The Story of Minecraft’s EPIC Ancient Jungle City! | The ULTIMATE Survival World Movie – Part 3

Video Information

We’ve been upgrading everything in minecraft to create the ultimate survival world setting out to create the ultimate minecraft survival experience we’ve been transforming every major structure and biome in the game throwing in a ton of easter eggs and quests all in a 16 million block map and we’ve even

Been giving minecraft its very own backstory here on the steph blocks channel we’re going to follow the epic adventures of the usw in a series of mini movies tackling each biome in turn today our adventures take us to the jungle biome where we’ll discover the immense power of the sacred camera mountains

Encounter some familiar faces witness epic battles come face to face with some terrifying creatures and even behold the calamitous elemental storm but before we start i’ve noticed that only 16 of you guys watching are actually subscribed our block time has grown by about 23 000 since the last

Episode if we make an extra push this time we could hit that 100k milestone with this video if you just hit the subscribe button below which would also mean my severe lack of sleep would be worth it your support never fails to amaze me and you guys have smashed every

Single light goal so far with ease so to let me know you’re still enjoying the series let’s aim for 20 000 likes this time i’m trying to give you guys a bit more of a challenge here but i have faith you’ll beat this anyway now these videos can be watched individually but

To understand the full story we should really catch up on all our ultimate survival world content including the first two chapters of this movie series and of course the insane building updates on the trixie box channel he’s just posted the caves episode so be sure to check it out after this video an

Ancient deep dark city meets vast lush caves all sprinkled with some epic dwarven elements and key lore for you guys you don’t want to miss this one and the moment you’ve been waiting for adventuring back into the ultimate survival world as i always say nothing

Is meant to be accurate to real life so let’s take a break from the world and escape with some storytelling just sit back grab yourself some popcorn and get ready for the next mini movie of the ultimate survival world the jungle biome is home to many curious mysteries and chilling secrets most

Notably the sacred camera mountains the camel mountains are said to possess many mysterious qualities and the events that unravel between their peaks lie at the very heart of the jungle story the tribes of the jungle believed the most powerful tribe should inhabit the khmer mountains reaping its magical benefits and

Protections and ruling over the jungle biome but the real question was which of the jungle’s three tribes deserve this great honor choose your fighter corner we’ve got the fearsome fern tribe representing the green corner it’s the righteous and in the blue corner give it up for the nimble leaf tribe

This is so stupid needless to say this difficult decision led to a great conflict between the tribes and eventually the tribal war of kama erupted across the biome after countless battles many ambushes and even more casualties the yonoa tribe is victorious props to you if you voted for the green corner

The remaining members of the fern and leaf tribes fled into the wilderness inhabiting its outskirts perhaps they will pop up later in this story and with one war finished and the construction of the yunoa tribe’s ancient jungle city commencing the fight was of course not over it couldn’t be that easy

What followed was the interbiome war which we covered in the desert chapter the southern waters of the usw fell into conflict with the desert and jungle warring over the valuable area after further years of conflict you may remember that the people of the desert jungle and mesa laid down their weapons

And made peace agreements later leading to stronger interbarring relations in fact the interbio mining network was forged an intricate web of tunnels connecting the biomes strengthening their collective resources and culminating in a hub below the usw’s surface how exactly did this happen it seemed a little far-fetched right

Well the creation of this network was actually sparked by the iona tribe and its earlier allegiance with the usw’s dwarves we will of course turn to these mysterious dwarves in a later chapter but as far as the jungle story goes they had a strong relationship with the dwarves who were fundamental to the

Creation of the interbio mining network as the fourth member of the alliance and in fact the host of the network’s hub i can’t wait to explore the dwarf’s tale and unravel the mysteries behind this entire race of people who concealed themselves from those on the surface for so long

And with all the warring finally over but now at least the anoa tribe were able to focus on building their city establishing an elaborate society built around the sacred camera mountains they built their own mines and a plethora of functional buildings as their culture grew and prospered in the camera mountains besides the

