This Minecraft Pokémon Mod is Not What You Think…

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So you’ve probably heard of Pixelmon but in case you haven’t it’s basically a mod that adds Pokemon to the world of Minecraft it’s no secret how much I love Pixelmon having done multiple series and even hosting my own server at one point but something that’s always bothered me

Is that as the mod has progressed the Pokemon models have gotten more polished and straight away from fitting the style of Minecraft don’t get me wrong I still think this looks way better than what it used to but what if the models could look less Derpy but still fit the

Aesthetic of Minecraft let me introduce you to a new mod that achieves exactly what I dreamed of this is cobblemon every single Pokemon model is designed with Minecraft in mind maintaining that blocky goodness that suits this cubicle World on top of this cobblemod is also designed to be used with more up-to-date

Versions of Minecraft so you can enjoy all the new features that make the vanilla game more immersive and cobblemod is even compatible with a bunch of other mods some of which you will see in this video so join me on this adventure as we begin a new

Minecraft world for the first time in forever with cobblemod and don’t forget to hit that like button if you’re excited ah another beautiful day in the world of Minecraft but what the heck is this book I’m holding here oh so I mentioned earlier that I’m using a couple of other

Mods alongside cobblemod and this mod basically adds a whole bunch of new biomes to the game that are all compatible with kabumon in fact it’s even recommended on the download page for cobbleman you also probably noticed how beautiful my game looks and that’s because I am using shaders more specifically the complementary

Reimagined shaders and you can find the link to download all of these mods in the description below but most important of all you probably noticed that giant text on screen that says press M to choose your Pokemon and begin your journey so let’s do just that and pick our starter we’ve got Bulbasaur

Charmander and Squirtle the starters of Kanto of course I don’t really know which one I want to go for I mean I usually go with Charmander you know I gotta go with Charmander and we’ve done it our first cobbleman now you can press the R button and send them out and you

Can see there’s a custom animation for sending it and recalling it into the Pokeball along with the classic sound effect from the anime which I absolutely love and I highly recommend as soon as you start your journey press the M button once again and you can see the

Whole summary screen where you can check the moves for your Pokemon you’ll notice that it only has scratch and growl despite being level 10. I’m not sure why but I’ve discovered that if you hit this little retweet looking button here you can actually teach your Pokemon more

Moves then it starts off with so I’m assuming the same goes for the other two starters so definitely go in that menu teach your starter more powerful move and you can see there’s already a little Buneary approaching us but it’s level 15. I’m not sure if uh Charlie here can

Handle that just yet but I do see oh there’s actually another binary over here at level 10 so let’s press the R button to engage and you can actually press the R button again to move around in the middle of battle you can even change your perspective and walk around

As you’re fighting but you gotta press the R button again to actually choose your move you can’t move the camera around though while this menu is up but we’ll stick with first person for this first battle and give it a bit of that classic Pokemon scene now one aspect

Cobbleman definitely lacks when compared to Pixelmon is the music and animations you’ll notice that as we keep fighting this Buneary and spamming Embers on it there’s no actual animation to signify that we’re using our move so you got to pay attention to the top right corner or

I guess bottom right where you have the Pokemon showdown-esque chat screen telling you exactly what’s happening but we’ve done it our first battle done and Charmander grows to level 11. good job buddy oh oh okay um I’m so sorry I wanted to pet you I didn’t realize I

Could actually hurt you I’m so sorry dude okay we got a Metapod over here which should be a lot easier to beat than uh Pachirisu at least so let’s go for our Ember and yeah you’ll see that we absolutely destroy it oh my God the Jigglypuff in the tree dude that’s so

Cute there’s even more Jigglypuff down here I guess this flower field must spawn a lot of cute Pokemon judging by the stuff we fought so far now this here is an apricorn tree very similar to Pixelmon you can actually pick these right off the tree and use them to craft pokeballs but thankfully

It’s a lot easier than it is in Pixelmon at least I think in this game you don’t have to like cook the apricorns or anything but you do need a piece of iron I believe in order to use as the middle part of the Pokeball so we’re gonna have

