Technoblade Charity Stream George’s POV Full VOD

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Guys everyone donate and you can your message can show up right here your message can show up right here and I can read it so wait let’s see this one oh yeah like like one two three four five six wait I want to work it out so how often does it update

Three four five six seven eight okay it’s like every five seconds every five seconds it updates and then it shows all the ones that happen in that five seconds so wait every okay people are donating like every second okay someone just said what’s the charity for I guess I can open this I’m

Assuming this is gonna be a good indicator of what it’s for let’s see I haven’t actually read this created a memory of Alexander technoblade isn’t is an organization that strives to help young people find their voice and realize their dreams um let me zoom in why not the

Um and realize their dreams following Alex’s death his father known as oh my God I can’t read known online as Mr technoblade connected with the enormous community that had grown up around his son they were grieving yet they were full of energy and ideas about how to

Enact change in their own worlds after talking to a number of young people in the community in his wife stacy street partnered with the sarcoma Foundation to launch the one of us Global Foundation hmm through mentorship scholarship and Global networks of support and Community techno dad and Stacy aspire to help

Young people across the globe follow and access footsteps by giving them the tools resources and personal empowerment to change the landscape of their world just as technically did so there you guys go that is what it’s all about two hundred dollars um how much we are now

It’s almost about to hit 10 000. it’s almost at ten thousand so um when actually does it start let me check I think we start in like okay so something happens in about 10 minutes and then something happens five minutes after that based off this I’m leaking I’m leaking the schedule

Oh my God ten thousand ten thousand dollars has been hit already very good job guys claps claps claps everyone clap let’s see where we are now I just like watching it like flow in hi George hi hi oh my God another one here from Georgia’s stream this view techno thank

You thank you for the fifty dollars very generous donation thank you I don’t know I don’t know why I just yeah I don’t know I felt weird saying thank you like why am I saying thank you like I guess yes thank you it’s like it’s not for me but I guess it’s good

Okay okay look everyone’s saying my name guys I’m not trying to I didn’t want to make this about me it’s not about me guys but thank you for donating thank you look I guess if it means more people donate then sure put my name in it but so guys George told me to

Yes go donate guys give your money yo this is it’s kind of funny being able to just be like yeah give all your money now immediately because because I don’t have to feel bad about it because it goes to charity you know like I don’t have to feel like

I’m stealing money from people because usually I kind of feel bad I’m like you don’t need to donate like it’s fine don’t do that but but now I can just be like yeah look George forced me to do this yeah exactly exactly this is crazy how many I got like coming in

11 400 so far this is crazy I don’t have any money that’s fine because guess what just by watching the Stream and getting ads for example that money will then be donated to the charity so even just by watching and not giving a single penny you are giving money

It’s a good job just by sitting here even if you have to go guys you can literally just leave the stream open just leave it open wait yeah you could just leave it open and then you’ll get ads and then and then that money goes to charity so

You if you’ve got to go out somewhere just be all right I’m just leaving my computer on and just leave it on leave it on because why not why is cold water so good can you can anyone explain that like why is it so much better than warm water

I’m actually kind of interested to know the answer because it’s cold I don’t think so also I think this song is a no let’s go to the very beginning what’s the very first song okay this is too like this is too much let’s go back here

I’m just I’m on five hours of Super Mario music so explain that the messages are like hi George good good if if you putting my name in the donation makes you donate then do it that’s Goofy um what was I gonna say I had something ah what’s happening why can I hear stuff

How do I mute it I just open twitch and it’s wait what where’s the mute button wait what how can I not mute it can’t mute it cool interesting interesting twitch very interesting that you do that this song sucks Mario who made the song okay this one’s pretty Epic

Don’t worry guys George said so donate how much we have let’s see thirteen thousand dollars and it’s all going straight to me okay I’m actually I’m gonna say it that was definitely a joke because I don’t want people to think that and donate less that was a joke

That was a joke it’s not going to me the cold okay wait we have an answer the cold temperature of the water makes it better at activating the sensors which held the body you’re quenched is that true is that actually true okay someone else says according to Google cold drinks

Tastes better because our taste receptors are temperature sensitive cold temperatures suppress the excessive Sweetness in sodas and reduce the perceived bitterness in alcoholic drinks the cold stimulus is also pleasurable due to the status of the satiation of thirst and the refreshing effect well explain that I guess that that makes sense somehow

It does somehow make sense it does it I don’t know I don’t even know okay very shortly less than a few minutes we will be getting something interesting I don’t know if I’m out to say so I’m not gonna say it but it will happen supposedly in two minutes let’s see

Sam not message me where’s the IP all right I will get you the IP sum up I will do I will find it oh let’s see right here this is the server IP copy paste there you go Sat Nav Um I’m addicted to being poor good donation message George said so I I like this George said so meme just like yeah George says so so I’m gonna give give them my money hi George hi hi wait some people on the server I can join the server let me see what is this

Way what is this where am I what is this Wait wait what’s happening why am I just in Black oh wait let me let me duplicate this and call this one charity drag this up now here to Minecraft and I can hide this and then and then and go here make this one charity and then if I press this with my

Foot bang charity I press this with my foot full screen this is my foot Minecraft perfect but in Minecraft I like to have a camera over here foot controls yeah it’s all foot controlled Isn’t that cool why why do I think that’s so cool that I can control it with my fur

Is it okay it’s because it is cool okay I’m in so I actually oh wait I’m what team am I I’m team three so wait what happens if I go in here Oh I’m not whitelisted okay puns donate three wait look how do I show it wait left puns donate three thousand dollars puns is rich puns gave three thousand dollars where to get three thousand dollars from Hans is Rich Let’s Go good job puns very nice proud of you puns I want to go in the portal I’m not white listed look [Applause] am I going to sapnap it’s sapnap I’m just gonna click him hey guys look who it is streaming sound map we just need skeppy why skeppy

Hey line up sum up get on the line get in the line up line up idiot I want a screenshot line up trim’s running away no I’m in the middle I’m in the middle quick I’m gonna screenshot we’re now in the middle quick quick that one counted yes wait did I get it

Okay that one counts look at this wait how does this work I don’t even how do I do this where is wait my computer is lagging my computer is lagging come on oh my God my computer is lagged my computer’s lagged okay it’s fixed uh Minecraft screenshots look

See I was in the middle I was in the middle see it’s official it’s official I was in the middle okay wait oh my God I know I said two minutes and that was five minutes ago but apparently that late so sapnap huh what’s up here I’m like oh it’s like parkour

Okay I’m gonna do the parkour um on all right it’s skeppy Manhunt where is skeppy whoa see how high I just flew where is Skippy um we are restarting we’re a little bit about technical difficulties and reach on the server oh my God they’re resigned the server I

Can’t believe this where’s Gabby we must find scappy oh my God it’s tubbo all right skeppy on where’s skappy where is he wait where is he um he’s not dead Taco’s alive oh my God no way how’s he here hey where is Skippy he’s got to be here somewhere oh How do you get up there would you look at that I know we can hear this and you can hear this gappy there he is wait how does he go to how do you have a bell where you get Belle give Bell wait am I pressing that did that I don’t even know

Skippy I have a bell what do I do with that oh look yeah Oh oh Skippy Like this Bell skeppy No oh he’s hiding in a little crevice come with me Skippy join me scuffy down here join me on the Forbidden waterfall yes what they shut us down we were getting too powerful we were getting too powerful how much are we at twenty thousand dollars congratulations guys do it again do it

Again another twenty thousand do it again do it again oh you have to rejoin immediately are you over right you’re right let me see it didn’t work it didn’t work it’s not letting me in um it’s not like me in guys it’s literally not working oh it’s working

Now we can see everyone’s spawning in slowly but surely we’re restarting okay follow he doesn’t care follow me this way this way everyone they’re not following me why aren’t they following me they don’t care they don’t care wait there’s a secret Island over here fine oh no oh okay I closed yo um

I think I can climb all the way up I wonder if I can climb all the way up wait okay I can can we climb to the total of this tree though this tree is pretty high up because you can’t just infinitely spam it you know like sometimes it glitches and you get

You get two okay wait a second boom okay we’re making it up making it up what why would they do that why would they do that it’s okay I’m going back they can’t hold me in they can’t hold me they they owe me finding out the truth that’s what it is they’re hiding

Something on the top of that tree I know it I know they’re hiding something at the top of that tree and they don’t want me to know what it is for some reason interesting interesting how that is isn’t it peculiar let’s see if I can get back in now still broken

Having issues huh um wait wait oh okay let’s see I can’t join I can’t join let me in please please let me in please oh my God I can’t get in I can’t get in I cannot get in join the voice chat what’s happening everyone needs to come to the Bogner Festival

After this pardon guys I’ll be I’ll be at the the pier that fell into the ocean bogn appear I’ll be there um for the start of the book the festival and we’ll do you know the ceremonial like knife passing ceremony yeah we can actually we can actually you

Know we can go down to the bogging a Sailing Club and we can go to pagam Lagoon yeah yeah it’s really really sail because the water is so thick oh in fact in Lagoon there’s a there’s a type of algae that grows that is poisonous to ingest there’s a type of what

About like say it again your skin can you no you can’t you have to shower really quick it gives you big rashes no he literally outrageous they actually have Goo Lagoon there it’s called pagam Lagoon pagam Lagoon not Goo Lagoon Pagan Lagoon I think goo is better actually I think you should

What is going on what is going on in here I have no idea what is going on wrong VC I I don’t think so I mean that was the only VC so I mean I don’t I don’t really know everyone’s saying wrong VC that’s the VC there’s only one VC

I mean technically there’s two but there’s no one in the other one so interesting not as interesting though as the fact that I cannot get in this Minecraft server why can I not get in let me in please please let me in it’s not letting me in

I just want to go in I just want to climb the tree that’s all I want that’s all I’m asking for that’s all I ask for okay they’re trying to fix the server what on the street is they’re trying to fix the server that’s all I know It just happened oh snap look who came crawling back to Papa excuse me what what did you say I said look who came calling back to Papa and Chloe gifted me five stars but Chloe shouldn’t be gifting me five Subs Chloe yeah that’s what he wants you to

Think what’s up once all the subs he wants the subs wants you to donate to him wait puns donated punch is a Top Donut yeah Huns is like literally a billionaire apparently dude wait why is Click starting soon punches look puns is the thing yeah puns gave three thousand dollars

He said he said apparently ponzachi messaged me and he said that he did it because you said you would you would match him bro the puns is rich as you can see the puns is like Filthy Rich my God this is disgustingly Rich all right what wait

He’s wait punses in my stream wait puns aside from the charity just donate me money that’s a good point just give me some money come on puns you didn’t give me three thousand dollars to charity and give like a thousand to me right like I mean you

Would think you would be able to do that twenty two thousand dollars raise and we haven’t even played any of the game yeah we haven’t even started I don’t know I mean the the event is is uh it’s broken one was three so if you go to Minecraft the server is

