THEME PARK ADVENTURE [Ep5] (Rollercoasters, Minigames, PVP & More!) – Minecraft Maps

Video Information

Oh my god take a look at this view that looks so awesome and Thank You Enderman for allowing us to see this wonderful view hey what’s up guys my name is Damian and welcome back to another episode of our minecraft theme park adventure this is gonna be the final

Episode of a series that explores the fun land 3 map this map is huge guys take a look at this definitely go check out the previous episodes because it covers all of that stuff anyways guys in this video we’re gonna be taking a look at the lower section of our waterpark

Anyways guys it’s definitely a pretty awesome Maps Alyssa if you take one second to smack that like button also don’t forget to leave a comment down below suggest a map that you want me a spotlight or super friendly comment down below and I might feature your comments

On my next video anyways guys let’s get started with today’s map so guys the first ride we’re gonna be entering is this huge freaking rainbow roller coaster that’s going up to the air now there’s really no name for this so let’s go ahead and just enter and push that

Button to start okay guys here we go we’re gonna go all the way to the top but hopefully I die by the time to come back down alright so we’re just gonna be spiraling around let’s go as a third person to get a better view as you can

See the part just looks so freakin awesome and just like a gigantic whale over there four guys can see it that is so crazy alright so I believe we’re almost at the top because we’re running out of colors here there’s like a black color and oh my god are we gonna fall

Down please no okay we’re going back okay so this is actually pretty interesting we just loop back around and go down the same track we came up on so that’s a very efficient and cost-effective way for making a roller coaster and of course that’s gonna save

You some money as well as it’s gonna scare the crap out of people because you’re gonna think they’re gonna fall off like I did alright so um I guess it just uses the same track and it sends you back to the original location alright so it’s a pretty interesting

Ride I just one of the rainbow thing over here so let’s go ahead and take a look at that so this is called to Rainbow Room let’s enter this room and see what’s in here alright so hopefully we find some leprechauns with gold at the bottom that we could possibly take I

Mean I want to steal from the leprechauns butts I mean come on who doesn’t want free gold I mean we’re stealing it but still alright so here’s the Rainbow Room all right let’s enter it says pull the lever for rainbow funtime okay guys let’s do this pull that lever and oh my

God oh my god we’re being showered by rainbow blocks this is so cool look it’s like never-ending it’s endless that is so freakin awesome let’s go ahead and turn it off that’s because it’s gonna send down way too many blocks oh gosh we have like so many freakin

Blocks now look at her inventory golly I could build my own rainbow hoe all right so let’s um grab a few blocks over here and just play around with this for a bit because I just want to place down random blocks look at that I’m completely messing up the room but it’s still

Pretty cool nonetheless come on more rainbow yes that is so freakin cool alright let’s turn that off that’s a very interesting idea for um an adventure or a ride it says reload – rainbow head through here what does that mean proceed up a staircase and you can

Go ahead and just replace all the stuff that’s in the thing okay well um this is actually really complicated I have no idea what this is I’m going back down to enjoy my ride so let’s just go back over here so I guess up there you would just

Like reload all of your wool blocks and whatnot okay so let’s go back up to the top and get out of this magical place all right so let’s see what else we have now across from the Rainbow Room we have the dungeon master so let’s enter this

What does this a ladder up to the dungeon master shop I believe we covered that in a previous video anyways over here we have the dungeon master so let’s go ahead and read these signs I take it’s a both or perhaps two if the gate is open pull lever to reset a

Placeis boat in the water and get thy self on to yon boats when thou hast summoned thy courage pull yon lever if thy boat sinks like yon rock extra boats aren’t available at any of the chests along the ride so um that’s a pretty interesting wording I really could have

Barely read that by the way that was this really intense okay so let’s go ahead just grab some boats since we do have a fair warning that some of them might sink alright guys let’s do this hit that lever and go off on our water

