The Guardian Farm Rises! ▫ Minecraft Survival Guide (1.18 Tutorial Lets Play) [S2E92]

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Do [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Do [Applause] [Applause] do Hello everyone my name is pixel riffs and welcome back to the minecraft survival guide that is right it is done as you saw in the time lapse we managed to finish off draining the water out of the ocean monument and i need to to run

Back home and get a few things namely a bunch more fireworks and some iron blocks because today we are going to take down the remainder of the monument and build a guardian farm in its place and this is going to be a little bit dangerous because as you might expect

Now that we have removed all of the water from the outside of here the inside of this monument is going to be chock full of guardians or at least the guardians are going to spawn anywhere they can and that will be our next job is to remove all of the areas where

Guardians can spawn to make sure that the only places we will find them are inside some tanks we’re going to build later in the episode the area around here is still looking like a giant mess but for now it should serve its purpose and i’ve removed the conduit from up

There because we’re not going to be swimming around for too much longer i think we’re going to take this whole thing down layer by layer from the top and that’s why i brought all the iron blocks because one of the ways we can do that is using a haste 2 beacon

Prismarine is pretty fast to break give or take the sea lanterns you’ll have a nice easy time breaking basically any variant of prismarine and with haste 2 it should hopefully be instant in the same way that insta mining stone is so i’m going to remove all of the blocks

From the top of this and we’re going to set up two beacon bases actually right here in fact the whole area of the top of the monument here is 10 by 10 so if i brought enough blocks with me we might go for four beacons just for fun because

We have four beacons here in the ender chest and four stacks of iron blocks was more than enough it left us with 40 blocks of iron to spare and the cool thing about beacons is that you don’t need to create a separate one for each

Beacon effect you want so if we place a beacon here then obviously it’ll count all of the blocks below it as part of the standard beacon pyramid but the same goes for if we place a beacon here here and here you’ll notice the secondary power for this one is active as is the

Secondary power for this one and these two as well so if i break down one of these blocks of iron into iron ingots we can set up let’s say haste two on this one we’ll set up resistance two on this one we’ll have some speed and regeneration from that one and this last

One here can give us strength two if we want to throw jump boost in there with strength selected here we could still select jump boost one and modify that and it would give us all six beacon effects using four beacons but in the meantime i think we’ve got enough to

Take on all of these guardians make sure our health regenerates make sure we don’t take too much damage from them have a little bit of extra speed while doing it and now we can insta mine all of the prismarine blocks here in the monument of course we are still going to

Need some sponges to dry out the interior and i only have a few of those which are still dry so i need to pop back through to the nether and make sure that those dry out but i think since we have the luxury of being able to dry

This out from a completely dry area around the outside we’re going to forego the nether tree method cool though that is and just stick to sponges because to be honest these things are a bit of a pain to take down we’ll probably set up a couple of chests around the perimeter

Here so that we can stash all of this prismarine because waste not want not even though we’re going to be able to farm some of this stuff afterwards i think it’s going to be worth keeping hold of all of the prismarine that we can grab in the meantime and it’s still

Worth having a few solid blocks in this case blocks of sand so that we can divide up these areas and make sure that they’re easier to dry out but a sponge or two over here over here and here and that whole area is pretty much done

So without further ado i’m gonna brew a cup of tea and we’re gonna get on with taking down the rest of the monument Do Hey folks welcome back this whole perimeter is looking a little bit cleaner now as well i hope you enjoyed the time lapse and gosh there have been so many time lapses in this project but it’s a big project we’ve done a lot and there is still a fair amount to do but

We’ve got the majority of the foundations laid or rather we are keeping the foundations that were laid by the ocean monument itself and i just decided to swap all of the ground around here for sand just so we could get an easier look at where everything is we

Might still need to make a couple of changes to the surroundings and i do still plan on decorating a little bit but in the meantime i thought i would give you a quick rundown of what exactly is required in a guardian farm in case you want to attempt to build one of

These yourself from scratch because while this isn’t necessarily going to be a block by block tutorial i think that’s because a lot of the time guardian farms are easier than you might expect all you really need is a tank with a bunch of soul sand at the bottom of it then you

Need some sort of surrounding in the tank to make sure that the guardians cannot fall out of the site and neither can the water but of course once you put soul sand and water together you start to create bubble columns and guardians are not immune to those that will push

The guardians all the way up to the surface of the tank from that point your guardians can be pushed into a water stream that’s going to take them down to a drop shoot the drop sheet will drop them down into a killing area the one

Thing that you need to bear in mind when you’re building a guardian farm is that guardian spawns while they do happen in large areas of water happen much more frequently when there are blocks above the area where the guardians are spawn where there are solid blocks preventing

Access to the sky and it’s not a light level thing this is really just there so that guardians spawn more frequently inside the monument than outside or to balance that out because obviously there’s a large area of open water around this thing and while the game

Only needs two blocks of water in which to spawn guardians obviously the interior furniture of the monument all of the pillars and the different architecture in the rooms and stuff is going to typically prevent the guardians from spawning too much inside so what mojang has done to counteract that is to

Make sure that guardians spawn much more frequently if there is a block above the water block in which they spawn i’ve kept the bottom platform of the monument here to illustrate that this is the area in which we can build our guardian farm but whatever we end up building here it

Needs to have a roof of solid blocks over the top a lid on the farm is going to make sure that it spawns guardians much more frequently and if you want to try this out for yourself you can try this out in a creative mode test world

