THE ALL POWERFUL FISH SORCERERY! Minecraft Jujutsu No Yaiba Modpack Episode 2

Video Information

Hello everybody Ginger Shadow here and welcome back to some more s skins/”>Slayer I guess that’s the name we’re going with we set it down is what we’re going with so welcome back b boom b boom we are here for some more idas with no powers and no nothing to show for the first

Episode apart from all the stff inventory because for some reason near the end there I lost my Powers I don’t understand why and like I died a bunch in last episode cuz of course I did it’s the start of you know did Demon Slayer thing so you know there’s strong stuff

Floating around I will die I died a bunch and yet that last kill took my Powers away I I understand if like I only died the one time it took my Powers well okay shoulders away I but didn’t I I I I died l saes and I lost

Par at the end makes no sense oh whatever I was going to par today anyway we’ll see what happens again and we’ll worry about it if that’s guys if not we’ll probably hopefully sort be fine also also so we’re here in Sunday there’s no bleach to Saturday I

Was looking forward to that I’m very sad not only that there was no bleach on Saturday I didn’t get play Saturday my Saturday just became a very null day I sat there for the day thinking all these cool things were going to happen only for them not to happen very

Sad what can you do right anyway we’re goingon to require the zudu book I would like to hold the one of you so yeah let’s give this a quick try Al we learned after yeah the got bleach because they were doing uh do one of those stupid thingy episodes in Japan

Where they do a recap of all the current stuff that’s happened up until this point although yeah normally whenever do St it’s cuz they want T to product the last episodes in bub so yeah I don’t mind it I’m just sad about it okay I like

Like has been very good lately oh well what can you do and anything I don’t even know what happened with that emo just didn’t respond the entire day so that’s the thing I need more D and D games I I need I need I need other I

Need other grips to play D I need to fill myself with more D and D I was getting my f from playing Boulders gate on stream but mention not been around to play Boulders gate for reasons and Demon’s been at work and stuff so you know we’ve been all

Separated cuz you know the two of them just have to be busy in different ways oh well well they things for a different day anyway for now let’s us go do the thing so and Dem there let’s focus just what are we getting today so I’ve had Marys we don’t want that again

Anything else please have I gotten the fish one oh I’ve gotten the fish one small fish Furious fish death swarm attack strong attack disaster Tess that’s the water technique neat uh blah blah and my strength has gone up no wait no it’s not I’ve gone have I gone back to being

Oh no wait blah blah blah blah blah blah it’s not no no these are the int power these are the enhanced Powers I’m getting confused I’m like why am I weaker it’s cuz I don’t have Ma’s Powers when I don’t have Ma’s Powers I lose Powers that’s what is it all makes sense

Now disaster Tides oh I’m going to destroy all this place oh no I need to move out of here I need to move out we need to go find your location to plan okay so we’re playing is Dagon today apparently fair enough last time I played this I got like all the big

Powers really really really quick honestly I’m okay with taking easier and just having my basic Powers my basic Powers I mean mocking back dun’s still one of the bigger ones dun has a domain expansion in this so yeah know just you still want bigger ones with could bu I’ll say the uh mega

Power is it me it still feels weird be saying that I keep want to say start the nam I can’t I need to go back here watch and hear the name more but the problem is if I hear Mega mem I just think of Cora I can’t hear Mega mem but think

Hear Conor it’s my first instinct to think of Conor Suba I love Conor Conor is a great show it’s actually it’s one of those shows I got in the light novels for and I’ve actually read to the end of it it’s really good it’s really fitting for konosuba I love it and unfortunately

I like Mega as a character so the name the name goes to there is it actually see how it said people said that how it say yet my brain still says there’s something wrong here anyway if he got his H Chima guarden that’ be insane the fact it

Would work it’ be insane that’ be another domain expansion to to list actually how many more domain expansions are there I can’t remember I’m pretty sure there were definitely a couple more shown in the enime not the anime in the uh manga pretty sure there was probably maybe I don’t know whatever

Anyway boom boom boom guess we have to wait till night time so we can get a proper fight actually if I could okay so I need to store my stuff somewhere I need to store my stuff somewhere so that I have like you know a place it safe to

Put things away um the problem is where the F do I put things where is an actual like safe place I can like store junk honestly actually I was B say I I don’t have to do that actually what I could do is I can just go back to the

Master’s place and I can get the Ender Chest I can just store things in there that’ probably make more sense cuz otherwise things are going to get destroyed cuz no matter where I live it’s going to be dangerous like things are going to get destroyed especially since I turned on

The Demon Slayer block destruction things are going to get shredded when certain people pop up so yeah we’re probably better off just having an Ender Chest to store things in I got to be very picky about what I put in the Ender Chest but what can you do I to live late

But that’s fine we can do that Bo boom Al also I’m really looking forward to when we G play more brers game stuff that that’s the thing for like the stream side of things cuz I don’t know like my I get too comfortable playing group

Stream things and all of a sudden like I I don’t really do singular streams again and it’s like a habit thing I I get comid in grip stream so I always H out my day hoping for a grip stream and then the grip stream doesn’t happen so I’m

Like see I’m oh never right now and I just hold that and wait wait so we get I really should try and stream more things is the part I’m trying to make the problem is yeah I’m pretty much just hoping for gra the stream D no bad I

Don’t think he can make it in here surely the doors will get them stuck right God I hope so uh blah blah blah put that way that way that way that way what else we storing I don’t know uh gold why not sure uh blah Ming blah we