Functionality and of course the beautiful aesthetic of this city the anoa tribe incorporated some even more extraordinary eye-catching elements which really illustrate the depth of their fascinating culture the first of these eye-catching elements is the maze of the jaguar which guards the entrance to the ancient jungle city

The symbol of the jaguar was very special to the inaugural tribe but why when the tribe first emerged they were vulnerable to the elements and creatures of the jungle they had not built the society and infrastructure you see today and they were still learning how to protect themselves

The jungle however waited for no one it was home to all manner of terrifying merciless creatures including its giant arachnids these spiders were a plague on the jungle draining it of all other life that dared to venture too deep into the wilderness unprotected from these spiders and

Unaware of how to ward them off the yanoa tribe was vulnerable as were the other tribes of the jungle one day the spiders discovered the tribe launching a vicious attack people were terrified and were not properly equipped to face such a threat when all hope seemed lost a jaguar sprung forth from the

Wilderness it leapt in between the tribe and the spiders letting out a powerful roar the spiders scattered unable to take on the power of the jaguar the people were saved that day but it was rumored that a giant egg played deep within the jungle seemingly biding its time for an opportunity to strike

The yanova tribe narrowly escaped this time but something tells me far worse lurks in the undergrowth and of course from that day forward the jaguar was hailed as the hero of the jungle becoming a symbol for power bravery and foresight had the jaguar not foreseen the attack

And protected the tribe that day all would have been lost so it is a very important symbol to the tribe to honour the jaguar the tribe built two large jaguar statues to guard the entrance to their city protecting it from harm’s way the jaguars also overlooked an enchanted

Maze which is the only way into the city the two statues watch over the entrance empowering the brave to tackle the enchanted maze beneath them with only the worthy triumphing and gaining entrance to the city the maze is said to be enchanted by the spirit of the jaguar which drives the

Unworthy insane perhaps forever within the walls of the labyrinth those who seek entrance to the city with no ill will would succeed in their path but the camera mountains are a mysterious place and the real temptation lies beyond the maze itself some only reveal their inner truth when temptation

Lies before them but perhaps the unravelling of this maxim is best left to later chapters following explorers venturing to the jungle from other biomes anyway you may have also noticed the first of four elemental totems lying at the center of this maze this totem is part of the yanowa tribe’s most

Important ritual so important in fact that its integrity was essential for the cities to survive if the ritual were to be tainted chaos would ensue and the city would be cursed something tells me there’s a reason why the city was left abandoned but we shall explore the elemental totems a little

Later in this chapter to harness the power of the camera mountains and to strengthen the city’s spiritual connection to them the tribe built this magnificent temple it was used in many of their rituals and ceremonies including the pilgrimage of the elemental totems which we will of course delve into later it contains

Several sacred statues representing the tribe’s previous leaders and includes a tomb for the burial of future leaders allowing them to rest together eternally bonded to the heart of the city to which they contributed it is said that the disturbance of these sacred statues would lead to a

Devastating spate of bad luck for the disturber i wonder if any of our adventurers and later chapters will find themselves in trouble with the leader’s spirits exploring the temple sure looks tempting i have a feeling we haven’t heard the last of it just yet now of course you will remember yurima

From the desert chapter her progressive relationship with her sim and her crucial involvement in the liberation of the sandstone village certainly goes down in usw history but her story doesn’t end there urema had always had a flair for adventure ever since she was a little girl her father was the king of the

Jungle and had always taught her the value of kindness and empathy this moral code had allowed the king to lead the tribe to amicable relations with other biomes becoming the key to the interbio mining network he only wished that his ancestors could have built the same relations with the

Other tribes of the jungle these tribes however remained lost to the wilderness it was not known whether they had survived after the tribal war of camera but urema the king’s daughter held out hope yurima cared much about the plight of others as you may remember from the

