confused by the quest tree where I thought that it could create the portals for you I quickly found out that that was not the case though and with that I returned to The Gatekeepers home where I had a realization oh wait

Um there’s a portal right here I just didn’t realize it boom see you later ooh ever Dawn Dimension okay here we are in ever done 1. tools are less effective in this Dimension or they’re supposed to be it looks like my pickaxe is mowing things down I guess because it has Diamond Effectiveness

Against all blocks to collect these leaves that’s the Maple Leaves done and this is a very cool looking Village I did not expect to find one here are these guys aggressive high oh you guys are friendly huh you want pets pets golden apples no they don’t want

Anything from me I guess what is that is this thing mean oh yeah it is oh yeah it’s mean I can tell no way holy moly it has a lot of Health I guess because my bow isn’t as effective here hello guys bag of spoils oh butt guts why would I

Want bug Cuts hi don’t mind me don’t mind me guys oh and we got a weird spider coming after me see how my Sentinel sword does oh pretty well okay then we got one type of leaf we need more what is this tree dusk these biomes are very very

Beautiful I have to say looks like we got an interesting Tower here the Wizard’s Tower uh oh yeah there’s definitely a boss in here but I honestly feel kind of prepared to take on any boss because our Sentinel sword is still very powerful in this Dimension see

What’s going on in here hi got a Pillager yeah we still do pretty decent damage I’d say oh goodness gracious we also take a lot of damage actually because our armor isn’t as good here I’m realizing that just now there’s a key and here are some

Villagers that we could free oh but I can’t even break it another key there’s a witch maybe this one will give me the item that I needed nope key that’s the third one it’s in the burning sand now I don’t know how many keys I need oh you need four Keys okay

Ah there we go oh and we got some music discs here yeah let’s get some totems of undying on us here and we’ll have the golden apples ready Alchemist here we go here we go Alchemist what you got pal oh okay he’s got some some stuff going for him for sure

Oh boy I don’t see anything now it seemed that my bone splitter ax actually does a lot of damage in this Dimension still possibly even more so than the Sentinel sword I think so oh boy okay it’s pretty difficult to get to this guy but we’re

Doing okay on health so far oh boy it is hard to get hits on him can I shoot arrows at this guy no I guess I can’t oh boy now I’m on fire okay hold on come on oh no Dodge that that’s good getting a little bit better get a few

Hits on them sax is actually coming in handy right now come here this guy is so hard to catch okay a whole lot more things are going on right now okay he’s close come on ah he’s so hard to hit okay come on there we go there we go come on like one

More hit hey how does how is he still alive come here get a few hits oh my goodness this guy is crazy there we go we got him Alchemist loopback let’s open that up whoa hold on that gave us a few different things some music discs and grants invisibility

While sneaking with reduced smoke interesting dusk Arc huh I guess that gets equipped there that’s a bit strange so I guess there’s less particles but there’s still some okay iron forged Spike Shield that’s interesting I guess it attacks enemies as they attack you and Alchemist trophy that’s nice okay

Cool little boss fight let’s head on out hello and I think that might be all for the ever Dawn Dimension I think we need to get the other tree variant in the ever bright Dimension but I’m not sure exactly how we’re gonna get in there and

We’re back at the portal no let me talk to this fella seems like he doesn’t have the materials for the other portal all right let’s go on a hunt for another gatekeeper building and hopefully we can find something oh we got a big structure over here I’m not very gear ready to

Take on a huge structure like this but I can try to check it out a little bit find the Shiraz Palace whoa very cool look at this place it’s a little garden let’s head down here oh yeah here we got the mobs and they are no joke

I am going to place a waste on here and we shall return later Morocco the sun Chief I don’t have very fond memories of you my friend now for me this is a bad time to take on this fight I’d say I don’t have any armor but I’m apparently taking him out

Quite quickly oh boy oh boy oh maybe I’m not Oh uh oh okay oh boy okay let’s uh we might have to get out of here hold on let me try to defeat these guys trying to take all these guys out that are helping him heal real quick oh boy hey he’s not doing that much

Damage I think I can take him out yes I have defeated you and we got his helmet which is actually pretty cool I was not expecting to have this boss fight but we did very nice whoa look at this huge snake python oh

Got it well I found a way Stone so I can head home and re-gear myself up because uh we’re not doing too well definitely need a new helmet to equip that’ll do the trick for now and we also need leggings these should do the trick for now boom

Perfect let’s continue with our travels oh it’s a witch hello drop a witch pupil please I don’t think I don’t think oh my God it’s a werewolf oh my God uh take that oh did I did I already get it that was fast we kind of demolished that

Werewolf if I do say so myself oh look at that thing I hate those things you know what I’m gonna have to kill this thing just because of how creepy it is why do you exist fella oh my goodness go away yeah oh here we go another gatekeeper and

It’s possible that he will have the portal that we need hello um nothing really in there let’s head upwards oh hi head up here and there we go nice okay that’s really great news because uh we could have just gotten the same portal again but we did in fact get the ever

Bright one so let’s head on in and we spawned in a deep peaking ocean apparently whoa this looks cool holy moly this looks very cool it’s insane look at those jellyfish midnight sand look at that I believe the Starlet might be the exact leaves that we need

So that is perfect I’ll set This Way Stone and name it ever bright and oh I don’t have enough levels to head home now these guys look friendly I don’t really want to kill them uh are these guys friendly if they’re friendly I’m not fighting them that’s my rule okay

You’re all friendly huh what is this is this friendly no it’s not you are not friendly are you oh yeah gotcha oh it’s summoned something it’s like a little soul my air is bounced off at oh there we go Star flare here’s another one of these

Things oh there’s a few of these things oh and this one’s Enchanted oh that’s a bit dangerous oh boy hold on oh my goodness I was not expecting this seems like we found a village hello interesting looking fella I don’t know what’s going on with this guy oh we got

A huge structure here where’s the entrance to this place oh it looks like I’m not able to progress here yet oh I gotta get out of here that’s not good I definitely shouldn’t go there and we got a tower over here I’m guessing this is gonna have a

Different boss let us see what we can do I like the theme Here I like it a lot oh man this guy’s trying to kill the villagers oh my God holy moly holy moly holy moly my gear isn’t even broken oh my goodness okay you know what never

Mind I’m not coming here no thank you yeah let’s head out of here I have it marked down for later so with that we have all of the leaves needed I then got lost for a day I couldn’t find the village in which I had taken the quest but eventually I found it

And you still have the quest perfect so he wanted Starlet Maple oh I need dusk here we go dusk boom Quest completed and there we go librarian trade scroll thank you perfect we just need to sign this and there’s a lectern right here boom and

Now now we have to try to get a mending book which is uh that’s a whole process so ideally we would like to trap this fellow give you a nice little push lock you in perfect perfect I hadn’t actually traded with this librarian at all but

Because he gave me a quest he was now locked into that same trade for some reason I ended up trading with him all the way until he was a master rank thinking that I couldn’t reset trades and I would just have to deal with luck like that but um that didn’t work I

Tried to trade with a new villager and this one also ended up having a quest which messed up with my training again finally though with a new villager I had some luck oh oh it’s working it worked it worked amazing we got sharpness three no nice okay okay let’s let’s get this done

