Thinknoodles – Minecraft: Pixelmon Mod SMP – THE FINAL EPISODE!

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Should i do my dantdm impression don’t do it oh yeah we don’t open with it but i’ll do it hey everyone dan here from the diamond minecart and well no we’re not using that okay it’s really good i’m really impressed hey everyone dan here from the time of

My car welcome back to pixelmon on the private whitelisted pixel core server where today you can see we are joined by a couple of friends say hello everyone hello hello everyone we’re finally back together it’s been a while it’s been a long while hasn’t it

Oh my goodness um but yeah today is the day what day is it do we know it’s my birthday it’s your birthday no yes my birthday oh dear well not quite because today finally getting around to it are going to be the pixelmon final battles so it’s pretty emotional pretty emotional

Yeah we had a little cry at the but beginning should be kind of fun it should be good um yes so yeah justin what are we gonna do first uh we’re gonna head up into that noodle base mountain up there that’s half finished just to show it off and then we’ll go

To yours i guess or no well we’ll figure that out yeah we’ll go so yeah we’ll do like a little base tour type thing yeah yeah yeah yeah so we’ll start here and um we’ll take a rail cart ride yeah i think the first this would be

Like one of the first times i’ve seen your place properly because i never figured out how to get in it it was like super sneaky get out of here doug trio oh geez wow good perfect go ahead there it’s gone oh dan’s dog is kind of yeah widget you

Need to move come here let me push okay who’s next okay i’ll go oh no no don’t go don’t go up there i want to press the button i can’t press it either oh ah i’ll just ride up oh there it goes oh now i’m watching james did you crash

Yeah it’s not going that well um okay now we’re getting oh god i’m coming hey how come i’m like so low in this car are you yeah i’m really low and there’s like a minecart in front of me as well which is kind of oh there you are

I can just see your eyes this is kind of weird right okay i’ve got to get out otherwise no oh no that crushed okay we need to leave that by minecart bye i can’t see anything okay no no no no no no no i may have fallen out

Oh i’ve gone all the way back down you know what i’m just gonna walk i’m gonna walk let’s run up it’s just like it was searching because i think especially when you were making it like no one could figure out how to get in here but yeah

It’s quite far from your from your channel as well because you had this glass yeah yeah yeah yeah and you’re like what’s going on i may have once just just once peeked inside using a silt touch pick i’m not gonna put the glass back cheeky

Okay yeah that’s a nice view but uh so i think the only thing i ever really finished in here so like kind of this platform but if you come down this way like i had started there’s my bed i think i slept in that once and then

And then i started building a storage room which was it was it was turning out really nice yeah and then i don’t know what that i don’t remember what i was doing there and then i also i also built a tunnel over to james’s yeah um i think we we remember remember that

Incident yep yep yeah and then the pokeball down there oh yeah that’s pretty simple oh oh this is there’s a disco down here too oh yeah that’s right james built the disco does it still work do you want it do you want it don’t worry do you want

To give it a go yeah yeah the gym sheep which is a shame it was awesome yeah they were supposed to be like it didn’t show up on your thing but i tested it like five times and the sheet was supposed to drop from the ceiling and bounce

And then as soon as it got around to you actually doing it the sheep just fell off and it was so like two of them fell off and two of them kept bouncing right right right right yeah it’s still really cool all right so we’ll head off to james’s

Base now okay yeah let’s go right so welcome to my base over here um before we go in i’m just gonna go and show you down here so this is blocking village a little blocky village down here i’m gonna be honest the only reason this

Was made is because i wanted to see like the iron golem um the problem is i can’t find the iron golem anymore it’s it’s a register i think it was yeah no it’s reggie steele i think yeah yeah yeah i might have met him once yeah i think he did he’s like a

Big dude so i kind of wanted this for the for the iron golem but he kind of has gone missing which is a little disappointing but yeah this is like a little blocky village type thing because i thought it would be cool i love i like the uh the emerald in the

