Video Information

Foreign [Applause] Foreign Foreign [Applause] [Applause] Foreign Foreign Play with the monsters Thank you [ __ ] God you got me on the road Sex I’m playing with the monsters everything that brought me alive They brought me alive [Applause] memories [Applause] [Applause] Foreign ERS I’m late I’m always late I’m light I’m light I’m light how you going what are we doing nice speech that’s how late I am let’s Beach today uh we’re all gonna die uh okay oh my God sorry I was just reading the chat and it’s good to see that everyone’s very

Positive about today uh hello techno hello Frenchie hello Lizzy hello hello what what Lindsay doubled up on me there uh hello plushie and uh Taylor I did I thought I saw I thought I did I thought I thought I saw William there but no maybe I saw him oh no

That’s right he was in Discord uh and Laura is coming as well should be here soon she’s getting doggy third so no rush rush uh let’s drop the monitor customary and this one and yeah And this one okay uh what do we got here uh we’re all gonna die have fun boys Frenchie not joining no it doesn’t look like he is this would be quite a challenge says Lindsay yes that is why it is a challenge um Laila I’m a Himalayan because my man

With the pick up my name from the hospital I love being home alone oh no have you ever watched Home Alone the movie uh my dad is in hospital from a motorcycle accident he’s finally home wait no he’s in hospital I can’t read probably yeah so okay he’s yes we know he’s in

Hospital still I hope he is uh pulling through and uh I hope he gets home soon uh uh plushie says they’re gonna die right off the bat well yeah look the only preparing you need to do is pretty much uh nothing you’ve got to prepare in here

I’m sad because I can’t join in because I have to have Xbox live gold and some stuff needs to be like talked about uh random uh just made it home filled out the top left map last night very nice very good two Edge uh which one of the bills did you like

Uh uh the build um I actually thought that building it looked like a museum or something although that was pretty cool uh right now let’s get the Minecraft up because I’ve got to prepare some stuff so the way it’s working is everybody will be traveling upon some Year little about

Um I will I’ll be the only one allowed to bring anything with me um before we set off on shore uh on the boats uh I will lay down a bed we will all die um that way we can make sure that everybody hasn’t that nobody’s got anything on them

Um and then we will I think okay I’ll probably be bringing I’ll probably be bringing a bucket of lava that’s just so I can destroy some stuff because I will be bringing a map just to get to the location but then I’ll be destroying them up

And I will also die in front of everybody as well when we get there to see you know that I haven’t got anything but you can see I haven’t got anything because I’m in the chat man I mean streaming come on man uh play four good good good good

Oh yes the bald is gay it’s yes two inch I see that it’s very popular amongst the uh Dungeons and Dragons of peoples of likes that like the kind of uh thing who Slaughter the the uh the ghouls The Ghost and the ghouls I is that what it’s about I figured that’s

What it’s about reminds me of like a Altered Beast style well scenario Altered Beast oh my God oh wow wow look at that world that’s actually looking pretty good that’s actually looking pretty good yeah we’ll go full screen that actually it looks pretty good thank you that actually looks quite amazing if I

Just say say myself uh what do you think wow wow so that’s us there in the middle yeah and today we’ll be traveling the many yonders okay um so so first thing I’m gonna do is put my stuff away oh actually let me see if I can while I’m

Quicker because we are waiting for Laura to come as well let me just go to uh YouTube just check something oh we want to say I’ll just saw a video before it wasn’t on this one it was on this one was it um library history it was a blur effect where’s the blur effect wait maybe it was on this one wait maybe it was hold on I think it was yeah yeah yeah okay blur effect

Let me just click on this um where is the blur effect composite blur nice nice nice nice see if I can install this on OBS on the Fly download uh composite blur Linux Mac OS windows installer installer download uh extract install composite blur finish done let’s see if it worked

So if I come in here and I go to game and I’ll go filters and I get add oh no I don’t see it it’s not there what does it mean oh no you know what it means it means it probably won’t show up until I restart OBS and that ain’t happening Color color no oh it’s not fair can I do it in here hold on the filters add nope okay oh hello zero on empty-handed okay we all will need a boat though okay all you will need is a boat for yourself nothing or nothing nothing less that will confuse him

Okay so he needs a boat let me put my shite away I hope I don’t die first that’ll stuff [ __ ] up won’t it all right okay let’s put stuff away and let’s get out of here oh by the way my elevator I dismantled my elevator because

Um I tried to test it and something wasn’t working right and I had a read on where the uh on the instructions of where I found out about it and apparently it doesn’t work in Bedrock because of one little stupid floor so Redstone is a little bit annoying in um in Bedrock

Because that was a very simple and I did find other circuits to do but they’re so complicated and ridiculous that I’m not even going to bother so I did add some stairs I’ll quickly show you that too before I go uh weapons um putting everything away Um what else have I got oh my God Was it armor uh weapons and tools and that and that I’ve got building materials that uh tools useful tools that not I think Clay is building materials yes it is some fire charge five glasses okay spy glasses I think I will bring just so we can get to the location I

Need an empty map uh I will not bring torches everything has to be crafted torches goes in useful tools the button will go in redstone that’s just to eat before we go I’ll we’ll probably do some rations of food uh before we leave uh this bucket I will swap for an empty bucket

And I’ll get some lava and so all I need is a boat and where do I put my Soul Sand that’s yuck okay we’ll get rid of that get rid of that um get rid of that and that I still got it put away at my damn it okay

Let me put away my stuff okay okay okay today okay all my diamonds have been stolen what is the all right seriously okay so that’s nice to know so out of all the people that I’ve let in on the server someone’s stolen all my diamonds more than just

All my diamonds what the [ __ ] to go here what’s going on man what the [ __ ] no seriously look this is just beyond [ __ ] seriously all my [ __ ] diamonds you got to be [ __ ] kidding me you stole my diamonds you stole my diamond ore like I’m talking like 24 diamonds or

Something you style all of them the [ __ ] is wrong with you and you stole other [ __ ] because all my slots were full what the [ __ ] is wrong with you are you that [ __ ] at a [ __ ] game anybody that knows the stream knows about my [ __ ] chest but this is

[ __ ] how many people are on here you’re a [ __ ] idiot man whoever [ __ ] stole my [ __ ] you’re a [ __ ] tool I’ll tell you straight up you’re a thief and you’re a low life scum mate that’s what you are stealing from people in a [ __ ] game is just

Like stealing from people in real life you’re a [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] and I’ll tell you straight up and you know who the [ __ ] you are it’s [ __ ] ridiculous man just makes me want to shut down this game telling you straight up that’s all it makes me want to do so you’re even

You’re even more of a [ __ ] idiot I Emma someone went into my chest and stole all my diamonds and everything no they were here yesterday they were here yesterday you know someone’s being a real dick in This Server man and now pushing my freaking buttons they stole all of them man what [ __ ]

Idiots and it just makes me not even want to play it’s like knowing that there’s some idiot that’s just a [ __ ] thief and oh just come here what are you looking at my [ __ ] you don’t know what I had in there wow nah I wouldn’t think it’d be you Waco

Someone stole all my diamonds uh yeah if you’re doing the challenge adjusted the challenge yeah Very annoying a lot of [ __ ] man scummy bastards probably left my diamond here let’s have a look because I left one here on purpose just oh and they stole the one Diamond as well you scummy [ __ ] you actually took the one single Diamond that was in there that’s lasted like a

Whole week in there or two you came in there and you took that too what the [ __ ] is wrong with you man foreign all this shows is that in the future mate I won’t be opening up [ __ ] They took more [ __ ] I just I’d have to go and check and see what other [ __ ] they took that’s just [ __ ] just stop [ __ ] smashing the thing it’s annoying paper tapping’s coming from Stu being annoying Um all right I’ll get my boat got my empty map I’ll need to do uh I think I just need one empty map I hope this helps make up for oh it does um nothing like potato um where did I have I’ll just put the paper where the wall

Is okay so I’ll bring a badge I got the boat that just to munch on something we’ll do rations um I’ve got an empty map to duplicate the map and I think that’s it I’ll need to get something to kill everyone and then we can dump the uh so I’ll grab a weapon

What is this quartz blocks thank you for the quartz blocks okay um yeah and there’s dark ghost shoot foreign to okay so yeah what I did was I removed the elevator from the front and I’ve just gone with old school stairs now but I kind of like the way they flow

So I’m just gonna go with this for now and I haven’t finished it took me quite a while to demolish the um the front of the elevator here and put all this back and I will fix up the uh Cobblestone back around there I think I’m just going

To remove that again so you can see more blue um more water there looks nicer what foreign start moving my stuff in okay show the map that we are going to duplicate I have decided will be this one oh yes so we’ll go to the uh duplication table which is this one

Uh there’s some map I want to duplicate it okay foreign very nice okay and I’ll go put one back torches no torches nothing well I’ll sweat the the rations for food um no all right no torches that will be a rat ration of is that how you spell Russian or food

I think so excellent so we’ll probably go day uh Dave on a day break is it break it date they break a day break a dawn break a dawn yeah break a dawn um I don’t know if we should all sleep before I think we should find a Bed there uh

Apes around in Hobo hallway etc etc please let me take what I gotta take let me take my rabbit’s foot stronger than that no no foot no foot no foot for you no foot yeah I think that’s going to be the thing with my diamonds from now on I’m

Just gonna have to hide a lot of my [ __ ] and just do it Upstream and I’ll set up for next time the blur effect so when I do access to my secret stuff it’ll be blurred out I just can’t show anyone my secret stuff symbols I mean that won’t technically secret spots

Just you know out of easy access I guess okay actually speaking of that I’m going to order my food we got four out of seven in bed come on guys can we all get in bed while I order my lunch four out of seven come on guys I believe in you guy uh

Fashion shops fashion chops fashion tops and four to the cart go to checkout make up credit card number and pay come on four out of six come on you gumbies four out of six who’s the two smooth brainers it’s hard in life sometimes this is why our progress gets halted right

Because you always have the one or two there we go here we go need two people to sleep two people Um come on hurry up I’ll just kick them out so now we can sleep Listen I can’t let you bring your rabbit’s foot that means you’re going to have an advantage yeah it’s a it’s a fair luck Advantage you can’t have good luck damn it well if it means everything it means you’ll want to come back to it even more and quicker so you think about that

Come on one person man oh man why why are people so difficult huh sleep [ __ ] yeah now we’re going down oh my God let me get in the chat see what’s going on here how hard is it to go to sleep except the watch stronger I’ll [ __ ]

Boot you out Laura just joined so that’s why okay Laura okay I’ll tell her to hop in the bed hop in the bedroom hello I’m grind whoever start my diamonds is a piece of [ __ ] and if I find out who I’ll kick them out quicker than you can say no Rick don’t

I was telling technology plushie on your last stream I think I think someone might have hacked into your game and probably messed up your elevator Rick because if it wasn’t me Jordan and techno and no no no okay I’ll tell you what it was no I’ll tell you what it was

Um so there’s uh an observer placed uh net down there and if somebody had accidentally just placed a block in front of the Observer uh it would have triggered the elevator and opened up and let all the water out so that’s all it took so it wasn’t necessarily done on purpose it could

Have been an accident Yes yes well obviously if they steal all my diamonds I just want to quickly hop into bed uh now remember people uh I’ll I’ll say this nice and early um we are we are how many in in Discord here okay so we’ve got quite a few in Discord so when someone’s talking just

Wait until they finish and then talk because otherwise we’re gonna have a lot of crosstalk and it’ll just make it annoying for everyone okay and give me priority because I am on stream thank you very much love you all give you a priority on your streams when you steal my diamonds whoever you

Are you Diamond Thief I will find you and I’ll make you suffer and I’ll banish you and apparently techno just learned I’m 26. you’re 26. I thought she was 14. that says yes you’re a big girl No you gotta do it again if I choose not to do this I’m not I’m not being peer pressured into this Lindsay let me just say that you actually you have no choice hello Laura because die then you’ll respawn somewhere else yes look it’ll be good today don’t stress

Okay guys let me feel let me fill Laura in on something here so you know that we don’t have coordinates anymore you know the numbers you know we’ve removed them okay and okay okay yeah I’ve got you’ve got a match though put some maps up in here um oh thank you

I had a map but I don’t know yeah I don’t know I’ll show you how we can use them everyone go to bed Else in your room okay tied up I don’t see a leash any cleaning anyway I’ll decide after wacko Maybe come on go to sleep okay okay you want me to sleep right now yeah everyone’s just gonna sleep in my inventory that’s a dirty bucket now I never made

There’s a poo they’re swimming in poo the buckets filled with poo H I just put those up before sorry yes I think we did what happens dude have a map on my wall that’s awesome I love it who put you did that techno yeah yeah

Okay so yeah I’ll come up and show you how to use them okay can I bring it with me right uh no no I’ll show you how to use can I just take a screenshot with my phone so I can watch it further than the maps trust me we’re going further when

Oh my gosh so I was going to show you how you make them what do you think of this I was gonna put my axles here but oh that’d be cool I have a problem though but you need a bit above you to be yeah and that’s some

There’s stuff and I don’t know in the chests oh what Jesus he got his very best just to come and see you fancy and if someone opens it they won’t be able to see things you put in it um okay oh he’s doing a little turn around

For you you look like a prince or a king so that would be like look at this lag here me trying to get something down though tank will be light there’s no light and survival challenge tank s it means tank will not be competing well depends how light it is because we

Have to get going soon okay um Laura uh yeah you’re right uh Laura and the only thing you’ll need is obviously no armor or anything uh zero just well I’ll ration the food out we’ll get that from cronus’s uh Community Supply but um it’ll be uh just a boat just a boat

That’s all you need is your own no armor no food just okay but wait wacko asked if we were allowed to bring food and someone said yes not I’ll bring the food and then I’ll ration it out I was like don’t light a wacko like that

Rick mate when will this come out do I have um well yeah yeah yeah yeah you got time no you got time because um I don’t know how long Tank’s gonna be it always water bucket and where’s Crone is coming around this as well diamonds were stolen that’s what Cronus

See that Laura they stole all my diamonds I had like 30 something what yeah oh no yeah so whoever so we’ve got a thief amongst us just know that blatant Thief all the diamonds I have in my account no it’s not the same it’s not the same as

Same as I’ve worked for those diamonds I found those diamonds in a patch man and some thief came along and just took them just because they’re dumb and they got like uh no brain cells and they can’t find [ __ ] for themselves okay I’m gonna be putting my axles in

Here you’re gonna be trapped display okay so that’s my son’s um rubber ducky I guess question oh okay and here’s the other thing who the [ __ ] destroyed the TARDIS over where It’s in there it only does make a difference uh you know where the public cauldrons are and um hold on damn it I’ll show you where I moved them to it’s literally zapper very dapper let me in bubble whatever how can I not see it I’m coming

It should be there like it should be straight in front of you and not in horrible hallway it’s just like to uh coming I’m coming Rick turn around turn around what the Yeah it’s behind this villager oh he’s hiding it that’s a [ __ ] spot you

Can’t even see it you weirdo I moved it out of the way it wasn’t in the middle of the past he tucked it away in the [ __ ] corner oh my God that’s a [ __ ] that’s [ __ ] move villagers on okay okay [ __ ] off not in the mood today I lost

All my diamonds I’ll [ __ ] kill them all right What are you looking at my shop right behind you I was just trying I just moved it over that was all questions I can’t put it there you gotta see something dude perfect you look like kitty oh okay well stronger was in my boat says hello that’s out of the way techno

I put it somewhere and it’s totally out of the way oh plushie is you being wacko damn it you gotta have the pickles down before you place your place how are you gonna get out okay I love the food I think I have to wait I have another button

It’s on top is it okay look this goes to the fishies wacko I’m Mason say hi techno High techno hi hello it’s fine say hello you can tell um hello Taylor Swift and stronger I have been in here because there’s gates open Cronus to be bursting is Bubble Burst um

Steaming at the [ __ ] what are you doing what are you doing what the heck are you wearing you weirdo you look like Prince stinky Without armor oh sorry I’m just putting my axles away they’re my friends you bring rabbit food so it does uh maybe um they’re here look there’s a foot can I ride with you the tanks are how long it is and where’s Cronus Okay so Curtis is in sorry

Just put them in the chest floor do I need to buy water hang on hang them on a wall Laura they look real cute oh I just read cry to say sorry oh wait the water it would take those uh techno put doctor in the corner nobody puts

Oh I get that does anybody get that hey does anybody get that Cronus records technically I put doctor in the corner nobody puts them in the corner you know what that’s probably no that’s a dirty dancing I don’t know you old people references just for you to understand

Follow the root of this map here just reference anything from 2016 and I’ll get it pancake has to give us more information then I’ll be late yes Okay this is probably good for now you’re making more children villagers so I can punch yes punch not kill big difference um assault and one is a crime thank you they can’t get out it’s too high what the hell why do you look taller than me She’s wearing a creeper outfit that’s that’s creepy man flap their wings flap them no one knows okay um there will also be friendly fire on this trip so our Friendly Fire means you can you will be able to hurt each other look look look he’s so cute look alive little fella and yeah

It’s a little child punch him ah that felt good another child there’s another child yeah nap time you can stick with me and we can make an alarm couldn’t even hear each other exactly how many we can have in an alliance so it can be you me welcome

You’re not hiding from anyone we can see you can stay with me plushie and I have them out not too many hits wacko and I’m guessing considering this is the only one I have I’ll just be oh my God these bullies stop it that’s child abuse

You can write with me if you want plushie or we can write together because I’m pretty sure my phone’s gonna open something and overheat sometime soon and I’m gonna be at the game naughty stronger naughty naughty okay too funny all right um oh Rick you said there may be a prize

For your survival challenge no I have not decided on that yet considering someone stole all my diamonds makes it hard to give away prizes when people thieve your [ __ ] what the what are you doing not giving anyone exactly okay okay well look I don’t know when Tank’s

Coming back and we can’t I’m not gonna sit here and wait for three hours for tank to come back Uh did somebody let villagers in coronas’s house because that’s what he’s saying how can a villager get in his house oh that gate over there yeah a little more who the frickley’s get how are they getting out we stream sisters people keep leaving the gate completely open and just walking away

Why are they even using this gate the only people that should use this gate is Cronus this is the only people the only person that should really use this gate is Cronus or unless you’re visiting him for some reason and you can’t swim under a [ __ ] okay

I am changing my outfit because I may make fun of that was so funny you you scared right after death with that outfit that was cool cool you keep that off sure huh it can make the creepers when you use wait when you use the gate make sure you

When you use the gate make sure you close it but I just saw you you open this gate here dude he opened his gate and then you jump down want to look at the map yeah and we can we can plan our route and and make sure we survived that we’re the

Last time yeah like I’m saying just when you open the gate make sure you close it because you open this gate and you never closed it oh God this Trip’s Gonna Last thing it’s not freaking working right because my phone is overheating yeah you’re right Laura all right all right

I think I think if there’s two other people I think if there’s two more people like that are the only ones left it should be a tie between the two it’s only fair um Country Bumpkin happy ending blah blah blah all right this is the rules man

It’s a doggy dog world out there you need to you need to you need to realize that it’s not all rainbows and sunshine right People coming to my house mister the what what are you looking at dude listen to me wait this Is while we’re trying to get material let’s talk to who I bodies oh Blue Man no this is Doctor Who man that was quick man no that can’t be food I don’t think that is food hold on a second Rick you either make it a tie with the teams or Joe’s going to find a new home like But it wasn’t Uber it was neighbor wanted to sell fruit I don’t want fruit okay I got fruit out by accident that’s all right Lord I’m a way too plus she gets back in hold on I gotta mute myself okay Laura will be here soon and then we

