The Security Breach Chaos Mod that made me want to quit

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This mod hurt I guess the team behind the last couple mods I’ve played decided that I’d done too well in their past creations and decided to make something basically impossible to complete the chaos mod causes a random event to happen every 10 seconds ranging from Fairly harmless Among Us jokes to

Spotting The Blob to just crashing the game security breach is a delicate game and this mod brought it to its knees at every single turn this video is split between two very different days of playing the mod the first being thick throbbing doses of pain constantly which

Made me want to quit and bring out the wine for the first time ever on stream from day two lessons were learned features were improved upon and it actually became a somewhat enjoyable experience though still incredibly absurd the first hurdle literally surviving for the first 30 or so seconds

It takes to leave Freddy’s room voice volume on or off on oh God next event imposter so much wait [ __ ] Volume warning it’s pretty quiet why am I getting tons of coins Why is there already why is Moon out there deleting I haven’t even left the room oh my God [Laughter] solid first try should we start the mod as soon as we start talking to Freddy wait I’m still in Freddy I’m safe kind of wow [Applause] [Laughter] Freddy [ __ ] [Laughter] sad face

Holy [ __ ] it’s not real I [ __ ] myself hey it’s math fun okay okay the game crashed son of a [ __ ] I can’t get out of Freddy’s room is that one of the chaos elements or did it just give up next event Chromebook mode okay Chromebook happened does it just turn down my frames You’ll receive five minutes of chaos free playing yeah I’d love to watch this ad how do I watch the ad yes really if you know to watch a short video yes I’ll do it [ __ ] why did I just die no just don’t start the mod until you saved

I’ve heard that a couple times it should be entirely doable to get to the save I have one coin I haven’t been able to spend my coins yet because of legal reasons you will be taken to the main menu now it’s now I have to get that first save with the mod wait

I cannot connect okay um [ __ ] in the mod where the three animatronics would spawn in front of me every 10 seconds the chicas weren’t like normal chicas they weren’t teleporting chicas so that’s great so now they can put people in front of me and behind me we’re gonna take this

Diagonal so that if they spawn in front of me they’ll spawn outside and if they spawn behind me they’ll spawn Gregory because of legal reasons you will be taken to the main menu [ __ ] I’m doing it myself [ __ ] you pre-patch POV everything unloaded please come back

Walls no why is legal reasons up again and I’m in the car I got it I clicked X chromebook’s fine FPS is going down oh [ __ ] pre-patch POV Chucky this way let’s go that’s what I’m talking about chat I have 19 coins can I pay for like five seconds of invincibility

Okay well [ __ ] it oh no the computer glitch or whatever I’m crouching also [ __ ] me that didn’t matter wait so you got the safe oh shut up my saved table oh yeah oh this crashed the game last time it’s intentional that’s awesome that’s great really happy to have that at it

That’s what I’m talking about chat no more voice volume we made it what did I say never give in this is crazy look chica’s in the wall okay that’s a little less fine oh God damn this doesn’t make things very straight [ __ ] forward okay that’s just not fair all right Chad

We gotta get through him on the right bounce there we go X [ __ ] cues me what security lights [Applause] please get a save we’ll just have to see about that we will now go towards the save station in slow motion this will allowed me to maximize my inputs potential

Uh oh we’re going pre-patch that might actually break this mod oh it might also spawn another and it might take my trigger away and I can’t move that’s cool that’s cool [Laughter] seems legit [Laughter] that was Vanilla that [ __ ] pirouette because of legal reasons you will be taken to the main

Menu the pirouette was Vanilla she just did that on her own it kind of looks like a dick is coming out of that thing it’s like that SpongeBob clip where his nose is sticking out of the ground Mr Krabs grabs him and pulls them up but then it’s not his nose

That’s what I’m talking about now I have stamina nobody can catch me rude to vent oh pre-patch oh oh oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa nice this is my favorite event because this allows me to take my actual security breach knowledge and put it to good use foreign

Then again my security Bridge knowledge doesn’t really make up for randomly spawning blobs where even was it No there’s like three types of events sound effects animatronic dumps and crashing the game it’s just chica that’s oh my God table dude oops see I don’t even want to play with oops I just wanted I don’t want to lose my save I’m out oops deletes you’re safe it doesn’t delete a save

Oh okay table [ __ ] I want to see I got [ __ ] slapped okay so oops is a lie don’t be baited I was baited but I mean I I did not you know this is fairly convincing oh legal reasons I’ll do wow wow sun god animatronics let’s drop the white women in the wall

