This was HIDING inside a VILLAGER in Minecraft! (EP3 Scary Survival Season 2)

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Previously on scary survival it makes up working for Hades he’s following me okay um yeah just this way so Steve Hades wants you to come with me test Dave’s home village chesties testing he doesn’t even care guys not looking good believer what do you think that laser does guys

Wait Jessie don’t hit the lever you have no idea what the does that could blow up anything what does that sign say corrupted and chunks and this is just a bunch of empty item frames you want me to place the map inside one of these item frames instead of an error that’s a

Tower that appears on maps when another player or entity is somewhere on the map is this what test Dave meant when he said there was a shortcut to Hades is that the location Hey Hey what’s up guys a washroom here with another episode of the scary survival was season 2 and today we’re heading out into the land of the corrupted chunks to try and track down Hades find a cure for test Eve and a way to return here’s a

Memory and we’re gonna be doing it all by following this map wait what nor does the red arrow that marked where Hades is it’s missing between last week and this week he must have moved it’s no longer there our only lead to where Hades is and potentially a cure for test

Eve is gone but wait is that a different error there’s a new arrow there in a new position and it’s green what does that mean so a copy Hades it has to be something else do we still go I mean it’s the only lead we’ve got so I don’t

Think we have much of a choice hopefully maybe if we just follow and go in the direction of this arrow we might be able to find a clue to where Hades went or more importantly a clue to get test Eve back alright test Eve right I forgot oh my goodness test subject 2 We’re going out there all right let’s do this guy’s hopefully this works so if you remember last episode there was that whole mod error I saw your comments you guys said I needed to install the mods because it was the right thing to do if we were

Going to ever track down Haiti so I installed the mods it took me a while to figure out cuz I’m no mod expert but if everything went to plan now I should be able to enter into the corrupted chunks in three two one please don’t go wrong

Okay I mean I’m in alright just Eve I mean test subject – I think it’s safe I’m I’m not dead yet wait cursive why color I hate this war I cannot see anything that freaks me out okay nothing seems to be too odd now we’ve made it in

Guys no errors this time alright jump in the boat test Eve okay this is really odd guys we managed to make it in okay calm down nothing strange is happening yet so now we have to follow this map in this direction now if I’m correct we

Just got to keep heading in this general vicinity and we should eventually get to this location I honestly have no idea how far away it could be but I guess we just keep going till we get there holy moly guys are you seeing these kind of things like what is that this corrupted

Chunks land is so bizarre like everything here is just weird it’s micro it’s cursed minecraft it’s seriously broken oh by the way guys between last week and this week I’ve realized that we’re going into the corrupted chunks I need to be a little bit better armed so I try to do some

Quick mining I went back and you guys can see I got some diamond tools I got a shield I didn’t get enough time to get bow and arrows but I’ve also got some armor but unfortunately I did I ran out of diamonds again some diamond pants but we’re mostly fully kitted in diamond

Armor so I feel a little bit safer now okay wait just check guys look top right-hand corner we are in the map now wait which direction do we need to go is it okay so where the green arrow is in that direction so if we just keep

Sailing in this direction we should get there soon all right cool this place is so wack I still don’t understand why we needed mods to enter into this area and yes I saw all your comments guys obviously there was like a lot of debate about it and but

Ultimately I saw that all you guys were like we need mods otherwise we’re never going to be able to you know put an end to Hades so I had to make the decision it’s got a Mesa biome at what what is guys something is that an ice pipe this

Is my craft broken on so many levels guys it is so bizarre so odd and I spikes by them a desert biome and Mesa biome ok let’s just check where we are on the map here we’re really close I think that might actually be that might

Actually be where we need to go guys could this be it I think this is it this is the place alright test subject to be very careful we don’t know what to expect here after all this is the corrupted chunks and from what I’ve seen

So far this place is wack oh my good what why are there like horses and chickens out here this is so broken and then never Mesa I don’t understand but I think this is it and is that a village I think this must be it alright test Dave

Let’s get out here Oh better not forget the bike guys all of us left this thing behind alright time to check out this area this is definitely it yep we are currently on the same land chunk area thing has this Green Arrow entity figure thing and that’s a villain that is