Will be able to start this hmm can I do this okay I’m back plushie did you leave again oh you’re right there oh she do you want to look at the map real quick so we can plan our route yeah okay hold on one second let me hop it

Out so that you can look at it there you go it’s right there plushie considering I only have that one map we might as well we might as well be careful with it because that’s the only map I have and I don’t have a duplicate one oh shoot

Oh okay uh I’ll just hold it out and then we can look at it together I think that’s how it can work all right plushie yeah I like it better on the right there I have the map out can you can you look at it from here a piece of paper Okay um

You have to put it where The Shield’s at okay as soon as uh women and um techno Rock up wait a minute for me uh you talking about me are you talking about Mia Plessy or techno and Laura’s break techno and Laura all right did you did you

Did you get uh I’ll just ride with you in your boat and I’ll keep mine just in case we could have a boat we never said we couldn’t ride with each other on the boat so technically no okay you need no you’re not better not rules okay so it’s a single boat each

Rick you’re having a single boat age and also no Maps [Laughter] stronger just dropped out that was hilarious uh put that away that away uh okay no map then no map what map I don’t have map damn it where’d you go oh um Uh plus you look behind you I forgot he was doing this to you all right listen thank you What yeah oh hold on I’ll type it to you in the disc in the Minecraft server chat plushie So when you run and when you swim it comes up in the right in the top left corner that’s weird okay because we’re going to be waiting till morning again Why are you sitting on that horse Ever since someone killed it all right plus you go into the Minecraft server and read what I typed hello let’s go all right well let me okay let me redo it again he didn’t answer me really are you freaking kidding me my phone overheated and it took me out the game damn it

Well I know it was going to have this problem yeah what happened around 10 too Okay Tia all right we’re gonna get going eh my food’s here waiting on the women could use really because they could probably worry about that after all right plus yeah I sent you I can’t read it if I delete it all right that boat that Moon uh Shield of yours

Is still so cool it is is it not okay we go uh we’re gonna go at the back of my place I think will be the uh now they’re chatting to themselves I gotta wait till my phone closed down so I need to get back in again

That’s why I would have a fan like it doesn’t even want the rabbit foot anymore wow he’s Brave okay I am ready All right plushie we’re gonna stick together We’re gonna we’re gonna try our best plushie and if we die trying we die trying that’s right as long as you tried you know oh tell me my game’s not frozen we all went to bed anyway so we’re not going to get attacked damn it returned

Japan how about a plushie I got a ways I’ve been added as a friend oh crap who added you as a friend requesting somebody someone named evil 327 everybody expanded by me to play Minecraft I am not gonna do it you can [ __ ] off we’re doing still have you already made your Elias

I don’t I don’t even know I did not want to fight with anyone yep she’s neutral we don’t know if his pets yeah he accidentally on purposeful replacing me a fish Rick he didn’t have to I gave you one of my fish your fish had diseases and died

I have more I have more tropical fish I can give you do you have a napkin I finally killed that pig all the way actually ended the river the big jump go wacko hello Where are we going this side away probably not they’re pretty yeah I wouldn’t mind having you to join us where’s wacko killing himself Mm-hmm okay sorry I damn it yeah just pop out a chat Cronus if the noise and just hop in when you because it does get a bit annoying I’m muted here too I’ll just mute it like that so I’m uh too much to the chatter okay now we wait for the women

Which I don’t mind because I’m eating my lunch and I did not have breakfast so this is tasting awesome I see movement waiting you know Emma it’s okay lay down we going Bama laid down hold on one second what are they doing Here Comes one of them One day I want to go there’s movement oh oh my God foreign missing at least it does if not more what are you missing what oh somebody have one boat oh like uh Boat Boat that you just had you know Community stuff that I give out basically and then they just go missing

Yeah well we go to Thief amongst us because someone stole all my diamonds dude I mean I swear I’ve made like a dozen boats a dozen uh eyeglass fishing poles cart and then we’ll go um what are these women doing like I was gonna drown himself that’s what men feel like when they’re

Waiting for the women look at him me you’re still missing a boat you made a ton Cronus made a ton what happened a couple months ago we either have too many boats or we have none come on man sorry about that barking wreck my dog was being a bit difficult right now

Come on man we could have done this another time can we just go girls come on let’s go let’s go women’s moments damn it I should have practiced my boat skills full inventory of boats why would you need a full inventory of boat s But your outfit looks so cute you look like a cat Angel plushie with the wings I think someone else should explain to Laura how the maps work Because that’s one hell of a long explanation man Put on their helmet oh techno’s back finally done oh my God what were you explaining how when mankind came from or something but we’re not taking Maps Oh my God we’re all sitting here waiting to go you doofus hello Laura yeah we don’t need maps for what we’re doing they’re perfect okay wait we’re not gonna be creating Maps up there and stuff wait what okay plushie uh when you get out there if you want to

Create a map try and find your way back yeah um I guess you could do that help yeah that’s not gonna happen man the chances of you finding resources out there to craft yourselves map and say well good luck um are we ready shush stew stop singing this isn’t a [ __ ]

Singing line I clearly stated earlier use the line to talk and don’t talk over other people oh my God I’m drowning I’m drowning hey wait why are you bringing a shield because Rick is the host which means he’s the only one allowed to no Shields someone’s got brains except for a boat

Someone’s got brains no that’s where we go uh this way Laura behind my house I could have taught Laura how to make a map in two minutes I don’t know what the [ __ ] you were teaching for everything simple you don’t need much I didn’t have it all okay we already going ready To Caribbean music he might get copyrighted let’s just get going come on I need everybody here headcount let’s go hold hands Chop Chop let’s go okay okay all right let’s go let’s go yeah this way and one of the time through narrow places please don’t cause traffic jams buddy system

I’m in like third person view yeah it’s driving easier yeah especially on the ice on the road again boost This way we’re going out to survive in the wilderness we are Christopher Columbus about to colonize new land uh what everyone’s going the opposite way why why no he said everyone going opposite way of you oh my God way Richard Peak Richard’s Peak follow the river past

Richard’s Peak and meet us there see we haven’t even gotten out of town yet all right man I told you this was a bad idea Rick no the idea is good the freaking people following uh the problem it’s just a map you just look at it and pick where you go what

Listen I need Maps they help Ed yeah to be honest yeah to be honest a map’s gonna be good um to get back yeah that’s why I was teaching her quickly in case like we get separated once we get once we get out of this bit down here I will be enabling

Um Friendly Fire and I will be resetting spawn point respawn to to 20 000 blocks that means that you can if you hit each other you can kill each other and it also means that if you do die you’ll respawn 20 000 blocks anywhere in the map

So you’re going to be nowhere near home when you respawn okay and then you’re gonna be more [ __ ] okay watch me die from Full damage falling into a cliff so is this like Hunger Games can we if we find someone can we choose to like fight them or team up with them

The poor people who pound your game the four peoples yeah okay we got two people with um boat chairs went out stronger went off without us both chests um so I’ll take that as a yes sorry um I was focused on something else so what was that

Yeah uh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I guess I mean the chat what you’ve got to realize is if you if we fight against each other right there’s more chance that someone’s gonna die and then you’re gonna that’s game over so you’re best to try and get along as best as you can

Um but in saying that yeah where is white guy speaking of wacko if I go and stronger went off without us what do you mean that’s not how this works because seriously there you go there they are uh is everyone here let me count one two what should we do

It before should we do a thumbnail photo one two three four five six seven uh Lindsay where are you I’m coming I had to get a boat for pleasure oh they were just sitting up there I thought they like way took off yeah yeah yeah and let whoever you have an alliance

With be in the same boat yeah no everyone’s separate boats until we get to the location once we get there whatever you want to do if you want a awesome foursome in the boat that’s up to you man okay come on Lindsay we’re waiting for Lindsay hello I see you Laura

Laura doesn’t know her own strength I’m sorry that’s how Paul told me to Pat them are you swimming yeah he disappeared into techno he wants to come on a trip a villager all right let’s go let’s head out I think at least trust Cronus traffic jam obviously that thing squealed like a pig

Live on a fire that was awesome and I stunk man not gonna lie he had a bit of a pun punch it he had a pungent odor I mean I’m not the only one that’s gonna say it right everybody else some extra bacteria yeah uh-huh pull up for a sec Lindsay’s left to

Right I think her thing crashed this way luckily it’s on a tablet it’s on the phone we’re waiting Lindsay no we didn’t no we didn’t so no no we’re basically wait is she out of chat as well because that means he might have dropped out though um No she won’t gather no food because you’re all going to get slaughtered in a sec let’s go yeah man my boat yeah it’s waiting for everybody Let’s go no time to die good luck everyone okay I don’t know did you get back in Lindsay now I can hear me not hear me no we can’t we can hear you you can’t hear us oh my God Laura’s coming For a sec my daughter dropped the phone behind the couch I had to pull it apart I could have took my boat again guys sorry I had to I had to stop taking people’s boats look come on good night time can we just can we just be organized okay

All right I’m here come on put the boats back guys Nice things people happen Laura people haven’t okay but you’re behind you Laura move forward move forward Laura move forward Laura Laura move forward there’s a creeper right behind you put my popsicle trying to have my popsicle with the ice cream oh my God it’s red Nighthawk Nighthawk Nighthawk

Uh what do you call it uh things oh phantom phantom phantom that’s what I meant If we’re Australian we go straight towards them you already had ice cream have a bite and that’s enough behind you mom so many creepers in the water um zombies because I’m here I summoned the creepers are we safe here ‘s a skeleton right there I just put it to uh peaceful

Where are you uh yeah just behind us Lindsay keep coming up the river Lindsay keep coming up the river okay we’ll just wait here guys you can’t get lost you just follow that River the whole way all we’ve been doing is going up that one River

I’m only putting on Peaceful till we get there man because last thing we want is people getting blown up and dying we’re just trying to get to the location we haven’t even got to the location once we get to the location I’ll be putting that back on we’re coming back just stay still

Lindsay turn around other way turn around that’s it yeah yeah that way they go straight yeah that way yeah go straight that’s it should see us any second um I don’t know if you’re seeing me Rick but I’m yes back at Town how’d you get back to town Circle what do you mean just kidded me and when I got in when I got reconnected and everything going on should go in the wrong way I just told you to go the other way you keep turning around oh no I’m not I’m not moving then no

Okay I’m just gonna click get something to go did you go like I’m near the little the the the stair to the sky thing with the bridge in the water I’m just heading all the way back into town so when you go through there can you go left

When you go past the stairs yeah you see me I think I see Rick and Cronus sorry right my Wi-Fi disconnected me from the server when I got back on y’all disappeared okay I’m back no we just kept going to the center same direction we went up the river okay far before yeah

Because if you could adjust that you can’t see yeah why is there just a big piece One Lindsay you sounded sad there you’ve never been sad don’t be sad oh yeah Laura who’s that who’s that we’re nearly there guys hello Julian how are you I would have said like 18. let’s see

Night wacko di wacko was in this challenge long Waco’s first one out wacko loses he made all this all this argument about bringing a [ __ ] rabbit’s foot man we we both lost our partners for this so we can help each other out Laura yeah we’ll try that okay okay we’re here okay

So are you saying you need more coloring books and stuff child you’ve gone through all of them you keep losing them no I think you’ve colored them all okay so the P so I gotta keep let’s go no um we’re going I’m out yep let’s go in a mental note of a landmark

S your Gia here paper here hello stronger beautiful come here quick okay I’m gonna get left behind where’d you go you’re welcome you’ll add a few if you lose sight of me because I’m just looking forward roll call like they used to doing here Ron go here I actually am behind a little bit I see somebody up there you go I have to give my daughter some peepee coloring paper oh no I almost left a Woman by herself no no let’s see oh um there’s a fountain over here of orange

Juice if you want to get a drink delicious honey vitamin C I just I’ve had enough for the day so I’m not having any yeah okay uh everyone has to line up now uh here on the banks no leave your boat no no leave your boat techno leave your boat

That would be cranberry juice okay everyone take turns get on the bed and then stand over here for the killing wait wait have you slept has thou slept I’ll never do it no no that’s up to you if I kill you all right then head over here for the killing please

I’ve got to put a friendly fire on now Friendly Fire is on now all right techno first so beautiful don’t hit me I have extra food let me dump it have you slept hang on I’ll get it I’ll get it off your dead body

Stick I needed it but I guess not did I have a stick look at your thieves look at all the extra [ __ ] you had um who wasn’t wait hey stop moving around everywhere how the [ __ ] does so disorganized you [ __ ] how am I supposed to know who the [ __ ] I’ve

Killed who I haven’t Laura um and techno you stay there no no use three stay there stay there stay there okay plus she’s dead plus she had nothing good good good who’s next plushie’s dead okay have you slept in bed what the hell did you sleep okay it should be opposite

Who’s been over there because you yeah spawn on the bed uh strong as the only one left is it come come oh yeah have you already slept in bed yes I did thank you nice someone’s gonna have to kill me in a sec too strong

Yeah but wait not yet hold on wait just wait a second have you died yet struggle straw when they get me you [ __ ] idiot okay oh man yes you are killed early on okay now listen um you will kill me but not here only when we get to location because I’m

Holding the map and [ __ ] like that so yeah I demand killing rights whatever makes you happy that’s good don’t kill each other anymore listen do not hurt each other you need your health who has food Stu where’d you get the food from well bring it to me come here boy

Let me get it holy moly how much it wait there’s a map there wait a second hold on a sec stand back stand back um it wasn’t me stand back damn it gone Hey I said no maps that was the clear rule was no Maps nothing if you can’t understand English that’s your problem all right let’s go by then no you’re not that’s why I got rid of it wait for women listen there was so much food

Look have a look at look at this chat people look this is all the extra stuff up here that people brought that they weren’t supposed to bring see all that stuff there yeah I only brought food with me for getting here I’m ashamed in you all of you

Oh we gotta wait she’s gonna bring his uh dog in or something Lindsay Lindsay sorry Lindsay was Lindsay uh trying to um frame you Lindsay playing innocent I’m checking this other chest over here Let me see make sure no one’s put anything in cronus’s chest yeah thank you all right it’s empty okay cool let’s go now listen I’m setting hey I’m changing an important setting here please pay attention I’m sitting the respawn radius is going to 20 000 blocks

So like where we slept here is where we’ll end up if we die no sometimes it’ll be a little bit far away so okay I mean allowed to collect things now or not yet no we’re not there yet let’s go we’re nearly there we’re nearly there let’s go everybody ready

All right we’re nearly done we’re nearly done all right pleasure oh this is beautiful this is like uh Canyon take a moment to what true mom loves Gia okay I’m taking a mental note of oh yeah she’s drawing me a picture of me oh that’s awesome

Yeah I still remember where I had to hide good jungle yeah yeah all right Waka we’ll see you next time I wish there was a speed button on these boats we have a panda back home we’ll hear everyone’s here I wasn’t expecting them to be that big though like I just wish the boats were faster though because yeah If you have what over there make it go faster are you left behind who’s behind um yeah that is beautiful okay we got here let’s see are you okay yeah good bye or is everyone involved yes everyone’s here playing in Mojang why did you put those speed buttons on these boats

You can use blue eyes if you want to travel faster oh goodness foreign hey Josh how you going buddy what you’ve been up to Josh My God this is the first two minutes that people have actually been going in the same direction well I’m just trying to check behind and see if everyone I can see on the map they are pretty close and hitting each other that’s you’re just gonna sabotage each other I’m the last one

Strong though where are you going strong I don’t think stronger knows what he’s doing everyone always be behind Red so we’re Ninja Turtles I feel violated violated I’m here person Go for a hug that’s so cute don’t forget your hair oh we’re almost there Gia the next da Vinci davincia did you notice anything no everything’s too quiet your fart stinks which is what yeah that’s what I was just gonna say did you notice we went in the circle

Yeah what the oh that was the shortest challenge ever let’s go home everyone paying attention I’m just like that’s what I wanted to see people if people realize it that’s gonna help get you back home just follow the water all right what do we have sit back here

Because I only went here one all right this is the last uh stretch good luck I’ve still got to put um put it in hard mode too once we get there now you won’t see any drowned Stu it’s in peaceful mode it’s called Gumby Island it’s Tasmania

I see one person in front of me guys hold on they are some people are show their stuff The orange squeeze it’s full of Mikey Turtles always stick together man I’m making a mental note of everything oh yeah No no no you’re about to make us go in another Circle we might as well just call this challenge a dude what part of a challenge do you find hard to comprehend of challenge it’s not called the easy thing it’s called The Challenge look villager to the left look hello villagers

Oh that was a that’s on a separate map that’s another thing dang it I want to do that one oh we’re nearly there okay uh is it gonna be a huge fireworks when we get there freeze wait a minute explosions no this Forest is a woodland Mansion Forest

He just doesn’t want to admit it techno of course totally different last again I’m waiting yeah you see me okay Laura you can go yes I see you go thank you you’re welcome oh you do it Dan you do a very good job to to drive my boat for me So I’ll give you a jacket because it’s really really cool well it’ll be getting cold too it’s cold in the mornings right it’s getting hot over here yeah opposite um when it goes around the neck you do the jacket and then I’ll do the scarf bring your boats with you please area

Thank you there we go thank you let’s go let’s go this way No I left the bed there so that way if you do die you’ll uh kind of oh God respawns somewhere decent yeah uh rickwell was going through your head when you thought of this challenge dude okay this white here for everybody how can I talk

To you how you do that by taking us to the warden instead of this look up here people quick look that’s a bunch of flowers um you have someone behind all right this way yeah we’re waiting oh how what the hell uh hey get out of there

Hey who’s in there Stu get back over here stronger do get over here hurry up fuzzy hello it’s you and me girl okay let’s go Whenever there that’s a cornucopia wait what and everyone dies in cornucopia we can form an alliance along um oh I think they went I think they went

Quickly quickly Laura I have to draw scarf on my daughter’s oh hold on give me one sec there we go there we go um Guys just wait here wait here for a sec right here for a second women as well I’m grabbing a bed I’m grabbing a bed all right let’s go be a Wham and heating Sim let me know if your health is down and you need some food I’ll Chuck you some food

Stronger let’s go against the guys yesterday come on don’t die this is doing a stare down I’ll wait here for you aim for the water if anything stop stronger oh my [ __ ] god no don’t hit it okay guys guys guys guys I’ve got your boat Stronger Yeah

I want it uh word go there that’s too far here no no no thank you where did his boat just go I just chucked it yeah need a ride uh yeah so that way I’m not lagging behind them yeah I think that’s best just bring Lindsay

It’s all right Laura it’s all right I’ll give it to you I’ll give it to you there we go I’m in your boat running I’ll give you the vote next time we stop lemon you’re welcome at least this way I’m not lagging behind I know I saw you like yeah going past me

It’s my phone like I am oh there was like a water cave over there that looked cool trying not to be too loud because I’m trying my dog I’m trying to get my dog to sleep when he’s being difficult right now Does your dog eat spaghetti no no they love it then obviously not supposed to have it so not too often but I don’t know what it is about spaghetti just noodles with no sauce but I don’t know they love it yeah definitely like it’s the slurping yeah is

If we ran out of dog food sometimes we did that like we made a spaghetti dinner and then like when I was a kid and then we fed our dog go wash your hands uh some of the noodles but without the woodlands just in case with the tomato sauce but that

