The Beginning of My Journey in Minecraft Hardcore Zoffy Survival Series (Ep.1)

Video Information

Hai hai aku Jovi Aku seorang petualang Aku ingin sekali mengetahui segala hal yang ada di dunia Minecraft yang sangat luas akan kuceritakan kisahku dari awal berpetualang hingga menjadi hari dimana Aku merasa nyaman dan tenang Ayo ikut bersamaku untuk berpetualangan di Jovi Survive series in Minecraft hardcore [Musik]

Awal ini kita harus wus ntar aku melihat ada lebah juga di sini ada tiga lebah oke santai.doc eh santai santai santai cheque dikejar-kejar saya mukanya merah-merah tuh ia malu ya ntar saya kabur Ah kabur Eh ampun kabur-kabur Oke awal ini kita harus menebang kayu dulu deh semua ambil kayu draomai sini deh ya

Mungkin segini cukup kali ya Oke ini cukup kali ya terus kita bikin Slank dan disini kita bikin Crafting table sama steak habis itu kita upgrade ke Golden PX sip Aku melihat sapi dan Disana aku melihat pilots uh lightman all n langsung ketemu files dong uh Hei Coba kita pertama masuk ke dalam Flash

Offline deh boleh sip mantap aku juga Ambil ini ada awal tak ah Oke tentang boleh portal boleh ini apa nih better kau cabe One World One mantap oke bapak saya ambil wortelnya ya disana aku melihat ada call sebentar kita ambil tempat dulu deh ambil batu dulu sambil batu ini dijalani harusnya cukup

Setiap mantap terus kita update dehaf the controls dulu deh ini kita upgrade tapi x sama x sama amfibi syok volt Aku mau bikin pedang juga sip mantap deh kita ambil call-nya nih awal dapat columba juga ya tapi cuma doa aja ternyata cuma dua aja Oke deh kalau

Begitu aku mau jelajahi Civil sini dulu di sini ada apa nih Halo Bapak Umi cepat ya pak pak Jul pak ya Bapak jual Oh ini saya udah punya Pak enggak jadi Pak ya Makasih Pak ya Eh kok marah Bapak Oh Jangan marahlah Pak Ya mapaya saya jadi ya bye ada

Saya mau pergi ke seberapa tiada blacksmith juga nih kalau kita masuk ke rumahnya deh disini khasnya ah ah awal apa obsidian Iron inget sama Apple dan gue dapat Iron Regita yaitu celana aeron mantap Makasih Bapak saya dikasih celana lo Pak Woi karena Pak ya keren Pak Ya dikasih celana Pak ya Makasih Pak

Ya kita lanjut lagi dan di sini aku mau bunuh sapi dulu deh buat persediaan makan coy ambil sapi dulu beberapa sapi nice uh disini enak ya kelihatannya gila sih pakai cadar nanya lu enak banget ya amazing tak hanya mataharinya tuh terasa banget tuh Coba kita jelajahi Halo Pa permisi permisi saya masih berupaya

Audisi nggak ada apa-apa ini oh kasihan banget 010 Denise saya bantu nih Ha flora-flora keluarlah Anda nah dan saya keluarkan Oke ini apa nih wu ada roti sama bulu ayam juga gonna get oke mantap tampil aja ini satu Uh banyak apel sama potato kentang teknik usah deh Eh ada pasir di sini

Kita mufassir dulu pasir pasir pasir pasir Oh ya cuy sedikit tips buat kalian kalau misalnya kalian ketemu hutan kayak begini kalian harus cek ke dalam dulu ya biasanya ada driver atau gokil peledak begitu bisa di sela-sela sini ada Bocil peledak Jadi kalau buat kalian yang mau Survival kayak begini cek dalam sini ya

Oke sip kita menebang pohon dulu deh saya mau demo pohon dulu Ambil Pony sebanyak mungkin Hai uh Udah sore ya dan sebentar lagi sudah mau malam hari misalnya adalah FAO ada spruce pedas plus.dan di sini aku ketemu sama sugar kan jadi kita ambil dulu eh mantap uh sudah dhamotil ini muka ijo

