TheCaptainsTV – I Survived 100 Days as an ORC HUNTER with THE CREATE MOD in Hardcore Minecraft

Video Information

100 days of Hardcore Minecraft as an Orc Hunter with the create mod that’s right I’m going to use Minecraft’s newest Tech mod create to role play as a steampunk dwarf I’m going to make some Advanced weapons tools defenses and of course a gigantic automated potato farm technoblade would

Be proud I’ll have to defend myself and anyone I come across and hint day 50 gets a little bit wild and on top of that every 10 days a new different orc attack will test my create mod machines and orc hunting frames I’ll need to survive the Orcs and hide from them as

Long as I can until I find a way to use the create mod to stop the Orcs for good but on day one none of that is on my mind I spawn in the middle of a lavender field my favorite flower and this video is already starting to look up but I

Don’t want to just sit out here all day as any good dwarf engineer would I start looking for a new Mountain Home and I’m in luck because soon I see this massive snow-capped mountain and I simply can’t resist like a drunk college student sing a Taco Bell I go rushing in

And I see a settlement out in the distance looks like there’s a little campfire burning there and I like s’mores so let’s go explore but first about this video sponsor Drake and sang online if you’re wondering why this video took so long to get up it’s because I’ve been dealing with my

Crippling DSO addiction drakens saying is an awesome free to play MMO with over 10 years of active development with millions of players including me you can go and download it on Steam for free or by clicking my link for free did I mention it’s for free you can play as

One of four unique classes but obviously spellweaver is the best as you discover everything the turkana has to offer Solo or with your friends of course I don’t have any friends but I’ve been loving playing it solo and trust me it is really easy to get addicted with

Hundreds of hours of content quests thousands of weapons and items to build out your character you can hop into PvP Arenas and battle with other players I don’t because I’m a scaredy cat but I do love doing the dungeons the boss fights and completing all of the challenges

There’s always new content coming out like Realm of the fire lord their newest update and the biggest update that Dragon sang has ever had there’s tons of new quests new maps monsters skills and a whole lot more download Drake and sing online today using my link down in the

Description and check out what the world of dracana has to offer seriously though if you’ve been wondering why these videos have taken so long it’s because I really need help from these new supporters like Drake and sang if you click the link down there and you try

Out Drake and sing for free then hopefully maybe the next video won’t take three more months speaking of fighting a bunch of monsters let’s get back to those Orcs I run into this huge pre-made castle that first settlement’s gonna have to wait I want to explore this bad boy

First I come across this front door with a little hand crank hmm well if this is some kind of trap what’s only day one so here we go luckily it’s just the way to open the front door and not a spike pit and from that first villagers hmm I can

Tell this is a friendly Castle first Courtyard has a bunch of Traders and this Castle turns out to be an awesome medieval style Village castle and look at this mad lad we’ve even got some guards here keeping the villagers safe yeah Mom not gonna lie to you guys after

Seeing all of this I’m pretty tempted to just make this place my new home after all a captain is pretty much a king right spend the rest of today sing all the great loot that’s in this place and finding this nugget of experience well if it’s anything like a chicken nugget I’m in

Speaking of delicious next we find the king’s chest and we grab our first diamond on day one I then decide to read through the king’s diary trying to find out who he has a crush on but sadly I don’t see my name mentioned even once here so basically this is as good as

Toilet paper that’s a little bit upsetting but what’s not upsetting is this cool meeting room on the second floor so is this where we have our small Council meetings or is this the room where we decide who will carry the one ring I forget what franchise we’re in I

Get up to the very highest tower and take a look at the view and I see that this beautiful mountain has a massive Ravine right down the center of it this will be the perfect place for our very first attempt at the create mod I see that there is a massive

Cave entrance in the side of the mountain as much as I love this castle and I do I know that this is where I’ll be heading to make my base but just before the end of the day I decided to go check out that first settlement that we saw with the campfire

Maybe this place has some diamonds too but as I walk up to the front gate I can see right away that there are some skulls so stuck on spikes out front but hey maybe they’re just decorating for Halloween no pretty soon I see that this is a battle camp skulls and spikes

Everywhere and an orc sign on the wall out front then this ugly little green dude pops his head up and sadly this is not Shrek enter the Orcs these guys are not your average mobs they run fast they hit hard I cannot take this fight right now and I

Try to lose aggro but this green boy is chasing me all the way back to the castle front door and I almost get to the front Courtyard when things go from funny to fatal I get slapped down to two hearts and I have no idea if they can

Kill our villagers or if they can climb ladders I don’t know anything I gotta be honest I’m kind of panicking on day one this map seat is too perfect and I do not want to restart I run into the library where uh I guess everybody’s

Hiding and I try to eat and pretty soon I try to sleep at least I know they can’t climb ladders I hope all of that was just day one this is gonna be a crazy playthrough okay so no more orc Camp let’s find a place in the mountains to get our Dwarf Fortress

Started so like any other 100 day video I get started I make an iron sword from the loot that we got in the castle and this is pretty good because it turns out I’m gonna need this I even find a smaller cave right outside the castle

I’m gonna make a quick stop in here and grab this water so that I can go down into the cave I also find a little bit of coal so I’m getting pretty lucky once again and we make our very first torch I do a little of exploring but sadly this

Cave is mid at best and it doesn’t go down into the bigger cave so just like Thanos I guess I’m gonna have to do this myself I drop my water to help me get up and down when I hear it yeah I don’t like that sound yep called

It the mountain is infested with orc luckily I made that sword and I can spank these guys pretty quickly these are goblins which are lesser Orcs so they only need a iron sword to deal with them not a big threat but when I say infested I mean it I spend the rest

Of the day hunting and killing them but I’m using a lot of food and if there’s just too many of them at once yeah as beautiful as this cave structure is I think I should try to get a little bit more prepared before I decide to make this my home

I dig my way out when oh hey well this cave looks familiar turns out I just dug a perfect pathway from the mountain cave all the way to the castle and since I know this little side cave is shallow and safe what better place to put an

Early base setup now I know I spent a whole 200 days underground but this cave is much more pleasant and it’s much less radioactive so uh that’s nice so I set up a quick little Cobble wall here just to keep out the goblins and I

Go out that night to try to get wood to make a door and hey while I’m out here I find this jacaranda tree which is one of the coolest biomes of Plenty trees so I make sure to chop it down and grab all of its saplings back in the cave I have

To admit a man is feeling a little bit lonely so I decided to craft myself up a hoe and I’ve never seen a jacaranda door before so I decide why not can I craft one up I know this is a humble cave to be sure but keep this in mind this is

How the Dwarf Fortress begins but truth be told I’m not really that good at being humble so I start to make our first doorway a little bit better I had some plank strips running down and I decided to cook up the cobblestone we get this all set up and uh well hey

Look the good news is it can’t get much uglier so it can only go up from here right day three and the hoe isn’t just for show hmm my Rhymes really blow am I a rapper no but I am a farmer and I’m gonna get this land next to the castle walls

Seated with some tomato seeds from Farmers Delight which I’ve never tried before also we plant some onions because we live stinky die stinky and then because we’re desperate the most boring crop in Minecraft wheat and finally as I promised the best crop potatoes but Captain you said it would be an

Automated Farm oh sweet summer viewer of mine you just wait now unfortunately no matter how much I yell at the crops they aren’t going to grow any faster so in the meantime let’s go back to the big beautiful cave sadly gentlemen we have to admit when it

Comes to caves size does matter and in this giant boy I think I saw a big phallic outcropping of diorite which we’re gonna need to craft into andesite this is the most basic and one of the most important resources in the create mod and right now I’m getting about

Ready to get started building back at base we combine Cobble diorite to get anasight but you guys already know about that now what you might not know is if you combine two anesite with two nuggets of iron you get anasite alloy or at least you do in the create mod and we’re

Gonna need a lot of this alloy to make our first machine and really anything in the create world the mechanical press it doesn’t make cold juices so don’t get too excited we make another quick trip outside and we grow some jacaranda trees cause look at them so cool we then get a

Log we strip it and we smash an anesite alloy right into its face which makes an andesite Kasich the next step on our steampunk Journey we just need to craft up a shaft and then we can use a block of iron ah not enough iron well there’s

No way to engineer our way around that on day four we need to go out and find some more iron and I head to a cave where I saw some from day one we get a bit of iron which is great but even more exciting than that we find this huge

Pocket of andesite now if you think I’m just gonna leave any of the sand aside behind without mining at all until my pick breaks then you don’t know the captain’s CV and on my way home I see the castle all lit up at night truly beautiful almost as beautiful as you my

Loyal viewers back at base I craft up another iron pick but I see that there is a brass pick ooh I look into how to make brass and it doesn’t seem like it’s too hard is what I thought at the time so this will be the very first useful thing we

Make in the create mod first we have enough iron to make that mechanical press we’re gonna have to find out a way to get this thing running and um well let’s just say we’ve got some work to do first so we use a water shaft to make a large

Cogwheel and Surround that with slabs to make a water wheel this is a solid power source it’s probably the first one you’ll make in the create mod see the create mod doesn’t just work on a reactor making a ton of RF it’s a little too hip for that no create runs on

Kinetic energy through Torque from things like a spinning water wheel a bit low-tech but it has a more tangible and a more achievable feel to it think about it could one guy in Minecraft make a whole nuclear reactor probably not but a water wheel that powers A Primitive press yeah much more

Realistic and that’s exactly what we’re going to be doing in our very first machine I added these slabs and these see-through Jacaranda doors so that we can peek in on the Water Wheel like the creeps we are and it doesn’t look too good but sadly this is kind of the best

I could do without any glass for right now so we add our first Shaft and at the end Tada we place our very first working machine in the create model let’s try this thing out we throw an iron ingot underneath it and Arc is right it

Smashes it into an iron sheet so it doesn’t really matter how I pronounce Ingot I then sacrifice a few other victims to the Bonk God and very quickly this becomes my entertainment for the night and as much fun as that was to watch the real reason we did that was to make a

Whisk the next component for a mechanical mixer so now that we’ve made that we can just throw it next in line and start mixing things right Natalie no the mixer itself was the simple part now we need to stock up on some good old taters for the next quest

Which starts by mining even deeper into the mountain cave we find some copper ore which is actually useful in this mod pack and we grab a little zinc too which is another core resource in create but we’re still going to have to go further down we’re headed to the Deep slate

Level but first we find this little miter’s opposed a cool little bed and there’s even a little chest to loot here and uh was that TNT uh yep definitely TNT who rigs their own Camp to explode okay actually now I would totally do something like that fair enough finally

In the depths we find our first diamonds and this texture pack makes diamonds look pretty good we also grab a little bit of gold while we’re down here and this is going to be important for another little tool and before we leave we craft the diamonds up

Into a pick and then we use said pick to get some obsidian now I think you guys see where this journey is going to take us the to make brass we need a blaze from the nether we pop back onto the surface on day eight and a little too

Close to this orc camp that I was hoping I gotta be honest I kind of almost forgot about these ugly boys but they do remind me they send out a little Goblin Scout to bully me luckily with my iron kit a solo little Goblin like this

Doesn’t really have much of a chance I give him a spank and I start to get the nether portal set out right outside of my cave a weird little habit that I have is I don’t like to make nether portals inside my base just because the sound of

That nether portal is just so annoying we stock up on food for our first trip to the Nether and I decide to expand another little farm here which has of course potatoes I then redo the outside of the cave which is still admittedly really ugly but hey I’m trying here

I sat down a bed and finally by day nine we have a portal ready to go inside the nether we get our first little bit of bad news we don’t have another Fortress anywhere close to us and some more bad news is I forgot to

Bring a blaze trap so back we go we pressed some gold for goggles then we press some iron for this an empty Blaze burner so we can take this back and problem number one is solved now we just need to fight a fortress so that we can

Get a blaze which reminds me of problem number two we still have no idea where a fortress is I think about looking for one but then I remember oh yeah I’m lazy after all I’ve been wanting some glass for a hot minute so let’s go get

Distracted by that I head out that night and I start grabbing all the sand I can from the beach the sun rises on day 10 I’m happy because I have a ton of sand now but I’m also pretty sad because I know that day 10 will bring our first orc event and I

Haven’t been preparing at all as I’m headed home on day 10 I feel happy because I don’t see anything happening over at your camp but that’s just because this Mighty orc Savage has already beat me back to my house he has an iron sword so even with my armor he

Still hits pretty hard what’s worse is that he’s fast he gets close enough to hit me before I can crit him and then he backs off so I can’t put in any damage but he can two hearts and now I have to quickly back off and eat I get a small

Hit in but I still get greedy and try for one more crit but then I get super low I have to play this safe I just have to hit run so I eat and I get ready for one last attack got him and he dropped loot orc

Teeth those are going to be important for later I promise now that level of orc is pretty dangerous definitely a lot more than goblins so we’re gonna need to be a lot stronger by day 20 but even Savage Orcs aren’t as bad as my worst enemy these crows I give this one a

Quick slap and I hope he learns this lesson we then craft up our goggles and this is actually kind of nice because with brambles we can wear them as an add-on instead of taking off our helmet goggles very effective at making me look like a total dork well you know what

When I put them on my forehead like that that actually does look kind of cool anyway when we look at the machine that uses stress it shows us how much is being used if you look at something that creates stress like a water wheel or a copyright strike and then you see how