To do some cave adventuring here in a little bit so I recommend at least when starting off the game you still do your regular Minecraft things like punch some wood craft a pickaxe find a cave and grab some coal with coal we can of course craft ourselves some torches and

Thanks to OptiFine it’ll actually light our way without having to actually place them and would you look at that there’s actually some copper right here too but I believe we do need a better pickaxe to mine that I believe we learned dragon breath earlier you once again gotta go

In the menu to actually teach your Pokemon those new moves so just hit this little button and it’ll replace so now we’ve got dragon breath back in the line we now have enough Stone to make ourselves a better pickaxe and we can use it to mine some of this copper which

Is also very necessary to craft pokeballs so let’s make a furnace and boom we got our first copper Ingot and I believe that means we can actually make our first Pokeball with some red apricorns and the copper Inga in the middle boom we can now catch ourselves

Some Pokemon look at the model for it dude that’s so cool it’s like kind of cubicle too oh no this we don’t poison me are you kidding oh that’s not good well at least we finish it off maybe even oh still not level 16 just barely oh wait there’s a Caterpie right here

Though come on bro please tell me you’re the one wait it’s a sleeve oh that’s so cute I guess the Pokemon Gotta sleep too huh and we did it level 16 on Charmander and it says he’s now ready to evolve but he didn’t actually do it so I wonder if maybe

Oh look at that underneath the type symbol we have an evolve option now so why the heck not in the middle of the rain we’re gonna get ourselves say wait what that was expecting like a crazy animation or something but no we just we just got Charmeleon kind of looks like

He’s got no eyes from this angle hey yo what kind of Pokemon is that bro I’ve never seen one of you before Oh my God it’s wulu too okay I need a wulu oh I just seem to go right through you where did my Pokeball go though unless it’s actually down here no

Did I really lose my first Pokeball man come on oh but what’s this that looks suspicious I think I might need an iron pick to get it though oh finally it’s turning daytime and no more rain too I was getting kind of sick of it dude like I love the aesthetic but

Man it was taking a while yo was that a Zubat oh dude you’re so cute I have a feeling I’m gonna say this about a lot of Pokemon wait what I don’t have any what my charmander’s full HP according to this thing so I’m thinking maybe there’s some

Kind of bug where if you die from Poison it doesn’t show that your Pokemon is actually fainted so yeah we definitely need to get some iron ASAP oh hey there’s my Pokeball just floating in the river what a horrible example I’m setting by littering so yeah give me

That whoa this is a weird looking cave but I suspect there’s probably some iron down there so let’s uh try to safely make our way down and yes there is some iron right here I’m not sure if this is quite enough I think we need like six

Pieces but I do see another piece right over here hopefully it’s actually part of a vein and of course not oh wait we have six though the heck kind of block is this huh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh okay for a second I thought that was a diamond like

I can’t be the only one right now even though this version of optify makes it so my torch lights the way just by holding it I’m still gonna drop some here and there just so I know which places I’ve explored and yo wait a minute there is a freaking abandoned

Mine shaft right there and a gold bat oh my God kind of scared me dude oh what Charmander recovered from fainting all on his own huh well I was just about to craft a Healer which I guess we actually need to smelt this iron first so let me

Actually make a second furnace so we can smelt this copper hello little Pidgey nice of you to join us today wait can we just throw a Pokeball straight out of Pokemon without battling oh my God we totally can oh and it has the whoa okay that’s awesome the sound effects from

The anime including it breaking out come on Pidgey I thought you were gonna stay in there buddy come on second really okay fine let’s battle then Ember and please don’t kill me oh wait what he used Taco but it barely did any damage

So I guess do I go for one more Ember or do we just use our Pokeball cause I don’t want Charmeleon to faint so Let’s uh try and catch it we still have to throw our Pokeball at it are you serious bro I’m gonna waste all my pokeballs on a freaking Pidgey okay

Let’s just go for a scratch and pray that it goes for like growl or something and we heard it but it hurts us back does that mean it’s back to full health I hope not because this is literally our last Pokeball so please just you gotta be kidding me I’m pissed dude

