Surviving in the Minecraft Universe with Nothing but… | UniversIO #1

Video Information

Hello my name is Stephen Ross probs and welcome to a brand new series on a Channel of universally IO Universe IO as I pronounce it I’m not really too sure but yeah this is a brand new mod pack created by cryptic I think they like to

Be called and uh yeah I stumbled across this the other day and I’ve actually been playing it off camera quite a lot and I thought you know what why am I doing this I might as well just record and play it with you guys right maybe

You guys would want to see this and I want to spread this pack it’s very cool it’s very unique this is in 1.19.2 by the way if you didn’t see and uh yeah there we go hardcore so I’m gonna call this uni HC LP quite original and let’s

Hit create new world so this should load pretty pretty fast and essentially we’re gonna spawn in in a universe guys this is so cool it’s very scientific by the way um so that’s if that’s not your kind of cup of tea it’s in a pack for you I’m afraid uh

So yeah there’s a lot about the periodic table straight away I’ve gone on to the quest look this is the actual first Quest you would see so this is the kind of information section so very quickly there is coins in this I’m not entirely sure what they’re

Actually for yet I never got that far but you seem to get coins as rewards okay now this is a little bit of a section about the actual creator of the mod pack so it’s Crypt 1C also known as cryptic as I said and uh yeah he’s just

Saying thanks very much for playing Universe IO okay we get a little silver coin for that this is important information it’s just telling you if you see a green exclamation mark basically read it because it’s probably going to help you right there’s a lot of information here I’m not going to read

This because I’ve already played it so I kind of know what it is if you want to read it just pause the video and read it I guess and then there’s a bit of a lore story kind of thing going on here as well much like what I just said if you

Want to read it pause the video I guess and that is pretty much it and the next thing we need to do you’re all set have fun tick this and we get given a 10 pad and a golden coin straight from the back uh-oh I’ve just made a boo-boo guys I’ve accidentally jumped

Ouch yeah welcome to the universe I was uh just obviously reading the quest then and I thought I would kind of back out and I jumped for some unknown reason and yeah you got to be careful in this world we’re actually in the universe look and

I love what he’s done with this I think this is brilliant so this is like the starry stars and this is the universe of nothingness yes like the real Universe right maybe there’s planets I don’t honestly know but probably not it just seems like an empty world this like if

You were stuck in the the uh um the universe so for example if I was to hit Q here throw the book look at that that is so freaking cool man it’s just going it doesn’t go forever but it’s just gonna spin there forever I don’t actually know if these things despawn

Um but you might be able to make some sort of weird Farm or something using this mechanic I’m not really too sure but anyway yeah this is essentially the world um we got these nothingness blocks um if we go to mynum we can’t actually do anything if we shift and right click

Them nothing can happen so we need to kind of read the first kind of Act of the chapters we do get given some other little books there’s also this squirt gun don’t honestly know what that is I’ve never used this yet but I’m very intrigued to see what the hell this is

We got these coins as well and there is some like money mod attached to this and it looks like we can just kind of right click these in and it will kind of go into your purse and you can you know quite easily just take these in and out

Again I don’t know what these are actually for they might be used for villagers who knows or maybe later on in the quest you unlock like a shop or something so the last thing you actually get is this temp pad and I believe this is like a

Teleportion mod I’m not 100 sure I’ve never used it I’ve set this to purple I think it was green by default um but yeah there is a Wiki so you can kind of go and have a read on this but again long story short I think it is

Just a kind of teleportion mod so if I was for example set this place to um home for example and in the app location if I click on this now and run away look and then I run program home and then I teleport delete or I don’t know what the

Top one means but we just teleport there and you walk through this little portal and it’s very fancy very very cool and yeah it’s pretty handy I guess but not really right now I would say so act newler is where we start off and much like it

Said we have to read the exclamation mark so in order to obtain gluons different quarks and electrons simply mine the nothingness block with avoid Harvester now I’m pretty sure anything that’s written in red is like the gods speaking to you so here you go you don’t need this don’t expect too many handouts