Much stress it creates this water wheel makes 256 stress units and we’re only using 128. so we have plenty for that mixer if we ever get it first I decide before we go to the nether we should get a kit upgrade and we make Copper gear better than iron

Gear at least for now sold is upgraded iron shield actually this will help a lot so let’s test it out and go find that Fortress find this little Goblin warlock looking thing I gotta say it’s pretty easy to kill but when it dies it shoots out these crazy demon Beast things to be

Honest these things are the real danger of the warlocks the goblin itself pretty much just found his Big Brother’s robes and started role-playing but these things are the real nightmare to deal with in the future it’s not even really worth killing these little Goblin warlocks might as well just leave them

Alive after a full day in the nether I gotta admit I am getting a little bit frustrated sometimes you just get bad luck with nether seeds but just as I start to get worried that we may never find another Fortress we see one and we start to climb up inside

I carefully look around cause remember I’m not in Diamond gear and I don’t want to die and lose this map seed I see a blaze and I decide to go for a hit and run tactic I pull a quick yoink and I get my butt out of here

And it’s a good thing too because I actually ran out of food on my way back to the portal day 12 and we get a chest full of our nether treasures and then we make a Depot this makes using a press much easier I’ll show you

Now you can place a stack of items and you don’t need to worry about them despawning I can just walk away and come back when all of this is done then it’s time to make our mixer so a quick in-game tutorial lets me know that I

Have to place the blaze on the bottom followed by a basin but honestly this right here don’t pay attention to this this placement’s all wrong this is my first time using crepe and I’m going through a lot of tutorials to try to make sure that I do everything right but

Some of this took me a little getting used to if I’m being totally honest with you guys and I’m going to cut out most the mistakes I make unless they’re hilarious of course this way you guys don’t see any mistakes and try to do them in your own create

World just to find out that I went back and fixed everything later in the video but what I will show is the process of a sealing our first water wheel in glass sudo looks all pretty and such we even add our very first Cog and I love how

The create mod is like so animated and Lively you can really watch everything work and move in real time I craft up a gearbox which helps change the direction of the shafts pretty easily I make this one point down and then I have this small Cog wheel pointing downwards then connect it on

The side of that cogwheel we can put our mixer and boom that Cog turns the gear inside the mixer and the Machine is powered see how weird and complicated yet fairly intuitive the Cog system can be welcome to create and this is only the beginning too I set up the blaze burner

And the Basin because as I remind Jesse we have to cook the blaze burner does need fuel but it’ll take any kind of fuel that a furnace would like wood and soon okay um I don’t know if that’s how you mix metal alloys together but all this

Molten metal is just spinning out yeah totally normal absolutely safe here Mr Foreman but I don’t really care about safety because now I have our very first brass and I am way too excited brass is the gateway to the full range of machines in the create mod so this is in

Fact a big deal lucky day 13 starts with us making a better looking production area but we don’t want to waste a view though we make a glass wall with some wooden supports soon we have stacks of brass and we’re ready to get kitted up proper brass gear is much better than

Iron it’s almost the same as Diamond it’s just a little bit weaker in the chest plate but still it’s a huge upgrade I decide to see if there’s yet another upgrade and I look into something called an exoskeleton but uh oh that looks complicated maybe another time instead let’s try making something

A little more simple like a mill this will process some smaller items like bone to make a little extra bone meal which is pretty nice also it Mills Wheat which I mean it’s a mill you guys didn’t see that one coming it can turn one wheat into one bread instead of in

Vanilla where you need three wheat to go into a bread So in theory it can triple our bread production but I say in theory because to make bread this way from flour we need to add a bucket of water to the mixer with the flour look I’m

Positive but there’s some way in the create mod to automate this but come on guys let’s just be honest here you guys want to see me spend some time Orcs not opening up a bakery plus red has too many carbs and we’ve really got to watch our figure

Speaking of automating though I do genuinely try to set up some kind of water system but I think we’re just gonna have to save this for the create farmer video oop spoilers but I do give this a genuine try but if it takes us all night to make 30 bread we could

Probably just skip this for now I’ll save the meal for making other things but you’ll see that too for now let’s go up front and start to work on our forest I’m really loving the idea of turning this area out in front of the castle into a mystical purple forest and also

There’s a bonus too it means we won’t have to look over and see those ugly green boys across the valley and hey it might even mask the smell a little bit too but uh that is a pretty big ask admittedly I gotta say right here living

In a Dwarf Fortress and using a brass ax to cut down my enemies and just feels so right you know I do a quick little check into the castle and I see that this villager is trading tomatoes so it looks like we’re gonna be headed down to

Tomato town to get a number one Victory Royale but I gotta say growing tomatoes by hand it does kind of feel like peasants work my number one goal in this playthrough is to use my create engineering skills to improve the lives of our villager friends and that starts by getting some wool

From these wild sheep then we go around and grab some lavender because I do love lavender but really I do have another use for this so early on day 16 we’re headed home when Big Daddy shows up this is one of the stronger Orcs that we face but he says

That he’s very disappointed that kitten hasn’t been on Discord yet and when I hear that that’s just about my Cuda GTFO now he does send one of his little goblins after me but it turns out he’s just gobbing on these no no no no no no

No I’ll stop like I said I then use these lavender flowers in the mill to get some purple dye but also just a little bit of Green Dot yup create can get you green dye no cactuses needed and this is good because a little green dye

With a little white dye makes lime dye then create lets us combined lime dye with the dough we made from the mill to create slime yeah on top of that slime is used for super glue which is the next tool to make our machines now if you watch this video for the

Tutorial section pay attention we’re going to first need a mechanical bearing a windmill bearing and as many sales as you can get your hands on then we get the mechanical Harvesters a chute which is basically just a cheap version of a hopper and the radial chassis and then we get a

Little bit entranced by this press not exactly sure what I’m doing just kind of sitting here watching this go up and down and with those three gold sheets we can now make a wrench which is going to help out a lot and yeah I think we’re ready

To go here we head out to make our very first real big project we put down the radial chassis in the dead center of the farm with the mechanical bearing on top of that green side down important it’s not the windmill bearing that goes facing up on top of the mechanical

Bearing then you place a block any block will do and then on that block you place your sails now the sales are kind of weird they take a little bit of getting used to they always want to go face down like some people I know but a little tip

You can place them correctly if you aim in the bottom corner right here then just keep adding sales with a minimum of eight then left click on the windmill bearing and okay okay this is kind of weak no lie and this is my very first try don’t size

Shame me we’re gonna have to stop it for just a second so that we can add the arm with the Harvesters and the chest and I’ve got to admit right here I did mess one thing up we set up one portable interface on the arm and another one

Facing it about a block away attached to the ground that they you know just about kiss we set up a shoot underneath that connected it to a chest to store up everything that the farm produces and on day 17 as the sun rises on a night of hard work

We forgot our super glue yeah I told you I forgot something kind of important it’s a super easy fix though we just have to place a global glue and stick the arm onto the chassis and then boom Auto tomato Farm go burp okay it’s a little bit slow but to be honest you

Don’t need this thing to be fast you just need it to work as it goes around it only harvests the crops that are ready to be picked and it even replants them so it really does do all of the work itself now I will admit I do think I overheard

Some of the lady villagers in the castle giggling at our um fun size farm so let’s try and scale things up a little bit we’re going to create another Farm so we need to get all of the same components ready to run what will become

A potato farm the base is the same no need to add more bearings or anything like that the only thing we really need to change is we’re going to crank up the power by adding more sales if for for nothing else just to make this look like a real

Legitimate Windmill and yes I’m finally trying to say windmill no windmills here which I like better by the way if I want to say win meal I will it’s not wrong if the captain says it but don’t try to use that as a legal defense okay before we finish all this work

Though I head out and I plant all of my Jacaranda saplings because I almost have the entire Castle fully covered I then go out and do a little sheep night raid and grab some wool when I see this it’s an orc but not just any orc this is

The orc leader a weird orc Savage a warlock that casts witherspells at you and he can run away super fast he manages to disappear before I can kill him I’m Legit terrified of when he’ll come back this is my new rival but I can’t sit here paralyzed and fear

All day I have to press on I add on as many sales as I can then I start to make the arm of the farm arm arm this bad boy is going to be long enough to cover the entire Farm eight blocks we craft up six more Harvesters

That night and we sleep because we’re tired definitely not hiding from that weird orc no no no no day teen and we get all of those Harvesters in place on the arm with a ton of Swords chests on the back side which we are definitely gonna need I set up one of the

Interfaces on the arm and then I get started setting out all the potatoes to fill up the farm but I admit I’m impatient I want to start this Beast up right now oh wow this thing really moves it’s cool but at the same time it’s honestly kind of terrifying I mean I

Would not want to get in the way of those blades but the real reason I did this is because I actually want to see the circular path that it travels in now I can see what blocks I need to plant potatoes on so I quickly Scurry in to

Till all the soil however I make sure to give these blades plenty of space when they come back around now an automated Farm like this I I don’t actually think it hurts you but when you’re 19 days into your playthrough yeah I’ll let you guys test that out we then set up the

Standard interface part of the farm so now we’ll get to see if it’s all working sure enough these two lovebirds kiss and even though we barely just started planting we are already getting stacks of taters this is perfect this should be just enough to replant and cover the whole Farm

Now we can sit upon our Brown Throne as the potato Gods we are I gotta say this whole setup does look pretty cool clearly it’s a new age machine but it’s not totally out of place like some futuristic thing either for my very first real practical useful project I’m

Pretty happy now I decide to head to the castle and switch up our farmer because tomatoes are final but let’s be honest we’re potato kings and queens now as awesome as today was it totally used up my entire andesite stocks so we’re gonna have to spend some time and head back

Into the mountain and try to find as much as we can I gotta admit I’m so happy about all the progress we’ve made that I totally forgot about that weird orc and I’ve totally forgotten that tomorrow is another orc event Foreign it’s not even 420 so that’s not good and this is why we can’t have nice things everyone my jacaranda trees has been burnt down by these marauding Orcs the ends we’ll hear about this one the are mostly made of wood so I need to spend the morning running around and

Putting out all these fires I need to focus on the ones that are closest to the farms and the castle because I don’t think I could save the castle if it caught on fire so now we have a bunch of floating logs and a bunch of Ash

Everywhere my day just got a lot more heartbreaking too as I’m gonna need to try and clean all of this up I gotta admit the Orcs win this time but there is a slim Silver Lining some saplings made it through on burnt and some of the ungrown saplings are now popping up the

Forest definitely took an L here but I could bring it back if for nothing else just purely as a sign to the Orcs that we aren’t going down that easy there’s still some fire burnings around the fort Camp looks like they aren’t done either is that a barred creeper ah creeper Bard

When we said your album was gonna blow up we didn’t mean like that horrible dad jokes aside uh this event wasn’t too bad sure I love that Forest I really thought that looked cool but at least the castle is untouched of course our base is still

Way out of their reach and I might even find a little bit of use for all this leftover Ash a21 and it’s time to start a new project I look out at the cave and decide it’s time to expand deeper into it and by that night I’ve crafted up all

The components for our next project I start to set up a bunch of wooden supports connected into the walls to build our next project off of because it will be hanging in the middle of the open cave now you’re probably thinking why isn’t Captain just show the components he’s collected throughout the

Day don’t worry little viewer this is just another Auto farm and I don’t want to bore you guys by showing me making the same components that I did for the last two projects I start setting out a little border all around the farm with

Glass and by day 22 we start to set down a radial chassis on the floor of the sand we then start to set up the arm the exact same way we did with the last two Farms now this one is a little bit smaller I mean we’re inside of a cave

Kind of has to be after all the fact that this is inside of a cave means that the Orcs can’t threaten it instead of using a windmill I start to run a shaft from our first water wheel I take it to the right out into the cave we then set

Up another gearbox that runs the shaft all the way out in the middle of the farm we get it started and uh it’s going like 100 miles an hour backwards so I replace all the stuff on the arm so that it switched around to the opposite side

Give me a break guys at least this thing is moving in the right direction now I start to set up the interfaces and prepare for the zombie attack but apparently he’s got something else to worry about seems to really be in a hurry Anyway by that night we have the

Interface ready and most of the glass is in place too now you’ve probably been watching this trying to figure out why I use sand and if you guessed it’s because we are going to grow sugar cane well that’s a good guess and it might come later cough totally will but for now

We’re gonna have another water-based crop and in order to grow that properly we need to move the sand down one more block so I have to build the whole thing a little bit lower we add in all the sand back have you guys guessed the crop

Yet well I’ll give you guys a little bit of a hint we’re gonna have to head back to that ocean to get some of it and on day 23 that’s exactly what we do while I’m running past the York Camp once again big daddy wants to come and give

Me some love he has a little minion come with him this time and I need to be careful not to get cornered by these two try to use the Steep Hillside and keep the height Advantage but while attacking the little one the big one kind of puts

Me in a bad spot here I take a hit and fall damage and I have to pull back to eat a little bit I don’t really have anything to gain from taking this fight so I start to really pull back to be honest I don’t really want to escalate

Things too much with the Orcs especially right now I don’t want to have to deal with any more burnt forests besides the sea calls me as a captain I must answer I find this Old Ship but uh this one’s not quite up to Captain standards so I

Just grab the loot and leave but before I do I decide why not check this treasure map and I see it’s literally right here so I might as well I see this massive Ravine so clearly the treasure can’t be down here right I start digging right next to the Ravine