Thankfully we did finally get enough iron to make ourselves a healing machine we can plop that down and we should be able to uh uh not you this needs a 99 more charge to heal 93 oh okay I guess we gotta wait even longer then thankfully we did pick

Up some more apricorns so I have another Pokeball right here I feel like I have a personal Vendetta against this Pidgey now like we have to catch it right there’s no way it’s gonna break out five times in a row oh we did it and there’s

That sound effect I was thinking of when we finally catch it so euphoric we got little Pidgey and I have a perfect nickname for it but I haven’t actually figured out how to nickname Pokemon in this mod so far I think I think maybe it’s not available yet what the heck is

Going on in this cave I turn around for one second suddenly there’s a Geodude and a licky tongue and is this healer ready now 11 more charge okay it’s almost there I think so let’s just melt some more of this iron and copper and I’m guessing if we had some black

Apricorns we could actually craft an Ultra Ball but we don’t but you can actually make alternately colored pokeballs like the citrine ball here which is just totally fitting with my channel name so yeah I’ma definitely grab some of those and maybe we can catch this leaky tongue I highly doubt

It because Lickitung usually has a pretty high catch rate yeah we’re definitely gonna need to weaken it oh my God look at this little Diglett too oh that’s so cute wait is that a Gastly yo okay please tell me healing machine you’re ready yes our party has been

Healed oh now my party has been healed it was being healed so Charmander is back to full health which means we can definitely try to catch this ghastly I would love to get myself a Gengar although I wonder how the final evolution would work since there’s no

Trading in this game I don’t think actually before we do I gotta check if Pidgey has any other moves oh my god dude why does the game not give you all of these by default like that’s kind of weird but uh yeah let’s battle this ghastly now or not okay I think I

Activated the battle with it all the way from down here we’re just gonna keep gusting away until we get it low enough HP or I keep hurting myself in confusion okay we snap out finally but yeah it’s a little bit hard sometimes to tell exactly what’s going on in the battle

You can read the text right here but because there’s no animations you gotta really pay attention to that bottom right corner uh please tell me disgust doesn’t kill it seven percent okay yeah we definitely need to catch it now and I want to end the citrine ball you’re really gonna

Make me walk all the way up here bro okay here we go citrine ball on the gas lead seven percent HP and still it’s just gonna break out instantly come on bro there’s even another ghastly here now but it’s lower level so come on please I

Just need this one right here to catch please yes we did it our third Pokemon and I didn’t mention this earlier but you can use the up and down arrow keys to scroll between the different members of your party and you can even send out

Multiple of them at once as far as I know yep look at that we got the whole Squad out here oh my gosh this is so awesome and so many other Pokemon kind of ruining the Vibes right now imma use some of this iron to craft myself a

Better pick because I remember seeing some oh my God why is there a Dragonite here bro are you serious I mean we might as well try right there’s no harm in trying there’s absolutely no way this works but like imagine if it did oh my

God imagine oh okay yeah I got my hopes way too high up there but uh why is there a Dragonite so early in the cave I gotta know is this actually an abandoned mine shaft or something else oh my gosh it totally is and what is that at the

End of the hall oh it’s a monster spawner but I’m actually playing on peaceful mode right now which means that no spiders should actually Spawn from this but you can definitely play this mod on regular survival mode which means you’ll be facing zombies skeletons creepers and all that other good stuff

Yo is that an alolan Raticate what they got a low in forms in this game too bro that’s so sick okay let’s see if maybe piggy can handle it uh yeah we did not really do much damage there but if we switch over to Charmeleon maybe he’ll do

A little bit better with an ember oh my God we’re taking so much damage but we burned it yo that’s actually huge dude okay scratch yes we did it does that mean Pidgey gets level 17 oh my gosh wait are you ready to evolve already no

I guess it’s 18. I always forget what level Pidgey evolves but it learned two new attacks from that of course you gotta go in the menu to actually teach it to him what the heck is this uh Thunderstone oh my God it totally is wait there’s two thunderstones what the

