This Minecraft Map Broke My Brain

Video Information

In a world where up is down and down is up and right is left but also up and i’m confusing myself one man must make sense of it all to reach the end and good god this is actually insane just watch it also new quality content drop check the

Link in the description or go to limited time hey everybody this is a minecraft map called logic lists the floor is on the ceiling or is the ceiling on the floor i don’t even know how they did that i think this is gonna be a trippy one oh my goodness

First upload of 2022 oh it feels weird to say that anyway solo only ambient sound on music sound off don’t use optifine no fulbright i had to turn off optifine and lower my gamma for this it better be worth it hey make sure to like the video for the first upload of 2022.

Obviously it’s locked i mean do i have to parkour what the frick how do you have like upside down candles i don’t understand am i parkouring let me see can i get up places can i get into a barrel obviously it’s not necessarily obvious can i

Wait the sign is fall oh god the sign is following me why is the sign following me stop looking at me welcome in my mind change your point of view oh what oh god oh my oh no my i’m inverted oh my god what’s happened

What is this bro my mouse is inverted i can’t handle inverted mouse how did you do this can i go into the chest it’s an anvil oh god jumping makes me go down what about shift shift makes me go up a little bit can

Can i oh my god wait if i hit the button oh i’m back down again that was uncomfy wait did this open this opened it just did a fade into the next scene this is high production value oh my goodness if you didn’t like for a

New year make sure to like for extremely high production value and i can’t see a thing wait it’s brightening the fade in oh my goodness wait what if i hit the button it breaks and opens the door this is trippy af what is going on okay we got a little bit of parkour

Easy right you know this map is it’s doing weird things to me it’s doing weird things to my brain and my mind and my body book and quill is this locked is it a diary or a library or can i open it up this jump is useless

Pardon me is there anything above is the floor on the ceiling or the ceiling on the floor where do you want me to go oh you want me to go down here okay where are we now i’m i’m still here i’m still right side up that’s so nice wait is there a button

In my head there’s no button in my head i’m like checking that there’s no hidden doors or something that i can go through down here something i can do in the center what do you want me to accomplish my the book is gone wait a minute the book is

Gone why is the book gone wait there’s more over here why is there more over here where are you leading me where is this taking me oh god it’s gonna take me back to the center nothing is real anymore what even is going on oh my god uh yes

What would you like me to do with this information can i jump can i click it can i oh that’s open no what wait a minute wait back into it no can i go through here again does it lead me to the same spot wait there’s a button what it’s another right block

Sneak to push oh Oh i bet you that i can put this onto the thing in the center and it’s going to act like a pressure plate oh that’s okay that’s a thing the music is so ominous it’s just oh geez okay so we got another pusher right here and we want to

Get it to land on okay there’s levers levers all over the place there’s another pusher up there what does that do i have no idea what these levers do i mean levers please don’t believe me sanity i have so much to live for right now but where what oh

You know what i just need to get it to right here so i can get up to the top and then bring the other one to god knows where this will work right this will work and there and then i just there and i have a feeling you have to keep it

On the lighter blocks right and now here we are or maybe not wait what huh whoa what happened why is the floor different oh that was spooky dude what the heck it just like seamlessly changed what where am i what’s down there is that the same place

Why is it that oh bro you can’t do me like that wait where am i pushing this there’s got to be a place that i’m pushing this that unlocks something right wait wait a minute let’s go down the same simply no oh it’s we’re just cut

Off now we’re cut off from the rest of civilization wait a minute what do you want from me does flipping these do anything what do you want from me maybe i need to bring it just like what the freak what is going on here that just pulled an inception what the heck

I just can’t that oh god it takes me back that was not okay i was not okay okay i need to push that off of there i guess and then um okay so we’ll do that oh geez wait ah okay so it does have to stay on there so i need to uh

Bring this down there and probably do something with it in the piston bra that made my stomach like go up into my chest like a roller coaster i was not expecting that oh my god and geronimo go down with it wait did it just stay on the wall

I gotta do something where i get this onto there oh you know what i bet the levers control these okay so i need to go back up and then change the floor lever maybe okay the block is still down there it doesn’t reset everything so that’s good i

Know okay so that’s what i needed but now what how do i oh okay just have to jump to it there we go nudge nudge nudge nudge nudge nud just stubbed my face so we need to get it to to there to there i guess okay how are we gonna do that um

We’re gonna do i guess the slime is the slime block gonna be the thing that gets down to there so we’re gonna push that pull it over and then pull down cool that should work i think floor ceiling wall okay let’s see if that worked yeah no