I need mending real bad okay I’m not gonna stop at anything returning board Jimmy I don’t need returning board okay come on Jimmy you can do better than that come on stable footing Jimmy oh Jimmy me and you having a good old time isn’t this nice foreign

Glad we can spend time like this Jimmy really glad then you got a nice nose anyways I’d really appreciate amending mending book Jimmy curse of Vanishing Jimmy Jimmy what what Jimmy why are you giving me this Jimmy come on come on Jimmy oh there we go mending

Wow that took a while let me lock that in right away sir I love this trade Jimmy you’re doing a wonderful more yes Jimmy yes yes yes yes more Jimmy has given me quite a good amount of many books I don’t think I’ll need more mening books for a while Jimmy you’re

The best look I’m just gonna put a port here because I’m too lazy to do anything else and we’re just gonna call this teleport Jimmy um and basically we’re gonna leave him in that hole I’m sorry Jimmy anyways I’m very happy with it without many many

Books we just got okay we can already put mending on our leggings which is great and for the helmet it looks like we’re gonna need to get 33 levels which is pretty insane let’s go to the nether to mine for levels real quick and here

We go oh I see a mini boss in the distance it’s a good chance to get some more epic gear but first let’s clear out whatever these things are and let’s bow this fella down here he’s standing still which is good for us how are you in combat melee combat not too bad

We can try to take this fella out real quick roll away Golden Apple real quick oh boy oh boy we’re getting ganged up on but we’re good to go and you’re gone okay where did he drop nothing looks like he didn’t drop anything there we go 33 levels and with these

Levels I should be able to put mending on our helmet now we have a full set of mending netherrite gear that is amazing now the storage situation is not going very well to fix that what we can do is use a thing called cloud storage and I’m

Gonna need to learn about how to set this up now first of all we’re gonna need a balloon piece and a cloud block which I believe we might have gotten now the way we can find the pieces we need is by looking up in the sky I believe

Aha there we go it hasn’t even been a minute and there is something to do with the cloud storage stuff so let’s try to lie on over there and we make our way up here oh boy hey stop blowing on me hey hey hey goodness gracious okay Cloud blocks

And what oh oh boy what oh Cloud chest oh balloons I believe we will need all of this stuff cotton candy I’ll just take that because that’s fun inside of cloud blocks those are good oh and an elite one spawned okay this is a good time to leave I think

We got what we needed let’s make this book boom let’s see how I can create the storage essentially the way that cloud chests work is you send up chest into the sky with a balloon attached and then use the same color on a cloud chest and that is where the inventory is stored

Which you can expand by sending more and more chests into the sky in order to create a fairly large storage I needed more balloons so I decided I would head out in search of them here we have another cloud storage here we are oh boy

Another chest oh we got a lot of stuff here balloon arrows oh boy and we are getting knocked off I’m gonna take this chance to check out what is on this hot air balloon right here we got some balloon pieces it looks like let’s get

On top of here and it seems like if I just shift they can’t actually knock me off which is good and let’s see if we can use our looting ax on some of these guys because that’ll give us a lot more balloon pieces after farming up the cloud mobs for a bit I

Had 30 balloon pieces and I decided that that was good enough to begin our storage so I headed back home so let’s make these balloons boom seven red ones now we can put a red balloon there then place these regular chests and make them float up

And uh we’ll just wait on those to activate oh there we go it worked let me see how much I can already transfer into here boom there’s another inventory full and it just keeps going boom that is really useful so I’m glad that we have this

Done so I guess it’s back to searching for frost ma for us which uh it hasn’t been the best experience but we already have 10 of our eyes we need two more and we are so close to being able to enter into the end Let’s uh let’s go I guess

I’m curious how well we can do in this Pink Mansion with the new gear we have it is nice knowing that my gear just won’t break anymore oh my goodness okay never mind nope I’m out of here oh my goodness okay nope never mind nope Pink Mansion is a bad idea yeah we’re

Not not ready for that let’s just continue along let’s head into this icy biome and see if we can find anything here here we have another pirate ship which I haven’t had any luck with getting an eye from but I still feel like it’s possible Let’s uh let’s try to

Sneak on in here and take these fellas out oh boy taking some damage oh boy okay there we go do we have anything a bunch of gold and there’s a captain here I believe oh boy yep that’s the captain all right more Ores and I’ve just done some

Research into the black eye it seems like this can be found in Hidden Treasures so if I can find a hidden treasure map from a shipwreck that would give us a chance of finding that eye which would be great because we are not having any luck with frost ma or the

Witch eye I do have a feeling that frasma could be in this biome it’s a pretty luscious snow bind with a lot of empty space oh man I hear a dragon but I don’t see it oh it’s a it’s an ice dragon oh my God

Let’s go pal let’s go let’s go oh boy oh boy I wonder if it can like freeze me to death or something oh boy okay spam shots I wonder if uh fire does extra damage to it or something oh oh it fell it’s good this is very good look let’s

Roll away oh man that’s a horde of rats that’s not good no no no no no no maybe we should go in for a melee hit hold on oh yeah oh this is working way better oh I’m getting in there I got it nice this one turns into an ice

Dragon Essence we can make ice dragon armor with it taking damage on low Health sometimes trigger freezing effect interesting no that was cool if we can find frostmaw that would very much complete this little trip here oh Frost ma oh I knew I had a feeling yes oh my

Goodness where did he spawn finally I’ve been searching for so long and finally oh there it is Frost ma now it would be wise to sleep off the night before approaching him just because there are so many monsters spawning let’s eat this up and head in

Hey you yeah oh why are there mobs here hold on hold on get out of the old boy why am I Frozen oh no oh no hold on hold on oh another mob just froze me oh it’s one oh my goodness what is happening okay we gotta remove that thing hold on

That thing’s gonna oh my goodness oh my goodness oh I messed up okay wait hold on we gotta defeat this guy oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness I’m frozen oh no oh no oh okay Golden Apple okay takeoff is very helpful oh and I’m frozen in midair oh no

Okay come on get some good hits on them oh yeah and can I shoot him no oh wow wow ultimate ability oh what if I hunt him down while he’s doing that oh no he’s dodging me oh he looks like he’s gonna try to hit me yeah nope I don’t like that

We got him rude awakening oh and we got his eye oh yes okay we got the cold eye that means we only need one more eye before we can finally approach the end now I’d actually like to find an ocean at this point because that will lead us

To finding a shipwreck and hopefully then that will lead us to getting the last eye let’s store that away and I got this Ice Crystal which can freeze enemies I believe I’ll keep it in hand for a bit maybe we can find use okay here we go we got some ocean so finding

A shipwreck seems to be a little bit more difficult than I thought it would be whoa look at this a serpent statue what is here oh a bunch of serpents what do you know I feel bad just killing them so I’ll leave them alive is there

Anything at the top of this does not seem like it okay oh look at this you have a desert pyramid here huh well hello there what is going on oops oops I did not mean to fall down here whoa look at this guy it’s like a little Pharaoh skeleton Cobalt skull

Interesting what’s the loot here nothing incredible is there a floor going lower down is my question doesn’t seem like oh well there’s an emerald block there it doesn’t seem like there is much else here though oh and a little building two buildings here wow it’s nice to finally