Heck how are they just giving us thunderstones that easily bro that’s crazy I don’t want to spend this whole episode down in the cave so let’s head out and up this waterfall and already I can see another kind of biome over there unless that’s actually where we were

Earlier but man I love shaders it makes the game look so much prettier like I don’t think I could ever go back to just playing vanilla Minecraft oh dearling okay this might actually give us the XP that we need to level up our Pidgey or I

Guess evolve it because at level 18 I’m pretty sure we should get Pidgeot but once again our Gus is not really doing the most damage right now oh wait I totally forgot we have a wing attack now but I guess we have to actually leave the battle to do that and uh we’re

Already so far in here please don’t die on me Pidgey that would be such a shame oh my God wait oh no we have quick attack though yes and we finish it oh that was so lucky we did it but we don’t even get the level 18 are you kidding me

Pidgey how could you do this to me oh my gosh an Eevee okay wait before we fight this Eevee though uh yeah we definitely want to give you some better moves we also got ruse which means we can actually heal our Pidgey in this battle so let’s do that battle with

Eevee and we’re gonna start off with Roost skip back some of our wait what I don’t even get back nearly as much HP as I thought we should okay I don’t know what’s going on but whatever let’s uh keep Wing attacking this Eevee and we actually got a Thunderstone earlier

Which we could totally use maybe we can even use a dawn stone on it I don’t know if maybe in this game they changed how you get the different Eeveelutions it could be that dawn stone gives us okay Pidge is dead but it’s okay we still got

Charmander just uh please don’t kill it okay 20 health I don’t think I want to use any more attacks go Pokeball I don’t want to accidentally risk knocking it out with a scratch please stay in the Pokeball oh my God Evie why are you so feisty homie am I already out of

Pokeballs I am oh this is not good please just stay in that one really man oh wait I can actually make more if I just can I do this while in battle oh that’s kind of cool we can literally just craft while we’re still in battle

So yeah let me make another bunch of citrine balls and boom we can continue to try to catch Evie while still at seven percent HP bro why are you so feisty though oh my gosh oh man I totally missed okay that’s fine still have enough yellow apricorns to

Make one more batch I’m really gonna have to use all my April coins for this though man this Eevee really doesn’t want to stay in the ball does he please Jigglypuff bully him into staying in there please oh my gosh and charmander’s dead okay and we also can’t even use lick because Evie’s

Normal type so we just gotta really hope that it stays in there like come on bro don’t tell me you’re gonna go through more than eight Pokeballs really hit man at this point I just yeah I have no I’ve lost hope wow this is just sad dude I I can’t even

Fight it now because all I’ve got is lick on my gasoline you can’t use lick on Evie we gotta just run away from it how sad is this man we could have even used the Thunderstone on it oh man what a way to end that whole series of

Events I know that they updated swimming a while back so now there’s actually an animation for it oh that’s so cool wait what the heck is this Firestone maybe can I even break this while underwater Oh my God I’m gonna drown dude please don’t drown before I get this Firestone bro I’m seriously

Drowning for this Firestone right now this better be worth it man why does it take so long to break are you serious man I swear please please please okay we got it now back to the surface oh my God wait where the frick am I oh my hello

What is this cave man oh and it’s a Sunstone what the heck this place is huge oh my gosh and there’s actual bats too not just zubats again though I don’t want to spend the whole episode down in the cave so out we go and this should

Actually lead us closer to where that Tower we saw earlier aha there it is but how are we gonna get on top of it if only we could fly on the back of our Pidgey that’d be pretty cool but I don’t know if that’s a feature I also don’t

Know if Pidgey would be able to sustain our weight necessarily I mean it seems to be able to do it in the games but let’s see what could be inside of this weird Fortress there’s nothing are you kidding me I mean we can keep going up higher I guess there’s gotta be

Something in here man there’s a chest with things that we don’t really need I mean I guess I’ll grab the logs at least don’t die okay we’re fine there seems to be a warped hey I got stuck in some freaking bushes oh my God bro what they