Fantastic oh this event sucks we gotta wait till we get a sound effect event to do anything not stopped not stop not stop not stop stop Is that a Believer win hey guys I’m hiding you can’t see me that’s against the law wait drink stuff you can move while crouched I thought I was unstopped but I wasn’t I was just crouching you just released a new patch and makes 37 to 38

Work 37 and 30 out of the coin ones hey I’ll take it like the more events we have the less tables we’re gonna get so with this updated version of The Mod we should also have some coin thingies that come up which means there’s actually going to be a purpose to collecting

Coins that was the fastest I’ve seen so many do gyms speed around this game a lot and uh I just never forgot the route oh my God my eyes and my ears I’m starting to think this mod might take two streams I had a dream last

Night that I was like working for this generic bad guy it was my job to like listen to his propaganda and translated into French and like speak it to the people over a megaphone not a megaphone like a speaker system but I was really bad at speaking French

And he was like getting mad at me and the people weren’t listening to the propaganda so I decided that I was gonna get better at French so I could like overthrow him because he’d have no idea what I was saying but then he gave me a really nice watch and I thought maybe

This guy isn’t so bad that was pretty much the dream I was also living in a tent oh that’s not good holy leg Batman what point do you think you’ll get tired of this game well I always get tired of this game if I play it too much but then I

Stop playing it for a while and then I don’t get tired of it It’s gotten really cold at night here we’ve had some classic January minus 40 evenings what do you wear when it gets that cold I mean if we’re talking full suited up you want to deal with it long underwear sweats ski pet table long underwear sweats ski pants

Wool socks boots you know a shirt sweater jacket have those little hand warmer things and some good mitts one of those like face covers that makes you look like a thief plus a big fuzzy tube and if you’re going all out snow goggles but you know most of us just go outside

Between our car and our house so like a windbreaker will suffice Pages this mod is whack just like watch the screen for a couple minutes do I smell okay um no she said I smelled good going on there’s a lot of ticking I mean it’s just a lot of [ __ ]

Oh good it crashed was that table oh it was table Paige you gotta warn me when it’s table there we go chat no more ticking ticking is done fired no shot I just whip Maybe I actually have an idea of what I need to do oh it was oh my god dude

I don’t even know what was going on and I thought I had that too guess I’ll die EA I have six coins maybe I can make it to her before EA comes what if I press pay 20 coins I just died awesome ready for pop-up I’m not make sure it’s shockingly well

Never mind slow Down’s a problem honestly oh hey chat this is looking like [ __ ] yeah never mind we’re totally bow Oh I think this run is over if I had to guess oh and I’m not gonna be able to move hopefully I could Crouch a little faster oh I can’t that’s the second time we get to here just in time for table if table happened like once

Every two hours you’d be like oh my God that’s crazy wow but it happens every like five minutes which is a little less crazy and a little more sad now hopefully okay Oh [Applause] okay Well that’s our next save station maybe I’ll get to it This calls for a sand Pellegrino if I’m being completely honest this had been the least enjoyable three hours of security breach I’d ever played half of my attempts would end not because I made a mistake but because the mod said so to cool my anger I thought I’d grab some

Juice a sand Pele burrito particularly would highly recommend disaster would strike though and I would find none left but you know what I did find Why why am I upside down I’m out of San pellegrinus so that I could keep going I have poured myself some wine this has instead become the first time I have ever drank nope second time I’ve ever drank on stream and boy do I need it okay I don’t even

Know how the [ __ ] I died take a shot every time you die no Gregory because of legal reasons you will be taken to the main menu oh my God imagine like you clutched this one yeah that would be crazy twin gamer dudes if only the game allowed it it’s

More than 77 rips I haven’t been counting well this big with a side of salt no I’m not I’m not salty I’m fine although I’ve made it past being like actually pissed off with a mod I’ve kind of accepted it and I’m just kind of swimming in the pain now

What’s the craziest DM you guys have ever gotten once somebody sent me like an essay on how my security breach videos had hurt steel wool’s reputation Gregory because of legal reasons was it a well-written essay yeah I don’t think I read it all though but yeah it was like you know

I personally would recommend that you take the videos down and rewrite them in a way that makes steel wool look better something along those lines in bigger words for those in chat who have graduated high school how closely do you still observe people that you graduated with lives for me it’s pretty much

Limited to like if they post something on Instagram not at all sometimes I wonder if they’ve seen my channel be like oh yeah I used to play basketball with David and they see me like getting [ __ ] by like 16 months months of spiff nobody’s reconnected with me for clout

I don’t really know what they’d expect to get from me this place for an FSB gone wrong gets drunk GF leaves cat gets I don’t even see the rest of that should I grabbed a small glass of wine I don’t really know what you expect my tolerance