Desert chapter this time urema felt an even greater duty to unite the tribes of the jungle to share their camel mountains with them and prosper together as one protected from the creatures of the jungle my father agreed with this sentiment but he was not so well versed in adventure

Unlike his daughter and was convinced the other tribes had perished Full of hope urema set out on a quest to find the other tribes not truly knowing what dangers could lie ahead but she was determined to do what was right she journeyed through the jungle in search of the fern and leaf tribes venturing deeper and deeper into the

Wilderness further and further away from the protection of the camera mountains the jungle was growing darker but urema was determined to keep searching before setting up camp she began to get the feeling she was being watched and the realization crept over her she wasn’t alone before she could even think to react she

Heard a loud rumble from the undergrowth and a gigantic spider crawled out onto the jungle floor rooma stumbled backwards she turned to flea and the giant spider chased after her trying not to look back uremus sprinted through the trees as fast as her feet could carry her as a terrifying

Monster hissed and spat following closely behind realising that she was surrounded by an entire tribe of spiders the more she looked the more she could see and then a horrifying realization crips over her the fern tribe had been corrupted by the spiders she had found the remaining

Members of the tribe but they were changed they rode on the back of spiders their flesh no longer on their bones seemingly entranced by the giant spider and then suddenly the spider let out a high-pitched screech uremus span around to see the spiders shrieking out in

Anger with an arrow lodged in its eye but who in earth shot the arrow yurima looked at the shadows and from behind a tree a figure began to emerge she backed up in fear after what she had just seen she didn’t know what to expect next the figure stepped into the light and

Urema let out a huge sigh of relief it was a sim the pair embraced one another before quickly turning to face the enormous beast before them if they had any chance of escaping this terrifying creature they’d have to do it together pair fought off the smaller spiders one by one clambering across the

Terrain in desperation to keep their distance they climbed up into the treetops to weaken the giant beast of arrows before leaping down to launch the finishing blow together and with the spider tribe defeated uremia and assim had overcome yet another huge threat to the usw ureama had saved a sim and the sandstone

Village from a terrible fate in the desert chapter and he returned the favor by coming to urima’s aid as soon as he caught word that she’d ventured into the jungle alone they really are the ultimate duo so with the giant spider vanquished the biome appeared to be safe again but the

Threat of the spiders remained and they were not the only threat danger existed far closer to euroma’s home than she even knew but now she was safe and the pair returned to the camera mountains together with the sim heading back to the desert by the interbuyer mining network Now if you’ve had your listening ears on you may remember the elemental totem which lives in the center of the maze of the jaguar well as you may have gathered the elemental protector totems were an essential part of the city’s growth and survival living in the mysterious camera

Mountains comes with its perks even extending the lifespan of its inhabitants but it also has its pitfalls the powers of the mountains had to be controlled and stabilized otherwise the city would fall into chaos and the elements would unleash their wrath between the mountain peaks to calm the elements the tribe built

Four sacred totems at which they would leave tributes each year these totems represented the four elements earth wind fire and water each totem would protect the city from the wrath of each element for instance this earth totem protected the land from infertility and natural disaster every year a group of the city’s people

Would undertake a perilous pilgrimage across the vast jungle landscape searching for these four elemental protector totems at each totem they would leave valuable offerings and perform rituals to preserve the power of the sacred elements which were essential for the city’s survival after finding earth wind fire and water

The pilgrimage would finish at the temple and those who succeeded were celebrated in a grand ceremony as saviors of the city and were provided with many valuable benefits for the next year one year a desperate thief took on the pilgrimage hoping that it would change her life for the better

She stole her totem offerings from her fellow people hoping that she would be celebrated upon her return and given a comfortable life for the next year unfortunately her deception tainted the rituals and the protection provided by the totems for centuries was tarnished the elements were angered and the camel

Mountains were no longer merciful to the inoa tribe eventually the city dwellers could find no fertile land their water was contaminated And even their hunting ventures always seem to end in fatalities the elements had completely turned against them and the land was cursed eventually the protection of the totems fell away the elements were out of control and a great calamitous storm hit the mountains the city fell into chaos and the tribes