So basically it’s a check mark Quest we get given the void Harvester which is what we need to mine the uh nothingness blocks with and we get a philosophy Philosopher’s Stone what I never get a bronze coin Queen so as I already mentioned pretty much our

Request will give you a coin and then this little part here is telling you that if you use the Philosopher’s Stone and press c on it you should open up a crafting table but if I press C nothing happens I’ve actually changed it to the hashtag symbol just because there was conflicts

Um Again by the way this pack I think is still in like a beta stage but you can download it from curse words I will have a link for it in the description of video but anyway I’m going to move this across to there and that across to there

And any coins I get I just basically right click and they’ll go in my purse so yeah that’s that pretty cool so essentially all we need to do now is just mine up the nothingness plot with the void Harvester so there we go I know we get all this

Stuff what is all this and now there’s a very interesting mod on here which I kind of like it’s perfect for this because if you imagine if I break that they would actually go around and fly like this right now there’s a model in here that seems to make it where you

Have to right click the items to pick them up now I know what you’re thinking hang on a minute that’s going to be tedious to keep doing this like this now you can just shift and and essentially it will pick it up for you so if I just

Fall in this hole look and do that just shift click around all the items they’ll get picked up as if it was like a vanilla Minecraft but anyway from mining the nothingness you get electrons you get glue on you get the down quark and then you get the up quark and normally

There’s another thing but I don’t seem to have got any oh no no that is right that is all of them so yeah we just essentially needed to gather all these different things and then you might have guessed it all of these different things will end up creating other different things such as

A proton and a neutron okay and then you combine these two things together with an electron and you actually make yourself an atom okay so it’s quite scientific at the start okay so bear with me you’ll see it gets a bit more crazier later

Um so yeah what I’m gonna do now is just show you this so the reason I’ve actually saved these over here is because I can remember the recipes right now this mod doesn’t actually or this mod pack doesn’t actually use uh jei it actually uses Jade

Okay so if you hit Zero by default on your numpad on the on the keyboard you can actually access all the Jade settings okay so you could tell it’s Jade it’s not jei now this uh Mod’s actually really cool because if I open up the crafting table

For example I can hover over this and it will show me the recipe of these things if I’ve got the required items I think that’s how it does because if I hit control and click I can actually shift click these basically into the actual slot without actually putting them in if that makes

Any sense it’s very good it’s very good for quick stuff so yeah we can actually make the neutron like that and we should be able to make the proton like that and there we go we’ve done that Quest as well so that branches out to that

So then yeah next we need to make the atom very very easy stuff um again we can just do the same sort of thing here and I can just shift click these in like that boom perfect then we’ve got ourselves an atom and now this is used to create hydrogen

So now I’ve crafted the atom obviously it branches out to hydrogen as I just mentioned but I do want to mention here as well that you need to kind of read these things right so this is a actual bit of lore here again if you want to

Read that you can just pause the video I’m not going to be reading it though um I like law but I’m not really into it I’ve already read it anyway because I’ve played this before um but yeah this is the more important one I would say um you can actually

Obtain the everythingness block by right clicking with the um void Harvester so I will show you that in a second and I’ll show you why that’s very important in a second as well but yeah we need to create hydrogen all we need to do for

That is put a piece of atom in your crafting table and it will actually create hydrogen which is quite cool so if I get this void Harvester and I hope that you can see this it’s quite hard to see myself so it might be very interesting on YouTube but yeah we’re

Going to get some everything blogs so we can just do this now if I’ve actually got three of these we can actually craft slabs out of this so kind of like using uh Cobblestone I guess and we can actually do this so therefore I don’t actually need to jump because you might

Have already noticed at the start I took damage and I don’t really want to be taking damage if I’m playing this on the hardcore right so I might break these two as well again we got like cheese man this is I’m struggling to see

This oh God so the quest wants us to get a hydrogen a little a thing and there we go we got the hydrogen which is perfect um I am probably going to need some more of these so yeah oh we do get this uh periodic table the elements that’s

Pretty handy that and we could have always prawns coin a bruise coin so yeah this is the periodic table it’s a bit funky now I reckon that this is supposed to probably go in a an item frame maybe because it seems like it’s a bit of a map

