The ULTIMATE Minecraft Retrospective

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Something you’ll notice when looking at the gaming landscape throughout the years is that as time’s gone on where both new technology and certain gaming conventions become standard you notice a steady Trend where more video games aim for less restrictive more open-ended experiences you can somewhat understand why this trend has occurred when looking

At it from a game developer’s perspective as in terms of the video game format itself you arguably see the most amount of experimentation due to the sheer number of possibilities you can Implement and different types of games that can be created if I’m being honest most of the biggest gaming

Franchises are really bad examples of this and I’m talking about the ones that everyone knows not just Gamers games like Call of Duty or FIFA they know they’re going to attract a large Market at this point so instead of trying to innovate and I mean truly change up the

Gameplay from what we’ve become used to with the past games they stick to their usual routine by replicating the same kind of experience they always have they’ve managed to bring in the same large Market every single time usually being helped along with some great marketing as well but of course this

Never leads to the most satisfying experience either which is what you’re starting to see right now as the biggest criticism of these types of games with no innovation players will become disinterested there’s got to be something fresh and new at some point but this idea leads to a slightly bigger

Point which links to that predictability No Matter What stadiums you’re playing in with FIFA or how big the war zone is with Call of Duty they’re still conventional and linear games this is what we primarily see in earlier titles with the largest reason for this mainly being the lack of technology that would

Adhere to larger experiences arcade types of games which follow set Concepts like Streets of Rage on Mega Man funny enough the two biggest mascots of the PS1 those being crash and Spyro are very good examples of this while crash was always slightly more restrictive than Spyro in terms of level design they both

Still work off levels themselves fast forward to games like GTA 5 or death stranding and you wouldn’t say there’s any levels here just different areas of one big connected World being used for both independent exploration and for usage during the missions and it’s the independent exploration which is

Arguably the largest component of what we’ll be talking about today while older games had noticeably less hand-holding just looked at games like the first Resident Evils and you’ll likely see what I mean there was also a very blatant restriction there you might have confusion on how to progress but it’s

Not like you can truly wander off in the middle of nowhere and get yourself lost still staying with rezzy is the prime example here because of how the levels are laid out you’ll almost inevitably be railroaded to your objective after enough running around but enough skirting around the edges the reason I

Mention all this stuff is because the game we’re going to be talking about today is what I see as not just the single biggest gaming IP ever created but also easily one of the most influential yes today we’re going to be talking about Minecraft a game that was

Released early enough to have a substantial impact on some of the most well-known games we have today but late enough so that across the game’s development stages we clearly see some influences from games like Zelda and namely a certain game referred to as infiniminer being arguably the biggest

Inspiration Minecraft would see in terms of its core foundation so let’s take everything right back to the conception of the idea all stemming from a Swedish man called Marcus who in 2009 was a worker accurate the game developer Midas player later to be known as king that’s

Right before the idea of Minecraft had even been conceived its creator Marcus person or as he’d later be known Notch was working for the guys who’d go on to make Candy Crush Marcus himself had aspired to be a video game developer since he was a kid so upon becoming an

Adult he started looking for jobs in game development in which he ended up working for a few companies which required him for things more related to web design which for Marcus wasn’t satisfying that game development passion which he’d felt for years at this point

It was when he went to go work at game Federation however that we saw a big leap in terms of Marcus’s game output initially creating a game called worm online with work colleague Rolf Janssen and then in the subsequent years following his switch to Midas player we

Saw the creation of numerous flash games which surely would have further reinforced his development capabilities and with constant creativity occurring in his work life mixed with an obvious passion towards gaming and game development to begin with you can naturally assume that Marcus was also experimenting around with certain game

Concepts in his personal time and he most definitely was with several personal projects being created during this period before during and after his work with Midas player most of which were being posted about on the forums known as TIG Source this forum was predominantly for independent developers

Who much like Marcus were either posting their latest game projects or perhaps also looking to see if there was anyone who could help them out some of Marcus’s projects have been lost for time but the most vital one which was created that albeit never actually released was a

Project referred to as Ruby dunge or Ruby dung I don’t actually know the pronunciation the name descending from the phrases dungeon and Ruby lands dungeon referring to the areas you’ll be exploring throughout the game and Ruby lands being in reference to the world that you’ll be playing in there’s no

Gameplay to be seen of this project only a select few screenshots these however being very interesting in terms of how we’ll later observe Minecraft’s development the game was purposely supposed to be an emulation of another game known as Dwarf Fortress but already here due to what’s been disclosed about

This project we see Marcus’s emphasis on more simplistic and understandable video game functionality with Ruby dunge aiming to be a more accessible version of Dwarf Fortress which judging from these screenshots you can assume was quite hard to get into the most vital things we can see in the limited

Screenshots we have are less to do with the gameplay comparisons between this and Minecraft but more visual ones first off we can see the game would have most likely been played from a third person perspective with the camera system appearing very similar to strategy games like Age of Empires or populous the

Textures are rather limited but we already see an emphasis on green grass trees Cobblestone and mountains here the visual comparisons run even deeper when you realize that when looking to the earliest Minecraft Builds we actually see The Return of these Cobblestone and grass textures one for one although due

To the camera system and also the lack of any sloped or raised surfaces that’s about as far as the comparisons go considering we don’t actually have access to Ruby dunge this is where things get interesting however Notch had a plan to make Ruby dunge not just an isometric game but one that also

Contained a first person viewing system this proved difficult to implement when going into this first person mode the textures were supposedly too blurry and distorted to be a viable option it just so happens though that while Marcus was at work on Ruby dunge he’d end up discovering a game known as infiniminer

This game was made by zaktronix or rather Zach bath and was a competitive multiplayer sandbox game which all revolved around mining in terms of the game itself all you need to do is go underground using the four different roles which are on offer and then bring whatever loot you find beneath back to

The surface thing is though as the project gained popularity you could start to see a pattern which would in turn lay the foundations to Minecraft success although the game was supposed to be competitive but after a short while players became more interested with the block building aspects of the

Game where I presumed due to how simplistic the placement of these blocks are and how easy the blocks themselves are to piece together being able to not just place them on the ground but also stack them on top of each other players became fascinated with the idea of building their own structures it’s

Incredible how much the comparisons Run Deep to Minecraft which I’ll of course inevitably end up repeating when actually getting into the game itself but just remember that the process to build while playing in finer require allows you to dig up the oars which are embedded in the dirt either underground

Or above the surface use a separate device requiring a separate button push to place these things down in which we’re also given a small variety of other things we can build like ladders and force fields all the while having terrain which was and still is incredibly similar to both Ruby dunge

And Minecraft and also procedurally generated levels which is yet another extremely important key to Minecraft success Marcus was clearly inspired immensely by this game deciding from this point on that a first person camera angle was the best way of presenting this idea and also putting more focus on the Block building aspects from

Infiniminer but there was also one key distinction in where he wanted to take this Ruby dunge project and that meant going away from the more competitive aspects of infiniminer and instead introducing RPG elements Marcus had left King by this time leaving around March of 2009 but surprisingly only two months

Later Marcus had developed the very first version of what would soon become Minecraft initially though it was being referred to as cave game and in a tech test video there was released on Notch’s YouTube channel back in 2010. we can see it’s pretty much identical to what we

See in some of the first Builds on the Minecraft launcher this means that I personally can now start experiencing what would end up becoming Minecraft myself with Mojang clearly understanding the importance and significance of this game’s development allowing any and all players to access almost every individual build of the game throughout

Its almost 15 year long run the installations in the Minecraft launcher nowadays are very intuitive meaning that we can literally select a new installation of the game and head all the way down to the first build available this being old Alpha rd132211 the Rd in the name of this one

Of course being a reference to the previous Ruby dunge project interestingly during the time Marcus who I’ll now be referring to as notch started working on this they weren’t actually being released there’s several named stages to Minecraft’s development with this one being known as pre-classic with the first pre-classic build not

Actually being accessible on the Minecraft launcher with this first one actually being the third build of the game with the first two being unreleased this version was developed on the 13th of May 2009 and the phrase pre-classic really lives up to its name here this is

As Bare Bones as you can get yet I’m sure if this was a standalone game released for free on the internet it’d still end up garnering at least some attention the gameplay in this version and to be honest all versions up until the in-depth stage of development relies

Solely on the idea of building and destroying the environment we’ve got to explore is quite literally a flat block of land whereupon walking to one of the edges you can jump right off and which will fall into an infinite void same goes for when you dig straight down

Digging far enough doesn’t lead to any preventative you’ve just fall into the void again interestingly though even in this version you can already see certain ideas being developed which might sound simple on the surface but are still incredibly important to how Minecraft will turn out as I just said building

Isn’t the only thing you can do here just like infiniminer you’re also given the ability to remove blocks too and upon digging down we can see the grass blocks on the surface end up being replaced with Cobblestone blocks of course the idea of cobblestone being under ground instead of just pure rock

Doesn’t make much sense but we’re giving a lot of this stuff a hard pass considering well it’s not even really a game yet just a tester of an idea but obviously this is already great as it establishes a kind of progression to the player’s experience one that in this

Moment seems rather minor with the only difference being the switch between a grassy environment to a rocky environment but as the survival elements and new kinds of blocks get introduced becomes vital to the game’s success sound wise we’ve quite literally got nothing and it’s something that will

Stay absent for a lot of these earlier builds even in ones that give us the option to turn sound on and off outside of the building and removing of blocks though you ain’t got much to be honest the most you can see at this point is the potential this game has if things

Were to get further expanded more blocks a bigger area sound effects and the like all things that would flesh this initial experience out into an actual game and not a tech demo I’d say for most of these early builds the main thing they’re missing is a motivation a reason

To keep playing yes the building can be satisfying on its own believe me I’ve seen people spend days weeks and even months working on building projects alone but if Minecraft stayed as solely this building game I don’t think it would have come anywhere near as close

To being as big and successful as it has I will say though even at this stage you can see how creativity on the player’s part will always be the most vital asset it’s very player dependent and I think it always has been which is why once

Again I feel like giving even a small amount of guidance or an ultimate objective the player can work towards of course excluding their own personal objective further encourages players to keep coming back and pushing towards this goal it’s a very standard practice you can equate it to finishing a game’s

Campaign or reaching the highest rank or something and it’s one that while not seemingly necessary with the base concept of Minecraft will end up greatly improving the experience onto some of the later builds of this pre-classic period we first see the introduction of character models everything in this

Second build is exactly the same destroying blocks still has them straight up disappear and replacing these blocks still works automatically so for example if you’re placing a block on the same level as all the other grass blocks the lock you place down will also be a grass block everything above or

Below this level will be a cobblestone block however limiting the variety of possible builds once again building up to get an overview of these character models which I assume were put into both test out animation and movement we also see that you can’t build that high up

Into the sky at this point a strange but ultimately predictable outcome I don’t know why there was this kind of restriction at this point due to our ability to fall out into the void of nothingness but it is what it is we’ll end up seeing the height of this space

Increase substantially as the builds go on an interesting point about these characters which are running around which most people familiar with Minecraft will know as Steve is that these guys are yet another asset taken from one of Notch’s previous projects this one being a game called zombietown

A game which was heavily inspired by Grand Theft Auto Chinatown Wars and as you can see in this screenshot we also see these thieves a present which is also why they’re referred to as zombies in the game’s code at this point the next update sees an even bigger leap

Forward and starts introducing even more things which will eventually see still remain in the game to this day a completely untouched first would be in relation to the destruction of blocks now not just disappearing out of thin air but instead leaving some Rubble behind depending on the type of block

You smash which I should mention has now been increased to four with the additions of a smooth Stone and wooden planks the rubble will also appear different not in terms of the particle effect but simply the color and texture of the rubble itself these different blocks which I mentioned can now be

Selected on the fly whenever using the one two three and four Keys meaning that on top of having more blocks to choose from we’re also not restricted in terms of which blocks we can place down in certain places for example removing a block on the ground which is now made

Out of stone doesn’t mean the block we place down for its replacement also has to be Stone it could be any of the blocks we can now select other additions to this build would be the fact the number of Steves has now been reduced presumably because their initial

Function of testing out the player models has now been served you’ve also got more intricacies in terms of blocks like dirt which as you can see has now replaced the grass texture this doesn’t mean grass is completely absent of course but instead follows a more realistic type of presentation dirt

That’s exposed to light from the surface will eventually have a grassy texture on top of it not reverting back to the stock grass block we saw in the first couple builds but also having the dirt texture now replace all of the grass block sides outside of the top remove

The sunlight however which basically means building underground or covering it with a shadow and it will Resort back to a dirt block that’s something important to acknowledge from the very first build we have access to despite being refined over time there were always things like Shadows present whenever you built structures aside from

Being a nice addition which once again brings a certain realism and dynamic liveliness to the game we also have to acknowledge there’s no way to counteract that Darkness at this point either building a house for example will always result in the inside becoming incredibly dark unless you poke some holes in the

Structure of course and finally the last new additions we see are changes to the interface and player with there now being a Crosshair in the center of our screen so we can more precisely place and destroy our objects while also having our character be able to jump

Slightly higher and move a bit faster overall were quite significant update which foreshadows just how intricate this game will eventually be the next update didn’t have any noticeable changes to me outside of the fact the crosshairs now gotten much smaller for whatever reason the parkour effects

Don’t look as good they look like flat 2D slicers compared to what looked like actual Rubble previously and we also see the addition of full screen with all the previous versions only being playable in a small window it looks like this version is more of a regression compared

To anything else which I assume may have come from this primarily being a test to get full screen working properly as that’s ultimately the most substantial addition we see here however in terms of the game’s title this build was a landmark moment as you’re aware despite being labeled with Rd in reference to

Ruby dunge the project itself had actually been referred to as cave game in the previous build though we saw the Game’s name be changed to Minecraft order of the stone and then as we’ll ultimately see the title became finalized in this version to just Minecraft a seemingly pivotal name

Switch in a not so pivotal game build same goes for the next version to be honest which the Minecraft launcher made me slightly confused about luckily using the wikis I’ve understood that although I was missing out on a new aspect which actually got introduced all the way back

In the third build it doesn’t have a huge amount of elaboration until this point anyway and that’s the World building I was missing out on this initially due to the same level DAT file being reloaded in the newer builds but taking a look at these new non-flat worlds shows an impressive step forward

Broadening the variety and explorative aspects even more by using the same kinds of procedural generation techniques we mentioned earlier when looking at infiniminer we were now being given new worlds to explore that didn’t have to be manufactured by us realistically what you’re looking at here might be possible for an actual

Player to create but judging from the fact that this game’s starting to go more and more into the direction of not being solely a building game it’s entirely appropriate the game does some World Generation on its own this becomes even more impressive when the procedurally generated worlds are laid

Out more clearly and made more accessible within these next few updates the one we were actually looking at to begin with ADD saplings and also reintroduces the more refined particle system we saw in the previous builds in the game one thing I think this exposes unless I’m being mistaken of course is

The slight pitfalls in terms of how these builds have been categorized in the launcher in this build for example the sapling effects look pretty much identical to the sapling texture we’ve been used to for the entire game’s run however heading over into the next build the sapling texture looks far worse for

Whatever reason although I think I can speculate why looking at the Minecraft Wiki which are fantastically recorded essentially everything there is to know about Minecraft and its development there’s certain builds of this game which have apparently been mislabeled in the Minecraft launcher for example the build which initially introduced these

Procedurally generated worlds in terms of the launcher was built 2009-0515 but taking a look at the wiki tells us that despite this build actually existing it’s not the build we actually play on the launcher this instead being a copy of build 16 1348 why this is a thing I don’t really know

But it’s definitely confusing and I think that’s what led to these slight inconsistencies in terms of things like the saplings I just mentioned the wiki confirms my beliefs that this far downgraded version of the sapling texture was actually the first version to be used which hilariously is also the

Reason why it was only able to be selected with the six key Notch was supposedly not happy with the texture so tried to hide it by putting it on six with five Simply Having nothing in its place back to the worlds though however what we see here is another big step in

A more exploratory Direction there was not only the addition of water which despite being completely stagnant in terms of any kind of movement or splashes presented some unique obstacles in terms of the player’s movement even in the first build it was introduced the water was pretty much as it is today

Aside from the visual side of things stepping into water will make your movement far slower and if you don’t hold down the space bar to keep yourself afloat you’ll end up sinking it’s one of the stranger things I saw carried over throughout the ages as I’ve always felt

Our movement through water has been fairly clunky well up until they seemingly acknowledge that in the Aquatic update far into the game’s future where they also revamp and significantly add to a lot of the ocean that was released in 2018 though and you’ve got to realize for a large part

Of Minecraft’s history swimming was either bobbing yourself up by holding the jump button if you wanted to stay on the surface or slowly letting yourself sink and then moving incredibly slowly underwater still a good addition at this point of course I just feel that looking ahead to Future updates is something

That should have likely been improved much sooner than it actually was to recap we’re now looking at the alpha builds of this game which is the point where Minecraft became firmly Minecraft not an expansion of Ruby dunge just a side note I purely mean Alpha builds in

Terms of how the builds are actually labeled the true Alpha phase of development is the fifth phase some will occur later on having far more mechanics than what we see here you would have noticed in the top left of the screen the Rd is now missing from the build

Title while presenting some additional information like how many frames per second the game’s running at and also how many chunk updates are being made as you play technical jargon basically nothing that most players will actually want to see but interesting to witness regardless much like tons of other

Builds so far we don’t have access to a lot of them with there being a noticeable Gap from when this classic period began that being with version 0.0.2 a and the version that’s actually available on the launcher that being 0.0.11a that’s actually okay though you eventually realize when looking at the

Time frames of when these updates were released that these weren’t huge updates that were coming out weeks from each other multiple updates were being released per day sometimes primarily including things like bug fixes and new additions like the HUD elements in the top left however a key addition that we

Witness in this first classic version of Minecraft that we can access is a change to the building and Mining despite seeming like initially a step forward we eventually see the game take a back step from the approach they Implement here not really being a game changer but simply making it so that right-clicking

No longer builds blocks but instead changes between a building mode and destruction mode I’ll be honest I saw no benefit in this approach it seemed to convolute a process that was already intuitive and despite the scene seemingly nice addition of now having a faded overlay of whichever blocks we’re

Going to place down it’s just unnecessary perhaps not right now as the block seemed to be noticeably missing the black outline which eventually gets introduced to make it clearer which blocks are going to be destroyed or added to but it seemed like something which wasn’t going to stick around for

Long just the final couple tidbits about this build is that one the screen layout was very strange for whatever reason it’s the only build that fully crashed on me when trying to enlarge it simply to try get rid of this big chunk of blue on the right hand side and also looking

Ahead to the Future there’s a very cute reference to this build at the beginning of Minecraft celebration of the community video almost being an acknowledgment that this is where Minecraft really began to avoid any overlap with things I’ve previously mentioned when talking about the brand new non-flat worlds I’ll just say the

Next build we have is the one that introduces things like water lava and Bedrock water we’ve talked about but lava of course has slightly different properties despite still being quite similar their functions at this stage in terms of being obstacles and negligible as the player’s still invincible mean

Meaning you can’t drown in water or get burnt in lava when going underwater there’s quite a strong shadowy effect put on screen where most things become tinted blue and objects in the distance are now far more obscured although I wasn’t able to achieve the same effect with lava in these earlier builds the

Effects are apparently very similar but in the lava’s case having everything colored with an orange tin the lava itself works the same as water you can Bob around in it to your heart’s content a nice aspect of this water and lava although once again not really being

Noticeable for the lava itself is the momentum we can witness When jumping into it falling from a greater height will in turn plummet us further Into the Depths just something nice that quite literally puts more weight into your actions these liquids themselves can be merged for a far greater purpose later

On but currently putting water on lava will simply extinguish it leaving a block of stone in each tile of the lava’s place Bedrock though is a great new addition now removing the possibility of falling out of the map into the void due to it being a completely unbreakable block we’ll see

However that this not only presents an improvement in terms of not breaking the game but also ends up presenting a very strong structure which will be very useful to capitalize on as new resources get added to the game this along with the infinite ocean which surrounds the island you get spawned on ensures

There’s no chance for you to fall out of the world now the rest of these additions are mainly important in a technical sense or are only minor changes where the F key now toggles between four different render distances which we’ll see the game refers to as fog primarily being a function that I

Assume helps older pieces of Hardware Run the game properly if you find yourself getting low frame rates and there’s also the ability to press the End Key now to Auto generate a new level much like every other function this is of course never explained to you so only

Upon doing research did I discover these functions were actually introduced in this build oh well I guess the build before this but we don’t actually have access to that one the final notable change would be the thick black outline to the blocks which I mentioned earlier still having the overlay textures from

Before which I still find to be unnecessary here but ultimately being a step in the right direction by highlighting which blocks you’re focusing on and subtler and less intrusive way remember this version is 0.013a the next update we get in terms of the launcher is 0.30 seeing numerous

Innovations and being the final version of what’s referred to as classic Minecraft Okay so starting off the first thing I want to mention is that we’ve still got no sound even despite now having the options to turn music and sound on or off I’m unsure if this is simply an issue in relation to my Hardware or if there was still genuinely no sound at

This point but let’s just say that in between the time of this build and the final Alpha sound gets added somewhere along the way I have researched this quite heavily because it does seem strange to have these options if there’s no sound and from what I understand with

The information on the Minecraft wikis it seems like there was genuinely sound in these builds it’s just the fact that when playing the builds we have access to they’re still absent likely due to a bug of some kind on top of these sound options we’ve also got plenty more

Things to configure here things like showing the FPS counter on screen controlling the render distance even a 3D anaglyph mode which is more of a novelty compared to anything else we even get the chance to inspect and change our control options here which is great for accessibility but like the

Sound there’s also the option of chat here which doesn’t seem to activate anything at this time it’s important to note that despite being the next version we’re touching on you can actually assume there was some genuinely important innovation between 13 a and 30 and you’d be right this Gap in between

Is where we saw the survival mode be implemented for the first time it’s just something that’s been completely removed from the launcher with you not even being able to tell its absence in 0.30 because a large amount of its elements were stripped back or removed we’ll get

Into the elements that were added in between that time more later on but we’ll look at the features which are still present within the classic release as well this means we’re ignoring a large amount of the survival test editions as the main Innovations we saw were primarily in relation to either

Weaponry or mobs but there’s also things like the multiple new blocks that were introduced into survival test 0.26 and 0.28 this also being the case for some even earlier updates which added blocks like glass and sand and coming back to 0.30 we can see the game is starting to

Form into exactly that an actual game not just a tech demo there’s two things that caught my eye immediately in terms of what’s shown on screen and that would be the block that’s in the bottom right corner of the screen and the selection of blocks that are at the bottom

Starting with the HUD I am a very big fan of this one it’s small compact shows very clearly every block that you’re holding in the nine slots you can hold them in it’s just great I can see why they’ve never really changed it that much as you can see there’s plenty more

Blocks to choose from here compared to previous builds because as I mentioned this one basically stockpiles numerous additions from several smaller builds in the past pressing B allows you to bring up the build menu in which you can replace any of the blocks you’re currently holding with a new block with

What’s shown on this screen being every block and asset within Minecraft at this point bar things like Bedrock water and lava if you know anything about how expansive Minecraft eventually becomes this initial list looks like a joke in comparison although as someone who’d consider themselves an old school player

Playing Minecraft for the first time during its beta stages I would argue the more convoluted certain processes became the less invested I was in the game itself we’ll save that for much later on though what mainly matters here is a few things the variety of blocks the structure of these procedurally

Generated worlds and how a lot of these elements come together to Prime the survival mode for Success firstly the build mode has now been removed now reverting back to why perceive as the more intuitive left-click to build and right-click to destroy as you can see the surrounding environment is now

Filled with all kinds of Peaks and troughs in the terrain making your world feel even more unique and individualized off the bat without even touching it which of course with the random generation of these worlds is genuinely the case no two worlds are going to be

The exact same here you would have also seen when doing things like building and destroying things there’s some actual movement in our character now which is why there’s the object in the bottom right of the screen this is supposed to be reflecting the item you’ve got held

In your hand despite the fact our hands can never actually be seen in this build a nice reminder to the player along with the thick white outline which can be seen surrounding whatever blocks equipped in the HUD more than anything I feel this is the first step in making

The character we’re playing as feel more like a genuine character before it pretty much felt like we were a floating entity but now since we’re not only shown to be holding the block but also having new animations like having a swipe when clicking the destroy button and having the block be temporarily

Removed and replaced with another one when placing it down it now Feels Like These are actions which are being made by both us and the character in this world taking a look at the blocks the variation we see here is actually more important in terms of the switch to the

Survival mode the main addition here would be the different colors of wool which I assume due to its relative uselessness in terms of when the first survival builds are released was more of a test in terms of the Block’s colors we also have things like brick for a

Different style of house blocks which are made solely out of iron and gold bookshelves leaves glass which is now see-through compared to previous builds where it wasn’t transparent but the most important blocks here which you’ll see are now actually sporadically scattered underground would be the new ores these

Blocks and how they’re randomly placed under the surface is one of the most vital Innovations we see here will of course get into it more when they have actual Effectiveness as it is they’re like everything else currently simply another variation of blocks to this increasing list of blocks but just

Witness what happens when we dig underground we start seeing seeing coal iron and gold blocks randomly start presenting themselves typically with not just one being present but a whole collection of them yet again the world is starting to now feel more alive which might not seem vital at this point

Considering the whole game as being based around your own creativity and what you can build but as I said is important for later builds finally we have things like TNT and obsidian the first of which is genuinely able to be exploded but from what I’ve seen and

Actually tried was not possible in this build I’m not going to stick firmly with that belief as I was unable to submerge the TNT in any Flames which we’ll see is one of the primary ways of actually activating it to explode but as there’s many other mechanics which seem

Undeveloped in this version I’m not sure if the ability to explode it was simply taken out I mentioned this because of the final few blocks we have here obsidian is a block that you may know can only be created when flowing water hits stationary lava although I was

Actually able to test this out here and it resulted in the same thing every time that being the creation of another stone block just like last time it’s interesting that at this point you can genuinely start to see the experimentation of these more physics-based ideas however taking us to

The sand and gravel blocks they initially seem much like everything else when placing them on the ground but you’ll see that when trying to place them on an elevated surface with nothing beneath them they’ll end up still being placed on the ground this is unlike most

Of the other blocks here which are able to be placed without anything beneath them and still be elevated we’ll see later that this is the first test of blocks which more closely adhere to realistic physics if you’re thinking it doesn’t make that much sense you’re absolutely right there’s no real reason

That a wood block should be able to stay in the air with nothing attached to it and a sandblock can’t but I think it’s fine really in the grand scheme of things this will introduce further dangers when digging underground in the future and the physics themselves are quite an impressive addition despite not

Actually being here yet if we’re being honest though these new additions and constant refinements haven’t actually changed the core gameplay that much looking away from the survival tests which were happening these classic builds which remember are the only ones we have access to through the launcher now are all still relying on the

Player’s creativity in relation to the building the innovation to the world are ultimately more important for the survival mode a noticeable progression being implemented which we can’t yet see due to the fact we can’t pick up items the yours are the clearest example of this fact but also things like the

Flowers and mushrooms which are now scattered around and also how saplings now grow into full-on trees after a short amount of time the flowers matter more in survival because they can be destroyed and picked up so that instead of being placed randomly on the ground you can place them wherever you want

Perhaps to create a garden of some kind you can obviously do that here but it’s also completely missing the sense of progression that personally kept me coming back to Future versions of Minecraft all these things are just handed to you we’ll find that despite presenting more of a challenge in the

Player’s experience working towards an ultimate goal that might seem insurmountable actually ends up making everything even more satisfying when you do eventually reach it I’m not saying that in relation to the flowers of course but other elements which we’ll see also get elaborated on same goes for

The mushrooms the idea of food items are obviously totally absent at this point but when they do get introduced with items like the mushroom stew for example sample you aren’t able to just spawn in these mushrooms and use them to create a healing item instead you need to find

Them yourself and also build a bowl for them to be eaten out of which as we’ll see with the crafting elements does genuinely present far more Reliance on the player’s actions to learn what works and what doesn’t and coming to the end of Minecraft classic it’s impressive the

Sheer amount of innovation we see occur in such a short amount of time Notch was throwing out incredibly substantial updates constantly which all pretty much remain Staples of the Minecraft experience people are familiar with today although it would become far more common compared to when Minecraft came

Out mainly due to new additions to the game client steam this is a clear example of an early access game the game was initially being given away for free on the tig Source Forum but Notch started charging people for the experience fairly early on at 13 a copy with the numerous game-changing updates

We see it was clear that people were paying for an experience that quite literally wasn’t finished yet but it shouldn’t be mistaken for a con in that regard there was no impression given out that it was a finished experience and much like countless other game developers which use this early access

Process the money which was being paid for these early versions was likely being put towards even more intensive development towards the game in the future but as it stands classic Minecraft could easily be a game in itself it might sound strange saying that at this point considering how much

Stuff they eventually add but this is a point in the game’s development where I see it truly can stand alone as an enjoyable experience although it is still a fairly limited number the amount of blocks at this point bring enough variation for numerous builds a player might want to take on the Underground

Exploration through caves and mine shafts that you can create yourself despite having no actual incentive like getting materials for your progression still present Intrigue and will have players exploring them regardless purely based off the idea of going on a small Adventure however the next substantial build comes in the form of two stages

Which ultimately achieve the same goal it’s just the fact the first of these stages isn’t playable on the Minecraft launcher these are referred to as the in-dev and INF Dev stages the names being shortened versions of the phrases in development and infinite development the two titles are also so important in

Terms of a change to the procedurally generated worlds starting within Dev this was when Notch started charging money for Minecraft beginning at the incredibly low price tag of five dollars this was when the classic mode of Minecraft which would go on to be known as creative mode was phased out for the

Survival mode which was also being tested from what I observed with the previous builds of this game despite this being a big transitionary moment for the direction of Minecraft in retrospect it seems like it would have still been unclear at this time if this is the primary mode the game would be

Focusing on onto the additions here though there’s a drastic amount to be seen here some of which are more simplistic and others which surprisingly give us access to the more complex aspects of Minecraft which we see today have been used to create some incredibly impressive constructions although we’re

On info Dev now pretty much all the Innovations from in Dev were carried over so let’s begin with what we can personally do when starting off in Minecraft this time around this starts with the menu screen we’re now presented with when launching the game presenting the option single player multiplayer and

Tutorial level single player of course is so self-explanatory and is the only mode which is actually accessible in this build the other two are more aspirations of modes which will be complete in the future however unlike multiplayer which would eventually be fully complete and spawn one of the

Largest gaming communities of all time the strange tutorial mode option was never complete and by the time the beta stages rolled around was fully abandoned the reason for this seems unclear it was literally just stripped out without any notice and replaced with the mods and

Texture pack menu but if I had to take a guess it was likely removed for a number of reasons the game was being constantly updated at this point so having a tutorial level which clearly lays out the foundations of this game it would likely waste a lot of time updating this

Level as well to adhere to these new changes that were constantly happening and to be honest with a game like Minecraft which heavily encourages discovering things on your own and having an experience that feels individualized solely to you having a tutorial somewhat dampens that aspect overall although we never saw this

Tutorial level I don’t think we’re missing out on much and realistically we do actually end up seeing tutorial levels in the future like can the Xbox 360 release of the game jumping back to the single player though we’re given the option to pick one of five empty slots

Which serve as our world selection as you could assume it doesn’t matter what slot you pick each World which gets created here is totally random I just think it’s a very intuitive Edition on top of the main menu screen to begin with we were given the option to

Generate new worlds before when the pause menu was introduced and also we’re able to save and load different levels too but not only does it make more sense to have it on a main menu to begin with so that you don’t have to automatically be spawned into a world you don’t

Actually want to be in but for some reason when attempting to save or load in these builds it crashed my game every single time I’m not sure if this is an issue with the actual build itself or something on my end but needless to say I like the selection screen a lot more

Hopping into the actual game we see the wild difference between the classic versions and this as we can see with our HUD we no longer have the variety of blocks to choose from anymore which as you can assume means we’ve also lost access to the build menu too above our

Inventory bar is our health 10 Hearts which can either be lost or gained depending on if you you take damage or heal there’s a variety of ways to take damage which will lead into some of the bigger changes we see here ranging from falling off a great height to Drowning

Underwater to getting injured from the several new enemies which are here it should be noted that full damage doesn’t apply to every surface however for example jumping from the top of a tree down to the grass below will definitely lead to some damage but falling into some water will negate any fall damage

The only result being that we get thrown deeper into the water so if we take damage how can we get our health back well there’s a variety of ways to do this in this version being all revolved around the food items these can be acquired through a combination of

Mushroom items which I mentioned earlier being able to create a mushroom stew to get some health back you’ve also got the new Pig mobs which wander around the design of these being simple but great fitting in line with the overall style hair which is now starting to become

Very distinct and unique you can kill these to acquire some raw pork which can be eaten as is but can also be cooked resulting in even more Health being gained whatever way you decide to heal it’s important to realize that Health doesn’t regenerate autumn automatically which I personally enjoyed it puts a lot

Of weight on your actions to either fight well against the enemies you come up against or to Simply navigate your environment with more consideration looking away from the health for now let’s get into how the blocks have been handled this time around as in many ways

This is what defines the Mind part of Minecraft it’s at this point where the fundamentals of Minecraft are introduced you’re put into the world with absolutely nothing and have to quickly discover what to do before it reaches nighttime that’s right something you may not have realized up to this point is

That Knight has never been a thing not only do things get darker as you keep playing but you’ll find we now have a fully functioning day night system a great addition to begin with but also being a dangerous Hazard as we’ll eventually find you may not initially

Know this when starting off which serves as a great learning curve for the player and led to a huge amount of guides tips and tricks being created by other players to explain how you can effectively survive your first night one whole day takes around 20 minutes

Meaning an hour is around one minute in real time so the first thing you’ll find yourself doing if you’re looking to make some shelter overground or perhaps my underground and wait until daytime is getting some wood all this kind of stuff is not told to the player at all which

Is why I assume at the time a tutorial level might have been appropriate coming off the classic phase where you could destroy any block with one swipe We Now find that different blocks now take varying amounts of time to be destroyed also being dependent on what equipment