Ride and it’s really dark in here oh my god it’s like super scary there’s mob spawners nope my boat broke that was quick alright sir is like a saddle let’s go ahead and grab ourselves a torch I believe we could get ourselves a torch because we’re on creative mode

Alright so there we go and let’s just put that down there and then one over there come on come on put that there we go and okay why do we have freaking pig spawners over here why aren’t they spawning okay so we have some boats and some useless pig saddles

So we really don’t need that all right guys let’s go down here one last time and actually grab a torch to put in our hand there we go and now we’re riding down our waterslide again and don’t break come on nope don’t the wall there we go

There we go come on turn oh god this is so difficult guy it is so dark in here oh my gosh it is so freakin dark was one on the wall there we go and keep riding down hopefully we don’t run into any spooky skeletons I hate freakin skeletons turn

Turn yes there we go we’re getting the hang of this and it looks like that’s the end okay well thank God oh my god what happened I told you spooky skeletons I didn’t want to run into these guys okay police car down the track push the button to start to ride

Okay so it looks like we have a special little ride over here so let’s go ahead and grab ourselves a item and place it on there every go and then press that button okay we’re actually in the freaking cart come on we can’t not be I hate that glitch it’s so annoying

Alright so maybe you could go all the way to the top let’s try that there we go and go down then punch a button let’s go there we go we’re off on our ride and let’s hold a torture in our hand since it’s really dark in here so I think this

Is gonna take us back up to the top I’m not really too sure but hopefully doesn’t kill us in the process I mean we already creative mode so I don’t think we could die what’s up piggy there we go you’re spinning around in there it’s crazy

Alright so we’re back at the top I guess that’s just a way to exit it oh my god my mine card get back over here man alright so anyways I’m the shop I believe yet again I went over in the first video yes we indeed did so let’s

Go back down here and take a look at this interesting roller coaster it’s over here what does this call the exit section let’s go back to the side and find a yellow which is the entrance where is the yellow come on I can’t fall over here right over here alright so

This is the yellow bear 45 seconds long let’s get started so go to our roller coaster push a button and ride off all right so this is themed after a bear as you can see they’re like a few pics large bears around here which is pretty cool and interesting it’s kind

Of black and yellow as well so it could be like a Kill Bill ride if you guys are familiar with that film we’re going on the ground this one seems a bit twisty and turny if that is an accurate way to describe things and um we’re going a bit

Slow over here for some reason I’m not really too sure why entire rollercoasters are not made out of freakin those powered rails because I mean two powered rails does make you go faster and I love speed I mean come on what’s the point of going so slow except

On like a halt drop or something because then you get freaked out alright so we’re going over like a overlapping section I guess you would say that kind of crosses the area and it’s a bridge that basically leads back to our ride okay so when it comes to this map I

Really have stopped asking questions I mean come on there’s a gigantic toilet bowl in front of me what is this alright so this is called a great craps craptastic coaster what that doesn’t even make any sense I mean I guess cuz it’s a toilet but why would I want to

Ride something that’s craptastic anyways this is 35 seconds long let’s go ahead and just get this over with alright so always look out for number one and don’t step or number two either I guess this map card is filled with a ton of bad jokes man standing on a

Toilet is very high on pots oh gosh i conserve toilet paper use both sides okay that is kind of gross the first toilet aired on TV was leave it to be for what he who eats too many prunes sits on a toilet many moons oh man you drop a washer and toilet

Surely has a crappy time okay bad punts and bad jokes we are very familiar with this map creator by now alright guys so let’s enter and go off on there’s all the coaster rides so I’m very interesting to put a rollercoaster ride in a freaking toilet but I’m not getting yet again questioning

Questioning you just ride alright so here we are at the top of our roller coaster or toilet and yeah it seems pretty normal so far I guess there’s really nothing to complain about until we go into no freakin Bowl oh my god that is dirty water I cannot come on let’s just get