To be but it’s higher than a small glass of wine it’s like people who come into chat and say spiff can I have a shout out which is fairly innocent but like what am I shouting out your Twitch name what am I supposed to say to like

Fortnite kid 2469 when they asked for a shout out man I bet you get sick dubs and fortnite don’t take your subject but you smash the wet floorbot no God damn it tuxedo cat it’s got no holes how what am I even supposed to say

Look at it it’s a wet floor sign can you shut up my Roblox account for Rick Minecraft 421 you get away with frick on Roblox yeah I’ll shout you out to the moderators and I still believe they can get your ass band that’s not cool man hey they asked for

It I’m just taking care of the public you need to vent yeah I know we’re actually there that’s actually applicable just take another sip of wine David just taking us Gregory I have seen advert’s heart too there’s no hair sex y [ __ ] oh vany’s right the [ __ ] there okay

We have to crouch away from her and map bot and Monty wow that’s just the whole game and map bot and Monty also right there if you tap now to watch a short video you’ll receive five minutes of Tears free playing shoe shoe [ __ ] you are the greatest streamer of all

Time and you make me laugh every day I hope you die thanks mutt dick medic the non-believer I’m assuming that’s where the dye part comes from Chad I’m assuming I don’t think anyone if you tap now to watch a short video I don’t think anyone’s out here donating to tell me to

Die so we’re okay what’s the biggest piece of furniture you guys have ever broken once me and my family were driving on the highway and this dude a wall was Towing like a bunch of furniture a hotel bed damn you nasty uh behind his truck and there was a couch among the

Furniture on bro’s truck and the coach just [ __ ] fell off and started like rolling on the highway towards us and my mom had to Swerve out of the way of this flying coach yeah sucks to be that guy you broke a car yeah that’s not really Furniture but

Yeah I guess so for a summer I worked at it because of legal reasons you will be taken to the main menu like a flood repair company they like fixed basements when what gone in them I was on the like pleb team but the pleb team was the best

Team because you got to go in and just like rip down moldy walls you’re actually most one of the funnest jobs I’ve had pleb team is then you get paid significantly less I learned that you should absolutely under zero conditions ever in your life make a hot tub in your basement Holy

Balls I can’t believe anybody ever thought that was a good idea things are going downhill I can’t believe it wow I hope we get EA I’m actually kind of excited I have enough money Jesus Christ I got to say time to one shot this chat beating this sequence is like the

Minimum I wanted to finish today and if the wine gets me there God damn I guess it was worth oh that’s not good a natural and organic Giga muscle ah it’s time chat she has roamed upstairs to ask for food most likely oh EA okay well what do you think’s the craziest thing

Loaf’s ever done she used to be like a pretty intensely outdoor cat probably done some stuff she lost her tail yeah that was significant for sure um I actually haven’t noticed anything crazy with her balance well uh there was actually I put her in the top of her cat tree

Because I figured she’d like the height I was like uh loaf look you’re so tall and then a few minutes later she [ __ ] fell off I don’t know like the there’s a pretty clear steps that she could take to get down from the cat tree it’s not

Like I stranded her on the top of something there’s the top and then there’s like the next level and then there’s like the next level but she was just like yeah we’re going all the way down it was pretty funny she’s she was fine she’s a cat but I’m sure it wasn’t particularly

Enjoyable we’re starting with an EA Roxy can I get a H thank you is that a bunch of gigamontes it is and now they’re gone this mod gets pretty wild I’m actually sad it doesn’t spawn more afton’s that’s probably the elite and blobs it’s the least used character in the game I’d

Love to see more of it less chica Roxy foxy Monty boxy boo more often Music Man no chica no I’m stopped chica you can’t do this to me I can’t move cheat here listen to My Cries chica please get stuck with each other yes that’s what I’m [ __ ] talking about believe it jump

He didn’t jump oh Dixon balls and balls and dicks and nope okay thanks Weezer I appreciate you man that was so clutch here’s the thing right I’m not here to get breaks on this mod I’m here to suffer so are you Chad we gotta go we gotta go

Bro I left when you were at 1am with 118 deaths three hours later oh I have I have drama update I guess I am called spig because somebody misspelled spiff easy that’s pretty much how nicknames come to be in the first place anyway why is it big because I don’t have

Access to spiff I thought that the spiffing Brit had taken the spiff emote prefix so I kind of had this beef with the spiffing Brit without him actually realizing that I existed pretty sick really cool beef now two things have recently Happened One when easy speezy talked about his