You have dirt is the first thing an uninformed player will likely acquire it’s quick to break and upon even hitting it once you can start to see debris being created and cracks forming on the surface of the block if the player discovers this they’ll likely be inclined to try this out with other

Blocks and with trees being an incredibly common thing to be surrounded by mining either the wood or leaves would be the next logical step what you’ll find when destroying all of these items is that they don’t just disappear compared to classic mode but instead float gently to the ground until you

Pick them up something to note here is the much improved Shadow system at this point still not having Shadows drawn in relation to your player character but as you can see different strengths of Shadows with other objects items on the ground have strong Dark Shadows considering their most touching the

Ground but then looking at the trees we can see on the outer peripherals of the tree the Shadows are slightly lighter but then getting closer to the wood part of the tree we see the Shadows become darker having more shade from the Sun with the increasing amount of leaves

That are covering it this is mainly because we’ve now had the addition of dynamic lighting where before there was only two light levels in the pre-classic and classic stages there’s now 16 degrees of brightness which play into aspects like these Shadows we’re seeing Daylights are a light value of 15. and

As things start getting darker when night rolls around we’re actually able to see the brightness gradually decrease until it reaches a value of four not being a straight zero of course to reflect the light which is shining from the Moon acquiring these things like wood and dirt you’ll find that when

Picking them up they don’t take up one slot each mining a tree for example requires you to break several blocks to get all the wood from it in which you’ll see all these blocks get stacked in your inventory the max amount you can stack blocks goes up to 64. in which after

That point collecting another item of the same kind will be moved to a separate slot being able to create a brand new stack this is a fantastic Edition in many ways not only is it just effective to not have your entire inventory clogged up with the same item

Giving us more opportunity to collect blocks of a separate kind we also see that it makes building easier much like classic it means we don’t have to switch out blocks constantly but instead place down as many as we have in our stack and then when we run out move on to the next

One the amount of blocks we acquire is also vital to how the crafting system’s been implemented in addition to the game that leads to a wide range of possibilities in how we want to tackle our adventure that’s where the progression of Minecraft becomes set in

Stone and is one of the key reasons why after the alpha and beta stages I’ll simply talk about Minecraft as one Collective package regardless of the huge updates which are released after the full release comes out no matter how you look at it this is the only way

You’ll be able to start a prosperous attempt at survival mode hitting trees getting wood crafting gear and possibly building shelter it should be mentioned that when I say hitting trees this doesn’t mean continually clicking on them over and over it’s yet another aspect that I’ve seen players who are

Unfamiliar with Minecraft get confused over that being the fact you have to actually hold the left click down to mine things it’s not something I imagine will be the biggest obstacle in the world but it definitely has the potential to stunt players who aren’t observing the cracks that are formed on

The surfaces the more you hold left click down the more cracked you’ll see a merge on the surface until the block eventually breaks giving you the block itself in return or in some cases not giving you anything at all this takes us to the crafting which also means we

Should talk about the inventory system in this build the inventory tab is defaulted to the I key where upon pressing it you’ll be led into numerous discoveries first would be the fact our inventory isn’t just limited to the nine slots in our inventory bar but actually

Having a total of 27 other storage slots which can hold the different blocks will be mining this means that when we want to use certain items that are located in our storage inventory we have to click them which in turn selects them and then either place or replace another item on

Our inventory bar we can also do things like right click a stack to half the amount of blocks contained within it and put them in another slot we can also select an item and then click outside of the inventory tab to throw them onto the ground this also being possible to do

With items found in our inventory bar by pressing Q although unlike the previous process this only throws out one block at a time and it’s also in here where we can do some stacking of our own one possible example of this being a stack of wood that you may be placing down

From your inventory tab only holding around 10 to 15 blocks which you can then top up by selecting another stack and placing it on top a wide range of functionalities already but Above This storage we can now see our player character which as you could have already assumed is the Steve model which

We saw in the early builds of Minecraft and also for other squares which are labeled as crafting having the Steve model here might initially seem unnecessary considering we’re playing in first person but that’s actually not the case firstly as you can see the final slots which I failed to mention are the

Ones to the left of Steve this being our armor slots interestingly the armor is yet another collection of items that were ported over from one of Notch’s previous projects this time being a game called The Legend of the chambered with both that and the sequel to that game

Featuring The Leather iron and chainmail sets of armor we’ll get into the armor more when exploring some of the oars however as for Steve this armor is not only reflected on this person when a matching piece is put in one of the four slots those being headgear breastplate

Leggings and boots but by pressing F5 we can now see a third person Mode’s been added ultimately it doesn’t get changed that much from what we see here with only a few new additions in the future like a new camera angle I’ve never really been a fan to be honest it takes

Us further away from what we’re doing and actively obscures certain elements like what blocks are in front of us presenting more of a challenge if we wanted to precisely build or mine certain blocks but I’ll be honest the INF Dev might be my favorite third person inclusion for one reason and

That’s the fact Steve still has his incredibly goofy run which eventually ends up getting replaced for a more paired down and appropriate animation onto the crafting though this is where Minecraft really starts to go above and beyond in terms of its intricacies as even in this incredibly early version

There’s a lot of outcomes that you’ll be able to find this is another one of those aspects which will surely stump a lot of players when playing for the first time as there’s quite literally no information given to aspects like what this actually crafts what blocks you need to craft things and what

Combination they need to be placed in to craft them dirt does nothing saplings do nothing and meat doesn’t do anything either but attempting to put the wooden logs into the crafting menu results in a different type of wood being created one that more reflects planks of wood

Compared to the logs this is where things start to become far more complex with the introduction of the crafting table this can be made by putting four of these wood blocks into our initial crafting menu and the table itself presents even more crafting options broadening the amount of crafting slots

To nine giving us the ability to craft a vast amount more items than the one we’ve got on our person this is where the next step of our progression comes in all being revolved around the crafting table since Minecraft is such an open game quite literally being a

Game that lets you play exactly how you want and letting you do everything at your own pace you may not even find the need to take this step forward yet you might want to spend time getting accustomed to the World perhaps finding an area that you feel would be a better

Place to set up shelter but it’s undeniable that if you take this approach or simply just stay around the area you spawn for a bit longer just exploring you will eventually have some issues the equipment is the most vital piece of progression at this point which

We’re now able to build using our newly acquired crafting table now as a kid when I played Minecraft for the first time I had somewhat of a clue on how to build certain things because of the countless YouTubers I watched but I imagine for a lot of players they’re not

Going to have any idea on what to craft her and the game doesn’t explain this aspect in the slightest it’s a win and lose situation in my opinion on one hand I really admire the approach of just giving you this mechanic and having you find out what works and what doesn’t I

Also feel this may have been a concerted effort to get more traction to Minecraft as a whole it might sound a bit extreme considering this is just one element of the game but it’s a vital one and one that in the internet age will have people uploading videos and guides

Focused around how to build certain objects in which other players will search up and possibly share to their friends overall the lack of information led to a cost-effective marketing scheme by getting pre-existing players to share content from the game online to help out the community but there’s also the

Substantial drawbacks in regards to the frustration which might Spawn from not being being able to craft anything one thing I appreciate most in games is when they slowly teach the players the mechanics without explicitly throwing things like tutorials or tips on the screen portal was a great example of

This slowly introducing elements to the player and increasing their complexity over time as the player gets more to grips with the Bass Foundation and although that sentiment does also apply to Minecraft in terms of how complex some of these item constructions can get it’s the teaching side of things that

Gets completely left out so really what I’m trying to say is that it’s a great mechanic that could have ultimately been more user friendly to newer players and less gatekeepy although I’m more indecisive in relation to the negatives to be honest because of what I mentioned previously the funniest part about the

Gatekeeping aspect which I mentioned is that when you eventually discover some of these crafting recipes yourself you’ll see that for a large amount of the most vital items you’re ultimately just mirroring the item with the individual crafting parts so for example with the crafting table we created that

By putting four blocks of wood in the crafting menu basically one big block which despite there being no size difference is exactly what the crafting table is then looking to things like equipment we first need to create sticks for their handles which simply consists of two wood blocks being placed in a

Vertical position and then once you have them literally copy the equipment you want to build it’s not like you can build everything you can’t build a pitchfork or a machine gun or anything obviously but instead tools like the pickaxe which requires three wood blocks at the top and two sticks beneath them

Resembling the pickaxe itself but I’ll be in a very spaced out form or the shovel which requires one wood at the top and two sticks at the bottom it’s simple when you understand this concept but once again there’s no inclination that this is how crafting would actually

Work in the first place talking of the equipment though let’s talk about all of their purposes as each one has been given unique properties that can’t be replicated by any other piece of equipment there’s five Tools in total at this point and starting with the pickaxe this is mainly used for mining blocks

Like Stone and oars it’s an item that’s used in the same way as how we’d mine wood or dirt but you’ll find that when trying to mine things like stone with our hands it not only takes a very long amount of time but also ends up not

Producing a block for us that would hopefully serve as a key indication to the player they’re approaching the destruction of these blocks in the wrong manner which is where the pickaxe comes in it’s an item that I see as arguably having the most significant progressions in the different tiers we see where much

Like all the other tools starts with a wooden pickaxe and eventually through our efforts of mining underground hopefully can result in US building a diamond pickaxe the progression goes like this you mine stone with the wood pickaxe create a stone pickaxe with the new stone that you’ve acquired the

Process to create this being exactly the same but just replacing the three wood blocks at the top with stone use the stone pickaxe to mine iron and then use the iron one to get diamond sounds simple but due to how the blocks have been randomly scattered underground this

Can be a much harder task than expected as we’re talking about the pickaxe now I only think it’s appropriate that we talk about the caves and mine shafts that will primarily be used in we see the layer system of the world has now been fully fleshed out at least that’s what I

Perceived when playing this version of The Game Dirt will be the main thing you’re digging through on the surface that’s unless you’ve made your way up to a high mountain area where which compared to the ground level will oftentimes be replaced with stone at this time the altitude of Minecraft was

At 256 blocks which meant that you could do things like build much higher into the sky and mine much further into the ground than previous versions this led way to a full-on progression with the mining as you’ll find that on the surface of the world you typically won’t

Be finding things like coal or iron at least not until you make a minor descent either into a cave or your own personal mine shaft it’s been structured in a way where the closer you get to the bottom of the map meaning Bedrock the higher the chances to get the best resources in

The game it’s a risk reward system in many ways the further you go down not only means you’re putting in even more effort if you’re mining down yourself but if you’re making your way down through cave shafts the chance for mobs to spawn in is incredibly likely even on

The Fairly upper layers of the world and there’s also the fact this entire process brings a sort of grindy nature to the game but one that I’ve got to be honest has never felt like a grind to me it’s all felt like one big Journey towards an ultimate goal I can assume

This will turn off a lot of players who just want to experience everything the game has to offer off the bat because I won’t lie attempting to find diamonds here has and always will be a fairly difficult and possibly arduous processed for some as the resources are scattered

Around randomly being yet another part of the procedural World Generation you never have any idea of where to go to actually find these things as I said to iron and coal was a fairly common resource Cole being used for things like torches which illuminate the underground areas which have now become much darker

Than previous builds to adhere to things like the torch’s actual functionality and irons primarily used for tools once again only being able to be destroyed and collected when using a stone pickaxe much like the Stone from earlier attempting to mine this with a wooden pickaxe or your hand will just destroy

The block outright so you can see how there’s a natural order with things now I say you can destroy things with your hand but up until Infinity we still can’t actually see our hands by the way but compared to the previous resources we collected attempting to build an iron

Pickaxe by placing three iron ore blocks in the crafting menu doesn’t lead to anything this is where the furnace comes in an item that will be able to be built without any border if you’ve already been doing some mining beforehand only requiring Stone you can’t just place

These iron ores in the furnace and expect it to produce iron bars though instead you need to place a fuel source at the bottom which will then begin the smelting process coal was the most effective resource for this as compared to using wood coal makes the fire last

Much longer meaning that you ultimately be wasting less resources overall you can see when the fire is starting to burn out from the symbol that’s beside the resource slots slowly dwindling away before it eventually shuts off that’s where things like the stacking system works very effectively though as you

Don’t have to place in fuel sources individually but instead you can put a whole stack inside and just wait till it’s done without any bother so once we’ve got the iron bars and built the iron pickaxe it’s now time to get some diamonds let’s not forget there is also

Gold to be found here but in terms of its usage with the tools it’s always been a strange in between that’s never quite fit in line with the smooth progression we’ve been seeing so far unlike the iron pickaxe the gold one can’t even mine diamonds but there is an

Actual trade-off albeit one that seems fairly worthless in my eyes I haven’t mentioned so far that all these tools have a durability system which will usually decrease when a player uses them for their set functions but also when performing other actions too say you use

A sword to break a block of any kind the sword will still see a degradation despite not being used to hit enemies the reason I mention this in relation to the gold tools is the fact they have the worst durability out of any other piece of equipment but they do also have a

Positive that being the fact that with things like the pickaxe or shovel they actually end up mining things even faster than Diamond gear that’s really a negligible aspect in my eyes though when you realize these gold tools break even faster than wooden ones I have seen conflicting information on that though

So let’s just say they’re either less than or equal to the durability of a wood pickaxe that’s looking away from the fact that these are still genuinely the only set of tools to not get the eventual durability increase that we see in the beta versions you’ll see that

Constantly going through the process of slowly smelting these gold bars and crafting the equipment just isn’t worth it let’s just say you’ll get rid of them much faster than you got them I found the durability system is quite harsh in this version of the game and it’s all

Based around how many times you perform whatever action it is these tools are being used for wooden and gold tools have 33 uses Stone has 65 iron has 127 and Diamond has 257. to be honest even saying that doesn’t make any of these things sound worth it especially things

Like diamonds trust me chances are it will take far more than 257 blocks to find diamonds maybe double even triple that number if you’re having a specially bad luck this means that while there is now a progression here it’s one that seems to be drawn back by the durability

System acquiring these items might feel satisfying in the moment but with how quick they degrade it will make you question why we’re even acquiring these things if they break so quickly but that’s the pickaxes I know we went into a deep dive in relation to how things work underground something we’ll

Actually be talking even more about in regards to stuff that’s away from solely mining but onto the other tools for now the shovel is quite a basic piece of equipment being most effective for mining items like dirt gravel and sand because these blocks are fairly easy to

Break off the bat the biggest positive with the shovel was simply the speed in which you can destroy these having a 400 increase compared to Breaking these by hand with the different tiers of shovel of course further increasing the speed that ax is fairly similar being much

More effective in mining wooden blocks a nice little change that some people may be unfamiliar with being the fact of the ax actually had the most substantial visual change compared to all other tools during these early in-depth stages they actually appeared more like a battle ax until they eventually removed

The second half of the ax head whereas the ax would eventually go on to Be an Effective offensive item too that occurs far later on taking us nicely to the sword which as you can presume has the primary function of attacking enemies focusing on the enemies themselves much

Like every other entity in the game it’s actually referred to under the encompassing mob so much like a zombie or skeleton is a mob so’s a pig or sheep the term itself being yet another shortened version of an actual phrase this time being a mobile entity the

First mobs we saw were of course the humans or rather Steve in the pre-classic builds then during the survival test we saw several staple mobs be added those being creepers skeletons zombies spiders sheep and pigs so let’s go over all of their unique behaviors right now starting with the creepers one

Of the most distinct mobs for Minecraft in particular the first thing you’ll likely notice about this guy is its appearance not only is it a bizarre looking creature with no arms and two sets of legs on the front and back we also see its skin color as green the

Most obvious reason for this design choice would be a form of camouflage obviously not applying to the underground areas it can spawn in considering when paired up with the gray stone it arguably stands out more than any other enemy but when on the surface you can imagine it will be able to blend

Into the green foliage which is presented by the leaves on trees and the grass on the ground that aspect makes these creepers even more dangerous added to the fact that unlike a lot of these mobs they also don’t burn up in the sunlight this is the reason why

Surviving the first night is seen as such an achievement for a newer player as for those who don’t act quickly they’ll discover that when night time comes these mobs start spawning in at a rapid rate you won’t be able to Journey too far in any direction without stumbling across one of them the

Transition to Naya also affecting the majority of passive mobs in the game despawning at night and then respawning at daytime back to the creeper its only way of attacking is to get close enough to you until it self-destructs the amount of damage you take varying depending on aspects like what

Difficulty setting you’re on and also how far away you are from it the reason the distance actually matters is because if you play carefully you can either kill it before it gets the chance to explode or perhaps if there’s other mobs surrounding it you might actually want

To bait it to explode so that it can also deal damage to them without you even having to swipe at them the reason you can bait it in the first place is because the creeper doesn’t just outright explode when it’s in close enough proximity to you but much like a

Fuse getting lit will have a short period before it explodes where you can either run away or attempt to push it back baiting might not be as easy as it sounds though as unlike that fuse example I mentioned if you end up putting enough distance between you and

The creeper while it’s getting ready to explode it’ll actually cool down not explode and continue to follow you it’s just a great enemy the design is incredibly unique and is one of the main figures which defines Minecraft style for a lot of people its functionality is dangerous and requires the player to

Both pay attention to their surroundings due to the possibility of one of these things sneaking up on you and also to play even more carefully when fighting them presenting this great back and forth where you’re constantly having to push the creeper back before it explodes and of course the explosive effect it

Presents is great letting out a cloud of smoke and creating a fairly large amount of Destruction to the surrounding environment the zombies on the other hand are slightly more basic with their only function being to get close enough to hit you their designs fine reflecting a zombified version of Steve but the

Most iconic part of them is arguably not in the game yet and that’s the sounds they make we’ll touch on that more later on though when looking at the addition of sound overall one of the things we can witness when comparing these initial two mobs though was their levels of detection

Minecraft doesn’t take the approach of having these mobs automatically know where you are and track you down sort of like how the zombies acting Call of Duty but instead they all have detection meters which vary from Mob to mob all being dependent on the amount of blocks you’re distanced away from them the

Creeper for example can detect you when you’re a Max of 16 blocks away from it whereas the zombies can spot you from 32 blocks away whether then start pursuing you much like their name implies these guys really are brain dead just like the creeper they’ve got no motivation

Outside of running straight at you to attack you an element which isn’t actually attributed to the next mob the skeleton unlike the creeper or zombie which need to be at a close range to deal damage the skeleton’s main way of attacking is with their bow and arrow an

Offensive item which can also be crafted by us arguably being the most effective way to deal with enemies by keeping them at a distance skeletons are debatably the smartest enemy here which in many ways can make them even more dangerous than mobs like the creeper when looking

Away from their sheer damage output when shooting arrows at you you’ll notice these are actually dished out quite sloppily at some point with you being able to fairly easily maneuver around their shots so long as you’re paying attention to where the skeleton’s actually aiming their damage outputs are

Slightly more varying compared to the zombie which further varies depending on your difficulty once again zombies for example make you lose three Health segments on normal difficulty the segment simply being two individual halves which the ten Hearts get split into actually making your total health be equivalent to 20 Health points

Skeletons on the other hand can strip away around three to four Health points on normal the best stuff comes from their more strategic approach to your encounters with them however firstly they can spot you within 16 blocks and within 15 they’ll actually start firing at you meaning that if you’re spotted by

One of them chances are they’ll likely start opening fire shortly after much like when you use a bow and arrow they actually need to charge up their shots which leads to short intervals during their attacks where you can either try and Escape or counter their attacks my favorite part is how these guys

Constantly strafe around when firing their shots and also back up when you’re within four blocks of them both effectively using their range to their advantage while also having the strafing give you a harder time if you’re trying to shoot them with arrows something which might be a more effective approach

With these guys considering things like how they back up and can pick you off from a distance even though these are one of the few enemies to use actual equipment you’ll also find their bow has infinite durability with infinite arrows to boot this means that you won’t be

Able to wait out any battle with these guys as they’ll be able to keep firing at you regardless of how long it takes and finally the spiders which are quite basic in their functionality but have more intricacies in relation to where they can spawn and how they act in

Relation to that spiders as you could expect only deal damage by coming directly up to you and presumably biting you but unlike previous mobs they’re more agile where especially in these earlier builds which don’t have features like sprinting they can pretty much always outpace you they also have the

Ability to climb up objects which means you’re going to have an even harder time getting away from them if you attempt to either scale upwards or build up with some blocks these positives do come with drawbacks however that being the fact their damage is reduced so they can only

Take away two Health points per hit and also the most interesting inclusion which I suppose can be seen as a drawback but also just part of its fundamental Behavior which is the fact that when exposed to sunlight during the daytime they become passive and no longer try to attack you hearing this

You can also realize that unlike other Hostile Mobs they don’t start burning up in the sunlight but instead can just roam around attacking spiders when they’re passive still causes them to aggro but unless you’re looking to get some string volumes like the bow it’s okay to just leave these guys alone as

For all these mobs as I said I enjoy the fact they’re not only distinct in a visual sense but also all have unique functionalities which gives everyone purpose yes some of these like the spider and zombie may have the same kind of attack that just being a straight up

Physical attack compared to the skeleton’s arrows and the creepers explosives but regardless of that fact all of them have certain abilities that can’t be performed by any other type of mob at least not yet lest we forget we were actually talking about the equipment here and the sword is arguably

The swiftest way to deal with these foes depending on what materials the sword is made out of the final piece of equipment is the hoe with its main usage not being as vital as the other ones but can lead way to a nice mechanic which many players will find themselves investing

Time in the hoe can till dirt so that it becomes Farmland which will turn the surface of either dirt or grass blocks and make them appear slightly different you’ll find though that tilling these blocks will only last a short amount of time if not surrounded by water which is

Another thing that revolves around the farming mechanic with there needing to be a water source so the crops don’t dry out just a side note to put here being the fact the water here is now more lively with us now being able to distinctly see the water glistening in

The sunlight and moving around you can make your own little Greenhouse if you feel like it using the furnace once again to turn sand into glass but we then have to figure out how to actually plant these crops and appropriately give them a water source this first requires

Us to find some seeds which can be done pretty easily by destroying the countless grass entities which are now Sprout up from the ground this being different to the grass that can be seen on the surface of dirt instead being something that can always be destroyed with a single hair livening up the

Scenery even more while also producing these seeds once you’ve got seeds it’s now time to set up your farm holding off on the tilling and instead digging out a patch of dirt where water can hit the dirt blocks beside it there’s numerous ways you can lay out this Farmland but I

Always tended to work in rows having one row of crops then a row of water and then another row of crops the best and most convenient way I found to get water to the crops it starts with getting the water itself which requires us to build a bucket you could hypothetically lead

Water in from the ocean but it all depends on where you’re actually building this Farm to where that solution might not be practical the bucket allows you to carry things like water and lava and in turn place a brand new sauce down wherever you want you’ll oftentimes find though that when placing

The liquid down let’s say beside these row of crops for example as it’s only coming from One Source the water level isn’t equal it spreads itself out which is not only less effective for growing crops but also not that satisfying visually there’s a nice little trick you

Can do to counteract this however by mining four blocks into the ground and equalizing the water levels you end up creating an infinitely generating water source much like we see when taking water from the ocean the water this time doesn’t just get scooped right out but instead refilled with the other water

Sources surrounding it once you’ve done that fill in the row of water until it’s all at an equal level in which you can then use your hoe to till the ground and place the seeds down you’ll know when the dirt has actually absorbed the water as it actually ends up changing color

From the light-colored brown dirt to a darker color with the light and water source you’ve given the crops you’ll start to see them grow after a short amount of time there’s seven stages to the growth in general although to get any actual wheat from these things you

Need to wait until the seventh stage this point being distinguished by the crops increased height and total lack of any green color you don’t just get wheat from these though but upon destroying them you also have a chance to acquire around one to four new seeds which you

Can then plant again creating a constant cycle in which you hypothetically no longer have to go out and acquire any more seeds from grass and the final step of course is to create the food from the wheat which you’ve gained of course the food item being bred being yet another

Useful resource if you’re either going exploring or actually looking for fights that’s all for the tools and much like the mobs which I’ve mentioned during this I very much like how each of these tools have been implemented all of them have specific functions some admittedly being more vital than others you can

Always mine blocks like dirt and gravel without a shovel for example whereas you can’t do the same with rock or coal but their inclusion is just yet another fantastically crafted system with the amount of resources it takes to build these being key to their success in my

Opinion which goes for the game overall if the tier system wasn’t here and a wooden pickaxe was just as effective and durable compared to a diamond one it just wouldn’t work there’d be no point to mining anymore because getting items like iron and Diamond no longer matter

As much but as items like diamonds are so rare it makes your acquiring of them feel like a real achievement which you can then put towards something which will help you out even more in the future working on a brilliant and addictive cycle where you’ll constantly be performing these actions and putting

Time into the game to acquire these rare resources as it stands though these are the most pivotal inclusions this build saw of course I’ve not mentioned everything but that’s either because certain aspects I failed to mention get drastically changed or subsequently elaborated on or they’re just less important to the core experience for

Example during in Dev we saw Innovations like a new tessellator which made the game Run better updated pathfinding to the mobs which meant they could more effectively move around and Achieve whatever task it is they’re assigned with and more interestingly we saw some bizarre inclusions in the mobs

Themselves which didn’t last too long admittedly and from what I’ve seen I assume it might be to do with how they don’t really fit in with the overall style they were all human characters two of which were known as Steve and black Steve which despite looking different to

Our player character is likely where the Steve name was garnered for the default skin but then you also had Rana which appeared like a girl with a frog hound and Beast Boy Who was inspired by and looks very similar to a character from the TV show Teen Titans that character

Also being called Beast Boy these additions however were obviously removed during the in-depth stage and although they may have impacted the game’s development in a technical sense the behind the scenes improvements leave little to actually talk about considering they simply make the game itself work more effectively and that’s

It other removals include things like a quiver to hold your arrows in a Hell option in the level select which made the world significantly darker and replaced all the surface water with lava and also water and lava spawner items which would have been relatively useless with the addition of the more grounded

Bucket I am the other things we see were minor switches towards a numerous amount of elements which for the most part are fairly unnecessary to go over like how you could use fire to build chainmail armor with the removal of this leaving chainmail in a somewhat permanent

Purgatory with how it’s the only armor which can’t actually be crafted or the fact that water and lava were now made a finite resource meaning they’d stem their flow after a certain point the only other addition I can really think to mention is appropriate considering

We’re about to head over to the INF Dev build and that’s the paintings which came in the final in Dev update these can be created by using wool known at the time as cloth and also sticks in which placing them down will present a variety of different paintings with

Different sizes too depending on how big the wall is that you’re placing them on just even more personalization to your base building here nothing more but coming into INF with this title as I mentioned earlier being a reference to how Notch rewrote the game’s code to allow the world to be infinitely

Generating although there is somewhat of a caveat to that here with the Legacy that’s remained iconic for Minecraft throughout the years starting with the world generation itself throughout this new infinitely generated world at one point during the INF Dev stages we could stumble across these huge brick pyramids

They didn’t really have any purpose outside of being impressive landmarks and were known for being considerably rare but the most substantial change we saw to these throughout their inclusion were when caves were eventually able to carve within them giving them slightly more purpose but although they did look

Impressive and were the only way to actually obtain brick at this time they were eventually removed a decision which I assume must have come from their relative uselessness to the world once again something else we saw generated was much less intentional than this though that being what’s referred to as

The farlands despite this world being infinite there’s a reason a lot of people would refer to the phrase infinite in quotation marks around this point as upon journeying out far enough you’d eventually run into something known as the farlands this wasn’t something you typically find if you’re

Playing the game normally but the early version of this farlands would generate when at 33 554 432 blocks yeah that’s a hell of a distance to travel especially with how slow we still are on this version traveling that distance would simply greet us with a solid stone wall but if

We’re talking realistically you won’t be able to travel here by normal means regardless as the game would apparently suffer even more severe game breaking bugs in between making it essentially impossible to reach this place in future versions of imp Dev the farlands was then reduced to 12 million 500. I’m not

Going to read a ridiculous number again just know it’s quite a bit less than previous this cartograph shows nicely what happens to the world with the farlands before you then stumble across the edge or corner farlands just to put into perspective how strenuous and difficult it was to get to this area

Legitimately there’s only been around three recorded instances of people walking to the farlands without any cheating one of which got a ten thousand dollar donation from Notch himself for the achievement but when reaching here you can see it’s no longer a solid wall anymore but instead a wall which now has

These large holes in which you’ll find are incredibly long the corner farlands are similar but arguably even more bizarre with how the generation of the world is slightly more in line with what we usually see but having patches of land with trees and the like be stacked

On top of each other creating a very strange blocky visual thing is though that’s not all if you Journey even further out and I mean almost a billion more blocks further out you then reach the fatherlands I can’t even really describe what we see here just bizarre

Horizontal rows of dirt and stone which go on and on looking away from the fact it’s near impossible to reach either of these not just for the immense task it already is but also with how unstable the game eventually gets when reaching these points with very high CPU usage

And heavy frame rate drops being noted down but compared to what we have in the main part of the world there’s no real benefits either I imagine it’s a stunning visual to see if you actually end up reaching this far but let’s be honest you’re not really going to and

Considering the farlands was entirely stripped out in the beta stages and simply replaced with a world border this is why despite being ultimately pointless it is still remembered of fondly if Dev was started on the 27th of February 2010 and lasted till around June of 2010 with the primary purpose of

This development stage quite obviously being the infinite World it was arguably the hardest task to be effectively achieved up to this point with most of the development time not going towards new additions but considering so many new things were added during in-depth the time was simply put towards fixing

Bugs and trying to appropriately manage how the mechanics of the previous versions of Minecraft stacked up when introducing the infinite terrain this phase could have ultimately been complete when ironing out these issues but it was in the final month of development when new stuff started getting introduced this being referred

To as an extra phase so after the point where all of indef’s features were working accordingly in INF Dev this is the build that’s playable on the launcher a build which of course comes after the removal of things like the brick pyramids but there is still some genuinely Innovative stuff that we can

Witness here less substantial compared to the addition of huge game-changing things like tools and ores during in-depth but still notable things which shouldn’t be ignored starting with the visuals and options clouds had the first big change since the classic stages the 4 these were simply 2D white patches

Which would move Westward between layers 108 and 112 meaning that you can actually build above them if you wanted to these still function the same but have now been given more texture by making them 3D also having a nice translucent effect to them as well that plays somewhat into the new options

We’ve got here the most substantial of which or at least that’s how it initially appears being the graphics options those being fast and fancy for a game as pixely as Minecraft it’s amazing that graphic options were even implemented it’s all got to do with the game’s rendering processes which can be

Most notably seen when looking at things like the clouds and leaves the transparency I mentioned is the most notable difference between fast and fancy when set to fast the clouds returned to the previous 2D textures and the leaves become more clumped together actually looking quite nice in their arm

Right glass is also affected by the transparency changes here in fast mode being unable to see any effects like rain or snow when looking through them I haven’t really mentioned any weather effects up to this point and that’s because they haven’t really been implemented yet snow wasn’t even

Entertained at the this point but rain was something we could actually see going all the way back to the classic stages whereby pressing F5 we can toggle it on and off despite not being a naturally occurring instance in the game world as of yet the rain effects are

Near identical to what we eventually see when they’re fully implemented having nice coverage overall which doesn’t obscure the player’s Vision to any substantial degree while at the same time featuring this nice effect when the rain hits the ground seeing numerous water drops at Shoe out as it collides

Overall though at this stage the graphic options don’t do that much and admittedly even when more things get added to Minecraft with varying effects the differences you see there are also very subtle and some would say almost indistinguishable it’s nice to see the inclusion regardless though as the

Possibility of it helping out players who might be having trouble running the game is definitely there and surely much appreciated by them now on to the additions and reworkings to the world one of the first additions we saw were golden apples which are known as one of

The most effective healing items in the entire game which only become more useful with certain updates get put out when they were first introduced there was one caveat which ended up coming a joke during development that being the fact that despite having golden apples you couldn’t yet acquire regular apples

To actually craft this healing item this led to some in-game jokes we could witness where at one point it was thought that only Notch himself could drop regular apples when killed and that’s the reason why they’re so rare of course this wasn’t actually true but actually became a reality when it was

Made so that Players called Notch would actually drop an apple upon dying and ultimately this would remain as the only way apples could be obtained up until the beta stages when they were eventually added to stronghold chests believe it or not respawning was still not an actual thing before infidev

Instead having to generate a completely new world upon death essentially being what would eventually be known as the hardcore mode I think this would have dampened The Experience back then for many players as it not only removes all your progress making every attempt pretty much meaningless upon death but

For some this repercussion with the already threatening mobs and dangerous terrain that can be found might have been a major turn off to a lot of players there was never any kind of safe State you can load back to if you die and if you’re personally struggling with the game already continually retrying

Might be a pretty unsatisfying experience although as you could assume due to there also being a large amount of people who enjoy the danger of the hardcore mode that we now have this may have also been a draw to the game putting more weight on your actions not

Allowing you to make stupid mistakes having to be constantly Vigilant about your surroundings ultimately I think it’s a good idea the mechanic of respawning was implemented but I’m also glad the hardcore mode was eventually added back to the game it caters to both players who want to have a more

Forgiving experience and those who want to go through the game with the constant threat of losing everything just ask any player of games like escape from tarkov or rust if they change how the inventory systems work in those games Minecraft obviously isn’t as hardcore as those

Ones but the loss of your world back then and to be honest even the loss of your equipment here promotes even more considered gameplay in the future and also an incentive to pick yourself back up and keep trying so that you get better at the game the reason I bring

This up in relation to the apples is that with this new respawn feature which we’re given upon death this warning us right back at the initial point we spawned into the world it presented a renewable source of apples at this point for Players called Notch not essential

We’re not all that practical but still possible which also means multiple golden apples could be crafted without much hassle cave saw many multiple changes during infer being removed and re-implemented numerous times and the Oz Within These saw changes too oars at one point during infidev were made to generate completely naturally which

Meant that although they were still rare you were actually able to find things like diamonds and gold above ground on cliffs and such a very strange change which was fairly swiftly moved on from but interesting nonetheless one of the biggest additions for the caves however was how they became far more complex