Should be healthy I guess it’s just the sugar and vegetables right so yeah I’m so glad that they make the dog food better quality now like when I was a kid it was just like McDonald’s for dogs every day or like someone else you know not every day for

My dog you love you would love you love french fries he loves sausages eggs I know exactly where we are thank God oh yeah techno smart so that’s I’ve been here we’ve all been here oh I forgot me the food I buy has fruit vegetables and sweet potatoes

Well it’s turkey turkey and salmon um and then it has like the added stuff but it’s called Canadian Naturals it’s like cleaning Canada so I gotta support the local right that’s that’s a lot different than what we have here we have like Kibbles and bits gravy train all

That stuff oh my God some of that’s like gibbles and bits eats a lot that’s definitely American brands I remember the commercial for like what is it a can Kibbles and bits Kibbles it sounds so Tommy say English name was and she said there used to be a

Cigarette commercial where they had yeah yeah yeah that’s him yeah that’s him yeah that’s it yeah I kind of think I figured that commercial’s banned now I think right because it promotes smoking and um what’s it called wait is it a Thirsty Camel wreck um yes like the Bottle Store kind of but

No it’s just a camel it was just a camel it was one of the brands of cigarettes was called camel and that was their mascot obviously it was is that still around are they still around I think so yeah probably they’re like Marlboros and stuff that’s what I smoked that into my for

You beautiful pegs hello thanks I quit smoking for all of you who smoke you can quit you can yeah I’ll quit I’ll quit making can’t maybe coughs up some flame you’ll never make me that’s what yeah Smoker’s voice I cannot cough much though unlike the people that want lung cancer

I never smoke at all you know what did it for me is like if I sit down and smoke no problem if my body’s at rest but if I walk and smoke I would get so dizzy I think my body was just like no it’s a carbon no because you’re not

Getting oxygen you’re feeding your body smoke look it’s locked down for a jog in the bushfires in the back yeah I’m just a normal camera play the sound effect because I’m in full screen okay good it’s all right oh yeah this is a journey and a half man

You can’t hold too low otherwise you’ll get the ink on here yeah just normal man I had you covered no I love techno I have a turtle you leave my relatives alone hey were you a dinosaur are you up the dinosaur ages dolphins are my family my family All right we’re nearly there we’ll go up you soaked yeah I got stuff for a sick please what stop for a sec then that’s always all my best dude what’s up for a sec arriba therechi I don’t know what student said the river has all my wait oh can everybody

Um please jump out your boats and break your boats here here Lindsay let me give you yours back oh it’s going down it’s going down it’s going down no is it the magma it’s because of the [ __ ] lag um and then come here and give them to me it just sinks so fast

I expect Seven boats on it yeah it’s like one I’m stronger oh oh oh got one yep that’s someone’s boat okay I got some here ready there you go underneath you yep I see there’s two here yeah nice this is mine I’m gonna give you thank you Laura that’s your or mine

And then one at a time he’s drowning you need air and one more this is Lindsay’s yep And there’s one way over here got it is that everyone’s boat I think Stu’s in here excellent no idea all right let’s bring a dolphin games okay guys Okay the challenges started for everyone once we get to land somewhere let’s find land where it started um it’s on hard level let’s go I’ll give you a clue that uh land is this way I think with Lauren and then I’m going to get rid of my map

Yeah the dolphin will kill you how how would you befriended if you don’t have anything to feed it you kill the fish in the water they can’t show you like a shipwreck or a um I don’t have any fish there’s fish literally all around oh there’s an underwater uh thing over there too

Oh there’s a drowned under here too oh God keep going well we need to find land find land just go this way find land [ __ ] took half my health and one goddamn swing who is this over here I was like um what do you call it underwater thing the drowned with the

Spear or whatever yeah [ __ ] I don’t have food on me my heart all right just keep going replenishing I’m good oh did you do that Me Maybe yeah let’s just go no you’re right keep going that way keep going that way that’s the right direction there’s enough away tried to swim around

Him and he’s still hit me and some of them have got the um what should we call it this is what it’s like when you get stuck in the middle of the ocean no landmarks the drive please I need more bones because land land ahoy land ahoy yay yay

I need air uh Stronger was holding his breath too long okay I’m destroying all the supplies here so I’m running gracefully so let’s just gather here on the beach first before we go running in let’s just chill here for a second the female Speedy Gonzales

Turtles here you guys are so cute I just don’t come near me for a sec please not move away for a second there’s one here can we write on them everybody there’s a bed here sleep on that now on it we can only re we can only set it because yeah

All right how do we get together I’m giving you food I’m giving you food two seconds all right line up here and come get your food one at a time please come to me he’s all wait there behind me let me give it let me give this to Lindy first

Okay Lindsay that’s your Russian who’s next okay that’s your Russian name thank you if you have food maybe we’re not doing anything yet we’re doing this come on Whoever has food come to me please it’s strong right I like it okay she doesn’t want food energy but you need your food though

Oops sorry nice all right now my mouth is touched me already some artwork out of that she didn’t mean a techno mic mushrooms And if we make mushrooms too hey everybody over here okay nothing that nothing yet don’t get nothing yet don’t do nothing yet please sending people Discord messages Millennial messages stew we’re not doing anything yet wait so that it’s fair and everybody does it at the same time please because you’re gonna go grab

Other mushrooms yes come on listen to what Cronus wrote in the chat there’s a baddie over there Don’t die so if you set your respawn you’ll be all right look at that oh there’s seeds Probably useless oh no get in the water get in the water runs for wheat uh look look at the Enderman over there I got guys in my hands I have the map this will lead us home very easily here is the map here is the lava boom gone

That was our only way home uh also I have a sword here you’re going to use this to kill me and then and then you’re going to throw it in the thing also techno come here for a sec careful you guys over there guys hold my um food coming up here for safety

Oh good plushies I’m just missing one piece of it you might want to not be there right here dog’s getting them go doggy oh dog’s dead there was a baby creeper over there it was so cute what the hell oh wait what it looked a little okay move

Oh sorry come stand where Cronus is it’s probably smarter guys come over here okay um and whoever’s gonna kill me which is techno come near me no it’s just rotten flowers oh maybe it was just the hey Rick I think I’m missing one of your pork chops I only have 31.

I’ve got one here come here techno I’ve dropped it you’re right you’re right I uh turn it to Peaceful for a sec oh that’s why okay guys Spyglass is gone bone is gone bucket is gone um I’m gonna dump my shield yep and um I know but it happens

Okay I’ve marked kill me you could probably just have Jordan always make it dispatch me I’m getting beaten up hit me Laura yeah yeah oh my God I love it too oh wait come here oh what are you getting pleasure out of this hey All right guess what I’m putting it too hard mode and it is on hard boom it’s done it’s on like Donkey Kong all right oh can I have my food can I have my food Tech man check that out my food me and Laura oh no stink for now

Now we stink Tech though plushy stinks too um yes all right so I got a speed right here and if we I’m speeding is like a white dream I want to see damn it no we got uh we got weed and there’s the way you witch oh guys um

Oh what’s your slowness okay I’m like I’m not getting toys guys the bed’s gone bed’s gone oh a YouTube crafting tables do not what happened to the um so the wheat seed is right here so tonight’s breaking unless you have oh [ __ ] people behind us oh oh no shoes out Stu is out

Two is out wow no that’s so sad okay I know well he accidentally hit him maybe while they were fighting I don’t know oh my God plushie can you guard me okay I’ve got a sword yeah that sucks dude oh [ __ ] okay I might make a pickaxe that sucks we already lost one I’m gonna play it as Tombstone for stew

Oh God oh God oh creeper creeper I mean zombie zombie Tombstone for stew uh I think I’ll put it over uh why are there so much baddies here there’s his body plus she’s gone another one okay I’ll plant plushies no no no no plushie oh do it

It’s hiding in the hole I need to make I don’t know how much I have but I need to make it we’ve lost two we really need guys how about we stick together oh no what hit me did you die Laura guys we need to bury a hole and hide in here oh

I’m moaning are you serious what the hell yeah I’ve made myself a hole I’m hiding I’m hiding come in the hole here Laura get in the hole um the crinus die okay you’re staying here Laura Come in here on the hole this is way too stressful in here get in make it bigger no no get enough you guys why are you jumping that’s it fall straight in Cronus come in here if you need it’s nearly daylight okay it’s nearly daylight my goodness I

Noticed you that sucks and we can’t do anything because I can’t even respawn you back dude because the bed’s gone gel is just one night I know that sucks F in the chat guys for Stu that sucks and F in the chat for plushie I’m gonna have to make some signs now oh

My goodness what the hell I does my way to you guys secret tunnel careful there’s a creeper out here guys oh damn he’s dead can we cover the salava or is it meant to be yeah yeah you got it I made it so you’ll get a normal spawn point watch out behind

You Laura there’s a skeleton [ __ ] I covered hello Cronus I need to get more points so I can make you could try to get to us but that’s not gonna be easy man I need to make some more I need to make some wooden weapons

But she is going to just yeah that’s at Tom’s spawn point though there’s another uh the skeleton everywhere gosh I need to eat oh there’s a thing over here does it drowned yes yeah I went into the ocean for safety I was trying to get this block here uh

Don’t break it because then we can reach up higher I got respawned close back by home what should I do just go go find the baseball [ __ ] oh sorry no I didn’t mean to do that techno that was that Laura I’ve only got all right behind me yes um

I’m gonna make a chest inside the base here so we’re not happy to go out there yep it’s in here okay oh you feel like you’re a big tough guy do you do ya on land you ain’t [ __ ] so he went back into the water yeah he come he hits and runs here

Lies stew and oops you lost two comrades two comrades man too early too you could eat mushrooms yeah there’s a fox like an actual fox yeah that’s correct another one Laura over there too there were two of them is he gonna attack me crafting table inside

Oh bye okay oh God I’m gonna die I’m gonna die it wasn’t oh [ __ ] hello Fox we need to [ __ ] stole something over here on my armor and stuff I have one leather I can’t make any armor get cobblestone um from inside the shacked yeah inside the our home our little temporary house

Thank you I’m just gonna put this so we can see where the bunker is Free sword oh I have do you want a pickaxe pickaxe yeah pickaxe please I’m just outside getting some trees saw the next uh actually I’ll make some I’ll make some um Cobblestone swords okay stone tools no more wood we have progressed great Point yes we’re leveling up in this world

Hello beautiful I’ve made a chest all the way over here why we got two chesty gummies Double D chest yes um who wants to sort and a cobblestone sword okay Cobblestone sword another one Laura do you want one too here Lindsay take downstairs okay no no I’ll give to

Them because I’m getting wood here okay all right okay Do I have bones I’ll have a bone in here or call iron damn it anybody got bones I have one bone can I have it who yeah oh damn it you greedy mutt ershy yep just dig it I got a ton yeah I just yeah I got cold too yeah it’s doing fleshy

Wrap that leaves Laura me techno you can make torches Laura oh wait I want to go see oh strawberries uh yes you can yes as long as I can have one yeah perfect oh look at Chronos he’s made a nice little house Mud House hello Chrono we meet again

Thank you so is it me or is it warming up hot I can’t believe Stu died first that’s so sad there’s more coal there if you want to grab yep thanks I hope I hope I’m lucky is like plushy and dining I’m gonna make some boats guys because that’s going to be our way out of here right can we make a map to make a map what do we need uh we oh I got some sugar cane so we can start a sugarcane yeah okay get onto that oh sorry sorry

Where are you yeah right here okay let’s start that because we and I’ll make some boats and I’ll put them in the chest I guess I just wanted to um can you eat mushrooms what’s mushrooms yeah can you eat mushrooms sadly you can only go with one mushroom

Eye drops oh let me put in the chest no sense Italy I’ll keep that in case I need that puppy seashells seashells oh hello hello hello leaving or joining I think it was um that was a join plushy or Cronus dropping back in or something okay

How’s it going Cronus you lot you loner about my damn self Oh it’s questioned me on my life No More Mr Nice Coronas oh stronger found in Minecraft I found something this could be good guys waterfall leading down into a spruce oh oh iron I found iron how am I gonna get that adventuring out I feel like I’m just nearby all at home

Would you stay home I’m just having a little looksie I’ll grab some iron just so we A Little Bit Stronger The torch who’s that okay I want to use make a an oven seen as how you’re the ladies hey I am and I’m in the mines identify chef [Laughter] Um let me get that advisors good food oh Cole I’ll bring that too you know everything yeah as a chef as an angry yeah do you just want to get on that women yeah Hunter food we are huntresses you can’t eat mushrooms much dude Oh okay okay well you could do that make some stew I’m coming back with heaps I’m gonna make some silly stew silly stuff yeah use Stu’s body and we’ll make some silly stew I’m coming back up with resources I’m resourceful results fun of you follow me big boy red mushrooms

Oh it’s almost night time I’m gonna make a door where is Mike I haven’t heard from Michael oh I know right he’s oh [ __ ] I need to get back his girlfriend yeah probably that’s why we’re not here from him okay no they think they’re his girlfriend but yeah thanks crazy tank s

Not exists tank doesn’t exist he left us all alone no yeah did we yes did we oh [ __ ] I I just forgot how am I gonna find my way back to you guys oh no oh no lucky I’m a man and I know how to find my way oh lamingtons hell yeah

Look crayons has got fire and everything I’m moving in with this guy hello buddy pal what’s for dinner uh Cronus do you want some iron yeah okay I’ve got coal you’re cool did I give you three did I just give you three or did I pick them back up one um

Call for um I was trying to look for more or look what I made I figured we could put this around what should we make out of iron what’s the most important thing and it could give us some protection at least armor maybe iron armor yeah he’s gonna wear it yeah whoever

Goes out the hunting uh actually okay well have you made an oven where’s the oven oh okay thank you Colin the left one yep I’ll put some more coal in there actually I’ll put all the coal in there actually no oh no I’ll make some more torches

Okay you can do whatever you want with that thing and I’ll go get some more I’m gonna put some x’s and hoses it’s dangerous right now dangerous mind really stingy dangerous Joseph actually it’s not even Joseph it’s Jose I left your gift in your base oh thank

You uh plushie it’s very cool make us some mushroom soup yep okay because there’s heaps of Mushroom around here man we’re gonna have to get used to eating mushrooms interesting yes somehow we could manage to make our way across there oh accident s we’re gonna go one day without you having an accident

Oh so you’re gonna say without me moaning but yes yeah yeah or that luckily the balls are reusable so yay recycling reduce reuse recycle I mean the coal is cute but I don’t really want coffee oh that was fun red and red and browned mushrooms oh we have tons of brown mushrooms not

Enough red is it dangerous out here right now how’s that farm going can you replant no it’s only got the one so far it’s dark and raining too salty do you want to check the pH level of the soil yeah my sodium is like through the roof

You might need to uh pee on it there’s a puppy here here give me a second wash your back why what’s wrong it’s dirty I bet because I’m about to I’m I’m giving our house did I do anything crazy in decoration Lindsay we need it well it’s going to feel like home she’s

She’s here for them morale yeah just just completely safe right now just go ahead and do it he’s just trying to intimidate us did he wait what no okay no no he didn’t I’m thinking of someone else we think of still yeah whose voice is that that sucks that uh

Tank can’t even join us because I can’t even give him coordinates you know like we can all quickly close our eyes that ain’t working because then he knows the coordinator see where you guys went that’s a good idea that’s smart You’ve Got Brains Mike yeah yeah you can just follow the street get

In the boat and then follow it I didn’t think of that I’m keeping an eye on you I’m standing I’m missing you thanks Mom no kidding I found red mushrooms I went for it okay I got some more iron set them aside to uh dry [ __ ] there’s a lot more Cobblestone the

Mushrooms good who wants them to make soup I’ll drop them over here in the clearing so like if everyone has their own Bowl I put my ball in the chest so there’s an empty bowl in there I know it’s not much but it’s nothing nothing probably okay Laura

Laura stronger’s out what happened I said after the night but death will come okay so he’s out loyal I think he just has to go to bed because it’s late for him yeah but that means he’s out that’s all I’m saying he’s out so I will make a tombstone for him Yeah dead bed right okay wait I think I see are you doing yes it’s his lunch just be careful because you might get lost in there things because I got sand we can make some glass and make a window so yeah what do you need

I was just wondering if we had any coal or anything because I put sand in the chest and we could put a window yeah here I have that’s what I have for coal and then there was some coal we need to save up I’ll call Lindsay glasses okay

Okay I’ll just give them a Nicole back then yeah we need to save the coal so we can cook Whole Foods and then then okay your iron bars are done I got some more coming in there will you start using them for what you think yeah let’s should I divvy it out there’s

Seven here there’s 14 more cooking okay here techno I think what we should have personally would be an iron sword for durability and maybe like yeah start doing some armor but I think we need Shields can you do shields first thank you make Shields first because that’ll help us with skeletons

Once you’re happy then dance through the funky funky I’m gonna put some more coal in the middle furnace so that way there’s does it quicker yes put some of the high enough Laura do you want some to make a shield for your s oh no I’m good

Just make me one if you can I want a nice pattern Okay your Shields no it’s arguing confesses ah yeah well uh look I just can’t uh can’t have my things out can you open we need another chest we got more iron coming up in this plush cave I’ll check that out we did do a couple of circles okay have you got a map

No okay what you do is listen I’ll tell you what you do um if you go upstairs okay get a blank map and if you go up the first level of my building um there’s maps on the wall you want to duplicate the bottom right map uh okay okay

Yeah that’s the map I use techno the one that hadn’t been the one that I barely explore yeah I’m not stupid damn it I knew I should have explored that one before the left one because if he has that map I can tell him roughly where on that map where you ended up

Let me make let me make these into some wooden points real quick you could follow the Stream because that’s almost just as good I mean I hear lava I could be one one gigawatt one swing away from death you should have armor since you’re out there yeah yeah it’s all right we’ll get

More we’ll I’m gonna do it I really just want to Shield it oh [ __ ] I made a shield hold on I’m coming up to get a shield and I’ve and I’ve got another 20 and I’ve got I I put some 22 planks in the 22s

I made two extra uh Shields you can come grab one if you want oh I already made him one nice give on the Cronus your neighbor orange chest baby yeah yeah organization let me just see him see iron ingots I wonder why the water’s that color oh it’s like swampy color

I am wearing wear it um okay yeah I think I’ve left a shield in your chest uh I’m putting three more iron ingots that through my iron I’m wearing my most visible who’s got the shield techno it’s in the chest uh I just moved

That she made you one so the one I put in foreign let me put it in the chest right here the bottom one and I’ll move these ingots and we’ll put all these cooking 17 cooking bottom one one full set of armor I don’t think we do a full set at first

I think we just do helmet worry about top to bottom uh and also I have an iron sword each would be cool and then an iron pickaxe which is not essential torches actually Let’s do an iron pickaxe yes before the I didn’t think so I’ll tell you why I

Didn’t think so because um an iron pickaxe all that benefits you is that you can dig a little bit quicker right but uh you needed to dig out actual we’re not doing Jewels you Gumby we don’t care about diamonds in this Mission so all I’m saying is we just

Care about getting home so a sword a strong sword would be important wouldn’t it look so when we got to fight things we don’t have to hit them as often hmm yeah because I thought about that we don’t really need diamonds I mean if you want to go ahead but