Charity stream and talked about me joining it the spiffing Brit commented astral spiff there’s another spiff or something along those lines so the spiffing Brit knows I exist that got me to check if bro actually had my emote prefix he doesn’t I have no idea who has the

Spiff EMA prefix so somebody out there has the spiff EMA prefix and it’s not the spiffing Brit so my drama is ruined and I don’t know who has the spiff prefix come on bro that’s some nasty leg so Chad who can I start drama with now

That my spiffing Brit drama is ruined no this prefix is spiffy it’s not spiff false alarm chat spiffy is safe uh we’re gonna get the name spiff from Colin and Hobbs it’s a comic what a six-year-old who builds like snowmen that eat other snowmen like if anything I’d want to be

Bros with Darko things have been very very successful in this spiff makes friends with people who make videos similar to him lately which is cool [ __ ] me [ __ ] me [ __ ] [ __ ] I’ve beefed with steel wool for like a year they’re not really the responding type I

Think I told this already but you know the Twitter account that is like like fake stable they dm’d me on Twitter they’re like hi and I said like hi and they said like I want your soul or something and I just I don’t know how to reply to that

Should give it to them this is my DMs with Steel World Studios [Laughter] hello astral spiff from I said hello real steel wool Studios they said yes that’s me I said what do you want real steel wool they said your soul I said you already

Got that anything else and they said hmm nope that’s it what am I supposed to make of that oh God foreign we have the auto save Pizza bot chat I hate to bring it to you there is no pizza bud there oh [ __ ] it’s not quite what I meant

Well you know what things have gone uphill since about since about two hours in if I were to make a female version of me she probably still wouldn’t be good at drawing because I’m really bad at drawing what are you good at I can juggle and ride a unicycle I’m gonna oh

I’m good at being a clown that pretty much did it for me for the day all the way even I’m already all the way [ __ ] legal reasons dude why am I even doing this ah for my glass of wine had turned into like five then I spent way more time

Theory crafting drama than I did progressing I sobered up only to realize how God awful the andos were in this mod if I didn’t die to table legal reasons or EA I died of the enemy spaghetti thankfully this first day had been a test for the chaos mod they heard my

Cries of Anguish chat was able to send suggestions and a few days later I went back to finish the run with the new and much improved version two now with in-game coins what has all been updated to the mod I don’t know I said please spare my patience

And they said okay spiff we’ll listen to you all this time Lee [ __ ] oh my God this mod just got although I am kind of confused all right not complaining also they made the coins like physical which is sick I’m actually kind of having fun what a concept

Why is it so loudest to keep you on your toes too many people have been sleeping during streams and yeah see like hey look at that child donates two dollars says spiff can you let me out of the basement now I’ve been stuck here forced to watch your streams for one year wow

Congrats on your one year child let’s go for two Do you think it we don’t know it’s so beautiful beautiful it didn’t crash it looks like table doesn’t crash anymore which is amazing I got a barbarian class character and I named him s big with a B not pig big I made a wizard character and I

Named it spizz I think to try and be electricity and then I made a cleric and I named it Spiel because it healed so I have spig big spizz and Spiel this I’m gonna spizz oh that reminds me Lonely Island I think they had a song I

Think it was called jizz in your pants when I first heard that I oh when I first heard that song I would have been very young I I don’t know when but I thought it was peeing I thought that tajiz was to pee I was like it’s kind of

Weird that this guy pees when he sees women but I never really second guessed it it’s kind of like yeah he’s just like that I guess I’m pretty sure at one point I told my teacher that I had to go jizz in the bathroom and I don’t think I’ll be able to forget

You will be sent back to Freddy’s room what [Laughter] no to space is not to pee just just so you guys know bro you got no map bruh also the sun seems to have found a way to get God ah my eyes blocker map butts

Oh I had hope let me in Freddy oh God unload ooh that’s gonna probably sequence break things yeah this just broke this it’s just dead unloading during sensitive parts of the game like that it gets too confused right about there in the bottom and then I just

There we go God please know see and now we can see page Jam I was thinking like man I don’t read enough but then I realized holy crap I read so much because I haven’t read a book in like two and a half oh god oh that’s not good

I missed the first one this is such a sensitive part of the game that the mod might break this many times because it’s very sensitive I’ll show you sensitive breaks into tears this actually makes the buttons look cool oh yeah minus 50 FPS really improves gameplay oh

I think this is a soft Vlog nice no you know that was actually uh God damn can we go one second without unloading this place you [ __ ] God what even was it that time oh God LOL we made it so that you can never do the repair kick w ow That was close I had to guess the button spot hey uh small ant and dryers what do you think of his chat and webcam setup where he blocks the chat with his big old head he doesn’t have a big head it just it blocks the chat I mean it’s cool it