Nih enggak bocor nih sibuk Ajo Halo muka jok meninggalnya kita tidur dulu deh bahaya juga kalo malam begini Itu dulu untuk pertama kalinya kita di tidur di Word ini [Musik] nebang pohon spruce dulu nih ini adalah salah satu pohon favorit pula Begitu confined untuk ngebul ding tanda Bang

Terus abang lagi dan abang lagi belum pergi kita jangan lupa ambil step link-nya 4 harusnya cukup sih Oke dapat ini aku ada 212 Oke sudah satu lagi Sip satu lagi cuma ya udah dapat lima ya white ternyata ada si penunggunya Woi betul ibu cepet Hei kamu kenapa e ini kau Hei

Kau hop meninggal daya Wakwaw meninggal nah oke tidak ada tampil kalinya ini lu Yap tanpa dulu oke kita ambil call-nya sip Oh Oh si Ayo siap-siap siap-siap pos siap ampun ampun ampun [Musik] Oh my God mens Oke kita pergi aja sana kok ada air Nah di sini kalau banyak banget ya Hai

Invernes Teh kayaknya ya bikin fortnites terus kita bakar dagingnya di sini deh siap old omelet usai kenapa hei hei oh iya Eh jangan cium saya Kenapa Anda mau cium saya Eh sudah selesai harusnya ya yap selesai sudah tweet kita ambil dulu ini terus kita pergi dari sini dari apa

Yang bisa saya charo ada domba uh domba Ping Hai ini baru pertama kali saya lihat ada domba pingin di sini sebelumnya saya enggak pernah lihat domba warna pink lo ya keren ya i Hai hehehe Keren ya lomba warna pink coba kita ambil bulunya deh hilang karena sih ini menurunkan langkah nih Oke kita

Meluk lumayan warna pink ya gan siap tampil juga nih lumayan coy kita ambil juga beberapa domba warna ini kok jadi warna putih dia What Oh Halo oi ini dia nih apa namanya Apa namanya a apa namanya ini saya lupa namanya apa ya NIP word kah kuota berapa tuh sapi Mbak

Eh kau kita hajat nih tabrak ya nggak Cuy karena berada Hai saya kira nabrak o b i bi ngengek ngengek barasuara itu udahlah ya di sini banyak coy oke oke Apakah ada sesuatu kayak menarik pada Iron Yap iron iron Pak kita ambil air Pak lumayan Pak luminpark sambil dulu airnya Yap ttaeron

Tiada cover kita ambil berlava cover ini deh memainkan tantui Oke tepat sejauh let’s go away ini Seharusnya Kita bikin rumah kau langsung bikin rumah Butuh waktu yang sangat Ih apaan tuh tadi hai mungguh Hai apaan tuh tadi lari itu apa itu tadi ya kalau kalau langsung bikin rumah

Harusnya Butuh waktu yang sangat lama di kita ambil Wow ini boleh juga ya untuk nanti kita kalau bisa nggak sempat bikin rumah kita masih bisa bikin tenda untuk sementara sambil Polri dulu deh kita kumpulin wall sebanyak mungkin yang bisa kita dapatkan dan Maluku wadah sapi coy tidur dulu dah Bahaya kalau sudah malam

Kamu enggak tidur bahaya Boy vs kau kita pergi kesana Tesco uh ada tebing adiknya sih aku mau bikin yang versi 1.18 ya cuma karena belum ada level remot sama febrik nya masih ada di dibagi itu kan ada pak Hai jadi aku bikin di versi ini aja deh aku udah coba

Beberapa kali cuma sama juga Masih error gitu lu nggak tahu kenapa apa yang salah gitu kan Tapi nggak papa lah ya nanti kalau sudah normal atau sudah bisa baru kita pindah versi ke 1.18 ya oke disaring kita May differ sini dulu huh disini banyak domba ya kalian kita

Keliling kita juga ambil WOW nya aja deh lumayan buat dikumpul tua ku melihat sesuatu di bawah sana ternyata itu rem portal Mari kita ke sana ada golnya sih cuma tadi choiron kursi salah satu ya masih percaya fashion gimana ya cesnya Masa sudah Bos duit segitu dia sesuai itu dia kita