Oh wait i’m dumb we need to push that back on top and then just grab it again right and then it’ll bring this back so i’m pretty sure we just uh what is that it’s just sealing twice is that it just ceiling twice i think so let me see

Did i do it did i do it was it that simple it was that simple okay cool so we got that lit wait what did that do oh that did a a thing it did a thing i’m gonna extend the wall and then see if like i jump over to it

If it does something let’s see okay nope why you like this okay oh i can get up it’s allowed uh what just happened how did it do i what how did i get here what oh wait i’m okay sure what wait that doesn’t go to this is a different

Place oh my god it’s a different place what the heck is happening like oh i can walk across here there’s a button what it’s turned me upside down oh my god wait no where’s the button where’s the button did i not need to do anything else i was just experimenting by clicking the

Button and you oh geez oh god oh god i hope i didn’t skip anything i got an efficiency 10 pick x can break the iron bars oh that’s cool i saw the iron bars before wait oh god uh can i go down i’m trying to go down

Oh geez oh wait is there the is the flip me around button over here where’s the flip me around button i’m scared do i go here oh god oh i’m gonna go i’m gonna break the the bars oh it’s so weird i don’t like conversion i don’t like mouse inversion how did you

Even do this oh my god what’s happening where there’s a pressure plate there i’m on the what’s happening to me what so i need a key for over here uh how do i i need to flip myself back over please let me flip myself back over i’m

I’m gonna have a panic attack right now i don’t i don’t like this oh my god how do i get back i’m stuck in the upside down let me get down i want to get down i don’t like it here anymore oh what is over there wait there’s

Something over there there’s a chest over there what about over on this side there’s a frick frick bro i need to like go into my settings and choose invert mouse while we’re like this and then everything will be fine okay it’s just did it flip me no it stop what are you doing

Wait oh wait wait wait wait that’s how i get there and then i move i can move this from upside down oh my god so they did describe this map the map creator is a non-euclidean experience what’s going on it’s floating maybe i go this way maybe there’s

Something over here that i was supposed to do and and it’ll oh wait can i get on top of that no wait okay i’m here now oh wait wait it’s guys can you push wait can you put why did everything just change i’m going to go crazy here these

Transitions between scenes and whatever is not okay oh god why am i wait i’m up here what is happening can i can i i wanna wait i need to i need to get i need to go i need places to go and people to see

Places to go people to see can i go in there i i can’t reach uh am i stuck down here or oh it’s like upside down parkour what the heck guys guys what i’ve just fallen up i think did i do what is happening oh i found the key i’m back

My mouse is i’m not inverted anymore oh my god thank you no thank you it’s beautiful thank you for doing this for me i i appreciate you greatly where where do you want me to go how do i find the where the key to where is it over here

Am i going here wait do you want me to do i need to move this no is this okay yeah it makes sense makes sense wait are we back now we’re back and i have the key i made it this is a new place right this is a new

Place can i get back to the old place who knows the old place might be a new place because nothing makes sense anymore here what the frick is happening uh what what are you doing what are you what oh oh okay when it resets me it’s not okay

Also the thing like i don’t know if that’s supposed to be part of the challenge the thing shaking all around or if that’s just weirdness that okay puts me back over there do i have to do that first or is there something else i have to do in order to like

Stabilize the platforms okay so there’s a crafting recipe of some sort i see chain plus two iron cool do i have to get those or oh there’s a nice beautiful library can i just hang out here for a bit maybe there’s some books in here that

Will explain what the frick is going on in this place who’s shooting at me don’t shoot me that’s not very cool pressure plate it’s not doing anything lectern without a book someone really should have put a book here on the lectern so i could read something i don’t read much

But i’d be happy to learn some knowledge about what is happening and why can i go in here oh i knew it he’s so smart what the frick is in here there’s nothing in here oh god everything’s changed i should have expected that

Ow ow ow ow why are you angry oh oh no the particles are chasing me the guys the particles are chasing me wait a minute there’s particle evil particles mean particles everywhere and i need to avoid them and i need to go into wherever the frick this is oh okay

It’s uh dark and spooky and i’m still being chased please no shusty wait i need to get up there probably ow i didn’t get hit but i said ow anyway because why not they’re still chasing me they’re still chasing me and i don’t like it i feel like you want me to get

On the bridge but i don’t know how to get on the bridge you think the way would be at the start but but that doesn’t seem to be the case at all maybe the ways up the vines over here that could be ah-ha that is the way that’s

