ThatOneTomahawk – Minecraft: Cube Evolution! Ep. 8 – The Arcane Bore

Video Information

What’s up guys time I’m here welcome back to some more I don’t know what I’m doing right now with the work we’re here on the key of evolution uh I was kind of sidetracked because like there’s loud dogs just like making howling noises in the outside of the neighbors I was like

What does that sound it’s very strange and whatnot but anyway it’s still what the heck is that some ok I can hear through my headphones you guys probably can’t hear it but it’s like really faint and far away but anyway so we’re back in the cube evolution for some reason there

Is lightning thundering sounds even though it’s completely bright outside alright so in this episode I have a couple of things plans so I want to make this thing it’s called an arcane boar also a lucky she Tristan rip in peace love rip in peace ok i spelled p strong

Who cares ok but anyway we’re gonna we’re going to be going to do things right get make it our team boards a thumb crafting and i also have something else planned and assuming that making this Thaumcraft thing doesn’t take too much time we might go ahead and do that

Too but it might have to wait till next episode and i don’t want to spoil it because it’s kind of funny and yeah anyway let’s get on into this episode of the cube evolution ok so basically the first thing I have to do is I have to go

Ahead and open up my thumb and nomicon go into the task or not the task of the tab where is it right thumb a tree whatever so I was supposed to research one foci already research that so now all I do is research the one that is

Excavation so I get the research note my inventory plonk it in there put my scrubbing tools and this is really easy one to combine but you know since I don’t want to spend the time this is the part where I cut to where it’s finished all right there we go finished it it’s

All linked up and cool what not all right so we got that go right here research that bad boy get the little dinging sound so now we have the ability to make one foci excavation and I’m not really sure if I can actually do this

Yet so okay so you can actually make an arcane bore now so let me go ahead and get my scrubbing tools out of this bad boy and basically what an arcane bore is is this thing that resembles if you’ve ever played Tekkit before which if you’re an old minecraft player you

Know tech it is there’s these things called quarries that kind of dig stuff for you basically what it does is it says laser beam that shoots down a tunnel and digs out everything for you and gets resources and puts them in a chest and stuff and that’s what we’re

Going to try to make today so all we have to do is you know put this back in here and then put this right here and then we have to combine all these aspects once more I’ll cut to when it’s finished again all rights so finished linking all these things together how to

Get some more of the primal aspects and combine stuff together but I got a good research for the arcane boar has been discovered right click that bad boy open up my thigh mahna mahna mahna bacone so the arcane bore you have discovered a device capable extending the range and

Power of an excavation focus of even greater use is the fact that this the machine can do so without your constant supervision you merely need to place it on a specially constructed base point in the right direction with a wand and apply a redstone signal the arcane more

Focus is two things to function the first is an excavation focus placed in its leftmost inventory slot any enchantments applied to the focus will also alter the functions of the bore secondly if you you need blah blah blah blah blah blah does things do just you

Need to make a base you so what you need to do is you need to make the bore I need to make the base for it to work that’s basically how it is so that thing is made like that you put it into there

And then this thing is going to be a lot harder to make because it needs great wood planks gold ingots some air shards from Earth shards some diamond pickaxe some shovel some piston in the middle and then a lot of aspects in the bottom

So what I really need to do right now is I need to go through the tedious process that is filling a bunch of jars with vacuous potentia / folio motifs and mac machina so I’m gonna spare you the trouble and watching me just right click this thing right here for like 20

Minutes and cut through that because God knows gosh darn knows that it is just difficult to get this thing done or not this duck is just it’s just it’s just a pain okay it’s a pain I don’t need to explain myself whoo okay so I have filled massive amounts of jars of

Essentia with the different stuff that is needed in order to make this thing I think I’m ready to go ahead and go start my doing my thing I just choked I was eating some trail mix just a second ago and I think I just choked on

It well so I got a little bit extra stuff too that I just kind of placed all over the place but anyway the four things that we need here are these stuffs that’s relax so so I’m actually going to move this one to make it seem

