TheNeoCubest – 300K 3 Hour Movie | Minecraft 1.14 Let’s Play Ep. 27 (TheNeoCubest)

Video Information

Hey guys what is up the new Kiba steer welcome to episode 27 this is going to be my three hour special for 300,000 subscribers again thank you guys so so much this is gonna be a world download in the first line and second line in the description for both PC and bedrock

Versions so I think the first order of business for this three hour series is making this Cliff House a little bit better because we’ve been here longer than I care to admit and now we don’t have any sprue do we have spruce I don’t think we have spruce but we have dark

Oak so we’re gonna convert this floor from the terrible mossy cobblestone we originally chose to a beautiful variant of wood and I think it’ll be good to have more than one wood color in here it also spice things up a bit but this mossy cobblestone looks absolutely terrible so let’s get this fixed

Okay much much better I was not a fan of that and so many people told me to switch it took this long but we finally got it switched so you guys are probably wondering you know what’s the plan for this three hour movie and I think the

Beauty of it is I don’t have a plan but I do have a few things I want to accomplish okay I want to try to get some more Enderman some more ender pearls so that we can try to find the stronghold for this world another thing

I want to do and I’m gonna do it off the bat is I kind of want to explore a new part of the world so I’m going to go in the nether and we’re gonna make i know it’s loud i know it’s loud I’m sorry we’re gonna try

To find some way hopefully pigmen aren’t accurate on us at this point I really don’t think they are are they no good because there’s so many that if they were we’d be a little bit uh we’d be a little bit hos there I think what I want

To do is make a sort of path off of this castle somewhere now to do this I’m gonna have to put my inventory up as if I died with all this stuff like in my stream series I’m gonna be very upset so if you guys don’t know I actually

Started live-streaming and just I have a separate world for it and honestly I had some really great tools right and stupid me decided to mess up and fall in the lava so I fell in the lava and lost literally everything I had it was one of the worst

Experiences of my entire life let me go grab some more cobblestone from the overworld because I want to make this path out of cobble so you guys won’t have to see it but I’ll be right back okay we’re back in the nether we’ve got a good bit of cobblestone here and we’re

Just gonna start trucking on so I’m not sure how far I’m gonna go we can see there’s a little bit of land over there but I really want to travel like probably 500 blocks in the nether now I’m not sure if I want to make this path

Three wide or if I want to make it one wide I think 3y is gonna be a little bit better for future proofing because we’re probably gonna want to make it three wide at some point now of course this is not a project I’m gonna show on camera

Dig drilling this out it’s not gonna be the most fun in the world but hey that’s what I signed up for I signed up for making good content for you guys and I want to be able to thank you guys for 300,000 subs so we’re gonna have an

Awesome three hours special and yeah I guess I’ll meet you guys when I’m over Neera that thingy I’m already off the bat we’re dying we’re gonna lose all of our armor a gas has shot me off of this thing absolutely create all this armor is going in the trash and that’s just great

And all my cobblestone I guess that’s a that’s that’s one way to start it that’s a you know it brings me it brings me memories from when I just did that and died and lost all my stuff I didn’t lose all of my cobblestone but I lost a

Really good chunk like that cast spawned out of nowhere I had just started building I just like cut off the camera and all of a sudden I hear that you know your your typical gasps sound and I died so that’s terrible the first three minutes of the episode

By hey we’ll be able to get some armor back we’ll be able to get back some good armor we have a mob spawner which means we’re not really strapped for expeed on the stream world we are strapped for XP but here I wouldn’t say I’m too worried about it

We have a ton of diamonds for only 19 now so I guess I’ll have to go back to the house anyways to make a full set of armor but I’m gonna be sure to have a full set of armor at all points because the nether as I’ve sort of learned very

Dangerous to be a 48 I’m sitting in there Wow but yeah I don’t want to take like all my cobble but I mean I don’t know I just don’t want to lose it all you know okay well we’ll go back up here and we’ll get some stuff to make the rest of

The armor we still just need to make a chest plate so just eight pieces okay let’s hop in here and let’s grab no I’m sorry that this took a little bit to get out for you guys it’s just because I moved and then I already had a pre-recorded episode so this one I’m

Recording live hopefully it doesn’t come out too late because they know the size of it is going to be absolutely enormous just like the file size so YouTube’s gonna take a while to process it upload it it’s gonna take like three hours or four hours to render just because of the

Length but uh hopefully it comes out at a decent hour it’s twelve o’clock or twelve p.m. right now so I’m hoping that it’s not too too long but at the same time I think it’ll be okay so annoying that’s so loud I’m pretty sure it’ll be okay as long as it doesn’t

Come out too late yeah that’s the gas that sort of wrecked us it spawned like literally right there like it’s not like I didn’t look before I was building it just spawned so close so I guess I’m just gonna try to build this I hope I

Don’t die maybe I should take all my armor off it’s probably good idea I don’t know why I had my armor on I always forget to take it off no matter what I’m doing and look at that island of pigment because you know when you

Open a chest you don’t see it so I just want my brain just like yep it just must not be there so we’ll put up all but like a few stacks that way if we die I should say when we die it’s like we’re gonna die a lot doing this but a special

Thing about gas is no matter how far away they are and this is from my fans you know the fan info from the comments you guys said that no but no matter how far away it gassed is it always sounds like it’s right next to you and I think

That’s 100% true because absolutely loud as heck that’s a fat glowstone pocket look at that like the other ones like that maybe that maybe that that’s a big one but then this one’s just like dude that’s a big old pocket okay well I’m gonna continue doing this off-camera I’m

Gonna try to reach that island up over there and then uh well I’m not really sure but we’re just gonna keep going this way so I’m not exactly sure how to go about this I want to either stay on this path or I want to be able to go

Over there but if I go over there it’s gonna be a little bit easier for me as I don’t have to make this path over the lava and risk losing all my stuff again so I’m trying to decide I think I’m just gonna go over here once I’m over the

Land and see if it’s a far enough in the direction that I’m headed right here for me to go in I guess we’ll find out in just a second yeah let’s see because I don’t know how far over this way it goes I know it obviously goes over there a little bit

But like see over here it doesn’t really yeah and see it sort of curves inwards and it doesn’t continue going this way but once we get to right there we’ll be able to tunnel through it and hopefully get a good distance so yeah something like that obviously I need to go get

More cobblestone I do not have near enough to get all the way over there but that was the plan luckily I didn’t get shot off this time by Gast which is you know never fun but yeah I really am excited for this episode I hope it turns out to be

Absolutely incredible for you guys I wanted to sort of go to a new area and see if I can’t discover something else in the world but uh oh no oh no please don’t okay I’m gonna get some more stuff I’m also gonna make this three wide up until

This point and I’ll catch you guys back on camera after I make it three wide until that point I don’t want to break my pickaxe out here so I sort of decided to break this by hand and know what I’m satisfied now I know that ideally this

Should be made out of half slabs on the bottom slab just because well Pigman can sort of spot on it but I’m not worried about them as long as I don’t a grow them like before and start to Pigman more which we also started out our stream world and they’ve wrecked us many

Times so hopefully I don’t start up that war again I think we’re at a treaty sort of period and our fighting well we’re getting really really close and I figure I’d come back on camera and show you what I’m doing so I’ve just been building like this for a good bit

Obviously once we get to that area where we can actually drill through the nether that’s gonna be so much better just because this does take a good bit of time and I’m also worried that well there was a couple of gasps I’m not sure where they went they seem to be coming

And going I’m not sure if they spawn and then like despawn really quickly if they have a large I’m not really sure but they appear to be just sort of like spawning and then going away yeah we’re almost to the point see I can talk talk my way through it without making it

Boring so we’re almost to that point and then after that all we’ve got to do is just make it to that area over there hopefully stop that lava flow and then yeah we should be Gucci’s so let me get over here back to the house I’m going to

Need to get like some food because I’m really running low and some more cobble and and uh yeah I’ll see you guys back on the camera after I’ve made a little bit more progress now if I’m not mistaken every block you travel in the nether is seven blocks in the overworld so we

Should end up a good bit distance away I didn’t mean a good bit we should end up a good distance away from our home base and that’s the goal I know we have that railroad and stuff we may make a rail onto this and we never really

Finished the railroad but to be fair we never have really gone over there and I got to do it again it’s so satisfying it’s so annoying at the same time I’m really not a fan of it now again guys I’m not going to record this whole thing

So don’t like click away from the video because you think I’m gonna end up building a highway until I get over there and it’s definitely something I’m gonna cut out so watch me do it I feel weird because somehow gravel has made it to the nether and I absolutely despise

It and I’m not sure why they chose to add it and I’m also not sure why gas are so loud I don’t know why they do that like programming wise like even though there’s so far away if I turn hostile creatures all the way off they’d be I

Mean everything else would be too quiet everything else is perfectly balanced for why they got ruined my audio with these but these is weird sleeping cat noises huh yeah yeah they really are souped-up they’re made from Mojang Mojang’s notches cat when he was asleep or she

Was asleep I don’t know what gender the cat was but the cat basically was asleep not filmed it yeah recorded the sound he turned it backwards and pitch shifted it and he ended up with a ghast but yeah we’re getting really really close to finally being complete once we get over

To like that lava area I’m not sure how to go about that so it should be interesting to film I hope that I don’t die when I do it that would not be ideal but if it has to happen it’ll happen and I’m sure we’ll figure it out I think the

Best way is gonna be stopping at the source up there that’s probably gonna be the absolute best way now hopefully this is not just a little thin piece of nether equity get over there I’m hoping that it’s like a really really big like land area so we can just make a big old

Tunnel through it but things don’t always work out how you want in life you’ll learn that but we’ll get close we’ll get close that I’m like super old inhabitant of wisdom but that is some wisdom that I’ve learned thus far in my 20 years on this

Earth okay let me get well well I think we have enough stuff I don’t really know I wanted to cut the recording but at the same time if I keep cutting the recording like that having a three hour movie is gonna take like seven eight nine hours to record and while that’d be

Fine it also means that you guys don’t get content for a whole day so we’ll just have to see this may not even be uploaded Friday which would be the 21st it may be uploaded the 22nd I don’t know you guys will just have to see I would

Not like to do that but I don’t know it’s just it’s a huge okay so we’re getting really close it’s just a huge it’s gonna be huge video okay so well to stop it like right there this is kind of fun we’ll get up over to the actual area

Over there we’re gonna blocking off and hopefully that stops all of our troubles knowing knowing the nether it probably won’t it’ll probably just cause more things to happen so we’ll sort of see how they’re everything plays out but we’ll keep this and there’s a few things

Over here I’d want to get like oh yeah see like like look at this closed down this is a fat pocket and see that gas is so much go ahead dude but this do you see that do you see how much glowstone that is and if the gas shoots don’t wanna be upset

You can hear the wind howling in the there’s so much wind right now I don’t hear it like howling okay well let me go back let me get a few things like our armor and pickaxe because we have this built and I’m not really worried that we’re gonna die anymore

Wow this already is huge but yeah let me get back real quick I still I just can’t get over how big that pocket is I keep running around and I see that on the ceiling maybe it’s like a triple spotter than like one two and three I’m not

Really sure but that thing is huge now this stuff that we have in our inventory is armored especially the Neo drill if I were to lose that stuff the Neo destroy or something if I were to lose that stuff I’d be a very very upset man I wasn’t too upset about losing the

Armor because we already lost it once but I don’t know if I lose all this stuff it’s gonna really really make this hard for me but hopefully we don’t I don’t think we will but it really kills you when you have all this good like armor and stuff and then just like

One gassed or one pigment just like messes up your whole day it’s like absolutely terrible I’m really tempted to hit them cuz I don’t like them but I feel like that’s a bad idea to hit them but yeah we’re almost there to the close

Stone so I won’t cut it but we need to stop that at the source and we have enough cobble to get up there we can also just mine enough to either act to get up there as well no it’s not hard either way like I can mine netherrack at

A rate that’s just absolutely uncanny you spill to mind it fast I don’t know I couldn’t actually make it faster I was gonna say because I’m my streamer all died efficiency for on a pic but then that sort of went away and I’ll go ahead and hold those for you guys hopefully we

Get enough neither act for ourselves up there oh yeah more than enough okay let’s get over here let’s mine this hopefully the gas does despawned probably knowing gas they’re very uh they stick tend to come and go very often I’m not really sure why but they

Just do okay let’s get this pocket of glowstone this is gonna be fun it’s like a big old oak tree it’s like one of those big oak trees you know they’re kind of annoying it’s just a large one so you’re wondering why I minded with the pickaxe because I have fortune on it

We always typically get four which is how many power to go stone like dust it takes to make a block so it’s actually really cool that we get it every single time we break it I don’t know it’s kind of nice but I always like mining glowstone I just feel like it’s so

Satisfying and oh and it’s such a pretty block too it’s one of my favorite blocks at Minecraft for sure just because it’s a solid block that emits or it’s not a solid block but it’s just a block that emits light and I just remember it was

One of the first blocks that I ever played with in Minecraft classic I’m replacing it down and baked like whoa this this stone glows and then I’ve looked at this name it was called glowstone and I was just like oh yeah plus you almost never find glowstone

Pockets that are like right right next to the ground so I figured I might as well mine it on this little journey and we should end up with so much glowstone like look at this if we’re wondering why it sound different I just woke up because I have to record effort I just

Wake up because this is so long usually I’d wait a little bit to wake up it’s not there like I’m unhappy to be record oh wow it’s not that I’m unhappy according or anything like that but if my voice does sound different that is the reason behind it so a couple of them

Didn’t give us the things but we have over a stack of clothes oh we have over a stack of clothes stone now which is really cool there are more of these pockets here so I’ll just keep that in mind in the future in case we need it

But for now we’ve got to do the a very dangerous mission we’ve got to go up here and stop this lava flow which should be interesting to say the least we’ll just go up like right here now hopefully nothing’s up there I don’t know what would be up there that would

Attack us but you never know in the nether I guess things just tend to happen no it looks like we’re actually really close to it so as soon as I plug that I feel like the world the nether will just sort of explode I really hope

Not I also really hope that my converted versions of Minecraft work for everyone as far as the bedrock and stuff if you’re playing on xbox360 I don’t know if it will work just because I can’t convert world types from the old generation consoles to the new ones I

Can only do it for like the current Pocket Edition and the Xbox one and ps4 users now that’s gonna be the majority of you so for the few of you who can’t play in the world I’m very sorry but you can play around with those files and see

If you can’t convert it and then see if someone could maybe try to convert it for you but yeah let’s let this lava flow sorta dissipate hopefully it goes pretty quickly I’m not really sure how quickly it will okay I think we’ve reached the continuum I think it’s about

To finally destroy itself maybe I thought he’d go down a lot quicker that’s so anticlimactic I really thought there we go maybe what is it doing what are you doing lava I feel like it should go down quicker but maybe that’s how quick water goes down I don’t know I’m

Just honestly really excited to like start building this over here so maybe we’ll just sort of do it well that will this mess anything up no hopefully not no will this yeah it’s made it start to flow out the cobble that’s not good leave this little path

Over here we might even make it a little bit wider just so that if we want to come up here we’re not like like running away from stuff because it’s always really convenient when you’re running and there’s stuff shooting at you so maybe we’ll make that a non-factor here okay

Cool so the law was gone that means we get to start drilling out our nether superhighway I just saw youtuber do that recently I don’t know who it was but they were making another highway it might have been I’ll I list I don’t even know his name but it starts

Like a ily or something I’m not sure but this should go very quickly just because are a pickaxe so let’s drill this up and watch this this should be pretty quick now the reason I don’t do time lapses is because they waste so much oh they waste

So much camera footage like you’d be very surprised like ten minutes of footage is like 80 gigs or something like that I don’t I don’t know the exact number well no because like a thirty minute video it’s like a hundred and fifty gigabytes or something like that

So I have to have big rewarding hard drives I actually only have one hard drive right now since my other one failed but hopefully this is pretty simple to do I might as well put glowstone in here since we are in the nether hopefully we don’t encounter too

Many of these blocks at these magma blocks and whatnot just because they’re kind of a nuisance but I think it’d be appropriate in here to use like glowstone I’m not sure how often I really I mean it doesn’t matter if it’s dark in the nether I guess because

Nothing can really I mean everything’s gonna spawn all the time and that’s just this is just one okay hopefully that breaks quickly I think it will yeah good it’s fun to mine obsidian on the stream because it gives me a chance to like talk and read the chat but on here it’s

A different story I should have filled this in with netherrack I don’t know why I didn’t I have so much netherrack I should just fill that in with netherrack okay well we’ll just have the glowstone when we get to the end this is kind of

Fun to mine out just because of how fast we can do it and we don’t really have to like take breaks or anything because like you know eventually it gets fatiguing mining cobblestone but this is just so quick so I’m gonna mine out a bunch of this and then I’ll come back on

Camera and show you what I did and there we go so we’ve reached the other area we’re gonna have to make a cobblestone path on obviously this path is already extremely long but I was gonna go for gold here and make it absolutely huge so I’ll make as I was

Gonna say I make another chest but then I have to run so far back and it’s not too far to over there so I’m gonna wing it and hopefully we don’t die I hear a gas currently now I don’t know where this gassed is I don’t know how long we’ll be undercover

Actually we’re undercover for a good bit here so I’m not too worried about it hopefully this path doesn’t take too too long I don’t think it will once we get to there I think I’m just gonna drill out as far as I can go in there and add the portal somewhere underground over

There but again yeah I’m not gonna show me building the bridge that is one of the most excruciating ly boring things I have to do it’s not bad or anything I’m not complaining I’m just say it’d be excruciating wee bad to watch a video where the youtuber is just building a

One by three path the entire time so I’ll catch you guys in a bit I may have to go back to the overworld get more cobblestone I’m probably will have to but we’ll see we’ll see but I’ll see you guys when I’m finally over there so this special will definitely be the

Longest youtube video I think I’ve ever made I’ve made ones that are like an hour an hour and thirty one was even I think two hours one of those 25 quick and easy houses but never three hours so it’s gonna be very interesting to see how my computer handles rendering that

Because that’s a lot of data but it should be interesting hopefully my harddrive can hold it all if not I’ll have to like offload it to one of my portables but I’m hoping we don’t have to do that because that’s gonna just make things a little dicey but yeah this

Is pretty this is fun I’m having a lot of fun I’m gonna go get more cobblestone obviously because we’re out and it looks like this path is already pretty long I’m not sure how long and exactly is but I wanted to make it like close to 500

Blocks in here so we can do a little calculations to wear it like four we were at like 500 when we started on the z-coordinate so let’s see what we’re at when we get to the beginning because if it is a factor of seven it’s 500 long as

3500 blocks so I wanted to title this journey her this episode 300k special but I wanted to preface it with we’re gonna be travelling like three thousand blocks so it looks like we’re about that far once we get to there I’m sure we’ll be that far but so far it’s

About four hundred blocks long which is just what I wanted so once we get over to that area I think we should be good okay well that’s how all the cobblestone we have in the overworld – so hopefully it doesn’t take more than six stacks of cobble if not we’re gonna be quarrying

Out some more maybe even on stream we’ll see but if you guys want to catch my live streams I try to go in the evening sometimes in the middle of the day but not many people watch in the middle of the day they tend to watch more at night

Which is fine so that’s what I’m gonna try to stream so if you guys want to catch me I don’t have a schedule just yet because I’m not really sure about making a schedule I don’t want to make promises or anything like that but yeah

Catch me on screen I was gonna come on camera and say ha it feels good to be back to the nether but it doesn’t this place is nasty now ideally in the future I would like this to be covered or have some sort of protection but that’s a

Large undertaking to do so that’s probably something we do on stream again just because that’s not something I’m comfortable like making a whole episode about just like that would just be so so boring but yeah let’s get over here I’ll come back on camera let me get to where

I can actually talk about I’ll come back on camera whenever we can get to that over there you guys see that and the very far distance I want to get to right there when I drill as far as we can through that and then from there we’ll

Go ahead and place our portal down which we got the 10 blocks we’ve got the Flint steels trying to make sure because that would suck if we didn’t have it and we’ll be able to go a pretty good distance I think hopefully we end up in some crazy area maybe a mushroom biome

That’s what I’m really hoping for that’s one of my favorite biomes also the most rare in the game so I hope we get one of those this is what I’m worried about if I were to die right here this would be so terrible I really hope I could time

