The Aerial Sheep Service RETURNS!!! – Minecraft Hermitcraft Season 9 #30

Video Information

[ZED INTRO MUSIC] Subtitles by: Dot_Dot_Dash Hello, hello, hello and welcome back to another episode here on the Hermitcraft server with me, Zedaph and we are kicking things off over here at Cub’s museum and here’s Cleo’s museum as well. Very pretty. Not entirely sure we needed two museums right in this spot but nevertheless

Amazing, beautiful buildings here. And the reason I’m here is actually for the reason of the thing that I’m holding in my very hand. Here, let me stand up in the flowerbed. This is what I do, I like to stand on flowers to make myself a little bit taller. We have written

A literary masterpiece and Cub has asked for books, famous books, absolutely record breaking, page turning best selling books to be added to his museum and this is one I wrote back in season five. So let’s see if he finds it interesting. [ZED] Aha! There he is! I found him. [CUB] Oh hey Zed!

[ZED] Hey Cub! You’re behind your museum, I was looking everywhere for you. I hear you are in need of famous literature, pieces of artwork in book form. [CUB] I am indeed, you heard correctly. [ZED] I have something for you. I have probably the best book ever written. By me, of course

World famous author. Would you like it? [CUB] I would love it, I would love it! [ZED] Fantastic, all I ask is that you read it out as best as you can so that I can hear the story one final time before I let you have it. [CUB] Alright. The Eel.

[MUSIC] Go Baroque – Freedom Trail Studio [CUB] ONEs upon a time… [ZED] Yes. [CUB] An eel went inTO a shop. He was given FREE shoes. But he didn’t want them, FOR he had no feet. “F-IVE got no feet!” said the eel. Then eat them for dinner, it won’t make you SICKS

Said the shop keeper. [ZED] Mm-hm. Mm-hm. [CUB] I have an odd number of pairs anyway, so now it’S-EVEN. I see what you’re doing here. So the eel took them and ATE them! “Oww!” said the eel, “my lower intestNINE” the eel was very frighTENed. that he’d end up in EEL-HEAVEN! [laughs] 12 [laughs]

13, 14, 15. The end. Beautiful! [ZED] Excellent reading, excellent reading. Yeah, exactly how it was supposed to be read. You projected it just the way I- I thought it would be, it was lovely. [CUB] It’s magnificent man, I love that. That’s very creative. Can I show you where the books are over here?

[ZED] Oh yeah! Please do! I’d love to see where this one is gonna be housed for the rest of eternity. [CUB] So this is the museum gift shop. We’re actually underneath the museum at this point. [ZED] Oh nice! You exit through the gift shop right?

[CUB] Yes yes of course. There’s a button here, this is the way up. [ZED] Look at this! [CUB] Opens this and it closes it. and you can come down this way. Kind of a cool area I think this book is gonna go, yeah somewhere on the shelf like around here.

[ZED] Oh look at that! I’ve not actually interacted with this new book shelf thing yet. Can I? – boop! – Oh look at that! That’s really cool. [CUB] Really cool. I’m gonna make some copies. There’s a few other books around here, by the way. You can pull some off there.

You should be able to read all of them. Not sure which one that one is. [ZED] Back of the Base: An Unfinished Story. [CUB] Ah yes. [laughs] [ZED] Oh look at that, there was once a Hermit who- And then it ends. [laughs] [CUB] And that’s it, yeah.

Thank you so much for this, Zedaph. This is absolutely phenomenal, man. [ZED] Yeah it’s cool, trust me. It served me well, I wrote it season five I believe and I’ve been using it ever since as my redstone lectern thing. If I need 15 signal strengths

I can pick all 15 of them with that book. [CUB] Magnificent man, magnificent. [laughing] Well thank you so much man. Feel free to check out the museum as well up here. There is some stuff I believe from you. If you wanna make your way up this way. [ZED] Oh hello!

[CUB] Yeah a Zedvancement trophy from the Pulled Pork. [ZED] Oh look at that! There it is! [laughs] [CUB] And then we got the cake race. [ZED] Oh beautiful- Oh the cake race! I completely forgot that even existed! [CUB] Absolutely man. [ZED] Look at that, it’s just me and Keralis’s scores in there.

That was me trying to spy on Keralis unsuccessfully. [laughs] [CUB] Nice. [laughs] [ZED] Brilliant well yeah good. Take good care of my book and I’m sure to have a good old tour of this place at some point real soon, Cub. [CUB] Of course, of course. [ZED] Brilliant, alright I’ll see you soon.

