Takatsuki Yufou Ch. タカツキ・ユーフォー – 【MINECRAFT ONEBLOCK】Skybound Claustrophobia with @lulubelleVT! #YufouLIVE #VTuber #ENVTuber

Video Information

Thank you Thank you Thank you Foreign Thank you foreign [Applause] Thank you [Applause] Thank you Thank you Thank you foreign Guys I went to my ending screen welcome back I’m your friendly neighborhood alien YouTuber you fall yay [Laughter] hello hello we are playing Minecraft I gotta do mine okay we are playing Minecraft one block today this is my first time playing Minecraft one Vlog me too anyone I thought it was called

Skyblock but that was wrong yeah me too the whole time but yesterday we were setting it up um we kept referring to Mike a Minecraft Skyblock and apparently Skyblock is like completely different it’s like you start with Islands yeah yeah the last time I touched Skyblock was like literally a decade ago

But uh this is your first time then yeah this yeah pretty much this is your what second third time then this is my very very first time well this is different this is one blog this is like this crazy like this is like the new

Like Zoomer mode of of uh of uh Skyblock pretty much that’s what I would say all right all right well um today we’ll be playing one block um and as the the game the game title suggests um instead of starting off with an island uh we’re starting off with one block

Um we have to hit this block and then every time it breaks it generates a new different um uh Minecraft block and um it helps us expand our little little island um which is gonna be cool yeah this is kind of like what is it like a virtual

Uh way of like if you could bring one thing to an island what would you bring kind of scenario so that’s gonna be really fun we’re stuck in an island together you fall what yeah we have to get out of here no oh no wait what the [ __ ] stay here forever What’s happening yeah I tried breaking the Vlog but uh I uh I fell why are you coming back I I think so oh hey here you dropped this oh thanks [ __ ] yeah dude I got my dirt nice dirt oh before we begin I did wanted to um do a quick little thing

Um we uh did a bet yesterday and we were what you thought was like which one of us do you think will fall off the fall of the um the the block first so I wanted to do it I wanted to do a poll oh yeah let’s do

The pose yeah that’s a pull it wasn’t it wasn’t first it was the most Okay personally I think it’s the I think it’s the alien YouTuber no hey that one didn’t count okay that one didn’t count that was a glitch that was a glitch that was a glitch dude a glitch a glitch just to warm up it’s just a warm up nice oh

I’m gonna [ __ ] kill you when I get back up there I’m gonna [ __ ] kill you when I get back up there you’re gonna [ __ ] it you’re gonna die why am I taking so long to die yeah if you come back this is not fair Get the [ __ ] out of here get out of here come on right away what do you mean not right away you just [ __ ] killed me instantly I give you a warning there was no warning don’t [ __ ] Gaslight me don’t [ __ ] Gaslight me I saw I saw what you did

That’s a good death message all right we’re good we’re good oh tree oh you want an apple you want an apple no okay Break I think we’re having a little bit of lag yeah I’m gonna also I’m gonna turn I got two oak logs I’m gonna turn them into planks and make this bigger Smart yeah oh our platform that way Lulu doesn’t [ __ ] knock me off again and kill me at least as easily as last time okay I mean so bright this is kind of therapeutic it’s almost like we’re like in the sky like near to the Sun [Laughter] uh let me check my audio levels um is is the audio fine you guys yeah let it let us know if the audio is good

You can even just say it in like caveman grunts you could say audio good that works too you have to be like verbose or like you know it’s it’s fine if you feel like we have to like open up our EQ you don’t have to say that we could just you know

We’ll figure it out don’t knock them off Oh dude how do we how do we contain him wait wait uh okay we don’t have a lot of wood I’m gonna make a crafting table and put it right here Better keep an eye on that guy oh okay [ __ ] we need more we need more wood I want to make a little pen for him he’s so cute I found wood he is well can I move him a little bit it’s not like on the edge is he on the edge yeah he’s like on the edge of the infinite block okay just don’t just

Don’t push him off be careful Okay I have enough fence to make a little thingy around him Apple oh actually there is a problem with the Audio I can hear something that is not you folk can you fix the problem stop being a [ __ ] dick don’t be mean don’t don’t be mean to my to my collab partner

You [ __ ] yeah he’s just a pig yeah oh wait why did I put this here wait can I if I if I push him into the corner I’m good um I think we’re having a little bit of lag okay there we go really yeah You know I feel like I should make uh tools it’d probably be good oh sapling oh cool yeah I got one too um we should we should uh find a good place to put ours happening once once we um once we can expand this a little more I have

Some dirt actually I’m gonna do that right now fine I need more I’m very I’m very greedy I want a Big Island that’s how I want to live I want to live lavish big island in the Big Sky in the Big Sky that’s very fitting of a

Of a alien V to her thank you I’m so glad you noticed oh my God yeah my I’ve got I’ve got an eye for the details what the heck oh Okay a lot more dirt I like how he’s staying in this little corner he’s a good boy yeah what a good pig I can’t wait to slaughter him later no what do you mean no he is our friend we need to name him don’t get attached we need to survive

Okay we need to name him the goal is um Porky because he looks kind of fat Porky oh water bucket water bucket water bucket water bucket water bucket we’re living we’re [ __ ] living dude what do we do with water bucket nothing now but you’ll see bacon that’s a good name Shady Raven I

Like that again well no man you guys are [ __ ] up oh jilled also said bacon great minds think alike I like it I like it that’s horrible I would much rather uh pick Porky I know what you’re really thinking in that mind of yours very evil mine yeah my yeah I know what

You’re thinking What the [ __ ] huh hello what the [ __ ] is this I can’t see huh hello Chris P bacon what the hell what is this I can’t even see the Vlog what the [ __ ] does this go away what the [ __ ] is this Um he’s in love with romantic all my life it’s surrounded by couples all What’s going on I don’t know I’m waiting for this to go away I had a teacher at school called Chris P bacon believe it or not I don’t believe you I don’t [ __ ] believe that there’s no way well he coming into the bed he did commit to the bit most people

Don’t that’s why I don’t believe that I I cannot [ __ ] see the block I’m supposed to hit this is [ __ ] um what is this are we oh God I almost fell well I’m like trying to destroy oh no my oak tree it’s okay we have another one if you

Lost it oh I found it I got it I got it I picked it up I picked it up okay it was your PE T no you hit the pig don’t hit the pig what oh no I think you hit the pig by accident oh well sir can you

Get the [ __ ] away what’s going on I don’t know what is this what is with these particles I don’t know what this is um who’s pushing me oh I’m gonna I got a sir excuse me sir sir is he bothering you King get out of here oh oh does it disappear

Um it disappeared you you fell um uh but it’s Bedrock for some reason can you come get me yeah I’ll come get you oh wait are you back yeah okay I was gonna come get it yeah it’s better in five oh my God why is the countdown taking so long

They got it started from five I can’t count anyway yeah grass let’s go I love grass I love grass too [ __ ] love grass ooh the plains whoa enough flowers and trees grow here to last a lifetime you hear that Mr Piggy also as for your uh gym teacher geode uh I feel like

I’m kind of I’m proud of him because I feel like his parents named him in a way uh where they wanted him to not be successful but he made it he’s a gym teacher so you know good for him I don’t know man I think you know not

You know maybe I’m just being like a little boring about this but I think the dude had like a regular name like I don’t know a gym and then um he changed it over time he went to the government building and then changed it to um where the [ __ ] uh Chris Christmas

Bacon yeah and he changed in his Facebook I think at this point that guy deserve he either has a very unfortunate name or or he is happy with it he Embraces it if I was crispy bacon I’d no I’d be suicidal every single [ __ ] person I meet would be like crispy bacon

And I would never hear the end of it You full what your name is literally UFO I’m [ __ ] killing myself bro well you got watermelon yeah I’m dying I don’t have the watermelon oh here it is bye finally all right [ __ ] finally that guy’s gone Jesus took him long enough

Oh [ __ ] I almost died with our 17 third oh you better not we need that dirt be careful with that yeah I’m gonna make a fence for Mr Piggy put him in a little pen uh that’s sir piggy wait what so what name do we uh Porky Porky okay It’s not a not a very flattering name but you know but I think it’s pretty flattering I don’t know about that there we go okay he’s safe now he’s safe when are we gonna get I always have been I have no idea how this I mean I know

How this game works uh but like how when are we gonna get more like cool [ __ ] you know do I like diamonds yeah oh my God oh oops we need Stone that’s what we need UFO know my money’s on you Thanks desired I’m glad I’m glad someone Believes In Me how many times do we die so far um enough let’s not do it again I think we’re like tied right now because I fell down accidentally piggy piggy piggy piggy we’re gonna put them in this cram space together If I can break it what’s with the lag what is happening here I’ll I’ll lure him then come on Mr Piggy you two are gonna make a great couple and a family get in there Would that not like are they are they you know um well I mean they’re just meeting for the first time but they’re but they’re named the same so uh that doesn’t sound like a good thing what do you mean well I don’t want God to like frown upon this relationship or anything

They’re they’re they’re like strangers meeting right but now they’re married so they share the same last name is that the story that’s the story right that’s who they are I don’t think I think you’d be I don’t think you’re the type to care about what God has to say oh my God

I mean what is that supposed to mean are you saying I’m Unholy I mean I don’t think I’m the holiest all right that sounds Blasphemous I’m sorry I didn’t mean that that was kind of missing but I think they’re cute I think they’re cute they are cute but we’re gonna kill them later

We need food so you know I think we need food I’ve been doing pretty good actually um okay never mind [Laughter] we can do without food well I feel like uh we have one water bucket I’m wondering if we’re gonna get another one oh oh cow cow cow cow cow cow cow cow

Cow okay I’m making a I’m making another pen for the cows uh it’s gonna be another what the [ __ ] am I doing it’s gonna be another small pen Um I’ll make this over here then thank you yeah if you’ve got dirt yeah please put it down and we’ll uh we’ll make another pen all right Mr Cow get over there what about this guy’s name um wait no but cows are cows are generally girls aren’t they yeah that’s Mrs Cow

You know what’s [ __ ] up about this game what’s [ __ ] up beautiful because I don’t know how the [ __ ] this works uh how do you breed two cows oh uh uh right I’m not gonna make a joke about it um just with me Okay I mean yeah what’s this whoa watermelon more melon I got food for us okay yeah we’ve got some pumpkins um whoa that was fast I wonder if we’ll get torches because I would really like to light this place up before the the sun falls I would like some coal

Um I don’t oh chess with an apple and seeds we got seeds uh wheat seeds yeah and feed our cows we gotta make a farm I would like another water bucket but I don’t think it’s I don’t know what’s gonna happen anytime soon I need more dirt

Okay I got 30 dirt you want some dirt 30. yeah I got 30. let’s go there you go you can have it all thank you you’re welcome uh maybe I don’t know if we should make the platform really oh sheep okay what was that about the platform again I

Don’t know how big we should make it for now because because I’m I’m scared that if I made fence gates I didn’t mean to [ __ ] um uh I’m scared about monsters spawning you know really that all happens well if we have more uh if we have more uh space

And they have more places to spawn I keep looking okay I don’t know the guy’s making loud noises Am I stupid what the [ __ ] I keep making Ben’s Gates I wanna I wanna fans oh my God I’m dumb okay what fences okay I made fences thank you sorry I mean just use fence gates no oh my God okay all right sheep get in the [ __ ] pen don’t move

B-man why are you telling Lulu to punch me off in my chat I’m gonna bang you dude I’m gonna [ __ ] ban you should I open up your chat and you open up mine I’ve got both of our chats open oh really what yeah uh I’ll put some gates down so that way

We can get in the pens easily hello I broke this bye hi you better watch your [ __ ] hands you better watch your [ __ ] hands oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah just trying to help okay okay all right sure I’m keeping that I’m keeping a [ __ ] eye on you you better watch out cheers Um if you guys were uh stuck in an island what’d you bring you could bring one thing to it one thing yeah only one thing you’re still shred in an island you could bring one thing with you what would it be it could also be a person What Would I bring with me

Um I think probably the best thing would be like like a weapon I think I’d bring like a gun or a knife probably a knife I think a knife would be good because if you have a gun then you really got to keep up but you got to make sure you

Don’t like use all your ammo uh and if you got a knife then you know you can be like chopping down trees and like like little trees and like like killing animals and stuff like that you know so I think a knife is like the best thing I don’t help you survive I’ll I’ll bring the knife sharpener then whoa chicken okay more pen more pen more pen uh wait you’re gonna bring a knife sharpener yeah but you don’t have a knife yeah so what’s what good is the knife sharpener but if we meet I’ll be able to share to check That what what tells you that we’re going on we’re going to the same island oh how do you know you might you might die all right then to an uh to a stranded Island bring a friend ah okay okay okay okay okay then then the knife sharpener would come in handy

Yeah but I can’t bring two things so I have to bring the knife sharpener over you what I thought I thought you just said that that we’re also guaranteed to be bringing a friend no no no I said I’ma bring a friend uh I’m not bringing a friend because I

Don’t want to accidentally like end up going crazy and having to eat them you know are you fighting me with this chicken what the [ __ ] I don’t think I don’t think you accidentally go crazy now but what if I’m like really really hungry what are you pushing the chicken

Against me what the [ __ ] are you doing I don’t know it’s just like it’s just like oh it’s just like helping me yeah I’m helping you push I’m actually like no no no you’re no you’re not don’t push the chicken off please youthful you’re going crazy I’m literally right behind you I’m gonna

Kill you I’m gonna [ __ ] I’m gonna knock you off why is this chicken being such a stubborn [ __ ] don’t calm that oh what should we name the chicken again talk Good name Look I got a melon slime cool dude all right cool we’ve got a pig we’ve got a cow we’ve got a she we’ve got a chicken we’re kind of killing it I’m gonna make a gate for that little chicken what’s what’s next uh a [ __ ] I made fences God damn it

Um what’s next uh uh yeah no we just keep destroying blogs I hope I get a villager it’s kind of lonely here I’m right [ __ ] here dude what are you talking about he’s getting lonely hello thank you Newman for subscribing welcome to my channel on class oh crap Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft

Am I stupid oh my God I’m stupid I keep doing the wrong thing Let me take over it’s okay I made it it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine okay it’s perfectly fine which price like some melon you got one for you one for you you they can’t eat that this poison They’re like dogs and chocolate you can’t feed the melon can no melons are for me I eat melons and they go in the chest for now they’re not they’re not allowed to eat melons why not um I don’t know piggy Pig wait why is there so many pigs I don’t know

Oh [ __ ] how am I gonna oh how am I gonna get this guy in here without the others escaping please don’t go that way no [ __ ] this little bastard carrots we don’t have carrots how how I guess we’ll have to get carrots from a from a chest this guy’s

Going the opposite direction why he’s being a bastard well I hate him why is he fighting me if you walk off the [ __ ] platform I’m gonna be very disappointed I’m not gonna be mad I’m going to be very disappointed into my I’m gonna dig this guy’s gonna make me fall off this

Platform I’m putting my stuff I got a chest what’s going on okay all right that’s something okay okay oh yeah that’s my uh Sonic the Hedgehog impression do it again oh yeah yeah I’m kind of a gamer if you guys didn’t know so I know I know my Sonic uh I know my

Mario you know your son likes to know your Mario yeah you’re literally having that conversation yesterday uh I love Mario you remember right and you remember what you said right what did I say What was it that I said uh-huh oh no what did I say oh you don’t remember um that I hate Mario 64. You might want to move out of the way be careful Lulu hey hey he’s running again you [ __ ] Get in that pen before I murder you I’ve had it up to here please please yes yes oh my God it took so long yeah you did great all right now you’re free no Do that [ __ ] one more [ __ ] time I swear to God what are you gonna do huh you’re gonna get what you’re gonna get what’s [ __ ] coming to you what’s coming what’s [ __ ] coming for me oh yeah you better watch out you better watch out I got mine I don’t like sitting in this

Corner when you’re staring at me foolish foolish you fall oh you dare call me a fool another one what the [ __ ] just happened what happened what happened he fell through oh no yeah come go I’ll go after him I hope you didn’t have anything valuable on you How uh I think he fell out of the world all right I’m here welcome back thank you he grew wings and he flew into the sun poor guy he flew into the sun Also by the way before anyone starts like like spreading rumors about me uh what I said about Mario 64 was actually a joke I like Mario 64. but I hate this camera so don’t come at me with that [ __ ] wait no that’s not what he said

That’s not what he said that is what I said no that’s not what he said then what did I say huh you said that N64 is a [ __ ] game and you don’t know why you play a thousand times over and over I said I said the Nintendo 64 is a [ __ ] game

Uh listen I would not say that because no Nintendo 64 is not a game oh yeah uh Nintendo 64 is a life hashtag gamer um don’t [ __ ] I swear to god dude it looks I missed oh it lag so I missed oh I made a mistake because of the lag oh

Actually actually I was playing with a blindfold so I you know I I hit you by accident foreign I’m surprised there are no monsters yet I really hope they don’t spawn I don’t know man I see one right in front of me I’m gonna act like I didn’t hear that okay Anyway I have a question what’s up so uh you’re You’re an Alien right some may say yes and I’m uh I’m a maid friend yeah so like we we have that one similarity where we serve like an Overlord I say oh oh so um do you like serve uh like a overlord I

Serve like uh like a lord myself I don’t serve nobody I serve myself I don’t think we have room for this pig Closely losing 28 clay now [ __ ] Yeah I’ll send I’ll send the pig with you this is not cool man [Laughter] perfect God that was not [ __ ] cool no why don’t you why don’t you make the uh the island bigger instead of [ __ ] killing me huh you ever thought of that huh huh you ever thought of that well

You took all the [ __ ] dirt I couldn’t do anything I gave you all the dirt right back okay I have uh yeah I have enough imagine imagine what I could have given you if you didn’t kill me did I make a house Uh oh wait wait we have it when the [ __ ] do we get a torch we did it when did we get one I’m gonna put it right here Wow lights let’s go now we should be warm yeah we should be safe now yeah when did we get that did we just get it and not even realize okay yeah maybe okay Hello welcome in everyone hello How’s everybody doing tonight There doesn’t sound like critical sometimes when he screams like that I don’t sound like critical this voice is deeper oh sheep I can get this [ __ ] in there wait wait wait wait wait wait when is when is uh when is grass gonna grow hey hey oh When are we gonna get brass to grow on our dirt why is this sheep not cooperating with me My mine in my mind so I see you wonder why they killed me I’m just mine in you know what it is go on when are we dropping that Minecraft parody album [Laughter] yeah man okay the first song is called oars and it’s a really dramatic retelling of a of a