These right and hit him and kill him or her I’m not really sure wait that’s not good why is that not working my pro strats not working pro strats really okay good but to be so worried I saw that gas the entire time I was building he was

Hanging out look over there and you decided you know we’re gonna float over here and in this pants career which is what your tres trying to do the gas is trying to in my career you guys keep saying that I don’t know if it’s an inside joke you keep saying like in my

Career I don’t know what that is but it’s pretty funny and it’s true okay Sophia come back on camera we’ve reached the continuum point now there is a little bit of netherrack above our heads here so we’ll clear that out just so that we always have that 3×3

Tunnel and hopefully we go pretty far in here if not it’s not a big deal Marty so far away that I feel like I’d be happy with just traveling this amount of blocks but I yeah let’s see what we’ll do a little bit Oh we’ll do a little bit

On camera initially I hope things like that don’t keep happening that’s like unfortunate if Lava Falls so I’ll see how far we can get in here probably pretty far I’m hoping pretty far well hopefully if lava starts to flow in here it’s such a pain if you

Can’t like get it off the bat like it really is just because then you got a you just got to do some gymnastics to try to make it all work well we keep in carrying these pockets of magma and while they’re beautiful and great and I really hope they make a good light

Source cuz I’ve already collected so many I kind of wanted to spam them and put them for light sources in areas I don’t know damn it do they admit okay so they don’t hurt you when you touch them from the side only if you stand on am NOT holding Crouch that’s interesting

You’d think that they programmed them to always hurt you no matter what but apparently crouching closer to the block that’s burning your feet somehow makes it stop burning you okay well it looks like this may be a good distance so I’m just gonna keep breaking this off-camera

And I’ll come back if anything crazy happens okay well I’m starting to hear lava so I think we’re getting close this path wasn’t too terribly long like the other one but I think we’re about to reach the area where yeah so I don’t want to go over this one – that’s

Definitely too much so we’re just going to sort of block this off here and add a portal and we’ll sort of see how far we go it’ll be uneven unfortunately but it’s not a big deal I think I think everyone will survive in the series I hope so

Even if it’s uneven well you guys what you guys died I hope not okay let’s do this let’s uh let’s activator and let’s see how far we go um so but yeah we traveled about 700 blocks so about 4900 overworld blocks we should end up and it’s gonna take a while that

Load because it’s it’s literally loading an entirely new world like it well not really but to the computer it’s an entire new area so hopefully doesn’t take too long but it should generate a pretty okay okay so we’re at level 26 and we’re at an underground part at

Level 26 that’s not that’s not ideal I guess it’s only fair that that happened let me light up this cave hopefully it’s not a big cave just because I don’t want things spawning where our nether portal is when we’re already so far away from home that would not be ideal okay so it

Looks like nothing can spawn and walk into there hopefully this path is also shortened by the ravine yes now this is a low ravine so I’m curious that there’s any diamonds in here I’ll do a quick like a little once-over but I don’t think it goes low enough for a bunch of

Diamonds to spawn hopefully not okay you know what I’m done there’s skeletons I don’t want to deal with them I hate skeleton skeleton zopi hashtag Mojang skeletons o P I really do think they’re overpowered like they just have such good aim it’s not fair it’s not fair at

All I know I should get the gold but we’re just gonna drill a little bit of a path out just because otherwise we’re not gonna really be able to get to the over like the overworld so we’ll drill up here I’ll come back when I’ve found

The area that I deem worthy aka the ground I hope I hope I find the ground if not we’re gonna be in for a rude awakening maybe we’ll be in a in the Aqua world or hope maybe we’re under an ocean you know you never know so I’ll

Come back when uh when it’s exciting okay well we’ve hit dirt so I assume this is where the top is that’s scary that’s scary because we’re so far away what are our coordinates yeah we’re at 5257 so hopefully we’re so far away to like I don’t know something

Crazy happens I’m not sure but it looks like this is the end I don’t have a shovel I’m this far in the series I feel like I had a diamond shovel I don’t know where it went but this pickaxe yeah we’re at grasp this pickaxe is almost

Dead and to repair it it does cost a good bit of XP so maybe we’ll go mine never quartz or something I know it’s exciting to see but I’m making you guys wait because I want to be able to okay we’re not gonna look we’re not gonna

Look okay we can’t gather any that I’ll see where we are okay so there’s a swamp okay is that a set of village or at one of them one of them temples what is that I don’t know what that is is it becoming night yeah it’s becoming

Night of course okay well we’re very far away now I don’t know what that exactly means for us but we have a means to get very far away should we ever need to like like half two I guess more than anything is just kind of fun to go out

Into a new place is that a village no that’s a tree I could also see the stars rising so we need to get back home I wanted to get that done just for sort of future proofing the world because I know at some point we’re gonna want to do

Stuff like that now hopefully I did not just lose that where oh no okay wait what no I know it was over here it was over here okay and we’ll use a little something to denote that this is here we’ll build a little bit of a I don’t

Know what you’d call it by it we’re gonna build one of these just to sort of let everyone know hey we’ve we’ve got something here that way in case we get any explorers and they’d like to head over to our world 5,000 blocks away they

Can sort of make their way here okay and then maybe you put like some glowstone on it I’m not really sure I’m sure at some point we’ll make this look a whole lot better but for right now this will do we’ll go up on the side here and

We’ll just do something like this I’m not really sure what this does or what this means I don’t really think it means any death doesn’t mean anything but it looks sort of cool and that’ll sort of denote there were five thousand blocks away so people see this as two space portal guys

All you have to do is go in this hole right under this space portal and you’ll end up in a place that’s much better than your home hopefully I assume there’s something out there well of course go out there and explore it I’m gonna go down and just mine for a bit we

Have two hundred ninety seven durability on this thing so I’m just gonna make a little path down to our level 11 I’m just gonna strip mine until it’s day well as soon as we got down here initially I mean we’ve got so got a few things off the bat we got gold

We got redstone hopefully we find diamonds now we have a ton of netherrack so I’m gonna make like a make a little thing here because we don’t need this much netherrack no one on earth needs as much to other act nor do they need the gravel the magma we don’t need really

That much of we’ll keep a little bit like there’s things in here I don’t need that I don’t need that and uh look at the mossy but hopefully we can find some good stuff down here we are at layer 11 so again I’m just gonna strip mine until

Day and I’ll come back we find diamonds or anything that’s the hope when we travel this far away RNG resets maybe we’ll have bad luck down here maybe we’ll have good luck you just never know a strip mining and I think that’s that’s the fun part about it okay so I was

Mining and I was digging out one of these branches you see we didn’t really get that far and I saw this opening so I ran in here and uh it looks like we have a little bit of a mineshaft I sort of stopped right here I didn’t go any further

So hopefully we can find something in here of substance I don’t know we are all we are already pretty low into the world so I assume that since these are these are at layer 18 though so diamonds can’t spawn but some parts of this like over here definitely stuff can spawn now

I should not get lost here that would be the absolute worst thing so I’m gonna try to always place my torches on the left and hopefully okay this is another ravine they see these are so low these ravines of this depth are absolutely so rare oh well there’s diamond and there’s

Lapis I was gonna say there has to be some diamond around here even if just a little bit so let’s see how much this is hopefully fortune 3 made us really lucky yeah 18 diamonds from one pocket see that’s that’s a stuff I’m looking for and that’s what I

Get excited about I love when that happens like you might like just the tiniest bit and then you get all this stuff iron I’m not sure how I’m not sure what need for iron we really have oh we might as well get it let’s see over here

I feel like there might be something else there’s got to be more diamonds in this somewhere I mean this is just so much exposed area is so low in the world that’s somewhere in here there’s gonna be more diamonds where I’m not really sure I’m sure someone’s gonna try to

Troll me in the comments and tell me that oh there was diamonds at blah blah blah and I’m and oh well there’s another spawner it appears to be a zombie spawner which is cool those are always rare haven’t found one of those since the beginning of the

Series and we’ll go ahead and just torch it up like the old school days unbreaking – that’s a good enchant I think we ready have that book or that the book I’m sorry I’m pretty sure we already have that music disc but well we’ll take it once or take it twice I’ll

Leave this spawner here in case for some reason we want to make another spot yes I’ve already seen those two chests I know there’s one like right there and I know there’s one right there obviously so we’ll get both of those real quick hopefully they have something good in

Them some diamonds that’s always good gold we don’t need pumpkin seeds you guys said nametags are rare so we’ll take those I shall rather take a block this we already do have coal torches always welcome more torches rails we don’t really need them I know that like

Technically we need them but I mean we already have we can aren’t we already have so much iron guys we’re not gonna worry about it let’s go see what’s in this chest right but after I collect this iron see what I mean we have iron just because I love

Collecting it I love collecting materials let’s see is there anything in here of substance coal not really bread we don’t really need bread melon seeds powered rail detect or not we should be good now hopefully in here again I hope there’s more diamonds I don’t know if

There is it’s probably day by now but I did not expect to discover something like this so early on now I do want to sort of have a means to find my way back so that that was for sure the way back do we need to block off any of this no

This is all connected okay well we’ll just go over here hopefully there’s something else over here I don’t really know what level is this at fifteen so if they’re gonna be here they’ll have to be below like this block this layer right here so I’m just sort of keeping my eyes

Peeled for diamonds now I do know that we need a lot of lap is for enchanting so we’ll get as much of that as we can you do already have a good bit our inventory is completely full we need to make an outpost out here before anything

But I just wanted to do a little bit of a sporran waiting for the okay so that’s the end nothing in there is that another ravine over there no I was gonna say that’d be crazy double ravine stacked side-by-side that’s pretty dope I almost cut the recording I’m not sure why

Because I want to go over here we already did go this direction but I’m not sure how far we really do you guys hear that wind it sounds so creepy especially at night like I could see why people would think this place is haunted if the wind was like that I would have

Moved out of here would it be like oh my gosh it’s haunted I know you guys can also hear people at the pool yelling and screaming I’m so sorry there’s just a bunch of kids there and they’re just absolutely just like so excited to be cool so

Because I’m like really close to the pool and like the community pool or whatever so I am sorry if you guys can hear that I do apologize I can’t do anything about I can’t move just because it’s too loud although this is my job so maybe I could justify it but I don’t

Really know I’d like to not move oh I was trying to press f3 I guess ready it had a held down okay well let’s just get back to my normal place let’s go see if it’s day which I assume it has to be it’s already been so

Long that if it’s not day I’ll be very surprised so I think I can find my way back here I think I can oh yeah it’s just straight this way right right I think so yeah it was just right here cool okay let’s go back up top and let’s

See if it’s day I assume it is but you know what you could never make too many assumptions in the world because maybe we waited so long that now it’s night again I don’t know we should be able to see from the bottom here if

It is is it night again or maybe we didn’t even wait long enough I don’t know okay we’re in luck so it looks like it’s just becoming day I assume since everything sort of brightening up yeah the moon is setting this creeper you’re not gonna mess it all started ticking –

What the do dude not cool at all like seriously what kind okay we’ll build this back real quick we’ll just fill this in with cobblestone it’s not a big deal we have so much excess cobble I’m not worried about little projects like that but that creeper not cool not cool

At all that was very mean of you that was very rude you’ve ruined our beautiful shrine structure here okay well I’m not sure what direction to run so we’ll just sort of run which way is this we’re running north so we need to run south to get back so I’m just gonna

Run a far distance this way see if we spot anything maybe a village I’m not really sure but I wanted to adventure a little bit and this should I quench my thirst for adventure so okay there’s a lava pocket there we do it we don’t have pigs that’s something we could bring

Back although I’m not sure how far we’d have to travel to get them back actually a good bit horsies hello pretty cool I’ve never really had a horse in Minecraft I don’t think I have a saddle but at some point I’d like to get a horse just because I can

Finally say I’ve gotten a horse in Minecraft which I feel like a lot of people have and that’s completely normal but I’ve never gotten a horse okay I don’t see anything in the immediate distance like not much at all I do see a couple of cows I don’t see any villages

Villages or anything so I want to do something exciting for this episode I’m trying to figure out what that will be I’m not sure but I do have a couple of projects in mind we need to get a tower done we could build a couple of buildings for

We could build a couple of buildings for our village maybe try to get some villagers over there I’m not really sure I think the first order of business can be repairing this pic because wow it’s getting really close to death so hmm I’m gonna go back to the home base all the

Way through the nether and whatnot and I will come back when we are back to the actual like back to reality oh there goes gravity but I’ll come back when we’re actually back to home I know it’s a far distance but we should be good I’ll see you guys back there and I’d

Really like to get back to level 30 with enchantment levels just because that means we can mine stuff easy I know the nether quartz is falling into the lava I really don’t care about it we already have so much of it I can’t even collect it okay well we at

Least have to be able to collect it we’ll put it like that I just want to get the XP from it because you guys told me that it’s good for XP and you guys were more than right like you get a ton

Of XP from it so any of it that I see I may make a little pit stop over there and grab some I know I encountered a little bit when I was drilling this out we only added a little bit ghosts up to it’s okay the nether and they can’t

Really get that dark here it seems now I don’t know about the caves but it seems like most of the other areas can’t get that dark okay let’s just keep mine in other courts I know this episode has been maggiore in the nether yeah I do

Apologize but it’s not it’s not that bad of a deal right you’re still getting three hours of the NiO cubist I’m not really sure but still why you guys like me so much you guys tell me it’s my personality but I’m like what what personality you’re talking about there

What uh what what because I don’t really think I have a very crazy personality I guess everyone technically has a personality otherwise that’d be very confusing everyone would be the exact same but I don’t I don’t think I’m like two different okay we have 20 diamonds I’m kind of uncomfortable mining in the

Nether when we got twenty diamonds but I want this XP and this nether quartz seems to drop just a ridiculous amount of XP which is not a bad thing but we have an XP spawner so I’m not really worried about getting XP via that me

But yeah I’ll meet you guys back at the overworld it does feel good to have another superhighway though eventually we’ll add rails to it make it a much better but it does feel good to finally have it so yeah you know what I shouldn’t do but totally I’m gonna do

Because I hate Pigman we’re gonna we’re gonna aggro them watch this but then look we’re gonna cheat them out like this and then they can’t kill us we just have to sit right here hopefully there’s not too many Pikmin in my actual base you know I’m done with it now there I

Don’t like the nether okay this guy’s gonna hop up and try to block me real quick he’s gonna realize oh yeah this is my enemy is there any in here oh no watch this we got iron doors for a reason guys haha you guys can’t come in here

What they can hit me through a door okay that doesn’t make sense okay back to the overworld if it’s gonna be it’s gonna feel so nice to get back here [Applause] so loud but much better much much better okay let’s put up this cobblestone let’s grab these resources that we had down in

Here and we could put up the cobble in here we don’t necessarily have to put it in here but I want to have a room for everything else dirt we don’t need mossy cobble even there hopefully we have enough room to grab all this stuff down

Here okay let’s see what the damage is what do we got what do we got okay I think we can come in can we fit all this in here no not even close we tried but we’re not even close okay what can we put up we don’t need the dark oak I can

Grab that with this and then ender pearl that’s really rare we’ll put we’ll put torches in there in case we ever run out of torches we probably won’t see him in there but someone in the comments about Hayden you know there was torches in there like yeah you’re not wrong but I

Could put me for cut they were there but yeah I want to put these up in our house because we have so much there you have so many diamonds I mean we got 23 we don’t really need that many I’d like to repair this pick so maybe we’ll go repair that before dropping

Everything off which is not the smartest idea but I don’t know I think the chances of something killing us in this walled off area are very slim to none I do like that we have this area walled off I want to add a bunch of buildings

And ears I think that’s what I’m gonna do for the rest of the episodes just sort of build things obviously if that gets boring or whatever then we’ll we’ll not do it but I don’t know how much it’s gonna cost ya it cost 35 it costs 32 to

Repair it now yeah see it’s just it’s just not worth it anymore even one diamond is there even one repair on it’s 32 so there’s something sad about that but though we still have more diamonds in here what oh my gosh okay hold on we’re gonna make this into blocks just

So that we have more inventory space to grab the other lapis and then we should be good kill me no we still four that’s okay I don’t think we need four but as long as we can make 14 more blocks we should be good we’ll go ahead and take

This we’ll leave a couple of blocks in here cuz I know we need it for enchanting we’ll leave like 15 that’s actually not we’ll put all the lapis in here we don’t even need it in that house I think the first order of business is going to try to be get another pickaxe

Similar to this I know that I could get mending but the issue is is that like I couldn’t I tried for so long to get it on the stream and I just could not get it from the librarian so it looks like that’s a non option unfortunately

Eventually I’ll try to get it again but I honestly I did it I gave it my all but we never really got to the point where we could get it we need to make coal blocks is there anything else I can sort of compress I need to smelt this stuff

For some reason I don’t feel like nether quartz should go in here but this area is getting a little small I don’t know do I have anything in here I have a little bit of iron I don’t remember like I know I had a bunch of stuff okay will

Smell a whole nother stack of iron will smelt a whole nother stack of iron in here too and then we got one little eight stack and then we should have just an absolute ton of gold we don’t need this much but it’s okay I think I may

Need seven okay and then diamonds can go up in here emeralds can go up in here not sure whether this lap is in that corner and I want to say don’t even want lap is in there okay well we have seven extra I should be okay

That should be Gucci what else do we have a ton of iron iron nuggets yeah I want to put this nether stuff up somewhere else I don’t really know where we’ll put it in here because it’s not really that rare I had it at my rare

Chest but I feel like it’s not worthy almost because there’s so much of this nether quartz and stuff I know you can compress it to quartz blocks but when you do that you can’t turn it back into the quartz which is kind of silly in my opinion but whatever

Okay that’s maximum compression we got there we have like so many stacks of coal blocks I don’t really think we’re ever gonna need more coal we didn’t stack this redstone up it’s okay it’ll just go over one extra coal we have glowstone dust we’ll put it over and put

It right next to that like this and then I think what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna wait a little bit off-camera for some mobs to spawn well definitely ender pearls in there definitely blaze stuff that’s very rare I will put this enchanted book in here as well as this

Other disc and then we should do name tags stack yes they do we have these ominous banners we also have these bone and stuff we’ll put those no not in there put those in here because I think ready have stacks well yeah ok so I’m gonna wait a little bit for my mom

Spawner to uh sort of grow with some mobs but first I gotta sleep though I can’t do this during the day there’s no way but yeah I’ll come back when there’s a bunch of mobs spawned if you guys are new to the series first of all hello

You’ve watched me now for like over like 30 over like 50 are we at 50 minutes and I’m not even sure but either way you’ve already watched me for a while so if you’re not subscribed and you want to feel free to but I’ll be have this mobs

Water down in here and we’re just gonna wait for it to spawn some stuff in so hopefully it happens pretty quickly I’ll wait here for like I don’t know 15 20 30 minutes off camera and go take a little bit of a break it’ll be nice for me but

Yeah I’ll come back when we’re done with that okay well 20 or 30 minutes 45 minutes I’m not sure how long passed I watched a few episodes and I reply to some comments but uh yeah it looks like there’s a ton just in this corner I hear

Chickens I don’t know can zombie spawner spawn chicken and zombies I didn’t think that was possible but there’s a ton of saw bees in here I love this spawner I got it just right with how far away from the spawner actually has to be and I turn the zombies sound down because

Otherwise it just destroys headphone users ears and I’m not trying to do that I did my best to turn it down I can the editing side but sometimes I forget and if I forget it makes it so loud that I don’t think anyone wants to watch my

Videos I hope this is 30 levels but if it’s not you can always get it pretty quickly in the nether with nether quartz or just there’s many other ways to do it well let’s see let’s turn the zombie sound back to normal I think they were

At like 40 percent or something J no they were not at 40 percent I think they’re at like 2500 yeah that sounds okay okay okay cool okay so we have 29 levels it seems like it only spawns enough and there only to give us 29 levels which is okay it’s not

That big of a deal I know we could trade this at the cleric for emeralds I think rotten flesh for emeralds I kind of want to go check that out so I’m gonna fill this up with rotten flesh we’ll go over to that area and we’ll just get that

Because I want to get another pickaxe going as soon as possible before we do that I’m gonna grab some diamonds and make a little bit of a pickaxe so that we have one in preparation I think we already have a couple of pickaxes you you guys said you could repair this in