Folk desperately attempted to flee urema and the king gathered as many of their people as possible doing all they could to get them out of the city and into safety many of the city’s people were taken by the storm with a small group successful in their escape seeking refuge away from

The cannon mountains and the elemental curse urema and the king were the last to attempt their escape making a run for the bridge and the maze of the jaguar as they tried to cross the bridge a huge bolt of lightning struck and the jungle fell silent the survivors of the elemental curse

Regrouped in the jungle devastated by the destruction of the storm and concerned about the whereabouts of urea and the king they’d been missing for days and the jungle’s reign had not once desisted as the days drew on the tribe’s morale sunk lower and lower the rain poured endlessly and the sky remained

Gloomy as ever the tribe were beginning to lose hope and it seemed that their beloved leaders had been lost to the storm a few days later the tribe had something approaching over a nearby hill and to their delight it was urema urema had returned the skies turned bright as

Did the tribe’s faces and they embraced one another this moment was bittersweet for urema she was overjoyed to be reunited with the last of her people but she had to deliver some tragic news the king of the jungle urema’s father was dead she explained to the tribe that the

Merciless storm had targeted him with a bolt of lightning but she could not bear to leave him on the bridge she carried her father into the jungle temple to allow him to rest in peace alongside the statues of the tribe’s past leaders she buried him in the tomb setting up a

Plethora of booby traps to protect his crib from thieves she spent days and all that remained of her energy doing all she could to ensure her father could be at peace the tribe was devastated by the news although they held out hope of returning to their city and honoring their king

With a ceremony in the temple rumor warned the tribe that they could not return the land was still cursed and it now belonged to the elements even the city’s fire braziers remained lit roaring more ferociously than ever before the elements retained control of the land and they were still angered by the

Tainted ritual yarima and her tribe were deeply hurt by the series of events that were triggered by the storm they gradually restored their hope the tribe placed their faith in yoruma declaring her their queen he was determined to rebuild her tribe to its former glory following in her

Father’s footsteps and creating a new village for her people to prosper in previously the tribes of the jungle lived in territorial conflict with one another as you may remember the fern tribe was lost to the corruption of the spiders but there was hope that the leaf tribe

Remained and urema reached out to them remembering how the war of camerts wore their ancestors lives apart the tribes agreed to live in harmony forming the ataka tribe feminine lives have been lost and the people had grown tired of living in fear after seeing what happened to the fern

Tribe uruma refused to leave the leaf tribes in the same fate so they created a new community which has thrived ever since in the form of this charming jungle village the tribe’s best archer finally accomplished his dream of opening up his very own shooting range and if you

Remember from the trixie looks video on this build he does give the kids free archery lessons on wednesdays and of course the voodoo doctor wanders about the village in his mysterious car renowned for his five-star uber eats rated herbal tea what more could the ataqua tribe need they also built several smaller temples

To honour the temple of the city allowing the tribes to once again perform rituals and protecting the land from being overrun with spiders however in spite of this it seemed that a new threat might be looming at the jungle’s border a group from the darkwood forest entered

The jungle pillaging one of the temples destroying the trees in the area and setting up a camp the ataka tribe believed that the spirit of the jungle is encapsulated in the trees the trees are very important to them they believe that if you destroy a tree without replanting another the

Jungle’s giant spiders gain strength and multiply threatening the safety of the tribe and potentially the entire usw with the threat of these trespassers looming the attack will try brood over why they are suddenly invading their lands the reason is far more tragic than they could imagine and the story of these

Desperate exiles will be unravelled in the dark forest chapter and so the jungle’s chapter may be drawing to a close but its story doesn’t quite end there the ancient jungle city lies abandoned in the camera mountains and it seems rather unlikely that it remains untouched so what adventure awaits in the next chapter

