The True Gingershadow – SO I’VE GOT NO SKILLS, SO WHAT? Minecraft That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime Mod Episode 2

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Hello everybody Ginger so here and welcome back to that time I got wrinkly there’s a slime with somebody we indeed did get reincarnated into a horrible world that hates us if my death coat was ending to go by last time so uh yeah yeah we’re here we did the whole

Reincarnation thing raw lizards which we can change later down the line we can we can do some bits to change that that’s not too big a deal let’s be honest we’d probably rather be a Slimer demon though yeah it is that or maybe like a goblin

Maybe just because they have a lot of evolution Brands just eventually lead them to going to think they only wrote think because he’s trying to always and stuff so I don’t know so uh yeah just bear things out there so I have to work towards that unfortunately all

Those other 37 deaths of those three bastard skeletons didn’t count so um yeah she’s set to be careful today you won’t be losing a big old lizard there uh yeah the world’s quite violent uh we’ve got bad mobs in which makes it so you know all the things are

Going to spot in that are from the mod so uh yeah basically on our toes anyway since last time first episode I have added a couple of mods I just thought of a few more I should add in like I forgot typing backpacks which was definitely on my list of was I

Should add in and I just completely forgot about it so uh yeah I always forget about backpacks I don’t know why my brain always assumes it’s in it’s like it’s not you almost never put it in I don’t know why you never put it in it should be is such a usable mod

Ah whatever anyway I did put in the model uh Magic crease mods so there’s that I’ve got this thingy don’t worry about a different day but um yeah I I kind of probably need to store my stuff somewhere so I probably should pick one of these houses because these place

Like these places are somewhat safe also not enough experience oh it’s trying to evolve me like why is it doing that oh it’s evolution yeah I don’t know how you have all the lizard man into Dragon Utes so we’ll not worry about it eh

Oh so this is in fact the house I was actually uh sleeping before is that Sunday it’s okay I’ll shove my spear thingy armor there that’s fine shout the bat there and put all the other random bits there uh also yeah this is cooked spider leg is uh really good in terms of

Hunger in terms of you can hit you need to be careful you’re standing on edge of one person shoving another right I think so you’re very witness a murderer not quite it was close um I was like I was supposed to store that in there too I uh things whenever they’re talking

About no idea completely oh yeah this fire like stuff yeah it gives a bunch of nefx 18 the form of things like the extra Hearts you get from it and a whole bunch of food and things which according to comment section it gives a huge amount of saturation as well so

Definitely good for worth trying to get hold of because it’s off those spiders I can’t exactly deal with those spiders we bear weaponry and other bits for that also it’s night time so we’re gonna make the date we’re gonna we’re gonna quickly make it dig again before I head down there

Okay I’m so many advantages over last time we have better armor now somewhat um going on and we have an armor rating in general which is just better I suppose and yeah some of his Enchanted which is an odd one but apparently that is part of my researcher skill apparently when I

Make something there is like a 10 chance it will come Enchanted and I’m not entirely sure like I I kind of just sped through it last time I’m not sure what the mechanic is of like how I TR like how I know I’ve triggered it because well there’s a lot

Of things where I went and chanted and I grabbed it and it stopped being Enchanted and bumped it up so I had to work that one out a bit more uh with a bit of testing and stuff but that’s fine we can build things later and you know 10 chance I’ll eventually

Figure it out also emeralds also other animal glorious uh that’s just think of researcher other thing of researchers apparently I access the portable table things and stuff cyber Souls now I don’t know how you access those but apparently I had them so I was told that said duddies are not opening so I

Don’t know I don’t either I don’t know about that one apparently according to think I get access to Portable tables but I haven’t seen a lot of beyond the thing I can’t click that onto there because that’s just saying where it is okay basically I got a really passive ability

A really passive ability that’s not really gonna do much for me in the immediate time I’ll then maybe give me a couple of enchants for free so at least that uh so basically playing with that skill for now so I need to try and get a hold of other skills probably

