The True Gingershadow – LEGENDARY SUPER SAIYAN 3! || Dragon Block Unleashed Episode 12 (Minecraft DBC Modpack)

Video Information

Hello everybody ginger shadow here and welcome back to some more dragon block Unleashed with me and yes so um last time I had a little bit of a fete with a thing a key freezer and it went well we won also hold on we have the main craft Spinella the

Excess but it’s a bit awkwardly placed on there an old screen Abby okay um you had a favor freezer it was terrifying kids he may have one shot me know it sure didn’t risk it his second / third from that surely feed actually transferred to 30 I wasn’t really

Looking at the saying but I was told to his third for him I didn’t crackler damage to me didn’t he transform like three more times after that then to say no form in his famous semi buff for him then his final buff buff form that was

Fun ah I was playing with fire with that face if I get hit once I will screwed luckily though between turbo mode legendary all that jazz basically the speed and all that we managed to keep up managed to get way so arrow key to get away from his energy lesson time and not

Die and it managed to kill him essentially also wailed hairstyle by old hairstyle kind of like my well texto cuz it’s very similar well this thing needs to get trashed I did warn people I did say don’t put these here yet no one this insist of a getting broken

We’re gonna speak the car and grab a sense I mean no I’m actually most used to because since Ben suck though because you need to be hungry to use one which sucks why is that thing that is like well the worst thing since we’re not using since the beans to fill up our

Hunger bar mate we’re using it fill up our health bar is our health through no other than will being a buddy since have been filled up every like sir but Jin won’t letters cuz he’s changed its the bastards better I’m speaking and hopefully doesn’t update soon the mod

Some cool stuff kids you know Super Saiyan extra dark blue it’s may be coming out in the next one I have no idea but that forms actually cold is there an actual legit canon name for it yeah it like because never really it’s just for Gia’s Super Saiyan blue or advanced blue era

No there’s no real actual name for that heard other than just a lot of different can I find names which take your pinky at that point take your pick but yeah hopefully soon so we get a plus apparently yeah there’s gonna be a version of that for a simple son rules

So that’d be cool very cool right let’s go over here get wait-listed before anything else also yeah so last video got like turned in for delay she’ll think you’re very much Lana cuz that two people can we listed also she’d mentioned a former sponsor Shara rafter ever you keep coming saying I’m a

Sponsor could I go and please beer not a sponsor anymore I checked the sponsor listing and I replied to you but you didn’t see it you just respond in our video which makes me think you’re not you’ve been looking at the comments and stuff and looking at their responses and

Stuff and you know thought that change check you make sure your sponsor for you’re saying you’re a sponsor do it’s like you’ve done it for multiple videos now you’ve been wrong so come on but right then every two people got wait-listed those two people are x-craft

Gaming and Crawley 1 1 0 3 both you’re wait-listed modpack IP and link to the dragon block seem odd should be down below rights anyway allows to be beat frees up as I said and know beyond that we will need to fake freezer inking cold I’m not looking forward to setting a

Very hard fate but to prepare training cause I’ve been training I’ve got some points anyway I already had like 2000 from last year so it’s not actually that much I did train guys but I have no got enough so I can get form 5 which I’m

Curious where this is gonna allow me to do so we’re gonna lock this first cuz of course we’re 5000 points okay oh geez right and ever get 6 no G points to player so either I’m gonna put them in stance or I’m going to make another key attack cuz yeah key attacks

Are quite handy I do like key attacks he attacks are quite useful Oh boss you haven’t probably make it like that but yeah there’s a bunch of different things we could get like desk blasts all that jazz okay that cost more than blasts but less than big blasts cast aim for ya

Cast aims higher but killed own smaller I’m actually make a disc just to go really fast disc you move that cubic kill plus it seems to be the damage is the same to my weight when you go to so yeah could be worth it

That’s a bit like it has to max a desk something extras 30 points wait what I put up too late Jesus 1500 ya success 300 points that point okay that’s a thing then say I wanted to make a very particular color like see right yo case at that point God’s been 1904

Wants to make a really powerful disc how they do that actually in the dis sir just so quick I don’t really use this so often I make your disc NYX sixth I’ve got my I’ve got my little explosive e-blast which is like crap very much it just it’s quick explodes yay