Down and it’s quite simply not up um what skappy that is actually a great question I’m actually in Sam nap straps chat I’m stream hopping and homie hopping okay that one bucko I don’t know I think puns should come back to my stream uh hey get over here hey puns get over here

Come come type in this chat no come back come back to me don’t don’t even pretend like your pun’s friend bro let me see what you got to say don’t even let him pretend like like he’s your friend I knew pumps before no you didn’t first of

All I did no no you didn’t puns who knew you first how would you have known there’s no way you knew puns before me how how would you how all right when did what if you had to guess what year did you know puns like right when munchie was created oh that’s weird

How about that I did I did it and if you didn’t mean we’re better friends now so you can suck it there’s no evidence to back that there’s evidence there’s no evidence there actually is like tons of evidence I don’t think so I think there’s like a ludicrous amount of evidence

When’s the last time you saw puns bro when was the last time you saw buns like literally not even that long ago like on like Sylvie Street like maybe less than a week that’s true that is true you knew George first but who’s your better friend puns let’s be realistic obviously it’s me

Stop popping like a rabbit like the rabbit you are see now he’s insulting you dude you know why you’re a rabbit you know what rabbits rabbits do you don’t even know you don’t even want to know what he says about you off stream the fact that he’s saying this stuff on

Stream should really like give that I actually have a secret recording of what Santa said about puns Australia that’s funny because I have a recording of what George said about puns I’m just I’ve been staring at my chat and I’m actually just bewildered at the fact that puns

Hasn’t said anything in chat no because puns are staying here where he belongs he’s saying with his friend puns I didn’t even tell you but a deer hit my car well I think you hit the I did not hit the deer don’t even like well like realistically you were driving you sold

A day and you thought it’d be funny to speed up to like scare her and then and then you go too fast here I’m good and George you can’t you can’t say these kind of things on stream because you know what I saw George doing I saw

George doing cocaine in his room alone you’re just sitting in there snorting at all waiting to my chat yes yes puns is here let’s go puns is a George enjoyer you heard it here first and you know what else I saw George doing since we’re in we’re gonna lie and

I’m not lying for the record but um since George decided to lie I decided I would just uh tell the truth um so I went into George’s room right right he didn’t know that I snuck in because he accidentally left his door unlocked right as I do

I walk in okay he’s sitting on his bed eating his boogers I’m not even lying he’s just sitting there picking his nose eating his boogers relentlessly all right did I say George stop and he won’t stop there’s nothing I can do to stop him it’s actually disgusting but

Actually it’s funny that you mentioned that because that reminds me of something that you did that I caught you doing so satnap usually always locks his door right he’s pretty on top of it but for some reason he chose not to lock it this day and I I

Typically don’t even try opening his door because I know it’s locked but for some reason I just had like a spidey sense that that door would be unlocked I go over to it pull the handle it opens imagine the shock in my brain when not only does the door open in your

Brain but I opened that door and the first thing I see is him squatting like this let me show you he was literally squatting like this right hands in the air no shirt okay shirtless panelists as well as that and he was just completely defecating all over the

Floor whilst rubbing his nipples yeah speaking of defeating that reminds me of a story recently so again I go to George’s room and typically you know he’s very on top of locking his door he’s always locking his door I pull the handle unlocked and slowly open the door they’d

Be quiet okay I close I sneak around the corner I look into George’s room he doesn’t see me this is the thing he he’s hanging upside down from his ceiling upside down right defecating on himself it’s sliding it’s sliding it’s sliding down his stomach onto his face and then

Onto the floor and I’m thinking George why are you doing that but it gets worse it gets worse why how’s it get worse than that he’s eating it all right we’re just being gross now we need to stop well that was gross and made up but I do have one real story

That I can tell you about so true story sign up actually does usually lock his door but yeah this time was different yeah because I was actually he didn’t even know I was here but I was just hanging out in the communal area of the house right and I heard Sam’s door open

Right I’m thinking oh that’s interesting he walks down the stairs straight pause me he doesn’t even see me so I’m like oh interesting he didn’t even see me so I thought oh interesting idea I’m gonna go upstairs and sneak into his room whilst he’s not there I get into that room

And I hide under his desk okay now he comes in close the door locks it he thinks he’s safe he thinks he’s in a completely safe space does he know I’m hiding underneath of his desk anyway he comes into his room slides in like this and his feet right next to my

Face he almost kicks me now what happens next is gonna start with you so what happens next we’re going to startle you so I’m under this desk he doesn’t even know I’m there he gets a phone call he picks it up he’s like hello you said it like that I don’t know

Why he did it like that and I was like oh who’s he talking to and then as if the luckiest day had ever happened he puts it on speaker now guess who it is I I hear I hear someone getting sweaty right now because he knows what I’m talking about I was actually

I almost saying call no it wasn’t call it was puns now you might think you know where this is going but oh oh you do not wait pause proceeds to absolutely destroy him he says how he hates him how he prefers me how not only is he an

Idiot but not part of the sat nav but puns never even liked him and he thinks he’s stupid and for that reason puns hopped over to my chat today and said hello that’s really interesting now let that sink in I just let that sink in that was

Very similar no I don’t think you have anything you have no skills you have absolutely the stories accidentally it’s not locked how is my door not locked my door is always locked you’re just wrong well I’ve tried to open your door many times and this is like the third time as many

Highs did you just say did you say many highs no I said many times right no listen I go into George’s room he’s on the phone it’s a very similar story except he’s on the phone with his mother right and he’s talking to her and I’m thinking what are they talking about she’s

Talking about how bad she wants someone and I’m like that’s an interesting conversation to be having with George and I listen in and she’s talking about me and I’m thinking what the heck now that’s crazy dude that’s funny because I don’t think that happened and it’s funny because you’ve

Ripped that story exactly from me except you changed it from mother and you from your father to me changing I’m changing my headset I can’t hear you so yeah I mean he will never admit it but that story was his dad talking about wanting me which is weird why would he want me

That’s his dad peculiar right all right oh crap yeah let’s wait for him to get back I wouldn’t want to like oh welcome back well where do we go from here I don’t know is it server but the servers up and they’re playing the event we’re just sitting here talking about

Such stupid things oh oh it’s not up I thought it was but it wasn’t I was mistaken it’s just wait when I joined it just says you’re trying to connect to the server and I’m just like in the void unlike me I’m in the server we I’m in the server

I’m in the server meet me at the top of the tree if you know how to get though bro I know how to get there so are you doing I know how to get there you don’t know how to get there why isn’t my Minecraft Source working

This is making me angry oh Sonos Angie meet me at the top of the tree already can you shut up I’ve got important news to tell you but it can only be told at the top at the top of the tree Time lap sign up what are you doing I’m trying to like get my Minecraft on my screen holy crap streamlabs it’s sucking I don’t care maybe you have to stop the tree ooh he’s flying your honor he’s spreading his wings and flying like a little bird

Stand up meet me at the top of the damn tree from George if you don’t shut up yeah then what what are you gonna do there’s gonna be consequences I don’t think there will be there will be I think you’re all talk no severe consequences for your actions oh my God

Sign up I’m about to stop the tree meet me here okay there we go I fixed it GG all right I’m coming to the top of the tree yeah you’re not gonna be able to reach me I just don’t think you have the skills necessary honestly I’m gonna be real with you okay

Your mother doesn’t seem to think so yeah I mean as we already walked out that’s a made-up story it’s not a made-up story where are you no it’s over the tree I can tell you that huh it’s not necessarily true it could be on top of the tree I just felt something

What’d you feel oh look there’s hello there’s an easy way on top of the tree guys that’s an idiot at my door look who it is it’s idiots you realize like everyone’s like playing Hypixel right I’m playing on top of the tree oh everyone’s been like going high things

Doing what 20 minutes playing like Star Wars and stuff oh my way having more fun we are having me I saw you muted in the thing though I was like wondering if you guys were doing something oh Discord I’m gonna rip it guys I’m gonna rip his

Mask off are you in two places I’m gonna rip his mask off uh unless you uh donate to the charity wait unless wait no they they won whatever I think I said that wrong all right I’m on top of this wait why are you here you just left this room oh whatever

Top of the tree just left his stream that’s crazy I just I just realized like wait isn’t he meant to be live like what’s going on like well I made it on top of it he came in he came in he’s like you know everybody’s playing right

Like what is he doing what was that that’s funny you left yeah you guys like one guy one second guys I’m gonna go see what George is doing he just walks upstairs are you still like knocking on my door this is so dumb that’s funny he left his own stream that’s awesome

All right it’s it’s kind of nice up here yeah Trace me I don’t want to change that you can’t touch me wait you’re lagging you’re lagging well to be fair the sub is lagging neither of us all again you’re lagging no this stuff is lagging

I got you I got you I touched you I don’t believe it I don’t believe it I faked you out oh you out again psych you thought I don’t know you know how my eyes be splash yeah skeppy is going nicely so what on the street is people are playing Hypixel um wait what are they doing what if we like stream snipe them you like the sound of that don’t you sign up

Eat up in game in VC what does that mean mute up in game in VC I think you meant NVC oh it’s it was techno dad speech time wait it’s happening um yeah just Skippy and velvet they mean nothing to you what’s happening yeah yeah there it is

I’m in a really big room all by myself rejoin the game is the direction I have been given rejoin the game I’m in the game I’m in the game sorry unmute should I say something what should I say wait I have a great idea check this out I’m gonna play a soundboard

Is gonna be the greatest meme of all time no no reaction huh why no response huh let me see how it is okay that one wasn’t me that one wasn’t me that one wasn’t me Hello [Laughter] oh my God that’s funny hi hi I’m having the greatest time uh yes George don’t do that it’s annoying that’s not me George I watch your name it’s not me it is an issue with your computer George really it wasn’t me it wasn’t me I saw that it was you George it was it was more than just me it was other people

Too okay who was it wait that’s crazy I don’t know I didn’t see uh-huh doesn’t have enough this [Applause] George this is for charity George George of the Jungle event I didn’t do anything it wasn’t me George come on George I’d really come on man good so how much have you donated

Given you’re like a you know multi yeah um wait not a lot of sounds now George you’re talking about stuff feeling real disappointed in you I’m not feeling it yet but I’m about to get there tell me before the event that he didn’t plan on donating anything I’m incredibly disappointed

Yeah George is the energy The Vibes we’re giving off today I can’t believe it honestly I just feel like we were all fine until George joined the call and said he hates charity like that’s when that was a weird moment of the call that I was there

Yeah no dad you just tell us when you want us all to like we’re ready for the speed we’re all ready okay everybody so it’s time it’s time for the speech no soundboards okay and how’s my how’s my volume level can everybody hear me all right hey everybody Mr technodad here and if

There’s one thing I know about young people it’s that when there’s a big collection of them all together like this the one thing that they really look for is some Boomer to stand in front of them and talk for a long time before things can start so I’ve prepared a 15-page speech