And so we have reached the end of the third chapter of our usw story let’s make sure we hit that 20k like goal and maybe we can even grow to 100k subscribers before the next chapter i promise i’ll do something cool if we do don’t forget to let me know your

Thoughts and predictions below i reply to virtually every comment seriously test me also be sure to check out my instagram the discord server and of course on merchandise all of which can be found by the links in the description thank you so much for the love and

Support guys and of course a big thank you to all these lovely people who have helped with this episode please be sure to show them some love too and that’s me done for today guys thanks so much for watching and i’ll see you in the next one Gopro

This video, titled ‘The Story of Minecraft’s EPIC Ancient Jungle City! | The ULTIMATE Survival World Movie – Part 3’, was uploaded by StephBlox on 2022-03-03 18:00:01. It has garnered 287727 views and 23205 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:17 or 1277 seconds.

Download the map here: 🧡

We’re diving back into the OFFICIAL story of the Ultimate Survival World, this time heading to the wilderness of the Jungle! We’ve been transforming the entirety of Minecraft, but so far have mostly focused on the builds – now it’s time to delve into the story! In this video we learn about the USW’s Jungle, where we will discover the immense power of the Sacred Kama Mountains, encounter some familiar faces, witness epic battles, come face to face with some terrifying creatures & even behold the calamitous Elemental Storm!

Please do SUBSCRIBE – we’re almost at 100k! And let’s hit 20,000 LIKES, so we can continue this epic adventure through the many biomes of the USW! Comment below and share your ideas and they may get included in the next episode! These videos take WEEKS & WEEKS to plan & create, so your support genuinely means the world!





Download TrixyBlox’s Builds HERE: (remember, the USW download has NOT been released yet!)

Trixy’s Socials: @TrixyBlox @MoreTrixyBlox Instagram: Personal Instagram: TikTok: Twitter:

With special thanks to TrixyBlox, Goddeh, KamerPlant, Squinty, Deck, Fem, Hana, Jake Rivers & UtahR4ptor!

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Shaders: Complementary Shaders

Mods & Plugins Used: Sodium Optifine Replay Mod World Edit Pekhui

Skins: (plus custom skins by our very own Squinty!) – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – ● ● ● ● ● ● ♪♫ Soundtrack by Jake Rivers ♫♪ ● ● ● ● ● ● A HUGE thanks to Jake for the incredible soundtrack that brings this video to life! Check out his socials and the full track list below!

Instagram: SoundCloud: YouTube:

Track List: – Willows and Wisps – Caves Epilogue – Summit Air – Valor – Marimba Cafe – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Chapters: 00:00 Introduction

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – #Minecraft #UltimateMinecraftStory #UpgradingMinecraft #Transformation #Survival #MinecraftStory #MinecraftMovie #UltimateSurvivalWorld #USW

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    Insane Minecraft Couple Builds - Micky & Minnie Craze!Video Information This video, titled ‘The REPLAY : Micky and Minnie #minecraft #trending #fyp’, was uploaded by Baby Craft Studios on 2024-07-24 11:32:47. It has garnered 10244 views and 337 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Because you want the replay, see it! Read More

  • Insane Hardcore Day 1 – Creative Player Tries Minecraft

    Insane Hardcore Day 1 - Creative Player Tries MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Day 1- Creative Player Tries Hardcore in Minecraft’, was uploaded by TheSephrona on 2024-01-12 14:49:43. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:17 or 7037 seconds. Experienced creative player, awful survival player. Playing on hardcore mode… what could go wrong? Music provided by Read More

  • Unbelievable Application on Arcane SMP!!!