They’ve got the big one which is big which means it’s harder to dodge and it’s got a bunch of power behind it yay so now I go for a small disc next time I know for pigs keep it explosion on a disc actually that thing hold on

The dirt yeah you can oh god that means good even oh Jesus oh I need so many points now oh that what an exploding disc I’ll be lost I came to do I came to do this is it be kill hey guys if it’s a theistic I probably don’t want to

Explore I probably just want to cut something so yeah I’ll probably probably just give the disc just its normal form there if we do that I don’t know I’m not sure but I’ll just put in points no bright let’s go super Oh first first with the first there’s nothing here okay

Next we’re going home actually no before we go home KJ the hey pretend you just to see what people been doing with it curates also a peek down here the brachot our bed purse yeah kids dude stand there it’s been bins down there okay that’s cool um don’t use up –

Alright let’s have a depict cloud bits in tough for the vote oh okay don’t know why but sure right in here what’s what’s changed in here oh god I’m a very slow so I training in here are the wors all right so if you just tried making more little

Bit still a trade off go I’m not not much bloody giant what the hell why is that here oh my god alright hold the bus oh my god oh oh no oh no no no no no kill them all quick oh god oh god this is a good slash

Difficulty peaceful Jesus Christ I was incredible oh my god it was alifair it’s a place they’re just spotting no one stopped under this tree and they because of the only like it’s the only place in this area it’s like the old respond rapidly oh my god mental there’s clothes in here

What’s the cloud thinks this is an actual sky II owe you / Phil that’s no but this is did someone prove that she their debts spawn naturally there’s no way that spawn naturally surely it is there right surely cuz you have the cheese can’t you just spawn in here they

Go to spawn and talk but that someone must have put dirt there right must have been how it goes clothes the hyperbolic time chamber naturist and some weird things too swamped oh my god alright well I’m glad it came in here look at this that was worth it for a laugh

Oh my god yeah don’t go near the blaze is it Larry just kills your framerate cuz they’ll shoot fireballs they should more fireballs and they’re naturally meant to oh my god but going over to ya our home let’s go over here I try some experiments so uh right fool power to

Fill power our damage strength that’s at 20 oh that Jose we go up to legendary Super Saiyan that Bicester power up 230 so essentially that’s doing is adding an extra 45 on to that stat I think all the stats yes yes as 45 got all the stats then basically

Doubles it kill our legendary doubles it plus we get defensive before 61% next we go to legend basis per say I didn’t to that mr. Perret 180 thus giving his next ride whoa that’s 75 an extra 75 points on each stat then doubling it with legendary give us a defensive pistol 75%

Kill now we go with the next level legendary super saiyan 3 which looks bloody ridiculous but it’s super saiyan 3 what he expects god that dreams ki quick great that blister oh jesus christ at Bicester power up by a hundred points I said it name percent a defensive burst

And and it’s all doubled that is lovely okay absolutely I mean using right okay so that’s that experiment done that the thing the next thing I wanna test I’d have enough key for this damn it I want to test the Power Ball I’m told at this level we knew can do

Our super seen for so long as we use the power pole and all that jazz I just confirm superseding – great – okay we’re right power up da da da da da da da Oh giant red monkey mode right there we go golden giant red monkey mouth or

Legendary giant monkey oh there we go even further beyond no you serve a they lied to me people said you could do yes people say it’s like a super day for you carry one more level it’s trying it’s trying to boost me up till it superseded for does it worry it’s just

Raining all Mikey rapidly tired transform oh that’s a shame we did our best that’s a shame what’s our stats looking like this hundred four okay so they’re not all that great no all that great super same one quali coop right so I cannot go super saiyan for yet

FYI two people are wondering cuz I saw some comments say you can get it but now I need one more level I think I think is it how it works is level 6 you can go servicing for through Lazaro level 7 you can just go super saiyan for whenever

You want is that how it works it could be I don’t know I’m not a hundred percent sure also just to know I still don’t have a name tag which is really sad because I’d quite like a name tag out make life a lot easier when it comes