Um but I think you know since we’re starting a little late I’m going to just pass on that um I will say uh just here’s a story that I haven’t anonymized so I’m going to anonymize it on the fly in my head but one time I was working for a very very big

Company and I was in charge of a server migration and the server migration was like on the order of a 400 million dollar operation and we had one specific weekend to do it in and we had to have everything completed uh by the time the Tokyo office came online on a Monday

Morning and I had a team and I had my team whipped into shape and we practiced you know dry runs of the migration uh twice a week for months ahead of the actual date and when everything was going absolutely smoothly I gave the order for us to do the migration it was

A 48-hour operation to do and I put my best person in charge of the most important key piece so she started that going like around 6 p.m on a Friday night and she called me in the middle of the night in the early hours of Saturday and said it failed

Speaking specifically of a piece that had worked every single time during our dry run when we did it for real it choked so nobody on my team should feel bad about the technical difficulties that we’ve just been experiencing for the last hour or so anyway um thank you everyone for coming especially

Thank you to all of our creators I love you guys you’re awesome and everyone who’s watching I love you guys too today is a big day for a charity I am following in my son’s Footsteps in terms of Minecraft charity events I taught him

So much and he taught me so much so I’m excited um I plan to continue my whole thing about not knowing what’s going on uh because I don’t actually hardly know what’s going on but I got some enthusiasm so that’ll have to make up for it yay presumably the other

Creators here do actually know what’s going on so I’ll wander around asking them annoying questions or whatever I don’t know so charity charity event fun times Minecraft keyword let’s go hashtag keyword guys that’s it for the that’s it for the opening everyone put hashtag keyboard in the chat Um Thank you so much no I was I was muted it couldn’t have been me it’s pretty good timing I’ll say that all right now what happens I don’t know who knows can we do the thing yeah I’m ready wait we’re doing something today we’re farming spuds I thought this was I was

Going back to bed oh this is just like nor Harvest Congress um Wait oh oh we just go in oh do we need to join our chaps oh I think so I think I’m gonna go in talk to you guys so great bye guys love you all bye oh my God I can’t click it hello wait hello all

Right guys guys listen I know listen to me this is guys speech there’s a speech I don’t know bro’s muted look I know this is like a a four fun event but we’re gonna win this wait I can kill this possum kill him go go go

I’m gonna come back I’m gonna make a sword I’m gonna make a sword I’m gonna kill it as well hey wait I’m joking don’t kill them I think they’re on our team they’re all team I think so I think I think these are viewers and I think they’re on our teams here

They’re on our team so look wait look you can you can buy better things with potatoes how look there’s like a store wait how do we get potatoes in the first place well I think they’re gonna spawn soon I think I think it’s probably the way you normally make potatoes probably

Maybe look you don’t have enough potatoes to buy it look yeah you have to buy you have to farm the potatoes and then you can buy efficient hoe nearby Mega efficient hope Ultra efficient home and you can get a bundle which I guess holds more potatoes or something is there gonna be because

You can only get a potato like in Village right George’s mom is the is the mega no Ultra efficient all right I gotta I got a potato okay wait I found this mom look it’s it’s right here it’s the it’s the Classico all right your mom’s a [ __ ] planter

All right look shut up wait it’s Gabby all right guys are you ready are you ready to farm some potatoes eat my potato we need a we need like bone meal or something wait wait ghost what if we go to the water come to this water wait a minute wait it started

Wait the time is going on yeah follow the potatoes wait it’s begun my potato eat my potato okay everyone hold the land not very smart oh my God wait what so like George why are you screaming they’re throwing them in the thing but we need them to farm more we have nine

Points right now but we need we do need them for more but like team one has a 139 wait yeah they’re already going we need to go wait where did you get the potatoes from something wait I didn’t even realize we started already wait wait okay let’s go guys we need a strategy

All right we we lost already it was this no no no I found a speed boost does it apply to everyone I’m getting the speed boost because we can use it we can spend potatoes we save potatoes and we spend them they don’t get speed boost no oh

Wait I found potato multiplier times two oh look they’re forming them do it okay I did anywhere I should run like maybe if I go find a village I’m coming back potatoes I’m in creative mode as well what what is it like a perk do we get is

It from donating oh yeah it probably is spawn hell of potatoes hurry hurry make a chest make a chest dream make a chest and spawn hello potato hey I’m doing I’m doing it hey look put potatoes in here wait is this I don’t know I hope I’m not

I feel like I feel like it’s because of the donations I’m I’m spotting potatoes oh just keep taking them guys I can’t is this like what I meant to do this chest just keep taking the potatoes take them out of this chest wait I’m an idiot potato and drop him in

The void taking a drop in the void I’m so bad at like spawning potatoes I don’t know you’re dropping the potatoes out of this chest just keep taking them keep taking them keep taking them oh wait that’s not what we’re supposed to do they broke it they broke it

Are we stopping oh is that rule breaking I have no idea that’s not how you play the game doesn’t know what are the rules what do I do what do we do I cut the stack of potatoes I kept a stack of potatoes what do we do okay

Get out of my way why my mind’s not being creative mode why am I I’m still in creative mode wait we’re in first right now I’m just buying potatoes and look I’m just buying potatoes in wait guys what do I do actually actually what do we do

It we’re not in first anymore see what happened wait so I don’t know like spawning in potatoes wait I’m an idiot but by the way by the ultra traffic wait I mean creative mode again oh yeah it’s from the perk it’s from the perk how many

How many potatoes is like you don’t have enough potatoes to buy this how do I get potatoes do I do I get potatoes by throwing them in boys everyone literally shut up I’m clutching how do you how do you buy the thing like how many how do you do you have to fill

Your whole inventory or something have enough I can donate I don’t have enough potatoes anymore apparently how I got I got Ultra we need water I got it wait I can just duplicate the Ultra Vision hose like why am I buying them oh yeah guys I’m dropping Ultra fishing hose on the ground

If you’re in creators to spawn in more guys we’re still we’re behind we’re literally losing we’re amazing okay everyone’s set up I’m dropping Stakes because everyone needs steak to eat right yeah I feel like you guys donate donate wait can you if people are buying us perks that’s what’s happening I don’t know

Is this is this like is this like good God all I know is that we’re losing right now so okay we’ve like literally like spawned in a billion potatoes spawn in more potatoes George okay that’s what’s happening also George give me a give me a super efficient hoe

Are you supposed to speak well you have no idea I think I think there’s like a donor perk that puts you in Creative where are you if you’ll donate to charity keep donating we’re literally we’re literally losing we’re here you idiot hey come over here idiot accident okay I’m smelling potatoes

Make a chest make a chest why they keep doing that I think I don’t think I don’t think you’re supposed to make a chest I’m I’m throwing out super efficient Hills for people why is it all dropping Bro Team Four is obviously and team are still uh look

They have 30 seconds yeah look they’re ahead of them they’re they’re like crushing us we have to cheat faster go how far were you behind a lot like 10 000 potatoes more than ten thousand I’m like I can’t click I I forget I did it the chest thing is probably better I

Don’t think it is more efficient I think it’s more efficient it is George look you’re doing it slower than what I’m doing I’m doing I’m doing yeah dream come over here do the chest thing I’m going as fast as I can guys no George you’re doing a really slow cheat

Because you can just do a chest and you can have all your minions guys I’m dropping a hoes for everyone everyone take these efficient hoes what do the hose even do though you get more potatoes when you farm them you can double click it to take it take them out look

That’s putting more I’m spawning more Blitz for everyone who’s dropping Gunk on me I don’t know okay wait idiot was dropping Gunk on me don’t drop Gunk on me what do I do like how do I spawn them the fastest yeah but like it’s like I’m just literally standing above the hole

Spawning a stack and dropping it in I’m telling you I’m telling you it’s forward it’s slow George it’s slower like I’m really smart because everyone’s grabbing myself and then okay I think that I think it hadn’t been I think I’m just saying no we’re literally we’re losing right now we’re not winning we’re

Winning now we’re winning now we’re winning now we’re still behind ten thousand okay look everyone take these potatoes look I’m feeling a chest that team farmed 52 000 potatoes I’m continuing guys come to the double chest I’m filling it with Luke why is someone taking it they can’t open it

Wait George weren’t you wait can they not open it they can’t open it I think I don’t know what the fastest way is oh my God I’m still doing double Jester I think George Don’t Touch This No One Like My Double chest wasn’t even like even like because you’re over there

I think these are all donors guys come closer over here George where everyone else is they come come closer to dreams like little thing wait I might I’ve got a strap I think I fill my entire creative mode how does that happen well I think that’s that’s a

Donator perk for sure oh is it like it’s from tilt whatever the thing is like the donation thing is there a way to like everyone click the link everyone but Cody and drag doesn’t fill it though it does feel it does feel it dream help this Noob it does hold Dragon then

Spread your spring swing your mouse around yeah but like it just spreads like not a whole stack no it does a whole stack if you have the whole stack and then you you just middle click it you just hold it down and spread it around

Just get a whole stack and then do it it’s it doesn’t it doesn’t actually like fill it though it does to know so it explains me exactly what you’re doing middle click here I’m middle clicking a potato okay I have it in my thing yeah are you moving on middle class are you

Right clicking no so you hold you press middle click to dupe it and then what yeah and then I just hold that middle click and spread my mouse swing my mouse around the chest yeah but it’s not like it’s not like actually like filling it I think it’s doing it for me

Swing your mouse around but but yeah we’re not even that much in first place we’re not even that much in first place we’re gonna sit here and just throw potatoes from a chest from your thing for an hour and doing it it’s not an hour I don’t know oh wait there’s an oh

There is an hour man wait a command block there’s no way okay it doesn’t work guys you have to like slash give or something we do need to find a more efficient way though because someone’s going to find a more efficient way with this method guys think think think because even people

Were creative are going to find a more efficient way for sure oh wait dream you can make it wait George come over here George where are you what I’m not where are you I’m about I’m above the gliss no come over here come back come back or if

There’s like some other duplication make a dropper system make a drop or make like a redstone machine that wait George make a redstone machine that automatically throws the potatoes in there or make a dropper system so that dream can fill like this chest up more think of a more efficient way to her

Stop just dropping potatoes in the thing yeah that’s really slow George George make it make a more efficient way yeah like what if we can build we can build like a machine I don’t think the drop is going to be any quicker I don’t think

The drop is going to be slow you guys are stupid build a machine over here like George and wait George build it double chest into a dropper into a double chest into a dropper or whatever because I can do it I can go to the top

One and no one’s near it take me but that’s not it’s not going to be as quick it’s not gonna be as quick as just dropping an entire stuff we’re both loading the same chest it’ll be really quick it won’t like I just like I just filled an entire

Inventory of gliss and then I’m just dropping it all in like this is way I know I filled like 100 inventories since you just said that how because what happens everyone’s just double clicking my chest to take them instantly and I’m spreading them and then they’re taking