[CUB] See you man. [ZED] Good-bye! [ZED] Ga! Ow! Aha! Mission successful! Cub seemed to very much enjoy his book and beautiful reading I must add. Now quickly before we get on with today’s main topics, we’ve got a few little housekeeping things to do and that is this.

The ominous banner that I hold in my hand. It is phoney. That’s right, there’s no such thing. I’ve got here – which chest is it? There- the ominous banner needs to go in here but it doesn’t! This is actually the first time

That I’ve got an item and I have to take it out of the Hall of All. We’re not gaining an item, we’re losing an item we have to gain because look! It’s just a white banner! That’s all it is! It’s the same- Where is it? The same as this! White banner, Minecraft:white_banner, Minecraft:white_banner.

So you know what? We’re actually gonna replace that one with that because this is still a slightly more special white banner than before but it does mean that we can go on here and then press enter. Baba ba! Ba ba! No gone! Be gone! And then inside here as well,

We can pop this thing here, the blocker. This is a white banner as well actually. That’s kind of funny. But this is just our thing to let us say that there is nothing in that slot there. Some people were saying to use a glass pane but the whole point of it

Is that, look, I wanna know easily I have one empty spot. I have no empty spots! That’s not easy. I have two empty spots! Whereas if I had a glass pane in there like a grey one, I wouldn’t see it and I think I’d have two empty slots

When in reality I do not and I thought while we were here. Is it this one? The written book. Do La Blee? What am I talking about? I can put a copy of The Eel in that we just gave Cub as our written book for that as well so get out of here!

And you, get out of here as well! And last episode, we did something else for our Zedvancements as well. If we take a little look in our statistics and then go to mobs. We can see right here! Piglin Brute killed me- I can’t back up! Help! No! Nooo!

Yes, I’m not proud of it but it happened. So that’s one less mob to die from! [clock ticking] Oh my goodness me, we just had probably the most chaotic live stream, I think I have ever been apart of. It was incredible. [laughs] It was a lot of fun.

You can check it out! I’m live streaming on Youtube now on this very channel. There should be a little icon up there. You should be able to find it in the “Live” tab on my page as well. Highly recommend you going over and watching because it was a lot of fun

And we managed to get this bouncing piglin- Eh zoglin! I’m so sorry! It’s a pink little zoglin lovely baby boy dangling away there constantly being battered by a snow golem which is why you could see there’s some glass panes up there. There’s a little bit of a war that’s forever going on.

And I think, yeah, it’s just gonna forever fire at it. There’s some ones up here for reasons why. You need to just check out the live stream. If you didn’t see it already. It was a lot of fun. [laughs] And during the live stream as well, as getting another mob dangled,

We also died by six more things too! We died by a polar bear, a zombified piglin, a pillager, a silverfish, a slime and a zoglin. In fact, our zoglin. The one that’s hanging up there. So that’s six more deaths added to the I’m De-terminated Zedvancement. We are flying through these but

I think it’s time we start a brand new one. It all started way back in season five [MUSIC] Epic Battle Speech – Wayne Jones when Tango and I dangled sheep how they should not have been dangled. And even more recently, a goat from a mountain top to my base.

Only one organisation is able to pull off such feats and that organisation is: The Aerial Sheep Service! We’re back baby! That’s right! Aerial Sheep Service is back in action with its own Zedvancement: The Aerial Sheep Service Delivery which has a double meaning in itself. The goal is to deliver a baby

And have it grow up then deliver it all in flight. So we’re gonna have some dangling sheepy parents way up in the sky. So when they dangle a bit too closely together they’ll poop out a baby who will then need to be caught from the air and aerial sheep serviced

Until it grows up by which point it can be delivered to its final destination. Which might end up being death but hopefully it’s just the ground. Which sounds to me like something that’s never been done before so for our best chances of succeeding this

We will need, of course, a giant sheep in the sky. Which thanks to a lovely patron of mine: Mel_Playz_Gamez we have ♫ Da da da daa! ♫ The beautifuliest sheepy flying thing in the world! [laughs] It’s so ridiculously cool and ridiculous, that’s the key point of this. Ridiculous in every way possible.

Oh I better be careful up here. We are very high above the ground. [sighs] Sheep, I don’t know how you’re doing this holding on so tightly. But we are not gonna have to be alone. The Aerial Sheep Service does not work alone! We need to get our old co-pilot back. [TANGO] Hello?

[ZED] I’m up here, you fool. [TANGO] [laughs] You got too many name tags around your base. How am I suppose to find you? Where are you? [ZED] I’m up here, I was waiting ominously. [TANGO] Up here, up here, oh there you are! Hi! [ZED] Here, let me get into my ominous position. Okay.