By going and killing things so I guess going getting more stuff would be a good idea to start us off also All right what’s coming first today I’ll play with golf would look for things and bumper doors Goblin Village I I can’t remember how you recruit minions in this like there is a like can we name things are we strong enough to do that I don’t know we’ve not got a huge number of

Magicals I can’t remember how you get more magicals I I think you get more magic Cooks by using magic cubes and then it regenerates and you get slightly more is that how that works again we can’t remember I I’d like to be able to remember though I’ll still Bonk Bonk Bonk out

Should you keep killing fault like that whenever we see them there is a very very very small chance we will get their skill if we do that so that’s one thing also who want to eventually get you know rank up to demon Lords got to start collecting souls and all that which and

Behind this her keys we could come across people that had multiple Souls of kicking mobile Souls often because in the theory if someone else was collecting Souls okay you don’t fight with that one that one’s the Berserker guy I really want his skill because it’s a really good skill but

There’s no [ __ ] where I can beat the guy so we’re just gonna leave him alone I think oh yeah we’re grabbing the important decision to make as well so we took Refuge up in that little sky village and you got a carefully safe for the night and build battle that said the

Giant [ __ ] spider did appear and did in fact killed some folks over there or like I’m assuming it did yeah that they got away I don’t know either way though there was a giant spider so monsters can spawn up there and in theory we can I just heard the bone rattling of a

Skeleton that put Fury me there and giant skeletons don’t care if if they’re in the sunlight I don’t think that’s uh that’s good starting um okay I’m assuming I’m safe I saw her to sleep bone rattling there I got scared do I deal with this again also these factors I’m pretty sure you

Guys are violent so Bears stay away from you but I can probably run you’ve got speed boost going on now Roy oh oh he’s remembering thing uh I have got thingy modern hold on a bit Katrin for gear meaning yes we can make come here like

But basically if we can upgrade our our Gear Solid right now and make it so the gear is getting improvements and things so hold on uh yeah we can go Stone ax could go ax heads we can go iron it’ll use two iron to upgrade that to the X and anger X

There we go um stonebots where is it is it just toolbar like I think it’s just still but I could get an iron in there as well there we go it’s slightly better I think um how to enhance you all right well technically you already are enhanced or

Technically you already are gear from this then cool uh I don’t know I think I can put a null not biting uh that sock I can put in there’s nothing lapis here the diamonds now doing I don’t remember what these things do oh dear uh wait what if I made an emerald hole

That does increase the durability a fair bit so I appreciated this for weapons previously hmm thing is the iron gets more enhancements oh no I know I can do handle handle handle uh basic handle iron handle that’ll give me more enhancements uh increases durability I have less speed

But that doesn’t matter because that’s attack speed and I’d love to say I’m not attacking with my my that that’s not true though I have been attacking haven’t I uh these are tools primarily first honestly decreasing the speed of that it’s already slow it’s already slow it doesn’t matter this

Is weaker than regular X oh dad want to make battle locks I don’t know uh tempting though and Theory could make about Lux I don’t know how well that would work like in theory I was a basic candle in both of them but you can’t handle a gold that seems like

A terrible idea yeah it massively decreases that gives it a very more magic ability yeah maybe we don’t have the gold encrusted handle maybe we don’t do that there’s rats rats will increase something but either I need I need something else for that that’s fine uh that would increase the damage by a

Little bit but again I need the dagger of some kind so I probably should just make a dagger then also there’s parmes if you really think a specific fight Martin a specific very modern from random music swords that is an idea I put the here mod in didn’t I put that in I can’t have here but speaking of which I can make the here right now that I think about it I’ll hold the boss one of my new favorite mod obsessions the hero mod uh we’re still acting require a piece of woods clink

Bomb Barbershop all right let’s have really lizardy looking hair I can get uh that isn’t one but you know at least get actual looking here I suppose uh there’s my classic here that I normally go for the Vegeta here that’s just big with this hair a couple

Of times before I just have lots of hair whatever I have here of options huzzah I put the ball so I always wanted right okay I have options here you like to go underground and start looking for junk or I can look for Village things above ground which