Please get this over with please I do not want to be here for much longer you you it smells it’s so stinky oh gosh this is horrible the things I do for videos oh come on let’s go oh no we’re going beneath the toilet this is so

Freakin gross all right we’re back out oh god Nate to go wash myself in the ocean please let’s just jump over here I’ll just wash yourselves off that was so freakin gross hey you know that was toilet water I totally forgot okay we need to walk out here and jump into the

Ocean jump into the ocean BAM oh gosh I’m now clean again a little bit I didn’t use any soap but uh yeah let’s move on to a different ride okay so what do we have here the snow dome PEP captured a flag game okay so this is

A two-player game I of course I’m only one player so I’ll try to do this to the best of my abilities welcome to the snow dome two men enter 1 man leaves go to your appropriate sides and follow the instructions okay let’s go ahead and choose player 1 and you guys can be

Player 2 in kind of spirit or whatnot okay player 1 this is your exit you must place the lever on the green wool to escape and win the game okay so um how do you even get in there okay so over here to win your goal is to retrieve the

Only lever and use it to open your iron door look behind you see your exit okay saw that instructions grab snowball from your chest stand on the green wool square when ready push the button to begin all right guys so let’s go ahead and just grab some snowballs here stand

On that Square and then begin all right so here we go push that button and begin oh my gosh we’re down here like an arena oh gosh what do we even need to do so I guess we to Pelt our enemies with snowballs and then we have some buttons

And stuff over here so extra snowballs is on the corner what is this over here god this is a freaking awesome looking arena it’s like so lit I give your opponent a little nudge okay what does that mean is that TMT please don’t be TNT oh it’s like pushing the staircase

Off okay so if your opponent tries to run you can knock him off oh so it’s PvP and you would try to escape okay I get it now that’s pretty cool all right so let’s try to UM run up here of course there’s no one kind of

Attacking us so this is gonna be easy there we go flick that button and nothing happens okay that’s that’s pretty cool I guess this is go ahead and fly out because I can’t really play this on my own so there’s really no point of showing that I definitely download this

And maybe play where your friends or whatnot I guess on lane or on a server all right guys over here what is this ride use lever to start and stop the bounce house oh my god a bounce house let’s do this oh my god that is that is pretty interesting it’s not really

Bouncing me too much but I can definitely see the idea of a bounce house that’s pretty cool let’s go ahead turn that off because those pistons are super loud all right over here we have an exit for a roller coaster I guess we could go ahead and find an entrance

Somewhere along there but at the moment we have a treehouse roller coaster so let’s go ahead and do this first alright guys so this is the treehouse roller coaster it’s going to start this punch that button and go off so this one is kind of environmentally friendly I guess

You would say and it goes inside this gigantic trunk of a tree and um yeah this is pretty interesting I guess it looks pretty cool this trunk of the tree looks really weird by the way it’s a tree made out of wool blocks that is that is pretty interesting it’s a

Completely round top by the way no trees are like this in real life unless it’s like a hedge or something or maybe groomed and we’re going down the same track again so I guess the map creator is just repeating this process I mean it’s not really that interesting to see

The same thing that you saw before I mean come on man and and third person this just looks really messed up even in first person I can barely see anything oh my gosh okay let’s just leave that rollercoaster I give that like a 2 out of 10 that was horrible alright so um

Over here we already wrote that one here’s the entrance for the two tripper this is 43 seconds long let’s go ahead and I’ll ride this all right so entered that rollercoaster and push a button and now we’re going up into this gigantic one made out of obsidian yes you finally

Have an intense roller coaster we could ride on and it’s called a to trip or why why would they name it that I mean the tendon scares me I wonder if this roller coaster would scare anyone I mean come on there’s tripping your tooth off that sounds really horrible

Alright so this goes below to ground yes I love these that goes below the ground because it just adds in that extra surprise and oh we have like a nice view of our water as well so this was pretty interesting I guess wraps around a map and it looks fairly