Or something just take down all of the monument build a massive tank of water in there don’t put a lid on it to start with and see how many guardians it spawns and then puts a lid on it and you’ll see that it spawns guardians according to the minecraft wiki at least

95 percent less if it doesn’t have that lid on like the the spawns will go through the roof once you put an actual roof on the farm itself for the next stage of this though i am gonna take down our four beacons lovely though they have been and we might still leave one

Of them here to counteract the fact that when you attack guardians they deal thorns damage in exchange we might have a couple of other neat ways around that as well so we might get to that a little later but in the meantime the beacons are gonna have to come down and maybe we

Will reinstate the regen and resistance one once we have the farm up and running the only other principle we have to keep in mind with this guardian farm is that guardians are like other hostile mobs and they will not spawn within 23 blocks of the players so we’ll need to make

Sure that wherever we build the spawning tanks and wherever we end up building the killing area need to be 23 blocks apart for guardians to spawn inside the farm continuously with the player actively at the farm killing them as they arrive and we are going to kill

Them as they arrive just so we can get hold of more guardian drops because while they will drop prismarine shards and prismarine crystals even if they are killed by means other than a player killing them with looting is going to mean we get more drops out of it and it

Also includes a drop of fish as long as you aren’t killing them with a sword that has fire aspect you’ll get a lot of raw cod dropping from guardian farms and that can be traded to fishermen villages so it can potentially be a source of emeralds if you’re still looking for one

Of those in your world or you want to expand your villager trading repertoire well that’s the beacon taken down now to plot everything out so in the center here we’re going to have a tube that leads down to an afk location or at least a location we can stand that is

Far enough away from the lowest point here in the farm that will make sure stuff can spawn anywhere inside the tank that we built and the 58 by 58 box extends up to y61 a block below sea level so that’s the point at which we can build the topmost part of the tanks

Inside our farm the water streams to redirect the guardians are going to be naturally eight blocks long so starting from this block here we want to go one two three four five six seven out that side and we need to go seven out this side as well each of these streams is

Going to be two blocks wide just so the guardians have a little bit of room to be channeled down there and another two block wide stream is going to feed into these from both sides and in addition to that we could expand it on this side so

We have another eight block stream one block up that’s going to feed down into that one because adjacent to that we’re going to have a long large tank filled at the bottom with solsen in fact we might as well build that now because it’s going to involve removing sections

Of the floor we can plot this out in eight by eight sections because each of these water streams is going to be eight blocks long and the tank is going to be eight blocks deep because of course we need to direct the guardians who are gonna bubble up in the bubble columns

Into water streams that are gonna feed across and down into this water stream here so we can have two of these eight by eight sections here we can also have an eight block long stream filtering down into this one directly so guardians will just tip over the edge there and

Then we can have another two on this side so that we fill out a little bit more of the perimeter here while not having to drown the entire thing in soul center then we’re going to do the same thing on that side and we’re going to do

Exactly the same thing mirrored on the opposite side so the farm is going to be very symmetrical but we leave ourselves plenty of room around the outside in case we want to expand it in future or in case we just want to decorate it with something and we’ll wait to put the

Water in until we have the kill mechanism ready because once this thing starts going it’s going to produce a lot of guardians for us okay so far one of our two fish tanks is done well kind of done it there’s still a couple of touches that we need to add in

Here but that’s why i brought you folks back in and yes i have done all of this with stained glass making this whole process a lot longer for myself but in the meantime we can at least get started on the next phase of the process we want

To fill this whole thing up with water eventually but before we do that we need to put in a layer of something that’s going to block the water and allow the guardians to travel up through it and then have them fall into a water stream that’s going to be placed along the top

Here which seems like physically it would be quite difficult but it’s actually relatively easy there are two things we can use in order to do this which are signs or fence gates open fence gates or signs placed against the block have no collision but will still

Block water a lot of the time people opt to use fence gates because they cannot be waterlogged meaning that if you misplace any of the water at any point during this process it’s nice and easy to fix your mistakes in this case though i think i’m probably going to go with

Signs and because this entire thing is a water colored monstrosity we’re going to go with warped wood for that so we’re going to make ourselves a bunch of warped wood signs using all of the wood that i managed to gather from the draining of the monument in the first

Place and if you’re wondering where i got all of this glass from i’ve had a stockpile of glass for a little while but a lot of it is coming from smelting all of the sand that we brought over here to drain the monument in the first

Place so this disc at the bottom here is just a fraction of the sand we ended up using and a bunch of it is merely smelting away back at spawn in my super smelter right now so here’s what we need to do and here’s why people tend to

Prefer fence gates is that when you place a sign you’ve got to hit escape to back out of the signs interface without leaving any messages written on it and of course you could write messages on these if you wanted to but we’re going to have to place a lot of them and this

Is going to get increasingly difficult once we get further out into open area where we won’t be able to walk along a wall like this and place the signs but if you hold shift and a right click that’s going to allow us to place a sign

Attached to a sign meaning that if we remove one of these blocks at the back here then this sign is going to break and all of the other signs in that row are going to break too because they’re all attached to each other and signs cannot exist without a block supporting

Them that block can be another sign if you want it to but bear that in mind when you place these and make sure the blocks that you put around the perimeter here are final because if you’re attaching signs to them like this you’re going to need that block to stay there

Then of course the idea is that we’re going to place a row of blocks around the back here and any water we place against these blocks remember not to place it against the sign itself we are going to be placing the water against this row of blocks above that is going

To float on top of the signs like so and that’s going to transport the guardians down into the water shoot that’s going to transport them in towards the central area of the farm we’re also going to need to put a row of solid blocks along here to make sure that the water stays