Mining expedition in which uh we witness somebody die it’s all about how you can’t take for granted the lives of the people around you sometimes that treasure just ain’t worth it the oars you know what I’m talking about no what do you mean what are you talking about you’re

Supposed to have what you’re supposed to have like a whole verse on this song that goes like crazy and you don’t and you don’t even know what I’m talking about no all right maybe the album’s not dropping sorry guys maybe the album’s not dropping after all I’m sorry

Maybe the ores were the friends we’ve made along the way yeah your friends it never mind you’re gonna say something rude I’m not saying anything rude I’m talking about the song is supposed to be really sad because like you know like mining’s dangerous and then like you’re going for

Ores but then uh you got two absorbed in the ores and then oh Wait it was alive I could end your [ __ ] life right now I could end your [ __ ] life instantly why did it work it should have worked I’m just too good I’m unkillable Kota really wanted that album it’s a shame sorry not happening all right my my favorite one is the

Captain sparkle one which one yeah dude that [ __ ] go hard bro I cried when I watched that when I was like yeah me too I like I remember feeling like shivers down my spine like listening to that You feel me I don’t know that I don’t know that one you don’t know that guy oh what’s he known for well he works with Captain Sparkles on Minecraft parody songs yeah what yeah man oh my God a king You know I feel like people make fun of Minecraft parodies but that guy had a pretty damn good voice and some of those songs uh some were like really [ __ ] cheesy but there was some that had really good lyrics I’m not gonna lie good Minecraft related lyrics that made me cry dude so

You know what uh to all the to all the haters out there um yeah uh why don’t you go uh why don’t you go uh suck eggs huh you ever thought of that oh yeah what’s your favorite one uh my favorite egg probably uh I like that

I like I don’t know scrambled egg is good it’s like really easy to make uh but uh I don’t know like hard-boiled is nice too uh but soft boiled is pretty good should I kill him guys I [ __ ] heard you it’s like one block away from me [ __ ] I [ __ ] heard you

Dude I don’t know what to do man I’m waiting for oh God no please I Didn’t Do It Stop none of her the chicken none for the chickens okay okay all right I’m sorry I’m sorry I take it back I’ve been waiting for this tree to grow but it’s never growing

I feel like we’re gonna we’re gonna have to like make a separate area in which uh it’s like completely dark so we’re gonna mob spawn because I think uh I mean if we can kill enough mobs we can get enough Bones from like skeletons to use bone meal on them oh sorry

You want me to expand or not yet um I don’t think we need to actually yeah maybe a little bit maybe a little bit I kind of want to move these pens too because they’re kind of close to this thing oh yeah and if something like you know bad happens yeah

I don’t think anything’s gonna spawn here though because we have the torch but uh either way I feel like they should be in like a booted area so they’re not in danger you know the only Danger that can spot this is here with us right now yeah and her

Name is Lulu Belle she’s a [ __ ] Menace she wants to kill me every second I’m I’m gonna win guys this is a competition didn’t you know didn’t you hear it didn’t you hear Lulu uh one block this was a tissue yeah bam yep for what what what what what does their win because I think I’m I’m getting there the winner wins um not

What the [ __ ] what is this what’s happening wait I think I know what it is is this upgrade upgrade yeah it’s an upgrade yeah you got absorbed by the hearts dude I can’t even see you anymore Where are you no longer in this world where’d she go I can’t find it hello hello where are you where are you hello hey are you making fun of me where are you I’m gonna [ __ ] I’m gonna kill you where’d she go hey there you are

Wait come here no wait what is that what is what look I know you’re gonna smack me off right now wait come here you’re gonna smack me off dude I don’t trust you I don’t trust you wait no look I think that’s like is that a Wandering Village I [ __ ] knew it

Oh I gotta blended with the animals before it kills me I gotta work yeah if you think you can outsmart me again buster all right you’re safe for now but I got my eye on you I’m watching what is that it’s a song oh dude is that Michael Jackson is it I don’t know I don’t know either okay laughs you should win UFO but also Lulu might cheat she probably will I don’t doubt that for a second yeah you would play by the rules uh okay yeah

I’m sure I’m sure you do okay all right dude wouldn’t it be cool if we like swapped rules what if I was a alien YouTuber and then a new phone maybe we cosplay with each other no no no we’d be cosplaying as as ourselves but you’d be um you thought

And I’d be the alien are you sure are you sure you want to do this be the alien and you’d be the maid Would it be cool if there was a roll reversal yeah wouldn’t it be cool if I uh if I was uh I was playing as Lulu and I beat uh if I if I beat uh youfo off the platform a million times I think that’d be really funny yeah um

I’m a friendly neighborhood alien beat to very little bell today I came into this Earth because I heard that there is I don’t spit anymore uh I think we need to break this block to uh to move on to the next phase I think this is when we’ll get like uh couples

No I hope so I hope so hey Lulu you’re uh you’re awfully close to the edge right now but I’m not gonna I’m not gonna do anything about it so you know oh look upgrade oh okay in my hand in my hand look look look look look look look look in my hand

Nice okay what do you do with that um get in the sheep’s thing so they can have food yeah I feel like we should oh wait does grass only does the oak sapling only grow on grass blocks it might and I think what we have to do uh

We might we went we might want to uh make the entire platform dirt so it can spread everywhere um so maybe maybe well we can’t even really do anything with the Sheep yet so maybe we hold on to this for now and then uh we can convert the platform

Later yeah yeah yeah I think thank you Eddie to me for the 50 to thank you thank you thank you appreciate the support let’s go bring me real quick to go over the fundraising stuff okay you and me guys made you fall I think made me would be

Like a cool cosplay you know oh infinite block did I say that last time too oh wait the underground all right we’re gonna need a pickaxe now wait can we not stack just what the hell benevolent gift what the hell oh these

Are oh I see I see just us and UFO and a murderous mate well she’s not here for now so we’re safe for now when she comes back it’s gonna be a real problem I feel like I feel like she’s gonna try to do something really bad so I’m worried You guys will look out for me right you guys will look out for me don’t drop your guard I’ve been on edge this entire time dude I’m scared as [ __ ] I’m scared as [ __ ] Lulu’s gonna do something and she’s gonna kill me but uh you know don’t don’t tell her

That that I’m saying these things she might get mad at me and it might happen even faster than I anticipated so just uh yeah don’t don’t uh don’t write me out guys don’t don’t tell on me okay don’t tell on me dude we got Stone we got Stone we got

Stone bro that’s your problem don’t be on the edge he can knock you no no okay okay sorry sorry sorry that’s not what I meant that’s not what I meant that’s not what I meant that’s not what I meant Mika I mean like I mean like I’m like I’m like right

About to like scream like if anything happens my heart might like explode like I’m like I’m that scared right now I’m that scared but you guys will look out for me right you better look out for me I’m counting on you I hope we get um

It would be cool if we got a villager uh but I don’t know welcome back thank you what do you talk what do you talk about uh I was talking about uh you know I was talking about like uh if we got like a villager and stuff I think that’d be

Cool yeah oh cool yeah let’s go yeah we’re in the underground now dude welcome to the underground how are your boss Is that good You know kids like undertale right oh [ __ ] what the undertale jump scare what what would you find uh we got iron Yep we got iron what’s up what’s a benevolent gift I think that’s just the name of the chest oh yeah they gave us a benevolent gift I don’t know what was in it though I forgot falling down go check yeah yeah it’s gravel we’ve got two oh wait oh but

Oh but I did get the gravel okay okay okay I thought that it was falling and we weren’t getting it if I was worried okay if I bring down the Rope too late man I miss her every day all right welcome back what was that well you died but you came back so

What was that you’ll miss her every day wait can I can I use these and then use it to explode I mean um put it in the the use it to explode the chickens can I put the eggs in the pen uh yeah I guess but like we won’t be able to make

Cake don’t [ __ ] move you bastard stay right there I swear to God uh do you wanna do you wanna expand the island just a little bit so we can make a little bit more of a pen oh [ __ ] yeah okay what was that about huh what was that noise about oh

Oh uh what about it but you made like a sound I was wondering what that was Yeah we did get a mushroom yeah is this is this good enough space yeah that’s good I’d like to keep all my animals cramped and like suffering so it’s fine all right I’m coming he’s kind of inching towards the don’t touch him don’t touch them don’t touch them I don’t know I’m

Blocking him okay okay walking all right all right [ __ ] get in get in the corner get in your pen foreign why are they all like this why are they all like this How many deaths is Lulu at now uh uh more than me so wow you just tell me to shut up oh no I said I don’t know no no uh yeah what is this is that iron yeah dude oh yeah we already got some iron too I

Have two raw iron on me right now oh nice yeah um I wonder Like what we should do with the stone I’m gonna miss yeah yeah but I don’t know like besides furnace I’m hoping we get uh I’m hoping we get another water bucket soon why because if we get another water bucket I think we can make an infinite water source I think or maybe maybe we need smart we might need four does anybody know I’m free I’m forgetting whether or not we

Only need two or if we need four he’s in there dude we’re kind of stacked right now I’m not gonna lie yeah all right got any sheep so many pigs it’s two let’s go dude okay we only need one more so we have one okay we only need one

More uh water source before uh before we can make an infinite water source really I thought it was three nah I think it’s two uh Shea Raven is telling me that it’s two so I’m gonna take Shady Raven’s word for it and if Shady Raven lies to me

Kitty Raven’s gonna be in big trouble yeah UFO’s gonna get kicked off the platform he’s wrong uh no I’m not yeah you are I didn’t agree to that yeah you better [ __ ] you better watch out buddy okay [Laughter] It sounds like a it sounded like a like an earthquake yeah sorry sorry guys it’s okay all right uh hello what happened you’re just staring at the oh I got kicked out connection reset yeah that’s not good it’s just a turnout is it bad yep okay okay cool that was weird oh

How’d that happen hey huh don’t let the cows out what happened don’t you dare let the cows out okay we need them yeah I need my milky before I go to bed [Laughter] need your milky yeah what else am I supposed to do just go to bed without drinking a nice warm glass of milk whoa all right you bastard don’t make this as difficult as as the other one What is what is the why why did you huh it was like that when I came aim how what the hell no I don’t know that’s weird area very uh as the kids say uh very uh sus if you ask me yeah you’re full I think that it might just be

Hmm what was that what’d you say what the [ __ ] hey oh [ __ ] oh what am I gonna do now oh all right he’s fine if he just walks around for now he won’t walk off here I’ll help you this is not no don’t put him in there no no

Okay can’t go in here yeah that’s for uh that’s for sheep only buddy and you’re a [ __ ] Red Cow [ __ ] right now Red Cow yeah he’s red like like Among Us dude he’s right like Among Us dude please red like you oh yeah I hate this guy hey Go in yeah going I don’t I don’t want to keep staring at these at this cow’s utters so up close I’d rather him go into the [ __ ] pen to his to no no no no no no oh my [ __ ] I’m gonna kill this I’m gonna kill this I’m gonna kill this guy

I’m gonna kill him why is he doing this why is the milk warm because uh because it comes directly from the cow’s teeth what else one other reason why why would it be cold these are come on guys these are like these are kind of silly questions come on oh chicken This is the worst this is the worst we should just kill him no we need him we should just kill him if we get a third one we can kill him give me give me give me your pickaxe okay Please take care of that while I almost kill this guy getting okay if I punch him actually no that’s a bad idea well I think if I punch him he’s gonna run out of control and run off the edge probably no no no no no no

No I’ve done it before yeah try it I thought you’ve never played one block before did you lie to me no no but like um character AI wise really I could have sworn they walk off of edges Pretty sure they do I don’t I don’t really want to risk it we need this bastard so we can get like soup and [ __ ] you know Yeah yeah what I love sue you love soup do you also like that uh Minecraft parody that one Minecraft parody you know the one I know you know the ones tell me you know it That one no no no no it’s it’s the Taylor Swift song dude I don’t know about you but I’m making mushrooms too It’s gonna be full I got coal nice I think that’s our third piece of coal you do with that uh uh smell things maybe I hate this guy As soon as I almost get him into the pen he’s gonna start moving again For the love of God and all that is Holy oh my God please what we get what we get what we get what we get oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] can you can you make a can you make a boat really quick he’s not he’s not angry at me I don’t

Think I don’t think uh so just oh make him run in circles for me okay I guess should we put him in a boat here oh oh [ __ ] okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait get in there no wait and and he has a helmet on and we need a ninja

Can you can you walk like behind the boat and have him walk into the boat hello you might not want to be in the boat beyond me yeah why is he not shouldn’t he get in the boat be careful be careful be careful be careful there we go okay okay oh it’s

Cute all right sir where are we going be careful I guess you can just go like over here he’s gonna slowly kill you I’m fine okay All right uh let’s kill him yeah actually is there a benefit to having him just standing around I don’t know if there is I’m sure some experienced Minecraft players in the chat no but I don’t know I mean it’s I find it very interesting that this leather hat that you need to There’s gotta be I mean yeah that’s what I’m thinking but I have no idea Well he can just chill for now oh he’s loud as [ __ ] he’s so [ __ ] loud Well it hurts hang on okay Are there zombie noises uh nothing okay I made the zombie noises by the way when I was a little kid Morgan came to me Little high pitched because my voice wasn’t so developed We got another one is he mad at me there’s two oh [ __ ] okay can you can you make can can you oh [ __ ] can you make a boat wait here I have wood I would I have would I would I put wood oh wait I’ll make it yeah can you please

Because they’re mad at me I feel like we’re supposed to kill them two zombies now let’s kill the other one okay I have a I have an ax yeah X is stronger don’t don’t knock him off no no because we can get the drops we can get the drops don’t knock him off I don’t see the point in keeping them I’m hungry now oh maybe I I don’t yeah I I don’t know either but I’m scared I’m scared to get rid of them because I feel like we might need them okay I’m gonna try and kill this guy should be good

There’s so much lag I’m scared to hit him too much Okay nice we got a we got some some rotten flesh very useful yeah cool could create an iron farm how do we do that oh that’s like that’s like Advanced I don’t know I don’t know how we do that yeah I’ve had it way too easy of you

Know to make automatic forms for me I’ve had a fear um I only know how to make a automatic sheep farm oh I’m that’s that’s better than I mean sorry oh Farm I don’t I don’t need redstone oh [ __ ] that’s right I don’t know if

We’ll be able to do that on this island That’s why I got oh he’s loud I know I gotta turn down the mob sounds in my in my settings I swear it doesn’t help that there’s two of them hold on I’m gonna do that before they piss me off uh uh hostile creatures yeah go down to

Like 30 shut up shut the [ __ ] up they’re having a little party in the boat There’s three bunnies should we kill them three yeah should we kill them oh don’t kill them I love them what do we do with them uh make friends okay let’s make it don’t get scared of me bunny Oh dude I don’t know how we’re gonna lure them in there I mean they get they get scared of us I guess but yeah we’ll need a letter lead blood yeah but we’re not gonna get one of those anytime soon I can only think of two uses for zombies

And none can be used here okay maybe we should kill the Zombies then really well yeah maybe we should kill them we can’t fix them we can’t fix them uh no I don’t think so I think they’re uh I think they’re screwed you can only heal the uh you can only uh

Turn the the zombie villagers back uh but we don’t we can’t fix them no we I don’t we don’t even have the resources to do that either because we need like a golden apple I think and I think it’s also a potion of healing or something I don’t know what to do with it rabbits okay bye hi a potion of weakness that’s what it is thank you thank you thank you get out of here die wow we’re weak as [ __ ] are you experiencing server lag on your end just wondering yeah okay I am too I

Think that also plays into it a little bit yeah bye did imagine there’s an anime character or like they hurt you but then like the effects of it don’t don’t work until like a certain time interval like they have like a cooldown no no no like they attack you but then like

The the effects don’t happen until like in a little bit almost like they like feed you something poisonous is the equivalent yeah and you’ll die put it in a little bit is that like uh oh wait never mind I don’t know anything about that like a JoJo character yeah

Get it that could work pop in Beyond no I’m trying to push him yeah no yeah come in I’m gonna run him over oh he’s going in oh [ __ ] I’m on my fences [ __ ] you do it okay okay now what if only we could uh if we could get another one in there

Actually okay I wonder if we uh you know we can do we can do they’re so cute they are so cute I used to want a pet bunny when I was a kid and then I realized how much they [ __ ] and how much they eat their own [ __ ] and

Then I realized I don’t want one yeah I’m not with your pun okay if we can get them to go up the stairs then they can’t get out so we just have to come on you [ __ ] yeah corner I’m Corner no no no no no no

No no no no other way other way other way other way that corner this is animal abuse hey hello bro try to negotiate I can’t I can’t tell if the lag makes it easier or harder oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] he’s gonna fall Come on come on come on come on okay while you do that again is he in the boy I only see his ears though look no this doesn’t help us though if we if we open that gate the other guy’s gonna jump out he’s 100 gonna jump out

Sir sir excuse me sir sir excuse me sir Go into the pen what I’m yelling at this rabbit Are the rabbits even useful what are we doing no wait if we leave the stairs we can have the rabbit go up the stairs and he can’t he can’t jump out yeah yeah I was trying to get rid of it so I can oh cute I only see their ears though you should

Probably like log out or again I think it’s like I don’t need this anymore uh but we can’t I don’t have I don’t know how we pushed the uh how do we push the boat another boat does that work we could try it I I don’t um do we need to cheat Uh I don’t know if that works chain I thought a chain was just for hanging things from the ceiling yeah that might be yeah this doesn’t work this does not work kill the bunny make rabbits do can you breed rabbits I don’t even know how let

Me do that oh no wait yeah can we No I see like a fraction of their eyes staring at me I don’t know why I can’t see anything else Well you handle that I’m Gonna Keep My Name let me see if the stair the stair method will work oh God can breed with carrots oh okay okay maybe maybe it’s worth it don’t rabbits not actually like carrots that much I thought I thought rabbits didn’t like