To naming the things I like to be up but oh well that’s okay just quickly check how is it you make a girl rabbit eating but I also just confirm yell cam recording not I’m recording that streaming profane good good how’d you go gravity chamber just just to check that

Gravity gym Bert OOP we need three tier T chip sketch in which can we get from the dragon tier see requires diamonds lapis that requires glowstone and lapis lazuli that requires all that stuff okay so the choir is quite a lot of resources then I know I’ve got a lot of diamonds

Though to make that actually no I dug the what the what the crystals anymore I mean I also don’t have yeah I’m touring for can make TSP chips no obviously I can’t make the thing with other catching shards I’m not using the dragon for that what I may need provide and make use

Piranhas for that though because probably gives you three issues me I could get all three of the Kachina shard if I wanted or at least I think that’s how it works but okay so I need tier 2 and tier 1 kill that means I need to

Make two lots of tier 1 which means ever need at least yes six of those crystals six cactus all that jazz okay then I did some it yeah then can get to your two chip there any to tier 2 chips which means I’m gonna need 7 so I need 7 lots

Of tier 1 okay alright in three lots basically three lots of it to get seven of them killed that makes one of them but you know you ain’t actually 21 yes God wait a minute nobody holds all and that requires one in there so that requires sorry so I’m

Getting six tier two and three tier one to get that for sixth tier two I’m going to need it is what I wonder yeah it’s 20 was it really great okay I didn’t miss can’t say I can’t it right how to make a good scarer hey it’s here to mean 3

Skippers tier 3 ah more of those damn it’s that’s a lot of stuff I just need to pick up as I go then so that’s the thing Coco Oh someone’s back in the world damn it looks like slightly more awkward that one sleep yay there we go

Right okay we’ve got Super Saiyan 3 so that’s handy but that does drain I wore a key very quickly the para pissed is there and it gives me an extra little defense buff but I don’t I still don’t think that’ll be enough to close the gap between myself and freezer I don’t think

It would be it’s vegetarian chili 50 points on actually yes extra 50 points that I think of it says so the same two gives me 75 points Super Saiyan 3 gives me 25 extra on top excuse me 100 tall then it’s doubled oh so it gives me quell our points need strength dexterity

And willpower we need my energy attacks we’ve actually a host of my energy attacks hold on go full power let’s see let’s see what my maximized ki blasts does yeah and I suppose key bar so damage it max would be 58 at this point I’ll be overcharging

It probably when I got to this for him it gives me 470 I got to this form boom goes up to seven hundred and five okay that’s pretty good now go a step beyond even though Oh Super Saiyan 3 Nate 901 okay so that’s pretty good espouse break heads duh

It doesn’t use a lot a key which is good giving Super Saiyan 3 requires an absolute crap ton okay Jesus look how fast that’s going down good in 50 a bit oh my god containing oh yeah Jin’s come seriously Optima made that takes but yeah my dad

Down enjoy I’m doing absolute crap done though oh my god alright so we’re not gonna want to try and maintain that for him that’s not gonna work it farewell yes so ptarmigan needs Super Saiyan 4 or something like that sooner rather than later his super saiyan 4 is better to keep maintain that

Bear or god form but god form requires at least three other sayings to help me out so that’s a challengers in itself Jesus also guys confirm Dragon Balls anywhere no okay just like check make with Namek actually now I take a good look for Dragon Balls die beggar died they’re

Giving you know I go off for the dragon balls already so good plus I would like to make you grab a she embrace forgetting the with chin whoever the cold things is a bit good idea the coat that’s why I’m not catching nicotine shards my time but I was confusing the

Crystals well the crystals call again where an eye where an eye crystals maybe I expressed I don’t know I’m not very good at this I’m never gonna claim to begin to this alright well let’s let’s jump over to Namak and we’ll give this a try you’ll

See if we get any dragon balls plus we can cure things but well they’re probably for the best right nope let us know in the comments what ever think should I say for next more stat points I mean it’s that I’m probably the most the cleverest thing where I go for

An hour key blast I don’t know which one I want to go for on top of the I need to get our 10 points in mains so I can get more power in super form eventually we’re just gonna call thank that’s gonna be so much grinding