[TANGO] Your entire base is floating name tags. [ZED] Hello Tango. [TANGO] Hello Zeedap. How are you? [ZED] I’ve been expecting you. I like your trim on your pants there. Tango, [TANGO] Yes sir? [ZED] Would you like to get yourself one of these little Zedvancement trophies, another one to go with your-

[TANGO] Another one, yeah. I will say I’ve got quite a few at this point. Yeah, I would love another one. They’re amazing. [ZED] Excellent. [TANGO] What have you got up your sleeves today? [ZED] I was gonna say one word and you were gonna get it

But I don’t even need to say a word. All I need to do is drop this on the floor. [TANGO gasps] [ZED] And I think you’ll know. [TANGO laughs] [ZED] Pop it on! [TANGO] Oh I’m so happy! [ZED] There it goes! [TANGO] Yes! [TANGO] Oh we’re getting the band back together! [ZED] Absolutely!

Look at us. [TANGO] It’s been so long! Are you serious? [ZED] [laughs] Yeah! We have an excellent plan. I think of something we can try and achieve [ZED] with sheep- [TANGO] I’m so happy right now! [laughs] [ZED] [laughs] – with dangling. I knew you’d love it. I knew it.

[TANGO] Oh this is the greatest thing! Okay what do we do? What do we do? [ZED] Tango, before we get into anything. How long as it been since you’ve dangled an animal? Be honest. [TANGO] Er… Listen. I’ve dangled a lot in my day but it’s been a while.

Yeah, it’s been a hot minute. [ZED] Yeah I thought so. [TANGO] Years at this point. [ZED] I thought so. I think we need to go somewhere where we can sort of warm up a little bit, practice our dangling animal skills and hopefully get better before we even attempt the Zedvancement.

Okay, over at False’s elytra course here, I thought this was the best place to warm up those leady dangling abilities. [TANGO] I mean… Shouldn’t we like, you know, attempt to just do like basic aerial delivery? You wanna run an elytra course? [ZED] We’re professionals, Tango! We can handle this, right?

[TANGO] Sorry, sorry, of course, of course! Yes, I forgot. [ZED] Okay here, you have some leads. and we’re gonna use chickens. Right chickens, they are the leadiest leadable mobs in the world. [TANGO] They’re semi floating already. [ZED] Exactly! They love it. Oh there’s a baby! There you go, whenever you’re ready Tango.

[TANGO] You want me to run the elytra course? [ZED] Give it a try, see what you can do. Don’t break the lead! Don’t break the lead. There he goes. [ZED] Nice and smooth. [TANGO] Delivering the sheep. [TANGO] The chickens! [ZED] There it is! Oh yeah, you’re through- He’s through the ring too!

[TANGO] Can I rocket? [ZED] I don’t think so, that was always the problem! [TANGO] No, that was the problem! [BOTH laugh] [ZED] He got absolutely slammed against the edge! Boom, alright I’m gonna give this a try. Ready? I’m not gonna pre- dangle!! Oh!! [TANGO laughs] [ZED] [laughs] What happened?!

[TANGO] What is this? The hangman’s gallows? What was that? [ZED] Who puts a trapdoor in the floor? Nice and gentle. Ooh ooh! Oh it’s hard to not get speed up. [TANGO] Oh you even got the zig zag. Now you’re gonna get him caught on the- [gasps] [ZED] Did he go through? [TANGO] Oh!

[ZED] Oh no! [TANGO] He went through! [ZED] Even the second ring is too hard! [TANGO] You can’t make the second ring without rocketing. Yeah. [ZED] Did he fall? [TANGO] I don’t see anything. [ZED] [laughs] Oh no! Okay alright so, we’ve learned some tactics here

Or some problems, maybe we need to go off the roof. Chicken, chicken, chicken. [TANGO] We’re adding more aerial to the Aerial Sheep Service. [ZED] Yes, exactly. That’s the plan. [TANGO] Ready set… Go! [ZED] Okay yeah, oh you’re good. Oh! Oh! He’s still attached! Beautiful speed! [TANGO] Ooooh! We got it!

[ZED] Oh! Did it break? [TANGO] No! We did it! I don’t know. [laughs] No we’re good! [ZED] We’re still good? [TANGO] I don’t know where the third one is. Oh! Oh! Zed, I made it through the third one. [ZED] You made it through the third one as well?