An anvil if you combine it with another pick but I almost feel like you’ve lose here well just in case we’ll grab a little bit of wood since we have a little bit of wood we’ll grab three diamonds because that’s how many we’ll need you know we’ll grab four just

Because we’re balling out we’ll have an extra diamond on us just in case we die but let me go over here you guys said let me grab this – you guys said that if you put it in an anvil but I feel like if it’s not enchanted it won’t work

Because otherwise you why would you even use the anvils like repair feature why would you just combine but maybe that’s maybe that’s the the goal let’s let’s see if we combine this and this so it repairs it but it costs it’s still cost a ridiculous amount so we’ll just go

Ahead and leave this in here we don’t really need it I’m gonna hop on the minecart track we’re gonna go over to that secondary village we found and yeah I’ll see you guys when I’m there I don’t think you want to watch this but maybe

I’ll make you watch a little bit I’m not sure I honestly forgot how long this thing is like this thing is extremely long we should be proud we’ve gotten so far in our survival world I’m not sure what else there is to do but I’m definitely gonna still set goals that’s

What’s gonna keep this thing fresh keep this thing fun I probably won’t still upload it daily I’m gonna try to do every other day I want to mix in tutorials – I’m gonna try to slowly get back into those because that is the heart of my channel that’s where it all

Started that’s where probably most of you found my channel I know a lot of you found it from the let’s play but there’s a lot of people that are just sort of waiting for me to make some tutorials and I get that so don’t worry about that

Guys I’m gonna get back into them I just didn’t want to get burned out on building a new thing every single day because they have killing my brain that was absolutely wrecking my brain but we’re getting real close so I’ll come back over there we have this jungle this cat was like

Chasing us which is interesting I think the village is over there so we’ll hop out of the minecart look right here yeah that’s fine just don’t go too far buddy and I think if we go over here I love how this spawned here like in the jungle

But it’s not it’s actually in the oak or it’s in the Plains biome so it sort of changed itself but we have a little bit of a jungle or not a jungle sorry we have a little bit of a sorry we got a village over here and hopefully the

Cleric is still there providing that rotten flesh trade I don’t think he’ll trade that much rotten flesh but we’ll see maybe if there’s a I don’t know if I left one of my lecterns in here or not and it’s becoming night I probably should have slept but hopefully if he’s

Still in here we can see if we can get that trade going but ooh Carrie do I need carrots know why I do that here well compost them how about that we’ll help we’ll help him out we’ll put you can’t compost carrots but you can it was just lagging of course minecraft you

Would lag minecraft minecraft it’ll never be fixed I’m convinced it’s for a forever broken gate it’s not actually broken it just has little bugs here and there but it’s made in Java so you can’t blame them Java is not the best in cleanest language where is the clerk are you

Hanging out on the second floor the third floor even I heard him I just don’t know where he is or yeah buddy I’ve may have removed his brewing stand and he doesn’t have a job now yeah I did remove his brewing stance so it’s we don’t have a cleric anymore oh well

That’s unfortunate we traveled all this distance for nothing well there any trades in here that interests us because I tried to make I didn’t remove all of their jobs I think I removed this person’s job because I was trying to make it where I could make one of the

Librarians to get mending but it never happened maybe we’ll do a little bit of fishing I don’t know I kind of want to try to enchant a fishing rod because I know we can get mending that way so maybe that should be our goal get 30 levels and then enchant a fishing rod

Maybe something like that blacksmith you got any trades for us are you even in here no we got the diet here oh I’ll leave them a diamond offering just one diamond maybe that’ll maybe that’ll help us out here I think we can get the levels this it’s about to break anyways

So did that give us no see it barely gives you anything it’s almost not worth it but either way that pickaxe would be dead in a few a hundred blocks anyways so removed all the enchants from that there’s not much else we can do but

Let’s go and see if we can’t find some maybe I should have kept it and combined it with other enchanted tool I make I don’t know I don’t know I can’t I’m still new to this whole like new wave of enchanting mechanics but yeah let’s get

Back to home base let’s try to get thirty levels maybe we can kill some stuff and get thirty I don’t know let’s see how much XP do you give none hardly any okay well we’ll just we’ll just kill these animals real quick we don’t necessarily need them maybe we’ll find a

Little bit of mobs because I’m angry I don’t think I need to fight mobs though but we’ll just we’ll just fight these chickies lord knows we don’t need more house so we’ll go over here kill these cows try to get 30 levels real quick I bet like actual hostile mobs or give you

A lot more XP the game is probably not trying to reward you too much but is killing animals because I just gave us cooked food so it is kind of convenient I do love this sword hopefully we don’t encounter the same issue where we can’t

Repair it I want to be able to get mending but we need like luck of the sea I think is the enchantment I don’t know how high up that chain goes but you guys said if you can’t get that and chant a bunch of boots because they don’t really uh lightly like they

Reset the enchanting table and they’re not hard to like and like leather boots or something I don’t know no they have to be the same kind so like diamond boots I guess come on mobs one time I want you to spawned and it’s night and there’s nothing there’s a creeper much XP

Nothing okay so the mobs give you the same amount I think it’s just because we’re such a high level we have eleven stake is there anything else out here surprisingly I don’t see anything I see a sheep I see a sheep hello hello I have

To I have to do this for science that’s the reasoning I’m giving boom boom boom yeah it’s simple guys okay so kill these two sheep we should be good right no maybe three sheep boom no okay so they give you a variable amount of XP I

Guess I thought it was always the same but I guess not I don’t really know how that works we’re just gonna run through the forest at night totally not a bad idea here zombie come here yeah okay level 30 no we’re so close okay are you serious it’s literally all the

Way full if you see that I know you guys can see it but like look it’s literally all the way full okay we’ll go one zombie there we go level 30 not bad not bad at all I don’t have the minecart so I’m gonna run back I’ll meet you guys back

At home base my Wilf no I’m gonna film the journey home because this is when bad things happen they go bump in the night take a creeper on the minecart track not a good thing I try to stay away from the minecart track if I’m gonna be traveling

At night we do need to kill Enderman so I’m Skelly’s get out of here you guys are bad you guys are all trash I can kill you instantly look at this boom okay let’s try to kill this Enderman because I mean well first of all that grass block is looking pretty cool

Okay just die see they spawn over each other they move every time to take damage so the fact that I can set them on fire makes them just teleport a walker jawed where’d he go oh okay we need the ender pearl we have blaze powder we need to get enough ender

Pearls to get over there now I’m not sure how to get ender pearls that’s maybe something we should do have to be fish see I’m finally finding out what we should do we should just kill a bunch of mobs and wait till we get or kill a bunch of

Enderman I guess but we should just go out and see if we can’t find anything I’d love to enchant this armor but we don’t have a bunch of extra levels so it’s gonna be kind of hard and I’m just gonna run and knock this thing till we

Get to where the powered rails are cuz I don’t think it’ll really work too well otherwise I think I can just keep running right maybe okay so it looks like we’re we got a buddy following us I’m not sure how that works but we’ll just keep running with it

Hopefully it keeps going come on come on you’ve got this you’ve got this big guy here we go how close are we where are the powered rails they should be here right okay you know we’re gonna break it that’s gonna make this so much easier I’d rather have

I don’t need the rotten flesh you guys were right though the clerk does take emeralds or does give emeralds for rotting flesh but unfortunately I accidentally removed his job gnome we have other jungles or we have other villages and stuff but not close to here

Okay please go go go go gosh it took so long now I hope nothing spawns here but unfortunately if a creeper runs out on us and decides to explode it’s gonna ruin our rail track which I really am I’m too happy about eventually I want to

Cover this thing up and make it all fancy but it’s gonna be kind of hard to get to that point because this thing is so long I like to cover it like glass or something maybe but I feel like that’s almost a little claustrophobic so we’d

Have to clear out even more of the jungle because we only have one block on either side right and if we had one block out of it I think the first order of business is gonna be to enchant a fishing rod if we don’t get luck of the

Sea I mean it’s not that big of a deal but it’s just kind of like that sucks because we just wasted like most of our levels I guess it only takes three now see I like the new enchanting mechanics just because it doesn’t use all of your

Levels but it requires you to be a certain one used to I mean it took so long it takes so long to get to 30 levels that like I thank God my hands off the keyboard so even if that would have were to have happened I mean it wouldn’t be the end

Of the world but I guess we now know that a creeper doesn’t have time to explode when you’re going at max Braille speed maybe I’m not really sure trying to see if there’s anything down there ready to watch for you never know these days you just never know we’re just

Gonna get out right here I’m gonna start lighting up this area around the modern house I don’t feel I feel like we should be safe out here when we’re here at night so let me make sure that that is the case I’m just want to light up like I know

They can’t spawn leaf blocks so I’m not worried about that like as far as like over here this should all be lit up Skelly what are you doing this is just this is not the right time okay I’m about to make a fishing rod we’re about to get the best enchantment possible

It’s either a pic or an enchantment rod but I really feel like we’re gonna have more luck getting something for the fishing rod because we I’ve never enchanted a fishing rod I actually have in my live stream I take that back but we got unbreaking too on it so it wasn’t

The best thing in the world now hopefully we don’t get them breaking too we get luck of the c3 if that’s possible or luck of the C or luck of the c2 I don’t know which one’s possible but I hope we get something okay where is

Where’s my string where is my string do I not have any string you got to be kidding me I don’t have any string surely I do somewhere I guess not I guess we’ll have to kill some spiders that’s surprising I felt like I had string but oh well well we should play

Sleep before anything and then we need to go put up this all this rotten flesh I don’t want to carry this around it’s starting to stink okay so just check the footage and we’re at one hour which is awesome we are one third of the way through feels like it’s

Been a while but we’re only one third of the way not a bad thing it means you guys get even more content okay I’m not I shouldn’t be running this way we got to put up all this rotten flesh unfortunately we don’t need this much maybe they’ll even beat some XP

Down in here maybe some spider with some string down in here I don’t know I feel like we had string okay so there is a zombie or at least a few you give me an exp I know they’ll give me some not that much okay let’s go ahead and put up all

This we don’t need all this rotten flesh we have string in here no we don’t that’s unfortunate we really need string we’re taking string donations right now anyone want to donate a little bit of string I’d be really appreciative I know all of you would probably be willing to

But I can’t find any in my house maybe we’ll go check in the mine I’m not really sure but we do have that darkroom down there so let me throw up a few things into our chests here and then we’ll go down in there and hopefully we

Can have a little brawl arena action down there I’m not really sure okay enderpearl rare okay we have to endure pearls there’s anything else in here and I’ll need a live plant dish we’ll go ahead and throw this stuff in here since it’s you know wool was once on an alive

Thing do I put gunpowder in here yeah bones well they were once alive – I feel like we had string but we really don’t there’s no string in here which is surprising because I always like to keep string in case I need to make a couple

Fishing rods maybe it’s in a junk junk a chest down here I’m not sure we should have a good bit of bone meal though I did throw in a bunch of stuff there junk junk I don’t think we do we do have our original tools that was like our first

Buy our first axe at her first pickaxe so kind of memorable I guess I’ll leave anything in here I don’t think I did I probably should have checked that earlier I think I did or maybe I missed it I’m not sure um could it possibly be

In here okay that’s not what I meant to do I don’t need these in my second in are they in here no there’s no string come on we gotta have strings somewhere maybe it’s in this chest I remember getting string no we have more cobble in there we have one string

Power three mending oh wow I forgot that bow is in there that’s nice we have a ton of lanterns fortune one an ender pearl well hold on we got some of this rare stuff out why is this in here we have a diamond sword in here

29 of this a bunch of good stuff and we just left it in here left it to waste huh five gold ingots that should be good I don’t think I left anything in the nether that was good I hope not at least let’s go down here let’s just get one

More string I think there’s also an ender pearl down here and who knows maybe there’s string in one of these no there’s not I made a lot of chess I have so many chests in this world but I never filled them how you guys said you know

Why don’t you make a storage room well I haven’t really even used a little I mean well I’ve used most of my rare chests other than that we’re pretty much empty like we don’t have that much stuff yeah there’s definitely not any down here I don’t know where oh five-string cool

Okay so I knew he had strings somewhere in the world I was just confused I was like where did it go okay so a fishing rod let’s go back up do I have ender pearls in here I feel like I would have taken is there any in durban in here that’s the question

There’s two there’s also a ton of other mobs okay well we got to do this carefully I need to attract the Enderman okay I just wanted him angry him hopefully he’ll teleport over here they can teleport through stuff right either way where where are you and your pearl Kendra pearl

No no ender pearl okay where’s the other one okay I’m looking directly at you come on I know you want to there we go okay why did creeper explode okay we’ve got another ender pearl look say we’re going to the end this episode guys where did that creeper explode at hopefully

It’s not near the shrine lamb xride lamb feast man thank you so much again for all the super chat donations okay but you don’t see anything in there but yeah if you guys ever want to hop on the stream it’s a lot of fun we had this guy

Come in here he started donating so much money and like I don’t ask for donations I’m not in a position to need them but some people are just very very generous and he gave a lot of money I mean not like an extreme amount but a pretty dang

Good bit for just me playing minecraft so I made him a little bit of a shrine there because he found it technically kind of found as a diamond I want to get enough ender pearls to be able to go to the end or at least find the stronghold

Maybe not go to the end just yet but I feel like once we get okay so we need for I don’t know how many inner pearls we need I’ll probably look it up at some point it’s probably a good thing to have knowledge about before you go I think

I’m gonna try to get like ten and then okay we should take these books I’m gonna try to get about ten and then from there okay we could but we have three swords that are barely used that’s nice okay let’s go in and check oh we have

Another book oh no those are weird okay I’m ending three do we have any arrows sure like we have arrows somewhere in here if not we have a bunch of flint but we don’t have a ton of feathers that’s the only issue I wanted to make a bunch

Yet we have a ton of flint I don’t think we have a lot of arrows um yeah we don’t okay that’s okay well I’m gonna put the bow up then because we don’t really want it but it has mending on it which is kind of like haha look there’s mending

On me but not on anything else now the only issue is if we get this enchantment if we get this rod and we make what if it doesn’t give us mending like in the time it takes for the durability to run out on the rod that’s that’s my

Question and I hope that’s not the case but let’s grab a little bit of lip is and hopefully it doesn’t where is that stuff I hear it where is it I heard of Sambi okay you know what it’s probably under ground somewhere let’s finally do it unbreaking 3 see that’s that’s not what

I want though we’re gonna do it look at this g2 unbreaking 3 oh yeah that feels real good unbreaking 3 that’s like my favorite thing how do you repair a fishing rod you know I’m gonna look that up on my phone hold on ok so I looked up

On Google we only need fishing rods to repair it so that’s good ok so it looks like also the minimum ender pearls we need is 4 to 6 because there’s a ton in the strongholds so it looks like we’re about to go to the end – so that should

Be pretty exciting I don’t think anyone saw that coming let’s just fish around and hear a little bit we got that luck of the sea thing I’m not sure what that means I think it just means we get better stuff or have a quicker chance of getting better stuff so hopefully we get

Something pretty cool HD super shot and I’m hoping sometimes soon the fish swims up to it I want to get a mending book and then I want to enchant a pic so let’s see if this is the mending book swimming up to it come on

Ok really I hate when it does that it makes the animation and then nothing actually is on your line I guess the fish got dirt or something this may not even be deep enough to fish in I really don’t know what it like keeps swimming up to rotate

We’re not having any luck of the sea right there I will try to throw it where it’s too deep how about that maybe like no like that there we go maybe we’ll get something good there I’m not really sure but an afk fishing farm would be a lot easier

Since we have luck of the c2b yeah let me just cut the camera till I see something swimming up to it there we go we got a raw Cod well that’s absolutely incredible I think more than anything we should go to the end I really want to be able to get Electra

Wings or Electra wings I’m not really sure how to say it again but I really hope that we get that at some point cuz that would be absolutely incredible now I’m not sure like how big of an area you need to fish I don’t remember

I assume this is like pretty big I mean it’s a pretty large amount of water but it doesn’t look like oh we’ve only fished one so I can’t say it doesn’t look like we’re getting anything good maybe this will be the mending book nope another rock on that’s absolutely

Incredible we’re only getting caught even with this great enchantment well we just got a pufferfish but I didn’t film it I’m glad I didn’t film it I do know that I want to get a bunch of arrows before we go and what is that a water

Bottle I want to get a bunch of arrows because we have that bow and that’s fine but we can also kill them with beds pretty easily the Enderdragon if we want to fight the ender dragon I’m not really sure I feel like if we start it that’s something we can’t finish so

Hopefully we can kill it and then make for a good thumbnail it really would if we should if we put the ender dragon um the thumbnail which might be kind of hard it may switch to creative as soon as we get there to get a screen shot but

If we can get a pretty cool screen shot then that would make this episode potentially a lot better as far as views go I mean I am doing this for the views I will admit but I’m also doing it because it’s kind of fun it is well ash

Has a lot of fun come on please come on I want to get a mending book but I don’t know how rare they are and we this thing still has not been used technically once because of that unbreaking 3 so this will basically be an infinite fishing

Rod I know I can make an afk fishing farmer made one on the stream but I don’t know they almost feel kind of open I don’t know if that’s like an uncalled for feeling but I feel like they’re almost a little bit overpowered because you don’t have to do anything you just

Sit there and fold down your mouse but they do take a while I like you know that’s just one of those things where I’m just not really sure I’m not sure okay I’ll wait for one more fish okay we’re okay you know what we don’t have good luck

Fishing we finally used one durability which is nice I guess it makes sense is it technically only has 64 durability you know well fish in this little lake right here maybe there’s something in this pond me little mending hmm any mending in here I’m feeling some mending

I don’t know this may only be one deep I made actually need to go like the ocean or something oh so there is things on it when it’s but it just can’t suck it down to two blocks okay so I guess I have to click whenever I hear that noise oh well

That’s not that bad at all except I’m just getting a bunch of fish but you’re fine I mean that’s normally finest white fish but I’d love to get mending but I don’t want to film too much more fishing it’s not the most exciting thing in the world someone said I should make a

Fishing episode but I honestly feel like people would like to watch it for like a minute or two and be like yeah this this is not it’s not too exciting dude I’m gonna have to watch something else okay okay we’ll put these fish up we don’t

Have any fish in here okay we’ll put them in here then how about that we didn’t put the books up but whatever okay so I feel like I had feathers somewhere we need to make a bunch of this stuff before we go first of all we

Need this and this only for hopefully so I read that the best way to do it is just to throw them down and then just we’ll put those string up a live plant ish string goes in there we need the feathers from here we need the Flint

Where’s the point okay there’s the Flint I didn’t think we had more Flint though didn’t we I swear we have more Flint I know we do somewhere well that’s 63 I think I already grabbed it okay trying to make sure there’s no feathers in here I don’t think there is

I didn’t grab a bow though let’s grab that that is definitely something we’re gonna need maybe a few beds too you can kill them with beds very easily and I know it seems kind of weird but you really can we don’t have any of the same colored wool so it doesn’t really matter

We’ll put the Diamonds up that pickaxe is almost done anyways it’s called neo drill it’s kind of sad though it kind of it ran out of steam I want the wood on us we don’t need lap as though the Flint is fine we’ll put these in here I think

It’s safe to say we got 50 stake that should be good we don’t have any potions I feel like we should make a brewing stand maybe make a few potions but I don’t really know what potions to make and where do I really I mean I know how

To make them I know how to like make the base potion awkward potions I think they’re called we don’t have any other work breweries so that may be a little difficult but I feel like there was a lot of string down here because we killed all those mobs and we threw their

Stuff down in here so maybe there’s some string in here I’m not really sure let’s let’s find out or feathers sorry not string I guess we have 15 feathers but that really doesn’t make very many arrows does it I mean 61 there that’s not nearly enough

This has power three on it so I mean it’s not like you can’t kill it pretty quick maybe we should go try it and chant a few books and see if we can’t get something better to add to this bow I don’t know what else we’d get on a bow

Maybe infinity I’m not sure I don’t think you can have mending an infinity that would be a little overpowered but we’ll see if we can can’t get anything if anything I’d like to enchant this armor before we go I don’t know I hope that the it says the stronghold is this