Oh gods oh okay so so few people mention a bit potential niche by the way so potential this is a skill that gets me get a higher percentage or power aka the ten levels of that gets me up from a fifty percent I’m currently at twelve

Hundred percent it has been a lot my full potential essentially cool that’s is pretty good I’ll give you that but in order to unlock it I would need to pay a hundred points into mains which are talking lake it’s if it’s just a hundred teams are seventy four of them that’d be seven

Thousand four hundred points it’s gonna go up so scale it’s probably going to be closer to eight nine thousand points and total um yes that’s quite a law that’s Cuellar points and a lot of main to be putting in plus ten means even more expensive and I won’t get other stats I

Think there’s more important things than potential unlocked unfortunately because yes how does it be to get to a hundred percent i I just don’t think it’d be worth it for how much it how much I’d be costing ah at least not when you’ve not got like super

Forms that to make even meteor I don’t know all right let’s quickly go yeah let’s go up to Namak good train there kill things all that just also wait I mean a buckets lying in that thing of the whole line because she I need to pick up all the other green water and

Corns at some point since the person they put it there’s not moving it also hello dinosaurs hi hey there oh hi oh god I like whom you’re higher than me it makes annoyed go away off the cliff you go Dino with no arm it was been really

In can be be born with no arms and just long legs than make a big long neck as well he’s just asking for it to get hit by something oh I would suck you guys still don’t want damage to me it’s quite saddening actually there’s a thought clothing I don’t have good clothing

Isn’t this but like seen armor isn’t that like yeah it’s crystals fine yellow to Chris’s I can exceed armor I probably be worth way oh just so you know I don’t die pretty much oh there’s a thought there’s a thought thought thought I’ll see you guys are getting pretty hard today what

The hell you guys all riled up high like seriously they’re hitting weight hard I normally think you do this it’s very weird oh right you’re all dead good alright slap a guy bucket sword in here just FYI do you feel it they’re hitting me hard they normally do oh it stung me I

Getting hit by that I mean they look at my house almost killed me right dad barely buckets in here oh yeah I’m just laying is another thing I did not okay so this isn’t I don’t buckets in this way unless I make them kill only to clear that layer then I may just

Destroy the liquid water then in that case all right well let’s quickly um where’s Matt where’s my par there’s no pot right now look look look on Bam Bam go eat gotcha great so jump jump off jump straight into the fire well done me right this

Repeat freezer I think he’s I don’t know this is very you first I tried to fake freeze of the first day that was it that was it this is very felt freeze for the first time it did not go well also probably should be punching this day and start with their scarier but

Skipper yeah dragon ball radar but well right jeez head I want to do this then I need the Dragon Balls that is a given I’m not gonna get much experience fighting you feel strength though power down there we go peridot into my normal 5% for training purposes make sense God has mala below

Of them I can deal with one not Morrible well mimics hello I hear you bunch of Dragon bow of any chance god that amazing the kids oh we’re broken if you cared that’d be funny maybe tops of dragon boats was up on the radar Oh that’d be really clop they actually

Dinosaurs could eat dragon balls just like dragon just occasional in the radio just show it from Dana so obviously having it on them or something in a dress basically they just record off a dragon but it shows up on them on the radar that’d be so cool cuz it’s been a

Thing in dragon ball hasn’t it of mobs eating not mobs uh animals eating the dragon balls and stuff that’s the thing I was so cool I’d like that leave a bit more to give a bit more to our Dragon bow searching thing and also comping options Tilikum exists like

Seven Dragon Balls at once that’d be cool too but that one’s gonna happen now we’ve been trace notes you can write if you remember seven Dragon Balls the entire server grab out fandom yeah so giant dragon ball yeah I need like another three or four I forget mani damn

It’s a long way to go hi ah dammit I get a corner bit second punji well you’re it you can surprisingly violent today being surprisingly finally always try and kill you what you’re on about oh I know it’s cuz you normally lower down that’s what it is

No I’m lower down and um I start praying that’ll yeah they’re moving about really weird today but the mobs are moving in for the kill a lot more violently than normally do nobody’s let me stand to give more breaks and they sense the war also right