Definitely a village but not just any ordinary village guys this is an abandoned abandoned village and I haven’t seen an abandoned village since the place that we found test Dave corrupt Steve and test subject 3 this is just a little bit too convenient guys too much too much as way too similar to

The way the last series started why is there an abandoned village here and seems mostly intact while the rest of these chunks are pretty broken off and pretty small this village is almost entirely intact with the exception of whatever is going on over here and that

Thing I mean that is pretty wack I must admit but this village itself is intact strange okay let’s see whether we can look around why would Hades even be here in the first place that’s what makes me most curious and also what is this Green Arrow because they don’t seem to be

Moving okay let’s take a look around guys I don’t see anything in here oh this place is giving me the chills guys I’m honestly freaking out please guys I don’t want anything go to go wrong I just want to get testis memory back if you want that too guys look I can’t do

This alone I need you to leave Oh like drop alike now with over 10,000 likes subscribe hit the bell all that good stuff oh yeah seriously guys subscribe so you don’t miss an episode but this place seems to be pretty normal I don’t know if you guys don’t understand why

Abandoned villagers creep me out so much then you probably haven’t seen the previous episodes in this series and you can do that by hitting the lot and the top left around corner or the link in the description below but let’s just keep trekking around and see what we can

Find in here maybe there seems to be nothing in the church I’m beginning to think this is a pretty ordinary village other than you know for whatever’s going on over here that is not ordinary but the village itself is our village er is he staring

At me guys what does he do no strange wait are they supposed to be villages in abandoned villages I thought the point is they called abandoned villages there aren’t any villages in them and if they are there zombie villages that’s strange what’s a normal villager doing here I

Don’t know maybe I’m some sort of glitch guys perhaps there’s something here Oh a ladder maybe if we get on the roof we might be able to get a better visual of what’s going on in the area guys do any of you see anything out of the ordinary

Let me know in the comments down below if you miss anything up that house seriously got massacred over there is there anything you guys can spot that is strange unusual out of the ordinary because I’m not seeing too many things this I mean a better villagers I’m still

Getting shivers down my spine and it’s creeping me out but everything seems pretty normal I’m not saying anything too unusual let’s see what else we can check we haven’t checked the houses like just over there so we’ll have a look at those guys this way test Steve I get to

Subject to test Dave Tesla Oh Mike I got stuck okay thank you okay so perhaps wait what’s it that village you just over there that villager is really creeping me out guys he’s giving me bad vibes I don’t like that I’m just gonna we’re just gonna come over here

And check out these houses something’s really up I can I can definitely feel something in this area is up guys stuff something doesn’t feel natural but I just can’t put my hands on it I mean we put those mods because we weren’t able to get into this area but at the same

Time I can’t see anything mud related I don’t understand why we would need mods perhaps it was just a way for Hades to stop us from coming out to this area wait that villager was just over there how did it okay look okay I’m going crazy guys I’m getting freaked out by a

Villager that’s what you know you’ve officially lost it I’ve saved a lot of weird things in the scary Survival Series and now I’m just getting kicked out by a regular villager I just I’m going crazy guys oh my goodness okay have we checked out this house wait is

That door bought it off is that normal I don’t know I don’t think we’ve checked this house out we’re gonna have a look around here it’s just an empty room in here I don’t see anything out of the ordinary I’m I mean I don’t look it I don’t often see abandoned villages

Because they creep me out and I like to stay away from them guys but I’m pretty certain this looks like a regular just a regular ordinary abandoned village house nothing seems to out of the ordinary here guys wait it’s testing trying to show you something what is it is that I can’t see

Really well in theirs it’s like some sort of dark hole thing wait is that a lever I’m kind of struggling to say to you guys but I think that might be what happens if I click it that was definitely later I had it go off but I don’t say anything changing

Nothing seems to be at does this thing do anything maybe I hit him again oh whoa whoa that room just lit up what what hell whoa what’s going on what is that am I going crazy let me know in the coments and below you guys are saying this right it’s like a secret