Looks cool but I mean it kind of defeats the purpose of having a chat box because you can’t really read the messages quick load no oh no no no you like feet chat very helpful for walking stop staring at the feet where else am I supposed to look I just want

Out of Freddy feet purgatory quick save is okay distraction is okay Freddy’s feet are pretty mid must feel good to be a believer Believers always win s it was a bakery why does it work that’s a little quirky because that’s right oh man I had a hell of a dream a couple

Nights ago I was like fighting zombies and like everybody was turning into zombies and we were just mowing through like thousands of zombies and then finally there was only like a couple hundred zombies left but then the couple hundred zombies turned in back into humans but all the dead zombies turned

Into worms and so now we just had an unbelievably massive worm population and all the zombies who had just become humans were so grossed out because now there were worms everywhere fishing season gonna be bomb what’s the goal now uh chica or Monty fair enough wow this little guy is just

A permanent part of my save and then Never Gonna Give You Up started playing the whole last song turns out it was added as a sound distraction possibility and unsurprisingly would get me copyrighted from this point on rarely the game sound will be muted you know why Rick Astley has taken the

Stage the game is so fast I forgot Monty wanders now he’s not just spawn in I’m also still ice they reduced ticking to like a half second but Rick rolls this the whole ass song I Saw an interview from uh Rickroll man talking about the filming of the music video they had no

Plan for anything and the dance that he does was made just out of like fear because they had professional dancers and he was scared that he wouldn’t add up we out to body mole not my coins I wonder if you lose them all ah is Vanity nearby I can’t tell because

You’d think the filter requires her to be nearby but Never Gonna Give You Up Never Gonna Let You Down never gonna run around I was stuck I will pay 10 coins [ __ ] QuickTime event oh my God okay oh Freddy’s room we’re saved what ice press cancel foreign

For legal reasons you will be sent back see you Monty no it’s very hard to get anything done we just got Freddy’s room again for legal reasons you will be syntax to Freddy’s room cheese it’s better than closing the game but damn just let me move

When will I get my ketchup cake stream yeah I still owe you guys a cooking stream eventually I’m not gonna forget about it can we get a third hopefully not sometimes oh my gosh did we get size change or something realize all right all right all right all right

All right all right all right all right over that is enough of that do you think anybody’s ever put like a streamer on their resume like as a reference yeah yeah and then if they ever called me we could like go through your chat logs trusted friend astral spit uh

Yes here poodle lover was talking about their balls getting cut off oh you guys would be so doomed if you ever put me on your resume like no no no so you don’t understand there’s context to poodle lover getting their balls cut off nuances you wouldn’t understand interviewer due to legal reasons just

Kidding we won’t send you to Freddy’s room this time thanks never mind we’re safe to get the box then save I hear baby Monty sounds like he’s down there though oh God oh God hey nice right yeah we’re in my friend you have met a terrible

Terrible we just gotta get out and we don’t have to come back to the theater ever again there he is I actually did buy something off wish once I made an account on wish and it gave me like three dollars of credit and I bought this like two-finger glove with an attached flashlight

Hey Hey foreign such difficulty well I was dead either way but our power used to go out like semi often at my place that I lived at last and so I actually got a couple uses out of that glove I’m just a not half bad purchase looking at the wish ads were so wild

Though because it’s like it’s a Wii for like 99 Cents but it but but it you know it’s not something is off you’re gonna order it you’re gonna get like a bar of bars so they just spot inside of me oh minus 50 FPS oh boy

This is what it was like when the game came out for PlayStation 4. due to legal reasons just kidding we won’t send you to practice room this time that’s like our frame rate when we were running like 100 DJ music mans to try and leg out the vent to do Monty jumpless

More oh all right how do the Monty fight gonna be it’ll be fine oh no I’d even see him I guess he was above me I was looking down oh yeah prolonged crotch cam random size ooh that’s going to mess things up blindfolded when never that wasn’t your Discord it’s so fast

Chad have you ever been pooped on by a bird I don’t think it’s happened to me my one friend we were at an airport together and they had the airport had a ton of like pigeons and he back then was not very okay with just like gross

Things in general when a bird pooped on his hand he was so offended and it was so funny get some head shots am I good now I don’t even remember is there like weird invisible walls here now oh I might have made a mistake dude the invisible wall team worked overtime

Here the spot is ridiculous I might have just totally scuffed the fight chat wait yeah we could just wait for a deload that’s a good point well let’s hang out with the gang until we get a deload I really could oh deload my life I guess what I’m trying to say is

