The Ultimate Minecraft 1.18 Mining Guide – Best Way to Mine Diamonds, Gold, Emerald, Copper etc.

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I’m gonna be honest with you here  level 12 is dead and mining in 1.18   is confusing and complicated but no need to  worry cause you’re at the 1.18 mining guide   learn all the new layers to mine out how  to get the most out of every single ore  

And where or where to find  those diamonds come check it out   let’s quickly start this guide with the official  1.18 ore generation chart given to us by mojang   you can see here i’ve added in some colored lines  showing the best level to mine everything at and  

We’ll go over that more in minecraft itself but  you can see here some things are generating a   triangle that means if you’re at this level you’re  going to get less coal than you’re at this level  

If it’s a square distribution like this it’ll  be the same amount of coal here as it is here   same with the redstone you can see here the  redstone has a triangle down here meaning that   there’s going to be a steady amount of redstone  but there’s also going to be bonus redstone  

The further down you get from negative 32 some  of these say on them reduced air exposure or   no air exposure that means that if it’s in  a cave it’s going to generate less on the   sides of cave walls unfortunately that means  this can be a lot harder to see diamonds lapis  

Gold and coal just sticking out of cave sides  although it won’t be completely eliminated it   just will be less this over here is the generation  in 1.17 as a quick note the thicker this is the   more you’re going to get and the deeper it  goes the more levels it’s going to encompass  

Now in 1.17 mining at level 12 which gives you a  really good amount of every single thing because   everything was just a square distribution like  this instead of triangular except for the lapis   here but even with the lapis you’re going to get  basically as much as you need at level 12 although  

Technically level 16 would have a little bit more  of course every level is going to have overlapping   ore generations meaning that here you will get  yourself coal lapis iron and copper whereas here   you would get a little bit of iron redstone  diamond lapis and gold okay but which layers  

It can give me the most ore for my time well we’re  going to break that down i have a world where i’ve   broken it down to layers and you guys can see the  layers where you can get the most you want to mine  

Of everything well let’s head over into minecraft  and see which layers you’re going to want to mine   in to get the most of everything minecraft 1.18  has made a lot of changes to the way mining works  

But i’m going to break it all down for you so that  mining can become a breeze even in the new system   okay so right up there is a new world height right  down here that’s just about the old world height  

And that’s where you’re going to find the  most emeralds if you’re in a mountain biome   that stretches that tall or the most iron if  you find anything that generates that tall   now the lower down you get from that the less  you’re going to find of both those things  

But they both generate very far down from that  anyway heading underground here we come to the   very interesting parts where i break down each  layer and what it gives you the best amount of   all right now underground from being up there  we find ourselves at the best level for coal 95  

135 also has a lot of coal in fact a little  bit more but it’s very rare to find a mountain   that stretches up that tall now everything but  ore blocks has been deleted from these spaces   so you can just see how many ores you’ll find  approximately i have strip mine tunnels set up  

Here so you can see approximately how you would be  mining this out to find everything in this space   of course strip mine tunnels are two blocks apart  like this and the reason why it’s four blocks  

Dug out is because when you’re strip mining you’d  be seeing the blocks above you below you and to   the side so you would see everything that’s been  revealed in this space so to do that of course  

We’re looking at four different layers so we want  to make sure that everything in those four layers   is the best amount of ores possible again this  is the layer with the most coal and you can see   here it’s not actually that much coal it’s a  decent amount overall you might end up finding  

That just finding surface coal or exposed coal  on large mountain sides may just be a bit easier   but if you want to strip mine for coal this is  the best layers for it is layer 95 which means  

When you’re on your f3 screen xyz is in the top  left and you can see in the middle it says 95   so that’s the y coordinate we’re going to be going  off here every time when i say something like this  

Is the best layer for that down to the next lowest  layer we can see here this is the best level for   copper which is 47. if you strip mine at level 47  you’re going to find the most copper of any other  

Layer in minecraft so this is basically where  you’re going to find the most copper overall   although it isn’t a huge amount of copper it is  a decent amount comparatively and of course these   sample sizes aren’t crazy large so there may be  more or less copper overall but overall this is  

Technically the layer with the most copper  in as you can see there are many clusters of   copper around you’ll also notice here at only  level 47 we’re already seeing lapis generate   and iron generate as well as the occasional bit of  emerald down here although this is extremely rare  

And technically emeralds can be found more higher  up although in that coal section we weren’t quite   so lucky finding some down to the next section  we get ourselves at level 14 level 14 is the   best level for iron again this is all when you’re  doing strip mining or when caving in these levels  