It I don’t know how you’re spreading it can you explain it because like I already did okay bro look okay okay and I’m going are you holding middle click yes like for me it just doesn’t spread it like that it just spreads once like I I don’t know what you want me to

Do like I’m just spreading one it doesn’t work I don’t know George just think of it your ways maybe you hold the shift or something on your computer I don’t know wait hold shift Q on potatoes in inventory whatever that means hold shift Q yeah that’s what I’m I’m doing

That now to drop them all out but then like to spawn them in you know in the chest guys I did it in a chest it didn’t work look I opened the chest if it stops lagging I hold this button look it doesn’t work I can dupe them like this but yes we’re

Like we’re winning by quite a bit now we’re winning we’re winning by quite a bit now like I’m just doing this now look at my stream this one we can’t hear you by the way we can’t hear you oh yeah he hasn’t talked in like 10 minutes oh

There you go holy [ __ ] I was like where’s skeppy been no I’ve dreamed keep killing the chest look farming potatoes are you are you in creative mode as well no I’m not I’m just taking it from the chance like why are we I don’t understand I don’t understand this game

I don’t know what to do you’ve never you’ve never like spread something into a chest not that like dupes it no like I can yeah I can spread one stack across the chest but like wait George try and give me creative type slash creative sapnap he doesn’t have op

Just try it just try it it doesn’t work it doesn’t work oh my God shut up like if we just if we took a lot of effort and worked it and spent it tell me how to duplicate it out of creative mode that would be helpful somehow can I

Give you anything shift in Middle Club okay it doesn’t work is there anything I can give you step up from creative mode that would like make it so you can do this you know uh uh I don’t know shift and middle yeah shift and middle pick doesn’t work machine or something

Wait give me without your spawn eggs what if we had villager spawn eggs and give me like this oh wait and then you trade with them for potatoes or something no that wouldn’t work okay only winning by double I think we have more than everyone combined

And give me the thing that makes the villagers farmers and I’m sorry where are you farm potatoes um right here give me the things that I’m dropping spawnings over here so you can just run and grab them drop like a hell of Spawn eggs I’m going back there I’m like I’m back

In chest where’s the chest like I’m just spawning I’m making some Farmers oh there’s a double chest over here what is 64 times 64. George come over here and do the thing that makes some Farmers wait wait slime sickle’s here he’s breaking our stuff wait what yeah how do you get here

I don’t know wait so he went hub do it they’re team one right I’m on the world let’s see if they’re doing the same thing they probably are I’m let’s just spawning them in wait wait losing team two is winning mommy’s killing me team two is winning

Go back to doing what you’re doing go back you need to figure out the chest thing George I don’t know how to do it explain it to me how can I explain anybody you hold down the middle click how is team two winning I want to see how they’re I’m left click

No no you literally just hold middle click only nothing else it’s not doing anything milk like a potato and then you hover your mouse over a chest spot and then you press down middle click to hold it down and then you wag your mouse around so you’re not using you’re not clicking

At all on the mouse I’m not clicking at all only middle click okay it doesn’t do anything is your middle clip button like different in controls or something how are they winning if you found my middle class is p maybe I’ll rewind it to Middle click I don’t know

All right guys we need I don’t know we need to go back to spawning stuff in that’s what I’m doing oh okay that’s it yes what what is it okay okay just come over come over to it go go to a different person George and like just do it oh my God

Wait I just dropped my old surface guy dream make a shulker full of potatoes and then dupe the shulker oh does that work s Ashoka all right okay I’m doing it I’m doing it okay oh wait you can’t wait someone pick up this joke come to me someone pick that up

It’s a control shift or something ah these guys are being dumb it’s not picking up oh they can’t break it they don’t have permission okay how are you George I’m by the the spawner like the the thing in the middle what is a control shift oh I did I did I

Did I did it what is it oh yes it’s control shift so what pick it up wait wait watch I’m missing this be spamming these over here I’m gonna I’m gonna do this over here by this wait hold on test if it works it does work it

Does work it does work but is it gonna know is it gonna oh no it doesn’t work what there’s nothing in here bro but I do but that is how you do it okay this is what I need to do okay place it here um wait twitch is down are you serious

Everyone’s saying twitch is down all right I don’t care I’m just spawning potatoes I can’t break because it’s imp I’m in Creative seven up come to me I don’t know where you are bro I can’t even cops like a tree I’m like locked in I can’t even concentrate

Yeah otherwise I can’t break it I guess okay I’m dropping I’m dropping pickaxes take them real quick go away go I’m going a little far away come over breakfast if you can wait give it to me drop it to me show it back to me okay

Okay yeah yeah I did I did I did it what happened wait wait wait oh yeah it works what happens hey come on come on I’m gonna give you somewhere I’m above the hole I’m here take this take that it probably does wait someone else got it okay around

So then people can take the potatoes out yeah okay everyone open these everyone open they don’t have anything in them wait wait and then can you make a double chest full of just full of them I don’t think people can open chests they can open they can open they can

Open them by the thing they can open they can definitely open up chess I don’t know if they can probably always becomes confusing after a bit because we don’t know which ones have stuff in yeah but I can I can meet Skippy skeppy you go around and breaking them you go

Around breaking them yeah skeppy go around breaking them go around breaking them escaping Creator because that’d be even creative no I’m not no no can you break them oh my God come on come on come on we’re catching up I think everyone’s dropping so many in

Our hole everyone the noise is so good so awesome this is so good wait Team Four Is How They wait I wondered if you drop a whole shulker box in does it count the probably not no no it won’t I don’t think probably I was thinking about scene four getting so many potatoes

I don’t know I don’t understand oh you can’t open any of these oh that’s annoying foreign oh my God I’m doing a big I’m doing a big wall why is there a boat in here what how is Team Four getting so many wait these things can’t open

I don’t know I know but above it can that’s why I’m spamming a wall over here how is Team Four getting so many potatoes okay wait yeah so now that we have this method what just happened yo what what the frick oh wait I just realized I just realized away

Guys we need to kill these witches I killed him then no I’m gonna create anybody again getting myself full netherrite just in case it’s like relevant somehow wait oh I have an idea what if you need like a minecart TNT thing that like flies in there and explodes the shulker I don’t know

I don’t understand how any of this works like how these perks the thing is it like a it’s this donation yeah it’s donation like is everyone says why why do only me and dream have creative oh because joining for us it’s like our donors I think but why like no one’s

Doing anything for like Santa Claus get me to get creative I don’t know yeah guys just give everyone creative everyone get everyone give everyone creative guys what’s the what’s the thing to copy the contents of the chest what is it what is it I’m shifting right now and it’s doing MBT but there’s

There’s something else there’s something better please don’t figure it out no shift control middle click it just says MBT it doesn’t what are you trying to do I’m trying to copy the contents of a chest completely into what control plus middle I mean maybe this doesn’t work on the server

Because it does it’s during the MBT thing but it’s not showing should I um should I go spawn crap okay wait I don’t need the stupid Shield should I okay I’m breaking all this stuff everyone’s saying hold control and Q on potatoes in inventory control and

Drop yeah but that does it but it’s not it doesn’t mean middle click plus control guys come get potatoes come get new potatoes everyone that doesn’t it’s like a noob and these potatoes these all these things I’m placing have double of completely full of potatoes everyone get potatoes and stop filling them in

Get your potatoes potatoes up potatoes up let’s go potatoes I don’t even understand how we’re so far behind Team Four what are they doing that could be faster than this I don’t know but there’s a bunch of potatoes over there they need to be picked up

Also we have we have a bunch of people that are actually like sitting here farming why is there a boat there laughs because people are like actually farming like come up do they see come grab the potatoes from the shulker boxes wait George no group Tommy is lying to chat

So distract them from the games that will check their streams don’t listen I don’t know what that even means but listen I mean something guys are we winning yet potatoes we’re catching up there’s no way we don’t catch up now yeah I think every cellphone we just have to spam uh

Should do it probably yeah okay I’m gonna go around and break all the shokos and replace them and just re-up them I’m re-upping the shulkers this joke is a a stupid I think okay um wait we should use different colored chokers bro what how did that team look

They just went up 80k potatoes they have there has to be a way that we’re that’s what it is more fish I swear you can copy the contents of a check I swear how many they’re going up look at me they’re going up a second

They’re going up a lot ahead of us yeah there’s a method actually they’re not they’re not that much to us guys all these shoulders to the right where I am look at my stream they are completely filled to the brim oh I have to like wait what what there’s oh my God

What’s happening oh wait wait people are oh people are filling chests from above and then breaking them in apparently that’s why that’s what I was trying to do wait stop wait George he’s dropped all your shulker boxes in I don’t know oh I needed one of them oh God George fly up wait

Oh yeah I got oh no I got rid of all my stuff wait do you have a do you have an extra soccer give you one wait dream where I’m up here you up here okay wait what wow 900k whatever team okay okay what break uh break this chest break

This chest break this chest break this chest I did it okay break it are you ready I’m gonna keep doing this keep breaking it okay keep breaking keep breaking keep breaking okay let’s keep going all my inventories can expand with potatoes this is good oh what I got I

Got done I’m just standing up here up here Jordan keep going keep going keep going oh oh my God yo oh my God yes oh my God keep going keep going that’s what they’re doing dream keep going keep going I don’t know what how we’re doing it just keep doing it oh my

God there’s so many potatoes oh my God I’m trying keep going dreams that guys guys what they did come down here and break the hole they made the hole bigger they like broke the hole and made it easier to drop the potatoes in it hey

How is what they did I don’t know I couldn’t miss them I like it a mess hey dream keep playing the chest what are you doing plays chests I know I’m just I’m stopping because I made it more likely to miss wait what are you doing

Why is that what is that why is that stuff about that break it break it break it break it wait he’s trying I’m breaking this black stuff like what’s this one no what you guys should do is build like a like a wall that goes up so that

Way oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I’m doing that go in I’m doing it keep keep going dream keep going okay we’re funneling we’re funneling dream stop breaking them just keep pleasing chest go up to the sky limit okay I’m just trying I’m trying to

Figure out where to where to like sit the server’s lagging yeah because there’s just so many potatoes we don’t need to go to the sky limit actually because it’s pointless but wait it’s not it’s not gonna be a pace anymore unless unless uh wait how are you pacing like what are you doing

World edit you have a world in it yeah I got kicked oh an internal error occurred with our connection you shouldn’t have done that thing George dumb what with the connection with the connection like weird thing you did in Australia with the connection there wait what did you do George oh wait

There’s like he went to some weird site what wait what happened oops okay well all right we’re still okay we’re at 27 000 donated okay oh I’m back in the game I still have it all right I’m doing it I’m stranding your chest up okay wait wait who’s this who’s one hand George

George you need to build it up or not I’m doing I’m doing the sky limit or like wait there’s a okay there’s actually don’t go to Skyline just don’t go just bring it just break them all break them up we know George’s building I’m just going up and down and Pace

Thing yeah don’t break break just break Breakers constantly break okay but then I can go up and down guys get me creative George just break them I’ll break them I’ll break them off we should just we should get the funnel first get the funnel wait dream stop move how does this work