Carrots as much as they like like uh like lettuce and [ __ ] You’re the one that wanted uh so I took your word for it I was a stupid little [ __ ] kid how yeah how was I how was I supposed to know I just watched Bugs Bunny and he ate rabbit he ate rabbit oh he was a cannibal Bugs Bunny ate rabbits I thought rabbits like to eat rabbits and I learned from Looney Tunes Son oh another bunny let’s kill him no oh there’s like three of them there’s three more if we can get if we can get at least one one more into the [ __ ] pen that’d be amazing that’d be amazing I love you too Ferris making our little place so much more

Yeah but you know what they should be they should be locked away in the pen I’m [ __ ] hat up to here they’re supposed to listen to us oh they’re cute little B okay okay and if they want they can come in here they’re not going to I wish they would

Also saying that we can lure them with carrots but I wish that we had carrots I think that’d be cool if we did that’s true yeah oh oh I got deal right die you’re right all right cool be all right be all right Jungle jungle Luke no it’s just Oak um lame I’ve had up to here with with regular old can we get something interesting I want jungle die right looks like Birds cherry blossom oh that’d be cool too I wonder if that’s in this this plugin though probably not probably not yeah that’s

Pretty new I tried to find it last time I played like normal Minecraft oh what the [ __ ] is that what the [ __ ] is this wait let’s not mind this yet wait I can’t tell what that is but uh maybe we should make some uh iron stuff looks delicious iron pickaxe

Yeah it does look tasty yeah let’s uh let’s smell some iron do we have how much do we have or do you have any on you uh what iron okay I’m gonna smell or iron or raw iron and uh we’ll make an iron pickaxe so I can’t tell what this

Blog is but if we need iron for it then I want to make sure that we use iron for it make the rabbits fight each other in gladiatorial combat for Glory and Honor I wish I wish that the mobs in this game had like little in fights with

Each other when would try and rip each other apart sometimes just for fun can you say that again I wish that the mobs in this game would have like little in fights and like rip each other apart for fun Don’t have to be animals we can do that too So yeah but I’ve got three hearts so I think ah wait I feel bad she’s not even fighting back oh okay sorry I thought we’re gonna I thought we’re gonna duel what happened oh art I’m sorry hello hi are you good okay no oh I’m sorry killed me I said time out is it really a big deal

For you when you’ve knocked me off this platform at least five times I can recall times where you have manipulated me to go to a location so you can knock me off easily and you’re gonna complain I remember that that wasn’t part of this lifetime I

Was in a dark place I’m getting better now okay I’m becoming a better person yeah I said time out I mean it’s severe and continuous lapse in my judgment It’s okay I forgive you uh hold on we almost got the iron it’s taking forever to smelt though looks like why are they congregating over here that one just died okay he jumped off oh no yeah I see him because of the life he’s like falling falling I’m scared that was gonna knock

Me off with the iron in my hand don’t tell her I said that I can see I’m talking but what what hmm oh I’m sorry what happened oh the bunnies kind of look like you what is that supposed to mean now now just now just what is that supposed to mean Lulu

Oh my God the leg is so bad and I don’t need that but whoa what am I doing all the way over here I I don’t know you put yourself there good oh [ __ ] oh goodbye she will be missed Hey Lulu are you okay uh help help I can’t help you Oh you got an iron pick nice yeah isn’t it isn’t it Iron Pig I’m good isn’t it Iron Pig what the [ __ ] was that what did I just mine hello What the [ __ ] is that what is happening oh oh [ __ ] spider spider but he’s friendly during the day so he should be fine wait I’m putting my iron pickaxe in the chest just in case I’m gonna kill him okay okay yeah we’ll get string out of it

Yeah all right let’s dream we get to finish he’s not even fighting back fish I guess we need to make our water source first I mean we could kill him to fish we could do it with just uh with just what we have right now why is he not

Fighting back I feel bad about this what the [ __ ] hello he’s not fighting back kind of [ __ ] up yeah maybe he’s a friendly spider after all oh well goodbye but even [ __ ] drop anything he didn’t drop anything uh now I really feel bad yeah it’s just like real life

Yo when I kill spiders I don’t feel bad about killing spiders in real life though I mean I have you watched a tarantula no no no yeah I’m not watching any I’m not watching any tarantula anything no thank you no that’s okay though did you eat bugs they eat bugs do you ever eat bugs no why not you don’t want to try crickets

I don’t care I don’t [ __ ] care how much the government yells at me to eat bugs I’m not [ __ ] eating the bug okay really I’m not eating bugs but I hear crickets are really crispy and nice and itchy and next you’re going to tell me they’re high in protein well

Guess what I get protein elsewhere yeah no not happening not happening you guys know that recently I found out that you’ve tried to spam before and then you shamed me for it I didn’t shame you for it I never shamed you for it but why would

I want to try spam when there’s other protein like chicken [Laughter] didn’t I say something about uh I said something about a chunk of chicken after that go back and see what the [ __ ] I said that I think yeah the logs are somewhere yeah the [ __ ] haven’t tried spam

Before you say it like it’s some crazy [ __ ] thing it’s really nice foreign Yeah I got it and I want to try it uh but the more the more Lulu yells at me about how how I’m shaming her when I’m not and all these slanderous things the less I want to try it I thought I put that out there Lulu oh I do want to try

It it’s really good okay the open like crack it up I can what did you get something I got a spider eye and I got two strings Right now uh yeah we can be wait can we wait hold on do we need three string or do we need oh okay okay uh I’m sure they’ll spawn more spiders so here’s a fishing rod there you go What’s behind you uh yeah I guess we need to figure out we could put like a let’s make a little place for our uh water source so probably I mean we could put it like right here and then put the water right in there hopefully we get more water soon

Yeah yay maybe you’ll get something good but they Nerf fishing so probably not oh no they’ll get fish but you won’t get um anything sweet probably You can’t fish me I’m not fishable all right I lure you in huh stop this here I don’t I don’t I don’t consent to this I have a very important tool on me if we lose it we’re gonna have a real problem uh there goes the fishing rod That’s okay we’ll get more spiders no need to worry dude damn it I got really cocky you sure did you sure did what’s new oh I got a tree oh yeah I forgot about that one we should probably uh we should probably plant that grass soon

Plant it yeah but should we uh I feel like we should is all of our dirt connected like if we place this down will it grow everywhere oh [ __ ] wait the tree grew yes I [ __ ] said I thought you meant because we got some saplings before I put them in the chest

And I didn’t say anything I thought that’s what you meant okay cool it’s our very first tree we should name that You’re gonna name a tree we’re gonna have to chop it down it’s gonna die You can’t be so attacked okay I will I will do it I will do it for you I’ll make a stone I’ll make a stone ax for this occasion this reminds me just like an Amari dude don’t don’t spoil it don’t spoil it don’t spoil it for people All right Taking a little longer than I’d like for it to with the with the lag but it’ll be okay okay I’m gonna keep finding hello welcome g hi ladies how’s Minecraft We’re mine and you [ __ ] kicks ass we got bunnies look look at all these mobs we have look

At all these animals we have we’re kind of balling right now and we just got a tree so you know yeah we’re uh we’re slaying I couldn’t have said it better myself dude we’re slaying man happening for real [Laughter] say it say it say it again I just said it what oh you have to say it slay we’re slaying what am I being asked to say hey slay dude we’re slaying oh bunnies again let’s go please Fox so useless oh yeah oh I called iron though killed them

That was so sad yeah oh just whoa string let’s go we can make a fishing rod wait I’m getting Deja Vu right now what the hell I’m gonna put that string in the chest wait oh wait you got it nevermind yeah I have it there was too much

Uh yeah if you want to yeah yeah as long as the dirt blocks are all connected will become grass okay let’s see I want to take a look really yeah that’s what I was saying before um it looks like they’re connected okay should we plant the grass let’s let’s

Plant it yeah what the [ __ ] did you hear that yeah that was yours it broke while I wasn’t doing anything how um it’s okay bye bye Alice I’m gonna put this right here hello okay there we go all right now don’t don’t put anything on top don’t touch it and it will grow

You get the [ __ ] off there right now Thanks okay back to mine Yeah but I do it out of love you know know how it is oh wait uh how many buckets do we have one oh we still have one oh yeah why just uh I thought we had two Grand Prix we need a we need another water bucket

Or uh yeah for the source yeah yeah remember odd posters post toast Thank you Luigi I love Luigi he’s so cool oh [ __ ] get away get away get away get away oh [ __ ] how how do we how do we kill him uh I think he’s coming after us okay just just stay back here I’ll handle this I got him I got him I got oh my God holy [ __ ] that scared me oh no oh no you know for some people it is indeed hmm for some people they haven’t really gotten that lucky yeah I know so I’m very grateful that it played out the way it just did

Geez I hope we don’t get another one I don’t want to do that again that was scary okay well you want us to fail it’s exhilarating dude the rush that I felt like nothing I’ve ever experienced before yeah but my heart beating out of my chest yeah finally feel something finally felt alive

Yeah we got really lucky snake guy we got super lucky uh did you get anything fishing yet hey you can’t fish me get out of here I said it just as I caught something looks like we eat good tonight boys let’s walk it Go your dinner’s about to

[ __ ] kill you I hope you know that you better watch your back floo you better watch yours oh okay sorry okay I’m sorry for trying to fish you it’s okay I’m hungry I think I’ve warmed up to it it’s not it’s not so bad because you haven’t really like done any damage to me or anything you haven’t heard me with it I expected The lure to hurt me I expected the hook to hurt me but it’s okay

Things that like deliberately hurt you you know especially if I know that it’s a good friend have I ever told you that um I I try to be try to be oh what a fish let’s go I mean Ross salmon sorry okay let me put this away my face

Tracking guide so I gotta okay I was wondering why you were staring at me wait didn’t you just charge it uh yeah and I and I started using it on 20 oh okay I see ah Is your server that laggy yeah I think it is you know it’s weird because the server was not laggy at all last night so I don’t know what happened It’s probably because we tried it like later at night that might be why I think it might also be because we didn’t try it like you know maybe the picture it could be that too but I feel like the the hours that we were using it have a lot to do with it Gamers would like stay up super late playing Minecraft so I don’t get it that’s like that’s like gamer hours right Gamers stay up super late oh [ __ ] Nice kill him I’m waiting for him to walk further this way so I don’t knock him off he’s so slow ow you [ __ ]

You wanna disconnect and come back in uh no I don’t know if that’s gonna help really it helps for you uh I’m all right you know what I’ll try it I don’t know if it’s gonna really Oh [ __ ] I was gonna exit too Hope we get to the next level soon dude what do you think the next level is Gonna be diamond or or underground stuff well I think this is the underground one because we’re getting iron and stuff yeah but even further down dude you talking like the nether yeah I’m talking like lava yeah that’s sick you know this is pretty relatable for

Most of you guys in the chat I think because I know you guys are all Gamers if there’s anything Gamers love it’s getting to the next level am I right Actually nice dude you entertain chat I need to go charge my thing all right Gamers let’s let’s mine to the next level let’s pick it up a notch yeah let’s mine that’s mine yeah how’s it going everybody I hope you’re enjoying the stream I’m having a lot of fun

I think we’re I think we’re doing pretty well for ourselves what do you guys think Gamers don’t age they level up that’s what I’m saying oh [ __ ] we got a moose room where should I kill it we already have two should I kill it wait how do

You breed these guys does anybody know should we should we I’m gonna you know what I’m gonna push this guy in there you’re enjoying it good good good I’m glad I’m glad I’m enjoying it too oh our grass is growing I hope uh I hope we get another uh water

Bucket soon because then we can then we can really get some some stuff done I think yeah knock her off the edge I would but she uh she was smart and she put herself in the pool so she’s kind of stuck in there I can’t get her out She was smart about it she outsmarted me this room is also we oh okay cool cool cool cool we should definitely uh as soon as we get another water bucket I feel like we gotta start a farm we definitely got to start a farm and start growing stuff Yeah yeah yeah yeah just bring them with wheat Yeah we we got to get that farm going I I feel like we’re close to getting a I feel like we’re close to getting that other water bucket make a farm now that one block is enough true true um We could do that we could do that I don’t know if if uh it’s like a like super like a like a super priority for us can this guy even fit in here he can’t he’s just lagging get in there um okay um what was I saying yeah I think I

Think we can wait for another water bucket uh I kind of do want to put a farm like somewhere secluded like somewhere in like a little like a little house or something that we can build I think that would look nice if we did that I also want to relocate all of this

But it’s gonna be a pain in the ass get a bowl for mushrooms too true true yeah you just need a bowl right okay maybe we’ll do that maybe I’ll maybe I’ll give a gift I’ll give Lulu some mushrooms too while she was uh while she’s gone right we just uh

Yep straight from the teeth nice nice dude what if I just gave it all to Lulu would she be confused I’m just gonna leave that with her see what happens I don’t know about you but I’m making mushroom stew everything will be all right if we just keep um I forgot I don’t know the words you guys have any favorite Minecraft parodies probably confused yeah I don’t think Lulu would expect me

To gift or anything I think one of the best minecraft parodies I mean obviously we gotta go with Captain Sparkles but I think uh I think uh I don’t know I like don’t mine at night there’s also there are a few there are a few other ones like uh there was one I totally forgot what it

Was called actually there might have been an original one where like uh I remember the music video it was like this couple like living in Minecraft together you know like zombies come and like raid them and it’s so sad because well I won’t spoil it but maybe you can

Guess what happens but uh it’s such a sad story it made me cry when I was a little kid it might have been an original song if anybody knows what it is shout it out oh two spiders okay oh [ __ ] don’t don’t don’t fall off don’t fall

Off don’t fall off I need these I need these I need these I need these I need your string I don’t know why we’re having so much lag um hopefully hopefully we can uh I don’t know maybe it gets better maybe it gets better as we play I feel like uh

With too many people using Eternal servers maybe we’re having problems because of that all right you spider [ __ ] bastard was he the only one to drop string This is BS I’d be closing parentheses the lag is insane it kind of is it kind of is but

We make it work we make it work it’s uh it’s it’s not bad if you’re uh if you’re optimistic about it right guys right guys On the bright side we can we could play we could play the game and we can mine so I think that’s all we need man’s playing in slow mode oh maybe that’s why the uh maybe that’s why the game is running slow we accidentally turned the server to slow mode

I should ask Lulu to change the setting because it’s uh it’s her it’s her Eternal server I gotta ask her about that can I get this I don’t know if I can I get that gravel is that possible would be nice would be nice you’re coping point five is dude

We’re making do with what we have all right we’re making do with what we have I don’t know I don’t I don’t know what what else can be done I don’t know what else can be done oh maybe the tick speed is weird I don’t know it seemed like it was fine

Last night seemed like it was fine last night so I couldn’t tell you what the problem is I’m not I’m not super well versed in Minecraft servers my history with Minecraft servers oh [ __ ] oh this is oh never mind he fell all good all good guys Creeper’s gone no gunpowder though

Uh it’s slow so it’s easier for granny Lulu ah okay okay you think she did that on purpose but she was too embarrassed to admit it I mean I would understand I’d understand I’m also kind of slow I’m not gonna lie I’m also kind of a boomer I I you know I

Hate to admit it but it is true it is true speaking of servers I got a realm recently to play with a friend that’s cool yeah Realms run pretty nicely huh I feel like uh I wonder if oh wait but but um this the the way this works is with like plugins

So if we wanted to move it to a realm I don’t think it would work at all I was I was thinking oh welcome back how’s it going uh can’t get my face tracker to work so I’m just gonna wait until I’m just gonna stare at your shoulder

For a little bit okay that’s fine my shoulders thanks dude I I made sure that I made the whoa what what happened what is this what I love mushrooms too you got mushrooms too where’s my fishing rod I don’t know where’s your fishing rod thanks for the mushrooms too oh you’re welcome

Uh guys does she know that I I didn’t give that to her what what dude I think I think Herobrine gave you some mushrooms too Herobrine yeah dude Herobrine oh no it seems like he’s pretty helpful though but maybe we don’t worry what do I do before what I do uh

Should we expand the platform maybe we can do that I’m gonna expand yeah we’ve got a lot of dirt we got like 48 dirt okay that works 48 by two that’s like like 24 and [ __ ] dude 24. yeah all right that was enough math for today

Divided by no two no man it’s twelve twelve divided by two is six wait two four six eight ten twelve yeah it’s 12. six it’s not 21. 1 12 divided by that two I was 21. oh wait sorry that’s nine plus ten sorry whoa dude [ __ ] them hold on Well I guess we just wait why are there so many particles here yeah thank God it doesn’t equal 21. 21 you’re stupid no I’m not what’s nine plus ten twenty one you’re stupid no I’m not uh oh it’s a meme you don’t know that one oh really I thought you would have known

That one 21 yeah I only know the sound bite it’s a pretty good sound but I’m glad you know it it was a there was like at least a year of my life where I could not stop this like hearing that in my head over and over again no matter what I did

Wait what are you doing with that chest uh nothing nothing nothing zips up nothing nothing Empty out your pockets right now okay put it on the chest you [ __ ] I’m gonna kick you off this platform wait I have to put the thing in the chest like so that way you can knock me off the platform yeah You’ll never get me you’ll never get me oh you want to die wait for real okay come here no [ __ ] making this so insufferable all right I’ve had enough Let’s just let’s just chill dude let’s just chill yeah that’s amazing let him be free he’s innocent that’s what I’m saying you fall innocent okay that’s right one you better believe it Don’t don’t knock me off I have my iron pickaxe It’s me okay Um am I supposed to like hit a block or do I just wait I don’t understand I guess I can’t tell okay I think is that just Bedrock I think it’s just bedrock oh no it’s not what the [ __ ] what hello oh oh it was a chest let’s go I’m gonna Spruce I got a empty map we should uh maybe yeah I don’t know

What the [ __ ] we’re gonna use an empty map for but okay oh I love empty Maps I truly truly do I love how nice I like how clean they are with nothing on them we use it let me use it do they do they even hear him you do the honors

I have no idea what we’re gonna use it for it’s just to look at it I guess so I’m not gonna get lost oh dude can I see can I see can I see can I see yeah look I can’t see it I have to hold it I think look

Uh it’s got some nice uh scribbles on it Yeah oh okay thank you Oh cute yeah it’s so cute it’s our little island oh does this map update as we as we uh expand how cool yeah okay that’s cool I’m glad but it only it only updates um every time we hope oh okay okay that’s fine that’s fine yeah you feel innocent the notorious Galactic

Mastermind behind the decimation of 90 of cosmic life oh you don’t need to like divulge my secrets or anything I know you’re my mod but you better watch what you say in my stream chat thanks Paris anyway you did what uh well you know