Don’t need that CR this coill uh a lot of this other stuff is really just junk that I don’t need yeah I’ll just keep the rest on this SP I I can dump some of this like we don’t need Nemo withs so Nemo can get dumped and all this exotic F we’ve got

Here should probably like do something with that actually I still the carrots I’m not going to use those actually hold on I can make golden carrots how many how many golden carrots can I make right now I don’t know what time is it currently Sunset okay we’re getting

Towards danger times now so we’re going have to like be quick here cuz otherwise bad things are going to start happening around the world around me and it’s going to suck cuz like I am one to’s domain expansion away from you know this entire Place being shred so bubbl bubbl turn into the

Ngies yeah these are like some of the best s you can get in the game so as well making a load of them not for right now but for later when we want do highend fighting I’m going to do a fighting against big bosses this is this

Is the food you want on get really good saturation and whatnot basically this is if I’m collecting gold now this will be this will be the reason for it get more get more nuggets there we are right we’ll pop those away for later so that’s fine pop the potatoes away for now as

Well I can’t eat them right now I I need more fuel to actually eat them okay let the badst begin uh the night T is cometh now we must better let’s hope the the walls hold the walls will not hold uh blah blah what are going to be good things

Actually disasters a kill move if I want to keep using small fish well I mean that just misss a that’s better how much does how much does small fish do small fish not a lot okay hold on big fish go I’m getting all curse

Power oh oh yeah cuz I’m only Level D I forgot I haven’t leveled up yet fck oh that’s annoying I forgot I leveled up so I don’t I don’t have any curse power currently a de you will kill me oh no oh wait no no I don’t have no

Yeah my Cur energ is there I’ve got right now is my Demon Slayer levels I’m getting so confused bying I currently have my demon flare levels ow [ __ ] how [ __ ] dare you continue this attack that did F all all right never mind uh switch again Strong Quick blun I if I

Can beat this guy that’ be PR good cuz this guy’s actually a bigger what you’re you’re great two why I think you were higher than that I thought you were like a semi grade one or something this guy big himself off in the show am I in the show I mean the manga

Cuz this guy’s from the manga I thought this guy was higher rank than that he is killing me oh God okay hold on ow yeah arguably makes sense that me a grade four sster can’t keep up releas the water oh God uh yeah weird enough me the grade four sorer can’t

Keep up with the grade two spirit I know uh oh this guy’s a pain small feet the fish missed the fish missed the fish failed me ow dear God killed a demon not a very good one in terms of what I get out of it but oh

Here here we go see you’re a grade two you make sense as a grade two oh God like yeah you make sense as a great two I can understand you as a grade 2 I just attack my my there oh God I’m going to get killed my my please I’m

Sorry oh God no she’s after me no I don’t want to fight you I’m nowhere near your level you will kill me I’m sorry so the chaos I can’t tell if she’s still after me or not okay I need to be careful oh here go I need to be careful

I need to be careful I can’t I can’t for oh the I stop K go I’m having a rough long time of the day right well yeah so far though I’ve died I haven’t lost my Powers so that’s something um take go big fish go I a get any points by

Today not looking that way uhoh demon no strong attack bring it though why you not moving there oh my ts are actually slowing you down also closer to you he Twitches before if you go if you go twit against me I’m in trouble here uh let

Us let’s let just move away from there where’ that Ruby one go oh Ruby one’s gone that’s annoying yeah okay you’re after me again okay okay okay okay ow you know see you didn’t use that technique I’d actually consider the idea that I have a chance

Against you but you do do that Bloody technique where is a where is a helper here is a helper hello please don’t punch me as well I’m very weak than think he did it huzzah I also think that’s the pot demon over there I kind of want to lure that

Into one of these guys to see how that goes and that’s yeah we’re going to go down for why people with domain expansions is the big no no ones you you don’t want f a domain expansion user they will kill me I don’t have simple domain yet actually I’m already getting

Simple domain and given I have no sorcery levels again probably not very close not again no I don’t have any type of ability that could stop him fcking choso ah again oh God it’s choso again it’s choso I just got a bed you [ __ ] leave me alone why

Are these two fighting I thought the TR are fting CH over there they’re not my love fting each other I’m going to go this way instead I’m going to go different way this time I think apparently going that way leads to Choo I don’t want to be Choo want fight

Little sort of little little like I can fight you you’re fine I can handle you there we go Z Wave Bonk you’re you’re cool you you won’t go after me and you’re for once not the guy toi that wants to murder me excellent was you the actual one I thought you

Were also a disaster to a kol move that’s not good oh you’re oh no he your stupid sleep tactics on me leave me alone disaster T not go away I need more energy I need to level up I went through this the first day damn it why have I not get my energy

Back God damn it yo hello hold on what did I get there I got this thing which uh it’s certainly a look oh it’s this stff oh I I don’t think it really does anything for I’m going to keep my sword I’ll keep it as a back weapon but I’m just going

To keep my sword for you I think the sword killer sword killer and arguably probably better I try s the drum demon I can I can deal with the drum demon though it’s fine disaster Tides the Dr demon is f we can deal with

Him the [ __ ] TR is not so much I don’t like him ow ow ow oh God I’m being knocked around the place what how did he hit me from so far wa what the heck was that get away uhoh disas I don’t know where the blood brother went by i w trust

Them bunk go to get my strengths up actually if I keep Pi up demons I in theory get my strengths up that could work that couldn’t the work yeah that I just eat demon blood that Al get my power up but no that be diing into the uh the Demon