No no don’t do that way don’t be that way we need that I said we’re telling girl the enemies that are let me see odd things you want to get Gower all right please stop paying them try to beat got the edge dammit minutes from that no just want to

Punch the me because that’s wrong well yeah your margarine up bulks thinking you’re murdering a bulks who cares also known in their TV you’re not turning off bloody television TV shut down because you’ve not played with the buttons for oh no stop it TV you know what should

Turn off I certainly don’t want you to turn off so don’t do that right as a crate where’s gonna ignore that well if I say it now obviously well if I fail you like legendary mode but like or like the very basic legendary mode but that it yeah they’re Mikey draining would you

Draining through the way up I didn’t build them in teen that’s the Rodya also she probably some hammer player I love the new design for the dragon reader it’s so much better than the old one Obama’s socks because like it liked your game a rag two frames out that’s horrible

Alright least explodes placed X but never mind this you don’t leave fire everywhere like you’re bloody one hit it brothers creeps oh so creepy yes why they’re coke creeps oh my god obvious that’s why they’re called creeps all those another reason is a create the creeps cousin creepy

I mean a creepers but they’re also creepy kids also punch Italy the perfect distance there make yo ass bear perfectly back trading in a corner yeah these guys are acting normo see this is what normally happens they stand still for a bet you get a little bit but break

Because they get confused no Dommy Dommy is very much hey you know the ones that they were getting like very enemy even those punched in the batter just keep moving forwards in some type of a truck maybe four I know maybe for all I know it’s

Got the drug called one of those mental mods I put in that makes them bit more mental than their Amelie are that could definitely thing I mean if anger my poison 1800 I can make that disc attack right now today oh there’s a plan I wasn’t actually planning to do that I

Came every thought about it I’ve got 40 points they’re just off that dinosaur hello yes come towards me my little friends yes you’re you’re being awkward stop being awkward ah there we go alright perfect no you can still give me a little bit you and your awkwardly long necks

Punching me with his long neck Paulie how it’s working ah stop it stop jumping so now now go away you creak he’s coming damn it he’s ruined everything God freakin it he’s been still hit pretty hard I will say the hip pretty bloody ah for God’s sake go away bloody

Creeps hate them I’ll send more feds about X I’ve got food that I actually need to fit that munching run – get out no no your boots in before bounce up that Liege you son of a I hate you stupid ugly armless dinosaur Dom hey I’m just gonna fray the Triceratops I wanna

Fight these ones anymore they’re awkward and I know you’re gonna hate them yeah now whatever that screw that one over there should ki blast at it I did only 27 points facts and Cupra Mak a pawn because it’s being awkward it was bouncing up ledges and stuff I didn’t

Want it so being annoying god damn it that’s right let’s turn our one Wendy spawned anyway funny annoying thing hello and right yells no point going after an end Reilly just tell probably mad beasts the ball I think if I didn’t put colouring or in my

Be my coup de Vaca 1800 spy refused now if I’m gonna make this beat and make this dish I’m making the color I want but I’ve already got my two regular ones I want more colourful ones what more coloring ones oh oh we’re playing this

Game are we okay I see her is bring it bring it cooking on oh god what’s got creeper a I said I love her creepers can just be dragging on pretty much any mob said you can write on the backs of dinosaurs and on the heads are pretty much every arm

Up in this actual extinct you because basically because they’re basically girl animation texture design things they’ve got every the model that they’ve got right now is a girl makes it look it’s actually sitting on the back of the thing raiding it like it’s kind of it works it works there’s a

Normal creeper look a bit awkward but this is Liz it’s like sitting on mounted it so it can like fly around in teleport rodent I like I can’t one of those things have American like tell apart over to hep amazing amazing but the teleporting is random it be editing

After that amazing just on it for a minute also hello a little a little dungeon is it dungeons that have a little look then shall we oh so no dragon balls on the radar that’s a shame but uh probably been here before let’s have a look hi Thor ooh iron in diamonds

And a saddle lovely there’ll be a saddle fire I’ll figure something out duh well I was needing more I um so sure why not don’t need more that though else we go doctor yeah but I’m not faking where’s your people now it’s probably the best place to go train next mainly just cuz