But a lot of these ores are actually going to  generate only when they’re unexposed that means   if it’s on a cave wall you might see it or you  might see it more like this and you’d have to  

Kind of dig for it so uh it’s generally better  just to do this kind of thing in strip mining   especially when you get lower down since  things like lapis some of the iron and also   the diamonds are going to actually purposely  generate less on cave sides and surfaces anyway  

This is a layer with the most iron and you can  see there is a very good amount of iron in here   of course you know you’d find all this by doing  a strip mining no ore here is insanely common but  

You can see here we’re starting to see redstone as  well as gold and i think there’s even an extremely   occasional and rare diamond you could find here  but yeah it’s basically just this is the layer  

You want to mine out level 14 if you want the  most amount of iron in a mine that brings us   down to the next layer which is level zero back in  1.17 and before there was one layer level 12 where  

You’d find the most of everything now in 1.18  there is no layer that does that however layer 0   is just about the best one for that again that’s  when you’re here you’d be seeing down here so  

This right here is layer zero all right so in  layer zero what can you expect well you’re gonna   expect the most amount of lapis you’ll find and  you may see oh that’s not that much lapis but if  

We even peek down in some of the caves around  here you’ll notice there is a decent amount of   lapis that generates it just maybe we didn’t get  the most lucky with this section you’re also going   to see the rare diamond cluster but something  to remember is that in 1.18 diamond clusters are  

About half the size you’re never really going to  find in eight vein more stuff like this where it’s   like a singular diamond ore or over here where  it’s just two like this one deep slate and one  

Standard so that’s unfortunate but that’s kind of  how they generate now the reason why level zero is   a good level to mine at is that the highest  deep slate we’ll ever generate in the world   is here which means that if you’re strip mining  at this height which is level zero then basically  

You’re never actually going to be mining any deep  slate it’ll only be beneath you but you’ll still   get to see some meaning it’s going to be a lot  more efficient than mining a couple layers down   when it’s only deep slate because then you’re  enough to mine for twice as long because deep  

Slate is twice as hard to mine down here we’re  at the best layer for gold this is negative 17   so you can see here there is a decent amount of  gold around here kind of generating around mostly  

Of course everything here in fact it’s going to  just be the deep slate ore variety so mining here   is technically going to take two times longer than  it would if you were in a stone layer you’ll also  

Notice we have the occasional diamond around here  as well as well as a decent amount of lapis some   iron and some gold but no copper generating at  this level so this could be a good level to mine  

At if you want a good amount of gold however the  level i would recommend mining at if you want the   most amount of diamonds is the final layer right  here this is layer negative 58. now technically   the most diamonds would generate if you strip  mined here however the problem is this is bedrock  

Meaning that you’re going to be exposing  a lot of blocks that you really can’t mine   and are just going to be wasted because there’s  never going to be bedrock ore so you’re going   to run into less ores you can mine beneath your  feet therefore that makes negative 58 the best  

Level for diamonds however it also makes it the  best layer for redstone meaning that if you strip   mine this layer you’re gonna get the most diamonds  and the most redstone out of any layer but still  

It isn’t a huge amount of either the amount of  redstone is about the same you would get at level   12 and 1.17 and i did the math and the amount of  diamonds are going to be about 70 percent harder  

To get meaning that because of the mining speed of  deep slate you’re going to find less diamonds now   technically the amount of diamond ore is going  to be about 15 percent higher than it would be  

In 1.17 but because deep slate takes a full twice  as long to mine as normal stone does it’s about 70   percent harder meaning if it took you 100 minutes  to get a certain amount of diamonds it would  

Now take 170 minutes to get the same amount of  diamonds in 1.18 something really important when   doing strip mining or cave mining or any kind of  mining in minecraft 1.18 is the fact that torches   now have a much more effective spawn proofing  radius that is to say in minecraft 1.17 the  

Distance two torches could be between each other  was 10 blocks at the max otherwise it’d be too   dark in between and you’d have mobs spawning now  however in minecraft 1.18 mobs do not spawn at the  

Light level 7 or lower they spawn at the light  level 0 only 0 which means that torches can now   be at most actually 24 blocks apart if i go to my  f3 screen you can see here that the light level  

Is one here at the very most you have two blocks  of the light level one here at the very darkest   even that is enough to spawn proof which means  that these two torches are 24 blocks apart   they’re actually enough to spawn proof 25 blocks  apart there’s one block that can spawn mobs there  

But 24 blocks apart you’re absolutely good so  now in doing any kind of lighting up you don’t   even have to use half as many torches which is  really nice for things like strip mine tunnels   where you’re never really gonna go back to look  at them again anyway so let’s briefly talk about  