And I waste an entire day looking for it it turns out it was down in the Ravine under this one piece of sand boo I mean I’m gonna take the booty but I’m not gonna be happy about it and of course I do have to leave a little bit

Of room in my inventory so we can actually collect the thing we came here to get in the first place yep that’s right we’re gonna be making a kelp Farm with my pockets full of slimy green goo I run back home past the orc Camp once

Again when I get back home I set down a little extra layer of sand and this is just easier so I can add buckets full of water on the very top soon we have our own Mega aquarium I jump in and I start planting all the kelp now you might be

Wondering why did I Rush a kelp farm so fast well the first reason is because dried kelp is a great source of renewable fuel and can be used for a furnaces and a lot of other machines in the create mod but also there’s a ton of machines that need dry kelp as a

Component then I also set up this furnace system to cook more of the kelp so just like Thanos once again I use the kelp to create the kelp by day 25 I have an awesome hanging kelp Farm automatically making coal substitutes and I gotta say I love this thing

Creative uses of these machines is just one of the many ways that this mod really starts to shine now in my last two videos it was right around here at day 25 but I started to use a portable drill using immersive engineering let’s see what the create mod has in store

When it comes to a power drill once again I see that it takes these mechanical Crafters this needs polished rose quartz and that needs rose quartz that has well been Polished in order to polish things you need sandpaper which takes you guessed it you little Geniuses

Sand and paper but paper is going to take another little Adventure this time instead of running towards the ocean I decide to go the opposite way and head over the mountain when I learn a very valuable lesson this mountain has snow and crevasses that you can fall

Into just like quicksand I love myself a cozy snow day but this is a little too much luckily I have a shovel in my hot bar and I can pop my head out and take a breath but seeing my health bar turn black like that is pretty unsettling so

I build my way out and uh yeah let’s try to go the other way around the mountain well if we can’t go over it I guess we’ll just have to go around it there’s a there’s a nursery rhyme that goes like that right I’m not just making that up

In my head am I anyway I see a bunch of huge deep caves all around the mountainsides and I’m tempted to go exploring but I want to stay focused when I see this it’s a big Stone building that honestly kind of looks like an old Dwarven brewing and so I

Decide to go exploring I mean it would only be thematically correct to delve deeper and when I say deeper I mean deeper this staircase goes so far down I’m starting to get a little bit sick here but finally we do manage to get to the bottom and I start to look around

For my Dwarven Brothers but uh this doesn’t sound good right away we find a mob Spotter and I was right I guess these really are ruins this structure is from roguelike dungeons we really need to be careful down here and only find what we need paper and then we

Should get out however we’ll quickly find something much better that’s right kitten slippers look at me I got little kitties on my feet god tier kit achieved I head a bit deeper and I find some old living quarters and I kind of feel bad this place is weirdly kind of Haunting

Just then Bingo now we should probably turn back but maybe just a little bit of More Exploring I mean honestly what’s the worst that could happen so of course down here I hear the Orcs now I know what happened to the dwarves that came before me I keep hearing them but at the

Same time I keep on finding glue I’m tempted getting more and more greedy and I start going lower and lower and soon we start to get into the dungeon levels creepy it’s kind of was like my laundry basket down here the lower we go the tougher the mobs get and we still

Haven’t even found those Orcs down near the very bottom I find this tomb and inside of it there’s a cave spider spawner I hate these things of course one of them gets me and now I’m running for my life and also I’m making cat noises every time I take damage is that

For real I take a break heal and I decide it’s probably a good idea to head home I start to head back up a level when the biggest pack of goblins that I’ve ever seen jumps me all at once I pull back and I fight them but they push

Me down into the dungeon and managed to get away from it I’m stuck down here now every time I look in a chest and get distracted they jump down and Ambush Me When I’m Not Looking I managed to clear a few out but I’m thinking that my only

Option is to head deeper I find this little hole here we go I jump down it and go even deeper and right away it’s a nightmare the mobs down here are decked out in Diamond gear and I panic I run from them and I fall even deeper into this gigantic hole and

There’s water which I think is good but it’s a trap now they follow me and I’m stuck down here together with them if it wasn’t for this little bit of water here I’d be dead because I can use it to escape and I managed to find a cave off

To the side of the dungeon and I just sit here and I hide this zombie with thorns chases me and I think I’m definitely making cat noises now every time I take damage after all this I decide I’m no longer playing along with the oryx anymore I decide I’m gonna dig

My way out instead of trying to go back up through the ruins I come up to the deepest floor of the dungeon yet the nether floor pop my head up into the floor and I see some bad news this floor is crawling with geared out mobs I run back down to

The cave and find another way out and I find another mileage camp but instead of a TNT trap I see there’s a creeper and it really is avoiding me the cat shoes act like a cat and they scare away any creepers that or I’m just still sticky from that dungeon

This zombie gives me one more reminder that I really need to leave so I start to dig my way out I finally dig my way back up to the dungeon level and now I’m booking it looking for an exit I do manage to make it up to the living area

Level and just before I leave I find this cherry blossom tree and I oink it it’s wasted down here anyway but before I leave I take one last look around at what my Dwarven ancestors were able to build and unfortunately what they lost I make sure that I do not join them

Unfortunately just before I can get out I run into the mighty Bell Rock I remind him that he shall not pass after all I’ve already fallen down to the pit and now I’ve come back as Captain the white and freedom we finally made it now I’m

Loaded with a ton of good Lube but I still want to make sure I can grab some sugar cane so that we never have to go into the Dwarven ruins for paper ever again I come back and I’ve never been so happy to see this Castle before the

Forest is healing the Farms are looking pretty good and sure enough I base is safe and sound after that crazy adventure I take a little quick break and take a breath but with only three days until our next orc event there’s really no time to rest we make the

Sandpaper remember that was the whole reason we went on that Adventure in the first place with it we can now polish the rose quartz before I forget we’re going to upgrade our very first farm at this point we’re selling potatoes not tomatoes so this really isn’t that

Helpful anymore time to get some sand and water into a checkered pattern and time to make a legit Auto sugarcane farm speaking of potatoes oh look at this chest there we go the Tater King is happy now we spend the night doing some stonks and regaling the villagers with

My tails of the Dwarven ruins and finally on day 28 we now can make our mechanical Crafters we turn our polished rose quartz into electron tubes using some iron sheets and then we use some brass to make brass casings we then can get some vanilla crafting table and boom

We get a ton of mechanical Crafters honestly probably more than we’ll ever need but I’m just excited we finally have these now we just need to find a good spot to set these up we add another platform at the end of the kelp farm and we connect it to the stone walls

Surrounding it in the cave then we have to extend our shaft but not like that gross all the way to the platform to power the mechanical Crafters now the rain stops which is good but so does our shaft one water wheel alone can only do so much and it just doesn’t have enough

Stress units to power this new add-on I decide I’m going to continue to use this water flowing through our cave to power our next machines too I open up a section of the kelp farm so that water can flow out and power our new water wheels okay here comes the jump I’m not

Scared you’re scared then we set down three wheels that are being powered from the water coming out of the kelp Farm we then placed some wood under the wheels so the water will flow underneath the wheel and generate more stress units there’s also a little Soul Sand trick but I never really got

The hang of it so I give up doesn’t matter because we’re gonna have plenty of power as soon as I use this gearbox to move the power up to the rest of the system but here is a small problem here see the shafts are not turning the right

Way and the gearbox it can’t be placed here we’re gonna have to disconnect the old shaft this isn’t really too much of a loss anyway after all the old system could only power up one mechanical crafter the new water wheel system should be able to do all the work by

Itself but hey for everyone who’s OCD and wants me to use every little bit of power I even make a little side [ __ ] system with the old water wheel is working too and now we can begin our stress test literally I keep on adding more and more mechanical Crafters to get enough to

Make our drill and we have enough but let’s add a little bit more what’s the worst that could happen right let’s try to push it to its limits and well there it is we get to about Lucky 13 before we just can’t add any more now this kind of

Sucks because there are going to be way bigger recipes which use these mechanical Crafters in the future but for now let’s not worry about that too much I want to get working on our power drill this is one of the simplest mechanical crafting recipes that you can

Do it just takes some brass sheets on the top a brass pick in the middle some andesite and Brass casing I honestly just want to see if I can get this whole mechanical crafter thing working and After figuring out how all of the arrows are supposed to point we do in fact get

This whole mess working and we get a power drill pretty cool but right away I do not want to over hype this thing it’s not nearly the same drill that we got in immersive engineering very different let’s go over the pros it doesn’t take biodiesel and a whole complex system of

Machines to fuel it it can burn anything that a furnace can including planks and including dry kelp see now the cons are well it just acts like a normal pickaxe one block not nine and it uses one fuel per block so it’s kind of expensive with

All this dried kelp we might get some use out of it sure but I don’t really know if it’s going to help us especially with our next orc event all right sit down so on the start of day 30 I decide to check to see if the force is on fire again

Worse an armored orc is at the front door and I’m trapped in here and I can’t go anywhere until I deal with this what I managed to slice him up pretty easily in the castle and farm seems to look fine I could even hear the villagers up in the castle still alive

So that was a pretty easy event then of course again I see that I’ve spoken too soon I’ve come around the corner and I find a brand new orc camp that has spawned just outside the castle walls it is threatening my home and the castle

Itself so I need to take this fight I see two minions in heavy armor and a boss behind them and I use my shield but even with it their hits knock me back and they’re trying to surround me I try to land my strikes with the right timing

And I do a small bit of damage every time and with my new brass gear I’m thinking I might actually be able to tank some of these trades but I can’t be sloppy here with how quickly they move they could surround me they’re starting

To get behind me and I need to run back home here and then I stop right here I can use this height advantage to keep them down in that hole where I can hit them and they can’t hit me I managed to kill my first one and another

And another the height Advantage is working for the boss I’m getting some good damage in but now this guy is just a little too big I actually have to back off for a second here he runs and hits me and then he backs off before I can trade he pushes me down

In the hole and now he has the height advantage and so I’m not even gonna try to fight this right here I make sure to get back up and then I push him back down he’s low and I decide to jump down and finish him that was a pretty tough fight and it

Could have gone both ways and it’s only day 30. but we aren’t quite done yet I need to make sure that this Abomination is wiped clean off the map it’s too close to the castle to be ignored at this point we start to light it up everywhere we can and of course I

Managed to light myself on fire because the only thing that can defeat me is me we continue to light everything up and burn this whole thing down as the sun sets on this battle and I hate to admit it but as much as I’m trying to keep the

Peace with the Orcs I did feel pretty good to go on the offensive there and actually do some damage to these monsters even if they were on the offensive in the first place and I even get to try out my new drill a little bit

And I cut all of this down to the dirt by that night there’s nothing left plus the Orcs didn’t burn down my trees again so after making another ax I go to harvest some saplings for my new cherry blossom tree and I gotta say this towering tree right here looks pretty

Amazing I chop this down and I make sure to collect all the saplings and all the wood I’m going to replant a new fiery Forest to remember the victory on day 30. and their wood might actually be the best part it’s a really good looking deep Crimson log it’s a perfect addition

To our growing Fortress I speed up the growing of the trees and then I see that they have a bunch of Dimension and with all this color and the Shadows coming in they look really good I start to make some planks so that I can finish up this

Brand new room I’m adding on but I want to cut down as few trees as possible so I’m trying to look into create and see if there’s any way that I can get more planks per log sure enough you can make a sawmill and it gives you six planks

Instead of four that’s pretty good now at the time I honestly didn’t know how much work this would take to set up so in the end of all this you’ll have to let me know if it’s really worth it for two extra planks but hey now I’m

Committed so I look at the in-game tutorial and I see that’s intended to be used on a belt system and you know what why not I try to set up this little belt system here in my house but it needs to be bigger and this thing is already

Taking up all of my living space I decided to break it all down and start over and at the start of day 32 I moved to the new platform after all on the left here we already have the system of cogs that aren’t being used yet so I start to

Set things up and this looks like a good step one and oh God uh by the next day I managed to totally uh this right here this took way longer than it really should have honestly I probably should have just gone on YouTube and like looked up some kind of tutorial but

Something inside me told me that I wanted to do this myself all this mess and all I wanted was two more planks for my wood okay let’s try this we have a chest with a tunnel that has a belt leading to the saw oh looks like it

Works and the logs jump right over the saw I guess I don’t blame them right and by the next morning we try a different setup and it looks cool and all but this actually turns out to work even worse okay finally by that knife I try to hook

The chest and the tunnel directly onto the saw and it finally works then I add a chest at the bottom to catch the finished product and yes it strips the logs so I am gonna have to run them through one more time to get those

Planks but it does work now what I can do is I can dump a bunch of logs in this upper chest then I can come back take the strip logs and then I can run them through again and I can get a ton more planks it’s a little janky so now that

I’ve gotten it to work I’d like to say it’s worth it no yeah there’s no way that two more planks is worth the three days it took to build this thing which is still kind of weak but hey I did design a machine all by myself and I’m

Proud of it you can’t take that away from me go ahead say something being in the comments you won’t even know if I cry anyways but in all do seriousness this system is actually super useful later in the video when it comes to another project so it isn’t all a waste