Underground entrance look test Dave the floor just broke and opened up this secret passageway under the ground then this leads to where that green arrow is perhaps whatever Anthony that green arrow is is down there Oh guys I don’t like this at all please drop a like down

Below for luck right now please let’s do this all right guys here goes nothing okay oh this place is giving me such creeps guys that’s so dark okay okay calm down take breath all right what is this place guys it’s why is it so dark oh god I’m actually so scared right now

Wait is this the end of the line can we get through there’s some kind of door guys can we get through this oh okay the door just opened it’s a magical door sure okay that’s nothing strange about that except for the fact not only was there a secret entrance that opened a

Lever but that door literally just magically opened okay yeah sure apparently these corrupted chunks are even weirder than we thought guys all right here we go wait we check the map we are literally on top of this green entity right now be very careful test Eve I mean test

Subject – okay I’m getting out the shield here we go guys we’ve got to be very careful what is this place it almost reminds me of the scientists bedroom wait what’s that what’s that wait corrupted chunks this is a map of this area right here and there’s that green entity is well on

This map this is the same map well not exactly it’s a bit smaller but this is almost the same map as the one from earlier that we saw back in testings home village wait do you hear that do you hear that testing that sounds like a zombie where’s that Cove

Over there that’s a zombie villager and that’s exactly where this arrow is here guys could that green entity be that zombie villager but that doesn’t make sense zombie villagers don’t normally show up on maps I don’t understand guys let me know what you think about this whole situation is this green entity that

Zombie villager or am I missing something is there something else here I honestly don’t know and what in the good Lord is that something this is not normal this is really not normal this is definitely out of the ordinary there are all these weird pipe systems connecting

Into things and whatever that is some sort of main reactor into this cauldron can you eye does this tap do anything there seems to be nothing left in this and wait a minute there are three cells okay I really do not like the similarities guys abandoned villagers three cells these look almost identical

To the ones in the scientist lab what’s going on here what kind of experiments are they doing I hope they’re not trying to make new test subjects what could all of this mean I just wait maybe there’s a clue somewhere in one of these chests usually there’s something

Left behind that could give us some sort of hint to what is going on here maybe in this one yeah nothing in here guys that’s not gonna help us coal and rotten flesh maybe over here there’s like a book and that that looks like a brain with eyes

Is nothing looking at me okay I don’t wanna have anything to do with whatever that is some sort of brain in the jar oh there’s another chest here perhaps something in here a book and some magma Crick wait our log hashtag TSV 194 wait by scientist Eve

Wait so the scientist was here no no way for those who don’t know it in season one the scientists used to work the Hades but then she became good and she’s also test Steve’s sister scientists Eve is now dead though unfortunately let’s not talk about that guys for those of

You have seen that episode you know what happened if you haven’t I recommend checking it out it’s very sad but what is this doing here was so this was a scientist project which means it had to have been before we met her right because obviously she’s no longer with

Us now I don’t know let’s check out what this book says here guys okay research log week 1 so relatively new week one where she arrived here I guess arrival in the corrupt chunks have resulted in many new discoveries and many more to come the natural laws of

The world do not exist here what was once impossible is now possible the divine beers of the natural world are weak compared to the VIS here what does that mean the divine vis is you’re talking about the divine gems like you know the divine light fury darkness and

Calm and obviously the divine gem itself why are they called vis here is that her name for them I don’t understand the divine vis I’m assuming that means the Divine’s of the natural world a weak they’re weak but they were the most powerful things but in the natural world

Compared to the vis here there are more powerful divine here even the divine gem or Dover’s maybe that’s its proper scientific name I don’t know scientists tend to use complicated name for things but maybe the divine Joan’s full name is the divine gem or doe Vince is almost

Powerless what the divine gem is powerless in the corrupt chuck’s maybe that’s why Hades moved here that means he might not have any more weaknesses this is bad it’s magic energy is absorbed by the corrupt chunks making the land even stronger still my master Hades needs a new defense a new defense