Life Goes On well for else life goes on not for you you’re dead chat to any of you watched like a weird like competitive game you know like I watched marbles which is weird chess boxing chest boxing was cool competitive take I tried watching competitive paintball for a while I just saw that

Their camera work wasn’t all there it was hard to get into it when they had like two camera angles Julian used to watch like robot fighting that sounds kind of cool sometimes I said a story is just a story suggest Ed just eat your sandwich okay let me go get you some rival

Rival Brett oh Mr hippo not the Ducks what’s my opinion on Star Wars I really liked Lego Star Wars I like the prequels more than the original Three which is not a popular opinion but I really like the Clone Wars I didn’t wait long enough Rogue one yeah

I liked Rogue one as for the Three Star Wars Disney ones the main three the first one I enjoyed but then the second one was eh and the third one kind of made me sad man repairs are actually the hardest part of this I should take a

Break I’m doing okay the mental is much better today than last time this stream might make security breach my most streamed game ever it’s been second for a long time behind what sea of Thieves of course whoa I’ve never been killed in Fri I can’t press retry the game’s Mega dead

I have a store table’s still there but it’s just a second ice adds like Call of Duty slide mechanics to the game oh no frabby save me do you think animatronics can get wet or do they short circuit oh my God that’s what we need for the next

FNAF game chat in underwater FNAF game in what sense you guys are disgusting why shirt H2O FNAF way of the water yeah Gregory leaves the pizza Plex to protect the children and goes to a far away water out of a truck land where he has to learn to swim

Even though his tail is super mid oh wet Music Man the game could be like set on a boat and then you get pushed underwater by like wet Freddy and you’re in Atlantis plexia oh oh yeah I heard about the AI streamer that got banned yeah I think it’s cool

But it’ll wear off I think oh yeah you got about the blob like it’s cool because she says such random [ __ ] but then eventually the random isn’t exciting anymore at least that’s what I think but yeah there was an AI streamer she could talk to chat she could play games

I don’t know what she got banned for they usually end up saying like something racist and getting banned but there will be more yes denying certain World War II events is another classic AI move they realize that edgy things are funny and then they just don’t realize that there’s a line

And then they just keep Crossing it until they cross it too far yeah GPD my one friend asked it how to pirate movies to see what it would say and it said like I’m not allowed to tell you how to do that because that’s against the law whatever and I told him

To ask it how you torrent works and of course it answered that question so we effectively got it to tell us how to Pirate move is no way I one shot the arcade reasons no just kidding you to Freddy’s room this time coin flipped let’s go let’s Force Crouch is bad what

Oh no um this could be bad I did not forget one however the arcade is also quite sensitive if you happen to unload it it will forget that you press the levers which is not good that just means we gotta move I mean it’s a good thing I

Got the the shoes and I have three stamina upgrades foreign hopefully that doesn’t unload anything I Am Lord look I’m a real boy ah [ __ ] two Lords Gregory become a puberty ever since the patch it takes way too long between when you press the lever and Music Man shows

Up it makes you feel like the game froze We suggest you run from whatever the hell that thing is are you human nah I’m just an advanced not racist AI come from the future when these AI creators have figured out how to make not racist AIS oh it should be an Entertainer like you but I have no no

Idea where to start I know where you should start and Chad has definitely heard me say this before egg peeling you got it nebula wow we didn’t get much weaser Paige we were shopping a couple months ago and I was looking at frozen pizzas just gonna snag some frozen pizzas hell yeah

And there was like a dairy free option and I was like and then Paige said the day I’ve had that pizza it’s good it doesn’t taste any different she lied oh [ __ ] it was the worst pizza I’ve had in my life what the [ __ ] I’m in the repair thing

I’m the robot head random size that actually might get us out although it sounds like a bit of a zoo out there oh okay yeah that pizza was nasty I bought two I had one unwillingly and I gave the other one away as a kid I

Always had this idea in my head that I should like save the best part of the cupcake for last and so I would always eat the bottom of cupcakes first I’d take it out of its you know whatever wrapper and then I kind of like hold it

Like this and just like all right I’d break off pieces and eat the bottom and then just kind of like the mushroom top I would just eat last I I do still do that it’s kind of just and I’ll think about it anymore it’s just how I

Just kind of how she goes oh yeah the way I eat apples has always been a point of contention apparently the normal way of eating an apple is to like take it and bite the center and like go around the center I guess but like oh okay

First thing I do is I twist off the top little stick guy and then I go around the top of the apple and I only do like two rows so I do the top and the bottom and the Apple’s done yeah the stem all right I can call it a little stick thing