Caving in 1.18 as it’s an important part of mining  unfortunately gold coal lapis and diamonds are all   going to generate with less in a cave as they’ve  been told by the generation engine to generate   with less air exposure this diamond for instance  you can see there’s just one diamond here but  

There’s probably a lot of diamonds that are hidden  just one block below because the game engine is   basically telling it that it should generate more  if it’s not exposed to air and generate less if it  

Is exposed to air the same with gold we can see we  have kind of less showing up here and lapis we can   actually not even see any lapis in here right now  and of course with coal as well we are still gonna  

See the occasional diamond cluster like right here  which is great but even with the amount of surface   area you’re seeing strip mining is still going to  be a bit quicker than cave mining even if you find  

A really really large cave especially since it can  be very very hard to see everything now personally   my gamma is at 100 right now but usually it’s  extremely hard to see things like the roof and the  

Walls unless everything’s really lit up so caving  is an option to get these ores but generally you   are gonna find more with strip mining although  you wouldn’t think that would be the case now   you may be wondering which layer should i mine  at because there’s all these different layers  

What layers are gonna give me the most for  my time well what i would recommend doing   i’d recommend mining at level negative 58 and  also mining all the way up here uh not at the gold   mining level right here since it’s just really  gold you’re prioritizing there but also at level  

Zero so if you mine at level zero and at level  negative 58 then you’re gonna get a good amount   of iron a decent amount of gold a really good  amount of redstone between those two you can get  

A good amount of copper as well maybe at the very  tail end here uh and you’re not gonna get any coal   unfortunately although it could technically  generate at the very top but very rarely   you’re gonna get a little bit of this uh coveted  stone diamond door instead of deep slate as well  

As some stone ore of things like gold sometimes so  that’s going to be good um the only thing you’re   going to really miss out mining at just negative  58 and zero is you’re not going to get any coal  

But still between those two you’re going to get  a decent amount of both now it will be a lot more   difficult to get everything you need as again deep  slate takes twice as long to mine and level 12  

Would probably give you about twice as much oars  as you’re seeing here but that’s just about it   so that’s basically every layer and where to mine  at again you can always prioritize which layers  

You want but i would only pick from the layers  that i’ve shown as those are going to give you the   most of every single different type this is the  layer with the most of everything and it could be  

A good one to mine that for your starting diamonds  or possibly at negative 58 as well if you want to   mine for a long time if you enjoyed this video of  how to mine in 1.18 the complete mining guide make  

Sure to press the like button subscribe comment  share all those things that help my channel and   this video i’ll see you guys in the next video  and i hope you guys have a great day goodbye

This video, titled ‘The Ultimate Minecraft 1.18 Mining Guide – Best Way to Mine Diamonds, Gold, Emerald, Copper etc.’, was uploaded by Eyecraftmc on 2021-09-21 16:00:25. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Learn How to Mine in 1.18 as Minecraft 1.18.1 has Completely Changed how Mining Works, But not to worry this Minecraft 1.18 …

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    Yuki Oozora's LIFE or DEATH dilemma in MINECRAFT! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘[MINECRAFT] Apakah hari ini tamat? ||Vtuber Indonesia||’, was uploaded by Yuki Oozora ch. on 2024-08-08 03:16:05. It has garnered 109 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:59:52 or 7192 seconds. hello Yuki fans, how are you? I hope you’re good, don’t forget to breathe, mweheheh….. Rules that must be obeyed • don’t discuss personal matters • Don’t fight in live chat • be appropriately toxic (if you miss it, you’ll get a gift from the moderator) • don’t send links/links what’s strange • doesn’t force the streamer/vtuber to do what you… Read More


    🔥MINECRAFT LIVE: JOIN XENOVERSE SMP NOW!!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE || XENOVERSE PUBLIC SMP | CRACKED JAVA + PJ | JOIN NOW!!! | MINECRAFT INDIA LIVE’, was uploaded by BeasTxHunter on 2024-03-13 18:39:36. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Title: Minecraft Hey Gamers! Join us for an epic gaming adventure in Minecraft LIVE! What to Expect: I play Minecraft and … Read More

  • ALERTA: ¡Secretos para ganar en Sky Wars!