Wait what the original plan is ruined because of our carelessness the first time I will not allow this to happen again hold up that wait the original plan was the one that we stopped when we blew up that giant Hades machine thingamabob eeee that was the original plan so which

Means this book has to be written after that but this book was written by the scientist and the scientist died before that so how was this book being written after that and the scientist became good so if the scientist became good why is she writing about making her new master

Hades a new defense could the scientists still be alive no I can’t believe it I saw her die with my own eyes I must may be there was an original original plan guys that we didn’t know about that failed I don’t know let me know in the comments down below because

I am genuinely perplexed ok perhaps a new corrupt army I must test with villages to say if it their bodies would corrupt this to say if they can corrupt villages with corrupt there are corrupted turbines I guess visas now the new word for Divine’s guys if it is possible then perhaps I can

Corrupt anything with vis all that’s worrying okay that’s warring wait did it’s a corrupt villages wasn’t there a villager up all that’s why the villager was in the tank and maybe that’s why there aren’t any villages except for that one last one up step up you know in

The overworld there guys I must now return to work Hades and waiting this is so confusing it seems like this was written recently it seems like this lab was built recently but the scientist is dead and she was on the good side when she died it doesn’t add up

I don’t get it white guy’s testes seems to be freaking out about something what’s wrong testing over this way what is it oh my flip okay No how did that village to get down here guys what is it doing down here oh my goodness that is creepy what is

This thing Joey daddy how did it know we were down here okay deep breaths all right we just don’t want to disturb intestate because something is seriously wrong with that villager something is up but as long as we don’t bug it we should be okay

So whatever you do do not move an inch just stay very still and it will walk away from the entrance and we can leave peacefully okay just no test it where did you get that bow from put that thing away right now no testing Jesse dose testing do not shoot do not shoot

Testing please do not test Eve listen to me listen to me no no do not do it No what have you done Oh No this is not good at all it’s just for a sec what up what up go back quick good for the insurance we need to get out of there

ASAP run run run run run Oh what is going on what is wrong with that furniture it’s a psychopath guys we need to get out of here we need to get out of here possible go go go go go what’s going on okay I’m safe we are not safe we are not

Safe okay we need to figure out a way to get rid of that thing because it’s just going to keep coming for us what are you putting entity the route yet let’s get on the roof ones where the high ground it shouldn’t be able to follow us up

Okay go go go go go go go okay we have the high ground we should be okay cuz I’m pretty certa car just passed by and we should be safe up here where did it go okay it’s down there what is that thing how was it holding a sword

And why is it trying to kill us is this one of those corrupted visibility’ thingamabobs that the scientist was talking about trying to create why is it trying to kill us I do not like this at all but we should be safe up here for now

And wait we actually might be able to take it out do I have a boat no way John test me Thatta boy all right test Dave now you can shoot the damn thing take him out all right what we show these guys drink it and they should be at all right come

On what is that did that villagers try them too like what is that it kurupt spider that thing is waxed white was it spiders can climb up spiders can climb up this is all good testing okay says they tried shoot it plays we need to stop them from getting

Up here check it out spider okay it tried to climb up but it couldn’t get up I think we’re safe what is it doing guys it’s like circling the side where to go where to go I do not like this I can’t say a test a test Dave I’ve lost signs

Of the crumb spider again do you see it anywhere where is it gone okay it’s over there what do we do that thing incapable of it could literally to have rubbed on someone shot kill us in one shot or even make test names condition worse

Guys I don’t want to head down there but we’re trapped trapped up here until then what is it trying to do oh okay okay thank goodness that thing is dead oh my goodness but wait it dropped something do you guys see that those look like those look like the

Divine that is the divine gem but those divine gems are in different colors what

This video, titled ‘This was HIDING inside a VILLAGER in Minecraft! (EP3 Scary Survival Season 2)’, was uploaded by EYstreem on 2020-02-29 23:00:00. It has garnered 772571 views and 33705 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:04 or 1444 seconds.

▶️ CLICK HERE to watch the NEXT and LAST EPISODES of the Test Steve Series!

Eystreem and TEST STEVE venture forth into the Corrupt Chunks and discover a brand new CURSED VILLAGE! What will they find in this NEW EPISODE of Scary Survival Part 2?