Why the arrows are shooting right there because they’re they’re meant to make your life more miserable than it needs to be got it got it got it perfect perfect perfect and upsy upsy daisies up cd there we go and now do we just do an overhead

Blocker to the center oh he gets it let’s go let’s go oh it’s more bad evil particle mans wait a minute oh now it’s just more oh my god what the did i not need to go over to that chat there was the chest that was in the

I’ve just done bad things for myself most likely here oh oh it’s a bit of a maze oh it’s a bit of a maze with bad evil mans or maybe i’m not supposed to fight the bad evil mans at all maybe maybe i’m just fine maybe i’m supposed to be the pacifist here

Everyone else is bad and evil but i am the hero of this story i jump over bad evil particle man’s and i make it there without having to resort to violence you meanies oh maybe this will have the stuff that i need i have an iron uh oh oh i’m back

Oh i’m i’m back and everything is nice okay okay this is fine wait why didn’t i think to check these before okie dokie oh that just lit wait are you telling me i could have gone back there in the first place and shortcutted this entire thing

Do i want to jump in there again it might just take me back through the entire process that i just went through this is fine wait this is different no i that wasn’t there before that’s there wait is the that’s shimmy christmas okay hold on hold on wait is the place

With the there’s a lock and key oh things are different than they used to be things are things are different than they used to be oh my goodness i feel like i’m supposed to still do the oh crouch down to enter in a hole of one high block

I’d love to well thank you why why not the upside down skeleton mans everything i’m on the roof now wait a minute wait a minute do buttons do anything here they do they extend the blocks and activate the pistons oh god i hope i haven’t done anything

Out of order i don’t know if it’s possible to do things out of order but what does that do who knows what that does nobody knows what that does it just shines a nice light wait a minute maybe i can get over here though okay okay

The goal must be to like get a block down or something while i’m being shot at inconveniently by somebody uh oh there’s a letter well that’s inconvenient oh no it’s gotta be oh it must be you okay okay wait it’s gotta be you but then the question is hold on

Wait there’s multiple blocks reset button oh hold on a minute what does this do you are annoying i want you to know uh oh that activates that piston over there so i can bring this across and bring it to the green oh i see but wait what about that one

What does that one do let’s find out before i go too far and screw something up oh that brings that one up uh oh dear wait which one do i want to do first though oh god there’s another netherright block that’s like oh it’s oh i see i need to find a way

To get myself to be able to get up on the ladder that’s what it is that’s what it is okay well let’s see what happens if i bring over this block to be on the green do not shoot me you obnoxious bone man oh my god i hope i can just like

There we go cool Okay good and one of three so i need to get something up here and that way i’ll be able to get to the ladder but the question is which one oh no ow hold on hold on maybe i can get what is this there is something over there

And i just want to see if i can like identify what it is and and maybe get what it what is it what is it i’m mr sein now thank you mr sein how do i get up there bro oh maybe it’s the waterfall it’s probably the waterfall

It’s like 10 times easier than i thought oh wait i might what what is this water this is fake water there we go okay let’s put that parkour problem solving to the test right okay we gotta do like a little it’s an overhead block jump while also having to go diagonally

Oh it was close this is that mcc parkour that may or may not even be the way i’m supposed to do this but i’m doing it this way anyway because mcc is on the off season and ya boy needs some practice okay i can’t get this jump anymore what am i

Doing and there and okay if i can just work my way to that thing if i can make this jump there we go got it now and i think we’ll be able to make it over there wait can i get oh no wait i can’t tell if that’s a

Block that i can hold on maybe it’s not a block i can get on ah dear the other oh no is the idea that i’m supposed to get from the top to that netherright block and then i use that one to do what this one accomplished

It might be let me do a quick reset here never mind that didn’t reset a thing so it means what i need to do is i need to take this one I need to move it back over and okay so i’m gonna move it over to the red one i’m gonna be able to let that block up over there and then i’m gonna use that block to let me up on the ladder and grab that one

And then i’m gonna let that one leave some no it’s gonna it’ll all make sense once it works which it might not don’t worry i got this i got this here we go okay so this thing needs to go over to stop shooting at me stop shooting at me don’t do that

You’re so annoying okay so that’s gonna bring that one up and now now okay we’re gonna use one of these two i guess it doesn’t really matter which to bring it up and allow me to get on the ladder okay um so how do we wish to do this is the question

Perhaps um uh i mean if we just do this or that okay those are both options that one there um let me see okay so if i do that and then i do wait i kind of have to do like that one at the same time how