Middle the emerald shrine yeah nice touch kind of you know because we like the emeralds in blocky village so it’s pretty cool i think we’ve got like 10 or 12 residents which is pretty sweet uh and over here we’ve got like block it ranch which is kind of like the breeding

Bits oh jeez yeah which i only ever bred dittos that was it because like the mystery is really fun oh you get the random one don’t you yeah yeah i got some cool stuff like you can get sort of third level evolution so i’ve got like a level one alakazam and

Stuff like that pretty sweet um we’re a little medical hurt but i guess we’ll go inside now i’m gonna warn you the elevator is a little bit dodgy yeah i think i broke this once yes you’re the reason i built the second one that’s all right it was fun

Because it was a bit dodgy i’ve got a health and safety notice in this book in case you’re interested i was facing the wrong direction okay okay okay i’m gonna give this a go here we go yeah oh oh oh oh i’m surprised here we go this is it yes

Success that was pretty cool that took quite a while um yeah we’ve got the mighty derpitu over here uh which i remember you your fond memories of this little guy yeah over here we have a uh a valuable chest which no one ever put anything in which

Is a bit of a oh i didn’t know i was supposed to put anything in there okay it’s just it looks like it takes it away trick thing yeah there’s a hopper underneath it i just lost some gems yeah exactly it’s kind of like you know just a little troll thing um

All the different kinds of uh the balls that you can get here yeah yeah i like this like back in the day they were um in the older version they were kind of like 2d right and then we got the updates they’re 3d so i thought it would be

Quite cool to have them going around it does look really cool yeah pretty sweet and then if we go upstairs obviously we’ve got the main bit here so we’ve got like a little medical bit to heal um oh yeah i have one question one question so i

Just visited the wc not for a reason do you think but um i was told when i came in here once that there was a secret ah was there a secret flush at one point there is a secret in here okay would you like to stand in this right basin this one yeah

Get yourself in um can you get in there you go okay now flick the lever behind you twice twice it looks hilarious a minute oh you got flushed yeah so kind of like it was like a secret breeding room and my fossil area um which is pretty cool

Like the mood lighting yeah i kind of tried to use like lighting glitches behind oh yeah oh that’s cool before we look kind of cool so this one was uh when i was trying to make more more dittos so it was a bit of a struggle because i got like a mewtwo out

Of this one nice yeah it melts down which is kind of annoying but as little fossil room the only problem is there’s no way actually out of this place oh never built the staircase so we’ve got to go up this way which is a bit of a pain

But yeah if we come up here and we go through this wall there we go we should come back now we’re outside yeah that’s the only way to get out which is not ideal and then just take you up to the top again uh oh okay so

Yeah i’ll just show you a couple more things quickly uh behind here we’ve got an enchanting room which i don’t think anyone ever saw whoa this is in here no way you’re right i’ve been in your base trying to steal stuff so many times and then i never saw them

These are some books i think from you guys which i kept and then i think justin found my what did they say i don’t know property seizure oh yeah yeah you’re right when you built the mountain remains and then i think justin found this bit

This was like where i kept all of my sort of bits and pieces down there and i think you found it but i don’t think dan ever found it no i never found this i went down there yeah it’s like a little secret room with all my um like little

Trinkety bits and pieces and held items and all that right so how many episodes did you have yeah this is episode 100. so i had all this and then very quickly we’ll go back up and it’s a bit of a pain getting up which is kind of the struggle but

There we go okay good nice look at that amazing i think i’m gonna drown oh one one bubble left oh no i didn’t make it and then this is just like a little forgery room and this is block it balls incorporated uh which so i don’t think anyone figured this out

But you kind of you flick this lever and then you just right click the the fruit and it just can’t go away oh yes loads and loads of apricorns oh my goodness so that’s that one and then finally for the last little bit of the base we can go down to the vault

Which that i think you will like um have a little look down here and we go through all right you can you can do that you can do the door yep there we go and we have inside one of justin’s little little models here a diamond minecart there you go

Oh yes yeah okay i feel like i’ve been here i’m not sure why i think what i might have done is followed your like tunnel to here yeah i think i did that right yeah when i when you got when you ended up with all that stuff yes oh yeah