Before caves were merely what most people nowadays would consider to be a dead end they were randomly placed all over the map and singular meaning that once you reach the end of whatever cave you’re in that’s it you’re gonna have to head right back from where you came from

When caves were finally re-implemented permanently they were now structured into clusters where they were eventually referred to as Swiss cheese caves due to how they would intercede with each other with the multiple exit points that were now added these exit points ranged from around 1 5 where you’d be able to find

Yourself with either more chances to make your way out of the cave or instead to enter another one and keep journeying forward to find awesome such it was in these caves where you’d Now find even more water and lava sources which now not only were used to create the block

We saw way back in classic known as obsidian by repeating the process I mentioned earlier about putting flowing water on a lava source but also introduces even more possible dangers like drowning or burning alive the structural changes are the most substantial thing here having caves into link introduces so many more

Possibilities for your Adventures underground by having them not just stop at the first cave gravel and dirt were also added to these caves which pop up occasionally regardless of how far down you are with the gravel in particular being another threat which you may stumble across when mining due to its

Physics-based nature opening up the opportunity for you to be crushed and suffocated and with the variety of caves that can be witnessed here in the varying degrees of thickness they can present Minecraft would see quite literally zero substantial changes to the caves for years to come up until

They somewhat ruined them hatch 1.7.2 but they redeemed themselves in a big way as we’ll eventually see signs doors and ladders were all added together in one patch on June 7th signs being something that were possible to see during the survival test but merely being a sign which would display a test

Message there was no way to actually input anything yourself with these initiatives during INF they were properly implemented to some degree signs were now able to be placed in which a text box would then come up on screen where you can write whatever message you want the only thing with the

Signs in this version is that they’re absolutely massive for whatever reason I’m not really sure but also because you’re unable to place these on things like walls their purpose will be very specific to the players themselves as opposed to how they’re commonly used in the future to label things like chests I

Should mention that chests are yet another new addition which we actually saw the introduction of during in Dev and overall they’re great they only really have minor changes from the point they get added being able to place a chest by itself and also two chests beside each other to create a large one

When doing this they appear to be conjoined with the latch in the middle of it moving along so this bigger chair so looks like one solid structure you can never create these large ones by themselves instead always being a result of placing two chests beside each other

As you could assume the main function of these is to store the items that you’re carrying and with the 27 Slots of a regular chair seeing identical to our inventory compared to the 54 Slots of a large chest it’s more often than not that building a large chest is overall

More effective for storing items it’s more compact than spreading out several smaller chests and doesn’t really require a considerable amount more resources especially considering these are constructed out of the incredibly common wood blocks it’s these chests which can be used for specific purposes if the player chooses for example having

A chest solely filled up with dirt wood or stone and that’s where the signs can be effective purely for labeling purposes of course these can also be placed down for navigation perhaps letting you reacquaint yourself with a certain location or guide you in a certain direction that you’ve explored

Before but for a lot of players and me personally I didn’t find that much usage with these before they were able to be placed in a wider variety of ways the addition of doors was arguably the last item that was required to complete a fully formed structure that could

Actually be thought of as homie I guess or at least substantially safer there’s not much to really say about these it’s more of a surprise it’s taken so long for these to be added to begin with you can only craft wooden doors for now which don’t take up any amount of

Substantial resources and to use them you can simply place them down wherever you want there to be an opening in your structure and that’s it they take up one block horizontally and two vertically so as long as you have those height requirements there won’t be an issue

I’ve always liked how the doors aren’t completely solid but instead have several openings at the top that you can see through perhaps to check what the weather’s looking like or more vitally if there’s any mobs outside that are waiting to get the jump on you finally the ladders are self-explanatory item

That’s also crafted from wood which upon being sequentially placed up or down a structure will give you the ability to safely and automatically scale it not stated during an interview that he never wanted to add Ladders because he never found them fun which I already kind of

Understand but I get even more with Minecraft in particular as long as the terrain’s right ladders allow the player to pretty much in a gay any kind of considered traversal in relation to the block building and I’m sure that if fans weren’t so adamant to have ladders at

The time much likely would have left them out entirely as they stand though I don’t really have an issue with them they can be effective in both the functional and visual sense now being able to do things like create an accurate Treehouse if we wanted to or

Giving us an alternative to stairs by building a row of ladders to an upper level of our building talking of stairs these were another simple yet useful addition to impdev giving us the ability to craft functioning stairs which would allow us to walk upwards these can be placed down wherever although if you

Want to actually use them to Traverse vertically it simply requires each sequential block to be one layer up or down from one another this gives even more personality to our structures while at the same time being incredibly useful for things like mine shafts when now we

Don’t have to jump all the way back up but instead can more efficiently walk up and down at our Leisure these last few additions are ones that many players would consider fundamental to Minecraft as a whole however we also start seeing less vital but entirely welcome Concepts

Which will be further elaborated on as we progress some to an exponential degree Minecarts and rails were added although not actually functional in the sense that you might imagine the Minecarts for example weren’t actually rideable in this build instead being another storage based item which makes its purpose somewhat void considering it

Doesn’t hold the same amount of slots as a large chest but I can see what the concept was pairing the minecart up with the rails that can be placed on introduces the idea of portable storage however considering rails require items like iron to build needing six iron and

One stick to craft them and are only given out 16 per every individual build you’re gonna presumably need a lot of resources to make these worth it otherwise just build a smaller Outpost if you’re traveling to a far away location and build chests there instead they’re both cool Concepts though it’s

Just the fact that they haven’t reached their Max potential yet with the minecart eventually being fully reworked to where it becomes solely a transport item and the rails being expanded on so they don’t require you to push the minecart everywhere one of the final and coolest new additions we can see in game

Is the dungeons which end up actually housing these monster spawners both being the first time we can stay in one location and grind enemies for certain resources like string arrows or feathers depending on what mobs being spawned how these monster spawners primarily function however isn’t just supposed to

Be a fun addition as you could assume it’s also supposed to be a deterrent from the loot which gets spawned inside this dungeon and a pretty Fierce One at that monster spawners can spawn up to four mobs at a time and when considering they can house enemies like skeletons

Spiders and zombies you can see how things could get pretty quickly out of hand if you manage to get inside the dungeon itself through the tons of enemies which are pouring out however you’ll first want to break the spawner so no more mobs hassle you when inspecting the chests but then looking

Around the small room itself you notice that it’s not just made out of cobblestone a nice indicator for the room off the bat considering you’ll only be finding these underground beside normal Stone and oars you should also notice that we see the first reappearance of the mossy cobblestone since classic not having any

Functionality particularly but being a block you might want to use for certain designs that you can’t acquire anywhere else the chests which are found inside can include a variety of things ranging from gunpowder and string to iron ingots and golden apples that’s right the only other way to attain a golden apple

Without dying while being named Notch overall I’d say compared to what the chess loot here will eventually give out they’re a pretty unsubstantial reward for a room that’s quite rare to be honest but they do end up holding one unique item that should provide a bit of entertainment when first acquiring it

And that’s the saddle the inclusion initially seems strange as there’s currently no kind of horses to ride around on but heading above surface and finding a pig you’ll be able to place the saddle onto it and get on its back and that’s about it the functionality is

Incredibly basic as the pig will only wander around passively just like normal however just like some of the other items I’ve mentioned here the saddle will become more important as new things get introduced in the future and that about wraps up the new additions to impdev as I established at the start of

This development phase this was far more to do with the technical side of things compared to the huge leaps we saw in previous phases although the new elements it does introduce still don’t disappoint the doors are a great inclusion the cave updates are refined to the point where they hardly have to

Be touched for years to come and still present a fresh and satisfying experience even smaller things like finally being able to see our hands in the first person mode or having the physics of blocks like sand and gravel will be fully realized is great this takes us nicely to the alpha stages of

Development in which I should mention that by the point the extra stage of the INF Dev phase rolled around Notch made the decision to ditch any other priorities he had and start working full-time on Minecraft I feel like that’s one of the key reasons for why the alpha stages start seeing some of

The biggest changes Minecraft’s ever gone all his time was dedicated to Minecraft alone meaning that it was time to not just start refining but adding even more to this incredibly solid foundation that’s been set up let’s begin with something which has been constantly tweaked throughout the game’s development so far something which

Appears unsubstantial on the surface but ends up looking strange when actually in game this would be the decay of leaves on trees and I’m not talking about it in any kind of seasonal way the leaves always remain green regardless of how many days months or years pass by in

Game time what I mean is the mechanic which has been taken out and put back perhaps more times than any other with the update history being hilarious with how the only updates you see at the beginning are ones when they’re added and removed the mechanic itself occurs

When you chop down trees where upon chopping the woods you’ll notice the leaves start disappearing in turn dropping saplings on the floor as I said it’s a rather minor inclusion but I can’t deny that having these big mounds of leaves with no wood inside not only

Makes for a strange visual by itself I also find it impractical to clutter up the space with items that at this period of time are completely useless the Decay system overall Works more as a nice quality of life changed compared to anything else so that you personally

Don’t have to chop these shrubs down since in Dev the function was added and removed and even by the final Alpha stage they still hadn’t fully implemented it but on to some new stuff that we actually saw implemented permanently let’s start with the changes to the world once again coming in one

Form which is fairly massive for the game and another which is gigantic before we get deep into those the sound finally makes a functional appearance and much like tons of other elements is nothing but iconic starting with our walk we now hear numerous different walk sounds depending on what surface we’re

Walking on these aren’t refined yet and in some cases reuse sounds that are already existing I mean that in the sense that despite me being unable to hear them they were already in the game up to this point when walking on grass we hear the same deep crackly sound that

We hear when actually breaking grass blocks although when treading on things like sand we hear a very light step each time to reflect the softness of the block gravel has a separate sound reflecting the numerous rocks we’re walking over and the stone itself is just a flat thud

To reflect the hardness of it apart from the grass sound which does eventually get changed to fit in line with the others in the future all of these walking sounds are very subtle and understated but are still a nice addition which I find subconsciously give it even more personality to each

Block outside of these four Essentials though you’ll find the sounds get reused quite a lot after this point stepping over all the different ore blocks for example doesn’t present any new sound effect just a repetition of the stone one which is perfectly fine I feel like too much variation here likely would

Have become annoying and makes all the other pre-existing sounds more defined and memorable then of course you’ve got the mining which gives way to tons of new sounds here going back to the blocks we just went over these all have to find sounds of their own which much like the

Walking sounds reflect the type of material you’re breaking very well having the same kind of characteristics which reflects the Stone’s hardness and gravels looseness Etc [Applause] these are some damn satisfying sound effects though with a lot of them having a nice pop whenever you break a block typically with the most common ones

Having the best sounding Pops I can’t even really describe the style as it’s not what I’d call realistic at all say you’d wiped my mind clean of all the experiences I’ve had with Minecraft over the years and then asked me what the wood chopping sound was I’d probably say

It sounds like someone chopping up something in a kitchen but they just all fit so well despite that mining stone for example doesn’t sound like you’re hitting rock at all but instead it’s a lighter sound akin to the wood chopping the sound design was all done by Daniel Rosenfeld otherwise

Known as C418 who’s also responsible for the music in this game and although a large bulk of the sounds came from him manipulating tons of samples which he discovered online he also used Foley techniques to get some memorable ones too some notable ones being things like the spider whose sound effect was

Created with a watering hose or the iconic zombie ones which are quite literally rosenfilled with a bad case of the flu it’s strange that while trying to come up with things to say about the sound design I’m coming up slightly blank which I think has a lot to do with its

Simplicity I’ll say now that what Minecraft sound does best is fit perfectly with all the actions you’re performing just like I think you can very easily ignore a good user interface but then notice a bad one straight away it’s similar with sound to me you’ll be able to identify a soundscape that

Doesn’t work immediately yet when there’s a good one it’s also important to not take that for granted like a lot of casual players generally do there’s been a clear concerted effort here to not overwhelm your senses much like the Fairly peaceful experience Minecraft already can be the sound reflects that

You’re never bombarded with any effects and even when there’s the potential for this to happen when you’re constantly hearing things like Stone breaking over and over again it’s subtle quiet and as I mentioned satisfying every time you hear it so that in my case and I assume many other people’s cases it never

Becomes tiring I’ve already mentioned some of the mob sounds but others like the creepers and skeletons are great and work really well in terms of their design and functionalities in the game a creeper’s whole strategy is based on catching you off guard using its camouflage so that it can potentially

Cause a fatal blow with this explosion so brilliantly they decide to leave the creeper completely silent until it’s at a close enough range for detonation in where much like its visual implies it starts raring up with a few sound effects before letting out a devastating explosion sound hey

Skeletons are more simplistic you can hear them a mile off due to their frequent bone rattling sound effects which is actually a large positive considering you’ll likely want to be avoiding them most of the time although when they do start firing at you the main sound you’ll be hearing are the

Arrows which are shooting out having quite an over-the-top but still appropriate sound of an arrow twanging against either you or the surrounding area although if it ends up hitting you you’ll actually end up mainly hearing on damage sound something which gets switched up throughout the years but still having the initial iconic sound

That most people remember constantly rising and lowering in Pitch whenever you hear it to give some variation something which doesn’t have any variation is the sound which plays when picking up objects being yet another poppy kind of sound which reflects nicely the idea of these items getting sucked into our inventory which is

Exactly what happens in Game there’s too many subtleties to go over here so I’ll just wrap up with some other notable ones the water and lava both sound good the water simply sounding like a running flow of liquid whereas the lava is always accompanied with a Bassy bubbling sound all the

Passive animal mobs sound great of course all reflecting each individual animal accurately overall the sound design is pretty fantastic I know I haven’t mentioned every unique sound here and I might not for the endurance of this video but let’s just say that now we actually have access to fully functioning sound I’m

Now able to bring up and discuss anything which particularly catches my eye orb is I guess wait though you can’t talk about sound in Minecraft without mentioning one of the most key reasons to its success and what I personally think is perhaps the biggest facet to

Why Minecraft has been a hub for so much Nostalgia between different generations of Gamers and that’s the music thank you As I said C418 wasn’t just responsible for the sound but also single-handedly created one of the most beautiful soundtracks of all time coming in at 24 tracks the Minecraft Alpha soundtrack is utterly brilliant with pretty much every track being ingrained into my mind due to the hundreds and most likely

Thousands of hours I played Minecraft with my friends as a kid you’ll notice though that all of these tracks are rather quiet and ambient there’s not even one track here which sticks out as being remotely Intense or admittedly complex in any fashion but that’s an absolute positive in a video posted

About a year ago on the official Minecraft Channel discussing the function of the music in the game while being very kid-friendly as to not bore the viewers they described the music was purposely composed in this way due to how varied all the possibilities are in Minecraft hearing that you’d think

That’d lead to a much wider range of sounds ones that would accompany battles or dangerous Expeditions slightly more but to be honest if you had those playing while you were just walking around minding your own business it would feel infinitely more out of place as for the tracks themselves I really

Can’t begin to describe how beautiful they are as I said I easily think it’s one of the most perfect soundtracks I’ve ever listened to it always has a large emphasis on piano as we can hear in the iconic Minecraft or Sweden tracks foreign The way the songs themselves are constructed is fantastic both when you’re playing in the present but perhaps even more when looking back to the game in retrospect they present the player with music that will oftentimes put them into a very calm and reflective state which at the time seemed like it

Would and absolutely has led to boatloads of nostalgia I find with music that’s been carefully thought out and properly constructed in a technical sense you’ll always end up having more Nostalgia and raw emotion when looking back on it I mentioned how they’re mainly ambient and that is still true

Although you do still get a few here which somewhat go out of the Realms of the norm the bass line for most of these would be tracks like dry and wet hands smooth understated pieces which feature solely piano foreign Thank you just some incredibly original and beautiful material but then you’ve got some slightly more expansive soundscapes and tracks like Moog City and mice on Venus which seem to air more towards the explorative side of Minecraft’s World by being more up-tempo and mysterious in terms of their chord progressions oh But all in all the music is a stroke of Genius from everyone involved in the creation and implementation of it into the game there was no real sign that Minecraft had to have this kind of music from someone looking on the outside once again when you describe what you do in

Minecraft things like fighting mobs and exploring underground caves it might initially seem like it won’t work as effectively as it actually does and to be honest I would also say from the outside looking in that Minecraft perhaps seems like it doesn’t need any soundtrack at all but looking at how

Everything fits together as a whole package the music was and still is one of the most vital inclusions added to Minecraft in my opinion it gives such a huge level of personality and richness to everything you do in the game while also being totally listenable as a piece

Of work on its own the main words are used to describe it a sorrowful sad and reflective for a lot of the tracks but there’s also an undeniable flip side to a lot of these which present more feelings of Youth Adventure Discovery and optimism just fantastic I can’t say

Anything else back onto what we’re initially talking about though which was the changes to the world a huge addition in here was the idea of biomes now giving the world you explore even more variety in terms of the different environments that are being procedurally generated of course the entire time

We’ve been primarily dealing with grassy fields and Woodlands however there’s now some other distinct biomes which have been added alongside this some of which primarily using pre-existing blocks to reflect aspects like the Aries heat such as the abundance of sand in the desert biomes or the rainforest biomes which

Have a denser amount of vegetation and trees the desert is one of the more distinct biomes which gets introduced here having sand which goes on for Miles the unique plant block of the cacti one of the first blocks we see here to actually give out damage when either

Touching them with our hands or walking over them there’s 11 of these biomes in total which were added here ranging from Tundras to savannas although it should be noted that not everything was fully implemented yet a few of these namely ones like the swamp and desert biomes

Would see major reworkings to them and in the case of the desert arguably the widest variety of other new additions in terms of biomes outside of the forest and plains going on over all of them real quick you’ve got the forest which is the most common biome in the game the

Purposes Within These being pretty self-explanatory considering it’s the main biome we’ve been exploring through all of the previous builds the rainforest is very similar to the regular Forest but features a very high chance of rain obviously and also more often has trees that are much larger than your ordinary oak tree you’ve also

Got seasonal forests which usually bridge the gap between the regular and rainforests having few distinguishable features as they really just spawn trees that have lower canopies on average I can see why these were eventually removed in the more substantial biomes update in the beta phase swamp lands which we’ve talked about hardly looking

Any different to environments like the planes then you’ve got the planes themselves being predominantly flat patches of land with a lot of grass scattered around Savannah which more than anything in this version simply shows off how there’s now more variation in Grass colors with the introduction of these biomes with the grass here

Appearing with a more dull orangey color shrubland which is one of the smallest biomes to generate here basically being another indistinguishable patch of land they that usually has a few trees but no grass tigers are biome that’s primarily distinguished by the snow that can be found within it both lying on the ground

And trees while also replacing any rain effects with snowfall this is similar to the tundra biome as well with the only difference being the fact that the tiger areas are more like snowy versions of forests whereas the Tundras are like snowy versions of the Plains bit of an

Info dump there but it’s necessary we set these foundations up to see how they get expanded later on and although at this stage they’re still in their very early stages you can already appreciate the effort to add even more variety to the world broadening your adventure and

Making it feel even more like well an actual Adventure a journey in which you aren’t just traveling across Barren grasslands the entire time but scaling Snowy Mountains blistering deserts and gross swamps the other huge addition well somewhat is something which is referred to as the nether this along

With several other things were added in the Halloween update for the alpha and finally gave usage to one of the more mysterious blocks in the game obsidian as I mentioned earlier with how you acquire obsidian it’s quite unlike most other blocks we can get throughout the

Game in most cases we need to Simply discover them through exploration which can obviously be the case for obsidian but unlike the oars we can actually create obsidian ourselves another aspect of obsidian which I haven’t mentioned up to this point is that it’s one of the hardest objects to actually break in the

Entire game with nothing outside of a diamond pickaxe actually yielding a block when destroying it and even with this pickaxe it still takes around 10 seconds to break each individual block might not sound like a lot but when considering Stone takes 0.3 seconds to break with a diamond pick you can

Understand why the weight can feel a bit strenuous once we’ve obtained the subsidian needing around 10 to 14 blocks we can then build the portal which gives us access to the nether it’s quite simply a 5×4 square portal although if you don’t want to take the time out to

Acquire the four other obsidian blocks you can actually perform a little trick so that you can build the portal with only 10 blocks by placing cobblestone in the corners of the portal while you’re building it you’re then able to place down all the other blocks so they

Connect in more of a circular shape and as you can see you can still activate the portal regard regardless of the obsidian blocks that are missing in the corners traveling to the nether for the first time is a wild experience it’s a complete contrast to everything we’ve experienced in Minecraft up to this

Point the freakiest things we would have likely had to experience up till now was the sheer Darkness that’s presented with night time and in caves and also the several different Hostile Mobs transitioning to the nether though was quite an off-kilter experience from the second the portal gets activated using

Flint and steel on the inside of the portal which then makes it light up with a spiraling purple entrance first off we haven’t mentioned flint and steel up to this point but it’s an item that was added all the way back during in-dev and its main function is to do exactly what

We just did lay down fire during the alpha stages however the fire itself saw some pretty great Innovations the particle effects which we already saw from the fire were pretty great laying out different colors of smoke particles and also having a nice layered texture with an animation that really looks like

The fire’s blazing arguably one of my favorite Dynamic additions which we eventually see in Alpha revolves around things like fire and flint and steel and that’s how the spreading a fire is handled before fire was fairly stationary despite appearing like a blaze it would only stay confined to the

Block that it was placed on now with either our flint and steel or any surrounding lava on the surface we can do things like create forest fires where if there’s a whole bunch of trees surrounding one another you can set merely one leaf block a light and watch

The entirety of Them Burn Up in Flames pretty cool stuff although this effect does actually end up getting dampened in the future because of its ability to spread infinitely back to the nether though the discovery of it is already intriguing because as per usual there’s absolutely no in-game indication that

Obsidian has any purpose let alone requiring you to build it in the form of a portal to access this new area but reaching the point where we’re standing right in front of it not only is the purple portal itself strange with how it’s letting out these purple particles

Which are both being released and drawn back into the portal but getting up close you can start hearing these bizarre Twisted sounds that are mostly indistinguishable Heading inside though we can see the sounds are entirely appropriate as we end up being transported to what’s essentially this game’s version of Hell everything here is being illuminated by fire looking up reveals there’s no Sky to be seen instead much like most of our surroundings it’s being covered by this

Red fleshy material known as Netherrack kind of like the nether’s version of blocks like dirt or stone but that’s not the only thing to be seen here gazing around our environment the sheer amount of lava paired up with a frequent tendency to be walking very high up on

Either some very tight or thin walkways it seems like you’re almost constantly putting yourself in a very precarious position that’s not the only issue you’re going to have when getting around this place though on top of the vast amounts of lava we see flowing out of ceilings and covering up huge patches on

The ground level there’s also the fire which gets placed on blocks and a couple more mobs that could give you some quite severe trouble if you’re not careful the first and more common of the two is the zombie pigman appearing much like the zombies in terms of their height and

Stance while also acting very similar to boo they can be found without any items in their hand which will lead to them giving out around five Health points worth of damage on normal but more often than not you’ll see these guys walking around with golden swords in their hand

Which despite not actually being able to see them physically swipe at us the increased damage output goes up to eight health points so we can assume they’re using it to slice us thing is though much like the spiders the Pigmen are actually passive up until you attack one

Of them where if they’re surrounded by other Pigmen they’ll also start coming after you too as a whole it’s a good and dangerous foe when trying to mess with it but yet another great visual addition by itself anyways the pikmen were initially going to have a significant

Amount of blood pouring out of them but Notch decided to redesign them before the nether was released because he thought it was more fun to make things scary without the Reliance on blood changing the red colors that were in between where the skull and skin parts

Of the texture meet to a green color overall were great decision considering that although Minecraft wasn’t completely dominated by kids by this point its mechanics and visual style still made it a very welcoming game for kids to play with things like blood going against this which we can see

Would have been even more of an issue nowadays with how predominant and the kid fan bases that’s not all though you’ve also got another mob that’s completely unlike anything we’ve seen up to this point whereas the Pigmen could quite easily be compared to the zombies

The Ghasts are in a world of their own you’ll likely hear these guys before you actually see them where much like the Twisted grunts of the pigment is far different to what we’ve been hearing from even the strangest mobs on the surface level these sounds are just

Straight up bizarre in how it sounds like they’re either continually whimpering giggling or taking sharp breaths inwards the final take on that perhaps being the most important with how its main way of attacking you involves shooting out a fireball from its mouth oh yeah I forgot to mention these guys can literally fly

In the air fitting in line with their sounds their appearance and mode of moving is just as strange looking like a sort of cloud entity with tentacles protruding from beneath it in which they float around quite aimlessly until they spot you they don’t actually try to

Pursue you at all which might sound like they’d be less of an issue but with a range of a hundred blocks if you’re out in the open and one of these things starts firing at you you might want to get out of there fast or start praying

There is ways to tackle these foes of course though the main one as you could assume being to get a bow and arrow and get close enough to the ghast where your arrows can actually hit this still being risky of course considering that getting closer to it will give the ghost an even

Easier time shooting Fireballs at you but the second way you can damage it comes in the form of dealing with the Fireballs themselves using a sword we can actually counter this attack by swinging at the fireball before it collides with us sending it right back in whatever direction we’re looking and

Actually damaging the ghast if it ends up colliding with it Notch stated when he was patching the gas then that he was working on the most unfair mob ever and that people would hate it and although I and many others have had some issues with the gas over the years overall I

Don’t think they’re too much of a hindrance just keep parrying those shots away in The Fairly large window you’re given to do this and try and make your way out of its firing range and I’m sure you’ll be fine so those are the threats of the nether but you might also be

Wondering what’s the actual point of it if you’re dealing with Mobs like the pigment and gas which can wipe you out very easily if aggroed on top of some incredibly unstable and dangerous terrain there must be something quite special to find here right well eventually but overall when the nether

Was initially added it was more of a spectacle compared to anything else the items you could acquire here don’t actually warrant the risk of entering in my opinion Netherrack is incredibly common and can only be used for building purposes currently and same goes for the Soul Sand and glowstone blocks although

Unlike the previous two glowstone is a lot more visually satisfying and actually useful in terms of being a light source but that’s about it for the nether right now is it a worthy addition most definitely is it a complete break from the norm which will Intrigue and startle players who are unfamiliar with

It guaranteed does it need more expansion in the future to make the journey through it seem genuinely worth it 100 once again we’re seeing foundations here nothing more as it stands it will still be a lot of fun to make your way through the Nether and make new discoveries while adventuring

But much like the rest of Minecraft there’s got to be some kind of progression that will keep players coming back if the game itself was solely the nether for example example you wouldn’t have any trees to break ORS to mine or tools to build it would just

Be a bit nothingy so as I said fantastic addition and a great start it just needs more functionality in terms of the overall game linking the nether’s blocks to some new additions outside of the world structure when glowstone blocks are destroyed you’re not given the block itself but instead glowstone dust this

Dust can be reused with a crafting table to create another glowstone block a slightly more drawn out process compared to just getting the block outright but leads way to some other crafting opportunities down the line getting back to the glowstone itself though we’re able to place it down as is which

Provides a light source or instead mix it with one of the brand new resources we have here to create a more stylized light source that being the Redstone now getting into Redstone is filled with landmines as it’s an item that’s LED way to such complexity within certain builds

Which the community as a whole has taken full advantage of much like other minerals Redstone can be found sporadically underground and upon mining with an iron or diamond pick will produce redstone dust foreign with the simple stuff Redstone now gives us access to equipment like the compass

And clock two new additions which are fairly self-explanatory the compass doesn’t actually work functionally there’s no kinds of north or south faces but instead features a more simplistic functionality in guiding us to wherever our spawn location was a very effective and not all that confusing item getting

Us back to a place we’re familiar with if we get lost and being obvious with its functions due to the fact that wherever you look the arrow will keep pointing in the exact same direction and continuing to follow it you’ll of course put the pieces together that you’ve been

Here before the clock is just a clock but instead of numbers it works off the day night cycle by showing how far along the day and night is until they transition but to getting into Redstone itself the main function of it is to serve as a conductor for other blocks

With particular functions I’m only going to be getting into real simple examples here but I’ll showcase at the end some more elaborate processes which players have created starting with some appropriate ones to this build in particular using some newer additions which we see here Redstone can be used

For those Redstone lamps which I mentioned earlier the ones which could be built from a combination of Glowstone dust and Redstone placing the lamp down you’ll notice that it’s turned off however using Redstone or a few other Redstone related processes we can actually manage to turn it on this is

Where things can start to become quickly complex though however so let me give you an example say you’ve got several Redstone lamps that you want to activate simultaneously with a single flip from the brand new lever item the leave is known as one of many power components where without any convoluted process we

Can just place it adjacent to the redstone lamp flip the switch and the lamp will turn on but introducing multiple ones spaced out this solution no longer becomes practical so how do we solve it well with the Redstone itself we can set up a system that’s linked to

A power component by placing the dust onto the ground and using it almost as wires in a circuit the idea of wire type blocks being the initial idea that Notch wanted to implement as you can see much like the lamp from before placing this Redstone down on the ground initially

Presents a very dark tone of red to reflect how it’s currently turned off however when placing say a lever or a redstone torch down beside it the Redstone will brighten up and turn on having some subtle red particle effects floating off the Redstone as well ultimately this is where everything

Really stems from with the Redstone regardless of the complex Creations I’ll show in a sec it’s all about having an appropriate circuit which activates all of the components to complete whatever task it is you want to be done and having the circuit itself link up to an activation Point like a lever button

Redstone torch or redstone block so that it can actually be switched on the biggest thing about Redstone is the numerous intricacies which it presents that give way to some really impressive stuff all the footage you’ve currently been seeing is from the latest release just for convenience but I think it’s

Best to get redstone as a whole out the way right now once again to not reiterate any information later on don’t worry about anything new we’re touching on here objects like the Pistons and repeaters which you’re seeing don’t get added till the beta stages as long as

You’ve got an understanding for the item itself that’s all that matters we’re still sticking with the development stages up until the full release but just bear in mind the chronology of these updates is starting to become less important consider during the core foundations have already been set here

We now have access to all different kinds of redstone related equipment which have been implemented over the years things like the redstone repeater which delivers a full strength output signal so that circuits can perform their function on a loop say for some reason we wanted to create a circuit

Which automatically pushes a sand block into the abyss while simultaneously using an item referred to as a dropper which simply spits out anything you put into it to activate at the exact same time how would we do this and can we make it an automatic process which

Doesn’t require the flicking of a switch well yes we somewhat can in my case I’m even below amateur level with redstone so I have near to no clue what I’m doing but by placing a switch down right beside a repeater block then placing a piston in front digging out a couple

Holes in front of the Piston itself and then linking Redstone up to the Piston you’ll find that every time a block gets placed in front of the Piston it gets activated and the sand plummets into the abyss of course sand is used in this example so the block actually falls

Attempting to do this with blocks like dirt will still leave it elevated on the surface it’s a an incredibly simple example but in doing this we can see that Redstone can also pass through solid blocks the reason this reaction is garnered is due to the fact the redstone

Repeater is passing its current through the sand block this sand block then carrying the current through to the other piece of redstone which is connected to the piston and causes the automatic process so that any time a block is placed in front of the Piston the current from the repeater will

Always be carried to the Piston so there’s never a chance for a block to be stationary in front of it the dropper in this case was merely an accessory of this circuit showing the fact that so many different and possibly unrelated functions can all be hooked up to the

Same circuit although as you can see if you drag the circuit out long enough The Dropper function eventually stops working which can only be re-routed by placing something like a redstone torch at the point where the Redstone loses power and as promised I’ll look away from my incredibly sloppy examples to a

Few ones that I found to be Mighty impressive and show the numerous capabilities of redstone first off we’ve got a redstone computer which actually functions as you can see there’s a keyboard on the ground where everything time you land on one of the keys it then writes that corresponding letter on the

Screen an automatically generating maze an elevator which primarily functions off the sticky pistons which allows blocks to stay attached to the Piston itself basically a full-on Sentry turret and even an iPhone which allows you to do things like swiping up to unlock it and access different apps from the home

Screen Redstone creates so much potential for creativity if you know what you’re doing it’s just the fact it’s a very complex system that requires a lot of time to learn I mean that in terms of not only understanding how to achieve the effect you’re looking for

But also in terms of something like a house implementing this in a way that doesn’t stick out from anything else in the structure coming back to the alpha build you’ve got similar redstonish type blocks that achieve functions like the automatic opening of doors simple ones like buttons allows the door to be

Opened when one’s placed poseider in terms of a wooden door this doesn’t really matter considering you can open it with one click anyways but the brand new iron door will find much more usage out of it considering it can’t be opened by clicking on the door itself the iron

Door removes any possibility of fire burning it down which doesn’t particularly matter as much if your entire structure is predominantly built out of wood but the other function it has is to protect yourself from threats more effectively as compared to wooden doors the iron ones can’t be destroyed

Actually opening these can be done with the button as I mentioned earlier but for more convenience you can now also place down either a wood or stone pressure plate in front of it which upon stepping on it will open the door automatically of course if you’re going

The approach of having an iron door it’s worth noting that you’ll need to have these buttons or pressure plates on the inside as well as if you don’t you’ll end up trapping yourself in and needing to break yourself out in terms of mobs we only see one other hostile mob

Outside of the Ghasts and pigmen in the nether but then also a couple other passive ones too which will eventually present food sources in the future these are the cows and chickens both of which roam around just like the other animal mobs but with cows dropping leather when

Killed which can be used to craft leather armor and other buildables alike and then chickens which only drop feathers for now as I said both things which will eventually generate food items taking me nice to two of my favorite new additions here both being centered around the water as I mentioned

Before swimming was always an issue for me in these earlier versions of Minecraft but now that’s been lessened to quite a measurable degree with the addition of boats quite a simple but much appreciated change where we can place one of these in the water and ride

It wherever we want while out on the Seas it’d be useful to take advantage of the new fishing rod item we get here working about as you’d expect with how we can throw it out into some water wait a while in which we can see the float bobbing along the surface until you

Eventually see it start getting pulled underwater but the point where it’s fully submerged being the moment you can pull it back out and hopefully acquire a fish in the process one of the new food items much like the pork chops these merely have to be cooked in the furnace