Way that way we could take the rail car although I feel like that’s not okay with fish and see sharp just piercing and paling okay we don’t need any of that okay let’s grab a little bit of this and let’s just see if we can we

Have any books no we don’t okay well let’s see if oh yeah I want to check the armor a little bit first and foremost the breastplate fire protection one that’s okay protection – that’s okay fire protection – that’s actually fire protection it’s good to have protection

– okay so again those are not the best enchants in the world but now it’s enchanted it looks a little better like that paling efficiency that’s all stuff we don’t really need water okay we’ll put that in there okay let’s throw our first I’ve ender hopefully we don’t need

Too many okay so that is the direction we have to go it fell it did not break so we’re gonna run this way we’re gonna get very far into this jungle and now hopefully we find the stronghold we do have a decent bit okay another good

Thing about going to the end is becoming an urban spawner and I don’t know how efficient they are or how they work but you can always build a little tiny Hut and just sit there and like kill them and then they can’t attack you so it actually makes for some pretty fun

Footage – like trying to build in I just hope I don’t die in there because I have everything on me I may not want to take we’ve only have 61 arrows but you get them back right yeah maybe I want to go kill some skeletons to try to

Get arrows before like we get therapy it depends it could be 1,000 to 2,000 blocks I think it tries to spawn it within 2,000 blocks of the player so I’m gonna travel like a good bit and then what I’m gonna do is just throw and I

Throw it once more and see if that see if that’s close and I’ve read on the wiki you just kind of throw one and then if you’ll know if you have to double back if it goes the opposite way so just travel a far distance in that direction

And then you can sort of guesstimate it from there now hopefully in this stronghold there’s always a chance that it won’t spawn enough for the portal but most of the time it does and I’m really hoping that it does and I love the bamboo forest to death it looks so cool

But man there’s a lot of bamboo here I don’t see any pandas either but there’s pods all to it which is nice a little clearing in the jungle what what biome is this I can’t I don’t know where it says about bamboo jungles still okay so

We’ll go a little bit further over here and then we’ll throw it again and hopefully we’re close ish to the stronghold again I don’t know it’s kind of fun to run through it I guess I’ve I mean in a way be better without the HUD

When I do parkour I never run with the HUD on I don’t need it I’m that good I wish I would have brought that fishing rod I did bring the fishing rod okay well let’s see if there’s anything in here if this dies though I’m gonna be very very unhappy let’s see maybe

There’s something good in the river you never know rivers are always full of good stuff I see salmon like literally right there so I’m not sure why they wouldn’t like swim into the game I feel like this game has such a high budget like there’s so many like there’s so

Much money and Microsoft why don’t they allow them to like animate what’s swimming up to the rod because it’d be cool to see a book swimming up to a fishing rod just so that you know that you’re catching a book or like catching some boots they’re

Like swimming up to oh wait I get another fish that’s not good I want to get something okay you know what we’re getting distracted I’m gonna throw it again when I’m out of the jungle cuz I don’t want her like actually you know what where did it go I

Guess it still went that way I assume I saw that a little bit of the particles but I’m not 100% sure and I think it broke too which is fine they don’t you only can throw them so many times well throw it up here okay so this direction

Exactly I need that I need that but it was this direction like exactly so it looks like it’s still far away we can only we can only throw them so many times so I’m trying not to throw them as much as I can hold off but I hope I

Don’t lose that direction I don’t think I really will it’d be kind of impossible but we’ll just keep running we’ll keep her running in a runnin and hopefully we get there before too long oh man I hate traveling through the jungle but unfortunately that’s what most of our world is or most

Of our world nearest I mean honestly every every biome is gonna be even in the world just depends on where you are I still remember like before this game came out there was no game like no game really had procedural generation some people are gonna bite me for saying that

There are there were a few games that toyed around with it and that sorta had it but it was always like with a preset of things I mean this is what the preset of things obviously doesn’t just bond random blocks but it seems like the terrain in this game is always different

For every world there’s a few of the same structures like for instance underground has always had the same few like you know those like those big circles underground or like the big holes and the or the big square boxes and the mine shafts but for the most part they’re completely random obviously

There’s like terrain like rules like it has to be so smooth and it can’t you know do this here follow blah has to be a river and between the biome but yeah I didn’t know for the longest time that biomes were what were what ordered biomes bordered the rivers the rivers

Bordered the biomes geez see when you talk for this long it starts to make your brain like not melt but it like stops working properly okay I hope you’re out of this jungle soon cheese I’m trying to show the struggle with you guys I know that it’s kind of

Boring to watch but I mean that that’s what I’m doing I’m running through the jungle guys okay well let’s just keep running I ran a little bit off-camera not too far but not so far I think we’re close to the edge I think I got on top

Of something and saw the edge now I may have just not been generated there was a good point that was there’s a good probability that that’s the case I feel like we should throw it but I don’t know how many blocks we’ve traveled like again I don’t know let’s throw it let’s

See okay no so we’re still traveling in this direction okay are you gonna drop or break okay you drop I think the other one may have dropped again but I think it went underground which is quite a hassle because I can’t get it which

Sucks but it’s not that big of a deal I don’t think we’ve ever repaired this axe what does it even have efficiency three unbreaking 3 I’m breaking through Sharman’s 3 well so but this sword is really good I definitely want to keep repairing this stuff I want to be able

To get mending but that hopefully the fishing rod helps I feel like it will I just haven’t fished long enough to like get the mending book about luck of the situ I think that’s the highest look in the sea you get I’m really happy we got that because originally you know it

So I’m breaking three was all we’re getting and that would have been quite sad so let’s fish a little bit here let’s take a little break kick our feet out and just hang out see if we can get anything probably not though but maybe there’s a maybe there’s a mending book

In here if there is I’m going to run back and like put it in my chest because I can’t lose that or I’ll just put it in a chest in the end world hopefully we spawn actually on the main island sometimes you spawn off of the end

Island and that’s kind of terrible like just trying to like build while the ender dragon is attacking you there’s this guy I watched speedrun the game recently it was pretty cool mmm just another rock on okay no more fishing no more fishing for new yo all

We got y’all we’re getting is Cod how many cod do we have we have two cod so kill the fish twice okay we’ll fish one more time but hopefully there’s something I’m just want to wait too long I just feel like it takes so long to

Fish but maybe I’m just impatient I just don’t want you guys to watch boring footage okay there we go a puffer fish that’s great okay boo melons no we don’t need melons neo stop I love melons I love collecting them but I don’t need any more melons dude like

Chill oh look at that look at that that’s kind of cool it looks like we’re gonna finally get out of the jungle I’ll throw it again just to confirm that we should still be going this way okay so it looks like this way now you’re gonna break no okay

Maybe they don’t break I don’t know I thought that they did but maybe they take like a good bit of uses but yeah it’ll be much easier and much faster to run through a non jungle biome so I’m very happy about that we aren’t about a thousand blocks away so maybe within the

Next five hundred blocks will encounter the stronghold I’m not really sure that looks cool like a big stone structure but now we can run a lot faster it makes this whole thing like a lot easier yeah I’m definitely excited to get to a stronghold I haven’t been to his stronghold since

They first came out at 1.8 the adventure update which was oh when was that it feels I think that was like four or five years ago so I haven’t been to the end in quite a while I’m quite excited to see it again I know there’s like an end

City now or something they added structures to the end which I think they spawn after you kill the Ender Dragon I’m not really sure um it’s becoming night which isn’t isn’t preferable let’s make sure we’re still going okay we’re still heading in the right direction come on you’re gonna

Break no okay back to our hand you go let’s just keep a truckin and keep this going I can kill these I could get some steak that wouldn’t be a bad move would it no I don’t think so with 48 steak now we have 49 we get anymore

51 cool boo a birch a birch forest no that’s not bad I like birch forest they added them pretty late in the game I think at least again I don’t know they’ve added so many things over the years again I played this game for about nine years now so

The amount of stuff they add is just insane like they’ve supported this game very well not as well as terraria terraria is the one game that I think has the best development team ever I don’t remember who it is or like I don’t think it’s even sure I think it’s one

Person 4j Studios no that’s who took over halo after wait who developed halo 343 industries they 343 industries took it over maybe they were the first to do it either way I feel like I should get some more wool or at least try to because if you use a bed you can take

Out like a third of the endured Dragons health I should have gotten some snowballs oh I could get those very easy you know what we’re gonna do that real quick I want to kill this skeleton because I need arrows okay you know what let’s get let’s make a crafting bench

And then let’s craft a little shovel here out of wood and we’ll craft two shovels and then hopefully we could get enough snowballs to sort of help us out on our fight I know they’re good because you could destroy those pillars with them and that’s the goal here we’re

Gonna try to kill the Ender Dragon first try in like four years or whenever they add at the end I don’t know I didn’t know it was the adventure update but I don’t remember how long ago that really was I know I should you guys think I’m a

Professional at Minecraft but I’m really not I’m just a dude of builds you know decent things and people like watching them okay there’s a dark oak it’s not bad I remember I think I traveled all the way over here and the beginning of the series I said I wanted to adventure

And find out what was over here and I’m pretty sure that’s what I discovered was that but I don’t know for sure okay let’s get up here this looks like a good spot let’s a wee bit of snow there’s not a whole ton up here but there should be enough

For our purposes I thought it’d be more instant than this then again it is a wood tool I don’t know how many stacks them I need i remember watching them really really i remember watching this guy speed run the game he beat the whole game in like seven minutes like

Everything from from just spawning until he got the ender dragon like i don’t know how you do it maybe eight minutes i don’t know either way that’s like very impressive those llamas cool i think we can put carpet on them someone said during the stream and if you put carpet

On them they like okay maybe that’s enough i don’t know how many snowballs we’re gonna need so i’m just gonna get as many as i can with these two shovels and then we should be good i think we still need to travel the same direction

But i’ll check in a second here but i really do feel like snow is good just because you could take up those end pillars with one snowball and i would not well i don’t want to waste my arrows i want to be able to hit the ender

Dragon with my sword but i don’t think that’s how it works I don’t think you’re supposed to do that okay so I miss any snowballs no I don’t oh yeah no I did that’s about I was gonna say yes but okay so we’re still travelling in this general direction

Okay sounds good to me food or are you gonna region come on health regen can I eat them okay I just want to have a full bar of health I don’t want to worry about dying from that now the cool thing about the dark of course is if you start

Out above it you could just like run through the whole thing on the tops of the trees and it’s kind of nice I know it may be a little bit dark I don’t think it’s that dark I have the brightness on bright so it shouldn’t be

Too bad but we should be nearing the stronghold now I’d like to find a woodland mansion since we know where this dark oak is now but I don’t know where exactly also at the mark that coordinates so fortunately this stronghold is going to be very far away it seems creepers stop that trajectory

Right now please don’t do it don’t do it you know you don’t want to okay there we go we should be getting somewhat close though I mean we’re like yeah we’re like more than 2,000 blocks away from spawn so I’m not sure why we haven’t encountered it yet oh yeah let me kill

These skeletons get their eras get their eras we can’t die out here though that’s the one thing that would be very unfortunate there’s a lot of zombies and stuff we’re gonna let them fight a little bit we’re gonna go take care of these mobs and you guys waste all your

Energy on other units all right Weiss Kelly’s like hyperspeed for a second so I have enough air yeah so I have a stack of 64 arrows now okay that’s good give me more I didn’t give me any more okay let’s throw this thing again hopefully it’s yep okay it’s just gonna

Be this direction still – where’d that thing go okay I need it um it’s kind of changed trajectories I feel a little bit what that’s what I don’t get why is this single-player world lagging like that not fair not fair at all that’s the reason I play on single-player so I

Don’t got to deal with that but then it’s like nope you know what we’re just gonna lag anyways I remember a long time ago paper bat VG made these Minecraft movies kind of like how I did he just did like long episodes and he did a 10

Or a 10 hour one at some point I don’t know how he did that this is already getting kind of hard not because well it’s getting hard only because I’ve been filming so long and it just woke up so I’m it done anything today except film and oh this looks beautiful over here

That flower forest on that mountainous area I’m an authority gang cuz I’m paranoid that were like super close no we’re really not that close okay don’t explode nope we’re good we’re good where is it okay so we’ll just keep heading this direction hopefully we get there pretty soon I think we will that

Was satisfying I did not take any fall damage I know you guys are always screaming at me to eat and I agree I need to eat more okay we don’t need that right now let’s just keep going hopefully it’s in the flower forest I won’t be mad if it is I

Just love how many flowers are here I want to someday come back here and just collect like a ton of flower this is beautiful I love this I love this so much I love areas like this that look like the old generation just like the weird hanging stuff see that’s the part

Of the generator that I wish they never would have messed with I wish they would have always made it crazier than it is they tried to go for realism and I’m not sure why I mean this game is not supposed to be real at all but they

Wanted to focus towards realism like got my flowers so beautiful so so beautiful maybe you’ll be in this Plains biome up here I’m not really sure but we’ll just to keep on a truck and hopefully we’re getting closer and closer I think we will be I hope so okay

Well I answered a phone call from my mom and a creeper explode but I paused it during it so that’s why that happened we’re getting close though to the stronghold I think we are I hope so hopefully we can get to the end in this episode I feel like we’re gonna be able

To let’s throw another Interpol dog specially it’s been a night too long but it’s just cuz we’re traveling in it okay so we went too far we overshot it okay we’re getting close then okay really zombies I’m not I’m not playing this right now I don’t know where it is but I

Was gonna save this in the flower forest that’s pretty cool and it looks like it’s gonna be so dope let’s get on top of this mountain let’s throw it again I’m actually super hyped because again I have not been to one of these and so long longer than I care to admit which

I’ve already told you how long but still longer than I care to admit okay how far did we overshoot it I don’t know okay so we need to keep going creeper stop it please drop please drop okay let’s go okay so maybe it’s on top of this cool

Mountain over here I’m not really sure I don’t know how far we overshot it but we did by a good bit I think I’m hopefully not too far I don’t think it’s too far it’ll never be too far we can always run or walk we’re an hour and 30 minutes

Into this thing so far okay so we’re still going the right cool no it broke so we have to left that one lasted a good bit way longer than I thought it would so hopefully it doesn’t like keep hopefully that keeps oops up they’d like they last a while and then

Eventually okay so it’s like right here oh it’s breaking because that’s where it is here we go boys let’s do it oh I don’t have a shovel really zombie stuff you’re not gonna ruin this stop it stop it stop it stop stop that’s stupid you guys are you guys are stupid okay

We’re gonna dig straight down I hope this is where it is I assume this is where it is I don’t think it can be anywhere else if we fall into lava I will rage quit I will delete my entire channel I won’t but I’ll be like I’ll be

So pissed if that happens let me fill let me make sure I get my coordinates I’m gonna take a picture of it because I feel like um hold on okay we’re digging and we’re digging I think I hear things I’m getting hyped oh here we go

Yes I’m not here creeper don’t blow up this stronghold please it’s so pretty okay so I need to make sure and look in all the chests because that’s where our ender I didn’t bring blaze powder did I wait maybe we don’t need blaze powder I hope we don’t I’m just gonna walk

Through this whole thing hopefully we find something in here cool I don’t know how many of these things are gonna be silverfish I don’t really know again I haven’t been to one of these and so long oh we need to break that dough off the

Bat I know that okay so it looks like RNG is not on our side we’re gonna need to find I’m gonna break this and I’m not gonna break this I’m gonna fill this in because I hate that they put log Andreea so we need to find how many right here 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ok so if we could find 10 in the chest and here we’re good I hope we can but I don’t know again I don’t know we’re just gonna run around in here for a bit and hopefully this is a big stronghold I

Assume they’re all I’m assuming they all have okay that’s not cool this is like it’s like hey check this area out wait there’s nothing here what is this oh this is one of those libraries ah nice is it a library I don’t know that’s a lot of skeleton four or five skeletons

In one spot it’s good for the arrows though which we aren’t picking up how long have we not been picking up arrows Oh No okay but that’s four more it’s not exactly that many more okay really we don’t need any of that that’s dumb okay so this is just a I

Thought it was a library okay does that door lead to right there yeah okay I’m just trying to make sure of all this stuff cuz again I’m not I’m not sure about this draw you guys might be yelling at me like neo you’re doing it wrong I hope I’m not Oh No okay

So it looks like they made them a little bit bigger which is nice the stronghold used to be so sad and like small it was kind of depressing there was nothing in them but it looks like they made them look a little bit better which is nice

They always used to look like they were missing something and now I’m just kind of rounded like a chicken with my head cut off because truthfully I don’t know where I’m gonna find these ender pearls I assume just somewhere in here okay a normal door that leads the same spot

That leads I don’t know where it leads but we’ll find out okay you know what we’re breaking down doors that’s the point we’re ahead I hope we can find enough ender pearls here I don’t know that it’s random I guess if they spawn enough of them either way it’s gonna

Really suck if I have to run all the way back to get them but hopefully we find enough if not I’m gonna be like very upset because then we have to run all the way back go hunt for like 10 and their pearls make 10 I vendors run 2,500 blocks and then come

Back here but hey you know what if we got to do it we got to do it you got to do it for the fans guys we got to do it for the fans okay this stronghold is terrible there’s like nothing here you guys should let me know in the comments

If you guys are still watching it’s just normal for strongholds to suck this much or is this not a bad one at all I don’t know I just hope that I find it soon I was so hyped to actually kill the dragon I probably should have prepped a wee bit

More seeing as how my preparation was grabbing a few things on a whim and then going with it I don’t know I feel like you should be able to do like you should be able to do that though I don’t know that’s just me really no more no ender

Pearls at all really just a chest with some apples and horse armor okay well no that’s gonna blow okay that’s okay it’s all good it’s all good it’s all in the name of the game guys okay and there’s nothing here of course of course oh come on there’s got to be something

Here I just want to make sure I don’t even know why I checked it I know I wouldn’t have missed that but you never know guys that’s just the one area room right okay keep on a truck and hopefully we find it I know I’ve said that like 80

Times okay there’s nothing there it looks like that’s all the stronghold I don’t unless there’s a part I missed but I doubt I missed a big part of it like that um no I didn’t well this is where the end portal is unfortunately we don’t have enough stuff quick break

These I hope that I was gonna say I don’t think you can I let me put that I’ll put it back out what’s don’t worry guys okay okay so we need to find inter pearls we can’t like I was gonna say we could just kill Enderman around here and wait but I

Don’t think that’s possible because we need to actually have blaze powder to make them and it’s raining too it’s a sad day in Minecraft oh we didn’t go down in here because I was gonna say I thought strongholds like we’re required to spawn with I’m a fountain that’s nice

I thought they were required to spawn with enough stuff I don’t want to go down there just yet with enough stuff to like feed the ender portal or whatever you’d say I’m not oh this is the library I was looking for because you get all these books so might as well break it

Books empty Matt okay well none of that is helpful I don’t know why keeps giving me stuff like that um take the wall out in that I just want to get these books because I don’t know I spent so long trying to get books the first time that

I feel like it because sacrilegious to not at least grab most of these because there’s so many I guess you could if you could never find cows you could just go to a stronghold just wreck there a library but I don’t know why you do that I mean you’re always gonna find enough

Eventually Oh a neat string potentially we’ll just grab the string though we have so much of it I don’t know why we never grabbed it in the mineshaft I feel like we did a little bit but you don’t really use string for that much we already have two stacks of books you

Know that’s enough books that’s enough books we don’t need more than that is your chest up here um doesn’t look like it okay that’s fine that’s fine um is your path over here yes still nothing okay that’s nice your path over here says something maybe I don’t know can chess spawn yeah that’s

Why I keep looking in those areas like again I’m so new oh that’s nice efficiency three piercing four knock back to is this piercing power one well I feel like we shouldn’t that efficiency three that’s definitely a good book we’ll take that over to raw Cod another

Empty map more books I don’t know how these chests bought in here I don’t know if like more than one can spawn so that’s why I’m walking through here oh my god stop it stop it come o I walked into another wood I’m funny again so I’m just

Checking this out I know you guys might be yelling at me but again I’m so new to this but maybe it’s fun to watch someone who’s not like an expert play ok I mean I feel like it should be an expert I run a Minecraft YouTube channel it’s like

The one thing I should be good at right minecraft come on guys come on let’s not fight each other fight me so I can get your arrows okay that’s a loop this this stronghold is crazy we haven’t gotten any eye of Enders and I I remember watching the sky speed round the game