Um I don’t know if we can just put it on the floor no we can actually open it though and it will tell you what these different things are for so let’s go over here to carbon you can see it’s actually used to make coal and charcoal diamonds and gunpowder interesting

Fertilizer glowstone okay so this might come in very handy for me so I need to keep hold of that but probably not right now not in a world like this but anyway let’s suck up the um bronze coin and look what else we’ve got to do okay

We’re gonna make some helium so we need two hydrogen and we actually have to use the Philosopher’s Stone at the start but it looks like there’s different things we can actually craft to eventually get all this stuff um so for example now I guess I could

Look at Helium if I can find it uh what is helium uh I don’t even know he’s probably hates something right HG there we go so it’s used for lamps okay there’s some other information that might be useful to me later on not really too sure

Um but I’m really intrigued with it I’m really intrigued with this Pat it’s very weird and very unique but anyway what I’m going to actually do is kind of climb down this hole if I can find it there we go and it kind of just mine a load of this stuff

To get a load of these different quarks and electrons and stuff so I can get a load of atoms basically so I’ll be back once I’ve done all this so I’ve actually crafted up uh 24 neutrons and 24 protons so what I’m going to do is combine all of these

Together with the electrons and we’re going to get a load of atom perfect so what I’m going to do is turn 12 of this into hydrogen and now we should be able to make the helium there we go nice there we go perfect and we get a little

Coin for that so now we need to get some lithium look and that is mixing hydrogen with helium to make our first Alkali metal which is quite cool so we should be able to do that um I don’t know why when I do the the shift click thing sometimes it doesn’t work I

Think it’s because I’m using the Philosopher’s Stone as a crafting table and I just don’t think it likes it because we’re actually using that so I have to kind of do it manually there we go so there’s my lithium and while I’m here I’m going to make some more helium

Because we’re probably going to need it there we go nice so now we need to get some aberilium I hope that’s how you pronounce that much like what we just kind of did but I’m going to actually use helium because it’s going to be a little bit beneficial for me you’ll see why

Um so yeah let’s open up this again get some helium like this and we should be able to make the beryllium there we go and the last thing we need is some boron there we go and this is you can use either all um I’m probably gonna go for this one

The beryllium and the hydrogen to make the Boron just because it kind of will work out a bit cheaper for me oh this gets a bit confusing at the start I know um nope it was that with hydrogen there we go perfect so there’s the borium so

What we’re going to do now is craft another helium there we go and do that and get another one of them okay done right so all of this is essentially to create the very first cool thing in this pack which is gravity so we need all three of those different things I just

Crafted with the Philosopher’s Stone and we’ll get this gravity weird thing oh God this is so cool right so uh wrong button down there we go hashtag there we go so I think it’s a lithium bore on there and that there yeah there we go how do I remember this there we go

Perfect so what this does is essentially now if I jump I got no gravity if I click this and then click it again I have gravity so basically I could control the gravity in the world of this of this world but I’m not too sure if it’s actually the whole world if it’s

Just me I’m not too sure but now I won’t actually take full damage and this is like if I was playing normal Minecraft flip I could just run and jump now so yeah a lot more safer but it’s not only for that it’s actually used to um craft

Different things as well so if I actually uh have a look at the use of this you can see craft a gravity block the Earth block and a star okay so what we’re going to do now is try to craft said star um I’m gonna make some more hydrogen

Nope I need to use God this gets so confusing I tell you there we go I have to use this thing there we go it’s the crafting table it’s because we don’t have access to Wood right um there we go uh uh we’re probably gonna have to turn all of them as well

I’m probably gonna make one more of them there we go because I’m pretty sure the recipe for a star is this yes oh God perfect I’m not jumping again this is all part of the quest look as you can see perfect so there’s a star so what does a

Star do right click to unleash a supernova wait what so yeah essentially do what it says boom look how cool this is I know we get cosmic dust look now I’m not too sure are the drop rates of this but sometimes you can get five of