Like a little cool cooler because I want it to be all like lined up and stuff and symmetrical so we’re putting that one right there and they’re going to go ahead and put all these right next to each other like boom boom pow status like look at that boom and boom ok so

Those are all down now all I’ve need to do is open up my thumb and alma con to figure out which goes with so there’s two great wood planks that go from these two corners right here so this one goes right here and this one goes right here

Open it back up and then the next thing we need to do is put the earth shard right there and then okay I think I could do that pretty easily ok so earth shard goes right here whoops whoa like what the heck inventory what are you

Doing what do you do one bud ok ok so we put come right here and then I believe that it goes on the corner yes it does and then the shovel goes on the four part right here and then where does the axe coax goes on the corner X goes

Alright wait wait x no it’s a pig XO I don’t know I said acts kind of confuse myself somehow and then all we have to do down here is gets get some gold gold is not definitely not a problem where we come from not in this not in this town

Of mine just grab two of you did not get to remember to get you a second go get climb back up and then the gold goes ones in the corner and then ones on the next to the pic x side so right there and then ones in the corner like so and

Then is everything placed down correctly I think it is it looks right it seems about right i think that might be actually need to be equivalent with a shovel it’s always hard to tell kind of where it is but i think it’s good so we’re going to go ahead and put the

Piston in the middle make sure that we have enough V in our one which we do let’s go ahead and start this ritual boom all right here we go so it’s going to start pulling stuff out i need this is going to be definitely some it’s probably very unstable so we have

To keep an eye on all the items making sure that they do not get removed all right so it’s getting potential from over there it should get more from the other one I don’t know why the potentias down there but whatever okay grab what you need please good i’m just i’m

Keeping my eyes on everything making sure that doesn’t fall off because i know we could just black people fall off you know the items could pop off the pedestals all right it’s key still getting more scripts still grabbing all that it needs good good grab all that

Yes all that good it’s so crazy looking in like scary to be honest oh oh I got struck by lightning for some reason that’s kind of some witchery magic going on right now it doesn’t like all that’s happening okay so grab what you need good am i offering is it working how

Much more does it need okay it’s getting 20 last little bit of it right here here it goes five more minutes gonna start destroying the items it’s gonna start destroying the items oh boy Oh broke one of the items it’s gonna get the other one now here we go grab that one good

That’s gonna get this thing right over here alright no it’s going all over the place who knows what’s going on who knows what’s going on I don’t okay get the shovel get the shovel get the shovel all right now get theirs or the air whatever I don’t even know what you’re

Doing last one and is it gonna work yes oh yes the arcane bore boo boo yeah so all that I need to do right now is go ahead and make an arcane pedestal so I’m gonna grab the items that I need to go ahead and make that and if you were

Wondering how to make it it is like so so all I need to do is get the items really quick but I can go ahead and get that ready to put into a crafting table will see you guys momentarily alright so we have this setup right here just

Dispenser in the middle some iron and get some great wood planks and then I put my wand up in there make my arcane board base one more thing that we need a craft before we’re all good to go is I need to make myself an excavation wand

Cap so the way this thing’s crafted is it’s like this and then I put in other courts right here and then it needs to use those aspects i have enough of a move on to make it work there we go got that and so all that’s needed to do now

Is we need a head downstairs i’m just go make myself okay i have already have a redstone torch so we’re good drop down to where the mine is my dragons down there for some reason who even knows alright so I want to place this thing down uh let’s

Just go right here so you have to put the bass down first and the base keeps runnin runnin by the way so let me just dig out a little bit of an area not too big of one just enough to get this thing going going going all right there we go

It’s all dug out nice and good so on the side of this thing there should be a little pipe where I could put a chest which is right there I’ll go like that adjacent and then put this thing right here so should be facing towards me

Right to start off with but I could change the way it’s facing by just right clicking on the one so I want to paste that way put it right there so all that stuff to do is I just let me just place a piece of wood down right here and then

Inside of here we could put in any thing so we could put you know pick X in there and then i’m also going to put in a redstone or not a redstone torch i’m going to put in my excavation thing right here and then all that’s left to