Contained we could put another row of signs here but realistically we’re going to have a roof over the next section of the farm and over this section of the farm as well so we might as well put something solid here in fact let’s make that out of the same prismarine blocks

That we’ve been using for the rest of this c shape here and that gives us a platform by which we can place the next row of signs and so on and so on in towards the middle of the farm filling out the row of water sources along the

Back here we have a row of perfectly even water sources stretching down towards this part which we’re going to convert into a tube that will carry the guardians in towards the middle and that’s where they’re going to get killed at this stage our trap is looking pretty

Good it’s even looking kind of stylish actually i quite like the way this design turned out we have our layers of signs holding up water we have a central column into which the guardians are going to fall and adjacent to each of these areas channeling the guardians

Into this water stream the water stream goes down a step every eight blocks until it reaches here and that’s what channels the guardians into the center of the farm it is gonna help enormously to have roofs on the top of each of these things because once a guardian

Leaves water they have a tendency to hop around a little bit so we’re gonna limit that behavior by trying to keep the roofs two blocks high in as much of this area as possible just to make sure that they don’t bounce around too much when they make their way down here and the

Signs down there are going to be suspending a couple of source blocks of lava which are really just there to soften up the guardians as they fall dealing a little bit of lava damage and fire damage so that when they fall down into the killing area down there they

Should be nice and easy to kill with a single swing of a netherite sword now of course the big question of this farm is going to be how do we fill up this massive tank of soul sand so easily well there is actually a pretty straightforward answer to that and it’s

Kelp we tore out all of the kelp from this monument while we were drying the whole thing out and we smelted a bunch of it in a smoker but naturally all around us in the ocean we can kind of see some of it peeking over the wall

There there is kelp and we even have a little bit left over from the smoker operation so what we’re going to do is throw a water source down there and that’s going to flow down until it reaches the bottom of the tank flowing water like this can still spawn

Guardians but ideally we want to make sure that the bubble columns are active and that means it needs to be water source blocks all the way from the floor to the ceiling how we accomplish that is by using kelp and really all i need to

Do is break down a bunch of these bone blocks we can bone meal the kelp so that it grows all the way up to the ceiling there and once we remove the kelp plant that’s going to become a complete bubble column it also makes every block in this

Bubble column a water source and as we know adjacent water sources are going to combine to form more water sources so moving very carefully along here so we don’t end up water logging any of the signs by mistake we’re going to place water sources flowing down from the top

Of the short side of the tank right here as we grow the kelp up in bubble columns you should see it start to fill in at the water sources immediately adjacent to them now having collected all of our kelp from the bottom of the tank here we’re going to grow more kelp plants

Along one of the long sides of the tank and this is going to take a little while but of course every time we create a new kelp plant here it’s going to find a diagonal water source to connect to and it’s going to start producing more water

Sources in between them so all we need to do is fill in two sides of the tank with full bubble columns made out of kelp and the water sources and the water physics of minecraft will take care of the rest now once again keep in mind

That we haven’t put the roof on the tank yet so hopefully we shouldn’t see too many guardian spawns we might get the occasional one here and there because this is still a pretty large body of water but for the most part we shouldn’t need to worry about guardian spawning

Until we put a roof on this thing and block access to the sun yep it looks like we already do have our first guardians coming through the system here so even though the farm isn’t at its most productive yet it’s certainly producing a couple of guardians in the

Meantime and well i have had to dodge guardian attacks a couple of times but now all i should need to do is run on down here and break all of the kelp plants which will probably be best off doing backwards just so the bubble columns forming up behind us aren’t

Going to interfere with this in any way but there we go we have a full tank and oh the kelp is leaping out of the water like flying fish and the guardians are flying out of here as well now it should be safe to slab off the roof of this

Section here just to make sure that the guardians can’t escape jump out at us and potentially laser us while the farm is in operation and while we’re still working on the killing mechanism over here but i think it’s pretty safe to say that we’ve got a hit on our hands here

Incidentally unlike other forms of aquatic life in minecraft guardians don’t suffocate when they’re out of water they’ll just kind of aimlessly hop around like that until you kill them or they despawn so for the most part we don’t have all that much to worry about from the guardians but be aware that if

Any of them do escape the farm they’re not going anywhere anytime soon one other thing to bear in mind about this farm and it’s something i haven’t had to worry about for a while because it was a while since i used the guardian farm from the last survival guide if you have

Fabulous graphics switched on in here it’s going to try and render a lot of bubble columns and your frame rate is going to take a massive dip because unfortunately it is going to try and render a whole bunch of bubbles inside of there so what i recommend doing is

Switching your graphics to fast or fancy and maybe even turning particles down to minimal when you’re using this farm and that should limit the amount of frame rate drops you get from having this amount of bubble columns in this area but i can already see that even without

The roof on this farm it’s producing a heck of a lot of guardians already so once we put the roof on the bubble column area of the farm the results should be pretty spectacular it’s honestly making me second guess whether i need this second tank at all but i

Kind of want it for the symmetry of the farm and i think it’s just going to improve the rates even more for now though we need to make sure there’s an area down here where we can kill these guardians as they emerge from the farm because right now they’re just getting

Dumped out underneath the monument and yeah this is no place for them really is it so to prevent them from leaping around quite as much when they come down here we’re going to set up a small pool of water basically at the bottom of here

Just to make sure that they all end up in a single area and we’re going to put some slabs here we’re going to work on how to limit guardian sight lines in just a second because right now these two in here can see me through the side