Decent alright next guys we have the Fugees big adventure entrance this one is two minutes long I’m not sure if I could commentate for two minutes straight on a roller coaster but let’s go ahead and do it anyways alright guys three two one off on a

Roller coaster yes oh my gosh just what is going to go straight up into the air I love these roller coasters because they’re so freakin awesome I love the tall ones cuz they’re actually more surprising in a more intense and it gives me much better reactions because I

Mean those small roller coasters over there are pretty much predictable because I could see every aspect of it from just one location but this one is not that predictable oh my god are we going into the whale yes this way through wailing oh my god fireworks shear I mean that is so freaking

Unpredictable how did I even know they were gonna do fireworks that is so awesome and now we’re going beneath a boat into a whale’s mouth this is actually a whale’s mouth not even a boat oh my god we’re inside of a whale oh my gosh that is so cool see what I’m

Talking about guys I just love these I love them so much and we have like one going under the water over here which looks so cool with shaders oh my gosh I love it and we’re gonna wrap around like the entire map like this because I see

More oh my god no I broke it oh gosh I broke the freaking map oh we can’t even ride this the second time and that is so tragic and I was gonna say we’re gonna go through water like a bunch because I saw a ton of tracks like under the water

As well and this one’s actually really long I mean they said two minutes but I didn’t expect it to wrap around all of this areas well I thought this was like two separate rollercoasters alright so I guess it’s gonna kind of wind around two more times because I saw like in doing

That right back there alright so uh we’re gonna a bit slow over here for some reason alright so there we go I predicted it correctly we’re winding back towards that location and I really can’t see the end of this where is it we’re gonna go around over here and then go

There okay so now I see it there we go we have a nice view of that park over here by the way looks pretty nice and uh oh we’re gonna go back underwater yes I love this come on let’s go back down there hopefully there’s no sea monsters

And hopefully don’t go back through that same track is I know how much the map creator loves like repeating the tracks and all we just fell back down here and okay so yes we didn’t go back in towards that direction because we would have been dead and drowned underwater because

I’m a domme and I kind of punched out the glass alright guys so that ends off this roller coaster I think that was one of the biggest ones on this side of the map so hopefully that was worth the fun and oh wait alright guys over here we have exit four

Through the looking glass I believe we did that on the last one so we don’t really need to do that again alright guys so here’s the forgery and this place basically sells fudge and it just has cookies and sugar really no fudge over here and what’s over here we did

That in the previous episode as well as we got all that in the previous episode so um let’s go ahead and take a look at possibly something over here because I believe we’ve done all of us so far so right over here we have an entrance for

The gauntlet we haven’t done this just yet so let’s go ahead and find the entrance alright so I believe the entrance should be on this side yes there we go the gauntlet entrance gauntlet can be one player or two player if playing two-player each player starts at the first yellow square when ready

Pull a lever to open the doors and begin to race how to win first person to pull lever at the end of the game wins note if any doors are opened pull lever to reset our okay player one entrance okay let’s go ahead and do this walked out

Here and what exactly are we doing oh my god do we just need to like freaking walk through water this is very annoying I hate walking through water is like the slowest thing ever and it’s okay so it’s I guess an obstacle course inside of a building and you would go through the

Water and then up these staircases and then oh gosh come through soul sand there we go and over all God over cobweb then back down and oh gosh we go Oh what direction are we going in sit over here yes I can’t really tell what direction

We’re going in so we go back up and let me go across the water oh this is very very confusing oh I see it it’s over here there we go all right there there it is okay so now we go down here I believe towards that exit

And then we hit the lever on the other side okay so let’s go ahead and do that quickly quickly and bam you are the winner yes we beat that with a guy and I believe I heard some fireworks kind of going off or that’s possibly just fire

Alright guys so the final room we have is the medical clinic so the molecular clinic is basically where you would find all of our medical supplies a tonne of golden apples as well as pushing the feeling and splash potions and whatnot definitely pretty awesome and we have