That sort of framed you yeah for the theft yeah that was that was fun oh yeah you tunneled it and then it was just all in dance i remember watching your episode and you’re like what the heck is all this stuff i was like oh maybe uh maybe it’s a gift

I fell for it completely these mountains oh nice but yeah this is um this is my little place so i guess let’s go over to dan’s and yeah do like a little tour and stuff sweet let’s go right then so welcome to the diglett empire i think that’s what we’re going

To call it right now the diglett so this is my place it’s it’s i think it started off as four diglett for cobblestone diglett and we turned them very recently into full clay full pink noses and most of them have a certain um a certain use so this one’s a very messy

Storage that’ll be a theme of my whole whole range it’s unfinished and messy let’s have a look so we’ve got yeah storage over here and spilling out a little bit outside but we’ll ignore that we have a bedroom and kind of smelting craft i think it was one of the first

Ones that i kind of made a home in and then the digletts keep down coming like this one this one’s a one that we built from scratch and i was going to make more but there’s one on the top of that hill which we might go to actually we will go to

Because i’m impressed with my piston work in that one so i don’t know that one um what else have we got we’ve got something over here which is what james built right that was you i built the candy cane yeah it was like the pretend snow golden

That was pretty cool and then justin’s what was this it was it was like a question you put the code in right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i may have stolen some redstone things this was cool i i like this this is like technical i remember you were on here whilst you

Were building it and i was on here as well yeah it just looked really complicated it was really technical yeah it’s cool though what else we’ve got a nice little bit of foliage around here i had some issue with sugar canes because i needed to

Make like the enchanting bit so i had to find a nice place to put all these and then we have the main bit which is the station oh wait there’s bits over here okay let’s look at the ranch so the ranch the plan for these was going to be like one

For each type but i only got as far as two so we have a little one over here trying to pick the right pokemon as well was kind of a challenge because like this superior right here and pincer are huge yeah i think i can’t remember who else we had

In here but that was a giant as well but this spinner rack considering it’s going to be a tiny little spider is pretty huge as well yeah he is yeah the final batteries have loads but he didn’t quite get there sorry carry on i like the themed theme bits yeah yeah yes

It was meant to be oh come on numero no there we go uh and we also i forgot this over here that you build james the giant treyorus house with the late edition of the mickey is which i i really like it’s kind of cool right

And block it treyarus as well yeah i think i used one of these for one of the trades yeah i think i think books one of them had a really good trade and it’s locked out now yeah i like tried to find one with a good trade i think yeah yeah

Written book for emerald was pretty decent yeah that was that was one i used yeah it’s pretty sweet and i’ve got over here so this was the pit of doom so it’s one where i can’t remember who kept dying in it i did i died in it a few times i’ve died

And had two yeah yep yeah and it was gonna be a ranch but then we found out you couldn’t make them underground so i had to build out this massive pit with like a fire themed ranch down the bottom which i’m pretty pleased with with the

Glass tree and stuff nice nice are you stuck with that yeah i think that’s everything above ground oh no nope there’s more there’s this part which was justin with the articuno oh right right right right which i still have on me i never caught i’m sorry sorry and then the giant diamond minecart

Digger oh yeah that was another james creation yeah i’m glad you started building stuff in my ranch because it me look a lot better it’s kind of it’s hard not to because it’s so flat and there’s just so much space and you’re kind of like i want to build something

But no the trees that you added and a little pathway i remember what this used to look like and yeah it was like four like grey digletts and so yes yeah awesome so then we have the station which i created kind of like a automatic minecart dispenser so someone wants to

Jump in there it should wow i like that justin wants to hop in the next one you know i i forgot to right click that’s my fault oh i’ll just i’ll just take the express oh oh here we go did you make it yeah i’m down here

I forgot to right click you get it okay i forgot to right click it’s my fault oh thanks okay this is something again that isn’t finished and keeps on being inhabited by these soul rock and diglett sometimes you come down here bounce off a digger and go all the way back