Slayer aspect of things we don’t want to do that we want to we want to stick J so is why I shouldn’t be relying on the demon slaying aspect of things why is there a cck chick in here yeah what by anyway as I hunt around hoping to find small

Demons yeah fine or small curses I should say um yeah my random bit so uh yeah my brother sat and actually watched the one piece thing that was a thing H he quite liked it so that was fun uh oh oh I I I I require resistance ow who hit

Me it was you again you [ __ ] I’m not going to survive if I don’t get help leave me alone okay yeah okay they’re fighting they’re fighting I don’t know how well but they’re fighting ahor is here he’ll help too excellent okay hold on just quickly uh get blown away

Teamwork why is the female why I hav remember her name at this point why is she not here as well she was in this mod originally they got her moved heck her Hammer used to be in this I’m pretty sure pretty sure somewh our techniques used to be in here

As well what happened to her why she gone I she not be Meed again the mod maker forget about her maybe oh I thing uh yesterday because I was sitting waiting at people to see if and bit I ended up watching SL dangerous uh our review of Dragon Ball Z

AKA uh recently end up popping I Haven really watched them before that totally not Mark do reviews on Ane blah blah blah and a lot of people probably know who he is because if you follow this channel you like anime and you make friend this channel because he covers

Anime make logical sense so basically he does reviews of a bunch of it stuff he never done Dragon Ball Z but then a clip came out on Twitter basically relateded to him and team for St team for I’ve been following for many years AKA when I first got into YouTube they were a

Channel that I watched and I still randomly do to this day when they off to do their uh their stuff with sell and hell so um yeah that and then they did clip showing stuff from Dragon Ball Z margin Saga but a bridged and which we never got because they obviously stopped

Itself because that that’s the point they say the stop makes logical sense they had the reasons and understandable but then they show those clips they excited then to Bas mention the fact he’s going to have a bunch more of those clips in this video so at that point I’m

Okay well I need to watch this I like her I want shoot it but to get up ready for I’m like okay well I’ll watch the uh the seller review and see how that goes I up really enjoying it because I I like that the higher detail of you know

Looking over the ARs and stuff okay that was pretty good B end up watching the Dragon Ball one end up watching the same one I haven’t watched the Frieza one yet but I ended up you know watching some bits like that and every then yesterday

The fing the mar one came out part one only leads up to the final explosion but we got a bridge scenes and we got the bridge scen of Vegeta bridged during the final explosion and it was [ __ ] brilliant and all it did was make me realize how

Much I miss Dragon Ball brid I miss it so much like yeah it did horrible things for Dragon Ball fans like view of Goku and things because a lot of the Dragon Ball fans seem to get [ __ ] confused for bridg and they out and they seem to

Merge the two ideas together in thinking well logically you know Goku is like he is a bridge cuz the op brid are just highing no no braer take making a joke uh obviously in some cases they’re taking an aspect is kind of there and they’re dialing up but you know and for

The most part you know made joke it did horrible things for the dragon bell franchise fan base but you know that’s the fan base’s fault not their fault for you know not separating the two together in their heads but whatever either way it’s still a thing that I absolutely

Adore it’s still a thing where occas I’ll go back and watch certain areas of it certain areas of it certain sagas of it and I fing miss it okay seeing the a brid stuff is great I don’t think we’re ever going to get F series but yeah I’m just really

Happy we got those scenes I’m I’m so happy we got the final explosion part among some other bits [ __ ] brilliant oh Al so yeah I said my brother enjoyed the uh the one piece live action B which means I I got to speak with him slowly

Uh so you know how Sanji fans and Zoro fans so they have like their own little debate thing going on where you know they’ll highlight each other’s besides know the stuff they’ve done in bu B and on the Sanji fans case they had a bit of the back foot here because Zoro was

Definitely highlighted as the more important of the two because he tends to get the bigger Fs in bu but then Sanji also has outstanding moments you know Zoro has whole thing of being the uh the first mate essentially and he tends to be the one invol involved in the bigger

Battles in a lot of cases but inside the still get still gets awesome moments out of nowhere basically though yeah from this them watch live action one of my brother’s takeaways from it were basically I’ve realized he’s in Zoro because his first thing was him mentioned the fact that when they’re

Doing the fisherman fight stuff Zoro and San fighting the fisherman Zoro is cutting down the fisherman sanji’s kicking the fisherman and literally my brother’s take was yeah so you know that that part where they think they’re done then all the fish a big new wave of fisherman come in he basically goes Yeah

So basically what’s happened there is all the ones that s Kiki have just gotten back up and Z had to finish them off this time I’m like brother that is your head can that’s not what happened you kicked some are knocked out that’s them out the game for a bit he’s like do

Just get back up again someone was actually killing them like I don’t think he’s actually killing them a lot of cases but he might be killing some of them but like I get where he’s getting this from I get the idea he’s going for is that sanji’s blood Force kicking folk

And Zoro was cutting them down with a sword so it’s like you know Zoro might be killing them or sanji’s like probably just knocking them out definitely not how it works definitely not how W works but I just found that so hilarious cuz it’s like yeah okay you’re definitely team Sor

Then you’re going to H you’re just going to put Sanji down like that but I had to come to defend Sanji cuz I like Sanji I like Zoro and Sanji to be fair but I I think I like Sanji slightly more in terms of like the fighting and stuff

That I I us like his style of like the normally kicks thing and but um yeah that end up being a fun dynamic thing of I’ve really realizing that and talking about it and basically it came to this thing of I’m defending sand highlighting how Zoro was