Oh i fee i got you i got you i gotta push it onto the other one because i need to use that one in order to take it off okay so we do that and then hey where’s the bottle of this now it’ll stay there

And then i think we need to go up and somehow get it lifted but how i just needed to use the other netherite block and push it over here and then i can get this one higher by one great okay that’ll help out a lot then i

Can just push it back if i need to smart and then i can bring you there and then i can do that oh that’s sticky okay that’s fine i can do like wait wait a minute i like boom and then come on come on

Come on man let’s go there we go got it had to just be uh nimble and quick about it hey it’s push and then like that okay perfect perfect i was like oh please don’t tell me i’ve gotten all the way here and i made a misstep

Let’s go okay that’s two wait when you reset it still keeps track of how many you’ve gone on i didn’t even need to do that over okay well no i mean i kind of needed to do what i did but still like okay let’s hit the button here oh that

Releases you okay so i get another one and then oh that’s gonna allow me to just okay i just need to put this somewhere over here so that way i’m able to get up and then i can just this is a this is a nice vantage point

Over here to allow me to figure out what i had to do okay so if i put you there wait two that’s not gonna do anything um i have an idea i think if i okay it’s gonna take it’s gonna take three blocks though but i think i think it’s doable i need

To basically get i need to drop one onto i need to drop one onto there right and then i’m going to need to grab you and put you on top and then i’m going to take the one that’s up there and i hope it allows me to push it off the edge and

Then i’m gonna put it on uh that one right i think i think it’s that one which will then extend extend them up into the air and i hope allow me to get up on top the only issue is like i have to figure

Out how to you know get on top of these once it’s extended and then i’ll be able to jump over to there i think i think is there a block i can get on top of in order to do that push is what i want to know okay back down

Thank goodness resetting doesn’t like you know reset so it’s this over here right it’s gonna bring it up but then am i gonna be able to get on it that’s the question am i gonna be able to get on top okay so yeah that’s cool so now that’s two blocks high

And that’s great but how do i get on top of you oh man come on i need two people here i need to be able to have a second player so that they you know could already be standing on top of that there’s got to be a it’s got

To be away parkour no wait can i uh wait a minute would i be able to jump from up there though wait a minute this is not my proudest moment no no it’s not that’s not a slime block i don’t yeah i don’t need to have this continued i

Can just put over here and then i can jump on top yeah yeah i don’t know what i don’t know what i’m doing i don’t know why why would that take me why did it take me a while to why was it in the slime block mentality okay perfect stop shooting at

Me you stop shooting at me now i did it it’s all of them do i finally get to just wait did it flip the room over it flipped the room over can i can i can i punch you now really you’re invulnerable you’ve just stopped shooting at me oh okay i see how

It is uh-huh you suddenly decided i’m not the weird ceiling-running invader because from your perspective i get it that would be weird actually that would be kind of weird oh we got the chad okay great thanks for that well and now how do i get out is he’s

Still gonna be shooting at me now is there an exit somewhere is there an easy exit perhaps back where i came in you’d think you would just give me i don’t know like an easy out and have the skeleton stop shooting at me like that

Might be nice of you to do but instead i still face that ever-present threat how do i get out is it the same way i came in i don’t remember where that was maybe it’s just through the no it’s not through the water i feel very stupid right now

But i don’t know how i got here oh right stop it was here right yeah i was here okay oh god oh so now you’re gonna let me back and and now okay now maybe i’ll be able to hit up whatever the thing was with the moving platforms and stuff like that

Wherever that was cool so i’m assuming based on the crafting recipe right so we got the chain we got a raw iron we’re gonna have to smelt this we also probably need to get one more iron cool okay so we’ve done the library we’ve done that down there now i just

Need to figure out how that’s scary over there are we gonna have to do something with that no let me focus first on okay we need to get the key it’s probably the objective from all this is that what is this oh god where where are you moving platform place this whole

Place is so disorienting is it back over here wait was it it’s here it’s here okay all right it’s the it’s it’s the spazzing out of the platforms it’s really it’s not it’s not working for me it’s not working for i need you to stop doing that i can’t

See where i’m jumping and all of a sudden i’m just i’m just in blackness and i don’t like it okay and then you do that Come on come on come on okay we’re shift walking we’re shift walking we’re shift walking do not spaz on me i should have jumped earlier maybe i don’t know it was just it was being wonky about okay as soon as i land on it though it’s it’s

Fine it’s fine with the whole deal got it got it perfect okay watch the trajectory wait can i cool so i can just i can’t even shift and avoid and go go perfect perfect perfect okay we got to watch the trajectory we got i’m so used to being