And that’s kind of going to be a little bit awkward if they can laser me whilst i’m trying to use the farm but as it goes right now they are at least contained and this is the point at which i think i’m gonna switch this beacon here to resistance and regeneration

Instead of haste just so we can make the most out of this farm in the meantime and prevent the guardians from dealing too much damage to us now as i mentioned before part of this farm is going to soften up the guardians with a bit of

Lava so i’ve been to the nearby basalt delta and we’re gonna pick up a lava source to put in that glass tube we’re gonna place that here just above those warped signs and being warped would they shouldn’t catch fire from lava so those signs should be in no danger of breaking

Now when the guardians spawn inside the farm once they come through the tube up here they should fall down through the lava and take a couple of ticks of lava damage along with a bit of fire damage as they fall the fire is going to be pretty much instantly extinguished by

The fact that they fall into water at the bottom here so maybe we can stick another lava source in there and see if they take a little bit more damage as they go here we go this one will put one block above that and we’ll make sure we

Box that back in nice and quickly so it doesn’t end up flowing out and hurting us and let’s see if the guardians are able to make it through two block thick lava which i think they have done in the past but only when they’ve got enough

Momentum from the full so you don’t want to put this lava right at the edge of the tube you want the guardians to have gathered a bit of full momentum so they’ll drop through the lava instead of landing on the surface looks like we have a test subject on the way let’s see

What happens does it fall through just about yeah okay so as long as they all have that much momentum as they fall through they should linger in the lava for a second or two take a couple of ticks of damage and once they reach the bottom here they should be a pretty easy

One or two hit kill we might end up moving that lava pit a little further down so we can stack three lava on top of each other and see if that makes any difference but realistically we’re gonna be sweeping away at all of the guardians as they’re inside the farm they’re gonna

Be taking sweeping edge damage and as long as we don’t take too much damage from thorns it’ll be nice and easy to kill them all anyway the other thing we could do is remove the water here to introduce an element of fall damage because once the guardians have fallen

Down through this lava chute they’re potentially going to be nice and soft and easy to take a little bit of fall damage plus we’re probably going to have to move our afk point to about 20 blocks further down so that we are no longer within range of the bottom of the farm

And we’re not limiting the spawns that can happen inside this space by being too close so this killing area down here is temporary but of course we need to set up an area with hoppers to collect the drops and all of that other stuff besides so i think that’s gonna happen

Once we’ve made a few more improvements over here so i’ll do a little bit of digging around here we’ll build our second tank and then hopefully this farm should be fully operational well folks the grind is almost complete the wait is almost over we are almost

Ready to put a lid on this and say we are done with the farm and it still annoys me that the beacon is an odd number and it’s off center but down here we now have an adjusted area where we are going to be killing all of these

Guardians the afk spot is at roughly yeah y21 so it’s close enough to 23 blocks away from most of the sportable space inside the farm we can lower this by a couple more blocks if we wanted to but i genuinely don’t know what’s down here and i figured that this was low

Enough so we set up some hoppers next to a chest that’s going to collect all of the drops for us and we’ll make a more complicated collection mechanism later for all of the you know different drops to be sorted and stuff like that but i figured now we might as well just get

All of the fundamentals of the farm out of the way and the secret ingredient in this is one that i never thought we would end up seeing in a killing mechanism for a farm but somewhere in the depths of my memory i recall this being used to prevent

Guardians line of sight from actually reaching you and lasering you so we’re gonna head back to spawn real fast and actually dig into my reserves of diamonds because the secret ingredient is somewhat unbelievably enchantment tables an enchantment table has just the right sort of height that a gap between the enchantment table and

The trapdoor placed on the block above like so so that it limits the player’s head height is actually enough to make sure that these guardians cannot see you and then you only have to deal with the thorns damage the guardians will deal instead of all of the damage they can do

To you by lasering you and we’re about to prove that right now by collecting the water bucket from in here and letting all of these guardians loose into my collection area yikes but once we’ve resolved that somewhat embarrassing issue we can lay some water down here and we could have a dispenser

Dispense and retract this if we wanted to but we’ll find that the guardians now plop down here nice and easily and none of them should be able to laser us even if we go completely belly up to the enchantment tables here and for security’s sake we could also put some

Uh trapdoors right in front of the hoppers here but it makes it nice and easy to step in take a little bit of thorns damage in the process but there we go all of the xp comes flooding out once we’ve killed a few of the guardians

And all of their drops should end up right here in the chest nearby so we can reclaim some of the resources we’ve already got some cod coming through as well as some prismarine shards and crystals but of course this is nowhere near the rates this farm is capable of

Because it is now finally time to put the roof over the top of the spawning areas and we’ll see how many guardians start to spawn once this entire area is blocked off from the sky oh and one other thing we can do to increase productivity a little bit occasionally

I’ve noticed that the guardians can leap from one side to the other and land in the opposing water stream it occasionally happens coming out of here and i’ve managed to block off the guardians on this side from jumping over by placing a couple of trapdoors right

There so i’m gonna do exactly the same thing on this side we’re gonna put them there and there and now the guardians that are coming through from each side of the farm should slide underneath these trap doors like those ones are doing but if they try and make the leap

To the water stream on the opposite side they collide against the trapdoors and they fall straight down through the lava so that is working as intended now it’s finally time to get a roof on this thing and then we can declare the farm officially done okay at last the farm is