Fa oh God damn it but hey that was done as like a fun little back and forth thing that was there was no seriousness or thing between it wish the fan base would be a bit more chill about things sometimes and but but yeah either way

That was was a whole thing also I just realized my curs Dr the Thousand again what happened I don’t level up I haven’t so where’ I get that energy from why hav I got thousand is the game never remembered that I meant to have more energy that I meant to be a higher

Rank what happened why did I get my P back out of nowhere I lost them for ages and now they’ve just returned to me I love let’s just avoid that [ __ ] hell b b Al could just follow our waiting cuz I’m I’m basically waiting during the day

At this point I little thing for the D and D say of things so um those don’t know I host D and D I do the all well first we’re going to fight this thing I have to get close to you this time death swarm he killing the death swarm oh

Go I thought the death SW would do him in no no I forgot he going to S them all away yeah I did I did DD I wrote for uh Aon arcanus IMO and Demon be my for well know exactly hold car uh basically I host it but unfortunately because of ino’s work

Thing and demons work things conflicts a lot so I’m get plate as often in basically I just let know I was really excited for uh playing it cuz that was finally ever like CU in MO we juming I had to do a separate little mini bit where his character gone off and they

Were all doing separ bit then I did the thing of getting his character reintroduced and they’re all finally back together we got a session with all back together where they spent most of their time in town stocking up because they’ve never come to realize that I

Might R random throw a big out of nowhere encounter thing at them anyone may not see coming and I was like oh K they’ve actually realized that they should probably you know be a bit prepared and bum B so they SP a b time doing all that stuff and then they were

Ready to take their next Lego journey and I was ready to the next leg of story of everyone’s together again to which I did but I introduced a different i i i i alled my plans slightly cuz basically right now half the part is level six half it’s level five because some people

Miss sessions so I’m okay we need to our big fight get everyone back on level so I’ve Inu this other thing we’re basically they’re going on Main the fighting Earth Elemental Stu took over this Main and I mean you don’t realize I also got like a secret bigal and bu them

But yeah basically I was I was like we we finished mid encounter I was really looking forward to finishing up this session and then uh moving on to next like I things introducing some new stuff I got a I got a post from one of them because we’re waiting on the others up

Here it was basically from a YouTube shorts where the guy basically it basically does little post about it like Reddit things that that kill him it go I didn’t get nothing before it oh that’s the goodness thing run oh dear God yeah um it basically it just talks over Reddit post things of

Uh basically different D and the uh story bit St happened and one of them is the fact that basically in a a certain group the people playing demand the DM make up a story or or the DM just did it for himself he basically makes up a story

For any NPC that crits and I basically got a call I made a comment from a player saying hey uh you should should do this get told to f off cuz I I the thing of you don’t already give me extra work because you fers are the fers that

Will randomly not kill people like they kill their enemies a lot of the time like if it’s a bandit in that they’ll kill the Bandit logically what you do in D except randomly they’ll not randomly they’ll not do it because they come up with a random other plan mid fight to

Normally which ends with them trying to fcking recruit them like I already have to cut St on the when you randomly decid to pull this crap what do you mean come the thing every time crat I already have to come up random stuff you literally have an NC

A goblin monk thing that was meant to be a fcking mini boss that used decided to spare and force into recruitment I had to on the spot come up with a story for this guy as you started asking him questions and yeah basically that’s came full circle where now it’s like well

You’ve introduced these I might as well do something with them so trying figure out how I can Implement his thing into what’s coming next I’m like okay I’ll do this little thing for After Earth Elemental main thing they get do the session I all these little bits to do

They get play the session I’d like to know where Ino is right now like how am I not hurting this [ __ ] [ __ ] die I’m literally not hurting him half the time stop it ha he was blocking so many my techniques there what a [ __ ] holy F he made me work for that

Yeah anyway there was that example it was also the time they randomly decided they’re going to take a bunch of Bandits and rather than killing the bandits oh Aug nice got new swords it’s not a s SP sword though for um R killing on the B they killed

Like six of the 10 and then decided they were going to try and basically Force the rest of them into servitude and they tried to fre word it slightly differently but like yeah we’re basically going to get you guys to work for us to earn his passive income and

I’m like yeah weird enough they’re not okay with that so they’re going to try to escape and to which they did because basically they basically left the bandits untied up in their camp and they were on the impression of well the bandits try to kill us or to us they

Just we just get up and kill them now they just escaped the guy put alarm around the camp be really over estimated like he put He put four alarms around the camp and they just assumed yeah know that will keep them in and it’s like well they saw you do it

They’re just going to walk you know around the areas get around it like they’re not just going to [ __ ] H you know just sit here but know their entire f is B that but during that time they then okay what are your Bandit’s names and I’m like oh [ __ ] now have to

Come with four names in the spot I hate coming up with names coming Nam is like my the hardest thing for me like that’s why they now have that Goblin Monk he never had a name he had the name Goblin monk cuz it was his tail cuz it’s what he was

Did that’s one F you fcking a fcker yeah because I couldn’t think your name’s very well on the spot that Goblin became named gobby cuz that’s where my head was at the time I was was like this is after a big encounter it was really late on in the

Day like yeah P goby so the four Bandits similarly put on the spot got named very basic names like Ben I said cou four names on this spot F he’s already G me so much extra work like a random I want to come up with I want to randomly recruit these NPCs

Nonsense I mean they recruit animals as well like one of them recruited a tiger not tiger a lion and thought they were going to get away with that which oddly enough it didn’t quite work out hello you’re the one shooting at me death