That was a up and then james you might also recognize this bit yeah so i had a little bit where i had some sheep because wool was something that we built with a lot and then you turned them all pink i’ve done a lot of stuff you haven’t i feel quite bad now

I i had a i had an evil plan for them but i never was able to collect enough had almost three stacks of pink one i wanted to build like a giant jiggly puff nice and then never got round to it they do look crazy yeah i was fixing up stuff like this

Floor took forever and then i decided just to keep it as like the centerpiece rather than changing it it’s nice is this nether brick yes nether brick and quartz that’s cool i like it and we’ve got the little fossily beer and the fire themed ranch with the flames because they don’t get affected

By the lava if they walk in which is pretty cool oh yeah because there’s one in it now swimming oh he’s down there i only i only see ander but it’s charming put him out peaceful should be fine i can help with this situation here we go nice very much okay

And i think the final thing to show off is another thing built by you sneaky sneaky is the the shrine to derp at you which must have taken absolutely forever yeah just to get all the paintings to match the pictures to be the right ones yeah

Oh yeah that was an issue i was gonna do like the whole walls we’ve just covered but it was too many pictures yeah it looks kind of i kind of i kind of kept this because it took so long and it just looked awesome so yeah yeah it kept the

Dab with you in here yeah quite happy it’s nice okay i think that might be it there’s a few columns down here which i think look pretty cool and then behind you is a nether portal as well personal nether portal here nice i like these like pretty much mine so

Are we making our way down to for the ultimate battle royale now i think so i think so it’s on let’s do it no no no no no no no no no no no uh oh it’s not a good stop okay guys welcome back we are underground in the underground lava

Arena big pokeball thing and uh check out these faces these are awesome got all our faces up here because we are the competitors in a mini tournament right now so some of you may have noticed at the beginning of the episode um on the left all the pokemon a level 100 that’s

To kind of give like the levelless playing field as possible we couldn’t give each other um our pokemon new moves so we’re stuck with the same moves just all a level playing field so someone want to explain what’s going to go on with who’s battling who and then how we decide the winner

Sure go forward james do you want me to go okay so uh we’re gonna be doing like the first round here which is gonna be the first battle is gonna be dan versus think over here and then after that i think dan is gonna battle me and then the third match is

Gonna be me versus think so gentlemen and gentlemen are you guys ready yes and also no legendaries on anybody so you might notice that whoever you’re watching doesn’t have any legendaries none of us do yeah yeah all right let’s go i may need to fix that oh no um be right back

Okay i’ve fixed my my um legal team i guess and i traded out one of my legendaries that wasn’t allowed for someone else so i think we’re ready now we’re ready yup i’m ready so me versus justin let’s do this um who am i gonna pick first

Oh okay i think i’m ready okay okay you guys wanna count down one yep let’s do it oh geez here we go me versus justin let’s accept this battle and here we go you have started with new leon very nice yeah it’s a jolteon and i’ve gone with gengar oh

Okay so this is i think this was justin’s this this is a good level hundred i think this is the level 100 you level oh come on big hits hidden power ground that was huge that was massive that’s right you know like i was thinking like oh yeah oh yes two shots

What did you hit it with wow i use shadow ball shadow ball yeah ouch right who’s neck munching noodles it’s a big old snorlax okay this will be a lot tougher to take down yeah it’s gonna be tough before this oh yeah of course oh no effect on either side because

Ghost moves don’t affect normal and normal doesn’t affect ghosts oh um okay i have some replacement moves here let’s go for a psychic that can be good is it oh sorry oh oh no okay nowhere near as big as the previous one snorlax has got crazy health okay yep i’m gonna try

I’m gonna try the same again oh it did not be anything this is gonna be tough there’s gonna be a long one yeah this is can you hit justin yeah i can hit it yeah you can hear okay but i am actually ah really doesn’t someone had no okay um

I wonder if this no no no i don’t know that i can hit well yeah no no you know what let me just switch horrible psychic this gengar is destroying yeah because ugh my gengar also has some leftovers on it so that’s oh yeah i’ve got my heels a