This stuff I’ve had it five before that time we only got three that was awful so yeah it’s a bit hit or miss that sometimes you get loads sometimes you don’t so bear in mind um it’s not that expensive to really craft or create I should say

Um but yeah I sat down and we could obviously get the silver coin from that and we get the bronze coin from that so this all of this is working our way towards this final goal home sweet home which is the earth block so we need a

Lot of different resources here to craft this thing we need zinc we need calcium we need aluminum we need sulfur we need silicone we need oxygen we need iron and we need magnesium and then this gravity thing other how do we get all this wow this is where this Cosmic dust comes in

So much like the star we just kind of click it and all the stuff comes out of it now I think it’s probably best to not do this like how I just did it oh no quick get my gravity thing otherwise it gets hateful damage there we go

So yeah what you want to do is not do it like I just did I wanted to show you what it did and just kind of point it down on the ground like this look and then they won’t go miles away so I’m probably more than likely not going to

Be able to pick all this stuff up but we will try but essentially the cosmic dust will give you all of these different things now I’m not too sure if it’s literally all of them I don’t imagine it will be so if I have a look for example at tantalum tantalum

Is that how you pronounce that this one it can only be obtained by a tantalume plate I think oh no you can actually mix this in a fusion controller so you can mix different ones to get different things so this is gonna be really fun

It’s like I’m going to be like a science teacher or something God I need like a I need a new skin right I need to have like a little lab coat on or something but anyway you’re going to get a lot of different things from the cosmic dust

Okay long story short but we should end up getting all of these resources hopefully God come on it’s a pure luck thing so here we go many noises in my ears um that is because obviously this is all a check mark kind of thing so we’re going to check mark all these off

Now oh God okay button’s confused here there we go oh we good enough here if we got enough have we got enough let’s see okay we’re missing sulfur and we’re missing calcium so we’ve got tin there and we’ve got calcium here okay so what I’ll do is get

Rid of that and we’ll pick up that so we’re literally missing a sulfur oh man okay I’ll get rid of the everythingness oh what’s that oh it’s just through that didn’t I okay oh that’s a bit of a shame um I’m gonna put the periodic table in

My off hand and I think we’re going to try and craft up some more atoms and stuff like that so we can get some more stars so yeah uh I can actually believe it but we still do not have sulfur yet unless it’s kind of flew over here somehow

Um no they’re the ones I threw what do we got here nickel titanium titanium fluoride Scandium that might it might be in there oh God right we’re gonna have to kind of Bend these unfortunately uh so we don’t need calcium we need so I told you it was all about luck right I

Never actually got any sulfur from all of that so yeah we gotta kind of get some more of this stuff on the go I I never had this much of an issue before but again it’s all done on loot tables I imagine so we can’t actually predict how we’re gonna actually get

This at the start I don’t really need that there we go so let’s make some more of these and stop crying and just do it I can’t believe I’m doing this again it doesn’t matter though because this stuff is very useful you’ll see you’ll see in future playthroughs but yeah

We’ve got all of these different I don’t know minerals and elements and different stuff floating around here all we have there is some sulfur man so please I bet it’s gonna come out first go in it [Laughter] why game why it’s fine we can we can

Make do with what we got but anyway we should be able to craft up the Earth thing now provided I never threw out what I needed so yeah I’ll get rid of all these things because we’re not going to really need these for a while probably

Um we’ll put the gravity back there and uh I think the modder is actually on here where you can click yeah there we go and sorts your inventory out um okay so we’re gonna have to have a look here and see we’re actually missing to create this special Earth block so

We’re missing aluminum and calcium so they must be in here somewhere uh there’s aluminum look look we just click calcium calcium calcium must be over here somewhere probably White hey I might have just picked up when I sat oh God where has it gone no Dan you donkey where have you put it

Is there more of these floating around no they’re over there okay I totally did have calcium I know I did is it that one there no that’s nitrogen that is there we go perfect I know I definitely got it right so we should be able to

Craft this now okay so I don’t know what’s going on again with the Philosopher’s staying with that but yeah we have to put the gravity in there we go and that is essentially a chapter one completed which is awesome you’ll probably get that off my off hand now