If I donate don’t go higher than this just keep bringing that down I’m gonna I’m making the funnel and then I’m gonna spin paste here I’m gonna just Spam pacing here George just break the break these chests down okay wait I’m building the funnel George just this is this is all you need

Because I’ll order you just one chest over and over okay let’s break this chest break this chest all right to be found just Spam Pace yeah that’s just come up come lower come lower bro no no going here bring it lower and then build the block below me

Lower build the block blow me lower down George build a block below you lower what does that mean two by one hole George what did you just build okay George we’re doing here in here I’m doing I’m just doing here okay let me build it up so it doesn’t fall out okay go

George you just Just Do It win just do it there trust me just go I’m doing here I’m doing it here okay oh you need to stand there okay hang on okay and go we have liftoff all right there we go oh my god oh see maybe George is Right sometimes

Everything about that wait why aren’t you spend it I just oops hey uh Callahan uh I guarantee you’re watching the stream uh make sure I didn’t just leave something [ __ ] what all right here we go now we’re in business keep going keep going I I I can’t spam the command too many times

Look we’re in business I can go too quickly okay okay just don’t get kicked then I’m trying I’m slowing down oh my God we have so many we’re still losing by a lot how are we losing are they doing the exact same thing wait dream why do you just copy

Paste multiple rows then I can spam click just multiple get multiple words it does it doesn’t work anyway it doesn’t work anyway oh wait no actually you’re right you’re right you’re right you’re gonna go up and again then copy the whole thing wait get this what the

[ __ ] dream stop just don’t just do you don’t need to do that many oh wait I broke some just George you’re breaking them I know like I had the genius idea look just go you don’t need to go that high you’re breaking it just

Go like up to here get all them just get them just get all of them go get all of them did you get them no wait get up all right go go go okay just keep pasting keep pacing how’s the other team yes wait I don’t think I can reach the

Bottom post for a second it’s not even working oh my God wait stop pasting for a second George you need it you need a break you need a break from the bottom yeah yeah yeah that’s right go below go below okay here we go let me in go I

Can’t get in okay let’s keep going all right come on get creative mode what are you doing I thought you’re the troll I don’t have creative oh yeah sounds like you’re wasting all the potatoes no look they’re going straight in the hole keep Hastings donate I don’t understand how like you get creative

I’m checked again crap Dream Come Back okay I’m coming I have to like do like the optimal like come back wait what I’m like it’s not letting me on dream we need you I know we don’t have time for this you’re on the server but I’m glad you in like the black area

Yeah okay I’m back I’m back I’m back okay paste do you still have the pace how are team Fort yes go be like a spy wait when losing so many potatoes to this like rim hang on let me fill this in wait everyone move everyone moves all these

People on top move all these people at the top move you have to move oh I’m lagging there’s gotta be there’s gotta be a way to do it more efficient oh my there’s gonna be a way to do it more efficiently Bro Team Four like they’re I don’t know what they’re doing there’s

Obvious way to do more efficiently how do you think think George think think uh do they have more people in Creative I don’t know how are they that’s probably true they might have more how do we know how Okay I I know they’re doing they have a giant funnel they have

A giant like Bedrock thing with water pushing the potatoes in so like they have like a put water around put water around the edges put water around the edges they have better Bedrock square around it and then water that pushes it into the black hole George just keep breaking okay

Wait they have they have hella people in Creative that’s also a big deal too like sub the Sab nap I think if these people just move out of the way up give Frozen with a three crazy all these people at the top just need to move up honestly

Okay everyone just needs to move and just let me in dream cook I can’t even grief this if I wanted to if I got a lava bucket they just break it they have they got it hey George I know how they’re winning they have they have they have like 30 people in creative

Wait they literally have like 10 I’m looking at 10 people in this hole and they’re all in creative uh wait before saying George has op do I or dreaming one of you one of you has up wait yeah dude game mode at a creative or something like that I’ve tried

It’s showing up red slash gaming game mode or no I can’t do slash out now I can’t do any game but there’s no game mode command no I don’t I can’t do it either how did the other people get because they have like the reason they’re winning they have like 10 people with

Creative why is everyone stopping bogna yeah but why are they spamming it do [ __ ] how are people in here these people are just like slowing it down people slowing us down we’re like almost in last place people are saying Phil’s able to get a command block and then he’s gave everyone creative

I don’t know wait dream wait dream you have you have um you have one at it oh wait wait yeah yeah just do a set block wait I have one in it what am I doing copy wait let me out of here okay hang on hey wait if I do

Set is it one three seven oh skip it hello oh the crane walks are off it doesn’t work dream how you doing I’m doing great this is amazing we’re losing though we’re like in last place and we’re cheating massively and so is everyone else I don’t know how I meant

To do this any better how did how did how did everyone on the team get creative how are you doing techno Dad I’m having the greatest time I have no idea what’s going on I have no responsibilities it’s just the perfect situation to be in perfect nobody expects anything of me

I I expect better I expect you to tell us how to get more potatoes how do we do it uh uh spamming the the chests and you do the it’s not working it’s not working it’s really not working as as I would like it to do I really don’t know how to

Do anything hahaha we’re losing like we’re literally losing and we’re in creative mode that’s I told you I told you why the other team’s winning because they have like multiple multiple people in Creative um do you guys if we can figure out how to give everyone creative then we stand a chance

But if we don’t then we don’t see any chance we’re currently a techno Dad we need to figure out how to give everyone creative we need to think is there like a bucket command or something that you can like finesse creative out of somehow uh cool there’s not hmm

Wait what if I just did what if I uh that won’t work if I just like said potato but it doesn’t work set potato please Megan just keeps trying these chats but we’re so far behind like we’re not gonna catch up there’s got to be a world at a command

Um vanilla op is disabled on the server yeah there’s gotta be a world that I command that does what though that like spawns items like just like a chicken Rhymes Like slash give or something you know um use a button on my command look but I

Can’t even get in it’s gonna come on let’s put a command you can’t get in it you can’t the command block won’t worry they’re disabled in the server um someone needs to go check Phil’s VOD and then find out how he gave everyone creative maybe everyone I’m pretty sure they do droppers

Would slow it down we’ll go to innovate and I don’t like that everyone’s in here it’s like slowing it down I guess I guess like give it wait George George you’re spawning at the right ax and and start giving and giving it to everyone okay neither I ask

You’ll just do it just do it just do it okay I’m spawning another right axes guys come get them I don’t know what this does but construct just drop them around drop them around because I’m gonna I’m gonna like I’m just gonna be spamming uh Justin here for them to break it yeah

Oh wait I need to get rid of this water this is a bad idea bucket you know that another right accent make sure everyone has no I was getting rid of the water hang on wait okay I’m having fun are we having fun I’m I want to work out how to optimize

This that’s what I want to do I need the optimal potato farming strategy hmm I’ve just spawned like 17 netherai axes okay well I made it I made I made one that’s uh whatever it’s like uh efficiency five I’m gonna spam it around oh that would be hey George

It’s awesome can you can you copy a chest and like stream it no dream I’m telling you come in here what they were doing is they were spawning the chest in the hole and then everyone was in the hole just breaking I’m dropping I’m dropping another right axes everyone

George just just just can you can do the coffee and pasting George can you do the coffee someone killed skeppy wait what oh I’ve died over and over I don’t like it everyone break these chests make this whole like like Bedrock like make this Bedrock so it’s really

Easy and then spawn the CH then spawn the chest in here and then everyone just sits in here and breaks it like AFK breaks it enough what that’s what they were doing well I can hear his potatoes just spamming in yeah it’s like not even quicker for people to do it with like

George are you pacing or not yeah I’m pacing but people aren’t even like people aren’t even breaking it quick enough well they’re doing it pretty quick they’re not like I could just break it myself and it’s quicker okay I can just instantly break the boxes as well give everyone access

Why is Tommy spamming Bogner in my chat Tommy get out of here it’s gonna be jump it’s away sign up I think we I think sign up just go look at streams and Scout how people are doing it I told you how they’re doing it but you guys are not listening

Okay I’m listening right now I need I need one I’m telling you they just have like a giant like they’re pacing the chest in the thing they need a giant hole they built it they built it so you see how many potatoes are just on the floor they don’t have this and

They’re pacing the chest in the hole and everyone’s in the hole breaking it so if I come down in here and paste why is skeppy in here make it bigger Tom said make the call make it make it more optimized make the hole more optimized aren’t hitting the thing

How do I make a hole more optimized like like there’s not these like blocks that these things are getting caught on and stuff like that but like where does the hole like count points from I don’t know I think I think it’s counting it like look where the potatoes

Are disappearing is it just these four blocks everyone’s in the way I got it oh there you go I’m gonna die there you go oh it’s fine and that no dream now now Pace paste the glisses in here I’m Jordan George do it and everyone

Go down and get more get more get it full for the whole hole the hole it’s like okay I’m not gonna be able to do it go away fly away and do it fly away and do it fly away and do it okay okay have fun you guys okay we will donate to

Charity yay the link donate we’re such tryhards I can’t even like I’m just like listening how are the showers second to last place okay George did you do it did you do it no hurry another way to Pace like more everyone’s spamming you can change the score by

Slash event set something that’s the other team did that’s stupid uh obviously that’s dumb I don’t know that’s what they’re saying there’s no way they set their amount they would have gone yeah George come back how long does it take you to copy chess a long time this is time we’re wasting

Can you uh you can’t I can’t I need like another ax are you not in Creative well I am I just I want the efficiency one to duplicate again but I wonder if you make this whole if you make this whole deeper Here Comes or can they do it sharper again

Well I’m saying down there is this good am I doing it I can’t I don’t know it looks like it yeah it makes space like break the side so I can like go on the side and break the chest because I’m just dropping another right axes down

Bro you should you need to make like space for us down here so we’re not just on top of each other oh there’s so many potatoes but is that what they did yeah they did have that but then there’s Bedrock this makes space yes so now we’re not on

Top of each other they’re still you’re gonna spread out they’re gonna top each other again I don’t know if you want why don’t you just go look real quick oh my God are you pacing George the George you’re only you’re only doing one row Oh you mean like so it should be like

Too thick as that was like the whole reason I asked you to know before okay yeah okay dream go to HUB and go look at their thing so you can understand what if I lose creative go to Team I mean I guess I’ll get it back I assume

Yeah wait why are there so many potatoes on the floor down here that aren’t Counting do we dig our hole too too small or something is that is that wait is that there’s no way that’s why I’m losing he dug it deep oh it is one deep I think

Device down here in Pace George I think that’s what’s happening I think I think you’re pasting you’re pasting into the floor I’m not right now it’s too it’s too deep you’re not counting it I don’t think so there’s like potatoes all sitting on the floor

Wait put water put water no float to the top put water no float to the top right I have no idea George we’re way we’re way below George like what is happening I I don’t know where the floor is yeah but you you pasted like infinitely passed no I didn’t