[TANGO] I made it through the third hole. Oh we’re so good at this. [ZED] That’s it! I mean, that was the goal. [ZED] You did it! [TANGO] I’m back! We got it! [TANGO] You’re looking good. You’re looking good! [ZED] Okay, we’re through the first ring. [TANGO] Through the first ring.

[ZED] And we’re through the second ring. [TANGO] Still chicken deployed! [ZED] Where’s the third ring? It’s so far away! [TANGO] Noo! You’re supposed to go below! [ZED] Oh no! It’s down here! Oh there it is! [TANGO] Can he still do it? No. [BOTH laugh] [ZED] There’s the third ring!

Okay, I was going for the wrong ring but hey! [TANGO] It’s fine, it’s fine. You did great, it was a course malfunction not a delivery service malfunction. [ZED] Yeah definitely a course malfunction. That was the problem. Tango, are you warm? Are you ready to go? [TANGO] I’m warmed up, man. It’s like-

Pff! Pff! It’s like it never stopped. We’re there! [ZED] Yeah, we’re back, we’re straight back into the Aerial Sheep Service professional leading experience. [TANGO] Yes, yes. [ZED] Okay right, the Zedvancement I’ve come up with I think nobody will ever have done it in the world before which means we might fail this.

There is a good chance that we could fail this today. [TANGO] That’s what keeps it spicy, I like it. [ZED] [laughs] Yeah good, see? I knew you’d be happy with it. Spice is the spice alive. We need to make a baby. Not toget- with- [BOTH] Hold on! Hold on!

[TANGO] I’m not! No no! [ZED] Let me- Let me take a few steps back. We need to make two sheep have a sheep baby, okay? And we need to lead that baby Aerial Sheep Service style until it grows up big and strong but the key is: that baby cannot ever touch the ground.

It needs to be born in the air, flown in the air, grow up in the air and only when it’s an adult may its hooves touch the ground. [TANGO] [laughs] Doesn’t it take 20 minutes to grow a baby? [ZED] [laughs] Well… I mean, that’s one option

But also if we keep stuffing its face full of wheat [ZED] like one person is like dangling it, [TANGO] Oooh! [ZED] the other one’s going behind feeding it wheat as much as possible it should grow up quicker. [TANGO] That is absolutely bonkers! [laughs] This sheep is gonna have the best story ever

To tell all the other sheeplings! [ZED] Yeah! It was born a bird, it got its face stuffed with food and then it landed an adult. I mean, what a perfect life! [TANGO] I love it! Okay so hold on. Do we have to breed the sheep in the air too? And then…

[ZED] Yes we do and I’ve got a plan. [TANGO] Are we gonna- Are we gonna catch the baby?! [ZED laughs] I have a plan for everything, Tango. Don’t you worry. If you take a little look up there, you can see our launching pad. [TANGO laughs] You got it!

I mean, it’s not quite as big as the original. [ZED] It’s a baby! It’s a baby sheep! [TANGO] Oh it’s a little baby sheep! [TANGO] Look at him! I love it. [ZED laughs] [ZED] Okay, the stage has been set stood upon the baby floating sheep thing.

[TANGO] This is the- This is already the weirdest thing. [ZED laughs] [TANGO] Just these rigid sheep [TANGO] just for whatever reason just not moving. [ZED] Rigid sheep, well you know, the lead being pulled tight means they’re nice and happy! [TANGO] That is key, yeah. We have to have the super anti-bounce technique.

I love it. [ZED] Listen, these parents have got to make a baby. You can’t do that when you’re bouncing up and down, right? [TANGO] Of course not, of course not. [ZED] It’s gotta be static. [TANGO] Right. [ZED laughs] [ZED] Okay so one of us here is gonna have to feed the parents

And then the other one is gonna be trying desperately to like grab the baby out of- [ZED] out of the air. [TANGO] So we’re trying to catch the baby mid-air? [ZED] Yeah! That’s how doctors do it, right? [TANGO] Right right. A little slippery. Oo! There it goes!

[ZED] Your job here is, you’re gonna be the feeder. You got to make this baby fit and healthy adult. So you need like a stack of wheat to try and feed that baby in mid-air. [TANGO] I don’t have any wheat, do you have any wheat? [ZED] Oh! A-boom!

There’s a whole stack for you. [TANGO] Boom. Okay. Sorry I’m feeding- [ZED] Have two more, you’re gonna feed each of them. I think if you feed the left one then you feed the right one I think the baby comes out of the left. [TANGO] Okay, it comes out of the first one.