Because we used up some resources then nice so what does this block do essentially you click it and it teleports you guys two f which is Terror Earth perfect and it’s not so perfect the sun’s about to set no so yeah what we need to do is actually click on here accept this

To accept this Primal age and now we should be able to cut down this tree now there’s a weird mod on here that actually makes logs stay look and they actually give you more logs but what I’m going to do is be cheeky here grab that

Grab a sapling they in mind this to get a load of dirt perfect uh we’ve got one log out of there is that real wait what hang on Fame mine all that where’s the logs man I don’t understand what have I done suck at the gold coin quick oh no

They’re there look they’re there okay we got ten right the plan is now then we’re gonna go back in here so this is like a kind of like a super flat world in a way oh we gotta go there’s a zombie coming but we should be able to

Go back in though there we go and now we’ve got access to word I might be able to grow these things here I’ve actually never tried this before um it seems more wise to probably try and grow in here and kind of be in this Dimension because it’s a bit safer

Um I’m not convinced it’s going to work though just because there’s no daylight cycle um there’s notes working for trees oh yes there is apparently oh it does work wait what what’s happened to the leaves oh wow okay this is pretty cool and by the way you

Can use this pickaxe for like everything which is neat okay so maybe we can just grow stuff in here oh it doesn’t look like the leaves drop anything though oh then it does I can’t see anything uh I don’t know what I’m trying to create as if it was a dark oak

Hey it doesn’t really matter we got wood there we go so you might have guessed it already it’s gonna tell you to kind of make a crafting table you know the basic minecrafty kind of stuff but what I want to do as you probably already know is make one of

These for at least two of these and sort this place out because what is going on here there we go so we could get all of this stuff in here boom and you might have spotted if you’ve got a very very keen eye you can grab all this now as well

Um in that Dimension there is actually yes and you can grab stuff from quite far by the way and there is actually a um a load of lava in there which is quite interesting and uh the map is quite Handy by the way you can access it

By m and it will actually kind of guide you to see a bit easier but you can see this little red dot that means there is actually an item on the floor there somewhere uh or it might be up in the sky there we go it’s here look I would never have

Spotted that oh hang on a minute it just despawned okay there we go everything does despawn in here so it must be on a five minute timer like normal I was under an impression things do not despawn here anyway this Earth plot thing I can actually pick it up

And actually moving around if I want this much like in the other dimension as well I can actually move it as well so yeah next set of quests we’ve got to kind of just do the minecrafty kind of thing so you already saw there that I actually gathered up the wood and a

Planks I’m just kind of marking these off I’ve got myself a stick from Aussie breaking the leaves and now we can actually make the first A Primitive a fire which uh you can craft with two sticks look there we go and now I don’t actually need to use the Philosopher’s

Stone as a crafting table so I’m going to actually bend that for now I’m going to put this away I don’t know if this will work through this Dimension to the other one we’re gonna have to do some experimenting and get rid of that and

I’ll get rid of that for now I’m gonna see if I can get myself a um a kind of map set up or something but yeah something I never actually uh talked about was this actual page thing here now it says one out of 25 so it’s 25

Pages right but when I started I actually said one out of 15. so it looks to me like we unlock mods as we go in this pack which is awesome and what is going on with these things okay I’ve never played with that mod um but yeah looks like we’ve got storage

Shores now which is quite nice so we can actually start setting up some storage for all of these different elements uh which could be quite cool right um but yeah oh my God that is so weird okay we’ll just ignore that for now but yeah we can make fire now I just don’t

Okay these blocks do set a light that’s quite interesting so this is essentially a flint and steel with a bit of a low durability okay kind of got that there we go we’ve got a salsa chest perfect so we need to make some slabs and then we

Need to go back in that Dimension and try and get some clay but I’m kind of hanging out here because I’m a bit of a scaredy cat um because I need to uh wait for it to come daytime yeah that’s right that’s what I was kind of working my way