And he got all of it all the eye of Enders he needed in like two chests and I was like what okay what is that that that looks oddly suspicious oh oh no okay no that was where okay so it’s not that suspicious umm what’s in here it’s

Gonna be nothing right yeah nothing thank you came for that for adding that in I really appreciate it okay I don’t work so strongholds are pretty big oh no which is nice I mean I like strongholds they’re fun to explore okay so this is all okay anything in here no another dead end

Okay let’s eat this I really like this book though that we have this piercing forward knocked back to power to I feel like I could really really use that efficiency three is also incredible so I’m glad we have those things mmm I mean arrows do we have 64 and 9 that’s not

That’s not good okay that’s another attendant okay so this area is all dead end let’s go back I’m just trying to light up the all the areas in here that way I sort of know where I’ve been I’m gonna use that to determine where I’ve

Been but this was just one of the many many branches there was a good ton I don’t even know if that’s where we came from or if we came from another way I honestly don’t know anymore I think we came from no it couldn’t have been from

Over here we’re gonna torture as though that’s not that’s not gonna be good we have wood we couldn’t always find coal we don’t have fortune 3 anymore but yeah it’ll be ok um yeah the Oh No oh my gosh this thing is so big I don’t know where

Ok so that was all of this area so I didn’t like to note that that was done we don’t need three torches we’ll put one right there so that area is cleared and again no eyes of Enders there which is nice I guess I’m not really sure Skelly not a

Good time not in the best mood I came all the way here to explore and you guys aren’t providing anything that you promised so I’m not I’m not a happy customer at this point I’d like to file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau about your your scummy stronghold

And that there’s no eyes of ender in here because that’s the one thing you’re supposed to have in your chest really no eyes of ender are you kidding me so mad I could kill a creeper really piercing Ford channeling sharpness one diamond horse armor I feel like that’s sought

After so we’ll take it but another ender pearl that’s great but it’s not an eye of ender it’s just a normal ender pearl I don’t know I feel like I’m getting scammed here guys like it well that’s so funny when they do that I feel like I’m legitimately like I’m getting scammed or

Something because I’m supposed to have I thought I was supposed to get enough freaking eyes of Enders I don’t know you know we’re just gonna keep running around in here and hopefully we find one or 10 I don’t know if we’re gonna I ever find

10 though but we need 10 to make this work I will not leave here until I acquire 10 ender pearls or ten eyes of Enders it’s like I’m saying that wrong what is all this what is this diamonds no no diamonds okay that’s fine come on spoder come on down you know you

Want through there you go bad boy I was gonna say good boy but not good voters are bad very very bad okay nothing over there I assume there’s nothing here unless it’s bamboozling me yep absolutely nothing okay we’ll just keep running through it guys again I’m

Gonna try to film this whole thing cuz like wait this is a big point for us he’ll find in the stronghold it’s a really good point I guess if we can’t get to the end we can always just take a picture of the end portal and then save

That for another episode or something but I felt like you know since this is a 300 case special we should do something super special but the game is not allowing us to do that with these lack of chests first of all there’s not that many second of all what are in these chests

Is absolute trash what’s in here nothing what’s over here nothing over here that’s where we just were I think mmm-hmm it’s like a villager okay let’s just go over here um let’s go back to the main part of the stronghold which I believe is this door right here

Okay skeleton not cool I just need your arrows though that’s what I’m really trying to get they give you a lot of bones but not a lot of arrows okay we’ve been here we have not been here I hear an Enderman okay I got to find the

Enderman oh we don’t have any more torches are you kidding me okay you know what we’ll put it right here we’ll put this in our second in no more torches for us we’re just gonna run around and I hope we don’t run in the run run into the same spots and waste

Our time I don’t think we will I’m pretty good about tracking where I’ve been yet there’s nothing there okay so that’s done for that means we should go up here Mmm-hmm I see you’re nothing and I raised you nothing because there’s nothing here this is absolute this is the worst again I think I’m gonna fire a file an official complaint with the Better Business Bureau about this whole place because we’re getting scammed like written scammed like to the highest of

Degrees the one place it’s supposed to have chests with the eyes of Enders or getting none you’re getting one star and Yelp stronghold you’re getting absolutely one star I feel like you guys are gonna yell at me like neo they were blah blah blah they’re in here and I’m

Like I didn’t know I don’t know like I’ve assumed they’re supposed to be somewhere no I thought I already hit it twice whoops whoopsie daisies whoopsies oh no okay well maybe over here I mean you never know this this stronghold is definitely huge maybe they’re meant to be huge I

Don’t know how big they are truthfully we’ll break the door down don’t even care no respect I got no respect for your shot eNOS where did my bread my one tour Oh where’d my one torch go I had a torch it was in my hand what went right there

Okay Andy grab that there we go no I don’t want this I want the snowballs thank you oh yeah we got this I don’t know what is uh what does channeling do piercing for it says power I don’t know what piercing is I think piercing is for a trident so

Maybe we should try to find a trident now I’m not really sure I mean chess in here no no just the scam area again I really feel like it is no this is a separate scammer well that’s a lot of them okay you know what we’re gonna break the door down

Just so we can get their arrows okay so if I click on these blocks randomly eventually did I get any more arrows I have 14 let’s kill two more Skelly’s assuming arrows we get it’s good 14 and now we have 14 see they don’t ever respond that many arrows I feel but

Maybe that’s just me you know it could just be me okay so there’s no absolutely nothing over here we do have a cold oh I can’t ignore the coal that way we at least have some torches some semblance of humanity okay we’ll put those there sticks up I didn’t even start running do

It me Oh your your trash dude I can’t even find the one thing is supposed to be here I feel like they’re supposed to be here I may be completely wrong because it only sent me like four or so light ender pearls to go to the end

Because you just get it enough in the stronghold to where it doesn’t matter but apparently that’s just not true apparently that’s just not true okay hold on give me a second no I know I said I’d do it three hours special I’m still planning on doing that but I’m

Only gonna record until my hard drive runs out of space I also have to be able to keep the rendered video on that same hard drive because I don’t have like another hard drive is this this right came down it is okay well we’ve come full circle it appears and we still

Don’t have near enough ender pearls to do absolutely like like like anything so I guess we’re just gonna leave with the with the sad look on our face because we came like 3,000 blocks and we got nothing for it unless I missed some areas there’s a good chance I missed

Something here I’m gonna do a little a little more exploring and hopefully we find some stuff but huh you know that just kind of sucks I really thought that we were just gonna come here and all was gonna be easy always gonna be well but it doesn’t look

Like that’s gonna be the case so let me do a little bit more exploring maybe there’s something here surely there’s something we haven’t found any highs Avenger just like absolutely none but least we know how many we need we need 10 and then we should be good to go

There yeah it looks like yeah if I open these doors we’ve already explored it okay let’s just go back to our to our portal not tour the portal but let’s just go back and head back home I guess that makes me kind of sad honestly I

Thought we were gonna do that maybe we should go to the stronghold fight some more withers or something I’m not really sure where’s that hole where’s the hole that leads to our to our real world that I explore this I don’t think so yeah I did it’s in here

Right oh no I’m completely lost now no that’s right here okay mmm I don’t think we have blocks to get up here anyways we’re just gonna go back up I’m sorry guys that we couldn’t find it at this point again we do have the coordinates

So if I ask but they are its 854 2447 no that’s not what I want you know what nope we’re not gonna do that I was gonna say we’ll just use oak logs but well he’s come up with us if we do it like this eventually maybe okay five bread we

Only need that we did get some good enchanting books though and diamond horse armor which I guess is sort of helpful but uh yeah I’m just gonna walk back off camera I’m definitely not gonna go back on camera because that would just be terrible to do and show you guys

Because we just spent so much time exploring so let me get back to my main area maybe we’ll build a few buildings and whatnot for the last hour so I’m not really sure but uh yeah I will see you guys when we get back to the house ah it

Was a long journey but we’re finally back I want to I I feel like I’m conflicted because I want to go and I want to get all that fancy stuff but at the same time I’m kind of burnout and traveling so I don’t know we’ll put these snowballs in here I

Wanted to put all this stuff in my enchanting table area finally because we didn’t really ever fill it up with the books like we said we were we went over there we put them down but we never got them in the right spot so let’s get over

Here and now let’s put these books up and let’s start a little bit of a building I don’t I don’t really know I may not even build and may fish for a bit I’m not sure we’ll put the diamond horse armor in here we’ll put all the

Snowballs and we’ll put the ender pearls why not um yeah let’s just do a little bit of fishing um I feel like I should be able to do a question and answer video at some point you know you can put whatever you know what I don’t even care

I’m just so mad I don’t even care you can go and blow up we’ll do a little bit of fishing I don’t really know what to talk about I could talk about where I got my name because I talked about the on stream so I used to play with these

Spherical neodymium magnets right and they were called the neo cube and I actually wanted to make tutorials on those uh it sounds so crazy it sounds so scary but I wanted to make tutorials on how to build things for those magnets and so I named my Chi I started a

Channel I called it the neo cubist and that’s where we are today on the same channel I created that in 2010 or 11 so I’ve had the channel for about eight years but I’ve only recorded minecraft for like six thank you for stopping does that mean the Sun is setting no I really

Don’t know what that means oh there’s the mending nope that’s not mending I hope we get mending at some point I really feel like we should I thought that’s what lucky the sea did maybe it just makes the fish come to your bobber quicker I don’t know I felt

Like that’s what should happen but you know again I don’t know um hmm they both throw it over here I don’t know I’m more than anything I want to get a new pick and I want to enchant it so I’m going to okay we’ll do a little afk time off well

You guys won’t see it but I’m just gonna wait in the mob spawner get a few mobs spawn do you know how I say a few and then we get a few we’ll just get a few moms spawn and then we’ll come right back okay before I do anything I may

Have waited too long because I think there’s too many and I think they started to kill like they started to die because there’s so many so hopefully we get a good bit of zombies from this or a good bit of XP I think we’ll get more

Than 30 levels this is probably the most that there’s ever been in here again I’m not sure about that I don’t I don’t know I waited for like 45 minutes or something I’m trying to make this recording happen today again I’m not sure it may come out tomorrow I really

Don’t know I just have to see how everything goes I want to get them on fire I feel like that helps kill the sprite wipes threw my sword durability but hey it’s good because it’s for XP now we’re gonna enchant that diamond pick and hopefully get a decent end

Chain on it and then go mining a little bit why I don’t know I just like mining obviously so I feel like we should go mine of a wee bit hate these babies get out of here okay okay okay are we good are we finally good nice okay um let’s

Put up this this this this we need the air we’ll keep the arrows honest um what else came from this it’s chicken and stuff oh why they dropped chickens sometimes I think it’s because some of them spawn and they have a I think we should get more tools okay well we have

33 levels that should be good let’s go over here let’s enchant this we never really made this look better maybe we should spend time like fixing doing a little TLC on some stuff because in this village I feel like it should be good we don’t have any buildings to populate it

Just yet but I’m feeling a little bit I’m not I’m not feeling burnout it’s just I’ve been recording so long and it’s not like I record everything I do so it takes a long time to get like three hours of footage so I really do hope you guys are appreciating this if

You haven’t left to like it and you don’t normally leave likes on videos if you wouldn’t mind please please please leaving you’re like where does it diamond pick I left it in here okay well we’ll go back and get it but yeah if you guys haven’t left like on the video yet

And you’re still watching and you’re not subscribed you should definitely subscribe turn on that notification bells so you’re notified when I start streaming and yeah but let’s get over here and hopefully we can find something or get something good on our pick I’m sure we can die I’m gonna swear I made a

Fresh diamond but no I just made I just put three diamonds I’ve a mandatory that’s right and I had one on me this stuff’s all full but we’ll put it up later ah good luck there we go good luck good luck good luck every time I click now

And say good luck good luck good luck okay maybe we’ll get like fortune 3 unbreaking 3 efficiency 5 I don’t think you can get efficiency file off the bat we did get efficiency 3 in there so we can we can add that book – it actually

That’ll be nice um ok 28 obsidian let’s do it what are we gonna get what does it say efficiency for efficiency for unbreaking 3 ok so that’s not bad at all if I were to combine my efficiency 3 book is there anything else in your fortune 1 unbreaking – you’re saying I

Don’t need any of that sharpness I don’t need that there’s is there any efficiency efficiency no that’s impale in 3 ok so if I combine this pickaxe with this book do I get efficiency 5 no nothing changes so I don’t want to waste that that is a good

Pick X although it doesn’t help us get diamonds really hopefully eventually we can get something for it we’ll leave that in there but yeah we got a good pick efficiency 4 is nice I’m breaking 3 is always nice it makes me kind of sad that we didn’t get it but it’s okay

Let’s organize these snowballs a little bit better I think what I need to do is eat in real life I think that will make this a lot easier to record I will put the books in the corner I like to sort of make things not touching I’m OCD about that

I’ll put iron in here why not okay let’s do a little bit of fishing and let’s see if we can get anything I’m trying to get mending because I really want it for the pickaxe but I feel like it might take a good bit to fish but I don’t know I wish

People lie I wish I had a list of questions if you guys want to ask any questions on here for the question and answer I may end up answering them in the comments because I forgot that I said I’m asking for questions but if you guys would ask your questions so for the

Happy to answer anything like especially in the comments come on there’s got to be something come on don’t make the fans wait there we go mending question mark no it’s luck of the Cee’d this is this trash we’re not getting anything I thought lucky to see you guys made it

Seem actually I’m not gonna blame on you guys I know you can’t get mending from this I think it’s just honest it takes a good bit know another freaking salmon is this a raw salmon we got raw salmon rock cod but nothing good yet it may be

Because this isn’t deep enough maybe we have to fish in the actual ocean it does say luck of the sea but I don’t think that’s literal I don’t well it isn’t even see that would be an ocean actually I don’t know what is the salinity of Minecraft oceans I guess

We’ll never know I could add some mossy cobblestone to that you guys made some good points adding stairs for indents mossy cobble and whatnot now eventually I’m sure I’ll make it look better but I’m kind of burn out of that wall that was one of those products sorry my tear

Squeaks if I shake my legs I need to get a new chair I have like the cheapest chair possible I have not bought a new chair chairs are very expensive and I want to save up and get like a nice chair that I can keep and eventually

Move to a house when I get a house and that would be very nice ok last fish of the night and nothing so we haven’t gotten like any items or anything I feel like I feel like that’s weird maybe lucky the season what we need maybe we need something else we

Don’t have a new pick we didn’t name it I don’t feel like it’s worthy of being named until we get something special on it mending is what I really want to get more than anything but that’s just because that literally means an infinite tool so like it’s literally an infinite

Tool and that is so appealing to me I’ve always loved things like that that regen just because I feel like no I don’t have to get and this is like the one tool to want the one tool I will end up with which is nice okay we’re officially at the

Two-hour mark what I will fill this last hour with I’m not 100% sure maybe a little bit of fishing a little bit of building a little bit of mining not really sure I don’t have any big projects in mind maybe building a treehouse up there is a good idea I’m

Not really sure I don’t have any like treehouse designs in my head at this moment but we have so much jungle wood that I think we could end up building something pretty cool I mean I always build stuff that looks decent I like to think except that portal over there I

Need to fix that what I get unbreaking 3 I mean that’s that’s not bad I guess ok so cool this we know we can get that enchanted stuff I’m gonna fish for a good bit hopefully we find something and I also have to have my air conditioner

Off for three hours which means it gets hot eventually Lauren what temperature is it in here Lauren oh I think she’s asleep well Lauren’s my girlfriend if you guys didn’t know you get to talk to her on the stream she’s usually in the discord with me and you guys can just sort of chitchat with her – is she asleep okay well it’s 75 degrees in here she

Says she’s into an audiobook I thought she was asleep because I walked in there and she did why I said something but she just said – an audiobook so I was worried you know I always get paranoid like did she die probably not I don’t think people die very often especially

At our age like she’s 19 I’m 20 so I don’t think we’re gonna die yet I hope not um okay I’m gonna fish a little bit more I know it’s not the most exciting thing I’m trying to find footage to film I’m feeling a little burn out cuz we’ve

Filmed for like three hours and I promised I’d do a three-hour thing so I’m not gonna I’m a man of my word so I’m not gonna not gonna cut it out if I find anything fun to do it’ll be a lot better and I feel like something fun to

Do would be building something since that’s like where my channel began and I’m always good at building but yeah I’d like all this water in here but at the same time it doesn’t leave a whole lot of area for stuff okay how much more fish am I gonna get nah we’re good

I’m gonna grab some dirt which I hope we have a bunch of and I’m gonna fill in where all the water is now might some of you may not like that but the issue I’m having is that I don’t have any room to add any uh any buildings because it’s

All just spooky noise it’s all just like I mean some of its grass like this area over here is all sugarcane but like this huge area over here is just water and like that area is kind of filled so I want to be able to add things all

Throughout here of course I’m gonna leave a little bit of water since that’s like the basis of this was like an island so I still want to leave a little bit of water like something like that’s fine and I’m just gonna fill in all this

Let me see if I have more dirt I feel like I do a nice check I know I know I have more dirt and chests in here the only question is how much dirt does neo have okay that should be enough yeah that if that’s not enough then um I

Don’t know I feel like that’s definitely enough but I’ll just fill a sentence or two talk but yeah I took a break a long time ago from you too but it feels like a long time ago it’s like five or six months ago I took like a six months seven months

Eight month break and I thought my channel was dead forever and then I started uploading again just a second just like a last attempt to like make my channel grow again and it happened and like I had no idea that it was gonna happen and like I’m not growing it’s

Some like insane rate or whatever I mean we’re growing in a good steady rate which is what I want but I never thought I’d ever reached 300,000 subscribers like I got to be honest guys like I never thought that would happen like I really didn’t think it would happen and

It does make me very happy that I’m at that point but the thing is I want to keep this going so I’m gonna try not to burn myself out I’m not gonna be the word of this survival world at all I just couldn’t if eclis only play a game

Now that I’m older unless I’m recording which is weird that I’m feeling this but I can usually play for like two or three hours before well not two or three well two or three hours of recording but I’ve already played two or three hours like it’s 3 p.m. I started with Corey like

12:30 so I don’t know either way I’m just gonna keep placing all this dirt and stuff and hopefully everything’s good hopefully this will turn into grass before too long we’ll go mine after this I don’t want to fill in all this on camera but at the same time it’s a three hour

Movie so you guys are gonna have to bear with me if I do this off-camera it’s just gonna take so much time and that’s time that well I don’t know this is a pretty good sized area I’m just trying to think of things to talk about I’ve

Been talking for so long I don’t even know you guys never hear me like this I usually always have something to say hmm wait wait guys think about bran is brand actually cereal because I heard that and Spongebob Squarepants but this may not be enough dirty I may have just straight

Underestimated how big this thing is I know you guys said you wanted me to make it deeper but if you want me to build things in this village we can’t have this entire area just be straight water so I’m gonna have to drill this out I

What I made you after this just clear out all the trees because I definitely I don’t want all these big jungle trees these for sure I won’t go on but like those big jungle trees I don’t know I feel like they’re just it’s just like I want it to feel more civilized

Eventually I want to have proper paths in here with that cobblestone and like like stairs you know that make it look like a little like indents maybe some buttons on the floor look like rocks but I want to go all out with this village I don’t want it to be some shoddy village

Now I’ve never really built a village before if I’m honest like a group of buildings that are in the same sort of style and they’re all connected that’s where I consider a village I have definitely never artificially like added villagers into a village nor have I revamped a village before so

Maybe those are some things that all get to have a bunch of fun with other than that I really just want to get mending I really wish I could maybe make an afk fish farm and then just try to get it off camera I feel like that’s gonna be

Our best course of action we’re 27 episodes ends the fact that we already found the stronghold is good I think again like I don’t have much basis of comparison to go off of I don’t watch I used to watch a whole lot of Cirie’s but not anymore especially since

I’m making one I feel like I don’t want to watch anyone and like steal their ideas for what they’re doing but maybe I should do that and help get some inspiration for this world yeah let me know in the comments like what you guys are wanting to see because that always

Helps me now that comment suggestion board I never updated it since like episode 9 I really need to more than anything I just really need dirt I don’t think we have any more yeah I think we’re out of dirt unfortunately well we’ll just fill in the most of it can