Able to zoom and i’m trying to zoom and it’s not working okay we gotta bro that’s a jump that’s a big jump but then it and then it meets up there okay all right we got to be ready for it we got to be ready for it

Got it got it got it no no keep going keep going bro this is nut nuts got it okay all right wait for it wait for it we’re getting the hang of it though I feel nothing but pain i just jump off okay here we go this is going to be it this is going to be it okay perfect perfect perfect do not hold me in place do not hold me in place do not hold me in place and then i’ve got it

That’s going to have been edited down so tremendously that you will not have witnessed the full extent of my suffering but i’d like you to know that i’m in excruciating pain right now and i hope you’re you’re starting off better okay reversing gear click to you what That’s you i’m i’m walking oh okay there’s another chest over here i was like no no no no no no no no i’m not doing that in reverse i simply refuse wait what the heck is oh my god they wouldn’t let getting the next piece

Of iron be this easy no it had to it had to be more in detail this is fine this is fine wait can i get out oh okay wait does the reversing oh reversing gear it just it just flips me okay cool hey what’s up mr pumpkin man

It’s good to see you i saw meme the other day on twitter it was like minecraft man makers these days have it rough in the old days it used to be like a pumpkin head on top of a piece of wool with a couple levers for arms and stuff

And people would be like this is the coolest npc ever nowadays it’s like some fully animated crazy thing that literally has a moving mouth and waves at you and people are like whoa that’s not as realistic as i saw in another map i’m not okay with this

I miss the days of the old pumpkin heads you know and then i’ll be up here and then i need to be up there and then i can flip this okay this is a little little too tricky a little tricky and then we’re through here and then

And then we’re in here and then uh should i go here wait i don’t i don’t know what’s forward and backwards anymore like am i am i going in the direction that i want to be going or am i going backwards now at this point cause um the whole thing is a little

Confusing to me if i’m being honest with you i think this is oh this is new guys i need my pickaxe why is my pickaxe gone i has anyone seen um that cool pickaxe that i used to have that uh could break iron bars and stuff because

I i oh no i can’t shift off the edge oh jeez hold on wait uh this key over here i don’t know exactly what you want me to do here hold on do that um and then i can wait i can just do this and then i can just get across

And life is easier if that’s where i’m supposed i’m not sure if this is where i’m supposed to go i feel like this is just the same way i came and i’m i’m going in circles right now oh there’s a wait there’s a lever oh that opened the door that didn’t open

I thought i opened the key door that didn’t open you maybe just like opened the chest instead you know mazes have always been painful for me even more so when you introduce another dimension to them so they’re like freaking multi-dimensional maze oh wait there’s a

Thing down here aha i found you what is in here what do you hear for me in here there’s got to be something wait there’s more down oh my god what the frick am i supposed to be you’ve just brought me back again where is the door i need to know where the

Door is please help me where is the door wait oh hold on wait no hold on is this where i oh no i’ve made my way back oh god wait is this it oh i found a door oh wait okay i have to do hold on if i flip myself

I can like be can i be on the door what does this door achieve for me what can i do what can i accomplish with this door oh wait was i unable to get through the door before was the door like a a barrier is this new is this new for me wait

Did i just break in oh i broke in behind enemy lines and i got the key okay let’s go let’s go wait now i have to go backwards probably oh this is huge for us dude this is huge for us okay i can’t believe i missed that last time

Wait and then over here and then we flip okay we’re in we’re in wait is this the is the that’s the piece of iron are we back at the beginning we’re back in the room and i’ve got the stuff i’ve got the goods ladies and gentlemen now

Now i just need to find a place to smelt them is all right where would that be wait hold on did i never go down here there’s no way no this is different i mean we have the chest over there after completing this part so this this is

I didn’t just completely ignore this there’s not a chance okay we can go in here this is new what do we have here why am i still crouched can i un-crouch oh god i’m stuck oh no there’s barriers on top of my head oh oh this is claustrophobic why

Is it like this why do you have me swimming oh geez okay can we push this do i have to be shifting oh i’ve committed to this side no i can go back through if needed uh right so i don’t have the ability to do the flippy dippies anymore here do i wait

Are we gonna get that we must because otherwise how am i gonna get up there how am i gonna be walking on the ceiling oh god am i going to be walking on the ceiling and the walls and everything oh that was a weird little jump

Kind of like assisted me up a little bit but wait what the but the frick is happening right wait what i what this happening this slightly strange wait i can just go everywhere what the frick can i walk along i cannot walk along there okay that’s my limit what about the other side