Got an iron golem trapped in here nah man this is messed up be free good sir you may now go Adventure the world do whatever it is that iron golems do so I was gonna try to catch it but I actually don’t have enough apricorns right now to

Even make a Pokeball because that Evie wasted all of mine but hey at least there’s another crafting table over here so let’s make a bed and we will call it a night for now as more Adventures await the next day oh my goodness it’s the mighty Bidoof

Will you finally be the one to hit hey I’m talking to you bro I need just a little bit more experience to become a pidgeotto but oh my God it does so much damage though okay am I really gonna have to switch back out there we go

Pidgey still Level 17. what the frick man whoa Tauros dude it’s huge I really wonder if he can ride on certain Pokemon I haven’t looked into that but I’m gonna guess that if that’s not a feature yet then it will definitely be coming in a future update and there’s actually

Already a bunch of updates scheduled for the next version you can follow kabulmon on Twitter where they post all the new models and features that are coming in the future and if this video gets enough love I’ll definitely consider covering updates for future versions on the channel because I feel like cobbleman

Just has so much potential not just for more new Pokemon to be added but eventually trainer battles NPCs and gyms come on little deerling please tell me you yes Pidgey is finally ready to evolve so let’s hit that m I still can’t get over the fact that it

Just poofs into its next form like there’s no animation for evolving yet so yeah that’s definitely another thing I would hope is in a future update I actually have this mod that’s supposed to make exploring in third person a little bit nicer too like you can actually turn the camera around 360

Degrees around you and we can keep an eye out on Pidgeot oh he’s doing little hops oh my gosh still no water Pokemon maybe we can make a fishing rod that’s how we get fish Pokemon can we actually make a fishing rod this easily I think it’s just three sticks and like some

String oh well let’s see I feel like there should definitely be some magikarps lurking in here oh wait is that does that mean there’s a there’s a fish on I don’t think it was quite ready I feel like fishing is a lot easier in Pokemon because you just get that

Exclamation mark but here I’m not really sure what to look out for oh wait uh what the frick was that oh my God it’s a puffer fish what do I do with this can I throw you in the water and uh oh uh I I don’t think this puffer fish is okay anymore

Oh okay we got some fish not fish Pokemon but wait a minute is that oh there we go we got a basket land finally actually a fish Pokemon and also not tentacles over there but I really do feel like there should be tentacles somewhere in here like those are

Basically in every body of water in the real Pokemon games oh is that a Goldie I just saw too yo Pokemon out here oh my gosh my little bubbles are popping bro this is not good oh wait I really am dying oh my gosh wait this is not good uh swim swim

I guess I gotta get to Shore and battle from up here yeah I’m still in the battle I’m pretty sure Gastly hopefully doesn’t drown I mean it is a ghost it’s already dead so uh let’s just keep going for lick and I really want to like get a

Paralysis we do have some blue apricorns which means we can actually make great balls now I literally cannot see my ghastly but I’m pretty sure he’s still alive down there somewhere so please just get the paralysis bro can I get a hypnosis then hit missed great and gastly’s dead okay

Oh I forgot I actually still have to go down into the water to catch it okay well this is fine are you the right Golding oh my God there’s so many more now there’s a red stripe basculine Another goldie but I’m pretty sure this

Is the one so great ball go and before I drown oh it’s gonna sink to the bottom is it gonna catch though wait is it even shaking Oh Come asleep oh oh I’m so over this bro just just finish it please okay there we go I’ll

Take the XP I don’t even care at this point it’s about catching and Goldeen wait is that could you all die no Pidgeotto where are you bro please come back oh my gosh yeah I’m pretty sure Pidgeotto was drowning and um pretty sure I’m gonna get struck by lightning

If I don’t get the heck out of here oh my gosh an Ella kid that’s so cool okay we have to catch this please come here buddy let me battle you are you serious oh my gosh I feel like this is a Pokemon that might only spawn when I take a

Thunderstorm too here we go Ella kid please stay in the ball I know I haven’t had the best of luck catching Pokemon recently but maybe yes we got Elle King finally we catch something dude I feel like I was on a dry spell of the bad streak was gonna