It’s not a survival thing well it could be the title of your screen diamond armor yeah it’s it’s meant to be surviving that’s right and get back home um how are we going with boats do you want me to make a few more boats I’ll

Make a few more boats uh yeah we’ve got we’ve got two so I can make some more here so we can make a bunch of mushrooms do if need be yep I’m doing good for food though I haven’t even eaten yet and I’m only one bar down on my food bar

Are we on um hard level we are on hard level okay I have 14 pork chops left imagine if we could do smoke signals so tank could see us well Cronus has a campfire what what like a like what y’all did for your first time like that big Arrow

Tank have you gone to fast forwarded to the bit we left oh the lava oh okay you’re getting close all right okay oh after that we end up going out to sea for a push to open sea and then we jump out of the boat and then swim to shore

So you you will get here a lot quicker because we had to swim sick nice that’s cool uh sleep in a tank so that these are those you hear the spider or the zombie in the wall but when you go to like look for them they’re not there ever they will be there

Somewhere outside blocks where’s Jordan yeah dear yes it means you’re next to a cabin don’t be long where’s Bron yeah not too loud yeah not too loud I got a child are you listening I said not too loud she’s doing it on purpose elsewhere oh no okay it was allowed though like

Normal talking voice and the headphones are on feel so much better with the shield eh I’m gonna go get some yeah okay get some more uh iron iron um your son can probably just make you enough so your Iron Man today Rick I think so Hey Tony on the iron turd iron turd oh iron purple turtle where’s my uh yep mushrooms on the left one on the left and right there’s a red mushrooms uh bring back the red mushrooms right yeah why did they get rid of the red mushrooms mark a landmark

Seriously that’s how I’m uh trying to follow you guys is by using landmarks which is probably the only way you can privilege look oh uh and uh when you get out in the ocean um there’s no landmarks but there is the fact that uh we pretty much just kept

Going straight anyway until we came to land good thing is you get to see the map if you’re following the Stream get that zombie man We need to make a bed guys we need sheep we need wool you know that or if you kill enough spiders for their strength then we can make shield in the bottom oh I have one I have one thank you so we need more strings

I guess it’s a string I think did I get strong now what did I get damn it the heck we landed on the island we got an onslaught of mob and now I haven’t seen one mob there’s nothing here thing oh I got it I did double back around once or twice

I did make a circle because I was trying to yes clear nothing I find the appropriate more iron all I got was rotten flesh from that that’s axolotls would like to live here what color no I said would like to live here The oxalot oh that’s a lot of iron this is good iron iron Bay should we dig around in here see if we can find any goodies it was well for me inside the there was a cave with two spiders and one zombie and all I got was a one

Rotten flesh no string no eyeballs nothing ripped nothing oh no I’m drowning I believe I wonder how Cronus is going he’s very quiet he’s probably already on the way back in the second he’s like he’s going to destroy us and be the last one standing I mean that is an option just kill

Everyone Good luck killing me Either Flint water water Water Water spray women you want to drowned yourself you would have drowned us off I didn’t mean to do that women I was like I couldn’t get down I couldn’t get up so that’s interesting there’s water over there Oops I did it again sorry coming from is there a waterfall it’s I think it’s

Coming from above Laura it might be the ocean like can we go in here I don’t want to drowned I don’t know you can go in there um you want to drowned it’s underneath the base techno okay no I don’t want to drown uh that was dumb

That was dumb get me down get me down oh don’t take risks man I know I went swimming in a oh um there are no breathing hole in here breathing at home oh yeah I can’t all right there we go that was three bubbles from death three bubbles from death

I’ve made a bucket you made toilet yeah I got us a toilet very nice hey I’ve been pulling in the ocean what’s wrong with you exactly right oh they were underneath a river of something sorry hi there is this um you’re getting close

I want to go in there I want to see you curious okay I’m actually playing one at the water so if we make just like a little bit let me up let me up let me up let me up let me up copper is copper useful

Uh yeah it’s not as useful as um thread is useful as the dead people are peaceful let’s do right now it’s about as useful as flesh yep oh there is iron up here I’m glad I went here eat anywhere I haven’t gone into it Get it Laura how do I get out of here man find my way out yay I can do it you can do it you can do it cut his [ __ ] head off on gravel Why are you doing this to me I didn’t mean to block you in there so is this water anything special I found one of those big flowers that he’s like you know those big pink yeah the big pink ones are nice I just ate an axoloto

I did I was hungry and I cooked it Rick here’s the best one yet oh you found a boat I found someone uh death yeah here yeah I found someone’s boat sticks come on Laura I’m coming I’m coming in I’m making a mess with the water

I found a boat sticks axes like someone died I can plug it up oh someone died that could be old well I’m gonna pick it up then if the person’s dead we need more torches so that I can now have a little bit of an upper hand on this survival

I mean it’s free game so because once you die you’re done right yeah uh no it won’t be because tank you’ve still got an advantage because unfortunately you have seen the map nobody else has they never saw a map so you have an advantage that’s what I’m

Saying why over them not over me I haven’t seen before Maps though that’s true oh guys I’m coming back with iron but I don’t know where I am so that might take a while just saying um I could make a landmark for you okay what that is that you’re finding if

That’s from previous oh this must be the oh yeah oh thank you I just need to find out I’m just gonna dig myself yeah definitely an underwater cave curiosity of me needed to see what was it about stay with me and now I’m stuck wait what’s it oh I almost close

Oh purple what’s this amethyst yes please Rick yeah I know right hold on there’s lava take your ears oh [ __ ] no no no no I’m not going out there when it’s light and raining I’m awake it’s daytime I made so many torches [ __ ] they don’t last long Journey up here

I need to make another iron one or a wooden oh I found them I found a strong one found another cave I’m gonna use a few of these things more coal oh lovely control tank I haven’t had yes hi and then there was light you’re joking This iron you is that all you guys say maybe I’ll just make this my home in the cave temporarily uh tank when you get to where we are back up back up back up back up oh [ __ ] he’s after Tech no no don’t die techno no no no no no no I’m

Trying to block him I’m trying to block him from you [ __ ] what happened holy [ __ ] did your Shield save you yes that’s what left me with half a heart Right now she tried to go somewhere to get away from it and it was like it followed chasing her I thought I thought you were talking to Lindsay I could hear the history and I thought it was above me not next to me

No oh my God okay so we found the Kate a mob cave I would have been so sad if you died I would have I would have been like oh God damn it but I was I was accepting my creeper fake fate okay I think I found the ocean that you

Were talking about hey there’s more water down here yep I found the ocean okay yep and now it’s just angled in that direction that you see us going until you get to land everywhere um I didn’t die that’s the thing Gardener I survived nothing I don’t know how that was beyond

Like yeah like my pickaxe broke during it too so I was like panicking oh my God oh my god Becky look at her butt why yes no I think I went around that looped around and then up here to make two more pickaxes foreign no

I don’t know what this is should I dig straight out I might dig straight out of here hang on I’m going back I’ll come back Laura wait for me why do we have so many wooden tools oh sorry everyone probably made some earlier on I know Lindsay going mad tool making mad Onna

Um literally the worst one I’m sorry you can’t get rid of them oh I hear spiders we can use them just use them we’ll we can use okay can you do that yeah you can use them as a fuel source they just don’t last long that’s all right

We can also use a bucket of lava as a fuel source and we also get to keep the lava I mean I keep the bucket recycle Rick should have put that in parentheses next to his title survival challenge Reduce Reuse and recycling let’s see what’s that spider that’s blowing my ears

Okay did you make it here bye Darius give him techno techno found a spider she said this tank good job techno two string we can now make one piece of wool halfway there techno did some cool design with a tree here no I just used it use it as like a spy towel

What’s good armor to have I put an extra chest plate in that crate there what’s the diamond in the right are like literally left if but for iron like what iron is better than gold like which pieces are the best ones your head and then chest head and chest free game

Free game because I’m passing one right now uh we no not until you get to the island you’ve got to get to your location then it starts uh Laura where’s the string you found I didn’t get string that’s what I had two spiders and I only got I got nothing from them

From the zombie yeah okay so we just said oh yeah close I should be near the surface um did we tame the thing they’re not ah someone’s tamed it okay I tried to tame it oh I didn’t have enough phone there’s another drone coming up I don’t know Cronus must have

Thrive anymore no back we go I don’t have a sore head after this smack smack smack smash smash I got one come on you wanna come back up do we want to make copper or no probably not for the spy glass yeah put it in the End but the thing is we need Rick’s amethyst shots in order to make yeah I’ll bring them soon I’m just trying to get my way to the surface there’s more iron there oh buy this oh I’m coming for your bastard he’s in the tree yeah yes one more string

That was the weirdest is that I can see wow is that noise I heard who’s that oh what’s whopping around what do you mean Rick Cronus oh it’s kindness come here buddy hello acronis hey look up here add more chips up there yeah we should put the

Um Tools in one I’m gonna move this I’m making lots of iron Cronus have you got any um to make some spy glasses we’re making copper Legend I don’t have any more coal uh I got some down below yeah fly glass what do you need to make a spy

Glass I need to make amethyst shards how do you make the shards we need to break those little cloths you need to break those little clusters the little ones yeah the blocks sadly cannot be made it wait it didn’t give me shards oh wait that did fire glass yeah yeah um

Just not a full set oh Jesus Christ do you have any armor yet Rick careful chronus me yeah I got armor I’m cool let’s do a head and a chest and then that should be fine 13 total I’ll bring back some shards if I can I’m just gonna take a little bit okay

Okay the tools are in one chest and then I’m trying to organize this here OCD OC day I made two spy glasses they’ll come inside you’re good all right oh there’s a creeper by the house I gotta run run run oh my God would you get a spider there Cronus

Oh wait no it’s still outside the house I want to keep built digging this up Cronus I made a thing up here I’m not going up there oh lightning okay I’m gonna I’m making a Mad Dash full of the house come on techno Yukon oh hey guys hello are you okay techno do

You take you must be really close okay okay got to be close dude I’ll do one for food I’m gonna do some chests for food all right lightning strikes are really close well techno I found one of our mansions yeah I saw that so now you’re getting really close

Squishy it’s the mention that we that uh I think it’s the first mansion that Cronus found plushie did you find your way back to the base before you got killed I think that mentioned the one that Cronus found and that’s as long as you slept in your bed plushie you should be

Respawned back at your place I’m always ready to leave how we food wise not really cups yet I know how’s how’s the uh the the paper going I can hear the rain above me creeper by the house again if you can come out this way I’ll go straight to the surface come on

No no I think I found it is it with all the beds in it no well if you find our Island tank it’s gonna have two grave markers one first do one for plushie on the front oh well I found like a thing with a [ __ ] ton of

Beds on it and a bed and a bunch of boats I also found a chest that has some stuff in it I’m just trying to organize this so yeah they’re going to come in the water now thanks so where did this put me oh damn there’s a lot of spiders here

Make sure to kill him to try and get the strings I’m trying to I’m also trying not to die oh that was right above the house yeah and we’ll come over here Laura I’m hidden you hide there’s a lot of noise what was that I found the place where it

Has a bunch of beds you sure you guys weren’t over here no I don’t think so there’s a witch above the house do not come back that’s what I’m hearing oh yeah over here looking directly it’s coming it’s looking directly down at you guys I’m just getting smashed by a mob here

Um I can’t look at where I am okay okay Let’s see dream oh [ __ ] oh that’s our old place yeah that’s the old uh Woodland mansion so we are not there at all he’s not far for the sale it’s somewhere we’ve been but it’s not the right spot so this one is food like food stuff first one is weapon this one is

Wood and rock and whatever this one is crazy head straight armor and I think so things I finally got bones so I can make bone meals is that good wait I can throw the painting oh nice let’s see actually The Shield should go in the weapon one I’m gonna put the weapon here

Hey guys come here I can show you a quick way is that organized good there is a witch there I can see it what’s gonna oh it’s gonna happen we’ll just get poisoned ah it depends on what kind of stealth does oh I’m dying get in get in yeah that’s one thing we

Need to do it right outside oh that feels so good is it hurting you so bad it’s hurting my Spy gloss anyone yeah I missed some shards I just gave Anyone need iron chest together okay I’m going to make an iron pickaxe yeah I’m fine now I want to see that cab where you went yeah I was going to show you let’s just uh tell me when you’re ready and we’ll run there I’ll put torches down Excellent you put all the sticks away you need help how close here I can take This tank man close do we need boats have we got enough boats now we shouldn’t have to we shouldn’t have to double up here should I make some pants or no how much is that gonna be remember oh [ __ ] oh oh my gosh oh no where was this no way oh God techno Techno how Um oh my God take those Graves up I’m gonna grab this stuff yeah you will be that’s how I said it so you you should just scroll back I am sorry guys you want to come out and grab her stuff and put it all in the chest creeper No are you kidding me oh no it’s over for me who’s left put a put a tombstone up for me that put his Tombstone up for me how many left Lindsay and tank and tank if I ever find heck no uh I’m at uh you know what

Though you know what happened oh yeah I was hitting the creeper right and I hit him back and then I went to change to my iron sword um so I could just finish him off quicker and he I knew he was gonna blow up but because he was behind me it must

Have really hurt me more [ __ ] yeah well that sucks yeah that does especially stream wise I remember that place um you are in a completely wrong spot yeah you told me to go straight I said I think I said don’t trust me I don’t trust so I don’t like him okay I’m heading home that sucks I just don’t say well there is torches

Behind the house and they do lead into that cave uh I left a trail of torches yeah I’d grab the sugar cane so you can make a map and get the [ __ ] out of there together definitely yeah after the first time I had a lot of

Stuff on me man I know I’m trying to grab it all before it despawns just get the iron and [ __ ] And they’re right Laura be careful let’s see grab any of those hole there that’s how I feel right now yeah I got it thank you thank you thank you oh we’ll have to do this again this is actually fun I enjoyed this to be honest Hunger Games I enjoyed the um

I enjoyed this starting from scratch the um just the whole thing working together it was cool oh oh that was just that was just plushy she’s uh she’s already back here she’s already dead what do you want me to do with the stuff I grabbed which

Dress do you want me to put it in um what do you have I can’t believe that the way I died and how many arrows and I can’t believe I was being so relaxed man like that change up I did oh come on Rick um I actually thought he was going to

Explode but not damage me that much because I had iron everything man yeah I have the shield up I had my iron armor on the first time I only had the chest plate Rick I saw you like you weren’t moving and I was like because I was changing

Yeah I was in my inventory switching my swords I was just being so relaxed man oh I was certain I wasn’t gonna die to a creeper this time but nope that’s done that’s just my life well get a load of this some dick some dick has also

Stuffed up my bridge thing I had made I don’t understand why people do this [ __ ] uh I told you that Rick when did they stuff that up last time I I’d made a special walking yes they’ve stuffed it look remember how I haven’t made this yeah well look the other side they

[ __ ] someone’s dug into the Redstone there and [ __ ] it Hank where are you would you also which also makes me wonder I haven’t been in here in a while so I can make you like a marker or something too okay that looks different why is there another block there feel

I’m gonna go drown myself in some chocolate biscuits Rick never again You got this Laura you threw a tank over where the [ __ ] happened um you got this do you got this you come right through it time to stress yeah you can get out yeah I I thought it was straight too you said straight that way yeah that’s

What I thought oh wait a minute oh my god dude you good what happened you good oh [ __ ] oh my God I thought Lindsay died to a creeper too that was close you know who wins this survival stream I was like I was trying to oh God

I was like another one bites the dust oh my God but you were still I didn’t I guess I guess that was a good bit away from it because it didn’t affect my hearts or anything I’m gonna leap off of my heart rate I’m jumping off of Richard’s Peak to

Help me feel something you’re committing double double uh no one of them was creeper bath this is now uh this is just peels to dogu do you like your gift I haven’t looked yet I’ll look in a sec yeah I’ll look in a sec Laura you need to come out here no I

Don’t want to I don’t want to oh the Creeper’s not here but like the holy maid like we have our own flowing water right here oh cool maybe one sec so what I want to say is why has this changed sorry one stick I want to see how far

Heck no you’ve damned the tank I told you I didn’t know where I was going yeah tank would you like me to make you yeah look at this someone broke my redstone freaking morons man yeah you freaking [ __ ] why are you making a marker for me I know no Rick

And Rick and me not not a great techno because they kind of like like when you don’t have a [ __ ] map do you need a bucket Lindsay why would you do that I’ll drop it for you okay thank you Laura and then what were you gonna show me uh come here

Wait where am I gonna put the sugar cane in here and bone meal here okay oh look at this Laura how did I survive though oh my God did you survive that Rick look that’s a good job is redecorating the [ __ ] map techno is this it

Uh let me let me look why are you out here it does okay so where in the world is honestly I’m the best person to ask Rick um yeah man let me have a look hold on your lights do here lies plushy oh know a grave marker

I got that on the signs it’s looking close yeah yeah your nearer area you are near us because that’s exactly the yeah that’s the biome uh and we’re along the beach there should be two houses along the beach you should I just don’t know if you’ve come at it

From a different angle no it’s not those trees it’s not uh the black and white trees so go the other way but God knows Okay so here’s a sign oh yeah I’ll keep going around that way okay first techno because she died and then right does this mean we’re on the same skill

Level Rick no no mine I died not I did mine I died due to being too relaxed that was all it was my ownership how did you do it without the yeah and I came and I came out to get used like and when you had died that creeper

I thought I was going to go out there and fight I should have had my other sword out I was just an idiot you are crazy trying to fight maybe it’s hard to say tank I honestly I don’t want to lead you in the wrong direction man

We didn’t see a giant Mushroom on the uh but we also haven’t explored too much of it take no dead again it keeps committing suicide all right tank I’m making yeah it doesn’t well just in case God damn it I can’t order again cool I just need some bread

I know this doesn’t make sense but um yeah it’s kind of like that yeah and the trees were all like thick big boys but um we’d be able to see him careful Laura go have a look upstairs see if you see him yeah you should if

You pick it up okay so one more could be here bottom right yeah okay yeah guide tank there do you know which way it is yep yeah I can see Oh thank you very much there plushie thank you you’re welcome go straight that way you’ll make it okay it won’t be the first two islands you see It’ll be beautiful all right I think it’s a carrying a thing of sand remember there was torches behind there

Guys that lead you down straight into uh okay it’s right behind between yours and cronuses head Inland and you’ll see the Torches if you follow them they all okay oh I don’t mind that there I just want to do a better walkway there yeah okay um but I’m gonna make the door

I know that was fun that was fun it was fun but I I’m just like I can’t believe that’s the way I died I can’t you you die to a creeper and you can’t believe it come on the first time after the first time I could see myself dying there the first

Time with that creeper that got me down to half a heart I can see myself dying there not out of the blue though just at nighttime how many more people are in the game I think it’s just you four you chronus Lindsay and tank hurry no fix it

Okay one what the heck have they done here what idiots wait no no have they removed the Piston wait they stole the [ __ ] hello foxy how’s that how’s that now there you go attack now yeah what Don Davis uh check them out the map the map let me go the map you

Can be I’m back at the Village God damn it techno all right you were just meant to go straight the whole time we’re both we’re both getting a tie yeah yes uh okay so now go left and around the island right till the end yes yes I’m here right now he does

It make sense trying to put more signs I just want slime balls your slime blocks Rick that’s a pleasure sorry no longer needs the Slime to hold the elevator do they take the Pistons I gave you in your Redstone chest oh my God no yes no Chrome angle angle you’re confusing the tank