Honestly I do need food right now so I probably should go above ground for a little bit and try to get food although yeah if I’m gonna do that probably should actually make a a weapon because realistically like the ax is fine and I was laughing but I I could

Probably make a better one if I just you know make one then hand symbol with them so hold the bus I have not been a blade thing for this in ages actually oh God uh what am I gonna do for this so I remember the short blade being handy

That’s because I was using epic fight at the time so like if I make it emeralds can’t make it Emerald apparently any cutting for this what oh yeah I need a better Hammer For This okay apparently I’ve got a few extra steps you can make also starting to get

Dark oh dear okay hold on we can enhance the Hammers Stone hammers uh blah blah blah Hammerheads that say boom Hammerheads that’s a boom all right you’ve got an iron Hammer iron Hammer as a whole so bloody no do stuff with the short blade but um

Okay it gives level two cutting power uh the sweeping effect gets disappeared I don’t care about that it increases the durability massively increases the job whatever it means increases the spreads doesn’t really increase it at leverage give it to me but I do uh guards how

Does this work again I haven’t made one of these in Forever I don’t remember uh there’s a saw kit that would be good if I had I need to go get lapis skirt I’ve got this stupid little emeralds dagger that I’ll have to do me for now

As an eight team cometh so how good is this thing it’s quick it’s it’s quick if nothing else it’s quick and it probably really isn’t much else going for me right now one thing is going for me is I am a lizard which means I can move really really

Fierce in the water that’s a big bear I came in really fastened or what the heck are those no I don’t trust you a lot you look look Shifty okay I’m not tossed around the ferry hell that was these have gotten bigger and he’s he’s moving guys no no I can’t trust somebody

Comes out of those woods with [ __ ] wings like that oh yeah my one of my earlier points though uh I don’t know if your friend or Foe I’ve never dealt with you lot before I swear to God if you steal for me I’m gonna be so annoyed all right what it is then

All right then all right all right if you’re gonna we’re gonna play it this way war is I’ll murder every one of you fairy [ __ ] get out of here you’re not even dropping anything we’re supporting you why why all the theory like things always portraying trying to kill me

I don’t know also will never be picking up now okay okay there’s a graveyard over there we could go kill some ghosts real quick oh I still need lapis though I’m thinking do I have enough food right now that I could go underground and go get lapis and things because he’s

Getting basic supplies for basic stuff who’s probably for Olympus doing that quickly word behind I ghosts bring it oh God it’s like oh no there’s a few of you um uh for taking the mix bye the fairly quickly ow get out here you can [ __ ] off and all right uh your

Cursed chest means break your stuff battle bones those are neat back off yeah it worked bro I don’t know what the planet of those things are that’s from a mod but like I don’t really know how that mod works because I’ve never used it before I’ve just added it in because it

Recently updated and it looked fire it out look in our companion baseballs I thought yeah that’ll be fun to add to the collection of companion based ones that I’ve got I’ve ever owned oh big tree oh useful tree if anything Mark here this is useful this is worth

Coming back to not right now I will die but like yeah um it’s a dungeon tree this leads to labyrinths where you can get spirits and stuff so yeah I swear I swear I’ve known where that is that’s one of the things I wanted to try and find at some point

No we have but you know the guardian inside there will kick my ass so we’re gonna leave him alone for a bit until I get a bit stronger but now we know it’s there so we can come back at any point finito hello uh I’m gonna not do as much damage

Because this but it’s fair still hit really quick oh dear oh I think I was taking off for Summit there that was annoying okay ended badly oh my even I don’t even see what I thought there is there is as I said I didn’t even see there I just saw the Toro’s

Health thing saying evil sent me with approaching I heard the little twing noise how are you is everywhere I’ve just remembered something oh no so that territory is the Slime has another issue with it it has an arm mod issue with it that um it’s quite a

Problem it’s one of the reasons why my hairdresser showed you not to put too too many mob somebody mods in they take up too much of the spawn rate because it’s a slight mods pretty much folds whenever anything else wants to summon things or spawn rate things in it