Like beds over here so you can sleep and I’m recovering it okay nevermind guys I lied this is the last building which is called the Enderman is basically a gigantic freakin Enderman holding a maybe glowstone block I’m not really too sure what that is well let’s go ahead

And enter the Enderman and we’re gonna go over through the right foot and just fly up here very quickly because climbing this would take way too long alright guys so here we are at the top it says just a little almost there alright so let’s go ahead and just head

Up to the second floor there’s a sign over here which says um this way to the observatory alright so let’s do this so this is basically his hands and oh my god this is actually really cool so basically guys he’s holding up a gigantic observatory from the freaking

Block oh my god take a look at this view that looks so awesome and Thank You Enderman for allowing us to see this wonderful view alright guys so let’s go back to the head of the Enderman I guess there’s another ladder over there going

All the way to the top so let’s see what that is okay so here’s the ladder let’s just go back up there open that trapdoor and oh my god were inside thundermans head and who knew his brain is made out of cake that is so cool alright so what

Does it say all this time all the Enderman have been looking for his cake sweet cake oh my god so much cake oh gosh I given you a ton of cake now man you should not be stealing my blocks anymore so anyways guys that basically wraps up this series if you enjoyed the

Video and a series remember to take one second to drop a like or a comment down below I definitely appreciate all support if you guys want to see more of my videos click on the annotations on your screens or in the playlist link below in the description anyways guys

This was twists and I’ll see you later

This video, titled ‘THEME PARK ADVENTURE [Ep5] (Rollercoasters, Minigames, PVP & More!) – Minecraft Maps’, was uploaded by Twiistz on 2015-08-16 07:19:22. It has garnered 1421740 views and 12113 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:02 or 1202 seconds.

Rollercoasters, Minigames, & more in this Minecraft Theme Park Adventure! In this episode of Minecraft Maps, we take a trip to a minecraft theme park. The funland 3 theme park, where there’s lots of rollercoasters, mazes, fun houses, water slides, fireworks, petting zoos and more!

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    Unbelievable Chained 360s in FLQMZE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Chained 360s…’, was uploaded by FLQMZE on 2024-05-16 23:18:08. It has garnered 15 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:04 or 64 seconds. ROAD TO 100 Subs ❤️❤️❤️ ———————————————————————————- ➢ Song & Texture Pack: Ask in Comments ➢ Sub Count: 79 Subs ———————————————————————————- #shorts #minecraft #pvp #hypixel #minemen #combos #sumo #boxing #zeqaboxing #duelsboxing #duels #zeqaduels #4k #zeqa4k #bedrock #mcpe tags (ignore) #hive, hive treasure wars, hive pack folder, #packfolder , hive skywars, hive minecraft, packfolder, minecraft, hive pack folder mcpe, mcpe, pvp, treasure wars, yoga and stretching, mcbe, controller, the hive,… Read More

  • 🔥 Ep. 007: Mind-Blowing Aesthetic Stream!

    🔥 Ep. 007: Mind-Blowing Aesthetic Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mine O Sphere Season 3 Stream 007 | Aesthetics’, was uploaded by Digital Rian on 2024-04-23 05:21:57. It has garnered 179 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 01:19:47 or 4787 seconds. #minecraft #redpill #podcasts Merch live! Chat was here Sign up to the channel subscribers and get whitelisted to the server! voice mod Rian Stone, Red Pill, Relationship, Married stuff, don’t forget fuccfiles on audio All music by Birocratic and Home and Epidemic Sound Read More

  • INSANE! Guavacado UNLOCKS SECRET in Day #0003 of Minecraft SMP

    INSANE! Guavacado UNLOCKS SECRET in Day #0003 of Minecraft SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Day #0003 – Minecraft SMP’, was uploaded by guavacado on 2024-04-05 21:37:08. It has garnered 60 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:51 or 531 seconds. messing around with jon join the server: #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #smp #letsplay #roleplay #gaming #chill #minecraftmarketplace #server #series #casual #join #whitelist #nostalgia #multiplayer #javaedition #theboys #playtogether Read More