Towards here is a composter so obviously we can compost down any saplings or leaves or anything we get to try and get some bone meal right um obviously we can kill skeletons but remember I’m on Hardcore so I gotta be careful right um so yeah not edible so yeah we need to

Get a piece of bone meal now leaves um leaves are quite useful right because as I just mentioned you can compost them um which would be quite cool I’m just looking here what other things I can do I can get some better storage maybe maybe uh do I make like three storage drawers

For these different things it might be worth it if I’ve got enough wood uh I can only make one okay we’ll just put you there for now and we’ll just check the red ones in there for now which is the down Quark okay that’s fine we’re gonna just kind of

Save up a bit of space right but it’s all part of the quest we’ll get a little coin for that perfect so we need to get ourselves a wooden Hopper and I suppose I could just chop down all of these trees right there just great in front of

My face and I will be able to make this storage drawers and I don’t know why this does that it’s really weird um you always seem to get an extra log I don’t entirely understand that myself um what’s going on here is there yep there’s definitely loads of leaves okay

Um I’m not entirely sure if there is more there I think there is I don’t know if fast Leaf Decay is on I think it is um but yeah we should be able to grab all of these now and oops make the rest of these into planks

There we go and make those three storage drawers so I’ll just plonk these on there like that and you can go there and then we can take the glue on and the electron there we go so I’m not too sure we’re going to need these much more maybe we’re gonna

Have to probably make some more um protons and and the uh the neutrons I’m not too sure I’ll keep these up here I’ll get rid of the Earth for now uh because we’re not going to probably need that right cool so what else can we do here we can make this Hopper probably

Um which is just a a chest with planks around it much like a regular Hopper uh so we can get rid of that one that one and then that one there we go nice so we’ve got easy access to Hoppers which is quite cool without iron but now

I’m kind of limited here I think I could probably make the campfire maybe how do we get coal again okay so you can cook stuff on the campfire to get coal and you can cook wood but there might be another way right what do we got in here

Carbon aha now this if I look at the uses of this we can actually make coal provided we got loads of this stuff with the Philosopher’s Stone so let’s grab the Philosopher’s Stone again and we’re gonna go on a hunt now to try and get a

Load of carbon so let’s kind of go back down here and we’re going to open up all of these now because we got storage now so we can do this and I’m looking for at least eight on the cardboard come on oh we got seven eight perfect yes okay we’re out of storage

In me my imagery space I should say oh another tree’s brain let’s just put all of these in here I’m gonna have to make a separate oops a separate chest for all of these elements let me grab that back out there we go and we should be able to pick up the

Rest of these now nice now again I don’t honestly know how these will work and how this is going to work essentially but I’m very intrigued uh so anyway yeah I think we just do this and then that and then we go we can make our first

Piece of coal nice and now what I need to do is kind of chop this tree right and get the logs so I’ve just chopped down a load of trees I’ve got some wood lit I’ve got 16 in total so we should be able to make this campfire that’s just the vanilla

Recipe there we go and when you place it down it’s not lit yep that’s why we have to make the fire sticks and we can light this stuff and then what I can actually do now is put this on here what and you can cook logs and turn them into

Charcoal like that so we don’t actually have access to a furnace as such yet if I look it’s kind of Out Of Reach I think we need to get some compressed Stone from pneumatic craft which is the pressurizing thing I’ve played with this before a very long time ago in 1.12 so

That should be fun to see what’s changed um yeah this thing will actually put itself out so the camper is very very useful in this pack especially at the start um because we can actually go ahead and look at the users of the campfire and you’re going to see we’ve

Got quite a few different pages of what we can do but we can actually cook clay on it clay shears sand as you just saw already logs and yeah a variety of different things but it’s pretty useful at the start because we don’t really have access to the furnace as I’ve

Already mentioned but yeah we’re kind of uh stuck now we kind of need to there we go let’s just put yourself out we kind of need to go back in there now I don’t know if it’s worth making torches can we make torches yes we can okay

Um I’m a bit scared going in here but anyway let’s eat up this silver coins okay cool I just want to have a look if we got any access to like um a chest plate or something oh my God we don’t we only have these wow there’s