Do is to power it with a redstone torch and hopefully it’ll work as soon as i do this so let’s check it out all right and it is working it is destroying blocks very decently quickly i think this thing can get upgrade somehow with speed is

Plus zero yeah i don’t know how to make the speed any faster but this thing will basically use the durability on my pickaxe to mine the stuff and then what it’ll do is it’ll put it in here and it’s just basically a quarry and it mines for me this thing’s awesome gets

Stuff all day long you can get like diamonds and whatever and one of the big things that I kind of wanted to get is cobblestone because I’ve been needing cobblestone because I have an idea that I want to get to but will we get to it

In this episode who knows who knows I got to look or the footage alright guys so I have two plans that I want to do and one of them I’m gonna do in this episode the other one won’t explain so when the first thing that I’m actually

Going to do in this episode is I’m gonna make this thing it’s called an infernal furnace it’s from Thaumcraft it’s right here it’s called in frontal thoroughness hot hot enough let me just go well that’s just the little thing and basically what this thing does is it’s a

Furnace that you can toss items into and it will toss up the cooked out item out of it for cost of absolutely pretty much nothing like it is nothing nothing to do this sort of thing and this is the research for it I I just ate dinner miss like oh I’m all bloated

Block right now but um anyway so what I was planning to do is I wanted to do this thing so grazer he was gonna head over here and I’m explain this all I’ll do the research and stuff in a second I just want to because I have to

Concentrate for that and I can’t think and do I can’t talk and do that at the same exact time because it requires massive amounts of thinking also um something about the server right now that’s been happening to me for the past maybe hour or so is I’ve been crashing a

Lot and its really annoying I just got back on after not being able to get on for like 15 minutes and not crashing so I I’m just unable to connect to the server which kind of sucks but what can I do about it just really just nothing I

Can do but anyway grazer one over here and he created a lucky block shot but now this lucky block shop is is not actually done yet I have no idea what this is what the heck is that it looks like a dog or something some weird thing

I don’t know but grazer is in the process of making a lucky block shop and I don’t like that because I went on Twitter when keeping evolution you first came out and I was like I call you crusher your shop is done love Kermit what the heck okay it’s weird I called

Making a lucky block shop and grazer went ahead and made it anyway so what I’m going to do is I’m going to pretty much put them out of business in a way what I’m going to do is I’m going to make a store um you know pretty close to

Adjacent to his house I’m gonna make make this area right here he’s a sin to it and I’m gonna make it the free gold / dispenser sorry dropper shop so I’m gonna do there is I’m gonna give away free gold because honestly gold is is useless and and kind of worthless for me

I have too much of it and just just me having it doesn’t do me any good whatsoever to be honest it’s just it’s just not good said well I mean it’s not good it’s good but like I don’t have a use of it so what I’m gonna do is I’m

Going to give away free gold there and then I’m going to be selling dispensers for you know very cheap like pretty much nothing to be honest because grazer is gonna try to sell like he blocks and I’m just like nah I don’t feel like letting him do that I

Called dibs dibs is something that should be respected and when grazer does not respect dibs I create something that puts him out of business so either I’m gonna sew guy you’re in tell me in the comments should I make the gold the free gold place and the dispenser shop the

Same place or should I make them to different buildings just just tell me in the comments below that’s that’s all I want you to answer in today’s thing and also for the with the infernal furnace since I want to be a nice person and to

Make up for my not being nice with that plan is I what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna research it I’m going to create it and what the place i’m actually going to create is I’m created its spawn because I want people to be able to you know you

Know use the furnace without having to spend their actual money on it and really it’s just just a nice little gesture thing that I’m going to be doing so what I’m going to do right now is I’m going to connect all these research points together and we’ll be right back

In a memento okay combine this thing all together with the magics of this aspect thing so I got this can I take out the research notes a research I don’t know my cell research like that so we got the infernal furnace and basically what this is it’s by harnessing ruggedness with

Anna furnace created from obsidian another brick you have created a highly efficient fuel free furnace so efficient in fact that occasionally would produce bonus materials in the form of nuggets or other items while this is essentially freed is also very slow unless the you know furnace gets a new supply of ignis