Yeah I don’t know what to do because straight that way straight that way what he’s like if I so if I go and attack lady house I win I was like no Coronas you stay over there oh don’t do that so around the island and then continue oh

Yeah I didn’t think of that if I continue straight I can’t stand okay around the island it could just Slaughter you isn’t take to win oh oh that challenge don’t challenge him all right so what’s the purpose we just survived yeah and they winner and they get

Special surprise I’m trying to figure it out yet you can you can’t look it’s first you can make it back without dying by all means that’s the idea okay I’m trying to aim I’m trying to get your stream up and the Minecraft okay aim to the left the heck is going on here

No Cronus you stay over here at your house straight just straight that way and then I’ll tell you when to aim down yeah okay start aiming a bit more down to the right wait when did I leave oh I see what Mr disconnected yeah yeah continue that way you should make it but

Let me hop back in techno needs more bandwidth as we promised okay just leave her alone now she’s asking you to leave her alone yes why oh my daughter my daughter is um a string my dog a little bit yeah you want to know why she is called techno because she has technological

Problems it’s that time come on oh not bedtime it’s not a bedtime mommy how is it already better hello fixed it let’s put this Mossy um like a Mossy wall straight up all right a mafia Is talking about your dog oh I didn’t hear it it takes so long to block breaks around the water I keep minimizing instead of stone because that’s a good thing more paper is gonna blow creeper will blow oh that looks good that’s like matching where are you yay

What is that place right have a look at the stream looking show me tight up look around oh it’s a shipwreck that’s the masks oh yeah that’s cool You’re Gold You’re Gold your your gold armor I’m gonna start my Survival on the island because techno is screwing me

Over with the pinks no I’ve always I’m trying to get back in yeah so that sucks so she accidentally got killed by plushie when that was she was trying to yeah kill the other thing it was accidents we will do this again I uh I will organize a different one okay

Okay hell no we ate Rick don’t mind if you think we’re doing this again you want we will you’re gonna miss out on the prize man oh excuse me there’s a price if we surprised there’s a prize for the winner yeah no next Minecraft stream Rick we’re

Gonna go to Tech we’re gonna go to uh Wacko’s thing is that it are you burning your energy out girl let me check good that’s the island he made it he made it tank here quick crying this guy kill tank now I died quit crying this guy killed tank

Kill him quick he’s he’s the other male on the island get him tank Aquarius yeah go piss on knock him down and piss on him text just right off man look at his parents [Laughter] Let me give him some armor are you wearing armor hey tank if you see torches yeah follow the Torches and they’ll lead you to underground [ __ ] you no no seriously uh follow the Torches and they’ll lead you to an underground thing and I’ve got a chest in there and I’ve got like Everything

Hank Ricky’s asking you to look him back tank just he’s straight doing it solo I have things for you what are you doing a beer hey Rick’s while the others are out do you want to try here continue filling in the map so um yeah at some stage um

I gotta make a duplicate hold on let me go make a duplicate okay I’m just watching for Phantoms Laura to make sure you don’t get okay so that would be and then so strongo and wacko are no longer valid yeah they uh they’re out and soon plushie were the yep

I’ve been the last death nobody’s died since good luck going to sleep during the night okay I’m watching you Laura how does that wait and on top of that someone stole all my sugar why yeah my sugar thing um they did a trail child I don’t know to make maps maybe I don’t

Know what they done oh man um um they could but it’s just gonna be it’s gonna be glitchy as framing as all hurt yeah well even tanks now at the moment but keep that one on tank at least I can watch and see tank is in the bush behind you

It’s chopping trees Hank I have armor and some things for you he’s paranoid he’s paranoid s girls uh girls I think you might have to kill him because he’s paranoid We’re not gonna do that right originally tank and I were meant to be uh Alliance buddies but that ain’t happening yeah Tank’s paranoids

That is plushy this slime oh empty map empty locator map I need a compass and I need one two three paper someone stole all my paper I got paper given to me and everything you should make a copy just in an empty map not a locator map

Yeah you just need a map but I don’t have a map because someone stole my freaking paper no I wanted mine I had so much paper and what and um Cronus had given me paper uh you can go anywhere man get home first the only problem is you haven’t

Technically survived as long as everybody go tank hard enough tank don’t turn around not man Rick you better you better turn coordinates on soon no coordinates what is coordinates I don’t know what this means what this mean s please there’s no coordinates for a while yep that one is

Okay gravestones I’m working on the graveyard I didn’t mean to do that look so wait do we say do ORS take it Lindsay let’s do it Laura knife in the back whoa don’t hurt me Lindsay’s gonna do it to you if you don’t do it to her Laura she might when you’re asleep

Now I never sleep kill her before time comes hunting you know Tank’s going mad with power uh with the isolation I think it’s lost the plot man no one Strong girl horn yeah it’s a different one from your one does it make a different sound nice yeah so yeah look it’s like my graveyard look uh what are we doing duplicating the map The Depths kind of in order but not really we need your help we need your

Iron am I close to home plushie uh plushie is my twin Strongbow bear s what color is plushie um I have one oh stop now spin around face North not turn around stop turning plushie yes oh my God I can’t figure that out they just keep spinning okay turn right

Yep stop now go up that’s it go forward now yeah from there forward no all right okay turn left plushie it’s not working it’s not working oh that sounds cool as all right nice I don’t know if you’re gonna find any sheep around here tank s get him get him You got him for your tank he’s your besties you better hope he doesn’t turn on your tank Don’t Go Near him man Don’t Go Near him tank yeah I can okay oh that’s right while I was um exploring uh the the left map um I found someone’s Castle I don’t know

If the person in the server is still here or not but it was full of stuff and it had netherpool oh nice okay I’m Mr Golem go get him we’re allowed to make a bed and sleep here yeah and how will I find my way home

All right he’s better not be in his way mate when he swings like make the locator one so you need to find Redstone to make a compass oh I see what you did oh nice okay flower oh we need to uh poet poet um I got all the hoes

Straight Out of the Box there you go okay techno ‘s just what kind of just wipe them all out dude [Laughter] It was coming oh who just joined yes right I think there’s a sign that’s there it’s taking the space that’s why not just do that pattern along the outer edge that would be nice well I was gonna do it right here but I was worried that it would remove the

Headstone if I had it yeah farther from there it will nice goat horn dude yeah it’s a very good place to start and then we’ll put the sand oh no do the pattern like sand sand and then that oh don’t you don’t oh my God watch your back watch your back

Watch your back I don’t trust I don’t trust him okay no Tank’s coming it’s Cronus right behind you careful harness is beginning his uh Pillager assault well we could both soda attack him at the same time okay if he swings at you both swing at the same time I got everyone 2V1

It’s not a good idea you want to attack women don’t let other people poison you three Shields Shield don’t let other people poison your brain come on garnish do you want to help with the flowers okay that’s fine what do you think of it though you know does this look nice

You know you’re trying to butter him up Um Blood birth blood birth no bloodbath no blood death yes blood gas I want to see you up on the feet Cronus Cronus killed killed Lindsay and Laura no don’t listen peer pressure don’t listen don’t listen Yelp peer pressure me yes prepare for the karma we can work together but not forever

Together but not forever there’s any there’s any price for first place just saying in the end you’re going to have to fight over first it’s a good first place I’m telling you man actually is it’s something let me die and then I’ll ask you what’s up is it a hug

No first place is first place is I I okay I decided what I was gonna do okay first place is the winner will get a 3D printed figurine of their character in Minecraft okay you don’t need can I pay you for that no no you won’t

Pay me for that it’s a one-off thing I’m making for whoever wins I mean I’m just down the road I’m happy to pay you in person I bet yeah um maybe Rick you think I’m maybe but at the moment yeah one thing at a time all right let’s uh

Winner gets a 3D printed figurine and colored and painted by me designed and made by me and you’ll get that sent to you from me I was hoping I would win because then I was going to make my own little Ninja Turtle dude thing and in the end there

Goes that you still can I hope techno doesn’t because hers looks difficult um tank win yours looks easy and can you select the um the um He does oh I’d be so pissed Lindsay’s acting a bit strange just keep an eye on Lindsay only someone strange would say they’re not acting straight I can’t imagine if I just go kill everyone no I’m kidding I’m kidding yeah Laura’s like if anybody next minute Laura starts stabbing people I had to

Get him first beautiful you know who’s stirring up trouble in here Rick I think finest is going to go and take out tank it’s got a funny feeling oh take that died again what’s wrong with your techno uh that one I actually killed myself in your base

Because I can’t find where you are thanks [ __ ] I can’t trust no one I wonder why yeah Tank’s far away from you soul and you keep spinning in circles like looking everywhere like he’s paranoid oh my goodness you just came up out of nowhere what are you doing I mean it’s fine

You are listen here so I’m coming back to keep an eye on things but obviously I am out of the equation so I will just be uh watching I’m the camera crew now yeah right the donkey crew yeah okay your son joined Rick nice the barn James

Have you seen LeBron James he’s like a southern uh guy from Alabama and he shoots Hoops like in his Well yeah if you see the videos of it you’d see the club no LeBron James is named after my son you wish it’s a true fact you wish you wish that were true

Oh [ __ ] uh oh it’s night time again God damn how do you make a bunch of wood actually has some really nice looking up my son yeah with the um accents and stuff yeah man hey this looks beautiful look at that do whatever you want beautiful I was trying to get oh

Okay I’m trying to be cautious because like basically outside I found a secret shortcut secrets in your chest he’s allowed to be in my chest Ah this is a different way there I’m filling in the map techno have you got the map on you oh hold it up it fills up automatically no it did no mine did yes no mine listen mine in my room filled up automatically remember that’s because you were looking at one

At the same time as long as there are two so yeah you needed a map on you yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah almost have enough to make a bed so if you keep going that way you’ll make it to tank oh I know exactly which way he is

I’m just zigzagging so I can fill in Tank’s getting closer guys just watch your back yeah he’s creeping he’s creeping uh if you aim to the bottom right then you’ll um then you’ll fill in a little Gap that you missed I’ve filled in on mine maybe it looks different to yours

Uh there’s like one little there’s like two little spots that’s not too important yeah mine’s all filled in yeah like in the water there’s like um weird yeah ah semenya when you need some hot cheese did I die yes you yes you Do a bunch more Kimba Kimba hello Kimber no kimber’s not online no they always say that every time I don’t know this way what should we do We do should we do what can we do Our tank is a tank is a drunken sailor tank is officially the drunken sailor looks very nice oh I like that way better way enough I’m gonna do the outer layer when it’s daytime but I need to get like a bunch more money I should pick this up oh never mind I think tank has in my chest you know my secret ones in my room I don’t know pull the lever and then it comes out of the wall just take one of each what’s your head doing oh yes I see Cronus over there stance else kill a little shortcut

I think is I think that’s her Minecraft skin there we go just for now if you change it yeah hello ladies I am back from the dead no cheating I am not giving them anything I’m the camera guy I’m not allowed to interact only from a distance

People go into ghost mode a little bit closer than um Okay now this will all be off map I should have brought another map eh And think is there Hold on Taylor what would we do with the drunken sailor early in the morning who’s our life hair a lie you know baby wasn’t it yellow was that said right here wow wow whoa ah looking for land land ahoy definitely the outer wall Cobblestone I don’t trust you none of those

None oh is that land yep I see land I see women no who built that giant Cobblestone thing it’s a land not a very good one but it’s the one that it’s the best there’s two landmarks cronai hello land peoples hello welcome Rick are you really back at the island

Yeah man yeah yeah he said hi to you guys hello yeah Lindsay oh wait I need a spyglass because I’m the camera crew is there a spyglass there yeah there’s a couple in here all right how’s the survival going ladies look at you surviving very nice oh look it’s all your weapons

Look they have progressed just pinching that thank you come again come again it’s ghost Rick he’s not real camera crew Rick yeah let’s go find all those guys the flowers we put a flower in front of yours techno oh thank you what kind I think it was dandelion or something

That was the only one that was the only flower they had on this island hmm it was the best we could do in such shortness there’s crowness on his roof doing roof things rose bush put it okay so yeah we’re gonna have to rename map seven and eight eventually to like

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Okay tank is just down here a little bit Yonder wreck if you’re on the island be careful because you don’t want to get blown up again me he’s in ghost mode no I’ll be right there is no ghost mode on I’ve got my uh my stuff on me I will not be dying

I’ll have to do the outer layer a little bit go tank go lemon power yeah excuse me lemon and Lady power since Laura is the women oh tank’s in here great great tank what are you doing to the water there we’ve got water Enderman protection well he just done something here what

He’s right here I think he swung down yeah he’s down there somewhere so if you have paper you can just make another locator map with some iron redstone to make a compass oh there’s lots of um come down here follow the water right down the bottom

Man there is so much iron in here wow that’s a lot of iron that’s a cool little uh Cave actually perch like a bird waiting for your arrival well Tank’s right above me are they nice interesting I think you can get up the top this way

And Rick is singing the 18 theme song again Redstone yeah yeah hello women can you what don’t steal your stuff guys let’s steal any of my stuff Jesus so if you ask you can have it yeah you should women shoot women yes yes yes no um Stop it oh [ __ ] oh how far down are you oh I should have gave you gave you some of this armor to give to him he was scared I see the pumpkin he was playing with there’s water everywhere what do you mean water there’s a lot of underwater caves what

The hell not water hell water help oh I should have got you take the plush cave iron oh yeah I’ll show you that I’ll come back Tank’s boring I can’t find him he’s underground yeah I’m not gonna answer my map does not take me Underground it’s only surface level

Yeah the locators disappear when you go on the ground a what I got it what stream says nothing says you just got a scriber by e did it come up what on here yeah why didn’t I not hear it oh my sound effects is muted oh thank you for subscribing subscriber

Checks in tomorrow what’s up don’t forget sub to lemons too she pays me every time someone Subs to her yeah right how do you think you’re not streaming anymore no I stream and I don’t never mind nothing no pressure inside voice inside voice I’m not gonna I’m not gonna talk about

Actually you should have streamed your pulp yesterday when you were playing I should have watched a little bit of it and then I was like um they have Duos nice yeah about time I’m switching over um from my Oculus Rift s to an index and because it’s knuckle controllers you

Know like you know the button you press like with your pinky metal um like ring finger whatever like on the behold so that’s not there on the index controllers you gotta squeeze the controller it’s more like face off like sensitivity yeah it’s so weird and like

If I get an intense situation I’m like I squeeze my controller and it helps me so my muscle memory knows to do that so when I when I grip squeeze the index controllers sometimes it prevents me from properly like you know the reloads are two steps right

You put the mag in and then you pull the little Hammer thing back yeah yeah so I could put the mag in but when I pull the hammer back because I’m like gripping it’s uh it cancels it it doesn’t let that happen yeah you gotta let go then

Do that and then grab a game that’s awkward and it’s slow yeah I’m coming this way I’ll show you this Cave quickly while it’s daylight and it’s really oh my gosh Lindsay you coming are you where is Lindsay probably three seconds like a couple staircases I don’t need to bring and

So head towards crying this is and then you just go inland okay I’ll just you know these um hold up stop stop these rocks yeah yeah they’re nice for decorating yeah well Cronus has built his whole house out of him I think yeah yeah yeah so you know how I put

Vines all over my like the inside I should have just used those yeah because I already got it on there and you can’t knock it off yeah yeah you need to get more Moss blocks though and those are only in the Lush caves I believe or there’s so much around here holy crap

Red mushrooms oh yeah you’re right I’m trying to see where the who was the stew maker soup maker that was techno wasn’t it yep I think Lindsay knows how to make it and see I mean I haven’t tried it yet but I think I know it’s not

That hard I I forgot how to cook Laura you turn around am I going the wrong way I’m trying to find it I lost you and then yeah iron iron ah there’s so many uh Mossy cobblestones here it’s easier to see at night time because of my torches where’s all the Torches

Exactly are you gonna get me lost out here no here we go here we go there’s one torch all right Hank Did you take some torches out here there’s another torch here over here yeah keep coming this way then oh yeah yeah it’s around here somewhere hold on it was around here somewhere

Trying to think me up with some extra food okay so I had come past this thing here because I remember seeing this oh what is this what is a [ __ ] come past over here white terracotta oh that sounds like food terracotta the [ __ ] is this place manakata terracotta the [ __ ] is this

House heavily this place getting me lost what the heck delicious is this the villages what is this what is this oh my gosh one of these things he’s a village it’s a village can I take the carpet I’m gonna decorate yeah there’s a oh there’s a purple bed in here straight cut

He’s dead okay so a little villager Outpost here what are these things they look weird oh there’s paper in here guys okay what is a loom is that important you can make banners too Lord there’s bread and stuff in here I will not take it but you can get it this way

These guys are not down this way mean right oh and there’s buried no no they’re fine there is a shop are they poisonous yep and the Iron Golem will actually come hit you so be careful Bridge down here Laura in this one okay I want this bed

There’s a purple bed down here too little baby video oh my God I took everything I’m sorry I’m I’m pillaging you I’m pillaging the Villager oh he’s massive uh did you get it is this one how long did you share what you find with me I’m good of course

Nah I’m kidding I’m just kidding who’s doing the work no I’m kidding you’re doing a beautiful job it’s about to say we’re both doing the equal work here no I meant you’re doing working here yes look at all the potatoes and the bread in here turned stop telling people what we’re finding

Look at all the diamonds are true if I break their bed are they gonna go away The Villages no there’s a one oh my God look at this guy white orange black hat with a with one blue eye he has two different color eyes oh my God I want him um

Oh that’s the one I got want him do you want him home okay well well it’ll appear home hi I just made it magically I made him spawn home no Laura you can’t eat the cats you need food for survival not pets Stray Cats man they’re full of disease did you know that wanted him okay I know where you can get him though because like if you breed one of your cats with Rex it’ll have a 50 chance of turning out

Better than they’ve got blast furnaces in here too all right I’m the problem it’s me it’s me he’s a baby I had one I know yeah he’s cute he’s a weirdo one man he’s a funny little man shopping with my mom I’m sitting in the shopping cart you know where the kids go

Right at the top there or whatever yep yep yep are you swinging on it are you swinging on it Laura sorry no I’m not just uh the game hams in the chat buddy uh do you want to leave this place now because um I don’t want you to get lost

I think you already are lost so anyway I saw a little person and I said to my mom look at the full man so like you said look at the dwarf oh God I am mean too could steal the Bell out of room can you be my pack horse um Cronus do you need a bed I have a lot of beds she’s trying to make the friendly why can’t I stack beds well I’m trying to be nice

I mean we can always just hide here for the night because they’re not bunk beds I check one too tanks this way quick Barrel actually watching this way I have a bunch of [ __ ] I need to go offload string string it’s back home do you need a bed

I mean yeah pink and Cronus you guys need beds I can’t leave civilization he’s lost a plot he’s a little feral right now tank is wild feral okay River on the left he’s been eating raw Bush animals okay creeper inside your tank keep her inside of him I just wanted to know he’s had a long night

He’s got a little creeper growing inside your beans he’s a weirdo hug I mean straight towards tank there he is there he is who else would put this here tankwood show your safe tank I think I found your torch Trail but I don’t know where the cave is it’ll be a ground I’ll just go straight into the ground I missed it actually oh my God who mined that tree so weird that would have been me sorry I was

Using it to go up to the top of it to like get bird’s eye view oh it’s funny very creative artistic thank you I stole it from someone else in the server thank you oh I see I see yeah offload all this all right so I heard that was probably stop it