Little bit i’ve got a couple with leftovers but clever i don’t have anything i think dark is good against yeah that’s what i’m trying now okay i’ve got bite i’m gonna go shadow bowling okay it took a big chunk finally did you get a hit i’ve yeah i did i’ve

I’ve forgotten the moves that i actually had on these because i haven’t used them in so long yeah okay oh it’s gonna be nice it’s gonna be close this gengar on my screen still has full health nah it’s down to eight third maybe 86 and he just walked into the lava

I saw that as well oh what is going on with my gengar i know that thing is okay hold on wait he’s like burning in front of well he’s behind you and he’s kind of uh yeah he he fell in bad hang on pull it together okay come on bruce oh there

Let’s see come on yeah there we go oh no is he dead no oh he’s back oh now he is zapdos that was so cool i’ve not even seen that evolution it’s a lantern i think but this one’s called luna a lantern huh is that water

Oh that’s you i was like does it have a helmet in the middle but it’s not it’s you it’s sitting on top of me yeah the good thing about this one is it’s water and lightning at the same time secret sneaky look at that um oh both of my like okay

Okay here he comes noodle gator this is this is bold god i’ve got nothing ah these move sets are awful pretty strong that’s pretty good yeah that would yeah not super effective you took that well yeah okay okay i’m gonna bring out like the smallest it gets the biggest

Oh my goodness like i can’t even see it in your legs yeah yeah i’m just standing on it i’m gonna go yeah did you use an item yes okay it’s like when you properly play pokemon and you gets like the last pokemon trainer a gym and you’ve just got his

Pokemon nearly dead and he uses like a hyper potion yeah it’s just like what are you doing yeah exactly okay yes oh no this is going it’s even uh yeah the gengar was killer though oh yeah that’s cool yeah um look at that regaining energy that is that mega drain is really good

But but but but no this is like oh no okay how much help has your uh pokemon go 264. oh jeez bang i’m in trouble this is your last last guy my giant gyarados nice this is so big oh my goodness do i have oh no all my legs

Um that could be big it needs to be big this ferrari is a beast yeah oh i beam that didn’t do anything no it did it did it did it cut off a lot i think it’s on what you want yellow yeah i’m on yellow what oh

Wait yeah i had to recharge after that big attack i was like huh oh man uh oh i’m not even i’ve only got like an ice move in that hyper beam uh i’m going to go for it again no oh no i’m isis i’m i’m kind of he’s i’m confused now oh yeah

Come on just just get him with thrash yes go down that’s my last pokemon oh geez that was a good battle yeah i i thought i thought i was done with gengar that that that lead pokemon he was going for it okay so we are back we have just seen

Dan and just in their battle which was a pretty sick one actually so that was good commiserations my good friends justin has won that battle but you’ve got a chance here to win one back so you’re gonna be battling me this is gonna be fun all right okay

Let’s do this three two one and hang on wait wait oh god oh god okay let’s try this again okay go yeah there we go here we go let’s do this it’s a philosophy so you led with chubba chubba wow i’m afraid what is that this is a volcano okay um

I’m gonna have to switch up fire is not good again well it’s good against uh the blossoms so i switched out into the gyarados thing is though this volcano is a pretty sneaky one do you want to know why why is that it actually has actually you know you

Can find out okay yeah there we go what is that this volcano has uh electric moves which you can learn oh no come on i’m burnt as well 80 this is a sneaky one it’s a good it’s a good pokemon and garamos is down okay okay i’m gonna bring out

My gengar here we go let’s see if we can do the same as last time oh no i know this is out sneaky dark move hiding in there as well i haven’t got a sneaky one um what should i go for i’m gonna try and um

Oh i’m gonna try and go for this again see if i can get burning oh whoa oh geez oh my goodness oh this thing is a beast oh man i have to do it for again oh i’m so sorry you did take half my health off with

That that ball i just stood here but then took one straight back this guy is just super strong okay let’s try this is tough i guess we can just go with this again right on us i’m gonna have to change so i’m gonna go you this am i going to get a hitting