    INSIDE TV WOMAN'S FRIDGE?! HOUSE BUILT BY JJ & MIKEY in Minecraft - MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey BUILT a HOUSE inside TV WOMAN`s FRIDGE! BUT TV WOMAN CAUGHT THEM! in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Myzen on 2024-04-05 11:00:42. It has garnered 29217 views and 422 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:45 or 4005 seconds. JJ and Mikey BUILT a HOUSE inside TV WOMAN`s FRIDGE! BUT TV WOMAN CAUGHT THEM! in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we… Read More

  • Insane Digital Circus Mod in Minecraft PE!

    Insane Digital Circus Mod in Minecraft PE!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Amazing Digital Circus MOD in Minecraft PE!’, was uploaded by Sweet Potato – Minecraft on 2024-01-06 13:00:34. It has garnered 2651 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:00 or 240 seconds. In this video, I will show mod in my Minecraft world. If you’re interested in minecraft, then you’ll love this video! This mod lets you do everything that you would in the regular game, but with a little more naughty fun!Be sure to subscribe to my channel if you want to see more Minecraft gameplay! mod: #minecraft #addon… Read More

  • INSANE twist on Battle Royale in Minecraft!! 🤯

    INSANE twist on Battle Royale in Minecraft!! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Trying Game like Battle royale Minecraft 🤯’, was uploaded by NotCreepR on 2024-04-09 11:30:12. It has garnered 1082 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:19 or 679 seconds. – IN this video we Trying Game like Battle royale Minecraft 🤯 – if you enjoy this video so like and subscribe kardo yar 🙃 Tags 🙃 Minecraft games like minecraft copy games of Minecraft Minecraft copy games top 3 games like minecraft top 3 best game like Minecraft copy minecraft games GTA 6 in Minecraft make minecraft GTA 6 Minecraft GTA mode… Read More

  • Yaezer’s Insane 2K Subscriber Livestream: Minecraft, Roblox & More!

    Yaezer's Insane 2K Subscriber Livestream: Minecraft, Roblox & More!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE – Join Yaezer’s 2K Subscriber Celebration Livestream! Minecraft, Roblox & Subscriber Fun’, was uploaded by Yaezer on 2024-04-18 09:31:01. It has garnered 5079 views and 140 likes. The duration of the video is 07:14:24 or 26064 seconds. 🎉 Come celebrate with Yaezer as we hit 2K subscribers! 🎉 Join us for an epic livestream featuring Minecraft and Roblox gameplay with subscribers. Dive into the virtual worlds, interact with fellow subscribers, and chat with Yaezer live! Don’t miss out on the fun as we explore, build, and adventure together. Plus, get exclusive channel updates and… Read More

  • FrontierSMP PVP 1.20.6 Towny McMMO Custom Terrain Crossplay

    Server Information: Server IP: Bedrock Port: 19132 Server Discord: Join our Discord Version: 1.20.5 (Java) Description: FrontierSMP is a PvP server that enhances Towny elements without any pay to win features. Explore unique features like capturing points for bonuses, participating in Siege Wars, and crafting custom resources. Join now for an awesome experience! Season 1: Season 1 is currently 1 month in with a total run time of 6 months. Top 3 finishers receive rewards at the end of the season. Check our Wiki for more info. Main Features: No Pay To Win Towny Jobs McMMO Custom Terrain Player… Read More

  • Mining Success: Minecraft Skittles’ Low End World

    Mining Success: Minecraft Skittles' Low End World In Skittles’ Low End World, mining success is the goal, With mods galore, the adventure takes its toll. Crafting tools and armor, iron in hand, Facing mobs and challenges, making a stand. Coal and iron, the treasures we seek, In caves and tunnels, so dark and bleak. But with luck on our side, we find what we need, Tools and armor, a warrior indeed. From spawn to caves, the journey unfolds, With each step taken, our story molds. Facing challenges, with courage and might, In Skittles’ Low End World, we shine bright. So let’s keep mining, exploring the land,… Read More