    ALERTA: ¡Secretos para ganar en Sky Wars!Video Information This video, titled ‘💬 Usted NO Aprende en Minecraft Sky Wars #Shorts #Minecraft’, was uploaded by ManuelithOo_ JR on 2024-07-19 16:45:00. It has garnered 7090 views and 107 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Read More

  • Shocking Expose: PandyTeddy Fakes Videos Like DaquavisMC

    Shocking Expose: PandyTeddy Fakes Videos Like DaquavisMCVideo Information This video, titled ‘Faking my vids like @DaquavisMC’, was uploaded by PandyTeddy on 2024-09-16 18:49:02. It has garnered 441 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Hi pls sub Sub goal:50 Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft survival, Minecraft hardcore, Minecraft creative mode, Minecraft adventure, Minecraft exploration, Minecraft tutorial, Minecraft walkthrough, Minecraft playthrough, Minecraft let’s play, Minecraft beginner guide, Minecraft tips and tricks, Minecraft funny moments, Minecraft speedrun, Minecraft challenge, Minecraft building ideas, Minecraft house tutorial, Minecraft mansion build, Minecraft modern house, Minecraft castle build, Minecraft treehouse, Minecraft skyscraper build, Minecraft city build, Minecraft… Read More

  • The Worst Players Ever Minecraft Server! – Semi-Vanilla, Adult-Community, Survival, Whitelisted

    Welcome to “The Worst Players 3ver” Minecraft Server! We’re thrilled to have you here! If you’re seeking a Minecraft server that offers a mature, drama-free environment where you can truly unwind and enjoy the game, you’ve found the right place. At “The Worst Players 3ver,” we pride ourselves on creating a space where adults can relax, explore, and build without the usual interruptions. Dive in and become part of our close-knit community that feels more like a home away from home. We can’t wait to see what you’ll create with us! 🔗 Quick Links to get started! Discord: Join Discord… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The spicy creak in my style

    I guess you could say that my art style is so unique, it even has its own sound effects! Read More

  • Subscribe & Like for Minecraft’s Delight #shorts

    Subscribe & Like for Minecraft's Delight #shorts In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I bring you the news in a rhythmic stream. Updates and features, all in a rhyme, Keeping you entertained, every single time. From new mobs to biomes, and everything in between, I’ll keep you informed, with a twist that’s keen. So hit that like and subscribe, don’t be shy, Join me on this journey, as we reach for the sky. With each new video, a story unfolds, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity molds. So follow along, as we explore and play, In this pixelated world, where we’ll always… Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because he had a blast!” Read More

  • Minecraft Movie Fail

    Minecraft Movie Fail The Curious Case of “A Minecraft Movie” Teaser BlueStellarWave, an avid Minecraft fan, delves into the world of the recently released “A Minecraft Movie” teaser. While excited about the prospect of a movie based on the beloved game, BlueStellarWave noticed some discrepancies that seemed off. Let’s explore the key points and issues raised in the teaser. Sheep Scene At the 00:14 mark, the teaser opens with a sheep scene. Sheep are iconic in Minecraft for their wool, which players can shear to create various items. This scene sets the stage for the Minecraft-themed movie. Crafting Scene Jumping to the… Read More

  • Insane Turtle Showdown: Global Invasion Part 2! 🔥🐢 #shorts

    Insane Turtle Showdown: Global Invasion Part 2! 🔥🐢 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘turtles from various countries part~2 and there is also Indonesia #shorts #animals’, was uploaded by Klip Action on 2024-10-07 00:00:22. It has garnered 792 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Tag: animal fusion, animal fusion ai, animal fusion game, animal fusions, animal fusion in minecraft, animal fusion edit, animal fusion hybrid, animal fusion fight, animal fusion shorts, animal fusion dragon, animals, animal, animal ht, animal planet, animals maroon 5, animality mortal kombat 1, animal song, animal crossing, animal kaiser, animality, pokemon, pokemon bahasa indonesia, pokemon indonesia, pokemon… Read More

  • Daring Meme Prank: Surprising Reaction

    Daring Meme Prank: Surprising ReactionVideo Information This video, titled ‘What’s up pigga.’, was uploaded by Fun#memeop on 2024-05-10 17:21:03. It has garnered 4184 views and 115 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. THANKS FOR WATCHING I FOUND PIGGA IN MINECRAFT. #funny #memes #minecraft #memes #mincraftmemes #viral #tiktok #darkhumor #offensive memes, try not to laugh, dank memes, funny, memes compilation, meme compilation, meme, funny memes, best memes, fresh memes, you laugh you lose, dank memes compilation, tiktok memes, best memes compilation, tiktok, funny videos, tik tok, ylyl, tik tok memes, dankest, reddit memes, memes that, dank compilation, meme vine, funny… Read More

The Ultimate Minecraft 1.18 Mining Guide – Best Way to Mine Diamonds, Gold, Emerald, Copper etc.