Swarm y y y y y y y they’ll destroy him uh yeah so talk I got distracted by the giant skeleton oh hello bunk bunk what Earth was I talking about there I’m so confused now oh no uh big fish God big fish is vicious hello uh what I’m no I’m no curs

Blood on me um going to hurt for a second oh yeah they recruit animals randomly one them got a lion then it instantly gave up because the lion wouldn’t submit straight away it’s like well yeah it was a world lion what do you think uh they

Well wol get they might to make them submit cuz enough wols and dog based creatures are easier to get to submit than what [ __ ] lions and cats are cuz cats are completely different from dogs really but yeah uh at least when it comes to animal I to C Nam for for them

Cuz they haven’t got speak with animal yet I dread the day they get speak with anal that’s dag and other six oh fck I dread the day they get speak with animals cuz this animals they’re going to do this they’re going to talk to every [ __ ] animal and I’m going to

Have to start coming up with random animal names and stories it’s like I know it’s going to happen so I should start preparing for it now though like cuz I know it’s going to happen they’re going to speak to everything so they’re going to go nuts

With it like I know it’s going to happen cuz they love it right with animals the literal title of our D&D game is animal handling because of how much they interact with animals yeah God I I wish I had recorded animal handling from the start the problem is I didn’t because it

Was my first time dming so I figured I’d be really bad at it which I’m not convinced I’m good at it but I’m convinced I can like hold the game together enough for people to have some fun with it so you know I’ve succeeded in some ways at least but um yeah it’s

Still a lot of it still like you know hastily flung together bits and pieces of BU but you know it seems to work people still have fun I think a part of that is also the the fact that like ino’s involved in it he’s a fun player to have in B but yeah

I didn’t includ it though because it was also like a bunch of their first time playing DD and like I didn’t want the pressure of like you know recording it being on top of it I just wanted to have fun with it the time we did recording was the Star Stream

Which you haven’t been able to continue because that also includes emmo we Ser ‘s not included CU ‘s not r as much anymore ah but I need to figure out into our D andd group like I I watched so many different D and D game things I’m

Like I see all these D andd YouTubers how do I get involved I’d love to Beed I I want more DND give me more oh oh think you gave me this oh this is kill at this hello well you are about to break so I think I’ll

Give you a break then we’ll switch over to this new to blaho oh I do like this too it’s ni as kill as the black sword but it’s pretty cool oh no no nope NOP NOP NOP nope nope I’m in trouble are you going to chase me

You’re going to chase me okay this is not good I need to find a distraction St PR oh he’s bad if he decides chest so quickly Dem slay jump to your job are they chasing I think they got distracted B stuff please tell me got distra stuff that thing’s still

Chasing okay I think I’ve been distracted by something else cool you’ve managed to follow me though weirdly enough you f I think the jutu stuff has better tracking AI than what the Demon Slayer stuff does possibly because it’s updated than it’s new maybe it has do a bear then oh wow

It’s interesting to think about okay well I mean it does mean we can possibly escape the another ones also so MH we’re fine it’s just my my my is not coming to try and kill me it’s okay that death swarm there in the other hand

Though that will try and come kill me if I’m not careful so let’s just kill this demon really quick before the sun does quick quick clean out never mind it’s gone sadness okay oh ow you [ __ ] how [ __ ] Dare You spit your stupid blood attack thing at me just for that

You get the death swarm yay go this I can’t use it right now what happens what happens there we go okay there we go but where the F did it go D swarm kill that is one thing about uh Dagon thing is is very cool for the shooting

Shock attack it R bit the uh that ter R card is the same uh one of the big bosses in that is the giant fish monster or and it shoots giant sharks at you and I love it cuz it’s terrifying like yeah you should be way stronger than the Sharks but is there

Something about having an enormous shark fly it’s like I gives you this fun sense of dangering or sense of dread if you can’t handle it if you can’t handle the giant shark say you’re about to get mold by a giant shark and that is Terror right

There oh I love it I love the choice of giant shark like yeah there is the little piranhas thing as well like the little fish like that that’s you know idea getting eaten by piranhas is terrifying as well obviously but I don’t know it’s something about the massive

Shark I I like it I I like the the ins absurdity of all like either you can handle it and like there’s still this sense of like what Str shark flying at me or it’s the sense of you can’t handle it and oh I’m about to get destroyed by

These giant [ __ ] Sharks playing at me oh brilliant I hope the that card is SL that [ __ ] is SL and my hero Academia both them are 1.6.5 mods I played them a bunch I haven’t played them in a while that’s mostly because I heard they were getting updates and I was waiting

And it’s been a while and I really hope they’re still getting updates because they were really there were two really good mods they like they’re still good if you play them to this day the only thing is they both have some issues in the form of my Academia they have a

Thing where they updated the mobs to basically act as like chunk loaders and to a degree means the mobs don’t leave but also they’ve done it too good where now the mobs never leave and thus they continuously Stay Loaded in it causes a huge amount of lag so like if there’s a

Huge number of guys in the area it basically will lag the cow it’s unfortunate but um yeah like they had a version before where it didn’t do that it’s just the problem then was the NPCs randomly might disappear front you honestly given all CH to the two I’d rather the NPCs just

Disappear have to do with the lag like the lag is killer um so there was is that they also nerfed a bunch of things and unfortunately that ended up being not required cuz basically when we’re doing the big grip series whatever was up in that server