Essentia every now and again this can be done by placing a jar of ignis essential within the line of sight of the furnace front of the furnace somewhere within 10 blocks luckily a little essential goes a long way so in order to make this thing

I need 50 of each thing in my wan do I have 50 of both in my wand right now luckily i do and i actually have a bunch of a little what do you call their notwist the ARA nodes that i moved during a live stream over here so i can

Actually just pull out v whenever i want which is actually very nice but what I’m gonna do right here is I’m going to go ahead and find the one that has the flame on it there it is boom I don’t and then is there another one here I believe

There is nope so all that need to do right now is get some nether brick and I need to figure out exactly how much of it i need so i need lava so I’m gonna need a lava bucket a couple other things it looks like I’m about to make a trip

To the nether and some other stuff also going to make some arcane bellows in a little while that’ll need something I do later on but it’s it’s basically increases the power of this thing so right now right so I need but so it’s four times three that’s

12 12 and then ok 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ok so it’s 12 12 and lava and then one iron bars fine I’ll get that and I’ll go to the spot where I’m gonna put it on spawn be wrapped back alrighty

Then so we’re over here we got spawn ecopia so uh you know it seems like no one’s kind of using this area I mean I see kind of like a portal thing so right I guess right here is good you know we could always move it somewhere else if

Someone gets an angry at me for having it right here but anyway i’m going to go ahead and move this right here and see the way you make this thing so go back to the artifice yard of his tab and so the bottom layer is ok so it’s three by

Three simple enough corners like this so let me just go ahead and put it like that like that that and then the next one is like so so i think it’s like this and then like that so that’s like that’s the first layer and then the second

Layer is I’m just check again okay nether brick ok that’s actually really simple ok so we go like that then another brick right there again once more put like that and that lava goes right there then the top layer is like so I believe let me just check again

With a homonym burp sama nomicon yep so we just go ahead and do one two three four so we have it looking like that and all that’s left to do is right click it with our wand assuming we have 50 of each which we do so we just right click

It and then boom so it makes it fertile in for any infernal in fernet furnace oh my gosh I’d a lot of words but anyway someone put that right there and it should just automatically absorb it so I’m just going to use this thing as an

Example so if I toss a cobblestone in here like so on the outside will come right here is wait for it just takes a couple of seconds for it to work at least it should work come on what are you doing there you go take a little bit

Of time and it made a stone and then it’s cool so it’s an automatic furnace it doesn’t take anything well it’ll use that but that’s it doesn’t need to use that just makes it faster and then I’ll do some upgrades to make some arcane bellows next time to

Make this thing go a little bit faster so what I’m gonna do right now is I’m go ahead and make myself a sign I’m just make a crafting table and plonk that I don’t know like let’s just say right here and then we’ll make a sign that

Says uh you know free whatever okay so let’s see so put this right here uh hello there traveler here is an infernal furnace up step in for an all furnace use it to smelt your items for free you’re welcome tomahawk there you go so those people can just use this infernal

Furnace to you know do stuff does that hurt me yes it does hurt me uh-huh this tomahawks on fire section of a book on on fire but whatever so that’s a fertile infernal in furnace it’s really hard to say infertile furnace and fertile furnace infernal furnace infernal

Furnace like you try to say that ten times fast kind of hard but anyway that is that we have accomplished our goals of today’s episode next time we’ll go ahead and do that so time for is over here when I hit him hit him he okay anyway a cutie little actual thingy

Plate thing ya do alright guys thanks for watching this episode of the cube evolution in the next episode you already want to do it in the next episode but anyway we got that thing done we got ourselves some arcane board action going on back at the house so

That’s awesome and get free items without any work whatsoever so wait oh we got the old outro music back that’s sweet you’ll hear it in a couple of seconds hope you guys enjoyed this episode of the cube evolution already said deafening I hope you guys wha is

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Cube Evolution! Ep. 8 – The Arcane Bore’, was uploaded by ThatOneTomahawk on 2014-09-18 22:00:01. It has garnered 14131 views and 492 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:01 or 1201 seconds.