Complete the lid is on and now we should be able to see how productive this farm can be the guardians all floating to the surface and there’s a lot of them they’re coming in from both sides as well fantastic stuff so those should all be making their way down to the kill

Area and as we stand down here we should now have a decent flow of guardians popping on down here to the point where they will probably start entity cramming down here but we’ve got four spots for them to sit on so for the most part they’ll be okay one thing i recommend

Actually is to install another set of trapdoors behind the player here so that you don’t end up getting knocked back so much by the guardian’s thorns damage that regen and resistance should do a fair amount of work hopefully you might your armor has mending so it will

Repair itself as it takes a little bit of damage and we should end up with a whole bunch of drops coming through to the chest right here so that’s looking pretty good if you ask me and we built the farm this way so that it can double

As an xp farm and you can get all of the drops through looting but of course if you want to just have the guardians fall down here and die on campfires then you can passively farm all of the drops you want but i think some of this raw cod is

Going to come in handy trading with some fishermen and the rest of the time all of the prismarine shards and crystals are going to be great to have on hand for crafting more prismarine blocks but folks that is where we’re going to leave our fantastic farm for today and thank

You so much for watching this episode of the minecraft survival guide my name has been pixel riffs don’t forget to leave a like on this video if you enjoyed it subscribe if you want to see more and i’ll see you folks soon take care bye for now you

This video, titled ‘The Guardian Farm Rises! ▫ Minecraft Survival Guide (1.18 Tutorial Lets Play) [S2E92]’, was uploaded by Pixlriffs on 2022-05-06 12:00:09. It has garnered 149136 views and 5456 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:05 or 1805 seconds.

The Minecraft Survival Guide Season 2 continues… and the Guardian Farm is here! This tutorial will show you how to convert a dried ocean monument perimeter into an effective Guardian farm. These mobs will drop prismarine shards and prismarine crystals – required to make each variant of prismarine block, and sea lanterns. We set the farm up so players can kill the guardians with Looting for more drops and XP, and they’ll also drop cod, which is perfect for trading with fishermen! Along the way, we look at the components for a successful guardian farm, how to dry out an ocean monument interior, and how to set up multiple beacons for a range of useful status effects!

Time lapse music: C418 – “Cat”, “Dog” Minecraft Volume Alpha

Season 2 world seed: -3821426255058016680

Season 2 of the Minecraft Survival Guide will teach you how to master Survival Mode in Minecraft 1.18 and beyond!

Follow the Season 2 playlist here:


Watch my streams live every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday around 3pm UK Time! Follow Pix on Twitter for video updates, screenshots, and other fun stuff!

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#Minecraft #Survival #Tutorial #SurvivalGuide #GuardianFarm

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    Delete World Save: Minecraft's Creepy Creature Craze In the world of Minecraft, a legend does dwell, A creature so eerie, it casts a dark spell. If you spot it in-game, don’t hesitate, Delete that world save, before it’s too late. With half of his body, Alex did appear, A sight so unsettling, it fills you with fear. A monster lurks under the trapdoor, beware, Its presence alone, enough to make you swear. So heed this warning, from Game Koala’s tale, In Minecraft’s world, where legends prevail. Subscribe for more stories, of myths and of fright, And keep your eyes open, in the dark of the night. Read More

  • PlayerX: The ARG Mystery Unraveled

    PlayerX: The ARG Mystery Unraveled In the world of Minecraft, PlayerX is in a bind, Haunted by a presence that messes with their mind. Whispers in the darkness, messages unclear, The fear is palpable, the mystery severe. Cryptic clues scattered across the land, PlayerX must unravel them, take a stand. But the entity lurks, always one step ahead, Leaving PlayerX filled with dread. Join us on this journey, a Minecraft ARG, Where the line between reality and game is blurred. Like, comment, and subscribe for more tales of fright, And share your own spooky experiences in the dead of night. Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 1.21 Must-Haves!

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 1.21 Must-Haves! In the new Minecraft update, what should we see? More mobs, more blocks, or maybe a new tree? Players are eager, they want something fresh, To keep them engaged, to put them to the test. Perhaps new biomes, with colors so bright, Or new tools and weapons to win every fight. Maybe new structures, hidden in the land, To explore and discover, with shovel in hand. But let’s not forget, the small details too, Bug fixes and tweaks, to make the game true. So many possibilities, so much to explore, In the new Minecraft update, what will we adore? Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Celebrations!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Celebrations! Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the recent special event celebrating 15 years of Minecraft with popular YouTubers like Aypierre, Siphano, Bichard, Fuze, and Mathox. While watching their livestream on Twitch, you may have been inspired to dive back into the world of Minecraft yourself. But why play alone when you can join a thriving community of players on Minewind Minecraft Server? With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that you won’t find anywhere else. From intense PvP battles to… Read More

  • Real Life Minecraft: How to Open a Door Like This!

    Real Life Minecraft: How to Open a Door Like This! Minecraft: Exploring the Real-Life Door Opening Experience When it comes to the world of Minecraft, players are constantly discovering new and exciting features that keep them coming back for more. One such feature that has caught the attention of many is the real-life door opening experience. Let’s dive into how this unique element adds a touch of realism to the game. The Real-Life Door Opening Experience In Minecraft, players have the ability to interact with various objects and structures, including doors. The real-life door opening experience takes this interaction to a whole new level by simulating the process of… Read More

  • Ultimate Enderman Farm in 5 Mins!