Be in a desert biome I’ve been looking for one for so long I think this is a building for a recruit oh yeah there we have the recruit two cooked Cod and three carrots you know these guys they have the weirdest requests like I’m not carrying around two cooked Cod and three

Carrots all right but hey I appreciate appreciated them wanting to help out let’s see what’s in this structure over here let’s see if there’s anything on the very top of this Tower no okay is there anything here what’s going on whoa okay we’re going into the underground

Here let’s go down these stairs I adventured through this dungeon and it was pretty much all the same as the other ones we had explored in the past I was reunited with the imps which I did not miss at all but they were a lot

Easier for me to defeat now than in the beginning and I also got some good pieces of diamond gear here I soon headed back up to the surface and continued with my quest of finding a sunken ship uh we got an orc encampment in the sand here and it looks like we

Got oh my goodness I thought that there was a village here but it looks like it’s some kind of a special Temple also there’s a quest over here here there is a house Infested by those sick deluded Hunters armor is map a map given by the armor to retrieve his necklace and wants

A pendant they usually hide valuables under tables okay good to know I want to see what’s going on here I thought that this was a temple but it looks like it is just another Village here in the desert very cool and something over there which we can check out huh what is

This it doesn’t seem like there’s any direct entrance I’m guessing this might be the closest thing to it it looks like it’s uh looks like it’s trash they don’t look like they’re trapped but let me check okay I’ve blocked up all the lava so oh that one just has blocks and that

One just has gold oh there’s more chest above interesting strange little little Temple here let’s continue along oh and we got this uh Palace is this the one that we found earlier it might have been I’m definitely in more of a state to where I could actually Adventure through

Here I’m not sure as to how powerful these guys are oh okay they’re fighting each other which honestly it’s pretty convenient what do we got in here a little aquatic room oh boy we got more of them ganging up on us let me try to freeze them oh boy okay they’re doing damage

I also like to hit each other which is pretty funny oh no okay more spawn okay you know what there’s no loot here so let me just continue along uh nothing in here it seems oh here’s our first chat whoa okay okay a bunch of diamond gear that’s a pretty

Good sign I’d say interesting little kind of Library section here very interesting oh hello chanting table Lulu chest some okay loot we got a pile here let’s hit him with the Ice Crystal boom and then bam oh there’s chests on the inside of these okay okay hold on oh no oh no

Oh no get away get away Okay wow I progressed through this upper layer of the Shiraz Temple which had a lot of spawners that I took out skeletons were fairly chunky but given my netherite gear I took them on quite well there was even a skeleton riding a cow which was quite decite but I was

Able to clear everything out it’s on this chest oh ancient debris hold on now I wonder wow 16 diamonds from this one chest I do wonder if we can somehow end up finding one of the eyes in here because that would be a phenomenal thing

A lot of blocks of Wars here that guy’s waiting for me behind the corner kick you out take you out this guy’s weird look at this guy oh he’s poisoning me all right oh my goodness break that spawner okay this is bad maybe I can try to outrun all these guys

Oh there’s okay there’s one chest up here that’s gotta be a good sword uh blocks of War another red scales I mean hey that to be fair that’s pretty good and is there anything up here no oh there’s more chests here that I missed got anything in this one oh those are

Actually pretty decent enchantments wither Waltz I’ll get that oh we got an achievement and look at that my gear is minty fresh I love Mel amending let’s run out from that area hello what’s going on here oh what is that oh my God holy moly holy moly dude

Take that get away wait I need to be in combat mode take that oh I got it what was that holy moly that was like one of the dragons that was quite interesting projectile protection oh we got another right helmet here wow a lot of netherite scraps too that’s great oh my goodness

Oh another one of those dragon type things spawned alrighty now it seems like we’ve looted everything around here I believe unless this has no so let us head on out hello what is this we got a nice little umbrella thing and a nice chest with cookies oh well thank you gee you know

What a water bottle oh I’ll get hydrated I appreciate whoever left this behind oh yeah thank you I’ll leave that for the next person and I’ll also have a cookie thank you very much and I’ll leave uh leave the rest for the other people here

Also leave them a block of gold there we go maybe one of these guys will take it I guess you guys want a cookie it’s right there oh it looks like we got a shipwreck over here this is the first one I found since our search I’m hoping

We can find a treasurement oh my goodness let’s take this fella out and drop the Trident thank you thank you man I mean I appreciate it are there any more chests here is the question yes there is very treasure map let’s go okay that is very good news Northeast alrighty we’re

Almost there already and I think that’s another shipwreck on the way so maybe we can pick up another map okay looks like this one does not have a map but that’s okay let us continue I should probably use my three by two pickaxe because that’ll help out I’m not sure if the chest is supposed oh well it’s right there I never mind boohoo coconut well we got a music disc but the not the map it looks like part of the

Sea though so we’ll take that okay well let’s continue along and here is another shipwreck let’s check it out oh hello Sergeant the soaked it’s your meet us say hello uh nothing here whoa what is that it’s like a tiger fish shark or something I don’t know what it’s called it looks

Cool though and map oh and we’re already here this one’s underwater that shouldn’t be too much of a problem though okay let’s find this chest I’m not sure if it’s oh there it is found it and no I unfortunately but I figured we can keep trying there’s another

Shipwreck oh and this is one of the special ones oh with a bunch of swordfish around may I add whoa whoa whoa oh my God holy moly it’s an undead Army I’ve seen a lot of these spawn but I’ve never had to fight one oh my goodness they do a lot of damage

That’s the first wave defeated but there are more look at them approaching look at these guys yeah we’re gonna take you all out fellas gotcha that is creepy look at this let’s go who do you guys think you are you think you’re a Chad skeleton no you’re not take these guys out

Ultimate ability got him oh and that’s it we defeated it after defeating the ended Army I continued with my travels and it soon came across this whoa look at this we found a jungle Village that is my first time finding one of these very cool is this a village is there something else

Looks a bit interesting huh got some witch supplies in here I hear a witch is this a witch living place oh my God it’s a wedge hi oh what is this witch’s robe which is no longer bother the player 50 reduced magic damage taken 25 increased magic damage dealt interesting eight armor

That’s sad that’s a pretty good piece of armor if I didn’t already have an epic chestplate that’s a very unique item it seems oh crystal ball let’s see if we can find the the witch eye here got some plants I hear more witches I hear another witch hello witch

I gasped I I that was a real gasp I was really excited because it dropped a witch pupil no way I was not expecting this oh my goodness wait I think that is it that’s the 12th eye that we needed and we’re done yeah finally we did it which huts and uh

Let’s head back to our Castle we need an Eye of Ender there we go boom which eye so with that we have one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven and twelve witch eyes and now we can start searching for the stronghold I should

Make sure to take any extra eyes that I have because that’s what I’m gonna need to use to guide me I’m pretty sure normal is a vendor do not work yeah this eye does not want to be used oh whoa okay let’s throw this and start

Following it oh oh it’s going this way my search carried on all the way into day 171 when something special happened yep it is right down here okay it’s time to see what we got on our hands here okay let’s head down oh and here we go we have found the stronghold