You I’m like you pasted a hole down to like Bedrock what do you mean no you didn’t another thing I did I’m like I’m like in the I’m like so far down all right Build It Up I don’t think well they actually will they actually float up in water

Uh if you put because that’s what guys we’re gonna we’re gonna we’re gonna like my Minecraft’s gonna crash because you you placed it down and now there’s potatoes down there oh do they float up I put water no they don’t know okay I just crashed and George pasted below

Why is that world at it like what is going on I can’t get in okay wait they did they do float they do float they do float at least some oh well oops okay I can’t get in I’m in I wonder how like how much I think this server is having a lot

Wait I don’t think my paste worked I’m still just on the box I can’t get back in though yeah I’m just going back to the Box screen I can’t get that well we lost guys we didn’t we we had like a valiant effort though I got kicked again foreign

Guys I guess you might as well donate I guess you know oh I’m in I’m in I’m in it’s not over yet wait we’re actually gonna get last place I think we are okay I won’t break I can’t even get in um Oh I got cake and then break the chest break the chest the way the way you pasted it George is just like it’s there now there’s potatoes that are smart that aren’t counting and so they’re all like it’s like I’m like literally crashing in my Minecraft

I think like I think all our people are crashing now charge yeah like two FPS like George why is that George why the funnel isn’t working I I well dude you broke it how did I break it I was spam pacing for like literally almost an hour

Oh maybe you should have kept stunt pissing for an hour I I should have uh wait what just happened I don’t know why I just showed wait what was that I even know I just showed but okay I’m like trying to fly away from it

So I won’t lag anymore but I’m trying to yeah I’m trying to run oh I’m like by the border I’m not lagging I can’t even it’s not even loading okay um where do I even paste like what do you want me to do but look see wait team one

Got wait teamwork got set back they probably use the second hand they probably use the second hand wait yeah that someone’s doing this like they’re set back to like nothing there’s only two minutes remaining wait we have like at the last second we use the set command what’s the second position

What’s the command wait if you do slash event look I’m potatoes is This Server Like crashed you already connected to the server event potato guys we have two minutes I don’t think servers like crashed yeah how big how did team one get to zero

There had to be a set there had to be wait team five is less than us as well oh I wonder how wait how if we don’t oh wait what team look at Team Six they have like oh no they run that wait they’re lower as well

There’s only there’s only two teams yeah we’re third right now but like how I don’t know because I’m clutching right now oh God I’m alive we’re like hardly going up actually fast enough yes okay yeah I’m really lagging I just I’m by the border and I’m not like guys we’re literally two minutes

Left is it like lowest like seconds like the seconds go by like every couple seconds it’s because this stuff is lagging I’m trying to push oh my God oh my God so laggy I have 11 FPS bro what is this get these stupid potatoes in the hole

What if I here okay fine I’m gonna go I’m gonna go try and cause Mayhem four FPS two FPS that’s it I’m destroying all these chests come on one FPS I have one FPS oh wait I’m not lagging anymore what happened what teams are ahead of us what teams are ahead of

Us team two uh yeah team two two and five two and four I’m trying to go to oh I can’t it doesn’t let me come on take me to team two server take me take me I’m just Frozen so yeah Lobby the Lobby’s like Frozen hey we almost made we only had two

Minutes left let’s have a crushed I think I think as well oh there it goes well well seven crashed what was that noise what was that noise you don’t sneeze hello dream sneezed didn’t he wait I’m back in the zone no I didn’t wait we’re so we’re still filming we’re

Still five minutes left is this 26 this is the 26 seconds for me oh it’s 25 seconds 22. uh what’s nine minutes from now wait how did team five get oh it’s 500k like how they get 5 million potatoes bro I can’t get out of this hole we got third place I think

Not bad not bad for a day’s walk yeah fine I’ll keep killing them in wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait our potatoes aren’t updated on the scoreboard sounds three or nine we might we might we might be ahead what there’s three nine it says three nine wow look

Where’s this potato count mine says oh I’m in world two I’m in world two wow you baited us congrats oh wait it’s over that’s so funny wait why does world two have more time I don’t know yeah we didn’t win who who is Team two no team four team four one red velvet

What were they doing I’m telling you I swear they had like multiple people I don’t know go look go to the hub let’s go to HUB and I gotta Hub they had a massive thing I don’t know I’m on team two go to Team Four if you happen go to

Team Four I’m telling you their setup was legit I can’t get in we’re just swimming in the void let me in let me in let me in please oh I’m in look look they have they have seven minutes or what wait it’s still going wait someone got the death fail accident

Was the death message that’s kind of cool um oh wait I don’t have creative in huh wait where’s that hole all right okay I see the hole I guess that like massive farms around this one yeah um oh wait what yeah they have like a glass at the top water yeah they definitely

Have much more like effort into it I’m swimming up it’s so laggy I see felsa oh my God yeah it’s very laggy there’s just potatoes like funneling down infinitely oh wait that’s probably what they did they had them go down like a chute of like water that’s like with

Everything that stalks them down and they went to the top and just like we’re breaking them I guess I can’t get up I think that’s ever crash now I think so so I think it’s safe to say we came in third 2.5 million potatoes and guys this is the point where dream

It admits that for every potato bomb he’s gonna donate a dollar yeah so guys congratulations 2.5 million dollars from dreams thank you so much dream that is not happening that is not the case oh but George did say before the stream that for every potato from every team

That he was going to donate ten dollars guys I didn’t have enough money to do that it’s true dream on the other hand does have enough money to do ten dollars per potato don’t you dream I don’t I don’t hey dream does dream does dream does I don’t you feel

That is 25 million dollars the only person who has that much money in this cool Escape 100 per potato I’m stuck in life scappy oh so fast that just reminded me you still have my 1 million play button it was meant to be right here no he actually he actually

Doesn’t it no I need that back skeppy I just tried to itch my nose you’re not getting it back why I want it back because bad boy Halo has it no he does not you’re lying that’s Skippy the liar the server it’s gonna be Islam me too No not enough no what happened are we in the same room are we in the same wait what happened hello Gabby what guppy hi hi George hi scuffy you gotta like I don’t know you might play button back that’s gappy’s a liar I can’t get on the server

Me neither it’s bugged if you will bugged me bugged oh it is bugged unlike wait what just happened Cappy’s a liar Skippy’s a liar he does why did I hear that twice because we’re in the same room we’re in the same room yeah really yeah yeah you’re onto my desk

What are you doing now what what are you doing down there what bro are you serious crazy um I simply cannot I need to blow my nose do it do it like no one’s stopping you I’m gonna all right do it oh look at all that gliss should I show my stream yes

All right guys let’s go all right fine cranios is waiting all right we’ll meet you in there that’s what I would say if I was gonna go in though [Applause] looks like he’s in there all alone huh can somebody help me wait should I stop it stopwatch

Should I go in there like this stop stop yeah um I already said hello to the wonderful fellas thank you how are you doing tubbo no okay I got I got a good club ring with a brick you’re from who no trouble that’s fine you can see that that

Doesn’t look the same thing I just wish I was wait tell her do you get breaked up recently rounded you’re all grounded go to jail for a thousand years everybody’s grounded contain him when he’s breaked up like that you’re grounded I was there for when it happened for

Doubles you were there I was there until I got breaked up hell yeah I was what actually what does this means I’ve really lost yeah Scott’s messaging me and donate to charity right because if you don’t we’ll know patching ten dollars we can do better donate more money

Will donate one million dollars right now he has an announcement to make but he wants me to make it for him dream is donating a million dollars Away George George said he’s donating one dollar per potato farm in that last game [Laughter] that was a good original joke dream he

Did say it before the game so I I don’t know if we should hold him to it but I think we should to be fair attracts and he’s just said George also fails for bankruptcy um I’ve just been informed that bricked up has something to do with penis

I told you not to Google it I told you no no I mean everyone no I don’t know his friends it’s about but I’ll take it are you trying to tell a gay man what pregnant is there wasn’t available oh yeah you’re Twisted in the head you are that

Was messed up tell her there’s nothing wrong with being penised up man okay guys I’m now really confused because velvet’s just the enemy bricked up refers to when a man shoves an entire brick down another man’s [ __ ] That’s true nothing happened hey you didn’t miss out you didn’t miss much hey that must’ve been going off in your absence of Shield well what about did you join our interests you heard everything I’ve tried so hard to talk perfect though you don’t hear everything what do you mean by everything like do

You have any opinions like towards for against like bricks put the brick away hello all I want to say is like you don’t have any like a pit like I’m not about construction like my father worked a construction job for many many years and like we love talking about architecture

And stuff and I was just wondering like in terms I feel like Phil can do and handle this somebody help I’m really digging I’m really digging and I’m sweating yeah don’t even worry yourself stop talking why didn’t you worrying together we killed the Ender Dragon together why did you warn me why

Did you warn me that they would all lie to me about the true meaning of being pricked up dude guys I do not know what’s happening I don’t know what’s happening just donate please just give money so this can end what is happening fine I’ll meet you and see what they’re

Saying surely they’ve moved on by now let’s just break a little higher guys the charity every time somebody here says brick you have to donate a dollar to charity right now this is my time brick brick brick brick brick brick brick brick okay Like at all I live uh here in California which is earthquake country and Bricks construction yeah yeah they put they put up the brick buildings and then uh later they discover what they should have done instead I know I know a lot of rubber Foundation rubber Foundation is actually

That’s what defense against Earthquakes in buildings right like two bricks a day myself yeah what are we talking about D4 what are we talking about no no no no no no no no no we’re at about like rubber Foundation you know rubber you guys ever made your own bricks what about morsel

How are they talking about bricks for so long the bricks needs to stop bricks needs to stop let’s see are they still doing my bricks I’m literally trying I’m Excavating clay in my backyard to make [ __ ] bricks right now so guys I don’t even know what to say anymore I do not know what to say don’t even know what to say um um okay I oh whoops um let’s see those are yeah yeah yeah you know when

These women yeah look guys for every dollar donated I’ll make a brick and I’ll sell it you’re almost at 40 right now I would buy wait if you if you make 40 000 bricks you’ve basically started like a new like brick Empire it needs to be more than that but your

Empire if you want you could buy a brick with dirt from sniff’s backyard okay the the that sounds kind of cool girl just wait wait until someone who’s like a surprise her exact location based on like the water tables to places in the world uranium content

All right so I’m I am being told that uh it’s time for me to to break it up I don’t know what it is it’s time for it’s time for the Boomer to speak again I I appreciate the the sober and serious tone that we were all able to maintain all through this event yes congratulations for the first time in months we congratulate you that is pretty awesome we are so proud of you can’t do it all right so uh what you know I probably

Should have thought about what I was gonna say here but I didn’t so how do you do fellow kids it’s been wonderful um this is our this is our first time doing this we hope to have you guys back again in the future I hope you had a