Continue but what the heck Oddish what are you doing here bro I don’t even want to fight you but I mean if it catches it catches I’m gonna just walk away like cool guys do no we actually got it and wait it’s ready to evolve even though we haven’t

Even trained it at all huh I didn’t think that that’s how that would work but sure why not let’s devolve you we got Gloom oh my gosh that’s just as hideous as in the regular Pokemon games oh what you can actually pull them with the fishing rod

Yo it’s a village oh my gosh we actually did find shelter now all we need is a bed oh well that’s convenient time for a good night’s rest and the end of another day all right this is great we got a village time to raid oh my is that it oh

Okay I thought that that was an actual end or nether portal already activated but it seems like it’s just some glowing obsidian again I haven’t played Minecraft in a bit so I don’t know what’s up with these new blocks but are there even villagers here oh okay

There’s one I wish they would give us quests like the NPCs and Pokemon you just break into their houses and they randomly give you items yo this looks like a different type of biome what the heck is this like a cornfield at this point I feel like we might be able able

To handle a Tauros it’s at level 26 only four levels above us and we get the paralysis let’s go I’m pretty sure I left my crafting bench though so even if we do get it down low enough to catch I’ve only got one Ultra Ball to do it

And or sorry not even Ultra it’s just the great ball so we gotta get kind of Lucky come on you’re at four percent HP bro please I want to ride a Toros that would be so awesome and of course it just instantly breaks out at least I

Have wood still to make another crafting table but I really need to stop forgetting these because bro I’m going to catch this Tauros I don’t care how many pokeballs it takes wait is it not even hitting them hello I want to catch yeah there we go get in there and stay

Please I can barely even see the Pokeball in the middle of yo we did it bro we got Tauros let’s go celebration time Charmeleon now the question is can we ride on Tauros uh it doesn’t look like it I’m right clicking it but no it’s not letting me

Get on unless there’s like another menu or another part of the menu where we can get on him no I don’t think so yo crabbies oh dude this is so cool I also forgot to plant my healer so this might take a bit to charge up oh 40 okay well

Maybe we can battle the oh my gosh yo it’s a crab Rave we got so many crabbies here now that’s awesome okay let’s try out with the level 17 and wait a minute I forgot to give Ella kid better moves so we just gotta run away real quick

Okay let’s try this again level 16 Krabby this time equal with our own Ella kid can we beat a level 20 though oh my gosh okay hold up no no no no I don’t want to catch this one yo training is actually so quick if you just leave your

Pokemon out and keep pressing r on like any other Pokemon you see like I can fight this Krabby from all the way down here it’s awesome yo what there’s a kangler now are you serious bro oh I’m not gonna be faster though am I oh I am faster but

What that actually did no damage this Kindler is a very tough but if we can manage to beat it just think about how much experience we’re gonna get it actually does some decent damage as long as Kingler doesn’t attack us back oh my gosh yo we’re gonna get so much xp but I

Don’t want it on freaking Gloom oh why did I let Ella Kid die he could have gotten all the XP well I’d rather get it on Charmeleon just please don’t hit me with anything super effective that would be great we did it oh my gosh let’s go

How much experience level 25 nope 24. now please tell me this healer is ready really 51 wait what it was at like 50 when I first put it down whatever man I’m taking a nap right here in the middle of this Valley I’m sure that we’re gonna be safe right oh my gosh

What will you try to go to bed with me what was that little Charmeleon came up onto the bed with us that’s so cute okay we couldn’t ride Tauros but I feel like you’ve got to be able to ride Ponyta right let’s see if we can catch it and

Even if we do catch it we’re gonna need the PC now because of course we got more than six Pokemon in the party but one more wiggle and we got it yes the party’s full so ponyta’s been added to the PC that would be your hint in case

You didn’t know there is a PC there we go two pieces of glass with that alongside some iron we should be able to make a PC let’s see what it looks like hopefully it doesn’t have to charge either oh my gosh dude technology achieved whoa what is this Ponyta is in here