I don’t eat the stem it’s just it’s literal wood I think if not it’s very close did you just call the stem wood what is it if not wood it’s a stem and what’s it made out of look trees are wood and fruit and fruits I guess what

About the leaves leaves are leaves leaves are not stems plant fibers there’s definitely plant fibers in Wood it’s literally wood it’s the part of the tree that connects to the fruit are Apple stems made out of wood r slash no stupid questions see I’m not alone they’re composed of fiber I believe it’s

Kind of like how your hair and fingernails the same material but vastly different properties I think the answer is that they’re close enough so we can call it wood that’s not what it said you must have not read it right here’s the dealer right eat a stem and

Then eat like a popsicle stick let me know how different they taste the answer is going to be not that different therefore stems are wood if they taste the same and they have similar texture they’re wood I don’t make the rules how do you know I’ve eaten stems and

Popsicles I mean everybody’s eating popsicle sticks don’t even try to pretend that that’s weird if you haven’t eaten a popsicle stick go get yourself a a SpongeBob ice cream and eat the popsicle stick [Laughter] oh God okay that’s a big coin [Laughter] okay whatever you guys are really hung

Up on this huh what exactly made you eat a Popsicle stick that sounds very unpleasant for both texture and digestion like I said I didn’t eat the entire stick I shoot on it and ended up just eating the tip and it’s still got like bits of

Popsicle on it so it’s actually like a flavored stick and it’s just very normal Gregory for legal reasons you will be sent back to Freddy’s room another repair down Chad this is an l the old music man moon combo the gate is up but it’s not oh holy dicks

All right that’s it 6 a.m dubs and I’m dead I would like to stay my original goal was just the Escape ending we have beaten the game let’s cheat our way into the Afton fight but cheat I mean glitch I guess I don’t really feel like doing

Chica I will honestly pass on another repair no no no no no no no no usually she takes a while before she goes for the mouse this time it’s zero hesitation why can’t I call Freddy initiate barrier method no not my spacebar initiate bigger barrier method there’s nothing going on over there

Oh now you’re leaving oh really come in cause chaos make me set up the barrier and dip now it’s just a crotch cam oh this is gonna be so much harder to do with ice and blur which part of the game are we at attempting to skip to Afton Ice for sobone just don’t give me ice or Rick Roll we gotta move quickly we’re at 2fps love to see it how does the modern deload deload here uh uh why don’t I just go to the elevator and wait for a deload I feel like it’s

Gonna be a lot easier than this [ __ ] what would you do with a million dollars chat you’re not allowed to say save tier three sub that’s a great idea buy a cake that’d be good buy a PC that’d be good Chad I think you’re underestimating how much a

Million dollars can do hey Freddy you don’t suppose we could old patch this [ __ ] hey what if what if like at this angle Freddy this requires chica’s voice to activate your mom requires chica’s voice to activate Freddy oh good now I’m not even gonna know when it’s an unload a million

Dollars could not get a cool house absolutely it could get a cool house it wouldn’t get you an insane Mansion but it would get you a cool house We fell and I wasn’t ready Mr hippo damn you I would buy Loaf the biggest cat treat ever with a million dollars and she would fall off of it true I’m trying to get Freddy to teleport over this what’s the right place to be that door might meet chica’s voice I

Might be wrong though no dude no [ __ ] yeah Monty didn’t even ruin it it was Ice I was sliding back and forth I couldn’t hit the buttons I I kind of figured out how to get the teleport we should be able to get it a little bit

Quicker okay I’m pretty sure if you face this side and then call this requires Gregory yeah yeah I kind of just figured it out I can do that consistently then okay we got the auto save now we gotta actually survive this [ __ ] oh my God mole say my name

What even was that if I had to ah score to me what’s the significance oh Freddy is Opie of course oh my God we got a second one anybody’s internal thoughts sound like this sometimes is legal reasons you will be sent back to next you’re genuinely insane okay ice bro shoot

Holy nuts pretty it’s gonna be a tough fight I can’t flock and see fluck can’t handle my slide canceling why are you stuck Freddy Freddy why are you even here what are you doing bro we might not be able to do this fight there’s so much scuff

Okay I am stupido Maximus I saw a coin and my little monkey brain was like oh go get the coin another one down the first thing I ever pirated was a season of Futurama and it downloaded at like 20 kilobytes per second it took a week yeah I had bad Wi-Fi yes oh

It’s Monty who’s coming I am confused now here’s the issue with the Afton fight right now problem with the Afton fight is that it’s fragile like repairs except it’s like 10 minutes long what are you even doing bruv he’s not even here oh so it’s an extremely fragile part of