Pretty much just goes all right after you everything so basically yeah there’s other mods in it will prioritize let other mods prioritize first I I don’t know I just remember that being a thing because I remember me and Emma going through a whole bunch of different scroll with other mods trying

To increase the spawn rate of things uh because you wouldn’t basically we could find nothing majority of the time because a bunch of other mobs responding in and film for them and I mean key things yeah don’t put too many other mods in like could spawn in I suppose but yeah even though

We’re here in the hill remember first episode remember heaps of stuff there’s also four giant mutated skeletons and yeah that’s because the the same mods let’s Hollow mods take priority the mutant skeleton brothers getting priority well now apparently the theory mod is getting priority I may

Have to do something about that like I I don’t think I don’t think I’m supposed to really turn your guys spawns off but maybe dramatically decrease them since they’re getting so much priority may not be a terrible idea if I’m able to oh hi

So I went to the config it turns out the little things there uh they have a fairly High spawn rate not as high as zombies and such but they are close and the fact that they are quite common I mean obviously they might be spawn alongside other mobs and they have as

Much competition because bad moms is eliminating half of the competition and that tethering kind of slime stuff just doesn’t it just doesn’t compete it just folds so uh yeah that effect do you think he’s working in how do you work I swear you had a thing where I could

Get certain string off you and I need it is part of it I I right click you for think how do you work again you’re important I can’t remember how anyway I went into the confidence thing I reduced the rate of those things spawning hopefully that should help somewhat we

Shall see how are you how are you you’re doing that thing when you’re doing that thing it means I can get stuff off you how do I get it off you how does this work I can’t remember it’s been too long Becky yo oh hey the pleasant dating no all right get lost

Me does not remember how this works you know maybe somebody comments career maybe excellent probably not gonna remember anyway hopefully with them spawn rate to spawn the uh Theory spawn rate down that means we will get access to more things spawning because the first episode is quite hectic and

I mean yeah it’s torturous but also like yeah you should challenge me at least a bit you know he’s if I’m getting a zone six they’re not challenging me that’s not good enough I would certainly remove that mods then just like you know let them be the dominant spot all the

Time no we need everything spot these spiders and stuff spawning all over the place again like we did last time that was good fun Apollo okay who are you and why are you going for me oh God it’s 20 over wait a minute let’s talk about this in the water preferably we’re

In my element you know because I’m a lizard and all that now you can’t do nothing no you’re not who are you who are you [ __ ] why are you going for me on the other ones that ones were nearly this violent it’s really matter though I’m in the

Water though you can’t win your hate box like it’s the shortest thing oh it’s not a billy box Bob spoofer if I know what mob’s uh hitbox thing I can’t reach it then I just thought I’m worth going in the water against it because that’ll probably have an

Advantage if I can slow their Pace then which is why I always have trouble with that classic monsters I can’t steal their face down can’t manipulate them as easily so I’m gonna say where are we we’ve circled back not again I always end up doing this

Oh God damn it just go a direction keep going I I literally ended up circling back there oh ah all the travel to do stuff most I’m just looking to see if I can feel like a goblin Village things I guess we’re not saying like those straight away okay you know what new

Plan then you plan then you plan everyone you won’t even be violent towards me it’s too late no I’ve I’ve been set my path also think a spellcaster in the water it’s not a good idea except we keep we’re dodging slowly oh every time I fake that one I get so

Close to dying it’s not good uh okay I’m gonna kick the freedom currently got and then probably I’ll hit underground and go ahead and get some stuff because it’s probably worth it also you can keep that to say I’m pretty sure I had furnaces I wonder what happened to them and I just

Remembered oh yeah night happens the creeper happens explosions happened and yes quite unfortunate but that is how that went never mind speak new furnaces it’s fine although yeah I probably shouldn’t have the food furnace in the metal mounting furnace probably this guy uh Billy Johnson which

Uh yeah I have to say well I’m gonna live up there or I’m gonna go somewhere else and start my own village because there is the option the sky village is arguably safer but then it’s up in the sky and getting up and down from there as a plane and Bob