Um it’s it’s a it’s a it’s a long story it’s a long story um uh actually oh it’s a long story [Applause] hmm more than dirt yo what is this is this icy Tundra oh wait do we do I need a shovel for that let me make a shovel

I’ll make a stone shovel Oh chicken I got eggs oh cool can we can we make little can we get the little baby chickens to pop out of them okay Um are we gonna have a use for for these uh for these uh snowballs snowballs yes I’m getting a lot of them right now yes of course we can make a snow golem yeah yeah I don’t think it ever snows here I mean uh oh hush is right we can use it to

Knock off creepers What if we want the gunpowder I guess we don’t need the gunpowder if you uh we’re Advanced if you’ve got bone meal you can actually make more water source blocks wait what how do you make how do you make water source blocks with bone meal How do you do that should we make TNT yeah okay Wait wait wait wait wait wait no never mind is there a way well when you break when you break ice does it not spawn water right I spawn water I guess it depends on the on the ice the altitude yeah yeah oh wait okay if I see ice okay you know

What I’m gonna try to do I’m gonna try to it’s gonna be hard wait do you have the bucket you have the water bucket no where is it shouldn’t be in here are you sure oh there yeah you’re blind thank you very very plausible I’m not surprised by that

Okay so maybe I maybe if I see ice I can break it with like while I’m holding the bucket and maybe I could get the water really quickly yeah I hope it’d be really nice to get water hey huh I said was that a spruce I saw that fresh food wait

I need more I need more I’m actually we should probably hold on to that okay so you can still see the snowball is it just floating yeah but it was it was floating I just saw I just saw one of them flying away yeah damn it too far I have the iron pickaxe

Dude we need it we need it we can’t lose it oh wait can I uh I almost said ferments can I put these in the Um you yeah yeah yeah yeah I didn’t realize we had so much yeah go right ahead Uh you need silk touch to move the ice away unless it won’t disappear yeah yeah we’re not we’re not getting still touched no we’re definitely not getting that um Whoa whoa oh my God okay okay we need to be careful because we we cannot let the the wolf get to the Sheep oh yeah they fell off we’ve only got one should we just kill this one [ __ ] this one who cares uh okay no I’m gonna execute it no no Bugs Bunny What’s up doc [Laughter] it’s [ __ ] screamed at me yeah all right I feel better now I feel bad no wolf wolf please please please please don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t please don’t W Don Please uh please don’t knock me off I feel like I don’t need to say that but please don’t knock me off I have important stuff for me please don’t knock me off me or the wolf you I’m a wolf and yeah we should tame the wolf but we

Don’t have bone yet yeah we need a skeleton skeleton bro it’s gonna be really scary when that skeleton spawns oh it’s gonna be salt Pig dude it’s gonna it’s gonna heighten my gamer senses and I’m gonna go beast mode yeah dude swagalicious my do I sound hip Lulu

I don’t know chat does he sound hip to ask the audience don’t tell me I don’t sound swag guys I’m down with I’m down with the lingo you know Guys what if what if what if alien civilization made in Minecraft as means to teach other aliens Hey stop no it’s [ __ ] bastard Uh I think that uh I think that uh my species used Minecraft to uh to teach itself about the the human world I think that would lead to a lot of confusion about what it’s like on earth oh why is it mad Oh is it oh it’s because of the sheep okay oh I thought I was gonna try to kill one of us Do not this guy why is he moving so slow Piers UFO was not very innocent I am innocent I am sweet pure and innocent I don’t know what you’re talking about don’t you dare start walking the opposite direction I swear to God I’m trapping this wolf one way or another we’ll probably get a bunch of wolves actually

There’s not now we’re in the tundra is that where you find the wolves oh yeah if we uh if we get like a jungle upgrade or something then yeah we might find cats uh oh maybe I hope we find more ice if you see ice uh let me handle it

Because I think I wanna try and pick up that uh that water if I can see eyes let me add it it’s outside with the eyes oh man there was ice like along with the snow blocks last time but now it doesn’t want to show up foreign Oh yeah I should probably eat too Oh God the eating sound oh [ __ ] skeleton skeleton look out look out look out look out look out look out look out look out yeah we got a skeleton door oh [ __ ] no no no no no oh [ __ ] [ __ ] okay okay okay okay okay move to the you can you can like go

Take cover move to the opposite side of the platform because you can learn him you can learn you can learn him closer to us Okay what if I just do this I don’t know if that works then does that work on mobs I don’t know if that does yeah I don’t know he’s there I don’t want to knock him off Ouch bomb sluggish now yeah he hit me too I’ve never seen this type of skeleton before what is this yeah it looks kind of cool is this like part of the plugin There we go whoa nice oh cool oh what the hell oh he had he dropped Arrow of slowness you drove two arrows and a bone okay yeah uh should we maybe we can organize our drops a little bit or our stuff uh okay should we put I kind of want just to

Make this a little easier uh if I put mob drops in one chest like things Okay also organized I’m really bad at organizing in this game oh perfect I love to organize okay cool do that makes my life easier uh sure sure that goes there sure that worked that word Uh I’ll throw this in there yeah yeah maybe we could put like I don’t know like maybe this could be like a block chest what’s this one oh yes that you gotta entertain chat okay hey chat this is you and me now what’s going on Bros uh hahaha

They’re called Strays oh I didn’t know that what the hell damn you feel really old you can’t recognize I didn’t know about Strays I didn’t know there’s a thing a number he tried but we pulled through I think we’re pretty good I think we’re pretty good they can’t touch us uh

Is this better organized than before I know some of you are probably looking at this and tearing your [ __ ] hair out but this is I think this is not bad this is way better than before but the skull emoji stop dude I’m trying okay I’m trying I’m trying stop with the skull emoji

Okay this is why organizing is is Lulu’s job uh not mine what the heck is that I can’t tell what that is hello what the [ __ ] hello oh oh what the hell what is all that yo we’re balling uranium block is that what that was oh it’s not you’re just trolling me I’m

Being trolled right now Lulu welcome back thank you so much for the support I I crawl three four three welcome 21 blocks many blocks now wait what’d you say I’m back welcome back welcome back to the wonderful world of Minecraft um I don’t think we’re ever gonna get ice again I’m kind of upset about it At this rate I’m not seeing it bro I’m not seeing it do uh I have a question what’s up do aliens have Maids Um well as in like do all aliens have Maids no are there maids in an alienation yeah but they’re not there’s not really much of like a need for them for most people at least Why just curious listen dude oh [ __ ] it’s another it’s another skeleton guy look out look out oh he’s mad at me oh [ __ ] he’s mad at me oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] him up don’t do it yeah I need this guy to get over here so I don’t knock him off

Yeah do you want to kill him and I can give you I can give you the ax while I lure him this way Okay why is he staying so far away this is [ __ ] if I stand behind something maybe he’ll come he’ll come for me get over here you [ __ ] bastard is he making his way over here yeah okay he hasn’t moved wait what do you mean thanks luck but oh [ __ ] okay uh can I

Can you give me some food by chance give me some mushrooms too Oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] hey go grab food no oh [ __ ] okay I will fine oh my god oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] why does it take so long to eat okay why what are you using Oh no oh I shouldn’t have outgrowed him dude I have four Hearts left leave him alone oh [ __ ] yeah I actually need to use my fist now I need you to pull through one oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay okay I did it let’s go nice job cool nice

Yes I was so scared dude I was so scared it’s okay I got your back thank you what are we doing oh man oh I’m organizing I’m gonna move the chests a bit back in case that’s probably a good idea yeah I like that idea we kept things pretty small in the

Beginning it’s time to start moving on to bigger and better things Idea expanding now I figured aliens don’t have Maids often because they needed some space very nice eye craft very nice it’s kind of true though it’s kind of true though I feel like I feel like most aliens from where I’m from uh are pretty uh pretty uh self-sufficient oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ]

Is it yeah I’ll need Maids I can’t get the water dude anyway I’m sorry that uh I’m sorry if that offends you it’s uh it’s nothing personal nothing personal okay [ __ ] Personnel kid nothing personal Oh this Arrow like really does the trick hmm this arrow is really good at like breaking things yeah dude I found gold looks gold dude we can like Um yeah uh we can like uh we can like you like uh we can like uh we can uh have uh shiny ingot yeah yeah let’s go okay finally wait is that our first um or like aside from Iron uh yeah oh nice yeah yeah we’re really making our way deep

Down into the mines now the time draw the tundra I don’t know why the gold only appeared in the tundra but okay hello oh oh do these serve any purpose or do we kill him no don’t kill him there’s wait wait aren’t these new so we might get wait he’s holding on to

One no oh my God he’s so cute all right we gotta kill them we gotta kill them oh you’re so pretty and cute we’ll leave the arctic foxes alone they are really cute yeah yeah I’ve got skis oh bees oh [Applause] I hate Beauty I [ __ ] hate bees didn’t you call me a b the other day yeah you look like a bee though you said I look like a bee I do not look like a beer People call me a shrimp people call me a bee called you a roach someone called me a beetle I never beat these allegations dude Oh I’m clean you are clean I think you avoided it pretty successfully I wasn’t so lucky yeah oh yeah A very dated references running through my head right now and it’s consuming every [ __ ] cell in my brain and not say it did it just make that sound yeah yeah don’t pick on my [ __ ] blocks like uh um uh trap the killed what’d you say you’re kind of cutting out a little bit

Why I don’t know hello Um I just said that uh it’s a good it’s a good thing that you uh put the um you put them off in the cage oh do they fight yeah oh I didn’t know that I think the wolf fights are yeah these guys don’t fight back do they I don’t think they do

Hahaha if I start mining these things they’re going to pick up all the things that I drop don’t you dare oh they’re gonna fall no no no no no no no get out of here I don’t want you to fall get out of here Your race is still being determined Mr UFO but it looks bad we might have to deport you why not support me You fool they didn’t want me back that’s so sad that’s okay hey Jinx you want me soda hey what’s your favorite song uh I don’t like soda oh my God I like I like ginger beer ginger beer yeah no ginger beer dude that’s my favorite soda Ginger beer ginger beer is that so hard to believe yeah is it like a beer or is it just like fermented I think it’s a soda with ginger in it I used to go to the candy store like with my friend we ride our bikes up

There when I was a kid and they used to have ginger beer that kicked ass but then they stopped selling it I like root beer I like root beer root beer is pretty good why what’s wrong with root beer you gotta defend yourself now dude beer what’s wrong with root beer tell me

Right now why oh my God there’s so many there’s so many yeah do they drop anything we should kill them did you kill one no I didn’t kill him OMG is that a super cute and famous YouTuber oh and yuffie’s there too oh my God hiking slime I am

I’ve organized this as best as I could all right let’s see this Okay all right yo this is good oh thank you yep and then miscellaneous is the top okay so like this do we have uh we do have a place for oars and stuff okay okay okay okay yep looking good nice work should I continue expanding um leave some for um

Some for planting yeah I mean I think it’d be a good idea but I’m worried that I don’t want mobs to spawn and Ambush us because I don’t know I don’t know exactly how it works in this version of the game uh because I changed it

Uh but I really don’t want there to be any issues let’s make torches then because we have coal I remember we yeah we were avoiding we were avoiding expanding too much because we didn’t have coal but now we do have cold I forgot where I forgot

Where to put the coal okay found it I can make some choices yeah well holy [ __ ] that’s a lot of cool we got 31. yeah I’m making uh 16. I’ll place them all around there we go oh this looks nice now we’re lighting the place up

Cool I’m at the house now we can make a house yeah okay are you good at building in Minecraft I think you are a senior build you’re pretty good no but you’re way better than me well I will I promise we won’t live [ __ ] their house okay yeah we’re not

Living with the green top and no way ain’t no way we’re living with the Green Top oh [ __ ] what you looking at stars there are no stars in my game so he’s just staring out to avoid nothing you see some it’s like those animals where like they see uh wherever they see like something in the in the house like a cat yeah and it’s

Like they’re staring at nothing oh what you’re looking over here now my dog my dog used to [ __ ] do that my dog was like my dog is like a cat I don’t even know because I kid your dog was a sidekick yeah we should just talk to me oh yeah

What do you have to say uh things that I can’t really repeat on stream but needless to say we had to put him down Now I got a different dog we have a dog right now yeah it’s like a It’s Like a Shepherd Lab mix actually I don’t think we really know because it was it was a residue so um yeah That means uh oh you know what we can probably we can share these sheep if we want it to you can oh we’ll start wait yeah please no wait oh we have yeah we have iron yeah we have iron I was gonna suggest we make another bucket but

I mean we don’t really have much of a use for what the [ __ ] just happened what no oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh I I think I oh no the [ __ ] Fox is kill how how was the fox how’d the fox get in there it’s killing the chicken

Yeah oh and it has the meat in its mouth oh my God What can he climb I think he can climb we have to kill these [ __ ] bastards right now oh no but they’re so cute no we we have to we have to [ __ ] kill them do do we have eggs do we have enough eggs to spawn in chickens again

We have one oh no bro come on yeah what the [ __ ] This is bad I got two legs we do yeah we have two eggs I’m gonna try my luck please I’m praying I’m praying to God right now two chickens first one was a failure I’d be happy to get just one nothing oh damn oh hey you’re at 660 blocks congrats yay

How many blocks 166. 666 yeah you got 666 but press tab that’s not a good number that means that means the devil’s upon us that means the devil’s Among Us dude it’s the devil um oh would you say you keep I don’t know why you keep cutting out bro why okay

I think it’s just because I talk It’s like really far from my bike that could be it keep forgetting where we pushed it this is why I’m so bad at organization I remember where I put things okay oh [ __ ] Do I sound better uh you sound the same right now oh I’ll just talk clearly okay organize better UFO I’m I’m trying man I’m sorry I love you too bears I didn’t get the water what the [ __ ] it’s nice what the f it’s not working don’t pray

To God you folk pray to RN Jesus RN Jesus can I try something yeah you could try something On my actual [ __ ] uh Um um okay I’m gonna try to MLG pro this what are you gonna do I’m gonna drop down and then I’m gonna try to put a block under this block I’m trying to make like different levels okay Good luck you don’t have anything like super important on you do you just my life well I mean we can make sacrifices okay good luck salutes everybody salute in the chat [ __ ] put an 07 in the chat for Lulu your way to do this

No this is yeah there is an easy way to do this you want to know how we do this They do it no you failed miserably Lulu uh we have a bucket of water Point that out fine oh I just put it in there wait did you break that on your own or did it break I broke it oh you broke it I broke it a while ago though oh no oh no the lag Curious look we can use the water bucket and you can just drop down with the water and then place it underneath Oh because what if what if um what if uh um you know like uh we get water or something in here no uh or um I don’t know actually no we’d have to get from the source and the source gets replaced by another block like immediately but there’s really not

Much we could do true but we could also get gravel and then if you get gravel you may have an infinite amount of um Potter which will be useful haven’t we been getting gravel though I could have sworn we had gravel you do yeah well the gravel drops

Immediately when we have three we have three gravel we do yeah oh never mind well we probably we considering that I’ve seen it quite a bit I feel like we should have more um actually I think I think gravel response when I take it up

Well you can get gravel or oh wait but I’ve seen gravel like quite a bit and I feel like I haven’t been picking it up because it yeah it follows maybe maybe we should do that maybe that’s a good idea if we if we do the thing with the block underneath I kind

Of want to do that yeah uh oh God I’m [ __ ] scared dude let me just throw my my tools in this chest that are important you want me to do it no I got it I got it I’m brave I’m brave I can do it I can do it I can do it

Waiting for the block to disappear after I break it Okay there we go damn it oh [ __ ] I’m stupid I replaced the water Wait give me the water bottle right no no wait wait wait we need it we need it we need it from The Source Lulu oh [ __ ] We’ll get more water I’m sure I’m sure of it wait Did you put a did you put a block underneath I did put a block underneath can’t make water out of that now um well if we’re fast enough with the bucket then we maybe could God I’m so

Sorry I did that [ __ ] man uh you’re okay How do you use the bone meal can do you know how how that works can you explain that to us because I’m really confused about that house how do you use the bone meal on that you said on the ice you use the bone meal

I’m I mean I hope I hope that that works I hope we could do that But the Water Source block uh you already have one block higher not on ice huh Put the water source block what oh we don’t have it now [Laughter] I think I know what they mean oh [ __ ] polar bear dude oh [ __ ] they dropped fish uh I think we have to kill it yeah I have a feeling I uh inconvenience okay maybe maybe don’t don’t attack it yet uh cool uh if I I want to eat we’re just gonna make our

House okay uh I think I want to make like a tower in the air and then attack it from above so it doesn’t get me oh my God it takes so long to eat what should I make bone meal the grass below so put so so put water on top of grass

And then bone meal the grass no is that what is that what you mean that sounds crazy it does sound kind of crazy okay um Lulu please I have important things please don’t knock me out when I do this Okay you know One two One two three Thief come on come on Oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] Chad how funny would that be just kick him right now I’m gonna kick your [ __ ] ass if you do that Uh come on buddy get over here I can’t tell if he’s slow because the server lag or because he’s [ __ ] fat oh I got him they dropped he’s so sad you dropped the raw Cod Snap food goes here That would be how cool would it be if you get launched into your farm from being attacked by the polar bear icraft is praying on my [ __ ] downfall right now why why not nice not nice as if someone donates five dollars tool toy I didn’t hear anything of what you just said

What did you just say what did you just say it’s good huh I’m I’m about to hit you off of the platform right now yeah if you can reach me oh I can reach you if I want to I’ll be nice I’ll be nice I’ll be nice yeah yeah I didn’t say anything how the [ __ ] do how how do I uh I really want that water back the bucket on the offhand Maybe okay I’ll try that I hope we get I hope we get ice again though can I make shears

So I can make beds yeah absolutely yay all right bye Geo bye bye take care What’s really worrying me is that um whenever I whenever I see the ice and I break it I don’t see the water up here which uh I don’t like what if wait okay I know there are different kinds of ice I know isn’t there isn’t there like packed ice which

Doesn’t melt from like a torch but you can melt ice with a torch I think so what if I melt the ice with a torch is that will that work Bed oh I wish we had died so we could dye the beds different colors me too yeah You can’t melt packages I didn’t think so is this packed ice though I couldn’t tell I didn’t see it Can’t turn into normal uh okay okay I yeah was this was it packed ice does anybody know I can’t tell what this particle effect so hard to see Do you want to sleep you didn’t make a bed for me Oh hopefully the sheep can uh throw their uh their wool back soon okay okay look out look out look out look out look out look there’s two of them there’s two of them there’s two of them there’s two of them there’s two of them look out look out look out look out