It can also stock up on day no meat oh I’m doing it so that’s handy it’s a graveyard there in graveyards have name tags in them I don’t know it’s possible I guess have a look and see no dragon balls though that’s a shame well I’m a put it

Off the server and refreshed it sounds like a cheap basically cheap and reset it look the goal of trying to make it spawn here about I’m not doing that I’m not gonna do em roads in a grave okay makes sense guard gravekeeper’s being like rich and all that jazz obviously

That’s that so the more works oh these ugly thanks you’re the first oh hello I gotta kiss bone in stone persons oh wait hold on seventeen some more round here little big t-rex yeah there is there’s no one there Oh beautiful that may be enough maybe I yes okay no no

More walking this is enough then this is not come difficut for after lists here at the f3 back hit base so yay bloody stone dragon balls lovely lovely lovely yay hello hi can I find like the perfect no no no you’re ruining everything you ugly that I sang oh I

Hate you so much you ruined everything I had this thinking perfect spa and there’s bloody fading me oh I didn’t sign the perfect spot he wasn’t able to hit me we can use to move and stuff that’s just irritating so because that bad said I’m gonna fly

Down here it’s probably just tell burn the place randomly you normally just tell partner and push around you don’t normally come feel it you tell put on top you attack you now I’d say no I’m not gonna tell partners good move towards this guy I’m gonna go and have a

Little go of them he’s clearly busy and I’m gonna ruin his day and it did I’m gonna fight this thing the slow way which I don’t appreciate at all I don’t want to do no I refuse and a few years refining the perfect distance this is the perfect distance bar unfortunately I’ve all

Don’t yes oh so annoying it was in the corner it was perfect my warning crystals in here came just confirm that a crystal swing around just FYI is this a quick hurry hi there hi go away oh my god you know stop it please I hate them

I hate them cause of the frame drop that’s it though I don’t actually like they don’t they’re not actually that much heat those things I hate those things just in general don’t evil beings basically they’re evil beings up my own creationist books have made it sort of

This evil with all the mods I mixed in I made them this bags I am my own worst enemy I make the mod packs but can you blame me it’s different die you son of a I got three crystals from that should really be collecting them as much this it alright

Small boffin many many are and God has so many of them you know there are they doing much to bear damage to me but starlets that die why you’re not running oh for God’s sake does everything I ever leaving I mean okay it’s training but still I

Don’t want to be here no we’re not going that way Oh Miguel we’re going back say no we’re not reading this bit first any christos any crystals down this way I say nametag maybe yes no dammit I miss hope bang hoping for a miracle there spiders user annoying why

Is there Senate Aras here Oh Krystal minute no you made me slow martyring you all I’m going to fill power no screw you all everything needs to die was it you you think it gave me slowness the phone it’s it probably is this

The lives of so many of you wise or so many you book her off I hate you you’re in my die during a day everything oh by the way have you have a meadow pregnant don’t make me buy to me I am just like breaking their bit more than

Normal do it that’s probably mostly down to the massive that heat in my room right now I’m literally milling I’m literally melting as I play it’s terrible really voice what 18 sorry we’re actually getting their actual ability a disc but into this no lost I’m

An ER G all right first put that down second eats the meat lovely fine no no 5% there we go five percents enough normally alright it’s a girls let’s make seen armor cuz that’s handy and we could definitely use some yeah sounds like a plan alright hello dinosaurs hey thanks guys

Those dragon Bulls were stoned does that mean someone’s used per Unga recently I know if that’s actually heard the mod works I feel is hairy the mod should work if someone use piranha recently then the Dragon Balls were spawning and I don’t that is how it works by hope is

Yes someone used piranhas recently then Mayo someone mad do I even need to revise I think there’s still people trapped in Hill at this point so maybe someone took pay I’ll never say to revive them because that you can take a look at revive a player they don’t get

Just teleports I don’t need to go to king yama still so technically I could like pick up my dragons and revive any one that’s already yet it tell me whose dad’s to give me the option oblem little thing shows up but oh yeah I can train

Off bats lovely no no no there we go that’s better here a mimic don’t know where is though it’s not good sorry parents or just run away whatever I think it is still over there them oh that’s quick what nerve why Cesare me bats that’s a cave then again it’s probably