Made it so there was no uh basically DPS moves absolutely shreded you they had it set so there was no invincibility frames I don’t know why or how they did it and when I spoke to the the uh owner in that he couldn’t give me any fky information

On it even though I said like what have you done to the server and he’s like I did nothing and I’m like something’s going happened here cuz that’s not how this mod works I would know I’ve played a crap ton but of course now I know that

That crator lies a lot so honestly might have done something to try and change her things working just not said it or he doesn’t even realize he did it I don’t know it’s hard to tell with him I don’t trust him anyway boom boom boom so

Yeah they nerfed a bunch of stuff think you need to be nerfed I me to find out no that’s just that server specifically now if you try and play regular survival those moves will crash so that’s unfortunate but yeah either way still fantastic mod they same

Also fantastic mod it’s like it has the slight downside being of if you don’t start with a A Move that gives you the Predator thing you basically are never getting anything so I don’t know it be nice if there was a way to like better grind better or get the

Abilities that doesn’t rely on you just having the Predator ability or an ability like that let should copy abilities cuz otherwise people are set with like a really long task and never getting anything and bu and it was also the whole like it breaks your game

Because of the uh the memory thing with it I don’t know hopefully I’ll get fixed apparently they’re updating maybe updating different version of Minecraft I don’t know but we’ll see what they do we’re doing that we’re waiting for the M update mod May getting

Updated oh can’t why I I I I I wish I wish com I wish I had like confirmation were still coming in some cases I do in some cases I I just hear certain people got to break with them oh I just remembered I can pass the

Day I makes life simpler um yeah I have to wait for night anymore and just make it night and and I probably should cuz it giv us more things to do soz I can fight more stuff um yeah stuff I don’t want to fight with well I don’t want to fight

With him good Lu Moy good [ __ ] luck Mary um continue to attack destroy op three uh yeah Mary would did not say Mary did a better job than I thought she would that’s it yeah I I will fight you you’re worst some XP long as I reckon I can take Okay he blocks that all right you know what I’m just going to use my disaster T fck it he’s dodged that all right new plan little fish they missed Big Fish you can’t block that too sort of uh again big fish go okay yeah that’s good work big fish

Go I don’t want to use thing I want I want to kill Mony okay it’s not working out too well cuz he’s actually apparently really annoyingly strong blp attack I did nothing it attack that did something even there again what’s hitting me great dis sorcerer bom where am I imp poisoned from where

Is he NY poison means the big skeleton there he is he was lit behind me you miss I blocked it sort of apparently not well enough so got the poison through that’s toy you’re just going to move backwards I don’t want to deal with him

Hello you I can handle you and Demon SL are normally terrifying but not I don’t have defense that to keep up with you in this case I think I’m fine again murdered what my stats currently at i n oh I’m only a grade two interesting why it stand N I know you

Got more than just one per level I remember that that was at four I’ve got up two ranks does it make any sense I did go a Demon Slayer rank as well yeah that didn’t add to it yeah I think it may add to my health I though

Actually I don’t know if it will I the H are going to combine together or it’s going to take whichever one’s the highest or how that’s going to work I assume it’s just going to take whichever one’s highest and run with it because both of them they don’t just give extra

Hearts they normally they give a certain they give like a certain boost AK can Health boost it’s like it stacks on each other so I was wondering what the f was after me though what fish go away substitute of moon six I feel like I can take death

Swarm death swarm death swarm coming your way he call out this one um yeah I may be better using the f just one against him send in the fish send in the fish send in the fish just just wait for it attack to go then send in the fish to

Munch on him keep them at bit our power is that we can send fish at people utilize that power yes the fish will die in the process but that’s okay cuz it means we get to live that fish just absolutely destroyed there is a 7c cool

Down when this happens oh dear go fish go after he’s just used his technique though I have a bigger opening ow ow oh God he’s murdering me go fish go holy [ __ ] uh uh uh get close get close get close Bish it still counts damn it Al Eat the

Thing eat the thing eat the thing I’m a one heart yeah uh it turns out my defenses don’t be crap against lightning I’m a fish that makes sense I apparently just got a sword and some blood nice but also getting two demon slay ranks it me

Nothing I gain nothing from it unless my health went up I don’t know if it did I wasn’t paying attention to what health I was at before okay good so I can take him on I still don’t for a second think I could take on I have no energy left

That’s unfortunate I don’t think I could take on oper Moon six doy and her brother I think they destroy me doy’s brother in particular would destroy me so um yeah there’s that I still haven’t found many Demon Slayer oh yeah the Demon Slayer biomes exhaust I

Should go look for those I’ve been like trailing around playing in the desert CU like okay that’s the best place to go to but all the places yeah I’m going to start traveling a little bit want to say you want to see I feel quicker my speed’s gone

Up that makes sense given I’ve increased in both the uh the great two Sorcerer And thing I last time I played I found basically none of you oh so it’s another one of these stats up I basally None of these is today I found several like I guess I’m I I’m paying

More attention oh we’re getting to that Demon Slayer level of speed I don’t know if it’s Demon Slayer is giving me this much speed or what cuz like I didn’t play uh the jits kaisen mods with you know the wall jump mod on so I don’t really know what is meant to

Feel like also this should be interesting hold I’m going up this I’m going up here cuz oh this could be fun this biome has all the fun theming in it all the fun it’s it’s got all the a things in Buble on it now it also cannot spawn demon slay

Stuff it also cannot spawn bad mobs in general but it can spawn J and stuff I don’t know why but this area will give us the heaviest concentration of Ka in anywhere also there’s not a lot of tunnels so in theory yeah we can get a really high concentration cuz this this