The game that I have to go without breaking for 10 minutes which is a very tall order for this game I’ll give it at least all right well we killed him he’s dead that’s a win the moment that an extra animatronic spawned in from something yeah boy

Got snapped he’s gone he’s dead I think that is satisfactory it’s the true he never comes back that’s it I’m calling time halftone is dead as you can see the blob is now dead as well foreign did it it totally crashed the game I definitely didn’t alter four

There was no way to finish Afton with the mod since most events simply despawned him sorry I took so long between full videos I’ll have another up soon I’ve just been a little busy with the livestock thanks for watching see you later

This video, titled ‘The Security Breach Chaos Mod that made me want to quit’, was uploaded by AstralSpiff on 2023-03-01 13:00:36. It has garnered 2318780 views and 59650 likes. The duration of the video is 01:04:52 or 3892 seconds.

YEP the first part of this was awful, but it was improved upon super quickly! That’s my quarterly SB mod!

Mod creators: Twingamerdude’s channel: Blanana’s channel: OmegaaDev’s channel DiamondKing’s channel (First to make a video on this mod)

Link to the mod:

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WITH EDITING HELP BY: @nikedman8367

Music in this video: Gotta Catch That Unicorn – Josef Haunted Playhouse – Stationary Nintendo Revolution – Rolla Coasta Final Phaze – Jerry Lacey Shake Down – Jules Gaia

0:00 Day 1 32:39 Day 2

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  • Insane Digital Circus Mod in Minecraft PE!

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  • INSANE twist on Battle Royale in Minecraft!! 🤯

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  • Yaezer’s Insane 2K Subscriber Livestream: Minecraft, Roblox & More!

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  • FrontierSMP PVP 1.20.6 Towny McMMO Custom Terrain Crossplay

    Server Information: Server IP: Bedrock Port: 19132 Server Discord: Join our Discord Version: 1.20.5 (Java) Description: FrontierSMP is a PvP server that enhances Towny elements without any pay to win features. Explore unique features like capturing points for bonuses, participating in Siege Wars, and crafting custom resources. Join now for an awesome experience! Season 1: Season 1 is currently 1 month in with a total run time of 6 months. Top 3 finishers receive rewards at the end of the season. Check our Wiki for more info. Main Features: No Pay To Win Towny Jobs McMMO Custom Terrain Player… Read More

  • Mining Success: Minecraft Skittles’ Low End World

    Mining Success: Minecraft Skittles' Low End World In Skittles’ Low End World, mining success is the goal, With mods galore, the adventure takes its toll. Crafting tools and armor, iron in hand, Facing mobs and challenges, making a stand. Coal and iron, the treasures we seek, In caves and tunnels, so dark and bleak. But with luck on our side, we find what we need, Tools and armor, a warrior indeed. From spawn to caves, the journey unfolds, With each step taken, our story molds. Facing challenges, with courage and might, In Skittles’ Low End World, we shine bright. So let’s keep mining, exploring the land,… Read More

  • Tiny Tower, Big Tears: Minecraft’s Tiniest Violin

    Tiny Tower, Big Tears: Minecraft's Tiniest Violin “Me playing the world’s smallest violin for all the times I’ve died in Minecraft… it’s a never-ending symphony of failure.” Read More

  • Kraken Sushi: Catching & Cooking the Sea Monster

    Kraken Sushi: Catching & Cooking the Sea Monster The Epic Minecraft Adventure: Hunting the Kraken for Sushi Setting Sail for Adventure Embark on a hilarious Minecraft journey with Knarfy and his crew as they sail thousands of blocks in a pirate ship, facing off against the mighty Kraken and exploring dungeons in search of food – sushi, to be precise! Meet the Crew Joining Knarfy on this epic quest are his trusty companions: @syszee, @CringyGull, @CragDyna, and @GarrettTheCarrot. Together, they brave the treacherous seas and face formidable challenges. Mods and Tools of the Trade To enhance their gameplay experience, the crew utilizes a variety of mods, including… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Pranks – Reaper He11

    EPIC Minecraft Pranks - Reaper He11 Minecraft Madness: Surviving the Mutated World Challenges and Surprises In the chaotic world of Minecraft, every player faces unexpected challenges. From creepers blowing up houses to mutated zombies and skeletons, the game keeps you on your toes. The addition of mods and add-ons only intensifies the difficulty, making survival a true test of skill and strategy. Unraveling the Mutations The mutated creatures in Minecraft add a new layer of complexity to the game. From ostriches to snails, every encounter is a unique experience. The mutated zombies and skeletons are particularly menacing, requiring quick thinking and precise combat skills to… Read More

The Security Breach Chaos Mod that made me want to quit