Wait can i go over here can i just walk on the blackness i can just walk on the blackness if i want to walk on the blackness oh okay i can just come down here and check out this pillar oh what a cool pillar why are my jumps like weird they’re slow

I want to check the other side first and see if there’s any obvious indicator as to something i’m supposed to do there to unlock something on the side i was just on you know just just to see just oh well that’ll help us out i’m gonna go ahead

And take those now now i just need to find the crafting table right and then we’ll have everything we need well that was easy okay so we’re done there thanks for that wait hold on oh shoot was i not supposed to push that like

Two out oh i can still i can push it oh no i’m screwed okay let’s hope that we didn’t need to push that to the other side because i’m in trouble if i had to right okay well let’s hope um all i have to do is get in there right i

Have to figure out how to flip things over get the note block to fall off and um easy as pie for sure okay can i climb this over here i can just for whatever reason not not in the center but this is fine and that and now and now i like

Oh i made it i made it what oh oh shoot should i have jumped over there was that a mistake well we’re here now so Did i just go backwards to the don’t tell me i just went backwards oh no i can’t climb i screwed myself oh i can climb there okay everything’s fine we’re good we’re good uh walking on the ceiling now so that’s fun but the question is can i don’t think i

Can open that because well you know it’s gonna walk over it uh oh i’m i’m just chilling on the ceiling now this no this makes total sense wait can i i can’t get in here though can i there’s just it’s just blocked this is just weird

Dude this is weird why why can’t i do this guys i don’t mean to alarm you but the the part that was down below with with this pillar thing when i stepped on the pillar again it uh it it brought me to the upside down i don’t know how to get back

I mean this is probably where i want to be like this is probably progress but also i don’t know how to get back i don’t know what i’m doing but what does this should i go down here oh it’s so weird it’s so weird oh no i’m inverted again i don’t like it

Wait my block is there okay so now the chest is on the floor and i can get through the gate is open i want to get i want to get through wait i sp yep of course space bar to go down that absolutely makes perfect sense

Can i act i probably can’t access this i’m going back up now i’m going i’m going back up this is not okay dude you can’t you can’t do this this i don’t know how how did he accomplish this my my mind is absolutely blown i my mind is blown what

You get an axe what can my axe break it can break the note block oh that’s so cool now do i break the note block here or do i how is this even how is this even happening seriously how is this even happening it just doesn’t make sense

Does this count that’s a note block wait for oh oh the chest has fallen does it have anything in it here it is a crafting table how do you me how genuinely though how do you make it so i can open a chest and the chest is upside down and the chest

Is normal chest it has a crafting table and it can be placed on a lodestone so so back over here then and then i can make the crafting recipe i’m i’m i don’t can i just i can litter i can place it there oh my god

I ca i’m crafting upside down right now and i got i got a key i this is mental now i have to figure out how to get back up i don’t know how to get back up i was trying i was trying and things were not working

Wait this is my entry point can i i don’t think i can get through but let it lets me through oh i’ve been flipped back oh thank goodness it allowed me to exit this way rather than having to go deal with the pillar which i couldn’t figure

Out for the life of me how to get back oh my god oh my god this is actually one of the most insane things that i have i have played in minecraft in recent memory this is nutty okay oh there’s another key there’s another key guys one key wasn’t enough there’s

Oh god i’m upside down again how did this happen why are you doing this to me why do you keep doing this to me wait can i can i switch back nope nope that was a one-time use alrighty then i’ve got you i understand we’re sticking around here then huh uh

Very slow for some reason why am i why am i in constant shift i feel like i need to not be in constant shift right now can we okay we can walk over this way i’m not shifting anymore we’re good everything’s good this is fine this is definitely where

I’m supposed to be right i’m back to shifting i need to not be shifting i feel like oh guys there we go okay we’re zooming oh wait i’m falling Where am i is there a button in my head wait what about what is over here is that something nope that’s not anything where where oh no i’m in a different place now it’s it’s it’s taken me elsewhere now i have i just looped back around are you

About to bring me back to where i just was if i go backwards you won’t let me these are one-way doors they’re one-way doors when do i when do i leave when do you allow me out oh god i’m gonna go crazy i’m i’m just in a i’m just in a

Wait what if i go in and then go backwards oh that was the key all along wait no i see an exit let me through please can i can i go backwards no stop giving me these one-way things wait wait can i make my way to it i’m gonna keep going around