As for right now the farm castle and now Blossom Forest looks amazing I’m feeling so good in this mystical Forest of mine I even spent some time feeding the wildlife no ulterior motive here no no no no no I see that these goblins are trying to kill some cows but they can’t

Do that only I get to kill the cows see finally we get enough bookshelves to finish our library which is good but then we have to deal with this weird enchantment system that came with this mod pack honestly I love everything about this mod pack except for this

I kind of try to make it work though but I don’t like it so on Day 36 I kind of just give up I’ll come back to this later instead I decided time to expand the Fortress which for right now will be done using our Blossom wood which I love

We see a few more little Goblin friends here but after getting a whiff of their smell I decide probably best to just leave them alone I throw all of my wood into the psalmist system because I’m still convinced that I can get it to pay off somehow and then

I get right back to chopping I spend a whole day and night chopping down wood and the reason really is because it’s just so hard to find the logs in all of these leaves the good news is we do have a ton of wood so we’re really ready for

Our next expansion and of course we make this enchantment library that I don’t even like look a little bit nicer then we head out to get all of our potatoes this right here makes everything worth it though boilum mashem weaponize them maybe but for now let’s turn our Brown

Into green and sell these for all the emeralds that we can then we collect a little bit more wool which means it’s that time again we crank out some sails and then we start to expand the Fortress even deeper into the Mountainside this time we’re using all that beautiful Red

Blossom wood we make a small platform off to the side and throw down a huge Cog wheel then on top of the cogwheel we build a windmill the idea here is we’re going to need a little more power for those mechanical Crafters remember they still don’t have enough power to do the

Real big projects which we’re going to need to make our next component but you already might be noticing a little problem with this whole setup the Cog has a ton of stress units but it’s moving way too slow we need to find a way to speed up this rotation

The basic concept is this you add a large Cog wheel to a shaft then you add a small Cog wheel off to the side of the large Cog which of course will naturally be spinning faster now in order to do this effectively and give ourselves some room I decide to do

This underneath this platform so as you guys can see right here every time I add a small Cog it is spinning much quicker then by adding a large Cog onto that shaft it will too be spinning much faster we repeat this process of putting

A small Cog on a large Cog and then a large Cog on the shaft and soon the shaft is spinning fast enough to match the speed of the water wheels and therefore the mechanical Crafters by that night we have a clean looking setup on the top but underneath is the Beating

Heart of cogs and shafts and it really looks like a steampunk engineer’s dream come true the best part of create mod is all the cogwork here that I really love to do another little quick stress test here I’m actually going to break the Cog wheel that goes to the original water

Wheel setup just to test out and see how much stress this is producing sure enough the 13 blocks work so at the bare minimum we could at least say that the 2 systems together can make 26 mechanical Crafters now that should be plenty of stress to help us with our next big item

The crushing wheel something this cool even the Orcs would have to respect we quickly set up all of the components to make it and sure enough it starts pushing everything together and after everything is assembled and been pushed down to the bottom we get our crushing

Wheels which is good what’s not good is that it’s day 40 and the Orcs are coming Now I know I do some dumb stuff here and there but this time I was really messing around I figured if I just hang out in my house the whole play through they can’t come and get to me right I mean it’s not like they can open doors well

That night they brought the fight into my Fortress this orc iron group leader just jumped from The Cave opening right into the middle of my Fortress so it’s a really good thing that he got stuck right here if he’s the leader then I’m sure there’s going to be more to come

Sure enough a pack of pork is shown up at my front door but like I said they can’t come through doors right until they can and this one shoots his way in and I almost screams I’m down to three hearts and hiding on top of my own

Crafters I have to counter appear on my machines and just hope that they can’t find a way to get to me luckily I just happen to have a bow from an old skeleton but only four arrows so sooner or later I have to fight item hand-to-hand by my count there’s only one left

Ah nope this leader was using him as bait and gets me to come out then he flanks me and I take a ton of damage but I am okay then another one comes from the base and surprise attacks me so once again I panic and we’re back to hiding up on the Crafters

I managed to get off one more shot but it’s my last one not good but it’s also not good is another orc sneaks around and gets to me I’m healing up and I’m trying to make sure that they can’t climb up to me because after they got to

That door I have no idea what they’re capable of then I quickly scan around to see if there’s any left turns out hiding away in my Fortress all day only makes things worse it means that they’ll bring the fight to me but in the end the forest and the Farms are

Okay there’s no camps out here so it isn’t as bad as it could have been so we jump back into our base and on day 41 I guess this means I can go back to focusing on my projects and I add some fences and railing around the

Edge of the Fortress so that I don’t fall because you know I would I then head back to my enchantment table because I’m gonna have to be a lot stronger for these next fights but uh yeah this system I really don’t like this system at all I actually decided to

Go into curse Forge and just turn this mod off sorry guys if you want to play this mod and you want to go ahead and learn this one good luck but for me I’m out turning that mod off paid off right away because I get silk touch which is

Super important for our next project so I look out into this open area and start to plan where we’re gonna build it by early morning on day 42 we start to build upwards for this I’m going to use a ton of logs and build directly into

The walls of the mountain so we’re gonna need to spend a little bit more time chopping down our trees but in the light I can see just how amazing the Mountainside really looks the castle these beautiful trees the snow caps this is a true dwarves Paradise come true now

We can use all the wood we’ve collected and start to build upwards where the wind comes whistling through the mountain pass this upward Breeze will give us a plenty of wind to power our um okay I’m trying to make some like in-game excuse here as to why a windmill

Would work inside a cave but I mean come on it looks cool and it’s the best way of making power for us right now I don’t want to just make like a hundred water wheels these add so much more depth to our builds and they just look so cool

Look don’t don’t read into it too much okay I set up these furnace systems here to cook our kelp and Ash for a little bit more XP for the enchantments we get right to work making our next windmill you might be thinking I placed the windmill bearing upside down no no this

Is gonna be a hanging windmill that’s right I’m gonna build this whole thing upside down of course this means we have to go out and harass some more sheep but at this point that’s pretty much part of the course I decided to lure them a little bit closer to the castle so that

I can feed them and cheer them more often and make even more sales now we can get started on our signature hanging windmill I bet you’ve never seen anything like this before and yeah I know the reason you haven’t seen it is because it’s not practical and it really

Doesn’t make any sense but shut up we’ve already been over how none of this makes any sense anyway it looks cool and it makes a lot of power that’s all you need to know day 45 I’m back in the castle hanging out with the Villagers and chilling with the Sheep by the way

Villagers are people right or are they animals because you make them breed the same way you make out with you know what I don’t really want to think about it too much all I know is this Castle looks so cool so after looking over all this I

Decide that my next goal is that I’m going to make my Fortress look just as good so in order to do that for this next expansion we aren’t going to use just some wood planks uh-uh we’re gonna craft up some ash bricks and on top of those we’re going to be using some

Copper casing we open up the lower Edge fences and we start to add on the beginnings of our ore processing system this is a complicated setup but it’s essentially a must for anyone who’s getting really into the create mod like we are we’re gonna Focus around a

Central path in the middle which has two vertical gearboxes on each side of it in the middle of the path we then Place some shafts horizontally and place the crushing wheels on top of the two vertical gearboxes that kind of look like a face you guys

Anyway we run a mechanical belt all the way underneath the crushing wheels and by day 46 we set down the Depot at the end of the belts we have this chest right before the end of the belts with the brass funnel facing into the chest away from the belts see the arrow going

In the chest it has to be brass this way we can add a filter and on that filter we’re gonna set up all of the crushing oars and it has to be set to deny that’s important so that everything else will be pulled into this chest and only the

Crushed oars will go on to go to the depot after the depot we need to have a little space here because we’re going to put a basin with even more belts after that we connect this whole thing with cogs and shafts just like so and each one of these cogs has an individual

Purpose this first one is so that we can place an encased fan when powered and with water in front of it the encased fan will clean the Crush door don’t worry you’ll see see how it works in a bit then comes the Basin next to the depot with some more belts leading away

On the other side we have another brass funnel with another filter which will say except to all of the nuggets this will stop the crush ore on the depot the fan will clean it then once they’ve turned into nuggets they will be accepted into the Basin and while I

Confess the best nuggets are for eating these ones will be pretty good because they’ll be pressed by a mechanical press the same exact one that we used in the beginning of this playthrough and to power this press we’re going to have to use the next Cog in the system we’re

Just going to stack four more cogs in a line and then connect it with a shaft we’re going to craft up a little bit more casing so that we have some room to add the very last chest that will hold all the Finish pressed ingots which

Means finally it’s done we just need to add a funnel to pull the ingots off the belt into the chest super easy right yeah I know this is definitely really complicated but the process of building this all and tweaking everything is so much fun it’s all pretty intuitive if

You think about it and it all feels so functional and reasonably realistic now we only have one problem we need to get this thing powered up we’re gonna have to once again get the slow spinning cogs of the windmill up to speed we get another system large Cog Wheels with the

Small Cog wheels off on the side and I gotta say I’m getting pretty good at this we just need to run the whole thing all the way down to the processing level well it’s all set up hope this works here we go and it works it actually works it oh it

Actually doesn’t work the belts are going in all different directions luckily we just need to add one gearbox to the shafts that are connected to the belts but man I gotta say that kind of killed the whole climatic moment there and on top of that what I actually look up at the Windmill

It’s all uneven and it’s kind of underwhelming so in my rage I decide I’m going to take my anger out on these little dum-dums nah I could never hurt you guys oh unless I was hungry that is pork chop time but the only thing I hunger for is knowledge knowledge and

More sales there we go now that’s looking much better and speaking of looking better I start to take some copper shingles and make a huge supporting Arch all the way through the middle of the mountain after all we promised we’re going to be looking just as good as that castle out front I’m

Gonna need to add a little bit more style than just some logs of supports if even though I do think they look pretty good in places I work on this all through the night and by day 48 we have a solid looking copper Archway that will

Lead us right to our new or processing setup all we need now is well some oars I decide I’m going to test it out on one piece of Rockhopper just to see what we get so the Rockhopper goes down the belt gets crushed then the XB gets pulled

Into the chest the crush Shore then stops on the depot gets washed turns into nuggets and the Nuggets get freshedish and we only get one in God but what what what’s the whole point of this ore processing system if the outcome is going to be exactly the same

You know what it is called an ore processing system so let’s try this with an ore instead let’s see how many presses we get one two three four five whoa one ore turns into five ingots this right here this is a huge yield one ore gets five ingots and XP that’s

Bigger than any immersive engineering or nuclear craft or processing system now the only downside of the ore processor like this is that it takes a longer time to process everything so we need to keep it full as much as possible and cut down on any downtime but just as I want to

Get this started and go mining the weird boy strikes again he’s casting withering spells from the Shadows I seriously cannot manage to find him but if that’s all we’re gonna get for day 50 honestly kind of fine with it if he’s our day 50 miniboss I’ll make sure to fight him

Another time like I said I want to get this or processor up and running really test its limits unfortunately this guy keeps fighting me and he keeps harassing me I think it’s even follow me into the mines which is kind of a little bit worrying actually but I need to stay

Focused I see a few Goblin boys running around but I don’t know where the weird yeah well I’ll fight him later I head out that night past the castle and find another cave that I had seen on day 25 and I start mining I stay here all night

Till by day 50 I see a few little goblins but honestly this is a disappointing halfway event well little did I know I head back and I see that the forest is once again on fire this time it’s even crazier and the Orcs are even in danger they’re so destructive they’re even

Killing themselves the bigger trees mean bigger fire but that’s not even close to the biggest thing that happened today soon I see it the castle or should I say the lack thereof there’s only a crater where it once stood I didn’t kill the weird boy when it was attacking me I ran

Away and he took his rage out on the innocent villagers instead every time I try to run and hide from the Orcs they come back stronger and do more damage I feel terrible I I could have stopped this I see the very last survivor a badly damaged iron golem I try to fix

Him up because it’s the least I could do at this point my sugarcane foreign got torn up but that’s hardly even on my mind the whole reason for it being there the whole reason for me being here was to try to help these villagers to use my tools and my knowledge to make

Their lives better and I failed now my only purpose is to survive but if they could level a whole castle in just one night let’s just say I better work on my defenses I’m pretty upset about this I finished the Night by making a two

Block lip around the mouth of my base so that nobody can come in I take one last look out into the burning Wasteland where my friends it’s time to go to sleep day 51 and speaking of ruining the big hype I load the ore processor with a ton

Of great loot but it doesn’t really feel that exciting now I fill this up but at what the cost of all my friends and what’s worse is like a weird boy reminds me that this war isn’t even over he’s still coming for me I placed this Banner

In honor of the Fallen villagers and to remind the Orcs that I’m not done either okay let’s try not to get distracted I get efficiency on my pick and soon I have a pretty good silk touch pick I start to head out and it starts to rain

That’s why I have water on my face it’s not because I’m crying seriously the the rain and this thunderstorm come right on cue I was really upset at this point and I didn’t even really know how I was going to move on at the very least for all that it was

Hyped up to be the ore processor is making a ton of good mats it even gets us some extra Redstone out of just regular ores I head out that night trying to clean up the forest when the weird Boy comes back to try to finish the job he’s even casting these magic

Missiles too has he gotten stronger the main big bad I could get my revenge right here I go straight in with no care for my own safety and for a second I actually thought maybe I got him but I see that he still has half a heart and