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  • Minecraft Meme: 🔥💀 Burnin’ Up!

    Minecraft Meme: 🔥💀 Burnin' Up! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafttherapy #creeperproblems 😂🤣 Read More

  • Grandparents React to Minecraft Prank

    Grandparents React to Minecraft Prank Minecraft Madness with Jelly, Slogo, and Yammy on CBBC’s Game on Grandparents Get ready for an epic showdown as skilled kid gamers, Jelly, Slogo, and Yammy, take on the challenge of coaching their novice grandparents in Minecraft on CBBC’s Game on Grandparents. The goal? To become the greatest of all time in this esports battle! What to Expect In this exciting series, watch as the younger generation guides their grandparents through the world of Minecraft, teaching them the ins and outs of the game. From building structures to surviving the night, the teams will face various challenges and obstacles… Read More

  • INSANE ChickenDuck Magic in MCPE! #minecraft

    INSANE ChickenDuck Magic in MCPE! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Magic #minecraft’, was uploaded by ChickenDuck MCPE on 2024-08-29 22:07:49. It has garnered 10995 views and 101 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • Unleashing Johnny’s Minecraft Fury

    Unleashing Johnny's Minecraft FuryVideo Information This video, titled ‘Johnny Is FURIOUS in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Johnny Minecraft on 2024-08-27 21:01:03. It has garnered 423461 views and 6697 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:07 or 1327 seconds. Today, Johnny gets FURIOUS in Minecraft! Will Johnny and his friends be able to make a truce and become friends again or will they hate each other forever? Watch to find out! #johnny #minecraft #minecraftmod Read More

  • Insane Minecraft PvP: Mando vs TP Trapper

    Insane Minecraft PvP: Mando vs TP TrapperVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fighting a TP trapper in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mando Hyper on 2024-05-30 19:09:34. It has garnered 12517 views and 277 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. #pvp #minecraft #crystalpvp #cpvp #mcpe #minecraftshorts #smp #meme Read More

  • Unleash Creativity in Minecraft – Building Marvels!

    Unleash Creativity in Minecraft - Building Marvels!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft -Unleashing Creativity: Building Marvels in Minecraft! #shorts #minecraftvideos #minecraft’, was uploaded by MACUps on 2024-03-30 17:00:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Welcome to MACUps! Ready to embark on an adventure like no other? Join us as we delve into the captivating world of … Read More

  • Survival Realism Craft in Topeng Man Episode 3! Subscribe Now!

    Survival Realism Craft in Topeng Man Episode 3! Subscribe Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘the episode 3 aja coy survival realisme craft please subscribe’, was uploaded by Manusia topeng on 2024-08-19 09:58:49. It has garnered 63 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:03 or 723 seconds. maaf kalau videonya cuma sebentar ya kecewa berat coy ☝️😁☝️😁🥹 hashtag Addon Mcpe, Addon Minecraft pe, Addon, Addon terbaik, Addon Minecraft be, Top 5 addon Minecraft pe, addon survival Mcpe, Ahoy, Addon terbaik mcpe, Best Addon Mcpe, Ahoy showcase Addon, Ahoy showcase Texture Pack, mcpedl, frost diamond, Home Staff Addon, Carry All Mobs Addon, Revive Addon, Lootable Bodies Addon,… Read More

  • Summoning Satan in Minecraft || Monk Gaming does the unthinkable

    Summoning Satan in Minecraft || Monk Gaming does the unthinkableVideo Information This video, titled ‘Making the way to hell in minecraft || #minecraft #ytshorts  #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Monk Gaming on 2024-04-28 13:37:00. It has garnered 149 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. video 📷 📸 Making the way to hell in minecraft || #minecraft #ytshorts  #minecraftshorts Hello friends welcome to my small channel Please Subscribe at way to hell minecraft account, make way to hell minecraft aquatic update, make way to hell minecraft achievement, make way to hell minecraft animation, make way to hell minecraft achievement hunter, make way to hell minecraft bedrock edition,… Read More

  • Shocking Haircut Transformation by Herobrine! 🔥

    Shocking Haircut Transformation by Herobrine! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘HELP Herobrine doing Haircut #herobrine #minecraft #shorts #hindi #herobrine #hairstyle #haircut’, was uploaded by Fu3rey on 2024-04-12 09:45:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Credit – @LostEdge #shorts #minecraftbut #minecraft HELP Herobrine doing Haircut *My Social Media’s** INSTAGRAM- … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Chunk Battle with Mutant Monsters!