Let’s grab it instead of Gloom I guess even though Gloom came in pretty clutch against that Kingler I really just want to see if we can ride on this Pony oh really come on man I mean I always wondered how they did it in the anime considering ponyta’s got flames on its

Back like it seems a little painful to ride on but we got the level 2 ND let’s go and we got it paralyzed let’s go times two and it’s at the perfect amount of Health great ball go I love this bro I love the animation for

The Pokeball and I know that for sure they’re gonna add move animations in the feature like that’s gotta be something they’re thinking about as we catch the crabby now we’ve got a super diverse party if only I could actually heal them come on man 19 this healer takes way too

Long it seems like krabby’s actually ready to evolve at level 29 huh could have sworn Krabby evolves later but did we want to do it hey yo what if we can beat this licky tongue though I bet that would give us a ton of XP not just

Because it’s level 31 but like Lickitung I feel like usually gives a lot of XP or maybe I’m thinking of Chansey but we’ll see although now I’m tempted to catch it since we got it at five percent HP I’m sorry bro I gave you the chance now I

Gotta mine you for XP as Ella kid gets level 25. come on crabby you got this bro you gotta earn that Evolution at least get one level up for us maybe oh my God it’s at six percent HP again nah I’m not gonna try catching it I want

That juicy XP and we’re gonna get it level 30 on crabby you know what homie you deserve this evolve of cookie cookie and for some reason the machine is needs 30 more charging why I thought once you place it you don’t have to wait for it to charge anymore but I

Guess I was mistaken yo there’s a star you hear what the frick first time I’ve seen one of you guys in these parts oh let’s try and catch one if it wants to stay in the ball that is oh really oh my God now it’s poison so if we don’t catch

It with this one well I mean we don’t have any more pokeballs first off but also it’s poison so it’s gonna die at least gasoline gets more XP ah another beautiful morning in kabulmon and I just remembered I never checked out this nether portal oh my God some

Spicy Rock bro okay so there’s basically almost a full portal we just need two more obsidian well actually I guess we’d need a diamond pickaxe first but I’m very curious how the nether would work in this mod whoa there’s a far-fetched over here too oh my gosh you look so

Derpy dude I mean at this point I don’t even have any pokeballs either but we do have a lot of apricorn so I could totally craft some new Pokeballs and try to catch this guy at least let’s see apparently with one one and two green apricorns we can make Safari balls 1.5

Times outside of battle I mean that’s kind of fitting for far-fetched to be honest I think back in the original game you could find it in the Safari Zone maybe I’m tripping but either way we’re outside of battle so who knows we might get lucky and catch it okay well I’m

Gonna stop wasting my apricorns at this point bro it’s it’s not working out whoa wait a minute what kind of biome is this oh my gosh there’s like blue trees are we in some kind of alien Forest yo Scyther oh my gosh level 34. I don’t

Know if we can actually handle this but I’m gonna definitely give it a try I mean we got Thunder Punch now on Ella kit oh we almost got one shot but we paralyzed it this is very good and we’re still alive okay let’s go Ella kid

Really oh my gosh let’s go dude I probably should have tried to catch it but at this point I haven’t had the most luck with catching so I’ll just take the XP and we just need one more level to get our Elekid evolving so Smack That B

Drill uh twice okay maybe maybe three times and there we go not level 30 though it’s Pikachu oh my gosh yes the Forgotten Forest has blessed us all right let’s uh craft some pokeballs because I ain’t got none right now I just realized I can make the best kind

Of pokeballs bro we can make Premiere balls let’s go I gotta catch Pikachu with the premiere ball there is there’s no other option first we gotta weaken it though and it’s only level 17 so I feel like Gastly might be our best bet here yeah we’re not really doing much so

Let’s just keep licking and please Pikachu I beg of you we couldn’t catch the Eevee but we gotta get the let’s go counterpart please oh man really this is gonna be so tragic we can’t even get the mascot of Pokemon so come on we’ve done it we got pink get you dude

And earlier if you guys remember we found a Thunderstone so I believe we should be able to evolve this little dude I’m not sure exactly how but I’m guessing we probably just right click it and now it’s ready to evolve yo it’s that easy let’s go we got Raichu