Lebih kita ambil aja sama linestring ada tiga dong hahaha gila man mau diapain kau begitu ya Ntar ya aku mau ambil gold Gobloknya deh Jadi kita bakar Iron nya dulu deh the bakat coy Bakar dulu sambil Tunggu aku maunya lam dulu mandi-mandi oke mandi school kita mandi Ih cantiknya ikannya ya

Ntar kamu sana Pas Woi setiap kita kebawa lagi cowok tanggal ikannya tangkap ikan tangkap ikan Oke dapat ikan taktikal fishing ekonom salary Oh iya ratusan nafas siap Sudah dan kita bikin Iron PX untuk ambil Gobloknya siap langsung mainin goblok Hip mintoi setiap dapat ini ada-ada Iron Mayan

Timing dulu deh aku dari tadi Udah keliling kesana-kemari cuma blom ketemu tempat yang cocok dijadikan besi dari tadi saya sudah keliling nggak ketemu best yang cocok uh disitu juga ada pot wo ada urine portal lagi Oh my God ketemu dokrin portal ya chest nyaman ya [Musik] istanaimpian2 gliserin melon Mas like

Sama Iron nugget Udah malam nih ngeri juga kalau malam-malam ya tuh Jak Suaranya kayak suara nyari juga ya ya tuh orapopoy Woi ngeri ya malam-malam ya Lex kadang-kadang merinding lihat dengarnya Oke mungkin di sini aku akan jadikan besodi Senada Bos Ceplak Oh my God main ternyata ada Skeleton juga lo kita lihat

Mereka bertarung eh betarung mereka Siapakah menang nih feelingku si Skeleton menang Oh benarkah screto menang say teleponku benang sini-sini kok What kenapa aku jadi ngelag uh pop siapkan hopman Oke Anda meninggal ya mungkin di sini sih aku nggak bakal jadikan base uh Zombie blazer DOHC hei hei saya enggak dan MTQ keadaan ente

Boleh deh tak harus naik ke atas dulu eh tertidur dulu deh tidur dulu kita tidur nanti dia mati dong Eh kita tutupin aja deh di bagian sini-sini terus dibagi sini kita tutupin Oke Bang Ujang kebakar ya Aduh nggak bisa dong ada monster dibawa katanya siap Nah kita tidur dulu kita tidur Oke

Ukur eius udah pagi eh sini-sini eh tadi khas itu siap mantap itu udah saya tutupin kamu mah keluar Aduh Astaga Aduh mati sudah dia Udahlah ya mungkin gak jodoh sama aku ya ok deh kita taruh sini aja pertama-tama aku akan taruh Link nya di sini Hai terus

Rover Nenen sama juga taruh mana dia Mana dia taruh ini dia ini kita bikin satu aja deh Taro Crafting table Hei aku butuh chest Aku mau bikin seuseuh setiap bikin tes taruh di sini saja naoise Ini ambil Sip deh aku mau cari set sekali ini periset yang banyak kaca riset yang banyak

Ini kayaknya kayaknya belum membesar ya tuh jika aku turun bawah harusnya besar banget sih setelah kita lihat dulu sebentar ke wadah Iron coy Oh ternyata enggak besar kayaknya mantap di sini ada Eren kita ambil dulu kan lumayan ngapa airnya Banyak Oke sip dapat-dapat 6 lumayanlah ya tak mau tanam sugarcane

Juga disini tanam sugar Ken nah mantap mungkin kita bercocok tanam di sini kah sementara di sini aja ya Ya sementara aja sih sementara kita bercocok tanam seperti cabai rawit dan juga ini gandum biji gandum kita tanam Oke Kok dikit ya tambahin lagi deh nah sip terus perasaan aku akan ada kan

Aku ada potato tanam kentang di sini yang centang sama kita tanam wortel wortel ada dua tipe karena terakhir aku bikin ini apa sepatu sama ini sama hasil buat perlindungan diri Nick penting banget nice Oke sudah selesai Hoist sudah full Iron Di Sini coy nice aku sekarang pengen ambil wolnya sih ini domba ya