Welcome Back to Cube Evolution! In this episode I go back to Thaumcraft and try to create something called The Arcane Bore! Also I brainstorm ideas and make something cool at spawn!

Cube Evolution was created by Wyld, you can check him out here: –

Previous Video: –

List of All Mods in Cube Evolution: –

Check out the new shirt shop! –

Intro/Outro music courtesy of Defib Records: –

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    SHOCKING: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker Shinchan Statue Challenge! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft noob vs Pro vs hacker shinchan statue challenge 🥶 #viral’, was uploaded by NOOB SHORT YT on 2024-02-25 04:30:09. It has garnered 9581 views and 858 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. HELLO GUY’S WELCOME 🤗😁😘♥️ Links 😁 Instagram link 👇 Discord link 👇 HOW TO COMPLETE 1m subscribe 🤣🤣🤣 subscribe now please ☺️ minecraft in hindi, minecraft, live insaan, minecraft videos, mine craft, GamerFleet, latest minecraft, minecraft india, carryminati, minecraft pro, Herobrine smp Ujjwal, Herobrine SMP, Main Stream, yessmartypie, join lilyville, jack, lilyville smp, FINAL WAR,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Fight Mod: Infernal Gainer Review

    Insane Minecraft Fight Mod: Infernal Gainer ReviewVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Epic Fight Mod | Infernal Gainer Full Mod Review’, was uploaded by K.Overlegen on 2024-07-30 10:04:52. It has garnered 5612 views and 126 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:24 or 804 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftmods #minecraftmodding #epicfight #epicfight #epicfightmod #minecraftmodreview #devilmaycry #devilmaycry5 THIS VIDEO IS SPONSORED BY KIWI HOSTING 🔗 Visit Us Today: Kiwi Hosting 🔗 Check Out Our Discord Use LEGEN20 for 20% off in all of your purchases. Letter Abbreviations: L- Left Click R- Right Click D- Delay lctrl – Sprint W- Forward Space- Jump S- Special Attack/Innate (Left-Click Hold)… Read More

  • Chill Lo-Fi Minecraft Beats to Relax and Level Up 🌿✨

    Chill Lo-Fi Minecraft Beats to Relax and Level Up 🌿✨Video Information This video, titled ‘🌿✨ Blocky Beats: Relaxing Lo-Fi Tunes for Minecraft Gameplay (chill lo-fi hip-hop music beats)’, was uploaded by Slow Jive on 2024-09-23 02:00:13. It has garnered 67 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:36 or 3276 seconds. Welcome to Slow Jive a refreshing relaxation experience! In this video, we present a series of soothing wave sounds, bird chirps, and sounds specifically designed to help you release tension and find tranquility in your daily life. 🌿✨ 🎶 What You’ll Find in This Video: Soothing Natural Sounds: Enjoy the gentle sound of rain, breaking… Read More

  • Boring SMP | 1.21 | Semi-Vanilla | Claims | Shops | QoL

    Welcome to Boring SMP! A new survival multiplayer server with tweaks to make the vanilla game more exciting. Features: Land claiming to protect your home Shops with a diamond economy Regular events for the community Warp stones for easy teleportation Bucketable entities to simplify tasks Crafting tweaks for an enjoyable experience Come join us at (Discord). Read More

  • KobbledKarp Fabric 1.20.1 | STS | Terralith | Gyms | Hunts | GTS | F2P | WonderTrade | PokeDex

    KobbledKarp Fabric 1.20.1 | STS | Terralith | Gyms | Hunts | GTS | F2P | WonderTrade | PokeDex Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft fans be like:

    It seems like Minecraft fans will even critique a meme’s rating system! Read More

  • “Get in loser, we’re mining diamonds!” 🔥😂 #minecraft #memes

    "Get in loser, we're mining diamonds!" 🔥😂 #minecraft #memes When you accidentally hit your friend’s diamond pickaxe with your fist in Minecraft and they start chasing you around the virtual world like a crazed maniac. #minecraftproblems #runforyourlife #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Ultimate Silly Goose Shenanigans