[ZED] This is the mumma, yeah. [ZED] There’s the hearts. [TANGO] Momma sheep activated… [TANGO] And… Go. [ZED] They’re gonna make a baby. [TANGO] Come on Zed! [TANGO] There it goes! [laughs] Baby sheep! [ZED] Where- Where did it even come out? [TANGO] You didn’t even see. I came out of papa!

[ZED] It came out of papa? [TANGO] It came out of papa. I think it’s 50/50. [ZED] Oh no! That’s makes things so much more difficult. [TANGO] That thing rocketed! [TANGO] Like that was a forceful birth! [ZED laughs] [ZED] I was here! [TANGO] That was not like casually hanging out.

[TANGO] That was like hnggg!! It just shot down! [ZED] I was just like desperately like I’m gonna catch it! I’m gonna catch it! And then it just falls out of the other one. [TANGO] You’re like the really bad doctor [TANGO] just looking the wrong way. [ZED laughs] [TANGO] Like what?

[ZED] Oh I’m sorry sir, it was the mother it was coming out of. Okay. [BOTH laugh] [TANGO] Okay, that was interesting. I think it’s 50/50 which one is gonna do the baby making, yeah. [ZED] Oh no! [TANGO] Okay Zed, I think we’ve got a plan here. The science, it’s fool proof.

It’s gonna work, it’s gonna work. So we’re gonna breed and breed and then we’re gonna try to just catch it on the lead first because we don’t know which one it’s gonna be right? [ZED] Yeah, so you’re gonna try and catch the right one, I’ll try and catch the left one

And whichever, we’re hedging our bets. [TANGO] Pretty much yeah. My understanding is the baby spawns right inside the parent right at the same position so it should be like right below the feet is where we can catch. [ZED] Shall I click my sheep first to see if it’s happy? [TANGO] Feed momma!

[ZED] Boom, we’ve got hearts. [TANGO] Okay hearts deployed. Ready? [ZED] Ready. Oh goodness. [TANGO] [gasps] Oh! [ZED] You got the baby! You did it! [ZED] It’s dangling! [TANGO] Oh my gosh! [ZED] Okay, okay. [ZED] Fly nice and smooth, fly nice and smooth. [TANGO] I can’t believe we did- [laughs]

[ZED] I’m coming in for breakfast! [TANGO] Come on! Feed my baby! [ZED] Oh my goodness, it’s really hard. It’s really hard to catch him. Okay, try and kind of loop the loop. [TANGO] I’m trying to slow, I’m trying to slow. [ZED] Yeah be slow. [laughs] [TANGO] I’m slow and steady. You gotten any-

Give me updates on the wheat ticks. [ZED] I’ve not fed him once. Oh! Oh! Oh! I’ve four! Four ticks. Four ticks, okay. But then I slow down. Oh goodness. Yeah, we fed him four wheat at the moment. You’re gonna have to stay airborn for a lot longer. [laughs]

[TANGO] I don’t know! I mean- We’re going to my base, right? It’s approaching quick! [ZED] Okay, oh another feed! Okay, I’m coming in. I’ve fed him five so far. Six. [TANGO] Turning is probably not helping. We need to feed him like 60! [ZED] If you’re gonna turn, turn left.

If you’re gonna do a loop around. [TANGO] Okay. [ZED] Oh it’s so hard to feed! [TANGO] Feed! Feed more! [ZED] Ahh! My rockets are too powerful! I’m matching speed… And… yum yum yum yum yum. I say yum yum yum yum yum! [TANGO] Oh! I’m getting close to the ground, I see trees!

[ZED] Oh no! I’ve only fed him like 12! [TANGO] I’m going over the outpost. [ZED] Oh this is some good feeding. 40 wheat left. 38 wheat- 30 wheat left! [TANGO] I have to rocket, Zed! [ZED] Oh no! [ZED] It’s a baby, it touched water. [ZED] It touched! It touched! [TANGO] Awwww! [TANGO laughs]

[ZED laughs] That was close. I had 24 wheat remaining. I think if we do a full stack, it should grow. [TANGO] Just- Let’s just see. Finish the stack here and see for science. [ZED] Fini- Oh! And it’s an adult! [TANGO] You were like three clicks away! [ZED] Literally we were that close.

Sheep, are you ready to go again? [ZED] It think it is. [TANGO] Behh! [ZED] Tango, are you ready for another attempt? [TANGO] I’m ready, I’m ready. [ZED] Then I’m gonna breed my sheep. [TANGO] Deploying priming substance, excellent. Okay ready? [ZED] Ready when you are. [TANGO] Sheep and… [TANGO] And… [ZED] I got it!