To get a more effective Health item looking away from the alpha for a sec I want to give a brief acknowledgment to some of the Wilder conspiracy theories and urban legends about Minecraft as due to the game’s oftentimes mysterious nature there’s been a lot of these generated over time starting with

Perhaps a more unknown but interesting ones there’s multiple theories floating around on line about what the actual meaning of Minecraft is somewhat a pointless task considering there’s hardly any actual narrative to the game outside of the building blocks and surviving but an interesting Theory being made by YouTuber Rowley is that

The game is actually an allegory for mental health substance abuse and depression quite heavy subjects for a game that’s relatively kid-friendly but I’ll be honest this video appears to be more of a joke than anything but we’ll still have some people turning their heads it’s mainly revolved around the

Enemies of the game comparing these to a different part of a struggling person’s mind in which battling them reflects battling against our own dark inner thoughts bats and spiders are represented as childhood trauma the skeletons reflect our past coming back to kill us in a physical form not really

Making much sense outside of that colloquial phrase of having a skeleton in your closet a secret likely in your past that you’d like to move on from coming back to taunt you and creepers reflect the idea of depression whereas Rowley says it silently sneaks up on you

Until it tears your whole world apart interesting albeit very far-fetched comparisons to the Mob jobs in this game it’s still a theory just one that I don’t think is substantiated to any profound degree but then we’ve got ideas that have become urban legend for Minecraft the most well known of course

Being the entity known as Herobrine funny enough it was in the alpha phase of development where Herobrine was initially brought up merely being our player character with completely blank eyes what kicked off all the buzz around Herobrine was the freaky idea itself having several reports in the form of

Posts and actual videos where people captured sightings of Herobrine the idea of this unknown thing lurking around Minecraft waiting to creep up on you and possibly try to kill you was genuinely quite scary especially when multiplayer wasn’t fully functional there should be no possible way for another human like

Steve to be in this world yet here were people on a full-on live stream discovering him randomly but sorry to be a buzz kill but much like many other popular Urban myths like Bigfoot from San Andreas it’s just not true there was and has never been any code in the game

Which reflects an NPC with the functionalities of Herobrine and upon further analysis you can discover the original hoaxer known as Copeland recounting the process he went through to set up the encounter on the live stream re-texturing a painting to appear like Herobrine and acting like he was

Shocked and scared when running into it yes despite still being one of the most talked about mysteries in Minecraft it’s completely untrue you’re never gonna have an encounter with him if you’re playing an unmodded version of Minecraft but be careful you never know what the devs might add in the future just keep

One eye open is all I’m saying who knows perhaps they coded him in a way where data miners would have no knowledge of his presence silently lurking among chosen players worlds waiting for a chance to pounce nah I’m just joking I hope back to the alpha taking a look at

Things which are less important to the game World itself you find that as per my mentioned of it earlier the tutorial level has now been removed although in exchange we get a replacement which has remained a hub of creativity for the Minecraft community that being the mods

And texture packs tab before we talk about that we should also note the multiplayer tab is also no longer inaccessible although as you can see they basically tell you straight away that it’s buggy and currently under testing so you’ve got the tab but still no proper multiplayer as for the mods

And textures we’re not going to constrain ourselves solely to stuff released at the time of this Alpha but instead to take a wider Viewpoint to the numerous things which have been released throughout Minecraft’s entire life cycle I’ll start with one of my all-time favorites that being OptiFine not really

Being a texture pack but as described on their website a Minecraft optimization mod this really doesn’t do it justice though OptiFine makes Minecraft look unbelievable with certain effects that look incredibly realistic dare I say even better than your average AAA game nowadays there’s several features which OptiFine introduces one of which being a

Nice FPS boost off the bat doubling the frame rate for some players then when configuring the mod in game we can see there’s a host of animations we can mess around with from the clouds to explosions which is a very nice touch but even just loading the default

Version into the game the difference is present immediately the most notable inclusion being the shaders which now presents some incredibly amazing water textures Dynamic lighting which reflects all of the game’s objects accurately and even ends up showing the shadow of our character too and then taking a closer

Inspection to things like trees and flowers we can see they now sway around to emulate wind blowing through them those are the most substantial changes but they’re ones that will make you Garner a whole new appreciation for Minecraft’s Beauty and it’s easily one of the best mods to ever be implemented

Into the game other mods that should be noted are ones like here’s what you’re looking at which has the title implies puts a box up on screen whenever you’re looking at a particular block and gives you information like the Block’s name you’ve also got some more creative and

Experimental ones which look away from the technical aspects of the game ones like Pixelmon which lets you capture train and battle countless Pokemon which have now been implemented there’s mausi’s mobs which introduces tons of new Mobs to the game even as big as things like dragons just flying around

The open world and just tons more to choose from most of which are found on Minecraft modding websites like curse or Planet Minecraft and let’s not leave out the other facet of the Minecraft community and that’s the people who make custom maps for people to play on the

Amount of hours I used to spend watching The Yogscast run through countless custom maps like the dropper or red Merc there’s just so much variety to these because they’re all Community made the dropper for example has this fantastic concept of dropping yourself through these huge rooms to reach the goal at

The end and red mark was one of many scary custom maps overall the Minecraft Community is just brimming with knowledgeable developers and very creative individuals that leads way to this whole other world of content outside of the vanilla version it’s almost impossible to get bored with Minecraft to begin with but with all

This other stuff you’re surely never gonna run out of interesting stuff to find going back to vanilla Minecraft however we see even more items here that now begin to bring back old blocks from classic but the unique process to craft them introducing even more materials to find sugar canes now often spawn near

Beaches or occasionally just next to bodies of water these can be picked up to craft paper which when paired up with some leather can then craft books get three books and you can create a bookshelf a returning block from classic but still only serving decorational purposes for now another returning

Decorational block are the bricks which can now be constructed by using clay this material being found underwater another new item also presents a new mob being known as slimes they’re about as you could expect from something literally called slime they’re green blobs which slowly hop around having a

Nice squelchy sound every time they land back on the ground and appropriately dealing varying amounts of damage in relation to their three different small medium and big sizes the size difference comes from the initial slime itself but you can also see when taking one of these out it will then split into

Several smaller versions this process repeating again and again until they’re tiny which ends up killing the Slime for good they’re not all that threatening to be honest especially when comparing them to some of the other mobs we have here and all they currently give you in return for killing them is slimeballs

Something that for the entirety of the alpha have no actual purpose at this point but are eventually used for things like the sticky pistons which we saw while looking at the Redstone there’s some newer things we see in relation to our player and the options to select

From her pressing F1 now presents a more immersive albeit less practical camera view which removes all HUD elements from the screen as well as our hand a nice addition which has been frequently used to Showcase things in Minecraft during YouTube videos and stuff like that we’ve also got the addition of sneaking

Whereby holding down the left shift key our player will go into this hunched over position decreasing our movement speed substantially but having one great positive I assume sneaking had quite a large part to do with the new multiplayer system with one of the key things to notice being the fact that

While another person’s sneaking the name which floats above every character’s head becomes much fainter for the person sneaking with their name only being able to be seen at a much closer distance although outside of multiplayer usage which I presume would only actually be useful in PvP instances where you’re

Wanting to surprise the other players the most useful part of the sneaking for me has always been its ability to stop you dropping off objects by simply holding shift any risk of falling is now negated working wonders for areas like the nether or maybe when you’re traversing through some passages of lava

Through caves this effect can also be useful for when you’re building structures so even medium-sized ones letting yourself hang over blocks so you can more easily build downwards and in terms of the options looking to the difficulty sayings we saw several changes in terms of the different modes

Which began back during in-depth the idea for different difficulty settings was planned since classic when Notch was initially giving the settings titles like walk in the park and Armageddon during in-depth they were changed and finalized to the difficulties we know today Peaceful Easy normal and hard peaceful difficulty is as easy as you

Can get removing all hostile mobs from the game at least for the most part certain updates in the future introduces more neutral mobs than the nether that can actually still spawn in on Peaceful although even if they try to attack you there’s no possible way for you to take

Damage from these guys on this mode other mechanics which affect peaceful would be the eventual hunger system which gets implemented now having that bar never deplete and for the most part despite the your most Invincible State we Garner in this mode it also ends up locking away a lot of interesting

Mechanics in the future the rest of the difficulty settings are about as you’d expect he Z has mobs giving out half the damage of normal and hard makes mobs give out one and a half times more damage than normal there are some smaller things to note however like how

Uneasy mobs can no longer break down your wooden doors meaning that making an iron one isn’t really essential but for the most part it’s a very basic damage increase although the health of the mobs themselves stay the same regardless of which mode you’re playing on and coming

To the end of our time with the alpha overall we saw some fantastic albeit less substantial updates compared to previously remember I’m classifying the substantiality of these in regards to how they switch up the core foundations and how they’ll possibly alter how most players approach the game we haven’t got

There quite yet but as we’ll see they’ll eventually be major additions that while still being totally optional much like the nether for example will have most players wanting to sort them out upon their discovery of them the best thing the alpha does is once again refine the bass foundations both in a technical

Sense with the constant bug fixes and changes to the code which we saw this time but also the numerous extra blocks and mechanics that we see some minor things I want to mention before we move on of the pumpkins and jack-o-lanterns we can find as you could assume both

Being added in the Halloween update the first of which can be destroyed and worn on your head although there’s no actual purpose for pumpkins in a food sense yeah and the other of which works as another light source Alpha is also where we saw some newer variation in some of

The mob sounds like the sound that occurs when a zombie gets hit And we also see the introduction of the unnecessarily terrifying sounds which can occur when mining Underground foreign [Applause] which I’d say are great for encouraging Discovery but I’ll be honest hearing these sounds can be so freaky and unexpected at times that I just want to get back to the surface

More variation in paintings fences which are great for structuring Farmland with just tons of new stuff to see in Alpha But heading into the Beta what’s referred to as the final development phase for Minecraft it’s in this phase where a lot of the changes we see start becoming genuinely pivotal towards the experience we witness and the full release of the game as per usual we’ll start by looking at the options menu in

The world before looking more closely at the new additions and mechanics we’ve got here from the start screen we can now see what would be the permanent Minecraft logo a more stylized and Cobblestone version of the original Minecraft Text Now featuring a creeper face in the a further making the

Mistaple of the game in the options menu we can now see there’s a different tab referred to as video sayings leaving the initial options screen to now be a more detailed version of the previous ones featuring The Music and Sound Bars which I should mention were turned into a

Slider during the alpha instead of the on and off options from before you’ve also got an fov option now giving us the opportunity to broaden our field of view in game if we decide the normal fov is too limiting and then in the video sayings the only two new things we’ve

Got here are the options performance and advanced opengl the first of which as you could assume allows you to adjust the performance of the game letting you adjust it between balanced power saver and Max FPS and the advanced opengl being what’s supposed to be yet another performance Improvement but one that

Will likely only be noticed by those having a very hard time running the game onto the actual game as we’re entering into the final beta off the bat you can see that when creating a new world this time not only has the world selection screen been revamped to have a nicer

Presentation but also gives you even more information in relation to the worlds which have been previously created letting you know things like how many megabytes they are just like before but now also letting you know the exact date and time it was created then when

Creating a new one we see that we can now name these worlds whatever we want instead of the stock world one two three Etc compared to last time there’s also the game mode tab beneath it allowing us to either build a world that has the survival mechanics we’ve become very

Much used to by this point or the brand new creative mode which is basically a reintroduction to Classic Minecraft this is what you were seeing me use during the Redstone segment and although it doesn’t currently feature the super flat terrain that I was using it gives us

Access to every block and item in the game while making us totally invulnerable to any damage you can tell this straight away from how it removes our health bars but you’ll also find that when walking up to any mobs they’ll totally ignore you it’s great having the classic Minecraft back I’m sure during

The INF Dev and Alpha stages it was something that was sorely missed by certain players who would much rather play Minecraft as a solely creative base game and with the addition of being able to fly during this mode by double tapping the jump button the inclusion of creative will not only entice more

Players by letting them craft whatever they want whenever they want and very effectively with the flying and lack of aggressive mobs but the mode itself just presents a new level of accessibility to Minecraft which allows you to experiment more with certain mechanics while remaining completely safe then finally

In the world options tab we can now see that we’ve got the option to enter a seed code as well as a couple options one of which generates structures in the world like Dungeons and the brand new Villages and the other unfinished option being the wild type which is where we’ll

Eventually see the addition of options like the super flat world allowing us to input our own seeds is fantastic if you’re just randomly inputting letters and numbers you likely won’t notice much difference from a regular Minecraft world however say you’re watching a particular YouTuber’s Minecraft playthrough and want to experience what

It’s like to survive in the world they’re playing on as long as you know what the seed of their world is you can now input that here and spawn in the exact same world getting into the actual game though the first thing you’ll likely notice outside of if you spawn in

One of the updated biomes is the new additions to our inventory tab beside our health we can now see 10 pieces of me which now correlates to our hunger Hunger is a fantastic mechanic which relates to things like our health and also certain actions we can perform as

You play you’ll find that doing certain actions like jumping breaking blocks and even swimming your hunger bar will slowly start going down this also being the case for just waiting around even by doing nothing the hunger bar will eventually start going down to regenerate this you of course have to

Find food so as you can see the mechanic of food has now been reworked to not be a static Health increase but instead a replenishment to your hunger this now means that your health will always be directly connected to your hunger now working mainly as a regenerative process

Where if your hunger’s too low your health won’t regenerate and once your hunger’s all the way up you’ll start regenerating Health again Health regeneration begins to stagnate when around five to six hunger points have been lost were they even beginning to slow down when it’s gone down before

That point but you’ll also find that during this regeneration process you’ll actively start losing hunger at quite a rapid rate this is because the hunger bar isn’t just used up by performing actions but is also used up for the health regeneration itself where if it’s filled up completely you’ll be

Regenerating around one Health Point per every four seconds and of course with there being 20 Health points in our health bar and regeneration stopping after five to six hunger points you’ll need some more food to heal yourself completely if you’re running especially low below our hunger and health bar

Though there’s yet another new inclusion that being the XP bar you’ll find that when killing mobs now those either being hostile or past passive you’ll now receive these glowing green orbs these are experience points and as you can see when they get sucked up towards you the amount of experience you’ve gained is

Now reflected in the XP bar when killing very common mobs you’ll find the amount you gain will always be quite negligible but due to the mobs being common you can imagine the XP can really build up Over time however as you can see their XP has

A lot of variations to it ranging all the way from being given only two experience points in which the green ball itself appears very small to being given around 2500 points where the ball now appears much larger we’ll get into later what this XP will actually be used

For but for now let’s take a look at some of the changes to the world the most noticeable of which being the updated biomes we see here now making a lot of them far more defined compared to their initial implementation in the alpha things like the deserts were

Already pretty much as they are today but we can now see that swamp plans and tiger biomes have now been completely redone the swamp lands now feature trees which are covered with vines a new item that we can actually climb up the terrain’s also featured with countless

Patches of water with some of the only noticeable visual updates in the future coming from the changed colors of things like the trees grass and the water itself being made more of a grayish color overall and also the addition of some new items which crop up very

Frequently in the swamp biome the Tiger Biome has primarily seen a big change in regard to the trees where now not only are the trees much bigger in size but they also don’t use the same kind of oak wood we’ve been familiar with in the past this comes with one other Nutri

Type that being the birch tree with both of these new wood types creating different colors of wooden planks as you’re aware more variation gives more possibilities to players which is only ever a good thing with a game like Minecraft and in terms of the Tiger Biome you’ll mainly notice the change of

Tree from the different type of leaves that get generated although if you walk up to the tree itself you’ll notice the texturing of the wood is also a lot darker and more indented compared to the Oak still on the world you’ll notice that weather effects have also been

Fully implemented by this point no longer being activated by a manual button push but now dynamically occurring sometimes more free frequently in some of the different biomes we journey through we now have rain which we’ve seen before snow which only occurs in cold areas like the tiger or Tundra

That also ends up playing snow onto the ground which we can destroy to acquire snowballs and also thunderstorms which introduces the idea of lightning which can strike onto the ground and create a fire these lightning strikes also being able to create a new variation of the creepers being referred to as a Charged

Creeper a type of Creeper that’s 50 more powerful than a regular one which can be seen very clearly in this screenshot with how its explosion affects the terrain compared to a standard one pigs also being affected by lightning with how getting struck with it will lead to

Them turning into pigment that’s not all though heading through the worlds and the different biomes will also come across several different generated structures which elaborate on the concept of dungeons unlike the dungeons though not all of these are dangerous for example the villages in this build they’re definitely an interesting idea

That clearly has a lot of potential but in their current state they’re slightly too Barren to be anything outside of a cool visual they’re not completely useless of course they do actually give us easier access to things like we due to the several crop farms that are

Usually present but also in terms of the buildings that are here if we choose to take resources like the logs and Cobblestone from these it’s arguably an easier and safer way of acquiring these resources compared to journeying deep underground there’s currently no mobs to be seen in these although during their

Implementation it was originally said the pigment from the nether were going to inhabit these Villages but as they stand they serve as a highly mysterious Landmark for me due to the fact things like houses have been built to shelter people but there are also being no people in sight making us question how

These actually got here when they were built and who they were built by things get even more interesting though when looking at the structures which can naturally occur underground these being the mine shafts and strongholds with mine shafts arguably being a lot more common and an actual useful addition at

This point in the game’s development you’ll be able to notice these almost immediately if you’re journeying through a cave due to their immediate contrast to the gray stone surrounding it mine shafts tend to feature a lot of wooden structures and you’ll most likely this Discover it when finding some kind of

Wooden bridge connecting one part of the mine shaft to another but also featuring what appear to be support beams with how the wood fences we can see are designed to look like they’re holding up wood blocks to keep the Stone from collapsing this of course being a nice visual

Addition Nothing More Exploring through these mine shafts there’s plenty of times that you might come up completely sure and discover nothing new although if you find a good one you’ll end up finding chests featuring very similar items to the ones which can be found inside the Dungeons and also a brand new

Type of monster spawner which will spawn in cave spiders these are a new type of mob that primarily spawn within the mine shafts being pretty similar to the ordinary spiders for the most part but actually being an even more dangerous version with how they’re much smaller

Making them harder to hit and also with how they actually end up inflicting a poison effect on you when getting hit depending on how much this effect gets put onto you at one time it could very easily be a death sentence with the poison noticeably taking away more

Health at a time compared to the Regeneration process overall though unless you’re looking for an easy way to collect a large stack of rails with these being scattered very commonly throughout these shafts they don’t offer much in terms of substantial items that can’t already be acquired more oftenly

And in a larger bulk compared to straight up mining much like the dungeons the only thing you’ll be wanting to sort these out for currently is either for the unique items like saddles or the melon seeds which spawn inside chests or I suppose with the new addition of the experience points

Perhaps a way to grind out some XP with the cave spider spawners this also being a similar reason to why dungeons have now developed even more functionality for these very same XP reasons then you’ve got the strongholds which much like the mine shafts don’t have all of their features currently implemented but

Actually do end up holding one of the most pivotal features in the entire game emphasis on the end part of that sentence strongholds much like the mine shafts are distinguished immediately from their unique types of blocks compared to the majority of the underground areas having an abundance of

The brand new stone brick blocks which can also turn up in either cracked or Mossy versions these strongholds definitely are still an interesting Discovery just like all of the previous ones but with the additions of rooms like the live libraries we also see there’s a decent amount of functionality

To this place too with bookshelves now being quite a vital facet towards the enchanting which we’ll talk about in a sec I love the mystery that comes with all of these structures and also how much like the biomes it’s constantly keeping the world fresh on its own not

Forcing you to create these things yourself but being fully generated into the world already and giving you a variety of helpful items when exploring them the final thing I want to mention here isn’t really a structure but a new addition to the world and that’s The Ravines The Ravines or Canyons a brand

New deep cracks which crop up sporadically in all kinds of biomes and sort of work like a cave with the extra ability to actually see any kind of resources that are down there on top of the frequent water and lava sources too their additions not only great for exploratory purposes but also very

Practical for finding particular resources like coal and iron safely due to The Ravines being exposed to sunlight for the most part that means mobs won’t be as much of an issue compared to exploring through a cave or mine shaft for example this leads to the only real threat being your navigation down the

Ravine as due to the structure of them being filled with numerous steep inclines you’ll either need to carefully mine your way down making sure that whenever you’re digging down you don’t just plummet to your death or you can also use blocks to build a path down as

Well they’re also just a good way to get an actual visual on certain resources right off the bat instead of mining in pure Darkness I’m mainly talking about the coal in that regard being an incredibly common resource yes but still being one that you might only find after

Mining down for quite a bit meaning the entire time you’re mining down you’ll be in almost complete darkness and not to mention it also gives you a head start in that regard too where much like the caves it means you don’t always have to create a huge descending mine shaft on

Your own but instead start one on a level that’s already considerably lower to the more valuable resources taking a look back to our player when opening the inventory now you’ll notice very few changes have been made minor ones would be things like how there’s no longer icons correlating to each armor piece

And also the fact that our storage space has actually gone down might sound strange considering it appears like there’s exactly the same amount of slots from previous builds but there was previously a trick you could do to acquire an extra four slots by placing items in your crafting menu which would

Actually keep them on your person trying to do this now simply drops them on the ground when coming out of the menu which is fine enough they always felt like kind of an exploit to me anyways but if you’re attempting to put items in certain places here you’ll notice the

Fantastic edition of the tool tips their name doesn’t really correlate to their function to be honest but finally we’ve got an addition which attributes names to blocks it allows us to actually get the names of items which we otherwise wouldn’t have known we could assume before what diamonds and iron were but

I’m talking more about blocks like Netherrack or Redstone items which don’t actually exist in the real world now being titled this could be useful when playing multiplayer for example telling the people you’re playing with what items you’ve just found or perhaps ones you’re looking out for overall just a

Great quality of life change some closing notes on the world lightings had even further enhancements from before now noticeably having much smoother transitions between day and night time torches also have slightly more subtlety to them where both them and any artificial source of light now has frequent flickering and looking closer

Up to the blocks especially during the daytime you’ll see that blocks are now given different tents which are dependent on where the most prominent source of light is in relation to them onto some more interesting updates here although I said I was staying away from each individual update at this point I

Feel like giving a mention to Beta 1.2 in particular as there’s so many new things to see in this one we’ve of course already talked about the two different types of trees which have been added but on top of them you’ve also got a new food item some brand new blocks

And also new mobs and new types of pre-existing mobs starting with the food we’re now able to craft a cake using the items wheat an egg a bucket of milk and sugar two of those items are new the sugar which can now be crafted from the sugar canes and eggs which are now

Dropped by chickens the bucket of milk might sound new but you’ve actually been able to get this milk by right-clicking cows with a bucket since the alpha stages it’s just the fact that back then it had no function you couldn’t even use it as a healing item but of course using

This milk here gives us access to the cake an interesting food item that can’t actually be consumed in your inventory instead having to place it like a block onto the ground but having a fantastic method of consumption where every time we right click it we’ll consume one

Segment of the cake with there being six in total before it’s gone and with the cake restoring a maximum of 14 hunger points when consuming the whole thing as long as you’re using it sparingly in between eating other food items you’ll find the effort of collecting these wider range of resources compared to

Just killing a pig is actually worth it thing is though on top of the cake there’s also numerous other food items which have been added here some which drop from pre-existing mobs and others which can either be grown or crafted cocoa beans can now be found in the

World which allows us to craft cookies cows and chickens now drop raw beef and chicken sheep remain untouched for now but with pigs you now actually have the ability to kill them with any fire source and immediately gain a cooked pork chop instead of a raw one zombies

Have a chance to drop zombie flesh which can’t be cooked for an extra Health boost and upon eating these your hunger bar will turn green which indicates you’ve got food poisoning you don’t actually take any damage from this but your hunger will start rapidly decreasing which sounds counter-intuitive by actually really

Like the addition of these being a last resort if you’re running very low on health as the temporary hunger boost will be enough to get some of your health back but then having to suffer the repercussions of having a decreased hunger bar which might ultimately screw

You over in the future and finally we’ve got melons and pumpkin seeds melons which can actually be eaten and pumpkins which simply turn into the ones we could wear on our heads before other things to know in relation to the food outside of straight up food items are the brand new

Eating animations we now have compared to before when the item just disappeared from our hand having a nice animation where it shows us chewing whatever food item we’re holding our Feast being reflected very well on the incredibly iconic eating sound as well as all the different particles flying off it

We’ve also got the brand new giant mushrooms that we can now find we’re destroying either the brown or red types of these will give you multiple smaller versions of their respective types talking of these giant mushrooms though they can obviously be found naturally while journeying through the world but

You can also manufacture these yourself by using the brand new bone meal item this can be acquired by the bones that now frequently drop when killing skeletons and by turning them into bone Mill we can now speed up a number of processes which usually take a fairly

Long amount of time things like growing trees crops and the mushrooms I just mentioned all can be sped up now and if you’re fighting skeletons quite regularly can be done without any substantial loss the bones themselves however have purposes on their own the main one being how we can actually tame

One of the new Mobs introduced here that being the Wolves they’re yet another neutral mob that will be passive until you hear in which it will then turn into an angry wall for an attempt to kill you however they can be far more effective

As a teammate so by going up to them and Giving Them Bones they can then Be Tamed and become your very own pair the amount of Bones that’s required varying from Wolf to Wolf as as I said they can Journey alongside you and help you out

In combat but they can also be told to sit and wait in a certain position that’s what I’ve always liked to do the fact the wolf can die during combat would be far too heartbreaking to witness for me everything else in the 1.2 update is still good but not as

Vital as everything else I just mentioned with the remaining items going more towards the customization side of things once again the customization here mainly revolves around dying woolwood medley being able to use things like the aforementioned bone meal but also the brand new lapis lazuli and ink sac items

Which ends up dying the wall blue when black respectively the lapis is a brand new material that can be found underground usually on the same layers as items like Redstone or gold and the ink sacks come from the brand new squid mob quite literally serving no other

Purpose than to float around and look weird although interestingly at one point in time they could be milked like cows a very gross but hilarious concept that was removed quite quickly after it was brought in and I suppose if we’re talking about a new mob we’ll touch on

The final mob that was added during the beta that being the Enderman the name and appearance of this thing derives from the well-known Slenderman creepypasta which had especially large relevance at the time not just from the Creepypasta itself but also the numerous photoshopped images and online series like The Marble Hornets gaining huge

Amounts of attention and to be honest the Enderman truly does bring that same level of creepiness in my opinion arguably even more than Slenderman to me personally I’ll be honest I’ve watched and enjoyed tons of online content related to Slenderman everything from the classic Slender the Eight Pages gang

To Marble Hornets an every man hybrid and although they are endearing most of their scares come from straight up loud noises and jump scares the Enderman however doesn’t require this to be freaky they crop up randomly in the Overworld and appear like this huge thin figure being jet black but having very

Distinct purple and white eyes while also having the same purple particle effects flowing around it that we see from the nether portal their actual function isn’t solely to be an enemy they actually remain passive until you do one of two things that being if you either hit them or if you look directly

Into their eyes these are both character heuristics you could attribute with the Slenderman itself of course although the looking into the eyes aspect of the character makes me feel like the mob might also be drawing from another popular horror related project at the time that being the SCP Foundation and

Most notably scp-096 which has the exact same functionality in that regard as I said the end domain can be completely avoided for the most part however if you’re looking for some extra XP you’ll perhaps want to collect the Ender Pearls with strot from them a useless item for

Now but one that will become vital later on you can try attacking them doing this or put them into a fit of rage in which they’ll frequently teleport around the surrounding area and dart towards you incredibly fast Enderman over the years have had numerous updates from what I’ve

Read during my research Notch had a really hard time making them a satisfying enemy going back and forth constantly saying they were either too hard or too easy or that their ability to pick up blocks sucked but let’s just say that by the time we get deeper into

The full release they’re pretty much finalized although for a large period of time there was a single element of them which was lacking any individuality and that’s sound Enderman for a while used a placeholder sound of a zombie but best believe that when they got their own

Unique Sounds added they were right in line with the creepiness of this entity back to some more relaxing stuff for now we’ve now got the ability to create beds a much needed addition to the game to quickly pass Knights so that you can get on with some more productive stuff

Safely during the daytime aside from being a nice addition for this purpose alone pretty much pivotal in my opinion for allowing the gameplay to flow much nicer when nighttime comes around making it so that you no longer need to monotonously wait inside your shelter until day breaks it also gives a more

Practical function to the wall allowing us to use three blocks of Woolen wood to construct it other items which you’ll find yourself placing down in structures are ones like the numerous stone slabs which have been added basically being a normal block cut in half but only applying to a set number of different

Blocks like wood Cobblestone and brick trap doors have also been added which I suppose could be used for their actual purpose if you set up some kind of pressure plate or Redstone function perhaps being able to lead mobs into a trap but other times you might simply

Want to use these to access a different part of your house or perhaps a secret apartment or room of some kind glass can now be turned into glass paints which are merely a design choice on the player’s part maps have been added to better get your bearings on your

Surrounding area and also much like the compasses function allows you to see places you’ve previously explored so you can get a vague idea of where your shelter might be and also shears have been implemented to both cut down the leaves from trees and turn them into a

Physical block as well as having the ability to Shear the Sheep this being the most effective way to get their wool now compared to previously when you could just punch a sheep and have their coat be removed on to some of the final changes now and looking to the combat we

Saw some quite minor changes depending on how you look at them firstly you’ve got to understand that other mechanics that have been added also do play into how you’ll be tacked in combat scenarios from this point on now that we’re able to Sprint for example by double tapping

The forward key combat can be avoided much more often as due to how fast we can Sprint we can essentially outpace most of the mobs in the game but for ones like the Enderman of course who can literally teleport but in relation to actually fighting while using a sword

You’ll find that when holding down right click the sword will change position so that you’re performing a more defensive stance with the sword seemingly blocking your body and that’s exactly what it is a block quite a simple but nice addition which will reduce any incoming damage by

50 you’ve also got the experience points obviously which will be constantly generating during combat with Mobs bows now require a charge up phase when firing an arrow being a more fleshed out version of the bow compared to what we saw previously with this charge up phase now directly affecting things like the

Range and damage of your shots and when attacking a mob with a fully charged shot you’ll oftentimes see these Stars burst out of them now this indicates that you’ve just performed a critical hit something which has a 25 chance of occurring through attacking with a fully charged bow but happening incredibly

Often with melee weapons but only having one requirement that being the fact you can only perform it while falling this doesn’t mean Critical Hits only occur when jumping down a ravine or something but instead can be done just by jumping in the air and attacking while you fall

Back down to the ground and by the end of our time with the beta despite having a lot of mechanics that still appear to be lacking something namely things like the generator structures and some of the mobs it’s yet another incredibly important development that sets up the foundations for the game’s full release So let’s not skirt around the edges so I want to get straight into the full release of the game no more individual updates on each stage of this development phase the footage you’ll be seeing is from the latest release and I’m going to be talking about everything

As one Collective package just for your information though in case you don’t know although the game was considered finished when 1.0 was released the updates which transpire after this point are still very similar to how the updates in the past were rolled out perhaps not as quickly as we saw back

Then but that’s arguably because some of the updates we see here are incredibly ambitious either changing up the game’s foundations to quite a substantial degree or giving everything a different Dynamic with certain new items which get added the price of Minecraft by this point had raised to around thirty

Dollars but for all the people who’d bought the game during the alpha and beta stages where the price was reduced they actually got the full version for free and what I assume is mainly a gesture of Goodwill for supporting the earlier development phases looking to the main menu we now see plenty more

Options compared to previous builds so let’s just begin with the settings themselves before looking at the single player and multiplayer tabs there’s now a globe symbol in the bottom left which allows us to choose which language we’d like to play the game in having tons of different languages but also some more

Comical inclusions like the pirate speak or Shakespearean English and then in the bottom right we can access numerous accessibility options being both helpful in a control sense by letting us turn on and off certain functions like the auto jump which has now been added making it

So that instead of having to jump up things you’ll just automatically be made to jump when walking into an elevated surface but outside of those it makes the game feel a lot more inclusive too for people who might have certain disabilities being able to turn off lightning flashes and Distortion effects

For people who might suffer from epilepsy or motion sickness just plenty of stuff here that you can tweak to suit your experience more to your liking then in the actual options tab we can see there’s tons of things now present here so let’s go through them all everything’s now been categorized into

Multiple different tabs we’re the only thing you can change from the initial tab itself being the fov the video settings have been expanded substantially you can now configure so many different elements to either make the game look nicer or run better if your Hardware’s struggling to run it we

Now have a new graphics option known as fabulous although though from what I’ve seen in game and actually searched up online the differences are even less apparent than the jump from Fast to fancy so if it’s slowing your game down in any way there’s no harm in setting it

Back down to one of the lower sayings and now there’s also tons of Sliders for things like the biome blend render distance and also simulation distance which affects things like the mobs AI in relation to how close or far away from them you are just like the accessibility

Settings this broader range of options is always welcome it will give those who are looking for a more fine-tuned experience the chance to crank up all these Graphics options while at the same time giving those players who can’t run the game properly a chance to experience

It smoothly the music and sounds menu is exactly the same giving you more Sliders in relation to particular elements of the game not just being one static slider turning off all sound effects but letting you control the levels of numerous different things from the mobs to the ambient sounds the controls allow

For even more customization in relation to both your key bindings and your mouse the resource packs tab has been swapped out from the main menu and put here instead and you’ve also got the skin customization tab which lets you act activate or deactivate certain pieces of

Clothing on your person it would be cool if they featured an actual customization element in game but importing your own skins nowadays is easy enough using skin creation tools online one of the more interesting things you’ll see on the main menu is the Minecraft realms tab which despite sounding like it could be

Some kind of alternate mode for the game is actually just another multiplayer mode but unlike multiplayer the world you create here not only have to be paid for on a monthly basis eight dollars bear in mind for something that you can literally do for free but I think they

Justify this and both the accessibility of them compared to usual multiplayer as you’re able to Simply create it in game and have friends join much easier and also the fact the servers in Realms are being run by Mojang themselves meaning you’ll likely have a much smoother experience compared to playing on normal