I might hopefully let’s go for this get out of here oh no okay okay okay let’s go with there we here we go here comes bobby all right giant crap yeah let’s hit you with well this could be perfect the crab hammer of justice wow that is gonna hurt look at the size

Of them i could was calling it like a crab for a long time i think it’s like a crayfish um or something i’m just gonna go with crab it’s definitely cray cray crayfish cray crayfish oh no okay i got three okay um okay okay okay i forgot you already forgot what you

Told me is this water and electricity um i think oh i’ve completely forgotten uh okay let’s go with let’s go with this oh just taking it straight out boom okay okay all right let’s go for this big beacon oh these names are so good yeah quite

Proud of the names um ah this probably wasn’t the best idea let’s see if we can do like any damage with like this okay i’m gonna go for a different tactic here oh you swapped i swapped out to the little flower i’m gonna try this

Okay oh are you trying to poison big can yeah i tried it did it work did it work is that shiny yeah yeah i thought it was a different color on my screen you’re just like right up close to his belly yeah let me try again i’m not sure if it works

Oh are you immune i think i’m immune to it that was a big old earthquake nice oh classic classic snorlax oh wow i think big ken is going down okay okay okay um when in doubt jeremy out oh my goodness okay oh geez he’s huge as well he’s

Bigger than snorlax this is like my favorite pixelmon from the whole series okay here we go um yeah grout this is probably not the best choice but hopefully he’s pretty powerful what is that oh you probably attacked me you see that uh yeah i’m curious is this i’m guessing this

Counts right if i hit you with like a magnitude because it’s a ground move i’m not cool i don’t know we’ll find out i’m going for this yeah that was magnitude eight that was power okay flygon by himself look at how small he is okay let’s see

If we can finish this off we just stand on him oh yeah it did oh maybe i should have stated no oh i’ve got so much damage this is got like 307 hp and you’ve got it 45 i shouldn’t have switched out it’s a bad decision that means two losses for me already

We’ll do like a second round with like legendary so you never know what is cool now though is that this is because you got one win each oh right it’s the battle for the final that’s like a literary a final battle yeah for a mystery of us okay

All right okay here we go the final battle to decide to the winner between james and justin let’s do this three two one go go come on of course it’s brian i’ve gone with brian because yeah because i had such a hard time before yeah you had a gengar in there as

Well oh i had no chance see now i’ve got a moral dilemma here because last time i chose this time i got shouted just just just do it i can’t i’m gonna i’m gonna you know we’ll play without that tactic because i think it’d be fair whoa

Brian is knocking back the for alligator earthquake won’t work cause it levitates oh come on and i tried dark wow they’re so powerful gengars aren’t they wait wait hold on brian what are you doing okay spicy noodles you spicy noodles uh it turned out i had i had one sidekick oh nine tails

Yeah it’s so pretty ah look at that that was a big shot on brian all right oh goodbye what was that that you used psychic i i didn’t realize i had it in my moveset until you guys were battling i took a look and turned out i had one okay down goes brian

Out comes bobby barbie bobby come on bobby all of you all start with b no oh come on whoa that’s a little hooked up oh thank you ah oh did you switch into big can big ken’s coming out big can is eating you oh my goodness i can see your feet at the

Bottom um do i have oh i don’t know my moves anymore you know what oh no it’s a snorlax showdown is it snow likes we snorlax oh snap oh man what do we use yeah that’s the thing i don’t know what to use either hmm

We might just have to do like a body slam fest oh my goodness yeah yeah there we go see who can bump two wins why is your snorlax way more powerful than mine because i i eve trained him ah what a beast all right jeremy what is jeremy i can’t see jeremy

Turn around turn around he’s named them like jeremy it’s so like nondescript oh and keep going what is it oh no this guy yeah yeah all right um what is he maybe oh thank you oh i only hit five though yeah but still that’s not bad no ah okay i don’t know hopefully

Come on paralyzed oh you paralyzed me was good body slam should i switch why would you switch terrible idea what is i don’t know um see if we can oh snap oh here comes the gyarados that was that was clever it doesn’t affect it now hmm mine’s like halfway through the lava uh