    Unbelievable Application on Arcane SMP!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Arcane SMP most MID application’, was uploaded by slzuglez on 2024-09-02 03:54:22. It has garnered 144 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. this is a Application to join Arcane SMP, its been a while since ive uploaded a YT video (2 years ago) hope i get in #minecraft #youtube #mc #application #applications #video #videos #videoshort #videoshorts #youtube #youtuber #shorts #funny #funnyvideo #arcane #smp Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Technoblade / TommyInnit… Read More

  • Gingershadow’s Epic Devil Fruit Swap?! | One Piece Mod Ep 22

    Gingershadow's Epic Devil Fruit Swap?! | One Piece Mod Ep 22Video Information This video, titled ‘MAYBE A CHANGE OF DEVIL FRUITS WILL HELP?! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 22’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-08-24 22:00:29. It has garnered 2654 views and 169 likes. The duration of the video is 00:57:07 or 3427 seconds. Minecraft Naruto Mod Review (Narutoto Mod) – MiraiGaming (Brother’s Channel) – STREAM – DISCORD – BECOME A MEMBER HERE – GingyVODs Channel – MAYBE A CHANGE OF DEVIL FRUITS WILL HELP?! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 22 #OnePiece #Minecraft #OnePieceMod Also big thanks and shout out to our… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness with Hurnox! Join the Fun 🔴🎮

    Minecraft Madness with Hurnox! Join the Fun 🔴🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft with Viewers 🔴 (VOICE) 🎥’, was uploaded by Hurnox on 2024-09-22 00:16:13. It has garnered 18 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:31 or 2191 seconds. Welcome to our live stream! Today, we’re diving into the action-packed world of minecraft, and YOU can join in the fun! Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a newcomer looking to learn the ropes, this stream is for everyone. Get ready for epic battles, strategic gameplay, and lots of laughs as we team up and compete against each other.we will also play minecraft… Read More

  • DEVSH FF: Emotional New Rank Season 💔😭

    DEVSH FF: Emotional New Rank Season 💔😭Video Information This video, titled ‘Heartbreaking Story of New Rank Season💔😢😭’, was uploaded by DEVSH FF on 2024-06-05 11:21:46. It has garnered 35 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Welcome to DEVSH FF! Dive into the exciting worlds of Free Fire and Minecraft with us! Whether you’re a battle-hardened veteran or a curious newbie, our channel offers epic gameplay, strategic tips, and thrilling adventures. From intense Free Fire battles to creative Minecraft builds, we’ve got something for everyone. Join the DEVSH FF community and embark on a gaming journey filled with action,… Read More

  • Make a Car in Minecraft Bedrock – Easiest Tutorial Ever!

    Make a Car in Minecraft Bedrock - Easiest Tutorial Ever!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Automatic Car Tutorial Minecraft Bedrock’, was uploaded by hpMC46 on 2024-09-15 19:11:04. It has garnered 198 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. Minecraft Automatic Car Tutorial Minecraft Bedrock minecraft minecraft 100 days minecraft house tutorial minecraft hardcore 133,000 +49% $0.05 1 (Low) minecraft civilization minecraft music minecraft house +22% minecraft song -100% minecraft horror +123% minecraft builds +49% minecraft movie -100% minecraft story mode +83% minecraft arg +1,558% minecraft aphmau minecraft animation minecraft asmr +22% minecraft adventures +125% minecraft automatic farm +83% minecraft addons +49% minecraft… Read More

  • Termina – Towny Raiding SMP, Raiding, PVP, Crossplay

    🏰 Will you be the hero or the villain?! 🔥 The choice is yours on – SMP Towny, Community, and Adventure! Java Port: 25565 and Bedrock Port: 19132 Please take a moment to learn about us. We welcome all players! 🌍 Decide your path: Termina is more than just a survival server – Will you build a peaceful town, supporting others in the community? Or will you rise as a fearsome leader, declaring war and forging a nation built on conquest? 🏙️ Build towns, create nations, forge alliances: With Towny, you can make your own town or nation; working… Read More

  • ⥈ MineCuby | (1.16.5/1.21) | ⥈ Discord ⇴

    ⥈ MineCuby | (1.16.5/1.21) | ⥈ Discord ⇴ Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: My opinion vs yours