He keeps teleporting away I got really beat up here and I resorted to eating raw potatoes for health and if you’ve seen any of my twitch streams you know I hate it when people do this and by day 52 it’s still raining there is still a

Ton of Ash the forest is still a mess and we aren’t any closer to stopping the Orcs I spend the whole day trying to get all the floating logs cleaned up and grab all the ash I make this temporary little jump Bridge it’s only two blocks

Long super easy for me obviously but I’m hoping that the Orcs won’t be able to get any further into my base now I start to cook up some more Ash and check out the processor and I gotta say at least this is making me pretty happy I get a

Ton of copper and zinc so that I can make a ton of brass and a bunch of emotes I guess these things are getting pretty annoying if I’m being real I also start to look into better weapons the orc teeth can be made into some pretty cool stuff the orc Hammer takes orc

Teeth and a little orc iron to make and we’ve been hunting orc long enough to have a little bit of both sadly I think we’re one or teeth or one or tooth uh short so we’re not going to be able to make this I decided to look into gear

That’s made through the create mod to see if it can help us out instead the exoskeleton is looking a lot better right now it just takes a Precision mechanism and it’s a bit weird to make but I can figure it out and I’ll show you first we take some

Brass sheets so that we can make a deployer we can add that to the first water wheel chain since it only takes 92 stress units then we add a Depot at the bottom and now we just need to get a little gold so smash that into a sheep

And here comes the tricky part we set the gold sheet down on the depot under the deployer and now we have to place in the deployer’s hand a small Cog wheel then a large [ __ ] wheel then an iron nugget and yes in that order or else

Then we need to do this four more times all in the correct sequence now is this stressful with my horrible memory yes but as long as you craft everything up before you start you just need to rotate through everything five times and there you go so early on day 54 we head over

To the mechanical Crafters we start to make sure that the right size if the arrows are all facing the right way that beautiful Precision mechanism goes dead center surrounded by a lot of brass sheets and ingots and finally we put the cogs in the shoulder and on the back and

Hey now this does have the base stats of normal brass armor which means it’s pretty much just like diamond and also need I say it does look pretty cool if it has fuel it gives you haste and strength perfect for a face-to-face fight with a massive ore camera in hand

Fuel it up which is uh so loud but because it does burn through so much fuel we should probably only save this up for real big fights with that made I’m really starting to turn this around I decide to head out and try to rebuild

My sugar form now then I decide to even start replanting the forest that night when I see these little rascals goblins that use Bush camo and I’m noticing that all of the trees are speaking goblinies now how did I know that these were gobbles and not just bushes normally

Bushes don’t charge you that’s what really tipped me off you gotta pay really close attention to this kind of stuff by day 55 I’m getting the mechanical part of the auto Farm pretty set up I’ll skip through most of this because I’ve already shown this like

Four times and this is just the same exact style of arm we turn it on and uh admittedly might be the worst Farm I’ve made so far but remember these don’t need to be fast it doesn’t make the sugarcane grow any quicker then we head to bed now I’m thinking I could probably

Get this place looking pretty good in the next few days and look at this some of the sheep even made it through the Castle Calamity so maybe totally alone then we’re grabbing some more ingredients for endocyte cause you can never have enough and then we actually find an anasite

Pocket I have to admit it is really weird how much I care about this rock that normally I didn’t even notice we find a deep mine shaft with sub diamonds so so that’s nice I find a heart-shaped necklace too and I’m gonna wear it to

Remind me of my one true love you loyal viewer now you have to wear your necklace and if I catch you not wearing it that means you don’t love me and I’ll cry after two days of mining we get home and we load the processor up this will

Be working for a few days and we can go focus on something else and I decide it’s time for some barbecued orc we’re gonna go into The Nether and get a blaze burner so that we can make a flamethrower and of course this place would have its own weird boy I try to

Fight this little Goblin Warlock and Dodge the gas with no range weapons and I managed to try to get away from these little demons all of this while I’m fighting on Soul Sand I gotta admit it does not go well I’m gonna be honest I know you guys know this but I really

Really hate the Nether and I always find it so unsettling but I do have to give thanks I just barely got a half a heart back from food in the same tick that I get hit with another arrow the whole playthrough was one tick away from being

Over right here I really really hate this place I eat and dig my way to bravely Retreat and get my way back to the the surface as safely as I can so on the start of day 58 no flamethrower for me but that’s not the only toy in create

The iconic create weapon is the potato cannon sure it takes a Precision mechanism but we’ve done that before and we can do it again so we do it we do it we do we make it again we work with the Crafters again we simply get all of the

Other parts in place and if I can give you guys an honest piece of advice if you decide to try out this mod pack Rush this the potato cannon might be my favorite part of the create mod I love this goofy little toy I even make a

Copper back tank so that I don’t use up the durability of the Canon turns out you just to plug it in to a vertical shaft that’s spinning the faster it’s spinning the faster you’ll charge this thing up I then decide just to see how fast I can actually go I add another

Large Cog wheel and another and another and there look at that see how I can’t attach a shaft that is as fast as you can go so I do decide to backstep a little bit and I decide that this is probably fast enough we then run a shaft

All the way down to the processing platform and at this High spinning speed it only takes about 10 seconds to fully charge the backpack one small drawback of the back tank is that it counts as your chest armor we can do more rage damage but we have less defense we’re

Setting ourselves up to be a glass Cannon potato cannon uh I really shouldn’t be making these puns this close to the next event and of course they’ve built a Siege Bridge into my base also I’ve never used the cannon so I have no idea what I’m

Doing right now I I miss a lot okay I’m kind of starting to land my shots now and I’m getting a little bit of a feel for the damage it’s not as strong as melee but it does a good amount of damage and it does knockbacks which

Keeps them away I take out the first one and I quickly get another now let’s see what’s actually going on outside well they’ve literally built an extension bridge over the front entrance I thought I was an engineer well they’re not too smart because they’ve made this whole thing really flammable and no one’s

Guarding it right now I peek my head out a little bit and I see that even though the bridge is really dangerous the raiding party was actually pretty tame no big boss boys or weird boys I make quick work of this little attack but now I can clearly see that with the castle

Gone the Orcs can get right up to my front door they could easily trap me in here for the next event if I’m not smart about what I do next and what I do next is polite myself on fire see now the Orcs can’t kill me if I’ve already done

It myself huh big brain right there so it turns out those Orcs were really just a scouting party because a bunch more Orcs got into the cave over the bridge when I wasn’t looking these are the savager but thing is now that I have range I can jump away and I

Can hit them and knock them off Into the Depths below which means they’re not as effective if they try to invade into the Fortress itself I do a quick sweep of my base and I see that there aren’t any left and I’m thinking we’re clear I even grab some of

The loot that they’ve dropped too we just need to go outside and clean up what’s left and break down the bridge but not so quick the big boss has finally showed up now and these two would normally be pretty scary but luckily we were smart enough to break

The bridge before we went to bed last night and with the new potato cannon this is actually pretty easy sadly I don’t know if I’m doing that much damage so I do need to go up and fight them face to face I see his health sure enough the Canon just tickles this guy

Soon I fight him back into the pit where the castle was fitting the hole that they created would be their downfall we finish breaking down the last bits of the bridge and I get my potatoes ready because I know I’m gonna be using a lot of them

I make sure to charge up my backpack and I use the loot we collected from the last fight to make enough work steel to get our orc Hammer like I said I am still gonna have to do some fights up close so I’ll need this and now that I

Know the Orcs can get up into our cave I’m gonna need a better defense these bars are good for now but I’m gonna have to make sure to really seal this up properly speaking of seal up proper I find this new door design and I really

Like this and even though I liked it before I knew it did this now I really like this I add them everywhere I can then I get back to business and I make a sword out of the orc teeth as well the hammer is good for bosses and single

Targets but the sword should be able to hold off the groups I even try to enchant it but I don’t have enough XP yet so I decided to take advantage of all the extra potatoes we’re going to have and I set up a little XP furnace

Right here inspired by my new door setup I decide to add a few of these brass doors to the very front entrance and boy boy did they look ugly I love these doors but this right here this ain’t it Chief I get some Stone to go around and

At least it kind of like makes sense now but still this front entrance right here it needs some love this could be my primary priority from now on I learned something right here I accidentally start shooting the baked potatoes it turns out baked potatoes cause fire damage I haven’t tried with a zombie

With a helmet on to make sure that they weren’t just burning up in the Sun and yeah turns out baked potatoes also have a flamethrower perk this thing just keeps getting better this means we no longer need to have a stack of raw potatoes we can go ahead

And bake them Tates combined with the ash bricks means that I’m getting a pretty reliable source of XP too but I’m not done seeing how awesome these new weapons are down on the cave floor I’m trying out the new hammer and if you jump up and you [ __ ] with the

Hammer you can cause an AOE explosion I I think with my whole setup I might be a God now but I can’t focus too much on my office I still need a good amount of Defense so I begin the process of making a proper front entrance I craft up a

Bunch of radial chassis and two mechanical bearings I’m also going to need a new block a sequenced gear shift which is just a casing a cog and an electron tube let’s start to make this bad boy I start by digging two blocks down and putting the gear shifts then

The mechanical bearings on top of that then we add all of the radial chassis on the surface on both sides of the cave and if you haven’t figured it out yet what we’re doing is we’re making two huge multi-block doors and we’re using these as the hinges we’re gonna have to

Clear out some space so that they can swing open speaking of space there’s a ton of space to just walk right in my base from the side all right we’re definitely gonna have to fix this but on the upside I can use this open little

Space right here and I can set up a water wheel we just need some cogs and shafts and set this whole system up to go down to the gearboxes at the bottom of the door hinge I think in total that means that the shafts are running a full

Three blocks deep but I’m not really sure we then run a shaft all the way across connecting the gearboxes and then we set up all the car blah blah blah you guys already know what I’m doing you brilliant viewers seriously though come to think of it my audience is probably

Some of the smartest Minecraft viewers there are we do do some pretty complex Tech mods of course we’re not as cool as those 100 days of Spider-Man ooh we then add some water from the top this isn’t necessary of course I just like the look of an indoor waterfall next we’re gonna

Have to craft up a new block a redstone link and I think we need four of these we then place these on top of the sequence gearboxes just below those mechanical bearings we add in a block any block will do in our case we’re going to be using Stone then we simply

Have to shift click with bare hands and make this a receiving link finally we set up one more link wherever we want the button to be then we just have to match the same blocks Stone as the receiving links then just add a button to the block that has the link now that

The hard part’s done we just need to build up the doors hard brass casings with some solid brass blocks down the middle look pretty good we then shift Mouse click here to set the whole row of chassis to only open one side of the door and finally ladies and gentlemen

I’m dumb because once again I totally forgot to super glue the doors to the chassis come on now if I actually did this right on the first try would it even be the captain CV luckily this is a super quick fix we put out some glue put everything together again and finally

Ladies and gentlemen I’m even dumber than before look at this wow this is a total disaster the hinges were also attached to the Walls by default and they rip half of the mountain out as they turn Okay so we’re gonna have to spend some time and repair the huge chunks that got ripped

Up here uh but the real problem here is that now we have to try to figure out how to stop this from happening again so I set up the sequence gear shift to set 90 degrees then hold for 10 seconds then turn 90 degrees the other way so they’ll shut

Then the inverse on the other side obviously so that at least they will swing open correctly this time okay great that’s one problem solved I guess as for that whole minor ripping the entire wall open thing you just need to make sure that when the wall fully opens

It’s also not touching any blocks so on the inside of our cave we have to move the walls one block back so in order to do this sadly we’re going to have to move the water wheel back but that’s not too bad then on the other side we just

Need to shave the wall a little bit so finally ladies and gentlemen am I a triple dumb finally we get this thing to work properly and as you can see as long as we have this little space here on the side of the doors when they’re open it

Will not hold on to the blocks as it swings closed again and I gotta admit when this thing closed up properly I was pretty relieved but also I was kind of proud I toyed and I tweaked with this until I finally got to work and now we

Have exactly what we wanted and we have no compromises a sealed front entrance with massive Swinging Doors that opened into the Fortress Halls automatically being closed behind us I do decide to add in some brick to make the hallway look more like a hallway and less of

Just a cave this is next level and honestly this door right here it’s kind of the highlight of my base so far I love this doorway which is not only a great answer to these aggressive orc attacks but also it looks impressive and it shows off our engineering prowess

Then finally I love learn about XP nuggets turns out they are meant to be eaten Mickey D’s had it right all along their create Mod’s way of giving you back the experience that you would lose from mining with silk touch you’ll actually get more of it in the end if

You process all of your oars so with this big injection of XP and a little extra XP from the furnace setups I go on an enchanting spree and get my gear looking much stronger I even see that I can get power 5 on my Canon uh yeah

Pretty sure we’re gonna do that and finally by the end of the day we get the Fortress entrance hallway looking pretty good I gotta say when this thing swings open it looks great I’m so happy with this I almost forgot all about the Orcs so of course that night they remind me

Now the fort might be pretty secure but whatever I actually head out of the front door the Orcs come out a goblin and while at first I thought these were just little minions I get a glimpse of the weird orc again he’s casting a ton of Wither Spells at me he even managed

To make a copy of himself he’s getting more more and more powerful and this is really getting out of hand every time I get a little bit more powerful the Orcs simply outdo me again and again they’re always one step ahead of me and as I