Like little 3D models that’s pretty cool um okay there’s Britannia armors but we’re nowhere near that yet okay I don’t think we could do anything else we’re gonna have to Brave it and go but yeah we are on a hunt for some Britannia petals as well

Um because we’re gonna have to get into a little bit of a tan here at the start so yeah let’s just go in here am I keeping this as a weapon I guess hopefully it’s daytime now oh my God this is still a baby zombie come on bro

He’s dead right we got some food finally not really the best now I’m pretty sure the spice of life is on here as well because you might have just spotted it there the particles are coming out ah did he drop any flesh okay right anyway I can explain a bit

More about this word now so we can actually use this gravity thing in here as well which is quite cool um I had some flowers here we’ll grab these here we go and I think we just craft them like that there we go that’s that done so we’re gonna get the Britannia

Book now to help us if we need it nice um okay so we actually need to do a little bit of mining um I think what I’m gonna do though is actually take this thing with me just in case right I get in a bit of a pickle

And we should be all right though because it’s daytime right but there is creepers and stuff around so gotta be careful yeah you know what creepers are like they can sneak up on you but anyway let’s put the gravity thing on because this thing is a very very beneficial for getting around

Quicker aha this is something I want like pigs or something like that or maybe even the Sheep might be useful because we can get wool but there’s only two white ones uh there’s three spiders there hmm I think I’m going to turn it off and we’re going to kill these sheep a minute

Or maybe I should be really be killing these I don’t know if they will respawn we’ll see maybe um but yeah we’re gonna look around to see if we can find some white flowers as well as we need to kind of dig white flowers look perfect so we’re

Gonna actually have to go down the root of a of a pure Daisy from Britannia at some point so I may as well get these now there we go nice so you just saw now got the white flowers I’m gonna start digging now and uh what I need to do is

Kind of look for some clay now it says clay can be found while mining so essentially we just need to mine but we are going to stumble across some Cobblestone or stone and like granite and diorite and things like that now again if I shift click I can just pick

Up all of this in one go and just listen guys I will turn up a bit on the video so you can hear it’s like more echoey down here it’s pretty cool really really cool I love it oh it’s it sounds so good but yeah we are kind of looking around

For clay now we really need clay I just hope we can find it so far we’re not very lucky though have we with the uh the sulfur oh God at least we got Cobble stain now and we’ve got to keep an eye on my y level now I didn’t actually mention we

Actually start at Y100 by the way which is a bit of a weird weird one um I don’t honestly know what’s in this world I only got so far if you know what I mean because I didn’t want to spoil it for myself so yeah we’re kind of hoping we’re gonna

See some clay here so I’m actually at y56 right now and I’ve aimed mined a bit of granite I’ve found Samantha site because maybe maybe creates in this it starts showing up okay but maybe it is we don’t honestly know because things will unlock as we go I guess

Um or go to the different ages um so yeah what I’m gonna do let’s just put my Earth thing here a minute go back to base cook up oh no where am I oh no what’s happened oh crap uh oh dear where have I gone oh no maybe I shouldn’t have moved my

Base oh dear oh my God I’m so far away okay we better make oh we can do teleport here I know it doesn’t work oh dear I wanted to come back here because I wanted to use the campfire to cook you see um let’s create a waypoint then bass stroke who mark

Okay it’s not that far okay maybe I’m exaggerated okay it’s fine we can just run there we’ll be we’ll get there in a minute it’s fine so it turns out this is kind of a bit of a hack then we can get easy Earth blocks like this now do these actually have any

Other uses no okay that’s fine wow anyway we will just kind of put this here I got a feeling that is always going to teleport me over there though isn’t it so maybe what I should be doing is going in here and grabbing this thing

Right and what we’re going to do is run program here and we’re going to delete location and what we’re going to do is select location new location we’ll call this home stroke base like this like same question mark add location and now if that happens again I just click on this

Thing and I’ll I can just teleport there right so we’re gonna have to keep that on me at all times now just for that reason maybe that’s why they’re going to give you that I’m not really too sure um but anyway we are here now the main