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft: My opinion vs yoursWell, I guess we can say this meme is a 102 out of 10! Read More

  • Crafty Cuts: The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Video Edits

    Crafty Cuts: The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Video Edits Welcome, gamers, to Scarlett’s domain, Where Minecraft videos are edited with no strain. I’ll spill the secrets, make your content shine, With tools and tricks that are simply divine. Cut and join scenes with precision and grace, Add effects and transitions to elevate your space. Music and sound effects, a vital touch, To make your videos pop, oh so much. Whether a beginner or a pro in the game, These tips will surely bring you fame. Subscribe, like, and ring the bell, To stay updated and do oh so well. Share your thoughts, your own editing flair, Let’s build… Read More

  • “Tiny Holes Challenge: Mobs Edition” #minecraftmemes

    "Tiny Holes Challenge: Mobs Edition" #minecraftmemes When you realize the smallest gap test in Minecraft is harder than trying to navigate through a crowded mall on Black Friday. #minecraftproblems #watchoutforthatcreeper Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mining Guide! – REACT

    Ultimate Minecraft Mining Guide! - REACT The Best Way to Mine in Minecraft When it comes to mining in Minecraft, players are always looking for the most efficient and effective methods to gather resources. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, knowing the best way to mine can make a huge difference in your gameplay experience. Strip Mining One of the most popular mining techniques in Minecraft is strip mining. This method involves digging a series of parallel tunnels at different levels to expose a large area of blocks. By systematically clearing out these tunnels, players can uncover valuable resources such as diamonds,… Read More

  • Levitating Washing Machine Prank!

    Levitating Washing Machine Prank! Levitating Washing?!? – Minecraft Create Mod S3 #3 Introduction In the latest episode of Minecraft Create Mod Season 3, Zedaph explores the fascinating world of levitating washing! Why wash items on the floor when you can wash mid-air? Let’s dive into the exciting features and events of this episode. Levitating Washing One of the standout features of this episode is the concept of levitating washing. Zedaph showcases how to wash items in mid-air, adding a unique twist to the traditional washing process in Minecraft. This innovative approach not only adds a fun element to the game but also demonstrates… Read More

  • Insane Shizo Clickbait: Telos Realms Pro Guide Mid Game

    Insane Shizo Clickbait: Telos Realms Pro Guide Mid GameVideo Information This video, titled ‘Telos Realms – New Player Progression Guide Part 2 – Mid Game’, was uploaded by cebmofroz on 2024-09-21 19:00:07. It has garnered 1626 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:17 or 1457 seconds. Yoooo what’s up guys been a long time huh? Anyways if you wanna play this server its vanilla minecraft newest version of minecraft (1.21.1). and the ip is If you enjoy make sure to like and subscribe! I stream daily on twitch for 10+ hours a day so come check me out there! This will be… Read More

  • Unleash SonicGlare: Ultimate Herobrine Mod-Addon!

    Unleash SonicGlare: Ultimate Herobrine Mod-Addon!Video Information This video, titled ‘This Is the Best ” Herobrine Mod/Addon” For Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.21.20+!!’, was uploaded by SonicGlare on 2024-09-01 12:30:56. It has garnered 2174 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:10 or 130 seconds. This Is the Best ” Herobrine Mod/Addon” For Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.21.20+!! DOWNLOAD: Credit: @CloudLightning …_…|..__________ __________, , ……/ `-___________– _____|]THANKS FOR WATCHING …../_==o;;;;;;;;__ _____.:/ SUBSCRIBE 🔴 …..), -.(_(__) / ….// (..) ), –” …//___// ..//___// -Chapters- **Tags:** mod top minecraft pe modpacks minecraft pe 1.20 popular mods mcpe must-have addons best minecraft pocket edition modpacks mcpe… Read More