Multiplayer but the Eight dollar price tag is just insane and making it monthly as well instead of just having it be for the permanent creation of one world just feels very cash grabby talking of multiplayer though this is now fully functioning in the game although I still

Really don’t like the process in which you join the servers themselves when you click on it the first thing is starts doing is scanning for games on your local network very helpful if you’re playing with someone in your house I guess but the overwhelming majority of

Players will want to be playing online I just don’t understand how there still hasn’t simply been the implementation of a server select screen perhaps categorizing some of the most popular modes that are currently being played instead you need to either add a server yourself or Join one via the direct

Connection tab but it’s not as easy as that you can’t just create a server and put any old random jargon in the server address according to the official Minecraft website they encourage you to go online and sort out websites which allow you to host an online Minecraft

Session on them I mean yeah there’s plenty of good ones to use I typically use eternos if I’m wanting to play with friends but is this step really necessary why is it that so many other games can handle multiplayer matches without having to do this external element of finding an online server it’s

Not like every game has dedicated multiplayer and before knowing this is what was required to play an online match on PC I just saw multiplayer Minecraft as too much of a hindrance bearing in mind I’m just talking about Java of course pretty much all other the versions of Minecraft are nowhere near

As convoluted compared to hair but we’re not writing it off completely of course because once you understand how to get into online matches and the numerous different joinable servers that can be found on the internet it’s here where you really see just how passionate and dedicated the Minecraft Community is

There’s some really fun and impressive stuff to be seen here Classics like The Hunger Games which goes years back and would have been a lot of people’s first experience with a battle royale type mode me include it you’ve also got Grand Theft Minecraft which as you could

Assume tries to bring the experience of GTA to the Minecraft format as best it can and then you’ve got different types of servers which basically work as a hub for several different pre-existing game modes servers like lemon cloud or Hypixel which feature tons of new updates and fresh content frequently

Overall once you get Minecraft’s multiplayer working it presents a whole new side to the game which would have only been partially experienced when testing out mods or custom maps and remember if you don’t want to play on these servers with competitive game modes and just want to play the vanilla

Minecraft experience with some friends you can absolutely absolutely do that the core Minecraft experience is one that can oftentimes feel very lonely so experiencing it with your friends can be magical at points collaborating with each other on builds journeying off and exploring new things you’ve never witnessed before sharing resources or if

You’re feeling evil even picking fights with each other too it’s an aspect of the game that has been the basis of so many weekends off from school or holiday breaks that I can’t help here But we’ll save that stuff at the end onto the single player tab now though creating our world Now features tons of options both in relation to what the rules are of whatever game mode we’re playing as well as several different world types that we can choose from

Starting with the game modes we’ve got survival and creative just like before both with their varying difficulty sayings we can choose from below but now we also have the addition of the hardcore mode bringing a whole new challenge to Minecraft with how the difficulty is locked to hard and also

The fact hardcore features a permadeath function where upon dying you’ll no longer be able to respawn and play like normal but only be able to spectate the world a very fun inclusion for those looking for an especially punishing experience to Minecraft’s core gameplay below the difficulty saying is the

Option to turn on cheats however they might not work like you’d expect them to the cheats here aren’t things like big head mode or infinite durability on your tools or anything it basically just gives you access to the command list where you’re able to do things like

Spawn insert and items and mobs as well as switching the game mode whenever you want the cheats here obviously being excluded from the hardcore mode in the world tab you’ve still course have the option to input whatever random seed you desire but you’ve also got several different world types now most of which

Are self-explanatory to be honest default is your typical Minecraft experience super flat is just like the pre-classic days and can be very useful when wanting to build particular things in Creative large biomes will make the pre-existing biomes in the world four times larger Amplified worlds take up a

Much larger amount of your PC’s resources and results in the game having a much higher range of altitude and how it’s generated and single biome of course means there’s no variation in the biomes some of these like the single biome for example can actually be further customized though you can mess

Around with some presets on the super flat world type to configure how many layers are underneath you and what blocks will be featured within them the single biome though can give out some very interesting results letting you not just pick biomes that are limited to the overground but also being able to make

Your entire game more comparable to the nether with ones like the Soul Sand Valley what initially appeared to me like a simple removal of all other biomes actually turns out to be several kinds of handcrafted World types the Soul Sand Valley one in particular taking me really off guard with how the

Windy Ambience immediately makes a stark contrast with what I’m normally used to when starting out in Minecraft only then to look around and see my environment has the appearance of a wasteland after a nuclear bomb’s gone off and then I started seeing gas flying around and straight up thought it was

Brilliant the single biomes or as they’re also known the buffet are simply several worlds with unique characteristics and although I did find them fun to go through some are quite similar in their appearance and in terms of functioning as a satisfying experience they also don’t work too well

I don’t imagine it’s something I’ll be returning to that often but I still really like their inclusion finally getting into the game itself the jump from the last beta to what we have in the most recent build can sometimes appear so different that spawning into Minecraft nowadays might appear like a

Totally different experience first things first let’s back off the world to begin with and instead look at the changes to our player and particularly the changes in relation to the crafting everything seems fairly the same when looking to our initial inventory bar the health and hunger appear exactly like

They were before and so does the experience bar but after only a short amount of time you’ll notice something else pop up on our HUD that being the tip system which is now now been implemented giving you tips on everything from punching trees to get wood to letting us know that wasd is

Used to walk this is where I can really feel they tapped into the kid Market of their game you noticed before I was going back and forth contemplating if having all of the game’s mechanics go unsaid was a good thing and if you remember I thought it was a great idea

In terms of letting players discover things on their own which in turn will make the experience far more gratifying as much like solving a puzzle they had to figure out a solution by themselves the flip side of that was having players not knowing what to do getting annoyed

And swiftly quitting the game but I can’t deny even though I was relatively clueless when going back to the earlier versions of Minecraft I’d say for me personally I’d still go for this unspoken approach for the game I’ve never liked the idea of tips being shoved in your face with games

Especially for a game like Minecraft which encourages creativity on the player’s part I don’t think the experience should be spelled out to you whatsoever that’s just me though I’m sure there’s many other people that will truly appreciate the addition of tips either if they’re completely new to the

Game or perhaps have become unfamiliar with it due to the numerous new additions we’ve got here going into the inventory presents us with most of what we’re used to all the same inventory slots crafting menu but we also see the re-edition of the armor icons beside our

Character and also a brand new icon which appears to be reflecting some kind of Shield however the biggest change to our inventory and crafting menu is easily the recipe book being the biggest quality of life change in regards to the crafting while at the same time looking at things from a player’s perspective

Does present a different Dynamic that could possibly make the discovery of certain recipes be dampened but that’s the reason why it’s so good in my opinion the fact is you really don’t have to use it if you don’t want to if you decide you want a more traditional Minecraft experience without the help

From the recipe book you can switch it off and craft manually just like before but if you do decide to use it the functionality is great it uses the same kind of tabs that we see in the creative mode menu segmenting all the different kinds of craftable items into different

Categories there’s also a search bar at the top if you’re unable to find Whatever item it is you’re wanting to craft and upon clicking on any given item depending on if you’ve got the appropriate resources is you’ll find the crafting is then performed automatically still requiring you to pick up the

Resulting iron but placing all the resources in the correct order for you again for any more hardcore players that thinks this removes Too Much from the manual crafting you personally do not have to use it but for those who are struggling with the crafting mechanic

And can’t seem to match up any of their blocks with buildable tools and such it’s just great the only thing you should realize about this thing though is that all the recipes aren’t in there to begin with only upon picking up certain materials which meets the requirements of certain items will the

Recipe then become unlocked being notified of this by the game as well in the same format as the tips being an aspect which I think appropriately leaves enough room for enjoyable Discovery for people who aren’t deciding to play solely with manual crafting taking a look at the Innovations to the

World there’s been so many additions throughout the years this will have to be segmented to some degree so let’s just first go over the new and updated biomes as well as any new structures which can be found within these your typical grassy planes and forests haven’t really had any substantial

Change but now we see some brand new biomes which elaborate on Concepts which have been told around within the past first would be the jungle biome one which has featured countless updates over the years introducing new structures and mobs to it the jungle somewhat descends from the initial idea

Of the rainforest having these huge towering trees with vines covered all over them which you can obviously climb up around this jungle biome you’ll oftentimes be seeing things like large shoots of bamboo sticking out of the ground which you can use to create certain items like scaffolding or just

Straight up sticks melons crop up very frequently in The Jungle which you’ll be able to break and get some extra food items as well as the cocoa pods which are attached to many of the trees also being able to be smashed and obtained the jungle is home to numerous mobs

We’ve seen before like chickens and sheep but they’ve also got some brand new ones which are solely unique to this jungle environment these are the panda para and ocelot the pandas are a mob the while not having any function that’s completely game changing are still very interesting to witness in themselves

They’re a mob that has multiple different behaviors everything from normal and aggressive to worried and playful and while in these states the panda will genuinely act noticeably to different when playful pandas will oftentimes roll around and jump with their tongues also being stuck out when weak they appear to have teary eyes and

A snotty nose with them sneezing far more often compared to any other Panda type just a large amount of variation here to a mob that didn’t necessarily need it although in terms of appearance there’s only one other type of panda that is distinguished outside of their face and

Actions and that’s the brown panda no notable distinctions between a regular one and this it’s just a brown panda the ocelots aren’t as varied but considerably rare even when you discover the jungle biomes they aren’t hostile towards you but you can witness them sneaking around and prowling after prey

Like chickens and baby turtles they’re also one of the harder mobs to actually tame a mechanic that becomes quite big in terms of having them follow you around and also in terms of farming livestock the reason they’re so hard to tame is that one they’re one of the few

Mobs which can actually Sprint incredibly fast too meaning they’ll be able to outpace you quite easily and two the amount of care you’ve got to take when attempting to tame them with raw fish is pretty big even doing things like turning your head too quickly or

Putting the fish away for a second will lead to it running away but the thing is you never actually tame this thing you only ever gain its trust upon gaining trust the ocelot will no longer run away from you in which you can then start breeding with other ocelots by giving

Them both fish that basically being the same process for most of the maying in this game but we’ll get into that in a sec finally parrots as you can assume mainly fly around the jungle for the most part but also have the really nice addition of imitating other mob sounds

Much like they’re known to do in real life you can tame them and I mean tame this time by using seeds and although not all that practical they still imitate surrounding mobs and even perch up on your shoulder while walking around more of an emotional support friend compared

To anything else wrapping up on the jungle biome out of all three different variants you can stumble across those being either a standard sparse or bamboo jungle it definitely has one of the most distinct environments out of all the biomes The Greenery is the thing that really shines through with this place

And with the trees going so high into the sky if you manage to make your way to the top of one of these you can get some quite brilliant visuals in the regular and bamboo versions you might also find a Jungle Pyramid being quite similar to the other dungeons we can

Find underground but unlike them the journey we take through this place is filled with brand new puzzles and traps which give a whole new level of variation to these dungeon-based structures you’re ultimately getting the same kind of loot regardless of which one of these you enter still giving you

Everything from Saddles to diamonds so implementing these unique versions with different obstacles and only particular biomes just ensures even more that you won’t get tired of your adventure okay there was a lot of talk on just one single biome so let’s take a look at some other new additions here away from

The world generation the Block’s obsidian lapis lazuli and also the experience points have now been given far greater functionality with the enchantment tables we can now craft this is one of many items that were some of the first additions to be added to 1.0 and the ones we’ll talk about right now

We’re all going to be focused around the more Magical elements of these new ones so not just things like the enchanting tables but also the Brewing stands and the numerous different potions we can craft from them the enchanting tables are crafted with four obsidian a couple diamonds and a book and when placing

Them down you’ll see the book pages start turning rapidly right clicking it reveals a screen that remains relatively unclear if you haven’t got any tools on you but we can quite clearly see the outline of lapis lazuli beside the other empty box so we can piece together this

Is likely what will be used to enchant our equipment and this is exactly what we can do placing any kind of tool down reveals three different upgrades that can be applied to it these are appear to be ranked in order of their effectiveness due to the fact that from

Top to bottom they all increase in the amount of XP that’s required to enchant them but that might not always be the case thing is as well before when the enchanting table was first introduced you didn’t have the additional helpful message that hovers above these upgrades which gives you a semi-indication on

What will actually be applied to your tool instead it was just these random scribblings which admittedly did actually indicate what particular upgrades were but that would have most likely had you looking at a Wiki page to discover the new message notifying what the upgrade might be is good still

Leaving an air of mystery around it by following it with a question mark and still genuinely having some additional effects be added which aren’t included in the tip using the enchanting table by itself though isn’t actually getting its full Effectiveness however instead if you surround it with bookshelves you’ll

Not only notice the same kind of scribblings that were on the upgrade screen have now become physical particles which appear to be flying into the book from the bookshelves but then when using the enchanting table to upgrade a tool once again the upgrades now cost considerably more than before

But in return the upgrades that are given out are much more effective versions of the ones that I would regularly give you the max amount of XP you’ll be asked to pay is 30 levels worth which from placing the bookshelves down we can see requires around 15 bookshelves placed around the enchanting

Table and taking a look at some of these upgrades we can see they can be applied to our tools of course but also other equipment like our armor some upgrades can be shared between multiple tools for example the efficiency upgrade which increases the Tool’s speed being able to

Be applied to the pick shovel ax and hoe but then you’ve got some other unique ones like flame which applies a flame effect to your bow or impaling which affects the new Trident tool that we’ll talk about later on there’s just so much stuff to experiment around with here

Giving both even more functionality and purpose and not just to your tools but other items like lapis books bookshelves obsidian and XP which before served either very limited or no purposes at all the idea of enchanting is also brilliant and the fact that it introduces a risk reward system with a

Quite high cost gaining lapis lazuli might be quite easy but getting 30 levels of XP really isn’t so you’re either wanting to make sure whatever tool you’re upgrading is getting an upgrade you actually want perhaps by checking your wiki page with a list of what all the different combinations are

Or if you’re looking to be a purist perhaps figure out through trial and error what each of these obscure upgrades actually indicate to or if you’re a super Wiz kid you would have known that all the symbols which are being used here actually come from a pre-existing game called Commander Keen

With each symbol not just being random but actually correlating to letters that we’re familiar with soap to sum up enchanting tables are an item that is much better when surrounded by bookshelves can upgrade tools armor and other equipment to give them abilities like self-mending properties extra resources from blocks and increased

Melee damage and all that’s required is to have a certain level of XP and Lapis Lazuli a great system which only appears to be even more complex the more you look into it with how many of these items have overlapping effects as well as the enchanted books which are able to

Give out these upgrades to your equipment in a different form of application that’s not the only magical and Whimsical element that’s been added to Minecraft though in fact far from it but for now we’ll focus on one other thing that being the brewing stand and

The potions in in which due to some of the requirements to use these will also lead to some talk of new mobs and new areas as the title implies the Brewing stand’s main purpose is to brew potions a new multifaceted item just like the enchantment system presenting numerous

Different kinds of potions that can be used for everything from healing yourself to giving out poison damage the only thing which has turned me off from Brewing however is how complex it is which might sound strange considering how much I just praised the enchantment system and don’t get me wrong I’m not

Slagging it off it’s an incredibly in-depth and intricate system with most substantial potions starting off the same way needing three bottles of water which can either be filled up from the ocean or the Brewing related cauldron ion which can fill up three bottles before it has to be refilled and then if

You’re not looking to make a potion of weakness right from the get-go you’ll always need to put netherwarts in which is one of the many new items added to the nether but wait nothing will actually happen when we put these things in if we don’t have blaze powder yet

Another item that’s acquired from the nether we’ll talk about those elements straight after this but staying on the potions for now once you’ve got these items and have inputted the nether Wars you’ll end up with an orc awkward potion still not giving you any effects when drinking it however it’s from this point

Where things become very broad where now we can use a variety of different items to get brand new potions with actual effects although I do still find it pretty confusing it’s the trial and error aspect of this system which I also really like all that I’d like to see in

This regard is either more variation of items that lead to new outcomes or an easier solution that doesn’t require them to implement tons of new effects just have multiple combinations for all of these Solutions so for example whereas only a golden carrot can create a potion of night vision although I

Understand the whole carrot night vision combo I don’t think there’d be any harm in having this combo occur when using a golden apple too or any other similar item to these it’s still a good system though having tons of potions which give you some great benefits like substantially increased damage Health

Regeneration and Fire Resistance but you’ll also see there’s plenty of potions here that would seemingly only do you harm like the potions of poison or harming you can actually decide to drink these yourself if you feel like it but these are much more effective when in the splash or lingering form and as

Unlike regular potions these ones are actually able to be thrown out in turn affecting whatever mobs are nearby the only difference between Splash and lingering is that Splash is a one use ion where you or the mobs fill the full and immediate effect of whatever potions being thrown out whereas the lingering

Potions are not only more difficult to make considering splashes only need gunpowder and lingerings need dragon’s breath which can only be obtained through more particular means but unlike splashes the effect isn’t a media instead leaving a cloud on the floor which will last for around 30 seconds which seems ultimately pointless to me

Considering both other potions don’t take any more time to consume and have the potential to give you far more Effectiveness out of your options once you figure out the awkward potion that’s brewed with the netherwarts leads way to most of the other combinations it gives you a much easier time while

Experimenting with the different combinations and with a lot of these having very helpful effects like the regeneration potion which overrides the hunger-related healing by giving you health points at a far increased rate as well as the damaging effects which also presents the potions as an offensive item too I also really like the

Additions of the glowstone and redstone which will always end up either increasing the effectiveness of the potion or increasing the time it lasts for with not all but some of these potions giving you the choice between both like the regeneration potion once again which regenerates Health much

Faster with Glowstone Dust but runs out after 22 seconds and then having the Redstone Dust to regenerate Health slower but lasts for a minute though as well as that you can also make further changes between these potions even when it seems like you’ve created your final solution for example when you’ve created

A potion of healing using a glistening melon you can actually Brew it further by adding a fermented eye which will in turn changes the potion of healing to a potion of harming numerous numbers of potions that can be obtained here all of which will serve very important purposes

When getting into some of the boss fights we can now witness due to my mention of the blaze powder and netherwarts earlier let’s jump back to the nether for now and see what things have been changed and even when heading through the portal we can see immediately there’s been a lot over time

Much like plenty of other different aspects of the game by this point the nether is one of the areas of the game that’s had a big update with version 1.16 literally being referred to as the nether update one of the first things you may notice about the nether now is

That much like the overground it now has several biomes to explore these were arguably the most substantial addition here almost completely changing our perception of the nether we were previously familiar with so let’s go back and sequentially look at the additions which got us up to this point

It was in 1.0 where the nether initially saw some pretty substantial additions those coming in the form of some new items mobs and structures that we can now find we already talked about the nether warts and blaze powder during our discussion of the Brewing but it’s where

We actually find these which presents a more interesting addition to the nether in the midst of all the Hellfire we can now find these Nether fortresses which has its beam stretch up high into the sky from the lava that’s down below it’s in these fortresses where you’ll be able

To find things like the netherwarts pretty easily usually appearing by a set of stairs and being planted on the Soul Sand block blaze powder is a bit different though as you don’t actually find this item outright but instead have to craft it from the blaze rods which

Can be acquired from the brand new Blaze mob I really like the Blazers here their design is very nice with how it literally appears like a smoking ball of fire having a single flow following head along with multiple blaze rods which circle around it these guys are hostile

To you immediately and although you can get damaged by the blaze rods by simply getting too close to them the main way they attack is by shooting out Fireballs in sets of three I attribute them to being a more intense version of the skeletons in my opinion as when

Observing their attack pans we notice they’re both quite similar both enemies have a ranged attack but the Blazers give off more damage a burn effect and comes in threes and upon firing they both need to recharge for a period of time until they can fire again with the

Blaze being balanced out to a certain degree by having the onslaught of fireballs be separated with a five second window where it merely recharges giving you a good chance to either Escape or attack back killing one of these things gives out XP as usual but also these blaze rods outside of being

Able to turn these into blaze powder for the Brewing the brewing stand itself actually requires a Blaze Rod on its own followed by any other three stone blocks beneath it the rods can also be used as a fuel source in the furnaces taking 120 seconds to be used up completely

Compared to the 80 Seconds it takes for the cold to be used stop back to these fortresses though not only is chess look quite common to find in these places much like the dungeons in the Overworld but jumping forward to how they are today there’s two other mobs that you’ll

Be finding quite a lot in these places those being your standard normal skeletons and also the wither skeletons visually the wither skeletons are quite similar to the normal skeletons except they’re black in color unlike them as well their main way of attacking is also melee this time not ranged and you’ll

Find that when they spot you not only will they Sprint towards you at a pretty fast pace but upon getting hit by them you’re also given the Wither effect acting similar to the poison but removing Health at a slow array which is likely to do with how this effect can

Actually kill you whereas poison will only ever drop you to half a heart these Withers usually drop things like bones or coal but interestingly they also have a very small chance to drop a wither skeleton head much like the other heads you can now find in the game ranging

From zombies to creepers these can actually be worn to blend in with certain mob types making each individual mob’s detection range reduced by 50 but interestingly if we collect three witherheads and then assemble them with Soul Sand into a human-like figure placing all three of the heads onto the

Top will actually be presented with the Wither boss unlike the skeletons the functionality of the boss is drastically different and it’s actually a very hard boss to tackle as we’ve got the ability to begin this fight wherever we want many people suggest Going Underground as the first thing you’ll notice the

Weather start doing if you’re on the surface is start flying around and basically creating chaos to every mob in sight but when initially spawning it in the first thing we see it do is charge up its health bar appearing at the top of the screen in which we see the more

It fills up the bigger the Wither actually gets when it’s filled up that’s when the weather begins its Rampage no longer being invulnerable like it was when spawning in and also launching off its attacks with a huge explosion to begin with the magnitude of this being enough to wipe you out straight away

Making the charge up time important for people tackling this fight in survival as it gives you time to back off before the fight Begins the Wither is one of the most resistant mobs in the entire game with its health bar translating to about 150 Hearts worth of damage before

It gets put down which is even more tricky to handle considering most kinds of damaging potions are completely off the table as it doesn’t get affected by any kind of status effects things get even worse for the player however when looking to its attacks an ability to regenerate Health one of the main

Reasons people fight underground is because the Wither tends to fly in the air in which it will continue to perform its ranged attack of shooting down wither skulls each individual head firing independently of each other it’s not like they’re all getting shot out at the exact same time or only from one

Location each skull deals out around 8 damage on normal difficulty and overall the fight can be incredibly hard due to its tendency to fly away regenerate health and also generate a shield when its Health drops below half leaving you unable to damage it with arrows from bows or Throne tridents unless you’re

Looking to craft beacons or just get a nice XP boost there’s no real reason you’d want to fight the Wither outside of Simply being a fun experience on its own [Applause] returning to the nether the only other structures we’ve got outside the Nether fortresses are the Bastian remnants

Spawning in four different variants and simply being another castle-like structure much like the previous Fortress featuring mobs and loot this structure though despite having more verticality which could present some dangerous drops doesn’t include enemies like the blazes or wither skeletons you’ll be going up against piglins piglet brutes and hoglands which can

Actually stack up pretty quickly and make your time navigating through this place pretty hard these three mob types are brand new but to older players you might confuse these for totally replacing the old zombie pigment and although that would be the correct evaluation here the only thing that’s

Changed is their name and appearance so breaking it down you’ve got regular piglens which are neutral to the player until attacked in which they then use a golden sword or crossbow to try and kill you piglin Bruce which as their name implies are a fully hostile and far more

Dangerous version of regular piglens zombified piglands which are basically the same as normal piglands except they can’t use a crossbow I think the only reason they’re here at this point to be honest is because of people’s fond memories of the pigment and finally the hoglands and zoglins which aren’t really

Related to the piglens but have a similar name these guys appearing like boars with them both being hostile and spotting you and also dropping pork chops and leather upon defeating them the only difference between both of them as you could assume is one’s normal and the other is zombified with the zoglin

Version of the creature occurring when being transported from the nether to the Overworld in which we can see it transform right in front of us one thing I want to say about these mob types is that they actually feature baby counterparts which can either be found

Naturally or spawned in if the mob is capable of breeding this goes for a number of different mobs in the game now all of the animals like cows chickens and pigs all have baby versions which is more important towards the farming but in terms of hostile mobs you’ve also got

Baby zombies that have significantly faster running speed and of course the piglens and hoglins that I just mentioned one of the best combos being a baby piglet and baby hoglin in which the pig Lim will hop on the hogland’s back much like the skeleton can do with the

Spider and while we’re I guess we should just talk about the last remaining mobs in the nether right now with those being The Strider and the Magma Cube the Magma Cube was one of the first additions to the full release in general going all the way back to 1.0 but admittedly it’s

Nothing we haven’t seen before really its characteristics are pretty much identical to the slimes we’ve seen before with the only substantial differences being that it’s fireproof jumps less and Deals a higher amount of damage the coolest part about it is arguably what happens when we see it

Jump not staying as one solid blob like slimes but actually separating in the air and returning to the Blobby form when Landing back on the ground and of course magma cubes are the best way of obtaining the Magma Cream I am that can be used for Brewing the final mob The

Strider in appearance looks similar to the gas to me a big block basically from what we initially see primarily due to the fact that most of the time these Striders will be wandering through Lava being completely invulnerable to any lava related damage some interesting things can be done with the Strider

Although their purpose overall seems to be the least substantial out of all these mobs to be honest which is perfectly fine fine in my opinion I don’t see anything wrong with adding new Mobs just for some additional variety these guys are very much a home in the

Nether but taking them back to the Overworld which can be done pretty efficiently by attaching a saddle to them and using a warped fungus on a stick to guide them in the direction you want to go you’ll see they turn purple and begin shivering they won’t die or anything but they’ll be significantly

Slower than when they’re in lava so just be nice to the fellas and give them some lava to Wade around in they’ve got no intentions of hurting you or anything else they’re arguably the most pitiful enemy in the entire nether literally running away when any harm comes to it

And to wrap up our time in the nether we look to a few of the new biomes and transition back to the Overworld when discussing some of the tools that can be acquired from blocks found in the nether there’s now two kinds of forest to be found here the Crimson Forest and warped

Forest the first of which is distinguished by its red trees with Crimson stems and the other of which with its green trees and warped stems piglens are the main mobs you’ll be seeing in Crimson whereas warped has a lot more Enderman as well as Striders being a great chance to grind some of

The enderman’s resources both of these biomes feature their own unique Ambience and ultimately I enjoy both of these places for their bizarre but incredibly pretty inclusions to the nether with the Warped forest in particular introducing certain colors that really livens up the experience from the constant orange and

Red colors we see these new kinds of trees are also great for even more variation in the building outside the nether with you being able to turn these logs into planks with some very unique blue and almost pinkish colors we’ve got Soul Sand Valley which as it sounds is

Almost like the desert biome of the nether being covered in Soul Sand which slows the player down being a pretty dangerous biome in both that regard and the fact that due to the darkness of these areas you’ll tend to find more ghast and skeleton mobs being spawned in

Compared to usual where if you don’t have the soul speed enchantment on your boots which allows you to walk on the Soul Sand at a normal speed could get you in some pretty sticky situations it’s also in this biome where you’ll see nether fossils start generating not the

Kind of fossils we usually think of which appear like small rocks but these big white blocks which stick out of the ground to actually being made up of bone and then also the basalt Deltas which can be incredibly dangerous because of how the terrain structured almost asking

For you to take a wrong step and fall into the lava on top of numerous other mobs which have just as much chance to push you off that’s about all of the main elements of the nether that I want to touch on right now the environment has now been turned into a fantastic

Showcase of what hell is like in the world of Minecraft a place filled with terrifying bizarre creatures fire fortresses pretty much everything the Overworld usually isn’t but with the updates it’s seen the nether Now features a lot more variation and a considerable amount more Beauty in their

Forest areas which has to be appreciated I love all the effects we see here like what we can presume is the ash falling down in certain biomes and the bright blue flames that can be seen in Seoul Valley but what will most likely be taking back to the overground from our

Time spent in the nether is combat experience both in terms of literally getting better at fighting and experience points possibly some resources from these mobs to help out with Brewing but also much more likely nowadays you’ll be heading into The Nether for a very specific purpose and

That’s to find the block known as ancient debris other resources have been able to be discovered amongst the Netherrack for a while now but that was mainly stuff which was negligible the most common of which being the golden nuggets which could then be turned into a gold bar there was also quartz which

Were pretty useless outside of customization but then you’ve got the significantly rare ancient debris block the rarest all Block in the entire game by far the reason for this and the reason why I assume it was made so that it can only be found here is because

It’s the only ore that can now outclass Diamond that’s right you’ve now got tools which finally outdo diamond and although the netherrite tools are definitely worth sorting out you’ll find that certain risks May dissuade you from going for it as I mentioned the nether is very prone to having random and Swift

Drops into lava and with you actually being required to mine down to find this material the risk of this happening increases quite a lot then add that to the fact that you’re still going up against all the different mobs I went over too and I’d say the effectiveness

Of netherrite definitely Stacks up to the channel challenge of acquiring it in the first place it’s not like a diamond though far from it not only do you have to make your way back out safely upon collecting this incredibly rare ancient debris to craft the netherite ingers you

First have to smelt the debris which in turn gives you some scraps and then combine at least four scraps with four goldingers to create one netherright anger keep in mind that when you discover ancient debris much like iron Cold War diamonds there might not just be one but others connected to the ore

In close proximity but considering the block so rare and the fact the highest amount you’ll find in one place is only around five that also being quite unlikely in usual cases and then realize this ancient debris won’t smell it only gives you scraps which you have to use

Four of just to make one anger which in turn can make any diamond piece of gear into Netherrack using an anvil what I’m saying is it’s gonna take you a long time to get these tools and I’ll be honest I don’t know if they’re worth it maybe out of morbid curiosity the first

Time you try out this nether update but although they are genuinely good the long process it takes to get these even compared to fine ending and making tools out of diamonds especially with the fact you can enchant diamond tools to become amazing anyway uh netherway is good

Don’t get me wrong but not something I’m always going to be looking out for it’s not essential in my eyes which I actually like somewhat I remember when this update came out and as an old school player I initially despised the idea of an ore being more effective than

Diamond I thought it would totally screw up the balancing that I become accustomed to over the years but because of all the dangerous and arguably strenuous elements it takes to get these netherite tools and armor the balancing is debatably on the improved if you put

The work in and I mean a lot more work than finding the already rare diamonds then I think you do genuinely deserve an even better reward for your efforts that’s it for now though back to the surface we go and going back to the biomes for a second time we’ve got so

Many different ones ranging from ones that are generated out in the ocean ones that are up on mountains in wetlands and even some that are underground starting with the Woodland biomes we’ll bypass all the ones we’ve already talked about like forests and planes as the biome itself is still pretty much the same

Despite any new minor changes or mobs that have been introduced you’ve got alternate types of forest occasion though not just different types of trees but also different kinds of Landscapes ones where the grass appears to be dead and in the case of the spruce version of this old growth variant shows the trees

Being significantly higher than normal there’s also dark forests being home to the dark oak trees as well as being the only place you can find the Woodland Mansion you could quite easily confuse this with the jungle at points due to the broad and tall trees that are here

But the main thing which distinguishes the Dark Forest is both the Mansion which I just mentioned and also the frequent appearance of the overgrown mushrooms we’ll get on to that in a second as the mushrooms end up having a biome of their own but looking at the

Woodland Mansion for a second I really like the design of it although their structures aren’t actually set in stone depending on where you find them they always tend to have three floors all of which have distinct characteristics like these large corridors which have several rooms branching off them appearing to

Feature rooms that hold libraries flowers pumpkin farms and even what appears to be a fighting arena there is tons of variation to a lot of these rooms though things like room solely dedicated to statues of cats and chickens so I’m not going to go over every single one as per usual you’ll be

Entering these places not only out of intrigue upon discovering this gigantic house in the middle of a forest but most likely also for some loot which yet again comes in the form of Chess that can be found around the Mansion your exploration though won’t come without

Threats and as the main type of mobs you find in this place are known as illeges being an evil and hostile version of the normal villagers which I’m yet to speak about we can see something quite interesting along with those and the frequent other mobs like zombies and

Spiders which can spawn in dark areas of the Mansion it also houses one of the newest mobs to the game being known as The Alley as we’ll talk about both of these right now I just want to broaden our view of the illagers to the villagers too and talk about how they’ve

Been implemented into the game turns out those abandoned villages we saw in the Bayer likely weren’t supposed to be that ominous at all as when entering them now we can usually witness several different kinds of new Mobs a lot of them having certain particular roles within the village itself looking at The Villages

Despite still appearing quite similar to what we’ve seen before they’ve noticeably been expanded over a larger surface area and also features several more unique structures like weaponsmiths temples libraries and meeting points Villages are a great hub for certain resources and the best part is that when taking them the villagers never actually

Get aggressive they literally just let you steal their stuff the prosperous and abundant resources we can acquire from here would be things like bales of hay which can be found in bulk and turned into large amounts of wheat which of course means you’ll be able to get a lot

Of free bread from here and then depending on the different structures you enter you might find a varying amount of things inside the chests for example entering into the butcher shop will have chess primarily containing food items with the occasional chance for some coal or emeralds the emerald to

Being a new type of mineral which is very essential when interacting with the Villagers but then entering into a Tannery you’ve got a much higher chance to find leather armor saddles or just straight up leather I love this attention to detail as it gives even more purpose to each individual

Structure and everyone’s role in the town making the village not just feel randomly slapped together but one that you can imagine the villagers actually living in if that makes any sense it just feels very authentic outside of just appearing in different biomes the features of these Villages do actually

Switch up quite significantly depending on where you find them finding one out on the plains reveals most of the structures and houses to be pretty standard something you can imagine a lot of players building themselves but then broadening our view to the desert or snowy biomes a lot of the structures now

Appear far more unique reflecting the environmental conditions that they’re being built in for example the snowy buildings tend to appear much more like log cabins whereas the desert ones primarily use Sandstone with the structure of their buildings reflecting a more Compact and Middle Eastern type of design onto the villagers themselves

However appearing uncannonly like Squidward from SpongeBob and even having the same nasally speech as him too aha foreign you’ll see these guys just roaming around the village but once again there’s a surprising amount of detail to their behavior their actions aren’t just random well unless they’re purposely