Good time at least a good enough time that you’d want to come back and uh remember that this is uh potatoes and hilarity for chair 30 so if you felt like it in the future you could also encourage people to continue to donate to the campaign um

We are a brand new organization and a brand new charity so we’re still getting our feet under us um I hope uh I hope that servers rebooting on you was as entertaining as the game itself because I I know I know I really appreciated that I thought that was fun um

What else do I have to say uh somebody drank all my soda I think I mentioned that earlier I came I came to the studio I went to get some soda from the fridge and they were all gone so I don’t know if any of you took my soda but um I just

I just I’m really sorry forgot to mention that Nikki’s a little soda fiend we forgot to tell you yeah all right all right I’m just really into soda you know what it’s really my matter I didn’t have enough on hand I should have had enough for everyone my

Kindergarten teacher told me that and I still exactly well we’ll we’ll figure it out for next time so anyway thank you everyone so much for coming I had a great time and I hope you all did too that’s the name of the game thank you I hope everybody enjoyed watching it

And checking in and we’ll see you all at the next one of these thank you [Applause] every week one of us Yeah that’s the next stream guys one of us choir yeah And it got derailed please don’t do this don’t do this well the spotlight’s on you man go ahead no all right you know what you got it I’m so scared yeah we Farm potatoes today and I’m proud of us yeah Thank you thank you thank you thank you everyone how’s he doing what what was that I know I think somebody is playing Quagmire that’s kind of weird I don’t think this was a quagmire moment this is actually really serious we need to take you take this seriously yeah

Kind of I’m just gonna be messed up if you did that yeah thank you Sophie guys is there anything else you want to say techno dad or is this that was that was it worst moment I’m supposed to be shutting this down but I’m having too much fun Hannah how are things

Oh good yay oh yeah yeah it was obvious guys by the way I know that you all saw my technique and all of you guys freaking cheated after you saw my technique I always choose to do whatever turbo isn’t so that’s that’s a weird thing yeah charity Jack manifold that is a good

Idea and and you know what this is one of those rare moments where we agree to about and we have a shared opinions and and I think we should do that I agree [Laughter] a lot of money I think we should just stay in this voice chat forever until we reach our

Call I was waiting I was waiting till the end of this stream today I was waiting until the end of the stream today why can’t I hear myself why can’t I hear myself guys um yes yes I heard you were speaking what’s up I did think of one other thing that I

Feel is very important for me to say technoblade never died I agree that’s all I got thank you that was very dramatic it was needed all right so for purposes of closure uh uh we should we should shut this down and uh that we can all meet at The Malt Shop on the corner or Third Street A little sweet treat yeah oh well I don’t have a sweet treat a little sweet treat after a charity event that’s okay who doesn’t okay okay Yeah there you go New York hot dogs uh squid kid what do you want um well I’ll take whatever I could get I’m happy with anything all right you get nothing then okay he gets the broccoli I mean what about fries how how are the fries at that place Tommy

Sorry his internet got knocked down oh yeah that’s speechless some would say dream I saw your new short thank you it’s very cool I guess you didn’t he didn’t say it was awesome [Laughter] I do good luck thank you for being a part of it that thank you for having me I was

Flattered oh we have 40K nice What was the thing that Charlie said earlier was it that 40K you would do what I’ve been saying a lot of stuff about bricks a lot of brick talk today but do you mean it do you mean it oh oh yeah okay oh yeah I promise kept oh yeah guys

If we just round up if we hit 50k just get you could give me a whole house worth God knows hello gang I’m back yay I didn’t know you left hello oh wait that’s gonna move okay wow wow real quiet wow I’m not taking myself

I’m sorry I’m so sorry what can I do to make up for it right there’s there’s what you can do is you can donate voices What’s your favorite Five Nights at Freddy’s game uh the one the one I’ve only played my screams is that the bite of 87. the bite of 87. I think everyone is saying for now for what is this are we gonna watch a video together Jack it’s on Netflix party

Is this the people yes I’m so confused at this point I am but that’s hey guys you guys like FNAF I don’t know maybe maybe I should maybe I shouldn’t be oh I love holy [ __ ] Phil just did a big donation guys this is oh let’s go thank you

Phil number one oh my God you’re the best my God thank you technodad for putting all this together by the way this is this is really really cool you bet you bet you know I want to say a little bit about how my my team is structured

Um because I think it’s kind of relevant uh basically I have a bunch of people who do all the work and then nobody knows who they are and then I show up and everybody cheers me for some reason that I’m still not really clear on and everybody gives me all the credit so

It’s really an ideal structure I I recommend and we should be thanking you that yes that is what I’m saying yeah I personally love Minecraft hypothetically if there was high in techno debt which I’m sure there’s no certainly not but like yeah make up some fake names for us

Yeah yeah yeah if I were gonna make up some names I would start with Pixie who did everything for everyone Non-Stop and I would also mention my man code uh I see um who else uh bump um spanner uh weird fake names but okay well you know like anyone like anyone

Here has has any room to complain about weird fake names oh yeah because Jack manifold’s a real peculiar one techno dad probably the stupidest one full legal name actually Cornelius is my full legal name first and last yeah all right Cornelius yeah sorry I doxed myself sorry guys

A brave thing to do on right in front of everyone oh yeah we have 50k so it was my goal to do that once we hit 50k release with social security number there we go there we go I give a promise so all right thank you so much then forever

For everyone on the team that made this all possible thank you thank you appreciate y’all thank you so much thank you pixie you did great thank you are any of you guys streaming is it like just us oh no we’re definitely alive yeah I think I think pretty much all of

Us are still streaming yeah I got nowhere to be right now so I just I’m kind of flashing back to this time when I was uh I was streaming with uh Tommy and he was like oh I need to take a break and so he you know he goes off

And you know of course there’s thousands of people still watching which I completely forgot about I was just thinking I’m playing Minecraft with Tommy and so Tommy leaves and I’m just like saying nothing wandering around the Minecraft level we’re on idly looking at different interesting sites and pixie

Writes to me and was like for God’s sake do something say something everybody’s just staring at him an old guy wandering around confused you know I was like oh yeah there’s other people here that’s right those are actually my favorite streams oh yeah I gotta say the the sense of community

And the way everybody comes together and helps everybody out is amazing incredible it’s very amazing uh inspiring yes thanks to all of you for being that way it’s all us it was amazing it was amazing so same time tomorrow yeah yeah exactly 100 uh I have to wait a couple three

More days but so

This video, titled ‘Technoblade Charity Stream George’s POV Full VOD’, was uploaded by DNFisReal on 2023-06-03 20:07:39. It has garnered 24066 views and 252 likes. The duration of the video is 02:14:17 or 8057 seconds.

#dreamteam #georgenotfound #technoblade

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    Unveiling Minecraft Beta 1.8: Adventure Update The Adventure Unfolds: Minecraft Beta 1.8 Exploring the Minecraft Universe In the vast world of Minecraft, Beta 1.8 brought forth a wave of new adventures and features that captivated players worldwide. From the removal of certain elements to the introduction of exciting biomes, this update marked a significant milestone in the game’s evolution. Biomes Galore One of the most notable changes in Beta 1.8 was the addition of various biomes, each with its unique characteristics. Players could now explore diverse landscapes, including the Ocean, Plains, Desert, Extreme Hills, Forest, Taiga, River, Swamp, Village, and Canyon. These biomes added depth… Read More

  • Recreating Minecraft Trailer!

    Recreating Minecraft Trailer! Vytvořte Minecraft jako z TRAILERU! Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. But have you ever wondered how to transform your Minecraft world to look like it came straight out of an official animation trailer? Well, look no further because Sysel has the answer! Inspiration and Resources Sysel’s video, inspired by a specific source (, provides a step-by-step guide on how to achieve the desired look. From mods and resource packs ( to shader settings (, Sysel covers all the necessary tools to transform your Minecraft experience. Support Sysel If you enjoy… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE GAMER CREATE ALL POTION RECIPESVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft all potion recipes (tutorial)’, was uploaded by CRAZY GAMERZ on 2024-04-15 03:36:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft potion recipes minecraft minecraft potion guide minecraft potions how to make potions in minecraft minecraft all potion … Read More

  • Surviving the Scariest Minecraft Modpack with SVBZ3RO

    Surviving the Scariest Minecraft Modpack with SVBZ3ROVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing the scariest modpack in Minecraft?!?! (Will i survive)?!’, was uploaded by SVBZ3RO on 2024-02-08 06:10:20. It has garnered 60 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 04:59:02 or 17942 seconds. Support the stream: Read More

  • EPIC Enchanting Adventure in Minecraft Bedrock Edition #12! 🎮

    EPIC Enchanting Adventure in Minecraft Bedrock Edition #12! 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Enchanting Our Stuff And Getting Stuff! – Minecraft Bedrock Edition #12’, was uploaded by Thelolgamer – Minecraft on 2024-07-23 19:26:38. It has garnered 134 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:29:00 or 8940 seconds. Join The Discord Server: Read More

  • Insane Anime Minecraft Music Edit – Epic Free Fire Tips

    Insane Anime Minecraft Music Edit - Epic Free Fire TipsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft exposure #anime #music #song #animeedit #edit #freefire #freefire1vs1customtipsandtricks’, was uploaded by OntheGame on 2024-06-03 01:37:14. It has garnered 11678 views and 578 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Minecraft exposure #anime #music #song #animeedit #edit #freefire #freefire1vs1customtipsandtricksMinecraft exposure #anime #music #song #animeedit #edit #freefire #freefire1vs1customtipsandtricks Minecraft exposure #anime #music #song #animeedit #edit #freefire #Minecraft exposure #anime #music #song #animeedit #edit #freefire #freefire1vs1customtipsandtricksxgxgkzjtnfzngzjd eyes r r r em em em em em em em 💫 4XTHnM r em RT PCR test and odi formats available free fire song maa ke… Read More


    MAD SURVIVAL HOUSE BUILD 🏠 | MINECRAFT PE #2Video Information This video, titled ‘I MAD BEST SURVIVAL HOUSE IN MCPE #2 🔥| MINECRAFT PE EP-2 | HINDI | #minecraftpe’, was uploaded by Not gammer on 2024-04-07 11:59:32. It has garnered 191 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:45 or 765 seconds. Minecraft: Survival series EP.1 in Hindi || Minecraft Mcpe Gameplay #1 || #minecraftsurvivalseries Hastags : – #minecraft #minecraftfunnygameplay #minecraftsurvivalseries #minecraftsurvival #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftanimation #minecraftgameplayl #minecrafthardcormode #survival #survivalseries #minecraftlive #minecraftbuilding #isurvived100daysminecrafthindipocketaddition #gaming #games #minecraftlongvideo I request you HIT LIKE SUBSCRIBE BUTTON Like aim 100 likes Thanks for watching BYE BYE#imageapestgunpowderarm #minecratninuigameplay #minecrafthindi #howtomakeminecraftthumnail #howtoplayminecraft… Read More