Drop it you sound like someone who’s from like wrong turn or something stop it okay I have presents for you decorating presents there’s one of these oh there’s some of those and some of those um I’ll put the beds over here Maybe okay oh my God don’t be turning it into glue

And eating it I think I’m gonna continue this with the Mozzy card don’t forget to sleep in the bed that is too far away so there we go yeah look what I have actually I need to change that oh cartography table oh why does it go like that that was weird women

Don’t come here you’re scaring him Ricky why the [ __ ] is it turning backwards like that I’m so confused how come I can’t put it properly look at it annoying you sound dumb stop it just like it get out of here seriously how do I place this without it Hey [ __ ] off you’ll die cut come to me come to me come to meeting I’ll put you out yes okay I got water he’s a [ __ ] guppy oh just like just stop it let’s stay now stay in your home eh go back to your home Cronin oh go back over there

Over there I can see oh Christ wants to trade I’m out here with so Tech is taking over the pillages place all right I’ll head back to you guys now I’ve located the tank sorry he’s not um he’s not a friendly you’ve been warned he’s gone rabbit yep the rabbit the rabbit’s gone

He was very angry he’s now out of business how come out of business why why is the bank out of business ask your son he just said that yeah so what are you doing with what in here look in this chest here it’s goodies oh wait oh got with the old

And within you the middle one there did you find my cave put some goodies I did not all under construction yeah he’s replacing it he’s here who’s here who’s here who’s here stop it you have to knock are you knocking hi oh my god oh be careful you hit me Vote tank said boat guys are you asking for red more Redstone I have a nun I can’t even find the Lush cave I’m showing you where it is scared we were looking for it yeah we’ll be able to see it now oh oh you can talk to him if you want um foreign

I don’t have paper yet I do not I have paper from apps but I can’t give it to you I got a map too and I can’t give you that either yeah where’s everyone oh I think I know what I’m gonna do I’m gonna do frog why do you ruin my coffin

Hey coffee all right okay I’m gonna plant seeds we got pumpkin and nature seeds four four oh should we put a little thank you here can I put a little thing here yeah you can you can see oh harness is heading towards the tank oh it’s on tank are you ready

I’m just gonna make a little area here we need water you wanna um I think I don’t know if I don’t think I have the bucket yet let me open it up here I gave you a bucket oh I did oh yeah do you like Flint I got a flint or I got

A shuttle do you trust these voices in your head tank I thought this was the way youse were but now I’m not so sure more torches down I’ma wait till it’s daytime I’m not risking it I’m gonna risk it for the biscuit okay I’m gonna make our little uh thing in here Farms we can do it like this way eat a bit more probably have to go this way too here it is that’s the big hole in the ground

I got the dirt the hell there you go Laura how many what do we need how many by how many blocks I don’t know this is good right here is that gonna be enough yeah all right put your dirt in it reckons it’s this way

All the way in the in the whole Jeep oh yeah tank why are you laughing so weird because that’s just tank he’s got a monster plan tank systems do you have a hole you do nice should we do a path in the middle so we can get through without breaking it I wonder

Maybe I don’t know yeah let’s do one two like that actually I have an idea I’m gonna break this out okay that wasn’t even that’s not what I wanted to do I’m gonna go I’m gonna go one more that way sorry can you put dirt yeah wait

Sorry I [ __ ] up there and then we’ll do this here stop it I’ll just do one more this way okay that’s too dirt here why so many tank why so many why so many holy why so many he’s so many boats has he got oh actually that reminds me I think I’m

Just gonna build a boat and get out of here because oh [ __ ] wait I’m trying to figure out where I want the water yeah grab a shut we must put feral tank down let’s see hang on one two let me make one of them water here okay oh

I just need some mushrooms right oh um it’s still night time we could just leave and head home in the opposite direction have you got enough uh to make a map how much do I need you need nine paper for a map and I think you can make sure you can

Make paper from sugarcane yes that’s why I was mining sugarcane that whole time yeah red mushroom as well what a lot of [ __ ] paper t-map though I forgot how to make a map to locate the map the one that I showed you that shows people need a compass so don’t make me

The locator map is made out of a normal so you just need uh you just need four iron and one Redstone so an m so just make one empty bath right yes and then look up how many Maps do we need just one we don’t need a bunch right

Just one and then you can book it straight home yeah man there’s certainly one right now remember because all you gotta do is head towards the people that are at home on the map we can go memory yeah that’s gonna work out real well isn’t it yeah first one back

Oh Last One Alive thank you Laura we would need to make compasses just the one um iron ingots and redstone so four iron ingots and one piece of redstone yeah problem is where they get rid of the Stone I mean I don’t mind hanging out here but no I just um

Well I’m holding the map why is this not riding the map up ah because I’m up too far inland hold on oh where am I going I had to go right I need to go Redstone is in caves right yep why are you doing that because he’s feral what’s wrong with you

Why are you like this I drink lots of water a day why many cups I don’t know lots of these however many that is hey I thought you killed all the pillages tank yeah caveman tank did you kill all the pillages okay well you must know you did kill all the villages

Well why is there another one there is four today okay there and we populated okay that makes sense you stupid game why did it do that stuff uh oh Cronus has the compass so it’s just between you and him to see who can get back home first I mean you

I don’t yeah I don’t have any redstone there was Redstone in the caves too that’s Redstone I um he offered to trace of paper let’s go get sugar cane and make paper there’s a bunch here but uh yeah no I could just go back by memory as well doesn’t matter

Oh this would be funny oh someone’s heading back he’s got him yeah that’s harness yeah Mason stop pestering no someone pinky purple what Mason yes very very players he was getting antsy all this talk about returning home oh here’s the Torches Laura where are you I’m up the river ouch

[ __ ] berry bushes I found them [ __ ] Where Are You Gonna load up on some of this I see Lindsay Lush carbon love you good night loading up on this Lush Cobblestone entrance is right here Uh Tank’s lost listen tanks lost for him because he just got here he he is lost Laura I found my um I found that hole in the ground I was telling you about I found a cave is this it you’re not near me uh that can’t be it then uh

Uh that’s all right I I don’t know I have to that’s okay it is right where is it copper I don’t think I ran across there were you tempted to go down there but I don’t know if I want to I’m scared you got boats guys hello Lindsay Um I’ll just have a look on around seeing if there’s any food yeah I was looking for the red ones I think I think I found them all the red ones You just need iron and Redstone okay let me go have a look at this who we got up here I don’t know if someone’s been in here or if this is the way it is oh yeah they’ve got to be lost who’s lost okay oh he’s not found lost and found

You found the Lost though you want to admit it men don’t like to admit when they’re wrong no yeah I’ll agree all the way I’m in Stat or all the turn us is winning like Charlie Sheen winning why isn’t the map filling out then because I’m off the map He doesn’t feel it for me because he’s holding no map yes I have a map yeah he’s getting lost now exactly I didn’t see Laura were you I’m really far down some waterfall did you get the iron oh you found that plush cave I think Laura nice oh you’re one short you’re one

Short um I don’t know this is far this is really far it goes down forever that’s your best bet for Redstone holy shush shish kebabs wow wow this just keeps going down down down down oh I can’t I only got it yeah it’s throwing the map oh

Look what I’ve oh I’m not streaming look what I found oh it is now that I’m on the map yeah now that I’m on if I’m not in it I have to be inside the map yeah Oh my God what wasn’t something with a stone pickaxe oh you need to iron your back up what an idiot idiot what a Gumby luckily so bad who’s [ __ ] up the night you are diamonds I can’t can I have an iron pickaxe for that Laura diamond Cronus is in the lead

Ed oh yeah tank I replied to a Discord I am so far down I don’t even know hopefully trying to get back what in the world am I listening to more redstone see it’s weird because uh he’s not drawing on the map it’s not drawing the map anymore

Unless he had a small map because it wouldn’t fill out that much we wouldn’t fill out that much he’s on land or something what’s he on oh it’s not water I think yeah you are on land yeah I see okay or do you want me to come find you oh I

Found the lunch cave there’s gold it’s a it’s a race between um tank and I think harness no it’s not it’s only Cronus because that’s me no no no uh tanks further oh he is making his way home but just not the right way I’m not leaving the women behind at all

Cactus needs to get in that water and start heading out he is in the water can’t you see him at the bottom of the map no he’s not I’m watching his stream is on land he needs to get in that River yeah there you go keep going straight

I think we know who the Winner’s gonna be though Cronus has gone through some deep [ __ ] man he looks like he did some deep thick freaking foreign okay I think your best bet now Laura is just to take Lindsay out With all the stuff you got that’s good thinking exactly that’s what I’m doing that’s what I’m doing better two heads are better than one I’m not gonna stress about it oh yeah I want more oh God I didn’t mean it like that look it just started it’s coming yeah okay

Tank’s not coming on on the map because he’s way off the map only once he actually yeah yeah she said that she doesn’t even know that it happened it sounds like are you kidding me then who’s like in charge here oh yeah what happened with that

Nothing so I spoke to the teacher yeah I spoke to the teacher Monday and she was like um my daughter was looking kind of sad well she does because she doesn’t want to go to class it’s like I want to be with you mom like you know kids are like um

Some people have anxiety or what’s that called like attachment um separation anxiety yeah so she’s five like you know of course and anyway so she was like kind of looking sad on the teachers said oh gee are you okay what’s wrong and I’m like oh she’s just sad from what happened on Friday

I was like throwing her face and that yeah and that what they say she’s like oh oh and she was like oh what happened and I’m like um when she got left outside what nobody told me about this um I was on my lunch break I’m like

Nice well then whoever are the monitors the supervisors who are like watching the kids should know Who the hell’s in the class are you kidding me and I was like I don’t understand um why there was no monitor like checking the playground exactly and scene or a headcounter child

Yeah I know oh my God weird like like I have patience for that especially when it comes to kids not just me like any kid like seriously so are they doing anything so it won’t happen again exactly um well nothing like that was said but I guarantee you

That if that does happen again um we will be having some strict not so nice words and I’ll probably like I don’t know I don’t want to be that kind of person but like I don’t know if the news needs to be involved like just a little news

Story to embarrass the school oh yeah yeah oh hello Crowders Laura can you get your can you find your way out I see critus Christ is making tracks people he’s swimming across the water like a dolphin I am uh heading through the slush cave trying to get out turn around

There was a Spore Blossom I wanted where’d it go sorry I’m trying to get back keep going tank I’m not leaving the woman behind I not pick it up I got a support lesson it’s not here oh here it is freaking leg okay so I went down a

Massive waterfall now I’m in the Lush hey trying to find my way out I don’t know the way next to my house I don’t even know no it was far but over by the river but it might come out where your house is I’m guessing she got a map no I should have

I should have came in here earlier there’s so much Redstone oh my god oh well I’m pretty sure I’m almost back though because things are looking familiar now I really sure this yeah we guys he’s running you just got to return back to my just to my porch

To run he’s fine he has to make it some Saturday excitement run quick Tank’s coming he’s just behind run Cronus will chronus make it don’t you mean paddle right since he’s in a boat he’s not in a boat no I’m right he’s running on the water like Jesus

Honestly I don’t even have experience with the maps I’d probably get lost anyway even with a map in here they are pretty easy to follow after you use them for it which way okay if you see the Torches I’m still in the cave okay got me out of here

Yeah Olivia let me let me out let me out yeah Cronus is back he made it we’re kind of just spending too long surviving it’s all right I’ll be able to run out of that 12 boot or 14 food whatever it was I’ve given I only got like seven of it left they

Got like half of burrito’s gonna run out on the Run everybody went over land over so much of it I was just like I’m gonna run out of food that’s why I’m in a boat because I was gonna take forever to get back uh no I think he’s at the pool are you

At my port uh I’m about to get there so I think it’s Cronus is very close he’s made it he’s made it congratulations Cronus you are the winner the winner LeBrons no you’re not the winner don’t hit him uh yeah that I brought you didn’t win you want nothing all right [Laughter]

There’s so much iron uh well done um now stand still uh actually can you take all your things off so I can get a screenshot of your um your character please oh I gotta go dump the my inventory is like 100 full okay come back then now the women

If you make it home alive come on women where’s the what Ender the ender portal um near spawn point I think there’s one good job I could try tech though good effort yep yep good effort um plus you’re unlucky he had early accident but you just gave

It a fair go and that’s good congrats oh look at chronus looking very Schmick all right hold on a sec stay still uh uh print screen print screen print screen turn around now a side on shot side on surprise yep and then turn B backwards behind oh he’s getting a 3D

Oh right oh my gosh I forgot you know I think just because the pain prize Rick should do that for everyone else she’s hilarious oh yeah that would only take me forever not funny oh humor humor sometimes it just gets me thank you Chris paying you well I’ll do chronuses first

And then we’ll talk very good job man that was good that was good very good very good everybody worked so well don’t worry there’ll be more competitions man Hunger Games Hunger Games All right hold on let’s go get the women guys before we end this up here getting really distracted promise and let him knowing things he will have to make oh I’m getting so much iron though oh my God amazing I already have a stack of 64 and I’m working on my second stick

I’ll give you some I don’t want to get lost trying to uh I got Spore blossoms boiling leather armor can you eat it are you saying that I don’t because I died so quickly no technical participation prize too your participation price is congratulations it’s gonna be the magic books out of

Your friends congratulations Hell no I already lost enough stuff yeah don’t you worry award yes yeah that’s it I’ll uh I’ll uh email you a participation award how’s that obviously we’re in the next thumbnail oh yeah yeah I’m coming back to get you girls so prepare yourselves in the cave and she doesn’t know how to

Get out I think I’m coming there it’s never ending in here in here I’m hitching a free ride is that where you’re I’ll see you’ll follow me she is literally the chest when you come looks like eh I didn’t have much it was just the shoes how’s that Crow just came back

With four diamonds he reckons too smart ass I am jealous of thank you I’m jealous of tank oh Cronus be nice Tank’s on his way back he’s gonna get second place here he’s looking good good trajectory oh my God there’s others second place gets Pad on the back yeah if I ever see him I’ll give him a nice pat on the back and then rub too and third place is congratulations it’s me celebrating you with my goat horn yeah the third place prize will be the camel you know what you’re you know what your

Reward is getting back home in one piece and saying that you never died in the challenge that’s right me and me and Corona spent a long time with bloody Joe that day and all the other animals by the way do we still have a panda or did someone already do something

We need to get it I saw my diamonds the other day too and they’re all gone we’ll wait here okay tank Panda and Joe companions he’s coming Tank’s coming around the corner here we go yeah look waiting for tank to appear around the corner egg tag go tank look at him go attack He’s a man on a mission all right now we head to the women hard work oh skeletons Lady and the women yes and after you get us you’re trying to coordinates back on I’ll say goodbye to your code hell thy coordinate coordinates look at the pain but is that bamboo what is that that’s bamboo that’s a bamboo jungle that’s where that is I think Cronus went through that on the

Way back through he did why am I wiggling The maps or Compass is the easiest way to find your way home uh because like with that Compass um you just gotta go towards wherever the red needle’s pointing and that’ll take you straight to spawn point yeah that’s what Cronus did just use the compass the compass will

Take you straight back to school nearly there women tank wrap around and I go back around and then get it oh you can take a shortcut through there and then hop back on the lake at the river back where how was it oh he found the bones yes

Oh my God are you serious oh my God you don’t have a bucket I got a bucket I have one there was a bucket with all the stuff yeah I dropped a bucket when I died too and I had a bucket as well [Laughter] if we’re voting on coordinates on bless you yes Oh I need more this is not democracy no this this world is a dictatorship mate get it because my name’s Rick I’m dictatorship a rick taylorship coming I mean we’re nearly there busy here fishing my bucket because potato I hate skeleton horses they’re so slow oh [ __ ] spider oh no no no no no no no you’re home free tank buckets Tank’s home come on tank next minute he falls down the hill tumbles and dies Girls we’re nearly there are you ready sounds like they’re on the ground too why man we’re here keep picking up [ __ ] even the Canadian shoulder wreck and I don’t and I don’t want to get lost trying to find her oh you guys can go back I’m gonna fish

Come on women okay well this way to rescue you and then you’re gonna get lost Rick I don’t see you what do you mean up there I’m coming there in a sec let’s lag like a fish hey I got the fish so close oh no Tank’s going for risky Crossing he’s made it

He’s there he’s home free sorry fishy I took all your friends sorry next stream is directly should do like a group uh pillow to read hmm we can go to go to our Pillager Outpost yeah if there’s more of us that means there’s a better chance of killing our

Villagers I mean I mean one person can take them all out I’ve done it before yep from the river yeah twice once in the snow but I am and then I’ve done it a hundred times I do I just threw them in the lava for giggles I’m here he’s made it hello Lindsay

Land ahoy hello oh we’re here where’s the lemon I’m gonna drag her out of the cave let me go drag her out of the cave hold on hello techno I’ll be back in a sec uh you went down that big hole cave with the waterfalls it was a really really long deep

Waterfall I went down and then I’m in a cave after that I am shopping you guys I have I have yeah oh my God I know where you are okay because I know extreme we should go we should not only do a pillow terrain we should also go to

Where wacko was trying to show us on your last stream what’s he doing down here this is quite down here that was weird yeah I had to use on two zombies fun you looked like a dram oh lovely there’s a torch here someone put a torch in the corner

Might be me I might have been because I didn’t do that why did you guys make a loom found it from the Villager thing yeah I took it oh there was one that had two looms in it yeah is that the one you stole one of their looms yeah his buy glasses because

There’s some in this chest right here actually I do need one it’s this chest right here I’d say WeMo would be here because this is where her own village does it sound the same as Rick’s or is it different head up women trying I’m really really

In front of your in front of yours are you perfect Can you keep spinning around 360 on the spot so I can see you on the map keep spinning I can’t believe it okay I see you you went this way yeah you went this way I think I know where you went here lies me this way it’s not gonna work techno unless you

Put dirt or something on there instead anyway here lies me okay she’s in here has to be in here oh yeah has to be in here up this way realize technos yeah grave I’ll see where you went in here and then this way your screens so dark yeah it’s I’m coming

Hi I I don’t see you yet oh no it’s all right I’m nearly there there you are oh there okay oh I was working my way that way I didn’t know come on Batman you can do it okay my head starts to hurt when you’re like which way you then yeah and everything

Looks the same afterwards Well I did have a map I did have a map so I don’t have a parrot still mate I want to be a pirate oh my gosh And in this way this way and this way was I I was here wasn’t I dude no I dumped those the Roses I was here fishing and then this one before I got my truck come this way I dug a shortcut through here iron with his

I was just there that’s where I got all the tropical fish and then I went up okay I felt like I wasn’t there I feel like I’m not here half the time where is Rick and the women where is here here’s where is here what is here why is here

How much iron you got there holy [ __ ] look at this going it’s his patch stick this way Laura it’s daytime but when I look up holy hell it looks a little nice this is the way I want to go anyway all right come through it was like I don’t know there’s

Redstone there uh this way this way I don’t need it anymore right no not really um oh just here I was thinking like how long should we stay there for like at the camp area Okay full I got 64. let’s go up we go oh my God oh my God she Daisy

[ __ ] hell you fall in a little pond that’s like too deep and then you can’t get out this way oh we didn’t explode put it back we got to check the street huge it’s huge I thought I thought we have an alliance I’m sorry I’m sorry now I gotta remember