  • Unreal Duping Hack on | Mod in Comments

    Unreal Duping Hack on | Mod in CommentsVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to DUPE on Minecraft server! | Mod in comments’, was uploaded by RealDuper on 2024-08-23 17:21:59. It has garnered 2333 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:40 or 100 seconds. Link in the comments! ► VIDEO INHALT 00:00 Intro / Showcase 00:50 Block Break Dupe Methode 01:05 No Remove Shard Dupe 01:18 Showcase Tags(ignore): DONUTSMPDONUTSMPMCREKRAP2CPVPDUPEDUPING1. pvp,crystal pvp montage,crystal pvp texture pack,crystal pvp server,crystal pvp bedrock,crystal pvp guide,crystal pvp texture pack 1.19,crystal pvp mods,crystal pvp texture pack mcpe,crystal pvp practice server,crystal pvp packs,crystal pvp asmr,crystal pvp addon mcpe,crystal pvp advanced… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! NEXUS NOVA: MINECRAFT'S 1.19 BEST SEEDVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BEST SEED 1.19 #minecraft #gaming #trending #short’, was uploaded by NEXUS NOVA on 2024-05-10 07:16:58. It has garnered 484 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. MINECRAFT BEST SEED 1.19 #minecraft #gaming #trending #short #minecraft #minecraftmod #minecraftmyanmar #minecraftanimation #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbut #minecraftbuilding #minecraftroleplay #minecrafthorror #minecraftsmp #minecraft #animation victor #minecraft #pvp #shorts •артемчик – мкпе• #minecraft #shorst x_ cyber samurai _x #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #minecraftsurvival #kids gamer pro 2015 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #jump #gaming #running #drama pixelmon #minecraft #shorts #minecraft #evulation bencosme #minecraft animation #minecraft #fantasy #story minecraft the quest… Read More

  • INSANE Twist in Minecraft SMP #77 – Iron Everywhere! 🤯

    INSANE Twist in Minecraft SMP #77 - Iron Everywhere! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘This World Is Full Of Iron 🤯🤪!! Minecraft SMP #77’, was uploaded by Blitz Byte Play on 2024-05-29 15:00:50. It has garnered 249 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:38 or 278 seconds. This World Is Full Of Iron 🤯🤪!! Minecraft SMP #77 share, support, Subscribe!!! follow me on Instagram : business Email: [email protected] About:this channel is made for gaming videos comment me the game which you like to watch. Thank you so much for watching❤! #shorts #minecraft #gameplay #bgmi #gta5 #freefire #residentevil Read More

  • Secrets Unveiled in Minecraft with Ray and Friends

    Secrets Unveiled in Minecraft with Ray and FriendsVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Start of a Whole New World | Minecraft with Ray, Chibidoki, and Nagzz21’, was uploaded by BraggAboutIt on 2024-04-28 17:00:03. It has garnered 14216 views and 468 likes. The duration of the video is 06:58:08 or 25088 seconds. Recorded on April 10th, 2024 at Crew: Ray: Ray: Chibidoki: Nagzz21: Follow Matt Bragg on Twitter! Join the Mage Discord! Follow the Mage Community on Twitter! YT Team Sky: ArleyDino #minecraft #multiplayer #twitchvod #minecraftsurvival #minecraftbuilding Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Launda LIVE | Join Public SMP 🔴

    Insane Minecraft Launda LIVE | Join Public SMP 🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Minecraft Live | Join My | Public LifeStael Smp | Java+Pe 24/7 Online’, was uploaded by Insane launda on 2024-07-07 23:24:33. It has garnered 224 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:07 or 2107 seconds. Hello Everyone Welcome to my stream … Enjoy!!! If u are new here and wanna support me do Like share and susbscribe and don’t forget to click on the bell icon.. for more ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________ For Business and Brand Deals Mail✉️- [email protected] ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ✅️ Old Device 🥵viovo Y20g 4|64 ✅️ Current Device 🥰 IPad… Read More

The Story of Minecraft’s EPIC Ancient Jungle City! | The ULTIMATE Survival World Movie – Part 3