Supposed to be as you’ve heard me say each individual villager despite looking pretty much identical in terms of their appearance actually feature individual roles and functions firstly you’ve got nitwits unemployed and baby villagers nitwits can be distinguished from their green robe and are unable to get any

Kind of job within the village leading their only function to be breeding with other villagers and also shaking their head at you when trying to interact with them like you’re the single Biggest Loser in the world yeah you’re the loser mate get a job unemployed villagers are basically the

Same but still have the ability to gain a different role and the babies either tend to follow their parent or play games with any other baby villagers all other villagers roles will be primarily found in the buildings that adhere to their job with there being a brilliant amount of variation in all their

Appearances impressive enough considering there’s 15 roles in total all of which have the villagers wearing different kinds of hats overalls and accessories but then when you realize these job-related clothes are placed on top of the pre-existing seven different outfits that each villager wears depending on what biome the village is

Found in you can start to see how these guys have a surprisingly wide amount of variation even if they do all have big noses and honk at you so we’ve established the mechanic of The Villages and Villages is not only intricate but very interesting to discover and observe but do these guys

Actually serve any purpose and what actions can we take to have an impact on these guys firstly let’s talk about those emeralds I mentioned earlier being yet another resource that we can find underground with this main function being their ability to be traded with the Villagers that’s why the nitwits and

Unemployed ones shake their head at you when right-clicking them as you’re only able to trade with villagers that have a specific role in the village this is because much like how the chests adhere to particular buildings with unique purposes so do the villagers attempting to trade with an armorer will let you

Trade emeralds for armor trading with a cartographer gives you access to maps and so on trading doesn’t just use emeralds though it’s definitely the most common resource you’ll see being asked from you but it’s also important to note that you trade many other things to actually get emeralds in return perhaps

Trading with one villager so that you get a decent amount of emerald saved up and then putting those emeralds to Greater effect by trading them with villagers that are requesting a higher amount for more quality gear the trading in that case also adhering to the individual roles of the villagers with

The butcher requesting me and giving out emeralds in return and the farmer requesting crops and vegetables for emeralds a very interesting mechanic is also integrated into this trading system and that’s the fact that as you can see at the top it not only lists what the

Role of the Villager is but beside it you can also see a rank ranging from novice to master and also an XP bar below by trading more with the Villager both you and the Villager itself gains XP and upon going up the different ranks you’ll not only gain access to even more

Valuable trade opportunities from the Villager but the batch they’ve got attached to them will also noticeably change color starting off as black to reflect Stone and going all the way up to Diamond when they reach Master overall The Villages and Villages are brilliant and present some really Dynamic elements that you can either

Witness or actively indulge in just before we move away I just want to mention that in villages you’ll likely see an iron golem wandering around which works as The Village’s main form of Defense spawning naturally but also being able to be built by yourself in a similar way to the Wither from earlier

Cats are also quite common to find in villages now and in relation to to the villagers trading system we also see the addition of the wandering Trader with his two llamas which we can discover while exploring but also occasionally he’ll make his way to an area you might

Have already set up shopping and finally there’s also the chance to witness random events occur in villages those either being arrayed which is performed by their illeger counterparts or a Zombie Siege both of which show The Village fighting off against waves of each respective mobs talking of villagers which is actually where we

Began this diversion these are all various villager type mobs that are actually hostile still looking similar in appearance but only being out for blood first you’ve got the pillagers which are arguably the most common type of Elegy you’ll be seeing wielding a crossbow and cropping up either an outposts raids or randomly occurring

Patrols which you can now stumble across when out in the wilderness considering I’ve mentioned it twice now I feel like I should say the crossbow they use can actually be used by US as well and is actually frequently dropped by these guys with the functionality of it of

Course being fairly similar to the bow but also being slightly more powerful accurate and with increased range while having the minor trade-off in that crossbows take a a bit longer to load you can do some interesting stuff with it though like being able to load a firework onto the crossbow and fire it

Wherever you want fireworks by the way basically being merely a nice effect for the most part but also having some utility with items like the elytra foreign ERS are ones like The Vindicator which is a highly damaging ax-wielding version of the Pillager and also the evoker which uses magic to spawn in entities

Known as vexes and also having the ability to perform a Fang attack which makes a number of fangs Rise Up from the ground and bite us wrapping up this whole section by heading right back to the Woodland Mansion we find one of the brand new Mobs being captured inside

Cells and these are the alley in terms of the visuals I really like their design being these bright blue wisp-like entities that float around but their functionality is also quite interesting as long as the alleys released from itself it’ll wander around until you give it an item in which it will then

Continue to follow you while holding the item in its hand while attempting to find any other versions of this item lying around the world almost like a helpful assistant discovering certain resources that you might have otherwise missed one of my favorite things the alley does which only one other mob type

Can also be seen doing as well is dancing along to any music that’s played at a jukebox this action being performed by inserting one of the many music discs that can be found in the game into a jukebox by by right clicking it I love this little addition as although I don’t

Imagine it’s something you’ll be seeing that often the parrots in the alley all react and do their own unique dances When the Music’s playing now that was a real delve into some of the more intricate elements of Minecraft and I didn’t even mention the numerous new items that can be found within the

Villagers themselves but don’t worry we’ll get back to that later for a second I just want to take things back to basics and talk about some Concepts I referenced previously in some more details starting with a return to the farming the whole idea of farming to begin with remember is that instead of

Having to go out and acquire resources yourself ones that despite their abundance would still be classed as non-renewable farming presents a renewable and semi-automatic process which mainly gave you food when the mechanic was first introduced the non-renewable is interesting as although it’s not really going to have an impact

On your world so because as I say it’s almost impossible to run out of any kind of resource in this infinitely generating World there could definitely be examples of people playing on a world for so long that things start to dwindle trees for example you cut these down and

They’re gone with the only way to replace them being to either place saplings or if things get real dire relocate to a new part of the world farming for the most part presents convenience compared to anything else instead of venturing out into the Wilderness in hopes of finding melons

For example as long as you’ve acquired some melon seeds from an abandoned mine shaft or crafted some from any pre-existing melon slices you’ll then be able to create a renewable melon Source in a place that more suits you same goes for a lot of the other crop based

Farming a lot of which are seed based but others like potatoes and carrots can be placed directly into a tilled piece of land without the requirement of any seeds some of these food items like the melon can’t be prepared into any sort of meal but there’s also others like the

Beetroot for example which can be made into beetroot soup the carrots which are actually a pretty multifunctional food item allowing you to eat them raw add them to a rabbit stew create a golden carrot for brewing and hunger regeneration and also being able to make

A carrot on a stick which is the primary way you can now lead the saddled pigs around being the original version of the fungus on a stick iron we saw with the Strider from earlier but what we’re interested in right now is the idea of mob farming which can be done with

Numerous mobs in the game for a multitude of purposes if you want to talk about animal farming you can pretty much do this with any of the animals in the game as you’ll find with most of the mobs now there’s tons of unique breeding opportunities which can be done for the

Purpose of farming but also just being an interesting mechanic to witness in itself but to looking at animal farming for now you might want to construct a reasonably sized pen with fences before you start breeding as this will keep all of the animals enclosed in this space so

They don’t run off and possibly mess up the renewable cycle you’re generating there’s no issue with cramming multiple different types of animals in one pen as long as you’ve got two of each type you’ll be able to breed and the way we actually do this is by feeding them each

Animal though has individual preferences which will get them to enter what’s known as love mode for cows and sheep you can feed them wheat chickens like seeds cats like salmon pigs like carrots you don’t really need to search these up online just using common knowledge and certain stereotypes related to what

These animals like to eat will suffice upon fee feeding them they do very well enter love mode and if there’s two of the same type of mob in love mode close to each other they’ll walk right up to each other and basically have a stare off until a baby pops out the babies

Despite being very cute have surprising similarities to crop farming in that before you can Harvest any substantial resources from them you first gotta wait for them to grow up but although that is just nature I suppose it only takes around 20 real world minutes so it’s not an incredibly long process but it

Encourages you to have as many animals as possible in your pen to begin with so that further breeds can coalesce an even larger amount of animals which means even more resources but that’s not all you can already presume from the animal breeding though the main things you’ll

Be getting are meat leather wool and all other kinds of stuff but what about farming other mobs to gain their resources too well you can absolutely do that some which have been very intentionally implemented such as the bee farming which produces honey and honeycomb but others which work more as

Tricks to get certain resources in bulk mob farming is done for example meaning the Hostile Mobs to obtain large quantities of resources like gunpowder from creepers or bones from skeletons and is typically done underground in a very dark area so the mobs actually spawn in although you can also do this

Overground and take advantage of mobs during the night time but all that matters in this regard is the automation of the process with the whole point of this one being so that you don’t have to go in and kill all the mobs yourself but instead set up a trap which will kill

Them automatically perhaps dropping them from a high high or crushing them there’s numerous other farming processes you can do for all kinds of mobs everything from ones that spawn underwater to ones that are in the nether all it requires you to do is use your own intuition to not only create a

Farm that will appropriately generate new resources at a reasonable rate but also to figure out how these mobs are actually going to get in there to begin with and how they’ll be renewed once they’ve been killed for their resources a more complex version of farming by default compared to the crops but one

That can be incredibly gratifying when achieved successfully returning to our player character I just want to focus for a sec on some elements that have been changed in relation to the camera system and I’m movement and also some new useful items that will help out in scenarios like combat and exploration in

The launcher we now aren’t limited to solely the Steve skin or custom skins but now have several other pre-existing skins that we can choose from if we want to in game we can now get a better look at these guys outside of the small box in the crafting menu as the third person

Camera has now been expanded to feature a reverse camera angle too which is where every single Minecraft video intro was garnered in terms of movement we’ve still got the walking running and sneaking that we’re used to but with the Aquatic update which I mentioned a while ago now they

Also added a much more functional swimming system all you need to do is attempt to Sprint while underwater and you’ll launch into a very nice looking swimming animation making you Traverse through water much faster which opens up far more exploration opportunities especially important considering all the

New stuff that was added in the Aquatic update once again but then you’ve got other item based changes which rework things from the past and add brand new abilities for us to use first of which would be the Shield I am I mentioned at the beginning of this section now being

A more fleshed out and way more effective version of The Sword blocking we previously saw that form of blocking now also being completely removed because of the shields which is a bit of a shame to be honest but unlike the swords however blocking with a shield actually ends up negating all damage to

Your person being a very effective an almost essential item for any kind of combat encounter now the only effect that occurs as a result of the large damage reduction is that we see the shield durability go down but considering they aren’t made out of the dearest resources in the world literally

Being one iron and some wood you should never really have an issue and it’s not like they break insanely quick anyways Shields are one of the items that effectively puts to use the new addition of being able to hold things in your left hand or what’s actually referred to

As your offhand this is actually what the shield icon in our inventory indicates towards not just being for Shields but pretty much any item you want by either placing it there in the inventory screen or more easily just pressing F while playing normally which will switch Whatever item you’re holding

In your right hand to your left in which you can see we’re now able to hold two items at the same time unfortunately though I still don’t think they’ve currently made the most out of this mechanic and I assume it might be a control related issue even though this

Kind of two-handed idea screams to have some kind of dual wielding system in relation to our weapons that simply isn’t possible there’s no way to swing two swords at the same time and the only different effect we see with the weapons like the bow is that if we hold arrows

In our left hand the ammo’s removed from that stack first but that’s nothing really Instead This offhand mechanic is primarily useful for the shield as we were talking about being able to block attacks on one hand while also not slowing down our attacks but it also can be incredibly useful for exploration

Like having the ability to place torches with her off hand removing the annoyance of having to constantly switch items while mining when the combat update rolled around this also reworked certain things like how combat’s actually performed affecting tools like the swords and axes quite a bit whereas before combat was quite simplistic

Basically boiling down to just keeping enemies at a distance and spamming your attack now there’s been the addition of an attack bar popping up on screen and appearing to refill very quickly when swinging your weapon this is the best way of dealing damage now waiting till the attack bars fall before you swing

Which both gives out more damage and also in the swords case activates a sweeping attack which can damage multiple enemies at the same time spamming’s now punished quite heavily dealing nowhere near as much damage compared to striking when the attack bars fall and there’s also a different

Dynamic in terms of the axon sword now with the axes actually having higher damage than swords but with the swords having a way faster recharge time on the attack bar even changes like that which might seem pretty minor are great to me much like many elements of Minecraft

It’s yet another case where people will be able to attach to their preferred playstyle either choosing speed and frequent knockback ability with the sword or raw damage with the ax the attack bar itself is also a fantastic addition giving more complexity and Clarity to the combat by moving away

From the spammed attacks of previous builds and finally I just want to mention a few other items now which all in some way affect your player stats those being the beacons the totem of undying and the elytra to begin with the beacons are in uim that appear exactly

Like they sound a container holding a Nether Star within it that shoots a beam of light up into the sky and when interacting with it if you’ve just placed it straight onto the ground you’re presented with a rather confusing menu at least for me even now I know how

They work I still get pretty confused by this screen we can understand straight away that the Beacon’s gonna give us Powers but the pyramids beside it paired up with the ingots at the bottom of the screen just seems so obscure but in a welcome return to Minecraft’s older form

Of presenting mechanics it’s implied but not actually told her that we need to create blocks out of these ingers and stack the beacon on top to get it to activate doing this and raising the beacon out by a one layer pyramid not really being a pyramid at this point but

More just like a 3X3 slab the beacon will turn on and the white light which gets shot out quite literally shoots endlessly into the sky clicking on it now reveals we’ve got access to the haste and speed powers but when trying to activate them and attempting to see

Their effects you won’t notice any difference but then we’ve got the reason I think that while the beacon is a very good item it’s bogged down by such large requirements that I never see a point in using it compared to just doing things like brewing potions and enchanting

Items I understand that although the blocks we place the beacons on can be any of the minerals charted below that also applying to how we actually gain the Beacon’s power I still don’t even think acquiring the most common resource out of the options we’ve got that being

Iron is even worth it to get full power to the beacon which means unlocking all of the primary Powers as well as the secondary power we have to build a pyramid that goes up four layers starting off it sounds quite simple well not really but I’m just comparing it to

What eventually comes Place nine blocks of any material onto the ground to begin the pyramid Place nine blocks of any material onto the ground to begin the pyramid and get the first effects fine but then you’ll slowly start to realize that getting all primary powers and the

Secondary power is no easy task as by the end of building the pyramid you would have ended up placing down 164 blocks of raw material and although it’s worth noting that you can mix and match different blocks of materials I don’t know why you’d want to really waste any

Of the resources above iron or gold to be fair but that’s your call I guess the 164 block requirement does just seem slightly insane to me and there’s no kinds of tricks you can perform like mining out the inside of the pyramid so it’s basically just a hollow shell all

Of this has to be done legitimately after all that work’s done though you then realize that even though you’ve got the whole pyramid you can still only activate one effect as well as either the additional upgrade to your primary power or regeneration one all six individual powers easy just build four

More beacons increase the pyramid to adhere to this meaning building a pyramid made up of over 240 raw mineral blocks but guess what the tedium doesn’t stop there after you’ve spent an embarrassing amount of time getting this set up you’ve got all the effects great but how long do they actually last I’m

Not talking about that in terms of staying nearby them because when you’re close to them they last infinitely how far do we have to travel from it for the effects to stop working and how long does it take for the powers to wear off to that point for the work you put in

I’d hope it’d be infinite to be honest but hilariously it takes up to a Max of 50 blocks with the level 4 pyramid for the effects to stop working unbelievable a gas can spot us from double that length this is why despite seeming like a cool idea I’ve never really liked the

Pyramids or beacons before they just seemed convoluted to me because of the whole pyramid building thing and obscure directions and inputs but now when actually testing it out especially when comparing the permanent more varied and in most cases better status effects we can apply to our gear at a much lower

Time than resource cost the beacons just seem so impractical before you may have had players attaching to the haste effect in particular because you’d be able to dig large holes into the ground which reach Bedrock but with the underground being expanded on massively in the caves and cliffs update that’s

Now gone I want to firmly stay it’s not useless but considering how much time and effort it takes it’s incredibly hard to say it’s worth it outside of being a status symbol with how much time you’ve sunk into your world thankfully the other two items I want to talk about

Aren’t anywhere near as complex as the beacon so starting with the totem of undying this is an item that effectively puts the offhand slot to good use and debatably might be the most important item you’ll want to be keeping on you at all times when playing hardcore mode its

Main purpose is to basically prevent death where if the tones being held in either your main hand or more likely you’re offhand we see it automatically pop up on screen and be used up these totems can only be found from evokers which aren’t incredibly common anyway so

To ensure the item doesn’t go completely to waste they ensured that quite literally every evoker you kill drops one of these no exceptions that’s all the totem really is though a get out of jail free card that revives you removing all damaging status effects and also applying regeneration fire resistance

And absorption to you absorption just being a damage reduction a very helpful item almost an essential one if you’re playing the hardcore mode but also one that you might have some trouble finding as well finally the elytra a very rare item their in appearance looks like some

Of the capes we can put on our character but actually giving us a far greater ability compared to those solely cosmetic editions the reason they’re so rare is that not only can’t they be crafted but they’re also found in one of the most secret areas in the entire game

And that’s not even mentioning how much time and effort it can take for you to get to this area while not dying straight away to some of the mobs located here I’ll talk about this location itself a bit later on but just focusing on the end cities for now it’s

Hard to say these structures are all that strange considering the place they spawn in but even in terms of this location they do still stick out the end cities a huge skyscraper like fortresses which are relatively easy to Traverse as long as you’ve got some blocks saved up

To elevate yourself and also if you’ve got a Keen Eye you’ll end up noticing the shulker mob these being the only mob which spawn in here and being totally unique to the NCS its functionality is pretty great actually mimicking the purplish pinky blocks surrounding it when closed and then bursting open to

Surprise you in which it will then start shooting out projectiles that inflict levitation possibly being a death sentence if you end up losing control and get too high into the sky these guys shouldn’t just be ignored however killing them and taking their shulker shells will then give you the chance to

Build a shulker box a unique type of storage block that allows you to break it and still have all the contents remain inside this is different to regular chess of course because as you can see when smashing open a normal chest all of our items burst out and are

Left on the floor the elytra can be found inside the end City ships which can occasionally spawn nearby these seas and by removing them from the item frame you can then fly around with them it’s not like the flying in creative mode though the elytra are more comparable to

Gliding than anything as you can’t actively flap your wings to elevate yourself into the sky instead you already have to be at a high position to make these work effectively in which you can activate the flying mode by tapping space when falling I really like the momentum we can fill with these we’re

Plunging into the ground will lead to your speed rapidly increasing and then by moving your trajectory upwards it will lead to you getting even more air time due to the speed you picked up during your steep descent it’s a great item to just mess around and have fun

With but also is very practical in terms of saving you from steep drops basically removing the risk of you falling to or death considering you can quickly tap space and glide safely down to the ground not to mention the speed you pick up can actually be a lot faster than

Your sprinting speed so if you manage to get good with flying you could be exploring and reaching desired destinations much faster than usual so now that we’ve talked about those select items I just want to give a mention to another very useful item that you might

Find within the end City once again of course most commonly you’ve got the unique purple blocks and stairs which make up most of the city and the ship structures the name as you could assume referring to the purplish color of the blocks but when inspecting the chests

Inside these places not only are the items inside some of the best you can find in the game but there’s also some newer additions in terms of the items and the chests themselves which we should take a look at right now starting with the chest I’m referring to these

Are something that can actually be built fairly easily on the Overworld anyways but are only naturally generated in the NCS they’re referred to as ender chests and much like the shulker box I just talked about these are another unique storage item the purpose of this one being very effective in the every Ender

Chess that gets placed down is actively linked to each other think of the storage boxes from Resident Evil for example if you’ve got an Ender Chest placed above ground and one placed underground upon putting items in the overground chest they’ll also be added to the underground chest and same goes

For when you remove items too pretty simple but a very nice addition that can be even more useful when pairing it up with the shulker boxes being able to place items inside the shulker boxes and then store the boxes inside ender chests letting us access a huge amount of items

Wherever you want depending on how many shulker boxes you take advantage of it will lead to such a huge amount of storage you likely won’t have to worry about it for a long time to come one other thing you can find in the nchs are the armor trims these can be used with

The smithing table not to be confused with the Anvil which we’ll talk about in a sec the smithing table’s main function is to turn diamond tools into netherrite tools an aspect which I purposely left out when talking about netherright because I knew I was going to bring it

Up here in the previous build of the game meaning pre 1.20 all you had to do was Place whatever piece of equipment you want to upgrade into the first slot and then place the netherai Inga beside thus giving you the upgraded nether eye equipment but it seems that my concerns

About netherright messing up the balance of Minecraft are being even further considered as in 1.20 we now see there’s three slots on the smithing table the switch that’s occurred here now relates to the netherright upgrade item which can only be found in Bastian remnants now giving this biome of the nether a

Considerable amount more importance and distinctness but the upgrade item itself is yet another subsidiary of the other smithing templates we can acquire with quite literally all of these apart from the netherite upgrade being armor trims they’re yet another item focused on customization but it’s one that despite being optional of course I actually

Really enjoy making each piece of veerama even more unique and personalized and with the pretty wide range of templates you can find in the various structures throughout the game as well as the ability to have these patterns appear in a variety of different colors depending on what Inga

Or Crystal you place in along with it it’s arguably one of my favorite additions to 1.20 okay after all of that end City talk I’m gonna first wrap up all of the biomes don’t worry the vast majority of them only need to be touched on briefly but in between that time I

Want to give more attention to the individual updates that have come out over the years for Minecraft some of which I’ve basically already covered like the nether or Village and pillage updates but others which I’ve only given brief mention of up to this point starting with the ocean biomes there’s

Various different kinds of ocean we can now witness which affects things like what kind of sea life can be found and also how visible the sea is both above and below the water taking a look underwater we can now see it’s been transformed into what appears to be a

Full-on ecosystem much like they’ve now done with the other expanded biomes like the jungle and swamplands it feels very authentic not just being a completely Barren blue void like before but as I said depending on what type of ocean you’re in you could see all kinds of corals seagrass and tons of new

Aquatic-based life before it was basically just squids but now we’ve got things like fish which can actually be seen swimming around in the water and being able to be killed for food instead of only seeing them as an item when using a fishing rod you’ve also got Dolphins pufferfish Nemo the incredibly

Cute Axolotl and even more this variation in mobs and unique underwater blocks is incredibly important as once again it makes the location feel like a fully functioning ecosystem something that much like many other parts of Minecraft convey feels alive and feels like it could go on even when you shut

Off the game obviously it can’t but you get what I mean I’m just saying it feels authentic outside of drowning though one thing we’re not that used to in relation to the ocean is combat but with the several new structures that can now be found you may find yourself either

Swimming for your life or taking certain things head on before we get to that if we’re talking about underwater structures I first just want to mention ones like the numerous ruins that can be found underwater some of these are completely useless appearing like random constructions which have somehow ended

Up on the seabed typically being almost completely destroyed and not featuring any substantial loot to speak of shipwrecks are slightly more substantial holding up to three loot chests in which one will most likely be a map chest containing a map that will guide you to bury treasure most of the loot being

Pretty standard but one being quite interesting being referred to as the heart of the sea which can then be crafted into a conduit by pairing it up with shells the conduit being an iron that automatically attacks mobs underwater buried treasure isn’t the only type of map that can guide you to

Some loot though with that just being a subcategory of what’s referred to as Explorer Maps which you can either obtain from the shipwrecks and underwater ruins or to get Woodland Explorer Maps which can guide you to the Woodland Mansions you can trade with the Cartographer villager as for the

Underwater mobs though this takes us to the final structure we’re focusing on here the most common hostile mob you’ll find underwater is the drowned which are basically just zombies that can walk around the ocean floor and attack you these guys have a chance to drop the Trident which can be pretty effective

When using it both as a melee and ranged weapon for the most part basically being like a retrievable form of the bow and arrow but looking at the other hostile mob takes us to the Ocean Monuments a pretty hard to find structure not just from the fact that they’re rare but also

From the fact they’re only found in deep oceans which can be very dark and obscured one item that can be very useful to find these on top of just being pretty effective for all underwater exploration is the sea lanterns but there is an issue with that this sea lanterns can only be acquired

With the materials gained from the mobs in the monument itself and these guys are known as the Guardians and on the inside of the monument you’ll also find Elder Guardians they appear very similar to puffer fish with these spikes which are constantly puffing out and then retracting back into their body but upon

Approaching them they immediately start firing out a laser beam this also being the case for any other mobs which approach too close to them and as for the Elder Guardians it’s merely a larger version of the normal ones with a slightly different texture the monument itself doesn’t actually hold any loot so

The main reason for exploring them would be for the Guardians alone as well as just general Intrigue interestingly though the sponge block which has been in the game all the way back since classic has finally been made obtainable in survival solely through the Elder Guardians which upon being killed will

Drop a collection of items usually featuring a wet sponge amongst them one final thing I want to mention about the ocean before moving on is that idea of underwater exploration once again as we’ll see even more when diving into the caves and cliffs update after this although aspects like caves and general

Mining remained untouched for years on when they did eventually get reworked in update 1.7.2 people were very resistant to the changes that had been made caves became less common to find while mining due to their swiss cheese type design being changed making them overall smaller and less interconnected between

Other caves but after literally eight years of no substantial change to the underground at all we saw the caves and cliffs update which has almost completely changed the dynamic of mining now linking this to the underwater exploration the chance to discover an underwater cave system now is actually

Very common they have pretty similar structures to regular caves feature all the same kinds of resources it’s just the fact you’ve got the additional Obstacle of having everything be underwater I’ve never been the biggest fan of these and have chosen to avoid them whenever possible but I’ll be

Honest I know that’s my loss as venturing into some of these you can genuinely find Bountiful supplies of resources like diamonds or iron it’s just the fact you’ve got the quite severe additional risk of possibly not being able to find your way out when drowning which if you can’t make your

Way back in time will result in all of your gear being lost there have been certain countermeasures put in place to make it an actual worth while Venture though for example we can Brew underwater breathing potions which as they say make you breathe underwater for

A period of time but if you discover one of these caves without having prepared beforehand it’s actually okay as they’ll oftentimes be these bubble columns which now frequently get created from the magma blocks that we also see down here this bubble column also being able to be

Created with the Soul Sand block where compared to the magma block we don’t get dragged down but actually pushed up that’s the only possible Hazard with the magma block you will be regaining oxygen a mechanic which I don’t think I’ve even mentioned up to this point but can be

Seen above your hunger bar as bubbles which start popping one by one taking around 20 seconds for all the bubbles to disappear in which you’ll then start rapidly losing Health until you get to the surface once again the magma blocks prevent this but will drag you down and

Actively start dealing out damage as well but only a little trick can stop this from happening whereby simply holding the sneak button all damage will then be negated letting you get your oxygen back and go on exploring so that about wraps up the ocean biomes they aren’t all that varied and the main

Distinguishments that can be seen in each one are things like how light or dark they are ocean is what mobs blocks and plants can be found and also the oceans which are occasionally filled with patches of ice and icebergs but it is the ocean you could already imagine

It’d be a bit more free-flowing and overall less distinct compared to biomes found on land but the biome that does really stick out in the ocean category is definitely the mushroom Fields a pretty rare biome that features the large versions of the mushrooms we’ve seen before and also the different type

Of cow mob known as the mooshrooms which despite the interesting design merely drop the red or brown mushrooms when being killed although you can also milk them with a wooden Bowl to acquire an instant mushroom stew making Farms of mooshrooms quite prosperous all round now on to the massive caves and cliffs

Update starting with the world changes because these are probably the most game-changing ones I’ve seen out of any other update and to be honest that goes for most of this update in general to begin with the world height has now been increased where before it range from 0

To 256. the world’s altitude’s been increased by 64 blocks in both vertical directions meaning the lowest possible layer now is -60 4 and the highest is 319. this works effectively not only for any potential high-rise builds that players might want to make but is also beneficial for the new Cliffs part of

The update adding new types of mountain biomes although not all of them particularly stand out as being too different from pre-existing biomes as well as also having some which are simply located nearby mountains but not actually on them for example Meadows now typically spawn at the base of mountains

And are basically just like the planes with more flowers the mountains themselves though are primarily covered with snow as you could assume with most of their differences being in the form of how the terrains laid out some having a more sloped design others being more Jagged some having more rock than snow

And others even having ice and I’ll be honest although these mountains house a new mob that being the goats which can jump very high and also Ram any mobs that attempt to attack them there’s not much I can really say about them they don’t particularly hold a huge amount of

Resources and do more in varying up the world and giving more distinct characteristics to the idea of mountains in general whereas before these might have just appeared like high peak now they’re undeniably mountains things that I imagine players will get a lot of satisfaction from carefully scaling and

Getting the chance to take a good look at their environment but I really think it’s the underground which gets the most amount of attention here there’s so much to talk about here some of the elements being huge positives but also others which actually make certain things more arduous for me personally starting with

Some Basics pretty much all the yours have now had a visual redesign which I’m sure will frustrate some purists but I think it’s fine to be honest the oars now make more sense you no longer mine an iron ore and get the whole Iron Block Stone included but instead you just get

The raw iron or raw gold or whatever mineral you’re mining a very common ore that you’ll find perhaps even faster than coal in some cases is the brand new copper ore not being used for any of your tools or armor but merely some blocks and stairs which makes me really

Think the block is basically useless I pretty much always avoid copper whenever it comes up and I’ve never felt like I’ve been punished for doing so the oxidation on the copper blocks can be quite cool admittedly with this being prevented by waxing them giving another purpose to the bees and the honeycomb

They produce but yeah despite being abundant now copper is fairly useless in most cases getting into the underground though you start to realize things have changed pretty massively after mining down to what used to be Bedrock level whether you’re doing that via a mine shaft or one of the expansive caves that

Are now here first off the ore distribution has now been changed quite a bit to adhere to the increased altitude with one of the first substantial changes you’ll notice when mining down being the lack of Bedrock on layer zero instead having that replaced with deep slate still basically being

The same as Stone but being slightly tougher to break deep slay I don’t mind all that much the Block’s toughness cleverly signifies to the player they’re beginning to reach the level where they’re going to hit the good stuff like diamonds but outside of that there’s now tons of other Stone type blocks they’re

Comparable to ores like copper pretty much do nothing unless you’re looking to build with a specific type of block down here they only serve to clog up your inventory I’m talking about ones like andesite diorai and granite basically completely useless as blocks they serve no no purpose that can’t already be

Fulfilled by other blocks and I don’t think they do anything good for the underground particularly when they weren’t there I didn’t need them and when they were there I didn’t want them going back to earlier builds just made me happy that they were gone in terms of

The ore distribution a lot of the oars have now had their positions changed but of course since they’re all randomly generated anyway all this means is that materials like diamond are now found at a much lower level than before earlier builds had Diamond cropping up most commonly around layer 14 or 15. whereas

Now the best level to mine for diamond is in the minus 50 range which also means that a lot more of these precious resources you’ll tend to be finding in the Deep slate blocks now compared to the stone in terms of the caves I found these had so much more variety when

Comparing them to all previous builds of the game even the ones that are pre-patch 1.7.2 this is mainly because in the caves and cliffs update they take the idea of the Swiss cheese cave design and broaden that out even more to where there’s now several types of way a cave

Can be structured with these also being given names like spaghetti and noodle caves to describe their design a cave this is quite common to run into now as one of the few new biomes the underground Now features this first one being referred to as a drip Stone cave obviously it’s characterized primarily

By the huge amount of drip stone blocks and pointed drip Stone which is all over the place the pointed drip Stone now being a minor and I mean very Minor Threat which can actually damage you if you jump on it then there’s Lush caves which feature tons of greenery and

Plants and the biggest inclusion here the deep dark before we dive into that I just want to say that during your time in the underground caves there’s also a lot more chances of running into these amethyst geodes which appear like small outcrops of pure amethyst where we can

Both mine all of the amethyst blocks inside as well as the shards which are also sticking out of certain blocks these amethyst blocks are currently only used for decorative purposes but I do like their striking appearance in the middle of the caves regardless and I also like the ringing sounds they make

When being broken foreign the shards are actually a bit more practical though being able to be used for things like tinting glass and creating the new Spyglass items so we can more accurately see things in the distance looking to the deep dark though this introduces some brilliant mystery

And freakiness to the underground which is only ever really felt By Me Now from the classic ambient sounds and the occasional desolate cave whilst I was playing I was frequently searching up additions and changes that occurred to the game During certain updates and upon searching up things related to the

Mining in caves and cliffs I kept seeing the mention of the deep dark and how you should stay away from it at all costs so of course that got me intrigued immediately and made me instantly ignore anyone telling me to avoid it and instead plunge right into it firstly I

Just want to clarify that despite me finding this through my research for caves and cliffs it was actually added in update 1.19 referred to as the Wild update but looking to the deep dark biome itself we already see it’s filled with this new kind of black and blue

Glowing block which is called skulk skulk is the block that makes up a large amount of the deep dark and it’s one that despite not being able to actually be obtained actually gives out experience points every time one’s broken the while not being a fantastic payout can actually still build up quite

Quickly and become genuinely useful if you want to go through the effort of breaking them all the main thing you’ll be hoping to find in the deep dark however is the ancient city a pretty massive structure that can feature some amazing loot in the numerous chests that

Are scared around the appearance of the place is fantastic they’ve captured perfectly the idea of this huge City being buried underground now being inhabited by strange almost alien-like materials and creatures and that’s right the deep dark holds one of the scariest mobs to be added to the game since the

Enderman and introduce a brand new and much needed purpose for the sneaking throughout your time journeying through the deep dark there’s three kinds of blocks that you should definitely be looking out for those being the skulk Catalyst skulk sensor and skulk Shrieker which if you’re not playing carefully

Will lead to a mob known as the warden being introduced The Catalyst doesn’t make any truly substantial changes with the only effect it has being to turn block surrounding it into skulk after a mob activates the block by being killed close by AI the sensors and shriekers on