  • Tiny Tower, Big Tears: Minecraft’s Tiniest Violin

    Tiny Tower, Big Tears: Minecraft's Tiniest Violin “Me playing the world’s smallest violin for all the times I’ve died in Minecraft… it’s a never-ending symphony of failure.” Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Pranks – Reaper He11

    EPIC Minecraft Pranks - Reaper He11 Minecraft Madness: Surviving the Mutated World Challenges and Surprises In the chaotic world of Minecraft, every player faces unexpected challenges. From creepers blowing up houses to mutated zombies and skeletons, the game keeps you on your toes. The addition of mods and add-ons only intensifies the difficulty, making survival a true test of skill and strategy. Unraveling the Mutations The mutated creatures in Minecraft add a new layer of complexity to the game. From ostriches to snails, every encounter is a unique experience. The mutated zombies and skeletons are particularly menacing, requiring quick thinking and precise combat skills to… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft TNT Explosion with NO lag!” #minecraft #tnt #gameplay

    "Insane Minecraft TNT Explosion with NO lag!" #minecraft #tnt #gameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Exploding 512 TNTs without lags! #minecraft #tnt #minecrafttnt #minecraftgameplay #lag #mod #memes’, was uploaded by DEffet on 2024-06-02 10:30:15. It has garnered 351 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. #minecraft #tnt #explosion #minecrafttnt #minecraftmemes #minecraftmods #boom #explosive #minecraftvideogame #minecraftfunny #fireworks #funnyminecraft #steveee #pc #funny #minecrafttntmod #minecrafttntexplosion #memes #hardest #weirdminecraft #tutorial #water #minecraftcursed #how #mryeester #22magnum #record #gameplay #pcbuilding #22mag #17hmr #pctips #22wmr #intro #tntexplosion #megamanny #videogame #spectatorminecraft #world #ram #stopmotion #mod #bombs #minecraftbut #computer #minecraftshorts #alexareal #watermelon #howtomaketntminecraft #nuevatntminecraft #minecraftdetonator #minecrafttnttutorial #detonatortntinmcpe #minecrafttntcannon #tntminecrafttrap #tntmodminecraft #minecrafttnttrap #howtousetntinminecraft… Read More

  • The Ultimate Iron Golem Battle

    The Ultimate Iron Golem BattleVideo Information तो आज इस मॉब के अंदर और आयरन गोलम के अंदर फाइट होगी देखो ये मॉब तो धूप से जल के जल जाता है लेकिन आयरन गोलम को जब तक मैं स्पॉन करता हूं कमेंट में बताना आपके हिसाब से कौन जीतेगा और वीडियो को लाइक और चैनल को सब्सक्राइब जरूर कर देना और देखो आयरन गोलन स्पॉन हो चुका है और इस जॉम्बी के पास जा चुका है और देखते हो आयरन गोम भी तो एक पं जॉम्बी गायब हो ग हमेशा के लिए This video, titled ‘Iron Golem vs Scary Mob 😨 #minecraft’, was uploaded by… Read More

  • INSANE! HellG searches for ultimate Minecraft biome! 😮

    INSANE! HellG searches for ultimate Minecraft biome! 😮Video Information al [Música] te tengo al lado y me siento solo el miedo me come y no entiendo como razones no faltan para querer irme pero si me voy quizás falte todo ella me llama y me llama y no sé qué hacer llama me llama y si Volveré porque tú eres mi pasado y lo mejor que me había pasado también y me llama me llama y no sé qué hacer llama y me llama y si Volveré el no poder entendernos es lo que no logro entender cómo voy a darte mi mundo entero si no estoy… Read More