And we’ll call it good for now cuz I know you guys don’t want to watch me place dirt I bet you a bunch of people who are watching the episode say watching the stream right now just left no but school that we’re watching me probably just left I mean I don’t blame

Them like I’m just minding us stuff we might as well get this it’s been like here for slices bothering me we should get the sugar came to I got really good at breaking wheat after getting those seven hundred cows let me tell you I don’t know if you guys know I mean took

Like a whole nighter it was it was absolutely crazy the next day was a fun it was very sleepy and all I could think about was bro oh that’s all I’d like that what’s going through my head the whole day you know we need a song stuck

In your head it’s like that but with a cows Moo yeah that’s kind of scary isn’t it let’s grate the sugarcane after this I feel like I should make an auto farm but I don’t remember how maybe it’d be fun to design one I was about to say how

Did I not get enough seats it could be fun to design one but I don’t know how to it all I know to use Pistons hoppers stuff like that but beyond that it’s beyond me I maybe should put fishing stuff in here I don’t want any of that stuff

Leather don’t need that I have enough porkchop Flint should be good we’ll keep the wood in here I know I keep like populating these chests with crap but like I don’t know I’m not a super organ organized person in real life but in the game I feel like I could

Finally do not be because the video game look at this I can break three rows at once that’s sick so you can like it’s like max efficiency I tried to like oh during the livestream which I know I said I played on a separate world I didn’t for the first

One all I did was just do some basically maintenance stuff but I did do a little bit of building and I tried to make this automatic sugarcane farm over here it’s not automatic it just kind of pushes it over and doesn’t collect anything so I don’t know how to like automate that I

Think you need water to flow into the hopper because I don’t know I don’t know how you automate a sugarcane farm I’m sure you guys will spam me with the comments so thank you I’ll watch all the things you guys send and then I’ll be good at making one but

Stuff like that I’m not good with redstone I used to be okay at it because of my cousin but I really don’t think I’m very skilled with redstone anymore okay let’s put all this up oh we had dirt in here that’s okay well so we have

Your arrows Abed huh those are some so there’s some suspicious materials neo how’d you get those huh how’d you get a yellow bed I think it’s from the village actually pretty sure I like kill them and took their stuff I’m gonna go grab torches because I remember making them

And then putting extra torches like a stack of them in here maybe not a whole stack but close to it maybe didn’t I know those were they lanterns no okay they were torches well we’ll trade it with the little four stack that’s fair right take sixty four give

Back four okay well I’ll meet you guys down in the mine it’s all I know I said I’d skip it more than anything I swear I check the photos like we’re 2 hours and 10 minutes so I think we can mine for a good bit of the rest of it I just

Thought of a good title I’m gonna do 3 hour 3 hours for 300k something like that so if you hear my voice start to waver and fade probably because it is wafer it good fading recording for three hours oh no this place isn’t lit up nobody

Gotta run we gotta run really dude on the door honest creepers are so mean they don’t have they have no respect I’m telling you guys no respect at all okay let’s go ahead and light up all this when I put in here well that’s where the lectern is okay interesting

I dunno where the torches were on this uh this xride shrine so we’ll go ahead and put these here and he wasn’t on this world or anything I just built this for him x-rays lamb face man diamond color pixel nineteen it looks pretty cool but yeah if you guys want something like

That all you got to do what are you doing in here chicken you got yourself a little bit stuck didn’t you big boy or I’ll help you mouth there you go come on come on there you go okay just so you don’t get stuck in there again oh the creeper blew up my

Aesthetic fence – I’m unhappy I’m gonna run in here creepers are just gonna keep blowing up that’s okay you know it’s okay they’re just creepers they can’t really damage me and I don’t really care about it oh alright know what I did I still have those down because of oh okay

That’s a lot of creepers okay my god it’s okay if they blow up though it’s not really a big do it this isn’t a quarry so I’m not only worried it just makes it easier cuz I don’t have to kill them um okay torch oh I did not put one

Over here maybe I did I bet I did but the creeper just blew up looks like he blew up his friend he dropped the Gunpowder so that’s interesting so if we find diamonds now though I don’t even really want to mine because if I find diamonds I don’t have that fortune for

It looks like yeah creeper blew up right there too I remember this is where I started branch mining because I’d dug out this whole thing for cobble and I’ve already used all that cobble so we’ll go branch might well know I’m gonna try to see I want to fish but I feel like

There’s something wrong with fishing and I can’t ask you guys like live because this isn’t a stream but you guys like you know like seeing fishing just not too much of it maybe oh thank you for the egg I’m making this my chicken farm I’m just like throwing chickens down in here it

Happened because uh off camera one time when I was mining all I did was throw like a chicken and we don’t need these goals anymore we’ve already done all them high subs comment whatever you see me yeah you guys might have already commented I’m not sure I

Don’t really think anyone picked up they probably just thought it was something like funny that I left there but no it’s not let me get back up here let me go grab my fishing pole and I know I just asked like do you guys like fishing and

I’m just gonna fish anyways I want to build like a fishing hut because you guys said that’s a good idea I also want to extend this some of the water down to be a little bit deeper and make it into a fancy little fishing pond that actually that’s cool hold on there we’ll

Do that real quick so I want some glowstone um I need an axe or a shovel but I don’t think I have I have iron shovels so I’m not gonna make a diamond one sugar cane we don’t need that I want to put some bamboo around it maybe some sugar cane I’m

Trying to make it look fancy we’ll grab some wood that should be good we have a ton of fence we’ll grab the fence we’ll grab scaffolding we may need scaffolding will grab the lanterns which I think we have more of in the rare chests we’ll grab some chiseled bricks Despenser’s

Furnaces sure nether brick why not I don’t know if all these things can be used I was looking at this a live plantation I wanted to see if there’s anything in here we could really plant but I don’t think no ok let’s sleep sorry I burped the middle saying let’s

Sleep but let’s sleep and then let’s go down there and do that another beautiful day and minecraft yet this game really is beautiful honestly every every morning I wake up and I look out that window and I think wow it’s a beautiful world huh and we’ll make this our little fishing pond over

Here I just kind of want to extend it more into the ground because I feel like it’s not very deep especially if it’s gonna be a fishing pole for proper fishing this fishing this totally being a word quote me on that it’s a word fishing this has to be a work I’m

Kidding I know it’s not a word I’m a very sarcastic person me and both my girlfriend we were in separate like classes she was like a you know she was a year below me and she got most sarcastic in the yearbook out of like a huge high school these are like

Graduating class I don’t remember how many but it’s a pretty big one like a 3a I think and she got most sarcastic and I also got most sarcastic and I think it’s pretty good right like pretty cool I mean most people don’t get most sarcastic because they’re not sarcastic

I’m truly like I’m so sorry and it’s not a good thing it’s a bad thing in a lot of cases because a lot of people don’t get it and they just think of being like rude but in reality it’s just like I’m just I’m just sarcastic

I’m not trying to be rude it’s just kind of how I am um hopefully we can make this fishing pond look good I’m not a huge fan of the materials that are in here I’d like to put cobblestone in here but I feel like that’s a project

That would take so long well yeah it feels good to be actually doing something I think that’s why I was getting poured I wasn’t like building anything that’s always what I’ve enjoyed the most hence my channel it’s all houses but yeah I really I just couldn’t think of

Anything good recently to build but I think I have a few ideas in the pipeline that are gonna be coming out pretty soon that looked good I’m not sure I haven’t built them yet but they’re in my mind and usually I can tell I like how they

Are in my mind if they’re gonna be good or not so should be pretty cool okay so it looks like we’re getting I don’t know if I don’t think it needs to go any deeper than this it’s very pretty deep okay that’s not what I wanted to do it’s

Okay actually makes it look really nice and we can swim up for air really soon boom see air is easy to get we’ll go one layer down just another one I feel like that should be the great bottom though the stone I don’t think I should go any

Deeper than that and what’s cool now is you can actually have oh you actually have fence and water and it doesn’t take up the whole block and make it look like trash which is very nice that’s what that’s one of my favorite things about the aquatic update

Was fixing the issue where you couldn’t have anything under water that was broken for so many years I don’t know why they never fixed it look I did and that’s good okay get enough bubbles I should be okay go ahead and break this this than this

And then let’s mine a few blocks down here oh wow yeah that’s that’s a fast pick eggs even under water it’s like the full speed of diamonds okay I just want to put a few at the very bottom will add more will add more like like right here

Or something I can just swim up for air I’m not staying up long enough am i I keep thinking that it’s like you know the old mechanics were it instantly revitalized you or whatever but now it just it doesn’t do that but this should look pretty cool I always like water

With that I can’t put it right there no I have to put it right here always liked water that had glowstone in it I always said it’d look pretty neat so it’ll be cool to finally have something like that might work are there any other blocks I need to get yes so

Many they’re just trapped here forever haha I thought I’m supposed to flow but I guess some blocks sink and some blocks float at least that’s what I was told on stream I don’t know if it’s true but that’s what I was told um so yeah I’m gonna put a little bit of

A fishing Hut thingy I’m not really sure what I’d call it um I kind of want to build it like right over here I want to make a diagonal Hut because I haven’t made many okay diagonal would be like right there and then I go back like diagonal okay I

Don’t build many diagonal structures just because they’re kind of awkward to build but especially if it’s a hut I feel like it’d be a lot easier and they’re honestly I mean they’re pretty cool because not many people how many people can say they built like diagonally in Minecraft now I’m not sure

Where I’m going with this so don’t judge me thus far I just want it I want to mix up the materials I feel like we’ve been using the same materials so much that it’s getting a little boring so we’ll add a little bit another brick in the overworld

Maybe that’ll help it look a little bit better and then I already have an idea I kind of want to have fence off of it like this I don’t want it to be like super sealed up or anything in fact I might remove most of the nether brick

Because that kind of leads it to be sealed I wanted it to be a little bit more open more like a hut not like a fishing house okay there we go and the reason I wanted to do that is so that I can place these brand-new blocks they add they look beautiful these

Little lanterns and I can put that on every side I can just place them like that okay makes my job much easier okay and then I see I want to remove these for now so hold on so I want this to look absolutely oh that breaks so fast

That it’s so nice I just like I just like didn’t notice it for a second I’m like wait I’m not creative that shouldn’t break that fast um okay we don’t have okay we need to do before we do anything we need to have a little chest in here a little build chest that

Way we can sort this inventory out that’s why I’m denote a temporary chest I’ll just put things like that so we don’t need all this sand and crap okay so one of the playing a little bit of bamboo around it I feel like it would

Gosh it’s so loud I wanted to plant a little bit of bamboo around it just to add a little bit of texture nothing crazy and then we’ll play it like a few things a sugar cane honestly not that much we already have a lot of sugar cane so I’m not really worried

About getting that but a few pieces around it can’t really hurt and it’ll make it look more textures better okay also I wanted this because I want to make a few slabs I want to make a few stairs and then I think we should be good let’s grab the whole stack there

Hmm I’m trying to decide what I want to do I think what I’m gonna do is this because I still like those nether breaks a whole lot and then after that see it’s so weird building diagonal because if they can you’re not used to it

Can we make walls out of these oh you can okay oh that’s one of the new blocks they added of course so we’ll put blocks like this and then we’ll put the fence back no we won’t put it right there we’ll put the fence on top of these and then maybe

We’ll do the hut off of those and then put like stairs in the corners here something like that I’m not really sure again like this is diagonal so it’s really weird for me because I don’t I don’t think anyone really builds diagonal that much um hmm trying to

Decide how I want to do this because if it’s gonna be a true Hut I don’t want it to feel too closed off that would be the last thing you want in a hut you want a hut to feel open but that that’s that’s that’s too weird hmm you

Get to watch me struggle live with the build that that’s okay I just want the fence no it I think we should do it like this okay I can handle that I can handle repeating that pattern I think so like boom boom boom boom boom okay yeah I

Could definitely repeat that I was worried because sometimes you’ll build a pattern and you’re not sure if you can repeat it but this is he like this part needs to be open there needs to be like a hut area or we’ll leave that side open how about that okay we’ll put some more

Fence on here and then that doesn’t connect so that’s just weird hmm we’re in a conundrum guys we’re in a true conundrum I’m not sure what to do because it is a diagonal building which is just straight weird off the bat so that makes it even harder

I want to grab cobblestone but we don’t have anymore we’ll just use oak planks or sorry jungle wood planks I’m always used to using oak planks not jungle this should be a lot easier to work with okay something like that just to make sure we

Have like a little bit of a wall I don’t want it to be like too solid but for the roof I definitely want to use slabs so I guess we’ll get to building the actual roof okay so I want the roof to be like this

Starting out on all of them so I’ll get to every side and do that that’s usually how I built a start especially if it’s a symmetrical build I’ll do like one little piece at a time and then we’ll do something like that for the roof yeah

Because I kind of want to leave those blocks open so I think that should be good okay so high yeah hope I get this right no I want to do it one back okay boom okay and then we’re gonna leave no we won’t leave this soup I wanted to

Stick with that same pattern maybe have it come out a little bit in the front and then go down a little bit like this so we can sort of have a fishing hut I’m not again I’m not really sure how to do this a hundred percent again I’m only

Human just a normal person just building I just build a lot more than normal people will make a little bit of a dock but like honestly we don’t really need one because it’s so small this lake is we may have to make the lake a little

Bit bigger thinking on it I’m not really sure but we’ll do a little fishing pier like this just something sort of small just so it like makes it look like it’s a fishing pier we’ll put like so a few of these here we’ll put some lanterns on

Them and make sure everyone knows this is for fishing we’ll even put a little chair out here put the chair like put it right there No mmm maybe a chair right there if we build a chair though that means we need to do a few things here I

Know I have normal signs but I want to use these ooh I see it literally put those in my inventory so it’s like you should use these two am i okay so we have a little bit of a chair there which is nice it’s not good that it’s

Made out of the same material as the ground but it’s okay we do have these trapdoors though so we can make something like that and make it look a little bit better obviously this needs to be filled in with these jungle slabs so hopefully the looks a little bit better again I

Haven’t even taken a thumbnail shot I’m not even sure what I should take a thumbnail shot of and what floor material can be used how does this look though I want to look at it um it definitely looks odd I don’t know I don’t even know if I like it I made his

Burn the whole thing down no I’m gonna do that I just want to make the top look better I just again I don’t know what to put here like if I put fence that’s fine but then it’s not supported okay if I do fence I think I

Have a way to fix this like that yeah that looks a whole lot better see there we go we finally got it you always got it you got to just sort of take your builds and pieces and this is not good cuz you came and walk over here there’s

No way to get to it okay we’ll put the fence put the fence and then we’ll fill it in just like that so let me go over here and let me make this a little bit bigger to walk in that way we know okay not like that

Bad new a bad block place okay something like that but then that looks weird cuz it’s like right in the middle so we’ll move it over and we’ll put it right here remove this stuff oh these grow quick we’ll put the where’s my lanterns oh they’re right there okay we’ll do that

That looks good let me go over here let me sleep and I was gonna grab something I just don’t remember what it was now oh no what did I need Oh a floor material that’s what I was really gonna do I was like I don’t even know if I like how it

Looks we could use cobble but we don’t have any looks like we’re gonna use dark oak guys dark oak doesn’t look bad though I’m sorry if I sound like sad I don’t sound I’m not sad or anything guys my voice is just at going and I’m having

To try so hard to continue speaking it’s like I’m struggling but not really hold on let me drink some water real quick that’s probably out I haven’t no I barely even yeah barely sit my water hold on guys okay so I drink like half that water my

Voice should probably sound better now I think I just I think I was dehydrated that whole time I think legitimately I feel a lot more energized now probably probably because I drank water so I’m a complete dummy I don’t know why I didn’t think like oh dude your voice is trying

To sound weird that does only happen after this fun like you you you’ve been streaming and you’re doing just what are you serious minecraft what I thought they fixed that okay whatever really really okay well this game kind of upsets me because they kind of crap

Is that the water just like okay I need to break this well that fix it no maybe okay you know what whatever we’ll just fill this in all the way to the very bottom that’s just kind of sad though I totally had thought that they fixed that and I was bragging about it

And I was gonna add some cool stuff and show off the new feature which isn’t actually that new but I was gonna show it off Mojang but look you ruined it you ruined it okay you screwed the pooch on this one that’s all I gotta say you did

Not make it right nobody shovels has enough there’s enough stuff to finish this I assume it will but Chloe Brooke blocks 22 we should get very close and if not we’ll just use our hand because their handle work just as well oh yeah we only got about 33 more in 430 English

Dude we only have 33 more minutes until we’re done with the episode I really have hope you guys enjoyed it I’m sorry because we did a lot of stuff I wouldn’t built that nether highway went all the way to the stronghold I do apologize that we never really got to the end I

Would have liked to have gotten to the end but it’s again it’s just very like I thought that there was gonna be under uh under eyes in there but apparently I was wrong I may have looked at something the wrong way and that that wasn’t the case

The entire time but um I either way I’m still a little bit upset about it but I’m not like I’m not like actually like sad but she’s like dude come on okay I got some chests here we’ll just put a few chests in here I don’t really

Know what else you’d put in the fishing hut except an area to fish I put a stair in all these didn’t I yeah I’ll put a stair in all these but not in one and then we’ll do we’ll do a little bit of a chess look out here something

Like that again it’s supposed to feel pretty open I do think that these blocks should be the dock material though for sure we have some of these we can stack no we have some of these we get sec there we go I wanted to put the dock

Material out here a little bit more I know they’re both wood and normally I wouldn’t do that but it’s not that bad I wouldn’t do that get it wood and I’m surprised if any of you have watched this whole thing I’ll be very surprised this is so long I don’t think I could

Watch a video this long but that’s just me and then again I make videos so I’m like I’m always like I don’t know I just wouldn’t want to watch YouTube after doing this stuff up like dirt that we don’t have tons of well just put up everything I feel like this is all

Building materials for the hut so we’ll come back in here and we’ll see this and be like dude what what is in the hut bruh what’s in the hut dude huh where’s my steak don’t need lanterns I was gonna grab the trapdoors we had I don’t know

If we have enough so we’ll just make a few more 26 that’s a few I thought it was about to make a ton more of a 26 actually is not that bad I wanted to add them out here just to put a little bit more texture on the build oh yeah let’s

Go are you shooting me was he oh he must have been like up somewhere and was shooting me I think this would help add a lot of texture but yeah the grass is slowly growing or getting there as far as that goes but yeah that looks pretty

Cool we’ll put it we’ll put a trapdoor there yeah this fishing hunt you know it doesn’t look too bad I actually think I think it turned out a lot better than how it was like I was getting kind of paranoid it was gonna get bad at some

Point but it actually looks pretty cool I mean it’s just a fishing hunt but I think now that we actually have a fishing hut we should do some proper fishing from our fishing Hut where’s our fishing rod what okay I’m confused where do we put it

Mmm I don’t know the answer to that I feel like I should I’ve made we probably put it up in our tools chest but we’ll go check just to be mean no we did no I know where do we put it we put it in the enchanting chest we have 30 levels again

You know what we’re gonna enchant a book and hopefully we get something crazy if I know you can’t get mending but hopefully when we fish we’ll get it but if we get like efficiency for on a book that means we can add it to our pick our

Fishing rod isn’t in here okay well you know what whatever I’ll go find it I’m sure it’s somewhere unless no no it can’t be there protection three okay whatever that’s okay we’ll add that to our diamond chestplate do have any other protections in here no not really

Okay we should add fortune 1 to our sword no that’s not what we need we need looting ok we’ll add these to protection three that’s actually very good that we have that on there I have a bad feeling about where my fishing rod is in the straw no it wouldn’t be in the

Stronghold I didn’t put any chests there dude what are you even thinking maybe it’s I don’t know that’s a that’s a good question I also don’t know I’m worried because I don’t know what to take a screenshot of for this this episode I probably should have been at the straw I

Should have done it at the stronghold but honestly I could just teleport there and just to get the screenshot if I wanted to I’m not sure hmm I’m not sure what people would click on that’s that’s one of the most important things is the thumbnail but you know I really don’t

Know I guess we’ll sort of figure it out I’m sure that people will watch no matter what yeah where is my fishing rod that’s not good what is this what is this all I know where it is I know where my fishing rod is in here I hope not