Isn’t affected by the better CES area I don’t think it is anyway that this this mountain is mostly solid there are some caves in it but it’s mostly solid mean we shouldn’t get as much underground noise and it should just be a high concentration of fights happening on the

Surface which unfortunately I think it’s led to sakuna being somewhere oh God okay he did attack from underground luckily I’m apparently too high for him I guess they they can still spawn underground but they’re like way lower cuz we’re way higher on this more solid Mountain I don’t know also

Thereon also oh God what’s happening call the Fish call the Fish going to get murdered uh no not again leave me alone you [ __ ] okay wait I’m fighting this guy I saw I saw red go into that cave there I don’t know if sory that terrifies me I have no idea

Which one’s over there we killed him who is it is it Ador we’re fine I’m going to fight Dory I’ll fight Dory quite happily you’re a noisy f it makes a lot of noise underground you can die not having any your [ __ ] out against me blon oh I got this top

Don’t need this top but I’ve got it Bonk I missed oops try that again Bonk you I can fight you’re a fine oh it’s just the general there oh avoid that really fancy fighting the general to be honest I think you’ll kill me if I

Do that uh let’s go a different way and actually I wonder if we can still find the baby Spirits here so we can get our weapons and all them I they can spawn in this m I don’t know if I don’t know if they’re limited to any biomes or not I assume

Not I don’t know Al I have 1800 oh yeah to rank two okay I want to go to S grank one but yeah the Mountain’s most cleared now okay that’s good to know yeah this mountain like a good place for you want a big strong concentration that’s still underground Noise Okay yeah

There there’s still caves under here and they’re spawning wherever caves are good to know yeah this this Mountain’s pretty good for yeah if you want just F guys and stuff it kind of defeats the whole point of the Demon Slayer thing but it’s literally a Demon Slayer Mountain like

It’s a it’s something added to Demon Slayer so you can avoid the demons I guess also I think sakun has activated this thing I must flee I in fact did not flee in fact things were horrible for me huzzah but right for now though I think

I’m going to end things there for today thank you much for watching hope you enoy the show dag Powers they’re pretty good his domain expansion is obviously the the key part of his offense even just having the P giant shars people kind of works like it’s a cool Power

It’s a fun interesting power it’s definitely one that you know sumon giant sharks is always going to get a reaction a’t it so uh yeah cool stuff I’m going to switch next time though but cool stuff it it did better than Marys did anyway let me fart stuff also I don’t

Know what the fact happened with our power situation like we lost our powers then we started with no powers then ROM gained our powers I don’t really guess it but it fixed itself so I’m not going to worry about it too much I hav’t lost my power against is dying so I’m sure

It’s fine let’s just not think about it but anyway thank you all for watching see you the next time for more J Slayer stuff go bye everybody also just want to say a quick thank you to all of the channel members for the extra support and a special

Thank you and shout out to our late members the joining members Sebastian Ramsey Alex and bear 13 and our onbo member monster Q thank you all very much for the extra awesome support

This video, titled ‘THE ALL POWERFUL FISH SORCERERY! Minecraft Jujutsu No Yaiba Modpack Episode 2’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2023-09-03 19:00:18. It has garnered 2200 views and 151 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:47 or 3047 seconds.

Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Review – Minecraft Demon Slayer Mod –



GingyGames Channel –

THE ALL POWERFUL FISH SORCERERY! Minecraft Jujutsu No Yaiba Modpack Episode 2

#JujutsuKaisen #Minecraft #DemonSlayer

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    Become a Steampunk Legend in Minecraft HardcoreVideo Information This video, titled ‘STEAMPUNK Minecraft Hardcore pl Poczatek’, was uploaded by Chrzestny on 2024-04-02 02:28:15. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:05 or 5 seconds. Powered by Restream STEAMPUNK Minecraft Hardcore pl ⚙️ Create FULL STEAM AHEAD UPDATE w/ Addons ⚙️ Amazing NEW World Generation and Biomes ⚙️ Incredible detailed Structures and Dungeons to Explore ⚙️ Completely NEW Stronghold and Fortress ⚙️ Overhauled Villages, Structures & Dungeons ⚙️ Never seen before NEW Bosses & Steam Mobs ⚙️ Built-In Shaders. Including Complementary ⚙️ Enigmatic Legacy, Immersive Engineering, Iron’s Spells ‘n… Read More

  • Roosty’s DIY Minecraft Server!

    Roosty's DIY Minecraft Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: I Made My Own Server!’, was uploaded by I’m Roosty on 2024-04-14 16:38:41. It has garnered 69 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:34:23 or 12863 seconds. 👊 Patreon! 💰 DONATE: 👉 JOIN THE DISCORD: MERCH IS HERE: Socials: My Minecraft World: Music provided by #Hogwarts #harrypotter #minecraft #skyrim #imroosty No one reads this far in the description…Who are you? Read More


    PUBLIC SMP SOON - TITAN SMP LIVE SECRET TWIST!Video Information This video, titled ‘PUBLIC SMP SOON – TITAN SMP LIVE (WITH A SECRET TWIST!)’, was uploaded by DevanshXD on 2024-05-18 16:30:13. It has garnered 100 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:34:07 or 12847 seconds. #youtube # minecraft live 🖥️ PC Specs : • Processor: I5 12400F • Motherboard: Asus prime h610 M E • Graphics: RX 6700 10G • Ram : 16GB 3200 MHz • SSD: 500GB NVME M.2 SSD ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Rules: 1. Don’t abuse anyone in the chat. 2. No profanity or hatred. Or else will face the consequences. 3. Please do… Read More

  • SHOCKING: I faked being a Minecraft noob, then Exposed my HACKS!