Oh ah come on come on i know i’m gonna have to bail dark no oh that did loads oh yes yes keep going yeah you need to take the giant moth down this one’s oh no probably it’s very ah that was all right all right all right all right okay okay

Okay this is gonna um what what was that i can’t remember uh okay spicy noodles and what was chubba i can’t even remember this is fire what are you um i’m probably gonna faint here but i’ll try and do some damage oh i didn’t even get it yes yes

It’s fast yeah it’s also easy train for speed um okay and bobby is what why is it always facing the wrong direction when his name’s come on yeah it’s like bobby ah bobby okay bobby bobby um let’s go with um let’s see how this oh oh down goes nine tails okay

This guy has like i’ve trained him to have super high attack oh okay which is probably why why he hit so hard yeah with those massive claws yeah uh oh god oh come on come on let’s get it in let’s go is this gonna work yes goodbye jeremy down

This is okay okay oh snorlax again yeah that’s like a really strong one as well okay okay ronald who’s ronald hey hey where did this guy come from this is my starter oh yeah right okay um wait do i have no i do not i hope i’m faster than the snorlax

That would be probably i can’t imagine you wouldn’t be um very good not very good um you know what yes he is strong yes oh damn he goes oh his thinking okay now this guy has a pretty powerful move hopefully this is going to be good come on oh it’s terrible yes paralyzed

Come on come on um oh god i just have to hit another one of these oh oh wait what happened how would you have left oh he won how many how many hp was that that was like i had one hate one hp ah i had one

Yeah and and and wait were we were we almost even still ah bobby all right fine oh man that means doing it is james james all right james is the winner i need to use any of his legendaries i know ugh all right it was good battles but okay

So go collect your prize should i go and get my prize yeah okay your prize is up there right yeah yeah uh right how am i gonna get up there yeah well well god’s sake so here is james’s prize it is all of the hallowed gems from all of the

Generated structures none of these are crafted you had to find each and every one so that you can call the spectral jeweler and uh summon mystery avis so go ahead take them all out thank you that’s a lot of work there look how many there are

That’s a lot of work like here you go this is pretty cool okay so i’m gonna try and summon here the well the spectral jeweler is it yep good okay so apparently this is supposed to be pretty cool so i’m going to go forward slash oh god that’s not a forward slash

That is hello ween um oh there he is wow look at that so cool creepy haunter yeah this is weird okay so do i just right click these i’m guessing can i right click the guy no no i’m here to exchange your hallow gems that’s what he says to me when i click

It does he do that for you no wait oh if i wait if i yeah it says that yeah he does yeah okay i don’t have them oh okay spectral jeweler has received your ground gem fire gem ghost gem flying dragon psychic rock okay we need to get some more okay

It’s quite exciting this uh fighting water ice normal bug steel electric and dark and there’s some more two more to go so we’ve got grass and poison your party is full egg was sent to your computer now oh an empty climax do i have to hatch an egg yeah that’s oh

That’s not the fun part right let me run around a bit right okay so we’ve had like a little bit of a on the spot decision here but it should be kind of fun so basically uh for kind of like that little tournament that we just did i was uh the the lucky

Winner so congratulations for battling boys it was good fun it was good fun so anyway i actually got from this spectral jeweller here this uh mysterious egg which unfortunately is taking a little while to hatch so i’ll do my best i’m gonna run around in circles but we kind of thought it would

Be a cool idea for second and third place to do one more battle but with a slight twist so what we’re gonna do is we’re actually gonna do like a lucky dip legendary style thing now fortunately between all of us we have all of the legendaries so

Um basically uh dan here and justin are going to pick three numbers between one and how many how many have we got here seven between one and seven and then uh whichever ones those are in this inventory here those are the ones that these guys are gonna battle with so

We’re gonna do like kind of a i don’t know just like a little second place tournament thing here um so yeah you guys do you wanna pick who’s gonna pick first uh justin came second so i think you should go first ah right okay so do you