That trap door is like eternally on fire shrine still good so we’re all good I think I know where it is it’s in that chest that’s in the whole farm hut and yes eventually I do plan on putting animals in those pens I just haven’t

Gotten to it yet over 27 episodes in but we haven’t gotten any animals in our Hut which is interesting I feel like I should have done that but I guarantee you it’s in here yeah I don’t know what I was thinking but I put it in here and

We’ll put the get these arrows out and this wood we don’t need that in here okay to our fishing Hut maybe we’ll take the screenshot of that fishing Hut I’m not really sure what they’re like fishing rod out I don’t think people would really get what it is I don’t know maybe

If you did like f5 like this doesn’t really look like we’re sitting that looks more like we’re sitting but still not really no it looks like I’m like crouched I don’t know how to get a good get it get a good thumbnail I never did I was always bad at the thumbnails guys

Okay whatever well let’s see if we get anything let’s put this back in here I’ll worry about the thumbnail later not too concerned about it Oh a bottle of water Thanks ocean for your crap we don’t need that I just want to get something good I

Want to get like I don’t know mending that would be nice or maybe even fortune ten I don’t think that’s the thing I don’t think you get fortune ten it’s been a long day at the fishery and we still oh we caught was a salmon and a

Water bottle so maybe this fishing hole just has bad luck but again we’ve only fished twice I’m hoping the third time is a little bit better here we go here’s the mending Rock odd are you kidding me are you calling me right now that was bad that was very bad much better

Okay I should have been drinking I should have drank water the entire time and while this bamboo really does go fast I mean it’s already pretty high up there I want to get a good screenshot of that it’s maybe I’ll go into creative real quick just to take the screenshot

You guys are always worried I’m gonna be cheatin but I promise I won’t be cheatin there’s none of that oh oh oh here we go okay you know what here all I’m thinking about it we’ll go ahead and do it you get to see the behind the scenes we

Won’t take too long we’ll just turn that off we’ll get something like this and uh how do you get how do you get a good a good thumbnail shot for this I’m not sure maybe like a little smaller FOV something like this I’m not really sure but that looks good actually decent I’m

Not really sure what else I could take a screenshot of aside from like the fact that we added so much dirt I don’t know I’ll figure it out later hopefully that thumbnail turns out all right it’s like the last thing I want to do is figure out a good thumbnail shot

After recording for three hours but all bear I’ll bear I promise I don’t really know what else to do I call it to like take a screenshot of I guess that big nether path maybe I’m not I’m not even sure maybe that’s a good thought Neill question mark I don’t know

You never know what people want to see that’s the thing people don’t know what they want to see well the fishing rod is really weird why does why did they make the fishing line come out of like not the end of the fishing rod texture maybe it’s a glitch

Oh another raw Cod you know what I’m done fishing for now the fishing hunt was a bust didn’t get any good fishies let’s go over here to this nether portal let’s go in here just to take a screenshot maybe you know do something I’m not sure we

Could try to go to that new part of the world but I don’t really think there’s anything over there I’m not even sure why I really nice at this off though it’s my fault that’s too loud I set this off I I will take full responsibility

For the end of the treaty I’m sorry guys I did not mean to upset you okay we’ll put that in there there’s nothing really in here’s a ton of redstone it cold why do I have this stuff here that’s my question I know I have that but well I

Smelt anything no I smelled another brick oh wow I have an iron door yes I do do I have a lever as I do okay here put this here well okay okay I want to put the lever here that way when I leave I can open it

And then I come back I shut it cuz I’m never gonna want to open it from the outside we also put this here we didn’t need this what we do have to do in preparation for the thumbnail shot is turn it up like 36 chunks because I want

To get a really good thumbnail shot how to do it I’m not sure but we’ll sort of figure it out live on can’t we’ll go back to creative again it’s just for the thumbnail I don’t want you guys think we’re cheating but the nether looks absolutely crazy but something like this

Could be very good before like where does that path lead I’m like I don’t know dude where does it lead I think that’s perfect lines up like right there yeah that’s that’s that’s gonna be the shot I was originally gonna call the episode traveling like is it a

Pigment falling on our head I think it is but I’ll it’s not a grow it on us but yeah that was a pig we’ll go right into survival just so you guys know there’s no shoes no they were freaking Network they weren’t mad at me anymore but

That’s that’s not fair that they didn’t get aggro because I chose to go to creative so hmm-hmm okay let’s go back to the overworld I got an idea I got an idea guys so we’ve got four hundred and nine gigabytes of footage that’s a lot of footage this wall absolutely awesome

I love this wall but we don’t have a way to get up and down it I really wanted to build a grand or grand or a grand or house up there someone made a really good point that is the perfect spot for a place to like a look over the entire

Village and while this thing is super nice and stuff it’s not the best I remember I made this path up here but I never really went in it again I made this path just to sort of get out of the house I was gonna make it into like some

Sort of pathway but I don’t remember how far away from our wall is it I guess we can’t really tell okay so it’s not that far that’s not a good way to get there though I want to make the entrance to the actual house a little bit better I

Want to make like probably a staircase or something like a grand staircase probably out of jungle wood because let’s be honest we have the most of jungle wood we also have a ton of other stuff but I think we have the most jungle wood but I want to finish this

But if it’s gonna be over three hours guys I got it I got a stop a half I can’t record forever but I do my best to record for a wicked on a jungle just jungle stuff I think I have a ton of jungle with the fishing Hut

Louis let’s go check I think I put a ton in there I think so no yes okay and I want the fence and then this stuff I’m gonna have to go put back in the house cut dang it walked all this weight and when we got to walk all the

Way back to our house like 40 blocks away mmm so mad okay let’s put up this this this too lazy to organize we’re just throwing it in there I’ll whop or John let’s go back up here maybe it’s not the best time to design a brand-new

House I’m not sure but maybe we’ll get something good going and we’ll finish it another day let’s sleep too just so it’s more more bright more brighter outside that’s English when my leg itches oh yeah I got the itch down hmm I really hope my mic never changed volume

Sometimes it brant let me check that now I’m paranoid well I think we’re good I don’t think it changed I don’t know where I want the staircase to be but I kind of want to make it like one of these deals okay I think I’m going to

Use fence under the stairs okay Wow thank you I need more ender pearls oh you’re over here huh you think you’re so quick yeah you have quick come on come on hey okay you know whatever we’re just gonna ignore him she wants to come back you can sometimes they just say they

Just like don’t come back okay this is gonna kind of okay hold on because when I put fence on I can’t put oh I have to jump okay because it’s technically you know it’s like a half block or yes or whatever then we’ll do the solid blocks

Here and then we’ll put a fence and then we’ll do more stairs now hopefully we can get up to the top and this amount of distance and this amount of distance I’m not sure if we can but we’ll do our darndest to try to get up to the very

Top yeah we will be able to I can come and kind of guesstimate it at this point after you’ve built so much there’s a point where you just kind of know and then we need to go up one more and then we’ll be perfect okay one more and then

We can go over like this watch guarantee you will be able to get up here I wanna make this a little bit wider I might go like right here and then we’ll make this one a double wide staircase and this will be able to get

More than the top well I should get up there a little bit too quick but that’s okay there’s never it’s never too quick guys especially with stairs okay that’s good decent oh I had was one off that’s not good that’s not good I said I would do

It perfect and I didn’t so I’m just a big liar now up here hmm trying to decide how I want to do this I’m Amy I may want to actually add more dirt underground and make it like not really sure we should point make this too wide though looks a little

Weird if one staircase is one or one staircases this way and the other isn’t so we’ll put the stairs under here oh no we’re gonna be in a sticky situation I thought I had more scaffolding oh I do have more scaffolding oh wait but I can finish it right here right oh okay

Whatever well go back up to the top and fix it like this then we could put it oh yeah easy peasy lemon squeezy okay let’s I always fall like that I keep forgetting I don’t have that feather falling that Opie feather falling anymore that stuff is awesome I

Want to add a fence under all of it sorry about that I know it’s loud that it’s not my intention to make it super loud hopefully this staircase doesn’t get in the way um it kind of does but well we’ll make it work we’ll make it work

Guys always gonna make it work don’t worry um how hard is this up not that fire not that Phi see I mean I’m starting to get to the point where I can’t talk anymore that’s not good that’s not good okay oh there we go and then this is all fixed yes

No little bit of area isn’t and it’ll put all the fence under here hopefully it makes it look like somewhat supported that was the goal I was going for we may want to add like little supports down every once in a while otherwise it’s gonna look totally unsupported which is

Like the opposite of what I wanted so we’ll add like a support down right here where that will end up I’m not sure okay right here that’s fine and then we need a couple more supports just to make it look a little bit better or something like right here we’ve made more fence

Yeah cool okay this is a simple fix as far as this goes all we have to do is add a few more pieces of cobble and then move this thing over so I hope I have a little bit of cobble somewhere I feel like I do just like a tad bit we don’t

Need a whole time we can’t even use half-slabs I’m so desperate for cobblestone now I’m using half slabs what have we come to oh the humanity okay something like that and then we can just sort of fix that make it a little bit bigger that lamp is fine you know

We’re gonna move it though that’s gonna bother me we won’t even get all the glows to them back away break it now yeah we only get three hold on I need to grab the magical oh no the glowstone isn’t here isn’t it yes it is okay well break all this though and add

That back in a moment so we’re gonna need this glowstone this and then potentially something I should have left those there though I said those but you guys don’t know what talk about I should have left this and this iron doors and levers we don’t need those those are for

The those are for the nether but we just left them here because we’re lazy let’s go grab this glowstone and then make these lanterns back we just have to move them a little bit I want to always make sure that they’re on the edge of the

Path wherever that may be I feel like right here’s good and then we went up three right what how long has that one been like that has that been like that since I made them do I really put a fence on top of it how did I do that oh

My goodness how did I fall off of that that’s a better question how long did I have fence up there it had to have been like the whole series because I haven’t touched these since I made them or not the whole series but in the series since

I made them that’s funny that’s a that’s actually pretty funny okay and then all around not right there right there cool but yeah I like this staircase it’s nice it’s tasteful the only thing is is bridge it’s like I don’t know this Hut thingy that we built this overhang we’re

Gonna have to decrease it a little bit maybe like that and then you know what that’s fine that’s not a big deal but yeah there’s staircase it looks honestly pretty cool I like building staircases like that I wish we had more variety of materials it’s the only like more like

Nitpicky thing I’d say about it other than that it looks really good so let’s get up there let’s build a little bit of a base let me take out much footage mean to record 12 minutes you say I can do 12 minutes that’s all we have left this area was not flattened

Out I can’t do this right now oh okay that almost killed me I should not do that I need to put up all this stuff all this stuff I don’t need we’ll put it in this chest coz I’m lazy well we’ll sort through it again in a

Bit it’s just like stuff that I know I don’t need at the moment now for building oh yeah we have coal I don’t think I’m gonna need that stuff I hope I don’t need it I don’t know I may need it I wanted to build this out of early some

Of it out of oak wood planks because everything else in this world is obviously made out of jungle wood just because there’s so much of it around I’m gonna have some spruce on those but the majority is still jungle wood so I’m not sure oh I need to make a

Shovel for this I’m gonna make a diamond one and we’re gonna go and chant it and we’re gonna see what we get because that’s just the kind of people we are that’s just that’s just kind of people we are you’re like what neo what are you

Yeah just trying to make some of them diamond torches real quick the new the new fangled diamond torches okay let’s go and chant this maybe we get something good maybe we don’t it’s not the end of the world if we don’t it really isn’t

It’s not that big of a deal I hope we get something good but you never know you just never know okay I’m getting kind of worried now because all of my thumbnails that have a screen shot efficiency – I’m breaking one that’s perfect all my thumbnails that have a

Screenshot of the like the nether I just don’t do well and I’m not sure why so I’m worried that if I do use that screenshot this 3 hour movie is gonna get like no views and then I just like I spent like so much effort making it and

Like no one to watch it and that’s like the last thing I want I don’t want that I don’t mind if I you like don’t get some views but if I don’t get any views that’s just terrible so again I want this to be like grandeur and the fact

That it’s just like I don’t know I don’t want it to be like square anything I would like the entrance to be right here in front of these staircases so we’ll put those there again I’m just kind of making an outline we’re not gonna do a square coz square is are too simple

Maybe something like this but I’m not sure like how to do it with the walls and stuff I don’t know we’ll sort of figure it out as we go but we’ll do something like this with the walls behind here so again I’m not sure what I’m doing exactly but that’s the beauty

Of Minecraft you don’t have to be sure about what you’re doing you’re just sort of building and having fun okay all these need to be like way higher than they are so I’ll just keep hurting myself and just making them a little bit bigger each time boom boom boom boom

Something like that and then I think we’re gonna oh I think we’re gonna put oak between them I’m not sure about that but I feel like okay can I get to that one no stupid me oh my goodness dude three four but like the reason I get

That way is like I spent so long recording this and I don’t want it I don’t want like uh alright just don’t want to all this like to go to waste if that makes sense so I may not use that thumbnail I’m not sure maybe I’ll make

This look like it’s in construction and will that okay I can get to this one really oh my god half a heart you’re funny dude I may make this a little better um I see I can’t even speak I was gonna say I’m gonna probably take the screenshot of

This like in the staircase leading up to it but again I’m not really sure what is to take a screenshot of because we don’t really have anything just yet and it always seems like it’s becoming night right when we don’t need it to be but I

Guess we only notice it when it’s like bad because when it’s not it doesn’t matter so you wouldn’t notice it yeah I’m so I want to clear out obviously all the materials in between these move between these logs like this I guess I don’t really know again like I don’t

Know but we’ll do this for a little bit and hopefully this all works out we don’t have that many logs left and we also have to determine like where like as because we’re building diagonally we have to sort of determine what blocks to break and what blocks not

To break and that’s the hard part about building diagonal it’s not very easy just because of that one thing we do we don’t need this we don’t even need this layer broken this is the layer I want the house on I’m absolutely crazy hold on this is me this this is the layer

That I need to break all this stuff you don’t want it to be like super like I don’t home I don’t want the house to be like super like shallow and have like two blocks of space I want this to all sort of be underground something like

That I mean I mean the good majority of it’ll be underground but not like all of it okay and I think it’s one layer down yeah something like that and we’ll go ahead and break all this out I know it’s painstaking to watch but I

Got a recording guys I have to yeah well we’ll make this look good we’ll make it look like it’s really in construction just so I can take the thumbnail shot with some scaffolding so I’ll go and grab that real quick in a second once I’m done drilling all this out it’s yeah

I also have to decide at what point do I want instead needs to be one deeper I have to decide it oh this is Wow I still really haven’t used this big X I have to decide like when it’s a diagonal where to drill like where I connect it

So I guess like that here I don’t know something like this yeah I mean it’s just like when you build there’s so many ways to do things that you can’t really do it wrong I feel like that’s a lot of people are really stressed when they build because they’re building and

They’re afraid that if they make something wrong even if it’s wrong like geez all you do is just break it to baby just break it and build it back I know it kind of sucks sometimes but this house should be a lot better than all the other houses we have that modern

House is absolutely beautiful but we never really used it we can still we still can use it it’s not like if we built it and now we can’t like mess with it but yeah something like this okay and then this just has to be broken because

It’s just stupid to leave it here and then we’ll add some scaffolding we’ll put a little bit of the walls in here again I’m not sure exactly how to go about the walls and everything I kind of want to build them one block inwards just because that’s gonna look like the

Best but again I don’t want to build yeah so I want to have weight one block inward okay so that means this has to be okay like this okay so one block anywhere I just kind of want these to sort of frame the house and then we’ll

Just sort of build something like this and then weld we’re just gonna try to make it look like it’s under construction so I am building the walls where they’re gonna be but I’m building them in a way that they’re not finished no see this can’t go that far out it can

Bow out but it can’t pull out that far like that is fine and then I want to see I want right here to be the entrance I wanted to line up the stairs though so like this what does that line up with the stairs do I have jungle stairs allow me I have

One okay we’ll put one but I want the interest to sort of bow out like this and provide some sort of support we build this over like this and then we’ll just sort of build this up as well and then this over here just like that

Again I’m just trying to make it look like it’s somewhat under construction this looks too clean over here though so I’m gonna literally break I know it’s funny the things you do for the thumbnail shots but it thumbnails are very important guys honestly they are one of the most important things

Then your videos if you guys are gonna ever start a channel your thumbnails they have to be pristine no that’s the one spot how did the creeper even get in here dude it’s so it’s not dark in here Oh oh my god okay well it’s good work

Rift fishing hut because in our fishing hut we have the scaffolding as well as crafting scaffolding and you probably need those in those okay hopefully that’s enough to fix our mess I don’t know why a creeper even was in here I don’t know where they spawned I genuinely do oh I know

Hold on when I’m not using the spawner I really should light it up because I feel like that’s where a lot of mobs come from and they ruin our day so we’ll go ahead and just fill this in with torches just to ensure we don’t have any random

Spawns okay so dude did it even break the fence I don’t think it did oh it broke just very minimally it broke very minimal things mainly just this fence right here and that’s not that hard to replace okay so the damage is not as bad

As I thought I thought I was gonna think reconstruct this thing it was gonna be a surgery to get it all back together but I think that’s even right mm-hm okay let’s go up in here let’s do a few things well suppose stair here let’s start just putting scaffolding just in

The front okay that’s not how you place it and then you have to go up to the top and it’s so weird you like place it like that okay and then we’ll go over here we’ll do more like how do I go up okay

Go up like this and I want to go over okay and why go over oh that went up how do I go over something like that okay this scaffolding is – oh this scaffolding is too high we don’t need it up all the way over here I like that is

Fine but for now again I’m just doing this to make it look good for like a thumbnail I doubt the house will be left like this but you know you never know this is me sometimes I start projects and I end up not finishing them a bad

Habit of mine I don’t like to do that especially on like a survival world for like a Minecraft thing like I got like a series so that probably won’t happen here I just meant more and left my creative worlds okay we don’t have any more scaffolding but I think that’s okay

Something like that and then we’ll just put a few torches in it and then let me check for it three hours I’m pretty sure bird over three hours so let me just check real quick two hours and 58 minutes so I didn’t realize but it’s already 4:00 p.m. depending on how long

This takes to render you guys may not see it until the 22nd and I do apologize for that let me do game-mode creative I think we already have it in here wait yeah just for the thumbnail again guys we’re go ahead and set it today time set

Will do 4,000 that’s fine I’d love to get shaders on and take the thumbnail but I feel like if I do that that’s misleading because I don’t like to take a thumbnail shot with shaders on and then you like you get in the actual game and it’s like haha nope we’re playing

With default lighting because it makes it look a whole lot more beautiful I think it is just too dark during the day but I think this makes for an excellent thumbnail screenshot so we’ll do something like this oh yeah see what I mean with the scaffolding I

Told you guys it would look beautiful so we’ll do it like right there I think is where it should be something like this hmm yeah I think that’s perfect like that and then yeah because maybe a little further over I’m not sure I don’t know I’ll take a bunch of iterations and

Then I’ll sort of mess with it later but I yeah if you guys enjoyed this three hour movie please let me know in the comment section below please let me know by leaving it like if you’ve watched until this point you are an absolute trooper how you have made it this far I

Am unsure but I am very appreciative for you watching this entire thing it was a lot to watch I know it was definitely a Devlin journey I went to the stronghold went like five thousand blocks away see what I mean it just looks like yeah I

Mean it looks ok it doesn’t look bad or anything look at me screenshots it took so we’ll have fun messing with those but yeah if you guys enjoyed the episode and you want to see more episodes like this be sure to hit that subscribe button if you’re not uploaded or not uploaded not

Subscribed will go back into survival just because we’re not cheaters we’re just doing it for the thumbnail yeah like where’d that creeper go you know I’m running away I don’t want to be here somehow oh I know where the creeper came from I know where the creeper came

From good know coming to the water come into the water I’m not gonna I’m not gonna mess to you les you’re in the water dude I know where he came from though and here right had to have been right I don’t know but anyways thank you guys for watching I really do genuinely

Hope you guys enjoyed this whole series more will be coming out don’t worry about that we’re not gonna stop serious after this definitely not done we need to get to the end obviously build this village out more but yeah I thank you guys to all of you who watch this entire

Thing he were absolute troopers thank you so much for all your support of the channel you’re absolutely amazing people hopefully I’ll catch you on livestream tonight I say tonight but it’s like the 21st so it’s probably gonna be tomorrow when this is uploaded but I’ll catch you

Guys on a livestream at some point I’m sure I will be on a good bit of live streaming now they seem to be going very well people enjoy them so and they’re fun to do fun to talk with people and hang out with friends in the discord and

Just sort of talk but yeah thank you guys for watching and I’ll see you in episode 28 hope you enjoyed 3 hours bye

This video, titled ‘300K 3 Hour Movie | Minecraft 1.14 Let’s Play Ep. 27 (TheNeoCubest)’, was uploaded by TheNeoCubest on 2019-06-22 17:00:03. It has garnered 1030666 views and 13244 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:49 or 10909 seconds.