I’m so [ __ ] scared right now I’m so [ __ ] scared right now Oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I don’t don’t knock them off don’t knock them off because we want we want the stuff we want the stuff Yeah yeah yeah yeah oh [ __ ] oh yeah yeah oh nice I grabbed all the stuff in my bed that’s okay nice oh we got we got four bones You Wanna Do It um uh I don’t know I don’t know what we can do with them right now

We can use them on the trees but I feel like we might want to save them we can wait for the trees we’re getting enough wood put on the wolf do you wanna do you want a wolf fit wait did we need bone your stuff

Um so hustle’s telling me that I can get if I have a water source it’s possible for me to uh it’s possible for me to get more water from that Source but I’m confused how that worked maybe you could recover by Silk touching the ice block but we don’t

Have the Dutch unfortunately I’m so touched yeah okay we’ll save we’ll save the bomb then we haven’t seen too many Minutes I forget yeah okay because uh yeah I’ve gotten five gravel just from just since we did that and we only got three like the whole time so it was uh it was a good it was a good uh idea I wonder if we’ll ever get like sand or anything like that

Yeah I want to make glass yeah that’d be cool we could add some decoration to our house yeah well [ __ ] I just got bone meal by the way I’m a chest oh [ __ ] nice she says you just yet Monica is getting a Amino yeah yeah dude it’s been like a [ __ ]

Decade what the hell you bet your ass I’m gonna [ __ ] watch that [ __ ] yeah all the other movies yeah Yeah I I you know I was starting to lose hope I’m not gonna lie it was hope I was starting to lose hope yeah uh I’m so excited have you kept up with like the like the spin-off [ __ ] or no uh no me neither no I I was obsessed with it though like

I really wanted to try and I played the mobile game um um Bubble game is kind of cool oh another wolf come here yeah I played uh I played the mobile game for probably like a week and then I got bored of it mobile game was like fun every now and then every now and again yeah I don’t use my phone enough to like become addicted to mobile game yeah you told me you don’t like mobile case no um the only mobile game I’ve ever been addicted to was probably like uh like Cookie Run soon in defense yeah in defensive Cookie Run

I think I think Cookie Run is actually like a pretty well made game but uh I don’t know I find games like those to be a little predatory like how you can spend real world money to do stuff I don’t like that I don’t like that oh [ __ ] we need to we

Need a fence gate would you mind making a fence gate super fast so we can put this here thank you I thought we had one but I forgot that I guess I didn’t make one Um and I think oh yeah and then the only other I played like uh oh well I played the the YouTube mobile game for like two weeks and I was done you’re a camp yeah did you did you know about that no yeah dude it’s sweet it’s pretty sweet yeah

It’s really cute but I’m done with an English version yeah where’s my fence you placed it behind you oh no just just be quick just be quick I’ll stand back so you can grab it don’t you dare Move Yourself [ __ ] wolf I swear to God what the [ __ ] what’s happening

I’m trying I’m trying I’m trying foreign fly into the pen I don’t know if that I don’t know if I’m right about that oh yeah it isn’t it is in there okay yeah you can feel free to lock me in here going there more okay yeah yay cool damn

It that was gonna look cute oh crap I don’t know that there was a year Camp mobile game though like I need to check them out it came out a few months ago it’s pretty recent pretty reason uh the iron pick broke all right oh wait we have more iron

Right yeah we do oh I don’t even know what the game play could be like it’s uh it’s pretty cute you uh you make like uh you can like build your own campsite um oh yeah but like that’s that’s part because you have like the help like the

Hub world or whatever and you can build your campsite but then the the gameplay like the actual game part is uh you like go to different campsites and you have to like build your your stats uh to suit that campsite and then depending on how

Well you do you can get rewards for it and then you can keep building your like Hub campsite that’s cute you can like unlock outfits and stuff but like I’m not big on the gotcha so that sounds so cute I’ll need to play it it is really cute

Yeah if you get into it I might get back into it too because I didn’t have any friends on the game yeah and uh judging from how the gameplay you need to have like a friend group to play with well no the uh the gameplay is like what what what what

What what what what what what what huh what what who huh what does that mean what the [ __ ] what does that mean take shelter take shelter I’m scared what the [ __ ] is that what is that just a monster guard oh you got rid of the ground no no he did oh oh what

You [ __ ] are pigs they’re gonna fall oh no oh no oh no okay well they’re falling that’s good Why did it remove the ground and made our lives easier what yeah Oh please please don’t fall don’t fall wait can I I’m gonna try to I’m gonna replace the ground I know there’s a guy here but I want to replace the ground even even if our pigs get out of the pen it’s fine I just don’t want them to fall

And die get out of here monster guard you [ __ ] [ __ ] Oh [ __ ] he’s still here I thought he fell off on our cows are too you you know what you’re right I will freaking Sun here and I hope you’re safer I stupid I might die oh really never mind oh we got a boat we gotta we got a bow we got a bow we got a bow we got a bow we got a bow yeah oh my God okay all right I’ll I’ll make the fencing on the other side so I’m not

Panicking okay I forgot we had three pigs it’s pretty cool Pig get back in there right now uh we didn’t lose our cow did we is he behind me yeah okay cool oh they’re right behind me aren’t they um he’s right behind me isn’t he foreign

Oh no well I I still I I stole fence from the from the chest uh and I I replaced the uh the part here oh oh I can give you some when I get this [ __ ] pig back in the oh my God I’ll just make some okay sorry

I’m just going to put it on the other side here I’ve got seven seven fences if you want them there you go I think it might have been the Axel like you think it was lag might have taken though yeah I don’t know that was weird

The way the monster spawned in so yeah I’ll be right back okay just you and me chat just just you and me I think we’re doing pretty well all things considered I was really worried about that monster party did you hear the sound that it made it was creepy

I almost peed myself not gonna lie I almost did uh but I didn’t I wouldn’t do that I mean I’m I’m fine I wouldn’t do that anyway uh I hope you guys are doing well You guys didn’t almost pee yourselves did you um oh good night yo take care hope you sleep well Stay in there stay in there cow what are you doing you don’t belong in here get out of here cow get out of our house get out of our house go to your pen go to your room go to your room this is gonna take a while this is gonna take some time Uh I think it’s probably a really good idea that we start moving these animals soon because They’re right near where the monster party spawns but right they’re right near where any mob will spawn so uh we should really put them in like a little barn or something soon yeah a barn yeah a barn we should put them in a barn protect them from the uh the outside world

You know okay did you guys not grow wheat no and we can’t now We’ll make a okay pickaxe on my own so I stopped taking and my other one broke yeah okay I got all the tools now let’s go let’s be productive all right I want to destroy more blocks okay man I’m still sad about that water dude We’re okay it’s just Wilder it’ll give us more soon right they have to if they don’t we just spawn it in yeah yeah we just bought it in yeah spot then yeah you know like the classic oh yeah guys we were we were playing we’re playing uh we’re playing a little bit

Off camera and uh you know we we found some more water so yay I’m kind of curious Oh what happened what happened what happened what happened I’m in creative mode how are you in creative mode What are you doing what are you doing I’m in survival mode now okay I know Lulu wouldn’t like cheat or anything so I’m not concerned about that I was just wondering what she was doing you wouldn’t you wouldn’t like cheat or anything right here Uh-huh how weird I I heard a really deep voice Whispering hey let’s cheat uh but it couldn’t be you or Lulu would it no I think you probably have another tab open uh uh blue oh what happened Lulu Lulu’s still in the call with Me Lulu are you good what happened uh oh Indeed what happened I I don’t know bro is your stream still going I I don’t know bro oh no I need your help dude there’s there’s two skeletons oh I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die Uh it’s not looking good hello are you coming back soon yeah I’m coming back Maya why are you gonna lie uh I have three hearts there are two skeletons and I don’t have any food ah [ __ ] all right hang on okay your survivability is more important to me

I’m coming oh yeah I’m in the house I’m hiding Kick their asses oh they’re gonna fall down is that fine uh if it means that we survive then yeah it’s okay Some sacrifices have to be made we’ve killed skeletons before so you know My Stream ended connections I’ll need to open up new things okay well I’m curious uh how long do you want to go for uh I don’t know because I can I can keep

Going but if you need a if you oh I mean I’m I’m good for like probably probably another like hour if you want to okay whatever you want I I was thinking another hour till yeah okay sounds good thank you for thank you thank you lulu for defending me thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you no problem King let me I’m coming into the v-net room right now okay

Okay do you remember the password uh yeah it’s something stupid hey but I made the password No news uh yeah All right I’m gonna kill camera okay man that was scary did I almost beat myself gold No the password is not something stupid who told you who told you don’t [ __ ] join our [ __ ] v-net session you’re not you’re not we didn’t invite you this is our collab like what if I craft was secretly a YouTuber trying to hack into our session oh my God oh no

I craft what are you not telling us what are you not telling us now who told you um um oh God Told me to an alien god spoke to me directly he said did you know icraft was a YouTuber and I said how the [ __ ] did you how do you know if YouTubers are and wouldn’t you guys know uh God is actually all-knowing and I totally forgot about that so you know

Aliens have Gods um there’s uh uh well you know I mean there’s there’s one God so Lulu have you been to my uh have you been to my uh my uh my prayer streams are we where we uh sit in prayer friends Have you been to those before are you muted Amen amen that’s what I’m saying female that’s what I’m saying he gets it he gets it what happened Lulu are you okay what happened Although there’s deafened okay okay okay oh Um I really hope we get water back I really hope we get water back uh once we get water it’s gonna feel so bad though because we would have had two we only have one though maybe we could do the thing like Hoster said though that’s what I hope

If we can do the thing that has to said then uh that’ll be baller Baller I have no idea how it works though I feel another level coming what do you guys think okay oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] two again Why why why why why why why why why why why why why why dude do not kill Lulu I swear to [ __ ] God she’s not here right now don’t kill Lulu be aggro on me not Lulu I’m here hi uh there are skeletons here but they’re aggro on me I think so uh

You’re okay die okay we can take them we’re good we can take them we’re still looking for bones oh I can get more wool bones would be good bones are pretty good What where where is this guy going get over here you [ __ ] the egg is confused nice cool there we go oh man hahaha okay bounce we have now okay oh hi Conroy you got 10 we got 10. that’s pretty good it’s a whole last foot They have ten bones I got them feed

Pants how many bones does one foot have That’s a good question after period looks like the server ping is good right you are a female we’re making do is what we have It’s okay I think it makes it more interesting right thank you like your feet boneless you like floppy feet I don’t know how well that will work out for you if you have floppy feet does anybody have floppy feet in the chat can you can you can you uh attest to this

Does anybody know I want you guys to guess how many bones of a human foot has uh I’m gonna put up a second poll about uh spawn them started a pole oh wait I gotta get hold on I gotta get your other shot now So who’s winning on your I mean sorry who’s losing on your losing as in like who who is like who has the most votes I have the most votes I had the most votes in my last one that’s really funny I put up another poll guys I think it’s useful because

Um he gets so focused into his tasks and he forgets his surroundings and he gets kicked into the void by me while I personally think that it’s beautiful that’s not true that’s literally not even true okay foot has can I say like 40 forward or something I thought

Human human bone structure is less complicated than I thought You feel bad you feel bad I’m not bad it’s all bad I’m not bad What part everybody has feast oh ear huh How many bones are in the ear there’s like there’s like 30 in the ear right how many bones are in a ear zero Which part of they have at least um Lulu are you bored no I’m really curious okay all right what do you guys think is uh how many how many bones do you think we have in the ear don’t look it up let’s kill him it’s zero right it’s gonna be zero yeah wow you’re wrong it’s zero now

You’re around it’s zero you’re wrong you’re wrong it’s it’s it’s it’s three three yep we got three bones in our in the human year well that’s that’s yeah how many bones do you have in your antenna ask me such a personal question like live on stream I’d rather not answer

That uh but thanks for asking can I check no leave that alone Can you click yourself no I can’t damn it [Applause] I’ll do this you click yourself click yourself so you’re in the front okay very good I I’m almost inspected no stop stop you better leave me alone leave me alone what if I just pull it out Don’t touch don’t touch don’t don’t touch don’t [ __ ] touch let go of me I’m normal now there are no bones in a in an alien in an alien antenna are you sure you’re normal are you sure you’re normal yeah I’m normal you’re normal you’re normal I’m normal now you’re normal Oh redone yeah I’m normal I promise okay Stops like sniffing me I’m not sniffing I’m just looking at your attendance you you moved your nose to my hair and closed your eyes Lulu you’re being creepy what is this I’m normal now you’re normal from Garfield normal from Garfield normal normal I don’t know why my name is the uh is this the Garfield pizza delivery service can I get a normal pizza please did you uh did you know about that the Garfield pizza delivery service

It’s real by the way I’m not making this up there there used to be there used to be a Garfield like food delivery service and they had Garfield themed food and uh you could order a pizza in the shape of Garfield’s head where I think it was only available in Dubai

It’s shut down it shut down I wonder why but it shut down it shut down yeah it’s almost like it wasn’t profitable for some reason oh don’t say that don’t say that um you know you know here’s another real fact um did you know that um

You could order pizza through Wii yeah I knew that yeah it’s crazy I watched a video on like how he did it and apparently he got pizza through it why I I don’t how often do you think people actually use that though when it when it came out

I will if I’m gonna give you like a serious like boring answer I’m gonna say like probably frequently because if you think about it like maybe in like internet cafes in Japan or like um what is it game game cafes they probably have like an option there um that’s a good point

Yeah I’m gonna make more fences that’s a good idea I I just feel I feel like the only way like I don’t know I feel like it’s more convenient to just like call or but I don’t know why would you do that true good point Maybe a lot maybe a lot of the uh the uh the Wii sales came from like maybe they did like promotions I feel like they would have done like a lot of promotions through the Wii One two three one two three no I was gonna be just a fencing for the animals but the Birch fence is so freaking cute I think I just want it to be like a like a guard and okay all right are you going to be a garden and I’ll just like expand the platform more

We gotta get watered we gotta get water oh yeah water here I’ll just sweat into this Farm a lot okay no I’ll try make me cry you fall Oh no don’t be emotionally I think Cry now cry I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know what you expected that’s like the probably the easiest method no foreign speedrun [Laughter] when are we gonna get another level I’m trying to level up Oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait no no no no no I was gonna see it I was gonna see if I get the water from the Ice uh but I’m I’m starting to think we can’t do it

Anyway yeah maybe we’ve got trolled maybe we got freaking troll dude I hate getting trolled Speak for yourself what you like being trolled you like being trolled balloon I was trying to make a joke out of it but like I lost my job I don’t want to forget what I said it happens all the time it happens it happens to the best of us yeah

What’s what’s your what’s y’all’s favorite wood type what’s your favorite wood type my cherry blossom and Birch I think my brain is so [ __ ] up I almost heard when you said that I heard like what’s your favorite wojack The [ __ ] the the the soy like pointing face Luigi asks Luigi I think okay so I’m like I don’t know I feel like uh I lean more toward like classic when it comes to Minecraft and I’m a big fan of just just plain old oak not gonna lie keep it simple you know yeah

Well I bet you are happy to hear that our house is made of oak This is so [ __ ] lame yeah I like go too I remember playing Minecraft when like when like first came out and yeah some might say Oak is ugly whatever bro you’re entitled to your own opinion or your opinion’s wrong I don’t really care my favorite tree is Bojack tree me too me too

Um do you have dirt all right yep I’m sorry I’m hoarding the dirt I have 64 dirt 66 dirt Thank you you’re welcome sometimes called Boomer trees well I mean okay let’s let’s let’s let’s start let’s not uh confuse our terms here okay Bojack does not equal Boomer Um um what are you saying oh all Boomers can be Boomers all Boomers can be well Jacks but not all jacks or Boomers let’s not confuse our terms here let’s make sure we let’s make sure we know what we’re talking about Does that make sense Lulu what the [ __ ] are you saying you understand what I’m saying no you know what I mean stop being so Zoomer you’ve I’m already confused dude why are you guys acting like you don’t know what I’m talking about the [ __ ] is he talking about they always

Do this to me when I’m like very clear about what I’m saying oh [ __ ] they’re skeletons um English please um English [ __ ] uh what what are you saying did you just smack me with that I think you might have hit me with that no no uh

Yeah I get them yeah get him get him get him I’m sorry I had to go eat I was dying you a [ __ ] coward yeah come out here and fight okay don’t hit me with that sword oh [ __ ] he’s gonna follow Nice job cool you know speaking of games did you know that um Demon Slayer is getting a Mario Party game what demon Slayers getting a party game and it’s gonna release in 2024. that’s pretty neat yeah on a Nintendo switch to rank there was gonna

Be a Demon Slayer a party game it’s so [ __ ] epic you get to play uh tanjiro and there’s a call and it’s pretty [ __ ] awesome and then one of the what are the side characters that you can play there’s a red Goku foreign You seem pretty excited about about it uh I think uh it sounds like you uh sounds like you might like a Demon Slayer is that true okay okay good to know you could say that okay are they gonna have a Mario collab oh my God they should put Mario in in

The Demon Slayer game Maybe Worlds Collide okay if Mario was in the Demon Slayer game oh maybe I play it maybe I swear you have like good obsession with Mario I think you like Mario because before before I stream started um when we were trying to get together Put on a Mario hat for some reason anyway just the day before we were talking about Mario too wait every time we [ __ ] talk you let’s always talk about Mario you can’t not talk about Mario I don’t know what to say he’s a cultural icon he’s just he’s

The man in the myth the legend he loves stomping turrets you know why did you take your your YouTuber model inspiration for him Perhaps Perhaps and I and I might be a mariologist who’s to say and and what does it matter huh I don’t need to explain myself my enthusiast oh it goes beyond that it goes beyond that but uh you know we can we can avoid this conversation we can we can talk about something else I know I know some people for some people this is a sensitive subject so we can move on