The other hand could be the difference between life and immediate death with sensors picking up nearby vibrations which can vary from your footsteps to a wolf shaking itself off basically any kind of possible sound should be kept far away from this thing at all costs sensors are pretty common to find in the

Deep dark and although you’ll always see them light up whenever vibrations are made around it they’re not actually dangerous as they still need to be next to a Shrieker to activate the warden mob there are ways you can get around it though primarily revolved around sneaking our way forward instead of

Trying to rush which not only negates all the vibrations being made from our footsteps but also giving us the opportunity to drop items on the floor and fall onto the ground things that would otherwise activate the sensors if we weren’t sneaking but there is also other albeit less practical tips for

Dealing with these things like the effectiveness of wool and carpet blocks against these things which as you can imagine absorbs nearby vibrations so the sensor also doesn’t get activated but then we have the shriekas which upon picking up the vibrations which are sent out from the sensors lets out an alarm

And raises the unseen warning level the first few times you activate these things you’ll be completely fine which I think is a hilariously evil trick to pull on players who are unfamiliar with these blocks mechanics but upon the fourth time one of these gets activated the number of activations being purely

Based on the alarm itself for not just the shriekers the warden gets released being one of the most dangerous enemies in the entire game despite the great loot we can find here the detailed architecture and great overlooks we can get of the city from these elevated ruins the warden is the primary reason

People heavily recommend staying away from the deep dark when this guy gets spawned in it’s important you’re thinking straight and don’t panic although if you’ve already gone to warning level 4 you’re either very unlucky or don’t realize what you’re causing anyway the warden won’t immediately come after you when summoned

But due to it being completely blind much like the sensors they’re working off vibrations and also smell this time it’ll wander around randomly regardless of what vibrations they’re picking up but after a short amount of time if you’re staying perfectly silent by sneaking you’ll begin to hear it start

Sniffing in which it will then be given an update on the whereabouts of your location in The wardens aggro on a Target when their unique anger meter raises to around 80 and aside from vibrations other ways you can start rating at Sanger meter are varied in both the actions that can be taken and also in how much the meter goes up by for example most vibrations

Warrant an anger increase of 35 whereas a projectile will only give out 10 touching it directly will also warrant 35 points and also when they finish sniffing around if you’re in quite close proximity to them another 35 points will be added as you can see the anger can

Stack up very quickly with only a few actions so taking them lightly is a big mistake trying to fight them is completely off the cards as their health isn’t just significantly more than yours so you’ll end up dying in about five seconds but it also has the most amount

Of health and highest melee damage output in the entire game basically making it so that on normal difficulty it’s a one hit kill once it’s anger meter reaches 80 however it lets out a huge Roar and starts chasing the player directly where it will then attempt to

Either smash you or if it can’t get a melee hit off we’ll then switch to a ranged attack that being a giant sonic boom that shoots out of its chest if you manage to keep it calm for about a minute however which as I say can be a

Lot harder than it actually sounds the warden will burrow back underground and you’ll be safe to keep traversing forward as normal at least until the alarm gets raised back up again one part of Minecraft which we’ve only briefly touched on up to this point is the idea of Transportation we’ve discussed it in

Terms of the player’s movement different states we can enter like walking sprinting swimming and sneaking but there’s also other forms of transport outside of on foot movement which can be very helpful way back in the early stages we mentioned the idea of Minecarts and how at the time they were

Primarily an item that worked as portable storage being able to set up rails and push the contents of what’s held inside wherever the rail leads this was fairly quickly reworked though with the minecart becoming primarily a transport iron and one that can actually be very effective when utilizing certain

Redstone components for the Minecarts to work they still need to be placed on a rail regardless but now we’ve got things like powered rails which can significantly increase the speed of the mine car making them genuinely practical compared to how we had to push them before and leading to numerous

Impressive roller coaster type builds that have been made throughout the years we of course also had the addition of boats which allowed us to travel through the water much faster still being very practical even with the increased swimming speed when sprinting underwater and having the boat’s design be

Finalized from when we last talked about them not just being a boat that floats by itself but now featuring two oars which we can see spinning round as we move forward you’ve also got the flying from the elytra as well as the less momentum based flying in creative mode

But some of the coolest transport options come in the form of the horse donkey and mule mobs these were added in update 1.6 literally being called the horse update and although the update didn’t add much in terms of the game overall the horses are yet another welcome addition that have some very

Unique characteristics of course the purpose they’re primarily used for is transport but much like all the other animal mobs they first Need to Be Tamed so that we can actually use them unlike other mobs though it’s not all about feeding the horses a specific type of food instead the taming’s based on a

Temper system which ranges from zero to a hundred the horses are also attributed a taming threshold where in order to tame them so that you can do things like ride them and equip them with armor you can either hop on their back and get continually bucked off until they become

Tamed and additionally you can also feed them things like wheat and apples to raise their temper too upon being tamed you can get on them for as long as you want without being thrown off however the only way to actually ride them involves putting a saddle on them while

Riding them you can see that on your inventory screen the horse has separate Slots of its own one for the saddle and the other for the armor which can range from leather to Diamond Leathers the only type that can actually be obtained outside of the chess found in structures

Either being able to craft it or trade it for emeralds although Diamond horse armor is now a relatively common item you’ll find in Dungeon chests so it’s not even particularly worth obtaining the leather one to begin with the horse’s control about as best they could due to the additional height and vision

Restrictions we see them Implement automatic scaling up objects which I found to be a very functional addition much like the auto jump we can also activate on foot and now when riding we’re phased through even more objects than before making traversal through areas like dense forests a much smoother

Experience although there will be an inevitable cases where you might find yourself taking damage when clipping through a tree which can be quite annoying but nothing too severe other features of the horse is its health bar which actually remain completely separate from ours and can vary from

Horse to horse you can also jump certain Heights in relation to a charge up bar which replaces The Experience bar and you can use food to both heal tamed horses as well as golden carrots and apples to enable horses to breed but then when comparing the horses to the

Two other types those being the donkey and mule we see these have other pros and cons which might dissuade you from solely picking the horse horses are by far the fastest of the three types and can also jump the highest too but although the donkeys have significantly

Decreased speed and jump they can also carry chests being a much better version of that portable storage idea we saw way back with the Minecarts but this ability also being possible with the mule which on top of having storage capabilities also has similar speed and jumping to

The horse with the only drawback being that they can’t be bred there’s also a couple different variants of the horse itself those being the Zombie horse which can only be found when either spawning an end using commands or with their spawn egg and also the skeleton

Horse which can be found and used for yourself for also used by skeletons for some extra Mobility when attacking overall the horses are pretty great fast and smooth traversal more opportunities to have a partner in a game that can sometimes feel quite lonely just good stuff all round we just mentioned the

Idea of Spawn eggs an item that can quite literally never be found in the survival mode so let’s look at the creative mode again for a second and observe some of the more unique functionalities to the mode of course you already know we can spawn in any

Block we want and fly around by double tapping space but there’s multiple items here that can only be obtained through creative those that are present in survival but just can’t be picked up and others which are nowhere except the creative menu the first of those would relate to objects like Bedrock reinforce

Deep slay and the numerous infested blocks which now appear in the strongholds these blocks being the primary way you’ll be seeing the silverfish mob which aren’t all that threatening but work is a nice surprise in terms of the blocks themselves but then you’ve got others like the selection of Spawn eggs allow allowing

You to more easily place down any kind of mob without having to do it through a spawn command prompt command blocks which has the name implies are quite literally used to perform commands without the need for the player to do it themselves being used most effectively in multiplayer servers and custom maps

There’s also barrier blocks which work like invisible walls light bulbs which affect a certain areas light levels regardless of what time of day it is and plenty more which mainly appear like their functions are to fine-tune custom experiences for Minecraft which is why it’s not that essential they’re in the

Survival mode now once and for all we’ll finish off all the biomes in the game check out the different mobs and blocks which spawn in these areas and wrap things up by heading back to the strongholds which now hold a dark and mysterious secret we’ve already pretty

Much been over things like the forests and their different variants the ocean mountains and also a deep look into biomes like the jungle rivers and frozen rivers aren’t all that different from the oceans and beaches to be honest although I should mention the frozen rivers of course are covered in ice

Which have a slippery effect to them much like all of the ice blocks in the game unlike normal movement which basically stops you dead in your tracks once you let go of any directional key the ice keeps propelling you forward for a short period of time which is about as

Typical as you could imagine an ice effect would be in a game I mentioned swamps way back at the beginning of talking about the biomes and although they’re still the same gray murky Vine covered areas there’s some unique mobs to be found in the swamps as well as a

Separate variant known as The Mangrove swamp this version of the swamp is typically very dense and is found nearby forests and deserts still feeling very much like the usual swamp but one that has some unique logs that we can acquire as well as having a different version of

The Frog which can also be found in normal swamps here we witness the warm version of the frogs which appear gray in color but the regular ones that can be found in normal swamps appear orange there’s also a green cold variant with all of these colors reflecting what

Biome the tadpole grew up in that’s why the orange frogs are the most common as they have the most amount of biomes which will make one of them spawn upon growing up to a frog they don’t actually do much except wander around and eat slimes and even when killing them you

Never get any kind of special resources so it’s best to just leave them alone however a mob that will definitely try and mesh you up when coming into contact with it is the witch these guys can be found most often in the swamp Huts which are exclusive to the swamp always being

Accompanied with a black cat as well despite their appearance the witch isn’t actually an illager which can be attributed to how they aren’t actually hostile to normal villagers and never try to attack them you’ll notice when fighting them they only ever use potions the purpose is being both for offensive

Combat with the different kinds of splash potions they can throw out but also for defensive purposes like having them drink fire resistant potions when taking fire damage or drinking a potion of swiftness if the player appears to be moving further away from them a pretty layered mob that actively adapts to

Several different scenarios it could be possibly facing and using their potions strategically to get the upper hand on the player the icy biomes also have more variation now having ones like the ice spikes which true to its name features tons of these spiky ice structures protruding from the ground something

Else that can be found in the snowy tiger and plains biomes now are igloos which are about as you’d expect when looking at all of the other structures in this game a unique exterior with the interior featuring a chest with Loom although to actually gain access to it

There’s a little secret you’ve got to discover by knocking off one of the carpet blocks on the ground and revealing a trap door which ends up taking us to a little dungeon looking area rabbits can be quite common to find out in these snowy biomes now although

That could be said for a few of the biomes with how much like the frogs we have several different colored variants depending on where the rabbits are residing they’re now very common to find in the desert with these ones being yellow but in cold biomes they’re either

Colored white or black and white and in Woodland biomes they can be black brown or brown and white they don’t do much apart from wandering around a bit like the frogs but unlike them you actually end up getting some drops in return those being the raw rabbit and rabbit

Hide items the first of which can of course be cooked and eaten like all the other meats in the game and the other of which can either be crafted into leather and as of right now the experimental bundle item which will likely be added to the game in the future basically

Working like a backpack but there’s also two unique versions of the rabbit one of which utilizes the name tag item an item that allows you to give a name to any of your tamed animals and by naming a rabbit toast the rabbit switches to a unique black and white color being a

Memorialization of a player’s girlfriend’s lost rabbit but there’s also the killer rabbit which is completely white with blood red eyes and as the name describes we’ll actively try and kill the player and finally the last remaining biome that has three different variants is the Badlands these are desert type biomes which are

Distinguished from the red sand that’s found on the ground level and also the mountainous and colorful Peaks which are made from different colors of terracotta a new type of block that despite encouraging more customization I’ll admit I’ve never really liked for the exact same reasons I gave for blocks

Like diorite and andersite their colors are very similar to the ones we can already create and only ever seem to clog up my inventory although the colors they do present in the environment itself definitely does make the Badlands a very distinct biome the regular Badlands aren’t that different from the

Eroded Badlands both featuring these large mountains but merely being less common and not as substantial in the eroded variant and the final wooded Badlands is exactly what you expect the same visual palette and blocks used in the other versions but with the addition of grass and trees a final Note I want

To make about the much wider variety of biomes we have in these more recent versions of Minecraft is that much like I mentioned when talking about the balancing of netherright they throw off a rhythm in Minecraft that I always thought was key obviously netherride doesn’t as I said earlier but you get

What I mean as I said way back at the star Minecraft Gameplay structure was very set in stone after a certain point spawn in git word to use wood for tools to get better tools obviously that’s not all there is to Minecraft but it’s what most people will find themselves doing

Initially but as the biomes became not just more varied but considerably larger than previously there’s been many times I spawned into a new world and had near to no idea what to do not every biome you spawn in now will have trees so what

Do you do well you run the Badlands is a great example along with deserts oceans and icy biomes these are ones where you might Journey far and wide for any kind of Base resource like wood and genuinely not find anything first-hand experience has made me realize the nature of

Randomly spawning into the world can sometimes have really boring repercussions running in a straight direction for for minutes on end gradually losing your hunger points until you can’t Sprint anymore and then when nighttime rolls around possibly dying that’s arguably the worst kind of experiences Minecraft can create and for

Newer players that will be an absolute turn off there are things to counteract this of course like the bonus chest you can activate for example which starts you off with a select number of tools and resources but that really shouldn’t be necessary and I know for a fact that

A lot of players aren’t going to want to use that mechanic I’m not even saying this from the view of less is more I love the variety or the biome spring it’s just the fact with how large they can be they could possibly lead to a pretty unsatisfying experience starting

Off so much so to the point where you might just give up and start a new world which just shouldn’t be a thing in my opinion that’s all of the biomes covered but we actually skipped over some new Mobs that can be uniquely found in certain biomes mainly revolving around

The temperature as per usual although not all of them are going to be particularly substantial outside of visual variety foxes can be found in both a red and white form Finding shelter during the daytime and sleeping but then emerging at night to eat avoiding any other hostile threats and

In the process foxes can be bred but not tamed and aside from a nice little detail where they’ll pick up dropped items in their mouth they mainly just attack smaller animals and search for food most of the time Strays are skeleton variants which crop up in cold biomes husks are zombie variants which

Crop up in hot biomes there’s several variants of mobs which were added for April Fool’s Day like diamond chickens Moon cows and smiling creepers there’s also polar bears which obviously show up in cold biomes and have no real purpose outside of dropping some cord and XP there’s the ravages which spawn in

During an illeger raid appearing similar to all the other villager type mobs but this time being a large four-legged creature that Rams into things there’s also endomites which are the smallest enemy in the game which can spawn when throwing an ender pearl and finally there’s the Phantom a flying hostile mob

That starts swooping down from the air and attacking you after three days without having either died or slept that’s every single mob covered well at least for now I’m already aware mobs like camels and sniffers are in 1.20 but I don’t have access to that at a time of

Writing so it’s whatever well kind of whatever a little post 1.2 update interjection here now the update’s officially out what I want to mention that it comes with a new cherry tree type which looks very nice numerous different pottery that you can now craft signs which can now be hung up a brush

Item which introduces a brand new archaeological aspect of the game and plenty more additions and changes to the world which despite their unsubstantial inclusion in this video I heavily encourage you go check out yourself I suppose in a way I don’t particularly want to spoil an update which is so

Fresh but going back to us finishing up the mobs you know that’s not true we haven’t talked about all the mobs heading back to the strongholds now still features all the library and prison-like structures from before but with one big addition a large portal being elevated up from the ground and

Being referred to as the end portal but strongholds are considerably rare and even if we do stumble upon one of these randomly we still need some heavy preparation before journeying into this portal diamond or netherright gear is a must primarily focusing on armor and weapons if you want to get ready as soon

As possible this gear of course can be enchanted there there’s no need to actually save up this equipment and not use it in the meantime mainly because of the Anvil when grindstone additions both of them are quite similar in their functionality with their main function being to repair your items which can be

Done by mixing two of the same tool resulting in a new version of that tool being created with a replenish your ability it is a bit of an ask in terms of netherite and diamond tools but we can also clearly see by the naming Edition on the Anvil giving us the

Ability to give any name we want to all of our individual tools the idea is all based around gaining an attachment to particular tools you’ve crafted in the past perhaps those with certain enchantments you have placed on them and although the grindstone still repairs items unlike the Anvil we also

Disenchance the tools too which might just sound like a negative but realize as well that there will be certain upgrades you’ll want to prioritize over others Fortune for example was one of the best you can acquire for the pickaxe so if you don’t end up getting it when

Enchanting the first time you can then disenchant the pick and try again bearing in mind too that obviously this is only necessary because you can’t enchant the same tools multiple times back to the end portal though as I said these can be found in strongholds but to actually find the strongholds as

Efficiently as possible you’ll need to be using an item called The Eyes of Ender not to be confused with the end of pearls an item that actually has a number of functionalities now from being a form of teleporting in its initial form with how we can throw them out

Anywhere and be automatically teleported to being used for crafting The Eyes of Ender which in turn can be crafted into other items like the ender chests and end crystals so some farming of Enderman is going to be essential for what we’re about to embark on as well as Blazers

Due to the Eyes of Ender being made out of Ender Pearls as well as blade powder the reason we need these isn’t just because upon reaching the portal we need to place a certain number of eyes into the portal to activate it but they’re also the primary way we’ll be finding

The portal to begin with right clicking while on the outside will make these eyes fly up into the air but what we need to know is that they should be constantly heading in a certain direction this is how we’re guided to the end portal following the eyes in whatever Direction they’re heading until

They start falling onto the ground indicating we’re right above the stronghold it’s a real Adventure we start going on here despite like this process definitely being tedious for some players I love the idea of having built up all this gear and experience throughout the game and then putting all

That work towards one big Expedition saving up a substantial amount of the eyes is basically essential as not only can the strongholds take quite a while to find but also along the way the eyes have a good chance to combust compared to most other times when they just drop

On the ground and not to mention when we reach this end portal also being one of the few places the silverfish mobs reliably spawn every time the eyes we have to input into the portal can vary due to some of the slots oftentimes being filled in already that luckily

Means you’ll be spending less eyes overall but it’s still good to have a large amount of these as you never know how many are going to break along the way and how many are actually in the portal itself the Intrigue ends up reaching an all-time high when activating the portal where unlike the

Nether portal what we see here is basically a static image that looks like a void into nowhere but heading inside we emerge in the true final biome of the game and that’s the end the end appears like a few patches of land in the middle of what we could assume is an infinite

Void with the only blocks in what we discover is basically this arena being End Stone on the ground to obsidian towers and Bedrock which appears to be structured like some kind of Fountain but you’ll likely not be paying attention to anything else when you get here apart from the sounds visuals and

Health bar of the final boss the Ender Dragon I still really like everything about this boss fight it somehow makes a game that could quite literally be played endlessly have a satisfying conclusion and that’s due to its tough but fair mechanics the arena we fight in is substantially big being a great size

For you to navigate the Ender Dragon’s range shots and not feel confined but also being small enough to wear falling off and into the void isn’t a totally unlikely scenario especially with how far the dragon can fling us around the dragon Never Lands on the ground primarily flying around in the air in

Pretty much random directions while at the same time frequently clipping through the obsidian Towers the clipping not looking great to be honest but occasionally the dragon will swoop down to the ground and hover for a while being a great decision considering there’ll be many players who’ve entered

This battle without a bow which I should mention with how it stays in the air most the time is definitely a must for your preparation but as I say it’s not mandatory something else the bowl help out with leads to a point about how the boss is pretty standard to begin with

And bordering Bernal once you’ve become accustomed to it unlike a lot of Minecraft’s mechanics defeating the Ender Dragon actually works off a very conventional routine having to First destroy all these end crystals which from the large beam that shoots into the dragon as well as the health bar makes

You realize pretty quickly these things are regenerating the dragon’s health so regardless of whether you’re building your way up to the towers and destroying them with a melee attack or firing at them from down on the ground the process will always be destroy end crystals go after the dragon although these crystals

Do have varying amounts of difficulty to break some being very easy and clearly visible to break from the ground others being at a slightly higher level which means either making a more precise shot or building your way up and others which are enclosed in Iron cages which you can

Shoot from the ground but once again only with a more precise shot while you’re destroying these the dragon will be coming after you not being as dangerous a threat as you can imagine as I mentioned earlier the recent Warden mob has way more health and damage output compared to the dragon but not

Being a pushover in any way cycling between several different states which brings a nice Dynamic to the fight and prolongs it to make it feel like a worthwhile encounter that can’t just be walked straight through by most players the first state would be guarding which is simply when the dragons flying around

The air in which destroying the end Crystal was flying past gives out some damage when a crystal gets destroyed it then enters its second stay strafing where it noticeably starts strafing in the air and shooting down unique Fireballs although still being similar to the ghast these ones don’t actually

Give out any contact damage despite landing on the ground with an explosion they instead deal magic damage by leaving a patch of purple clouds on the ground being identical to the lingering potions which we can of course only Brew after bottling up dragon’s breath that literally being the purple smoke that we

See here the final two states involve the dragon coming closer to the ground when it either Dives down to your position to attack you directly or when it perches above the exit portal and starts breathing out the Dragon’s Breath Again the final State being where people who are solely carrying melee weapons

Can get some good damage in with arrows in fact being completely useless during this stay burning up when firing them overall I still find the fight to be pretty astounding it’s a complete break from anything we’ve been used to in the game up to this point the dragon itself

Is a daunting threat that with some of its attacks can cause some devastating and possibly fatal damage the animations of the Dragon are fantastically smooth and the concept of taking on a flying mob when the majority of our mob encounters before this have been ground encounters will put players experiencing

This for the first time on edge as they’ll need to figure out a new approach to the battle that won’t end up getting them killed the obsidian Towers End Stone and tons of Endermen that walk around the area make the arena very distinct and along with the engaging

Encounter which would be worthwhile to experience anyway the massive amounts of XP you get at the end of the fight feels so gratifying literally flying out of the dragon as it implodes in the air all right the sound during this encounter as well was unbelievable much like every other

Time music is used in this game they Ace it you might naturally assume by seeing any footage of this fight it’s likely accompanied with some fast-paced battle music but no once again during this intense battle against a dragon the only sounds we hear are this faint Hollow Ambience working incredibly well when

Grounding the player in this situation and putting all the focus on the fight oh yeah we’ve worked so hard to get to this point there’s nothing left to do except battle this dangerous Foe and as we discover reach the end of the game that’s right when 1.0 released they

Added the end the dragon and a full-on ending to the game Minecraft at this point being considered complete regardless of all the extra updates that would inevitably come after and by jumping in the portal we get to experience one of the most weirdly appropriate endings the game could have

Possibly had it’s out of character but somehow still irks the entire feel of what Minecraft’s about a heavy task to undertake considering due to the broad possibilities of what you can do in this game Minecraft can mean a lot of things to a lot of different people there’s no

Kind of cut scenes or actual visualization of what happens to our character upon hopping into the portal we’re simply brought to a credit screen where two different characters being conveyed by the colors blue and green start off by discussing the player initially it talks about reaching a

Higher level than we were before the trials and tribulations we’ve undergone to get up to this point has apparently brought us to a different status which in most other games I might try and attribute to some kind of of commentary on society and the hierarchy of those

Who are in control and those who are stepped on but once again in the context of Minecraft there isn’t any form of society it’s a Barren Wasteland for the most part having tons of remnants of civilizations gone by structures that were presumably built thousands of years ago not knowing what their purposes are

Or who actually made them whatever level we’ve reached these two characters become aware of our presence and how we’re now listening in on their discussion some really interesting lines are thrown out here which give a lot of things for people to think about and theorize over like when they mention how

The player thinks these two characters are part of the game implying there’s something much larger that’s only communicating to us through the means of Minecraft the thoughts they’re having are communicated to us through words on a screen perhaps because that’s the most logical way we can actually perceive the

Conversation that’s taking place here with it now becoming clearer that these two appear to be some kind of ethereal and possibly primordial being there’s a large emphasis on dreams and dreaming in all of these pieces of text where at points they appear to jump back to the

Evolution of man this player dreamed of sunlight and trees of fire and water it dreamed it created and it dreamed it destroyed it dreamed it hunted and was hunted it dreamed of shelter quite literally describing all of Mankind’s blessings and plights a kind of balance that is essential to life on Earth and

That’s yet another thing it’s referencing how the experience of Minecraft links to real life the original interface a million years old and it still works despite all the technological advancements over the years quite literally creating a separate reality which we’re frequently delving into behind a computer screen the core foundations of what purpose

We’re searching for hasn’t changed we search for love we search for pleasure we search for Comfort satisfaction everything that we want in real life may not be achievable but with the new artificial reality that lies behind the screen our possibilities have become endless if we can’t experience them

Outside why not try on our own world one where we’re in control of the rules age starts to become a factor at this point being unable to see certain portions of text and be being told we haven’t reached the highest level to comprehend what’s being said here as they say

Certain things can’t and won’t be revealed to us in this short dream of the game despite what lessons it can teach us and the enjoyment that can be garnered we won’t learn everything we need to learn if we stay here forever Sheltering ourselves in the short dream

Comes with consequences and in the long dream of Life despite not being as instantly gratifying as the short dream was it’s a long game plan that upon reaching the highest level will make it so that we’ve reached a truly enlightening Place mentally and can begin to understand things we previously

Were ignorant to as it elaborates we realized this long dream truly is the player’s mind itself there are times it’s sad in the long dream it creates worlds that have no summer and it Shivers under a black Sun depression cynicism and Bleak thought patterns are being described here this long dream

That we’re being forced to experience doesn’t seem as good as the short dream in the short dream we made progress got exactly what we wanted when we wanted but in the long dream you can find yourself doing all this stuff and reaping no rewards a day in real life is

A lot longer than a day in Minecraft and most of the things we do in the game from fishing to mining all take substantially more time in the real world the long dream is one where we need to face the reality that things take time and we’re not always going to

Get what we want but it’s still a dream one that under the right guidance and perception can be infinitely more prosperous compared to the short dream but as they say the aforementioned worlds with no summer can’t be interfered with by outside forces it’s for the individuals themselves to

Acknowledge the dream for what it is and to not wallow in what was previously being garnered in the short dream the entities occasionally want to speak to us when we struggle with the real world let us know the truth that we believe in relation to the real world is not facts

It’s merely our perception a bitter one which could be far more optimistic and as the entities imply realistic if we actually look to the reality of this dream but they resist from speaking they ignore the urge to tell us the reality because it would be telling us how to

Live which prevents us from living in turn making the long dream a pointless Venture where no new knowledge has actually gained from the experience merely becoming a puppet who’s controlled and told what to do by those who consider themselves more enlightened than us no we have to live for ourselves

It’s the only way that will reach the highest level which was previously mentioned but the entities aren’t satisfied without giving out some form of Truth so decide to tell us in the form of a story and what follows is our Awakening to the real world and the endless opportunities that await us

We’re quite literally given instructions to fill the mechanics of our physical body compared to our in-game one things like our breathing the ability to move our body taking ourselves out of the wild adventure we’ve been on during Minecraft’s run time and respawning in the long dream that is real life the

Entities describe themselves as quite literally what I said earlier primordial beings going under several different pseudonyms depending on what civilizations were inhabiting the planet at particular times gods angels aliens poltergeists they both are and aren’t these things at the same time they’re the universe they don’t change it’s only

The further discoveries which are made by humans which get them closer to understanding what they truly are which results in numerous different interpretations of these entities which as they say are merely things that humans don’t perceive themselves possible to be things start getting extra meta after this point talking

About us in the real world once again being on a spinning globe of molten rock that being the Earth of course and being circled by a ball of Blazing gas that being the Sun a contrast is then immediately presented between this and Minecraft which is where we begin to see

The first signs of an actual self-critique both of the player’s actions and how The Addictive and fun nature of Minecraft has been enabling them the Earth and Sun is described in detail labeling exact figures like how far away the sun is how long light takes to cross that distance but then we get

Yet another mention of the short dream this time quite literally saying how the player dreamed it was a minor on a world that was flat and infinite this is a world that is a pale imitation of the real world it’s attempting the best it can to replicate certain real-life

Conditions but because of Technology he isn’t effectively able to to the Earth is not flat and infinite it’s a globe and upon heading in a direct straight line around the globe you’ll end up right back where you started time and death is even mentioned here talking

About how days were short and death was only a minor inconvenience dreams at this point are now quite literally being defined as games describing the different kinds of experiences a player can throw themselves into how they vary and how rapidly they can switch from dream to dream some can be scary some

Can be beautiful but they’re still only short we then see a delve into the literal creation of a human being going all the way back to the player’s atoms and how they were developed created and cared for by a woman who using her body quite literally assembled the player

Upon waking up from the Dark World of the mother’s body the long dream began representing the player’s birth our creation is described as being both the most individual thing to ever happen a new unique story that has never and will never be experienced ever again but at

The same time the genetic makeup of the player goes back billions of years not just to the dawn of man but looking at the DNA inside us quite literally the creation of the earth our story is unique yet there’s been so many stories before us that will substantially alter

How our story will play out the writing becomes incredibly clever here with how it weaves our real world dream with the dream of Minecraft taking us back to the big bang and how everything has been created via information from a star and fast forwarding to us sat down at our

Computer screen playing Minecraft We’re actively partaking in a whole other Universe one person called Julian planting a forest of information in a world created by a man called Marcus a world that allows the player to inhabit it create new things within it and make it its home the names that are mentioned

Here being direct references to both Marcus Notch person and Julian GAO who was the person who wrote this ending passage and upon all this philosophizing over life death and our creation the player begins to realize the game they’ve been playing was merely an illusion an imitation the player begins

To look to their real world gaining inspiration and thought-provoking ideas in their mind from observing things around them sunlight shine through tree leaves the crisp winter night sky ideas like an endless simulation are hinted at here the idea that we’re part of a system that’s generated by ones and

Zeros being able to function through the electricity of the world through scrolling words on a screen at the end of a dream the final part possibly being a reference to the player’s death coming to the end of the long dream with the actions they’ve taken throughout it indicating if they’ll be satisfied or

Not with how they’ve lived their life the poem ends with a number of encouraging thoughts from the game serving as a message to both our long and short Dreams by talking directly to us saying we’re loved we’ve played the game well everything we need is within

Us we are the daylight and we are the night we are quite literally everything which is absolutely true everything we witness is only perceptible within our view of the world upon death life may go on but not for us everything after that point is over the final few lines of

Text refers to the acceptance of both the long and short dream when playing and completing Minecraft the player will dream and then wake up when the dream is complete but then looking at how Minecraft works we can dream again dream better in a New World building new things creating new memories but the

Final message we’re told also tells us not to ignore the long dream we eventually need to wake up and apply the things we’ve learned the positivity the creativity from the short dream and even if it’s just a small part of our being apply it and hopefully make our lives

From that point on even more fulfilling Minecraft’s ending is perfect in my opinion with the game being so focused on creativity and our own personal Journey Through the world I couldn’t think of any better ending than to have those kinds of actions directly observed and dissected not just the actions we

Took in the game but the actions we’ve taken outside it and while playing it so we’ve done it we’ve reached the end of Minecraft and I feel no shame in saying it’s a masterpiece and near perfect and everywhere imaginable even though Notch left after the Microsoft acquisition in

2014 looking back on the history of this game we realize just how essential Notch was it was literally his project alone and although certain figures like Jeb are almost just as well known as nowadays because of his taking over of the lead designer role Minecraft would quite literally not exist and so many

Essential mechanics wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for Notch there’s so many elements which make up the Minecraft experience and it’s really a game where you can play exactly how you want and the game in turn will most likely cater to that we’ll save my overall thoughts

On the game for a bit later on now I want to go over a final few Minecraft related projects that have been released throughout the past few years as well as the different types of Minecraft experiences that can be played both on PC consoles and even phones I’m gonna

Opt to skip the Minecraft story mode as realistically that game was being made primarily by Telltale and just using Minecraft elements and to be honest anyway it’s Telltale its absolute worst in my opinion the game isn’t even available anymore either the servers were shut down in 2019 and the only

People who can still play this are people who’ve previously bought it and also at one point in time like all the best gaming experiences you were also able to play it on Netflix really showing how much of a game this thing was ignoring that though we’ve also got the various different editions of

Minecraft that have been released which we’ll look briefly over now the most substantial of which being the Bedrock edition of the game still having the core foundations of Minecraft obviously but also some pretty substantial changes at points both in a visual and Technical sense the Bedrock Edition itself refers

To how the game’s been coded with the c plus programming language compared to the Java Edition a decision which came about when Minecraft was looking to Branch out to the console Market that also means we can negate most talk about the console versions as no matter what console you’re playing on it doesn’t

Matter if you’re yet to get an update that’s come out on the PC first you’re playing Bedrock regardless well that’s unless you’re playing on the Legacy console edition which was genuinely different from Bedrock but no longer receives any new updates instead encouraging players to transfer over to

The Bedrock version of the game to stay up to date so in saying that you might assume Minecraft’s heading in the direction of having solely Bedrock perhaps even replacing Java in the future but I’d highly doubt that to be honest Java Edition has too many differences they’re merging them

Together or just outright scrapping Java would annoy a substantially large part of the fan base a few notable differences would be the inability to install mods on Bedrock instead having a marketplace where you have to buy things like skins texture packs and worlds with real money some of these being free but

A lot of these are also being paid just outright scummy business practices there which Java has never partaken in technologically Bedrock features more up-to-date inclusions like the ability to play Minecraft and VR and also on the console editions in particular having multiplayer be much smoother to get into

With your friends as well as being able to play cross-platform people who are heavily involved in Redstone understand the way it functions can oftentimes be drastically different between the two versions the textures overall appear more saturated in Bedrock Bedrock still features the same spammy combat system which was substantially altered in Java

And then there’s incredibly minor stuff like how your character now blinks in Bedrock or how you can now basically tie-dye your armor using cauldrons instead of how you do it in Java which I’ll be honest there’s a genuinely cool feature they are still basically the same game with very various differences

Which will be noticeable when unnoticeable when you play another notable addition of the game is of course the Pocket Edition always being one of the most bought apps on any app store and being a really great way for people who want to play on the go and

Also for those who perhaps don’t have the required game console or PC that’s required to play the normal game there’s also the education Edition which is primarily used for schools being a far more restrictive experience as the whole point is literally supposed to be doing things which your teacher wants you to

Do but there’s also some interesting things like the ability to use a camera due to this tool being used by young kids and teachers who may be unfamiliar with Minecraft the multiplayer is apparently far easier to get working for all students being able to have 30 players in the world simultaneously and