Reason I wanted to come here was because I was running out of saturation right so I obviously got this mutton from killing those sheep and uh yeah I can cook this up and get some food basically in my tummy so I reckon that this is a pretty

Decent point to uh end the episode there I reckon um I’m absolutely loving this pack so far I think it’s really cool and very unique definitely deserves a huge bit of love I think because it’s very cool and well thought out in my opinion um but yeah that’s kind of all I’ve got

Time for today so I shall catch you in the next one and uh if you want to download it for yourself and check it out it is out for download right you just need to go on the curse forage launch us where I got it from um there probably is other ways of

Getting it but I will have a link for that in the description a video but anyway I’m Dallas probs thank you very much for watching and I shall catch you in the next one bye

This video, titled ‘Surviving in the Minecraft Universe with Nothing but… | UniversIO #1’, was uploaded by DanRobzProbz on 2023-04-19 15:00:41. It has garnered 22517 views and 749 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:00 or 2340 seconds.

Hello! I stumbled across a cool new Minecraft modpack recently called UniversIO and I just fell in love with the whole concept of it… That’s why I have decided to hit record!

You can check out the pack that was created by Crypt1C_mdp here;

I really do enjoy a challenge and a fresh take on the Minecraft experience, this pack surely does tick all those boxes for me!

Let me know what you think of this unique pack below… 🧪

Do you reckon I have what it takes to beat it?

Also, can I remember all my science lessons from school as I’m probz gonna need them for this one! 😅


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#danrobzprobz #universIO #moddedminecraft

👾Thanks For Watching My Video🤩


MUSIC USED:- Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: lol

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  • Bluey Play – Princess vs Zombie in Super Secure Mansion

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  • GodCity

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  • MINEBLAZE // 「 Hack any cases /free (1.8-1.21) // take your HELICOPTER 」

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Old Minecraft Oceans Be Like: A Splash of Nostalgia

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  • Minecraft Youtubers Pixelart: Hot Mess! 🔥

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  • Real Life Minecraft Shenanigans

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  • EPIC Minecraft Bedwars ft. LORD VADER838N

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  • Sibling Showdown: Passing Controller to Older Bro

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  • Epic Fail: Battling Ender Dragon in Unbearable Survival Challenge! | Ep 19

    Epic Fail: Battling Ender Dragon in Unbearable Survival Challenge! | Ep 19Video Information This video, titled ‘Tidak Santuy Minecraft Survival | Mencoba Mengalahkan Ender Dragon! | Eps 19’, was uploaded by 10th Wonder on 2024-08-08 15:32:02. It has garnered 178 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 02:05:33 or 7533 seconds. Hello Broski! I make and edit all videos and thumbnails myself. I hope you like the video, if you have any requests or feedback about my next video, you can comment below. And if you enjoy the video, please like, comment, share and subscribe to help grow my channel! I use a Lenovo Ideapad Gaming 3 to… Read More

  • JOIN US to slay the Ender dragon!

    JOIN US to slay the Ender dragon!Video Information This video, titled ‘We kill the Ender dragon, TOGETHER!!!’, was uploaded by KareAkern on 2024-08-04 06:15:47. It has garnered 96 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:03:18 or 10998 seconds. The magnificent masters of the KareAkern Minecraft server have gathered us all to kill the ender dragon! This will be a fight to remember, and it won’t be like a classical dragon fight, Easyidle has some surprises for us! There are more things going on in this stream, apparently a statue shall be revealed as well. I can’t wait! Want to join the server,… Read More

  • Insane Hack: Download Texture Packs in LocoCraft!

    Insane Hack: Download Texture Packs in LocoCraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Como descargar texture packs en Minecraft java’, was uploaded by LocoCraft on 2024-07-09 05:36:31. It has garnered 139 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:14 or 314 seconds. How to download texture packs in Minecraft java Likes goal: 3 The video on how to download mods in Java is on my channel and there is also the version for bedrock pages to download resourpacks: planet minecraft: forge: Read More

Surviving in the Minecraft Universe with Nothing but… | UniversIO #1