    Insane Minecraft Chunk Battle with Mutant Monsters!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ And Mikey CHUNK BATTLE With MUTANT MONSTERS in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by muzin on 2024-06-02 10:00:38. It has garnered 21047 views and 122 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:17 or 2417 seconds. JJ And Mikey CHUNK BATTLE With MUTANT MONSTERS in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our… Read More

  • INSANE Ice King Minecraft Memes Music Mix!

    INSANE Ice King Minecraft Memes Music Mix!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft #memes #meme #music #incredibox #funny #mix #mod #song #songs #minecraft #shorts #short’, was uploaded by Ice King on 2024-05-05 14:27:15. It has garnered 102 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:07 or 7 seconds. Read More

  • MewingMC

    MewingMCMewingMC is a brand new SMP filled with exciting and challenging features. Team up with your friends, explore a big world with different custom biomes, and build your base. Gather resources, upgrade your loadout with custom enchantments. and hop in to challenging dungeons to slay the bosses. Enjoy a player-controlled economy, where you the player are in charge of the prices. Complete daily quests from easy to hard ones, to level-up your Mastery Level to earn more rewards. Keep up your daily Mewing Streak to become the ultimate looksmaxer. Join MewingMC today! Read More

  • TFMC Roleplay Vanilla Whitelist 1.20.2

    Join the TFMC Realm! Join us on Discord: Check out the Season 3 trailer: Watch Here Forge Your Path TFMC offers the ultimate Minecraft Roleplay experience. Choose your profession as a master Smith, Forester, Miner, Fisher, Agriculturist, Engineer, or Alchemist. Unravel mysteries, craft legendary weapons, and explore custom dungeons. Embrace Mysticism As an Alchemist, wield alchemical wonders and shape history through roleplay. Solve mysteries, engage in wars, and craft your own story as a hero or villain. Discover the Realm Explore a dynamic world with exclusive events, custom resources, magic spells, legendary items, and a player-based economy. Join a… Read More

  • BONK (1.13.x – 1.21.x)

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting with my homies is where the party’s at

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting with my homies is where the party's at“Looks like this meme is mining for some serious laughs with that high score!” Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s Creator’s Vanishing Act

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft's Creator's Vanishing Act In the world of Minecraft, a legend was born, Notch, the creator, from dusk until dawn. From humble beginnings, he crafted a game, That would rise to fame, bringing fortune and fame. But success has its price, as we soon shall see, For Notch faced challenges, as big as can be. With the sale to Microsoft, his life took a turn, Leaving fans to wonder, what did he learn? The story of Notch, a tale of highs and lows, A journey of creativity, that only he knows. So let’s dive deep into this fascinating lore, And explore the man… Read More

  • Hot Potato: Minecraft Edition

    Hot Potato: Minecraft Edition “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #gamerhumor Read More

  • The Voidcrystal League: Minecraft Animation Pt. 2

    The Voidcrystal League: Minecraft Animation Pt. 2 The Voidcrystal League Rises in Season 1 Episode 2 In Season 1 Episode 2 of the Voidcrystal League, a Minecraft animation by Fantasy Bros. Animations, the League begins to gain momentum as new members join forces. As the heroes unite, villains lurk in the shadows, plotting to thwart their plans. League Members Unite The episode showcases the diverse cast of characters, each bringing their unique abilities to the League. From OLIVER to FELIX, the members start to understand the extent of their powers and the importance of working together. Powerful Sorcerers and Golems Among the League are powerful sorcerers… Read More

This was HIDING inside a VILLAGER in Minecraft! (EP3 Scary Survival Season 2)