Also chalkboards which can be used to communicate a goal to the Learners or border blocks to restrict Learners to a certain area overall I’m sure this would have actually been a very effective tool for many classrooms as we’ve mentioned before mainly because of the primarily simplistic core Foundation of Minecraft

There was also two brand new Minecraft games the first of which being Minecraft dungeons which was released in 2020 and the second of which being Minecraft Legends which released on the 18th of April 2023 we’ll only be talking about these briefly but even when looking at

Both of their designs it’s not only a bizarre kind of direction to take the Minecraft brand itself but also for a game series that’s been the Hub of so much original and creative content they appear to not have a single original idea for these dungeons is a fine game

To be honest but that’s about the extent of it the cutscenes which can be seen throughout the game all look great although much like the rest of the game despite having that distinct Minecraft look there’s tons of stuff here that also looks like it’s been ripped right

Out of another game and just made to be pixelated and blocky the visuals overall were pretty stunning I really like all the lighting work here and a lot of the game makes us realize they genuinely must have a lot of restraint when working with normal Minecraft to not

Change up the graphical style from what we’re used to they prove here they can easily create some fantastic environments tons of immersive particle effects and even the subtle nice details we see in mods like OptiFine whether trees and grass are noticeably weighing around although I suppose they’re

Working with the Unreal Engine here not Java starting off I thought the gameplay was Stellar beginning on mouse and keyboard but then switching to controller which I found gave a far more enjoyable control scheme for me personally it’s simplistic the main thing you’ll be doing throughout the

Game is swiping your melee weapon whose speed and damage varies depending on what type of weapon you’re using and what enchantments you give your equipment upon leveling up you’ve got the bow if you’d prefer to deal with certain targets from a distance although ammo may be a concern if you’re only

Ever using the bow against enemies and then you’ve got the different artifacts which are basically small boosters that run on a cooldown timer as well as potions to increase things like your health which we can see in the center of the screen all that setup is fine and I

Don’t mind anything in relation to the layout of the HUD or even how the game’s presented I could do with being a little bit closer to the action or having the ability to switch the camera angle but I can Overlook that what I can’t Overlook is how incredibly boring and repetitive

This game can become after only a short amount of time I was incredibly excited to look into this game I wanted to play a all the way back when it first came out but now that I have I just really didn’t like it that much and I do

Genuinely feel it’s got a lot to do with the Minecraft brand itself the combat system here is more intricate than what you’d see in normal Minecraft and that’s the best part for me all the mobs you’d expect to show up here genuinely do and with how they act you’ll be taking

Multiple different approaches when dealing with the several different mobs just like standard Minecraft skeletons use bows and tend to run away when you get close making a ranged weapon a very viable option for these guys creepers need to be taken out before they explode meaning you can still repeat that

Process of either killing them before that happens or baiting them out to explode in turn damaging the mobs around them that stuff is all fine and I love the idea of translating these Minecraft Concepts to a different type of game cows and sheep work as health consumables basically enchantments are

Merely what’s given upon leveling up emeralds are used as the main currency in the game just like trading but as I say it’s definitely the structure which made my experience feel very dull after only a short amount of time where the game really fell down for me was in

Relation into not only what we’re doing in most of these levels but also how we go about achieving our goal a lot of levels are substantially big gradually elevating the severity of threats in the level which you progress having a sense of scale gives more depth to the

Environment and emulates the openness of Minecraft but no I merely found it to make the levels drag on for an inordinate amount of time to wear by the end of every level I was merely relieved it was over these just seem to go on and on and most of the time literally being

Combat based as we make our way towards our actual objective having some optional dungeons to explore along the way which is a nice addition but then when reaching our main objective it’s usually revealed to be some banal tasks like rescuing villagers from cells which consists of literally just pressing the

X button on them and going on to the next one or perhaps you’d like to do some of the more amazing quests like open the gate survive the attack extend the bridge the gameplay might be satisfying but when there’s no kind of satisfying progression and payoff I become almost immediately disinterested

It really is an All-Star no substance situation with me I find the gameplay to be lackluster and boring despite the actual mechanics of it being good and I find the world to be too long and boring to Traverse despite really liking how the land’s been crafted and how great

The visuals look the best part for me in that sense is the variety there’s lots of different levels to explore here many of which take place in all kinds of different biomes that we recognize from Minecraft and that’s great it really keeps things a lot fresher for those

Looking to complete the game the gameplay itself though I think is irrefutably repetitive which many types of players will like but I definitely don’t I think compared to just being a stock clone of games like Diablo it would have benefited a lot more by taking elements from roguelike games and

To be honest that’s what I initially thought it was emulating from the gameplay footage I’d previously seen different runs where you acquire different kinds of equipment the one thing it’s got going for it in that regard is the play Styles you will genuinely see people playing differently depending on aspects like their speed

And damage but I would have much preferred a more randomized and new experience on every subsequent playthrough much like The Binding of Isaac corrent of the gungeon overall I didn’t find dungeons to be that satisfying of an experience unfortunately I understood immediately it wasn’t trying to replicate Minecraft

It was going for something a bit different but in going for that we only see the game’s shortcomings when making any comparisons to the base Minecraft the world’s restrictive in terms of how you explore it it’s unoriginal in every sense of the word and every positive I

See in the game starts to become dampened when remembering how tediously boring the gameplay cycle became after only a very short time playing too it’s not the worst game in the world obviously it’s constructed well enough and if you’re looking for a new Dungeon Crawler type game that you can

Mindlessly sink hours into you might find a lot to enjoy about Dungeons but for me it’s a game that I don’t imagine I’ll be returning to that often in the future and then of course we’ve got Minecraft Legends this time not copying Diablo but now copying strategy games

Like Pikmin and I’ll be honest with you but unlike dungeons I’m gonna stay away from talking about Legends in any close detail as I’ve never really been interested in these style of games anyway my biases against the genre will likely shine through because I have fundamental issues with this game which

Are basically just standard practice for these real-time strategy games I really didn’t like all the switching you had to do between the tabs at the bottom of the screen as well as interacting with the different structures within those tabs the exploration of the world was pretty

Fun but once again all I was thinking of was how Minecraft is actually open world and here we’ve only got a minuscule world to explore in comparison the visuals are fine although I don’t actually like the art style that much compared to dungeons all the textures have this weird Jagged appearance that

While obviously being intentional I really didn’t like the characters we interact with are so one-dimensional and boring that I will never remember these again after switching off the game sound wise just like Dungeons the music is the least minecrafty thing about the game now having stock Clash of Clans type

Music for most situations thank you and on the whole I just thought it was really dull another experience that I’m literally never gonna come back to the ideas presented in the game can occasionally be interesting I like the idea of having a real-time strategy game be played out through an actual

Character in the world compared to games like Age of Empires where you’re merely this invisible entity in the sky making decisions in the world via your mouse the key word that describes these two games to me are restrictive which is the last thing I thought would be associated

With a Minecraft Project in Legends for example there’s no mining instead you collect Resources by throwing a box of alleys on the ground in which they slowly collect up the materials for you fun although the biomes are more accurately laid out here compared to dungeons because we’ve now got a

Semi-open world the lack of any substantial full damage or building mechanics makes it so that traversal in this game is basically walking in a straight line to your destination fun frequently being pulled out of the game for Fairly meaningless cut scenes fun waiting around for your teammates to

Fight while you could just go in and kill the enemies easily with your sword tower defenses that last for ages and have you just waiting around with hardly anything going on it sounds like I hate this game and I definitely don’t like it but I mean if you like these kinds of

Games and find the concept they’ve introduced here interesting I don’t think there’s any harm in trying out just try it on Steam as you can get a refund after two hours if you don’t like it Minecraft is one of the most influential and important games of the modern day gaming industry the

Creativity it presents is unprecedented and throughout the years it’s only become more and more decked out with things which further flesh out the game world it’s hands down the most successful indie project ever created what started off as a small passion project being developed by one man has since become a multi-billion dollar

Franchise although there is one thing I frequently think of when thinking about Minecraft nowadays which has since made this game in a deep amount of nostalgia and further makes things like the ending of the game seem even more genius to me as time’s gone on and the time I spend

Playing Minecraft has further dwindled from what it used to I look back on things I used to do with my friends on the game the worlds I used to curate the structures I used to make the days I spent mining only for all of it to be

Lost in one fatal drop these were the days which defined Minecraft for me and defined it for a lot of people I’m talking about the earlier stages of the game everything from the beta stages to the earlier full release builds and I think it’s the version of the game I

Love the most with the ending 1.0 presented I appreciated Minecraft for both its Simplicity in terms of its block building exploration and combat but also the vast amount of complex things that can be discovered when further diving into them as I said with the Redstone you might just be using

Redstone-based devices like pressure plates to open up doors automatically whereas others will be using them to set off a chain effect which allows you to access a fully functioning iPhone Minecraft more than any other game has had this sneaky effect on me as the years have gone on which makes me look

At my age and what I’ve spent my time doing while I’ve been alive it’s why the idea of the long and short dream is so profound I’ve come back to Minecraft after having aged and changed as a person and upon picking it back up I noticed the games changed as well new

Mobs blocks biomes and full-on mechanics that I’ve never ever seen before upon coming back to a game that I was once so familiar with I feel like the days have passed me by I’ve gotten older and a new generation of players who’ve been playing this newer version of the game

Understand things I can no longer seem to comprehend this is very common especially with a game like Minecraft which has gotten continually updated throughout the years you’re gonna have people constantly coming back and not understanding these mechanics that other people have had more time to get

Accustomed with when you grow up you get more priorities you can’t focus on your crop Farm or getting netherrite you need to provide income for your family do your taxes cook meals instead of having your mum and dad make you things but this reality of the long dream isn’t all

That bad it would have been selfish for us to stay in the short dream forever it’s time for the new generation to experience it and hopefully Prosper even more in their long dream this game wasn’t meant for me anymore and that’s fine everything from the marketing and Minecraft’s online presence to these

Brand new games which have the atmosphere of a Disney movie Minecraft has stated what it always has been an accessible and fun game that can be picked up by anyone and as I say with most adults having less time for things like games kids will naturally attach to

This type of entertainment this isn’t about this game this is for the record The years that have progressed since we played Minecraft as kids have changed us our minds have developed into something they once won this is for the record this misunderstanding unable to comprehend things which are common knowledge for those of all tapped into the culture younger people This is everything this is the culmination of all our experience a masterpiece of a game created by one man a game that’s been fundamental to people’s childhoods mine included a foundation that’s been changed to added upon making the next generation’s childhood slightly different slightly more enhanced refined but also having

Certain missteps which we previously didn’t experience Mundanity a cyclical mundanity re-emerging in the short dream for comfort It’s time to wake up and let the new generation come in this isn’t about this game this is for the record this is for everything this is

This video, titled ‘The ULTIMATE Minecraft Retrospective’, was uploaded by Munt Chunk on 2023-06-22 20:16:12. It has garnered 243611 views and 9116 likes. The duration of the video is 04:47:23 or 17243 seconds.

Minecraft is easily one of the most innovative, groundbreaking and successful indie games of all time. Being seen as not only a great piece of entertainment, but also effective enough to be used inside classrooms around the world. Today we’ll be looking into every possible aspect of Minecraft, analysing it’s development stages, and seeing how this small passion project ended up ballooning into a multi-billion dollar franchise.

  • LEGO Minecraft Baby Pig Birthday Build

    LEGO Minecraft Baby Pig Birthday Build LEGO Minecraft 2024 Baby Pig’s Birthday Celebration 21281: A Fun Build & Review LEGO Minecraft enthusiasts, get ready for a delightful treat with the Baby Pig’s Birthday Celebration set, LEGO Minecraft 21281. This set, containing 351 bricks of various shapes and colors, allows you to create a charming scene featuring a cake, fox, llama, Baby Zombie, ocelot, Creeper, and of course, the adorable Baby Pig sporting a birthday hat. Unboxing and Building Fun The parts in the Baby Pig’s Birthday Celebration set are conveniently packaged into three groups, making the building process a breeze. While a Brick Separator is… Read More

  • Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 7

    Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 7 Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 7 – A Dive into the Minecraft Universe Embark on an epic adventure in the Minecraft universe with Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 7. Developed by Telltale Games in collaboration with Mojang Studios, this episodic spin-off series takes players on a journey through The Overworld, The Nether, The End, and other dimensions. Exploring the Minecraft Universe Step into the blocky world of Minecraft like never before as you navigate through various realms and encounter unique challenges along the way. From building structures to battling mobs, Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 7 offers a fresh perspective on the… Read More

  • Launch & Play: Player-Powered Fun!

    Launch & Play: Player-Powered Fun! In the world of Minecraft, a player launcher was born, Using fishing rods, players were sent to the morn. With eight accounts in hand, the Backyard was the stage, Sending friends to space, in a daring rampage. The Backyard crew, with their antics and fun, Creating moments that shine like the sun. From 10minutetimer to DrawnbyCC, Each member adding to the glee. Special thanks to plazmahero and JampottBong, For helping with the intro, where the fun belongs. Join the Discord, where the community thrives, Sharing Minecraft tales, where creativity thrives. Fishing rods as rockets, who would have thought? In… Read More

  • Sonic’s Yellow Portal in Minecraft

    Sonic's Yellow Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Super Yellow Shin Sonic Portal Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft and discover the secrets of the Super Yellow Shin Sonic Portal? Join the adventure as we explore this exciting feature in the game! What is the Super Yellow Shin Sonic Portal? The Super Yellow Shin Sonic Portal is a unique portal in Minecraft that allows players to travel to a special dimension filled with new challenges and rewards. By following specific steps and crafting the portal correctly, players can unlock this hidden gem in the game. How to Create the Super… Read More

  • Risky Business in Minecraft’s Dangerous Dunes

    Risky Business in Minecraft's Dangerous Dunes Minecraft: Rush of Kings Episode 6 – Dangerous Dunes Introduction In the sixth episode of Rush of Kings Minecraft, players are taken on a thrilling journey through the treacherous terrain of Dangerous Dunes. The episode features gameplay with ScrumpeyB0ttle, WaterB0ttle, and Thekillerkreeper as they navigate challenges and obstacles in this original board game recreated in Minecraft. Gameplay Highlights The episode kicks off with a captivating cutscene setting the stage for the adventure ahead. As the game progresses, players take turns strategically maneuvering through the game board, each facing unique challenges and opportunities. From ScrumpeyB0ttle’s decisive moves to WaterB0ttle’s calculated… Read More


    JUICY 1.22 LEAKS CONFIRMED! Minecraft Live 2024: New Leaks Unveiled! As the highly anticipated Minecraft Live 2024 event draws near, the Minecraft community was in for a surprise with the release of new leaked information. Today, six intriguing photos surfaced on Reddit, offering a sneak peek at the upcoming Pale Garden biome, The Creaking hostile mob, and more exciting features. The Six Leaked Photos… The leaked images have caused a stir among Minecraft enthusiasts, providing a glimpse into the innovative additions that players can expect in the upcoming update. From the enchanting Pale Garden biome to the mysterious Creaking hostile mob, the leaked… Read More

  • Crafting 3D Magic: Top Texture Packs 2024

    Crafting 3D Magic: Top Texture Packs 2024 In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We bring you the best texture packs to revitalize. From 3D to realistic, shaders that shine, Crafting and building in 2024, it’s time to redefine. Cartoon graphics or photo-realistic life, Choose your style, let your imagination take flight. With these resource packs, your game will transform, Every block, every pixel, a new world to adorn. So like, share, and comment, spread the word, Subscribe for more updates, let your voice be heard. Join us on Instagram, for more gaming delight, Daosaogamers bringing Minecraft to new heights. Read More

  • Interstellar Minecraft Shenanigans

    Interstellar Minecraft Shenanigans Exploring the Depths of Space in Minecraft Calling all Minecraft and science fiction enthusiasts! In this exciting adventure, inspired by Christopher Nolan’s masterpiece Interstellar, we delve into a space-themed journey within the Minecraft world. From fields to spaceships to black holes, it’s all here! As we explore the depths of space in Minecraft, we also recreate the enchanting atmosphere of Interstellar. Creating a Space Odyssey Embark on a journey like never before as you navigate through the vast expanse of space in Minecraft. Build your own spacecraft, cultivate fields, and encounter the mysteries of black holes. The possibilities are… Read More

  • Speedy Parkour Shenanigans in Minecraft

    Speedy Parkour Shenanigans in Minecraft Parkour Biome Episode 15: A Thrilling Adventure in Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey through the Parkour Biome in Episode 15 of Minecraft Parkour Shorts. Join Faster Gaming Plays as they navigate through challenging obstacles and showcase their skills in this action-packed video. Exploring the Parkour Biome In this episode, players are taken on a thrilling adventure through the Parkour Biome, a unique and challenging environment within the Minecraft world. With precision jumps, tricky obstacles, and fast-paced gameplay, viewers are in for an adrenaline-pumping experience. Mastering the Art of Parkour Watch as Faster Gaming Plays demonstrates their mastery of… Read More

  • Minecraft: Story Mode Finale

    Minecraft: Story Mode Finale Minecraft: Story Mode – A Journey Through the Minecraft Universe Minecraft: Story Mode is an episodic adventure spin-off series developed by Telltale Games in collaboration with Mojang Studios. It takes players on a thrilling journey through the vast and diverse universe of Minecraft, exploring iconic locations such as The Overworld, The Nether, The End, and other dimensions. Exploring the Minecraft Universe Players are immersed in a rich narrative that unfolds across multiple episodes, each filled with exciting challenges, memorable characters, and epic quests. From battling dangerous creatures to uncovering ancient mysteries, Minecraft: Story Mode offers a unique and engaging… Read More

  • Unreal Duping Hack on | Mod in Comments

    Unreal Duping Hack on | Mod in CommentsVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to DUPE on Minecraft server! | Mod in comments’, was uploaded by RealDuper on 2024-08-23 17:21:59. It has garnered 2333 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:40 or 100 seconds. Link in the comments! ► VIDEO INHALT 00:00 Intro / Showcase 00:50 Block Break Dupe Methode 01:05 No Remove Shard Dupe 01:18 Showcase Tags(ignore): DONUTSMPDONUTSMPMCREKRAP2CPVPDUPEDUPING1. pvp,crystal pvp montage,crystal pvp texture pack,crystal pvp server,crystal pvp bedrock,crystal pvp guide,crystal pvp texture pack 1.19,crystal pvp mods,crystal pvp texture pack mcpe,crystal pvp practice server,crystal pvp packs,crystal pvp asmr,crystal pvp addon mcpe,crystal pvp advanced… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! NEXUS NOVA: MINECRAFT'S 1.19 BEST SEEDVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BEST SEED 1.19 #minecraft #gaming #trending #short’, was uploaded by NEXUS NOVA on 2024-05-10 07:16:58. It has garnered 484 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. MINECRAFT BEST SEED 1.19 #minecraft #gaming #trending #short #minecraft #minecraftmod #minecraftmyanmar #minecraftanimation #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbut #minecraftbuilding #minecraftroleplay #minecrafthorror #minecraftsmp #minecraft #animation victor #minecraft #pvp #shorts •артемчик – мкпе• #minecraft #shorst x_ cyber samurai _x #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #minecraftsurvival #kids gamer pro 2015 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #jump #gaming #running #drama pixelmon #minecraft #shorts #minecraft #evulation bencosme #minecraft animation #minecraft #fantasy #story minecraft the quest… Read More

  • INSANE Twist in Minecraft SMP #77 – Iron Everywhere! 🤯

    INSANE Twist in Minecraft SMP #77 - Iron Everywhere! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘This World Is Full Of Iron 🤯🤪!! Minecraft SMP #77’, was uploaded by Blitz Byte Play on 2024-05-29 15:00:50. It has garnered 249 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:38 or 278 seconds. This World Is Full Of Iron 🤯🤪!! Minecraft SMP #77 share, support, Subscribe!!! follow me on Instagram : business Email: [email protected] About:this channel is made for gaming videos comment me the game which you like to watch. Thank you so much for watching❤! #shorts #minecraft #gameplay #bgmi #gta5 #freefire #residentevil Read More

  • Secrets Unveiled in Minecraft with Ray and Friends

    Secrets Unveiled in Minecraft with Ray and FriendsVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Start of a Whole New World | Minecraft with Ray, Chibidoki, and Nagzz21’, was uploaded by BraggAboutIt on 2024-04-28 17:00:03. It has garnered 14216 views and 468 likes. The duration of the video is 06:58:08 or 25088 seconds. Recorded on April 10th, 2024 at Crew: Ray: Ray: Chibidoki: Nagzz21: Follow Matt Bragg on Twitter! Join the Mage Discord! Follow the Mage Community on Twitter! YT Team Sky: ArleyDino #minecraft #multiplayer #twitchvod #minecraftsurvival #minecraftbuilding Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Launda LIVE | Join Public SMP 🔴

    Insane Minecraft Launda LIVE | Join Public SMP 🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Minecraft Live | Join My | Public LifeStael Smp | Java+Pe 24/7 Online’, was uploaded by Insane launda on 2024-07-07 23:24:33. It has garnered 224 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:07 or 2107 seconds. Hello Everyone Welcome to my stream … Enjoy!!! If u are new here and wanna support me do Like share and susbscribe and don’t forget to click on the bell icon.. for more ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________ For Business and Brand Deals Mail✉️- [email protected] ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ✅️ Old Device 🥵viovo Y20g 4|64 ✅️ Current Device 🥰 IPad… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Nether Portal Design! 🌸 #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Nether Portal Design! 🌸 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Cherry Blossom Nether Portal Design! #shorts’, was uploaded by GGnxtz on 2024-03-08 07:18:13. It has garnered 6216 views and 193 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. How to build a Cherry blossom Nether portal in Minecraft! #howtomake #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecrafttutorial #minecraftshorts Read More

  • ANUJ GAMING 43: Insane Witch Battle – Who Will Win? 🔮🪄 #Minecraft

    ANUJ GAMING 43: Insane Witch Battle - Who Will Win? 🔮🪄 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Noob Vs Pro Vs Hacker Witch 🧹🪄 #shorts #viralshorts #minecraft #shortsfeed’, was uploaded by ANUJ GAMING 43 on 2024-02-22 11:52:43. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. subscribe to my channel for new video of Minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft noob vs pro … Read More

  • SSMP Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 no grief no whitelist

    SSMP: Survival Multiplayer with no Limits SSMP takes survival multiplayer back to the fundamentals. Enjoy creating large scale builds and redstone without limits. Features: 2 /sethomes + bed Easy /spawn access Developed server infrastructure Rare head drops Player-based economy Permitted: gravity, TNT, rail, and string dupe Join IP: Active Discord Server: Type /discord in-game to join. Supports bedrock connections. Use port 63809. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Ultimate Minecraft 2022: Hilarious Livestream Moment!

    Minecraft Memes - Ultimate Minecraft 2022: Hilarious Livestream Moment!“Looks like this meme really mined its way into people’s hearts with that high score!” 😆 Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem: The Short That’ll Have You Crying… With Laughter!

    Minecraft Mayhem: The Short That'll Have You Crying... With Laughter! Welcome, gamers, to a tale so divine, A short that will make you laugh, it’s time to shine. Grab your snacks, settle in, hit play, For this Minecraft adventure will brighten your day. With humor and wit, this short will amaze, Bringing joy and laughter in so many ways. From FNAF to Sea of Thieves, the fun never ends, So grab your friends, it’s time to hit send. Watch the chaos unfold, in this epic delight, With characters so bold, it’s a pure gaming sight. So don’t miss out on this hilarious creation, For it’s a must-see for your… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: When Steve Meets Brawl Stars! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: When Steve Meets Brawl Stars! 🔥 “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? She kept blowing up at him!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #lol Read More

  • Becoming SenpaiSpider in Minecraft

    Becoming SenpaiSpider in Minecraft The World of Minecraft: Becoming SenpaiSpider Exploring the Minecraft Universe SenpaiSpider, a popular content creator, has captured the hearts of many with their entertaining videos. In this Minecraft adventure, the player takes on the persona of SenpaiSpider, recreating some of their iconic moments within the game. Embracing Creativity in Minecraft Minecraft offers endless possibilities for creativity and imagination. From building intricate structures to embarking on thrilling adventures, players can truly make the game their own. By embodying SenpaiSpider in Minecraft, the player dives into a world where the only limit is their creativity. Unleashing Fun and Entertainment With no… Read More

  • Sneaky Sister Returns Home – Minecraft Ep. 1

    Sneaky Sister Returns Home - Minecraft Ep. 1 The Tale of Minecraft Zła Siostra – Episode 1 The Story Unfolds In the western part of the Azylu realm, resided the Royal Family, including the twin daughters of King Harold IV and Queen Elisabeth. When the king fell ill with a mysterious disease that could only be cured through special magic, Victoria, one of the king’s daughters, sought to save him. However, her desperate attempts led to a curse that ultimately destroyed the entire kingdom. Veronica, the other daughter, managed to escape with survivors. Now, 11 years after the catastrophe caused by the cursed Victoria, Veronica returns to… Read More

  • Mikey and JJ EXPLORE Creepy Titans at 3am in Minecraft

    Mikey and JJ EXPLORE Creepy Titans at 3am in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey and JJ GET INSIDE Creepy KISSY MISSY and HUGGY WUGGY Titans at 3am ? – in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Raizen on 2024-09-16 20:05:54. It has garnered 2307 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:52 or 1852 seconds. How Mikey and JJ GET INSIDE Creepy KISSY MISSY and HUGGY WUGGY Titans at 3am ? – in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality,… Read More

  • VR Minecraft Madness

    VR Minecraft MadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft in VR is TERRIFYING’, was uploaded by Plooshi on 2024-09-14 20:04:27. It has garnered 490 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:48 or 1608 seconds. Continuing with the Minecraft vr series I went mining and finally created a nether portal to continue our journey This is also the 2nd episode so check out the first one as well follow me on twitter: mod used: Vivecraft Some of the background music was also from doki doki literature club, Undertale and Animal crossing go check that out Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft Loot Day Survival!

    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft Loot Day Survival!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Loot Day Survival Series#8’, was uploaded by MineGaming92 on 2024-08-22 01:19:33. It has garnered 62 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:21 or 2301 seconds. Minecraft Loot Day Survival Series#8 minecraft,Minecraft in hindi,Minecraft gameplay,Minecraft house,Minecraft videos,myth pat,beast boy shub, chapati hindustani gamer, live insaan, dream,mr beast,ujjwal, techno gamer YesSmartyPie,Yes smarty pie,SmartyPie,Smarty pie,YesSmartyPie Skyblock,YesSmartyPie Minecraft,Minecraft YesSmartyPie,yessmartypie himlands,himlands,yessmartypie himlands new video,smartypie himland,himland world,minecraft world himland,HIMLANDS ENTITIES BIGGEST SECRET REVEALED]minecraft,minecraft shorts,minecraftbut,minecraft challenge,minecraft mod,minecraft but challenge,minecraft but i cant touch grass,minecraft speedrun,minecraft funny,camman18 minecraft,minecraft facts,minecraft tiktok,minecraft but you cant touch the color,minecraft memes,minecraft meme… Read More

  • 🔥CRAZY Minecraft Hardcore with DeputyUSMarshall!

    🔥CRAZY Minecraft Hardcore with DeputyUSMarshall!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft hardcore (Stream 1)’, was uploaded by DeputyUSMarshall on 2024-03-22 02:15:47. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Group:!/about Join me … Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft SMP Gameplay ft. Malik & Friends!

    EPIC Minecraft SMP Gameplay ft. Malik & Friends!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft live w malik and friends smp’, was uploaded by Just will cool playz on 2024-03-06 04:15:05. It has garnered 17 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:00 or 1560 seconds. Hi! I’m will cool playz For those who are new to my channel welcome! I make gaming videos, mostly Minecraft, and will do play through of other games such as FNAF hello neighbor. I post daily, and will occasionally post other content like reactions, but for the most part i focus on Minecraft and other games. Hope you enjoy. Read More

  • Bubble mayhem: Baby and Daddy flee Minecraft prison!

    Bubble mayhem: Baby and Daddy flee Minecraft prison!Video Information This video, titled ‘Baby and Daddy Escape MINECRAFT PRISON!’, was uploaded by More Bubbles on 2024-04-10 23:00:05. It has garnered 9584 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:40 or 1240 seconds. Will Baby and Daddy Escape MINECRAFT PRISON? Watch Till The End To Find Out! Make Sure To Like And Subscribe!❤️ The Game “Who’s Your Daddy” is Rated for Teens This Game may contain content not appropriate for all ages, or may not be appropriate for viewing at work: General Mature Content (This video is not made for kids) #bubbles #gummy #bubblesandgummy #whosyourdaddy Read More

  • Step into the Insane Virtual World with BungamingYT

    Step into the Insane Virtual World with BungamingYTVideo Information This video, titled ‘Experience the Vibrant Virtual World A Journ’, was uploaded by BungamingYT on 2024-08-13 02:56:01. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Join Discord: #minecraft, #Game #minecraftbuild. #explorepage. #roblox. #jokes. #minecrafters. #edgy. #tiktok. #laugh. #minecraftpe. #twitch. #anime.#mlbb #100dayschallenge #cute. #minecraftpc. #edgymemes. #game. #minecraftideas. #followforfollowback. … #spicymemes. #minecrafthouse. #likeforlikes. #videogames. #minecraftdaily. #xbox. … #offensivememes. #minecrafttutorial. #streamer. #fortnite #minecraftmemes #gamer #memes #gaming Read More

  • Minecraft Build Hack – Gamer boy2.0 Goes Viral!

    Minecraft Build Hack - Gamer boy2.0 Goes Viral!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Build Hack #shorts #viralshort #trendingshort #viral #trend’, was uploaded by Gamer boy2.0 on 2024-02-12 11:00:22. It has garnered 2287 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Minecraft Build Hack #shorts #viralshort #trendingshort #viral #trend minecraft 1.20,minecraft 1.20 build hacks,minecraft 1.20 update,1.20 build hacks,minecraft 1.20 build ideas,minecraft 1.20 build,1.20 minecraft,build hacks 1.20,minecraft 1.20 hacks,minecraft 1.20 builds,testing 1.20 minecraft,minecraft build hacks 1.20,minecraft 1.20 builds hacks,minecraft 1.20 secret hacks,testing 1.20 minecraft hacks #short #shortfeed #trending #viral #youtube #trendingshorts #viralshort #gaming #minecraftshorts #build Read More

  • LangStride’s Epic Revenge for Kids!

    LangStride's Epic Revenge for Kids!Video Information This video, titled ‘LangStride мстит за детей #2’, was uploaded by LangStride on 2024-03-24 13:26:03. It has garnered 22 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft mod, minecraft survival, minecraft griefing, minecraft animation, bluexephos, uberhaxornova,… Read More

  • Syfadles: Anarchy – No Mods

    1.21| Java No Mods: gives you the best survival Minecraft experience, prioritizing the open world aspect with no teleports, plot claims, or economy. No Permanent Bans: will not permanently ban you for hacking. You may receive a short temporary ban if caught. Play Right Now! IP: Website: Discord: Server Trailer: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – STEVE’S SAVAGE JOURNEY

    Minecraft Memes - STEVE'S SAVAGE JOURNEYWhy did Steve go to therapy? Because he had too many creeper encounters. Read More

  • Crafting Kingdoms: The Hunter’s Quest

    Crafting Kingdoms: The Hunter's Quest In the kingdom of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, The Hunter sets out, brave and bold. With sword in hand, and armor gleaming, Through forests and caves, he goes dreaming. Monsters lurk, in shadows deep, But the Hunter’s resolve, he will keep. With every swing, and every strike, He fights for his kingdom, with all his might. The viewers watch, with bated breath, As the Hunter faces life or death. Will he triumph, or will he fall? Only time will tell, in this Minecraft brawl. So join us now, in this epic quest, As the Hunter faces his greatest test…. Read More

  • Blazing Nether Portal Luck 1331% Moment 🔥

    Blazing Nether Portal Luck 1331% Moment 🔥 When you finally find a nether portal after hours of searching and it immediately spawns you in a pit of lava – that’s the true 1331% luck of Minecraft! #oops #shouldhavewornfireprotection Read More

  • Memory Challenges in Minecraft

    Memory Challenges in Minecraft Minecraft: Memories from Different Eras Welcome to a world where creativity knows no bounds, where blocks are the building blocks of imagination, and where adventures unfold in pixelated landscapes. Minecraft, a game that has captured the hearts of millions worldwide, continues to evolve and enchant players of all ages. Exploring the World of Minecraft In the realm of Minecraft, players are free to explore vast landscapes, mine resources, build structures, and battle creatures. The game offers endless possibilities, from constructing elaborate castles to embarking on epic quests. Building and Crafting One of the core elements of Minecraft is the… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Craziest SUPREMIUM ARMOR Crafter!

    Insane Minecraft Craziest SUPREMIUM ARMOR Crafter!Video Information This video, titled ‘Crafting SUPREMIUM ARMOR In Minecraft Crazy Craft’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2024-09-09 22:02:15. It has garnered 41955 views and 1960 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:28 or 2488 seconds. Crafting SUPREMIUM ARMOR In Minecraft Crazy Craft My Server: Thanks for supporting me with purchases on the server! Buy My Shirts: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Business Inquiries: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Join our discord here: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Modpack: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ MY CHANNELS Roblox – Gaming – Real Life – ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FOLLOW ME Follow me on Twitter: Follow My Instagram:… Read More

  • The Dame of Amel: Seeds of Survival

    The Dame of Amel: Seeds of SurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Seeds of Survival ~Minecraft: The Dame Of Amel [S2 E2]’, was uploaded by Cover0fNight on 2024-09-06 22:34:43. It has garnered 327 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:23 or 983 seconds. 💛 Connect with me! 💛 ☆ Instagram- ☆ Twitch- ☆Tiktok- ❤️ SUBSCRIBE ❤️ Resourcepack: *The Dame of Amel is a roleplay Minecraft series that follows the journey of Cover, a mysterious traveler who arrives in the tranquil village of Amel, only to discover it shrouded in secrets and haunted by shadows of the past. As Cover… Read More

The ULTIMATE Minecraft Retrospective