    Ultimate Enderman Farm in 5 Mins! The Perfect 5-min Enderman Farm! Are you ready to take your Minecraft gameplay to the next level? Look no further than this perfect 5-minute Enderman Farm tutorial! In this exciting video, you’ll learn how to build an extremely easy and highly efficient Enderman XP farm. With step-by-step instructions and helpful tips, you’ll be able to create your own Enderman farm in no time. Don’t miss this opportunity to dominate the world of Minecraft and obtain valuable resources in a simple and effective way! Building the Enderman Farm Follow along as the tutorial guides you through the process of building… Read More

  • Spread of Civilization – ValhallaMMO – Seasons – Realistic Economy – Real Farming – Dynamic Borders

    Join the Fight for the Brand New Mill of Fertility and Hellsword Objectives! Double Experience Weekend – Time to Play! 🎉 Join Us on Spread of Civilization Today! 🎉 Server Details: IP: Discord: Join Discord Dynmap: View Dynmap Version: Java 1.20.4 About Spread of Civilization: Welcome to Spread of Civilization, an innovative Minecraft server that offers a unique and realistic gameplay experience. Collaborate, trade, engage in diplomacy, and interact with the world in a way that feels real! Features: Real Economy: Engage in player-to-player trade, set up shops, and become a master craftsman! Infrastructure Over Teleports: Build connections with… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Terrifying Minecraft Jumpscare!

    Minecraft Memes - Terrifying Minecraft Jumpscare!I guess you could say this meme really mined my craft – I mean, scared the living daylights out of me! Read More

  • Motor Gang Trio: EfeKan, Ali, and Baby at Work!

    Motor Gang Trio: EfeKan, Ali, and Baby at Work! In the world of Minecraft, a gang was born, Ali, Efekan, and Baby, workers sworn. Together they built, with blocks and with glee, Their motor gang, as far as the eye could see. With tools in hand, they crafted and mined, Their adventures in Minecraft, one of a kind. From building grand structures to exploring the land, Their teamwork and skills, always in demand. So join them now, in their epic quest, As they build and explore, giving their best. Subscribe to their channel, for more fun in store, In the world of Minecraft, they’ll always soar. Read More

  • Minecraft’s Spiciest Seed Memes

    Minecraft's Spiciest Seed Memes “Trying to find the best seed in Minecraft is like trying to find a needle in a haystack, except the haystack is made of pixels and the needle is a diamond block.” Read More

  • Minecraft: STALKER Transformation

    Minecraft: STALKER Transformation Exploring the STALKER-Inspired World of Minecraft Imagine stepping into a post-apocalyptic world, reminiscent of the eerie atmosphere found in the popular STALKER series. Now, thanks to a creative Minecraft player, you can experience just that – without the need for mods. By utilizing Optifine, a resource pack, and a vanilla world, players can immerse themselves in a unique gaming experience that brings the haunting vibes of STALKER to life. TheZone Map: Pripyat City One of the key elements that make this Minecraft world stand out is the meticulously crafted TheZone Map: Pripyat City. This map, available on Planet Minecraft,… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Surviving 100 Days as Pokemon Trainer in Hardcore Minecraft! Catch ‘Em All!

    Insane Challenge: Surviving 100 Days as Pokemon Trainer in Hardcore Minecraft! Catch 'Em All!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS as a POKEMON TRAINER in HARDCORE Minecraft! Ultimate POKEMON अभी मजा आयेगा |’, was uploaded by TechnoBreed on 2024-04-21 07:53:24. It has garnered 8362 views and 226 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:17 or 497 seconds. Join this channel to get access to perks: Welcome to an extraordinary Minecraft adventure where I challenge myself to survive 100 days as a Pokémon in Hardcore mode! Join me as I dive into the immersive world of Pokémon, taking on the role of a trainer-turned-Pokémon, facing numerous challenges, battling fierce opponents,… Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days of Plagues in Minecraft

    Surviving 100 Days of Plagues in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS of Plagues in Minecraft’, was uploaded by EYstreem on 2024-05-18 03:00:04. It has garnered 2429779 views and 40714 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:01 or 1321 seconds. I Spent 100 Days in MEDIEVAL Plague in Hardcore Minecraft! Will I SURVIVE the APOCALYPSE? Play Minecraft with ME and be IN VIDEOS! 😝 Just click the ‘JOIN’ button here ▶ 👕 Buy EYmerch: 🎮 My Minecraft Server Address: You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac) ❤️ Tik… Read More

  • 🔥Minecraft Hardcore Cursed Treasure!?? #shorts

    🔥Minecraft Hardcore Cursed Treasure!?? #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘⛔ ⚠️ ❌ MINECRAFT HARDCORE – Tesoro Maledetto #shorts’, was uploaded by Fabio Mason Minecraft on 2024-03-18 09:53:29. It has garnered 7359 views and 206 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. ⛔ ⚠️ ❌ MINECRAFT HARDCORE – Cursed Treasure #shorts YOUR FAVORITE VIDEOS: ➡️ ➡️ ➡️ ➡️ ➡️ MY FIRST TIME IN HARDCORE MODE: ➡️ At 500 subscribers I will no longer use the teleportation in Meson-Potamia. At 1000 subscribers I will return with the web Cam 📮​MY CONTACTS: ➡️​ ➡️​ ➡️​ Read More

  • “Mind-Blowing Minecraft Island Attack! KingFuchsy” #clickbait #sneakpeek

    "Mind-Blowing Minecraft Island Attack! KingFuchsy" #clickbait #sneakpeekVideo Information This video, titled ‘Neues Minecraft Projekt| Insel Attack| Trailer #minecraft #trailer’, was uploaded by KingFuchsy on 2024-02-10 07:54:18. It has garnered 784 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Read More

  • Intense Finale on Respite SMP – Chaos Unleashed!

