The BIG FIGHT at PROM In Minecraft!

Video Information

My friend has set up a prom on our minecraft servers and all players have to come with a date my problem i end up having two dates when this new player tricks me into being his date i haven’t let my crush know without hurting anyone who will i choose to take surprise

Okay i should be ready to go mining today um no you need to hang them from here to here okay okay all right i’ll get it i’ll get whole area needs it look beautiful yes casey i got it i’m just gonna what’s going on here oh yeah

Now once we have all the materials on my list we can start building the set what’s happening oh it’s only the most exciting time of the year wait prom in minecraft that that’s not a thing well it is new here’s a list of all the things you need to

Craft before the big event wait craft the dress i am a very busy woman now go go go go Yeah i bet you don’t even have a date for the prom and you’re gonna go all alone maybe i will who are you gonna go with oh dwell uh obviously my girlfriend she’s from another server fine whatever i’ll figure it out later there’s a bunch of stuff on this list i

Gotta get so get out of here yeah whatever i just don’t want to be here anymore Hey you uh prom i’m gonna guess i’m gonna go to prom so yeah huh problem Uh aaron i think jan’s doing something to your house oh yeah what are you doing nothing wasn’t me it was you that cold doesn’t match my house it doesn’t get out of here [Laughter] what’s up little aphmau leave me alone i got stuff to do nothing could be as important as what

I’ve got here for you what is it another mud ball you can’t believe it for that because this doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want um pretty sure it does Little baby arrows they don’t do anything he’s fine you want to see something that does something how about oh yeah oh hey what what did you just do what just give me my house hey nerd what’s up do you do this uh no and if i did what are you going to do

About it did you just wait you’re going to regret this i’ll get you back for this doing my oh there’s a giant hole yeah that’s right you better run i think it was you well because uh yep i i need a date to the prom

Uh well it means that you’re my date for the pool what or else i’ll tell ian and everyone else that you blew up ian’s house and that you’re a terrible little prankster oh bad awful even duh you flatter me now if you excuse me i got stuff to do

To get ready for the big night can’t believe i have to go to this prom it doesn’t make any sense i should be going on mining right now but who’s at my door is this from jean you know what maybe he won’t be such a bad date to

Prom after all can’t believe we’re doing minecraft it doesn’t make any sense you take that that’s not how you ride a bike gene i’m not riding a bike i’m having fun with the bikes by throwing them in the river why anyway i guess you must be excited

For the big dance tonight you know since you’re going with me but it’s not until tonight so i’m a little busy right now uh yeah sure you know what i can’t believe i came to your my setup hey that’s my house yeah well you know what it looks okay but i can’t

Believe i came here to thank you for this flower wait flower yeah what flower the one you left on my doorstep uh yeah i didn’t do that flowers are kind of stupid and they’re for girls yeah well i’m fine whatever i’ll see you later yeah you will for our date

I’m not this flower in my door actually huh oh hey yeah how’s it going huh pretty good yeah oh um hey did you get the flowers by the way wait this one yeah uh you know the ones for your coorsage oh the corsage yeah but why would i what

Isn’t that what you get for your prom date sorry if i got the wrong thing no no uh you know what i forgot that i need to go back in my house bye wait aaron he he was trying to ask me on the prom date and he thinks i’m mistaken i’m gonna

I’m so excited to craft dresses dress making doesn’t happen by itself can’t believe you had a whole dress shop made just for this casey it’s very important funny every time get out of here that’s what you get for tripping oh yeah well uh check out this new trick i just learned

Stay right there what huh what are the characters over here oh look at this cute little dog that i found that would just love to play with your sheep gene don’t you dare have fun boy no no no no no that was mean gene yeah gene uh yeah and

I’m having a lot of fun so uh what i can do whatever i want on this server right freaking nerd always ruining my button hey what are you hanging out just stop it already get out of here dog daddy you’re so dumb that’ll show him all right let’s go make

This dress for prom maybe this one hey aaron oh hey half i was just working on getting myself set up wrong how is that all going for you oh it’s going pretty good i’m actually just going to go ahead and make my dress right now cool

What color dye did you use oh uh a purple color die like this oh that’s great but uh well if you wanted i i was thinking that i could borrow some of the same dyes so so we could match really i just figured well i i just wanted to

Make sure that everything goes right on this special night because you know you’re a special person to me oh yeah maybe you are the right choice i whoa this is um lame oh what’s gene doing uh gene you didn’t hurt my dog did you oh no no no no no i

Just tossed it back in with the sheep yeah i’m sure it’ll be fun so did you finish your dress um okay i got the dress now i need to get the tickets and make the sage oh hey what’s up no um nothing just gonna go get tonight dag

What’s that supposed to mean yeah just you know just gonna go get some tickets from kc because she’s over there working the ticket booth by herself so oh yeah i guess we do need tickets huh yeah that’s true time for revenge ah get out of here ian hey come on get

Out of here Get out of here busy ish uh so where are the chickens oh i think they’re over there wait wait the tickets are in the obstacle course mm-hmm what it’s fun little groovy dummy step it looks like fun actually do you want to go together yeah sure get out of here