This Minecraft 1.14 update lets play shows me playing survival Minecraft on the new update of the game Minecraft called 1.14 Village and Pillage on a survival series guide lets play series of episodes on a Minecraft lets play of 1.14. Minecraft 1.14 let’s plays are fun and I love making this chill Minecraft let’s play on the 1.14 update into a series of guide type videos to make you want to watch and play more Minecraft 1.14 on the new Minecraft update for survival. Minecraft let’s plays these days feel nothing like the old OG Minecraft let’s play series for survival guides that I used to watch, so I wanted to start again with just the basics in a fresh survival Minecraft world on the new 1.14 update for Minecraft; this makes my Minecraft let’s play more fun to record and hopefully for you to watch! I hope you like this new Minecraft lets play survival series on the new Minecraft update for the game on survival. Minecraft survival let’s plays are as old as I am on YouTube and it is gonna be fun to start a Minecraft lets play with the new update installed. I am excited to find out all of the new Minecraft survival changes implemented by this update and want to explore and discover them with you watching! Stick around for my entire Minecraft 1.14 lets play and lets do this!! See you in the next video 😀 Bye!!

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“Magic Scout – Cottages” Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

“Pamgaea” Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

“Magic Scout – Farm” Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Music from “Your Call” by Kevin MacLeod ( Licence: CC BY (

Music from “Odyssey” by Kevin MacLeod ( Licence: CC BY (

Music from “Destiny Day” by Kevin MacLeod ( Licence: CC BY (

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    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Building Possibilities! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft survival servers and looking for new ideas to enhance your gameplay? Look no further! We have a fantastic recommendation for you. While watching the latest video from Ponycraft on how to build a 4×4 easy survival house in Minecraft, it became clear that the key to a successful Minecraft survival experience is finding the right server to play on. That’s where Minewind comes in. Minewind Minecraft Server, with the IP YT.MINEWIND.NET, offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Whether you’re into building structures, exploring new worlds,… Read More

  • Cave Dweller’s Epic Fail

    Cave Dweller's Epic Fail The Terrifying Depths of Minecraft: A Journey into Darkness In the eerie world of Minecraft, a new horror mod has emerged, introducing players to a chilling threat that lurks in the shadows. As our protagonist delves deeper into the underground caves, they come face to face with the relentless pursuit of Herobrine and the sinister Cave Dweller. The tension mounts with each step, as the darkness seems to close in around them, filled with unknown terrors. A Frightening Encounter The journey into the depths of Minecraft takes a sinister turn as the Cave Dweller, a formidable foe, sets its… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Graphics! You won’t believe your eyes! 😱🤯 #minecraft

    Insane Minecraft Graphics! You won't believe your eyes! 😱🤯 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Incredible Minecraft Graphics 😊😍 #minecraft’, was uploaded by Nabi Gaming on 2024-04-21 06:21:51. It has garnered 65 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. MINECRAFT WITH ULTRA REALISTIC GRAPHICS Minecraft REAListic Graphics Minecraft REAL LIFE Extreme Graphics Minecraft in hardcore Incredible Minecraft Graphics Ultra REALISTIC MINECRAFT How to Build a Snowy Cottage How to Build a Starter House Minecraft Minecraft Blacksmith house Minecraft Snowy Cabin MINECRAFT WINTER CABIN MINECRAFT WINTER HOUSE Realistic MC RTX 4090 Minecraft best shaders Minecraft Shader Comparison Minecraft Ray Tracing Minecraft REAL LIFE Extreme… Read More

  • Explore Mind-Blowing Minecraft Painting Tutorial! #malen #redstone

    Explore Mind-Blowing Minecraft Painting Tutorial! #malen #redstoneVideo Information This video, titled ‘”Malen” in Minecraft #malen #minecraft #redstone #tutorial’, was uploaded by Spiele_ente on 2024-04-09 10:00:15. It has garnered 9414 views and 474 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Rabbit Goes Wild on EchoCraft Charity Stream!

    Insane Minecraft Rabbit Goes Wild on EchoCraft Charity Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘EchoCraft Charity Stream VOD! #minecraft’, was uploaded by Rabid Rabbit MC on 2024-03-17 13:00:18. It has garnered 26 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:22:53 or 8573 seconds. This is the uncut charity stream from January 13th 2024. We play mini games and raise money for the Emily Kent Unit. The Story from Souli- Alyce (my beautiful daughter), 15 years old, is currently fighting Classic Hodgkins Lymphoma, and is undergoing Chemotherapy treatment to rid her of this awful disease. This fundraiser is to raise as much money as possible to help… Read More

  • DEEP SECRETS EXPOSED – Join my Minecraft stream! 🤫

    DEEP SECRETS EXPOSED - Join my Minecraft stream! 🤫Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft stream – come and talk about things’, was uploaded by abyssquick on 2024-01-31 01:32:48. It has garnered 89 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:46 or 7606 seconds. Support the stream: Patreon Supporters Scanman Retrovex ——————————————— Socials Discord Server – Patreon – Twitch – Twitter – ——————————————— Read More

  • Shocking Revealed! The Truth About Kiro’s Deception? | Minecraft MEGA SMP #7

    Shocking Revealed! The Truth About Kiro's Deception? | Minecraft MEGA SMP #7Video Information This video, titled ‘Bản Tin Sốc !! Sự Thật Duonng Lừa Kiro ? | Minecraft MEGA SMP #7’, was uploaded by Duonng on 2024-05-31 11:30:14. It has garnered 30296 views and 1354 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:45 or 1485 seconds. MEGA SMP is a Server with more than 30 Youtube Participation from the Vietnamese Minecraft Community… —————————— ————————————————– ———————————– ► Duong record: ► Duonng : ► Duong Ghi Image: ► Duong Roblox: ————————————————– ————————————————– 🔖 Video is only for Entertainment/Understanding about Minecraft… ✍🏻Leave your comments below in the comments section to… Read More

  • Sanna races Cutie in EPIC 20 Min Minecraft Build!

    Sanna races Cutie in EPIC 20 Min Minecraft Build!Video Information This video, titled ’20 Minute Minecraft Build Challenge With Cutie!’, was uploaded by iamSanna on 2024-02-18 14:00:41. It has garnered 57549 views and 1395 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:56 or 1076 seconds. 🦄 BECOME A MEMBER WITH SPECIAL PERKS: 🦄 🦄 Enter my Star code ⭐️iamsanna⭐️ when you buy Robux at 🦄 (When you use my code Roblox gives me a small percentage of your purchase! Thank you for the support!) ❤️MERCH: 💜INSTAGRAM: ❤️TWITTER: 🦄Moody Unicorn Twin🦄 🌸Silly🌸 🌈Sunny Unicorn Twin🌈 🐰Cutie🐰 💙ALL GIVEAWAYS WILL BE… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Edit: Null vs Entity 303! Who will win?

    Insane Minecraft Edit: Null vs Entity 303! Who will win?Video Information This video, titled ‘collab with @kenzi24434 ( null vs entity 303) (herobine vs luis) #editing #subscribe #minecraft’, was uploaded by Ari_edit on 2024-06-11 07:23:10. It has garnered 133 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. animation by @ShadowCreeperAnimations and @sashamtanimations3761 edit by @kenzi24434 and me @Ari_edit678 edit by me #shadowcreeper #mr_shadow #edit #capcut #shorts #minecraftshorts #subscribe #like #comment #sashaMT #song #editing #minecraft #effects #animation #plslikesubscribe #editing #subscribe #smooth #cool #minecraftanimation #battle #enjoy #shakes #shakeeffect #youtuber #shortvideo #edits #effect #comment Read More

  • Frendz SMP

    Frendz SMPHello guys , Welcome to the server of Frendz SMP , this is the server owned by Dynamo100 & Dynami_Wizard . This server is totally survival , here u can build your awesome and large builds with ur creative ideas and do much more fun with ur frnds. From the community of Dynamo Clan u all will be provided with a discord server where u can directly interact with our moderator and if u face any kind of problems u can personally email to our community and we will solve your problems soon as much as possible.There is a YOU… Read More

  • –> CoconutCraft SMP: Hermitcraft-like, Dynmap, Voice Chat. BRAND NEW!

    Welcome to CoconutCraft! If you’re looking for a fun and welcoming SMP, you’re in the right place. Whether you’re into redstone, technical builds, or majestic creations, CoconutCraft has something for everyone. Inspired by hermitcraft, our community is strong and vibrant. Features: Shops and a diamond-based economy No land claim, trust-based server CoreProtect for grief prevention Plugins for quality of life changes Join our whitelisted server and apply through our Discord. We have proximity chat and data packs to enhance the vanilla experience. No pay-to-win features here! Join our Discord to apply: Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft x Netflix series confirmed – thoughts? 🤔

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft x Netflix series confirmed - thoughts? 🤔Looks like I’ll be binge-watching Minecraft instead of actually playing it now! Read More

  • Terrifying Tower Ride: FiroParks’ Minecraft Thrill

    Terrifying Tower Ride: FiroParks' Minecraft Thrill Step right up, to the Tower of Terror, In FiroParks, where the thrill is a bearer. Designed by TylerA0812 and ButteryBob, This droptower model will make your heart throb. With a height of 321.52 feet, And a drop of 295.30, a real feat. Max vertical angle at a daring 90°, You’ll be screaming with glee, can’t you see? The ride stats are impressive, no doubt, Opening on June 3, 2024, let it all out. With 50,000+ blocks to make it grand, In this Minecraft world, you’ll take a stand. So come on over, set your brightness to moody, Experience… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Mixtape Drop

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper's Mixtape Drop “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • Ending Iberia in Minecraft

    Ending Iberia in Minecraft The Iberian Peninsula in Minecraft The Iberian Peninsula, located in the southwest of Europe, has been recreated in Minecraft by MrRendonMC. This virtual representation captures the essence of the peninsula, surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Exploring the Iberian Peninsula With a land area of 583,254 km², the Iberian Peninsula in Minecraft offers players a vast landscape to explore. From the Pyrenees in the north to the southern coastlines, the attention to detail in this virtual world is impressive. Key Features Players can traverse through the diverse terrain, from lush forests to arid plains, mirroring the… Read More

  • 🧟‍♂️ Zombie Craft – EPIC Tunnel Survival in Minecraft 🌌

    🧟‍♂️ Zombie Craft - EPIC Tunnel Survival in Minecraft 🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘SURVIVAL IN LONG TUNNELS IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-03-31 09:00:07. It has garnered 10948 views and 197 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:33 or 2073 seconds. SURVIVAL IN LONG TUNNELS IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • The Ultimate Tet Game Guide

    The Ultimate Tet Game GuideVideo Information This video, titled ‘Tết Này Chơi Gì Phần 1 #minecraft #toanmc #clownsmcteam’, was uploaded by Toàn MC on 2024-01-21 11:44:50. It has garnered 3772 views and 205 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. ──────────────────────────────────────── ────────── ─── 🔴DONATE SUPPORT ME: 🔵PERSONAL FACEBOOK: 🟣INSTAGRAM: ──────────────────────────────────────── ────────── ─── 📺Follow my LiveStream on TikTok 🤩 📺I will livestream at 4pm every day on TikTok📺ID: @toanminecraft ❗❗❗ 📺❗❗ 🔴Toan MC’s livestream schedule🔴 ▶ TikTok: 4pm every day except Sunday ▶ Youtube: 7:30pm every day except Sunday ▶ Resoupack and Shader Toan MC often uses:… Read More

  • ULTIMATE SUBMARINE in Minecraft Hardcore – Laylo

    ULTIMATE SUBMARINE in Minecraft Hardcore - LayloVideo Information This video, titled ‘J’ai construit un SOUS MARIN de LUXE sur Minecraft Hardcore’, was uploaded by Laylo on 2024-04-30 16:35:00. It has garnered 209831 views and 8051 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:41 or 1001 seconds. Say goodbye to basic browsers! Get Opera GX here: 📱Instagram : ✔️Subscribe so you don’t miss anything: 🔔 Activate the bell so you don’t miss any videos! 🌴Discord: 🌐Twitch : ⛏️Discord from my Minecraft server: 💎Join my channel to benefit from exclusive benefits! : Diamond farm: Here are the Datapacks I use:… Read More

  • Intense Minecraft Adventure: ExoBeaver Vault Hunters Ep. 10

    Intense Minecraft Adventure: ExoBeaver Vault Hunters Ep. 10Video Information h [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] a [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] la [Music] la [Music] a [Music] boy Mr hexad what up guys sorry about the music in the beginning I freaking goofed it up dude I’ve got this habit of uh jacking up my audio OBS and I don’t know what the deal is but I’ll get it figured out eventually don’t worry um plans for the today what’s the plan for the day I don’t know somebody tell me what the plan is for the day um I we’ve got… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Crafting Builds & Chats! #12

    EPIC Minecraft Crafting Builds & Chats! #12Video Information einen wunderschönen guten Abend und herzlich willkommen alle miteinander schön seid ihr mit dabei wir sind wieder auf crafs Live und man sollte vielleicht die Musik auch anmachen wenn man sie abspielt das heißt nicht muten tut mir leid Leute ich habe viel Neues eingerichtet ihr könnt das vielleicht sehen ich würde aber sagen ich beginne wie immer leider nur Leute im Youtube Chat mit dabei hi Leo schön schaust du mal vorbei ich glaube leo ist jetzt selber auch live hi bradyy heitin einen wunderschönen guten Abend Holger einen wunderschönen guten Abend m schön seid ihr alle… Read More

  • The Tragic Tale of Nebu95 in Minecraft 😢 – MUST WATCH!

    The Tragic Tale of Nebu95 in Minecraft 😢 - MUST WATCH!Video Information एक ऐसा माफ्ट मोब जिसे प्लेयर्स बहुत ज्यादा बुरा मानते हैं और यह बात कहीं ना कहीं जाकर गलत ही है वह कैसे इस स्टोरी से समझो बट उससे पहले वीडियो को लाइक कर दो और चैनल को सब्सक्राइब कर दो इससे हमें मोटिवेशन मिलती है ताकि हम आपके लिए और भी ऐसी माफ्ट की वीडियोस बनाते रहे मा नॉर्मल सा मॉब है जो कि एकदम विलेजर्स की तरह दिखता है और विच पहले एक विलेजर ही थी अब आप बोलोगे कैसे से तो इससे समझो एक एक विलेजर था जिसका नाम क्लेरिक था उसके विलेज में आए… Read More


    ZYPER NEARLY ENDS IT ALL, BUT THEN REMEMBERS #109Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] a [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] o [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that’s This video, titled ‘was omw to end but forgot something #109 (Uncut Minecraft with keyboard sounds and Lofi songs)’, was uploaded by zypher on 2024-02-17 05:17:35. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:50 or 710 seconds. Welcome to our enchanting world!… Read More

  • VIPmanYT EXPOSES New Minecraft Update! 24w12a & Bedrock Preview NOW LIVE!

    VIPmanYT EXPOSES New Minecraft Update! 24w12a & Bedrock Preview NOW LIVE!Video Information hello everybody Welcome to a live stream my name is Dan man today I’m going to be waiting for Minecraft snapshot 24 w12a to release and also there might be a Bedrock beta or preview I will be playing on Minecraft bedrocks betas and previews um but I will switch over to Java Edition when the snapshot does release and if someone wants to leave a time stamp on the replay in the description so the comment section uh what does every YouTuber say description it’s in the comment section um but if anybody wants to leave a… Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SMP! ENDWAR COMING! 😱Video Information हेलो रोनक हेलो आदित्य हेलो रोन क्या हाल चाल है पहले लाइक कर दोम कोम भैया हा जीी आदित्य बोलिए बोलिए आद भैया फटाक से पहले लाइक कर दो यार बड़े लोग रिप्लाई नहीं देते नहीं भैया हम ब नहीं है देखो आज सबको लास्ट ंग में दे चुका हूं आप आप सर्वर में मैंने देख लिया गलती से बिना एंड व मत करना तुम लोग एंड व नहीं खेल पाओ बता दे रहा पहले जीजी को भी लास्ट वनिंग दे चुका हूं सबको दे दे रहा हूं लास्ट जो ली का यूज किया ड तो तीन लोग… Read More

  • Zaks server

    Zaks serverJoin “Zak’s Minecraft Server :)” for a cozy multiplayer experience! Survive, build, and explore in our friendly community. Adventure awaits! Read More

  • QuasarsSMP Semi-Vanilla SMP Java

    Welcome to QuasarsSMP! QuasarsSMP is a small semi-vanilla Minecraft SMP that offers enhanced gameplay while maintaining the classic Minecraft feel. We prioritize lasting builds and building strong friendships. Join our community of 15-20 active players who value creativity and community. If this sounds like the server for you, join our Discord today: Read More

  • Starlight City | A New Minecraft Experience

    Starlight City | A New Minecraft ExperienceCome and explore Starlight City – A New Survival Experience. Featuring an ever expanding map with 3 continents so far and over 25,000 blocks long, Starlight city has something for everyone.Whether you want to go out and explore the continents, get a job, become a cop of doctor, smuggle contraband, or even unlock your own superpowers and fight crime… or commit it, Starlight City has something for everyone. Inspired by other servers like GTA MC and DemocracyCraft, The goal of Starlight City is to be a place where any player can find something they enjoy. I am truly passionate about… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Why do Minecraft players always do this?”

    Looks like even in Minecraft, the villagers have better social media engagement than most of us! Read More

  • Blocky Behavior: Minecraft Class Chaos

    Blocky Behavior: Minecraft Class Chaos In the world of Minecraft, confusion reigns, As students in class exhibit strange strains. From singing to memorizing, the antics unfold, With WiFi passwords and gaming stories told. Fangkuaixuan, the MC animator supreme, Crafting humor and joy in every meme. With rhymes and laughter, he brings the fun, To all the viewers under the sun. So leap into the verse, with beats that ignite, And share the Minecraft news, shining bright. With a spin and a grin, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Read More


    PORTAL UPGRADE: SCARY CAR EDITION 🔥🔥🔥 Why is the car upgrade so scary? Is it going to start teleporting us to random places like a malfunctioning portal? Better buckle up and hold on tight! #scarycarupgrade #portalproblems 🚗👻🔮 Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server!

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server! Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Have you ever imagined bringing your favorite game to life in a whole new way? Well, the excitement doesn’t stop with LEGO Minecraft sets – it extends to the immersive world of Minewind Minecraft Server! Picture this: as you marvel at the intricate details of the LEGO Minecraft Crafting Table set, you can also dive into the dynamic and player-driven experience of Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind offers a unique twist to your Minecraft adventures. From building your dream structures to engaging in thrilling PvP battles, Minewind has something for… Read More

  • Unveiling the 1bitCPU CRED VII v10!

    Unveiling the 1bitCPU CRED VII v10! The Smallest Akaishi CPU: CRED VII (Version 10) Miniaturization at its Finest The CRED VII (Version 10) is a marvel in the world of Minecraft Redstone creations. This CPU, designed by Mr. Mizuchi, is the smallest Akaishi CPU ever produced, fitting within a compact 16 x 16 x 11 space, occupying just one chunk. The challenge of achieving this size was significant, with the base blocks contributing to the height of 11. 1-Bit Ingenuity What sets the CRED VII apart is its utilization of 1-bit ALU and registers, which are expanded to pseudo-4 bits through serial communication. This innovative… Read More

TheNeoCubest – 300K 3 Hour Movie | Minecraft 1.14 Let’s Play Ep. 27 (TheNeoCubest)