Want me to include zapdos in this oh yeah you probably should but then yeah yeah yeah right right right okay so i’ve got i’ve got eight now okay so uh five one two three four five okay that’s yours so down i will go for one number one that is dan’s okay justin two

Two ooh dan four oh dustin eight eight final pick and dan uh is three been chosen three is free i’ll go three okay so justin you have chosen mewtwo ugh groudon okay and zapdos and derek you are playing rayquaza nice ioga cool and ultras okay right okay so we’ll do the trading yeah

Okay we’ll get this trading done and then yeah let’s have another battle cool right so we are back again here with the final battle between think noodles and dantdm so this is gonna be a three on three legendary battle lucky dip style and uh yeah you guys ready

Yep yeah i think we’re ready awesome so uh yeah three two one and go oh don’t worry here we go so out comes my requires are against the mewtwo you’re doing pretty beastly this is good okay so beauty versus rayquaza this is a very small rayquaza it’s quite

Cute yeah it’s time to see so once again we’ve like boosted these guys up to level 100 just to kind of make it wow even look at that wow look at this that’s pretty even isn’t it okay again youtube’s faster um um i’m just gonna keep going i’m gonna run the mewtwo down

You’ve got one more hit in that maybe one yep oh i healed it slightly oh is that leftovers yes that’s leftovers yeah i think we both got them as well right oh oh oh no wow okay how could mulches hurt nice fine am i oh well it turns out mewtwo is a pretty

Good legendary thing of pokemon wow okay i think it’s only on half health as well i didn’t get quite a plan really did it wow all right well well done well done mewtwo so i guess we should head to the boat and sail off of this yeah island

Okay yeah let’s go let’s go don’t fall on the lava okay so sadly it is that time our pixelmon journey is over so yeah it’s been really really good i think all three of us would just like to say a massive thank you to everyone who has

Watched and supported the series to this day it’s been really really fun for all of us so yeah thank you so so much for coming in and joining us on our experience and adventure so yeah you guys got anything else you would like to say yes so we’re gonna sail off into the

Distance on this awesome ship that we started episode one on which is crazy but we’re gonna be sailing off into a new adventure very very soon which i am super excited about what about you justin super excited about the adventure we’ll be taking super modded minecraft whatever we end up calling it

It’s gonna be good it’s in the works but it’s gonna be it’s gonna be pretty pretty awesome so uh yeah thanks again guys yeah thanks again guys we will see you when we get to our destination see you later bye i’ll see you guys again soon thanks for

Watching and of course new line you

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Pixelmon Mod SMP – THE FINAL EPISODE!’, was uploaded by Thinknoodles on 2015-09-15 19:00:00. It has garnered 412498 views and 3848 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:29 or 3209 seconds.

➡ Next Series : Coming Soon! ➡ Minecraft Pixelmon Playlist: ➡ Map Download:

Episode 69 of my Minecraft Pixelmon Modded SMP series with DanTDM and ThnxCya!

PixelCore is a private whitelisted, invite-only modded Minecraft Pixelmon server.

➡ PixelCore SMP Members Dan : James :

➡ Social Media Twitter: Instagram: Facebook:

➡ Original Map:

➡ Resource Pack:

➡ Pixelmon Minecraft Mod Pixelmon is a Pokémon mod for Minecraft! You’ve played Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire on your Nintendo 3DS, but have you ever wanted to be immersed into the game in first person? Show off Shiny Pokémon to your friends in Multiplayer? Now you can!

The Pixelmon Minecraft Mod is constantly updated, keeping up with Generation VI Pokémon, so make sure to get the latest version so you can catch all the Legendary Pokémon!

Pixelmon 3.3.4 –

➡ Music “Mellowtron” Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Outro – “Sugar High” by Approaching Nirvana Illusions:

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  • Trolling a top youtuber on my Minecraft server!

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  • Insane Slotbot Opening on Minecraft!

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  • I trapped an entire SMP! Now they seek REVENGE! #minecraft

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Thinknoodles – Minecraft: Pixelmon Mod SMP – THE FINAL EPISODE!