And I have some dirt yeah you’re gonna have dirt oh Whoa what you sound just like him I told you I’m a Mario Ally just don’t take these things that I say lightly okay no I’m taking a very very slowly you’re sounds like you make my leggy you make Mario and I’ll laugh yeah I’m a Mario Just who told you Is that what it is I will not confirm or deny uh What uh being a Mario ologist entails uh and I will not provide any more information I’ve already indulged too much Nothing I had to like I I had to shut up I’m sorry Mario wouldn’t say that I’m sorry I take it back Mario wouldn’t say that whenever whenever I’m about to do something um and I’m thinking hard about it I always think what would Mario do

And then I and then I act on uh I act on it uh based on how I think Mario would uh respond to it well no foreign you’ve got to approach life with a with a attitude otherwise you know you might you might suffer some uh you might

Suffer from uh from disappointment you might suffer from uh you know selling yourself short letting yourself down because you don’t try hard enough sometimes you just got to push yourself you know so true king thanks man oh true personally I’m a waluigi’s about about luigiologists those are those are valid too

Um you know not not quite uh not quite as advanced as as mariologists but you know I I accept it either way no so I have a question as a Mario as a mariologist um that is Mario like um in love with peach or is are they what is what’s

Going on with the two of them Mario’s a cook dude sorry Mario is a what Mario’s a cook Foreign if you didn’t get it I mean the signs were there all along I don’t know I don’t know how else to tell you that that’s one thing that I don’t really respect about this man I I don’t get I don’t get why he I don’t understand why

Like why why I just I don’t I don’t I don’t understand it but you know he uh he lets this [ __ ] happen to him over and over again and uh well that’s not true I’m turning off my my HUD so that way they can’t see that

That’s just not true that is just not true NTR Mario with Bowser that’s what I’m saying that’s what I’m saying and the man itself confirmed all theories of Mario see I I mean I don’t I don’t know what else to say maybe Mario will will have a

Period of growth maybe he’ll come to understand that uh there there are more things to life than his weird fantasies and maybe he should uh maybe he should settle down with peach you know I think Peach likes him From what I can tell I mean who seems she seems pretty into Mario I don’t know I don’t know foreign castles I mean well that’s in the past though that was like in the original games he you know things things have changed now things have changed we’re in modern times you know we’re

We’re in current year Bros and uh well things things are different things are different Rosalina’s harder harder yeah she is thank you maybe Mario will get with Rosalina I don’t know maybe that’s maybe that’s where his heart lies I also love Rosalina she’s awesome I love Mario Galaxy bro that game kicked ass

That’s my [ __ ] man I’m telling you Speechless let’s just let him cook I’m done I’ve I’ve I’ve spoke too much you know I’ve been I’ve been out I’ve been hogging this conversation what’s with all these [ __ ] skeletons [ __ ] off foreign be careful with that sword man you can do some sweeping some sweeping damage with that by The Animals be

Careful be careful Oh should we should we load them back should we load them back so we can get the bones oh thank you sir can you go back a little bit I’m eating I’m eating Okay cool oh he jumped the bow nice it’s almost it’s almost dead though one’s almost dead I love you too my last words Mr Bubble before you die for good what I would like to be reunited with my wife well You’re in luck I got your wife right here Another reunited [ __ ] emerge them oh nice job now they’re together they became one yeah they became one oh they don’t have any this has no durability still though yeah it’s okay it is okay it’ll be fine all right um I need a I need to make your [ __ ] bed oh thanks Um you know I’m perfectly capable of making my own bed but I you know I appreciate it no as a duty of a maid I must make the bed ah okay okay does she know I’m not even paying her she’s doing her [ __ ] for free okay All right [ __ ] UFO Putting this [ __ ] snowball at a different what did I do we have a snowball we have you know we have a snowball I did not put a snowball in that chest don’t you dare Gaslight me I didn’t put that in there there’s no way I did that

I know better than to do that come on find all you do yeah well I wouldn’t put that there and I know that you know you know well I know that you know that I know that you know that I know better and that I wouldn’t do that you know what the [ __ ]

What the I think it’s time Oh I thought you were threatening me oh no come here I think it’s time okay bones is gonna be enough it might not be enough how many how many bones do we have again 21 21 okay Uh oh you you want you want me to have a pet okay are we both gonna have pets yeah because you keep getting your ass kicked I’m scared because I feel like my wolf is gonna [ __ ] dive off the cliff I’d rather Mr President oh no Michelle my wolf is not enough Where are you going Where come back I thought we’re gonna get wolf heads what so weird stop what Oh what did I do Come back please come back no I thought we were playing Minecraft Come on we could get wolf pads Hi hi Lulu hi Are you okay I’m better now okay All right do it all right I want eeny meeny miny mo uh this one yay All right let me get yours one yeah yeah yeah yeah now we’re gonna lose track of them of which of who’s who’s you have to make him stand yeah oh the other one’s getting out it’s okay it really why is he mad why is he mad

Why is he mad why is he mad why is he mad why is he mad you should kill him no because he he’s gonna attack you let’s just try to get him back in the pen I think he’s mad at the Sheep I think he’s just mad at the Sheep

Yeah yeah come out are you gonna let your wolf out that’s yours that’s yours I got mine I got mine no what that’s yours yeah you cannot you can if you if you walk to the other side maybe he’ll follow you I’m gonna try to get this wolf back in

Let yours out and then get out if you walk I think it’ll just follow you we’re destroying the no get on get out get out get out get out me to the voices on my head How can I make it on my head kid I’ll get up get up stupid here you go oh What the hell what the hell oh my god there you go thank you Get in there get in there get in there yeah get in there get in there hey Kill me out let me out I don’t want to be in here with this [ __ ] Set me free thank you all right time to expand this [ __ ] um place do you have any more dirt Maybe perhaps oh I have 14 dirt okay here you go all right I was adjusting YouTube Studio Man we’re never gonna [ __ ] get that goddamn uh water bag [ __ ] that can’t be yeah that makes sense oh my God oh my God it’s Obama what the [ __ ] Ben Baraka what the [ __ ] where did like half of that come from what the [ __ ] did I have that come from

What the [ __ ] whoa What happened why are you so big hang on huh what’s happening hang on what are you doing right okay What’s happening As I’m scared it’s not saying anything what is this huh What was that what what was that what you need to explain without what that was about what did you say what did you say muted in Discord but but to your chat what the [ __ ] did you say Um Look what you look what you did to my chat look what you [ __ ] did to my chat well what’d I do to your chat wait oh oh Wait wait what’s in this chest oh guys what the heck there was water in here the whole time whoa what the [ __ ] where did that come from what the hell what how did we just miss that why is it in this Choice shouldn’t it being uh what wouldn’t it be in

Actually which one should it be in this one I don’t know where the [ __ ] did that come from Lulu I don’t know what are you found it on me dude that kicks ass let’s go yes the cool kids call pug Wow guys that’s pretty cool that just I totally forgot we even had that yeah what are we doing now uh I don’t know we could start growing stuff if you want to you want to yeah okay Make a square again yeah let’s make a square wait hatsu can you help us how do you do the how do you do the um the thing with the with the bone meal you were talking about where the [ __ ] do we have any dirt at all having to wear dirt

I used it all we used all of it okay all right No no it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine you can leave it you could leave it you can leave it I already I have uh I have what we need I’ll make a little thing right here um or was that water again oh there it is

Okay yeah it has to help us um um why do I always forget where this [ __ ] is where did it go it’s here no it’s here okay there it is Jesus Christ all right what do we do I put the I put the water there I have the bone meal I

Can make more bone meal Place one more block above any part of the square so you mean uh let me make another one of these you mean like this that’s not the same type of wood but ignore it for now we’ll we’ll remove it later like this house too or like

Place the water on that block okay okay okay Okay what us is helping us okay now what now what then bone meal the water below Oh I said what the hell okay we gotta make another bucket now we got we we gotta make another bucket where’s the where’s the iron Where’d I put the heart dude we did it we did it we can have infinite water now thank you yay this is

Cute it’s like a water fountain too I had no idea that it worked that way wait oh no no this is good this is good this is good yeah nice yeah let’s go I gotta get rid of this this is ugly here we go now we’ll never run out of water this is

Perfect oh [Applause] uh so we can use this to uh to start growing some crops um we actually yeah we need dirt for that hahaha okay what we’ll just like you don’t have to dig you don’t have to dig that out because is it dropping is it dropping down below

I think I think we’re losing it oh look it looks like we’re losing it no well what we can do is just put this in the ground like like dig this out and then just put it in the ground if we want to just make a farm around it

Oh you’re right yeah do you want the water okay no okay why not No explanation I’m too busy okay all right I’ll just uh I’ll just keep uh I’ll just keep mining I’ll just keep doing my thing mining dude I [ __ ] love my actually oh [ __ ] wait you know you know you know what we should do today uh I was thinking about

Before we should probably move these pens away from where the [ __ ] monster thing can spawn make the monster horde or whatever Because uh we [ __ ] up our pens last time yeah I’m still so so sad about the chicken that’s [ __ ] those [ __ ] foxes I hope we get chicken back she feels very sad today yeah I’m crying I’ve been crying but you guys can’t see it uh because uh yeah I’m just

I’m just really good at hiding it you know all right I’m gonna let the pigs out wait why oh okay you’re moving though come on piggies oh your dog’s just following you I thought they were about to attack the pigs holy [ __ ] that scared me oh oh you’re right I should I should

Have them sit down you’re right well we’ve foreseen a horrible tragedy good thing they don’t attack pigs but yeah once you got to the Sheep it would have been a problem yeah all right Mr pigs uh It’s time to move we’ll Farm up state come on you got this they’re so [ __ ] stubborn get out well wait fishing rod does it work on them I don’t know oh I guess we’ll find out [Laughter] come on oh man Has anyone ever told you how funny you are oh [ __ ] way that was good that was good I crossed icraft says hi hi hi hi craft uh oh my God hi I hate these pigs I [ __ ] hate moving these things if only we had carrots just lower them yeah Well I wonder no oh good sorry uh did you know that um did you know that uh carrot pigments can make you Orange oh wait this guy’s really is so close now if you eat too much carrots it’ll make your skin orange so you don’t even you don’t have to like

Get a spray tan you just eat carrots all the time and I got this one up for just just What happened hang on okay So my first fact was did you know that the orange in carrots make your uh what did you forget what it makes your skin orange yeah if I mean yeah okay okay okay okay um I don’t know if this is like true or not but um there’s a myth that me that people

Started spreading that um when you eat too much carrots we’ll um turn your skin orange but there’s also there’s also another fact where that was actually a propaganda um yeah back in uh World War II so were you just propagandizing me and telling me things that were untrue

No I said one thing and then I remembered another [Laughter] but you did lie to me then no not by choice so it says that um Look out the pig the pig look out okay never mind he started to push you away hi Philly cheese I can’t find the article that I found this and I I give up one of them might be able to understand better if I can look at the other Pig

The pig almost push you off the edge dude I got really scared for a second I even noticed you didn’t hear me yelling about it I was scared I thought you’re gonna get I thought you’re gonna get pushed into the void no I thought you’re talking about something else no no no no No his butt Piggy God damn Get in Then how did that work yeah okay no wait he I don’t I’m not so sure he is he started moving the other direction there we go there we go okay Billy Cheese says this is the highest tick in Minecraft I’ve ever seen hey we’re making it work what are you

Talking about this is just fine this is just fine isn’t there a thing where they said they’re really intelligent or something yeah I’m pretty sure pigs are pretty smart I’ve heard that I’ve heard that a few times like some people have them as pets because of it have you seen like a

Little like teacup pigs that fit in the teacup Oh they’re so small and they’re really cute yeah I actually the other day I like learned about teacup like freed animals which is crazy to me I thought I thought that only extended to um dogs no chance no apparently is it like morally right to breed animals like that though

No yeah why not maybe that’s why uh you don’t hear about it people make exceptions with dogs when it comes to breeding that’s what it seems like people don’t care as much when it comes to that that’s not sad it is what the [ __ ] is wrong with this pig What is his problem this is this guy sucks did you ever play A Thousand Year Door no I didn’t oh I know I can’t free them okay I just had a I just had a memory unlocked about pigs in that story yeah yeah I gotta play it so bad dude

There’s so many good things about Paper Mario yeah it would be so cool and it’s got your favorite role model in it too exactly does he have a voice in that game Does he speak or does he have a voice does he have a voice He has a voice oh cool nice God that took way too [ __ ] long it really did I hate these guys I really do we still got the cows I guess the cows can take the chicken’s place Oh there you go I really hope they give us chickens again do you think they just do yeah me too yeah do you think they just do that to us and just not give us chickens again did you know that that the foxes kill chickens I didn’t know that I guess we should have figured as much

As that happens in real life all right get your butts over there dude we’re leveling up dude stepping up our game dude swag dude that’s what the kids say I need you to stop doing that stop what being hip with the lingo dude yeah you don’t like it You don’t like it nice avoids the question okay yeah nice dude Nice dude nice dude he’s so much so much [ __ ] for it I was talking to Lulu the other day and she brought up how like she she says it doesn’t make her mad but I think it does she was like why the [ __ ] you you call me bro and dude

And I was like oh I’m so I didn’t know that it pisses you off she just never said anything to me about it No but like it it like um or just talk about whatever whatever the [ __ ] um um foreign I think at some point though one thing that I noticed was like yeah it’s okay bro and I felt weird inside I’ve gotten really self-conscious about saying bro yeah no after the conversation um I went to my Raised in California so like that’s just uh lingo and I told my sister I we have to stop using bro and like I just want to see how hard it is like not try I can’t go without I can’t go five minutes but anyway yeah I scolded I scolded you for keep calling

Me bro and I told him to just say just call me I need to listen it’s hard it feels like I don’t know if I call you lulu it feels like we’re like not as close as friends you know like if I’m like if I’m like referring to you by

Your first name I feel like we’re like co-workers oh but the co-workers that I used to work with they used to just call me you you hey you uh well be thankful I’m not just saying you right hey hey you over there hey you whatever the hell your name is

Yeah you be go go chop that spruce Yeah we got the first one now yay well then we have Spruce Wood oh yeah yeah Don’t call me your dude bro I’m not your bro bro that’s funny oh [ __ ] are we gonna get like uh I don’t know we’re gonna get a lot of fish and all right now now we’re [ __ ] cooking we’re gonna cook the sand that’s that’s what I mean yeah that’s what we’re cooking

I’m glad that you and I the same idea let me empty out the finish for you thanks oh it’s empty oh yeah I forgot I did that this like large enough like area should I push back a little bit for cows I should push it back um

I feel like I feel like in general we should push things away from this point because if Monster’s fun yeah we should uh get things out of there Y’all get called that work Sometimes my co-workers come into the little room that I work in and they say hi to me oh dude what is this wait wait wait wait wait wait what is this what is this block oh oh this is the like the the temple yeah prismarine yeah that’s pretty fancy sea turtles

What would we do with the sea turtle you breed sea turtles do they have a benefit is there like a benefit to doing that though no oh makes you happy okay I like photos Sorry I like photos my co-worker comes into the room I’m working uh I’m working in that’d be real weird well they come into the room that I work in because the photocopier is in there that’s the only reason they come in there do they have you working at the club yes

They do yeah they do it gets really stuffy in there dude sometimes I feel like I’m gonna suffocate and die you’re gonna have to work your way up to the actual rules oh my God UFO works at the back room I do yeah wow it’s uh it’s something that’s for sure

That is for sure I don’t really like it that much I like your job you’re gonna like the back roads I don’t like the back room I’m fine with my job the people the people at my job are nice I don’t have a problem doing my job I just don’t like how stuffy it is back there

What is this block what the [ __ ] is that oh it’s oh it’s Coral I guess there’s no way that we can get it in this form though it’s gonna die if we pick it up right yeah It dies anyway wait I think you should um pick it up anyway and then just put it right next to the water with that bring it back to life well it dies if you pick it up though okay but but if we well okay if I leave if I leave these

Two corner pieces we should have infinite water still but if I put this here yeah it’s just dead no yeah yeah they made sure to uh represent real life with that that sucks man that sucks their eggs can be useful and a turtle shell helmet is pretty good

Okay can I can we put like a water right next to this thing and just never mind the corals gotta keep mine and I’m sorry life goes on we got to keep going no life does not go on oh true life actually dies oh don’t make me feel bad if you place the

Dead coral I’ll feel bad I don’t want to feel bad oh well give me the dead coral oh actually let me make some space for there you go dead coral just for you oh my online friends who instead of typing blow when they find memes funny uh drive

To drive to my place and laugh in front of me They travel the whole way just to laugh in your face I don’t get why they should just say low out loud I say low out loud We got it we should put him in a little pen I guess right should we make another pen I don’t know let’s ask let’s ask the turtle what he thinks do you want a little pen all right lock him up okay yes sir you know I’m very pleased to take your

Job so seriously around here Means a lot you know oh yeah I’m uh I’m a hard working B laughs hmm and to make things a little bit more comfortable I’m gonna put him in a dead coral block does this remind you of your home yeah your home’s [ __ ] dead we raided your home we stole everything dude

Guess what guess what guess what I just got I’m waiting for the achievement to appear there it is let’s go look we got sponge the sponge yeah it’s sponge oh wait can we we can we can we can pick that up and then let’s soak up the water why

You know that wait we need it SpongeBob [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] It was not a good impression you shouldn’t laugh at that hahaha I said don’t laugh at it Nice timing what the [ __ ] how did I get ice how the [ __ ] did I get ice Where did it come from I’ll take it I’ll take it the Snowballs in a frozen chest wait I guess it makes sense for it to be in the Frozen chest I’ll keep it there don’t yell at me it makes me sad sorry it’s okay can you make turtle soup in this game

And you make turtle soup in this game who’s the thought Barry said that no that’s horrible but the question is can you are you saying no you can’t are you saying we shouldn’t So we can’t uh we cannot oh okay never mind damn my hopes up for a sec all right Mr turtle get in your new home we were talking about making turtle soup and I heard a cow go oh that’s like he was saying no no The animals look okay they look out for each other they make sure they’re not being turned into food they do it’s so sweet it’s a shame it doesn’t matter in this situation since they’re stuck on this island with us uh Lulu scares me sometimes bro dead

Coral bro that’s just cruel dude dare I say grotastically dastardly Um is it gonna die we should just kill it right we don’t need to hold on to it yeah yeah oh there’s more than one why does it have like this purple particle effect what is that is that like I don’t know I don’t know what that is [ __ ] you put in there