Yeah we could have our own little village and I could just work on my own defenses a little bit um which I don’t know how well that’ll work against the factors that live in this world but it’s a thought we could we could try it

That way there is Magic in this world we could try and manipulate it oh also yeah this is a good idea hello well that was lucky okay so yeah that was a case in my researchers daily was kicking off I got Unbreaking I lighten up my intent it was I was

Going to shove it in here in a power up I don’t know if it’s gonna hold its enchantment if I just this I’m breaking one wait what what what what what what you are you you you you you you that’s not fair that’s not fair oh

Okay anyway tell her to play Craft to tell her plate Terror Shields can block indefinitely without Kilda but use more Integrity than other types of shoes that’s just this one okay yeah we’re gonna take the tower Shield seems like they best decision uh oh I could I could literally just make it out

Of bone that would decrease the durability yeah I’m gonna lose on breaking on it uh it’s whatever I can’t I can’t stop it cover the word as well would increase the magic capacity it would dramatically decrease the durability I probably want the durability being the highest thing

I’m gonna make an iron shield it’s whatever uh then yes spikes Stone spikes to add sorry to durability or iron spikes set 45 I mean the damage is the same but this one uses less Integrity so same me up for some good old bone spikes I suppose

Kill yeah anyway so she’ll now has apparently ability killed that much I don’t know has the ability damage of nine wait what are you trying to tell me this thing will use Elder name damage on reflection no it won’t that’s a lie I don’t believe that for even a second

I do want to test it though we could find a big spider to have a goal is that would be good also Hazard if it’s almost cooked okay well I’m gonna go underground in a second I’m gonna try and get some new yeah because I need I need resources

Don’t get myself going so actually no you won’t do you’re not you’re literally the worst one to try this on because you don’t don’t physically attack me ah that didn’t help out all right well we start to die no bother uh can we find one of the guys you know

Does physical attacking probably will still get murdered by him but you know right right you at least build the test of the shield picking Works which it did apparently block for at least one attack there good to know signing’s also gone up this thing is all scope I didn’t laugh at a

Second enhance these things damn it right yeah I think it was a caravine bit over there sorry let’s go over here correctly check this thing else hidden underground see what we can find I heard a high noise all right never mind you’re the doctor Frank no thank you there is what

Okay what killed what around here then because that shouldn’t be lying here something killed something oh dear um I don’t know okay never mind all right let’s try and find our way down yeah so the good resources occurs picking up all the iron as we go because

We got we’re gonna need iron and stuff oh pull out I was helping everyone to see Badoo wow I I don’t know why I thought I’d failure thought I do fell offline with some legs wait does that even work I’m not convinced that actually works uh because I never thought about it

Let’s basically not thinking about it let’s just hope it works let’s just assume it probably works it’s fine right okay what are you I need to get a letter stuff is killing stuff in here what is killing things I need answers dammit this is unfort I

Don’t like this I don’t like this knot knowing what the facts happening thing also diamonds ah yeah I think about it I probably should upgrade this diamonds like I lose I I the uh the diamond doesn’t get nearly as much Integrity blah it becomes a diamond pickaxe for two diamonds and honestly

I mean I know still get something it’s just fine it’s just fine it’s worth getting the diamond upgrade for the pickaxe else I can’t build with you give me a bucket please I require water yeah this has been yeah it’s been it’s been really really uh there’s been

Nothing happening so far I might remove this mod I have the end I think you guys should be fine completely forgetting about the [ __ ] situation with the slow mods and how it loves to you know not spawn things I’m getting hammered here die [ __ ] thing yeah those explaining I don’t know

Anyway there’s a giant spider spawning in or I just turned their spawn rate off that also could work I don’t care about them enough actually I’ve just made them Ultra ultra rare but I respond right down to like one of a hundred in theory like it will never respond then right

Maybe I don’t know that maybe that may be the move though oh God I [ __ ] hate being a lizards yeah see the water thing it’s all fun and games until I need to get up waterfalls now all of a sudden it’s the biggest hassle in the world because my speed