Pingin bikin tenda jadi kita untuk episode kali ini Hai aku pengen bikin tenda deh dengan menggunakan wallnya sidompak ini Oke uh pohon kita sudah tumbuh tuh nah ambil daunnya aja ambil daun sebanyak mungkin untuk dekorasi nantinya ya tanya kita mulai pengerjaan si tenda kita in begini awal kita taruh share disini

Terus tambahin share dan disini kita tambahin Drago applying Manager Offline segini Ice di sini ya kita Aduk menggunakan Sleep terus tambahin sepatu nah ini harus saya Oh bawah juga ya Oke aku mau taruh ini taruh menggunakan World Hai Nah siap mungkin sebesar Inikah [Musik] [Musik] hmm menarik

Not bad caddy bagian sini kita tambahin beberapa fans pagar gitu Nah Keren ya Oke ini kelihatan lebih keren juga ya dan tempat tidur ya mungkin aku kan taruh sini kah ok [Musik] Hai nice sini kita taruh Bapa tahun bertepatan lebih bagus gitu nah is ini juga ini taruh daun nah oke [Musik]

Oke sama sini-sini [Musik] terus di bagian sini kita tambah beberapa aja Hais nadi bagi insiden Eza bagian sini juga siap sama sini dia harusnya akaya gini nih Nah untuk awak episode aku bikinnya ya sederhana saja yang penting masih bisa bermalaman Nah mungkin Neng episode Nanti baru kita pikirkan cuma Sayangnya

Aku nggak Dara Intan ya kadar enten aku bisa gantung di bagian sini di sini aku bagian Taro renten ya Nah kita bikin kefir teknik emfire sip dapat 1kva seharusnya sudah cukup ya aku pengen taruh sini Nah inilah kira-kira kalau nggak salah aku ada itu deh aku ada tulang ah India

Tulang kita bisa bikin bonnel ah ntar setelahnya selesai kita bikin pomade begini kira-kira dan di sini aku pengen taruh itu apa namanya Rektor ajalah ya karena boleh deh ah nah is to cantikkan harusnya lebih rapi tuh oke terus di kita taruh boneless ini eh Hai besar banget

Hei terus disini juga ini bersin dulu di bagian sini carbonnel sama di sininya omel bisa juga Memel Han disini boleh deh sama sedikit ballmill sip tuh oke kan nah di bagian tengah sini kita taruh mobil nah is sebetulnya ini masih kurang yaitu kurang bonnel dibagian sininya Terus dibagian sininya masih Woi ngapain

Kamu naik ke atas eh Ya turun turun turun Iya pinter ya sapinya Pinter ya bisa turun Sendiri ya hehehe tadi sebagian sini aku pengen taroh able Tapi waktu di flash sebelumnya aku lupa ambil hebel nya yah ya udah nggak papa Ya petualangan baru mulai Dan inilah kisah awal Ku

Nantikan episode berikutnya yang akan segera hadir

This video, titled ‘Awal Perjalanan Ku di Minecraft Hardcore Zoffy Survival Series (Ep.1)’, was uploaded by Zoffy on 2021-12-14 01:36:12. It has garnered 220974 views and 8093 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:41 or 1301 seconds.

The Beginning of My Journey in the Hardcore Minecraft Zoffy Survival Series (Ep.1) Hi, I will tell you the story of the beginning of my journey in the hardcore series Minecraft, with a different topic from the previous videos!, A new story begins in Zoffy Survival Series!!, Subscribe! : Follow Instagram : Email for business: [email protected] Watch Other Videos Here:

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    Crafty Creations: Mind-Blowing Minecraft Build Welcome, welcome, to my Minecraft domain, Where the challenges are tough, but the fun’s never wane. I found something strange in my Hardcore world, A mystery to unravel, a story unfurled. I survived 1000 days, a feat so grand, In this blocky world, where danger’s at hand. The perfect start to my Hardcore adventure, Each moment a thrill, each challenge a venture. This Minecraft build will blow your mind, With creativity and skill, it’s one of a kind. Join me on this journey, through blocks and through caves, As we explore, discover, and be brave. So subscribe to my… Read More

  • Minecraft Realistic Physics: When Blocks Get Thicc

    Minecraft Realistic Physics: When Blocks Get Thicc “Finally, a game where my inability to stack blocks properly is explained by ‘realistic physics’.” Read More