Hold on a second check my map uh yeah this way Laura I know I’m somewhere here somewhere here no no no no um this way Laura see you Lindsay Lindsay I’m gonna ride with you can ride back with techno and I’ll ride back with Rick so that way he can wear the boat

While I’m techno’s not even here I don’t know where techno is oh you are both this whole time oh you’re still in the boat okay Valency thank you for participating ciao oh wait she’s logging off while here on the island I don’t come up this is in the way okay uh head towards that waterfall see you Lindsay Hi okay I head this way I’m trying to remember no did you come down it’s thin this way somewhere yeah it’s this way somewhere aha here is it wait oh yeah yeah we can get out this way this is my k thing I found remember I found the amethyst thing did

You hear that wow I want some what have I put in here I didn’t put much see this is what I made when I was down here oh and then we can get out through here look if we come this way oh my gosh okay this way Yep this way this

Way this way up here wait give me 10 seconds I’m just gonna grab some real quick yep I just use the waterfalls to go up Rick like right around the corner there’s a waterfall you can go up yeah that must have been the way you came down eh yeah

All right I got the stairs right yeah it comes out the third tree yep that confused this [ __ ] I mean like what the hell is up with this oh there’s a light coming out of like the center of a tree it’s in the middle of the night I’m like what’s going oh

Sorry five seconds yeah I got lost down here so I just thought I’m just going to dig my way up oh I’m smart put my put myself away please Laura loves that purple [ __ ] look at her right thank you gotta wait till she’s at least in town to defend herself all right

Sorry I’m not even here you know what are you using for overdoing decorating he’s taking my stuff again oh that’s interesting some people thumb too nice well I don’t have any so can I give them some we see where I’m at um um how do I get over there down the stairs

Yep and then run across and then come straight up here not much Headroom here but hey it’ll get you there is a bit Holy See I went so far down it was a massive waterfall mm-hmm not ever ever and ever and ever just kept going and going tada

Cool yeah I already have enough Saddles tank so go ahead and take them how do you make this stuff at home this way woman how do you make this um Cobble I lost all audio no I didn’t no the fishing rods are to rent just this way

How do you make this Mossy Cobble uh you don’t need a moss block and a cobblestone let me just take it like that and it makes it stuck before I leave that’s what I was going to ask Lindsay to do if she could grab um mine a stack

While she was waiting for me but then it was night time so she couldn’t okay let’s go there’s so much on this island look at all the tube stays wait did someone put extras yeah Rick wacko stronger we’re sharing one last I knew oh what was that I think what we’ll do

Is we’ll go like this okay celebration horn nice wait can you wear them out we’ll go like this can you wear out the horns I don’t know I don’t think so goodness survival because occasionally champion it’s done it then still wasn’t letting me play it wait and then we’ll go like this

We’ll break that and then we’ll put this down here and we got honor honorable grab what you need Lindsay mention whatever why are you on Richard’s pink what are you doing all right Laura Laura Lindsay and tank okay let’s go yeah just getting things from the chat okay

Anything worth taken you steal the iron two things yeah I did um oh there’s some iron chest plates I don’t know if we’re are we coming back here um maybe I don’t know not not in the foreseeable future okay I don’t think it was drastically

Far away I mean no that wasn’t crazy eh okay let’s go um I’ll be one sec I’m gonna put it in that mansion that I went to yeah that’s right that’s right Okay let’s go let’s leave oh wait I gotta turn the light on give me one moment I said I just need a stack of this Lindsay whose boat you’re going on Laura’s okay oh [ __ ] whoa that nearly who needs iron not me I’ll be right hey sorry Lindsay I take musty all right

Ready let’s go then everyone’s like go go go come on why am I gonna go you’re not gonna be able to give back on your own you’ve got nothing to get back Dad I said I need a minute no one has patience Goal no no it’s not patience this is beyond patience come on Lindsay this is not Beyond patients just go let’s go oh let’s go I will I’m a big girl you would not make it back without a compass impossible oh I got Redstone I got a map oh have you got a map

You got a map just go you go to map I have paper I have Redstone oh my God anyway let’s go You were stuck in a cave man you didn’t even know which way was left and right I came back to [ __ ] get you out of the cave and to go to take you back to the town oh my God holy [ __ ] oh my God oh my

[ __ ] god did I not say I was finding a [ __ ] ton of iron I was not in a hurry I have like 30 food I’m not worried I’m fine laughing at a person let’s just be honest is anyone behind me okay let’s go What is it 5 4 43 how long is the stream been going for this has been long feels like it’s been extra long today not even on the map yet and that’s the other thing too because if you make a map and you’re off if you make a map back there it’s only

Going to give you the map for that section it’s not even going to give you the map for this so you would technically need to make two maps to even get back or just a compass would probably be the easiest bet not even make them up just make a compass

So much easier when you’ve got a map though because you know exactly which way to go like compass gives you a straight line it doesn’t give you a view of what’s upcoming so does that mean Lindsay’s gonna be able to get back I don’t know now

Yeah I don’t know I’m just I’m just going I don’t give a [ __ ] man I’ve gone back and [ __ ] how many times now and so I’m coming back with nothing I don’t really care I didn’t go out here to [ __ ] get [ __ ] it was just for the challenge that was today’s whole episode

Was for this challenge that was what it was for um right first mate I think so she no no no no no no Laura told me that she does she she told me just to go dude just tell me just to go so I’m just going I am going

I’ve got it like I also got to get back and I’ve got to end the stream I’ve been on this all day and I’ve got a million things to do I probably could have killed myself but I’ve got my uh good armor and stuff on me so I kind of don’t want to do that I quickly mapped this out here take that if you don’t mind just on this side but if Laura’s got Redstone in that all

I need to do is make a compass and they’ll be able to get back uh the saddle it’s in the it’s in the chest right in front of my stairs thanks that looks like that’s just laying there no what up is tanks horn different too so we’ve got three different horns

Oh okay does he did not know four okay and they’re all different okay cool ass oh is there only four oh man [ __ ] me let’s head out to see Lindsay just keep heading straight out to see coming back coming back Lindsay yeah that’s it keep going straight yeah whatever you’re doing that just

Keep going that is perfect oh you got two of the same Honda no no that’s not straight now you’re spinning I suppose it’s probably hard to tell if you’re going straight stay still Lindsay no don’t go that way don’t go that way don’t go that way yeah this way

We should see her soonish because I like the duck I did respond you Gumby she should be right in front of us any moment there you go yeah there is a creepy duck okay let’s go are you able to spin around um techno and keep an eye on Lindsay

I can put myself in F5 okay oh yeah maybe I should do the same okay you focus on straight I’ll keep an eye on okay yeah she’s still there not you should we should have done you should have just made duplicate maps and and given it to them

I like how it shows you the deeper parts of the water on the map as well like sometimes you can almost make out where there’ll be an ocean Monument which is kind of falling behind okay there you go halfway there yeah she’s still there I think if we go this way

And then left should I fill out some of the map oh Phantom after her let’s keep going just keep going Lindsay keep going Lindsay do you want to hide under here Lindsay hide under the tree I can’t see the Phantom it’s gone it’s gone now all right let’s go it’s gone you in

Yeah I’m in I just did her again did it really oh no no there’s a freaking zombies tell her go get your boat Lindsay thank you go get a boat yeah you get a boat and you pick her up one thing oh she’s hopped in yours yep that’s all right let’s go

Damn it now after to Shell out if I get too far ahead will do change so wonder why that’s all lit up oh goodbye plushie goodbye pleasure thank you but I’m getting some more messages from that friend I told you about last night I just need to check in quickly because she’s spamming

Ah damn it so we’re only missing one goat horn sound wasn’t there a crying goat or something or a screaming goat a rare goat it might be that goes literally home look at this it really is not that far I’m gonna do the rest of this map later

Just kind of far through Snowy Mountains also um I think the next Maps we should work on are the ones of the actual town okay through the space what do you want Brian what do you want I mean this plushie wants a good night how romantic

Give them the give him the good night crowners this is Cronus saying good night and I hope you sleep well I gotta record that for Nana yay video podcast Cronus podcast well actually did I miss my entry in here uh uh no I didn’t really miss my entry

I think this just takes you around the other way let’s have a look what is that wondering Trader that’s selling slime balls nice that you need them now yeah ah all that wasted slime I got more slime than I know what to do with Air at least if you haven’t turned it in

Or anything you can still use it for other things sticky piston and it’s kind of like [ __ ] yeah so it sucks should be able to turn it back even if you lose half of it oh yeah we made it out of the assembly people thing um

Well so what half the people died and half the people made it back yeah it’s pretty good oops oops oops oops oops oh I could EQ himself because he couldn’t stop [ __ ] around Bongo I’ve got no idea what he did he did go to bed so he bailed out yep

Tank arrived late but put in a good effort hello brony one hour Less on the timer than everybody good job Lindsay you’re home home sweet home oh good [ __ ] all right I’m putting away the map oh wait there is a map your kid was probably asking for like a

New spot to rebuild this Bank you know in a bigger area is now he’s building something else he said he’s not okay yeah he said he’s building something else well he should have space for it over there like unlimited space really what’s he doing I go I’m gonna show you

He’s just covering up with stuff for the moment because that’s all that Jesse has remember with all the stuff in it oh okay here it is for now okay yeah cool bro I’ll show you where he’s gonna build that though if you want I need glitch okay Casino oh that’s cool or what

We’re gonna play strip poker mom if your Nana’s coming all three of those horses are free by the way anybody wants nice my kind of price giveaway I have giveaway horses because I don’t want those three I had too many to start with so where okay kind of depends on the pattern again

Over this way oh yeah that’s right tanker was on his feral streak so it’s a shave I don’t know who’s always these are but somebody got to like delays out here one’s got beads and the other ones I don’t know what just got toughen up Lindsay Valley basically I’m drinking a bit

It’s probably a good spot you know yeah it’s probably a good spot I have like uh like a low low spot between two snow mountains yeah it’s got a good view look you got uh Julian’s bloody whatever camera I guess forget what you call them Gondola isn’t it Gondola gondola Gondola

No not a gondola what’s it called the Japanese things those buildings like that um no it’s nothing shway if that’s as bad as my Gondola um it’s something I don’t know what I gotta let the French what you call it um an elbow thing right yeah yeah oh well what are they called

Yeah gondolas are like the main transportation in Venice or something no not better or not me yeah I’ll think in the wrong country then yeah buildings in chat and said it’s Pagoda Pagoda is that it is yeah maybe that’s the word if you have uh freely roaming alleys up there Julian

There’s one of them that went down the end of the valley there’s another one here that’s got the oh they’ve actually gone in here I looked at her place amethyst oh yep you put a lot of effort into this it looks amazing doesn’t look like it’s finished yet no

No I think it’s still work in progress well it’s not because she’s not coming she’s not uh coming on the server anymore oh yeah I don’t know why she just told me unfortunately does that mean we put her house up for auction no I thought we’d leave it just

As a monument looking thing Waco’s Castle thing doesn’t look as bad from his side eh yeah from that side it doesn’t look bad but from the other it does yeah if it’s right above your house it’s right next door I like this spot here too this goes straight into Chrome

Wacko still had the he had the football field before I moved up here so I can’t complain too much I will yeah I will complain about how tall it became what you said I can have this horse I’ll give the ones that are inside but what the hell there’s a minecart uh In a tree up here damn it damn it oh horse nearly drown me Crazy Horse oh which ones you take the skeleton one I’ll jump straight off the cliff straight off the cliff and now he’s stuck underwater a piece of [ __ ] he ride the lead and you can just drag

Him oh you can you can drag him just like Iron Golem yeah can you fish him out because he doesn’t need to breathe um quickly check before I go when you went to go get them mine is still here first wandering Trader the guy with the blind

He still hasn’t even made it into town he was like on the stairs coming into town didn’t even have a chance I um the two Iron Golems are still underwater there too nice nice where’s my stuff uh it’s down over here okay I can’t see nothing he’s not in the kelp

Thank you everybody thank you guys I’m going to end this stream thank you say goodbye to streams goodbye peoples see us later Bye-bye thank you very much congratulations and congratulations to everybody else ggs well done bye bye okay and yeah so when that thing’s made for Chronos I’ll show it on Discord and then I will send it off to him for winning the grand prize save and quit that switch this over to this one

Skis thank you everybody for joining in use up bloody awesome what’s midnight Julian say Pagoda that’s it Pagoda what did I say what do I say I took up a code any Pagoda but it’s based uh but base of a castle Pagoda Rick I left the server a few weeks ago

So yeah I felt a community Escape I was a communication I got first prayer so I left yeah I knew it would happen since the moment after server every painter the Target on my butt yeah I didn’t like that either I was saying that like you can’t accuse people of doing stuff if

You don’t know for sure so that is a bit annoying and I don’t know who did it so I can’t accuse anybody because I don’t know who did it God knows but it’s annoying which means I’m gonna have to hide my stuff in the future anyway thank you for everybody who

Participated in this stream today it was good it was different um something new uh monitor this one good stuff see a tech note see your tank see you Chronos see everybody I am going to touch some grass nice uh until Tuesday I will see you all later I might do something different

Don’t know maybe we’ll see uh uh I was thinking of downloading something and playing something else I don’t know we’ll see until that peace later bye Away from ourselves [Applause] Thank you oh baby The Moon [Applause] [Applause] Oh baby Foreign

This video, titled ‘SURVIVNG SURVIVAL CHALLENGE DAY – MINECRAFT Stream *LIVE GAME PLAY’, was uploaded by SwiftRick on 2023-09-16 10:54:29. It has garnered 142 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 05:56:51 or 21411 seconds.


Today we take a journey very very far far away. How for, only I will know this. But we will arrive upon foreign land, and we will commence the challenge. SURVIVAL. So what is the challenge you say? Zero to Hero. We all start with nothing, and respawn point will be re set for the challenge to anywhere in the world. And whats even better, there are no co-ordinates. The winner will be the last man/woman standing, or the first one to make it back home. If you die, you are automatically eliminated from the challenge.

No coordinate. Yes that is right, no coordinates.

Pop in, say hi, enjoy the craziness.

Lets goooooooooooooooooooooo!

This is the FREE to ACCESS, 24/7 Minecraft Realm World for all the peoples of the chats.

Join us on this adventure through the amazing game that is MINECRAFT.

For details on how to join, hop on over to our POG Discord Server and check out the Minecraft channel section. All the details are there, and its pretty easy. (Must be a subscriber and discord member to join)

Lets gooooooooooooooo!

Thank you so much for joining in today. I hope you “like” the content. This is unscripted live streaming, so anything can happen, and it usually does. lol

Enjoy. Say hi.

Lets gooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

New format, new year. Let’s have fun and make some epic memories along the way. Join in on the gang and I as we play some of the most enjoyable multiplayer games there are. Aussie ping style. LOL

Enjoy eh, eh


PS. Don’t forget to sub to the gang please and drop them a like too.

DISCORD – POG https://discord.gg/R2s3GQAF

Laura – @iLauraVR https://www.youtube.com/@iLauraVR/about

Intro music – GAMING EDM MIX No Copyright Music for Twitch 2020 PS5 Special (Sourced on Youtube)

DONATIONS https://streamlabs.com/swiftrick/tip

  • Fleetbhai’s Diamond Scam Exposed

    Fleetbhai's Diamond Scam Exposed Minecraft: Fleetbhai’s Diamond Scam Unveiled Recently, the Minecraft community was abuzz with the revelation of Fleetbhai’s diamond scam. The incident, which unfolded in the virtual world of FleetSMP, left players shocked and intrigued. Let’s delve into the details of this captivating Minecraft saga. The FleetSMP Universe FleetSMP is a popular Minecraft server where gamers come together to explore, build, and interact. The server is known for its vibrant community and exciting events that keep players engaged for hours on end. The Diamond Scam Within the FleetSMP universe, Fleetbhai, a prominent player, was caught in a diamond scam that sent… Read More

  • Scheming Cobble Generator: NO LAG!

    Scheming Cobble Generator: NO LAG! Minecraft Create: NO LAG Cobble Generator Minecraft enthusiasts are always on the lookout for innovative ways to enhance their gameplay experience. One such exciting addition to the Minecraft world is the NO LAG Cobble Generator created using Minecraft Create. This new schematic promises to revolutionize the way players generate cobblestone in the game. What is Minecraft Create? Minecraft Create is a mod that introduces a variety of mechanical elements to the game, allowing players to automate tasks and create complex contraptions. With the NO LAG Cobble Generator, players can now efficiently produce cobblestone without experiencing any lag, ensuring a… Read More

  • Soul Juice in Minecraft

    Soul Juice in Minecraft Minecraft: The Essence of Souls Welcome to a world where creativity knows no bounds, where blocks come alive, and adventures await at every turn. In the realm of Minecraft, players delve into a universe where imagination reigns supreme and possibilities are endless. Let’s explore the essence of souls in this captivating game. Meet 方块轩: The Minecraft Creator 方块轩, a prominent figure in the Minecraft community, is a creator known for his child-friendly content that focuses on humor and joy. As a dedicated Minecraft animator, 方块轩’s channel is a hub of original and entertaining videos that aim to spread happiness… Read More

  • Undead Love: Mutant Villager Meets Zombie Girl

    Undead Love: Mutant Villager Meets Zombie Girl In the world of Minecraft, a love story unfolds, Mutant Villager and Zombie Girl, their tale foretold. With stunning builds and mods, their journey takes flight, Facing challenges and battles, their love burning bright. From heartfelt scenes to hilarious surprises, This video is packed with thrilling rises. Will they live happily ever after, or face despair? Share your thoughts in the comments, show you care. Maxi playz here, bringing chaos and fun, Gaming adventures for everyone. Subscribe, hit the bell, join the fan, In the world of Minecraft, let’s make a grand stand. Read More

  • Recreating Epic Minecraft Manhunt Moments

    Recreating Epic Minecraft Manhunt Moments The Ultimate Minecraft Skills Challenge: Learning 24 Skills in 24 Hours! Mastering God-Level Skills in Minecraft In a thrilling challenge, a Minecraft enthusiast embarked on a quest to learn 24 incredible skills in just 24 hours. From mastering the art of god bridging to executing speed telly bridging, the journey was filled with adrenaline-pumping moments. The player also delved into the intricacies of PvP combat, honing skills like timing clicks, ladder clutching, and running on lava using boats, reminiscent of Dream’s iconic moves. Pushing the Limits: 100 Impossible Minecraft Bedrock Skills Not one to shy away from a challenge,… Read More

  • Iron Farm Madness: 1300/hr!

    Iron Farm Madness: 1300/hr! New IRON Farm In Minecraft – A Must-Have Addition to Your Survival World! Looking to boost your iron production in Minecraft? Look no further than this new iron farm design that promises an impressive yield of 1300 iron per hour! This fully automatic farm is not only efficient but also easy to build, taking under 15 minutes to complete. Whether you’re playing on Java Edition or Bedrock Edition, this farm is a game-changer for your survival world or server. Farm Details Farm Performance: +400 to +450 iron per hour Farm Mode: Fully Automatic Versions: 1.16 – 1.21 Platforms: Java… Read More

  • Minecraft Mod Madness with Dziru! #4

    Minecraft Mod Madness with Dziru! #4 Minecraft Adventure with Dziru! A Fruitful Expedition In the latest episode of Minecraft with Dziru, our intrepid explorer sets out on a new adventure! While the journey may not have been long, it was certainly fruitful. Back at the home base, a new companion has joined the ranks – a trusty weapon-wielding ally. And to add to the excitement, the skilled craftsman Andrzej pays a visit to offer his services! Interactive Experience Dziru encourages viewers to engage with the content by commenting and sharing their thoughts on the gameplay. Suggestions for future games to feature on the channel are… Read More

  • Cube Xuan’s Minecraft Madness: Animation Extravaganza!