Oh man maybe I did that preemptively but I’m probably not gonna train this dude anyway I just wanted to see a stone Evolution and what the freak look at how many moves it’s got because it’s Raichu now oh my gosh okay maybe this was worth it man there’s even a Pidgeot right here

If only Ella kid was still alive that would probably give us the XP we need but he’s not and my healing machine is still not charged I mean I literally just placed it right here again and it’s at 33 so maybe we can just wait around though I think that Pidgeot would probably

Despawn oh wait yo black apricorn finally oh my God dude that sound effect totally caught me off guard the April rainbow because we’ve gotten at least one of every color of apricorn what the frick was that bro hello this ain’t no Pokemon palafin is that

You oh my gosh it makes a dolphin noise whoa whoa whoa what is this I got a dolphin buff for a little bit yo can I get some of that again oh my gosh dude that’s so cool the dolphin makes you swim faster bro there’s a wild Gyarados

What level are you though 20 what that could have been so much easier to beat than Cloister actually okay you know what I’m gonna just run away from that Cloister and hopefully fuku muku’s in this game two what dude what are you doing here oh my gosh it’s so cute this

Is kind of tough though like fighting underwater and Ellicott is almost dead again so we gotta just hope that we can one shot this Gyarados please just Thunder Punch oh no No tell me the healing but she still works at least really why why is it back at 18 I don’t understand oh my God I thought that deerling was floating in the sky what is it doing okay uh wait you know what I just realized doesn’t Gloom actually

Evolve into Blossom with a Sunstone the blossom is in this game too let’s go dude Evolution oh you’re so freaking cute yes whoa this glowing Forest looks really awesome at night though especially in the water with the reflections and everything this is super cool and of course now there’s nothing

But magic carbs well there is a kyukumuku level 17 oh there we go the Gyarados yes that’s exactly what we need if we can just you’re level 35 seriously man please don’t want to shot me oh okay we actually don’t do as much damage as we were doing earlier and Ella kid dies

Again can Gastly finish the job maybe just maybe no costly lives oh my gosh let’s go ghastly oh wait who’s dying hello yo yo who’s underwater right now oh I think Gastly just died once again I cannot heal my party is there a freaking Pokey heal command like oh well

If only I had found this Gyarados before I took half of my bro this clefairy’s dying underwater right now don’t worry little Clefairy I will save you and by that I mean I will punch you to death finally Ellie King you did it buddy and in the water

Anyway that is gonna do it for this first episode of Cobble mod let me know what you think of this mod and check out the download link in the description and don’t forget to smash that like button if you want to see more of this series

Wait what the heck is this sheep doing here though get out of here you’re not a Pokemon and they’re all watching me like why did you murder that little sheep Thank you

This video, titled ‘This Minecraft Pokémon Mod is Not What You Think…’, was uploaded by MunchingOrange on 2023-03-08 21:02:53. It has garnered 1055171 views and 32364 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:56 or 2456 seconds.

We’ve all heard of Pixelmon, but this NEW Minecraft Pokémon Mod is exactly what I hoped for… Cobblemon Download: Pokémon Infinite Fusion Mod ➜

Other Minecraft Mods in this Video: Optifine ➜ Shaders Pack ➜ New Biomes ➜ Better Third Person ➜ Improved Water ➜ Resource Pack ➜

#Pokemon #Minecraft

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    ULTIMATE FIRE CANNON DEFENSE REVENGE!!Video Information welcome back to Squid Island the server in which me jelly and crina are stuck on an island with each other in Minecraft and we’ve got to be friends in reality that doesn’t happen that much anyway it’s just me on the server today and oh we have an action packed episode of things we’re going to do I also wanted to give you an update on the bco tower look at this thing it’s looking good okay we are going to make some progress on that today we’re also going to build another Factory we’re going to… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Update Reactions with Blauski & Roomies! 🔥

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  • EPIC Minecraft Prank on Chai Wala 😂 #shorts

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  • Garrettmc Network

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This Minecraft Pokémon Mod is Not What You Think…