  • The Ultimate Dragon Shenanigans in Ablecraft

    The Ultimate Dragon Shenanigans in Ablecraft The First Dragon Of Ablecraft On the 24th of July, a monumental event took place in the world of Ablecraft – the first ender dragon was defeated! This epic feat was captured during a Twitch livestream, showcasing the thrilling moment when the dragon met its demise. Supporting the Streamer For those who enjoyed the content and want to support the streamer, there is an option to donate via the provided link: Donate to Clevprof. Every contribution helps in creating more exciting gaming experiences for the audience. Connect on Social Media To stay updated on future streams and gaming adventures,… Read More

  • Minecraft After Dark Edit

    Minecraft After Dark Edit Minecraft Edit | After Dark | 4K #shorts Step into the enchanting world of Minecraft with the mesmerizing “After Dark” edit in stunning 4K resolution. Dive into a realm where creativity knows no bounds and adventure awaits at every turn. Let’s explore the magic that unfolds in this captivating Minecraft creation. The Night Comes Alive As the sun sets in the blocky world of Minecraft, a whole new adventure begins. The “After Dark” edit takes players on a journey through the night, where mysterious creatures emerge, and the landscape transforms under the glow of the moon. With intricate details… Read More

  • Firey Minecraft: Kidnapped by Crazy Fangirl!

    Firey Minecraft: Kidnapped by Crazy Fangirl!Video Information This video, titled ‘He Got Kidnapped by A Crazy Fangirl in Minecraft! (Firey Minecraft)’, was uploaded by Firey Minecraft on 2024-07-15 16:33:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. He Got Kidnapped by A Crazy Fangirl in Minecraft! (Firey Minecraft) ————- ————– โญ Welcome to Firey … Read More

  • Nico’s Wild Vacation: Minecraft Shenanigans!

    Nico's Wild Vacation: Minecraft Shenanigans!Video Information This video, titled ‘Having a NICO Vacation In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Nico on 2024-05-15 03:00:34. It has garnered 356182 views and 5196 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:59 or 1199 seconds. Cash & Nico Merch! Today, everyone has a NICO Vacation in Minecraft! The kids takes Nico and his friends on a mysterious island! What will happen on this Nico Vacation?! Watch to find out! #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Nico #NicoAndCash Read More

  • “Tragic Minecraft Loss ๐Ÿ˜ญ MrCreeper’s Best Friend Dies” #minecraftshorts

    "Tragic Minecraft Loss ๐Ÿ˜ญ MrCreeper's Best Friend Dies" #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft death of best friend ๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ˜ช๐Ÿ˜ญ #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by MrCreeper on 2024-07-13 14:52:03. It has garnered 485 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. #minecraft #Minecraft #MinecraftCommunity #MinecraftBuilds #MinecraftSurvival #MinecraftMods #MinecraftGaming #MinecraftTutorials #MinecraftTips #MinecraftAdventure #MinecraftServer Minecraft Creative Minecraft Building Minecraft Adventure Minecraft Multiplayer Minecraft Singleplayer Minecraft Mods Minecraft Skins Minecraft Maps Minecraft Server Minecraft Redstone Minecraft Crafting Minecraft Mining Minecraft Blocks Minecraft Mobs Minecraft Ender Minecraft Nether Minecraft Biome Minecraft Village Minecraft Farming Minecraft Seeds Minecraft Texture Pack Minecraft Resource Pack Minecraft Realms Minecraft Command Blocks Minecraft… Read More

  • “๐Ÿ”ฅ Ultimate Minecraft House Design by Gaming King! ๐Ÿ”ฅ” #minecraft #gaming

    "๐Ÿ”ฅ Ultimate Minecraft House Design by Gaming King! ๐Ÿ”ฅ" #minecraft #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft morden house design #minecraft #trending #gaming #shorts’, was uploaded by Gaming-king๐Ÿ‘‘ on 2024-07-27 12:03:35. It has garnered 420 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Minecraft morden house design #minecraft #trending #gaming #shorts Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft School SMP Season 6 Live Stream! #24