  • MR BEWAKUF – Minecraft Grass Challenge! 😨🚫🌱

    MR BEWAKUF - Minecraft Grass Challenge! 😨🚫🌱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft but I can’t touch GRASS!😱😱|#shorts #gaming #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by Mr BEWAKUF on 2024-06-15 15:46:45. It has garnered 11452 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Minecraft but I can’t touch GRASS!😱😱|#shorts #gaming #minecraft #viral key words 😉 short shorts youtube short grass can’t touch grass GRASS touch GRASS lava lava rises lava rise lava rise every 15 sec LAVA rises chaos dice dice in minecraft dice creates chaos insane difficulty hard mode difficult mode impossible damage in real life minecraft in real life got hurt blocks… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: 10 Friends on One Block!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: 10 Friends on One Block!Video Information This video, titled ’10 FRIENDS on one ANIMAL BLOCK in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Aphmau on 2024-07-07 19:15:00. It has garnered 2430155 views and 43683 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:39 or 1239 seconds. This ANIMAL kingdom needs a STRONG leader! Don’t forget to vote for me in the Kids Choice Awards! Click on the link right here 👉 💜 Come take a look at my merch! 💜 ► Instagram: ====. * ・ 。゚☆ [Friends!] ☆。゚・* .==== ★ Aaron: Jason Bravura ★ Zane: Kestin Howard ★ KC: MegaMoeka ★ Kim: Corinne Sudberg ★… Read More

  • Insane 75M Draw! Blood Cutting Dice Unboxing – Titanium

    Insane 75M Draw! Blood Cutting Dice Unboxing - TitaniumVideo Information This video, titled ‘KAN KESME CEKME ZAR (75M CEKİLİS PART1) -sonoyuncu titanyum’, was uploaded by umuTcan on 2024-04-01 21:55:34. It has garnered 4772 views and 310 likes. The duration of the video is 09:23:17 or 33797 seconds. Setting DC: Youtube ve klan Dcsi: umuTcan#1983 minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu cheat, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft sonoyuncu ip, minecraft sonoyuncu bedwars, minecraft sonoyuncu macro, minecraft sonoyuncu reach, how to do minecraft sonoyuncu cheat 2019, minecraft sonoyuncu settings, minecraft sonoyuncu play with friends, minecraft sonoyuncu not opening, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft sonoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft sonoyuncu… Read More

  • Unbelievable Gujju Bhai Minecraft Build Hack #15

    Unbelievable Gujju Bhai Minecraft Build Hack #15Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Buld hack #15’, was uploaded by Gujju Bhai 24 on 2024-04-09 16:22:54. It has garnered 69 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. minecraft minecraft song minecraft civilization minecraft house tutorial minecraft house minecraft 100 days minecraft music minecraft 1.21 minecraft live minecraft builds minecraft hardcore minecraft horror minecraft roleplay minecraft automatic farm minecraft arg minecraft ambience minecraft armadillo minecraft and chill minecraft april fools minecraft aphmau minecraft april fools 2024 minecraft asmr minecraft avatar a minecraft project a minecraft song a minecraft story a minecraft parody… Read More



  • New Dawn SMP – Vanilla SMP

    Welcome to New Dawn! A whitelisted survival Minecraft server that sticks to vanilla, with rules in place to prevent griefing and stealing. We also have a diamond shop system for trading. Join us on our Discord server here. Read More

  • ChampiCraft Network (1.8 – 1.21)DISCORD

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • MurdocMC

    MurdocMCMurdocMC is proud to announce the official release of our minecraft server! We are currently operating on Minecraft Java, using version 1.21.Features:+ Shop GUI+ mcMMO+ Quests+ Time Vote (Vote for the Time Of Day)+ MoneyFromMobs (Upon the killing of a mob, you receive money)+ Vote Crates+ Survival+ PvP+ Friendly & Active Staff+ Small Community+ Playtime Ranks (Earn ranks via user playtime [Excluding AFK time])Info:As soon as GeyserMC updates their plugin to work with spigot/paper 1.21, we will introduce the server to Bedrock/Java/Any Version of Minecraft/& make it crossplatform.IP (Subdomain): (Regular): be sure to vote on all of the… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Literally Minecraft Lava Jumps

    Well, at least this meme is scoring higher than my GPA. Read More

  • Hot Mess: Inside Out 2 in Minecraft

    Hot Mess: Inside Out 2 in Minecraft Why does Joy always get stuck in a block of obsidian in Minecraft? Because she’s always trying to stay positive! Read More

  • Crafting a Minecraft Escape Room

    Crafting a Minecraft Escape Room Creating a Minecraft Escape Room Adventure Embark on an exciting journey as a Minecraft enthusiast delves into the world of creating an escape room within the game. The project promises to be a unique blend of creativity, problem-solving, and redstone mastery. Building the Foundation The creator sets out to construct the starting point of the escape room, laying the groundwork for a challenging and engaging experience. This initial phase marks the beginning of a meticulous process that will test their skills and ingenuity. Vanilla Minecraft Experience The escape room is designed to be 100% vanilla Minecraft, ensuring that players… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Pro Base Tutorial 🚀

    Ultimate Minecraft Pro Base Tutorial 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft How to Build a Pro Underground Base / Bunker -Tutorial-‘, was uploaded by Gearsaw Studios on 2024-07-23 18:02:31. It has garnered 76 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:15 or 1575 seconds. Minecraft How to Build a Pro Underground House / Base / Bunker -Tutorial- Want to build a base without doing the exterior work? This is the base for you! Combining three different pallets and the new 1.21 paintings, a simple base can be constructed that still looks fantastic. While it takes a long time to do, the base… Read More

  • Dyno Encounters Horror Steve!

    Dyno Encounters Horror Steve!Video Information This video, titled ‘I found horror steve 😱 #minecraft #shorts #horrorshorts’, was uploaded by Dyno on 2024-04-05 12:12:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. horrorshorts minecraft shortsminecraft funnyminecraft butminecraft horroranshu beastminecraft gameblock … Read More

  • Insane Hack and Grief on #2b2t Anarchy Server! 🔥

    Insane Hack and Grief on #2b2t Anarchy Server! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘#2b2t #minecraft #anarchy #minecraftjava #minecraftshorts #hack #grief #java’, was uploaded by GroundDevil on 2024-06-05 14:41:08. It has garnered 51 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks! 🔥🤯 #minecraft #tiktok

    Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks! 🔥🤯 #minecraft #tiktokVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s Mind-Blowing TikTok Hacks: Viral TikTok!🤯🔥👍 #minecraft #tiktok #mincrafthacks’, was uploaded by Gaming ss on 2024-02-08 06:01:41. It has garnered 162 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. In this mind-blowing video, we delve into the fascinating world of Minecraft viral TikTok hacks that are guaranteed to leave you spellbound! Get ready to uncover the secret tricks and techniques that have taken the Minecraft community by storm. Our expert team has carefully curated a collection of the most trending and mind-boggling hacks that will revolutionize your Minecraft experience…. Read More

  • Crazy Cat Rules Minecraft Server

    Crazy Cat Rules Minecraft ServerVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE || 47/7 SERVER || PUBLIC SMP || FREE JOIN SERVER 🔥🔥’, was uploaded by moggy gamer on 2024-01-12 22:02:34. It has garnered 118 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:16 or 1396 seconds. discord link jaldi se join kar lo hamare sath video banana hai to video mein support dikhao like and subscribe karke jao minecraft scary myths minecraft 1.20 scary myths busting minecraft myths that are actually real minecraft scary seeds minecraft 1.20 scary seeds minecraft scary minecraft phone,minecraft bedrock edition solving minecrafts most strange mysteries solving… Read More

  • Shocking! My High School MAID is a ‘Baba’?! 😱

    Shocking! My High School MAID is a 'Baba'?! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘My SUS High School MAID! (FULL STORYTIME)’, was uploaded by Baba on 2024-06-22 16:00:21. It has garnered 137887 views and 4675 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:42 or 1962 seconds. #storytime #minecraft #story My SUS High School MAID! (FULL STORYTIME) Me and The MAID! (STORYTIME) My MAID Went To HIGHSCHOOL! (STORYTIME) LIVE PLAYING RN! JOIN THE STREAM! Twitch: KICK: DISCORD JOIN! HIT ME UP! ●Twitch: ●Twitter: ●Instagram: ●TikTok: ●Discord: ✉️ Business Email: [email protected] Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT YOUTUBERS TRADE OP!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BUT, YOUTUBERS TRADES ARE OP 😮’, was uploaded by Future Blade on 2024-05-19 11:15:00. It has garnered 9168 views and 165 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:46 or 466 seconds. MINECRAFT BUT, YOUTUBERS TRADES ARE OP 😮 In This video I installed a mod in Minecraft where popular YouTubers trade with me op items so watch till end 💙 Other Videos:- 🎃Mace pvp 🎃 Hardcore Death 🎃 Minecraft wood factory Discord Link 🖇️ _________________________________________________ Free look:- F5:-https:- Hardcore mode:- Night Vision:- MCPE 1.20.60:-… Read More

  • Shinumi Exposes Shocking Minecraft Myths

    Shinumi Exposes Shocking Minecraft MythsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Busting Minecraft’s most CONTROVERSIAL Myths’, was uploaded by Shinumi on 2024-05-30 09:00:31. It has garnered 2419 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:03 or 243 seconds. Welcome to Minecraft Mythbusting! The series where I bust myths to see what really can be done in Minecraft. If you guys have any myths that you would like to see featured in future videos, please be sure to leave them in the comments and I’ll be sure to test them out 🙂 I hope you guys enjoy and have a lovely rest of your… Read More

  • ASH KACHAM vs HACKER: EPIC Minecraft Battle – Who Will Win? #shorts

    ASH KACHAM vs HACKER: EPIC Minecraft Battle - Who Will Win? #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘NOOB Vs PRO Vs HACKER ASH KACHAM #shorts #short #viral #minecraft #herobrine’, was uploaded by JISHAN GAMING 91 on 2024-02-21 12:16:44. It has garnered 484 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. NOOB Vs PRO Vs HACKER ASH KACHAM #shorts #short #viral #minecraft #herobrine subscribe to my channel 👍 for new video of Minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft noob vs pro minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker vs god house minecraft short noob… Read More

  • Shyo5 Network

    Shyo5 NetworkShyo5 Community, Where you find the happiness around the world.More Games You Can Find Skyblock,BoxPvP,Survival, theres more Events And Giveaway For Players Read More

  • Cookiecraft Modded Java Origins 1.20.1 Fabric

    Welcome to Cookiecraft – A Modded Minecraft Server Looking for something fun to do when you’re bored? Join Cookiecraft and make new friends! Our server features various mods including Origins, Cobblemon, Wizards (RPG Series), Marium’s Soulslike Weaponry, and more! We accept datapack origins suggestions to make our server unique. Join our growing community for our first season! Join us on Discord: Read More

Technoblade Charity Stream George’s POV Full VOD