Cuz the mines making them spawn more cuz you’re normally bad superior than that yeah I’m feeling like for their uh it’s I liked if I did it’s so dark underground like we’ve got the dynamic light so I can just walk around as I walk I just see like mobs that coming

Into form I think that’s beautiful I think that’s beautiful hello hi lovely creep Shawna you want to do your thing yeah let me go that’s one day oh my god is a party explodes look harder there’s like more things here worth okay it’s a lot of things here to kill I’m gonna

Have a good time Oh er me and called webs now okay first thing ow jerk all right hold on prey are is very spider-woman all right go okay and right shot to the party that’s just great so many things coming up oh my god it’s the endless stream of fatal flaw bleep

Ah sorry most of things just died there I’m slowly dying to this by the way like they are actually doing in almost there though almost there it’s the few more points I’ll be there and they’re all dead and then more just come flying up in the underneath paint lovely also up

To go Wow poisoned me who’s the jerk that poisoned me who took the party a bit too far hey let’s get a bit too far and say hey I’m gonna poison that guy no no no merely payment you credit said yeah they don’t get the bomber guys yes here we

Act but the cape on sorry okay Paul let’s go right now this part here eats em Oh God Oh God so he’s hit me pretty hard or they’re all just to me up he hit me pretty hard oh no it’s just my defenses all gone oh my god

No take that off Jesus Christ it’s also wasting it but yeah okay they’re way people might have way too quick I’m almost there I’m slowed they’ve slowed me okay right don’t hang out in there that’s just suicides thank God being poisons like horrible ah I died I’m done being poison goods right

Didn’t just ditch that ditch that brick and I’m a billionaire come on camera yeah Matt thank you how does the goal I am there okay now can I want these crystals so I’m just gonna fill power and kill everything in this room let’s go let’s go oh god Cooper went too far

Hello bye girl it’s just doesn’t end hey I just want to get cocky think I’m literally slow because something slowed me it’s the worst thing if you watch looks Shing fireballs it’s like really everything all right where’s my god oh my god can things stop spawning please I

Just need a minute where is me there’s no stop it stop hates jerk got one gosh I’m out here all I want to don’t care anymore I don’t care anyway that was mental things are just endlessly spawning it’s horrible we’re leaving Oh more crystals here I stay really

Those more crystals here though we take the crystals first am relieving alright ever after Neven up here um which way out I do not know I do not know leave me alone ugly thing yeah okay don’t fate blame nice just silly man you know I

Just stopped he just gave it here oh my god where you’re coming from they’ve been on is what the crystals so I won’t go away why is it endless two of creeps coming oh my god crap grab it and go grab it and go this is an end this endless underground it’s just

Endless we’re getting out of here no we’re not narrowing I’m very brave my pickaxe and punching these enemies the minute go away here’s stop chasing you stupid horseman yep get back get back yeah you’re get to leave that’s our night I don’t who you are and why you’re

Invisible what you need to die oh god my brain is melting I kind of handle this heat anymore right sure to fake it I’ll get our pickaxe lovely hate you things interrupt me all the time that’s horrible up we go alright so that’s the way up up Marv Oh dirt yes

Right there whoa freedom freedom no Dragon Balls it’s off the chain Oh alright where I got a lot of crystals enough to make armor and possibly some of the things we need so that’s lovely actually pay enough to make the training room maybe maybe alright so I’ve got a three armor

Though also doesn’t the door ever have to be that key blast I wanted to so we’re gonna do that disk then very fast full pal we’re we’re gonna make your rate we’re not gonna make you explode be silly uh what I calling this I don’t know crap

Crimson key disk now is this a very good crimson desk is crimson desk wait what I’m saying what it costs extra for TT no no I can use extra fortune to be going out that’s fine right uh next yeah that one says fine go that sounds like a disk sorry 100 yes

All dis noise isn’t it yeah okay that’s insane there’s not many options for a disk okay except boom we’ve got it I’ll sir Daniel maximize its not maximized I think where this isn’t maximize alright store this long way Jesus Christ then the group favors underground fighting in this is