I’ve made it where am i guys it’s dark it’s very dark oh i’m there there’s a sign of lights there’s more there’s more signs of light over here the map space time is tearing apart before my very eyes and i don’t know how to handle it wait i’m back here wait over there

I’m over there i’m over here i need to i need to keep both of these in my field of view at all times in order to keep a grip on reality oh geez just like jumped into a black hole or something like that that’s where i am right that’s that’s

The only explanation as to where i could possibly be right literally inside of a black hole wait is that where i’m going oh my god i feel i feel reality slipping away from me there’s a button okay wait we have to do the parkour right side up now okay thanks

Thanks man all right here we go here we go oh heck yeah sick parkour oh yeah let’s you didn’t understand you have been in a serious car accident oh unfortunately you were in a coma for 78 minutes and 40 seconds a few minutes less and we could have saved you oh

You’ve been alive well that’s just a happy ending to our story right there that’s geez wow special thanks to all of these people here and silvathor oh my goodness what a work you’ve put together i i don’t oh my god that was incredible that was okay that exceeded expectations um hopefully

You all enjoyed i’m just i’m a little mind melted right now just a little sad that i’ve unlived but you know here we are i guess um thanks for watching and uh oh did you put a nice little bit of parkour here just just to the end just in case someone

Wanted to you know add a little parkour onto the finale of the map why not do that all right well it’s there if you want to speedrun it make sure to like the video and subscribe to the channel to stay tuned for more maps and stuff and hit the bell turn on

Notifications check the playlist for more minecraft maps if you want to jump into something else and happy 2022 check out for when the new stuff is out see ya

This video, titled ‘This Minecraft Map Broke My Brain’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez on 2022-01-09 19:00:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

MC Escher is short for Minecraft Escher Get new Quality Content – Previous Map …

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  • Warden vs Golems: Ultimate Showdown

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  • 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY of Minecraft Hardcore NEXT WEEK!

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  • The Ultimate Medieval Minecraft Adventure

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  • 🔥Kerblox – Desperate Race to Bedrock Limit! 🔥 #tiktok

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  • Unbelievable Progress in Minecraft Indonesia Survival – LIVE NOW!

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  • “Gooners SMP (Reload) – Epic prank gone wrong!” #twitch #minecraft

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  • INSANE LOOT in Minecraft Dungeons Highblock Halls – 4K

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  • Unbelievable Minecraft quests for all playstyles 👑

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  • lifesteal8K

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  • UneasyVanilla – Semi-Anarchy 1.20.6 EU No Hacks No Reset

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  • Minecraft Memes – YOUR MINECRAFT DESTINY?

    I bet those 13 people would choose diamonds over coal any day! Read More

  • Crafty Modding: Minecraft 1.21.1 Fabric Help

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  • “Fireproof Friend Dodges Deadly Traps in Minecraft Ranks” 🔥😂 #shorts #meme #minecraft

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  • 🔥💵Minecraft Survival #2: INSANE RICHES Await!🔥💵

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Collab: Z-Club Hangout Part II

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  • Unbeatable PVp! SHOCKING tactics 🔥

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  • HEROBRINE RETURNS?! Deadly encounter in MinecraftPE! #minecraft #herobrine

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  • EPIC PvP Showdown: Our Bed Destroyed! 🚨 #minecraft #skywars

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  • EPIC One Piece Mod Update: NEW Gingershadow Adventure!

    EPIC One Piece Mod Update: NEW Gingershadow Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘WITH A NEWLY UPDATED ONE PIECE MOD! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 1’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-07-27 22:00:17. It has garnered 14842 views and 672 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:36 or 2136 seconds. Minecraft Naruto Mod Review (Narutoto Mod) – MiraiGaming (Brother’s Channel) – STREAM – DISCORD – BECOME A MEMBER HERE – GingyVODs Channel – WITH A NEWLY UPDATED ONE PIECE MOD! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 1 #OnePiece #Minecraft #OnePieceMod Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members… Read More

  • Insane ARKE deal! Kangaroo for sale? #twitch #minecraft

    Insane ARKE deal! Kangaroo for sale? #twitch #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sale cangurito pa? #twitch #minecraft’, was uploaded by ARKE on 2024-01-04 04:00:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • StreetBallNinja Destroys Ender Dragon with Friends!