Boost just throws me at the side of it oh it is a pin okay lap is acquired what is this stuff is this is this from Ice and Fire or is this from something else um I’d like to find out to that end uh goodbye stonehammer where are you

Oh you know you’re still from ice and I think you still work I don’t can I pick up used with I think I need a magisterial pickaxe to gigs for anything it uses for anything uh I I don’t think this silver does anything I think it’s silver is useful

I want to grab it just in case though all right let’s test this Idiot in fact broke the pieces okay then all right so we cannot grab the crystals with that I forget how exactly so everyone say I’m getting a magic tape XL so probably start trying to get one of those it’s gonna be a bit of a hassle because I don’t remember whatever we’ll figure

That one out as we go I suppose yeah it’s been way too peaceful I I definitely need to go and adjust the ferry spawn rate because it’s dark there’s not enough spiders and stuff spawning in here there’s not enough evil things trying to kill me I’m not having it damn it

I need the bad stuff to be spawning otherwise what’s even the points all right very quick to the uh whatever your trip so he config later and fairies would have been moved to the almost extinct pile okay yeah but their spawn rate as long as it can go so if they

Keep spawning no I don’t really have an answer for it anymore like it’s just they are they can’t be stopped at that point which would be really unfortunate because I’d like them to be stopped please oh so we’re at it binding socket bedroom Beautiful and same again yo got the filler wait what did you do again I can’t remember pommel no can I wait no socket there it is but um there we go that’s looking more like the dagger I remember and finally binding sockets lapis is good because it doubles The Experience rating

Stuff app so definitely worth picking up boom boom right so uh I have no more inventory space that is unfortunate but it’s fine we can go get more lapis later if we need to now I should probably I got the bass singles after probably should get out of here figure out

You already know what I was expecting to see they’re hello oh dear uh I don’t think I’ve got a good answer for dealing with these factors apart from my shoot ow right come on in come on then okay it’s not failing back for some reason uh that works out easier than expected

Since the factory just gave up mid-fight I he surprised me they’re coming out of the darkness the prick anyway I don’t know what just occurred for him to stop okay we basically the ferry spider it’s definitely had effect ow [ __ ] I just want to pick up that’s why I pick up the stuff

Oh dear Gods I can’t I can’t block for a second yeah I’ve tried Dodge in that Wii platform wasn’t very happening okay then so mate don’t do it you’ve got so much to live for why is everyone on this platform like this they all seem like they’re about if I

Can jump anymore and have some probably have with that meaning too God damn right anyway figs things we’re gonna shovel the furnaces down here because I guess I’ve never took over the space temporarily I I mean it temporarily I’m not moving in probably I I almost certainly will

Probably move out at some point in a temporary basis basically I’m just renting the room you know in exchange for mostly just killing spiders and stuff that appear up here plus I’m pretty sure the spider killed a few people anyways they might have space it’s fine I mean yeah either way uh that

That was the experience I was going for you know I don’t want fairies floating around having a peacefully time aren’t things that actually it’s way more fun living on the edge like that sure I died you know I’ll get better I’ll get better gear but it will come back stronger one day probably

Hopefully sort of oh so can I put lapis in the uh hold the bus I put the office in my Shields icky do you have a socket mate that’s what I’m getting at doesn’t appear to have a socket all right never mind then let’s quickly put that back like do you

Have available dollars using these all right so uh helps simple health bone hilt or iron hilts Iron Hill decreases speed a lot more guess my jury Billy though I’ll probably go with the bow now because increases enchantability it’s a nice little medium you know okay uh decorative iron promo counterweight counterweight increases speed

Pretty sure yeah it uses one of your integrity it doesn’t increase speed by that much let’s maybe there’s a better material for it somewhere I also have no idea where stability is okay stabilities apparently a thing who’s pushing me right now sorry this used to be your place oh very

Very sorry I’m now just here don’t worry about it uh grip strands that increases that increases reach well hello there increases reach does it increase the speed by a little bit you’re away by a little bit increases reach for each of the big one it’s a big one uh yeah