    Ultimate Silly Goose Shenanigans Minecraft Madness: Exploring the World of SMP Embark on a journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft, where chaos reigns and silliness abounds! In episode 130 of the SMP series, players dive into a realm filled with adventure, creativity, and endless possibilities. Let’s delve into the exciting events and features that make this gameplay experience truly unique. Building Blocks of Fun One of the core elements of Minecraft is its building mechanics, allowing players to construct elaborate structures, from towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions. The creativity knows no bounds, as each player brings their unique vision to life… Read More

  • Ultimate String Farm: Endless Minecraft Tutorial

    Ultimate String Farm: Endless Minecraft Tutorial Building an Infinite String Farm in Minecraft Are you tired of constantly running out of string in Minecraft? Look no further! In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of building an efficient string farm that will provide you with an unlimited supply of string for all your crafting needs. Materials Needed Before you start building your string farm, make sure you have the following materials ready: Spawner: Find a spider spawner in a dungeon or mineshaft. Water: You will need water to transport the spiders to the killing chamber. Killing Chamber: Create a chamber where the… Read More

  • Insane AEW Games Update! Astro Bot offline?! Minecraft Movie!

    Insane AEW Games Update! Astro Bot offline?! Minecraft Movie!Video Information This video, titled ‘Astro Bot, Concord goes offline, A Minecraft Movie | All Elite Arcade 022’, was uploaded by AEW Games on 2024-09-09 16:00:44. It has garnered 2208 views and likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:46 or 3706 seconds. This week on Arcade, Astro Bot is finally out and Uno gives us the full lowdown on his time with the game while Chugs digs into more of his playthroughs of Black Myth: Wukong and Star Wars: Outlaws. Then the boys break into the latest news: Sony pulls the cord on Concord after just two weeks, Minecraft… Read More

  • Boobly Rocket League to Minecraft: Goal 200 Subs

    Boobly Rocket League to Minecraft: Goal 200 SubsVideo Information This video, titled ‘rocket league then minecraft! road to 200 subs’, was uploaded by boobly on 2024-06-23 09:09:53. It has garnered 121 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 05:56:07 or 21367 seconds. dono link: #chill #streamer #fun #gaming #rocketleague #rl #diamond #dailystreamer #viral #funny #games #streaming #youtube #skate #skateboarding #dad #father #singlefather #grindset #peepeepoopoo #420 #stoner #cute #handsomeboy #rad #radical Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Roblox DUET FUNNY MONSTER SCHOOL

    Insane Minecraft Roblox DUET FUNNY MONSTER SCHOOLVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #roblox #duet #funny #memes #games #minecraftmemes #animation #gaming #monsterschool’, was uploaded by Alenima on 2024-04-22 08:19:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Pixelart by Pramod the Gamer! #Shorts

    Insane Minecraft Pixelart by Pramod the Gamer! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft pixelart #shorts #viral #trending’, was uploaded by pramod the gamer on 2024-06-18 07:38:20. It has garnered 2766 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Also comment below any video ideas you want, I am happy to reply to comments! If you enjoy Daily Minecraft shorts and make sure to like and subscribe 😀 #shorts #minecraft #tiktok #pixelart #viral #trending #decodingyt Read More

  • “INSANE Minecraft Texture Pack Creation Day 21!” #clickbait

    "INSANE Minecraft Texture Pack Creation Day 21!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Making My Own Texture Pack for Minecraft Day 21 (Acacia Wood) #minecraft #pixelart #mcyt’, was uploaded by NEDOCONTENT on 2024-05-02 14:44:50. It has garnered 5650 views and 248 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. Day 21 of making my own Minecraft texture/resource pack. Acacia wood and a bit of complaining about mojang. Read More

  • Surviving Cartoon Cat in Minecraft?!