Mental like see generally if you’re not prepared going underground if you’d actually give you some trouble because they wiped it by help pretty quick there FYI very so we can know do this that the da crimson disk lovely right so wait hold on what is it hair strong is that

Okay so it’s actually a slightly weaker than my current one potential base damage name a potential – damage I understand that’s it powered up though it’s actually a better set yeah they’re the same then does the damage is slightly different it’s just obviously the size and density and speeds

Different so this is a quick fill part one and the big beam is just a fact big I feel powered one but it’s slow so it becomes a question obvious I need to throw this disc acting’s it also is very quick yeah it’s really speedy unlike the other thing so

There are things just big it takes more time energy to like : transpose sure it’s got big cooling because that this one’s got really short cut American like train is really fast hopefully so how do how do i power this up what do we think we should do should we make it bigger

Maybe kids make it fire and then they killed doesn’t matter and casting does embarrass we don’t acknowledge them energy cost is non-existent statins really matter say it comes to down to damage speeds in size we have 10 points to play with what do you think we should

Do with this disk let us know in the comments down below I’ve been interested to see what kind of threats people would have for a little 10 points over those three stats or people are wonderful keys to other stats feel free to them look where are the people

Anyway thank you very much for watching I hope y’all enjoyed the show Alber yeah finishing up for Z day I think um but yeah we’ve got a disk we can I can train now it’s time go spell the kill I have no got enough of the data that’s

Got dynamic Mickey on Dragon Balls to some impairing gah so I forget he works does he let you survive multiple players does he let you get mobile things or is it just multiply I forget her works or Pronger I remember in the old days it used to be pretty

Much like if you ask for a catch in stride you get one hour Shinran but you get like three or per longer because Pronger just multiplied it as like the same wish three times over I don’t know if genes change that now so there’s no longer works in the comment

Section if you remember I don’t wanna waste them and test the testing them break that anyway leave a like if you enjoyed the show and I will see you guys next time for some more dragon the block Unleashed so I’ll see you so then for that thank you all for watching

Go buy a rub body

This video, titled ‘LEGENDARY SUPER SAIYAN 3! || Dragon Block Unleashed Episode 12 (Minecraft DBC Modpack)’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2018-06-03 16:00:01. It has garnered 6683 views and 230 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:53 or 2753 seconds.

LEGENDARY SUPER SAIYAN 3! || Dragon Block Unleashed Episode 12 (Minecraft DBC Modpack)

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For great minecraft server hosting and many other game servers check out Nitrous my server provider —————————————————————————- Intro Made by CraftedArts | VFX Channel-

DBC Intro Made By Ragdoll ~ Simon M. Channel-

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Music- Ivan Torrent – Human Legacy Itunes Link- ————————————————————————— All credit for channel avatar and channel art go to Zaromaru go check out the stuff he gets upto!

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    The ULTIMATE 12 BEST Minecraft PE/Bedrock Addons!Video Information This video, titled ‘LOS 12 MEJORES ADDONS [MODS] Para Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.21’, was uploaded by JaarXD on 2024-06-17 21:07:44. It has garnered 70712 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:25 or 1345 seconds. What’s up, people? 😁 In this video I bring you a TOP OF SURVIVAL MODS/ADDONS for your Minecraft worlds. I hope you support this video. Take care of yourself and see you in the next video ❤️ ➥ Versions 1.21 ➥ 1000 LIKES FOR MORE! ➥ Download and installation tutorial ► ➥ Social networks + Contact ► Contact – [email protected] ►… Read More

  • Yuki Falls into the Abyss?! 😱 | Twitch Minecraft Streamer

    Yuki Falls into the Abyss?! 😱 | Twitch Minecraft StreamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Noo i fell… #twitch #minecraft #mcstreamer #streamer #twitchstreamer #youtubeshorts #clips #gaming’, was uploaded by Spooky Yuki on 2024-02-09 09:00:06. It has garnered 16 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. FOLLOW MY SOCIALS!: 🌸 TWITCH: TICKETS: Read More

  • Epic GamerFleet Reaction: Dev Bhai Strikes Again! 💀

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The True Gingershadow – LEGENDARY SUPER SAIYAN 3! || Dragon Block Unleashed Episode 12 (Minecraft DBC Modpack)