Shoot them I think they might even be fire resistant now too this is getting a little too dangerous plus it’s night time there’s other mobs out yeah time to get out of here on day 67 I decide that even with my improved gear I should probably try to

Get more defense and I start making well offense now admit at first this wall of iron crossbars might look silly because like what’s the point I already have a giant door this is just gonna block me out this is just a setup for our next project we make a rope pulley now the

Rope pulley needs rope and the Rope needs hemp so first we set up all the chassis on top of the iron bars that are at the very top of the doorway it looks like just before day 69 we’re gonna be 420 blazing as we go to score some hemp

Next we add some super glue to all the chassis so they’ll grab the iron bars then we head to the very top of the Mountainside yep here is where we’re going to set up the pulley directly over the chassis below and then we add another sequence gear shift we add a

Powered toggle latch take notes there will be a test at the end next to that we add yet another Redstone link this time we add a different block than the front door so we’re to do copper shingles this time and now for the fun part we need to power this thing in I

Don’t want to make a windmill or another water wheel up here so I need to make a pathway through the mountain and run a shaft all the way from the bottom water wheel these doors and these pulleys they don’t really take too much stress so

This one water wheel still has a ton of stress units I just need to get some shafts heading up the right way I use this vertical gearbox here then I run down and make another vertical gearbox here and finally see how it’s going down that’s how you know it’s working the

Pulley starts to drop down and it will automatically attach to the gate below it we then set down another receiver down on the front and this time it’ll have the matching block copper shingles did you remember that then once we press this it uh well that’s not exactly what I was

Thinking but hey it’s got the spirit all we really need to do is pretty much set up a block where the gate will stop and sit upon and then clean up the sides so that it looks a little bit better and there it is I mean yeah that’s that’s exactly what I

Was looking for it’s just I don’t know what do you guys think Maddie it’s just not looking right a68 I had a copper outlining the whole way up so that it’s looking a lot more solid but now it just looks so boxy so now we can get this gate with iron bars to

Raise and lower and we can get the front doors to swing open and automatically shut I mean it looks great don’t get me wrong but it’s just missing some some life some spice you know some Pizzazz you know what I got an idea there once was a

Great Castle here and while I’ll never be able to replace it I can at least honor it I’m gonna make this whole Gate House look proper with two matching Castle Towers on each side two massive shafts for all the ladies to see so finally by the end of day 69 I can officially

Proudly say I’m wearing some protection to cover my shaft and my hole I don’t think that All right looks like we get to test these defenses out of course the second I open the door they come rushing out but the intelligence level of these Orcs is uh well if we take any damage they simply run away they try to do hit and

Run and I guess in this case that means they run into this nether portal so we at least get away with that one being trapped in here with a big boss could have been bad I heal myself and I steal myself for the next attack and I kite my

Way back down through the hall I crit with my hammer and one’s dead and the other is stunned and the second group leader goes down now I think out the hallway again and I start to heal turns out the gate and the doorway combination

Only lets in a few at a time which I can fight so their big numbers are neutralized perfect but it looks like the first attack wave is down but whoa they’ve built an entire Fortress right at my front door oh this feels a lot like a trap I head

To the nether where I find those first two Orcs that Ram this is a tough little fight here and they’re getting some good hits in without any of my defenses but with all the enchants I’ve added I’m holding up pretty well the main strategy

Here is I just try to keep them far away and blast them with taters and it’s working then if they get close a couple quick hits with my hammer and I can juggle the big boss and take him down now we go on to the Fortress because

This is the real reason I came here in the first place I make a quicker little path to the Fortress I’m trying to find those blazes the reason I want those blazes is because I need that flamethrower to quickly set the entire orc camp on fire now that there’s an orc

Camp in my front yard it’s time on day 71 the next wave arrives turns out if you leave the camps They’re Gonna Keep On spawning so we really need to do and my door has locked me out and what might be worse is the controls are inside of

The orc camera now they might not be smart enough to use the buttons but they are smart enough to to block me from using them I clear out a pack of work make a Mad Dash for the controls and I jump back inside as quickly as I can

That was too close now I recharge and reload my Cannon and I get ready for another push this time with a little more Firepower get it Firepower and snow time for puns the flamethrower simply needs some coal and a little good AIM now my door is made out of casing so it

Shouldn’t be flammable but uh yeah I don’t want to test it out now I make sure not to get locked outside again and I start firing this thing off no pun intended okay okay stay focused the Flames don’t light the Orcs themselves on fire directly but it can

Light the ground on fire so by lighting the ground underneath them they start to burn and Scatter this combined with the cannon adding fire damage itself and well them being dumb Orcs means that even though there’s an army of them out here I’m putting out a lot of damage

Seriously look at this though there’s so many of them this is taking forever it’s taking so long that eventually I let my guard down just enough and get pushed outside again but this time I have a flamethrower I get a little Bernie Madness going here trying to slow down a

Little bit in general I’m still pretty safe with this whole setup I stay up all night fighting these boys making sure to push them back if they get too close but with no weird Orcs or any kind of range they really have no chance here slowly the sound of orc starts to fade

Soon there’s a little bit of a chance and I take it I run through the flames and I get to the controls but I’m actually feeling pretty safe so I keep pushing my attack I can see the big boss and his first mate coordinating the

Attack from the main hall and I light it on fire with them inside I gotta say I love this birdie boy I mean flamethrower I charge him with one last attack and I kill the mini boss and with that the castle has held firm and at the Sunrise of the next day I

Find myself once again tearing down an orc camp I still need to be careful there are stragglers running around though I may have killed off a lot of orc but they’ve also killed off all my frames so laggy the orc wood is also super tough and I think it might be fire

Resistant too as a reward for my victory I have enough XP to upgrade my cannon with power 5 bringing the damage from five to nine and hey as a bonus we get punched too so I decide it’s time to get even more power and put it in a hammer

With fire aspect too and Bane of Arthropods boo on day 73 I make another orc teeth sword after that fight I have plenty of teeth and I even get some XP I want to try to power up my flamethrower or maybe even the new sword but first we need to get

Another Precision mechanism now I could show you the whole process but let’s be honest we all know I’m gonna nail it oh wow I actually I actually did get it right we set up the mechanical Crafters to be in the shape of well a giant pair of pants then we shove the mechanism

Right in the belt area what we’re doing here is we’re making a pair of pants that if you were to see me from behind it would really show off my engineering skills because this pair of pants can make you jump two blocks instead of one and doubles your speed

If they are fueled of course I gotta say fully geared up I’m looking pretty good right now I love how create makes some really great gear it’s balanced and it’s hard enough to acquire all this but it’s worth it if you put the work in I end the day by collecting

Some calcite so by day 75 I can use the Sawmill setup to make some calcite cut Ox see I told you the setup would come in handy later I don’t lie the upside is that this makes a ton of really cool blocks to build with the downside is you

Don’t get to choose which blocks come out no problem I’ll make do for now let’s try to add on one more layer of Defense call it Overkill if you want but last event the Orcs were a little too close for comfort I want to keep them a

Bit further away what better way to do that than to make a drawbridge that’s right we’re doing a triple defense now the drawbridge should be pretty easy it should be pretty much like the doorways only horizontal and this Cog system is already set up right here with the water

Wheel still having plenty of stress to make this whole thing work this time I remember the glue finally I’m actually learning and soon it looks great I just need to make sure that I adjust the chassis so they bring down only the bridge and not the entire Tower itself

We then set this link to use some Blossom planks and then we add the receiving link as well and boom the bridge comes crashing down what a welcome we lower the bridge raise the gate and we open the door a true Fortress indeed but I do notice one big problem the gate

And the drawbridge are on the same axis this means that the gate can no longer be lowered and that would kind of be a waste and this drawbridge was pretty easy to set up so in day 77 I just moved the whole drawbridge one block out it still looks

Pretty good so I’m happy I then use some ash bricks to make a big staircase that will go up to the bridge when it’s extended I then give it a test and I try to walk in and then I take a look at how it looks

When I walk out this is so cool you guys this right here is the real reason you should give create mod a try this is an iconic kind of create machine and to be honest it’s pretty simple uh oh oh okay it’s a little bit of a mistake so if you

Drop the drawbridge while the gate is down well it pulls the bridge gate and the doors right out of their hinges I just have to lower the top part of the gate then it connects to everything pulls the gate out of the middle and then everything is working the way it

Should that night I even decide to add a small platform to keep all my buttons nice and neat then of course what drawbridge system is complete without a little bit of lava I have no idea how it works deal with liquids or lava so I guess we’re gonna find out I have to

Make a quick couple of trips to the nether to get Buckets full and soon we have a little mini Bowser’s Castle going on now I only have about 20 days left and I’m feeling like honestly the Orcs don’t have a chance in fact with such a

Solid defense I can’t even think of a real reason to go and fight them anymore I’m going to be focused on getting these decorative Stones I spent some time Mining and trying to find them my favorite color is green but I mean I’m the captain so I should probably try to

Get blue right however I am rudely reminded that I still need to put up some kind of fight when I run across this Golem wannabe he gets me pretty low pretty fast and I need to back off I thought I was done fighting in this playthrough I just want to get down to

Half a heart I get ambushed by a weird boy of course okay I might just have to come out of retirement to kill that guy but once again I get very distracted by oh boy viridium a rich deep Green Block that I really really want fill up my

Inventory with as much as I can handle I start to head back to the surface I come across some Akram which is cool but and it’s all brown kind of looks like dookie Rock nah I’m good let’s just keep going I then pop out right next to the orc

Camp and I almost pee myself okay time to get out of here they do send a little mini Hunting Party out but uh I guess all the big boys are asleep I drop off all the oars and then I get the viridium in The Sawmill but the sun is rising on

Day 80. I hope my faith in my defenses is well founded okay so I check out front and nothing with my super defenses it looks like they didn’t even try today no damage to my Farms no Forest on fire it’s quiet too quiet my potato farm has stopped but

I think that’s just because it’s overflowed and that’s not too scary in fact it’s kind of soothing to just sit back and watch this thing cut down all of the fully grown potatoes then we get to load up the smoker chest man it looks like there’s hardly an orc event at all hmm

This is not like them it’s kind of unnerving let’s just be sure and go check on what these ugly boys are doing well looks like I was right to be suspicious they’ve built an entire second camera that’s even bigger than the first if I leave them alone they

Just continue to expand this is not good but they really weren’t able to attack maybe they still can’t get through my defenses no matter how much they expand so I get started on my very last project of these 100 Days by clearing out a huge area Underground on day 81 I start to

Collect the needed components I start out by crafting up a control rail a plow some normal rails a deployer and finally a lot of mechanical drills and linear chassis then we get a card assembler and we head down to the construction site first you need to set down the controller rail

With the card assembler on top of that now on top of this we can attach the linear chassis and the order and number of these isn’t really what’s important I mean the more the merrier of course but let’s just stay small and just test out

To see if we can get this thing working first then you glue a total of four linear chassis all in a line in front of the whole thing and at the bottom of that glue on the deployer facing backwards then on the front of the wall of chassis glue the drills so they’re

Facing forward and at this point you can probably see what this project is going to be on the back side add four glued chassis in a line just like you did on the front and put one more chassis on the bottom just like the last one

Looking good so far now glue a plow facing inward at the back of the whole thing and just add some chests on the back of the drills to hold all of the loot we’re going to get then we add the cart we need to clear a path for the

Very nose of this thing with the deployer this path must be clear and also have a block underneath it and then nope oh I mean yep oh I mean I mean nope so it turns out I put the deployer on wrong see the deployer has to be facing back but also

Has to have the Palm facing down uh if that makes any sense okay let’s try this again okay the achievement is much more promising there and if you guys couldn’t tell this is an automated drill no fuel or power needed it goes endlessly as long as it has a clear track and it

Could be totally customized to be honest this is the real highlight of this video this thing can literally mine thousands of blocks for you and it only took me like a day to make it’s really that easy to set up this right here is where create outshines almost every other Tech

Based mod immersive engineering may have an excavator and BuildCraft might have the Quarry but this thing can be built into whatever you want it’s automated and it takes no fuel and it can be built pretty early into the game building this combines old school Minecraft fun with

New levels of creative uses it kind of combines the fun of being a child and exploring new ideas with your imagination but it uses the Ingenuity and creative thinking of being an adult coming back to Minecraft this turns what would normally be a too tall strip mining tunnel into a massive cave and

This is still just a baby version of the auto Miner you might even say it’s a minor minor I couldn’t stop with that one okay I’m sorry so of course now that I’m in love with this thing on day 83 I start to crank this into overdrive I

Head down the huge tunnel we’ve made and I start to add on even more linear chassis and on those I add all the drills and all of this just takes one cart no power or anything else needed I finish up adding everything on fire this bad boy up and look at this

It’s so powerful it’s honestly kind of scary it just pushes through a huge amount of rock in a weird way it’s basically creating an entire horizontal Ravine I can just mine whatever the machine doesn’t directly pick up on the sides imagine how powerful this thing is

Going to be when we set it down on a diamond level it could slice through hundreds of blocks of deep slate in minutes I’m just barely below the surface in fact we actually pop out in a lavender field which is kind of fitting if you think about it because in a

Lavender field is where we started these 100 days I decide it’s time to turn around and head home I stop it and I disassemble it I decide instead of making a whole new too tall strip mining path I’m just going to go back through the path that we’ve already made I set