    Surviving Cartoon Cat in Minecraft?!Video Information This video, titled ‘We Survived Cartoon Cat in Minecraft..’, was uploaded by RageElixir – Minecraft on 2024-05-10 16:00:09. It has garnered 888456 views and 8557 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:01 or 3361 seconds. Day 7 – We Survived Cartoon Cat on Minecraft’s Scariest Seed.. w/ @Darkomode Subscribe if you ENJOYED the video! ❤️ #Minecraft #RageElixir Read More

  • Minecraft Glitch Madness – Epic Troll Pranks! #shorts

    Minecraft Glitch Madness - Epic Troll Pranks! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft rip logic (Minecraft troll) #minecraft #shorts #viral #troll’, was uploaded by Gaming Glade on 2024-07-25 16:42:57. It has garnered 10112 views and 205 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. 👿👿Water Bucket Mlg in #minecraft #shorts #viral water bucket mlg slime block mlg Minecraft all types of clutch #minecraft Slime Block Mlg #shorts #viral #minecraft #gaming #minecraft #viral how to do slime block mlg how to do water bucket mlg how to hay clutch how to hayble clutch Minecraft funny memes Minecraft viral shorts abcd songs shorts #minecraft viral myths… Read More

  • “Insane Candy Boy OP in Minecraft Survival 2” #MinecraftMadness

    "Insane Candy Boy OP in Minecraft Survival 2" #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft survival 2 #minecraft #survivalgame #adventure’, was uploaded by Candy boy op on 2024-08-04 12:01:26. It has garnered 9 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:57 or 1257 seconds. Title: Minecraft Survival Series: beyblade Description: Welcome to beyblade the ultimate Minecraft survival adventure! Join as we embark on an epic journey through the vast, blocky world of Minecraft, where every day is a new challenge and every night brings new dangers. In this series, you’ll witness: 🏞️ Exploration: Discovering breathtaking landscapes, hidden treasures, and the secrets of the Minecraft world. 🏠… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft HarpistKT Crushes Aria Math!

    EPIC Minecraft HarpistKT Crushes Aria Math!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Aria Math’, was uploaded by HarpistKT on 2024-09-20 21:59:07. It has garnered 10641 views and 1084 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. #harp #ariamath #C418 #minecraft #videogames #classical #harpmusic #shorts  ➤ TikTok: ➤ Instagram: ➤ Facebook: ➤ Patreon: ➤ Buy Me a Coffee: ➤ Recordings: ➤ All Sheet Music: ➤ Website: ➤ Harp Lessons: ➤ Subscribe to my YouTube: ➤ Become a channel member: ➤ All Links: Read More

  • OtterSMP

    OtterSMPWe are a dedicated server that is willing to be the server that goes above and beyond to give you the true vanilla SMP experience. We have some of the most custom features that you will ever see! ▪ 1. Dungeons: Enter the dungeons and slay the commanders of each dungeon and earn loot along the way ▪ 2. Vanilla Gameplay: We’re bringing Vanilla back! Play your favorite game Minecraft but with additional twists and more! ▪ 3. Weekly Events: We have fun, engaging and exciting gameplay every single week! You’ll never get bored! ▪ 4. Storyline: Join and expierence… Read More

  • Idunn SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.21 Lands 16+ Custom Items

    Welcome to Idunn – Your Next Adventure Awaits! Join us today for the launch of Idunn, a vibrant Minecraft SMP! Our Server: Version 1.21: Experience the latest Minecraft updates. Grief Protection: Your builds are safe. Friendly Staff: Get help when you need it. Features You’ll Love: Quality of Life Add-Ons: Land Claims: Protect your builds. Player Shops: Trade and establish your marketplace. Spawn & Home: Always warp back to safety. Player Warps: Set your warp points. Mods: Custom Terrain Generation: Explore a unique world. Looting Plug-In: Ensure fair distribution of items. Custom Currency: Start with 250 Krona to trade. Exclusive… Read More

  • ——–( MekaMiners Oceans )——–Site Cupom: Halloween

    ——–( MekaMiners Oceans )——–Site Cupom: Halloween Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Freakout: why so mad?

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting Freakout: why so mad?Maybe he’s angry because he’s tired of getting griefed by his friends in Minecraft! Read More

ThatOneTomahawk – Minecraft: Cube Evolution! Ep. 8 – The Arcane Bore