  • Insane Gold Farm Build in Minecraft – Epic Gamerz Gameplay

    Insane Gold Farm Build in Minecraft - Epic Gamerz GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Build a mega gold farm | Minecraft gameplay #5’, was uploaded by TAMIM HASSAN GAMERZ on 2023-12-25 04:39:05. It has garnered 35 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:49 or 1009 seconds. I build a mega gold farm in Minecraft gameplay #5 Read More

  • “Insane Day 2 in UNFILTERED SMP!” #shorts #viral

    "Insane Day 2 in UNFILTERED SMP!" #shorts #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘UNFILTERED SMP DAY 2 | JAVA + BEDROCK | #shorts #shortvideo #viral #shortfeed #minecraft #smp’, was uploaded by Manish Unfiltered on 2024-04-05 13:23:36. It has garnered 1621 views and likes. The duration of the video is 03:15:33 or 11733 seconds. UNFILTERED SMP DAY 2 | JAVA + BEDROCK | #shorts #shortvideo #viral #shortfeed #minecraft #smp #publicsmp java – bedrock – port- 62208 IN THIS LIVESTREAM I AM PLAYING MINECRAFT GAME WITH MY FRIENDS 🙂 WE ARE ENJOYING THIS GAME A LOT THATS WHY I THOUGHT I SHOULD STREAM THIS GAME . SO YOU… Read More

  • GHOST in Modern Minecraft House?! #shorts

    GHOST in Modern Minecraft House?! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Modern House #shorts #youtubeshorts #minecraftbuilds’, was uploaded by Ghost Speler on 2024-03-08 19:17:36. It has garnered 731 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecrafttutorial #gaming Read More


    AMAZING 3D MINECRAFT PIXEL ART! 😱 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PIXEL ART 🎨 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by VIALLITY on 2024-04-30 15:12:59. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. “HELLO GUYS” Minecraft Satisfying Pixel Art #shorts #minecraftpe #pixelart Prepare to be mesmerized as we unleash the … Read More

  • Ultimate Banarasi GAMER2 vs. Epic Minecraft Mob Battle! #shorts

    Ultimate Banarasi GAMER2 vs. Epic Minecraft Mob Battle! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mob Battle #shorts’, was uploaded by Banarasi GAMER2 on 2024-04-14 15:55:13. It has garnered 489 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Minecraft Mob Battle #shorts mob battle,minecraft mob battle,carty mob battle,i cheated in a mob battle,mob battle compilation,mob battles,minecraft battle,cheated mob battle,minecraft battles,cheated in mob battle,insane mob battle,mutant mob battle,ultimate mob battle,dinosaur mob battle,i cheated in a skibidi toilet mob battle,build battle,mob battle minecraft,minecraft mob battles,maizen build battle,op mob battle,mix mob battle,void mob battle,dark mob battle minecraft rp , minecraft rap , minecraft rpg , minecraft… Read More

  • Grotex: Insane Twist You Won’t Believe!

    Grotex: Insane Twist You Won't Believe!Video Information This video, titled ‘WTF just happened!’, was uploaded by Grotex on 2024-03-26 06:02:45. It has garnered 108 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. #montage #bedwars #monatge #minecraft #shorts #hypixelbridge #hurtin #blockin pack: in the middle above Mouse: Bloody A70 Keyboard: Redragon K552 red switches Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords Jirz doing the latvian strat block hit on minecraft the bridge while cruh explains not on cruhbridge though parihs edates jirz but thats aight… Read More

  • Country Craft SMP 1.21.1+ Java Modded 13+

    Country Craft Server Welcome to Country Craft, a server where players can create or join countries of their own! We encourage players to develop their own cultures and stories while playing. While not strictly a roleplay server, we value roleplay over metagaming. We also use the Prominence II mod, so make sure to play through CurseForge. See you on the server! Join our Discord: Read More

THEME PARK ADVENTURE [Ep5] (Rollercoasters, Minigames, PVP & More!) – Minecraft Maps