Give me one second come here hey look at that sorry about that i shot yeah i just saw a pest come on let’s go um yeah let’s do it up and okay and then up here and here you’re really good at this um go up this way and up that way and

Jump jump in looks like all of these tickets are fine now if i can’t go to prom i do have a date she’s just on another server you know what i’m gonna take care of this okay let’s meet at the mines to maybe finish our corsages later yeah

Sounds good hey ian what’s that on here oh what is it oh see you later take it see ya get back hear you okay i guess i can give the tickets to other people nice we got the tickets me i got the tickets yeah yeah whatever the same

Difference between tomorrow look i got to find out where that dummy ian went gee he literally went that way you just missed him gene what take some dummy to noah dubby what are you i’ll meet you at the mindset all right get back over here gene gene

Huh oh hey you finally made it yeah i was literally right behind you okay so uh we gotta find something shiny for this coarse sage thingy yeah right yeah we need some diamonds um uh yeah we don’t need diamonds let me just find something good i mean this is shiny kind

Of i don’t like it though nah it’s good enough so You need iron what oh fine i’ll just go make another one i’ll be right back hey oh well hey i was just you know doing a bit of mining what are you up to oh well i was teaching gene to mine wait jeans here yeah he he doesn’t

Really know how to mine because he’s still oh yeah he’s stolen on gold well yeah it’s nice of you to help him out like this you know you’re really nice at helping everyone thanks can you can you can you give me some of that timing

Actually oh hey yeah um just give me a second i can’t like you know hey what i’m gonna tell you something all right look i know you did a favor for me but oh don’t worry you’re welcome for what oh you know being your date a

Little short girl like you needs a good looking guy like me after all what anyway where is that Okay so i have this item uh let’s just put it oh it looks so pretty oh my gosh it looks so cute another core stage oh my gosh i love it oh look at this i’m beautiful all right well i don’t know if anybody’s going to pick me up but um hello

Erin hey are you ready for the big night yes oh my god you remember to pick me up of course yeah here’s a flower i got for you by the way oh thank you yeah here’s my ride you want to get on what an amazing ride oh my gosh yes

Let’s go all right let’s do it hop on okay here we go uh just hold on tight okay well promise right behind my house oh yeah you probably should have noticed that it’s here yeah i was just really busy getting ready so i totally get that he worked great tonight by the way

Thanks you know what i you know at first i was like casey i don’t know if i feel about good about minecraft prom but she oh look she loves the candles oh wow it’s gorgeous this is awesome and she trapped a villager for photography oh yeah so we

Can take pictures that makes sense i think oh my god oh outbound’s here hey half mountain oh wow hello look everyone’s here wow you guys look great thanks you guys see everyone i totally showed up with a date i’m gonna go get us some drinks look at that croissants pronounce corsage

Who did you come with um i’m don’t worry uh it’s gene what are you doing i thought you didn’t you didn’t pick me up no duh you had your ticket i thought i’d just meet your hair oh that’s not what you do besides i’m busy making the party a little bit more

Fun you know spicing things up a bit chicken soup i mean yeah who doesn’t like chicken food What’s going on here oh all right fine let’s see how it is i was gonna give you this awesome skull t-shirt to go over your dress but you know what i guess i’ll just keep it for myself i don’t want your school t-shirt it’s ugly

Took the blame so i felt bad and thought i should take him to prom but i didn’t realize you uh what now that i’ve heard a lot of you say that this is the best problem ever i’m pretty sure no one said that i didn’t hear that

True problem oh a queen and a king yeah yeah go kc you’re doing great yeah everybody give it up for casey and it’s time to announce the winners first Seems like we forgot to count some of the votes um our new new queen is a gold block [Applause] Uh [Applause] I thought you were gonna win all right wait you thought i was gonna win why because i can’t be with anyone less than a queen okay the only reason i came with you was because i thought you would be prom queen and then everyone would like me

Because i’m the prom queen state but then you have to go into the room wait a minute i mean when you’re not being a jerk i like you what that doesn’t matter maybe i could still fix this girlfriend how dare you appear in the honor of prom

Queen you can’t take this from me Uh you are gonna anger kc you don’t want to do that casey we should get out of here Zayn’s not here don’t know what you’re talking about insane okay casey casey girl hold on hold on hold on all right look look look just look look at me look at him okay all right look at my eyes okay my eyes casey you said you wanted to have the

Best prom ever well um there is no good problem without it no it’s not ruined you can save it look you have the best prom drama really yeah you made the best prom okay you have this unlocked girl thank you a prom is not good unless there’s some

Kind of drama and i hope you don’t know playing to fix this up the best that i can but i i can’t find all the pieces to the damage by being here That’s why they all had goldina on the tickets who i mean the votes are still there that doesn’t matter how they got there i don’t even want this anymore you can have it our product queen is asmo and for the king it’s it’s a tie tie between who who happened aaron and gene

It all comes down to this huh who voted for gene arrow and whoever it lands on isn’t the king all right Don’t forget about what i said earlier Oh my gosh well i guess Instead um that sounds like a great idea let’s uh put up the fighters On this minecraft server ever again

This video, titled ‘The BIG FIGHT at PROM In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Aphmau on 2022-05-28 19:15:00. It has garnered 7030505 views and 114763 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:11 or 1211 seconds.