After 170 days of working towards this we found it and not only that but we’re ready to activate it now we need to find the Portal itself interesting we got another portal here and some treasure okay looks like we found the main lobby we got this little Lounge area that’s

Very nice ah here we go I found it don’t want to enter just yet but I do want to activate the portal so let us do that these took so long to get boom boom and boom we have activated the end portal that is insane well on that note we are ready to

Head into the end but I’m gonna definitely gear up before fighting the Ender Dragon I think it’s more powerful than the regular version so we’re gonna need to be careful and I wish I had a waste Stone on me but it doesn’t look like I do which is uh definitely not the

Best news but it’s okay I think I can find one kind of close by hopefully and oh I got a silverfish spawning trying to kill me and what is this is this a village what is going on here now the question is is there a way Stone here because

That would be amazing not finding a way Stone here unfortunately so we’re gonna have to find another Village and we got signs here which could lead us to a village so let us head over this way looks like it might have led us to this Pillager Castle which is not what we

Need at the moment I’m in a warped Mesa biome that’s pretty cool here’s another Village oh why do I what was that oh no hey don’t attack the baby back off back away from the baby you okay buddy are you all right yeah okay there’s no way Stone unfortunately hello hello guys

Another friendly little guys hi not bringing away stone with me was quite a fatal mistake I am not going to lie oh my God this is not good not at all oh finally We Got a Way Stone there’s no way this type of Village doesn’t have a

Way Stone ah Way Stone okay that was too long too long let’s grab this and we’re gonna have to now fly back and I traveled about 5 000 blocks look at this plant look at this thing this oh yeah it’s harmful okay oh my God the achievement Jennifer dumped me kill

It for life though and the stronghold should be just about down this way here if we dig straight down we should land right into the portal there we go you can place our way Stone right here and portal and let’s quickly head home to figure out our inventory and make some potions

Hopefully boom speed charm strength charm fire resistance there we go we have all three charms which will definitely come in handy and with that I mean I’m pretty ready to go and fight the Ender Dragon end portal oh boy okay let us do this okay let’s build on over to the main

Island okay and so we begin there’s there’s so many of these Thunder strikes going on holy moly being able to fly is definitely hopeful take these out now we need to break into these ones oh my God that almost killed me here we go that’s that one blown up

There are a lot of these thunder lightning things going on oh my God holy moly there we go that’s another one there’s one more Crystal here it looks like oh my goodness this is just difficult because of the lag okay why is this Ender Dragon on the ground holy moly

Oh boy oh boy wow this is some Ender Dragon I guess I have to fight this thing in melee range wow oh boy it knocked me towards the wall oh no okay that’s a tone moment dying gone put one back on okay there we go it’s in the air I can

Shoot at it for a bit there we go Ender Dragon okay it’s back on the ground with strength two I should be able to do a lot more damage just keep swinging just keep swinging we are doing a lot of damage in melee range holy moly

I might take it out right now its health is there we go that was a very strange ender dragon fight to say the least but we got it I well I just got 225 levels that is so many levels holy moly that’s insane oh I got a heart

Container we got an Ender Dragon treasure bag we can open that up we got an end Crystal dragon’s breath and let me see if I can explore the end a bit okay let’s head into the end gate here there we go whoa okay this end is

Already looking cool okay so good news I removed the lightning and my game feels literally 10 times better bad news I have no gear anymore I I unfortunately there was no way to remove the lightning without having the armor removed as well uh so yeah that means we lost our epic

Gear which I’m honestly uh quite uh quite sad with but at the same time I’m happy that I’m not lagging like crazy uh now we need to get home ASAP and I believe we have some decent gear as well which will help us along the way I want

To come back right after we get some gear at our base so that we can explore the end because I believe the end has even better gear than the nether okay yeah so unfortunately my spawn point is uh is 15 000 blocks away from home but that’s okay we’re gonna we’re gonna

Figure this out there we go a village let us head home I’ve put on the best gear I’ve got and I think the best strategy is to head into the end and try to get some better pieces of diamond gear that I can then transform into netherright because the

End I believe has very very good gear compared to the Overworld let us head back to our end portal and look at these trees these look crazy what is this called and a gel look at that we’re bouncing oh we got a Way Stone hey there

That’s really nice that makes it a lot easier to travel in the end because as soon as we need to we can head back home oh and here we go we got an end City seems like we also have something over there now I have not fought any shulkers

I do not know how powerful these fellas are so let’s uh let’s be careful here it seems they’re not doing anything too crazy let us make our way up oh boy mimik cubes oh yeah look at that it’s holding a totem of undying okay wait hold on

Can I take these fellas out oh no I can’t wow these guys are crazy I’m gonna try to avoid them if I can because I am not in a state where I can take them on very manageably let’s see if there’s anything at the top doesn’t seem like there’s anything in

That one let’s check this one out nothing on the top of this Tower either there is a chest oh boy these shulkers are blinding me okay oh Cali the old and you’re gone let’s see what’s in the chest oh another right armor look at that oh my goodness

It’s a legendary item look at that this tool breaks in a five by three area mending efficiency for item ignores 45 of durability damage holy moly that’s an insane shovel and this chest Plate’s really good too definitely better than mine Wow Let’s head to the ship I’m

Still in awe from that shovel that we found this thing looks insane okay there’s mimikubes here okay hold on oh I can make him fall off the edge though perfect what do we got here oh we got an elytra oh look at that whoa you can make some

Interesting butterfly Electra oh you can make different uh types of electrons that’s really cool and let’s see what we got in these chests look at that epic helmet insane epic chest plate insane look at that mending protection three Unbreaking three that is very good we can combine that with this netherre

Chest plate even oh my goodness oh my God epic netherite likings look at this it has two sockets on it wow within this small period of time I have a significantly geared up but now that we’ve looted this end City there’s also this huge structure here that I’d like

To explore oh I think uh Blackstone Golem might be here find the ruins the dattle interesting got some basic loot here I hear a lot of sounds enderm up terra Ah that’s creepy that’s creepy get away from me get away from me ooh ew ew okay these things are creepy man why why

Oh here we got an Ender Golem I can’t shoot at it oh boy I blocked its uh special ability hold on hold on let me put my strength on fire resistance speed and let’s go let’s go oh I blocked its attack lock oh got it wow that was quick what did I get

Void core interesting look at that protection 4 helmet which is gonna come in handy actually there’s a lever here it’s another layer oh there’s another Golem take this fellow out and take you out oh look at that netherrite sword two gem sockets a bunch of extra damage that’s a

Very good sword which I would really like to use oh man here’s oh my God bisque of sand oh no oh no okay I’m good wow wow that is insane oh look at this legendary leggings it reduces a bunch of types of damage 6.2 armor toughness I don’t think these are

The best legendary leggings you could get but they’re uh they’re pretty good they are better than my netherrite gear in terms of its armor toughness what do we have here oh boy that’s a boss let’s quickly head home okay what I can do is try to enchant some of this epic and

Legendary gear that we got and sharpness 3 that’s really good and through that we might have a better chance of fighting these more difficult bosses I go to the smithing table we should be able to put both of these on here boom and now this sword should be doing a lot of extra

Damage actually I definitely like to re-enchant this helmet let me quickly take that off Mana regen three not bad we can also combine that with our protection 4 helmet bam for our chest plate this epic one is better than the netherrate one and what we can do is actually upgrade this diamond chest