Down the assembler and then I add the linear chassis only this time I put them all over on the right side since the left side has already been mined out now let’s see if I can Speed Run setting this whole thing up after all this is

The only real part that kind of drags you down you need to change directions manually and and reset this thing up each time luckily by using such a simple design this thing can be picked up and put down in just a few minutes even one that’s this big with this many drills

Hey look this one even has a little bit of lavender on it soon this thing is slicing its way back to the Fortress and making a huge cave the whole way through all I need to do is make sure that there’s a laid out path for the rails and I can pretty much

Just relax or so I thought turns out the weird orc has figured out our plan honestly I just want to mine in peace but these Orcs keep on bugging me I managed to fight off this little rage but still I did manage to kill the weird

Boy and once again he pulls back just then I realize why they’re being so aggressive I’m right under their Camp I can actually hear them playing music above me but you know what that’s fine I’ll just go dig somewhere else so I start the Digger back up and we get

Right out of here as fast as we can I don’t want any more orc trouble anyways besides I have a ton of decorative blocks coming now I start to add my green per diem and start to make some of the pillars on the walls white calcite

And by that night I get a little sample of how the colors are going to work together and how a stone Fortress might look much better than a wooden Fortress for sure the next day I go down in the tunnel to check out the drill to see if

We’re out of orc territory and just then I hear it there’s no denying it that’s the sound of a villager it’s ripe under the oryx camp are the Orcs holding villagers hostage is that the secret that the Orcs were trying to defend and keep me from digging up back at base I

Start to think of a plan now at this point I’m continuing to improve the living conditions of my Fortress but this time I’m doing it because I might have some new friends coming in or should I say old friends could all of my villager friends still be alive hidden

In the orc camps I think about it all day and I start to let myself have hope maybe I misheard that maybe that was just a traveling Merchant no they have different sounds right maybe it was just me being desperate and hearing what I want to hear besides even if those were villagers

Even if they were still alive how would I even Time to grab as much and a sight as we can I know exactly what I need to do as I poke my head out and come back to the surface I find a small raid of pillagers coming to the front of the Fortress I don’t know if these clowns are part of

The event on day 90 or if the Orcs are holding back or preparing for day 100 but I really don’t care I swipe them aside cause I’m definitely dealt with worse I dropped the anesite off at my base and then I head out for that night

I find the mind that I dug before and I carefully head back down I’m down here to grab some green for diem but I’ve come here for so much more this time I keep exploring deeper into the caves swimming and underground lakes and then I find it the real thing that I’ve been

Looking for for days now azarine the Deep Blue Rock The True Stone of the captain now first I have to dig directly up I marked this mine so that I know exactly where it is we head back home but instead of being attacked by orgs it looks like we’re fighting lag and we’re

Losing like seriously I think we might be down to five frames here man I need a new computer okay we drop off all the verdium into the Sawmill and all of the oars into the processor we head back to the market that we made I then spend an

Entire day filling my pockets with azerine finally we make our way back home and I start cutting up the azarine first thing the good news is the whole time I was gone is sawmill was making a ton of these beautiful decorative blocks so after I do a quick little repair on

My kit I start to really set out all of these new decorative blocks I even start to get a few of our new Blue blocks into the mix but I’m really gonna have to wait for the Sawmill to do its thing first finally by day 93 I’ve decided I

Want to have a blue azarine floor all throughout the central platform of the Fortress the green will be the borders and the accents with the calcite white being my support beams and columns I actually do decide to replace the copper archways with the calcite because it’s starting to oxide and it’s starting to

Turn teal that looks great for some ruins or some old buildings but this Fortress right here will be a ruin Over My Dead Body oh no no hold on what I mean when I say that I mean I don’t want that to come true like I’m not trying to

Foreshadow anything anyway forget that I said that moving on I start to remove some of the wooden planks and I start to replace them all with platforms made out of our Stone down on this lower ledge I make a really cool blue pattern with white borders and by day 95 I have a

Proper staircase going throughout the middle of the Fortress I keep going through the base and I replace most the wooden supports with different white columns the basic style I’m going with is that there’s blue bricks with some smooth green looking borders that are really stunning and highlight the rest of the blocks

Now the entire Fortress looks like it was carved out of precious gems from the heart of the mountain itself finally that night we head to the enchantment room and I started to rebuild it tearing out all of the wood and replacing it with a ton of azarine stone on day 96 I

Check out my work and I gotta admit I’m more than just happy with it it’s turning out looking perfectly and with how the rest of the Dwarven Fortress has turned out this might be one of the best mods I’ve ever played and one of the best 100 days we’ve ever done

I do think I’ll keep this highest part up here with the windmills on top logs and planks because the blossom wood still does look pretty good as I go around my base and take a look at my finished work you’re probably wondering why am I working so hard to make this

Place look nice what was that big idea that I had on day 98 how is this video gonna end what happens to the Orcs what about those villagers there’s a good reason why I’m making this Fortress so solid and look so good trust me with only three days left I

Have to hurry I quickly start to rip out all the walls my old living area this humble little cave right here has been completely denied since the earliest days of this 100 day playthrough and I think it’s about time we get it looking right so this Fortress will be more than

Just a base more than just a mining Warehouse more than just a steampunk industrial Factory now we’re living in a proper Dwarven Palace a place that isn’t just good to work in but would be something anyone would be proud to live in because soon there will

Be many more of Us coming to live here yep that’s right in just two days we are not only gonna destroy the Orcs but we’re gonna save the villagers and bring them home at the start of day 99 I take a quick moment to scout out our Target but I’m

Not simply going to run in their headlong after all what am I it work I spent all night hard at work I’m making as many linear chassis and drills as I can my goal is to get to two stacks of each but it’s already day 100 it’s time

To use the create mod to destroy I dig upwards from our massive tunnel to find an area just in front of the orc camp I sat down the control Rail and that’s right we are going to set up the auto drill but we aren’t drilling for diamonds here we’re drilling for blood I

Start to get the main body in place but I’m a little bit rushed here being this close to the orc Camp it’s pretty intense I break up to the surface and I quickly start to get the linear chassis all set up now we still haven’t managed

To get any of the Orcs attention yet they really aren’t known for their intelligence after all the night falls and now we have the cover of Darkness to finish this looks like you guys are getting a bonus day now because we’re going to strike at sunrise on day 101 I

Start to dig the lead path when there I hear them the villagers they are still alive I carefully look around till I find some Cobblestone I drill my way up and I see them I have to move quickly I don’t know how much longer until the Orcs figure

Out what we’re getting up to I start to break them out and slowly set them free I quickly craft up some boats and I start to get them in so I can push them out but uh yeah getting villagers into boats this might be the hardest part of

The entire raid finally they’re in the boats and I start to dig out the tunnel so that I can get them all the way back I’m gonna set them here in the staging area they’ll be safe here while I take care of some unfinished business finally

Start up the war machine it Roars to life and it starts to shoot towards the enemy King but soon the Orcs managed to stop it I think they’re actually able to body block it if they get in the way of the minecart so I’m gonna have to fight them

Get them all out of the way which is easier said than done turns out I do in fact see a huge group of big boss Orcs trying to hold the drill back I started blasting away and give them a little taste of the taters like I do but

Seriously it seems like the more I shoot the more start pouring out I’ve been killing a ton of them but my backpack is starting to run low on charge then I see the Wither spells being cast that means he’s here this is gonna be our last

Fight I hide in this trench and I even manage to block in a pack of the melee works and it was a good thing I did this too because my backpack is just about to go critical I used my last few shots on these Orcs but they’re still coming I’m

Trying to bury the trapdoerks alive with gravel but the weirdo comes in and stops me before I can now I’m trying to restart the war machine good news is I’ve cleared out enough of the Orcs bad news is the weird orc has me pinned I do manage to get the drills running again

And I get back up to the surface just in time to see isn’t it glorious the drills are shredding through the orc camp like butter I’ve been waiting more than a hundred days to see this now the Orcs know what it’s like to have their home destroyed

There’s a huge slice in the map that has been completely level the orc Camp is literally split right down the middle and what’s better yet is that the Orcs own Hut has been ripped open I can even see the prison where the villagers are being held these cages

Will never hold any more innocent villagers ever again I start to light up the last scraps of the camp because we’re leaving nothing but ashes now the Orcs are all dead or trapped and the villagers have been saved the camp has been flattened only one last score to settle

I might have started this 100 days thinking we could Live and Let Live I thought we should try to forgive and forget the bullies and their attacks on our friends but this only emboldened them to continue the Orcs might have started this but today we are gonna

Finish it early on the morning of day don’t even know what day it is anymore all I know is I’m finding that weird boy I’m hunting we throw on our fully fueled EXO gear this starts to draw all the Orcs out in the open now I can start to

Use the orc weapons against them but they aren’t going down so easily the weird boy has boosted their speed I mean look at this guy talk about Zoomies and I need two Mega Jump and blast them from way up here just to live the very last

Big boss chases me but I still have just enough Cannon strength to finish him now where is that weird boy got him a fire shot at him then he fires a missile right back two more minions come in but honestly I can’t even be worried about them I blast

Them away then I rush in and get a [ __ ] on the weird boy with my Warhammer I do a huge amount of damage but I take a hit myself and I’m down to one heart and I run for my life I don’t care if we survived 100 days I’m not gonna die

Right now this missile will kill me if it hits me I just have to keep on running and try to find a way to put some distance between me and it I need to eat and get enough health so I can tank the hip but I have to be quick I

Have to get back and start the attack before the weird boy can teleport out again when I see him I start blasting with our potato cannons until I see he’s dying I rush in to finish him just in case but it’s already over he’s he’s dead

He even drops the minions which is a sign that he really has done and I clean them up pretty quickly and with that she Orcs they’re gone All That Remains is me the villagers and of course you and I couldn’t have done it without you so thank you foreign foreign

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as an ORC HUNTER with THE CREATE MOD in Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by TheCaptainsTV on 2022-12-16 00:11:57. It has garnered 428140 views and 9198 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:26 or 7286 seconds.

Play Drakensang Online today FOR FREE and explore the world of Draconia! Steam:

100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft as an orc hunter with the create mod in Minecraft hardcore

In a steam punk medieval lord of the rings / game of thrones style world I must invent new industrial revolution age tools and weapons to fight primal, savage orcs.

Create is the main mod in this 100 days challenge But also it has the Orcz mod as well

Come find me on Twitch and on Discord

Inspred by Sbeev Forgelabs Mudflaps ShadowMech Forrestbono Skyes Fixxit412 Sword4000 WaterishPuppy


Just Enough Items (JEI) (by mezz) Druidcraft (by VulpTheHorseDog) YUNG’s Better Desert Temples (Forge) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG) Nether’s Delight (by lumpazl) Dramatic Doors (by FizzWare) Create Stuff Additions (by Furti_Two) Guard Villagers (by almightytallestred) Biomes O’ Plenty (by Forstride) Create Style Modded Compats (by wedge1453) Create (by simibubi) Integrated Dungeons and Structures (by CraisinLord) YUNG’s Better Dungeons (Forge) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG) More Minecarts and Rails (by goldey3) Artifacts (by ochotonida) ‘Dustrial Decor (by BlueDuckYT) Supplementaries (by MehVahdJukaar) Towns and Towers – Structure Add-on (by Biban_Auriu) Spice of Life: Sweet Potato Edition (by tarinoita) Quark (by Vazkii) Farmer’s Delight (by vectorwing) Better-Shields (by ToMe250) YUNG’s Better Mineshafts (Forge) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG) Decorative Blocks (by stohun) Ore Excavation (by Funwayguy) Additional Bars – Biomes O’ Plenty addon (by Gamma1772) Decorative Blocks Compat (by stohun) YUNG’s Better Strongholds (Forge) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG) Radium Reforged (by Asek3) Redstone Pen (by wilechaote) Quark Oddities (by Vazkii) Alex’s Delight (by NCP_Bails) Blueprint (by TeamAbnormals) TerraBlender (Forge) (by TheAdubbz) Fast Leaf Decay (by olafskiii) Alex’s Mobs (by sbom_xela) YUNG’s API (Forge) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG) Flywheel (by jozufozu) Stray Spawn (Forge) (by Serilum) Not Enough Crashes (Forge) (by NatanFudge) Create Confectionery (by Furti_Two) AmbientSounds 5 (by CreativeMD) BetterF3 (by cominixo)

The music that is in this video is from

White Bat Audio… CO. AG


Music list in over – coming soon

100 days hardcore minecraft, but it is hardcore Minecraft survival. This is not a survival / surviving a nuclear winter / surviving a parasite apocalypse and everything like that. It is also not a video of I survive 100 days in Hardcore Minecraft or Hardcore Minecraft Nuclear Fallout. minecraft and 100 days and 100 days minecraft and 100 days lukethenotable and 100 days forge labs and 100 days forestbono and 100 days painful and 100 days corinthius and minecraft 100 days survival and minecraft one block and minecraft 100 days zombie apocalypse and 1000 days and 100 days in ancient japan and minecraft 1.18 and minecraft hardcore 1.18 and minecraft adventure and 100 days long video and long minecraft video full minecraft movie bronzo. This is modded minecraft and 100 days surviving in Minecraft. This is not 100 days in minecraft VR, but it is me SURVIVING 100 DAYS AS AN ORC HUNTER WITH THE CREATE MOD!!!!!