Aphmau goes to Minecraft Prom…with TWO dates?? 💜 Come take a look at my merch! 💜 ► Instagram:

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#Minecraft #Aphmau

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    Crafting Chaos: Day 44 of Wood Challenge Madness In the world of Minecraft, day 44 is here, Wood challenge 365, no need for fear. The seed is 5723307720831805568, Join the channel, become a creator’s mate. In the Irish lands, prophecies unfold, Enigmatic characters, stories untold. Greetings to TikTok, @kazzu_026, @tomas_deja_de_leerelmapa, let the rhymes mix. On Twitch and TikTok, the Irish gamer shines, Crafting Minecraft news with rhymes that align. Join the Discord, join the fun, In the world of gaming, we’ve only just begun. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition 🔥 “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipdrama 😂🎮 Read More

  • Minecraft Prank: Morphing Mod Madness

    Minecraft Prank: Morphing Mod Madness Minecraft Speedrun Race with a Twist! Jet and his friend Fred are gearing up for an epic Minecraft Speedrun Race. Little does Fred know, Jet has a sneaky plan up his sleeve – he’s using the Morphing Mod to gain an advantage! The Morphing Mod: A Game-Changer The Morphing Mod in Minecraft allows players to transform into different creatures, giving them unique abilities and advantages. Jet’s decision to use this mod adds an exciting twist to the traditional speedrun race. Will Fred Discover Jet’s Secret? As the race progresses, Fred starts to notice Jet’s unusual behavior and suspects that… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Epic Amusement Park Build

    Minecraft's Epic Amusement Park Build The Deadliest Ferris Wheel in Minecraft Building a Deadly Carnival In the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, one player decided to take things up a notch by creating the deadliest Ferris wheel ever seen. The goal? To challenge server mates to ride for their lives or face certain death. Creating the Ferris Wheel The player, armed with a vision and a knack for redstone contraptions, set out to build a fully automated Ferris wheel. By utilizing flying machine technology, inspired by Il mango’s design, they were able to construct a working Ferris wheel that players could… Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Prank on Friend! (Tagalog)

    Terrifying Minecraft Prank on Friend! (Tagalog)Video Information This video, titled ‘Using Scary Builds to fool My Friend in Minecraft! (Tagalog)’, was uploaded by CeeGeeGaming on 2024-06-13 10:02:03. It has garnered 61551 views and 1931 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:15 or 1875 seconds. MINECRAFT:Using Scary Builds to fool My Friend in Minecraft! (Tagalog) Today, Yasi informed CeeGee about the controversial Dump site that has been talk of the town lately because of the fear it may contaminate the water system and may cause the spreading or viruses and toxins among the nearby villages. Since based on the forecast, there will be an expected… Read More

  • Prison Escape Challenge: NOOB vs PRO feat. Maizen & Mikey

    Prison Escape Challenge: NOOB vs PRO feat. Maizen & MikeyVideo Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: Prison Escape Challenge in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Maizen & Mikey | Friends on 2024-05-28 07:50:40. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. We have a competition again! Today we will find out which of us is the better prison builder! After construction, we have a … Read More

  • Bowser’s Car in Minecraft?!! | NICO2DSCRAFT Shorts

    Bowser's Car in Minecraft?!! | NICO2DSCRAFT ShortsVideo Information 我的车不再有用了。你对他做了什么? 我只在上面放了一点熔岩,但 你为什么要这么做呢?因为它看起来 很漂亮。你疯了。就像我的 车加了熔岩后看起来会更好一样。 This video, titled ‘EL CARRO DE BOWSER PERO EN MINECRAFT | Shorts’, was uploaded by NICO2DSCRAFT on 2024-06-06 20:30:01. It has garnered 10794 views and 411 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. EL CARRO DE BOWSER PERO EN MINECRAFT | Shorts #minecraft #minecraftjavaedition #minecraftbedrock #nico2ds #Nico2dscraft Read More

  • 🔥ULTIMATE Nether Minecraft conquest!🔥

    🔥ULTIMATE Nether Minecraft conquest!🔥Video Information huh [Music] [Music] okay oh no [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no yeah This video, titled ‘Conquering the Nether dimension in Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by 👇TAP THE LINK👇 on 2024-03-13 05:41:12. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Read More


    🤑 SENORGIRAFFE: INSANE QUICK RICHES SOTW (OP) 🤑Video Information yo what is up guys my name is Senor giraffe and we are here again for a brand new prison series on giraffe. lucky. net now this is the third season on minlucky and they have added quite a few things one of the biggest things is payout so I know a lot of you guys when you grinded did want to possibly get rewarded and they’ve added that if we type SL lb or leaderboards you will see they have highest ranks top blocks mind top tokens top gems top rubies all this stuff right here and… Read More

The BIG FIGHT at PROM In Minecraft!