    SHOCKING: I faked being a Minecraft noob, then Exposed my HACKS!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Pretended to be a NOOB in Minecraft, Then revealed my HACKS!’, was uploaded by Dash on 2024-05-13 13:00:32. It has garnered 514245 views and 13667 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:48 or 3048 seconds. I Pretended to be a NOOB in Minecraft, Then revealed my HACKS! This video Dash, Ruby and Cam are playing Minecraft but Dash is secretly pretending to be a NOOB! And when his friends LEAST EXPECT IT, he starts secretly using HACKS! Will his friends find out? Watch till the end to find out! #minecraft #MinecraftMod #dash Read More

  • Herobrine’s Insane Parkour Challenge! #314 ft. Tech Gamerz

    Herobrine's Insane Parkour Challenge! #314 ft. Tech GamerzVideo Information This video, titled ‘|| Minecraft Parkour || Minecraft techno gamerz Parkour mep || @tachnogamerz’, was uploaded by Herobrine 314 on 2024-02-10 18:57:20. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:36 or 6396 seconds. minecraft 100 days hard mode minecraft house making minecraft minecraft herobrine minecraft shorts song minecraft house minecraft game minecraft house ideas minecraft video minecraft minecraft minecraft movie minecraft house design minecraft song minecraft hacks minecraft house survival minecraft house tutorial minecraft animation minecraft game download minecraft gameplay minecraft hacks download minecraft 100 days minecraft video game minecraft game… Read More

  • Zozo’s Insane Hardcore Imitator Challenge – EPIC Transformation!

    Zozo's Insane Hardcore Imitator Challenge - EPIC Transformation!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 DAYS as an IMITATOR in HARDCORE Minecraft! – Transforming Adventures Compilation’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2024-05-28 01:15:02. It has garnered 26726 views and 289 likes. The duration of the video is 03:29:09 or 12549 seconds. In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as a SHAPESHIFTER in Hardcore Minecraft! I’ll turn into all kinds of different creatures, like a wither skeleton, a golem, monkeys, and much more, as I do my best to fight the evil villain Red Nightmare! 0:00:00 100 DAYS as a SHAPESHIFTER 0:36:53 100 DAYS… Read More

  • Insane twist in Nanashi’s Minecraft adventure!

    Insane twist in Nanashi's Minecraft adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft] – Building Quokkaland! #03 – Nanashi V-Tuber’, was uploaded by Nanashi V-Tuber on 2024-03-28 11:39:02. It has garnered 124 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 05:18:42 or 19122 seconds. Hullo Quokkalings! After some thought I decided to invest in a smol Quokkaling server!! Let’s continue building this world together Quokkalings~ To join, please read the rules below first: Rules: 1. Please do your best not to destroy other people’s buildings! 2. If a building or box is a labeled for somebody, please do not steal from it, there are community… Read More

  • “Insane RLCraft SMP Livestream!” #LeafyMcTreeface #Minecraft

    "Insane RLCraft SMP Livestream!" #LeafyMcTreeface #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘RLCraft Joinable SMP! Into the Depths! #livestream #minecraft’, was uploaded by Leafy McTreeface on 2024-04-05 06:55:13. It has garnered 47 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 03:17:20 or 11840 seconds. I’m going down into the an underwater dungeon,… fishy fishy fishy! Become a channel member and join the server! Leafy’s Discord: #livestream #leafy #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shortsfeed #shorts #clips #funny #funnyshorts #gaming #gamermom #gamer #stream #streaming #highlights #funnyvideos #funnyshorts #minecraftmeme #meme #minecraftshorts #rlcraft #smp Read More

  • Mikaru’s MINECRAFT House Build CHAOS! 🔥

    Mikaru's MINECRAFT House Build CHAOS! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Porque ninguém nunca disse que construir uma casa era fácil…’, was uploaded by Mikaru on 2024-04-19 13:05:18. It has garnered 348 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:53 or 9293 seconds. 💵 If you want to support my channel pix: [email protected] 🫛Our Discord server 🍤Instagram: / mik4ru 🍣 Drawings Instagram: / mik4ruarts 🍡 Email: [email protected] Thank you for supporting me, this means a lot to me. ❤️ Read More

  • GeoMineLand

    GeoMineLandGeoMineLand Is One Of Georgian Minecraft Server With Awsome Anarchy And BedWars Server Have Beatiful Design And UI Read More

  • Parallel SMP Semi-Vanilla Java 1.20.5+ Multiworld Exploration Vanilla-Style Gameplay Player-Driven Lore Player Shops Custom Items Active Community

    Parallel Server Looking for a server that lets you explore like never before? Welcome to Parallel, a semi-vanilla SMP where players can travel through rifts between worlds in order to face great dangers, traverse uncharted territory, and collect gleaming treasure, while also keeping the vanilla feel of the base game. Featuring a vibrant community and continuous updates, you’re sure to never get bored. 🔮 IP Address (1.20.5+): 🎉 Join our Discord: 💻 Server Website: 📸 Server Photos: (“Server Images” tab) Server Features: NEW Armored Paws Update: Featuring NINE new dog breeds, dog armor, armadillos, and a… Read More

THE ALL POWERFUL FISH SORCERERY! Minecraft Jujutsu No Yaiba Modpack Episode 2