    Cube Xuan's Minecraft Madness: Animation Extravaganza! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Cube Xuan brings laughter, like a delightful dream. With animations that sparkle, and jokes that shine bright, Every video is a joy, a pure delight. From funny moments to classroom scenes, Cube Xuan’s humor is always keen. Adapting songs with a playful twist, Each video is a hit, never to be missed. So join the fun, subscribe today, And let Cube Xuan’s animations light up your day. In the world of Minecraft, where creativity soars, Cube Xuan’s channel is a treasure to explore. Read More

  • Summoning Kuyang in Minecraft PE

    Summoning Kuyang in Minecraft PE The Mysterious World of Minecraft: Exploring the Kuyang Portal Step into the eerie world of Minecraft as players delve into the creation of the Kuyang Portal, a portal shrouded in horror and mystery. In the realm of Kalimantan, particularly among the Banjar community, the Kuyang is a legendary creature believed to be a shape-shifting entity with a human head but a skinless body, known for its ability to fly in search of the blood of infants or women who have just given birth. Unveiling the Kuyang Portal The Kuyang Portal in Minecraft PE offers players a glimpse into the… Read More

  • Haki Exposed! Minecraft Bedwars

    Haki Exposed! Minecraft Bedwars Minecraft Bedwars Gameplay: A Hilarious Twist! Join the excitement as players dive into a thrilling Minecraft Bedwars gameplay on the Pika Network. The match is intense, with skilled opponents battling it out for victory. But just when things reach a boiling point, a hilarious blunder by one of the players changes the course of the game entirely! Key Highlights: Strategic Gameplay: Witness the players’ strategic plays and quick thinking as they navigate the challenges of Bedwars to secure a win. Unexpected Twist: Experience a surprising and funny twist towards the end of the gameplay that will leave you in… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Diamond Trick

    Ultimate Minecraft Diamond TrickVideo Information This video, titled ‘Diamond 😂#minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Koobra Arvind on 2024-04-22 13:13:40. It has garnered 8518 views and 187 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:07 or 7 seconds. minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj and mikey minecraft 100 days, minecraft mikey and j, monster school, tiktok, obit, mikey and jj roblox,… Read More

  • EPIC Indian Survival Series in Minecraft Pocket Edition!

    EPIC Indian Survival Series in Minecraft Pocket Edition!Video Information This video, titled ‘New survival series minecraft pocket edition indian’, was uploaded by Lankesh gaming 777 on 2024-07-07 15:59:40. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. 1.12.224/server 32 bit minecraft free 64×64 minecraft server icon 6700k for minecraft server 60gb minecraft server minecraft server … Read More

  • Minecraft Diamonds Guide: Insane Tips for 1.21!

    Minecraft Diamonds Guide: Insane Tips for 1.21!Video Information This video, titled ‘The BEST Ways To Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.21!’, was uploaded by Marcor on 2024-09-16 17:12:03. It has garnered 35673 views and 2636 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Here are the best ways to find a ton of diamonds in your Minecraft world with ease. From the good old strip mining method, to dive mining, there are many ways to find diamonds and they are all in this video! Hey, thank you for checking out my channel, I really appreciate it! Consider subscribing while you’re here. If you enjoyed… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT FLY THROUGH!! 😱🚀 #memesVideo Information This video, titled ‘FLY TROUGH #minecraft #gaming #memes’, was uploaded by MrKanto on 2024-05-24 21:02:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. gaming #minecraft Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or … Read More

  • “Minecraft’s Biggest Secret: Steve Lives Forever!” #minecraft

    "Minecraft's Biggest Secret: Steve Lives Forever!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Moment(steve never dies) #minecraft’, was uploaded by HRZ YT on 2024-09-03 09:02:24. It has garnered 1851 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. Anime shorts#dbz#goku#animeeditAnime shorts#dbz#goku#animeeditdream clutch is fake(i have proof) #minecraft #dream##viral#shortsfeed#urcristiano#‎@cristiano  Tag’s #freefire​ #freefireindia​ #status​ #viral​ #trending​ #alokikgamer​ #headtored​ #illegal_moon​ #durantoofficial​ #sabbiraa​ #shorts​ #shortsfeed​ #bestediting​ #colouring​ #capcut​ #alightmotion​ #kinemaster​ #kidsvideo​ #freefiremax​ #deshigamer​ #yotubeshorts​ #totalgaming​ #tgrnrz​ #tondegamer​ free fire edit #freefire #alightmotion #presetalightmotion #presetff #ff #headtored #durantoofficialPRESET ALRIGHT 😈🤯 MOTION FF🤡Panda🤡 – DESIIGNER II DOWN FF🤯🤯 VIRAL! #ff shorts #music#totalgamingminecraft,technoblade never dies,technoblade minecraft,minecraft technoblade,minecraft shorts,legends never… Read More

  • EPIC Holostars Boss Battle in Minecraft!

    EPIC Holostars Boss Battle in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘【VCR MineCraft β】ボス戦があるらしい、、、【5日目】’, was uploaded by Axel Syrios Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN on 2024-09-20 12:41:28. It has garnered 5151 views and 658 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:49 or 12169 seconds. SUPER EXCITINGGG!!! Read More

  • EPIC Summer BoxPVP Battles @ Season 2

    EPIC Summer BoxPVP Battles @ Season 2Video Information This video, titled ‘SUMMER: BOXPVP @ Season 2 | ZenithNetwork’, was uploaded by Zenith Network on 2024-08-06 12:55:55. It has garnered 137 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:57 or 177 seconds. IP: play.zenithnetwork.xyz Discord: https://discord.gg/W8EJxUhbPC Tags: minecraft,minecraft prison,prison,minecraft prison escape,prison escape,minecraft roleplay,minecraft prison server,prison break,minecraft op prison,minecraft prison break,minecraft mods,minecraft jail,minecraft prison ali aminecraft,minecraft pe,minecraft prison ep 1,minecraft mod,minecraft prisons,minecraft noob vs pro,minecraft prison life,minecraft modded prison,dragones presos (minecraft prison escape),minecraft server, vexedmc,vexedmc minecraft,vexedmc reset,vexedmc ip,vexedmcprison,vexedmcprisons,vexedreset,minecraft,minecraftprison,vexedmc.com,play.vexedmc.com,hypixel,livestream,mc,riverrain123,free,video games,livestream the pit,minecraft prisons,hypixel minecraft,the pit livestream,livestream hypixel,minecraft op prison,video gaming,bogle hypixel,gaming,the god pickaxe,vanitymc prison,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,pickaxe (product… Read More

  • Conquer your Minecraft territory with Carpyy

    Conquer your Minecraft territory with CarpyyVideo Information This video, titled ‘CREIAMO IL NOSTRO TERRITORIO SU QUESTO SERVER MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Carpyy on 2024-09-22 16:03:46. It has garnered 3200 views and 357 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:57 or 5757 seconds. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – • all my socials ” https://linktr.ee/carpyy • Client I use » LunarClient • Songs I use » https://bit.ly/CarpyySongs • Donations Link: https://streamelements.com/carpyy/tip ‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒ Read More

  • Pandamium Snapshot Server: Vanilla SMP, Experiments & Snapshots, The Creaking & Pale Garden, LGBTQ+ Friendly, Discord, TPA & Homes, Cosmetics.

    Welcome to Pandamium’s Snapshot Server! Pandamium’s snapshot server is an experimental, vanilla, SMP server that updates to every new snapshot with all experiments enabled. Be one of the first to play with brand new features and learn more about the game with friends! Server Features: TPA Homes Mailing A Discord-to-Minecraft chat link Ranks Mini blocks Mob heads for every mob in the game and all of their variants Snapshot Highlights: Experimental features like bundles, 1.21 content, and more Monthly End resets for new players Enhanced dragon fight with a dragon egg prize Connect with Us: IP: snapshot.pandamium.eu Version: 24w40a (Latest… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “It’s Crafting TIME!”

    Minecraft Memes - "It's Crafting TIME!"So dangerous, this meme could give you a virtual paper cut! Read More

  • Launch & Play: Player-Powered Fun!

    Launch & Play: Player-Powered Fun! In the world of Minecraft, a player launcher was born, Using fishing rods, players were sent to the morn. With eight accounts in hand, the Backyard was the stage, Sending friends to space, in a daring rampage. The Backyard crew, with their antics and fun, Creating moments that shine like the sun. From 10minutetimer to DrawnbyCC, Each member adding to the glee. Special thanks to plazmahero and JampottBong, For helping with the intro, where the fun belongs. Join the Discord, where the community thrives, Sharing Minecraft tales, where creativity thrives. Fishing rods as rockets, who would have thought? In… Read More


    MINECRAFT MEME MADNESS 🔥😂 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafthumor Read More

  • Finding a Cute Surprise in Minecraft

    Finding a Cute Surprise in Minecraft Minecraft: Discovering a Cute Little Creature at Block Pavilion Welcome to Block Pavilion, a channel dedicated to providing child-friendly content while avoiding any elements that could potentially harm their health and safety. Hello everyone, I’m Block Pavilion, a creator in the world of Minecraft. I produce funny and humorous Minecraft animations to spread joy. This channel is the only official channel for Block Pavilion. Any videos related to me on other channels are pirated and unauthorized. Every day, a new exciting original video is released, so make sure to follow and subscribe for some fun content! Let’s spread happiness… Read More

  • Finding Coal Instead of Diamonds! Minecraft Survival Ep. 6

    Finding Coal Instead of Diamonds! Minecraft Survival Ep. 6 Minecraft Survival: A Brief Mining Adventure Join Catrophy in the latest episode of Minecraft Survival as he embarks on a short mining expedition. In this exciting gameplay, Catrophy stumbles upon coal instead of diamonds, adding a twist to his usual adventures. Let’s delve into the highlights of this mining episode! Exploring the Depths As Catrophy delves deep into the underground caves of Minecraft, he encounters a variety of ores and minerals. While his goal was to find precious diamonds, luck was not on his side this time. Instead, he uncovers a rich vein of coal, a valuable resource for… Read More

  • 🔥¡EL MEJOR SERVER SKYBLOCK! Minions, Habilidades, Encantamientos Personalizados🔥

    🔥¡EL MEJOR SERVER SKYBLOCK! Minions, Habilidades, Encantamientos Personalizados🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MEJOR SERVER SKYBLOCK🔥 Minions, Skills, Enchants Custom… ✅Java y Bedrock/PE Minecraft 1.16 a 1.21’, was uploaded by CarloScore Minecraft on 2024-10-05 00:35:07. It has garnered 111 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:29 or 329 seconds. NEW SKYBLOCK SERVER and CUBY Modalities Available For JAVA and BEDROCK/PE No Premium and Premium in version 1.16 to the most updated 1.21 🌎 IP in the Description and Comments⤵ 🔥Similar Videos🔥 https://youtu.be/xHZwRjxwSos https://youtu.be/MfOKq3JdRmw ————————————————– ————————————————– ——————- 🔽CubyMC Network Server🔽 ✅JAVA AND BEDROCK IP: cubymc.net ✅Port: 19132 ⭐Your Discord: https://discord.gg/cubymc ⭐Web: https://cubystore.tebex.io/ ✔Versions: 1.8 to… Read More

  • EPIC TNT Run Fail! 😂 (98%)

    EPIC TNT Run Fail! 😂 (98%)Video Information This video, titled ‘TNT Run Failed 😂 (98%) #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by SIDHU GAMING 9 on 2024-05-02 13:30:33. It has garnered 9125 views and 291 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. TNT Run Failed 😂 (98%) #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmemes minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj and mikey minecraft 100… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Hospital Showdown: Rich vs Poor!

    EPIC Minecraft Hospital Showdown: Rich vs Poor!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Rich Hospital vs Mikey Poor Hospital in Minecraft / Maizen Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mikey Cartoons on 2024-10-03 19:00:02. It has garnered 1017 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:30 or 1110 seconds. JJ Rich Hospital vs Mikey Poor Hospital CHALLENGE in Minecraft / Maizen Minecraft We hope you enjoy our videos! Have a great day! Watch a new video! Original Maizen channel: @maizenofficial #maizen #minecraft #jjandmikey Read More

  • EPIC 1v1 Battle with Wither Boss | Minecraft Shizo!

    EPIC 1v1 Battle with Wither Boss | Minecraft Shizo!Video Information This video, titled ‘🫧 [SATUNYAWA EP16] 1VS 1 WITHER | CaptainYani | Minecraft༊*·˚’, was uploaded by CaptainYani on 2024-01-10 20:37:55. It has garnered 26286 views and 2034 likes. The duration of the video is 02:47:39 or 10059 seconds. ˗ˏˋ 𝘼𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙈𝙀 ˎˊ˗ ઇઉ Moshi Moshi Captainyani here ઇઉ From Malaysia ઇઉ Love video game ઇઉ Streamer ઇઉ Sometimes I do many different types of video just for fun… ———————————— ˗ˏˋ𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙅𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙈𝙚𝙢𝙗𝙧𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙥?ˎˊ˗ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCXNVXsyNfwo617jVvviL9g/join 。⋆ʚ♡⃛ɞ If you donate or join membeship please let me know, thank you꒰。 › ·̮ ‹ 。꒱ ———————————— ˗ˏˋ𝘿𝙤 𝙁𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬 𝙈𝙮 𝙎𝙤𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙈𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙖 ₍˄·͈༝·͈˄*₎◞ ̑̑ˎˊ˗… Read More

  • UNSTOPPABLE PC Gamer in Minecraft Metropolis – EP 190 – Reaching 1500 Subs on 24/7 Server

    UNSTOPPABLE PC Gamer in Minecraft Metropolis - EP 190 - Reaching 1500 Subs on 24/7 ServerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Metrópole – Episodio 190 – Vamos chegar aos 1500? (Jogando com inscritos) Server 24/7’, was uploaded by Midi Gamer – PCImbativel on 2024-07-05 08:35:10. It has garnered 20 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:27 or 7047 seconds. k Livepix link: livepix.gg/midipro Video on how to join the server —- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVYQuw4ZjKg texture pack link: https://mtvehicles.nl/resourcepack/ https://www.dropbox.com/s/pq7pfzw5j2c3rsy/pack%201.4.7.zip?dl=1 Sign up. Leave your Like. Activate the notification bell and participate in this Channel playing live with me and our group of more than 1335 players. Server: Lobby Released. Server: Anarchy Released. Live… Read More

  • Pick the wrong tunnel, FACE ZOMBIE HORDE!

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  • Sakasandayo EXPOSED: Fauna’s Fake News!

    Sakasandayo EXPOSED: Fauna's Fake News!Video Information This video, titled ‘Fauna When She’s Spreading Misinformation’, was uploaded by Sakasandayo on 2024-08-14 14:06:33. It has garnered 24364 views and 1724 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:21 or 81 seconds. Livestream:【MINECRAFT】 Did you know there are over 60,000 tree species? https://youtu.be/v-v0VgBDjbk Ceres Fauna Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@CeresFauna Twitter: https://x.com/ceresfauna Thumbnail / Art Link: Literally two Fauna My Social Twitter: https://x.com/sakasandayo Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@KazukiSaka Donation, before: https://ko-fi.com/sakasandayo #hololive #hololiveen #hololiveenglish #holoen Read More

  • 🔥CRAZY! Starting a New Profile on HYPIXEL Skyblock with 160b NW/Max Skills! (Day 68)

    🔥CRAZY! Starting a New Profile on HYPIXEL Skyblock with 160b NW/Max Skills! (Day 68)Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴HYPIXEL Skyblock Starting a New Profile From 160b NW/Max Skills (Day 68)’, was uploaded by Info on 2024-09-07 00:56:45. It has garnered 557 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 03:36:01 or 12961 seconds. Hi my IGN is “Info” we are here to vibe have a good time. I stream Minecraft mainly and some other games like CSGO. Youtube / @infowastaken Twitter https://twitter.com/infowastaken Instagram https://www.instagram.com/infowastaken/ Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/infowastaken Discord https://discord.gg/8Pna5ExB3H Kick https://kick.com/informations Read More

  • Unbelievable Herobrine Encounter in Minecraft! #shorts

    Unbelievable Herobrine Encounter in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft herobrine animation #minecraft #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mr.Ansh.YT99 on 2024-02-18 15:59:32. It has garnered 6 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Minecraft herobrine animation #minecraft #viral #shorts Disclaimer – Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use. #freefire #ajjubhai… Read More

  • ✨ Aeltheria SMP Java 1.20.4 Jobs Towny

    Welcome to Aeltheria A realm where fantasy and magic come to life! 🎮✨ Server Highlights 🗺️ Unique Worlds: Dive into mystical lands like Eldoria, Avaloria, and the Twilight Realm with custom generation. Prefer a classic experience? Vanalia offers vanilla generation. Each world is full of lore and hidden treasures! 🌌 🔨 Custom Jobs & Titles: Choose paths like Architect, Prospector, Cultivator, Lumberjack, and more. Climb ranks and earn prestigious titles. Experience multiple jobs from the start! 🏗️🌳 🤝 Immersive NPCs: Meet friendly NPCs like Sunny the Greeter, Lorelei the Librarian, and Eldric the Master Artisan/Blacksmith. Each NPC has unique stories… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Live 2024: Recap with a kick!

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  • Chaos Craft: Surviving SCP Apocalypse

    Chaos Craft: Surviving SCP Apocalypse In the world of Minecraft, SCPs run amok, An apocalypse of chaos, no time for luck. Surviving the lockdown, facing anomalies grim, In a battle for survival, the odds are slim. From dangerous SCPs to creatures so deadly, Every moment is tense, every step is ready. Can I make it through, can I come out alive? In this Minecraft world, where dangers thrive. Join me on this journey, full of action and mystery, As I navigate through this world of SCP history. Stay tuned for updates, as the story unfolds, In this Minecraft adventure, where survival is bold. Read More

  • The Fiery Disaster Friend in Minecraft🔥😂

    The Fiery Disaster Friend in Minecraft🔥😂 When your friend accidentally sets off TNT in your Minecraft world and you’re just standing there like 😮💀 #RIPminecrafthouse Read More

  • Ultimate Magic Mods in Minecraft Pe

    Ultimate Magic Mods in Minecraft Pe Exploring Magical Mods with Ice, Fire, Thunder, and Poison Powers in Minecraft Pe Embark on a mystical journey in Minecraft Pe with the enchanting mod that introduces powers of ice, fire, thunder, and poison. Dive into a world where magic meets reality, and where your imagination knows no bounds. Unleash the Elements With this mod, players can harness the power of various elements to enhance their gameplay experience. From freezing enemies with ice spells to engulfing them in flames, the possibilities are endless. Experiment with thunder strikes and toxic attacks to dominate your foes and conquer the Minecraft universe…. Read More


    MURDER DRONES MOB BATTLE CHEAT! 😱 (Minecraft)Video Information This video, titled ‘I Cheated In a MURDER DRONES MOB BATTLE! (Minecraft)’, was uploaded by Daxx on 2024-09-21 14:13:09. It has garnered 2433 views and 53 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:10 or 1750 seconds. I Cheated In a MURDER DRONES MOB BATTLE! (Minecraft) Follow Me On Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ra1neyX Addon : Tiredy #minecraft #minecraftmod #daxx #daxxandxoe Read More