    Intense Finale on Respite SMP - Chaos Unleashed!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Chaos of the Respite SMP – Part 2: The Finale’, was uploaded by FineMiner on 2024-01-10 18:30:09. It has garnered 100 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:05 or 665 seconds. #minecraft #smp #pvp Video: The Chaos of the Respite SMP – Part 2: The Finale Part 1: Chapters: 0:00 Intro 0:31 The Chaos of the Respite SMP 1:12 The Fight 10:35 The End 10:53 Outro Join the new Discord! – Subscribe to the channel! – Socials – Twitter: Email: [email protected] Spotify User: Discord: FineMiner#5662 Secondary… Read More

  • 🔴🔴🔴 Epic Minecraft Donut SMP Live Raid!

    🔴🔴🔴 Epic Minecraft Donut SMP Live Raid!Video Information This video, titled ‘🟥🟥🟥 Minecraft donut smp live!!! — Rating Bases —🟥🟥🟥 — ( Teaching my friend how to CPVP )’, was uploaded by Zachary on 2024-04-29 03:17:10. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft #Donutsmp #Fun #Entertainment. Read More

  • Bizarre INFESTAÇÃO de kiwis em Minecraft! #shorts

    Bizarre INFESTAÇÃO de kiwis em Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘A INFESTAÇÃO de kiwis… #shorts #ksmp #minecraft #vtuber’, was uploaded by VamppyChan on 2024-04-04 17:55:27. It has garnered 13789 views and 1883 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Read More

  • INSANE Superhero Lucky Block Race ft. AndyCraft!

    INSANE Superhero Lucky Block Race ft. AndyCraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘SUPERHERO LUCKY BLOCK RACE In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by AndyCraft on 2024-04-07 22:30:02. It has garnered 68300 views and 1304 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:33 or 873 seconds. Today I did a superhero only lucky block race in minecraft with my girlfriend and my friend! Read More

  • Insane Herobrine Chess Match in Minecraft! 🔥 #viral

    Insane Herobrine Chess Match in Minecraft! 🔥 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine chess Klassic Scorpion in normal speed|Minecraft animation|#meme #virel #shorts #herobrine’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-03-29 06:30:14. It has garnered 30 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine chess Klassic Scorpion in normal speed|Minecraft animation|#meme #virel #shorts #herobrine minecraftanimation #minecrafthindi #monsterschool #monsterschool #minecraftshorts 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram: ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: I hope you enjoyed the video if you did Please Do Subscribe For New Videos, like & share. 🤗❤️️… Read More

  • Spirit of ECB

    Spirit of ECBThis is a Vanilla SMP server with very little plugins and an unmoderated raw community. We do not moderate the chat and leave most players alone. Chat and work together with others to become the most powerful player, or work with others and build something magnificant! If you want no moderation, and build protection this is the right server for you. Proximity chat enabled through the Simple Voice Chat mod Read More

  • The Chicken Coop – Enigmatica 6 Modded Whitelist 21+

    Join our Enigmatica 6 Modpack Server! Are you looking for a social and active community to embark on modded Minecraft adventures with? The Chicken Coop is the place for you! We are a mature and friendly community dedicated to enjoying modpacks at a leisurely pace, building a beautiful world, and engaging with each other. If this sounds like your kind of Minecraft home, visit our Website to learn more and request an invite to our Discord server! Server Specs: CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D Ram: 20 GB Hosted in: Europe (US players welcome!) Whitelisted: Yes We hope to see you… Read More

  • Vanilla Survival (No Hacks NO Resets)

    Vanilla Survival (No Hacks NO Resets)No HacksNo ResetsNo ModsJust pure Fun on minecraft the way the game was intended to play!Please consider voting and supporting the server! Big loveLynxHQSimpleminecraft the best EU survival server! Find My Youtube and Twitch LynxHQ Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spicy snapshot silliness

    Well, at least this meme has a higher score than most of my exams. Read More

  • Crafting Cozy Ponds: Minecraft’s Aquatic Encore!

    Crafting Cozy Ponds: Minecraft's Aquatic Encore! Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Today we’re diving into ponds, where tranquility remains. Join me in this Let’s Play, as we craft and design, Creating cozy water features, so serene and divine. Watch as we transform our world, with nature’s touch, Enhancing our virtual landscape, oh so much. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the soothing sounds, As we build and decorate, our virtual grounds. So come along and dive into this calming gameplay, Where Minecraft magic is on full display. Let’s make our world a little more tranquil, it’s true, In this peaceful adventure, just… Read More

  • Smoldering Minecraft Genius

    Smoldering Minecraft Genius When you accidentally craft a diamond pickaxe instead of a diamond sword and your IQ drops to -920. #minecraftproblems #shouldhavereadthecraftingrecipe Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Shenanigans

    Ultimate Minecraft Shenanigans Minecraft, But With OP Items… Minecraft, a game that has captured the hearts of millions around the world, is known for its endless possibilities and creativity. But what happens when you introduce overpowered (OP) items into the mix? Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft with a twist! The Introduction of OP Items Imagine exploring the vast landscapes of Minecraft with items that give you unimaginable power. From weapons that can defeat any enemy with a single blow to tools that can mine through any material effortlessly, OP items completely change the gameplay experience. Unleashing Chaos With OP items… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for a Desert Survival Challenge!