[ZED] I caught the baby! [TANGO] You got it Zed! [ZED] Okay. [TANGO] You got it! [ZED] Okay, I go slow. [TANGO] Oh I’m feeding so hard! There’s so much feeding happening, Zed! [ZED] You got it! [TANGO] Maybe not, 46. [TANGO] 53! Or… [ZED] You’re doing perfect, man.

I see you in my rear view mirror. [TANGO] Okay, I got half a stack deployed on it. [ZED] Okay, that’s really good news. His legs are going like crazy! [TANGO] Blblblblbl! [ZED laughs] [TANGO] Okay, ah that was a bad one. [ZED] How many? [TANGO] I’m down to 26 from a stack.

[ZED] Oh my goodness, I feel like I’m falling too quickly. [TANGO] Okay more… Down to 21. [ZED] He grew! He grew! [TANGO] He’s alive! He’s alive! [ZED] Okay okay okay. [TANGO] He’s alive! Oh my gosh! [laughs] [ZED] Oh my goodness. [TANGO] You got the citadel to your right. Do a slow hook.

Where are you? Where are you? [ZED] I see it. I see the pole. I see everything. Oh no, I’m too low! I’m way too low! [TANGO] Oh nooo! You didn’t go in time! [ZED] Ahhh! [TANGO] Nah! So close! [ZED] I just got to land him! I just got to land it. [TANGO] Awww!

[ZED] Is he still on? He’s still on. [TANGO] He’s still on! He’s still a sheep! [laughs] [ZED] Okay. Coming in for a smooth landing. [TANGO] Smooth move. Smooth moving! [TANGO] And… He’s alive! [ZED] Success! [MUSIC] [ZED laughs] [TANGO imitates trumpet] [ZED] Hey! We did it! [TANGO] Hey! That was amazing!

[ZED] You were a serious feeder, man. [TANGO] Listen, I know how to cram some food. [ZED laughs] [TANGO] Okay Zed listen, we’re obviously professionals and that was like- we just knocked that out of the park, right? Airborn delivery of babies and growthificating and everything. It was perfect! It was perfect.

So I got to say, I got to say, I wanna raise the bar just a little bit. I mean, you saw what we were trying to do there. On the citadel there’s a fence post I wanna have- [laughs] I wanna have a sheep that is born in the air,

Caught, grows up into an adult in the air and then never touches the ground. [ZED] Never touches the ground. [TANGO] Never touches the ground. I wanna get him hooked on that post. Can we do it, sir? [ZED] I think so, that would truly be the cherry on the cake, right?

Of like the ultimate Zedvancement. [TANGO] It would be. [ZED] Oh! Love hearts! [TANGO] Hearts deployed, and… Hearts deployed! Right clicking! [ZED] Right clicking. [TANGO] Got him! [ZED] You got a baby. [ZED] Okay. [TANGO] I got a baby deployed. [ZED] I’m gonna be the feeder. Coming in nice and quick. 40, 39, 37, 36

Thirty- 31, 26… Ah come on sheep! [TANGO] Come on! He’s got to grow! [ZED] Where is he?! [ZED] Ah! 11! 11! He must be growing soon! [TANGO] I’m going for the hook! [ZED] He’s grown! He’s grown! And he’s ready to breed! You’re too low, you’re too low man.

[TANGO] Oh! It’s way up there!! [ZED] Try and just rocket straight up in the air. [ZED] Give it a try. [TANGO] It’s too late. [TANGO] We go again, Zed. We go again. [ZED] We go again, let’s do this. [TANGO] Deploy the breeding prime material. There we go! And… Yoink! And right click!

[ZED] Get a lead, I’m right clicking. [ZED] Oh no! [TANGO] Ahhhh! [ZED] Oh no! [laughs] [TANGO] Okay maybe this time I’ll feed first, okay? [ZED] Yeah maybe you do that, Tango. [TANGO] Maybe that’s why. [TANGO] Okay ready set go. [ZED] Old slippery hands. [ZED] Okay and… feed.

[TANGO] And… [ZED] Catch catch catch catch catch. [ZED] Oh the baby fell as well! [TANGO] Noooo! See? [ZED] Why are they so slippery? [TANGO] Feed. [ZED] Feed. [TANGO] Feeding away and feeding in three, two, one, fed. [TANGO] Holding right click and… [ZED] They’re looking each other in they eyes.