It uses an Integrity but it gives us extra reach I’ll try that that could be useful filler filler thinking we took here uh dot gives way more Integrity what the effect happened here uh that gives a massive speed decrease honestly the Blade’s already fairly quick anyway for all that extra integrity that’s

Probably worth it that one takes one less Integrity but increases stiffly what is stability I don’t remember I don’t remember what stability is the problem oh any other materials that can be bone bone gives a less of a speed decrease a lot less durability but we get the exact same number of

Integrity things yeah take that okay kill uh boom boom in that case so that means we can now do things less so there’s the Curve the carve hook Carver into the back side of the blade providing additional damage when hitting unsuspecting enemies not that one then because everything knows I’m coming I’m

Not fighting players serrated uh has a 30 chance to close the target to bleed for a damage over two seconds that could be useful uh temper uh causes some damage dealt to ignore armor also could be useful I think I definitely want to serate I remember serrate being really good

Give us a level it’s the right did it get serrated I think it did uh yeah yeah okay cool now that I level up there’s a thing I can actually enchant I can make the serrated stronger so right now it should tell us yeah it’s necessary to play level one

Stronger blade to go for it we’re looking slightly better off than what we were oh yeah yeah shovel die uh probably should get one of those that would make logical sense Diamond shovel diamond shovel diamond shovel has been enhanced by say anything probably oh so wait a minute those moths those those giant slug things that we were looking at are like Hey how do you get the material please you can’t silk touch that won’t get rid of your yeah yeah

It’s the tip of the blade thing I can still put a binder in this is fine uh socket craft there we go we still get silk touch I’ll take it anyway uh the Giant dingdings do your shears on them is that it the caterpillars I don’t know next time

We see one we’ll try it we’ll see if that is the case or not also there are expires about again huzzah things are working as they should be neat I’m trying to figure out where a good place to jump from is because there’s plenty of water underneath I

Used to make sure I get the right angle some hot water and I’m definitely definitely not just gonna slam into the Earth by accident oh so I saw a dog where is dog there is dog hello dog what what are you doing to me every time I

Hit you you’re doing stuff oh so are you gonna go for me oh oh God okay ah there we go straight okay he just broke through my shooter oh no he’s you’re broke my [ __ ] oh facts okay don’t try and shoot against the guy with superhuman strains uh Julie notes

Okay let’s try this again not from here okay wait the water I came in from is over here Where is the war that came from is here okay why though why is there water there I don’t see a reason first that’s a troll oh God you can’t come out to the thing you oh you’re silly so you can’t come into this I thought he would stop before he

Reached the sun I thought he would stop and I’d be able to pick him now he’s a [ __ ] idiot is what happened also so much and recoil oh I just can’t play you [ __ ] it’s poison it’s not even poisoned it’s not even pointed that that may just

Split can we that may just kill me it even broke my armor that’s it’s not just curly Survivor pressing okay backup helmet on uh [ __ ] okay yeah avoid the snakes the snakes are really bad uh because that’s not poison it’s corrosion basically that’s dinosaur there uh oh

This is what we’re missing in the first half of our adventure why is the grave lizard injured I don’t know I’m gonna go poke at it Are you evil [Applause] um oh I was like wait why is it doing that oh I think I’m right clicking for my shield is trying to make me raid the thing but obvious I can because it’s not mine so then kicking me off well that’s just unfortunate I suppose because I I

Don’t know what’s fighting what there but I’m not very involved oh no okay I have to be careful trying to Shield at things because certain things will just literally think I’m trying to raid them as that happens I don’t get the shield instead tries to get me around them and I can’t block

Their attack shoe uh yeah let’s just maybe think of it backing up a bit more I’m gonna go this way yeah reducing those ferries down to nearly extinct was a good idea this works it can beat that spawner apparently wait whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa why don’t you just here seriously

That’s right next door to where I live and this isn’t the one I marked is it no it’s not of all the things that could have been up there you’re trying to tell me your nearly extinct and they’re hiding up by this magic tree with a thing about it