    Join Minewind Server for a Desert Survival Challenge! Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Have you ever watched a thrilling Minecraft survival challenge on YouTube and thought to yourself, “I wish I could experience something like that”? Well, now you can! Imagine surviving 100 days in a desert-only world, just like in the intense challenge you watched. The thrill, the excitement, the adrenaline rush – all of it can be yours on Minewind Minecraft Server. Join a community of like-minded players who are always up for a challenge. Test your survival skills, build magnificent structures, and explore the vast desert landscape. With our unique gameplay features and dedicated staff, your… Read More

  • Turning One Piece into Minecraft

    Turning One Piece into Minecraft Minecraft Meets One Piece: A Creative Fusion Exploring the vast world of Minecraft, players often seek to bring their favorite characters and stories into the game. One such creative endeavor has led to the recreation of iconic One Piece characters within the Minecraft universe. Embracing the One Piece Spirit With a surge in requests from fans, the creator took on the challenge of crafting beloved One Piece characters. From the spirited Monkey D. Luffy to the skilled swordsman Roronoa Zoro, each character was meticulously designed and brought to life in the blocky realm of Minecraft. Character Showcase Monkey D…. Read More


    CATNAP KISSES DOGDAY IN POOL?! POPPY PLAYTIME MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘CATNAP AND DOGDAY KISSED IN POOL!! IS SHE IN LOVE?! Smiling Critters POPPY PLAYTIME 3 in Minecraft’, was uploaded by CATNAP – Minecraft Poppy Playtime on 2024-02-25 22:00:10. It has garnered 15529 views and 302 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:16 or 616 seconds. CATNAP AND DOGDAY KISSED IN POOL!! IS SHE IN LOVE?! Smiling Critters POPPY PLAYTIME 3 in Minecraft Welcome to the Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 in Minecraft with CapNap! Here you will have exciting adventures with CapNap, DogDay, KickinChicken, Bobby BearHug and their friends. There are tons of exciting events… Read More

  • Mining Minecraft Madness

    Mining Minecraft MadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Beat Minecraft In A Mine’, was uploaded by Alex Ayche on 2024-02-14 13:28:26. It has garnered 6212 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:24 or 624 seconds. I have played a LOT of Minecraft In my life and seen even more Minecraft videos, but I have never Beat Minecraft in Mine or seen anybody do it! I have to escape beat Minecraft and find three Diamonds, before I leave the Mine – or else I will be trapped forever! In this video I overcome Adventurous missions, beat mobs IRL, Beat… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Minecraft’s Hidden Gem Discovered

    UNBELIEVABLE! Minecraft's Hidden Gem DiscoveredVideo Information This video, titled ‘😇minecraft beautiful😇’, was uploaded by BROKEN on 2024-02-25 10:53:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Uncover Twaylo’s Spooky Never-Solved Mystery in Minecraft!

    Uncover Twaylo's Spooky Never-Solved Mystery in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Le Sombre secret JAMAIS résolu qui HANTE Minecraft.’, was uploaded by Twaylo on 2024-04-17 18:11:27. It has garnered 38649 views and 2667 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:47 or 827 seconds. ➡️ Download Wondershare Recoverit for free right here: ➡️ Recover your lost photos, videos and files now: #Wondershare #Recoverit #Recoverdata #datarecovery _______________________________________________________ I delved into the biggest Minecraft theories to try to piece together the disk puzzle. Good viewing ! _______________________________________________________ My networks: 🔫 Tiktok: 💻 Discord : 🤝 Partenariats : [email protected] 🛰️ Twitch : 📸 Insta… Read More

  • 🔥Free Minecraft SMP Server 24/7 Join Now!!🔥

    🔥Free Minecraft SMP Server 24/7 Join Now!!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Server 24/7 Free To Join Our Smp || Java + Pe || Ep-S7Ep16 || #minecraft #minecraftsmp’, was uploaded by GOD LEON Gaming on 2024-02-26 16:49:49. It has garnered 160 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:59 or 9539 seconds. Minecraft server – Port: Java – IP: PE – IP: Port: 19132 How To Join Our Smp Tutorial Video Link :- BGMi I’d – 1st id – GODLeonYT (5987238542) Own Clan – iLx (Subscribe for more great content) you guys are having a Great time 😄 (IMPORTANT).. My… Read More

  • Prepare for Mind-Blowing Adventures in Modded Minecraft!

    Prepare for Mind-Blowing Adventures in Modded Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Time For My Head To Explode (Quests!!!, Monday Modded Minecraft Fantasy Skies)’, was uploaded by SteadFastGames on 2024-02-27 13:39:01. It has garnered 193 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:36 or 5856 seconds. Let’s Hit 10k Subs and don’t forget Like, Comment, Subscribe and Share ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Join the discord to get notified the next time we go live or post a video! ➡️Discord ▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🐦Twitter ▬ 🎥Twitch ▬ 📸Instagram ▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Join The Crew ▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✅For Business inquiries ▬ [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ #steadfastgames #moddedminecraft #minecraft Read More

  • Insane Tadpole Milk Build: Frozen Lush Cave in 1000+ Days

    Insane Tadpole Milk Build: Frozen Lush Cave in 1000+ DaysVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore (+1000 day) Frozen Lush Cave Build’, was uploaded by Tadpole Milk on 2024-05-18 01:24:44. It has garnered 29 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 05:55:33 or 21333 seconds. #twitch #minecraft #hardmode Read More

The Guardian Farm Rises! ▫ Minecraft Survival Guide (1.18 Tutorial Lets Play) [S2E92]