[TANGO] I got him, I got him. [ZED] Oh you got him? Okay. [ZED] Off you go. [TANGO] I’m off. [ZED] And yum yum yum yum yum. Oh what?! [TANGO] How many? [ZED] He doesn’t wanna- He’s got a problem. Oh come on baby! 49! 47! Oh! Plummet crash! [TANGO] [laughs] Awww!

[ZED] The puff of death. No not this time. [TANGO] The puff of death. These guys can’t keep up with our reproduction needs so we had to add more. [ZED] Yeah Noah’s Ark. He should’ve brought four on of each animal. It would’ve been quicker. [TANGO] Feeding commenced. [ZED] And feed and ready to grab.

Grab grab grab grab grab. Oh! I got him! I got the baby! [TANGO] Feed baby, feed! [ZED] Come on! He’s hungry! [TANGO] 30! 25! He’s grown, you got it! [TANGO] Stick it! [ZED] No! [ZED] Nooo! [ZED] Nooo! Ahh nooo! [TANGO] Zed!!! [ZED] I clicked the pole! I must have been too far away!

[TANGO] So yeah, it was getting a bit confusing trying to remember which ones to do so we have perfectly Zedaph coloured sheep now for our convenient breeding- [ZED] Colour coded! So yellows. [TANGO] We’re on yellow, yeah yellow. Okay. [ZED] Come on come on. I caught it! I caught a baby.

[TANGO] Do the thing, do the thing. [ZED] I’m doing the thing. [TANGO] Dadadadadadadada! No! Come on! Eat harder! [TANGO] Aww that was a horrible one! [ZED] Did he not eat much? [ZED] Oh no, I’m too low, I’m too low. [TANGO] He’s not grown up anywaaay!! [ZED] Too low. [TANGO] Ahhh!

[ZED] No, is he still a baby? Oh no he grew! Okay, it’s time. Bringing out the potions. [TANGO] Bringing out the big guns. Alright. [ZED] Technically, right, if we drink a slow fall potion as the flyer, we would be able to glide so much more slowly giving the feeder

Way more time to feed. [TANGO] All the wheat cramming time we need. It should be easy mode. [ZED] It’s gonna be a massive banquet. And hey, the sheep- The sheep doesn’t get touched with potions or anything. The sheep is just doing its thing. There’s no worries here, this is fully legal.

Lead lead lead lead lead lead lead. Caught the baby! Drinking my potion. [TANGO] Drink! [ZED] Okay. I’m slow. [TANGO] Boom! [ZED] Oh I see you there. Oh you’re like an eagle. [TANGO] Wow this is so easy! Easy mode! Oh eat all the wheat! Blblblblbl! Okay I fell a little bit there.

I didn’t get much. [TANGO] ♫ Du du du duh! ♫ [ZED] Oh that’s so cool! [BOTH laugh] [ZED] I’m a bit worried about my trajectory. Like, am I gonna even make it to the pole? [TANGO] Eat. Eat. Eat the food! Eat the food! It’s so good, all the food.

And the good thing is, you can look right at the target now. [ZED] What I’m worried about now. [TANGO] He’s grown! He’s grown! [ZED] Okay Tango, you- Er… You- Mmm… I should have brought more slow falling potions with me because mine’s gonna run out. [TANGO] Oh no.

[ZED] I kinda wanna be slow falling when I get there though because then it’s guaranteed right? [TANGO] And… Go. [ZED] It went right through me. It went right through me! [TANGO] Come on! That was a good throw too! How much time you got? [ZED] I got five seconds. [TANGO] Oh no! [ZED chuckles]

[TANGO] Coming in hot and… [ZED] Oh I’m flying! [TANGO] Deployed! Ahhh! [ZED] I might be able to make it though. This might be fine. [TANGO] I’m marking the landing for you. [ZED] Oh no! Now I’m too far away! [TANGO] Why did you do that?! Ohhh. [ZED] Done it! Done it! We’ve done it!

[TANGO] He did it! [ZED laughs] [TANGO] The sheep that never used his hooves! Oh yes! [ZED] Oh that’s a children’s book if I’ve ever heard it. Da da daa! The walk of- not shame! The opposite of shame! [TANGO] Victory and glory and triumph and delivery service. [ZED] Dink! Oh come on!

Oh no! [TANGO] Oh no one saw anything, no one saw anything. [ZED] And remove that quickly. Okay, I got- Never mind! Nobody saw anything. It’s fine and boom! [ZED] Just for you. [TANGO] Oh! Ahh! [TANGO] Aerial Sheep Service Delivery. [ZED] That’s right and we delivered a baby and we delivered an adult.