Plate like so that is very powerful and we need to get more netherrites so that we can upgrade our other pieces of gear thankfully I have a lot of scales there we go three netherrade ingots we can upgrade our legendary leggings boom and our epic helmet we can also enchant our

Leggings protection three some extra enchantments which is nice since that’ll make us pretty powerful cover me in debris that is right I definitely feel a lot safer fighting bosses now we can add speed onto the chest plate and overheal onto the helmet boom I definitely feel ready to take on

A boss right now all right let’s activate our charms need a golden apple and uh let’s head down to fight this oh yep there we go the Ender Guardian it’s pulling me in says the store oh yeah look at the sword go that’s insane and we can block with

It still which I really like boom blocked blocked dropped his down a layer this is insane oh my goodness wow I am insanely powerful now that’s crazy that’s it we defeated him berserking Gauntlet of guard of the Titan you can pull in entities look at

How many perks it has it gives you armor too which is insane that is very interesting Let Me Mine my way out of here there we go we are out I also kind of want to test out this Gauntlet pull everything into us look at how it attacks look I’m pulling

Everything in it is very hard to hit things with this oh my goodness I started I started a fight with the wrong Enderman I’ll tell you that much oh boy oh boy I thought we were overpowered we are not overpowered apparently that Enderman does an insane amount of damage oh no I

Just activated another Enderman no let’s find some other place in the end because this is way too dangerous looks like we have another end City here hold on let me try to fight these mimik cubes I’m blinded I have no idea what’s happening this thing does not die look at this I

Don’t think you can kill those mimik cubes they literally seem to be Invincible let me just go to the ship how about that and here we have this wondering Trader fellow it was very very strange oh he’s floating the archmage whoa look at this stuff is a bunch of special items

Oh man I’m getting attacked is he attacking me is this guy attacking me his trades aren’t even that good this guy’s attacking me look at this guy hey what’s going on put up some music discs and some pretty good boots as well with feather falling

Five and look at that I got a legendary helmet from one of the shulkers oh and he dropped a menu book that’s good too let’s take you out oh no not the mimik cube not the mimik cube these things are literally Invincible okay let’s get you to fall

Down here okay we got a chest here nothing special it looks like he’s a dragon head I should probably pick this one up Whoa hold on the true ends portal a map leading you to the most powerful being within this realm um what did the wandering Trader drop that I think it’s a bug that it dropped too I think there’s only supposed to be one so I’ll throw one out this is

Worrying me a bit we’re gonna follow this map oh and we are moving on the map let us see what awaits us look at that the fact that this is being called the most powerful being is a bit uh scary I would say to the point where I don’t

Think I’m ready to fight this off I think we should return to this later once we’re more prepared anyways here’s another one of these Golem buildings uh Diamond chest plate which is actually better than my current netherride chest plate I think we should combine the two

Together what is that look at this thing hi there oh here’s another one of these and that is a legendary chest plate oh my goodness these things are nasty oh it just dropped epic boots like just like that and you know what those boots are better than mine actually oh and a legendary

Netherite ax let’s see what we can do with this Epic Level shelter where did it go Mythic level mobs have the craziest amount of health is this it dropped leggings it could be it oh it was it the enchantments are insane on that look at that wow I can definitely

Make use of that projectile protection six Mana regen 5 on breaking four the armor itself isn’t amazing got an end ship over this way and what do we got inside in a legendary Trident oh my goodness look at this three empty sockets oh legendary boots there we go

Yes these are amazing enchant our new boots not bad we need to upgrade our armor to netherrite so I’m gonna quickly go mining and we can use our five by five pickaxe combine this pickaxe with that one boom and now let’s see what we can do and let us mine down we’re just

Deleting the world at this point just delete delete this is insane like it’s just deleting the world in front of my very eyes look at this this is crazy oh there we go a bunch of ancient debris it also teleports items to you which is even crazier there we go more ancient

Debris thank you and more and I’m gonna have to stop there before it breaks 17 ancient debris before it almost broke wow upgrade the helmet and upgrade the chest plate the leggings as well and now I can combine a lot of things so these boots with those boom this helmet with

That helmet there we go and these leggings with those boom that chest plate with that chest plate bam okay so on this chest plate we can add a bunch of gems boom we also have a slot on our boots plus two step height on those and

On this we can add 20 total speed we are doing very very well I’ll also add mending to all my gear mending mending there we go mending on all of my armor teleport to our end portal look at this we got a little Spirit over place down

Here oh and I actually have enough emeralds and Essences to get another heart thank you very much and I think there’s an entrance right here actually oh my God wait this is a skull I did not see this before wait it’s a skull oh my

God okay this is no joke okay what is inside here um candles distant altar I’m guessing I have to click this do I walk no I have to oh boy oh boy where is it teleporting me oh boy the true ending uh oh oh my God look

It’s Notch oh boy there’s nothing else around me are you ready am I ready no actually hold on oh boy I’m I don’t know what’s gonna happen okay good prepare yourself okay oh boy what is he doing he’s got a big boulder thing oh my God oh my God oh swinging me around

Oh can I block that oh I blocked it what does he do okay okay Oh boy oh boy okay he grabbed me what is that effect he grabbed me stop hey oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh boy oh boy oh boy Golden Apple oh my God okay I think I got him oh my god of course he

Has a face too Elemental deity look at this thing oh oh what it’s summoning a black hole oh no oh no oh no oh my God what is it doing okay oh no oh no oh no no no no no oh no oh no Dodge whatever it’s shooting at me Dodge it

I’m getting out of that oh no oh no how okay we got ow boy okay totems of undying I think I need to get a melee range because this guy does a bunch of damage when I’m trying to shoot at him ow holy smokes ow ow come on Attack Attack oh

We got him is he gonna blow up or something you have defeated the corrupted deity congratulations you have defeated the elemental deity the world bounces once again restored you can right click one of the dancing Clorox to go back oh hey guys did I get anything for that I don’t

Know if I did look like this guy hey oh teleported us back I mean I I think we we actually beat the last boss in the pack well with that I’m quite confident I would like to fight the other bosses that we couldn’t defeat before and go

Down to that Abyssal trench that we saw earlier we have had a bunch of progress it’s insane that we have come this far okay first I want to fight Captain Cornelia because before we were getting demolished by it let us teleport to Captain Cornelia ah there it is okay

And let’s try to fight this thing oh boy oh that was not a good start there’s no damage to me anymore oh boy okay maybe I spoke a bit too soon hold on hold on I can’t swing at it hold on wow it’s healing uh I’m maybe I should have brought into

Pearls okay this way get hits on it again oh my God oh my God can I shoot at it I can’t do anything it’s healing maybe I need to exit combat mode that’s the problem yeah okay okay oh yeah oh yeah how do you like that Captain Cornelia got it nice

Oh my God what is this oxygen tanks I feel like we got times eight the loot we’re supposed to get so I’m gonna drop a lot of this stuff and look at that Coral Lance it’s red it does 14 attack damage on its own 30 base accuracy 25