    EPIC Minecraft School SMP Season 6 Live Stream! #24Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft School SMP Season 6 Live #24#shots #minecraft #shabirzzgamer #livestream #live #shabirzz’, was uploaded by Shabirzz gamer on 2024-09-11 16:33:00. It has garnered 1055 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:14 or 3014 seconds. IP. descord link Minecraft School SMP Season 6 Live #24#shots #minecraft #shabirzzgamer #livestream #live #shabirzz ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ Minecraft Live is an annual online event hosted by Mojang Studios, designed to showcase major updates, features, and upcoming content for Minecraft. The event is packed with exciting reveals, including the announcement of new game mechanics, mobs, biomes, and… Read More

  • Unboxing Devil Fruit in Minecraft One Piece Mod!

    Unboxing Devil Fruit in Minecraft One Piece Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘DEVIL FRUIT UNBOXING! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 13’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-08-08 22:00:14. It has garnered 3231 views and 228 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:34 or 3034 seconds. Minecraft Naruto Mod Review (Narutoto Mod) – MiraiGaming (Brother’s Channel) – STREAM – DISCORD – BECOME A MEMBER HERE – GingyVODs Channel – DEVIL FRUIT UNBOXING! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 13 #OnePiece #Minecraft #OnePieceMod Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel MonsterQ Series Playlists RWBY Students… Read More


    INSANE TRAIN MINECRAFT COLLAB - MUST SEE!Video Information This video, titled ‘train austria collab minecraft’, was uploaded by Hร ng Mang on 2024-03-18 05:02:45. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Boy 6 DB7 Boy 32 DB 5 Boy 5 Train Boy 9 DB OBB 1016 Boy 77. Read More

  • Insane hack: Craft a chair in MINECRAFT!

    Insane hack: Craft a chair in MINECRAFT!Video Information This video, titled ‘how to make chair in MINECRAFT .#minecraft #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by AB Gamer on 2024-05-02 09:15:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. how to make chair in Minecraft. Minecraft meh op furniture kese bananeh.#minecraft #shorts #viral about by video yeh video real … Read More

  • Uncover the Hidden Minecraft Moye Moye Technique! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐ŸŽฎ

    Uncover the Hidden Minecraft Moye Moye Technique! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐ŸŽฎVideo Information This video, titled ‘The secret Minecraft moye moye technique๐Ÿ˜Ž funny moments ๐Ÿ˜’, was uploaded by A_R gaming on 2024-03-07 07:46:50. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft The secret Minecraft moye moye technique funny moments shorts #minecraft minecraft shorts #minecraftshorts … Read More

  • RulerCraft: The World Is Yours 1.20.2-1.21.1 – SMP, Factions, Roleplay, Towny, Earth, Perks, Religions, Cultures, Dungeons, Java, Bedrock

    RulerCraft: The World Is Yours What RulerCraft offers: Earth: Full scale world of Earth with all continents, ores and different biomes. Towny: Can start your own towns and nations or you can join another town or nation. Cultures & Religions: Custom set of cultures and religions to choose from for your towns. Economy: Dynamic and fair economy: automatic price changes and trading ships scattered around Earth. Perks: 54 different perks and bonuses to choose from, including Flying in Towns, Custom Warp, Personal Hologram, and more! Senate: Players vote on new features, staff promotions, ban appeals and more. Good community: Toxic… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – 2012: The Movie that Minecraft Deserved

    Minecraft Memes - 2012: The Movie that Minecraft DeservedIn 2012, the Minecraft movie would have just been two hours of watching someone build a dirt house and get chased by creepers. And honestly, we would have paid to see it. Read More

  • Crafty Artemia: Ship of Robbers in Minecraft

    Crafty Artemia: Ship of Robbers in Minecraft Artemia and I, on a mission so bold, Investigating robbers on a ship, we’re told. In Minecraft, a mod brings the challenge near, Illager Warship, danger lurking, so clear. On RuTube, Zen, and Twitch, we share our quest, With Discord and Viber, we aim to impress. Join us on this journey, filled with thrill, As we uncover secrets, with skills and skill. Stay tuned for more, on this gaming ride, With ClaDiamond leading, we won’t hide. Minecraft adventures, in rhymes we’ll bring, For all our viewers, let the fun ring! Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: Villagers be like “Trade or Die” ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Minecraft Logic: Villagers be like "Trade or Die" ๐Ÿ˜‚ When you spend hours building a house in Minecraft, only for a creeper to blow it up in seconds. Minecraft logic: spend hours creating, seconds destroying. Read More

  • Diving into the Depths of Scary Minecraft Mods Again!