[Laughter] oh dare how dare you grow where I put you get out of here squid dude I feel like [ __ ] Scott is Minecraft right now what that what the flip dude what the flip there we go finally nice finally oh I crafted saying Hey Oh Brother lulubel what’s up dude handshake oh God

Oh wow you can refer to me as as Lulu I feel like I feel like I feel like bro just like flows off the tongue user you know bro Lulu bro yeah okay okay I like that yeah that’s what I call it that’s what I call my actual feather yeah please it showed up on stream a

Couple times because I live with him right now um that’s taken already damn bro oh that’s too good though I feel like nothing can top that Uh I think I’ll just stick with bro it makes me so sad Dude I’m sorry we got horn coral and fire Coral fan and food what the heck is are you okay I got so excited I checked in my saliva let’s go I’m gonna put it in uh this uh nature looking chest yeah yeah yeah yes Um I mind this [ __ ] chest and it hasn’t oh there it goes Is it me or have we not gotten like a dirt in a long time yeah you’re right I think we’re having a dirt shortage we are having a dirt shortage something I never thought I would experience Minecraft yeah yeah also Lulu you should read uh the most recent message in my chat

Hang on I’ll need to open it okay okay from Ferris you can call me and call me Lolo Senpai La python my lady um uh oh [ __ ] drowned drowned with with [ __ ] with [ __ ] tridents They’re gonna kick off yeah let’s [ __ ] go They’re gonna [ __ ] kick our ass I keep missing all my shots oh my God hang on oh you’re leaving me alone laughs Oh my god oh [ __ ] oh you got one nice yeah it was just one shot don’t let him fall don’t let him fall don’t let him fall don’t let him fall don’t let him fall okay oh that’s all right we’ll probably get another one yeah probably yeah

Oh man okay let me open up your the chat see what we’ve got to say for themselves It’s just like eating IO Very slow and methodical make sure you uh chew it real nice other display Should we tell them about the uh the [ __ ] crazy game of chess we had last night okay okay so I’ve I’ve like never [ __ ] played chess like ever like I don’t really know how to play and uh Lulu with like the like the Discord the Discord uh events thing or whatever uh

She invited me to chess I was like I don’t know how to [ __ ] play this game and we had a game that lasted like a [ __ ] hour I think I was gonna get that [ __ ] far it was it was a good game of chess we ended in a draw it was crazy

It was so [ __ ] stupid because I think um he basically I saw uh it was his first time playing and so I was like okay I’m gonna um clap this [ __ ] and then I um at the end of the game he had somehow cornered me and I was trying

To get his stupid King but he had a queen that was like trying to um get every I got a vote that you’re gonna fall off the most Okay yeah in the end we gotta draw after like what 40 minutes of playing it was like almost an hour I think it was a really long game yeah and then I asked if you could put Checkers I won no I won no I are you serious I won are you serious yeah I’m serious no it is no no guys it was it was me you’re gonna Gaslight the chat now Gaslight them you’re gonna Gaslight them and tell them the wrong thing you’re gonna lie to them wrong thing I

Won Checkers dude I won like ten five you’re being a sore loser you’re being such a sore loser right now we had a pretty good game of checkers it was it was really um it was very methodical and very interesting we thought things out uh pretty well I think I was like hugging

The walls the whole time yeah this [ __ ] you are the most you were the worst person’s playlist why I was hugging the walls so I couldn’t do anything you you could do something you there were times you could have done something yeah yeah put myself uh put myself at

Risk that’s what I could have this is what you put me in sometimes you gotta take risks in life you know you know foreign I’m killing him get the [ __ ] out of here yeah um how many hits do these guys take what is this they have healing or something on

Them what is this yeah do they actually oh this me this makes me calm for some reason because they’re flopping around so slowly yeah it makes me kind of calm slowly you’re murdering these fish as they flop around for their lives whoa why does my fish keep bouncing so high got him

That’s so nice oh are you just watching it yeah he’s gonna fall off he keeps going this way there you go you’re welcome oh we gotta kill him before he falls off oh he’s dying himself hahaha got him that was so sad hi juice hi how’s it going all right all righty

All righty all righty then I love building bricks with Minecraft I’m having the most amount of fun you can possibly have while playing an app what you hate it when you do that why do you not like Inspector Gadget oh is that what it’s from it’s from you’re gonna think I sound [ __ ]

Insane explaining this so do you know the YouTube channel Cinema Massacre yeah yeah no do you know the Angry Video Game Nerd yeah okay he’s part of Cinemassacre and there there was there’s a guy that used to be part of Cinemassacre his name is Mike mate

And he used to do like videos and stuff too and he made a Minecraft Pocket Edition review uh with with Inspector Gadget for some reason this Inspector Gadget again for some reason Inspector Gadget was like drawn in to the frame and he was talking to Inspector Gadget Mike Mateo was talking to Inspector

Gadget and um I don’t I don’t think I should explain like how the dialogue goes I think you should probably just watch it what Inspector Gadget or the gaming what I’m talking about I’m talking about Mike mate’s Inspector Gadget Mac matane Mike Mike mate he did he did the Minecraft Pocket

Edition review with Inspector Gadget okay I like how your chat’s like calling you out like when is is this is this a reoccurring incident yes I really really like that video oh yourself come on cows he goes I understand why all of the kids are playing this game and building bricks with Minecraft

Building bricks with Minecraft is the most amount of fun anyone can possibly have while playing an app and he goes on this tangent about how he loves like he understands Minecraft and why people are playing it and then he goes so what is the point of Minecraft

Wow I do remember you referencing this guy a couple times like way before yeah so that’s where it’s from that’s the backstory that’s so [ __ ] stupid but I love it what the [ __ ] are these guys tropical fish kill them kill them kill them kill them kill them

[ __ ] it [ __ ] it [ __ ] it [ __ ] it oh there’s another one over there Oh [ __ ] where’s the [ __ ] fish oh [ __ ] hey nice yay oh they’re so pretty and cute is there a benefit to having them yes my mental health okay it’s a cob White that’s fair they are pretty cute why are they so small They’re kissing bro shut up zippers earlier I’m sorry I’m sorry I won’t I won’t ruin the bid next time it’s so hard to watch you bro it’s like explaining no no don’t [ __ ] compared to that I’m gonna kill you juice I’m gonna [ __ ] kill you

You can’t say that to me you can’t say that to me I think it’s time to make a haul you gotta make a hole I thought we gotta find one You can find one Nice right here I found one Which one this one [ __ ] first duck I’m not stuck stupid no this other one damn it you tried you tried move outsmarted me again oh what is this whoa wait is this a oh it’s a chest oh bubble Coral fan let’s go you like Coral juice buy juice yes

I’m gonna put in this chest whoa enter enter Wait no that’s not what is that I don’t wait that’s uh that’s a dark prismarine that’s what that is oh I also got two eggs yeah whoa I need to make for your I really [ __ ] hope we get something

From it can I kill this wolf we already have tools you can yeah you can kill the wolf careful though careful with the sword you might hit something else because you have your sweeping edge with the oh careful careful okay okay all right we’ll put the chicken in there

Are my pets mad at me No they’re not all right I’m gonna put the chicken in here or I’m gonna try to here I go first ones test your luck Hello I didn’t even see it like move from my hand all right one more try yeah I’m gonna [ __ ] kill myself next time let me try Okay clearly I have [ __ ] luck yeah man that’s not fair come on kitchen Oh true we’ll probably get a we’ll probably get a cab when we go to like the jungle is there a jungle yes I hope so there’s a polar bear so there should be a jungle there should be unless they like don’t like the jungle for some reason didn’t put it in this thing The chances of chicks coming from eggs is super little I’d be surprised if you got one yeah really it is super little but a man can dream What goes to bed tonight one chicken two chicken we I don’t think uh I don’t know I don’t think uh I don’t think God is on our side with these chickens why is my dog why is this dog whoa [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this oh nice do they

Hurt they hurt right yeah oh yeah they hurt bad oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] hey hey whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hey [ __ ] what the [ __ ] this is oh [ __ ] he’s targeting me stop

Do it get in here where is this guy going he’s in the sky oh he’s aiming at me stop aiming at me again I want to get whatever they drop ow holy [ __ ] they do hit hard nice all right look I finished the zoo yay I’m just scared I’m gonna get killed

By those [ __ ] things how are you just ignoring him Huh there’s it’s on you right now where’d the other one go did it fall or did you kill it huh I guess I guess it fell ow the fish oh did he kill the fish no okay okay I need to eat something like now oh so you fell bye-bye oh okay nice

Did they drop anything interesting if we see them again I don’t I don’t know find out can these wolves stop growling I’m turning down the [ __ ] mob sounds So loud they dropped uh prismarine and fish do we need prismarine I mean we have we have Bruce Marine I’ll assuming the shards can we get shards yeah and I guess it’s not super important hmm Nice dude Our little Farm’s looking sweet hey yeah what nothing I thought you said something I thought you said something oh okay now next on the list is making a farm okay we have the water now It’s a good thing we got that water I thought we wouldn’t get it back yeah I wonder how it happened I guess I guess we I just kind of forgot oh look light light light if I break it I’m gonna get the shards of it though

Where should we put it we should put in the ceiling of our of our home we need enough of the shards to make a new one yeah yeah if we have another one I have four can I can you make it from four do you need

I don’t know I guess maybe yeah I don’t know how you make it me neither I know where I want it center of our house yeah right there that’s a good spot for it God this place is so [ __ ] cramped oh wait glass I want to make glass oh yeah

Here I’ve got 10 sand if uh what’s in there isn’t enough I don’t remember if I ever put it away so I guess I did two three four Sun we’re gonna get glass dude we’re cooking so [ __ ] hard right now dude Uh buy a house to take care thanks for dropping by Hello Murphy they are really cute it’s a shame that they’re probably gonna get slaughtered why Me by lumps why uh what if I get hungry no I’ll fish I’ll fish and I’ll Farm why do you need to fish when we have fish already off oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] they’re back they’re back they’re back they’re back they’re back yes kill them how okay wait wait okay uh

I’m gonna eat and then I’ll come back out bye bye still going strong we’re going strong because hi Mika right now I’m kind of killing her right now kind of killing her right now oh did you not did they fall off yeah I guess we don’t need the dress from

Them after all that’s probably better than this yeah just killing you two no she’s not you better not she better [ __ ] not uh what why are you holding a pickaxe Mr pickaxe I’m holding a lot of stuff actually a lot of important things that you don’t want to lose

Uh so you probably shouldn’t kill me Don’t don’t please please don’t hit me please don’t hit me hey hey I was actually really nervous all right we sell that dispute pretty well I think cheers yeah thanks It’s not hot tub so cool Mika we have a hot tub yeah we’re boiling fish in it right now Barrel alien shrimp You know me yeah oh he’s accepted it he’s accepted it boys he’s a shrimp now I I can’t I can’t beat the allegations I accepted a long time ago I don’t know I don’t know what to do about it Like kick your way of me getting out of it Um Uh yeah that’s what I’m saying bro yeah What the heck does scoot do what the heck is that good scoot yeah what is that not suit I don’t know I don’t know how you say it the little green thing what the heck is that Scoot yeah where so in the in the chest you were just in there’s a little green thingy Oh this dog is so loud it’s cute yeah what the heck is that so cute it’s cute for glass Oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is that puffer fish puffer fish I got poisoned nice powerful fish I kind of want to eat the puffer fish I don’t even think you can eat it there you can no you can’t you can you can eat it uh I bet you’ve like never even tried it

So you know what you know you don’t know what you’re talking about no I can’t it’s it’s so it hurts I mean it hurts but you can eat it yeah I don’t know why we don’t have any dirt you don’t have any dirt you haven’t gotten anything no I’ve got no dirt oh

No I okay I have I I found I have two dirt there you go I put it on the ground over here there it is it went to the middle it went over here it went on top of that blog I don’t know why um I guess we could use like

I don’t know we can’t I mean we could use Cobble we could replace all the dirt with Cobble we have a lot of Cobble that’s what I’m planning I think we’ll have to probably use water and go underneath to extract the dirt because it might just fall down you know yes yeah

It’s probably gonna take a long time well between the two of us I think you’re the most careful one If you want me to do it Yeah I’ll try okay careful don’t lose important stuff if you have anything in foreign [Laughter] do you want to shovel no oh no oh did I pick it up you break anything Oh Oh grab it grab it grab it grab it oh God wait this makes me want to do an experiment okay I picked one dirt um we should complete but I want to try something we’re gonna go we’re gonna break the fourth wall oh ah that might piss a few people off dude

You might want to be careful about that I don’t know let’s just chat all right come here actually no don’t come here go oh Where’d you go Did you die oh yeah is that what you’re doing yeah good luck dude my dog is growling oh well that’s not a good sound it doesn’t like pull to the end of the end of the world well it goes to the block limit I guess the what the block limit

The block limits yeah welcome back welcome to my thank you go to my glass I don’t know oh I didn’t even cook it hi legendario welcome how are you watching from school make sure you pay attention to your studies as best you can I’m gonna tell your mom I’m gonna tell your mom

I would never I would never remove the water and make Lulu fall I would never do that that’s a good idea I mean what can you bring his mom into this well that’s too personal I’m sorry Yay why do you think I’m gonna fall more I’ve only fought the only times I’ve fallen was uh the first time it happened it was like a glitch or something I don’t know and then the times when Lulu hit me off those are the only times Oh fish fish fish you want a bucket get a bucket want to get a bucket no you can kill this guy I’ll kill these guys okay Kill kill kill I like how slowly they bounce up and down I was gonna I almost called you I already did I called you you you you yeah I mean it still works it’s a cute nickname I like it Aqua sure you still watch the anime yeah I haven’t seen the hockey show there’s a lot of stuff that I haven’t seen that’s really good it makes me feel like a loser like Jiu-Jitsu Kaizen yeah yeah what what nothing I was just agreeing with you that’s really good that I’m agreeing with you

Plot’s really good oh the plot’s really good it’s good I hope it’s good yeah it’s so good the added to my never-ending list of things to watch what’s up oh that’s that’s cute it has a nice little waterfall if we fall off maybe we can make it to

The water before we hit the void well I’m using it to water the what are the crops yeah yeah good thinking this is uh this is wheat yes nice we can breed some of our animals uh the cows and the Sheep right yeah the couch

Oh wait we have two diamonds now yeah I did I just got one before nice yup uh I’m kind of balling as they say That’d be so sad you’re gonna be sad why uh why Are you gonna be sad about Because there won’t be a part two Yeah man we could do a part two I want to stream a whole lot you know Two yeah we could do a part two if you want to do a part two I think it’d be cool oh sorry sorry go ahead we if we get to part two now we get to kill the Ender Dragon because I don’t know what happens past I don’t know what happens in Wait you can you can get to the end of this I don’t know from here now yeah I think right now it just feels like we’re trying to uh make our Island the best oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh God what’s that oh do you not see that [ __ ] thing

The big thing in the sky How [ __ ] Jesus what are you talking about the big [ __ ] urchin thing what you don’t you just hit me no you really don’t know oh well it’s falling off anyway okay it looks like we’re good I’m just kidding you’re a [ __ ] [ __ ] you know that [Laughter] oh man farmer

Oh yeah sorry I forgot uh I want to see a part two I like both of you so much Listen Dario that’s so sweet Jinx hopefully jigs I said it first yeah you want a [ __ ] ginger beer they’re pretty good yeah Jim Jim G beer ginger beer maybe we shouldn’t uh Genji sounds like a slur maybe we don’t say that really it sounds like it I’m not saying it is

Uh but it sounds like it I’m glad that it isn’t if there are any Ginger people watching I’m I’m very sorry uh for that we said that just now you’ve got lots of food but but like you know never mind uh I’m digging the hole deeper I think we should stop

I think we should stop oh what’s up what happened Hey my dog shut the [ __ ] up Nice Oh my God it’s just so loud in my ear all right There’s not even like anything that would piss him off right I guess the Sheep what are you sitting I think it’s you dude oh man my own dog doesn’t even like me I think it’s my dog though because um I uh I beat the crap out of my uh brother

Yeah that is your dog but I didn’t do anything to piss your dog off dance pissed off at me I already be pissed off at you sorry oh oh it’s your dog you’re yeah my dog’s fine well he’s they’re not growling all the time though

I I could have sworn it was this one because it was really loud Excuse me I’m just trying to get my dog out of them wait I could just yeah if you do that you just walk away it’ll follow you come here come here oh your dog’s attacking me why is he attacking me I didn’t do anything really yeah Let’s go [ __ ] [ __ ] come here if I had a bow and arrow right now if I had a bow and arrow you gave me an idea oh [ __ ] Foolish you folk you may think I missed but in 20 seconds from now snowball in your stupid alien’s head no I topped it off I’m sealed in here are you gonna be nice to me yeah is your dog sitting because I guess he’s mad at me now yeah ah the snowball ah [Laughter]

Are you still throwing them at me no it’s just a recoil it’s just wow it looks like you’re still throwing them where are you you are throwing them you are [ __ ] throwing there you [ __ ] I’m coming down there I gotta get some snowballs If it’s a [ __ ] War you want it’s a war you’re gonna get Along to remove can you get your dog to sit please by the way uh I don’t want to be killed by your dog he says no well then what do I do now oh so cute are you sitting down thank you oh he really doesn’t like it I don’t

Know what the [ __ ] I did I never even hit him oh I think I hit you one time I think I hit you one time do you remember that you hit me I hit you one time no stop doing this to me why Lulu please

I sat him down you can come back now I’m scared you’re gonna make him stand again now I’m too busy making well you’re standing off awfully close to him as though you want to make him stand up again Oh wait Then hmm good dog Hey by the way if your dog attacks me again I’m gonna kill him so don’t let him attack me why would you do that because I don’t want to get attacked by a dog it’s self-defense it’s protected by the First Amendment what the [ __ ] is that what’s the First Amendment

What’s the first amendment why is your voice um we could you know that thing that you said your earlier disturbing thing you’re like oh what if we got all the animals to like fight each other we could do that with our dogs Um should we have them but that’s like we have them make should we have them make Ping On the crops isn’t that like illegal what having them fight each other yeah is it illegal yeah is it illegal laws there are laws here yeah dude Sky police are going to come in and arrest us if we make a if we make a dog’s fight no make our dogs fight Unleash Your Dog is my dog gonna attack you let’s make a let me make us a chest where we can put in our belongings in it