Attack range echo of the ship graveyard Whisper of the Abyss whoa now with Captain Cornelia defeated I feel confident in going to that Abyssal trench now the only issue that I might have is the drowning underwater part so if I could try to get respiration in aqua affinity that would be very very

Good I could also just make water breathing potions actually now that I think about it I can go underwater and try to find some puffer fish that’s a pretty good idea I think boom depth Strutter three let me try to find some puffer fish whoa I’m really fast okay

Puffer fish where are you Come on come on oh my goodness we found one okay I was honestly giving up hope oh I think that’s a puffer fish oh yes it is and let’s see if uh looting works on this fella oh two puffer fish okay that’s already very good but I would

Like to find some more I need my water breathing real bad there we go eight puffer fish and with that we can return Brew these up there we go and I got the potions we need with that I am ready to take on the Abyssal trench I have it marked down on

My Atlas Abyssal trench let’s do it I finally have come back and I’m not sure if speed will help us down here but I will activate it anyways oh no okay I fear this might happen the random effect of water breathing that you get here resets my water breathing potions to fix

That I can make a charm but I guess let’s see if I even need to make a charm okay let’s start breaking these spawners it is very difficult to deal with this this is uh quite crazy I don’t know what’s going on here to be honest I’m drowning see that’s the thing about

The water breathing is it activates sometimes and sometimes it doesn’t and then I get weakness oh my God I fell down a hole now okay hold on we’re leaving feel the vibrations under the ice oh boy there we go water breathing charm and let’s head back look at this

How do I deal with this taking on the Abyssal trench was honestly an absolute mess there were so many things working against me including lag it being dark and me getting pulled down every few seconds I spent a lot of time here breaking the spawners looting the chests

Trying to get enough keys to summon the boss and defeat the trench I made it all the way up to the top and it turned out that the top of the building is where you’re supposed to start which uh I really wish I knew in the beginning

Anyways I was heading back down when this happened oh what is that whoa whoa whoa whoa golden apples what is that mother of the maze oh my God oh my God this is not a good situation oh my God oh my God oh okay I’m swinging at it from afar come

On oh my God oh my God this is a terrible place to fight these things oh no oh they’re cornering me it’s poisoning me oh my God I got it I got it okay I want to try to loot that but I can’t when I’m being dragged to the bottom of the ocean

Every five seconds where where oh there’s the items oh man I almost got him here we go here we go there we are there we go what did I get here oh Abyssal amethyst echo of the ship graveyard I can use this for a lot

Of things oh you can even make a full set of armor with this that’s really cool let’s go see if two keys is enough which I’m guessing it’s not but two I think I might need one more key after all let’s go find another Abyssal trench here we go here’s another trench this

Time I’m gonna go from the top to the bottom and now that I know kind of how this works there we go and no key let’s go down I do not like Guardians you know I actually quite strongly hate Guardians I could say and I’m gonna get YouTube yeah

That’s right there’s the sneaky spawner oh yeah but there’s nothing in there unfortunately yes there we go we got the key and we’re gonna have to head back to the other trench okay oh my goodness oh my God look at this thing oh my God oh my God

This thing is creepy die die die it’s pushing me away or something take it out come on oh my God that was a nasty creature okay I have the final key and put it in oh there’s a chest there oh my goodness what is going

On the key is not going in I’m so confused it just uh didn’t work I failed I guess I don’t know I don’t know what ended up happening I decided I would head to another Abyssal trench to see if I could activate the battle tower there but even after

Getting three keys again the boss did not get summoned I don’t know if I was doing something wrong or it was glitched but unfortunately I had no way to summon the boss so at least for now we’ll just say that I beat the battle tower anyways

With that done I decided I would move on and my next mission was to summon and defeat the hovering Inferno whose altar we had found in the first 100 days here we are this is where the blaze Guardian boss resides no we have this little guy here as well so we should definitely

Take out and we can head in here let’s uh activate our fire resistance and let’s throw in our oh okay yep the nether star worked oh my God oh my God a little guy spawned one of these guys here hold on this is bad this is very

Bad where’s this little guy okay I I don’t know I’m gonna just try to take on the hovering Inferno that’s not good wait we’re doing a lot of damage to it oh my God oh my God okay I can’t even kill this thing because I don’t know where the little

Guy is I can take out the hovering Inferno though oh there there he is there’s the little guy come here little guy got him now we take out the rest of this Inferno wow I’m I’m insanely powerful holy moly we have we’ve had a huge increase in our run

You Can’t Kill The Inferno just about oh my God it respawned oh boy come here hovering Inferno oh I can’t hit it I can’t hit it what’s going on oh I think I oh I have to jump over that it has a bunch of oh my God

Oh boy oh boy okay I have to dodge all of these oh my God okay up we go place a block here can it hit me can’t oh come on fall into ashes survive the inferno’s last spell and claim your reward what is my reward I hope my reward whatever it

Is doesn’t drop into the lava please oh I think I saved it oh oh what is that Windswept Firestorm of the first Archer turns spectral arrows into a powerful lightning attack oh look at this winter Trailblazer of the first Archer oh my God how long can I charge this for oh

Look at this whoa that’s cool boom Oh my God that’s sick oh wow I got 84 levels from that that’s that’s insane now let’s search for some more bosses okay now I feel bad but it’s a pile of sheep here and I want to test this crossbow on them okay

Okay yeah that just one shot all all three sheep that were here that is pretty powerful the red horn Guild a refuge and training grounds how do I get into this place right here it looks like hello folks red horn Guild Journal day 14 last week I arrived at the wanderous red horn

Guild I was running from a Pillager Patrol in the adventures here took me in as one of their own they may be hard on me and each other but now they’re family um oh hello hey there hey guys red horn Guild very cool I’m a big fan look at their logo that’s

Nice let’s see what’s at the top here very interesting I don’t want to disturb them by looting their chest so I’ll leave you guys alone okay it doesn’t look like they have any Quests for me or anything so I’ll just head on out I want to find this ocean monument and I can

Actually just turn on my charm of water breathing which will make finding uh Temple a lot easier hello Sentinel night I do like to fight oh poor guy I’m so overpowered this is insane look at this wow she got destroyed I’m not gonna lie to you is there anything in here because

This is just like an inconspicuous perfect box in the middle of the ocean oh what’s going on here look at this we got copper Golems oh I just got a copper Golem head back out oh my God we found one we found an ocean Monument holy moly it took so long

Nice nice nice now these fellas are very powerful especially the fact that we have epic fight mod it makes it very difficult to fight these guys what is over here oh hello oh oh that’s the boss oh look at this thing this thing looks creaky

Oh my goodness I got it this place is not not looking like it’s friendly at all I’ll tell you that much wow this is very different from the typical ocean monument look at this place no I don’t like you fellas doesn’t seem to be a lot here oh man there’s another Elder let’s

Take it out this scary thing we got it oh I got oh my God oh my God am I not dead wow holy moly they got me to one heart whoa wow okay you think I’m okay Elder Guardian bag let’s open this up I’m not seeing

Anything too special oh and here we got another one and gotcha uh there are a lot of these guys is there anything else in here doesn’t seem like it got a chest here A bunch of prismarine shells crystals not all the shells I’ll get them okay I feel