In the Comments below please let me know what kind of video you want to see next! 100 days minecraft zombie apocalypse, 100 days minecraft modded, 100 days minecraft war, 100 days minecraft superflat, 100 days minecraft one block, 100 days minecraft survival, 100 days minecraft skyblock, 100 days minecraft avatar, 100 days minecraft apocalypse, 100 days minecraft amplified, 100 days minecraft anime, a 100 days in minecraft, 100 days minecraft cookie, 100 days in minecraft c, 100 days minecraft duo, 100 days minecraft dinosaurs, 100 days minecraft dragons, i survived 100 days minecraft end only, minecraft 100 days of space space minecraft Hardcore Minecraft 100 Days Hardcore Minecraft 100 Days Gameplay Hardcore Minecraft VR Episode 1 Hardcore Minecraft VR Lets Play Hardcore Minecraft VR Hardcore Minecraft VR 100 Days

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    Steve Returns: Epic Pirate Gaming AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Steve is back 😊 #shorts #animation #minecraft’, was uploaded by ZA PIRATES GAMING on 2024-03-22 07:43:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Steve is back MINECRAFT ANIMATION SHORT CREDIT GOES TO @VIOToons MINECRAFT YT SHORT 4K MINECRAFT … Read More

  • Hololive EN Minecraft: 5 girls 1 block madness!

    Hololive EN Minecraft: 5 girls 1 block madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘【HOLOMYTH MINECRAFT】5 refined ladies 1 block! (part 1)’, was uploaded by Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-06-16 17:47:46. It has garnered 98176 views and 10414 likes. The duration of the video is 03:27:33 or 12453 seconds. 2024.08.16 RELEASE!! Mori Calliope Major 2nd ALBUM「PHANTOMIME」 Pre-Order▶ 🟣LIMITED DEAD BOX🟣 【Mori Calliope International Online Shop/UNIVERSAL MUSIC STORE Limited】 ¥10,780(税込) / USD 76 CD: 11 TRACKS INCLUDING BONUS TRACK (A) Booklet (32P) [GOODS] 1 FOLDED POSTER (Design A) 1 TRADING CARD HOLDER (with neck strap) 1 Membership of the Dead (Official Dead Beat Member’s Card) 1 TRADING CARD (5… Read More

  • Minecraft SMP LIVE – CRAZY gameplay! Join my public server now!

    Minecraft SMP LIVE - CRAZY gameplay! Join my public server now!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT SMP LIVE ( JOIN MY ) PUBLIC LIFESTEAL SMP | JAVA + PE 24/7 SERVER’, was uploaded by Insane launda on 2024-03-27 06:50:46. It has garnered 561 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 03:08:08 or 11288 seconds. Hello Everyone Welcome to my stream … Enjoy!!! If u are new here and wanna support me do Like share and susbscribe and don’t forget to click on the bell icon.. for more _________________________________________ ✅New Device – Gaming Pc ✅Device – ipad 8th generation ✅Edited By – Capcut ✅Recorder – Obs Recorder… Read More

  • Minecraft Pixel Art Request – Insane Build Challenge 😱

    Minecraft Pixel Art Request - Insane Build Challenge 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘(@stefaniwawointana9121 ) request Minecraft pixel art 🎨🎨’, was uploaded by Trover56 on 2024-05-07 15:46:13. It has garnered 3594 views and 114 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. #minecraft #minecraft100days #minecraftmusic #minecrafthousetutorial #minecrafthouse #minecraftsong #minecraftcivilization #minecraftmovie #minecrafthardcore #minecraft1.21 #minecraftbuilds #minecraftvideos #minecraftmods #minecraftjjandmikey #minecrafthorror #minecraftand #minecraftandchill #minecraftandrobloxcrossplay #minecraftandroblox #minecraftandroid #minecraftanddonuts #minecraftandreallife #minecraftandchill1.20seeds #minecraftandrain #minecraftandroiddownload #minecraftandromedabridge #minecraftandgate #minecraftandchillseeds #minecraftandroidgameplay #minecraftandcolayippee#minecraftpixelarttutorialbig #minecraftpixelarttutorialbig #minecraftpixelartsonic #minecraftpixelartfnaf #minecraftpixelarttutorialeasy #minecraftpixelartapp #minecraftpixelartworldtour #minecraftpixelartworldtour #minecraftpixelartapp #minecraftpixelartfnaf #minecraftpixelartfnaf #minecraftpixelartworldtour #minecraftpixelartworldtour #minecraftpixelartworldtour #minecraftpixelarttutorialeasy #minecraftpixelartfnaf #minecraftpixelartsonic #minecraftpixelartfnaf #minecraftpixelarteasy #minecraftpixelartfnaf #minecraftpixelarttutorialanime #minecraftpixelartfnaf #minecraftpixelarteasy #minecraftpixelartsonic #minecraftpixelartpokemon #minecraftpixelarttutorial #minecraftpixelartanime #minecraftpixelart #minecraftpixelartanime #minecraftpixelarttutorialeasy@LucknowIPL #minecraftpixelart #minecraftpixelarttutorial #minecraftpixelartgenerator #minecraftpixelartanime… Read More

  • Jamesy – Cheating with One-Way Glass in Mob Battle!

    Jamesy - Cheating with One-Way Glass in Mob Battle!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Cheated using ONE-WAY GLASS In a MOB BATTLE!’, was uploaded by Jamesy on 2024-05-22 11:00:37. It has garnered 5570 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 03:41:44 or 13304 seconds. I Cheated using ONE-WAY GLASS In a MOB BATTLE! Jamesy, Gracie, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft Join this channel to get access to perks: Follow Gracie! – Jamesy name is spelled like Jamesy not James C or Jamesie or Jamey or JayZ. #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Jamesy #JamesyandGracie Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: Surviving 100 Days as Counter Titan!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: Surviving 100 Days as Counter Titan!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as the COUNTER TITAN in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by MaxCraft on 2024-06-14 21:00:18. It has garnered 746444 views and 12114 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:04 or 2524 seconds. ► SUBSCRIBE to the Channel! The Titans are some of the strongest entities in the Skibidi Toilet Universe, but what would happen if an enemy had one of their own? Introducing the COUNTER TITAN, a titan that can morph its weapons to become stronger than any other titan! Now, for the next 100 days, I’ll be surviving as the… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Potato Crash by Ph1LzA!

    Insane Minecraft Potato Crash by Ph1LzA!Video Information This video, titled ‘Crashing Minecraft with POTATOES!’, was uploaded by Ph1LzA on 2024-06-02 14:25:34. It has garnered 207519 views and 18683 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:29 or 2009 seconds. Philza takes on the POTATO SNAPSHOT from April 1st! Streamed LIVE at 😀 Buy my MERCH! Played this snapshot on stream back on April 1st in honor of THE BLADE 🙂 Join the Discord for updates! 0:00 Intro 🙂 2:20 EVERYTHING IS POTATO 9:02 Grapple Hook and Elytra fun 😀 10:43 Uh oh. 12:00 OH NO 16:40 WHERES THE SOIL! 19:00 Found it… Read More

  • RustyZuck0 plays Tico Tico No Fubá – EPIC Piglin Orchestra!

    RustyZuck0 plays Tico Tico No Fubá - EPIC Piglin Orchestra!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Piglin Orchestra – Tico Tico No Fubá by Zequinha De Abreu’, was uploaded by RustyZuck0 on 2024-05-26 15:09:14. It has garnered 6 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:22 or 142 seconds. A piece by the composer Zequinha De Abreu played by the Piglin Orchestra in Minecraft. NOTE: I do not own any music in the video. All rights go to their respective owners and distributors. Read More

  • Builders SMP

    Builders SMPA server for all kinds of players! Join Builder’s SMP and start your adventure. It’s nothing but a regular survival world with a few handy plugins to enhance the experience! Have fun! Read More

  • Leafy SMP – Roleplay, SMP

    Welcome to LeafySMP! Our server is 16+ and aims to create a mature community. Whether you enjoy building, PvP, PvE, or creating kingdoms, there’s something for everyone here. We have weekly events and a semi-RP style for added fun. Don’t worry if you’re new to modding or Minecraft, our moderators are friendly and ready to help. We have a custom texture pack that is red/green colorblind friendly and enhances the building experience. Keep in mind that large redstone/mob farms are at the Admins’ discretion. Our modpack is always updating based on community votes. If you’re interested in joining, DM leafyelfy… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Absolutely Insane!

    Wow, that’s a pretty specific and random score for a Minecraft meme! I guess even memes get rated like Olympic gymnasts. Read More

  • MASTERING WIND POWER in Minecraft!

    MASTERING WIND POWER in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Me using wind bla bla bla in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Ansh on 2024-06-14 20:28:25. It has garnered 528 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Lava World Survival: Minecraft Hardcore 100-Day Dive

    Lava World Survival: Minecraft Hardcore 100-Day Dive In the lava world, Eren Bilgin thrives, Surviving 100 days, where danger thrives. Minecraft hardcore, a true test of skill, Facing challenges, with nerves of steel. Ridiculous mods, a wild ride, In Minecraft, where creativity can’t hide. Top 10 packs, for endless fun, Exploring new worlds, under the sun. Eren’s journey, a tale to tell, In the world of blocks, where legends dwell. Surviving on an island, for 100 days, In hardcore mode, where courage plays. So join the adventure, in Minecraft’s land, With Eren Bilgin, a gamer so grand. Subscribe and like, to show your support, For Minecraft… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Short, Sweet, and Hilarious!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Short, Sweet, and Hilarious! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftshorts #minecraft #memes #minecraftmemes #funny Read More

  • Minecraft Cat vs Bear Showdown

    Minecraft Cat vs Bear Showdown Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers a unique blend of creativity and adventure. Players can explore vast landscapes, build intricate structures, and engage in thrilling battles with monsters. Let’s delve into some of the exciting features that make Minecraft a standout in the gaming world. Endless Possibilities with Minecraft One of the key attractions of Minecraft is its open-world concept, allowing players to create virtually anything they can imagine. From towering castles to underground labyrinths, the only limit is your creativity. The game’s blocky graphics may seem simple at first… Read More

  • INSANE XP FARM! Minecraft Cottagecore Longplay

    INSANE XP FARM! Minecraft Cottagecore LongplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building an XP Farm ❀˖° Minecraft Cottagecore Longplay ⊹₊ ⋆ Lets Play! ♡’, was uploaded by lilolawish on 2024-04-07 21:24:43. It has garnered 684 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:35 or 1835 seconds. Today we built an XP farm!!!! I’m so happy with how it turned out! ⊹₊ ⋆ Hopefully next ep we can continue to build some more fun things! Mod Pack: ♡Socials Twitch- Instagram- Tags♡ minecraft,xp farm,lilolawish,modded minecraft,zombie farm,decorating minecraft,minecraft decoration,cottage minecraft,cute minecraft,minecraft building,kawaii minecraft,girl gamer,twitch minecraft,fun minecraft,xp farm build,easy xp farm,zombie xp farm,minecraft longplay Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos: The Real Reason I Destroyed Everything

    Unleashing Chaos: The Real Reason I Destroyed EverythingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why I Split Her Entire World In Half…’, was uploaded by Quiff on 2024-06-10 21:00:15. It has garnered 1011796 views and 7233 likes. The duration of the video is 01:26:13 or 5173 seconds. ►Why I Split The Entire World In Half… 👍 “LIKE” FOR MORE Minecraft! ✔️Subscribe to me pls 👀 FOLLOW ME 😀 Twitch 📲 📸 🕹️Fan Discord: Why I Split The Entire World In Half… i split the world in half using the new minecraft glitches, this is similar to a scary build battle, but instead this is a… Read More

  • Insane Tour of Trump City on 2b2tpe

    Insane Tour of Trump City on 2b2tpeVideo Information This video, titled ‘2b2tpe: Touring Trump City’, was uploaded by Well Dan on 2024-05-09 18:39:18. It has garnered 363 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:20 or 380 seconds. In this video, I tour trump city on The base was made by h4. 2b2tpe is a Minecraft Bedrock Edition anarchy server, where you can use hack clients such as horion and borion. Make sure to subscribe for more videos showcasing the best minecraft bedrock hacks and mod menus for all platofrms, including iOS and Android (mobile). Thanks for watching! Join my discord:… Read More

  • Insane Defense Tips! Must See to Believe! #trending

    Insane Defense Tips! Must See to Believe! #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Tutorial defence make #tgrnrz #trending #viral #games #shortvideo #minecraft #love #comedy #freefire’, was uploaded by Vency Live on 2024-06-14 05:52:17. It has garnered 454 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Gaming videos are screen-recorded or recorded live-stream videos of a user playing an online video game. Viewers can watch a specific game played in real-time or a recorded video upload with the gamer’s webcam in the corner of their screeCopyright Disclaimer: – Under section 107 of the copyright Act 1976, allowance is mad for FAIR USE for purpose… Read More

  • Unbelievable!! Watch CakePlaysCZ try this mysterious potion

    Unbelievable!! Watch CakePlaysCZ try this mysterious potionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Co dělá tento potion?’, was uploaded by CakePlaysCZ on 2024-02-10 13:04:11. It has garnered 3504 views and 157 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. #minecraft #cz #live #bedwars #stream #pvp Read More

TheCaptainsTV – I Survived 100 Days as an ORC HUNTER with THE CREATE MOD in Hardcore Minecraft