    Diving into the Depths of Scary Minecraft Mods Again! Exploring Terrifying Minecraft Mods: A Deep Dive into the Depths of the Internet Welcome to Profly’s channel! In this video, we delve into the realm of unknown, terrifying modifications for the game Minecraft. Profly has curated 7 distinct mods to uncover their quality and why they lurk at the bottom of the ratings list. So, sit back, brew a cup of tea, and enjoy the video! Mod Showcase: Here’s a breakdown of the spine-chilling mods featured in the video: The Fake Player Starting off the journey into horror mods, The Fake Player introduces a sense of unease and mystery…. Read More

  • ๐Ÿ‘ปBlack Magic! Ninja Gaming 9018 Subscribe Now!

    ๐Ÿ‘ปBlack Magic! Ninja Gaming 9018 Subscribe Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ‘ปblack magic please subscribe like for more videos#minecraft #YouTube short ๐Ÿฅบ’, was uploaded by #Ninja gaming 9018#FF on 2024-08-28 13:10:11. It has garnered 513 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Read More

  • Ninja Showdown: Mikey vs JJ in Minecraft

    Ninja Showdown: Mikey vs JJ in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mikey vs JJ : NOOB vs PRO Ninja Student Survival Battle in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Mikey World on 2024-08-23 21:00:32. It has garnered 102182 views and 899 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:54 or 1014 seconds. Mikey vs JJ : NOOB vs PRO Ninja Student Survival Battle in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories… Read More

  • INSANE IRON LUCK?! Minecraft Hardcore S2 #4

    INSANE IRON LUCK?! Minecraft Hardcore S2 #4Video Information This video, titled ‘ZO VROEG AL ZO VEEL IRON!! – MINECRAFT HARDCORE SURVIVAL S2 #4’, was uploaded by TorpedoTobi41 on 2024-05-06 13:00:24. It has garnered 2 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:09 or 2589 seconds. Waddup males and welcome to this new Minecraft Hardcore episode in which we don’t achieve anything, but that shouldn’t spoil the fun, right??? Read More

  • Insane Minecraft House Build ๐Ÿ”ฅGyan Warrior vs TechnoGamerzOfficial

    Insane Minecraft House Build ๐Ÿ”ฅGyan Warrior vs TechnoGamerzOfficialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Epic๐ŸŒŸ Minecraft House Build with TechnoGamerzOfficial #1’, was uploaded by Gyan warrior on 2024-04-09 04:54:15. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Constructing a luxurious house in Minecraft minecraft school hidden minecraft worlds techno gamerz minecraft mod xnestorio … Read More


    xMagicyMC EXPOSED - CRAZY SECRETS REVEALED ๐Ÿ‘€Video Information This video, titled ‘True right? ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ‘€’, was uploaded by xMagicyMC on 2024-03-05 13:27:34. It has garnered 5284 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Java: Bedrock: Port: 19132 #minecraftserver #minecraft #minecraftsmp #minecraftsmpservers #publicminecraftserver #minecrafthardcore #survivalminecraftserver #minecraftshorts #minecraftsmp #smpserver #lifestealsmp #minecraftearth #minecraftshorts #minecraftmeme #minecraftsmp #minecraft #lifestealsmp #smp #minecraftserver #minecraftsurvival #dreamsmp #minecrafthardcore #minecraftlifestealsmp #minecraftserver #server #minecraftsmpservers #publicserver #publicminecraftserver #schoolminecraftserver #survivalminecraftserver #servers #minecraftshorts, minecraft server,this minecraft smp wants me dead,school minecraft server,this player,it took months to kill this player,smartest player,if you see this player,on this smp,if you see this player log off… Read More

The Beginning of My Journey in Minecraft Hardcore Zoffy Survival Series (Ep.1)