    StreetBallNinja Destroys Ender Dragon with Friends!Video Information This video, titled ‘Insane Minecraft Ender Dragon Fight With Group Of Friends “Destroyed The Ender Dragon”‘, was uploaded by StreetBallNinja on 2024-04-20 15:37:00. It has garnered 61 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:10 or 970 seconds. Hello everyone I know it’s been a while since I’ve uploaded a full YouTube video but I’m back and am going to show you guys this crazy ender dragon fight in my Minecraft world with my closest friends and show what I’ve been up to lately. Discord server: Instagram: TikTok: Twitch: StreetballninjaMusic⬇️… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Challenge: Finding Legendary Resources! 😱⛏️💎

    EPIC Minecraft Challenge: Finding Legendary Resources! 😱⛏️💎Video Information This video, titled ‘ماينكرافت : ولكن تحدي العثور على الموارد الأسطورية تتوقعون إيش صار😱 ⛏️💎 ✨| Minecraft’, was uploaded by Brothers A&F on 2024-01-12 13:06:51. It has garnered 53 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:05 or 1445 seconds. #minecraft #minecraft_mobile #minecraft_survival #minecraft_mobile #minecraft_mobile #minecraft #minecraft_diamond #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #minecraftdiamonds #gaming #game #trending #like #alhilal #subscribe Minecraft, Minecraft, minecraft, Rich and Poor movie, movie InCraft, the film of the rich and the poor , Minecraft movie, Minecraft games, Minecraft game, modern Minecraft, Minecraft link, Minecraft game, Craft games, Minecraft for free, games, game, Saudi Minecraft,… Read More

  • HypnosMC

    HypnosMCWelcome to HypnosMC (Minecraft 1.21), where your adventure is only limited by your imagination! Our server is designed for players who enjoy a rich and immersive PvE experience, with a host of unique features to enhance your gameplay. Key Features: SpawnerMeta & Mineable Spawners: Customize your mob farms like never before! With SpawnerMeta, you can modify and upgrade your spawners. Plus, all spawners are mineable, allowing you to relocate them as needed. Custom Datapacks: Collect mob heads and trade for mini blocks with wandering traders, adding a new level of depth to your building and decorating options. GriefPrevention: Your creations… Read More

  • Melio SMP Whitelisted Trust-based Java 1.21

    Welcome to Melios SMP! We are a whitelisted survival Minecraft server on JAVA 1.21. Our focus is on providing a vanilla Minecraft experience with a strong community emphasis. Here are some key features: No teleportation or warps No land claiming system – trust-based Custom world generator: TerraformGenerator Diamond-based economy and shopping district Long-term world without resets Regular events Our philosophy is to keep the core experience vanilla and prioritize community interaction. If you’re interested in joining our active community, whether you’re a builder, technical player, explorer, or a mix of playstyles, you are welcome to apply through our Discord: Join… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Where’s that 303rd Minecraft creation, Bryan?

    Minecraft Memes - Where's that 303rd Minecraft creation, Bryan?It looks like Bryan is really slacking on his supervillain game if he can’t even keep track of his creations past number 303! Read More

  • Mushroom Madness: A Secretly Giant Surprise!

    Mushroom Madness: A Secretly Giant Surprise! In the world of Minecraft, a giant mushroom grew, Secretly raised by a player, a sight so new. With zombies and plants, a battle ensued, In the realm of gaming, where fun is pursued. Subscribe to Z_Phragmites for more gaming delight, Updates on Plants vs Zombies, a thrilling sight. With each video, a new adventure takes flight, In the world of gaming, where dreams ignite. Read More

  • Villager’s Wild Sleep Shenanigans #minecraft #meme

    Villager's Wild Sleep Shenanigans #minecraft #meme Surprising Villager Logic: "I’ll trade you 20 emeralds for a piece of rotten flesh!" Oi Oi Oi Sleep Reaction: villager falls asleep standing up Minecraft logic at its finest! #shorts #minecraft #meme Read More

  • Shadow190 Speedrunner vs 3 Hunters: Bonus Round

    Shadow190 Speedrunner vs 3 Hunters: Bonus Round Minecraft Speedrunner VS 3 Hunters BONUS REMATCH Join Dream in his latest Minecraft adventure, the BONUS REMATCH of Speedrunner VS 3 Hunters! This thrilling and unscripted video brings together Dream and three hunters in an intense chase through the Minecraft world. The Minecraft Manhunt Series Dream has dubbed this series “Minecraft Manhunt,” where he faces off against multiple hunters instead of the usual one or two. In this video, the hunters include Daybroken, Harvey, and Galaxy, each bringing their unique strategies to stop Dream from completing the game. A New Challenge This time, the challenge involves Minecraft version 1.20,… Read More

This Minecraft Map Broke My Brain