Like that is it for this place so we should head out and oh I can actually break out there we go and we’re out of there so we’ve defeated this sea monument and well we got a Wandering Trader here hello nothing good now there are a few more bosses that I can defeat

One of them is Father Gasco gascoigne I don’t know how to say that but I want to find him and I know for a fact that he spawns randomly in the Overworld me finding him is basically entirely up to luck but I’d still like to try to do it

Just hold on I’m just admiring my gear for a second just look at how overpowered that looks isn’t that a beautiful color wow let me talk to the Guild Master here and let’s see if he has any new quests because I defeated the Ender Dragon hello I think there’s no need to look

For the eyes anymore correct so you have defeated the dragon I suppose that would make you the new ruler of the realm congratulations Brave conqueror you have done everything you could now if you would excuse me dot dot dot I I’m sorry I doubted you you’re truly One of a Kind

End of dialogue okay that’s it we officially have gotten the seal approval hey pal hey swimming with me look at this hello orca look at it swim with me I made a new friend I unfortunately did not have luck with finding this rare boss named father gascoigne but uh that’s okay because we

Beat the mod pack everybody I mean we did it we defeated the final boss we got insane gear and we have our nice little castle that we live in it’s only right to end this off by heading back to our castle and saying hello to newbie hello

Newbie and uh you know sleeping a nice deep breast foreign

This video, titled ‘I Survived 200 Days in DAWNCRAFT in Minecraft Hardcore! [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by Suev on 2023-09-01 18:55:15. It has garnered 610221 views and 4957 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:10 or 13090 seconds.

I Survived 200 Days in Hardcore Dawncraft… Here’s What Happened

Dawncraft is a massive modpack that transforms Minecraft into an RPG. In this video I attempt to survive 100 days in this world as I fight through werewolves, ogres, and many other monsters. This is the most I’ve enjoyed a modpack in a while!

⚔ MODPACK (Dawncraft):

0:00 – Intro 0:48 – 100 Days 1:42:03 – 200 Days


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  • Ultimate Showdown: Lapata SMP vs Loyal SMP

    Ultimate Showdown: Lapata SMP vs Loyal SMP The Ultimate Showdown: Stop Lapata SMP vs Loyal SMP Welcome to the epic clash between two powerhouse Minecraft SMPs: Stop Lapata SMP and Loyal SMP! AaryanshMC takes us on a thrilling journey through the intense rivalry, highlighting the unique features, gameplay styles, and community dynamics of each server. Get ready for a showdown like no other as we delve into the world of Minecraft! Stop Lapata SMP: Unleashing Creativity Stop Lapata SMP is a hub of creativity, where players push the boundaries of what’s possible in Minecraft. With a focus on building, redstone engineering, and exploration, Stop Lapata SMP… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Wacky Industrial Zone

    Minecraft's Wacky Industrial Zone Minecraft’s Goofiest Industrial District Seven Missions is a project that has been in the works since June 2021, showcasing the creative potential of Minecraft. The creator sees it as more than just a series within the game; it is a testament to the power of imagination and determination. With a focus on inspiring others, Seven Missions serves as a stepping stone towards a career in filmmaking and composing. Music and Artistry The series features a majority of original music composed by the creator, available for streaming on platforms like Spotify under the artist name “Cem Hagemu.” This unique blend… Read More

  • “Piggy Pag’s Ultimate Minecraft Magic Wand 🐷✨” #minecraft #shorts #gaming

    "Piggy Pag's Ultimate Minecraft Magic Wand 🐷✨" #minecraft #shorts #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘This magic wand works wonders in Minecraft ✨ #minecraft #fyp #shorts #gaming’, was uploaded by Piggy Pag on 2024-08-17 15:15:10. It has garnered 1915 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. ►Hi friends 👋 thanks for watching my videos! Did you like the video? Click like 👍 and write any good comments🗯️, it will help me a lot and I will see that my videos are interesting to you and I will be happy 🌝, I will make videos more often. Also… don’t forget to click the bell… Read More

  • Minecraft Build & Seek: Ultimate Challenge

    Minecraft Build & Seek: Ultimate ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft BUILD and SEEK!’, was uploaded by Daaash on 2024-09-22 19:00:16. It has garnered 148712 views and 2390 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:01 or 8101 seconds. Minecraft BUILD and SEEK! This video Dash, Ruby and Cam are playing build and seek in Minecraft where they each have to build a hiding spot, and who ever is last to be found wins! Who will win? Watch till the end to find out! #minecraft #minecraftmod #Dash Read More

  • Crazy Minecraft Bedwars Combo 1.9! #ShortsMadness

    Crazy Minecraft Bedwars Combo 1.9! #ShortsMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘combo 1.9 #bedwars #shorts #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #minecraft #minecraftshorts #vime’, was uploaded by P1aNo_Shorts on 2024-09-23 18:15:52. It has garnered 11 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. minecraft, minecraft pvp, pvp, combo, minecraft combo, minecraft smooth, best minecraft combos, minecraft combo lock, 1.9, minecraft combotage, sumo, mc pvp, sharpness pack, pot pvp, skypvp, minecraft sumo tournament, combos, sumo pvp minecraft, sumo god, minecraft sumo 1v1, bedwars, serb-craft, insane minecraft, sumo combos, sumo combo, minecraft 240fps, how to combo in sumo, sumo tips and tricks, minecraft hacking, minecraft sumo,… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft build with a creepy twist! 🔥👻 #shorts

    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft build with a creepy twist! 🔥👻 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft game 🎯🎮 creepy build 😱😱 tick tock heck 🎯🎮 #shorts #viral #minecraft #gameplay’, was uploaded by MR GAMER 08 on 2024-02-04 11:07:00. It has garnered 2488 views and 77 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Minecraft game 🎯🎮 creepy build 😱😱 tick tock heck 🎯🎮 #shorts #viral #minecraft #gameplay Read More

  • Insane Lifesteal SMP in Minecraft! Free Server Tutorial

    Insane Lifesteal SMP in Minecraft! Free Server TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make a Lifesteal SMP in Minecraft using Aternos (Free Server Tutorial)’, was uploaded by BoltX79 on 2024-02-26 15:58:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Make your Lifesteal SMP Like Loyal SMP Using Aternos #subscribe #like #aternos #aternosminecraftserver #minecraft … Read More

  • JJ & Mikey find SCARY superheroes in Minecraft!

    JJ & Mikey find SCARY superheroes in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Family found SCARY IRON MAN, SPIDERMAN, HULK and THANOS – in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by JJ & Mikey – Life on 2024-05-04 23:00:11. It has garnered 7479 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:04 or 3604 seconds. JJ and Mikey Family found SCARY IRON MAN, SPIDERMAN, HULK and THANOS – in Minecraft Maizen! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel : @Maizen Like and subscribe to the channel if you love Mom! Read More


    SHIKANOKO NOKONOKO KOSHI TANTAN - MINECRAFT ANIMASIVideo Information This video, titled ‘SHIKANOKO NOKONOKO KOSHITANTAN – ANIMASI MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by DUHIN on 2024-07-21 10:00:36. It has garnered 21456 views and 1879 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Characters @KoboKanaeru @KureijiOllie @AiraniIofifteen @MoonaHoshinova @AyundaRisu @KaelaKovalskia @VestiaZeta ••••••••••••••••••••• Subscribe for more animation from duhin:) •••••••••••••••••••••• social media: Instagram :@duhingram TikTok: @duhinuwu •••••••••••••••••••••• Track: – •••••••••••••••••••••• back to video guys, dont forget to like, comment, and subscribe #Shorts Read More

  • Insane Hide-and-Seek with INSIDE OUT in Minecraft!