It’s fitting I’ll give you that one it’s fitting but carrier backing thing I don’t know what I’m doing with those things by the way uh they are apparently like things you can get as companions or something uh is there controls for them is it like I’ve made you because I’m

Killing garlic some type of experience like for them I don’t know I don’t know what they are I don’t know the mod I’ve never used it uh there’s the magic mods so I’m gonna turn that off for now because I don’t need it change its buttons run later

Uh no there’s no buttons for the for the other things okay if anyone knows that the fairy thing works hello surely it won’t try to get me to raise the spider right like how I forgot this is a storm spider I can’t I can’t just hit this prick it hurts me

[ __ ] hold on I can I can do though I can do though you can hit me I need to watch my shield your belly gone then the fakers reactive it knows it’s got scaly surface that you can use why are you not taking damage take damage from my spiky prick ow what

That’s not had others man it work you [ __ ] uh excuse me her for my hearing I keep hearing hard noises oh careful is it just the Villager it might just be the villagers maybe fine maybe fine he’s just stay away from all the bad things yeah so even with the gear

Upgrade I’m still a bit of my depths as a turtle you might sell books or you can maybe we’ve been investing in some of you like try and get enchanted books maybe we’re investing in some better armor actually yeah it’s probably a better priorities get better armor um

What’s your what’s your thing mate you’re a guard apparently regarding over the edge there you’re watching for anything it may crawl up I mean so I understand it will give him what happened look at them look at them all gathered down there as an outro more

Space this this is this is preferable to the first half of this video where nothing was spawning I now fear down there that’s how it should be okay I think I think for today I’m gonna end things there for now so thank you all very much for watching

Hope you all enjoyed the show so for now this little sky village is our one little Haven of uh oh oh no okay hold on we’re in the video on the second time attack kill it kill it before Becky gives everyone I can block I can still

Block you can’t you can’t neutralize me and I I’m very sorry your breath won’t work I mean that prick I’ve got shoes I also you’re not able to bait me for some reason what’s happening oh there it is they normally attack you you use your breath on me

I think he was struggling a bit there because it’s hitbox well whatever I’m a hero but how did he spawn up here that was next to Lava it is light here look at all the lights everywhere it there are dark patches here and there oh dear okay anyway people for now all

Instincts there this area is our little Haven of pace it’s most safe looks it’s mostly safe it’s mostly I haven’t died up here so actually that’s the thing things have nice to kill me well I’ve been up here so that’s that’s something and those guards those people but I’m so

Yeah we’re gonna use this to get ourselves going then I don’t know we’ll think about making your own village down there someday and we’ll figure things out from there but right Fernando people leave a like if you enjoyed uh you could if you want to record any mods and stuff you think I

Should add in let us know in the comments I’m definitely be adding a few uh the coming episodes just as we get the theories going and boom and yeah we can experiment trying to get stuff that help us fight the Monstrous down below anyway for now let’s see is

The next time for more of that time of the reincarnated there’s a slime into this horrible world go buy everybody also just want to say a quick thank you to all of the channel members for the extra support any special thank you and shout out to our Elite members the

Journey members Sebastian Ramsay Alps and beat Arc 13 and our unremember monster Q thank you all very much for the extra awesome support

This video, titled ‘SO I’VE GOT NO SKILLS, SO WHAT? Minecraft That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime Mod Episode 2’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2023-09-09 19:00:15. It has garnered 4305 views and 316 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:52 or 2932 seconds.

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SO I’VE GOT NO SKILLS, SO WHAT? Minecraft That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime Mod Episode 2

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RWBY Students Of Beacon (Minecraft RWBY Roleplay) –

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  • City Craft

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  • PandaSteal


  • Townscraft – SMP Semi-Vanilla Java 1.20.1 Whitelist Towns Community-focused 2+ Years

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  • New Minecraft Update: Radiation Pollution Concept

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  • 🚀EPIC NOOBY GAMING – Minecraft SMP Live – Mobile + Java!🌟

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The True Gingershadow – SO I’VE GOT NO SKILLS, SO WHAT? Minecraft That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime Mod Episode 2