In case we like do something stupid dude my dog is Jill he’s not attacking anybody my dog is Chill uh my dog is chill as [ __ ] this chill as [ __ ] dude okay I’m gonna put the one on the left is mine what are we doing dude I have 10 levels

What if we get it what if we get an enchantment table or something I think oh you’re right you’re right okay Oh I don’t know where to put this ice I guess I could put it in here Yeah I gotta I gotta keep things organized and happen in a while I’m trying so hard to be organized so you don’t yell at me again There we go nice dude okay there imagine getting killed by a dog it’s not it’s not gonna happen wait have you seen that video of Kanye I’ve seen that video of Kanye where like it was like a long time ago where like Kanye and Kim Kardashian were together

And they were again like their house renovated or something and then Kim starts filming a video and Connie’s just standing there in his in his socks holding his shoes becomes like Kanye refuses to get his new yeezy’s dirty because the whole [ __ ] ground is like

Full of dirt and he looks he looks the camera and goes ain’t gonna happen yeah we have a dolphin what do we do with it kill him I don’t like dolphins okay I love Dolphins though that’s [ __ ] up with you to say look out I don’t want to hit you by accident If you hurt me my dog’s gonna come get you well I’m not gonna hurt you and I would never hurt my friend ever really nope really oh look who’s on the edge stop stop stop stop stop stop wait should we put a fencing around here

Uh I mean we could I feel like it’s a Waze okay why is this dolphin taking so long to die oh there he goes um Where’s my scissors we don’t have the resources for it we can’t make something like that I’m sorry as Kanye would say uh ain’t gonna happen ain’t gonna happen I don’t know who the Suzuki is but I think he I don’t know who this there’s a person as well I think he deserves as soon as the shrine are you gonna make it I don’t know what that is it’s a it’s a character from I forget

The name of the show I always forget it sorry I’m sure I’m sure Zan will fill us in on the name of the show Maybe you really want to I’m sure you could find a way I I don’t know I forgot I forgot you sure What if you ordered a Garfield Pizza And we’re back to this again all right you gotta admit though Garfield pizza sounds kind of fire though like imagine imagine okay imagine Garfield is the one who made it himself uh he’s he stood there he slaved over the [ __ ] oven making that pizza for you in the shape of his head because

He’s a [ __ ] narcissist he makes that [ __ ] oh [ __ ] it oh [ __ ] it’s a drowned oh [ __ ] it’s a drowned whatever and I’m Gonna Make This Place nice look out he’s coming from behind the chest he’s coming out from behind the chest look out

Come on give me a red flower I need one for you actually you can follow do you want a blue bed well actually what color bed do you want I like red oh the drowned is falling off of the he’s gone where’d he go oh [ __ ] he’s gonna throw a trident at me Uh I guess we just leave that drowned he fell off the waterfall so whatever Yeah red is like classic can’t go wrong with his classic UFO no no I mean it’s it’s classic Minecraft man oh yeah well I have a blue flower so [ __ ] my day we didn’t even have beds in Minecraft we have beds in Minecraft no beds used to not be a thing in Minecraft

I bet you Snappy thing hunger used to not be a thing Um yeah you used to have to eat pork to to re to regenerate health um did you know you just have to import to regenerate Health in Minecraft um uh just just a little fact just a little funny fun fun factoid oh my [ __ ] oh [ __ ] are you okay

A face tracker oh oh my arm my iPad fell on my arms oh oh that down oh that hurt are you good yeah I’m good now but I gotta put bed yay yay Garfield wouldn’t do Jack let’s be honest yeah Garfield’s lazy you wouldn’t make or question do you think Garfield would

Make a pizza in the shape of his face because it’s in the shape of his face like he’d be motivated to do it because it’s like it’s a pizza of him but otherwise he wouldn’t make it Um food handler ‘s uh I don’t I don’t uh we got a turtle by the way uh no I don’t think so our totals I like photos I like turtles foreign Yeah and um they died and I got another one and then I got and I died and I got another one and then but this one I I took a better care of him um and uh I put him in a little red Basin and then I raised him and he lived

For it for for good like for a good two months how long do turtles live because when you said that I thought you were gonna say he lived for like a few years Well I’m sure he lived a great life great too much yeah I don’t know what was wrong I don’t know it’s hard to take care of animals like that yep I was a kid I found a turtle in my front yard actually I think it was a turtle a total actually it might have been a tortoise but I found it and uh

And I I put him in a little box and that day I was going to my friend’s house so I brought him to my friend’s house you know I was a kid so I didn’t I didn’t know how to like take care of it I didn’t know what I was supposed to do

Uh but I had to go somewhere like Midway through while I was at my friend’s house so um I went and I left the turtle with him and then when I came back I heard a [ __ ] Horror Story about how my friend’s dad instructed him to take the

Turtle and throw it over the [ __ ] fence I was like what the [ __ ] I was so sad I like cried the whole way home You cried all I cried I was like why would you do that to the turtle yeah RFP Turtles man yeah I don’t know why my friend’s dad did that anyway I haven’t talked to that guy in like forever it’s probably because you kidnapped the [ __ ] turtle in the first place

Probably but I didn’t know any better I was a little kid The church I thought the turtle was cute and I wanted to put him in a little box and look at him and be like oh my God this turtle is adorable I like turtle I like turtles exactly Oh [ __ ] okay all right monster party here we go I’m busy making bed okay okay oh Jesus [ __ ] Christ get out of here [ __ ] should we try and like get resources from them like should we not knock them off I feel like we should try and get

Stuff from them but I’m not sure oh he’s got they they have tried in so I don’t like this look out Lulu please look out please look out please look out please look out they’re coming for you please look out please look out look out Lulu please look out oh my [ __ ] god

Away if you can’t be doing this right now Oh [ __ ] oh no I’m gonna lose my levels these guys are gonna kill me yeah there’s a lot of them that’s for sure what okay oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I need to eat something oh my God Lulu if you need shelter get into the [ __ ] house okay oh wait my wolf

Did you fall Wait that’s my did you fall I didn’t fall I didn’t fall the the drown the drowned are gonna fall why are they going over there [ __ ] idiot oh that’s so funny yeah wow oh is yours hey we did it is your wolf gonna attack me I’m scared I’m scared of your wolf

Oh yeah oh can we do it wait where’s my dog oh he’s right there he’s right there yeah please make him sit I’m scared That was scary hello what can we join and welcome to see if he sucks he’s not building my Sousa Shrine what’s this you just hit your dog animal abuser what the [ __ ] is wrong with you you’re gonna kill your own dog no no I’m poke not on purpose I like doggy

I like puppy Thank you you’re welcome you’re very welcome thank you Lula I’m very welcome thank you you’re welcome you’re welcome thank you you’re welcome thank you you’re welcome thank you you’re welcome thank you yep Nice shoes bro huh nice shoes oh thanks I like how we’re both wearing our um old oh oh wait wait what’s going on purpose you [ __ ] hate me you have a bone what is what good is this gonna do for me huh a bone what am I gonna do chew on it [Laughter] Oh wait maybe she feed my dog the bone and then it will it will feel better somehow I feel like that’s not gonna work but okay wait I can’t feed it to him it’s not working no give me the bone give me the phone back

I need a I don’t need the bun anymore actually I can’t feed him the bone anyway I have to give him like like meat of some kind though we can’t do that yet yeah you’re right um I like how no one explained to me what a suzu was I feel like Zan doesn’t actually care that much about suzu because he’s just not explaining it Shame Shame SMH that’s amazing SMH also Lulu I didn’t realize but it’s getting kind of late should we call this soon yeah okay But um we should put all our stuff in the inventory just in case something bad happens to it when we’re gone you know what what’s gonna happen what’s gonna happen I don’t know I don’t know I feel like you know something that I don’t the way that

You’re talking right now did you put it in no I didn’t do that um you know I feel like maybe I shouldn’t do that actually no you’d probably do it and also you should probably eat something uh what good is eating gonna do for me when you’re gonna [ __ ] knock me off

Of the platform huh it will it won’t be a fair fight well are we just gonna lose our levels Just want to lose all of our levels you’re [ __ ] eating so slowly in my face Stop welcome back to my ASMR muffin look at me hey hey I have 10 levels I have 10 levels I have one half hearts leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] This is not [ __ ] Fair anyway that was really fun what do you think Fun that was a lot of fun I’m glad you didn’t kill me No it’s a little hi hi it’s a little hard to talk to you uh from the other side of the house so you want to come out Scared of you you’re not gonna hurt me let’s say bye to chat okay That was really fun yeah we made a lot of progress that was really good I’m surprised this this plug-in is more in-depth than I thought it was gonna be yep Well we’ll see we’ll see where part two takes us if there is even an Ender burden [ __ ] if we can make it to the end I feel like this is really expensive but it’s fun it really is extensive yeah but I I have fun and lots of fun yeah me too

Um how many times do we fall I think there is statistics are there statistics yep Uh where’s where’s deaths Are deaths here somewhere Justin’s Fallen I’ve fallen 420 meters how many how much have you fallen Um meter wise yeah for distance it says distance Fallen how much have you fallen Justin’s fun um it says 0.52 kilometers 0.52 kilometers be up zero what you’re a liar oh you know what it is probably I up oh because you disconnected a few times yeah oh cheater Oh it does say number of deaths okay um check your number of deaths where where’s that is it not like it’s alphabetical the N section in section yeah it’s an alphabetical numbers number of deaths six all right guys what about you 11. I win yeah yeah

Let’s go let’s [ __ ] go and just for bonus bonus that um where is it player kills I got three where’s my place two Ella I guess if we were going to generalize it I have I’m the most clumsiest and I guess the most murdered and info is the most careful yeah and those of you who voted me s m h you lost Well that was fun that was fun yeah I think when we weren’t pitted against each other and trying to kill each other we made a great team I liked it better when we were just fight it was much more fun We should play like a competitive game next time yeah we should house but I think Skyblock was a lot more fun yeah that’s what your [ __ ] dog sounds like no that’s what you sound like all right well no thank you Chad for coming by it was really fun yeah Thank you Foreign Foreign Foreign foreign Thank you thank you foreign

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT ONEBLOCK】Skybound Claustrophobia with @lulubelleVT! #YufouLIVE #VTuber #ENVTuber’, was uploaded by Takatsuki Yufou Ch. タカツキ・ユーフォー on 2023-09-12 03:25:10. It has garnered 118 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 04:49:46 or 17386 seconds.

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    ModArchyWelcome to ModArchy! ModArchy is a heavily modded FULL ANARCHY server hosted on an EX series server from ApexHosting. Some of the most notable mods are Ice and Fire, Born In Chaos, Aether, Twilight Forest, Sky Villages, and MANY more. A still somewhat vanilla feel, but with a heavy dose of chaotic and goofy changes to the experience. Easy download instructions and modpack can be found in the discord. The server is still very new and open to suggestions for config changes and mod additions/removals. Please report any crashes/bugs to me in the discord! For new players, I recommend making… Read More

  • Akoot&Co Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 Discord Events Building-Focused

    Welcome to Akoot & Co Join our crossplay server for a classic Minecraft experience. Our semi-vanilla community offers a fresh world with quality-of-life enhancements for the ultimate gameplay. Features Discord Server (Discord + Minecraft integration) World Map (dynmap) Bedrock support (Geyser) Unlimited Homes No pesky land claims (Honor system + rollbacks) KeepInventory (Optional per player!) Timed Ranks/Custom Titles Text Formatting (+Gradients!) Brewery (no game-breaking items) Big boy ram and big boy processor (minimal lag) Delight in unlimited homes, a grief-free environment, and integrated Discord chat. Explore our world map online and enjoy the game for free. Join a community that… Read More

  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.craftlime.net (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Secret Hideout

    Minecraft Memes - Steve's Secret HideoutSteve’s hiding place is so good, even the Ender Dragon can’t find him! Read More

  • Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars

    Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars Welcome, gamers, to Egg Wars Level 2, Where secrets and strategies will be unveiled for you. Pedro and Ali, ready to dominate the game, With tips and tricks that will bring you fame. Eggshells cracking, alliances forming, In this virtual world, where battles are swarming. Pedro Castillo, the master of the craft, With skills so sharp, his opponents are daft. Ali Deniz Senpotuk, a force to be reckoned with, In Egg Wars, his strategies always a hit. Together they conquer, with teamwork and might, In this game of survival, where day turns to night. So grab your eggs, and… Read More

  • Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t… Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol

    Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t... Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol Looks like this villager is taking the term “sleeping on the job” to a whole new level! I guess even in Minecraft, some villagers just can’t resist a good nap, no matter where they are. #lazyvillager #minecraftnaps Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the latest updates in the Minecraft modding community. While watching a recent YouTube video about Minecraft mods, you may have come across some exciting new additions to the game. But have you ever thought about taking your Minecraft experience to the next level by joining a unique and thrilling Minecraft server? Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive alongside other passionate Minecraft players. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its dynamic gameplay and dedicated community, Minewind offers an immersive Minecraft… Read More

  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

    5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft Minecraft Hub Plugin Paketi: Oyun Dolu Macera! Minecraft, milyonlarca oyuncunun dünyasına kapılarını açan eşsiz bir sanal platformdur. Bu platformda, hayal gücünüzü kullanarak kendi dünyanızı yaratabilir, maceraya atılabilir ve diğer oyuncularla etkileşime geçebilirsiniz. İşte bu eğlenceli dünyada, 5 oyunlu hub plugin paketi Minecraft oyuncularına benzersiz bir deneyim sunuyor. Oyun Dolu Paket Detayları Bu özel paket, play.coleria.com.tr adresindeki sunucuda kullanılmaktadır. Paketin içeriğindeki oyunlar, oyunculara farklı ve heyecan dolu deneyimler yaşatmak için özenle seçilmiştir. Ayrıca, paketin sunucu sitesi olan www.coleria.com.tr adresinden de daha fazla bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Discord Sunucu ve Paket Edinme Eğer bu heyecan verici paketi edinmek istiyorsanız, Discord sunucularına katılabilir ve… Read More

  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

    Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 - Join the Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘|Join!|Building+Chill [Minecraft] 1.21’, was uploaded by DuckGoRawr on 2024-08-30 13:37:30. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:49 or 7669 seconds. Like and Subscribe Plz it help lots lol Join My Discord!- https://discord.gg/crKw3X5TJw Comment What you think I should do next! . . . . . . Ignore the tags – #viral #live #stream #viral #youtube #duck #gaming #video #chill #edit #gamer #anime #shorts, #youtubeshorts, #viral, #trending, #subscribe, #foryou, #foryoupage, #fyp, #explorepage, #discover, #viralvideo, #tiktok, #instagram, #youtube, #reels #minecraft # chill Read More

  • Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!

    Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 3 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join :)’, was uploaded by Dark Corrupt A on 2024-04-09 20:21:34. It has garnered 156 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:08 or 16928 seconds. Paypal: paypal.me/DarkCorruptA (if u wana help me fully without the cring 30% cut Youtube does xd) Discord: https://discord.gg/m5PKeyykCg Thumbnail Artist: @darkcorrupta Minecraft SMP Rules: 1. No Hacks or Cheats (Permeant Ban) 2. No Slurs (Permeant Ban) 3. Not Following Common Sense (Permeant Ban) 4. If you kill someone without a valid… Read More

  • Arctic Sythe’s EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSythe

    Arctic Sythe's EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSytheVideo Information This video, titled ‘The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || Hindi || ArcticSythe’, was uploaded by Arctic Sythe on 2024-04-19 19:35:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:04 or 544 seconds. The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || ArcticSythe Hindi gameplay Its my new journey so hit the like button *Do Subscribe and *Hit the bell icon 🔔 Okay💛…That was It Hopefully You Enjoyed the video Hit That like button 😜 Subscribe 😁 and Share 😇… See Ya in the… Read More

  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

    Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMCVideo Information This video, titled ‘FlexMC / Buz Parçalama’, was uploaded by zSimpeZ on 2024-01-07 13:20:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

    Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:03. It has garnered 62 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer’s Insane Minecraft Animation

    HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer's Insane Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE REGENGE minecraft animation #minecraft#shots #viral’, was uploaded by Devil Gamer nep on 2024-04-28 08:50:53. It has garnered 42 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌

    Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘Alien Ritual Ground Unveiled! 🌌 – Walter’s Minecraft Videos for Kids’, was uploaded by Walter the Wildlife Explorer on 2024-08-15 22:00:34. It has garnered 8434 views and 281 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Welcome to Walter the Wildlife Explorer’s Adventure: Minecraft Epic Jungle Safari Speed Run Exploration! 🌳🦊 Hey there, little explorers! It’s Walter the Wildlife Explorer, and today I’m here to remind you of the amazing adventures waiting for you just outside your door. But first, let me tell you about something super cool – I’ve been playing… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: GOLDYGAMER22 BUILDS LARGEST MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the BIGGEST Castle in Minecraft! EPIC 2024’, was uploaded by GoldyGamer22 on 2024-08-12 02:14:00. It has garnered 165 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:29 or 449 seconds. Welcome to my channel! In this epic Minecraft video, I take on the challenge of building the BIGGEST castle you’ve ever seen! Join me as I craft an ultimate fortress, showcasing incredible designs, intricate details, and massive structures that will leave you in awe. Watch as I gather resources, construct towering walls, and add stunning features like grand halls, secret rooms, and majestic… Read More

  • Minecraft Build Hacks – EPIC Pocket Edition Tricks!

    Minecraft Build Hacks - EPIC Pocket Edition Tricks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Build Hacks Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.20 [ Part 1 ] #minecraft #shorts #shortsvideo #mcpe #build’, was uploaded by Creyou Playz on 2024-03-23 11:30:11. It has garnered 10142 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. #minecraft #short #trending #minecraftjava #mcpehindi #minecraftshorts #youtubeshortsr #youtubeshortsr #shorts #shortvideo #shortvideo #subscribe #shortsvideo #shortsvideo #status #shortsfeed #song #share #sad #music #meme #motivational #naruto #mobilelegends #m#youtubeshortsr #makeup #asmr #anime #art #attitude #army #animals #amazing #alightmotion #alightmotion #ajjubhai #minecraft top shaders 1.19 #minecraft #roblox #cake recipe #chainsaw man #chod video #cubecraft #evident #eystreem #famous water park #football… Read More

Takatsuki Yufou Ch. タカツキ・ユーフォー – 【MINECRAFT ONEBLOCK】Skybound Claustrophobia with @lulubelleVT! #YufouLIVE #VTuber #ENVTuber