    Insane Hide-and-Seek with INSIDE OUT in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey HIDE from INSIDE OUT At Night in Minecraft ! (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Crazy Mikey on 2024-08-04 19:00:24. It has garnered 957 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:51 or 3831 seconds. JJ and Mikey HIDE from INSIDE OUT At Night in Minecraft ! (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen Store promotion: Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like and subscribe! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Turtle Farm – 3000+ cobblestone/hr

    Insane Minecraft Turtle Farm - 3000+ cobblestone/hrVideo Information This video, titled ‘Automatic Cobblestone farm in Minecraft | 3000 + per hour’, was uploaded by Turtle Craft on 2024-04-18 11:45:01. It has garnered 21570 views and 1023 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. Automatic Cobblestone farm in Minecraft | 3000 + per hour I this short video I will teach you how to buid the easiest automatic cobblestone generator in minecraft you only need few materials to build this farm make sure to subscribe the channle full video link here : Design credit bigbooty17 song credit massobeats – gift (royalty free… Read More

  • ChippyChickin’s Realm – Realms 18+ Whitelist 1.21.1

    Join My Minecraft Realm! Looking for new players to join my realm. I currently have 4 players and looking to invite 4 or 5 more. Let’s create a friendly community/village with a maximum of 10 players. Any type of base is allowed – sky, underground, under the ocean, or a basic above ground house. Rules are posted in my discord server. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mob Sounds: My Original Creation

    Minecraft Memes - Mob Sounds: My Original CreationLooks like someone needs to hit the “mute” button on their imagination! Read More

  • Cube Xuan: Minecraft’s Happy Planet Rhyme

    Cube Xuan: Minecraft's Happy Planet Rhyme In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Cube Xuan brings joy, like a delightful dream. With humor and fun, each video shines bright, Bringing happiness to all, day and night. From funny animations to songs that adapt, Cube Xuan’s content is never flat. So join the fun, subscribe and see, The magic of Minecraft, in rhymes so free. Read More

  • I felt that… in the Nether! 🔥

    I felt that... in the Nether! 🔥 When you’re mining for diamonds in Minecraft and accidentally fall into lava, but the music is so soothing that you just feel like “I felt that” 😔 #minecraftstruggles #lavaissues #gamerproblems Read More

  • LEGO Novelties October 2024: Star Wars, Batman, Super Mario, Minecraft

    LEGO Novelties October 2024: Star Wars, Batman, Super Mario, Minecraft Exploring the Latest Minecraft Updates in October 2024 As the world of LEGO continues to expand, the month of October 2024 brings exciting new additions to the lineup. From Star Wars to Batman, Super Mario Bros, and Minecraft, there is something for every fan to enjoy. Let’s dive into the details of the latest Minecraft updates featured in this month’s LEGO releases. Discovering New Minecraft Sets One of the highlights of the October 2024 LEGO releases is the introduction of new Minecraft sets. These sets allow players to bring their favorite blocky world to life through intricate LEGO designs…. Read More

  • Ultimate Easy Iron Farm Minecraft Bedrock

    Ultimate Easy Iron Farm Minecraft Bedrock The Easiest Iron Farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Farm Details Looking for an efficient iron farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21? Look no further! This iron farm, designed by OinkOink, is a game-changer. It operates in MCPE, PC, PS5, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox, making it versatile for players across different platforms. The farm, built in a Minecraft 1.20 Survival Farm world, is a fully automatic setup that guarantees a bountiful yield of iron and poppies. Farm Performance The farm boasts an impressive performance, producing between 300 to 350 iron ingots per hour. This high output ensures that players have a… Read More

  • Unbelievable plot twists in 41 min of Minecraft Story Mode

    Unbelievable plot twists in 41 min of Minecraft Story ModeVideo Information This video, titled ‘L’histoire de MINECRAFT STORY MODE¹ en 41 minutes’, was uploaded by Sun on 2024-09-20 15:00:07. It has garnered 68761 views and 3362 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:58 or 2518 seconds. The game tah the times, SUBSCRIBE! #minecraft #minecraftstorymode #nostalgia #cartoon Read More

  • Sly Factory Build in Galaxy Gaming SMP

    Sly Factory Build in Galaxy Gaming SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘DAY 2 🔥FACTORY BUILD START IN SMP | 🔥GG SMP |🔴MINECRAFT LIVE | !insta @tanuj_gg’, was uploaded by GALAXY GAMING on 2024-02-26 20:04:28. It has garnered 62 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 04:07:59 or 14879 seconds. ============================================================================= ⚜ If All of Enjoying the Stream? Make sure You Like & Share the Video and Do not forget to Subscribe the Channel ⚜ ============================================================================= Top Donation ❤ 🔰Info Gamer Shiv: 💲166.51, 🔰Anuj Roy: $87.83, 🔰REB SANJU: $81.37, 🔰Dibya Dash: $65.29, 🔰Ustaad JoKeR GaMinG: $64.41, 🔰Manjot Singh 99.9%: $47.49, 🔰Ajay sbj: $46.89, 🔰Kulnoor… Read More

  • Become a Minecraft Legend in 1K! Join Mickaye Now

    Become a Minecraft Legend in 1K! Join Mickaye NowVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PLAYING W/ VIEWERS!!! REALMS, SPEEDRUNS, CUBECRAFT, ETC. – ROAD TO 1K!!!’, was uploaded by Mickaye on 2024-08-27 09:06:06. It has garnered 47 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:59:19 or 7159 seconds. Hey, Welcome to my channel! I’m going to be streaming games and vlogging often on this channel I hope everyone enjoys the content! Like & Subscribe if you want more videos! Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT BUILD with INSANE GRANITE - Tim Horn EPIC Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘SO MUCH GRANITE II: Minecraft Series #70’, was uploaded by Tim Horn on 2024-01-17 19:54:18. It has garnered 46 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:04 or 3004 seconds. Here is the long awaited Minecraft Series i mentioned before, This World is on an Amplified World, Which is full of lakes & mountains, this actually makes it harder, so good luck for me on this one, Im going to play at my own pace & enjoy building & civilizing this world! Support me on Patreon! Really would appreciate it! My… Read More

  • 🚫 How to go BROKE on Minecraft SMP! 🤑

    🚫 How to go BROKE on Minecraft SMP! 🤑Video Information This video, titled ‘How to become poor on this Minecraft Smp’, was uploaded by Bartol on 2024-07-21 07:10:46. It has garnered 2255 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More

  • Yoeurn Mutta’s Massive Space Adventure

    Yoeurn Mutta's Massive Space AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘He’s better off to space ( on IG)’, was uploaded by Yoeurn Mutta on 2024-08-25 12:30:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. shorts #minecraftmeme #minecraft. Read More

Suev – I Survived 200 Days in DAWNCRAFT in Minecraft Hardcore! [FULL MOVIE]