Thank you, Tango. Thank you for coming along. Thank you for making that possible. [TANGO] So amazing, so much fun. Oh that was great. Good way to stick the landing at the end there. [ZED] Absolutely absolutely. You keep that sheep nice and happy, man. [TANGO] Oh he’s not going anywhere.

His hooves are gonna be pristine forever. [ZED] Keep the ground as far away from him as possible. [TANGO] Exactly, alright. [TANGO] Goodbye everyone! [ZED] See ya Tango! Well there we have, successful sheep delivery. I am very, very happy. What a fantastic Zedvancement! So much fun as always.

A massive thank you, of course, to my wonderful, glorious patrons whose names are all over the screen right now. Especially Mel_Playz_Gamez who helped build the sheep thing. It’s beautiful! Love all your faces. Thank you all so very much. Here is what our Zedvancements are looking like now.

Beautiful! A full screen of Zedvancements. Ah! Who would have thunk it. Plenty more to come still! We’re gonna have to start scrolling soon. I don’t know how we’re gonna deal with it. We’ll figure it out! That is gonna be it for today’s episode. Thank you for liking, thank you for commenting,

Thank you for subscribing. It all really helps me out and the channel. I do very much appreciate it but until the next episode, a-good, a-bye! [ZED OUTRO MUSIC]

This video, titled ‘The Aerial Sheep Service RETURNS!!! – Minecraft Hermitcraft Season 9 #30’, was uploaded by ZedaphPlays on 2023-08-01 15:15:28. It has garnered 84535 views and 9255 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:41 or 1781 seconds.

Today the Aerial Sheep Service are back! Zed & @TangoTekLP attempt their greatest feat yet… Their usual job that they are supposed to be able to do all the time anyway…

⭐Support Me for Awesome Rewards: 👕The Zedaph Store: 🔴Live streams: 🎥Live Replays: 📢Twitter: 💰Great Value Servers:

Animation: Jack Allum Music Composition: MusicMan1017 Graphics: HungryMaxzilla HC Logo:

Hermitcraft is a private, invite-only, vanilla java minecraft server. Check out the Hermits: Get Minecraft:

Season 9, Episode 30. #Zedaph #Minecraft #Hermitcraft

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  • Unbelievable Win in Bedwars – No Idea How!

    Unbelievable Win in Bedwars - No Idea How!Video Information This video, titled ‘I won this bedwars game without knowing how to play’, was uploaded by HBU mine on 2024-03-27 19:04:31. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:59 or 419 seconds. 1. Join me on my gaming adventures as I conquer the Minecraft world! Watch my YouTube channel for epic gameplay and exciting challenges. Let’s play together! 2. Get ready for non-stop Minecraft action on my gaming YouTube channel! Join me as I explore, build, and survive in this virtual world. Subscribe now for the best gaming content! 3. Dive… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Prank on Chai Wala 😂 #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Prank on Chai Wala 😂 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Funny Chai Wala 😂 #shorts’, was uploaded by Adi Bhai Gamer on 2024-05-29 06:30:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Funny Chai Wala #shortsvoice credit @NOTYOURTYPE video credit @LEGENDDEVILS minecraft minecraft funny … Read More

  • Garrettmc Network

    Garrettmc NetworkHello and welcome to the Garrettmc network :). We have a variety of games to choose from, we have Minigames, Murder-Mystery, Skyblock, Classic smp, Smp, factions, creative, and an anarchy server as well. We know that the server wasn’t the best in the past and we are actively working toward making a higher quality server experience. We hope to see you on the server :), have a good day. 🙂 Read More

  • Charged Creeper SMP, Cross-Play, McMMO, Dungeons, Mob Arenas, Custom Enchants, Shops, Pinata Party, Crates

    Hark, Brave Adventurers! Charged Creeper is an SMP server that launched in March of 2024. We offer a captivating survival experience with: Features: Lite RPG experience with Dungeons, Mob Arenas, Quests, and more Excellent QoL with Player Warps, Homes, Land Claiming, and more Voting system with rewards Player-owned economy Multi-platform play with different MC versions Informative Discord channel with Discord-to-Minecraft chatting Custom Help menu available 24/7 Join Us: Visit our Website or join our Discord Channel. Java IP: Bedrock Port: 25566 Welcome! We eagerly await new faces in our server and extend our warmest welcome to all. Feel free… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Lebonbon strikes again!

    Lebonbon must have some serious Minecraft skills if they’re scoring a 94 on meme creation! Read More

The Aerial Sheep Service RETURNS!!! – Minecraft Hermitcraft Season 9 #30